2007-06-12 - The Law Society of Upper Canada
2007-06-12 - The Law Society of Upper Canada
June/ Ju in 2007 LETRIGHTPREVAIL Barreau The Law Society of du Haut-Canada Upper Canada Special Conseil Convocation extraordinaire The COl!f'erring of an honorary degree and the call to the bar of the candidates La remise d'un grade honorif/que et l'ossennentation des condidats et des candidotes CONTENTS NATIONAL ARTS CENTRE Ottawa. Ontario Tuesday. June 12. 2007 9:00 a.rn. 6 CENTRE NATIONAL DES ARTS Ottawa (Ontario) Le rnardi 12 ju in 2007 9h LONDON CONVENTION CENTRE London, Ontario Friday, June I5. 2007 2:30 p.rn. 10 ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Monday, June 18. 2007 9:00 a.m. 12 ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto. Ontario f\fonday. June 18. 2007 2:30 p.m. /6 ROY THOMSON HALL foronto. Ontario Tuesday. June 19. 2007 9:00 a.m. 20 MESSAGE FROM THE TREASURER LE MESSAGE DU TRESORIER ne of the happiest duties that the Benchers of the Law Society of Upper Canada perform is to call to the bar those who have completed law school, articling and the Licensing Process. U 2 O It is a long educational process, but an important one. It is the means by which we assure the people of Ontario that members of our profession have the knowledge. skills and values to serve the public competently and ethically. You are being called to the bar at an exciting time. There ha\'e always been many opportunities in the law but never more than today. Remember, however, that law is not merely a trade or a business. lt is a profession, and as such it comes with professional obligations. One of those obligations. in my view, is to protect the legal rights of people who cannot pay for our services. Never are we more respected than we are when we do so. You will, I assure you, find that some of your most rewarding hours as a lawyer will be those for which you never render an account. On behalf of the Benchers of the Law Society of Upper Canada. I congratulate each of you on your accomplishment. I also congratulate your family and friends, because this is their accomplishment as well. Best wishes in your professional journey. ne des tftches Jes plus agreables que Jes conscillers du Barreau du Haut-Canada doivent executer est J'assermentation de ceux et de celles qui ont fait J'ecole de droit. le stage et le Processus d'acces a la profession. Le processus est long. mais ii est important. C'est notre fa<;on d'assurer a la population de I' Ontario que !cs membres de notre profession ont Jes connaissances. !cs habilctcs et lcs valeurs necessaires pour servir le public avec competence et dcontologie. C'est une bonne periode pour entrer dans la profession. II y a toujours eu beaucoup de possibilites en droit. mais jamais comme aujourd·hui. Rappelcz-vous, cependant, quc le droll n'est pas qu'un metier OU qu'un commerce. C'est une profession et co111me telle. elle comporte des obligations professionnelles. Une de ces obligations. a111on avis. est de proteger Jes garanties juridiques des pcrsonnes dont lcs moyens ne permettent pas de se payer nos services. Jamais nous ne sommes plus respectes que quand nous Jes aidons. Yous trouverez. je vous I' assure, que certains de vos 111eillcurs moments professionnels seront ceux pour lcsquels vous ne re111cttez aucune facturc Au no111 des conseillcrs ct conseilleres du Barreau du Haut-Canada. je \'Olis fclicite tous et toutes pour VOS realisations. Je liens aussi afe]iciter VOS fa111il!es et vos arnis qui ont contribue a votre succes. 'v1es mc1lleurs vceux de reussite dans votre cheminemcnt professionncl. Le tresorier. Gmin MacKenzie Treasurer Gavin MacKenzie CALL TO THE BAR ADMISSION AU BARREAU 3 T he call to the bar takes place in two separate procedures. First. the Bcnchers of The Law L 'admission au barreau se deroule en deux Society of Upper Canada. who are responsible for the governance of the legal profession in Ontario, temps. En premier lieu. le tresorier. qui est chef de la direction du Barreau. ouvre un Conseil extraordinaire sur l'estrade des conseillers du are called to order on the stage in a Special Barreau du Haut-Canada. qui sont responsables Convocation by the Treasurer, who is the head of the Society. The candidates will be presented by de !'administration de la profession d'avocat en Ontario. Une representante ou un representant a representative of the Professional Development, Competence and Admissions Committee to the Treasurer who will confer on them the degree du Comite du perfectionnement professionnel. de la competence et des admissions presente les of Barrister-at-Law and call them to the Bar of Ontario. Convocation will then adjourn and a Special Session of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Court of Justice will be convened by the Registrar. The Chief Justice of Ontario or his designate will preside over the administering of the Oath of Allegiance and the Oath to the newly called members of the bar. The Court will then adjourn. Upon completion of these two ceremonies the candidates become Barristers and Solicitors. authorized