QUINTA GIRASSOL - Slovenia Property


QUINTA GIRASSOL - Slovenia Property
Quinta girassol - madeira
Ponta do Sol 2km – Funchal 37 km
An immaculately restored and improved traditional house in a beautiful, private setting with spectacular uninterrupted
views over the village of Ponta do Sol to the ocean.
Landscaped mature gardens – Heated Infinity pool with jacuzzi - separate guest house, large entertaining areas.
reception hall – classical living room – kitchen – dining area - principle bedroom – 2 further bedrooms – 2 further bathrooms – 1 further WC
Secure gated parking.
Quinta girassol - madeira
Ponta do Sol 2km - Funchal 37 km
Vrhunsko obnovljena in izpopolnjena tradicionalna hiša s prečudovitimi razgledi
na vas Ponta do Sol in ocean.
urejen vrt z zrelimi drevesi - ogrevan neskončni bazen - ločena hiša za goste, veliko prostora za pogostitve
veža - klasična dnevna soba - kuhinja - jedilnica - glavna spalnica - še 2 dodatni spalnici - 2 kopalnici - dodatni WC
Varno parkirišče za avtomatskimi vrati.
880.000 Euros
Renovated in 2007
Property is in a beautiful location overlooking the village and ocean.
Spacious and beautifully presented accommodation, making full use of the
views and setting. Super Terrace and outdoor area connecting to the kitchen.
Around 25 minutes from the capital city Funchal, 40 minutes from the International airport.
One of most desirable locations on the Island.
Restaurants and shops close by.
The village of Ponta do Sol is known for being the sunniest on the Island. A palm
lined promenade fringes the beach whilst traditional red roofed, whitewashed buildings nestle at the foot of the mountains. There is a super hotel and restaurant in
the village accessed by lift. There are numerous other smaller dining places around
town plus a few shops for the essentials. Good road connections from here in either
direction mean you can be in the capital Funchal in under half an hour and the airport
is under 40 minutes away. Madeira has a warm climate all year round, with average
temperatures in summer of 22 degrees and winter 16. Easy access available from numerous destinations into Madeira’s newly upgraded international airport. With cost of
living low and crime rates almost non existant Madeira has always been a favorite for
the discerning investor looking for a good climate, sea and a relaxed, friendly way of life.
Prenovljena leta 2007
Vas Ponto do Sol je poznana kot najbolj s soncem obsijana vas na
Vila se nahaja na čudoviti lokaciji s pogledom na vas in ocean.
otoku. Ob prodnati plaži se vije promenada iz palm, obeljene stavbe
Prostoren in lepo opremljen interier v najvišji meri izkorišča čudovit razgled in pridih okolja. Odlična
terasa je povezana s kuhinjo.
Zaradi dobrih prometnih povezav je prestolnica Funchal
Vila je od prestolnice Funchal oddaljena 25 minut, od mednarodnega letališča pa le 40 minut.
s tradicionalnimi rdečimi strehami pa domujejo ob vznožju gora.
dosegljiva v manj kot pol ure,
letališče pa v manj kot 40
minutah. Na otoku je vse leto toplo, povprečna temperatura
Ena od najbolj zaželjenih lokacij na otoku.
poleti znaša 22 stopinj, pozimi pa 16 stopinj. Zaradi nizkih
Restavracije in trgovine se nahajajo v bližini.
Madeira vedno priljubljena med zahtevnimi investitorji, ki iščejo
življenjskih stroškov in skoraj neobstoječega kriminala je bila
dobro podnebje, morje in sproščen ter prijazen način življenja.
