Practical Shooting - Putnam County Fish and Game Association
Practical Shooting - Putnam County Fish and Game Association
Putnam County Fish & Game Association P.O. Box 418 Carmel, New York 10512 President’s Message APRIL 2015 The snow is finally beginning to melt, warmer weather is just around the corner and Putnam County Fish and Game is beginning to heat up! I want to send a special “Thanks” to John Schippers and Frank Casella for their done installing the new countertop and cabinets in the Shooter Lounge. I also want to thank Marion Fuscaldo and her team of “Leprechauns” for the great St. Patrick’s Day dinner. It was a huge success. There are a number of events planned over the next few months. On Saturday, April 4th we are having an Easter Egg Hunt and Pancake Breakfast. Bring the kids and enjoy the day! April 18th will be the first Work Day of the year. After this harsh winter there is much to be done to get the club in shape for the warm weather and the host of social and shooting events planned. This is a great opportunity for everyone to help your club and get Volunteer Hours done. The best way to keep informed about your club is to attend the meetings. After a long week of work, the last thing you want to do is spend a Friday evening sitting through a long drawn out meeting where very little gets done. With the help of the Board members and the Officers of the club I have been able to keep the meetings short. We stay on topic and we stick to business. The first three meetings of the year ended before 9:30. I will do my best to keep meetings short and informative. In addition to General Member meetings, all members are welcome to attend our Board meetings. These are held on the last Friday of the month and begin at 7:30pm. Board meetings generally run longer than membership meetings because we try to get as much work as possible done so that we don’t have to bore you at the membership meetings. Finally, I would like to wish all of our members Happy Easter and Happy Passover! Tony Chirles pril 10 A May 1 June 5 July 10 General Meeting General Meeting General Meeting General Meering President Vice President Treasurer Recording Secretary Membership Secretary Financial Secretary Frank Casella Steve Derario Lisa Padavani Club Business Meetings April 24 May 29 June 26 July 31 Club Officers Tony Chirles Emil Kublin Dan Stein Bil Kilgour Steve Kaufman Steve Salman 914-393-6161 845-216-7036 [email protected] 914-636-1928 [email protected] 845-306-7557 Club Directors Nick Castellano Rich Gleason Nick Pagliuca John Schippers BOD Meeting BOD Meeting BOD Meeting BOD Meeting Jeff Chiara Greg Gold Tony Paollo Harvey Taplitsky Steve Clorofilla Tom Hall Sam Schatz Air Range Archery Hunter Safety Forestry Health Hunting Lockers Insurance House/Social Events Legislative New Member Newsletter NRA Training Chief Range Officer Trap Website New Member Range Practical Committee Chairs Jeff Chiara [email protected] John Schippers Steve Derario Tom Hall [email protected] Phyllis & Gary Hoffman Frank Casella Richard Gleason [email protected] Steven Wines [email protected] Marion Fuscaldo [email protected] Nick Castellano [email protected] Richard Gleason [email protected] Carolyn Josephs [email protected] Sandy May [email protected] Nick Pagliuca [email protected] Nick Pagliuca [email protected] Chris Primavera 914-490-9927 845-225-6312 914-548-7465 Todd Gasiunas 845-228-5642 Volunteers Needed Calling all volunteers: we need general clean up, plumbers, electricians, stone masons, welders, painters, lawn mowing, leaf blowing, raking, chefs/cooks, kitchen help, event set up and break down, and more! Please email me with your skill/interests. Thank you. Marion Fuscaldo PCFGA House/Grounds Chair [email protected] 914-648-9031 Work Day on Saturday, April 18 [email protected] 845-621-1169 845-225-5735 914-715-1670 845-475-8672 Shooting Events 22 Silhouette Shoots Sat, 4/11/- 12 noon Sat, 5/9/- 12 noon Sat, 6/13-100yd Pistol Shoot - 9am to noon. Sat, 7/11- 100yd Lever Action Shoot - 9am to noon. Sat, 9/5 - Black Powder Shoot - 9am to noon. Training Classes Sat., 4/25 NRA Defensive Pistol 8am - 7pm Tues., 6/9 Refuse To Be a Victim 6 - 10pm Thurs., 9/10 Preparedness Seminar 6 - 10pm PCFGA St. Patrick Dinner Limerick - Marion Fuscaldo there once was a club in Putnam who had a corned beef dinner that was really ‘somethin they ate every carrot and tater and asked if there would be seconds later but their appetites left nothin Legislative Update – Nicholas S. Castellano, Legislative Committee Chair Janet Hasson, the Journal News editor who was responsible for publishing