to practise law in the Province of Ontario. candidats et !es candidates au tresorier qui leur rcmet le dip!Ome d'avocat-plaideur ou d'avocateplaideuse et !es rei;:oit au barreau de !'Ontario. La seance du Conseil est alors levee et le greffier convoque une session extraordinaire de la Cour d'appel de !'Ontario et de la Cour superieure de justice. Le juge en chef de !'Ontario, ou la personne qu'il designe, preside ala prestation du serment d'allegeance et du serment par les nouveaux membres rec;:us au barreau. La seance de la Cour est al ors levee. A I' issue de ces deux ceremonies. les candidats et les candidates deviennent avocats-plaideurs ou avocatesplaideuses et procureurs ou procureures. et sont autorises aexercer le droit dans la province de !'Ontario. BENCHERS OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA MEMBRES DU CONSEIL DU BARREAU DU HAUT-CANADA Treasurer/Tresorier Paul J. Henderson Hon. Doug Lewis. P.C.. Q.C.. F.C.A. Susan T. McGrath W.A . Derry Millar Janet E. Minor Laurie H. Pawlitza Julian Porter. Q.C. Judith M. Potter Appointed Benchers/ Me111bres 11om111cs Howard G. Hampton. MPP Charles A. Harnick. Andrea Alexander Nicholas John Pustina. Q.C. Heather J. Ross Linda Rothstein. LSM Clayton Ruby. C.M. Allan Gotlib Q.C.. LSM George D. Hunter Vern Krishna. C.M .. Q .C.. FRSC Hon. Allan F. Lawrence. P.C.. Q.C.. LSM Laura L. Legge. O.Ont., Q.C. Ronald D. Manes Daniel J. Murphy. Q.C. 4 Gavin MacKenzie Elected Benchers/ Membres clus Bob Aaron Melanie L. Aitken Raj Anand. LSM Constance Backhouse. LSM Larry Banack John A. Campion Kim A. Carpenter-Gunn James R. Caskey. Q.C. Thomas G. Conway Marshall Crowe. LSM Carole Curtis Mary Louise Dickson. Q.C. Avvy Yao-Yao Go Alan D. Gold Gary Lloyd Gottlieb. Q.C. Jennifer J. Halajian Susan M . Hare Carol Hartman Thomas G. Heintzman. O.C.. Q.C. Mark Sandler Paul B. Schabas Alan G. Silverstein Joanne St. Lewis Gerald A. Swaye. Q.C. Beth Symes, LSM Bonnie A. Tough Bonnie R. Warkentin Bradley H. Wright Paralegal Benchers! Conseil/ers parajuristes W. Paul Dray Brian J. Lawrie Marion Boyd Abdul Ali Chahbar Andrew F. Coffey Anne Marie Doyle Sy Eber. Ph.D. Richard Filion Ex-Officio Benchers! Me111bre.1 d'ofjice Ross W. Murray. Q.C. The Hon. Michael J. Bryant Ronald W. Cass. Q.C., LSM The Hon. W. Dan Chilcott. Q.C. Brendan 0. Brien. Q .C.. LSM Alan W. Pope, Q.C. The Hon. Sydney L. Robins. Q.C .. LSM John T. Clement. Q.C. Austin M. Cooper. Q.C. Paul Copeland E. Susan Elliott. LSM Abraham Feinstein. Q.C. Neil Finkelstein Hon. Allan M. Rock. P.C.. Q.C. Arthur R. A. Scace. C.M., Q.C. Norm Sterling. MPP The Hon. George D. Finlayson. Q.C. Hon. James M. Flaherty. P.C. Patrick Garrett Furlong. Harvey T. Strosberg. Q.C. Robert C. Topp J. James Wardlaw. Q.C.. LSM Roger D. Yachetti. Q.C. David S. Young Q.C.. LSM Honorary Be11chers!Me111bres honoraires His Royal Highness Prince Charles. Prince of Wales The Right Honourable Margaret Thatcher Kenneth Jarvis. Q.C.. RCA The Honourable Lincoln M. Alexander. Q .C.. LSM OATHS SERMENTS 5 OATH OF ALLEGIANCE SERMENT D 'ALLEGEANCE You do swear that you will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her heirs and successors according to la\\. Yous jurez fidelite et allegeancc ~t Sa Majeste la Reine Elisabeth II, a ses heritiers, heritieres, successeurs et successeures conformement a la loi. OATH You do swear or affirm that you will conduct all matters and proceedings diligently and faithfully and to the best of your knowledge and ability. You will not seek to destroy any person's property. You will not promote suits upon frivolous pretences. You will not pervert the law to favour or prejudice any person. In all things, you will conduct yourself truly, honestly and with integrity. You will abide by the standards and rules governing the practice of law in the Province of Ontario. You will seek to improve the administration of justice. You will uphold the rule of law and you will uphold the interests, rights and freedoms of all persons according to the constitution and the laws of Canada and of the Province of Ontario. SERMENT Yous jurez ou affirmez que vous allez traiter toutes les affaires et instances avec diligence et fidelite en votrc ftme ct conscience. Yous ne chercherez pas a detruire les biens de qui que Ce Soit et YOUS n'intenterez pas d'actions frivoles. Yous ne detournerez pas la loi pour favoriser ou dcfavoriser qui que ce soit. En toutes choses, vous agirez avec loyaute et integrite. Yous respecterez Jes norrnes et Jes regles regissant ]' exercice du droit dans la province de !'Ontario. Yous chercherez a amcliorer l' administration de la Justice. Yous respectcrez et dcfendre; la regle de droit et les interets, droits et libertes de toute personne conformement a la Constitution et aux lois du Canada et de la province de !'Ontario. OTTAWA PROGRAMME PROGRAMME 6 NATIONAL ARTS CENTRE Ottawa, Ontario Tuesday, June J2, 2007 9:00 a .m. CENTRE NATIONAL DES ARTS Ottawa (Ontario) Le mardi 12 juin 2007 9h PROCESSION ENTREE SOLENNELLE The audience will ri~e when the Treasurer and Benchers enter the Opera. The