May 3 - Elmhurst Christian Reformed Church


May 3 - Elmhurst Christian Reformed Church
8:55 am Blended Worship - May 3, 2015
Choral Introit: Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Come All You People Praise Our God
Come, all you people, praise our God
And tell his glorious works abroad, who holds our souls in life
Who never lets our feet be moved
And, though our faith has often proved upholds us in the strife
We come with offerings to God’s house
And here we pay the solemn vows we uttered in distress
To him our all we dedicate
To him we wholly consecrate the lives his mercies bless
For Your Gift of God the Spirit
For Your gift of God the Spirit, power to make our lives anew
Pledge of life and hope of glory, Savior we would worship you
Crowning gift of resurrection sent from your ascended throne
Fullness of the very Godhead come to make your life our own
He who in creation's dawning brooded on the lifeless deep
Still across our nature's darkness moves to wake our souls from sleep
Moves to stir to draw to quicken, thrusts us through with sense of sin
Brings to birth and seals and fills us saving advocate within
He the mighty God indwells us, his to strengthen help empower
His to overcome the tempter, ours to call in danger's hour
In his strength we dare to battle all the raging hosts of sin
And by him alone we conquer foes without and foes within
Responsive Reading
Leader: My heart is not proud, o Lord
All: My eyes are not haughty
Leader: I do not concern myself with great matters
All: Or things too wonderful for me
Leaders: But I have stilled and quieted my soul
All: O Israel, put your hope in the Lord both now and forevermore
Dwell In Me O Blessed Spirit
Dwell in me, O blessed Spirit, Gracious Teacher, Friend divine
For the kingdom work that calls me, O prepare this heart of mine
Dwell in me, O blessed Spirit, how I need your help divine
In the way of life eternal keep O keep this heart of mine
Grant to me your sacred presence then my faith will never decline
Comfort me and help me onward, fill with love this heart of mine
Greetings - Gregg DeMey, Director of Worship
Choir Anthem: The Lord Our Mighty Sovereign
Congregational Prayer - Lisa Capozzoli, Director of Care & Community
The offering is for the Elmhurst Ministries Fund
Message: “Lust and Chastity” - Peter Semeyn, Lead Pastor
Matthew 14:1-12; 1 Corinthians 6:18-20
Prayer of Application
Children’s Choir: Nothing But the Blood; Christ the Lord is Risen Today
Children’s Choir Directors - Ashley Slinkman, Tara Tameling
Children’s Choir Accompanist - Tania Molendyk
Choir Director - Marve Wolterstorff, Organist - Ticks Groenboom,
Pianist - Dina Zeilstra, Song Leaders - Kendra Aulich, Gregg DeMey
11:05 am Contemporary Worship - May 3, 2015
Prelude: Psalm 150
Children’s Choir: Nothing But the Blood; Christ the Lord is Risen Today
All the People Said, “Amen “
You are not alone if you are lonely; When you feel afraid you’re not the only
We are all the same, in need of mercy, to be forgiven and be free
It’s all you got to lean on, but thank God that’s all you need
And all the people said, “Amen”; and all the people said, “Amen”
Give thanks to the Lord for his love never ends
And all the people said, “Amen”
If you’re rich or poor, well it don’t matter; Weak or strong, love is what we’re after
We’re all broken, but we’re all in this together
God knows we stumble and fall
And he so loved the world he sent his son to save us all
Christ Is Risen
Let no one caught in sin remain inside the lie of inward shame
We fix our eyes upon the cross and run to him who showed great love
And bled for us, freely you’ve bled for us
Christ is risen from the dead, trampling over death by death
Come awake, come awake, come and rise up from the grave
Christ is risen from the dead, we are one with him again
Come awake, come awake, come and rise up from the grave
Beneath the weight of all our sin you bowed to none but heaven’s will
No scheme of hell, no scoffer’s crown, no burden great can hold you down
In strength you reign, forever let your church proclaim
Christ is risen from the dead, trampling over death by death
Come awake, come awake, come and rise up from the grave
