Glenageary Killiney N. S. - Glenageary Killiney National School


Glenageary Killiney N. S. - Glenageary Killiney National School
Glenageary Killiney N. S.
Phoebe our School Mascot
School Closure
Our school will be closed on Friday, 22nd May 2015 as it is being used as a
polling station. Please note the school will be closed on Monday 4th May and the
last day of the Summer Term is Friday 26th June 2015.
School Photographs
If your child did not hand in their photo form and you wish to have their photo
taken, please ring Brigid @ Appelbee 01-2827755. There is a designated
afternoon, Thursday, 7th May at Appelbee Studios, Church Road, Ballybrack.
B. Harney
School Tours
If you are going to be away please let the class teacher know as soon as
possible. Please pay the class teacher a.s.a.p. if would like your child to go on
the school tour.
Please note parents who wish to assist with supervision on school tours must be Garda vetted.
Junior Infants
Senior Infants
1st Class
2nd Class
3rd Class
4th Class
5th Class
6th Class
Glenroe Farm, Kilcoole, Co. Wicklow.
Newgrange Farm, Slane, Co. Meath.
Dublin Zoo, Phoenix Park, Dublin 8.
Pine Forest Arts & Craft Centre, Glencullen
Irish National Sailing School, Dun Laoghaire
Causey Farm Experience, Navan, Co Meath.
W.5 & Titanic Experience, Belfast
Coláiste na Rosann
€14.00 p.p.
€20.00 p.p.
€17.00 p.p.
€20.00 p.p.
€22.00 p.p.
€25.00 p.p.
25-29/05/2015 PAID
School Sale - €708.00
On Tuesday 22nd of April we had our school sale. This year I was doing games.
I did a game where you had to dip your hand in a bucket of disgusting stuff and
find as many coins as you could. There was also face painting, nails, pillow
fighting, penos, balloons and a sweet shop. In total our class made about
€215.00. All of the games were very successful and a lot of fun. Some of the
boys started off with football shoot outs but they just sold their sweets. It
was great fun and I really enjoyed my last school sale in G.K.N.S.
Ellie Bradley 6th Class
On the 21st of April we had our school sale. In fifth class we had six duty shifts.
I was in the fifth shift. At 11 am the sale started. I went around with my
friends. We bought things from the toys, jewellery, cakes and books. After that
we went outside and played the sixth class games. I bought a lot of things. It
was really fun!
Amy Rose Webb Cooke
This year for the school sale we were doing bakes. The problem about running a
market is that people might shoplift. We sold out before the end of the sale.
We raised over a Whopping 130 euro!
Oscar O’Sullivan
Tuesday was the school sale. When we came into the classroom everyone was
jittery and excited. Most people brought in cakes and biscuits. It was really
hard to look anywhere without seeing cakes! Some of them looked really good!
Before we got to set up the cake shop we had to maths. Once we had finished
maths, everyone chose a working slot and I got the second slot. We sort of ran
into break time but after we had set up the cake sale looked really good. After
break I went down to Senior Infants to collect my younger cousin. We went to
the toy shop first. We actually went there three times possibly. On one occasion
I bought a sock dog! Then we went to the cake sale. My cousin bought something
there but I didn’t get anything. Then suddenly, (I don’t know how) I was taking
care of two people! We went out to the games but didn’t play any games. By the
time we got back in the school it was almost the end of the school sale so I put
my younger cousin into her classroom and I went upstairs. I put my lunch bag
down and ate my lunch. We raised more than 130euro!! All in all I think it was
quite a good sale.
Tabitha Smith
Literacy Week
We are enjoying our literacy week so far. We have talked about our favourite
books, made bookmarks, completed book reviews, designed new covers for books
and even created some big characters for display! We are looking forward to
hearing all about the work of authors when they come to visit and dressing up as
our favourite characters. Many thanks to Sonya Fromholz for designing our
poster and Sarah Webb for organising the authors to visit.
Ms. C. Richardson
Garden/Planting Day
Thank you to Aoife Munn from Windyridge Garden Centre who provided all the
materials for all the pupils from Junior Infants- 5th class to plant a range of
Aoife, the gardener, came to visit our school today. We learned that plants need
5 things to grow. They need water, soil, sun, air and space. She was very
impressed that we knew so much about plants, so she gave us the pots for
experts. Aoife helped us to plant seeds. We could choose to plant peas or sweet
pea flowers. We can bring our seeds home and put them inside for three weeks.