Treasurer, Gavin MacKenzie, will open Convocation. L' assistance se !eve lorsque le tresorier et Jes conseillers entrent dans l' opera. Le tresorier, Me Gavin MacKenzie, ouvre le Conseil. CONFERRING OF AN HONORARY DEGREE GRADE HONORIFIQUE The Treasurer will confer the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, upon The Honourable Justice Brian W. Lennox Le tresorier confere le grade de docteur en droit honoris causa a L'honorable juge Brian W. Lennox ADDRESS The Honourable Justice Brian W. Lennox will address Convocation. ALLOCUTION L'honorable juge Brian W. Lennox prononce une allocution devant le Conseil. OTTAWA CALL TO THE BAR ADMISSION AU BARREAU The cundidares f(1r call 10 the bar 11·i// be presrnted to the Treasurer by a reprnenwti1·e of' the Pmfessional De\'C/opment. Compe1ence and Ad111issio111 Co111111ittee. Joseph Gerard Adams Diana Nicole Aird Kareman Akeelah Bolanle Olufunke Akinnusi Une represenrante ou w1 representant du Comite du pufectio1111e111e111 professionnei. de la co111perence et des admissions presente au tresorier /es candidats et /es candidates (1 /'admission au /Jarreau. Emma Ruth Bradley Blanchard Joseph-Guy Sebastien Desmarais Joseph Alexander George Grant Robert Victor Botsford Dieudonne Ntongmi Detchou John Michael Green Julien Philip Joel Poulin Brazeau Sarah Kathryn Bresolin Katrina Madelaine Anders Andrew Lewis Cameron Katherine Anastasia Jane Edith Cardarelli Duvall AntonacopoLiios Michael Leonard Aquilino Meghan Tricia Ash Maria Barrett-Morris Daniel Denis Caron George Chan Sylvia Christa Chapman Alanna Kim Devine James Alexander Donaldson Caroline Ann Dunster Neil Ellis Dzuba Jason Ingram Easton Aaron James Linton Edgar Michel El Meouchi Matthieu Charles Gerard Charron Jerome Bastien Carolyn Elizabeth ElliottMagwood Shantona Chaudhury Suzette Marva Hooker Jennifer Florence Hopkins Hilary Irene Joan Clark Jeanette Michelle Helen Ettel Adam Jonathan Kaminsky Lisa Marie Kelly Trevor Earl Fenton Nancy Louise Klenavic Sara Luella Collins Julie Anne Frizell Anne Azalea Ko Carol Jane Craig Philip James Drummond Melissa Lacroix Cloutier Furniss Marie Linda Irene Chelsea Danielle Gilder Marie Julie Dominique Eric Remi Steve Bizier Christopher Ryan Chloe Lyn Johnston Rosanne Marie Dawson Melissa Anne Binns Dana Kathryn Hnatiuk Pamela Martha Ermuth Elene .Michelle Berube Paul Joseph Biiiington Katherine Marie Hilbig Keri Jay Clair-Bookalam Bernard Sonia Jviarie Micheline Lisette Bessette Christel Elizabeth Higgs Omar Jabri Angele Diane Marie Tara Kelly Berish Jennifer Marie Hefler Sarah Joan Ennor Chenier Natalie C Bellefeuille Laura Jane Benoit Sayeh Hassan Loreen Gail Irvine Melanie Jocelyne Pauline lain Leo Troup Beaudoin Brian Harvey Ruba El-Sayegh Colleen June Bauman Gregory Randall Beach Kelly Paul Hart Denis Michael Christopher DeRosenroll Celine Marie Rachel Deschambault Jonathan Ivan Matthew Gilhen Katharine Eileen Glover Ian Paul Goodman Sridevi Santhhana Gopalan Lafond Yeshe Rachel Anna Laine Bryan Douglas Laushway Amber Tracy Sarah Le Moue! 7 OTTAWA 8 Julie Marie Marguerite Letourneau Eric Matthew Letts Marie Francoise Angela Levac Andre Michel Munroe Christina Aliina Murphy Talitha Aizahar Nabbali Michael James Nesbitt Hong Ngu Nguyen Marie Cecile Gisele Levesque Jaimie Marlaine Noel Dorothy Liang Bryan Alexander Norrie Kwan Tien Loh Peter Alan Vinge Nostbakken Brenda Jody Lownds James Andrew Macdonald Marie Florence Karine Richer Alaina Mary Spec Valerie Diane Richer Joshua Daniel Simeon Sprague Victoria Melissa Noelle Rivers Jasor Willian Taunton Steele Jeffrey John Robens Jacqueline Sylvia Swaisland Scott William Robertson Marie Danielle Robitaille Kevin Thomas Rodkin Elizabeth Anne O'Grady Amanda Dorothy Patricia Tait Jesse Micheal Tracey Pamela El.zabeth Tripp Marcin Pniejnia Olszynski Rose-Mai Melanie Nadine Roy Chantal Marchese Jonquille Lily Sophia Cardella Pak Melanie Blanche Jacqueline Marie Masse Simon Joseph Patrick Ruel l'vlarie Louise \le anie Vadeboncoeur Andrea Pasztor Adam John Patenaude Madelaine Paula Saginur William Thomas Van Bridger Valerie Joy Mauthe Stephanie Pearce Terrence Gerard Mazerolle Benjamin Eric Albert Perrin Carmelle SalomonLabbe Marian Annie Marie- Rose Van Hoek r lysia Marie Van Ze) 1 Andrew Gordon Mc Intyre Marie Lynn Christine Poirier Robert Jonathon Samuels Jasmine Saric Fhara Arminda Pottinger Priya Sarin Ian Thomas Pryor Debora de Souza Sarmento Anthony William Mc lntyre Dorothy Jada Mc Naughton John Douglas Martin McKee Zara Angelina t\1erali Martin Eric :Ylills Anthony R:;.-an Moffatt Maxine Mongeon Priceela Pursun Jonah Stephen Rabinovitch Daniel Paul John Ratushny Mary Jane ).<!d.enzie Richards Jonathan Michael Richardson Adrian George Strathmore Schofiekl Krista Leigh Scobie Oa\ id James Scrif'1shaw Lee Vasudern Seshagiri Deborah Louise Smith Abigai Candice Tulloch Marc Andre Vary Patrick Louis Albert Ve"lleux Joanna Claire Venditti Suneeta Summer Vyas Kelly Alison Watson Br: an Joh 1 \\-e1ssenboeck Sara \\'harton Geoffre: ..