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ABRUZZO ABRUZZOSHIRE Contact details Contact Person Organisation Address Phone Fax E-mail Giancarlo Zappacosta Regione Abruzzo, Direzione Sviluppo del Turismo e Politiche Culturali, Servizio Politiche Turistiche I-65124 Pescara, Viale Bovio 425 0039 085 76 70 37 0039 085 76 72 067 [email protected] Website www.abruzzoshire.com PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en ABRUZZO ABRUZZOSHIRE ABRUZZOSHIRE aims to promote the region in order to boost economic activity, develop tourism and attract investment. The project began in January 2003. Location Country NUTS 1 NUTS 2 City Italy SUD Abruzzo Pescara Detailed description The project consists of a tourism and territorial marketing plan, which aims to recover and preserve historic properties. In a short time it has managed to position the region as a cheaper, but equally beautiful alternative to Tuscany. By restoring dozens of old stone houses, it has attracted many domestic and foreign investors interested in buying them. The original objective was to revitalise the region after years of decline and a lack of recognition abroad. In particular, the area inland was trailing the coastal areas in terms of social and economic standards. It had therefore become a priority to rebalance the situation. The main stakeholders are the people of the region, who hope to benefit from the recent boom in tourism and investment. Overall funding amounted to €250,000, provided by European, regional and national sources. The key success factors were the timing of the project, as the region benefited from a real estate boom while property prices were low. Furthermore, the organisation was able to adopt a similar image to Tuscany with lower prices. Meetings to communicate on the project were held in order to support its transferability. Evidence of success It is important for the region and its people to revive the area. The results of the project have been overwhelming, as the region has become popular under the name of ABRUZZOSHIRE after a long period of being virtually unknown to other countries. This is thanks to a huge promotional effort and has resulted in a rejuvenation of the region. As a consequence, the local economy has been revived and previously depopulated areas have been given a new lease of life. PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en ALBA Three Fortresses Route Contact details Organisation Address Phone E-mail Three Fortresses Route RO-510118 Alba Iulia, Str. Militari, nr.2 0040 745081021 [email protected] Website www.cetatealbaiulia.ro PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en ALBA Three Fortresses Route The project focuses on the restoration of the largest fortress in Romania. In addition, the rehabilitation will highlight several historic monuments of great importance, with special attention being paid to the Citadel situated in Alba Iulia. Location Country NUTS 1 NUTS 2 City Romania Macroregiunea unu Centru Alba Iulia Detailed description As well as the revitalisation of the fortress, several other tourist sights are highlighted, preserved and restored: a Roman Camp, the Horea, Closca and Crisan cell, etc. The main aim is to give the citadel back to the citizens of Alba Iulia and to promote it as a tourist attraction, thereby increasing the attractiveness of the whole region. The initiative also has economic impacts: by exploiting the citadel’s huge financial potential, the city will gain an important source of revenue. Stakeholders include the local community, which stands to benefit from the additional tourism generated by the restoration and promotion of the fortress. The project is backed by several public bodies, including the EU. Key success factors are the uniqueness of the citadel, which is the largest Vauban-type building in South Eastern Europe. Evidence of success The local community stands to benefit from the additional tourism. Furthermore, the project preserves an important historic building. The rehabilitation also highlights other historic monuments, and the initiative encourages the promotion of related events and attracts tourists to the region. PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en ALTYUS Wetlands, nature reserve and cultural landscapes for rural development (BIRD) Evidence of success The project contributes to encouraging sustainability and at the same time supports rural development. Various subprojects have been successfully completed, including a nature trail and a bird observation tower. Two examples of successful projects are: Nature trail in the Bukta forest: An educational walking trail in the Bukta forest introduces valuable Bukta forest habitat types, among them now rare broad-leaved forest communities, as well as plants and birds that have been included in Lithuania‘s Red Data Book. The trail is 1.7 km long. Žuvintas Lake Nature trail: The birds observation tower is built near Lake Žuvintas, inside the strictly controlled nature reserve zone. It is possible to observe birds there from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. without a permit. There are also bird observation platforms in the area surrounding Žuvintas Lake in Aleknonys and Žuvintai villages also. Contact details Contact Person Organisation Address Phone E-mail Aruna Pranaitis Zuvintas Biosphere Reserve LT-64301 Simnas, Aleknonys village 00370 315 49 540 [email protected] Website: www.zuvintas.lt PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en ALTYUS Wetlands, nature reserve and cultural landscapes for rural development (BIRD) The BIRD project was carried out in 2004-2007. The main objective was to develop good links between high landscape values on the one hand and rural development on the other hand. 35 partners from 6 countries around the Baltic Sea worked together on the project. Zuvintas Biosphere Reserve is a large and unique lake with a rich biodiversity. The project aims to encourage sustainability whilst contributing to rural development. Location Country NUTS 1 NUTS 2 City Lithuania