Tender for PROCUREMENT OF PRESSURE REDUCTION SKID (PRS) FOR CANTEEN FACILITIES AT OGT FOR KG-OSN-2001/3 BLOCK INDIA Inquiry No: GSPC/KKD/OGT/RFQ/PRS/2015/04/03 GUJARAT STATE PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. C/o STC Ware House Complex, Nr.MMTC Ware House, New Port Godown Area, Kakinada-533007, Andhra Pradesh, India Phone No: +91-884-2346997/887 VOLUME II OF II 09 April, 2015 Sign & Seal of Bidder Page 1 of 22 PROCUREMENT OF PRESSURE REDUCTION SKID (PRS) FOR CANTEEN FACILITIES AT OGT GSPC/KKD/OGT/RFQ/PRS/2015/04/03 VOLUME II of II TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME II of II S.No Description Number of Pages Reference Page No 1. Section IV : Special Instructions to Bidders 06 Ref Page 3 2. Section V : Scope of Supply 11 Ref Page 9 3. Section VI : Schedule of Rates (SOR) 03 Ref Page 20 Sign & Seal of Bidder Page 2 of 22 PROCUREMENT OF PRESSURE REDUCTION SKID (PRS) FOR CANTEEN FACILITIES AT OGT GSPC/KKD/OGT/RFQ/PRS/2015/04/03 VOLUME II of II SECTION IV SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Sign & Seal of Bidder Page 3 of 22 PROCUREMENT OF PRESSURE REDUCTION SKID (PRS) FOR CANTEEN FACILITIES AT OGT GSPC/KKD/OGT/RFQ/PRS/2015/04/03 1.1 VOLUME II of II SPECIAL INSTRICTIONS TO BIDDERS General Instructions 1.1.1 Company retains the right to modify the terms of the Bid or any of the sections/attachments/formats at any time. 1.1.2 Bidders must review the Technical Specifications, Scope Document and ensure that the materials being offered are as per specifications prescribed in this document. 1.1.3 Bidder must review the Document before providing details on the Commercial Part as specified in this TENDER DOCUMENT. Bidders shall be deemed to have understood and taken into account all the terms and conditions prescribed in the contract. 1.1.4 Bids from agent / agent’s representatives or trading companies will not be accepted, unless backed by valid Letter of Authorization from a Mill including the delivery schedule. 1.1.5 Bids submitted by fax will summarily be rejected. However, a Bidder can intimate by fax the date on which the Bid package was dispatched. Responsibility for the timely delivery of the Bid package before the Bid Due Date rests solely with the Bidder. Bidders are encouraged to submit the Bid early. Company will open Bids only after the Bid Due Date. All Bids will be opened at one time. 1.1.6 Once a Bid is submitted no changes will be permitted to be made by the Bidder except in relation to clarifications sought by Company on the Bid. 1.1.7 Bidders should indicate in their proposal the legal entity which will be executing the Contract, to whom the Purchase Order is to be placed. The Bid shall be duly signed and sealed by the Executive Officer / or the Authorized Representative of the Bidder’s Organization/Company. 1.2 Specific Instructions 1.2.2 Bidders shall submit the Bid form in its entirety and no alterations will be made to the form or the wording therein. The Bid form will be signed by a duly Authorized Officer or Representative of the company/organisation. 1.2.3 Bidders must seek any clarifications with respect to the RFQ within two days of Tender issue date. 1.2.4 The Bidders shall make available the goods as specified in the Tender. 1.2.5 The proposal must be filled in completely and all pricing shown as required. It shall be inclusive of the cost of all associated aspects of the supply including but not limited to Testing, Factory Testing, Inspections, Painting, Packing, Marking, Tagging, Documentation, Drawings, Data, Data-sheets, Certification, Manuals, Instructions, Sign & Seal of Bidder Page 4 of 22 PROCUREMENT OF PRESSURE REDUCTION SKID (PRS) FOR CANTEEN FACILITIES AT OGT GSPC/KKD/OGT/RFQ/PRS/2015/04/03 VOLUME II of II Preservation and Protection Materials, or as called for in the Technical specification and Scope document etc. 1.3 Validity of Bid The Bidders quotation shall be valid for acceptance for a period of 120 (One Hundred and twenty) days from the Bid Due Date. Company however reserves the right to seek such extensions of the validity period as may be required subject to a period of three months. In the event of extension of the validity period of the Bidders quotation, all other terms and conditions including the provisions relating to Bank Guarantee shall also continue to be valid for the period of such extension and the Bidder shall duly make efforts to ensure that this is complied with and shall bear any costs in this regard. Further in the event of negotiations or discussions, the quotation should automatically be extended until the earlier of 30 days or when the negotiations are completed and the Contract is signed This shall be an important criteria for qualification and bids not meeting with this requirement may be summarily rejected. 