HIV/AIDS HOUSING: HIV/AIDS Housing Congressional Staff Briefing


HIV/AIDS HOUSING: HIV/AIDS Housing Congressional Staff Briefing
HIV/AIDS Housing
Congressional Staff Briefing
Please join the National AIDS Housing Coalition (NAHC) and the
Federal AIDS Policy Partnership (FAPP) Structural Interventions Work
Group for a briefing, in cooperation with the honorable Senator
Richard Durbin (D-IL) and Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), on
housing programs serving persons living with HIV/AIDS, including
the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA)
*Did you know…
 Housing interventions work to save lives and taxpayer dollars.
H ous ing s up po r ts c r eat e s ta b il i t y a nd h el p c on ne ct p eo pl e t o
ca re -l e ad ing t o b et te r i nd iv i dual an d c om mu ni ty h eal t h
out co m es an d r edu c ing b ehav i or s tha t l ea d to H IV tr ans m iss i on ,
and sha r pl y cu tt ing t he c os t of av o i da bl e e me r gen c y ro o m v is i ts
and i npa t ien t ca r e. H o usi ng i nst ab il it y m ean s g rea te r H IV ri s k
and p oo r er h eal t h ou tc om es .
 People who are homeless or unstably housed have HIV infection rates as
much as 16 times higher than similar low-income people with stable
 Housing status is a stronger predictor of health outcomes than
individual characteristics such as gender, race, ethnicity or age, drug
and alcohol use, and receipt of social services, indicating that housing
itself improves the health of persons living w ith HIV/AIDS;
 Housing reduces infection rates— each new HIV infection prevented
through increased housing stability saves countless life years and over
$400,000 in lifetime medical costs .
Cannon House Office
Thurs., March 26, 2015
12:30PM to 2:00P.M.
Lunch will be provided
Please rsvp to
by March 24, 2015
Join us for an examination of the current national policy issues
around housing for persons living with HIV/AIDS, including
funding priorities, impact of housing interventions and a Q&A with
local AIDS housing providers and clients.”
The National AID S Housing Coalition (NAHC) works to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic by ensuring
that persons living with HIV/AIDS have quality, affordable and appropriate housing. NAHC
accomplishes this through policy and resource advocacy, fostering and disseminating research, and
convening leaders to affect change at the local, national, and inter national level.