HP Prime – Release Notes ------------------------


HP Prime – Release Notes ------------------------
HP Prime – Release Notes
------------------------Date Released: 2015/04/27
Internal Versions
----------------Firmware Version:
2015 04 27 (7820)
Virtual Calculator Version: 2015 04 27 (7820)
Connectivity Kit: 2015 04 27 (7820)
----------This release of the Prime Calculator firmware and associated PC software delivers significant new
features and fixes outstanding issues. This document is not a complete list of all changes, but
highlights specific items. All users of the HP Prime calculator are encouraged to upgrade for the
best possible experience.
Primary focus in this release is enhancements to statistics and graphing gestures.
Statistics 1 Variable:
1. Symbolic view improvements:
a. Adds plot types:
i Control
ii Dot
iii Steam and leaf
iv Pie
b. Box and whisker selection of outlier inclusion
c. Non-integer frequency
2. Plot view improvements:
a. Plots of various types may be displayed
b. Transparency used for color fill
3. Numerical view improvements:
a. Creation of additional columns beyond D1-D0
b. Ability to rename columns
c. Allows up to 10000 numbers per column
d. Better selection, movement and operations for editing
Statistics 2 Variable:
1. Symbolic view improvements:
a. Adds med-med regression
b. Adds frequency definition
c. Adds more plot mark options and color selection
2. Plot view improvements:
a. Fit disabled by default
3. Numerical view improvements:
a. Creation of additional columns beyond C1-C0
b. Ability to rename columns
c. Allows up to 10000 numbers per column
d. Better selection, movement and operations for editing
1. Symbolic view improvements:
a. Adds 1 way ANOVA
2. Plot view improvements:
a. Plot view now exists for all calculation types
1. Plot view improvements:
a. Ability to pinch/zoom in the X direction only or Y direction only
b. Ability to sketch a function directly of the types exp, ln, sin, x^2, linear
New Functionality (Connectivity Kit)
-----------------------------------1. Application names not being translated in connkit
2. Ability to view Home Variables, CAS variables, App Variables, and App Files
3. Ability to add application icon to an application
4. Program editor uses monospaced font and has line numbers
New Functionality (Calculator Software)
--------------------------------------1. Added more distribution functions – density/cumulative/inverse: beta, exponential, gamma,
geometric, negbinomial, uniform, weibull
2. Added more random generation functions: binomial, chisquare, fisher, geometric, poisson,
3. Added functions DDAYS, DATEADD, DAYOFWEEK
4. Added application variables AFiles, AFilesB and DelAFiles. Allows direct access of application
specific files
5. Added variables HVars and DelHVars. Allows direct creation and access of home variables
6. Added application variables AVars and DelAVars. Allows direct creation and access of
application specific variables
7. Applications now individually contained inside a directory structure to group variables and files
8. Sequence application can start at a location from 0-1000. Less stringent checking of recursion
to allow things like U1(U2(N-1))
9. Improved on-calculator DEBUG interface
10. Added ability for title and display only in EDITLIST and EDITMAT
11. Improved copy and paste in table editors through entire system
12. Added CellName variable in spreadsheet to interact with names
13. Added Cursor variable in spreadsheet to place cursor and selection
14. Added a product template for 2D equation entry/display
15. Improved plot/object drawing in CAS history to allow geometry objects and plots to be
directly displayed
16. Added MEMORY command to allow programs to check space
17. Added UPPER and LOWER string commands to convert case
18. Added display of G0-G9 in history
19. Added ability to use + and – keys directly for one directional limits
20. Added ability to use non-real inputs in the program catalog RUN menu
21. Added clear confirmation on programs and note editor
New Functionality (Virtual Calculator)
-------------------------------------1. Ability to copy from 2D table/grid editor and paste to other programs like spreadsheets
Resolved issues and changes excluding CAS
----------------------------------------1. Resolved issue with local variable initialization in a program with using a complex number
2. Renamed “Program” and “Note” into “AProgram” and “ANote” to distinguish better from
variables “Programs” and “Notes”
3. Resolved issue with having a space before the #end in a #cas #end block
4. Resolved issue with local lists to allow local l= {{{1,2}}}; l(1,1,2);
5. Resolved issue with FOR STEP not rounding step calculation
6. Resolved issue with sqrt from catalog not placing cursor nicely
7. Improved setting/getting in stats using H1-H5, S1-S5
8. Resolved issues with the Instruction(n) command
9. Resolved issue where connkit causes emulator to not connect to streamer on connection if the
connkit was running
10. Improved interval arithmetic in advanced grapher for non-negative integer exponents
11. Resolved issues with use of Notes variable
12. Resolved issue with unit display in CAS using units in 2D display
13. Resolved issue with Physics constants not being disabled in exam mode
14. Improved named spreadsheet cells to appear in app variable menu
15. Resolved issues with INPUT command
16. Resolved issue with nested CHOOSE calls used from user key
17. Resolved issue with program catalog "RUN" button and terminal
18. Removed the H1Type-H5Type variables in Stat 1Var. Use H1(3):= to change plot type.
19. Removed the S1Type-S5Type variables in Stat 2Var. Use S1(4):= to change fit type.
20. App functions CHECK/ISCHECK/UNCHECK(10) now no longer map to the "0" Symbolic item.
Use input of 0 instead of 10.
Resolved issues and changes in CAS
---------------------------------1. Resolved issue with sum((-1)^k/k^2,k,1,inf)
2. Return exact answer for some integrals like int(t^3/(exp(t)-1),t,0,inf)
3. Added numeric evaluation of digamma and polygamma function Psi
4. Resolved issue with variable in Dirac for ilaplace, e.g. ilaplace(2,x,t)
5. Resolved issue with desolve(y''=(2)-(exp(-(x))))
6. Return simpler solutions for some linear diff eqs
7. Return something simple for things like sqrt(3)*(2*x)^(1/3)/(3x)^(1/4)
8. Resolved issue with SVD and symmetric matrices
9. Resolved issue with limit((tan(x)-x)/x^3,x=inf)
10. Resolved issue with int(1/sin(x^-1))
11. Resolved issue with arcLen(ln(cos(x)),x,0,pi/4)
12. Resolved issue with randMat(5,5,4,7)
13. Resolved issue with frequencies median([5,6,2,3],[2,2,2,2])
14. Improved variable guessing in desolve
15. Resolved issue with limit(√(x^2+2*x+1)-(√(x^2)),x,∞)
16. Resolved issue with int(1/(cos(x)^4+sin(x)^4),x,0,pi)
17. Resolved issue to avoid long calculations in nested sqrt simplification
18. Removed functions "UTPN", "UTPT", "UTPF", "UTPC" removed from parser recognition. Use
the supported normald_..., student_..., fisher_..., chisquare_... command sets
19. Removed "nSolve". Use existing "fsolve" instead
20. Removed "version" removed. VERSION command contains the CAS version information
21. Removed function "trace" from catalog as it was a duplicate name. Use existing "TRACE"
22. Added functions "fourier_an", "fourier_bn" and "fourier_cn"