On the ground floor is the entrance hall which leads to the Kitchen/dining area and
V pritličju je veža, ki vodi v kuhinjo/jedilnico in veliko dnevno sobo s kaminom; v tem
large living room with firplace, there is also a WC on this floor, On the first floor is the
nadstropju je tudi stranišče. V prvem nadstropju so glavna spalnica, še dve spalnici
Master Bedroom and another two bedrooms and bathrooms the largest has a superb
in dve kopalnici. V večji kopalnici sta vrhunska jacuzzi kad in ločen tuš. Hrastova
Jacuzzi bath as well as shower. The Oak Kitchen is new and fully equipped with
kuhinja je nova in opremljena z vsemi modernimi kuhinjskimi aparati. Iz jedilnice se
modern appliances and super dining area overlooking the garden with French doors
odpira razgled na vrt, francoska vrata pa vodijo direktno na teraso. Ločena hiška za
leading directing to the terrace area. There is also a separate Cabana consisting of
goste se sestoji iz spalnice v prvem nadstropju in kuhinje ter kopalnice v pritličju.
bedroom on the first floor and kitchen and bathroom on the ground floor.
Legal Status
The property is fully enlisted in the land registy.
Zemljiška knjiga
Nepremičnina je vpisana v zemljiško knjigo.
The Gardens & Surroundings
From the front door or from the living room and also kitchen, access leads to the terrace and garden area, where there is a large covered area under which is a dining
The views all around are fantastic. The property has a large balconies off the the
upstairs bedrooms, these offer privacy and super views too.
The attractive infinity pool and Jacuzzi are on a lower level and also take advantage
of the views. Landscaped gardens with mature trees and shrubs.
Vrtovi in zemljišče
Od glavnih vrat ali iz dnevne sobe in kuhinje je neposreden dostop na teraso in vrt,
kjer je velik pokrit prostor, kjer je jedilnica na prostem.
Razgled na vse strani je naravnost fantastičen. Vse spalnice v zgornjem nadstropju
imajo balkone, ki nudijo zasebnost in odličen razgled.
Ob terasi sta atraktiven neskončni bazen in jacuzzi, ki prav tako izkoriščata čudovit
razgled. Urejen vrt, zasajen z zrelimi drevesi in grmičevjem..
Mains Electricity. Solar water heating,
Broadband Internet, Satellite TV.
Elektrika. Ogrevanje vode na solarno
Satelitska TV.
Only those mentioned in these sales
Vgrajena in dekorativna
particulars are included in the sale.
V prodajo je vključena le oprema iz
Fixtures and Fittings
All others such as furniture, light
fittings, curtains and garden ornaments
etc. are excluded from the sale but are
available upon separate negotiation.
opisa. Ostala oprema, kot so pohištvo,
luči, zavese, vrtni okrasi in ostalo niso
vključeni v prodajo, vendar so na voljo
po dogovoru.
Strictly by appointment only with a
Izključno po predhodnem dogovoru s
representative from Agencija Elite.
predstavnikom Agencije Elite.
Important notice
Agencija Elite and their clients and any joint agents give notice:
• They are not authorised to make or give any representations or warranties in relation to
the property either here or elsewhere, either on their own behalf or on behalf of their client
or otherwise. They assume no responsibility for any statement that may be made in these
particulars. These particulars do not form part of any offer or contract and must not be relied
upon as statements or representations of fact.
• Any areas, measurements or distances are approximate. The text, photographs and plans
are for guidance only and are not necessarily comprehensive. It should not be assumed that
the property has all necessary planning, building regulation or other consents and Novil List
(Slovenia Estates) has not tested any services, equipment or facilities.
Pomembno obvestilo
Agencija Elite, njihove stranke in partnerske agencije obveščajo, da:
• Nimajo pooblastil za zastopanje ali podajanje zagotovil v povezavi z nepremičnino tu ali
drugje, v svojem imenu ali v imenu stranke oz. drugače. Ne prevzemajo nobene odgovornosti za informacije navedene v tej predstavitvi. Podrobnosti iz te ponudbe ne oblikujejo sestavnega dela nobene ponudbe ali pogodbe in se ne smejo uporabiti kot zavezujoče izjave.
• Vse površine, mere in razdalje so približne. Besedilo, fotografije in načrti so le za potrebe
predstavitve in niso izčrpne. Agencija Elite ni preverila delovanja priključkov, opreme ali
pohištva in ne zagotavlja, da ima nepremičnina vso potrebno načrtno in gradbeno dokumentacijo oz. druga dovoljenja.