Lietuva Lietuva Alytus Detailed description The BIRD project was centred on the Zuvintas Biosphere Reserve, which is a highly sensitive ecosystem. The main objective was to develop good links between high landscape value and rural development. It focused on promoting ecotourism, which has increasing potential and can serve as an important tool for sustainability. Another goal was to provide education about the unique biodiversity and improve the promotion of the area as a tourist attraction. The main stakeholders are the local people, who both have an interest in preserving their environment and will benefit from additional tourism. Key success factors include detailed preparation and good management, in addition to delivering a high quality experience to visitors. Furthermore, it is important to include local stakeholders in the process. The organisation believes that BIRD can serve as a positive example for others with the goal of encouraging both sustainability and rural development. PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en AVILA Rural Tourism “Casas de Gredos” Contact details Organisation Address Phone Fax E-mail Casas de Gredos C/ Canteros s/n. CP 05005 - Ávila 0034 920 20 62 04 0034 920 20 62 35 [email protected] Website www.casasgredos.com PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en AVILA Rural Tourism “Casas de Gredos” “Casas de Gredos” is an initiative to create a rural accommodation network and it aims to preserve the cultural and natural heritage of the region. Location Country NUTS 1 NUTS 2 City Spain CENTRO (E) Castilla y Leon Avila Detailed description The “Casas de Gredos” organisation is a network which focuses on taking old houses and refurbishing them. Its aim is to preserve the cultural heritage and architecture of the region. By taking over old houses in poor condition and renting them out to tourists, the initiative is revitalising the region from a socio-economic point of view. The project includes buildings owned by the municipalities. It provides administrative services to both municipalities and individuals. Furthermore, “Casas de Gredos” coordinates rehabilitation activities and employs previously unemployed local workers on these projects. Most importantly, it provides a platform to promote the houses. The organisation has also established minimum quality standards for them. Besides preserving the cultural heritage, the network aims to diversify and develop rural tourism in Avila. This is achieved by training and advising owners of rural accommodation on new technologies. Evidence of success By refurbishing traditional old houses, the architectural heritage of the region is restored. Furthermore, the establishment of the network encourages development in the region and provides owners of old houses with the opportunity to make something of their property. As a consequence, many jobs have been created in the construction industry. PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en AVILA The Park House in Hoyos Del Espino Contact details Organisation Address Phone E-mail Regional Park “Sierra de Gredos” Ctra. De la Plataforma, s/n. 05634 Hoyos del Espino 0034 920 34 92 04 [email protected] PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en AVILA The Visitor Centre in Hoyos Del Espino The visitor centre serves as a gateway to the Gredos Mountains Regional Park. It provides information about local biodiversity and educates people about the park regulations. Location Country NUTS 1 NUTS 2 City Spain CENTRO (E) Castilla y Leon Avila Detailed description The visitor centre plays an essential role in protecting the regional park, which is the region’s main natural resource. To reduce the environmental impact it provides parking and public transportation into the park. Much emphasis is placed on educating visitors about local biodiversity and the code of conduct. The centre also provides a live camera to avoid disturbing the fauna and flora. The aim is to raise awareness about the environment and to promote and foster the natural resources of the protected area. The whole region has a stake in the regional park, as it generates revenue and provides jobs. In addition, it is an important national heritage asset. Evidence of success It is important to reduce the human impact on the environment by setting guidelines for the behaviour inside the park. The initiative is part of “The European Charter for Sustainable Tourism” and has been awarded with the “Q for Quality” certificate for sustainable tourism. It also provides the region with a cultural asset and generates revenue and jobs. PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en AVILA Tree Adventure Park Contact details Organisation Address Phone Fax E-mail Tree Adventure Park “Pinos Cimeros” Ctra. de la Plataforma, s/n. 05634. Hoyos del Espino. Ávila 0034 920 34 83 85 0034 920 34 83 85 [email protected] PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en AVILA Tree Adventure Park The park offers a fun, original and new way of exploring the environment. This is achieved by offering sport circuits, in close proximity with nature. Location Country NUTS 1 NUTS 2 City Spain CENTRO (E) Castilla y Leon Avila Detailed description The “Tree Adventure Park” is a closed and controlled place, where visitors can take part in a number of leisure/sports activities in close proximity with nature. The park is laid out in a natural environment, which allows people to immerse themselves in nature whilst respecting it and without reducing the fun aspect of the activities. Four different circuits are offered, with varying degrees of difficulty. They include platforms built out of natural and artificial materials and the aim is to cross from one to another. The aims of the project are to diversify leisure activities, to contribute to the socio-economic development of the area and to provide information about the region. It will create three new jobs, provide a boost to the local economy and increase the number of stakeholders involved. Evidence of success The park seeks to promote