Week of December 13 - 19, 1999 - Friendship Village of Schaumburg


Week of December 13 - 19, 1999 - Friendship Village of Schaumburg
March 16, 2015 – March 22, 2015
Weekly Events
Carpet Bowling
Village Worship
Join the LCAP students Monday at 6:30 PM
in Friendship Hall on Mondays. Questions,
call Donna x4254.
Chaplain Shawn
Services: Communion
Wednesday, March 18th - Friendship Hall
3:00 PM; Thursday, March 19th – Birch
One Atrium 10:15 AM. Questions – Chaplain
Richard x5015.
Tuesday, March 17th at 1:00 PM in Sarah’s
Grove - Join Teri McEvoy, as she leads us
from one improv situation to another, as we
all laugh together at our collective creativity.
Questions? Call Jeannette at 5539.
Exploration Bible Study
The Exploration Bible Study returns Monday,
March 16th at 11:00 AM in the Woodfield
Room. Welcome back Chuck and Winnie.
Questions – Chaplain Richard x5015
Rosary-making with Chaplain Shawn
During the Lenten season, Arts & Crafts will
be making rosaries for Briarwood residents.
Our instructor is Chaplain Shawn. Join us on
Tuesday, March 17 at 1:00 PM in the Arts &
Crafts room. Questions, call Donna x4254.
Famous American: Who Killed JFKco-sponsored with Harper College
Monday, March 16th from 1:00 PM to 2:30
PM in Assembly Hall - On November 22nd,
1963, President John F. Kennedy was fatally
shot by a sniper in Dallas, Texas. Historian
Barry Bradford will separate fact from fiction.
He will present a theory as to who did it. Be
prepared to have your assumptions challenged. Questions? Contact Jeannette at
Workshop Awareness Meeting
Join us on Tuesday, March 17 at 2:00 PM in
Friendship Hall to find out all there is to
know about the Workshop – who, what,
where and when. For example, did you
know that there are all types of tools available from the novice to a craftsman? Become
a member through a simple orientation process. If you are a member, please come to
update your status. Everyone is welcome!
Questions, call Donna x4254.
Join us for an afternoon of knitting, crocheting, quilting or sewing on Mondays at 1:00
PM on the 2nd floor, Dogwood/2 atrium,
Bridgegate. Whether you are working on a
project or just beginning, join us! Questions, call Maryaldene x5486.
Book Club Meeting
Tuesday, March 17th at 2:30 PM in the Prairie Room. We will be discussing this month’s
book, My Dream of You by Nuala O’Faolain.
New members are always welcome! Questions? Contact Jeannette at 5539.
The Light of Mankind Gospel Program
Come experience an exhilarating gospel performance on Friday, March 20 at 7:00 PM in
Assembly Hall. Hear rousing music, bible
text and stories that will inspire and entertain you. The Concert features the gospel
music of Tommy Dorsey, Elvis, Andrae
Crouch and Marty Stuart. Questions, call
Donna x4254.
St. Patrick’s Day Party
Tuesday, March 17 at 7:00 PM in Assembly
Hall. Enjoy entertainment with the Tom
Stanfield Duo, dancing and Green River
floats. BYOB – bring your own bottle of spirits and join us for an evening of great
entertainment! Questions, call Donna
Hidden Gems in Our Community – cosponsored with State Rep. Michelle
DVD Presentation - The Shrine of
Christ’s Passion and In the Footsteps
of Jesus
Saturday, March 21st from 10:00 AM to
Noon in Sarah’s Grove – You are invited to
this presentation which will feature women
from the outside community and one of our
own, Betty Sanders, who will share their stories about their personal trials and triumphs.
Refreshments will be served. RSVP by March
18th to Jeannette at 5539.
Join Maryaldene for special evening on
Wednesday, March 18 at 7:00 PM in Friendship Hall. Please see insert for more details.
Questions, call Donna x4254.
'CCC' Cedar/1, BG and 5th Floor, BWP
All Cedar Pavilion residents are invited to C/1
atrium on Thursday, March 19 at 7:00 PM
for “Coffee, Cookies & Conversation”. ‘CCC’
for the 5th floor, BWP begins at 7:00 PM.
Questions, call Donna x4254.
Come for an afternoon of Bunco on Saturdays at 2:00 PM in Friendship Hall.
Questions, call Donna x4254.
Texas Hold’em Tournament
Winter Lecture Series 2015
Friday, March 20th from 10:00 AM to 11:30
AM – Betsey Means (Womenlore) – “Juliette
Low – Founder of the Girl Scouts of America”
Juliette Gordon Low (1860 – 1927) was the
founder of the Girl Scouts of the United
States. The bus will leave Friendship Village
at 9:15 AM and return at noon. If you are
driving, contact Jeannette to reserve your
front row seat. Sign up at the Resident Services desks for the bus. Fee: $6.00.
Questions? Contact Jeannette at 5539.
It’s time for another Texas Hold’em Tournament on Saturday, March 21 at 7:00 PM in
Friendship Hall, BG. The winner of the tournament receives the traveling trophy for a
month and the game pot. Bring your neighbors and your friends and enjoy the fun!