We must water them every three days. Aoife also gave us a voucher to go to
Windyridge Garden Centre and get a free packet of seeds. We had a wonderful
time with Aoife.
Junior Infants & Ms. Wolfe
We were very excited to have another
gardening day with Windy-Ridge Gardening
Centre. The daffodils that we planted last
time looked beautiful bobbing their pretty
yellow heads in the sunshine on our classroom
windowsill! This time we learned that plants
prefer rain water to tap water. We were also
given a voucher for a free packet of seeds so
if you haven’t used yours yet, remember to go
up and tell them you are from GKNS!
Ms W. Hogan
Last Friday, a lady came in from Windy-Ridge gardening
centre to do planting with us. She gave us each a little pot
and we got to choose to plant flowers, lettuce, beans or
peas. So we lined up, then put a sticker with our names on
our pots. Once we got to the front of the line, we filled our
pot with soil. After that we put our choice of seeds in.
Then we went back up to the classroom. When we were in
the classroom we put them on the windowsill until home
time. At home I watered my pot and now the seeds are growing.
Emma Lowey 5th Class
On the 22nd of April it was Earth Day. Someone from Windy-Ridge Garden
Centre visited us. She came with seeds, soil and
plastic pots. We each filled our pot up with sould
and we did extra pots for the class. We had a
choice of beans, cabbage, peas or flowers. For
the class pots we planted flowers, lettuce and
beans. The lettuce is getting on the best but all
of them are growing.
Lorna Farrelly 5th Class
We were waiting to go down to the Windy-Ridge Garden Lady when a few
minutes later the phone rang and we got called down to plant some flowers.
When we got down stairs the windyridge garden lady we had to sit down and
listen. When she was finished talking, we all got to choose and plant our own
vegetable or flower. I planted sugar snap peas. I was excited to see if they
would be big or small seeds. I had an excellent time.
Josh O’Neill 5th Class
Snail - Art Competition – Holy Trinity Parish
Junior Infants
Senior Infants
1. Alice Irvine
1. Amy Wood
2. Clarissa Maybury
2. Faye Sheridan
3. Ivy Lyons
3. Luke McConnell
2 Class
3rd Class
1. Henry McDonnell
1. Seth Vella-Murphy
2. Iris Duignan
2. Rebecca Harney
3. Aoibhe Costello
3. Ally Filgas
5 Class
6th Class
1. Emily Hall
1. Eric Kendrick
2. Tabitha Smith
2. Astrid Pettersen
3. Kayleigh-Jo Bingham 3. Robbie Bowers
1st Class
1. Laragh Costello
2. Tess Varian
3. Sally O’Doherty
4th Class
1. Mark McDonnell
2. Robyn Murray
3. Emily McDonnell
Our Team of Library Volunteers would like all Library Books returned to the
Library no later than Monday, 25th May 2015. 6th Class pupils please return
books on the 18th May 2015. Thank you.
Thank you
to Edwina Nuzum and Eleanor O'Sullivan who donated clothes for Barnaby Bear, our
class mascot. He loves his new outfit!
Ms. A. Sullivan
After the Easter Holidays Franco started giving football lessons to the Junior
Classes and stopped doing our class. So a man from Leinster Rugby started
coming into school every Tuesday. He has been teaching us passing and running
Shane MacNulty
Write A Book Award Ceremony
Book Lists 2015/16
These will be issued a.s.a.p. The book lists for next year have been prepared and
we awaiting current prices from the suppliers. They will be sent home in your
child’s school bag as soon as they are finalised.
Class allocation 2015/16
The following is the provisional class allocation for the next school year. Please
note it is provisional pending Department of Education and Skills sanction of
Learning Support & Resource teaching hours & may be subject to change.
