Knoller Spring 2009


Knoller Spring 2009
Volume IX Number 2
The Alumni Magazine of Maryknoll School
Spring 2009
Betsey Hughes
Gunderson ’68 and
Shana Campos Tong ’83
Returning to continue the
tradition of Maryknoll School
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Let Us Place Ourselves In the Presence of God
n the literature and art of early
Christianity, the community of disciples was often pictured as sailing on
the sea, buffeted by heavy winds and
powerful waves. This was a familiar
image in that time and place. Most
people knew that travel by sea – being
exposed to the elements – could be
unpredictable and dangerous.
This was an apt image for a
community that often found itself
struggling against the wind, exposed to
uncertainty and even to persecution. The gospel story of the calming
of the sea became important for early Christians to ponder and internalize. They could easily see themselves in the boat with the disciples,
waves breaking over the side. Sometimes it must have seemed that
Jesus was asleep and unconcerned. But that moment on the Sea of
Galilee was a vivid reminder of the powerful presence of Jesus. We
trust that the Jesus was truly present and able to speak to them in the
midst of new storms: “Quiet! Be still!”
In this issue of the Knoller, we share with you the story of two
great leaders in our school community, who at times find themselves
in unpredictable waters, exposed to the elements of planning and
managing large organizations with literally thousands of variables. I
commend high school principal Betsey Hughes Gunderson ’68 and
grade school principal Shana Campos Tong ’83 for accepting the
daily onslaught of “in box” expectations in a Burger King world of “I
want it my way.”
Studies suggest that principals in the past were able to succeed in
part by simply carrying out the directives of central administrators
(Perez et al. 1999). “Management” by principals, however, is no
longer enough to meet today’s educational challenges. Instead, principals must assume a greater leadership role. Perez found that successful principals tend to employ common strategies to shape school
culture, including: a clear sense of what is important (history, values,
and beliefs); selecting compatible faculty; dealing with conflict;
setting a consistent example; telling stories that illustrate shared
values; nurturing the traditions that reinforce school culture; and
working with a community that continually demands more time and
Add to this list a growing demand for knowledge regarding
finance, family psychology, school board governance relationships,
marketing, crisis management, and school security. Our school principals are also expected to deliver a college prep curriculum that places
seniors in the best colleges, lead and manage large faculties toward
excellence, attend meetings at night and on weekends – all while being
mindful of their responsibilities to their own familes.
My weekly meetings with the campus principals are strategically
planned to step back into the presence of God to share problem solving methods, thoughts on strategic planning, and fellowship. In these
quiet times I have come to know their spirits, strengths, hopes and
Betsey is a seasoned leader of great vision and
direction. She leads an innovative faculty toward
new and exciting educational changes according
to the Essential Schools philosophy. One of the
qualities I most admire is Betsey’s undying love
for Catholic Schools and their evangelistic
mission. During professional shared times, she
inspires me with her developed insight, her knowledge of educational pedagogy, and her pursuit of “next steps.” Betsey
sees what many of us miss; she is able to look ahead to the “what ifs”
rather than become entangled with the “what was or what is.” I enjoy
her pleasant laughter and her radiant smile.
New to the calling of principal this year, Shana
leads by example, valuing collaboration and
consensus building. I appreciate her enthusiasm
for unity and the way she weaves Catholic essentials into the everyday life of her faculty and
students. I am inspired by her commitment to
provide the best environment for her teachers, and
her genuine respect for the diversity of her staff.
Shana is reflective and responsive to the needs of others, and her faith
is infectious. I appreciate her energy to withstand the sometimes rough
seas of the school community. Shana’s empathy is evident during difficult conversations with parents and she always looks to the positive in
helping to find a solution.
Two talented and faith-filled principals are leading Maryknoll
School at one of the most important times in our history. They participate in the life of our school with great dignity and pride. They
respect the work that has been done before them and continue to build
on its strength.