1.4 Commercial Proposal Requirements. 1.5.1 Prices quoted shall be in Rupees for Indian Bidders or United States Dollars only for foreign bidders. The foreign exchange rate shall be calculated on the date of submission of the Bid. Indian Bidder (which shall include any company incorporated in India) shall be paid in Indian Rupees Only. 1.4.2 Deleted 1.4.3 Prices should be quoted in Price Bid conforming to the format provided therein. Prices quoted in the bid shall be firm and binding for the supply of agreed quantity or any additional quantity requested by the Company for a period of Six(6) months from the delivery date. No interest shall be payable on delayed payments by the Company. 1.4.4 In case of Foreign Bidder, Bidders are required to give breakup of CIF Chennai price (i.e. cost, insurance, documentation and freight). While providing the breakup of C, I & F, bidder must take into consideration towards cost for delivery of materials up to the point or port of dispatch which will be inclusive of all associated aspects of the supply including but not limited to Testing, Witnessed Testing, Factory Testing, Inspections, Painting, Packing, Marking, Tagging, Documentation, Drawings, Data, Data-sheets, Certification, Manuals, Instructions, Protection Materials or as called for in the Technical specification and Scope document etc. Insurance will cover the dispatch from ex-factory to the GSPC’s point of delivery i.e. Chennai Airport, inclusive of freight by air, inland transportation together with loading & unloading etc. at the Delivery Point. (i) All prices to be quoted for CIF Chennai with the breakup of CIF price (i.e. cost, insurance and freight) separately. Whether separately stated or not, the rates & prices will be considered inclusive of all costs towards Inspection. Sign & Seal of Bidder Page 5 of 22 PROCUREMENT OF PRESSURE REDUCTION SKID (PRS) FOR CANTEEN FACILITIES AT OGT GSPC/KKD/OGT/RFQ/PRS/2015/04/03 VOLUME II of II 1.4.5 The bidders shall also furnish the realistic delivery schedule for all the items as mentioned in this tender document. Since time is of essence, the furnished delivery schedules in line with the quoted prices shall form the basis of evaluation of the proposals. 1.4.6 Price in Words & Figures: In case of discrepancy between words and figures, the prices in words shall prevail. Exchange rate as on the bid submission date will be considered. 1.4.7 The bidders are required to quote as per the specifications and models requested in the tender 1.5 The Bidder shall indicate the manner in which it plans to monitor, co-ordinate, control cost and schedule performance of the work and services. The location and description of Bidder’s facilities from where the Bidder plans to coordinate work must be indicated and should be available for inspection by Company. 1.6 Inspection 1.6.1 Criteria for inspection - Conformance with Specifications and test reports. 1.7.2 All Equipment’s/Materials to be supplied under the Contract will undergo, but not be limited to witness testing, visual inspection (100%) and dimensions (100%), review of all test certificates etc. The cost of such tests shall be to the Bidder’s account. 1.6.3 It shall be the Bidder’s responsibility to correct any deviations from specifications found by inspection prior to shipment. If the deviations / damage is found upon receipt of the material / supply at site, the same should be replaced at no cost to GSPC at the risk and cost of the Contractor. 1.7 Deadline for Submission of Bids 1.7.1 Bids must be received by the Company at the address specified in the documents not later than the prescribed date and time in the Invitation letter & documents. 1.7.2 The Company may at its discretion extend the deadline for the submission of Bids by amending the bidding documents in which case all rights and obligations of the Company & bidders previously subject to the deadline will thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended. 