
Volume 2 Issue 2
North Georgia H.O.G. Chapter #0767
Sponsored by Frazier’s Harley-Davidson
Buford, GA
Meet the Frazier’s Staff - Parts Manager Bryan Blanott
Tell us a little something about yourself:
MAR/APR 2009
1) What President was in office when you were born? Jimmy Carter
A) Where were you born/raised? Born in Decatur and raised in Snellville, Ga. I attended South Gwinnett High School.
B) How would friends in high school describe you? Typical jock, Lax on the school work and split time on athletics and
™ partying.
C) Where did or do you work? I was an electrician for a short amount of time, (it didn't take), as well as cable work,
● (up on the poles, not very good with heights). Have been with Frazier's H-D for 10 years this July.
2) Some of your FavoritesMovie: Goodfellas
Bike Movie: Beyond the Law with Charlie Sheen, guess it's the cop and biker blood in me.
Book: The Outsiders
Vacation Spot: Viva Las Vegas
Actor: So many, I'll keep it to four in no particular order, Al Pacino, Robert Deniro, John Wayne, and Clint Eastwood
Food Dish: Filet Mignon and a baked potato.
Athlete: Larry Bird
Sport: Baseball
Musician: George Strait
Song: “Easy Come Easy Go”
TV Show: Seinfeld and Cheers
TV Bike Show: I used to watch OCC just to see what Mikey could get in too
Day of the Week: College Football Saturday
3) If you could have a life mulligan (do over) what would it be? I would go to college for education purposes
instead of going to college to play baseball. However, I would give baseball more effort as well.
4) What model was your first Harley? I bought my Dad's 2001 Police Road King.
5) Why Harley and not another motorcycle brand? It's an American classic.
6) Of all the rides you've taken, which one stands out the most and why? My Dad and I rode up to Niagara Falls
about 7 years ago to see my extended family up there. It was my first time to the falls and just happened to be
the last significant ride I experienced with my dad before he passed.
Continued on page 9
North Georgia H.O.G. Chapter #0767
Sponsored by Frazier’s Harley-Davidson
Buford, GA
Volume 8 Issue 1
Volume 2 Issue 2
Meet the Frazier’s Staff - Bryan Blanott
MAR/APR 2009
Continued from page 8
7) What one ride do you want to take before you lower your kick stand for the last time? I would like to ride
™ all the way to Alaska just once. After that I might want to fly back though!
8) What ride do you look forward to every year and why? The first ride over 70 degrees .
9) What Harley model would you buy next and why? Either a Road Glide or Electra Glide. Hey, I'm 30 now.
10) Who's the most famous person you've met? Herschel Walker, one of the nicest celebs you'll ever find.
11) Who's the one person you would like to meet & why? Jim Rome of ESPN, so I could tell him what I think of
him. Watch just one of his shows to see what I mean. On second thought, don't help his ratings.
12) Who do you admire the most and why? George W. Bush, for being able to put up with the media bashings
for 8 years and continue to do what he thought was right. In the most prominent position in the world he chose to
follow his heart instead of popularity.
13) What do you want to be doing in 5 yrs? Hopefully the same thing I am doing now. I would like to be starting
a family within that time frame though. Guess my biological clock is ticking, ha.
14) Besides riding motorcycles, what are your other hobbies? I love going to sporting events, specifically
Dawgs and Braves games. I also enjoy to play golf when I get the chance.
15) What don't most people know about you? How I got my nickname. If you remember a 1960's Hanna-Barbara
cartoon called "Breezly and Sneezly" , it had a polar bear and a penguin and was much like the Yogi Bear show.
Well, one day in 1978 the show was being re-aired and Breezly Bruin, as he was known, was shivering real bad
and I just happened to be shivering real bad in my crib at the same time. From that moment on I was called
Breezly Bruin. Over the years it was shortened down to Breezly and then to Breeze. Throughout the years
I have never been able to shake it. From teammates, classmates, teachers, friends, and coworkers I have
maintained this name for 30 years. No worries, I have grown to like it.
16) What gets you fired up (angry)? It really agitates me when people lie when they have no reason to do so.
Also, when people drive for extended periods of time in the left lane going the same speed or slower than
the right lane.
17) What relaxes you (puts you at ease)?
When I am done with all responsibilities for the day.
18) What non-living person would you have liked to have a conversation with and why? Thomas Jefferson
To ask him if the country today is what he would have envisioned it to be. The good and the bad.
