Brief CV of Leading Scientist


Brief CV of Leading Scientist
Prof. Igor NABIEV, Ph.D., D.Sci.
29 March 2015
Prof. Igor NABIEV
Biographic Information .......................................................................................... 2
Subject and Class of Degree(s) with Awarding Universities and Dates.................... 2
Research Positions ................................................................................................. 3
Europe ......................................................................................................................................... 3
United States ............................................................................................................................... 3
Former Soviet Union, Russian Federation .................................................................................. 4
Web of Science Quantitative Data as of March 29, 2015 ....................................... 4
Languages .............................................................................................................. 4
Recent (since 2010) and Current Support from a Total of >50 Funded Projects ...... 5
Honours, Awards, Fellowships ................................................................................ 7
Research Statement / Motivation .......................................................................... 8
Ten Most Significant Publications (1 452 citations for top-ten publications) out of a
Total of 200 Peer-Reviewed Publications and 204 Published Communications ..... 12
Selected Patents ................................................................................................... 14
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Prof. Igor NABIEV, Ph.D., D.Sci.
29 March 2015
Biographic Information
Name, surname
Birthdate / Birthplace:
November 22, 1957 / Palanga, Lithuania
French / Russian
Reims, France
E-mail / Web:
[email protected]
Engineer's diploma in Physical Engineering (specialty, Biophysics); Ph.D.
in Physics and Mathematics (specialty, Molecular Biophysics); D.Sci. in
Chemistry; Professor's degree.
Professor of 1st Class and Director of Technological Platform
“Semiconductor Nanocrystals,” University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne,
France; Laboratory of Research in Nanosciences - EA4682, UFR de
Pharmacie, 51 rue Cognacq Jay, 51100 Reims, France.
Leading Scientist at the Laboratory of Nano-Bioengineering, National
Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics
Institute), 31, Kashirskoe shosse, 115521 Moscow, Russian Federation:
Program of Attrraction of World Leading Scientists to Russian Institutions
of Higher Professional Education.
Subject and Class of Degree(s) with Awarding Universities and Dates
February 22, 1980: Diploma in Physical Engineering; specialty, Biophysics.
Diploma project: Laser Raman Spectroscopy of Proteins and Peptides.
Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, 31, Kashirskoe shosse, 117977 Moscow, Russia.
Note: “Red Diploma” (excellence award).
March 9, 1983: Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics; specialty, Molecular Biophysics.
Ph.D. Thesis: Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules.
Biophysical Department, Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
November 16, 1990: Doctor of Sciences in Chemistry.
D.Sci. Thesis: Laser Raman Spectroscopy of Biological and Biomedical Systems: Principles and
Applications. Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences,
16/10 ul Miklukho-Maklaya, 119777 Moscow, Russia.
September 1, 1994: University Professor Degree (Chair) Nomination by French Ministry of Science and
Education. Chair of Biophysics (full professor), Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Reims ChampagneArdenne, Reims, France.
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Prof. Igor NABIEV, Ph.D., D.Sci.
29 March 2015
Research Positions
Laboratory of Research in Nanosciences - EA 4682,
Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Pharmacy,
University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne (URCA),
Director of the Technological
Platform “Semiconductor
Since 1 Jul
Institute of Molecular Medicine, Centre for Health
Sciences, Trinity College of Dublin, Dublin-8, Ireland
Director of the Technological
Plateform “Semiconductor
1 Jul 201128 May
Ikerbasque Science Foundation and CIC nanoGUNE
Consolider Research Centre, San Sebastian, Spain
Ikerbasque Research Professor
and Nanobiotechnology Group
1 Sep 200818 Oct 2010
Federal Research Institute (FRI) no. 53 “Biomolecules,”
Faculty of Medicine, and Faculty of Pharmacy, URCA
Head of Dept EA 3306 “Cellular
and Molecular Interactions in
1 Jan 20011 Sep 2003
FRI no. 53 “Biomolecules,” Faculty of Medicine and
Faculty of Pharmacy, URCA
Head of Laboratory of
Biospectroscopy, Dept EA 3306
“Cellular and Molecular
Interactions in Cancerology”
1 Jan 19991 Jan 2001
FRI n°53 “Biomolecules”, URCA, Faculty of Pharmacy
Group leader, Dept. Biologically
Active Compounds for
1 Sep 19941 Jan 1999
Nomination: Professor of the Faculty of Pharmacy,
Professor of URCA, faculty
member, permanent position
Since 1 Sep
FRI no. 53 “Biomolecules,” Faculty of Pharmacy, URCA.
