Planning Committee (East)


Planning Committee (East)
Committee (East)
Notice of Meeting
Wednesday 25 March 2015
6.00 p.m.
Quinton & Admington Village Hall
The Close
Lower Quinton
CV37 8SE
Members of the Committee are requested to attend
Councillor Danny Kendall
Vice-Chairman: Councillor Anne Parry
P Barnes
M C Brain
R Cheney
A Crump
S Kittendorf
C Mills
P Moorse
P Richards
A Scorer
C Williams
Chairman of the Council (ex officio, non-voting)
Nominated Substitutes:
Councillors P Beaman, W Dowling, S Gray, S Jackson, G Roache
and J Taylor
Paul Lankester
Chief Executive
Elizabeth House, Church Street
Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 6HX
For further information about this agenda
Alan Sheepy
Telephone: 01789 260245
[email protected]
Telephone 01789 267575
Facsimile 01789 260007
Minicom 01789 260747
Welcome to this meeting of the Planning Committee.
Please note that this is not an open forum; it is a meeting of the Councils
Planning Committee at which the public is welcome to watch and listen.
Questions cannot be taken from the audience and only those who have
already registered to speak will be allowed to do so. It is requested that the
audience respects the Committee and allows the meeting to progress in
accordance with the procedure described below and without interruption.
The Chairman will introduce the application which will then be supported by an officer
presentation. These will be commensurate with the scale and complexity of the
proposal and the level of public interest.
The names of those people who have registered to speak on the application will be
called in the following order:
Parish Council; (5 Minutes)
any objectors; (10 or 15 minutes)
the applicant, their agent, or any supporters (10 or 15 minutes).
If speakers are registered in all three categories, in the interests of fairness time
limits will be increased for either the objectors or supporters depending on whether
the Parish Council opposes or supports the application. For example where the Parish
Council speaks in opposition to the application and objectors are also registered to
speak, the Parish Council representative could speak for 5 minutes and the objectors
could speak for 10 minutes, therefore to ensure an equality the applicant or
supporters would be entitled to 15 minutes.
After each speaker has finished, the Chairman will ask if the Committee has any
questions to put to them.
When there are no further speakers the Chairman will ask the Ward Members for their
Committee Members will then have the opportunity to ask for further information or
clarification following which the debate will be opened up to the Committee.
The Planning Officer will be asked to comment if necessary.
Finally, the Committee will be asked to take a decision on the application, and this will
take the form of a motion from a Councillor to GRANT or REFUSE.
If you WISH TO SPEAK AT THIS MEETING, you MUST register with the committee
managers by 2.00 p.m. the day before the meeting.
[email protected] or by
01789 260245
25 March 2015
Notice of Webcasting of Meeting
Please note that this meeting will be filmed for subsequent broadcast via the Council's internet
site - at the start of the meeting the Chairman will confirm if all or part of the meeting is being
You should be aware that the Council is a Data Controller under the Data Protection Act. Data
collected during this webcast will be retained in accordance with the Council’s published policy.
Therefore by entering the room and using the public seating area, you are consenting to being
filmed and to the possible use of those images and sound recordings for web casting and/or
training purposes.
If members of the public do not wish to have their image captured they should contact
Members Services on 01789 260245 who will make alternative seating arrangements.
Recording of meetings by Press and the Public
Recording, filming and photography at meetings of the Council, which members of the public
can attend is allowed as long as proceedings at the meeting are not disrupted. Recording is
not allowed when the meeting has agreed to formally exclude the press and public due to the
nature of business discussed. To minimise disturbance to others attending the meeting please
switch your phone or other mobile device to silent mode.
Unless agreed otherwise in advance, recording and reporting must take place from the public
seating area and should be overt and focused on those speaking at the meeting, not other
members of the public.
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Disclosure of Interests
Members are reminded that, unless they have been granted a dispensation, if they have
a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in any matter as defined by Regulations made by the
Secretary of State where the interest is theirs, their spouse’s or civil partner’s, or is an
interest of somebody with whom they are living as a husband or wife or as if they were
civil partners, they may not participate in any discussion of or vote on the matter and
must also leave the room for the duration of the matter. They must also disclose the
interest if it has not yet been entered on the Authority’s register unless it is a sensitive
3. Update on Core Strategy Examination In Progress - Interim
To receive a verbal update from the Planning Policy Manager following the release of the
Inspector’s Interim report.
Planning Applications
4. Application No. 14/01186/OUT - Meon Vale, Campden Road,
Long Marston
(Pages 1 - 88)
Outline Planning Application (with means of access) for the development of up to 550
dwellings Use Class C3/C2 (Use Class C2 not to exceed 85 dwellings); a one-form entry
Primary School (Use Class D1) with associated open space; a leisure village comprising
up to 300 units of self-catering lodges and holiday homes (Use Classes C1/ C3),
ancillary facilities building(s) to incorporate reception and administration facilities (Use
Class B1a), entertainment areas (Use Classes D1 / D2) and retail uses (Use Classes A1 /
A3/ A5), a touring caravan and camping site with up to 80 pitches and ancillary facilities
building; the creation of landscaping, open space and ecological habitats; new accesses
for vehicles, pedestrians and cycles; new internal highways; car and cycle parking;
sustainable drainage measures, including storage ponds for surface water attenuation;
provision of utilities infrastructure; earth works and all ancillary enabling works including
demolition of buildings and structures and ground remediation.
GRANT subject to a Section 106 Agreement
5. Urgent Business
To consider any business which, in the opinion of the Chairman, is urgent in accordance
with the provisions of Section 100B (4) of the Local Government Act 1972.
Chief Executive
Please note: The next meeting of the Planning Committee (East)
is scheduled to take place on
Tuesday 31 March 2015