19) What's your biggest mistake? Not taking school as seriously as I should have.
20) If you could, what one message would you like to communicate to the world? No religion is the only right
religion, and no religion is a wrong religion. They all encompass the Golden Rule, and I believe all human beings of
sound mind know the difference between right and wrong. Just be true to yourself and at the end of the day or the
end of your life you will have the fewest regrets possible. ■
North Georgia H.O.G. Chapter #0767
Sponsored by Frazier’s Harley-Davidson
Buford, GA
The North Georgia H.O.G. Chapter meets the second Thursday of every
month at 7:15 P.M. in the old shop next door to Frazier’s.
Sponsored by Frazier’s Harley-Davidson in Buford, GA, and with their
support, we have become one of the fastest growing and most active
H.O.G. Chapter’s in Georgia.
We currently have 84 members as of 02MAR09
2nd Consecutive Year!
2004 Dyna
2008 Crossbones
Frazier’s Harley-Davidson
4699 Friendship Rd. Buford, GA 30519
Phone:770-945-6011 Fax: 770-945-0862
2009 Sportster
2009 Softail Rocker
2009 Fat Bob
2008 Softail Springer
Volume 2 Issue 2
A Harley-Davidson History Bit - Early LOH
MAR/APR 2009
AMA’s Motorcycle Hall of Fame– Dot Robinson
Dorothy Robinson was born on April 22, 1912, in Australia, and was a motorcyclist even before she her birth.
When her mother went into labor with Dot, her father, James Goulding, loaded Dot's mother into a sidecar
rig and dashed off to the hospital.
Goulding was a sidecar designer and amateur racer and his designs were renowned for their reliability. Goulding
moved to the United States to expand his sidecar business. The Goulding family made America home in 1918 and
eventually settled in Saginaw, Michigan, running a motorcycle dealership. Dot grew up around motorcycles and
started riding at a young age. She met her future husband, Earl, while she was in high school.
They were married in 1931 and both participated in endurance runs and races. Dot earned her fist trophy in 1930
at the Flint endurance run. After the couple made a record transcontinental run together in 1935, Harley-Davidson
asked the Robinsons if they would like to run a dealership. Soon afterwards the couple moved to Detroit and
opened a successful Harley-Davidson dealership, which they ran until 1971.
While attending the Laconia national in 1940, Dot was approached by a New England rider named Linda Dugeau
about starting a women's riding organization. Within a year, the Motor Maids, the first motorcycling organization,
was established. The organization was instrumental in convincing many women to try motorcycling for themselves.
Motor Maid activities were covered extensively with a monthly column for years in American Motorcyclist
magazine. In the 1950s, Dot began wearing her trademark pink riding outfits. She turned away from the
traditional black leather outfits after movies of the day portrayed black-leather-clad motorcyclists as outlaws.
After the Robinsons sold their dealership in 1971,
the couple traveled extensively by motorcycle.
Dot's favorite trip was a 6,000-mile excursion
through the country of her birth, Australia. Earl
died in 1996, but Dot kept right on riding until
January of 1998 at the age of 85, when knee
replacement surgery made it too difficult to get on
and off her sidecar rig. She figured she had totaled
a million and a half miles in her years of riding.
Dorothy Robinson died on October 8, 1999.
She was 87 years old. ■
Early LOH Archive
Written on the back of the original photo--"This was taken at the
Laconia Gypsy Tour in June 1940. Dot Smith, San Francisco,
Harley 61 / Linda Degeau, Providence, Harley 45 / Dot Robinson,
Saginaw, Harley 74."
Volume 2 Issue 2
January 2009
North Georgia HOG Meeting– 7:15 P.M.
Jeff Scarberry open the meeting by having Sal Medina lead the group in saying the Pledge of Allegiance.
Thanked Larry & Denise Adams on their hard work on getting the Christmas party together. Denise did a great
job on the picture presentation for the Christmas party and was given a gift certificate in appreciation for doing
New Years Day ride was cold and lots of people did the ride.
David Peeler donated $50 for the Toy Run 2009
KB Toys are closing and now is the time to get the Christmas bargains.
Teresa Scarberry recognized the Birthday members for January and welcomed the new members.
Greg Schoudt is looking for Road Captains; either email him or Diann to be put on the list. Two second rule,
“Harley Davidson, Harley Davidson.”