\rthur Buchanan White OTTAWA 9 Olivia Ann Chalmers Wright Jennifer Pauline Yach Jessica Anne Young Adam Scott Za1111a Anna Maria Zolkiewska ,, CONVOCATION WILL ADJOURN LA SEANCE DU CONSEIL EST LEVEE Special Si11i11g o.f!l?e Court(}/Appeal.for Ontario and rile Superior Co1111 ofJustice Session e.r1mon:l1!w1!-e de la Cour doppel de l'On!ario et de la Co11r .wpineure de justice The Honourable Justice Monique Metivier. Regional Senior Justice. Superior Court of Justice. will preside over a special sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Court of Justice to administer the oaths to the candidates and admit them as solicitors. L'honorable juge Monique Metivier. juge principale regionale. Cour superieure de justice, tient une session extraorclinaire de la Cour cl. appel de !'Ontario et de la Cour superieure de justice afin de faire preter serment aux canclidats et aux candidates et de les adrnettre comme procureurs . THE COURT WILL RISE LA SEANCE DE LA COUR EST LEVEE LONDON ' PROGRAMME 10 LONDON CONVENTION CENTRE London, Ontari o Fridm" Jun e 15, 2007 2:30 JJ.111. PROCESSION The audience will rise when the Treasurer and Benchers enter the auditorium. The Treasurer, Gavin MacKen1ie. will open Convocation. CONFERRING OF AN HONORARY DEGREE The Treasurer will confer the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, upon The Ho11011rahle W. Dan Chilcott, Q.C. ADDRESS The Honourable W. Dan Chilcott will address Convocation. LONDON CALL TO THE BAR The candidate.\ f(1r call to the bar 11)// be presemed to the Trearnrer bY a refiresemarii·e (if' the Pr(ife1·siona/ Derelop111ent. Co111fietence and Admissions Co111111itree. Victoria Mar) Aldworth Trevor Wi 11 iam Grant Sunclip Suny Mann Andrew Joseph Sasso Lindsey Ann Ander;,on Nicholas Steven Franklin Greer Erin Catherine Mc Dermid David Joseph Schnurr Karl Shyluk Mc Namara Scott Burton Selig Kathleen Elizabeth Andrew Elizabeth Jane MacLean Radmore Askeland Jordan Charles Grossman Susan Marie McBride Becky Elaine Shanks Justyna Boroch Hidalgo Michael Michaud Victoria Margaret Lewis Hill Stefanie Ann Morand Drew Robert Alexander Sinclair Melanie Christine Hockii1 Michael Hamilton Murray Robert Tyler Hortie Rosslyn Murray Hughie Travis Hughes Janice Rose Mustard Jeffrey William I\ lax well Hustins Natalie Cadavid Nonhcott Hanieh Azimi Melissa Anne Bachalo Trisha Leslie Bartley Michelle Elizabeth Booth Alice Jaye Bowsher Lane Ellen Bowsher Christopher David Bryant Janet Mary Callfas Ruth Young Chun Lisa Marie Code Wallace Robert Crowe Laurelly Dale Jonathan De Vries Jason Barry Hynes Christian Anthony Jannetta John Ernest Kain I.111 Patrick Katchin Scott Charles Kerwin Bryan Robert O'Connor-Hutt Kourtney Patricia O'Dwyer Monica Pathak Laura Marie Pearce Raongclao Phalavong Melissa Nicole Phillips Vincent James Starratt Tanya Yvonne Stephens Janice Anne Straub Hanna C 0 Suh Jena Rachel Swartz Pamela Jane Sweeney Joel Evan Timmerman Karen Jean Townsend Christopher Oswald l!wagboe Mark John Poulton Maria Martha Nicole Vandcrspek Jill Frances Renaud Pamela Ann Vermeersch Sophie Marie Danielle Roberge Melinda Rose Margaret Vine Angus Cade!! Laird Jennifer Janet Lake Tracy Anne Ross Michael Karl Andrew Raffael Wendi Lindsay Nicole Lake Devon Marie Ryerse Cheryl Zahnleiter Andrea Nichole Latta CONVOCATION WILL ADJOURN Susan Elizabeth Latta Sarah Catherine Low Sfieciul Sirring of'tht' Court ofAppea/f(!r Ontario and the Superior Court (d Ju.1tice :\lark Paul Lucas The Honm1rable Justice Gordon Killeen. Superior Court Sherry Ann Kettle Garth \1ason Kidd Prosenjit Lahiry Rebecca Anne Dervaitis Andrew John Desmoulin Deborah Ursula Dos Santos \1ichael David De)\\ \1andy Lynn \lary Eason Pamela Betty Llgie Taiwo Omoikhagbon Emo\ on of Justice. \\ill preside over a special sitting of the Court Christopher '.\lark Etherden Da\ id Dean Lyons Ra-,hid Farhat Andrew Scott MacDonald to administer the oaths to the candidates and admit them Diane Claspar Ferreira Nicole Elizabeth Makris as solicitors. Gene\·ieve l.ffie Good Patty Marie tl.lalone THE COURT WILL RISE of Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Court of Justice II TORONTO PROGRAMME 12 ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Monday, June 18, 2007 9:00 a.m. PROCESSION The audience will rise when the Treasurer and Benchers enter the auditorium. The Treasurer, Gavin MacKenzie, will open Convocation. CONFERRING OF AN HONORARY DEGREE The Treasurer will confer the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, upon Barbara Jackman, LSM ADDRESS Barbara Jackman will address Convocation. TORONTO CALL TO THE BAR The candidates for call to the bar \\'ill be presented to the Treasurer bY a representati1·e of the Professional De\'elopmenr, Competence and Admissions Co111111ittee. Shalomi Hidai Abraham Judith Borts Karen Leanne Dawson Hannah Olumayokun Aina Cheryl Laura Bowman Alida Adrienne Akey Wendy Anne Breuer Daniel Fernando-Nunez De Santis Tasneem Alibhai Jo-Anna Marie Louise Brimmer Ronald Earl Charles Franklin Peter Neil Fraser Zwan Desai Dalia Serna Fudim Michael Dacosta Galego Lindsay Katherine Bunt Jennifer Jeannine Marie Desbiens Christine Rose Gallo