Adjourned Regular Meeting Agenda
Adjourned Regular Meeting Agenda
Hermosa Beach City Hall 1315 Valley Drive Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 Adjourned Regular Meeting Agenda City Council and Planning Commission MAYOR Peter Tucker MAYOR PRO TEM Nanette Barragan COUNCIL MEMBERS Carolyn Petty Hany Fangary Michael DiVirgilio CITY CLERK Elaine Doerfling CITY TREASURER Karen Nowicki CITY MANAGER Tom Bakaly CITY ATTORNEY Mike Jenkins PLANNING COMMISSION: CHAIRMAN Michael Flaherty VICE CHAIRMAN Sam Perrotti COMMISSIONERS Ron Pizer Peter Hoffman Kent Allen Monday, May 11, 2015 6:00 PM Council Chamber Joint City Council and Planning Commission Study Session - 6:00 P.M. Adjourned Regular City Council Meeting to follow Study Session JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL STUDY SESSION: GENERAL PLAN/COASTAL LAND USE PLAN UPDATE 1. REPORT 15-0388 OVERVIEW OF LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION SCENARIOS (Raimi + Associates) 2. REPORT 15-0389 OVERVIEW OF CARBON PLANNING TOOL (Brendle Group) Attachments: Hermosa Beach Study Session Brendle Group Presentation (added 5-11-15 at 530pm).pdf Page 1 Printed on 5/12/2015 City Council and Planning Commission 3. REPORT 15-0387 Adjourned Regular Meeting Agenda May 11, 2015 GENERAL PLAN/COASTAL LAND USE PLAN UPDATE: DISCUSSION AND DIRECTION ON LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION SCENARIOS (Community Development Director Ken Robertson) Attachments: 1. DRAFT Land Use and Transportation Scenarios for Study Session.pdf 2. Decision Making Tool Worksheet.pdf 3. Updated Vision Statement & Guiding Principles.pdf 4. Materials and Results of 3-28 Community Workshop.pdf 5. Community Carbon Tool User Guide.pdf 6. Hermosa Beach Community Carbon Reduction Planning Tool.xlsm PUBLIC COMMENT; COMMISSION COMMENTS; COUNCIL DIRECTION NEXT STEPS ADJOURNMENT OF STUDY SESSION Hermosa Beach Page 2 Printed on 5/12/2015 City Council and Planning Commission Adjourned Regular Meeting Agenda May 11, 2015 ADJOURNED REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA All council meetings are open to the public. PLEASE ATTEND. The Council receives a packet with detailed information and recommendations on nearly every agenda item. City Council agendas and staff reports are available for your review on the City's web site located at Complete agenda packets are also available for public inspection in the Police Department, Hermosa Beach Public Library and the Office of the City Clerk. During the meeting, a packet is also available in the Council Chambers foyer or you can access the packet at our website,, on your laptop, tablet or smartphone through the wireless signal available in the City Council chambers: Network ID: City Council Password: chb13 Written materials distributed to the City Council within 72 hours of the City Council meeting are available for public inspection immediately upon distribution in the City Clerk's office at 1315 Valley Drive, Hermosa Beach, California, during normal business hours. All written communications from the public included in the agenda will be posted with the agenda on the City’s website To comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Assistive Listening Devices (ALD) will be available for check out at the meeting. If you require special assistance to participate in this meeting, you must call or submit your request in writing to the Office of the City Clerk at (310) 318-0203 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. Hermosa Beach Page 3 Printed on 5/12/2015 City Council and Planning Commission Adjourned Regular Meeting Agenda May 11, 2015 CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL CLOSED SESSION REPORT ANNOUNCEMENTS PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Although the City Council values your comments, the Brown Act generally prohibits the Council from taking action on any matter not listed on the posted agenda as a business item. 1. ORAL AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: This is the time for members of the public to address the City Council on any items within the Council's jurisdiction not on this agenda, on items on this agenda as to which public comment will not be taken (Miscellaneous Items and Reports – City Manager and Other Matters), or to request the removal of an item from the consent calendar. Public comments on the agenda items called Miscellaneous Reports and Other Matters will only be heard at this time. Comments on public hearing items are heard only during the public hearing. Members of the audience may also speak: 1) during discussion of items removed from the Consent Calendar; 2) during Public Hearings; and, 3) during discussion of items appearing under Municipal Matters. Comments from the public are limited to three minutes per speaker. The City Council acknowledges receipt of the written communications listed below. No action will be taken on matters raised in written communications. The Council may take action to schedule issues raised in oral and written communications for a future agenda. Citizens with comments regarding City management or departmental operations are requested to submit those comments to the City Manager. NONE 2. CONSENT CALENDAR: The following more routine matters will be acted upon by one vote to approve with the majority consent of the City Council. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council member removes an item from the Consent Calendar. Items removed will be considered under Agenda Item 4, with public comment permitted at that time. NONE Hermosa Beach Page 4 Printed on 5/12/2015 City Council and Planning Commission Adjourned Regular Meeting Agenda May 11, 2015 3. CONSENT ORDINANCES NONE 4. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE DISCUSSION * Public comments on items removed from the Consent Calendar. a) REPORT 15-0352 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES (Continued from meeting of April 28, 2015) (City Clerk Elaine Doerfling) b) c) Recommendation: To approve the minutes of the Adjourned Regular meeting of May 28, 2014. Attachments: 052814 minutes REPORT 15-0347 TENTATIVE FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS (Continued from meeting of April 28, 2015) Recommendation: To receive and file the tentative future agenda dated April 22, 2015. Attachments: Tentative Future Agenda.doc REPORT 15-0341 ACTION MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 18, 2015. (Continued from April 28, 2015) d) Recommendation: To receive and file the action minutes of the Public Works Commission meeting of March 18, 2015. Attachments: action minutes 3-18-15 REPORT 15-0366 ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION AMENDING THE OUTDOOR DINING AND DESIGN STANDARDS FOR PIER PLAZA (INCLUDING LORETO PLAZA) (Continued from meeting of April 28, 2015) (Community Development Director Ken Robertson) Recommendation: To adopt the attached Resolution. Attachments: Outdoor Dining Standards on Pier Plaza - Resolution.docx Hermosa Beach Page 5 Printed on 5/12/2015 City Council and Planning Commission e) REPORT 15-0317 Recommendation: Adjourned Regular Meeting Agenda May 11, 2015 AMEND THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH BRENDLE GROUP BY ADDING $13,120 TO DEVELOP A TOOL FOR MUNICIPAL CARBON NEUTRALITY PLANNING AND TRACKING (Continued from Meeting of April 14, 2015) (Environmental Analyst Kristy Morris) It is recommended that the Council: 1. Amend the Professional Services Agreement with the Brendle Group to develop a tool for municipal carbon neutrality for planning and tracking purposes; and 2. Authorize the appropriation of $13,120 from the General Fund. Attachments: Hermosa Beach Phase 2 Proposal - 041415docx.pdf Brendle-Amendment.pdf f) REPORT 15-0363 EXTEND CITY FEE WAIVERS, REDUCTIONS AND INCENTIVES FOR PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR PROJECTS, SMALL WIND ENERGY SYSTEMS, ENERGY UPGRADE CALIFORNIA AND HERO PROJECTS, AND OTHER INITIATIVES TO ADVANCE SUSTAINABILITY (Continued from meeting of April 28, 2015) (Environmental Analyst Kristy Morris) Recommendation: Hermosa Beach To extend the following incentives and report back to the Council in two years: 1. Waive preferential parking permit fees for 100% alternative fuel vehicles (100% electric, fuel cell, CNG vehicles, or other technologies not utilizing fossil fuels). 2. Rebate building permit fees for service upgrades for 100% alternative fuel vehicles (e.g., electric charging, CNG). 3. Rebate 50% of building permit plan check/inspection fees (charging only the outside plan check fees) for improvements that: (A) directly and substantially increasing energy efficiency (such as at least 15% above city codes) for buildings constructed earlier than 2000, (B) incentivize LEED or Build-It-Green Program certification (directly and substantially increase energy efficiency, water conservation and/or waste reduction), or (C) otherwise involve improvements that will make a significant contribution, exceed code requirements, or are early adoption-type behaviors. The Community Development Director shall make determinations. 4. Rebate 50% of building permit plan check/inspection fees for retrofit improvements that qualify for Energy Upgrade California or PACE programs funding, such as HERO, charging only the outside plan check fees if applicable. 