1.7.3 In case of the unscheduled holiday in Gandhinagar, Gujarat (India) being declared on the prescribed closing day of the tender or tender closing date falling on a holiday, the next working day will be treated as the scheduled prescribed day of closing of the tender. Sign & Seal of Bidder Page 6 of 22 PROCUREMENT OF PRESSURE REDUCTION SKID (PRS) FOR CANTEEN FACILITIES AT OGT GSPC/KKD/OGT/RFQ/PRS/2015/04/03 1.8 VOLUME II of II Payment Terms Compensation to the Bidder shall be made as per the prices quoted and in accordance with terms of the payments as may be finalized with Bidder and stipulated in the Contract. GSPC shall make the payment within one (1) month after submitting certified undisputed invoices and as per terms of payment for acceptable quantity. 1.9 Taxes and Duties and Approvals. 1.9.1 The Bidders shall quote their prices inclusive of any or all taxes and duties that are applicable including insurance on a CIF basis at the designated port of delivery or Site Location in India. Prices shall reflect delivery inclusive of all applicable fiscal charges including but not limited to taxes, fees, duties, cess, licenses, personal income tax, corporate tax and all other applicable taxes. 1.9.2 Bidder shall be responsible to obtain at its own cost, all required Permits/ Consents /, wherever applicable and required for the performance of the Bidder’s obligations under the Contract, from the authorities or agencies. Company will provide reasonable assistance wherever required. GSPC shall obtain Essentiality Certificate for claiming Zero Custom Duty as applicable under the PSC. The bidder shall enclose with the Bid, copy of the PAN. The selected contractor shall be required to have PAN (Permanent Account Nos) in India. 1.10 Change Orders Company shall have the right to make any changes, including additions to or deletions from the quantities originally ordered or in the specifications. The negotiated/quoted rates shall be valid & firm for six months from delivery date. Company will issue written orders to Bidder for any changes or extra work, except in the event of an emergency which in the opinion of Company requires immediate attention, Company will be entitled to issue oral orders to the Bidder for any work required by reason of such emergency. Company shall ensure that such oral orders shall be followed up with written communication. 1.11 Delivery Time Time is of essence of the contract and Bidder shall supply the goods in accordance with the delivery schedule. In the event it becomes apparent that the delivery date cannot be met, the Bidder shall, at its own cost, take all necessary steps to expedite the process, failing which the provisions of Liquidated damage as specified in the Contract shall be applicable. The Bidder should clearly specify the delivery date with reference to Purchase Order. The transit period from ex-works to Chennai Air Port should be clearly mentioned in days with reference to ex-works readiness date. Sign & Seal of Bidder Page 7 of 22 PROCUREMENT OF PRESSURE REDUCTION SKID (PRS) FOR CANTEEN FACILITIES AT OGT GSPC/KKD/OGT/RFQ/PRS/2015/04/03 1.12 VOLUME II of II Signing of Contract / Purchase Order Agreement The successful Bidder shall be required to sign all the pages of the Inquiry, PO, Terms and conditions (all together will constitute Contract) within 10 days of the PO. GSPC reserves the right to enter into a Contract for all or part of the tendered quantity to get the material as per the proposed drilling schedule of the Company. 1.13 DRAWING SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Where required in the Tender Document or where necessary to support the Bid, Bidder shall furnish typical outline, assembly, arrangement and sectional drawings and any additional drawings, data and documentation necessary for the Bid to be fully evaluated. Bidder shall complete and return all data sheets issued with the Tender Document. 1.14 MATERIALS All goods/materials supplied must meet the requirements of the applicable codes and Technical specifications of the Technical Tender. 