The Trumpet
The Trumpet
Service Times Page 8 SEPTEMBER 2014 Sunday Worship 9 am Christian Education Classes VESTRY MEMBERS The Trumpet Terms ending… (Classes for all ages) 10:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite II 10:30 am Children’s Chapel (ages 3-8) Weekday Service Thursday, 11:30 am Iona Service, Volume 1, Issue 1 Newsletter Date 2014 Lenn Costner, Jr. (Junior Warden) Bryan Cuneo (Senior Warden) The Church of Saint Michael and All Angels Judy Suther We will serve the Lord and the needs of the community while extending hospitality to all people with all our gifts, to the glory of God. followed by soup lunch Dear St. Michael’s Family, 2015 Cathy Coleman (Clerk) Jo Rhea Ford Please look for avenues by which you can plug into the exciting stuff going on at your church. Liz House If you no longer wish to receive our newsletter, please contact the office so that we may remove your address. (256) 237-4011 GOD is up to something in our Midst!!!! Here are just a few points worth recognition: 2016 Our restroom renovation is progressing wonderfully. Thank you Mack, Gerry, Doug, and all those actively involved in this much needed improvement. Home Eucharists are well underway! See you at the Ferguson’s on the 17th! Christian Education is resuming this month with plenty of options for everyone to plug-in! This will provide us opportunities to grow together and toward Christ! WE HAVE A VAN!!!!!! Thank you Lenn for your faithfulness to this new ministry! We need drivers and passengers. Help us find BOTH. The Bishop is coming on October 5th. TBTG, we have been given St. Michael’s Day back! This event should be a wonderful event with Confirmations, Baptisms, a big dinner on the grounds, and much more! Stay Tuned! Jim McDaniel Deb Pratt Sharon Wilkins The Trumpet The Church of Saint Michael and All Angels 1000 West 18th St. P.O. Box 1884 Anniston, AL 36202 NON-PROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT No. 183 ANNISTON, AL 36202 As you can tell, we are getting out of the boat and moving toward Christ. This is a thrilling time to be a part of this parish, and I am thrilled to be your shepherd. Please let me know how I might minister to you more genuinely. John 15:9, Page 7 Page 2 LET US KEEP THESE PARISH MEMBERS, FAMILY AND FRIENDS IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS: Ed Wade, Sister Mary Joanna, Kathi and Al Harrelson, Jane Lovvorn, Anne Cody, Lenn Costner, Sr., Jim McDaniel, Susie Ulrey, Joyce Watson, Trisha Fowler, Liz House, Jackie and Ron White, Gail Wilson, L.D. Lackey, Lucia Mason, Denise Dodd, Michael Greenwood, Wally Powell, Dee Pugh (Goodwin), J.W. Reid (Ford), Sarah House (House), Lu Alice Thornton (House), Eula Mae House (House), Clarence Page (G. Costner), Mike Bridges (J. Bridges), Craig Terrell (White), Dora Morgan (White), Summer Ingram (White), Ella Johnson (Cody), Jack Roberts (Mason), Danny Morris (Kelly), Suzanne Donovan (Bradley), Nita Otwell (Cuneo), Judy Fite (Ulrey), Brittany Heathcock (Patterson), Kenna Parramore (Patterson), Darlene Koerselman (Talley), Mark Wesley (Burt), Ashley McGinnis (Zeimet), Donovan Bell (House), Shannon Kelly Hall (Kelly), Shannon Rios (Sister Mary Joanna), Brandon, Virginia and Jenny (Tyler). Prayer List Updates: Prayer is an important part of our parish life, and the prayer list keeps us connected with the needs of members, family and friends. In an effort to keep the list up to date, names will remain on the family and friends list for one month. To renew a request for another month, simply call the office (256-237-4011) or e-mail [email protected] by the 20th of the month. Calhoun County Civic Chorale Begins Its 2014 Fall Season: New Members are Welcome! The Calhoun County Civic Choral will begin its fall season on Monday, August 25, 2014, at 7:15 pm in the Performance Center of Mason Hall. The Chorale will begin rehearsing music for the December 7th Winter Concert of J. S. Bach’s Cantata 140 Sleepers Awake and the Vivaldi Gloria. The concert will be held at the Church of St. Michael and All Angels in Anniston. The Chorale is under the direction of Dr. Patricia Corbin, JSU Director of Choral Activities and is accompanied by Vicki Brock. The Calhoun County Civic Chorale is one of five choral ensembles sponsored by the JSU David L. Walters Department of Music. The singers in the Chorale are members of the community and JSU students and faculty. The Chorale meets every Monday night until the final performance. This first rehearsal is a “New Member Open House.” New singers are welcome to come to this rehearsal and experience the Chorale without further obligation. Chorale members are singers who have voices that can blend well with others, are able to learn their individual vocal part from written music, and enjoy singing classical choral masterworks. New members are always welcome. Community members and non-enrolled students pay $35 dues along with the cost of music. JSU students interested