sustainable and enjoyable activities in a natural setting as a complementary tourism offer. One tangible result is the number of jobs created with the latest extension adding three new jobs for the region. PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en REGION BANSKA BYSTRICA Balnea Cluster Dudince Contact details Contact Person Organisation Address Phone E-mail Kristina Paulinyova Tourist information centre SK-96271 Dudince, Kupelna 12 00421 45 55 04 996 [email protected] Website www.dudince-mesto.sk PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en REGION BANSKA BYSTRICA Balnea Cluster Dudince One of the specific goals of the tourism development strategy of the Banska Bystrica Region is to support the development of spa and health tourism in the southern part of the region which has good potential in terms of mineral and thermal waters. The initiative in question is part of the strategic implementation of the plan. Location Country NUTS 1 NUTS 2 City Slovakia Slovenska Republika Stredne Slovensko Dudince Detailed description The Balnea Cluster was created with the aim of involving local government and entrepreneurs in a joint project in the spa town of Dudince and the surrounding villages. The main goal is to develop spas and health tourism in this part of the region, which has plentiful reserves of mineral and thermal waters. Furthermore, the organisation hopes to establish itself as a brand name and will oversee marketing activities for the region in order to develop new tourist products. The beneficiaries are local businesses, the town of Dudince, local inhabitants and visitors to the spas. The financial backing is provided by the regional government. The key success factors have been the development of the region and cooperation with local businesses. The model of successful cooperation between different stakeholders should be also easily transferable. Evidence of success The local community and economy benefit directly from this scheme, which promotes the region and its products. Since the start of the programme the total number of visitors has increased. PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en REGION BANSKA BYSTRICA Building a network of biking routes Contact details Contact Person Organisation Address Phone E-mail Imrich Fekete Banska Bystrica Self-governing region SK-97401 Banska Bystrica, Nam.SNP 23 00421 48 4325 111 [email protected] Website www.bbb.sk PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en REGION BANSKA BYSTRICA Building a network of biking routes The initiative focuses on the building of a widespread network of cycling routes, since region is committed to ecological transportation. Location Country NUTS 1 NUTS 2 City Slovakia Slovenska Republika Stredne Slovensko Banská Bystrica Detailed description The overall goal of the project is to build a network of biking routes. An important issue for the region of Banská Bystrica is cooperation with Hungary in order to facilitate cross- border movement. The programme also aims to support and promote an environmentally-friendly form of transportation. The network will also be connected to other European biking routes. This will contribute to the development of the region as a tourist destination. The main beneficiaries and stakeholders are the local people, who benefit from the additional tourism. The financial resources come from various regional and federal funds. The key success factors are the development of an ecological form of transport and the boost to the economy. Building bike routes with the goal of linking them up with other networks should be easily transferable, although the success of the project depends to a certain extent on other regions adapting the same model. Evidence of success People and local businesses benefit from the additional tourism. Furthermore, the bike network encourages a more ecological form of transportation. PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en REGION BANSKA BYSTRICA Cierny Balog Contact details Contact Person Organisation Address Phone E-mail Maria Sajgalikova Vydra – Community development activity SK-97652 Cierny Balog, Hlavna 56 00421 48 619 09 44 [email protected] Website www.vydrovskadolina.sk PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en REGION BANSKA BYSTRICA Cierny Balog This good example, also transferable to other communities, aims to encourage development of rural areas. Location Country NUTS 1 NUTS 2 City Slovakia Slovenska Republika Stredne Slovensko Cierny Balog Detailed description Communities such as Cierny Balog have shown a high level of commitment. Here, agrotourism has become an important part of the local strategy for growth and prosperity. Furthermore, the main key to its success is the commitment of local people to the development of tourism. The overall goal of this project is to support the development of rural areas and serve as a role model for other local communities. Therefore, it is easily transferable. Another focus is to increase cooperation between local government, entrepreneurs and NGOs. Stakeholders include the local community and the economy, which depend on tourism as an additional source of income. Financial resources have been provided by the local government through taxes, funds and grants. The key success factors have been the development of the region and cooperation with local businesses. Evidence of success The development of the rural areas is essential in improving the quality of life, as local people need additional sources of income, preferably through tourism. Since the start of the program the total number of visitors has increased. PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en CARINTHIA Farm Holidays in Carinthia Contact details Contact Person Organisation Address Phone E-mail Edith Sabath-Kerschbaumer Carinthian Farm Holidays Association A-9020 Klagenfurt, Viktringer Ring 5 0043 463 33 00 99 [email protected] Website www.urlaubambauernhof.com PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en CARINTHIA Farm Holidays in Carinthia