Invited Professor
1 Sep 19921 Sep 1994
United States
School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia
Invited Professor at the
Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, United States laboratory headed by Prof.
Nai-Teng Yu
Department of Chemistry, Pittsburgh University,
Pittsburgh, United States
Invited Professor at the
laboratory headed by Prof.
Sanford Asher
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Prof. Igor NABIEV, Ph.D., D.Sci.
29 March 2015
Former Soviet Union, Russian Federation
Laboratory of Nano-Bioengineering, National Research
Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering
Physics Institute); MEGA-grants program for attraction
of world's leading scientists to the Russian Federation.
Leading Scientist, Laboratory
of Nano-Bioengineering
Since 3 Nov
Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic
Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow,
Russian Federation.
Junior Researcher,
Senior Researcher,
Leading Research Scientist
16 Mar 19831 Sep 1994
Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Biology,
Lomonosov State University, Moscow
Ph.D. Fellow
1 Mar 198016 Mar 1983
Web of Science Quantitative Data as of March 29, 2015
Quantitative data
Total publications
Ten best publications
Results found
Sum of the times cited
3 680
1 452
Average citations per Item
h index
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Prof. Igor NABIEV, Ph.D., D.Sci.
29 March 2015
Recent (since 2010) and Current Support from a Total of >50 Funded
NATO Science-for-Peace program: Advanced Biochips 1/11/2008-31/10/2011. Project funding:
€280k. Coordinator and PI: Prof. Igor Nabiev
French National Research Agency (Agence Nationale de Recherche, ANR), Program ANR-RIB: High
Performance Protein Microarrays for Analysis of Phosphoproteome and Drug Discovery in Cancers
(PhosphoProteomArray), 1/07/2008-30/06/2010. Project funding: €547k. PI: Prof. Igor Nabiev.
French National Research Agency (Agence Nationale de Recherche, ANR), Program ANR-PNANO:
Nanodiagnostics of Micrometastases (NANO-MIC), 1/01/2008-30/04/2011. Project funding: €530k.
Coordinator and PI: Prof. Igor Nabiev.
French National Research Agency (Agence Nationale de Recherche, ANR), Program ANR-BLANC:
Nano-Bio Hybrid Materials with Photovoltaic Properties (NANO-BAC), 1/01/2009-31/12/2011.
Project funding: €620k. Coordinator and PI: Prof. Igor Nabiev.
French League for Anticancer Research and Association for Cancer Research (Ligue de Recherche
contre le Cancer and Association pour la Recherche contre Cancer), projects on Ultrasensitive
diagnostics with fluorescent quantum dots, 1/01/2007-31/12/2010. Project funding: €280k for
functioning and €150k equipment grants. Coordinator and PI: Prof. Igor Nabiev.
Industrial Project / Progenika Biopharma S.A.: Multiplexed detection with multifunctional colloidal
nanocrystals, 1/01/2010-31/12/2012. Project funding: €500k. Coordinator and P.I.: Prof. Igor Nabiev.
European Community FP7-ICT-2008–PEOPLE, 1/06/2009-30/04/2011: Energy Conversion within the
Hybrid Materials Engineered from the Nanocrystals Quantum Dots and Photochromic Membrane
Proteins (NanoPhotoChrome). Project funding: €218,731. Coordinator and PI: Prof. Igor Nabiev.