the names and addresses of pistol permit holders in Westchester and Rockland, has resigned. It is estimated that the newspaper lost 30% of their subscribers over that incident, and the paper is still in a court battle with Putnam County because they want to publish our personal information as well. After a huge public outcry, the ATF has backed down from their recent effort to administratively ban M855/SS109 ammunition, and director B. Todd Jones has resigned with this event as the capstone of his career. Your voice was heard loud and clear in Washington, and you should never stop letting it be heard. The DEC has adopted new freshwater fishing regulations. Details can be found on the DEC web site at and will be effective April 1, 2015. Be sure to check in regularly on the club web site at for important legislative updates and alerts. Rifle Range Lockers - Rich Gleason We currently have a limited number of Rifle Range Lockers available for rent. The rental fee is $12.50 for April 2015 thru next September. NOTE: The annual renewal fee for the next fiscal year starting in Sept. 2015 is $25. If the demand exceeds availability, we will hold a drawing to determine who will be provided with the opportunity to rent a locker. The drawing will held 5 days after the release date of the newsletter. Those interested in renting a locker contact Rich G. at [email protected] or call (845) 6287669 and leave a message include your name, e-mail address or telephone number. Safety Matters - Jerry Meenan Greetings from sunny Boynton Beach, Florida. I am not going to rub it in, but most of you have experienced more cold and snow than a person deserves. Whether you live in New York, Florida or any other part of the country, the NRA is launching an important change this year. According to the NRA Training Update the NRA is changing the format of the Basic Pistol Shooting Course. The course is going to be blended, that is, the NRA shall provide the classroom part of the course electronically, while the NRA certified Pistol Shooting instructors will teach the students the range portion of the course. The “eLearning” component will allow the student flexibility as to when they do their on-line work: days, nights, or weekends. The NRA states that the work will include interactive applications, lecture, animation, review questions, and a final examination. After successful completion of the final exam the student arranges with a certified instructor to do the “hands on” live fire part of the course. The NRA is responding to feedback from students that they want more quality range time. The students want smaller classes, more range time and one-on-one instruction. The instructors will assess the students and provide them an NRA course completion certificate. The certificate is generally used by students in New York State to upgrade their restricted pistol permit to “full carry” or to obtain an out of state pistol permit. Individuals seeking to use the new NRA blended course in New York State as part of their application to obtain their first pistol permit may encounter problems. Many conscientious instructors working within the constraints of New York State law and the NRA’s requirements to earn a Basic Pistol Shooting certificate will be hampered in their efforts. The approach used has been to teach the classroom portion of the course and use airsoft or pellet pistols on the range. The NRA requires that to earn their certificate a student must participate in live fire exercises using real guns and live ammunition. (cont’d) Safety Matters - Jerry Meenan (cont’d) Therefore, the instructor would provide the student an official letter documenting their classroom training to submit with their application. Once the student received their pistol permit the instructor would follow up and complete the live fire exercises and issue the student their NRA certificate. There is an exception in the NYS penal code that allows for a student under very rigorous conditions to handle and fire a pistol during training prior to getting a pistol permit. Westchester County actually has a provision to assist applicants in obtaining permission to do just this. Most people find it so draconian that they do not attempt it. Questions surround the admissibility of using an electronic course in a similar way. Furthermore, the instructor bears a significant responsibility for providing safe pistol training. The traditional course was eight hours. The instructor could assess the student’s ability and attitude throughout the eight hours. Now the instructor may only have a few hours to