Business & Culture in Florianopolis, Brazil


Business & Culture in Florianopolis, Brazil
Business & Culture in Florianopolis, Brazil
Summer I 2015
ation Abroad —
of Nor
th Carolina Wilmington
Program Overview
Four weeks of study and cultural activities in gorgeous FLORIANOPOLIS,
Brazil, one of South America’s top tourist destinations. While learning
about management principles, a critical knowledge for students of all
majors, you will be exposed to the fascinating language and culture
of Brazil, the world’s 6th largest economy and one of the political and
economic leaders of the developing world.
Students will take two classes, Monday-Thursday mornings, for six credit
hours total. These courses will be transferred back to UNCW (or your
school) as appropriate credit for different majors and minors. There are
no prerequisites for either course.
This business class is an excellent introductory course for students of all
majors who have an interest in understanding the basic aspects of the
responsibilities that managers have when planning, organizing, leading,
and controlling the way work is performed in today’s organizations. It will
be taught in English by UNCW professor Dr. Douglas Miller. The course
satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Living in Our
Diverse Nation, and partially satisfies University Studies II: Approaches
and Perspectives/Understanding Human Institutions and Behaviors.
This course will offer students an introduction to the language of Brazil
and to the country’s culture, history and geography. It will be taught in
English and Portuguese by experienced professors of our host school,
Unisul, one of Brazil’s largest universities and a leader in distance
education. The language level can be tailored to those with previous
Program Activities and Features
In addition to the academic activities, students will have weekly cultural
visits to the numerous world-class attractions of Florianopolis and its
neighboring cities, and also to businesses in the area. The region is
particularly famous for its beaches. Students will stay in a quality hotel
(double occupancy), close to Unisul’s downtown campus, where classes
will be held.
Program Facts
Florianopolis, Brazil
Tentative Program Dates:
May 17-June 12, 2015
Program Leader:
Dr. Carlos Rodriguez and Dr. Douglas Miller
Department of Management
Phone: 910-962-7196 and 910-962-2153
Email: [email protected] or
[email protected]
Application Deadline: March 20, 2015
To apply log in at: http://appserv02.uncw.
edu/IntProgApp/ and select your program of
A $500 non-refundable deposit is due at time
of application
Students are eligible to apply for this program if
they meet the following criteria:
• Degree-seeking student
• At least Sophomore standing at time of
• Good judicial standing
• 2.5 GPA at time of application
• Permission from Program Director
Learn more at
Open up yo
ur w
- Go
Estimated Program Fee: $2,900*
Program Fee Includes:
Florianopolis, the capital of the state of Santa Catarina, is the country’s most
beloved city after Rio de Janeiro. In August 2013, it was voted the world’s
friendliest city by Conde Nast Traveler readers in a poll by the travel magazine.
Its privileged location encompasses a coastal island and a small peninsula
on the continent, and includes more than one hundred beaches, as well as
mountains, areas of tropical rain forest environmental preservation, sand dunes
and two large lagoons. It has some of the most consistent surf spots in Brazil.
Florianopolis is a highly developed city and has the second highest HDI –
Human Development Index of Brazil. The buildings, shopping malls, restaurants
and large spaces of its coastal avenues are characteristics of the world’s large
metropolitan areas. The region has nevertheless found ways to preserve habits,
traditions, the architecture, and some aspects of the way of life of 19th-century
colonial times, including in the city’s historical downtown.
Lodging (hotel double occupancy)
One meal/ per day (breakfast)
Numerous cultural activities (including
entrance fees and transport)
Airport pick-up and drop-off
Excursions (including transport)
Study abroad health insurance
3 credits of tuition for PRT 294 course
taught by Unisul
Additional Costs: (not included in program fee)
Round trip flight (variable cost)
Additional meals ($15 - $20 per day)
UNCW Tuition for 3 credits
Tourist Visa $160
*Rates are based on tariffs, costs, and currency
exchange levels in effect at publication and
are subject to change.
Financial Aid & Scholarships
Federal and state financial aid may be applied
toward this program. Even if you are normally
ineligible for financial aid, you should submit a
financial aid application (FAFSA). You may find
that you are eligible for additional funding.
UNCW students may also apply for a UNCW
Summer Education Abroad Grant and additional
study abroad scholarships. Grant applications
and additional information are available a
O ff
f Int
ice o
n a l P r o g r a m s • 11 8 F r i d a y A n n e x •
ton •
601 S
uth C
o ll e g
e Ro
ad •
ton, N
C 284
6 5 • 910.962.3685 • studyabroad@unc