1.15 Contract and other terms GSPC and or its representative reserves the right to make any changes, including additions or deletions from the quantities originally ordered or in the specifications of particular material and enter into a Rate Contract for the same. For any of the items as included in the Rate Contracts with the one or more suppliers, GSPC may issue separate Purchase Orders for the required items from time to time at the rates and terms & conditions mentioned in the Rate Contract. GSPC reserves the right to extend the term of the Rate Contract upon the completion of the first term at the same price and terms & conditions as mentioned in the previous rate contract. 1.16 Late Bids Company reserves the right to reject / accept the bid submitted after the deadline for submission of bids prescribed by the company pursuant to Clause 1.8 GSPC reserves the right to request the selected contractor to defer up to 120 days, the shipment of the goods in any scheduled consignment and shall not be liable for any additional charge on this account. All prices to be quoted for CIF Chennai Airport with the breakup of prices separately. Sign & Seal of Bidder Page 8 of 22 PROCUREMENT OF PRESSURE REDUCTION SKID (PRS) FOR CANTEEN FACILITIES AT OGT GSPC/KKD/OGT/RFQ/PRS/2015/04/03 VOLUME II of II SECTION V SCOPE OF WORK Sign & Seal of Bidder Page 9 of 22 PROCUREMENT OF PRESSURE REDUCTION SKID (PRS) FOR CANTEEN FACILITIES AT OGT GSPC/KKD/OGT/RFQ/PRS/2015/04/03 VOLUME II of II SCOPE OF WORK INTRODUCTION Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation Ltd (GSPC) is the operator of the Deen Dayal Field (Block KG-OSN/2001/03) situated off the coast of Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India. GSPC has discovered a significant reserve of gas in the Deen Dayal West (DDW) area. Accordingly Well Head Platform (WHP) & Process cum Living Quarters Platform (PLQP) for the production of natural gas are installed in Offshore. The produced gas with associated condensate would be sent to Onshore Gas Terminal (OGT), Mallavaram for further processing.. 1.0 PURPOSE Bids are invited by GSPC from interested entities for supply of Pressure Reduction Skid system of 150 SCMH flow capacity for natural gas pipeline by outlining minimum requirement for design, engineering, manufacturing, assembly, supply, testing at site, installation and commissioning complete with all auxiliaries and features required for efficient and safe operation as per given technical specification at Canteen facility in OGT-Kakinada.. 2.0 TECHNICAL SCOPE OF WORK 2.1 Design, Supply and Installation of Dual Stream (1 Operating and 1 Standby Stream) Skid Mounted Pressure Regulating Skid (Each stream should be designed for 100% of maximum Flow capacity) inclusive of Gas Filter, Slam Shut Valves, Active and Monitor Pressure Regulators and Gas Meter Spool complete in all respect as per typical Schematic Process & Instrumentation Data Sheet enclosed and described in Technical details. 2.2 Bidder shall be responsible for execution of the package Pressure Regulating Skid on Turnkey Basis with complete scope of work as listed below but not limited to the following: a. Design and Engineering b. Procurement/ Supply, Inspection, Factory Testing and Acceptance. c. Installation, Field Calibration/ Testing and commissioning supervision d. Transportation, Transit Insurance, Loading/ Unloading of Materials at GSPC Site 2.3 DESIGN: The Pressure Regulating Skid shall be designed, fabricated and supplied by the manufacturer of Pressure Regulator or its authorized dealer only. The typical Piping & Instrumentation Schematic & Process Datasheets are enclosed in this tender . The Sign & Seal of Bidder Page 10 of 22 PROCUREMENT OF PRESSURE REDUCTION SKID (PRS) FOR CANTEEN FACILITIES AT OGT GSPC/KKD/OGT/RFQ/PRS/2015/04/03 VOLUME II of II Bidder shall be responsible for carrying out design and detail engineering based on the data provided in the bid package and in line with the other technical requirements specified elsewhere in the tender requirements. Scope shall also include sizing and sizing verification for all items including where data is dependent on detailed engineering, detailing of basic engineering designs, preparation of datasheets, co-ordination drawings for instruments and system oriented items, engineering drawings etc. During detailed engineering the GAD of the Pressure Regulating Skid shall be suitably designed to install the Skid at Canteen facility in OGT-Kakinada. