AORN of Greater Cleveland Chapter #3608


AORN of Greater Cleveland Chapter #3608
AORN of Greater Cleveland
Chapter #3608
Volume XL
Spring 2015
President’s Message
Dear Colleagues,
I have just left the Denver Convention Center for the last time today. The
AORN Expo and Conference 2015 has ended and all of your delegates
are exhausted. This meeting was extremely eye opening as it was the
lowest registration for the national meeting for many years. There were
more exhibitors than RNs present. It came to light and also became a
motion/challenge to the National Board to find ways this year to save
our organization and engage young people. We found out the average
age of an OR nurse is 58. The exhibit floor was also noticeably smaller
and handouts were limited. We were reminded that every company is
feeling the effect of “Obama Care.”
The delegates voted to raise the dues $35.00 and gave the national board
authority to raise the dues yearly $10.00/year as needed, but no more
than that. It was passed special meetings can be called if any immediate
business needs to be taken care of in between the annual meeting. 100
delegates (members) in good standing of the organization, 10 each of
the 5 zones of our country must be the quorum to pass issues. That
doesn’t mean more persons can’t be present.
Also our new president-elect is Martha Stratton. So is the Expo news
in the nutshell. Look for the new ANA code of ethics to come out early
summer. Finally, AORN Recommended Standards and practices are
now called guidelines and 9 have been revised or written.
Number 3
President (2015)
Sherry Petryszyn, MSN RN CNOR
Fairview Hospital
[email protected]
President-Elect (2015)
Veronica Lenin, BSN, RN
[email protected]
Vice President (2015)
Judy Greig, MSN RN
[email protected]
Secretary (2015)
Theresa Brown, RN CNOR
Hillcrest Hospital
[email protected]
Treasurer (2016)
Laura Farabaugh, RN CNOR
Ahuja Hospital
[email protected]
Board of Directors
Queola Brooks, BSN RN CNOR
[email protected]
Clare Keiser, RN
[email protected]
Cindy Tucker, RN CNOR
[email protected]
Barbara Bonus, RN
[email protected]
Amy Jones, BSN RN CNOR
Beachwood Surgery Center
[email protected]
Please consider coming to the meetings in Cleveland. We want our
organization to continue supporting perioperative nursing in the future.
Professional organizations are the ones that provide the guidance to safe
patient care and support the practitioners. We need your help!
Nominating Committee
As I sign off, I am looking at the sunshine and the 62 degree weather
here today and hoping Cleveland’s warm temperatures and sunshine
is coming soon. We need spring so much. I am looking forward to
Nancy Fellows, MPA MSN RN CNOR
Advanced Sterilization Products
[email protected]
Geneva Sarratt, BSN RN
[email protected]
Most Sincerely,
Sherry Petryszyn MSN RN BA CNOR, Chapter President
Linda Bowen, MBA BSN RN CNOR
[email protected]
Catherine Hyde, RN CNOR
Lake West Hospital
[email protected]
Jacqueline Lantis, RN
[email protected]
Vice President’s Message
Kudos Corner
The following individuals represented the Greater
Cleveland Chapter at the AORN Expo & Surgical
Conference: Queola Brooks, Theresa Brown, Laura
Farabaugh, Nancy Fellows, Clare Keiser, Veronica
Lenin, Sherry Petryszyn, Geneva Sarratt and Teresa
Washington. Expo was held in Denver, CO from
March 7-11, 2015.
Congratulations to Aretha BrownRudolph – St Vincent Charity and
Kathy Glaser – Metro on getting
their CNOR certification. Other
non-members in the Cleveland
area include – James Bertolone – Hillcrest; Kathleen
Brown – Ahuja; Rhonda Dearfield – Fairview; Ashley
Gerak – Marymount; Kelly Greer – CCF; Deborah Jay
– Marymount; Karen John – Hillcrest; Lisa Kingham
– Metro; Stacy Kreps – Hillcrest; Christina Lorenzi
– UH; Amy Nenadal – Hillcrest; Kristin Rendrick –
CCF; Barb Rosplock – UH; Joann Ruff – Marymount;
Steve Supanick – Hillcrest; and Melissa Watson – CCF.
Meeting Venues
Please remember the April 15, 2015, meeting will be
held on the westside at the UH/CMC Westlake Surgery
Center, 960 Clague Rd – Bldg A, Westlake, OH 44145.
The May 20, 2015, meeting will be held at Hillcrest
in Auditoriums B & C. Next year our meetings will
be held either at the Beachwood Surgery Center or
Hillcrest Hospital.
Ohio Council
The next meeting will be June 13, 2015, at 12 noon.
We will be meeting at Jeddo Kabob, 2171 E.DublinGranville Rd (Rt 161), Columbus, OH 43229. We will
be ordering off the menu. Lunches start at $12.99. The
menu can be viewed at If you are
interested in attending, please contact Linda Bowen at
440-729-1958 or [email protected].
Mega Meeting
The next Mega Meeting will be April 25, 2015, at 9:00
am, at the Beachwood Surgery Center. Members of the
Communication, Fundraising, Legislation, Outreach,
and Membership Committees are encouraged to attend.
Any member of the chapter is also invited to attend,
especially if you would like to get involved in some of
the chapter committees.
Congratulations to our President, Sherry Petryszyn,
who has been asked to serve on the National Education
Committee. Way to go Sherry!!
Congratulations to Kasey
Filliater, our 2015 Nursing
Student Scholarship recipient.