in participating in the Chorale for college credit should register for “Chorus, MU 196 or MU 396”. The Chorale will not meet on Monday, September 1st due to the Labor Day th holiday. Rehearsals will resume Monday, September 8 . For further information, please contact the JSU Choral Activities office (256) 782-5544, or email Dr. Corbin, [email protected]. (Submitted by Dr. Patricia Corbin) Charity Couponing Sarah Ward has offered to use her knowledge and skills with couponing to help stock up our pantries of household and hygiene items that will be donated and stored at the church to distribute to those in need in our community. If you have any extra unused coupons from each Sunday’s papers, online coupons and other coupons that you do not use, please bring those by the church office or give them to Sarah so that she can match up the best deals and help us provide for those in need. (Submitted by Sarah Ward) Find us on Facebook Follow Father Chris The Church of St. Michael and All Angels on Twitter September Ministers of Service September 14th September 7th Acolyte: Jackie Wilkinson Acolyte: Jackie Wilkinson EM: Bryan & Florence Cuneo EM: Jim Stirling & Kim Buckelew Lectors: 1st: Jackie Wilkinson 2nd: Roger Zeimet Prayers: Cathy Coleman Lectors: 1st: Carly Knight 2nd: Pat Kemp Prayers: Bette White Altar Guild: Pat Kemp & Peg Tyler Altar Guild: Bob & Deb Pratt & Judy Suther Coffee Hour: Costner Family Coffee Hour: Choir Vestry Greeters: Jim McDaniel & Deb Pratt Vestry Greeters: Lenn Costner Jr. & Liz House Ushers: Ken Perry & Lindsay Ramey Vestry Counter: Cathy Coleman September 21st ECW Sunshine: Bodine McKay September 28th Acolyte: Jackie Wilkinson Acolyte: Jackie Wilkinson EM: Lenn Costner Jr. & Jim Stirling EM: Bob Pratt & Kim Buckelew Lectors: 1st: Jo Rhea Ford 2nd: Bill Falkenberry Prayers: Alli Hartley Lectors: 1st: Pat Kemp 2nd: Lu Moseley Prayers: Harvey Roberts Altar Guild: Marian Freeman, Jackie White & Liz House Altar Guild: Anne Kerr, Sharon Wilkins & Reid Wilkins Coffee Hour: Need a Volunteer Host Vestry Greeters: Bryan Cuneo & Sharon Wilkins We will send an email link to The Trumpet so that we will not have to mail as many copies. Please make sure that your current email address is on file in the church office. If you or someone you know is unable to receive a digital copy, please contact the church office so that we can make arrangements to continue to mail a copy. Coffee Hour: Butter & Jenny Moore Vestry Greeters: Cathy Coleman & Jo Rhea Ford The Church of St. Michael and All Angels Celebrates 25 Years of Service of Sister Mary Joanna Order of Saint Athanasius I was clothed May 19, 1990, in Peakskill, New York, in an old convent up in the mountain. It was a lovely place. I am now in my 25th year of the Religious Life. This was the order of Saint Andrews. I was with that order for 5 years and felt God calling to do something more. To begin the Order of Saint Athanasius, we began the process of writing the Rule of life, the Constitution, many other papers and the Services for the sisters as they entered. At this time I had Sister Mary Joseph with me as we began this journey. In 1995, we were approved and accepted as a Religious Order in the state of Florida. We wrote a Benedictine Rule that would allow us the ability to be of the religious life yet still be in the world and not cloistered. We have three parts to the order. 1st St Order is those who live in community and are not married. These women live under the rule of the Mother Superior and the 3 vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience. The 2nd are those who may be married but live in their local locations and serve the church of which they are members, and their priest accepts their call to the religious life. Being married enhances their vows of poverty, chastity (chased unto their marriage) and obedience to the Order and Mother Superior. The third part of the order is those who wish to be associated with the Order and support them with prayer and financial assistance. We come together once a year for a Religious Retreat to refresh ourselves and to spend time together in support of each other. At one point in time we were 12 in count with 4 living in community 8 in their local communities. Some left due to health issues; others left to begin a community of their own. I lost Sister Mary Joseph in 2006 when she went to be with the Lord. We have had many ministries from church secretary, to opening and running a pre-school, to living and working in a home for troubled boys. We were blessed to live on the church property so we were able to be at the church all of the time for whatever was needed. In February 2007, my Mother went to be with the Lord. They had moved to Alabama in 2000. My Father who is now 90 1/2 (he says) was here alone. The last thing my Mother said to me was to take care of Papaw. So, in part, I have put aside building the Order to care for him. So now you are up to date on The Order of Saint Athanasius and me. I do not know what the Lord has for me to do later, but I will follow wherever He leads. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask, and I will answer to the best of my knowledge. I want to thank each of you for allowing me to exercise my Religious Life here with you in Saint Michael and All Angels and making me a part of your family. (Submitted by Florence Cuneo on behalf of Sister Mary Joanna) Page 6 Page 3 New Bible Study Have you ever listened to the lessons for the day at the Sunday service and wondered about some points that the preacher doesn’t have time to cover in his sermon? Have you ever heard some acquaintance quote the Bible with an interpretation you think you don’t agree with but don’t quite know why and would like more information. Have you ever read the assigned lectionary in Forward Day By Day and wish you had someone with whom you could discuss issues raised there? Are you puzzled by what seems to be factual information in the Bible but which contradicts other details there, especially in the Gospels? Do you wish you knew more about the Bible: how it came to be written, transmitted to us today, or accepted by churches? If you answered yes to any of these questions, or have others, consider joining the Adult Sunday Bible class which will be meeting again this year in the library, 9:00-10:00, beginning 9/7. We are listening to a series of lectures entitled Jesus and the Gospels by Luke Timothy Johnson of Emory University. After his talk, there will be 30 minutes of discussion during which you can raise any issues or just participate by listening. There is coffee available and blessed Eleanor brings muffins. For more information, talk to Dick or Anne Cody. (Submitted by Anne Cody) Beans & Rice We have seen an increase in the amount of individuals and families coming in the office needing help with food as well as in increase in the number of individuals seeking assistance during the Beans & Rice giveaways. If you have non-perishable food items that you would like to donate, please bring those to the office or leave them in the hallway outside the library on Sundays. All donations are greatly appreciated and are used to serve the members of this community. Everyone is invited to join us September 20th at 8 am as we prepare to distribute food to our community. Distribution is 10am-12pm. It is a unique experience that we are blessed with to share the love of Christ with our neighbors. Food donations can be dropped off at the church office during normal office hours. For more information or to find out how to join the volunteer efforts, please see Pam or Harvey Roberts. Christian Formation: Sunday morning classes for all ages will resume on September 7th at 9 am. There will be something for EVERYONE!! Childcare will be available in the nursery for babies to age 3 years. Godly Play, led by Deb Pratt and Judy Suther will be offered for ages 4 to 7 years; 8 to 11 year olds will be led by Jackie Wilkinson and Dena Adams and will focus on "What we Do in Church" and Acolyte Training. These classes will be located in the Sisters House. Father Chris will be leading an adult class exploring the topic of Episcopalians: Who are we? Anyone is welcome in this class, especially those who would like to be confirmed. Attendance will be credit towards confirmation. Father Chris’s class will meet on the second floor, next to his office, in the administration building. Anne and Dick Cody will be leading a Bible Study group in the library located in the administration building. This group will be listening to and discussing a series of talks that focus on Christ and The Gospels. (Submitted by Deb Pratt) ECW Bazaar Dear Church Members, Our Bazaar is fast approaching November 7th, 8am-2pm and November 8th, 8am-12pm. We need help! Sickness and death have hit us hard this year. If everyone who could would contribute 3 hand-made crafts and 3 homemade baked goods, we would greatly appreciate it. We are also hoping for some nice White Elephants. We need crafts and White Elephants on Monday, November 3rd. Baked goods can come in on Thursday, November 6th or early November 7th. We love you and thank you for your help, ECW. Marian Freeman (3rd) Keither Zeimet (9th) Sharon Burt (4th) Hal Patterson (10th) Lucy Quinn (4th) Dave Shelnutt (13th) Al Harrelson (6th) Mark Fuller (18th) Charles Hudson (6th) Bill Burt (20th) Jennifer Downey (7th) Deb Pratt (23rd) Doug Ghee (7th) Bill Ferguson (29th) Daphne Maxwell (7th) (Submitted by Audrey Vander Yacht) Children’s Chapel Beginning September 7th during the 10:30 service, Gail Wilson will be hosting chapel in the Sisters House for children ages 3 to 8. Meetings Executive Meeting September 8th at 5:30pm Vestry Meeting September 15th at 5:30pm ECW September 16th at 9:30am Craft in Lagarde Hall Home Eucharist September 17th at 6pm at The Ferguson’s Daughters of the King September 28th after service Episcopal