accomplish this. Because of this limitation some instructors may not be comfortable issuing a certificate to a person of questionable attitude or ability because of liability issues. In addition, the instructor’s name and instructor ID number appear on the certificate. State licensing agencies pay serious attention to that information. Lastly, the NRA will be charging a fee for the electronic portion of the course. As of yet they have not determined what the fee will be. So now the students will be charged two fees: one by the NRA and one for the shooting component of the course. The NRA is going forward with the blended Basic Pistol Shooting course for 2015 and in years to come other basic shooting courses, for example, rifle and shotgun will adopt the blended format, too. In 1871 the NRA had a primary goal to: “promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis.” In 2015 the NRA will use electronic technology to further the efforts of new shooters in the safe handling and accurate shooting of pistols. Practical Shooting Maybe you’ve tired of the same old stand-‘n’-shoot at the same old targets, over, and over, and over. Or perhaps you’ve exercised your right to own a defensive handgun, acquired a concealed carry license, and are now wondering where and how you can hone your defensive pistolcraft skills in a sporting environment? “Practical Shooting” is a fun, fast-paced, action shooting sport, using courses of fire and scenarios that challenge your mind, your body, and your hardware. The only restrictions on course designs pertain to safety and standardized targets; beyond that, the sky’s the limit! Multiple targets, moving targets, partial targets, knock-down steel targets, no-shoot targets that cover or obscure “shoot” targets, barricades, doors, windows, walls, tables, all these and other props are mixed together to create constantly changing situations which challenge you to shoot and think! As Practical Shooting is freestyle, you provide the solution to the shooting problem, and both your score (points) and speed (time) are factored. Safety First, Foremost, and Always! Owning a gun doesn’t make you a safe shooter any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician. In fact, it WILL make you a dangerous one if you’re not willing to learn how to safely control the force at your fingertips. Firearm safety is ultimately a matter of personal responsibility and self-control; two key qualities stressed in Practical Shooting. The shooter is always responsible for his or her actions and safe gun handling. Safety violations will lead to disqualification from matches. The careless will find other shooters intolerant of sloppy gun handling; they expect to compete under safe conditions. Practical Shooting is SAFETY IN ACTION: SAFETY is the watchword of the entire program! Practical Shooters instinctively practice safe gun handling under pressure, and they demand the same of others. Before you are allowed to compete in any match or organized practice, a Practical Shooting Safety Check and Orientation is always required — always (cont’d) Practical Shooting (cont’d) Your Safety Check and Orientation At your Safety Check, you will need to have: A serviceable and safe handgun, minimum caliber 38 spl./9mm. All of the critical safeties on your handgun must be functional. A safe holster on a belt; the muzzle of the handgun must point downwards to the ground within three feet of you when standing naturally relaxed, the trigger must be covered, and the belt upon which the holster and allied equipment are carried must be secured at waist level (no shoulder holsters, S.O.B. holsters, “Tactical” thigh holsters, fanny packs, etc.) Magazines or speed loaders, and carriers for same. Bring at least 100 rounds of safe ammunition Ear and eye protection. At your Safety Check, you will need to demonstrate these safe gun-handling skills: Clearing and checking your gun Loading and making ready Draw and fire from various starting positions Safely reloading your gun while stationary, and while moving Safe down and cross-range movement Safely engaging multiple targets from multiple shooting positions Safely clearing a jam Unloading and clearing Your Guns, Gear, & Ammo: Getting Started First, shoot a few matches. You can actually get started with minimal equipment: A safe gun and holster, ammo carriers, a belt, and several hundred rounds of ammunition. Eye and hearing protection are mandatory. You can start with two magazines (or speed loaders), but most shooters carry four or more (courses of fire requiring up to 30 rounds are not uncommon). Your gun