April 26, 2015 - Christ the King Lutheran Church


April 26, 2015 - Christ the King Lutheran Church
As the Body of Christ,
we are called and sent
to love and serve the world.
April 26, 2015
Christ the King Lutheran Church offers the following opportunities to worship:
Please keep these members and friends
in your prayers: David, Doris, Damien, Char-
Sunday: 8:15, 9:30, and 11:00 am
lie, Brianna, Wendy, Ann, Sandy, Sue, Sarah,
Ron, Jan, Megan, David, Jeff, Earl, Chris,
Marianne, Bruce, Bernice, Tina, Brenden, Connie, Gayle, Lorrie, Karl, Jackie, Catherine, Cynthia, Don, Pat, Don, Karen, Louis, Avery, Peg,
Al, Anne, Dan, Marvin, Colton, Ruth, Miriam,
Jack, Moles family, Dylan, Connie, Katie, Gary,
Bob, Shari, Ryan, Gaynetta, Luise, Andy, Allison, Geraldine, Natalie, Susan, Bob, Lorrie, Virginia, John, Kathleen, Paul, Joe, Josh, Michael,
John, Karana, Taylor, Robb, Amy, Karen,
Adam, Lamar, Annie, Julie, Lowel, Jonathan,
Valerie, Charles, Amy, Jim, Tom, Declan, Logan
and Scarlett.
Third Sunday of each month: 1:30 pm at Michiana Rehab. Center on Douglas, with Pr. Terri
Monday: 6:30 pm
Wednesday: 11:30 am Mid day prayer
Second Friday of each month: 3:00 pm at the
Hearth at Juday Creek, with Pr. Terri
Christian Caregiving--a
Way of Life: The Adult
Forum will meet on Sundays at
9:30 am in room 504 through
May 20, to study this book by
Kenneth Haugk, a pastor and
clinical psychologist. The same
class sessions will also be on
Wednesdays at 10 am in room 404 as the Adult
Study Group. The course will be led by Christ
the King Stephen Ministers: Peg Case, Peggy
Stood, Karen Wendling, Karen Maier and Janice
Daniels. Registration sign-up sheet will be available in the narthex as well as on the Christ the
King website. Each participant is encouraged to
pick up a copy of the book in the narthex.
If you are interested in taking part in this series of
classes, they will be offered at the following
Class 2: Sun, April 26, 9:30 am, room 502
Class 3: Sun, May 3, 9:30 am, room 502
Presentation: Sun, May 10, during a worship service of your choice. Please email Craig Swendsen
at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Thank you for taking this important step in your child's faith journey.
Please pray for those in the military:
Senior Master Sergeant Jeremy Yates (Langley
AFB/stateside); US Navy Lt. Cmdr. Bill Krueper, son of Elly; Joshua Thompson (Royal Air
Force, Scotland), son of Jon & Marilyn Thompson;
Captain Jacob Della Pia (Stateside),
nephew of Sue Koski; Scott Esler (Air Force),
son-in-law of Mike & Sandy Hollowell; Daniel
Rudisel (Army), nephew of Donna Gradeless;
Staff Sergeant Brian Beal (Army/Stateside), son
of Chris & Katie Schlotfeldt and grandson of
Dee Schlotfeldt; Stefon Allen (Army/
Afghanistan), brother-in-law of Bryant Vande
Kolk; Doug Smith (USAF/Afghanistan), son of
Diane Guerrant; Nathan Granlund (Coast
Guard/Saudi Arabia), nephew of Andy Trundle;
and Kevin Kurtz (Army/Kuwait), great nephew
of Doug & Rita Kurtz.
Thanks be to God and thank you for commitments to the
Thus far: 148 pledges
$945,015 pledged
$251,209 received
TODAY continued...
Rejoice with us as we welcome Stella
Marie Benigni, born April 10, in Evanston, IL to
Scott and Carla (Yarger) Benigni, baby sister of
Henry and Lucas, and granddaughter of Tom and
Margie Yarger. Thanks be to God!
Once again, Christ the King
is teaming up with Barbott's
Nursery for the annual spring
fundraiser. Flower sale forms are
available in the narthex. Pick
up a form and select your flowers by following
the information on the form. All forms must be
paid in full and turned in to Craig’s mailbox at the
front of the church. Flower orders are due
April 26. NO EXCEPTIONS. Make checks
payable to “Christ the King” with “Youth Flower
Sale” on the memo line. Orders will be available
for pick up on Saturday, May 9, from 8 amNoon, or Sunday, May 10, through noon.
Delivery is available if you live within 10 miles of
the Church. Deliveries will be made either Friday, May 8, after 6 pm or Saturday, May 9, between 8 am and noon. Flowers will be put on
your front porch. An additional fee of $10 will
be added for home delivery. Funds raised go to
support the CtK Youth and the summer trip to
Detroit, MI for the National Youth Gathering.
Sixth graders (rising
7 graders) and all confirmation students are invited to Confirmation Camp this summer, June
21-26. Please contact Pastor Terri or Craig
Swendsen if your child is eligible to attend camp
this summer.
TWIGS Genealogy Group Meets
Tuesday, April 28, at 7:00pm
“Here Comes the IRS” - Lin Irish: The taxman cometh. Where else but in the records of
the Bureau of Internal Revenue would we find
out that, in 1862, E.A. Stevens of Castle Point,
New Jersey, paid $49 in taxes on a $2000 yacht, a
billiard table, and five horse carriages? Contact
Instructor Lin Irish [email protected] if you
plan to attend. Meeting in room 504.
