5 things you should know about what RC is doing While Pope


5 things you should know about what RC is doing While Pope
RC Ohio Valley Everyone <[email protected]>
Friday, March 20, 2015 4:09 AM
Dan OBoyle
5 things you should know about what RC is doing While Pope Francis is
in Philly
5 things you should know about what
RC is doing While Pope Francis is in
The excitement is building as we prepare for the Holy Father to visit the United
States this fall!
There are several different opportunities for the Holy Fathers visit. I have listed
below and attached, a few of the opportunities to participate in the World
Meeting of Families and the Papal visit in Philadelphia this September. I am
sure there are many others that you may know about.
Regnum Christi is very excited to be an active participant in this great event in
Philadelphia. We look forward to gathering as a Regnum Christi Spiritual
Family and so we invite all of you to be part of the activities we are planning:
1. In conjunction with the Archdiocese, we are organizing twenty-four hour
adoration at the Cathedral from Sunday, September 20, through Friday,
September 25. Please pray with us in the heart of the Church in Philadelphia!
2. Since 2002, Regnum Christi has been organizing Vocations Coffee Houses
at World Youth Days and other major events around the world. The aim of the
café experience is to inspire young people to be open to following Christ's own
call in their life through testimonies, music and a place where they can gather
and ask questions. At the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, a
vocations café will be running in the coffee shop and plaza in front of the
3. Love & Serve, a ministry in Atlanta which some RC members and friends in
Atlanta are involved with, is responding to the call of Francis to serve the poor
with the Joy of the Gospel by organizing a humanitarian mission to the streets
of Philadelphia. ~See more details in the flyer attached. To get involved or to
make a donation, contact Dave Sloan at [email protected]
4. A reception for all members and friends of Regnum Christi will be held on
Friday, September 25, from 2pm to 7pm, at the Cathedral Hall! This will be a
simple event to offer you a chance to mix and mingle with your fellow Regnum
Christi members from around the country and the world.
5. A Regnum Christi exhibit booth will be part of the large expo held at the
Philadelphia Convention Center as part of the World Meeting of Families. Let
us know if you would like to volunteer at the booth and give witness to living the
vocation to Regnum Christi.
RC at World Meeting of Families- Philadelphia 2015
If you have accommodation needs, you may contact Damian Wargo at:
Damian Wargo, Philadelphia Pilgrimage, 484-441-3225,
[email protected],
Cincinnati Archdiocese is offer two different opportunities. Website for
Cincinnati Archdiocese: http://www.catholiccincinnati.org/ministriesoffices/family-life/world-meeting-of-families-2015/register-for-the-worldmeeting-of-families/.
Join Bishop Roger Foys and members of the Diocese of Covington on a
pilgrimage to the World Meeting of Families, Sept. 22-27, 2015, in Philadelphia,
Penn. Cost: $1595 Package includes round-trip airfare, hotel for five nights,
breakfast daily, two dinners, motor coach transportation, assistance by a tour
representative and sightseeing. Not included is the conference fee for the
World Meeting of Families. Call Canterbury Pilgrimages & Tours at 1-800-6350017. Visit the Office of Catechesis and Formation for more details.
Contact for St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish in Cincinnati: Lakmé Kodros
[email protected] www.saint-max.org
This bus trip is open to all. You will find more information in the Flyers attached.
We would like to coordinate with the Ohio Valley participants. Please let us
know who in the Ohio Valley will participate in this great event by Contacting
Lisa Cusmano at: [email protected]
Yours in Christ,
Jamie Chmiel
Greater Cincinnati RC Director
[email protected]
Sent by Jamie Chmiel
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