Kasey writes - “I am a
at Case Western Reserve
University. I am originally
from Glen Ridge, New Jersey,
and decided to come to
Cleveland for nursing school.
I participate in Undergraduate
Student Nurse’s Association,
Greek life, and enjoy running in my spare time. I am
looking forward to graduating this May and becoming
a Registered Nurse.” Kasey is planning to stay in
Our website domain has been changed and we are now using the Nursing Network website. You will be able to
access some of our webpage if you are not a member, but to access all the areas (bylaws, minutes, etc.) you will
have to sign up and log on. Join the new website to receive email alerts and meeting information.
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Membership Corner
Outreach Update
As of March 23, 2015, we have 190 members. Please
welcome the following new members: Monique Carter
– UH; John Coughlin – Associate; Stephen Crabtree
– Unknown; Denise Damiano – Southwest; Kathy
Greer – Metro; Thomas Hink – LakeWest; Karen
Kendrick – Unknown; Sigrlinn Krish – UH; Michelle
Meredith – Unknown; Thomas Reed – Ortho Surgery
Center; Denise Striker – Metro and Erika Weeks –
UH. Welcome back Peggy Blodgett – Akron General;
Diana Brown-Brumfield; Mary Butanowicz – CCF
ASC; Katrina Hegedus – Metro; Stephanie Hill – UH;
Ginger Kotia – St. John; Jan Minor – CCF ASC; Kelly
Szabo – CCF and Monica Trepicone – Associate.
At Christmas the Chapter provided for a family of four
– a grandmother and her 3 grandsons. Thank you to
all those that donated money and gifts. Each of the
boys received a pair of sneakers and socks, an “Under
Armor” shirt and a Dick’s gift card. The oldest also
got a sweatshirt. The grandmother got a hand mixer
that she wanted and a wallet with a Kohl’s gift card to
purchase the purse she wanted.
We are currently collecting for another family of five mother, father and 3 boys. Some of the items needed
include a toaster, iron, coffee maker, queen-size sheets,
bunk bed twin-size sheets, boys Pjs sizes 1X, XL and
medium. If you would like to donate any of these
items or money to help purchase them, please contact
Theresa Brown at 216-659-7324 or brownmother3@
Nominating Committee Report
The Nominating Committee has been hard at work
preparing the slate of candidates for 2015-2016. The
slate is:
President-elect: Linda Bowen
June Instalation Banquet
Vice President: Judy Greig
Secretary: Theresa Brown
It’s that time of year again. Veronica Lenin, Presidentelect, has chosen to hold her Installation Banquet at the
Willoughby Hills Community Center on June 24, 2015.
THAN USUAL. We will be having a buffet dinner
which will include: Fried Chicken, Grilled Tilapia,
Mac N Cheese, Mexican Corn, Collard Greens, Salad,
Rolls & butter, Coffee, Punch and Cake. The cost will
be $20.00 per person. Your reservation and money
can be given to Laura Farabaugh at the April or May
meeting or sent to her at 4461 Summit St, Willoughby,
OH 44094.
Board of Directors: Queola Brooks
(vote for 3) Clare Keiser
Cindy Tucker
Nominating Committee: MaryBeth Houlahan
(vote for 2) Geneva Sarratt
Nominations from the floor will be accepted at the
April meeting – nominees must meet all qualifications
as outlined in the Policy Manual. Elections will be
held at the May meeting.
Please make checks payable to Greater Cleveland
AORN. No reservation will be accepted with payment.
Reservations and money must be received by May 29,
2015. No Reservations will be accepted at the door.
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Upcoming Meetings
April Meeting:
April 15, 2015
UH/CMC Westlake Surgery Center
7:00 pm Busines Meeting
7:45 pm Education (1 CH)
“Ohio Nursing Law”
Patty Chapek
May Meeting:
Date: May 20, 2015
Place: Hillcrest Hospital
Time: 6:15 pm Board Meeting
7:00 pm Business Meeting
7:45 pm Education (CH Pending)
Topic: Rape Crisis
June Meeting: Installation Banquet
June 24, 2015
Willoughby Hills Community Center
6:00 pm Networking
6:30 pm Dinner
7:30 pm Installation Program
Meeting Locations
UH/CMC Westlake Surgery Center
960 Clague Rd, Building A
Westlake, Ohio 44145
Directions from the east and south: Take
I90 west to the Clague Rd exit. Turn left
at the end of the ramp. The UH/CMC
Westlake Surgery Center driveway is just a short distance
from the exit, on the right side of the street. If you get to the
light at Detroit, you’ve gone too far.
Directions from the west: Take I90 east to the Columbia Rd.
exit. Turn right at the end of the ramp and get in the left turn
lane. Make a left turn onto Detroit Rd. Drive about 1 mile
to the Center driveway on the left. If you get to the light at
Clague, you’ve gone too far.
Hillcrest Hospital
6780 Mayfield Road
Mayfield Heights, Ohio 44124
Coming from the east or west, us the Mayfield Road exit from
I-271. Go east on Mayfield for about 1 mile. The hospital will
be on the right side of the road after you pass SOM Center
April 15, 2015
Meeting, CE Program
“Ohio Nursing Law”
April 25, 2015
Mega Meeting
9:00 am - Beachwood ASC
May 20, 2015
Board Meeting, Meeting, Program
“Rape Crisis”
June 13, 2015
Ohio Council Meeting
9:00 noon - Jeddo Kabob
2171 E. Dublin - Granville Rd.
Columbus, OH 43229
June 24, 2015
Installation Banquet
6:00 pm
Willoughby HIlls Community Center