The Science Behind a Cup of Coffee
The Science Behind a Cup of Coffee
Friday, 2015-Apr-10 The Science Behind a Cup of Coffee 1. Introduction This lecture aims to present results obtained from different lines of research developed at Federal University of Lavras to improve coffee quality. Frequently people ask a number of questions like: • Does coffee quality vary from one year to another? • What causes differences in the speed of fruit ripening? • Is it possible to correlate sweetness of the ripe fruit with cup profile? • Does coffee quality vary according to exposure of the slope to sunlight? • Why is natural coffee sweeter than fully washed? • Do sugar molecules move from the mucilage to the seed during coffee drying? • What is the effect of temperature and processing on coffee quality? • Do cells lose their integrity during drying? Highlights of the interaction between environment and quality, and also the effect of drying and processing on final coffee quality is discussed. General information about the effect of genotype on quality is discussed as well using recent scientific evidence. 2. Environment, processing & Quality Quality of commodity coffee varies from one year to the next. It depends mainly on the environmental conditions and coffee processing technology. The occurrence of defective beans is a result directly related to lack of technology, which leads to a defective and low quality beverage. Data collected from regional coffee cooperatives in five consecutive crop seasons demonstrate a spatial distribution of the quality of the commercial crop. Figure 1. Spatial distribution of the quality of commercial coffee samples. Friday, 2015-Apr-10 All these changes in coffee quality are exactly what the market focuses on. But, what are the reasons for these changes? Generally, the answer is variation in climatic conditions and lack of technology and knowledge. However, does the same thing happen to specialty coffees if only ripe fruits are harvested and high technology is applied during the post-harvest ? To answer this question and help us to improve our understanding of space and time distribution of coffee quality, we have conducted an interesting project in the south of Minas Gerais over the last eight years. Samples of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) were collected over three harvest seasons (2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12) from commercial farms located in Minas Gerais, Brazil. The area of coffee cultivation was stratified into three altitude classes and two slope exposure groups, resulting in a combination of six environmental variables. Altitude Above 1200 m Between 1000 m and 1200 m Bellow1000 m Figure 2. Environmental stratification For each environment, only ripe fruits were harvested from two genotypes: Yellow Bourbon (yellow fruits) and Acaiá (red fruits). Sensorial and chemical analyses were performed. To analyze the sensory data, two different multivariate statistical models were used: logistic regression and correspondence analysis. This result demonstrates that coffee quality depends on the interaction of environment and genotype. However, we were able to describe the main sensorial attributes that characterize the beverage of each genotype according to its environment and processing. The chemical analyses led us to describe different compounds that were able to separate all samples according to the processing method. Chemical compounds like L-valine, L-isoleucine, Pyroglutamic acid,fructose, L tyrosine and L-allo inositol were more abundant in natural coffee than in parchment coffee. Processing L-valine L-isoleucine L-aspart ic acid Pyroglut amic Acid Mucic acid Fruct ose L-t yrosine Galact inol L-allo inosit ol Figure 3. Data from GC MS (Taveira, 2014) 3. Highlights of Coffee Ecophysiology and Quality A comparative physiological pattern among coffee grown under different altitudes was performed. We aimed to identify the behavior of growth and development of the coffee tree through analysis of gas exchange, carbohydrate metabolism, lipid peroxidation and quantification of the levels of hydrogen peroxide, as well as the quantification of non-enzymatic antioxidant ascorbate. Coffee trees grown at high altitude has lower photosynthetic, respiratory and photorespiratory rates than coffee at low altitudes. A s c o r b i c ac i d ROS 1 ,2 0 0 m Met ab o l i sm Ph o t o s y n t h e si s H O 2 2 L i p i d o x i d at i o n ROS Car b o h y d r at e 1 ,0 0 0 m Figure 4. Comparative physiological pattern among coffee under different altitudes (adapted from Silveira, 2014). Friday, 2015-Apr-10 However, higher altitude coffee has more accumulation of carbohydrates combined with a lower formation of reactive oxygen species and higher content of ascorbate. 4. Interference of drying and processing on coffee quality In recent years, we have observed that more and more people, technicians and producers have understood the importance of drying and processing for coffee quality. In this section, I present results from studies about the effect of drying and processing on coffee quality. The activity of fungi and enzymes such as polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase have been associated with loss of integrity of the cell membrane, and are related to phenol defective flavor. However, endosperm cells also lose their integrity during coffee drying. To elucidate how and when cells lose their integrity, parchment coffee was dried with heated air at 40, 50 and 60 °C. After drying, 10 seeds were selected at random and analyzed using optical and electron microscopy. Figure 5. Optical and electron microscopy of coffee seed dried at 40 and 60ºC (Borem et al, 2008). Coffee beans dried at 40ºC had the integrity of the plasma membrane preserved, keeping the oil bodies uniformly distributed into the cell. However, drying at 60ºC leads to coalescence of the vesicles and of the membranes. Although this is well known, the question is when does cell rupture occur? Scanning electron micrographs were used to study cell contraction. While solar drying and drying with heated air at 40ºC of washed coffee allows slow and gradual cell contraction, drying with heated air at 60°C causes contraction and expansion of the endosperm cells for both natural and washed coffee. The most relevant cell expansion occurs between the moisture contents of 30 and 20 %. Friday, 2015-Apr-10 Different chemical or biochemical events may occur after cell rupture, like oxidation and enzymatic or non-enzymatic reactions. Metabolomic analysis showed that the metabolite profile of coffee changes during drying. The major differentiation occurs at moisture content above 30%, and the final metabolomic profile depends on the drying process and temperature. For the natural process, drying at 60°C resulted in a metabolomic profile different from sun drying and drying at 40°C. Finally, I discuss what coffee is most sensitive to damage in drying. Physiological and biochemical approaches were used to collect data to help us better understand this phenomenon. The lowest activity of Peroxidase and Polifenoloxidase were found in natural coffee, indicating lower tolerance to the drying process than fully washed coffee. In addition, the lower tolerance of natural coffee to dryingthan fully washed coffee was revealed by the low physiological data of germination. 5. References Borém, F. M. (Org.) . Handbook of coffee post-harvest technology. 1. ed. Norcross, Georgia: Gin Press, 2014. v. 1. 282p Barbosa, J. 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