The project focuses on supporting and promoting rural tourism in Carinthia, increasing market share, improving the productivity of the organisation and its members and reinforcing teamwork. Location Country NUTS 1 NUTS 2 City Austria Südösterreich Kärnten Klagenfurt Detailed description Farm Holidays in Carinthia is a platform for promoting rural tourism and it has established itself as strong brand name. It offers the opportunity to spend a holiday on one of a wide selection of farms. Visitors have the opportunity to experience the rural environment of Carinthia and enjoy locally produced food. The organisation also trains and advises landlords who wish to provide tourist accommodation. In addition, it promotes local traditions and food. The main objective is to establish farm holidays in Carinthia as a strong brand in order to attract tourists. Ultimately, the beneficiaries are the local people, who benefit from the additional tourism. Another focus is the preservation of traditions and environmental education. The farm holidays brand has been established as an ambassador of the rural environment and is helping to breathe new life into the countryside. The main stakeholders include the local community and culture. Financial resources are provided through private and public funds. The key success factors are the enhancement of the organisation’s productivity, an improvement in market share and the reinforcement of teamwork. Farm holidays are a good example of rural tourism in Europe and have been established in other regions. Evidence of success The organisation promotes rural tourism and provides the local economy with an additional source of revenue. It also preserves local traditions and the environment. Farm holidays have contributed to increasing employment and income in the region. PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en CARINTHIA Nature Experience Carinthia Contact details Contact Person Organisation Address Phone E-mail Günter Mussnig Arge Naturerlebnis Kärnten – Consortium Nature Experience Carinthia A-9220 Velden, Casinoplatz 1 0043 4825 200 49 17 [email protected] Website www.naturerleben.kaernten.at PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en CARINTHIA Nature Experience Carinthia The “Arge Naturerlebnis Kärnten” project (“Nature Experience Carinthia” Consortium) began in November 2009 as a cooperation between 7 protected areas, 7 tourism organisations and the Carinthian Tourism Board (Kärnten Werbung) in the field of sustainable/nature tourism. Location Country NUTS 1 NUTS 2 City Austria Südösterreich Kärnten Velden Detailed description The aim of the cooperation was to being together all the relevant actors in an effort to support and promote sustainable tourism. These include protected areas, hotels and tourism organisations. The overall goal is the strategic development of a sustainable/nature tourism experience in Carinthia. Consequently, the consortium seeks to set standards and criteria for the tourism products. Furthermore, it seeks to raise awareness and educate people about the environment. Other goals include the establishment of a brand and joint marketing activities. The main stakeholders are the local community and businesses, which benefit from marketing activities and the additional tourism. The budget for 2010-2012 is €500,000, mostly accounted for by membership fees and programmes. Key success factors are the support of the government and good cooperation between the parties involved. The project is easily transferable. Evidence of success The project raises awareness of sustainable tourism and brings together all the important actors. So far, each of the protected areas has developed two “Nature Experience Top Products” programmes. In addition, the online “Naturerleben Kärnten” activities (www.naturerleben.kaernten.at) have had a good response in countries like Germany and the Netherlands. PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en CARINTHIA Nature Park and Tourism Contact details Contact Person Organisation Address Phone E-mail Arno Kronhofer Nature Park Weissensee A-9762 Weißensee, Techendorf 90 0043 4713 22 20 32 [email protected] Website www.weissensee.com PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en CARINTHIA Nature Park and Tourism The project concerns the Weissensee Nature Park, the highest bathing lake in the Alps with the largest natural ice area in wintertime. The lake waters are oligotrophic and contain a specific fish species, Salmo trutta lacustris, also called the Alpine Salmon. The organisation of the Nature Park is based on the municipalities of Stockenboi and Weissensee. The Carinthian government’s department of regional planning acts as a partner. Location Country NUTS 1 NUTS 2 City Austria Südösterreich Kärnten Techendorf Detailed description The Weissensee Nature Park is the second largest nature park in Carinthia. The protection of nature has been a major theme for the organisation and local people. The lake itself boasts a variety of different species. The Nature Park has four equally important goals. First, it is focused on educating people about nature. Second, the protection of the flora and fauna inside the park is important. Third, the organisation wishes to encourage and sustainable and nature tourism with a small carbon footprint. And the final goal is regional development, as local businesses stand to gain from the additional tourism. Stakeholders are the local community and the economy. Both have a considerable interest in maintaining the beauty of the nature park and the number of tourists it attracts. The organisation is largely funded by public sources. Key success factors include networking and the overall strategy of working with local people in a bottom-up approach. The conditions for a potential transfer are difficult, as the lake and the natural environment are unique. Evidence of success The organisation seeks to protect the environment and cooperates extensively with the local community. This has resulted in the development of a traffic reduction programme, a nature park school and other tourist programmes. PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en ESZAK-ALFOLD Hortobagy, the land of herdsmen Contact details Contact Person Organisation Address Phone E-mail Zoltan Gencsi Centre of the Hortobagy Non-profit Company for Nature Conservation and Gene Preservation H-4071 Hortobagy, Czinege J. u. 1. 