Youth Community A combined Junior EYC group consisting of 6th, 7th, and 8th graders from both St. Michael's and Grace Church will meet on Sunday afternoons beginning September 7th at 3pm and ending with dinner at 5pm. This group will be led by Jackie Wilkinson and Jim Stirling and will meet alternately at Grace Church and St. Michael's with the first meeting at Grace Church on September 7th. For more information, please speak to Jackie or Jim. If you are interested in providing a meal for EYC, please see Deb Pratt. (Submitted by Jackie Wilkinson & Deb Pratt) Soup Bowl Volunteer Servers Needed St. Michaels is scheduled to serve the meal on September 2nd and 3rd 11am-1pm. There are still spots needing to be filled. Please sign up in the Narthex. For more information, please see Patricia Vanderpol. (Submitted by Patricia Vanderpol) Roger & Keither Zeimet (1st) Guice & Pat Potter (5th) Page 4 September 2014 Sun Mon 1 Labor Day Office Closed Tue Wed 2 11am-1pm Soup Bowl 3 11am-1pm Soup Bowl Thu Fri 4 11:30 am Iona Service & Soup Lunch 5 8 5:30 pm Executive Meeting 14 9 am Godly Play & Christian Ed 10:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite Two Children’s Chapel 3 pm EYC(SM) 15 5:30 pm Vestry Meeting 9 10 7 pm Journey Into Healing 11 11:30 am Iona Service & Soup Lunch 12 6 13 17 6 pm Home Eucharist at Bill & Pat Ferguson’s 18 11:30 am Iona Service & Soup Lunch packaged food items provided to their homeless and other clients. If you need ideas, try Ritz or other cracker sandwiches, granola bars, Vienna sausages (they LOVE Vienna sausages), packages of individually wrapped cookies, bottled water or other healthy drinks, applesauce cups, bags of fresh apples or other hardy fruits—you get the idea. They may be dropped off at St. Michael’s office or, if you’d like, the Interfaith office located on the west side of the First United Methodist Church complex at Gurnee Avenue. (Submitted by Cathy Coleman) “Each one according to his means should take care to be at one with everyone else, for the more the one is united to his neighbor, the more he is united with God.” – Dorotheus of Gaza We know from the teachings of our Lord Jesus that we are called to love our neighbors as ourselves. The clinic has the occasion to express love to our neighbors with each interaction with our patients. Janie, the volunteers, and I are blessed to have this opportunity. We hope to increase the number of patients we serve, as we are now, once again, seeing walk-ins in addition to scheduled patients. We are also thrilled to be adding some new volunteers from the community who are joining with the clinic to serve. We will be hosting an open house at the clinic Thursday, September 11th from 5-7pm. We welcome any and all to come. It is our hope that the community will be aware of the valuable services offered at the clinic and that we could serve more patients in the name of Jesus. The services of the clinic are made possible by your continued support and generosity. Thank you! We hope to see you on September 11th! Love, Nanette Mudiam Executive Director St. Michael’s Medical Clinic Clinic Open House 5-7 pm 16 9:30 am ECW Craft Interfaith Ministries: Please remember the needs of Interfaith Ministries for individually Sat 7 pm Journey Into Healing 7 9 am Godly Play & Christian Ed 10:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite Two Children’s Chapel 3 pm EYC (G) Page 5 19 20 Beans & Rice 8 am Prep 10 am Serve Clinic Open House Thursday, September 11th 5-7pm 7 pm Journey Into Healing 21 9 am 22 Godly Play & Christian Ed 10:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite Two Children’s Chapel 3 pm EYC (G) 23 28 9 am 29 Godly Play & Christian Ed 10:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite Two Children’s Chapel DOK 3 pm EYC(SM) 30 24 7 pm Journey Into Healing 25 11:30 am Iona Service & Soup Lunch 26 **The Bishop Will Be Here on St. Michael’s Day October 5th** 27 St. Michael’s Clinic Thank you so much for your continued support of St. Michael’s Clinic. Your kindness and generosity go a long way in providing community-based clinic services to our area; however, there is one area in which more help is needed. Volunteers are urgently needed to help keep the clinic staffed and available to our neighbors. Please consider volunteering of your time to help at the clinic. For more information, please contact Jennifer Downey at [email protected]. September Clinic Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 CLOSED FOR LABOR DAY 2 AM-Ann PM-Roger 3 AM-Sally McClure PM-Kara Silvers 4 AM-Louise PM-NEED VOLUNTEER 8 AM-Bill 9 AM-Bodine PM-NEED VOLUNTEER PM-Roger 10 AM-Sally PM-Kara 11 AM-NEED VOLUNTEER PM-Patricia 15 AM-Bill PM-Elaine Hubbard 16 AM-Ann PM-Roger 17 AM-Sally PM-Kara 18 AM-Louise PM-Carol 22 AM-Hazel PM-Elaine 23 AM-Ann PM-Roger 24 AM-Sally PM-Kara 25 AM-Louise PM-Carol 29 AM-Hazel PM-Elaine 30 AM-Ann PM-Roger
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