In our time together, we relive the gospel scene with the disciples
in the boat. We continually recommit ourselves to our belief that Jesus
is faithfully present, even in the midst of the storms. Indeed, this Jesus
offers true peace, saying, “Quiet! Be still!”
God bless Betsey and Shana in their busy vocations and in the still
places of their lives!
Spring 2009
V O L . IX, N O . 2, 2009
Feature - Leaders of the New
School - Shana Campos Tong ’83
& Betsey Hughes Gunderson ’68
Maryknollers Making a Difference
- Charlene Wong Lum ’60
Memorial Mass
In Memoriam
Founder’s Day
33rd Annual Luau
Holiday Homecoming
Sports Report - Fall 2008
Sports Report - Winter 2008
100 Days Dinner
Monsignor Charles A. Kekumano
Scholarship & Award Dinner
- Honoree Peter Ng
Feature - The House that Mike
Board Room Dedication
2007 - 2008
ALFRED M.K. WONG, Chairman
PAUL Y. CHINEN ’57, Vice Chairman
SUSAN CHONG WONG JD ’66, Secretary
PERRY MARTIN, School President
Alumni Association President
SHANA CAMPOS TONG ’83, Grade School
The Knoller is published by Maryknoll School
Development & Alumni Office
1526 Alexander Street
Honolulu, HI 96822-4940
Ph. (808) 952-7310
[email protected]
Pictures courtesy of Maryknoll Photography Club
Copyright © 2009 by Maryknoll School.
All rights reserved.
by Stephen Florino
What a beast. If you didn’t notice, your last Knoller was extra
thick. I should’ve explained why in there, but since I didn’t, let me do
it now.
It was a special double issue – two covers, two editor’s notes, two
main stories. Basically, two different magazines stuck together as one.
The reasons for that – to try and make sure we didn’t leave
anyone/thing out during the magazine’s hiatus, and to give Mr. Baker
and Camille (as well as Mr. Martin and myself) a chance to say aloha
to you.
Being this was the first time I had to do anything like this
EVER, I’m pretty happy with the result (and hope you are
too). I’m not saying it was perfect by any means (my apologies to everyone whose names I messed up), but I think it
accomplished what the Knoller is supposed to do.
Here’s why:
About two weeks after the magazine hit your mailbox, my
wife tells me she got an email out of the blue from her best
friend growing up. It was after seeing her picture in the magazine. Both of them went to Sacred Hearts in their earlier years,
but split after that (my wife went to Moanalua and her friend
came to Maryknoll). They’ve pretty much been out of touch since
their ponytail/white shirt/black checkered skirt days – until
Score one for the new guy.
This is the primary goal for putting out this
magazine – keeping you connected with the people,
places and memories from Maryknoll School.
Like the shaving cream and water balloon fights at senior camp;
racing to Sister Muriel’s class to sit on the side with her deaf ear; those
ugly shorts you had to wear for P.E.; playing hearts, trumps and crazy
eights before school; retreats at Ms. Inglis’ house; standing in line at
the Marriott lunch truck for chicken katsu and shephard’s pie; and
sneaking between the bushes and the fence near the convent to get a
peek at the Sisters’ clothes hanging in the clothesline.
Each of those memories make Maryknoll unique. And I hope these
are some of the things that come to mind every time you open up the
Speaking of reminiscing… here’s the editor in his senior year. I
know, I know – my chin was a lot pointier back then; and yes, those are
Cavaricci’s; and yes, they’re cuffed at the bottom. My high school
memory – hearing my mom tell me “the stupid person called” almost
every day. Back then, students who were tardy or late to class got a
recorded phone call at their house that evening. Let’s just say I missed
a few classes from time to time.