must be serviceable and safe. Start with the gun you selected for personal protection – your first few matches with it will tell you a lot! Don’t rush out and spend money on any equipment – you’ll be sorry later! Study what other shooters are using and ask them about their guns and gear; they’re always happy to help new shooters. Gun store commandos and Rambo wanna-be’s have no place in our sport, so leave your camouflage clothing and your shirts with those clever and/or obscene sayings at home. Practical Shooting is a sport – not SWAT training, not combat training, not militia apprenticeship! Un-sportsmanlike appearance and/or behavior will get you barred from the range. Your First Match Nervous about your first “public performance?” Most people are! Relax and enjoy it! Moreover, everyone you meet had a first match too; we’ve all been there. You’ll find that both experienced shooters and Range Officers are friendly and helpful with new shooters. We all enjoy Practical Shooting, and we want to get you started right! Above all else, though, forget speed! Walk through the match – it’s the smart move. To be good at this (or any other) sport, you have to pay your dues, learn the fundamentals, and be able to apply them on demand. Forget speed – think safe and smooth! Forget your time – concentrate on getting all “A” hits. Forget winning – think about your front sight. Practical Shooting is very much a mental game. Finally, concentrate on controlling your gun! Nobody wants to see you get disqualified on your first time out because of a safety violation, but it will happen if you try to run before you can walk, or try to miss fast before you can hit anything slow. Concentrate on learning safe gun handling practices – speed will come with practice and experience (or, put another way, it’ll happen by itself or it won’t happen at all – don’t “try” to go fast). Always, always, always pay attention to your muzzle direction and where your trigger finger is! *Adapted from USPSA Introduction to Practical Shooting Corned Beef Dinner March 15, 2015 Photo Credit: Marilyn Miller Corned Beef Dinner March 15, 2015 Photo Cred i olyn t: Car hs Josep Calendar of Events Saturday, April 4 Pancake Breakfast (9:00am) & Easter Egg Hunt (10:00am) Open to members & families only. Arts & Crafts – Face Painting – Egg Hunt* *egg hunt is for children 12 and under $ 5 per person; 12 and under – free admission Reminder: air gun range is open. Parental Supervision Required – Bring your own eyes/ears & 177 flat nose pellets. Please rsvp Friday, April 17 Hudson Valley Friends of NRA Dinner, Stony Point, NY Saturday, April 18 Work Day Sunday, April 19 PCFGA Pasta Dinner & Board Game Night* (5:00pm) $8.00 per person. RSVP by April 15. [email protected] *Bring your favorite board game or cards. Saturday, April 25 Mid-Hudson Friends of NRA Dinner, Fishkill, NY Sunday, April 26 3D Archery Tournament & Swap Meet Saturday, May 9 NRA Day 3-Gun Event Sunday, May 24 Memorial Breakfast Sunday, June 14 Flag Day Observance & Luncheon Sunday, July 19 PCFGA Annual Picnic (raindate Aug 2) Friday-Sunday, Ju;y 24-26 Putnam County 4H Fair Saturday, August 15 Big Screen Movie Night Under the Stars Monday, September 21 September Equinox Family Dinner Thursday, September 24 Putnam County Friends of NRA Dinner, Jefferson Vally, NY Sunday, October 25 Pumpkin Carving Family Style Sunday, November 15 Game Night Dinner Thursday, December 17 Volunteer Recognition Holiday Dinner Saturday, December 19 Breakfast with Santa Protect yourself and your family from today’s criminal. Attend the Refuse To Be A Victim® crime prevention and personal safety seminar, a program of the National Rifle Association. You will get the tools you need to develop your own personal safety strategy, including information on: The Psychology of the Criminal Mind Home & Phone Security Automobile & Travel Security Personal & Technological Security Information on Self-Defense Tools & Training Options And more! Date: June 9, 2015 Time: 6:00pm to 10:00pm (Please arrive early to check-in, doors open 5:30pm) Location: Putnam County Fish and Game Association, 290 Drewville Road, Carmel, NY 10512-3717 Cost: The seminar cost is $15.00 per person (includes all seminar materials & extra handouts) and is open to ALL PCFGA members and their families! Logon to now to register (must register in advance)! For more information contact Steven Donahoo - [email protected] or call (914) 471-5632! NRA Refuse To Be A Victim® Seminar for PCFGA Members & Their Family Members Putnam County Fish & Game Association P.O. Box 418 Carmel, New York 10512 To: Stamp