0036 30 963 45 00 [email protected] Website www.hortobagy.eu PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en ESZAK-ALFOLD Hortobagy, the land of herdsmen Hortobagy is a national park that aims to preserve animal and plant genes. Today, there are more than 200 herdsmen for 9,000 cattle, 50,000 sheep and 350 horses living in the area. Moreover, here you can find one of the most ancient and traditional styles of living on the Hungarian Great Plain – that of the Hortobágy herdsmen. Location Country NUTS 1 NUTS 2 City Hungary Alfold es Eszak Eszak-Alfold Hortobagy Detailed description The Hortobagy Non-profit Company for Nature Conservation and Gene Preservation is responsible for nature preservation in the national park area and also deals with organic farming. It thus helped to form Hungary’s - and Europe’s - largest common, fully converted organic farming area. Here, the organisation demonstrates the different tools and methods of animal husbandry, the history of the local animal species and breeds on the Puszta (Great Plain), and their use in the past and now. The organisation also promotes and supports organic farming. It seeks to educate people about local crafts and activities such as herding sheep. Its objective is to preserve and present these living traditions. The main stakeholders are the local community and the people in general, as the park preserves and presents nature at its best. Evidence of success Hortobagy protects the local flora and fauna, in addition to presenting local traditions. In 2008 Hortobàgy earned the title “European Destination of Excellence” as “Hungary´s best destination preserving living traditions”. In 1999 it was recognised by UNESCO as a World Heritage site. PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en ESZAK-ALFOLD Szatmar-Bereg Nature Park Contact details Contact Person Organisation Address Phone E-mail Reka Vadnay Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg Nature Reserve Foundation H-4900 Fehergyarmat, Vorosmarty u. 1 0036 44 51 00 35 [email protected] Website www.szatmarbereg.hu PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en ESZAK-ALFOLD Szatmar-Bereg Nature Park The area of Szatmar-Bereg is one of the most underdeveloped regions in Hungary. However, the nature park can provide positive impacts on the local economy. The project in question aims to support the local tourism actors and economic structures, whilst also seeking to preserve and protect the environment. Location Country NUTS 1 NUTS 2 City Hungary Alfold es Eszak Eszak-Alfold Fehergyarmat Detailed description The area is a highly protected nature reserve, where no major industrial or infrastructure developments are allowed. Consequently, the local economy is not very competitive. The nature park not only seeks to preserve the environment, but also wishes to support local farmers. This can be done by promoting sustainable farming and ecotourism. Regional development is an important issue and the nature park is attempting to coordinate these efforts and to establish cooperation between the different actors of social and economic life. Another focus is the preservation of local culture and traditions. Stakeholders are the people in the region, who depend on tourism and the efforts of the nature park to support the local economy. And last but not least, one of the main objectives of the initiative is the construction of a visitor centre. Evidence of success With the initiation of the Szatmar-Bereg Nature Reserve foundation, a form of cooperation was generated between 2005 and 2009 that has had significant effects on the local economic actors and population through the coordination of sustainable agriculture and tourism whilst preserving and presenting natural and cultural values and promoting hospitality based on local produce. PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en ESZAK-ALFOLD Szatmar-Bereg Plum Route Contact details Contact Person Organisation Address Phone E-mail Akos Horvath Szatmar-Bereg Plum Route Association H-4800 Vasarosnameny, Tamasi Aron u. 1 0036 70 38 71 951 [email protected] Website www.szilvaut.hu PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en ESZAK-ALFOLD Szatmar-Bereg Plum Route The association, which began to operate in 2001, aims to map the tourism offer, accommodation, catering establishments, programmes and events as well as providing a platform for the Szatmár-Bereg region to promote tourism. Location Country NUTS 1 NUTS 2 City Hungary Alfold es Eszak Eszak-Alfold Vasarosnameny Detailed description The Szatmár-Bereg Plum Route Association was formed by local authorities, private accommodation providers and other organisations in order to provide a promotional platform for the region’s businesses. The basic aim is to establish a complex tourism product and increase the number of tourists. The hope is to increase overnight stays by highlighting the natural, cultural and gastronomic values of the area. The services of the Plum Route themselves are a tourist attraction and can provide people with an extra income. The whole programme is based on cooperation between tourism, culture, folk tradition and agriculture. In fact, the Plum Route consists of two different routes. The main stakeholders are the people in the region, who depend on the income generated from selling local produce and renting out accommodation. Evidence of success The Plum Route Association seeks to support the local economy by promoting the region and the services along the route. Establishing the Plum Route as a tourist attraction has increased the income of businesses and helped to retain the resident population. PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en