Mikaela Ruth Cameron Navnish Kaur Dhanoa Samir Gassanov Jennifer Marie Campitelli Dessisla\ Dobrev Arghavan Gerami Maria Lourdes Capulong Matthew Douglas Appleby Aleksandra Wanda Doerffer Idit Gititer James Ryan Joseph Carson Ciprian Gligor Matthew John Richard Asma Cynthia Diane Cartelle Chayanika Dutta Evan Matthew Gold Lee James Cassey Christopher John Eccles Jayashree Goswami Tracy Michelle Hulda Austin Terry Ka-Yue Chan Robert Gregory Edmonds Murleen Adina Grant Pardeep Singh Channa Catherine Adeso la Egboye Emily Anne Griffith Erin Elizabeth Chayko Sheldon Ivor Erentzen Katherine Sarah Grossi Caterina Chiocchio Megan Elizabeth MacLaren Evans Maxwell Kinga Agnieska Grudzinski Mariana Barbosa Alves Sandy-Kiriaki Andreou Ian Daniel Andres Matthew William James Angeconeb Theodore Dela Avie Rono Anand Baijnath Nathan Neuman Baker Marta Chisu Mark Andrew Barbour Natalia Andriana Chown Rosemary Eleanor Basa Rachel Julie Halperin Caterina Facciolo George Bekiaris Stephen John Charles Christie Melissa Anne Belliveau Angela Shih-Chieh Chu Angela Suzanne Fallow Robin Alison Bellows Trevor Taylor Cochran Alexandra Marie Felton Zev Simon Bergman Ilana Ruth Cohen Indra Jennifer Meera Bhaggan Lauren Michelle Corber Dmid Dominic Bilyj \1ichael Justin Bluestein Micah James Bonte-Gelok Wesley David Booker Whitney Davina Borins Kanata Jenna Cowan Melanie Lisa Crouch Audrey Elizabeth Faint Shanna Marie Ferrone Margot Grace Finley Kristopher Ryan Hane Heather Louise Hansen Alexandra Leigh Hartley Sarah Margaret Hemmingsen Jeffrey Charles Alexander Hergott Medard Tyson Fischer Ivan Chek-Fuan Fong Michael Benjamin Hershfield David Tobias Forestell Scott Edward Higginson Edward James Fox David Tyrone Ho Paul Franciosa Grant Russell Hoole Nadia Antonella Dalimonte Irina Dashkova Sarah Jane Davidson Ladly Victoria Anne Gruneberg 13 TORONTO 14 Keir Matthew Hunt Melissa Umadevi Krishna Livia l'vL Macluri Aleksandar l\ikohc Sandie Khuong Huynh Luclmila Donkova Kroumova Todd Allen l\lanclcl Joshua Sonny Nisker Bianca Matrunclola Frederic Jean-Michel Leon Noel Natasha Darina Ihnat Daniel Eugene Im Jonathan Hue-Fay Ip Fiorenza Isahella Angela Anna La Viola Alexander Walter Lalka Karen Lam George Frank James Christopher George John Lankin Sophia Javed Nigel Blake Lawson Elaine Marie JewittM,ttthen Marc Steven Le1ler Tamara Christian Lennox Janela Cecilia Jovellano Kathleen Edith Jukes Alia Sultana Kamrn Lisa Katz Megan Paige Keenberg Aasia Rani Khan Sabine Kharahian Sotheary Khiev Steve Chulgene Kim Raquel Sarah Kirsch Aaron James Ronald Klopp Roslynn Joyce Kogan Sherry Kaur Kooner Bozena Krystyna Kordasie\\ icz l\lichael l:.clwarcl Kotrly Michelle Ai Ling Li Alena Ligay Helena Miriam Likwornik Thea Agape Lim Nathaniel Brandon Lipkus Jeffrey Neil Langland Angelo Fabrizio Longo Andrea Lynne Luey Sen Wung Francesco Yonatan Luk Jason Michael Mac lntosh Matthew Charles Mac Isaac Christopher Daniel Maclnnes Catherine Margaret Maclnnis Karen Janine Ardagh Mc Bride Karen Elizabeth McClellan Susan Elizabeth Mc Dermott Jeffrey Gendel William McGrath Ashley Heather Mc Innis Christine Marie McLeod Matthew Bryan Norris Danny Manuel Nunes Yaroslav Ohouhov Matthew James Oleynik Le Sa Ong Jennifer Christina Oosterbaan Jan Riccardo Osdlame Andrea Catherine Mcl:.wan Sheila O'Toole Daniel Michaels Phillip Paglino Michael Paul Mignardi Aspasia Papatheodorou Pawel Milczarek Christian Frederic Marc Paquette Sandra Milic Sara Gaye Parchello Lucia Molinaro Salvatore Parlatore Adrienne Dorothea Moore Jame Pedro Wade Ashley Bryce Morris Claire Isabel Mumme Roma Shakuntala Mungo! Kier Arthur Munn Walter Alejandro Munoz Tristan Sean Musgrave Erika Sabine Elisabet Percival Mona Pinchis John Alexander Pizale Sharmine Pochkhanawala Amer Mushtaq Catherine Marie Syh ie Pm\ ell Douglas Bigler Nathanson Jeffrey Preszler Carly Lisa Ko\'encli Charles Alexander MacMillan Lily Sok Yan Ng ,\ngela Jillian Elizabeth Kovensky Matthew Cruise Maclott Penelope Wai Ng Laura I mad Qaq ish Jo~ Pritchett TORONTO 15 Narvin Radhamohan Joel David Ramsey Michael Barry Rapps Francesca l\iicole Ricci Erica Carla Richter James Paul Rickert Lise .Julie Rivet Douglas Alexander Robertson Katherine Rogozinski Shayle Frederick. Rothman Aaron Jacob Rousseau Kevin Lennard Rusli Geoffrey Randall Ryans Joanne Sanci Matthew Nembhard Santos .fudit Sari Andrea Lee Ann WingYun Siu Jennifer \lilne Smith Stephen Irvin Smith Sandra King Shan Tsui Ashley Lynn Warne Vivien Kok-Fung Tzau Lee Michael Waxberg Eli Michael Udell Kenneth Robert West Cynthia-Darlene Valarezo Chakka Nola Ida Jean White Aaron Elliot Sonshine Sabina Valiyeva James John Charles ';pckkens Belle William Van Derek Antonius Van Doorn Dana Michelle Steffes Puja Varma Georgiana Mary Frances Stewart Alexandra Noelle Vazquez Lara Margaux Stewart Steven Christopher John Venhuizen Kate HaYiland Stigler Tanya Heidi Stroede! Adrienne Sum Michelle Surace Catherine Anne Virgo Daniella Jennifer Wald Philip Robert White Saman Danesh Wickrarnasinghe Logan Robert William Willis Alexander Miller Wilson Elizabeth Amanda Witzke Kimberly Jeanne