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to verify the sizes of each and every component and provide details of the same along with the basis of size selection/ sizing calculation. The major components and the Pressure Regulating Skid as a whole shall be designed and as per International Standard as well as Technical Standard and Specification (T4S) of PNGRB. The complete Pressure Regulating Skid Unit shall include but not limited to the following major components: a. Filter : 2 nos. b. Isolation Valve : 6 nos. c. Pressure Control Valve (Monitor) ; 2 nos. d. Pressure Control Valve (Active) ; 2 nos. e. Slam Shut Valve : 2 nos. f. Creep Relief Valve : 2 nos. g. Ball Valve: 6 nos. h. Safety Valve : 1 no. i. Pressure Gauge : 6 nos. j. Pressure Let Down and Gas Meter Spool. k. Regulator l. Regulator Adaptor m. Commercial Meter n. Meter Adaptor o. Piping (C.S.) Network or any other required equipment/accessories required. p. Canopy Sign & Seal of Bidder Page 11 of 22 PROCUREMENT OF PRESSURE REDUCTION SKID (PRS) FOR CANTEEN FACILITIES AT OGT GSPC/KKD/OGT/RFQ/PRS/2015/04/03 2.4 VOLUME II of II RESIDUAL ENGINEERING: The Bidder shall be responsible for carrying out any residual engineering necessary for processing with detailed engineering like equipment/ instrument sizing, utility consumption specifying derived data in process data sheets, type and material selection of instrument s/ equipments wherever required. The Filtration and Pressure Reduction System and Flow Control System shall be designed to minimize the ultrasonic noises near the meter area. Bidder shall provide frequency analysis for all noise generating device. Also the pressure reduction system, metering system and control system should be separated with blocking tees/ other piping layouts so that they do not affect the Meter. The maximum permitted velocity through the meter shall be 20 m/sec. 2.5 ENGINEERING DOCUMENT AND DRAWING: 2.5.1 Contractor Data Requirement indicates the list of drawings & documents to be submitted by the Bidder, as a minimum. Bidder to note that the list specifies only major deliverables. Documents and drawings not listed by, necessary for proper engineering, construction, operation and maintenance shall also be prepared by the Bidder. 2.5.2 Bidder shall be responsible for preparation of all engineering drawings and documents including those responsible for construction like instrument index, tray layout, location plans, cable schedule, installation standards, bill of materials etc. 2.5.3 Bidder shall be responsible for submission of all engineering drawings and documents for package and sub-package units. 2.5.4 Bidder shall supply all the documents in 2 copies i.e., one hard copy and one soft copy. This includes all the documentation for packaged units. The design and engineering work shall also include post order vendor drawing and documents for all instruments and system oriented items. 3.0 SCOPE OF SUPPLY: The scope of supply in general shall include but not limited to the following: 3.1 Skid Mounted Pressure Regulating Skid (Inclusive of Gas Filtration, Pressure Let Down and Gas Meter Spool and Meter Run) complete in all respect as per typical schematic, Process Data Sheet and as described in technical details for Pressure Regulating Skid. 3.2 A Structural Skid complete with all components as per required specification shall be installed with proper spacing in between to ensure smooth operation and maintenance. Sign & Seal of Bidder Page 12 of 22 PROCUREMENT OF PRESSURE REDUCTION SKID (PRS) FOR CANTEEN FACILITIES AT OGT GSPC/KKD/OGT/RFQ/PRS/2015/04/03 VOLUME II of II The Vent and drains shall be properly supported in the skid. All Vents shall be at least 3 meters above the working platform. 3.3 Painting of pipes, instruments, components shall be as per as required in liner with the painting specification as laid down elsewhere in the tender. 3.4 Any special tools/tackles as required. 3.5 Mandatory Spares as listed in the documents. 3.6 Earth bonding system and earthing boss, lifting lugs and spreader beams/ frame, foundation Anchor Bolts for the skid. 3.7 All tie-ins (Flanged Connections) with metallic washer, bolts and nuts. 3.8 Inlet and Outlet Matching Flanges, Reducer, Expander, Nuts and Studs shall also be supplied along with the skid. Equalizing Valves for main line Ball Valve as mentioned in schematic is required at Skid Inlet, Inlet of Filter Stream, Inlet of PRS Stream and Metering Inlet Ball Valve is to be supplied in the skid. 3.9 As Built Drawings and Operation, Maintenance Manual of all the components has to be supplied. 