Questions, call Donna x4254.
FITness corner
Every Wednesday starting March 4th, we will
begin our Matt Class in BWP Fitness Center
from 1:30 - 2:00 PM. This class will be on
comfortable matts where we will do Pilates,
yoga, strength and endurance inspired exercises.
American Popular Music….from Tin Pan Alley
to Hollywood, Broadway to Pop….in Menzie
& Michael’s unique and acclaimed style.
Questions, call Donna x4254.
Thank you for all those attended and helped
our during the 8th Annual Wellness Fair! It
was a success because of you!
Save the Date! Easter Egg Hunt
The Easter Bunny arrives on Saturday,
March 28 at 1:30 PM. Don’t forget to sign
up your grandchildren or great-grandchildren
at the Hospitality desks for our annual Easter
Egg Hunt. Enjoy visits with the Easter Bunny, live baby animals and crafts too!
Questions, call Donna x4254.
Attention pool users:
Pool access: To ensure a smooth swim
check-in, please check with the fitness staff
to make sure you are a member of the
aquatic program and your guest(s) have
filled out the necessary paperwork to be
processed in the system. Prior to any visit to
pool an initial assessment must take place
with the fitness staff.
Holy Week: March 29 – April 5
Palm Sunday Concert – Sunday, March
29th 3:00 PM Assembly Hall; Holy Thursday
Meditation – Thursday, April 2nd 10:15 AM
Birch One; Passover Seder – Thursday,
April 2nd 2:30 PM Friendship Hall; 1st Friday
Blessing (no Masses on Good Friday) – Friday, April 3rd 10:00 AM Friendship Hall; No
Saturday Night Buses (Holy Saturday only);
Easter Vigil (Chaplains Shawn & Richard) –
Saturday, April 4th 7:00 PM Assembly Hall.
Sunday Morning Buses will run at the normal
Buddy Hours: As a reminder, the buddy system is always in effect when staff is not
present. If you need help finding a buddy
please contact Jessica or Jenna in the fitness
center and they can help you find a buddy.
Questions? X2047
looking Ahead
The Best Brownie Ever Challenge!
Monday, March 23rd from 1:00 PM to 3:00
PM in Friendship Hall – Come to cheer on
your neighbors, Maryaldene Busch, Helen
Jerusis, Helen Moffett, Barb Mueller and six
residents from the Circle of Friends as they
compete to see who baked the best brownie
ever! The team of judges are Oberweiss,
Mariano’s, Harper College Culinary School
and our own Bill Bickford. Refreshments will
be served. Questions? Contact Jeannette at
AARP Driver Safety Class
Monday, April 6th and Tuesday, April 7th
from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM in the Salt Creek
Room – Sign up for this 8-hour classroom
refresher course. Completion of this course
may qualify you for a discount on your auto
insurance! Check with you insurance agent.
Fee: $15.00 for AARP members and $20.00
for non-members, payable on the first day of
class to the instructor. Coffee and muffins
will be served. Contact Jeannette at 5539 to
sign up for the class.
The Great American Songbook with
Tom Michael & Beckie Menzie
Friday, March 27 at 7:00 PM in Assembly
Hall for a journey through the Golden Age of
Welcome Friends
Thursdays and Fridays at 8:30 AM and Mondays, Saturdays and Sundays at 11:00 AM.
Please welcome our newest residents to the
Friendship Village Family:
Please note the 8:00 AM Bus to Alexian
brother on Tuesday, March 31st has been
cancelled. Please call Jeff at x3647 with
Charlotte Wilson
Barb Homler
1533 BWP
Wii Bowling - Cancelled
Wii bowling is cancelled on Tuesday, March
17 at 6:30 PM in Friendship Hall due to the
St. Patrick’s Day party. Questions, call Donna x4254.
Marge Walsh
In Memorium
We extend our sympathy to the friends and
family of:
Wayne Meekins
1225 BWP
Emily Miraldi
(Willows, Briarwood)
Jack Schaffer
(Bridgegate, Briarwood)
Wake Up! Friendship Village features news,
events and other current information. Watch
on Channel 3 or Channel 100 Mondays at
8:30 AM or on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at
10:00 AM and 1:00 PM.
Betty Mae Diller
(Bridgegate, Briarwood)
John Pavlus
TV Guide
Tune in to our in-house channel to view our
TV guide for Friendship Village videos.
Watch WGN’s segments on Friendship Village, slideshows of our latest photos, and
Estelle Zilius
(Bridgegate, Briarwood)
A gift in memory or honor of a friend or
loved one is a generous and thoughtful way
to recognize a person's life and
accomplishments. For more information or to
request a remembrance donor form, please
call Kate Garbarek, Manager of the
Friendship Senior Service Foundation,
at x-6254.
A Conversation with Betty Sanders
Tune in to our in-House Channel to watch a
conversation conducted by Betty Sanders
with Kate Garbarek and Bill Powell about the
Friendship Senior Options Foundation. Watch