MEGA-grant funding from the Goverment of the Russian Federation in the framework of the
program for the attraction of world's leading scientitsts to universities of the Russian Federation:
Nano-Bio Hybrid Materials with the Energy Transfert Properites. PI and Leading Scientist: Prof. Igor
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Nabiev. Nabiev’s lab funding: 180 MRUB = €4.5M for 19/10/2011–31/12/2013. Project is extended
for 2014-2015.
European Community FP7-NMP-2009-LARGE-3 program: Nanotechnological Toolkits for MultiModal Disease Diagnostics and Treatment Monitoring (NAMDIATREAM). Coordinator: Prof. Yuri
Volkov, Trinity College Dublin & CRANN, Ireland. Total project funding (22 partners): €12M.
Prof. Igor Nabiev is Director of NAMDIATREAM European Technological Platform “Semiconductor
Nanocrystals” for 1/07/2010-30/06/2014. Nabiev's Technological Platform direct funding by EC:
Russian Science Foundation: "Photochemical Processes in Hybrid Materials Based on
Semiconductor Nanocrystals and Organic Molecules" (2014-2016). Project funding: 15 MRUB.
Coordinator and PI: Prof. Igor Nabiev
Competition of research projects from Commission for the Formation of the State Contract with
Higher Education Institutions and Research Institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science
of the Russian Federation in the Field of Science: "Colloid Fluorescent Nanocrystals, Including
Quantum Dots and Quantum Rods, for Multiphoton Spectroscopy, Microscopy, and in Situ Imaging
of Tumors" (2014-2016). Project funding: 15 MRUB. Coordinator and PI: Prof. Igor Nabiev
Federal Target Program "Research and Development in Priority Fields of the Science and
Technology Complex of Russia for 2014–2020": "Development of a Pilot Sample of a Regenerable
Biosensor for Detecting Serum Markers of Socially Important Diseases" (2014-2016). Project
funding: 15 MRUB. Coordinator and PI: Prof. Igor Nabiev
Federal Target Program "Research and Development in Priority Fields of the Science and
Technology Complex of Russia for 2014–2020": "High-Throughput Analytical System for
Multiplexed Diagnsotics of Oncological Diseases of the Female Repoductive System” (2014-2016).
Project funding: 72 MRUB. Coordinator and P.I.: Prof. Igor Nabiev
"M-ERANET: From materials science and engineering to innovation for Europe": ICENAP:
"Integrated Computational Engineering, Characterization and Validation of Semiconductor
Colloidal Nanocrystals with Advanced Properties" (1/10/2014-30/09/2017).
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Prof. Igor NABIEV, Ph.D., D.Sci.
29 March 2015
Honours, Awards, Fellowships
MEGA-grant Award from the Government of the Russian Federation in the framework
of the program for attraction of world's leading scientists to universities of the Russian
Federation (2011-2015).
International Walton Award from the Science Foundation of Ireland (SFI): joint
nomination by Schools of Medicine, Physics and Chemistry of Trinity College Dublin and
the Centre for Research in Adaptive Nanostructures and Nanodevices (CRANN): 20092010.
Invited Professorship, Institute n°53 “Biomolécules”, Université de Reims ChampagneArdenne, Federative Research Reims, France: 1992-1994.
Invited Professorship, Federative Research Institute n°53 “Biomolécules,” Université de
Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Reims, France: 1 Jan-30 Jun 1991.
Invited Professorship, Department of Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh (Prof. Sanford
Asher): 25 Jan-15 May 1990.
Invited Professorship, School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia Institute of
Technology, Atlanta, United States (Prof. Nai-Teng Yu): 15 Jan–15 Dec 1989.
Soros Distinguished Scientist Award, Russian Academy of Sciences: 1986-1988.
M.Sc. and Ph.D. excellence awards.
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Prof. Igor NABIEV, Ph.D., D.Sci.
29 March 2015
Research Statement / Motivation
I have more than 30 years of professional experience as a biophysicist with a strong bioanalytical and physico-chemical background. I have pioneered, together with the groups headed
by Prof. Therese Cotton (United States) and Dr. Eckhard Koglin (Germany), the development of
surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), a new method of ultrasensitive analysis of
biomolecules, in the early 1980s.