3.10 All Components/ Instruments supplied shall be as per International Standard and Technical Standard and Specification of PNGRB having proven track record of successful operation. 3.11 In case of single Pilot/Spring not meeting the required set point of operation, additional pilot/ spring is required to be supplied for the PRV’s and Slam Shut off Valves. 4.0 INSTALLATION (SUPERVISION): Installation of the Pressure Regulating Skid shall include but not limited to the following: 4.1 Installation of all field instruments, installation skid assemblies, laying and painting of pipelines and other components of the skid as mentioned in the tender. 4.2 Installation shall be carried out as per International Standard and Technical Standard and Specification of PNGRB. 4.3 Bidder shall depute only qualified and competent person for installation, and commissioning. Sign & Seal of Bidder Page 13 of 22 PROCUREMENT OF PRESSURE REDUCTION SKID (PRS) FOR CANTEEN FACILITIES AT OGT GSPC/KKD/OGT/RFQ/PRS/2015/04/03 5.0 VOLUME II of II INSPECTION AND TESTING The Supplier will submit to purchaser the Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) regarding design, manufacture and testing of all the items required under the agreement within 15 days of notification of the award. The Purchaser or its representative shall have the rights to inspect or test the goods and confirm their conformity to the requirement of the agreement at no extra cost to the purchaser. The inspection or tests may be conducted at the premises of the manufacturer or supplier, at the point of delivery or at the location of installation. The following activities shall be covered under inspection : a. Review of Q.A. documents b. Review of Calibration certificates for Valves, Regulators, Filters, Instruments or any other component of the complete skid. c. Review of all statutory certificates. d. Review of Area classification compatibility of all the items including bought out items. e. Review of NDT reports. f. Review of bought out sub-assemblies/major components, test / inspection certificates. g. Dimensional checks as per approved drawing and data sheets. h. Witness the Pressure Regulating Skids while tested to demonstrate the functioning of all the components and controls. 6.0 TESTING AND COMMISSIONING The Equipment shall be tested at factory prior to shipment to site, FAT (Factory Acceptance Test) should be carried out to demonstrate the functioning of all equipment trips and control system. Purchaser should be given 2 weeks notice of the date and location of the tests so that the equipment may be witnessed if desired. Upon delivery to the site, all the equipment should be assembled in a complete system. Thereafter, final site acceptance test would be carried out. Such tests should be witnessed and signed by the GSPC representative. The supplier should rectify and replace all defects, faults, failures, etc. and all costs should be borne by supplier. The costs should include accommodation, traveling, expenses, etc. All pipelines of the Pressure Regulating Sign & Seal of Bidder Page 14 of 22 PROCUREMENT OF PRESSURE REDUCTION SKID (PRS) FOR CANTEEN FACILITIES AT OGT GSPC/KKD/OGT/RFQ/PRS/2015/04/03 VOLUME II of II Skid should be pneumatically tested to 1.5 times the design working pressure. Such pressure shall be held for 4 hours and be witnessed by Purchaser. 7.0 OTHER GENERAL SCOPE OF WORK: The scope of work also includes the structural and mechanical detailed design of the Skid, procurement of materials, preparation of fabrication drawings, detailing of internals, fabrication, inspection and testing of the piping and structural at fabrication shop, painting internal coating if any, packaging, preservation, transportation and undertaking guarantee of the equipments supplied. The civil foundation work required to accommodate the Skid will be with GSPC. The Supplier may visit the Location prior to submission of the Bid. Any work not specifically mentioned but otherwise required as per statutory rules/ codes and standards/ specifications and/ or for the completion and operation of the equipment to the entire satisfaction of the Purchaser has to be done by the Vendor without any commercial implication. Where parts of the package are sub-contracted/ purchased by Vendor, these become part of Vendor’s package and it is the Vendor’s responsibility to ensure that the complete package complies with the specifications, codes, standards and statutory regulations. 