Christ is risen from the dead, we are one with him again
Come awake, come awake, come and rise up from the grave
Greetings - Gregg DeMey, Director of Worship
Congregational Prayer - Lisa Capozzoli, Director of Care & Community
I Will Rise
There’s a peace I’ve come to know, though my heart and flesh may fail
There’s an anchor for my soul; I can say, “It is well”
Jesus has overcome, and the grave is overwhelmed
The victory is won, he is risen from the dead
And I will rise when he calls my name; no more sorrow, no more pain
I will rise on eagle’s wings; Before my God fall on my knees, and rise, I will rise
There’s a day drawing near when this darkness breaks to light
and the shadows disappear, and my faith shall be my eyes
Jesus has overcome, and the grave is overwhelmed
The victory is won, he is risen from the dead
And I hear the voice of many angels sing, “Worthy is the Lamb”
And I hear the cry of every longing heart, “Worthy is the Lamb”
Offertory: Make My Life a Prayer to You
The offering is for the Elmhurst Ministries Fund
Message: “Lust and Chastity” - Peter Semeyn, Lead Pastor
Matthew 14:1-12; 1 Corinthians 6:18-20
Closing Prayer
My Worth
My worth is not in what I own, not in the strength of flesh and bone
But in the costly wounds of love at the cross
My worth is not in skill or name, in win or lose, in pride or shame
But in the blood of Christ that flowed at the cross
I rejoice in my Redeemer, greatest treasure, Wellspring of my soul
I will trust in him no other, my soul is satisfied in him alone
As summer flowers we fade and die, fame youth and beauty hurry by
But life eternal calls to us at the cross
I will not boast in wealth or might or human wisdom's fleeting light
But I will boast in knowing Christ at the cross
Two wonders here that I confess, my worth and my unworthiness
My value fixed my ransom paid at the cross
Worship Team - Doug Bardolph, Bethany DeHaan,Gregg DeMey, Erin Lanenga,
Kyle Olson, Cindy Vos; Children’s Choir Directors - Ashley Slinkman, Tara Tameling;
Children’s Choir Accompanist - Tania Molendyk
We'll contrast the deadly sin of lust with the virtue of chastity. Lust is the result of self-gratification
and is a result of saying more with our bodies than we feel with our hearts. Chastity stands up to
temptations about sex. Chastity is much more than just the appropriate physical control of our bodily
desires, however. Chastity is the decision to promote and protect a loving attitude toward our own
bodies as well as the body of others. Chastity is a countercultural virtue that proclaims that our
physical bodies with their desires are first and foremost temples of the Holy Spirit.
We have an insatiable appetite for more. We are seldom satisfied with what we have. Our natural
greed wants more stuff, more information, more access, more credit...But how much is enough? The
greedy desire for more than we need betrays a spiritual hunger that is “being improperly nourished
with unhealthy food." Read Luke 12:16-21 to begin thinking about greed and it's antidote: the virtue
of generosity.
We are looking for 100 people to be "People of Prayer." This group will pray daily for the
spiritual health of our congregation and our ability to live into our vision of being God's source of
shining light and living water. This will be the sole purpose of this prayer group. By signing up
you are committing to pray in this way for the rest of 2015, and you will be sent prayer directions
on the first of every month. People of Prayer began praying on Easter, but you may sign up to
join us at any time. Register to be part of People of Prayer at
We extend our sincere sympathy to the family of Bette Koldenhoven, mother of Arnie (Sandy)
Koldenhoven and Beth (Andy) Staes, who passed away on April 22. She was grandmother to Jena
and Ben Wagner, Anne (Ron) Tazelaar, Mark (Leah) Koldenhoven, and Paul (Kim) Koldenhoven.
We extend our sincere sympathy to Janet & Dave Armstrong and family on the loss of Janet’s sister,
Norma Jeanne Stoffer.
Congratulations to Lucas & Tara Tameling on the birth of their daughter, Elizabeth Rose, on April
The missionary of the month for May is Geeta Mondol of Ashish Foundation in New Delhi , India.