Junior Infants- Ms. C. Richardson
Senior Infants- Ms. S. Percival
First Class- Mrs. N. Cummins
Second Class- Ms. E. Cafferky
Third Class- Ms A. Sullivan & Ms. W. Hogan
Fourth Class- Ms. E. Wolfe
Fifth Class- Ms. H. Appelbe
Sixth Class- Ms. D. Stewart
Thank you to the choir and Mr. Hughes who led the singing at the family service
in St. Paul's on 19th April 2015. We look forward to the musical on 8th June.
Relationships & Sexuality Education
All classes have completed this programme. We are grateful to Nola Lambert
who provided additional lessons to 5th & 6th class pupils on 24th April.
Santry Trials
The trials to determine who will represent G.K.N.S. at both Santry track and
field events will once again be held during athletics. The trials will take place on
12th May at 7pm in Rathdown School. All pupils are invited to attend if they
wish. Pupils participating should be available to attend Santry for field events
on Monday 25th May or track events on Wednesday 27th May.
Reading Accuracy
The Special Education teachers administered Reading Accuracy tests on all
pupils from 1st - 5th class. Parents of pupils in 4th & 5th class are asked to
ensure your child reads aloud for 5-10 minutes each day. Please ensure your
child reads accurately. Point out any omissions, substitutions, pauses etc,
Cash 4 Clothes
We are holding another clothing collection. Please leave bags of clothes inside
the front door from Monday, 18th May 2015.
Parents Association
A requirement of participation in activities run by the Parents Association is
that at least one parent be Garda vetted in order to do supervision duty. If you
plan to enrol your child in an activity run by the P.A. please ensure you have
Garda vetting. The forms to apply for Garda vetting are outside the school
office and once completed are to be given to Sadie Honner. Jean Maxwell
Starting Tuesday 5th May we are once again collecting old clothes, soft toys,
shoes, coats and accessories. With summer knocking on the door it’s a great
time to clear out your old unwanted clothes. Please leave any bags into school
and we will be delighted to take them. As with previous clothes collections 10%
will go to Laura Lynn.
We are absolutely delighted that Mrs. Honner has agreed to participate in this
year’s mini marathon in aid of the school. Until the June bank holiday weekend
we will have sponsorship forms in each classroom, any student can sponsor
Mrs.Honner, or if you are visiting a classroom on a Friday morning it would be
much appreciated if you could show your support. We wish Mrs.Honner the best
of luck with her training and we will be looking for photo evidence!
Sarah O’Reilly
Request from Derval Manley & Nalina Jones – Holy Trinity Fete
"If anybody is having a clear out, Derval Manley is heading up the toy stall this
year and is collecting any children's toys and DVD's people may wish to donate
to the sale. Please contact Derval Manley directly (ph. 0879957688). Toys can
also be left with Derval at the Carry Centre, Killiney Hill Road between 6:30 7:45 pm any Tuesday evening before the 16th May."
MAY 11AM - 3PM
Dates for your diary
5th May – 6th class visit Cabinteely House
6th May – 4th class visit Oratory
6th May – Class reps meeting
12th May – Trials for Santry – 7.00 p.m. Rathdown School
13th May – 5th class SEAI workshop in Dun Laoghaire County Hall
14th May – B.O.M. meeting
16th May – Holy Trinity Fete
18th May – Junior Infants 2015 Parents Meeting @ 8.00 p.m.
19th May – Junior Infants 2015 visit G.K.N.S.
20th May – Drama Presentations (P.A.)
22nd May – School Closed (to be confirmed) Polling Station
23rd May – St. Paul’s Fete
25th – 29th May – 6th Class in Donegal Gaeltacht
3rd June – Music Concert (Pupils of R. Ashley, B. Barnes, G. Stafford & B. Rycraft)
6th June – St. Matthias’ Fete
8th – 12th June – Active Week
9th June – Clothes Collection
12th June – Presentation of Awards for Active Week & Cake Sale
16th – 18th June School Tours – Junior Infants to 5th Class inclusive
26th June – Last day of Term – End of Year Service St. Matthias Church at 11.00
27th August 2015 – School Re-opens at 8.30 a.m.