Wolfe Shenade IVI. Walker Julie Karla Yee King Wong Joel Bernard Wardinger Heather Akyaa Yamoah Candice Dawn Suter Matthew John Sutton Erika Tai Sasson Christopher Allan Sweeney Lyndsey Anne Saunders Douglas Jan Sweet Cameron Eric Saylor Yuen Man Szeto Claudia Eve Scherman Ricky Yiu Ming Tang Andrew James Scott Rupinder Kaur Tatla Karen Michelle Seeley Jeremy Marc Teplinsky Carmela Scrcbryany-Harris Amy Catherine Then Jerem) Sha11 Caroline Andrea Thomas Nirahni Singh Paula Joyce Thomas Ra1 ma Singh :\lalcolm Thorburn Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Court of Justice to administer the oaths to the candidates and admit them as solicitors. Anton) Edward Singleton Jeffrey 1\lichacl Tracey THE COURT WILL RISE CONVOCATION WILL ADJOURN Specht! Sitting of"the Col/rt ofAppea/f(1r Ontario and the Sllperior Col/rt of illstice The Honourable Justice Edward Then. Superior Court of Justice. will preside O\"er a special -,itting of the TORONTO PROGRAMME /6 ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto. Ontario Monday. June 18. 2007 2:30 p.111. PROCESSION The audience will rise when the Treasurer and Benchers enter the auditorium. The Treasurer, Gavin MacKenzie. will open Convocation. ADDRESS Barbara Jackman will address Convocation. TORONTO CALL TO THE BAR The candidates for call to the bar 11·il/ be presented to the Treasurer by a represe11tati1·e of the Professional De1·elopme11t. Competence and Admissions Committee . Ryan Adam Aalto Erin Lindsay Burbidge Sarah Jane Crowe Anthony Joseph Guindon Mara Susannah Abols .Julie Elaine Burgis Catherine Anna Czajkowski Jennifer Erin Maude Gunning Michelle Sherisse Dagnino Stuart Andrew Hargreaves Oy inlola Adewonuola Adebayo Gwendolyn Lily Adrian Muhammad Usman Ali Anthony Baldwin Archibald Daniel Bruno Artenosi Maria Irene Arzoumanidis Duncan Arthur Wellington Ault Pauline Avgeropoulos Shelley Dawn Bab111 loana Bala Prasanna Balasundaram Christopher Eric Burkett Jonathan Merrick Burton Roderick Douglas Entler David Byon Naomi Elizabeth Calla Kenneth Carl Campbell Evan Logan Cappe Megan Marjorie Cassidy Natalie Rosa Cefaratti Su Jin Chan Amrit Chana Janene Natalie Angeline Charles Elena Joanna Balkos Stephen Francesco Salvia Chedas Kristy Jane Balkwill Carolyn Joan Cheshire Lisa Ann Banerjee Lan Chun Chin Emma Louise Barz Paul Michael Chodirker Andrew Christopher Beamer Valinie Chowbay David William Beaulieu Andrew Jonathan Chris Laura Songyi Chung Mario Ernesto Delgado Brendan Haynes T1ler Paul Dellow Rachel Georgina Clare Healey Simren Subhash Desai Gregory Evan Hendry Gregory Phillip Dewar Natasha Barbara Himer Ranjeev Singh Dhillon Dorothy Erin Hoult Sartaj Singh Dhillon Jennifer King Howard Stephen Blair Doak Casey Jordan Howell Rebecca Angela Doiron Chinedu Enyidiu ldike David Jacob Dubrovsky Kirsten Heather Agnew Iler Matthew David Bedard Ducharme Scott Bruce David Dunsmuir Julaine Marie Eberhard Jeremy Simon Ehrlich David Howard Elman Cm') Michael Estrela Ashley Meredith Faust Adam Mathew Inglis Carl Geoffrey Lane Irvine Farah Firoz H Ismail Sarah Margaret Jacobs William Jaksa Annette Dorothy Jansen Janet Ju-Hee Jin Travis Cody Johnson Neritan Ciraku Misha Alexander Feldmann \1ichelle Marie Bird Colleen Ella Clark Angela Franca Foggia Joshy Joy Ellimoottil Natalia Emma Bitton James David Moorhouse Clark Da,id Martin Forrest Rebecca Anne Kacaba \Ieag<in Blake Alissa Kate Gabel Shazin Karim Chantelle Anna Blom Brett Cohen Da\ 1d James Gaskell Daniel Martin Kastner Rosina Bonofiglio Michael Gilbert Cohen Melissa Lara Ghislanzoni Shaunik Katya! Angela Ann Bradley Sara Robyn Cohen Pamela Suzanne Connolly Ke\ in Roger Neville Glass Michael Aaron Katzman Marijana Brankovic April Da\vn Brousseau Celeste Angel Courville Jennifer Lauren Gold Lisa .\larie Buccella Trish Ann Coyle Sarah Lynne Grove Sareena Gursharon Kaur Khatkur Yael Sarah Bienenstock Meredith Emily Jones Stephen Robin Kennedy 17 TORONTO 18 Chi Sun Kim Wendy Beth Litner Kirsten Lindsay Mercer Irene Kim Dawn Louise Livicker Quelch Michael Andrew M1gus Peter Nicholas Repetto David Milakovic Rabah Yaacoub Moubarak Soizic Aude Reyna! de St Michel Andrea Eli1abeth Mullin Adrienne Margaret Rice Emily Elizabeth Myer Nicole Di,me Onawa Richmond Janet Kiraly Robert John Kittredge Tiffany Kristin Koch Keri Ann Akemi Kondo Nicholas Kotsopoulos Jennifer Margaret Krotz Ron Kugan Gail Jacqueline Sui-Wah Lai Mary Kyla Elizabeth Lamarche Stephen Michael Lockwood Jordana Amelia Loeb Wendy Lope1 Talat Mahmood Rehan Jolanda Lucciola Gina Maria Colomba Nardella Jennifer Aileen Mac Arthur Tara Florence Nardelli Sandra Jane Roberts Thach Yen Thi Nguyen \Vendela Mary Roberts Vanessa Ann Mac Donnell Nicholas George Macheras l::rin Stephanie Rizok Douglas Ashley Nicol Dawn Kyla Robertson Nnaedozie Joseph Obiora Maria Eleanor T Rodriguez Mark James O'Brien Frank Douglas Lamie Christopher Gordon Macintyre Megan Michelle Langley Grainger Ian Laurence MacPhie Ali Ahmed Owaisi Robert John Maki Demetrios Papamanolis Khatchig Chris Malkhassian Emily Leslie Pecorella Frank-Anthony Pcrruccio John Patrick Maloney Edmund Persad Katherine Sara Noble Rowen Catherine Anne Mann Riccardo Enrico Peticca Moxi Sahi Anne Elizabeth Markle Justin Robe11 Petrillo Vipandeep Singh Marok Phong An Nguyen Phan Caitlin Robinson Sainsbun Sarah Jane Martin David Linnen Phillips Daniel Carmine Sa•Horo Matthew Paul Maurer Alisa Mazo Brent Curtis Pidborochynski Cathryn Dianne Sawicj..i Maya Poliak Danielle Francesca Scott Trent Davin Warren Lengyel Katherine Margaret Hockin Mc Neill Che Ho Pun Robyn Kendall Scott Kenneth Michael Mckay Andrew George Pushalik Omar Shahab Jennifer Charlotte LeYe Gordon Stuart .