After the invited professsorships in the School of Biochemistry of the Georgia Institute of
Technology, Atlanta, and the Chemistry Department of Pittsburgh University, I became a Chair of
Biophysics (a full professsor degree) at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Université de Reims
Champagne-Ardenne (France). Here, in the late 1990s, I have started development and surface
chemistry modifications of multifunctional nanocrystals to make them bioadaptable and
biocompatible with living cells for long periods of time. I have also pioneered single-wavelengthexcitation and multi-wavelength-excitation (barcoded) nanocrystals and intracellular applications
of these nanocrystals to tracing cell signalling events (we have a fundamental IPR in this area).
Thus, I have actually been working in the field of nanomedicine for the past 15 years and have
established strong industrial collaboration with Protneteomix SAS, Progenika Biopharma SA,
Becton Dickinson, and many other industrial companies in the field of ultrasensitive nano-optical
detection and tracking systems based on multifunctional chemically modified and functionalized
My work in the field of nanobiotechnology was acknowledged in 2009 by the prestigious
Walton Award from Science Foundation of Ireland, for which I was jointly nominated by the
Schools of Physics, Medicine and Chemistry of Trinity College Dublin.
I have vast experience in coordination and management of multidisciplinary projects, in many
of which I was the coordinator and PI. In France, in the period 2008-2011, I coordinated numerous
national projects funded by the French National Research Foundation “Agence Nationale de
Recherche, ” including “High performance protein microarrays for analysis of phosphoproteome
and drug discovery in cancers,” “Nanodiagnostics of Micrometastases,” and “Nano-bio hybrid
materials with photovoltaic properties.” I also coordinated the “Advanced Microchips” project in
the framework of the “Science for Peace” program; this project was aimed at the development of
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29 March 2015
ultrasensitive nano-optical detection of pathogens with the use of fluorescing nanocrystals
operating in the FRET mode.
One of the largest FP7 “LARGE” EC research projects, “Nanotechnological Toolkits for MultiModal Disease Diagnostics and Treatment Monitoring” (NAMDIATREAM), was funded at the level
of 12 MEuro in the period from 1 Jul 2010 to 30 Jun 2014. The project involved 22 participating
partners, the key collaborators being Trinity College Dublin and the Centre for Research on
Adaptive Nanostructures and Nanomachines (Ireland), Philips-University Marburg, Ecole
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Max-Planck-Institute, Nikon SA, Becton Dickinson SA,
Progenika Biopharma SA, Selective Antibodies SAS, and many others. In the framework of this
project, I was responsible for the development of “nanofluorescence” nano-optical detection and
treatment monitoring nanomedical platform, thus coordinating the activities of six out of 22
participating partners. The platform directed by me was located in the Institute of Molecular
Medicine of Trinity College Dublin in 2011-2013 and was moved to Reims University, France, for
the last year of the project (July 2013 to June 2014).
In November 2011 I received a MEGA-grant from the Government of the Russian Federation in
the framework of the program for attraction of world's leading scientists to universities of the
Russian Federation. This two-year project (4.5 MEuro in direct funding) includes the organization
of the world-class Laboratory of Nano-Bioengineering in the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute.
This project was recently extended for the next two years (2014-2015).
In the Russian Federation, I am currently directing several R&D projects. My project entitled
"Photochemical Processes in Hybrid Materials Based on Semiconductor Nanocrystals and Organic
Molecules" was highly assessed by the Expert Committee of the Russian Science Foundation and
supported for 2014-2016 inclusive. Usually, quantum dots (QDs) are considered as core–shell
inorganic semiconductor structures, with the stabilizing surface ligands not taken into
consideration. The goal of the project is to fill this gap. Study of the photochemical processes
involving interactions between the inorganic component of a QD and the organic ligands is an
important research area. The project is aimed at developing a comprehensive model of the
photochemical and photophysical processes involved in QD excitation in solutions and polymeric
matrices. For this purpose, it is planed to perform both quantum chemical calculations and a series
of experiments on the optical characteristics of QDs exposed to intense laser radiation. The
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29 March 2015
fundamental results of these studies are expected to allow the QD photostability to be enhanced
and QD solutions to be made less prone to aggregation; they will also be useful for estimating the
efficiency of the separation and transport of photogenerated charges in polymeric matrices.