(2015/2016 Calendar available on Website)
News from the School Football Team
This is our second year in the School Football League. We won Division 5 last
year and we are coming first in Division 4 this year. We’ve played three games
this season and we’ve won them all. Our Manager is John Baker and our
Assistant Manager is John Hoade. In our first game we beat St. Dominics,
Tallaght 3-1. Samuel Byrne, Ronan Waters and David Baker each scored one
goal. In our second game we beat Scoil Mhuire, Shankill 6-2. Eric Kendrick
scored two goals, David Baker scored three goals and Ronan Waters scored one
goal. In our third game we beat Dalkey School Project 3-2. Ronan Waters
scored two goals and David Baker scored one. We’ve got new kits for the
football team and they will be passed down to the next school football team.
Thanks to my Dad, John Baker and Addidas for providing our new kits. We have
two more matches in the league and we need to win one of them to get to the
semi-finals. Our next game is against St. Damian’s on Thursday.
David Baker 6th Class
Notes from the Parishes
Sunday 10th May Parade Service for Scouts, Cubs, Guides and Brownies 10.30am
Sunday 17th May – Final Sunday Club service with a family BBQ for all after the service.
Sunday 24th May – out door Pentecost service of Holy Communion in the old church on Killiney Hill
(Marino Avenue East) with Holy Trinity – all welcome.
Try Worship & Wedges this Sunday at 6pm
"God: We Need to Talk" is the theme for Worship & Wedges
this Sunday, May 3rd, at 6pm in the Parish Centre. Everyone,
of all ages, is welcome as we explore worship in new and
exciting ways. A light supper of sausages and potato wedges is
served afterwards.
THIS will take place in the
Parish Centre, church and
church grounds on
Saturday, May 23rd 10.30
am – 2pm. Preparations
are well under way for what
should be a memorable day
but more helpers are
needed. Please get
involved if you can and
contact Roger West Tel:
2855629 (evenings) or by
text 086 379 4118.
Sunday Club Fun Day on
10th May - fun & games for
the last Sunday Club before
summer break. All welcome
Services for May 2015
Sundays: 8.30am Holy Communion, 10.45 am Morning Service
Midweek Services: Thursdays at 10.30 am.
From the Rector
The Sunday Club are preparing for their end of year party (see below). At this point in the year I want
to pay tribute to the dedicated team of leaders (under the wonderful guidance of Vanessa Mitchell)
who organise and lead this unique and important ministry with the Children of our parish. It is greatly
appreciated – thank you!
In March the Select Vestry hosted a lunch for the Young families of the parish. It was
a fantastic event and highlighted to all present the sense of community Holy Trinity is working and
praying for.
The Trinity Tester
In the run-up to the Parish Fete, the Rector has drawn up the ‘Trinity Tester’, answer 18
questions correctly and be in with a chance to win A Midweek VIP Experience for two people
at the Wineport Lodge Hotel, Glasson, Co. Westmeath (One night in a Deluxe Room, followed
by a lazy breakfast in bed. Includes some chocolate dipped strawberries & a half bottle of bubbly in
you room on arrival!). Cost of test sheet €2 and all proceeds go towards parish funds. Have a
go …in the imitable words of Mrs Doyle, ah go on, go on, go on!
Rector’s Surgery
Holy Trinity Rectory every Tuesday from 7-8 pm.
General Synod
The Rector shall attend General Synod from Thursday 7th to Saturday 9th May. The parish will
also be represented by Edgard Hall and David Millar who both serve as diocesan
representatives. Please pray for us and for all the work to be discussed.
Summer in Holy Trinity
It is planned to have the Church open daily (Monday to Saturday 2-4pm) for July & August, if you are
interested in volunteering with this, please speak with the Rector or put your name on the sign-up
sheet in Church.
Christian Aid
Christian Aid Sunday is on 10th May. A themed service will be held in Holy Trinity at 10.45am. We
will welcome a guest speaker from Christian Aid Ireland. There will be a special reception for all in
the Carry Centre afterwards. Donations for Christian Aid welcome!
Ascension Thursday - 14th May
A celebration of Holy Communion in Holy Trinity at 10.30am, followed by Bacon butties and
refreshments afterwards.
Pentecost Service – Sunday 24th May
On the feast of Pentecost, we are planning to join the clergy & parishioners of St Matthias’, Ballybrack
for a festive Holy Communion in the Old Church of Killiney on Marino Ave. The service begins at
10.30am. All welcome.