\le Kenna Jonathan Da,·id Rea) Rajesh Kumar Sh<.!rma Jennifer King-Yu Liang Angelia McLean Samuel Asher Redlick Victoria Hoi-1ee Shen John Ale:-..ander Line Ke, in William .\lcPhee Leslie-Anne Litman Milroy E'a Melamed Jennifer Rebecca Bridgman Reed Ostap Melnik Jessica Gi-Ching Reekie Hina Latif France Marie Pauline Lavigne Christine Elaine Lee Christopher Ryan Lee Frances Shin- Yen Lee Karsten Theodore Cukingnan Lee Hartley Michael Lawrence Lefton Natasha Gitanjali Lena Meaghan Jane O'Dell Sarah Norma Wertheim Rogers Shuah Roskies Alexandra Elizabeth Rourke Samuel Ra) mond Sa-,so Frie Justin Sherkin Justine .\le:rnndra Shernrnn TORONTO 19 Sophia Shikhman Elizabeth Mei-Ling Tsai Patrick Shing Erica Wen- Yee Tso Randy Zalek Slepchik Keir St '\uburn Turner James Alan Smellie Andre\\ William Unger Francesca Frosso Smirnakis Mark Edward Uster Brennagh Rae Smith Christine Jane Vanderschoot Krista Kathleen Smith Kevin Gerard Smyth Puneet Paul Soni Jordan Robert Vaeth Charalambos Bob Venizelos Jamie Joseph William Spotswood John Edmund Walker Emma Katrina Stangl Grahame Joseph Walsh Frederick Wesley Stephens Erin Marie Walton Kishore Subramanian Adriel Sarah Weaver Steven Bartolomeo Succi Stacey Elizabeth Wells Sheliza Suchak Sara Menucha Westreich Yanisha Hemwatie Sukdeo Candace Cheryle Whitney Mary Catherine Sum Vanessa Lea Wicht Christopher Claude Sunstrum Andrew Fanjoy Sunter Luba Bohdonna Szkambara Dahlia Tamar Tessler Murarilal Thapliyal Lynn Beth-Anne Thomson Carlton Michael Thorne Charles Robert Alexander Todd Susan Anita Toth Le Huong Truong Gordon James Wallace Lynne Allison Weagle Andrew Carl Wiese Charlotte Ellen Willson Alexandra Lin Wilson Amicha1 Israel Wise Cheryl Ming Ping Wong CONVOCATION WILL ADJOURN Adam Jared Wygodny Special Si!!i11g of/lie Co1111 o/Appea/.f(;/' Ollfmio {{!/{/ !lie S11;}(!n'OI' Co1111 o/J11s1ice Yu-Ching Yang Amelia Yok Hing Yiu Jeffrey Labalet Marl-.o Zatovkanuk Olga Zimanaite The Honourable Justice J. Douglas Cunningham. Associate Chief Justice. Superior Court of Justice. \~ill preside over a special sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Court of Justice to administer the oaths to the candidates and admit them as solicitors. THE COURT WILL RISE TORONTO PROGRAMME 20 ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto. Ontario Ttteidm; PROCESSION The audience will rise when the Treasurer and Benchers enter the auditorium. The Tre<1surer. Gavin MacKenzie. will open Convocation. ./1111e 19. 2007 9:0(} {/.!//. CONFERRING OF AN HONORARY DEGREE The Treasurer will confer the degree of Doctor of Laws, l!onoris causa. posthumously upon The Hono/frable Justice Archie Campbell TORONTO CALL TO THE BAR The candidates.for call to the bar iri// be presemed to the Treasurer by a representatire of the Pr()fessiona/ Dei·e/op111e11t. Competence and Admissions Committee. Joseph Sholom Adler Mauro Carabetta Christine Gail Dobby Paolo Giancaterino Srijan Agrawal Hatjinder Singh Chahal Jordan Shaun Glick Sameer Akhtar Michelle Lynn Chaisson Polly Elizabeth Dandy Kaplan Geoffrey Alexander Edward Duckworth Daniel Levi Goldenberg Muhammad Maqsood Alam Pamela Louise Anderson Shannon Jamie Anderson Stefania Deborah Arlotto Lisa Marie Asbreuk Veronica Hou Yin Cham Nicole Karen Chen Sundeep Atul Gokhale Paul Robert Gosio Christopher James Dunn Larissa Alanna Gray Wendy Gee Wing Chun Andrew Lawrence Edgar Loren Samuel Greenspoon Ewelina Chwilkowska Andrei Duane Edwards Michael John Kellett Clarry Alexander Jacobo Eisenberg Sunpreet Kaur Grewal Simone Elizabeth Jasmine Cleworth Melodie Danielle Eng Patrick Michael Rory Groom Jacqueline Claire Esler Anurag Gupta Mihael Ami Cole Lya Maxine Ethier Lauren Jennifer Hacker Candace Amy Cooper Menachem Mendel Fellig Michael Farrell Cooper Daniel Anthony Fiorita Kara !::lane Noakes Hamilton James Burton Cox Chnstopher McQueen Bartlett Jamie David Firsten Scott Anthony Crocco Jonathan Eric Bida Jordan Marc Cutler James Alexander Milosh Fraser Narad Harrikissoon Mark Asher Biderman Katia Dal Ben Erin Murphy Fries Judah Howard Harrison Adam Neil Black Ilias Loui Dallas Ashlee Suzanne Froese Sonia Hassan John James Boadway Shaffiq Yusufali Adamali Dar Patrick Michael Fullerton Christopher Joseph Henderson Christopher Mark Assaad Sarah Elaine Atch ison Mthaela Ada Balaj Kiran Bansal Kathleen Elizabeth Barry Andrea Elizabeth Brewer Carl Olaf Brundtland Mark Alexander Bumstead Nicholas David Warren Dau be Mitchell Arlen Davis Joseph Hanna Alison Gail Harnick Susanne