Card Ministry:
Come and
have fellowship and fun while
making cards for CtK. On
the second Friday of each
month at 10 am, we punch
patterns, do easy stitching,
cutting and taping. Please join us! Hope to see
you on Friday, May 8 at 10 am in room 504.
Women’s Journey:
All women are welcome to
join us on Wednesday mornings at 10 am in room
303. We have started The Circle Maker, by
Mark Batterson. After finishing this book we will
start a 40-day prayer challenge by going through
the book, Draw The Circle, by Mark Batterson.
Bible Study:
The Men’s group that meets
every other week on Thursday morning at 7:30 in
room 303 (all are welcome), will continue a discussion on the Islam faith on April 30. Future
sessions will include the Hindu faith.
Sunday, May 10
Proceeds will support the
Habitat for Humanity and
LVC Missions
Roses will be $3 per stem
Special prices available for the
purchase of a dozen or more!
Communion Bread Bakers & Servers:
Love One Another
2 John 1:1-6 (NRSV)
The elder to the elect lady and her children,
whom I love in the truth, and not only I but
also all who know the truth, because of the
truth that abides in us and will be with us forever.
Grace, mercy, and peace will be with us from
God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father's Son, in truth and love.
I was overjoyed to find some of your children
walking in the truth, just as we have been commanded by the Father. But now, dear lady, I
ask you, not as though I were writing you a
new commandment, but one we have had
from the beginning, let us love one another.
And this is love, that we walk according to his
commandments; this is the commandment just
as you have heard it from the beginning—you
must walk in it.
Hymn (ELW 720):
We Are Called
CtK fields a co-ed softball team in
the area church league. The game is slow pitch,
with five women and five men, for fun. High
school aged and older are eligible to play, Tuesday
evenings, 6:15 pm on diamonds at Edison School
starting in May. You need not be there every
Tuesday. Sign up on the kiosk or call Don Zerfas
at 277-5697 or 261-2370.
Anyone for Golf? Come join our Thursday afternoon/evening golf ‘league’ at Blackthorn Golf
Club. If you purchase a ‘black card’ for $99, you
can play any day after 2 pm for $28 (includes golf,
cart and GPS). We play every Thursday, but it is
not necessary for you to be there every week. For
more information, contact John Huchko or Pastor
Volunteers are needed to help bake communion
bread and serve communion in May. Please sign
up on the kiosk.
PowerPoint Operators Needed:
are needed to operate the PowerPoint projector
for the 9:30 am service. Training is available and
workers are needed once a month. High school
aged volunteers are welcome. Visit with one of
the pastors or email the office for information.
Old Terms:
CDF - Child Discipleship Formation
YDF - Youth Discipleship Formation
ADF - Adult Discipleship Formation
New Terms:
CFF - Child Faith Formation
YFF - Youth Faith Formation
AFF - Adult Faith Formation
You will see the new terms being used
over the next few months. Church council
made the decision to start using the new
terms since CtK called Craig Swendsen
as the Faith Formation Director.
URC National Day of Prayer Breakfast
Thursday, May 7, 7:30 am - 9:00 am
Century Center, 120 S St Joseph St, SB
“The Role of Interreligious Dialogue in
Peacebuilding” presented by Dr. Bartoli
Tickets are $30 per person:
National Day of Prayer at
Battell Center, 904 N Main St, Mishawaka
Thursday, May 7 from noon - 1 pm
Additional Parking at
1st Baptist, 724 N. Main St
(No Shuttle Bus This Year)
Preaching/Presiding: Pastor Steve Schwier and Pastor Terri Peterson
Deb & Kevin Craig
Karen & Chris Schwelnus
Jan & Bob Daniels
none scheduled
Max Clark
Caroline Dell
Gabe Haberling
Assisting Minister
Cookie Zerfas
Rita Kurtz
Cookie Zerfas
Mike Hollowell
Annette Johnson
Jan Straw
Communion Servers
Deb & Mike Radecki
Sandy Whiteman
Gene Case
Marilyn Wood
John Huchko
Greeters: Marie & John Warsko and Tricia Burns
PowerPoint Projector (9:30 service): Sarah Henderson
Communion Bread was baked by: Pam Boehnlein
Communion Setup: Dee Schlotfeldt & Barb Myers, Jan Irvine, Sue & Sarah Henderson, Karen Wendling &
Accamma Koshy
Altar flowers donated by: Charlotte & Bob O’Dell in memory of our parents
Altar Flowers:
June 14 and 28 are available on the kiosk flower chart. Flowers cost $25 per
week and you can take them home following the 11 am service on the chosen date.
Monday, April 27
Thursday, April 30
Friday, May 1
12:00 pm
SCC Board Meeting
Alleluia Ringers Retreat
Fit & Faithful
7:30 am
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Men’s Bible Study
Xalt! Rehearsal
*AA Meeting
Tuesday, April 28
Saturday, May 2
Wednesday, April 29
Sunday, May 3
6:30 pm
10:00 am
5:00 pm
Boy Scouts in VOH
TWIGS Genealogy
Adult Study Group
Women’s Journey
Mid day Prayer
Staff - Worship Planning
Evening Meal
No Adult Choir Rehearsal
(Valpo Field Trip)
*AA Meeting
8:00 am
8:15 am
7:00 pm
*AA Meeting
Michiana Calligraphy Guild
Traditional Worship
Contemporary Worship
Christian Caregiving Forum
Sunday School - all ages
First Communion Class
Traditional Worship
* AA Meeting
* indicates a community activity held at CtK
Christ the King Lutheran Church
17195 Cleveland Road, South Bend, IN 46635