Lecture 13: Consultation Feedback
Lecture 13: Consultation Feedback
consultation feedback fall product design classes that count for the minor pdes 3701/5701 creativity, idea generation, and innovation thurs, 2:30-5:15, 3 credits mgmt 3010 intro to entrepreneurship (design section) tues, thurs 9:55-11:35, 4 credits pdes 3702/5702 concept sketching and rendering tues, 2:30-5:15, 3 credits des 3131 user experience in design mon 3-545, wed 5:10-6,00, 3 credits pdes 3703/5703 product form and model making tues, thurs 6-9, 4 credits des 3321 furniture design exploration tues 6:20-8:50, 3 credits pdes 3706/5706 designing for manufacture mon, wed, 9:05-11, 4 credits mgmt 4171 entrepreneurship in action 1 mon, wed, 3:45-5:25, 4 credits me 2011 introduction to engineering mon, wed, 2:30-4:25, 4 credits ce(ge) 5571 acara global venture design fri, 9-12, 3/4 credits espm 3603 environmental lifecycle analysis tues, thurs 3-4:15, 3 credits Budget! last sketch model average $450 VISA" Shop"Material" Laser"CuGng" PloGng" ECE"Depot" 3D"PrinKng" 1000" 900" 800" 700" 600" 500" 400" 300" 200" 100" 0" orange" amber" blue" chartreuse" periwinkle" green" magenta" yellow" pewter" purple" cyan" red" Budget! $1250 max average to date = $875 VISA% Shop%Material% Laser%CuJng% PloJng% ECE%Depot% 3D%PrinNng% 1250% 1050% 850% 650% 450% 250% 50% Orange% !150% Pewter% Chartreuse% Amber% Cyan% Yellow% Periwinkle% Blue% Red% Magenta% Purple% Green% design consultation 50 reviewers creative kid stuff, target, 3M, general mills, medtronic, landscape structures, (chris straub), us news, UMN… marketing, engineering, design, toy experts, former students The Data I can foresee this being a successful playground product and the team is on track for success with this direction keep in mind: fully bubble scores do not circle or give half scores 5 is strongly yes 3 is probably yes 2 is probably no 0 is definitely no people will be biased if your prototype did not work well ideas seem less good if you can’t explain them going forward we are refining the ideas to be closer to being a real product don’t marry an idea design is for other people, not yourself improvement sketch model scores to this round of prototypes 0.6 0.45 0.3 0.15 0 -0.15 -0.3 ch r am be ow ue bl ye ll ar t re u se re d cy an kle in riw pe or an ge gr ee n le rp pu te r pe w m ag en ta -0.45 Magneta 5 4 3 2 1 0 Poly Fun Math Balance Red 5 4 3 2 1 0 Ball Maze Infinity Rockwall Orange 5 4 3 2 1 0 needs to work Pogo Blaster Pin Ball Amber 5 4 3 2 1 0 Pheonix Pancake's needs to be better/different than existing competition Yellow 5 4 3 2 1 0 Leaf Climb Chime n Climb Chartreuse 5 4 3 2 1 0 maybe a variety of different panels Sandman Color Scape Green 5 4 3 2 1 0 mod wall impress me needs to pass protrusion test Cyan 5 4 3 2 1 0 Birdy Bumpers Ventrilodog Blue 5 4 3 2 1 benchmark, maybe not jokes 0 Comic Cubes Raise the Flag Periwinkle 5 4 3 2 1 0 Kidstagram ThermoBoard Purple 5 4 3 2 1 robust better mechanism (and timer?) 0 Dash Rotamaze Pewter 5 4 3 2 1 0 Xumdrum Humdrum needs more texture, not this big Gantt Charts bar chart to visualize a project schedule to show start and end dates of key elements of the project also can show dependency and who does what can update regularly like a contract with your team “finish version 1” unfinished example for this class Gantt Charts april may 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 decide on a direction break down big tasks into smaller understandable tasks prototyping packaging design presentation rehearse and refine pres. final presentation edits take photos for slides costumes/Tees for pres. Note: 3d printing or outsource turn around time, shipping time X PLAYsentations! branding/logo/name person D person B person B and D person C dress rehearsal marketing/business plan pres practice/crit order parts play test here finalize the design/tasks play test Marcy Open debugging time play testing options 1 - friday apr 10, 1-345 Outside Rapson (5th graders) 2- monday, apr 20, 3:30-4:30 at Marcy Open School only need to bring the one direction logistics lab tomorrow make a Gantt Chart 4 weeks until PLAYsentations! clean your team bin clean the annex bins (and courtyard materials) peer reviews - not a replacement for talking in person written eval documents any issues for record keeping anonymous feedback allows people to feel comfortable sharing their thoughts this is a standard practice in companies (like target) and in academia for promotion kevin henry talk/workshop public talk: thursday 3-4, 54 Rapson Hall workshop fri/sat (online registration) unpacking (focus on your main direction) one comment/concern/suggestion per post-it group comments, see what patterns emerge end goal is to synthesize all the feedback to help inform your design needs to be smaller for child to use game play is too complicated for intended age group where do all the pieces get stored? can you make this robust for dropping and throwing?
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