JONKOPING Isaberg Evidence of success The model ensures that additional tourism is attracted and the profits are reinvested in the sustainability of the region. While Isaberg has managed to considerably increase the number of visitors, the organisation has also succeeded in reducing water and electricity consumption. Contact details Contact Person Organisation Address Phone E-mail Kjell-Ake Gustavsson Stiftelsen Isaberg SE-33027 HHestra, Box 122 0046 370 33 93 00 [email protected] Website www.isaberg.com PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en JONKOPING Isaberg The summit of Isaberg rises 150 meters above the nearby lakes and more than 300 meters above sea level. Isaberg is dominated by facilities for outdoor activities, of which the ski slopes are the most prominent. The nature reserve also has trails for crosscountry skiing and walking, picnic spots with barbecue facilities, viewpoints, playgrounds and a campsite. Location Country NUTS 1 NUTS 2 City Sweden Sodra Sverige Smaland med oarna Jonkoping Detailed description The project plays a key role for the whole of tourism development in the region of Jönköping. The dialogue between the holiday resort and the regional tourism organisation has been very important for regional tourism development in Jönköping. The ability of these two actors to provide each other with support and give crucial input over a ten-year period has in the end resulted in a process whereby both parties now are developing sustainable actions and strategies. Isaberg was designated as Sweden’s first Social Nature Reserve and Isaberg has responsibility for maintaining and conserving the reserve for recreational purposes without damaging the natural assets of the site. Isaberg shows that there is great potential for tourism in the Jönköping region, which makes it easier for politicians as well as employees of the public authorities to take initiatives to improve the tourism industry. The foundation also highlights that without financial success, investment in sustainability is much more difficult. The goal of Isaberg is to support and promote regional development, at the same time as investing in sustainability. The major beneficiaries are the local economy and community, who benefit from the additional tourism. Key success factors include the reinvestment of profits in new developments. Furthermore, the regional tourism organisation has been helpful in providing its skills and contacts with business partners. Transferability should be easy, as there are no special conditions. PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en OREBRO The Heart of Sweden Contact details Organisation Phone E-mail Örebro Tourist Office 0046 19 21 21 21 [email protected] Website www.theheartofsweden.com PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en OREBRO The Heart of Sweden The Heart of Sweden is a project which aims to brand and revitalise the region, attract national and international tourists and encourage better cooperation among the local actors. Location Country NUTS 1 NUTS 2 City Sweden Ostra Sverige Ostra Mellansverige Orebro Detailed description Since the launch of “The Heart of Sweden” brand in 2008, there have been big changes in co-operation, commitment and communication between the different stakeholders both nationally and internationally. The goal of the project is to offer a clearer vision and focus on one type of tourism. The organisation introduced workshops and fairs to participate in. It focuses on promoting the cultural heritage and investing in the sustainability of the region. Another important point is cooperation between local stakeholders, who can benefit from the additional tourism. Key success factors include the involvement of the public sector and the cooperation between the various stakeholders. Evidence of success The Heart of Sweden aims to revitalise a forgotten region and to encourage sustainable tourism in order to boost local economic development. One successful example of the project is the Bergslags trail, which extends through the whole region and offers a variety of events and activities. Another is the Tiveden National park, where a range of different sports are offered in addition to a unique environment. In both projects the organisation was able to involve many local entrepreneurs. PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en STEREA ELLADA Amfikaia Farm Contact details Contact Person Organisation Phone E-mail Mr. Moros Amfikaia 0030 22 34 04 88 60 info@amfikaia.gr Website www.amfikaia.gr PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en STEREA ELLADA Amfikaia Farm Amfikaia is a farm which aims to introduce people to a different type of tourism and way of life by promoting sustainable tourism. It has been operating since 2000. Location Country NUTS 1 NUTS 2 City Greece Kentriki Ellada Sterea Ellada Amfikleia Detailed description Amfikaia farm is located on the slopes of Parnassos mountain and aims to show how people they can respect nature. It promotes sustainable tourism by offering a unique experience on a farm with animals close to extinction. Furthermore, only locally produced food is offered. Amfikaia seeks to educate students about the environment. The use of new technologies and the focus on the sustainability of tourism make this farm unique. Stakeholders include the local community and the economy, as Amfikaia provides jobs and only buys locally produced food. The project was funded by the EU and private funds. A key success factor has been the combination of innovation and tradition and respect for the environment. The good practices, which can be transferred, lie in the ways of using the land and animals, whilst preserving the environment. Evidence of success The project promotes environmental awareness and works with local producers. It has provided the local community with new jobs and exclusively buys their produce. Furthermore, Amfikaia provides environmental education for students. PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en STEREA ELLADA Plutarcheio