8.0 TRANSPORTATION The Bidder is required under the Scope of Contract to transport the goods to site, including freight, unloading at site/ store. The Contract Price shall include cost of all such transportation. The Purchaser may however arrange the Road Permit, if required. The Bidder shall be fully responsible for timely deliver of goods in proper condition. The Supplier shall not vary the scope of work as detailed in tender and approved drawings without written permission of purchaser. The supply and commissioning of spares is included in the scope of Supplier. Supplier shall furnish a separate list along with offer. It is the responsibility of the Vendor to make the availability of services of subvendors for Pressure Regulating Skid. The Bidder shall provide all assistance to the Purchaser during pre-commissioning and post commissioning it is the responsibility of the Vendor to make the availability of services of sub-vendors for Pressure Regulating Skid. The Bidder shall provide all assistance to the Purchaser during precommissioning and post commissioning without any condition / pre-requisite. The Bidder must be able to attend or resolve any complaint arising out of the skid or its proper functioning within 04 hrs. from the time of lodging complaint. In case of any dispute/ conflict arising due to difference in opinion/ interpretation, the opinion of GSPC or its representative shall be considered final. Sign & Seal of Bidder Page 15 of 22 PROCUREMENT OF PRESSURE REDUCTION SKID (PRS) FOR CANTEEN FACILITIES AT OGT GSPC/KKD/OGT/RFQ/PRS/2015/04/03 VOLUME II of II The Supplier will impart necessary training to GSPC personnel on-site and off-site to enable them to handle the Pressure Regulating System effectively and independently. DATA DETAILS After the placement of LOA, kick off meeting will be held at such date and at such place, as may be mutually agreed upon between the Supplier and the Purchaser. The intent of this kick off meeting should be to discuss/clarify various requirements and finalize the modus operandi for execution of the contract within the scheduled delivery period. The following documents as a part of Skid design & engineering have to be submitted within 2 weeks after placement of order 1. Complete P & ID for the Gas Metering and Pressure Reduction Skid 2. Bill of Material. The bill of Material should indicate all items, quantity of all items, their part nos. and make. 3. Complete GAD (General Arrangement Drawing) 4. Complete Foundation Drawing along with Static & Dynamic load details for the complete skid 5. Typical Instrument Datasheet indicating Make and materials for body internals and all components 6. Detailed calculation for the following: a. Sizing of Filters b. Sizing of Pressure Regulating Valves c. Sizing of Slam Shut Valves d. Sizing of CRV e. Sizing of Pressure Relief and Safety Valve f. Calculation on Pressure Drop across individual components and also across complete skid. g. Noise Calculation for Pressure Regulators and Slam Shut Valve and the basic standard on which the same is based on. 7. Pressure Set Points/range for Pressure Regulators & Slam Shut Valves Sign & Seal of Bidder Page 16 of 22 PROCUREMENT OF PRESSURE REDUCTION SKID (PRS) FOR CANTEEN FACILITIES AT OGT GSPC/KKD/OGT/RFQ/PRS/2015/04/03 VOLUME II of II 8. Shop test procedure. 9. All certification for all components used within the hazardous areas. 