Additionally, I have won this year's research project competition of the Commission for the
Formation of the State Contract with Higher Education Institutions and Research Institutions of the
Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in the Field of Science. The purpose of
my project entitled “Colloid Fluorescent Nanocrystals, Including Quantum Dots and Quantum
Rods, for Multiphoton Spectroscopy, Microscopy, and in Situ Imaging of Tumors” is to develop a
new generation of multiphoton fluorescent probes based on semiconductor nanocrystals,
including quantum dots and quantum rods; analysis of the physical, physicochemical, and optical
characteristics of these probes; and demonstration of their advantages as diagnostic tools for
highly sensitive imaging of cancer markers, as exemplified by human carcinoembryonic antigen
Finally, the results of assessment of my applications for grants for applied research projects
aimed at developing products and technologies in the framework of the Federal Target Program
"Research and Development in Priority Fields of the Science and Technology Complex of Russia for
2014–2020" were announced. My application for the grant with the project entitled
"Development of a Pilot Sample of a Regenerable Biosensor for Detecting Serum Markers of
Socially Important Diseases" presented from the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
scored the highest number of points and won the competition, obtaining a funding of 79 million
rubles (>1.5 MEuro) for 2014-2016.
Very recently I have received support, as a coordinator, from the MERA-Net Program "MERANET: From Materials Science and Engineering to Innovation for Europe" for my project ICENAP:
"Integrated Computational Engineering, Characterization and Validation of Semiconductor
Colloidal Nanocrystals with Advanced Properties" (1/10/2014-30/09/2017), where I will
coordinate research activities of University of Reims, France, and three German research groups
from Technische Universität Dresden (the Theoretische Chemie and Physikalische Chemie groups)
and from the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Berlin, Germany. The last
but not the least, I have directed preparation of 12 PhD theses; eight of my PhD students have
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Prof. Igor NABIEV, Ph.D., D.Sci.
29 March 2015
become professors or directors of Research Laboratorues in France, USA, Canada, and Russia, two
of them have got leading positions in industries, and two PhD projects are currently underway.
My current ambitions include detailed investigation of a wide range of phenomena occurring at
the nano-bio interface and application of the numerous breakthrough results and proofs-of-theconcepts that I obtained in recent years to designing new generations of nanomedical systems for
drug delivery, nanotracking, and high-throughput ultrasensitive detection and treatment
monitoring platforms employing multifunctional semiconductor and plasmonic nanocrystals and
hybrid nanoparticles.
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Prof. Igor NABIEV, Ph.D., D.Sci.
29 March 2015
Ten Most Significant Publications (1 452 citations for top-ten
publications) out of a Total of 200 Peer-Reviewed Publications and
204 Published Communications
Kulakovich, O., Strekal, N., Yaroshevich, A., Maskevich, S., Gaponenko, S., NABIEV, I., Woggon, U.,
Artemyev, M. (2002) Enhanced luminescence of CdSe quantum dots on gold colloids. Nano Lett., 2,
1449-1452. Cited 373 times
Sukhanova, A., Devy, J., Venteo, L., Kaplan, H., Artemyev, A., Oleinikov, V., Klinov, D., Pluot, M., Cohen,
J.H.M., NABIEV, I. (2004) Biocompatible fluorescent nanocrystals for immunolabeling of membrane
proteins and cells. Anal Biochem., 324, 60-67. Cited 203 times.
Wargnier, R., Baranov, A., Maslov, V., Stsiapura, V., Artemyev, M., Pluot, M., Sukhanova, A., NABIEV, I.