5. Waive the Planning and Building permit fees associated with installation of photovoltaic systems, excluding building permit fees to upgrade the structure to accommodate the system. 6. Waive the Planning permit fees associated with installation of small wind energy systems, and rebate the Building permit fees (excluding building permit fees to upgrade the structure to accommodate the system), charging only the contract service, outside agency and outside service fees the City or applicant are required to pay; and, 7. Provide priority permit processing for all of the above. Page 6 Printed on 5/12/2015 City Council and Planning Commission Adjourned Regular Meeting Agenda May 11, 2015 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS - TO COMMENCE AT 7:30 P.M. NONE 6. MUNICIPAL MATTERS a) REPORT 15-0356 OIL FINANCING UPDATE (Continued from meeting of April 28, 2015) (City Manager Tom Bakaly) Recommendation: b) REPORT 15-0345 Receive and file this report. OPTIONS FOR CONTINUED PARTICIPATION IN CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION CERTIFICATION OF AES REDONDO ENERGY PLANT (Continued from meeting of April 28, 2015) (Community Development Director Ken Robertson) Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council; 1. Receive and file the information provided with regard to the AES Power Plant (also known as the "Redondo Beach Energy Project"); and 2. Provide direction to Staff regarding the desired level of continued participation in proceedings before the California Energy Commission related to the project. Attachments: 07-22-14 AES Staff Report Memo from Ken Robertson.pdf CEC Committee Scheduling Order.pdf SUPPLEMENTAL CEC Revised Committee Scheduling Order (added 5-11-15 at 11am).pdf SUPPLEMENTAL CEC Staff record of conversation with RB (added 5-11-15 at 9am).pdf SUPPLEMENTAL Draft Resolution from RB Councilmember Brand (added 5-11-15 at 9am).pdf SUPPLEMENTAL Petition from Betsy Ryan (added 5-11-15 at 1pm).pdf c) REPORT 15-0367 WATER CONSERVATION UPDATE (Continued from meeting of April 28, 2015) (Environmental Analyst Kristy Morris) Recommendation: Receive and file this report. Attachments: City of Hermosa Beach Water Conservation and Drought Management Plan.docx Hermosa Beach Page 7 Printed on 5/12/2015 City Council and Planning Commission Adjourned Regular Meeting Agenda May 11, 2015 7. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS AND REPORTS - CITY MANAGER a) REPORT 15-0368 PLASTIC BAG BAN UPDATE (Continued from meeting of April 28, 2015) (Environmental Analyst Kristy Morris) Recommendation: Receive and file this report. 8. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS AND MEETING ATTENDANCE REPORTS - CITY COUNCIL NONE 9. OTHER MATTERS - CITY COUNCIL Requests from Council members for possible future agenda items. No discussion or debate of these requests shall be undertaken; the sole action is whether to schedule the item for consideration on a future agenda. No public comment will be taken. a) REPORT 15-0308 REQUEST FROM MAYOR TUCKER TO ASK STAFF TO COME BACK WITH A REPORT ON HOW TO PROCEED WITH UPDATING THE CITY STREET SIGNS AS PRESENTED BY GRAPHIC SOLUTIONS TO GIVE HERMOSA BEACH A NEW UPDATED LOOK. (Continued from Meeting of April 14, 2015) b) REPORT 15-0325 REQUEST FROM COUNCILMEMBER FANGARY TO EVALUATE AND UPDATE AS NEEDED THE CITY’S MASTER FEE RESOLUTION TO ENSURE APPROPRIATE FEES ARE DESIGNATED FOR SPECIFIC CITY SERVICES. THE CITY CURRENTLY HAS RESOLUTIONS THAT PROVIDE FOR PAYMENT OF PROCESSING FEES AS SET FORTH IN THE CITY’S MASTER FEE RESOLUTION, BUT NO SUCH PROCESSING FEES ARE PROVIDED. (Continued from Meeting of April 14, 2015) Hermosa Beach Page 8 Printed on 5/12/2015 City Council and Planning Commission c) REPORT 15-0326 Adjourned Regular Meeting Agenda May 11, 2015 REQUEST FROM COUNCILMEMBER FANGARY TO EVALUATE AND PROVIDE DIRECTION REGARDING THE CITY’S NOTICE PROCEDURES FOR PUBLIC MEETINGS AND OTHER ACTIVITIES/EVENTS AS NEEDED. EVALUATION AND DIRECTION SHOULD BE PROVIDED REGARDING THE MANNER OF PROVIDING NECESSARY NOTICES, AND PAYMENT RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUCH NOTICES. (Continued from Meeting of April 14, 2015) d) REPORT 15-0354 REQUEST FROM COUNCILMEMBER PETTY TO REVISIT OPERATION CLEAN SWEEP, WHICH ELIMINATED SIGNAGE AND DISPLAYS ON PIER AVENUE. REQUEST THAT THE COUNCIL DISCUSS MODIFIED STANDARDS THAT PERMIT LIMITED SIGNAGE AND/OR APPROVED DISPLAYS THAT PROMOTE BUSINESSES YET DO NOT IMPEDE PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC. (Continued from meeting of April 28, 2015) ADJOURNMENT Hermosa Beach Page 9 Printed on 5/12/2015
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