Historical and Cultural Park of Chaeronea / Virtual Reality Center Contact details Contact Person Organisation Phone E-mail Nikoleta Koffa Municipality of Chaeronea 0030 22 21 02 22 47 nkoff[email protected] Website www.plutarcheio.gr PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en STEREA ELLADA Plutarcheio Historical and Cultural Park of Chaeronea / Virtual Reality Center The project is an innovative thematic park aiming to promote the historical heritage of Chaeronea that has been operating since 2009. It has been inspired and designed by the Municipality of Chaeronea with the contribution of the Foundation of Hellenic World and the Ministry of Culture. The project has been approved and financed by the Regional Operational Programme of Sterea Ellada. Location Country NUTS 1 NUTS 2 City Greece Kentriki Ellada Sterea Ellada Chaeronea Detailed description The project is an innovative theme park which aims to highlight and promote the historical and archaeological resources of Chaeronea. Its goal is to preserve the cultural heritage of the region through multimedia applications and preservation of data on the life and work of Plutarch. The use of technology and virtual reality gives visitors the chance to watch the famous battle of Chaeronea as it happened. The presentation is in a 3-D, real-time, interactive environment: visitors can navigate the virtual space independently, in their own time, and in the end they can take an active part in the restoration of the “Lion of Chaeronea”. The historical details were provided by expert historians. The virtual reality centre is incorporated in the wider archaeological area, which consists of an integrated theme park. Stakeholders include the local community, which is provided with jobs and a potential draw for tourists. The key success factor is the use of innovation and technology for the preservation of the cultural heritage and the promotion of thematic forms of tourism. Evidence of success The project highlights the contemporary city of Chaeronea and helps to strengthen the local community, offering visitors the opportunity to combine education with alternative forms of tourism. In the first 5 months, the project received over 1,000 visitors. PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en STEREA ELLADA Vagonetto Contact details Contact Person Organisation Phone E-mail Sophia Ganiatsou Vagonetto-Fokis Mining Park 0030 21 09 23 20 81 [email protected] Website www.vagonetto.gr PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en STEREA ELLADA Vagonetto Vagonetto is a spectacular theme park, unique in Greece, utilising sophisticated audiovisual equipment and exploring new technologies to enhance local cultural and industrial heritage in an interactive and innovative way. Location Country NUTS 1 NUTS 2 City Greece Kentriki Ellada Sterea Ellada Lamia Detailed description Vagonetto is a unique theme park which preserves and depicts the history and memories of mining. Inspired by a group of miners with a vision, Vagonetto recreates the conditions of bauxite extraction. In the breathtaking and theatrical environment of Mine 850, in the actual gallery where bauxite was extracted 50 years ago, today’s visitors have a unique opportunity to experience onsite the techniques of bauxite mining and admire the awesome work done by man some 200 metres under the surface of the earth. Sustainable development, environmental concerns and the preservation of nature are Vagonetto’s prime goals. Stakeholders include the local community and economy, which depend on tourism. The park has been financed by private sources with contributions from the EU and national funds. The total amount was €395,507.67€. Key success factors include the innovative, educational and recreational character of the theme park. The model of Vagonetto is transferable, as the park is a prototype in terms of alternative tourism and aspects of educational interest. Evidence of success Vagonetto has been supporting the local community and economy since 2003. More than 60,000 people from all over the world (60% adults-40% children) have already visited the Park and the surrounding area of Fokis. PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en STYRIA Landlust Contact details Organisation Phone Website Landlust 0043 3385 66 040 www.landlust.at PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en STYRIA Landlust Landlust arranges vacations in traditional old Styrian farmhouses. It focuses on preserving the beauty of old houses and supporting the landlords. Location Country NUTS 1 NUTS 2 City Austria Sudosterreich Steiermark Großwilfersdorf Detailed description Landlust, a project of the East Styrian EU Region Management designed to save old farm architecture from deterioration, has been running for nearly three years, assisting landlords in their efforts to make their old houses available for new uses through consultation, training and funding opportunities. The farmhouses are transformed into tasteful holiday homes and offer the opportunity to enjoy the local culture. This way, they are not only preserved, but meet the demand for tourist accommodation. Many of these older houses need to be renovated and promoted. As well as the landlords themselves, beneficiaries include local producers, who are able to sell their produce such as food and wine. Evidence of success Landlust helps preserve these very old houses and supports the local economy. In addition, it offers tourists the opportunity to engage in sustainable tourism and enjoy the local culture. It helps landlords promote their property and provides a platform to do so. These factors are important in creating new jobs in tourism and in the production of goods. PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en STYRIA Thermenland Contact details Contact Person Organisation Address Phone Fax E-mail Franz Rauchenberger Steirisches Thermenland A-8263 Großwilfersdorf, Radersdorf 75 0043 3385 66 040 0043 3385 66 040 20 [email protected] Website www.thermenland.at PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en