April 17, 2015-Friday EBEN HOLDEN
April 17, 2015-Friday EBEN HOLDEN
2014-2015 April 17, 2015-Friday EBEN HOLDEN SLU CAMPUS Canton, New York 5:00pm Registration Dinner Promptly At 5:30 pm RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED RSVP BY April 9, 2015 Menu Green Salad with ranch and Italian dressing Steamship round of beef Roasted Herbed Chicken Penne Primavera (meatless) Herbed Red Potatoes Mixed Vegetable Rolls and butter Assorted cookies Coffee, Tea, Water, Milk and assorted cold drinks Cost - $28.00 per person Children up to 3 Free Children 4-9 $14.00 Reservations 1-315-379-0977 E-Mail [email protected] or use form below Name______________________________________________________________________________________ Number Adults Attending __________________X $28.00 person _____________________________________ Number of Children age 4-9 Attending_______X $14.00 a child_______________________________________ Enclosed____________________________________________________________________________________ “Make your non refundable check payable to “Friends of St. Lawrence Hockey” Phone Number____________________________ Address___________________________________________ In case of questions ___________________________________________ Return to Penny Pitts—38 Goodrich Street— Canton, New York 13617 Men’s Banquet Men’s Banquet Men’s Banquet Due to University Policy alcoholic beverages will not be available! If you have any special dietary needs please contact me as soon as possible —————————————————————CUT HERE———————————————————-