The Ashish Foundation serves 40 disabled students ages 3-28 and their families in India. They
provide holistic education and support to children with disabilities and their families so that they can
achieve their God-given potential. Geeta will be part of our church service on May 17 and will speak
at our Adult Education class in the Upper Gathering Room on that date.
Today’s Adult Ed topic is Pray With Me: Come hear how prayer is an important part of Jack
McNamara’s life. He will be sharing with us the power of prayer, some tried and true methods for
praying, and an opportunity to put these methods into practice. If prayer is hard for you, come join
us and be encouraged. If your prayer life is great, come join us in the Upper Gathering Room and
share your stories.
Got blood? Give the gift of life at our annual blood drive on May 4 in the Garden Room. If you are
17 years or older you are eligible. For more information and to sign up for a time that works for you,
go online at You can also sign up in the lobby today!
Life Line Screening, a leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings, will
host affordable, non-invasive and painless health screenings on May 11 in the Garden Room. For
more information and to register go to
PrimeTime (a monthly event for those 55 and older) invites you to visit Northern Indiana.
Leaving at 9 am on May 15 we will visit the Shrine of Christ's Passion, enjoy a wonderful lunch at
Teibel's Restaurant, and end with a tour of the Kuiper Collection. Cost for the day is $40 which
includes coach bus transportation, drivers tip, and lunch. Register at [email protected] or call
Bert or Celia DeJong at (630)530-2924. The bus will leave Elmhurst CRC at 9:00 am and will return
by 4:30 pm.
Need that shed cleaned out? Need your yard picked up? How about scraping the paint off the
garage? The Youth Missions Team wants to do your Dirty Job for you! Help us raise money for
our trip and let us be the ones to get dirty this spring! Sign up online at or in
the lobby after services. All jobs will be completed by June 7.
Our congregation has been invited to partner with Elim Christian Services (a Community
Services Team Partner) in the Chicago Triathlon on August 29-30 to raise funds for Elim's Inner
City School Kit Program. The funds provide school supplies for Elim’s HOPE Packs, given to
needy children in some of Chicago’s schools. The process of putting together the HOPE Packs
provides the adults of Elim meaningful work to complete. Consider participating in helping Elim
and Chicago’s neediest schools. Opportunities available to donate to this cause and to register
yourself or your relay team at Questions? Contact Laura Schnyder at 708293-6509 or [email protected].
Timothy Christian Schools is seeking applications for the following positions for the 2015-2016
school year: Piano Accompanist for 5th-12th grade choral program, 8th Grade Language Arts
Teacher, 8th Grade Social Studies Teacher, Full-time Library Aide, Part-time Special Education
Aide, Administrative Assistant to the Principal. Full job description at
Timothy Christian Schools still has openings for their kindergarten program for the 2015-16
school year, especially half-day PM. If you are still considering Kindergarten options, please contact
Director of Admissions and Student Recruitment, Dan Quist, to set up a tour. He can be reached at
[email protected]. There is still plenty of time to register for next year!
Western Springs CRC seeks an individual to lead the youth ministry of their church. The ideal
candidate for this half-time position will be able to lead the junior high and senior high youth
programs of the church, and a bachelor's degree from an accredited college is required. In addition,
candidates should have prior experience working with youth. Qualified candidates are invited to
send a cover letter and resume by email to [email protected].
The Timothy Christian School WorldView program exists to build relationships and foster
understanding across cultures. If you have ever wondered about being a host family please
consider attending an informational meeting on May 6 at 7 pm in HS room 105. Contact Laura
Hernandez at [email protected] for more info.
Elim’s 5th annual Eagles’ Wings 5k Run/Walk/Roll on is taking place at 9 am on May 9. Join
us on the grounds of Elim Christian Services in Palos Heights to celebrate and support the work of
the agency. All proceeds benefit Elim Christian Services – equipping children and adults with
disabilities to reach their God-given potential. Visit for more information or to
register today.