STYRIA Thermenland The organisation is concerned with promoting the region and providing a network for businesses. There is a specific focus on guaranteeing a sustainable future for the region and its inhabitants. Location Country NUTS 1 NUTS 2 City Austria Sudosterreich Steiermark Großwilfersdorf Detailed description The main objective of the organisation is to promote the region, which offers various different thermal springs. It provides a platform for the various stakeholders to communicate on their offers. In addition to an obvious focus on spa and health opportunities, the organisation also provides information about the region including accommodation, food and sports activities. The main stakeholders are local businesses and the people living in the region. Another important issue for the organisation is sustainable tourism, which is supported by regional projects focusing on environmentally-friendly means of transportation and cooperation between Austria and Hungary. Thermenland Styria includes the 6 spas in Bad Waltersdorf, Bad Blumau, Loipersdorf, Bad Gleichenberg, Sebersdorf and Bad Radkersburg, culinary specialities like pumpkin seed oil, also known as the “black gold of Styria”, Buschenschanken taverns, 4 wine trails, over 3,000 km of cycle tracks and the Castle Route with 16 castles and fortresses in Styria and Burgenland built to protect Christendom from the Magyars and Turks in the 12th and 13th centuries. Evidence of success The organisation provides a platform for businesses in the region to communicate on their offers and it intends to shape the future by backing important projects. It recently started a project to reduce carbon emissions by up to 6%. Another focus is health and the promotion of various kinds of sport. PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en STYRIA Steirisches Vulkanland Contact details Contact Person Organisation Address Phone Fax E-mail Beatrix Lenz Steirisches Vulkanland A-8330 Kornberg, Dörfl 2 0043 3152 83 80 0043 3152 83 80 4 [email protected] Website www.vulkanland.at PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en STYRIA Steirisches Vulkanland The organisation consists of 79 villages in a region dotted with extinct volcanoes. It focuses on sustainable energy, local food and supporting the economy. Location Country NUTS 1 NUTS 2 City Austria Sudosterreich Steiermark Komberg Detailed description The organisation places a strong focus on a human, sustainable and economic approach to promoting the region. This includes an emphasis on traditional food from the region, sustainable farming and the local culture. An “energy vision” has been developed with the goal of exclusively using regionally produced energy by 2025. It also seeks to establish the “Steirisches Vulkanland” (Styrian Volcano Land) as a brand name and to support local businesses. The region is especially renowned for its various wines and delicious food. Another important point is the participation of citizens in cultural activities in order to preserve these traditions and pass them on them to a new generation. As mentioned above, the promotion of local food and wine is essential in this approach. Many family- owned restaurants and hotels serve traditional, home-grown specialities. Additionally, there is an effort to revive local crafts such as basket weaving. The list of stakeholders is extensive, as most people in the region depend for their livelihood on tourism and/or agriculture. Evidence of success The organisation seeks to promote and preserve the local culture. This includes cultural events, traditional food and wine. In addition, it is hoped that the region’s energy requirements can be exclusively produced locally by 2025. The Steirisches Vulkanland is EDEN-award winner. PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en TOSCANY Ospiti di Valore – Environmental Sustainability Contact details Contact Person Organisation Phone E-mail Serena Cesarini Sforza Eurobic Toscana Sud 0039 0577 99 501 staff@bictoscanasud.it Website www.bictoscanasud.it PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en TOSCANY Ospiti di Valore – Environmental Sustainability “Ospiti di valore” is a project based on the awareness that sustainability is the key to the future development of tourism. A sustainability based on two fundamental principles: • full compliance of the environmental and socio-cultural heritage, from a perspective of long-term economic development • an awareness that tourism is first of all the knowledge and exchange of socio-cultural values This exchange, coupled with respect for natural resources, generates economic value through tourism and should be enriching for both residents and tourists. Location Country NUTS 1 NUTS 2 City Italy Centro Toscana Province of Siena Detailed description The territorial setting for Ospiti di Valore is the Province of Siena (36 municipalities), which is known as “Terre di Siena”. In line with the principles and requirements of the Charter of Lanzarote (1995), Agenda 21 (1992), the “Tourism with Insight” manifesto, Tourism Bill of Rights and Tourist Code (WTO, 1985), the Manila Declaration on the Social Impact of Tourism (WTO, 1997) and the Montreal Declaration (1997), Terre di Siena offers tourists the opportunity to sign a “pact for honorary citizenship”. This agreement commits the community of Terre di Siena to respect the principles contained in it, and at the same time offers tourists the chance to become “honorary citizens of Terre di Siena” with all the consequent rights and duties of citizens residing in the territory, establishing a bond of belonging to the local community that extends beyond the period of their stay. Evidence of success Creation of an integrated tourist circuit jointly by public and private actors, sharing the philosophy of sustainable tourism and coordination of tourist hospitality services with local agriculture, crafts and typical produce. PRESERVE - Logotipo Esecutivo Peer REviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions Via Europe en