Patronal Festival – Sunday 31st May
The Annual Patronal Festival a special Parish Communion will take place in Holy Trinity on Trinity
Sunday at 10.45am. Preacher: The Rt Hon and Rt Rev’d Robin Eames, sometime Archbishop of
A special lunch is available afterwards in Killiney Golf Club (subject to numbers). Cost €30 pp. (Please
book places with a Churchwarden or the Rector)
Easter General Vestry
The Easter General Vestry was held in the Carry Centre on Sunday 22nd March following morning
service. Apart from the presentation of the annual accounts and Rector’s report, the following were
Churchwardens Rectors: Peter Hayes
People’s: Roslyn Christie
Rector’s: Alleyn Manley
People’s: Paul O’Brien
Select Vestry: Anne Pierpoint; Bryan Burdett; Chris Hurley; Clive Christie; Helen Irwin; Helen
Middleton; Lewis Purser; Sandra Moore; Simon Brown; Stefanie O’Brien; Stephen Rhys-Thomas;
Zandra Laing
Holy Week & Easter 2015
The Bishop of Meath and Kildare, the Most Revd Pat Storey, led a series
of talks in three of the five local churches churches during Holy Week. The series began on
Tuesday night in St Paul’s Church in Glenageary and continued on Tuesday in St Matthias’
Church in Killiney–Ballybrack on Wednesday before concluding on Maundy Thursday in Holy
Trinity, Killiney.
On Monday night we were in Dalkey (where we were joined by the Wicklow Gospel Choir)
and on Good Friday we were in Christ Church, Dun Laoghaire. The liturgies were inspiring
and it was great to be able to worship together during this solemn week of the year. Thank
you to those who supported the retiring collection for the Dining Room, Dun Laoghaire (over
€1,000 collected).
Easter Sunday events began with the Sonrise service on Killiney Hill and concluded with a
festive reception in the Carry Centre after the Parish Communion.
Many thanks to the choir, flower arrangers and caterers who made the day very special!
Service & Social
The next gathering will be on Sunday 24th May at 3pm. Please contact Joan Whyte or the Rector for
more information.
Sheep Thrills - Made in Ireland
Every Thursday at 11am in the Carry Centre.
Our community based textile group continues with great enthusiasm and with lots of new ideas already
put into operation. Sheep Thrills products will be sold locally and given to selected charities for the
homeless both at home and abroad. So anyone interested please contact Joan @ 0872460078.
Admission €3-€5.
The Y Club (Killiney Men’s Society) - Saturday May 23rd
A Day trip to the North Cost of Ireland is being organized. All Gentleman are very to attend. More
information from Paul O’Brien, Nigel Pierpoint or the Rector.
Table Tennis
The table tennis club meets every Monday at 8pm in the Carry Centre. If you are interested in trying
out table tennis, you would be very welcome (and we will even lend you a bat!). For more information
contact Linda Franck (086 8296029).
Ladies Guild
The A.G.M. of the Guild will be held on Tuesday 12th May at 10.30 am in the Carry Centre. All
SILK - Socials Involving Ladies of Killiney
The next gathering will be a Dinner in the National Yacht Club, Dun Laoghaire on Wednesday
20th May. For more information please contact Judy Jones - 2855159
Bible Study and Prayer Group
The next Bible Study on Tuesday 26th May at 10.30am in the Carry Centre. All are very
welcome to attend.
Sunday Club
The final gathering (the annual Sunday Club Party) of the current academic year will be on Sunday 17th
May in the Carry Centre. Please note comments from the Rector (above).
Diners Club – The KWDs
The next gathering has yet to be confirmed. Further expressions of interest or queries may be
addressed to Zandra Laing or the Rector.
Select Vestry
The Vestry will meet at 8.00pm in the Carry Centre on Monday 25th May.
Parish Clean Up
Many thanks to all who assisted in the recent Parish Clean-Up!
The Obelisk
The May/June edition is now available. The deadline for submissions to the next edition is the 15 th
From the Registers
1st April (in Holy Trinity) – Florence Margaret Hickson
Our sympathy and prayers are with all those who have been bereaved, in particular
Hilary and Michael Murdoch on the death of her mother
Hazel and John Wynne on the death of her sister-in-law
Alan and Angela Walsh on the death of her mother.