Louise Gabriele Alisha Leigh Henrich Hasrat Ali Gafoor Odette Joy Henry Gaspare Galati Helve Liis Hess Goli Garakani Andrea Jennie Campbell Melanie Eliza de Wit Courtney Alexandra Campbell Amy Francine McCormick Delisle Andrea C. Gatti Michael John Campbell Daniela Tania Di Rezze Cristina Michelle Gelsomini Stefania Campoli Sara Paulette Diament Angelo Gentile Liviu Octavian Cananau Sonya Maryann Diesberger Stephen Donald Genttner Anna Vladimirovna Gatova Sabrina Dixie Ho II-Hyon Hong Melissa Dawn Hoppe Sarah Anne Horan Christopher John Enne Hovi us 21 TORONTO ' 22 Ian Klesmer Jennifer Marie Martini Sivan Nisimov Nareg Justin Kutyan Sven Herman Mascarenhas Brian Fitzpatrick Noble Simon Lam Ada Jane Maxwell Ewa Noganska Karina Wanetta LaMont Kate Elizabeth Mazzucco Shane Edward O'Herlihy Matthew Brendan Langford Heather Ann Mc Connell Barbara Anna Olech Kristina Grace Hyland Brent James Mc Curdy Senem Ozkin Jody Warren Jczkovitz Kyung Min Lee Richard Gregory Lemaich Kelly Michelle Mc Dermott Soo Hyun Paik Stephan Intraligi Darryl Levitt Krista Jane Mc Kenzie Suzanne Maria Palko Adam Shane Little Tyler Hugh Mc Lean Jill Michelle Parker Lai Cee Erica Louie Jose Manuel Mendelzon Michael Edward Pasquale Agata Luczkiewicz David Eugene Alexandre Mendicino Stephanie Jodi Pasternak Alison Dawn Gervan Howell Samuel Hu Maya Jasmine Hughes Yao-Hui Joanne Hwang Kimberley Ellen Ishmael Ashraf Ismail Sheryl Lisa Jesin Anik Louise Jodouin Kerri Joffe Paul Adam John son Kathryn Anne Andree Jones Morrie Adam Luft Sara Beth Luther Robb Mark Mac Donald Ognjen Miketic Celestine Sarah Mitchell Katrina Yeon Pak William Welsh Paterson Darry 1 Curtis Patterson Joel Girard Pearlman Norman Tomio Mizobuchi Christopher Jan Peltzer Ada Hua-Hui Mok Sarah Martha Polcz William James Edward Jones Teneil Angie Bobbie Mac Ne il Susan Christine Josic Gavin Stuart Mackenzie Adele Maria Monaco Dorette Rhoda Lyn Pollard Rhoda Kargbo Helen Huong Phuong Lien Mai Natasha Dawn Monkman Reheleh Pourkhodayar Laura Leslie Monteith Karen Marie Power Helen Moodie Betty Ann Predinchuk Jordan Audrey Moore Amy Ann Priestley Geoffrey Eric Moysa Alexander Nevis Procope Betty Panayota Psarris Eliezer Karp Ari Matthew Katz Ka Yan Bonny Mak David Noah Katz Nupur Malaviya Corrine Elizabeth Kennedy Vincent Yat-Hin Man Kerri-Ann Mary Kennedy Aadil Mangalji Zachary Benjamin Kerbel Jonah Mann Alexandrea Beatrice Eveleen Mulligan Christine Mary Kilby Den ise Indira Maraj Maud Murray Veronica Katherine Judith Puls Tae Hee Kim Matthew John Marquardt Saurabh Nagpal Zebra Qizilbash Jennifer Laura King Megan Hebb Marrie Sarah Ng Michelle Ratpan Joelle Faith Klein Paulo Martelli Victor Nikitine Teresa Ann Reguly TORONTO 23 Yousef Rehman Adam Marcus Slavens Sandra Anne Vitorovich Shain Bradley Widdifield Paul Alexander Renwick Jennifer Leigh Sloan George Roy Vona Keir Douglas Wilmut Heather Elizabeth Richardson Nadia Somani Meredith Victoria Wain Andrea Marie Wilson Janice Elizabeth Spencer Satbir K Walia Sheri Lynn Wilson Carolyn Elizabeth Hayes Stanley Sven Carsten Walker Andrew Jason Winton Kimberly Tamar Roach Megan Louise Ward Tobias John Witteveen Michael Frank Ronco l\11chael Bruce Stanton Da\ id Watkins Zimm Tikvah Yetnikoff Belinda Jane Rossi Alicia Nicole Stephenson Karin Elizabeth Webster Daphne Li Ee Yew Esther Paula Rossman Maran Josanna Alyluia Stern Cameron John Wetmore Kevin Ho-Tung Yip Emily Kidd White Saba Zarghami Timothy James Riddell Raymond Reagan Liem Chun Chiang Ruslim Elina Stolyar Neil Said Keith Gordon Sutherland Alana Ingrid Salmon Habeeb Syed Neal David Samson Po Sai Tarn Sundeep Kaur Sandhu Diana Tang Rajeshree Sanichara Evan Michael Gwynne Thomas Chaim Uri Sapirman Sidney Robin Thompson Alana Ray Schwartz W1lliarn Blair Trudell Jeremy Daniel Schwartz Richard James Turner Kati Serban Stephanie Leigh Turnham Jason Robert Sernoskie Natalie Eve Shats Sandra Jill Shime Erin Beth Simpson Matthew l\Jeil Singerman Chioma Rachel Ume Vaia Vagenas CONVOCATION WILL ADJOURN Matthew Carl Luigi Valitutti Sp!!Cia/ Sitting c!f the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Court of Justice Sabatina Nancy Vassalli The Honourable Justice Heather J. Smith, Chief Justice. Superior Court of Justice. \\ill preside over a special '-.itting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Court or Justice to administer the oaths to the candidates and admit them as solicitors. C) nthia Elaine Verconich THE COURT WILL RISE Alexander Singh Joseph Camille Gerald \an Buskirk Maria Nandigya Sirivar Ajay Kumar Vashisht Kimberley Claire Siu Chong NATIONAL ARTS CENTRE Ottawa, Ontario Tuesday, June I 2, 2007 9:00 a.m. CENTRE NATIONAL DES ARTS Ottawa (Ontario) Le mardi 12 juin 2007 9h LONDON CONVENTION CENTRE London, Ontario Friday, June 15, 2007 2:30 p.m. ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Monday, June 18, 2007 9:00 a.m. ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Monday, June I 8, 2007 2:30 p.m. ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Tuesday, June 19, 2007 9:00 a.m.
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