April 21 Newsletter - Mable Barron Elementary
April 21 Newsletter - Mable Barron Elementary
VOL. 5, ISSUE 14 NEWSLETTER APRIL 21, 2015 Mable Barron School Greetings Pioneer Families! Students in grades 3-8 are continuing with their end-of-the-year Smarter Balanced assessments and will be doing so through May 22. This week, 3rd and 6th grade will take the English/Language Arts portion of their assessments, followed by 7th and 8th grades next week. Math assessments will begin the week of May 4-8. Thank you for having your students present and on-time during this testing window, it is an enormous help to us. This Wednesday is our next Spirit Day and the theme is Jersey Day! Whether it be from their favorite college or professional athletic team, or the jersey that they wear for their own soccer, softball or baseball team, please help your student remember to wear their favorite jersey to school. Mable Barron PTSA is hosting our spring Family Movie Night this Friday at 6:30 in the multi-use room. We will be showing Big Hero 6, a computer-animated story of the bond that forms between a child prodigy and his robot. Admission is free, and refreshments will be available inside for purchase. Dress in your comfy clothes, bring your lawn chairs and sleeping bags for a fun, family-oriented evening with your fellow Pioneers. And finally, thank you to all of our Pioneers and supporters for a very successful Jog-a-Thon on Friday, April 3. Besides having a wonderful time burning some calories and listening to music, we raised $4,000 for our new track! Thank you to our PTSA members for your continued support in making this day possible, you are the gasoline that makes the Mable Barron engine run! Go Pioneers! Shane Conklin Counselor's Corner: Springtime is here. While our children would much rather think about summer vacation and playing outside than concentrating on homework, the school year is not over yet! You can help your child WORK THROUGH SPRING FEVER by understanding basic motivation in children, being involved in their learning, and knowing ways to redirect them. Enhance Your Child's Motivation - Allow your child to see the effects of his/her actions - Allow your child ample time when working on an activity to show persistence. Resist the natural urge to help him/her finish more quickly. - Respond to your child's needs in a consistent and predictable manner. All children can benefit from clearly defined limits. - Provide time for you and your child to explore together. This lets you observe, model, and encourage your child. - Provide situations that give your child an acceptable challenge. Activities that are slightly difficult will be more motivating and provide stronger feelings of success when accomplished. - Give your child opportunities to evaluate his/her own accomplishments – rather than stating that you think he/ she did a good job, ask him/her what they think of the job done. - Do not use excessive rewards. Praise and rewards should be based upon effort and persistence, not just accomplishment. CALENDAR OF EVENTS APRIL 22 22 23 24 25 JUNE 1 3 4 DUE DATE TO TURN IN RUR LETTER BOARD MTG @ CH 7:30PM 8TH GRADE GROUP PICTURE PTSA MOVIE NIGHT 7PM MUR PTSA RECYCLING EVENT AUGUST 19 MAY 5 7 12 13 21 25 LINCOLN LYMPICS 4-6 GR OPEN HOUSE/PTSA SPAGETTI DINNER LINCOLN LYMPICS 7/8 GR BOARD MTG @ MB 7:30PM CHOIR&SRINGS CONCERT 6:30 MEMORIAL DAY - NO SCHOOL 6835 CUMBERLAND PLACE, STOCKTON, CA (209) 953-8795 FLIP/FLOP SCHEDULE REGULAR RELEASE TIME 2:30 8TH GRADE PROMOTION 6:30PM LAST DAY OF SCHOOL EARLY RELEASE TIME 1:30 FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL Is Your Child Home Sick? Call the absence phone line: 209-953-8795 7:30am-4:00pm You have 48 hours to clear an absence. PAGE 1 http://www.lusd.net/schools/mb/index.html VOL. 5, ISSUE 14 NEWSLETTER 7th & 8th Grade Honor Roll in 3rd Quarter Congratulations Scholars! Highest Honor Honor Mikaila Barnes 8 Matthew Camy 8 Nicolas DaCruz 7 Guillermo Cordero 8 Alinna Delano 8 Brandon Dy Lagrimas 7 Juliana Garcia 7 Hannah Foppiano 7 Jhanelle Golis 8 Dazlyn Mangrum 8 Alisson Joglar 8 Sarah McHugh 8 Kenner Kulm 8 Gena Quispe 8 Axel Nateras Alvarez 8 Ayiana Rivera 7 Adones Puig Hink 7 Bhavna Sharma 8 Lyla Skelton 7 High Honor Christina Torres 7 Jazalynn Ballesteros 8 Danielle DeBock 8 Jillian Graham 8 Jaasiel Hernandez 7 Aianna Jones 8 Hunter Jones 8 Angel Lopez 8 Harrison McHan 7 Samontha Oung 7 Isabel Pebenito 8 Justin Sherman 8 Anthony Tounou 8 Nadia Urbina 8 APRIL 21, 2015 LIBRARY NEWS: First of all, I would like to thank Sarah Gehrke for the book donations! Sarah, you have been most generous. Second, I would like to thank all those who have donated books to our library this year, it is greatly appreciated. Third, the winner of the California Young Readers Medal, for Mable Barron is, "City Dog, Country Frog", with "Randy Riley's Really Big Hit" a close second and "Too Tall Houses" third. The students look forward to this event every year and have a fun time voting for their favorite title. "Anyone who says they have only one life to live, must not know how to read a book." Author unknown. Keep Reading! Mrs. Roider SPIRIT DAY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22 Jersey DAY Remember, every Friday wear red to show your school spirit! GO PIONEERS! Mable Barron Rocks! Classroom Field Trips in the Spring! We encourage parents to volunteer and become involved in school activities. For most activities including classroom field trips, parents are required to be fingerprinted. You may pick up a Volunteer Packet in the office. Caleb Wallen 8 PTSA MOVIE NIGHT Friday, April 24th ATTENTION MABLE BARRON FAMILIES & FRIENDS! On Thursday, May 7, PTSA will be having our annual Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser to help raise funds for field trips. During this fundraiser we will be holding a raffle and auction. In order to raise the most funds possible for the students of Mable Barron , we are in need of donated items and services. If you would like to donate an item or service or if you have a friend or family member who owns a local business and they would be willing to donate toward this event, please contact Sarah Drouin at (860)778-7875 or [email protected]. Reservations now available! Order forms available in the office. Join us MAY 7th PTSA Spaghetti Dinner 5pm Multi-use room Open House 7pm Multi-use room 6835 CUMBERLAND PLACE, STOCKTON, CA (209) 953-8795 PAGE 2 Showing BIG HERO 6. Doors open at 6:30pm in the Multiuse room. Movie starts at 7:00PM sharp. Admission is free. This is a Family event and parents must be present with their children. There will be a concession stand for snacks and drinks for sale. Everyone is welcome to bring blankets and pillows. Come out and relax for a night at the movies! http://www.lusd.net/schools/mb/index.html