Email: info

Transcription Email: info
Tel: 07789 22 33 44
Email: [email protected]
This document describes the Method and Safety considerations whilst carrying out Window
Cleaning, Gutter Cleaning and/or Associated duties at ………………………………...........
The objective of this Method Statement is to carry out the work specified in a Safe,
Professional and Efficient manner.
The Director of Window Cleaning Solutions Limited is the sole person responsible for the
Establishment, Implementation and Maintenance of this document. This person is also
responsible for ensuring that the Execution of the Operation and/ or Task is in compliance with
the recorded Method Statement and all associated Risk Assessments.
Produced by S Dean of Window Cleaning Solutions Limited
Registered Company No. 07650169
Tel: 07789 22 33 44
Email: [email protected]
Assessment of Risks
The main objective of this Risk Assessment is to evaluate the risk whilst undertaking Window
Cleaning, Gutter Cleaning and/ or Associated duties at ………………..…………….
Specific Risk Assessment
This section identifies the specific risks involved and quantifies their likelihood based on the
following Numeric Probability Value:
Immanent – Major Risk, event to be expected
High Probability – Serious Risk, extremely likely to happen
Possible – Minor Risk, if care is not taken
Remote Possibility – Unlikely to happen
Improbable – Very unlikely to happen
N.B. Window Cleaning Solutions Limited consider probability values 1 and 2 to be the level of
risk for normal controlled working conditions.
Moving Equipment and Materials
Controlled Level of Risk - 2 to 3
Hazard: Manual handling injuries
Causes: Incorrect lifting techniques and/ or over weighted equipment
Control Measures: Utilise correct lifting procedures/ methods
Slips, Trips and Falls
Controlled Level of Risk - 2
Hazard: Risk of slipping on wet floor or tripping on hoses/ equipment
Causes: Slipping on water from window cleaning equipment and/or tripping on trailing hose
from water fed pole equipment
Control Measures: Ensure barriers and/ or warning signs are used as per the HSE
recommendations, make sure that all equipment i.e. hoses and fittings are in a satisfactory
serviceable condition and tidily stowed and safely put out of the way
Falling from a Ladder/ Step Ladders
Controlled Level of Risk - 3
Hazard: Risk of falling from ladders/ step ladders that improperly placed and/ or are not in a
serviceable condition
Causes: Untrained operatives, uneven or slippery floor surfaces, working alone
Control Measures: Ensure all operatives are fully trained and competent in the usage of
ladders and/ or step ladders. All ladders must be footed by a second operative or a ladder
stabilising device used as and when necessary equipment mus also be checked for its
Further Points
1. Suitable ladders will only be used to access the height of standard style accessible windows,
gutters and/or associated activities
2. All equipment will be supplied and maintained by Window Cleaning Solutions Limited
3. Windows on all upper floors that do not require the use of ladders, will be cleaned using
Produced by S Dean of Window Cleaning Solutions Limited
Registered Company No. 07650169
Tel: 07789 22 33 44
Email: [email protected]
water fed pole systems or similar
4. Operatives of Window Cleaning Solutions Limited who fail to comply with the Method
Statements and Risk Assessments, may as a result face immediate termination of their
5. Window cradles will not be used, therefore are not applicable in this Risk Assessment
6. Any matters concerning the provision of window cleaning should be reported to
Mr S Dean, owner and director of Window Cleaning Solutions Limited
Produced by S Dean of Window Cleaning Solutions Limited
Registered Company No. 07650169
Tel: 07789 22 33 44
Email: [email protected]
Access Method
Access to the exterior glass of any building will be cleaned with a high reach water fed poles
system, unless otherwise specified
Access to the interior glass of the building will be gained by using ladders or access platforms
as required where necessary and where applicable the further usage of safety devices, such as
Site Preparation
All appropriate areas will be cordoned off and trip hazard warning signs used
N.B. If requested, cleaning contracts may be carried out outside of normal working hours to
minimise any disruption
Cleaning Method
For the cleaning of windows the following method will be used:
Outside windows will be cleaned using high reach pure water fed poles, water purified by
way of reverse osmosis and exchange resin beads
Water with a light detergent shall be used for inside window cleaning
Inside windows shall be cleaned using a synthetic applicator and the cleaning solution being
removed by the use of a rubber squeegee
Any subsequent runs and/or smears will be removed with a scrim, or microfibre type cloth
Personal Protective Equipment
The following will be worn:
Company issued, logo polo shirt, fleece and/or waterproof jacket to be worn at all times
Suitable protective footwear to be worn at all times
Suitable protective gloves to be worn as and when required
A high visibility vest to be worn where required
Hard hat to be worn where required
A certified full body harness will be worn when working at height
Produced by S Dean of Window Cleaning Solutions Limited
Registered Company No. 07650169
Tel: 07789 22 33 44
Email: [email protected]
General Statement
All reasonable steps will be taken by Window Cleaning Solutions Limited to ensure the safety of
all employees engaged in window cleaning operations. Where employees are undertaking these
operations the work activity will be subject to risk assessment. Any control measures found
necessary as a result of the assessment will be introduced. Training and information required
by employees will be provided. The person responsible for this policy is Mr Scott Dean.
Arrangements for Ensuring the Health and Safety of Workers
We will ensure the following:
To carry out, or monitor risk assessments of work activities involving window cleaning
All necessary measures are taken to reduce any risks found as a result of the assessment
All equipment used in the operation is suitable, of good construction, of sound material and
free from defect
All equipment is obtained from reputable suppliers and manufacturers and conforms to the
relevant British and European Standards (further guidance on the correct use of the equipment
is contained in HSE guidance notes)
All plant and equipment used is clearly identified and regularly inspected and maintained
To maintain a record system which identifies all company equipment used in window
cleaning operations and logs each inspection, repair and maintenance procedure undertaken
All equipment is stored correctly and safely
Implement a reporting system so that employees’ concerns about window cleaning
operations are relayed to a responsible person, and any corrective action taken
Safe Systems of Work
The major hazard of window cleaning is falling from exterior window sills or ledges, from
ladders, from suspended scaffolding or through fragile roofs or from parts of the building being
used as handholds or footholds. The following precautions should help reduce the likelihood of
such accidents occurring:
Selection of suitable equipment and a system of work
Checking equipment before commencing any window cleaning operation
Removal of any defective equipment from service
Prompt reporting of defective equipment or lack of anchorage points
Correct storage of equipment between operations
Where the exterior side of a window can be cleaned from the inside, ensure that there is no
risk of falling through the open window. (This will depend on the window cleaner’s height, the
length of his/ her reach, the depth of the sill, and the arrangement of furniture).
Ensure that you have received the relevant information and training related to general
procedures and specific procedures to be followed in order to avoid risks.
Summary Policy Statement
The three most important steps with regards to safe window cleaning operations are to:
1. Carry out risk assessments of each operation in order to identify specific as well as general
hazards related to each operation
2. Use trained staff to carry out the operations and ensure that they are familiar both with the
general and specific procedures, including permit to work systems, which must be followed
Produced by S Dean of Window Cleaning Solutions Limited
Registered Company No. 07650169
Tel: 07789 22 33 44
Email: [email protected]
3. Use suitable, well-maintained plant and equipment, which must be inspected at regular
intervals and prior to use, so that any defects found are reported and result in the plant or
equipment being removed from service immediately
Signed Confirmation
Please sign within the below areas to confirm that you have fully read and understood the
requirements within this Risk Assessment & Method Statement.
Signed: ____________________
Print: ________________
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Produced by S Dean of Window Cleaning Solutions Limited
Registered Company No. 07650169

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