design a bookmark contest
design a bookmark contest
Teen design a bookmark contest Read to the Rhythm Summer Reading 2015 Contest Rules Open to Duluth area teens entering grades 6 - 12 in the fall. A winner will be chosen in each age category: Grades 6-8 and 9-12. Make your bookmark in the space provided, or attach something of the same size: 2.25 x 7.75 inches. One entry per person. You may use any kind of tools or media to create your bookmark: crayons, markers, paint, photography, computer, etc. The bookmark should relate to the theme: Read to the Rhythm. The artwork must be your own. One entry per person. Submit your bookmark entry to one of the Duluth Public Library locations: Main Library Youth Services, Mt. Royal Branch Library or West Duluth Branch Library. Entry deadline: Saturday, May 2, 2015. The winning entry will be printed with the artist’s name (first name & last initial) and grade, and distributed during the 2015 Summer Reading Program. Entry Form Name _______________________________________ Grade ______ Address _________________________________________________ City __________________________ State _______ Zip __________ Phone Number ___________________________________________ All contest entries become the property of the Duluth Public Library and may be reprinted, displayed or otherwise used at the library’s discretion. Duluth Public Library • 520 W. Superior St. • Duluth, MN 55802 • 218-730-4200/option 4 •