Larry Adams was absent but Denise was there as a substitute, the Christmas party will be at the same place
next year on Saturday and more pictures are wanted thru the year for the presentation.
Bobby Waldron gave the treasurers report
Linda Jenkins is planning on having a Ladies night where the LOH can plan some fundraisers for 2009. There
will be an Easter Egg Hunt April 11th; email Linda or Diann to volunteer.
Ralph Frazier thanked all the Officers for their commitments and dedication for 2008 and the upcoming 2009.
Harley is having a special going on for trading in 07-08-09 Sporster’s, come in to the Dealership
for more information.
Toy Ride was a success and thanked everyone for his or her participation.
Officers not in attendance: Jack & Vicki McNutt, Larry Adams, Wayne Shaw and David Rosselle.
Special Guest: Chuck Singer representing Ride to Live, American Diabetes Ride on May 9, 2009 was no able to
stay for the meeting but left some T-shirts to be given away. Diann Brumbelow who is also on the committee for
the ride gave the Chapter members the information on the ride.
Marie Arenas told the members Thank You for the Christmas card and for all the support she has gotten
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 and the Potluck was held, planning slips for rides were given out.
If you would like to plan a ride email Larry Adams or Diann.
Attendance was won by Mike Erenstoft (free oil change donated by Frazier’s HD) ■
Diann Brumbelow
Welcome New Members! We Are Glad You Decided To Join Us!
Tom Mullins●
Ken & Faith Goodman●
Kyle Eckman●
David Boe●
Lewis McMillan●
If you are new to the group and I missed your name, let me know at [email protected]
Volume 2 Issue 2
February 2009
North Georgia HOG Meeting– 7:15 P.M.
Frazier’s HD
Jeff Scarberry asked Sal to lead the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
The members were given information on the Fallen Police Memorial Ride, Gary Lemonds Memorial Ride for
America and American Diabetes ride. New members were invited to go dinner after the meeting.
Welcomed members from Killer Creek Chapter who were visiting.
Teresa Scarberry welcomed new members and birthday members were recognized.
Teresa has blocked 20 rooms for the GA State Rally, at Super 8 in Helen August 27 th thru 29th; see her for
reservations and more information. Teresa did a Trivia game for the meeting and Linda Jenkins won.
Wayne Shaw had trash pins for members that did the Pickup in 2008; the event has been discontinued for
now. Riders Edge will be February 21st at the Dealership. Wayne asked how we remember the 2-second rule,
“Harley-Davidson, Harley-Davidson.”
Linda Jenkins is having a LOH meeting with Lauri Erenstoft hosting the event at her home, on March 7,
12PM till. At the meeting, they will be planning the Easter Egg hunt and looking for Fund Raising ideas.
Members are asked to bring finger foods to snack on.
Bobby Waldron gave the Treasurers report.
Diann Brumbelow had some give-a-ways from the American Diabetes, Live to Ride and information, anyone
interested in the ride or volunteering see Diann. North GA HOG now has over 80 members.
Ron Moody let the members know that he has 6 members and needs 10 members to go to York, PA to tour
the Harley Plant. The date is May12th, that he will be leaving, anyone else interested contact Ron.
Greg Schoudt has a sign up sheet for members interested in being a Road Captain and thanked the members
for being safe on the New Years day ride.
Vicki McNutt reminded everyone, that when he or she go on future rides, to bring something back for the
Historians book. (matchbooks, menus, napkins, etc.)
Larry Adams reviewed the January rides and talked about some important things to remember when doing a
ride. Have a map and directions of the destination, groups are usually 10 or less bikes, think about the route for
people needing gas, avoid gravel, sharp left hand turns, do a staggered formation, and pre-ride your rides.
The members voted on having a Picnic again this year only it might be on Saturday, maybe in May.
Ralph Frazier informed the members of the HOGS & Kisses 10% sale going on at the dealership.
Sportster promo is still gong on and he will be headed for Daytona Bike Week.
Ralph is also going to be in the Alligator Enduro Race.
This will be Jack McNutt’s 56th year in a row that he has attended Daytona Bike Week.
Lucky winners at the meeting were: Jim Keen winning the attendance prize oil change donated by Frazier’s
H-D and Sal Medina.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM ■
Diann Brumbelow
If you have any comments or suggestions for the newsletter, please email
or talk to me or any of the Officers. We look forward to hearing from YOU.
[email protected] ~