(2004) Energy transfer in aqueous solutions of oppositely charged nanoassemblies of CdSe/ZnS
core/shell quantum dots and in quantum dot–nanogold assemblies. Nano Lett., 4, 451-457. Cited 152
Baranov, A., Rakovich, Yu., Donegan, J., Perova, T., Moore, R., Talapin, D., Rogach, A., Masumoto, Y.,
Nabiev, I. (2003) Effect of ZnS shell thickness on the phonon spectra in CdSe quantum dots. Phys. Rev.
B, 68, 1653061. Cited 132 times.
NABIEV, I., Mitchell, S., Williams, Y., Kelleher, D., Moore, R., Gun'ko, Y.K., Byrne, S., Rakovich, Y.P.,
Donegan, J.F., Sukhanova, A., Conroy, J., Cottell, D., Gaponik, N., Rogach, A., Volkov, Y. (2007)
Nonfunctionalized nanocrystals can exploit a cell's active transport machinery delivering them to
specific nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments. Nano Letters, 7, 3452-3461. Cited 125 times.
Chumanov G.D., Efremov R.G., NABIEV I. (1990) Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of
biomolecules. I. Water-soluble proteins, dipeptides and amino acids. J. Raman Spectrosc., 21, 43-48.
Cited 114 times.
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Prof. Igor NABIEV, Ph.D., D.Sci.
29 March 2015
NABIEV I., Morjani H., Manfait M. (1991) Selective analysis of antitumour drug interaction with living
cancer cells as probed by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Eur. Biophys. J., 19, 311-316. Cited
99 times.
Sukhanova, A., Venteo, L., Devy, J., Artemyev, M., Oleinikov, V., Pluot, M., NABIEV, I. (2002) Highly
stable fluorescent nanocrystals as a novel class of labels for immunohistochemical analysis of paraffinembedded tissue sections. Lab. Invest., 82, 1259-1262. Cited 86 times.
NABIEV I., Savchenko V.A., Efremov E.S. (1983) Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of aromatic
amino acids and proteins adsorbed by silverhydrosols. J. Raman Spectrosc., 14, 375-379. Cited 85
Joumaa, N., Lansalot, M., Théretz, A., Elaissari, A., Sukhanova, A., Artemyev, M., NABIEV, I., Cohen,
J.H.M. (2006) Synthesis of quantum dots-tagged submicronic polystyrene particles by miniemulsion
polymerization. Langmuir, 22, 1810-1816 Cited 83 times.
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Prof. Igor NABIEV, Ph.D., D.Sci.
29 March 2015
Selected Patents
NABIEV, I., Sukhanova, A., Artemyev, M., Sharapov, O., Baranov, A., Jardillier, J.C. Ultrasensitive nonisotopic water-soluble nanocrystals, European, Eurasian and USA patents EP1366347; US2004105973;
WO02073155, 09/03/2001.
NABIEV, I. Sukhanova, A., Cohen, J.H.M. One-dimensional, two-dimentional and three-dimensional
self-organinized structures of fluorescent semiconductor nanocrystals and method for preparing and
using said structures, Patent Application WO2006131662 of 9 Jun 2005.
NABIEV, I., Sukhanova, A., Govorov, A. “A hybrid nanostructure composed of a natural photosystem
and semiconductor nanoparticles”, filed on October 28, 2009; Application no. PCT/US09/62443
Sukhanova, T.V., Sizova, S.V., Manokhina, V.V., Chapov, A.F., Oleinikov, V.A., NABIEV, I.
Immobilization of quantum dots by co-precipitation in the particles of the calcium carbonate, Patent
Application no. 20122110816 of 22 Mar 2012.
Generalova, A.N., Sukhanova, T.V., Sizova, S.V., Manokhina, V.V., Mochalov, K.E., Oleinikov, V.A.,
NABIEV, I. Method of formation of multifunctional nanosystems, Patent Application no. 2013113887
from 28.03.2013.
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