ELMHURST MINISTRIES FUND FINANCIAL UPDATE 4/26/15 support of the ministries and vision of ECRC
Sunday, 4/26/15 anticipated…$55,000
Sunday, 4/26/15 actual…$61,860
YTD anticipated contributions - $860,000
YTD actual contributions - $823,856
Annual 2015 budget - $3,250,000
Sunday, 5-03-15
8:55 am Blended Worship
9:20 am Children’s Worship, 3yrs-1st grade
10:00 am Sunday Morning Live
10:00 am Children’s Church School & Choir
10:00 am 20-Somethings Gathering
10:00 am Adult Education (204)
11:05 am Contemporary Worship
11:20 am Children’s Worship, 3 yrs- 5th
12:30 pm SHE Ministry
4:00 pm Profession of Faith Elders Meeting
4:30 pm Handbell Rehearsal
6:00 pm The Edge (Youth Room)
6:00 pm Small Groups (202)
Wednesday, 5-06-15 (continued)
7:00 pm Men’s Fraternity (202)
7:00 pm Quiet Waters
7:30 pm ESO Rehearsal
Monday, 5-04-15
3:00 pm Heartland Blood Drive
7:30 pm Small Groups Team
Saturday, 5-09-15
8:30 am Prayer Group (Conference Room)
7:00 pm ESO Concert
Tuesday, 5-05-15
5:30 am Boot Camp
6:00 am Men’s Fraternity (Upper Gathering)
7:00 pm Community Service & LEAP Teams
Sunday, 5-10-15
8:55 am Blended Worship
9:00 am LEAP Church School Class
9:20 am Children’s Worship, 3yrs-1st grade
10:00 am Sunday Morning Live
10:00 am Children’s Church School & Choir
10:00 am 20-Somethings Gathering
10:00 am Adult Education (204)
11:05 am Contemporary Worship
11:20 am Children’s Worship, 3 yrs- 5th
Wednesday, 5-06-15
7:45 am Timothy AP Testing (Garden Room)
6:00 pm Prayer Group (202)
6:00 pm The Edge Missions Trip Meeting
7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, 5-07-15
5:30 am Boot Camp
6:00 am Men’s Fraternity (Upper Gathering)
9:00 am Men’s Group
4:45 pm Spotlight Youth Theater
Friday, 5-08-15
9:30 am Yoga Class
11:00 am TCS Grandparents Day (Garden Room)
We’re glad you’re here.
We would love to meet you.
Please fill out a welcome card and place it in the offering basket.
Join us for coffee in the lobby after the service.
Stop by the Information Center and let us know you’re new.
8:55 a.m. Blended Worship Service
11:05 a.m.: Contemporary Worship Service
Nursery is available for children 0 to 36 months old.
Children’s Worship (8:55) meets for children 3 years old through 1st grade in the lower level
Children’s Worship (11:05) meets for children 3 years old through 5th grade in the lower level
Assisted listening devices are available from an usher or sound booth at the rear of sanctuary
Large print bulletins are available in the Worship Center inside the doors
Prayer partners are available after each service to pray with in the west rear of the Worship Center
SUNDAY EDUCATION HOUR (10:10-10:55 a.m.)
Adult Education
Church School & Kid’s Choir: Pre-K-5th grade
Sunday Morning Live: 6th-12th grade
Find opportunities to grow and serve in
Small Groups , Coffee Break Community Bible Study, Men’s Fraternity, MOPS, GROW, Prime Time (55+) and more.
Grow together, enjoy relationships, be encouraged and empowered with our student ministry programs;
Maximum Velocity (6-8th grade) and The EDGE (9th-12 grade)
We love children, and want to help raise up children that love God and serve him.
From Nursery (0-3 years old), Little Lambs (3-6 years old), Pathfinders and Cadets (1st-8th grade boys), to GEMS (1st-8th grade girls), and
much more.
More growing and serving opportunities online at elmhurstcrc.or g
Rev. Peter Semeyn - Lead Pastor, Dir. of Outreach - 630.600.5029 [email protected]
Rev. Gregg DeMey - Associate Pastor, Dir. of Worship - 630.600.5030 [email protected]
Complete ann;hgmnn.b,ouncements are at Week or scan the QR code below.