9.0 DELIVERY PERIOD Time is the essence of this contract. The complete PRS package shall be delivered at site within 10weeks from the date of LOA/PO. 10.0 TERMS OF PAYMENT Pending completion of the whole work, provisional progressive payments for the part of work executed by the Contractor shall be made by Purchaser on the basis of work completed and certified by Purchaser representative as per the agreed milestone payment schedule and the percentage breakup given below . Contractor / Supplier shall submit invoices to Purchaser’s representative on regular basis in the manner as instructed by Purchaser. Each invoice will be supported by documents acceptable to Purchaser and certified by Purchaser representative. Payments made by purchaser to the contractor for any part of the work shall not deem that Purchaser has accepted the work S.NO 1 2 DETAILS Supply of Pressure Regulating Skids with accessories (within one month from date of submission of bill). Installation and Commissioning or within four months from the date of delivery of Pressure Regulating Skids, whichever is earlier (within one month from date of submission of bill) Sign & Seal of Bidder PAYMENT SCHEDULE 75% 25% Page 17 of 22 PROCUREMENT OF PRESSURE REDUCTION SKID (PRS) FOR CANTEEN FACILITIES AT OGT GSPC/KKD/OGT/RFQ/PRS/2015/04/03 VOLUME II of II TECHNICAL DETAILS TECHNICAL DETAILS: Capacity : 150 SCMH Inlet Pressure Outlet Pressure : 3 to 16 barg : 1.5 to 2.2 barg Active / Monitor Regulator Type : Loading Type Globe Regulators Regulator Certification : EN 334 Regulator Leakage Class : Class VI Regulator Accuracy Class : ± 1% Velocity Through Regulators : Within 20 m/sec (necessary calculation to be submitted) Slam Shut Valve Type : Globe Type SSV Certification : EN14382 SSV Leakage Class : Class VI SSV Accuracy Class : ± 1% SSV Response Time : </= 1 Sec Velocity through SSV : Within 20 m/sec (necessary calculation to be submitted) Tripping Mechanism : 3 Stage Tripping (1st Stage : Sensing; 2nd Stage & 3rd Stage : Mechanical tripping to avoid nuisance tripping) Filter Type : Dry Gas Filter Micron Rating : 5 Micron Sign & Seal of Bidder Page 18 of 22 PROCUREMENT OF PRESSURE REDUCTION SKID (PRS) FOR CANTEEN FACILITIES AT OGT GSPC/KKD/OGT/RFQ/PRS/2015/04/03 Sign & Seal of Bidder VOLUME II of II Page 19 of 22 PROCUREMENT OF PRESSURE REDUCTION SKID (PRS) FOR CANTEEN FACILITIES AT OGT GSPC/KKD/OGT/RFQ/PRS/2015/04/03 VOLUME II of II SECTION VI SCHESDULE OF RATES (SOR) Sign & Seal of Bidder Page 20 of 22 PROCUREMENT OF PRESSURE REDUCTION SKID (PRS) FOR CANTEEN FACILITIES AT OGT GSPC/KKD/OGT/RFQ/PRS/2015/04/03 A VOLUME II of II PREAMBLE OF SCHEDULE OF RATES:1. Bidder shall furnish prices/details as above, in accordance with Instructions To Bidders/ Request for Quotation. 2. All the Columns of quoted items in the Schedule of rates must be filled with required information, as applicable. 3. Bidder must quote the price in enclosed Schedule of Rates format only. The formats shall not be changed and/or retyped. For any deviation to the formats, offer may be rejected. 4. Quoted prices are firm and fixed till complete execution of the entire order and no variation on any account is allowed. 5. Bidder shall quote rates in figures as per the Schedule of Rates. 6. Bidder to confirm that he has noted the contents of the Preamble to the Schedule of rates, Schedule of rates, Tender document etc and quoted his prices accordingly without any deviation. 7. Price Evaluation & Ordering shall be on overall least cost to the company basis. Sign & Seal of Bidder Page 21 of 22 PROCUREMENT OF PRESSURE REDUCTION SKID (PRS) FOR CANTEEN FACILITIES AT OGT GSPC/KKD/OGT/RFQ/PRS/2015/04/03 VOLUME II of II SCHEDULE OF RATES (SOR) WORK DESCRIPTION Qty FOT Despatch Point Price including P&F Freight Charges including Service Tax and Ed. Cess thereon extra up to GSPC-OGT Ware House, Kakinada(INR) Supply of Pressure Reduction Skid system of 150 SCMH flow capacity for natural gas pipeline by outlining minimum requirement for design, engineering, manufacturing, assembly, supply, testing at site, installation and commissioning complete with all 1 auxiliaries and features required for efficient and safe operation as per given technical specification at Canteen facility in OGTKakinada Taxes and Duties: S. No. Description of Taxes & duties Present Rate of Taxes & Duties in Percentage (%) 1 Excise Duty + Edu. Cess Extra ________________ (%) 2 Andhra Pradesh VAT (applicable in case material being supplied from Andhra Pradesh) Extra ________________ (%) 3 CST Against Form 'C' Extra ________________ (%) Note:1. Installation Supervision Charges per day……………………… 2. In case of any exemption / relaxation, if any, on taxes & duties, copy of relevant notification is to be furnished with confirmation that such exemption will be applicable up to delivery (as per present notification) Sign & Seal of Bidder Page 22 of 22