Spring 2009
Leaders of the New School
Maryknoll School’s two principals make sure
students of today learn lessons from the past
By Nicole LaPrade ’02
hana Campos Tong ’83 and Betsey Hughes Gunderson ’68
look to their educational experiences at Maryknoll, especially the
influence of the Maryknoll Sisters, for their inspiration in leading the
grade school and high school. With now all lay faculties, both women
say it’s their duty to make sure that the current and future students
benefit from the same Maryknoll education they received – one that is
centered on not only preparing students to succeed in academics, but
to contribute to their community and their world in the spirit of
Noblesse Oblige.
Tong and Gunderson both got their first teaching and administration positions at Maryknoll. Gunderson started as the high school’s
Hawaiian history teacher, and Tong began her career as a second grade
teacher. They both love the classroom and at the start of their careers
didn’t foresee that they would end up in administration. Both said their
various teaching positions over the years, at Maryknoll and other
schools, along with the administration components of their master’s
degree programs, helped prepare them for their current positions.
Tong says former grade school principal Jim Gahler gave her many
opportunities to grow as an educator by giving her a variety of differ4
ent teaching positions at the school. In her career, she’s taught children
of every age between first and eighth grade.
She said it was challenging at times, but “you do what you think is
best for the school – that’s part of Noblesse Oblige.”
“Those experiences that God gave me were for a reason, knowing
ultimately that I’d be in this position and have to know at least a little
about each position,” said Tong.
Jared Kaufmann ’58 was instrumental in Gunderson’s career as
a teacher and at Maryknoll. “He’s a tremendous resource and friend,”
she said. “He was one of my teachers, and he gave me my first job. He
took a risk on me then.”
Soon after Gunderson returned to Maryknoll in 2000, Kaufmann
encouraged her to apply for the principal’s position left vacant by
Andy Corcoran ’64.
Both women are Maryknoll “lifers,” attending the school from
kindergarten through high school. Gunderson says the Sisters’
emphasis on social justice and global thinking helped her learn to
think critically. She especially remembers one lesson in her sophomore year when her teacher asked the class whether or not bombing
Hiroshima was ethical.
“We were in the midst of the Vietnam War, and to question the government was just not a good thing to do,” said Gunderson. “She gently kept challenging us to think about the issue and to think outside the box. That’s part of
who they are.”
“I always take it back to the Maryknoll Sisters,” said Tong. “They just had
such an impact on me as a student. Our teachers always focus on the global
community. That’s in the Maryknoll way. The Sisters would always make us
aware of the missionaries of Maryknoll... Our teachers still do that today.”
Tong and Gunderson both relate the schools’ current teaching philosophies to the legacy of the Sisters.
“The Tribes” philosophy that we follow as a school is very reflective of
the values that we find in our Catholic faith - treating others with respect and
dignity,” said Tong.
“I remember Sister Maria Cordis. It was always about taking care of
everyone and we have to pray for everyone,” said Tong about her first grade
teacher. “Everything here has Catholic
values at the heart.”
It was the everyday examples lived
by the Sisters and teachers that Tong
says she now realizes were big influences in her life. Those same values, she
says are passed on to students today.
continued on next page
Spring 2009
Leaders of the New School continued
She gave the example of a current first grader named Daniel. In
kindergarten, he gave up receiving a birthday present and instead
gave food to the food pantry.
“That had to come from somewhere,” she said. “Yes, his family
values. But also I think it was also from school, teaching students to
be in service to the community.”
Gunderson says that the high school’s transition to join the
Coalition of Essential Schools in 1995 followed the Sisters’ example of questioning the status quo by “questioning what’s right in
education.” Asking tough questions about what is right,
Gunderson says, is one of the legacies from the Sister that she
never wants to see lost. The Sisters took care of each individual,
not only in their various international mission efforts, but also at
Maryknoll School.
“Caring for individuals and moving individuals to their greatest
capacity has been a hallmark of what they’ve taught us,” said
She experienced this spirit of the Sisters personally while in high
school. Her freshman homeroom teacher, Sister Joan Malherek,
helped ensure that Gunderson would be able to graduate
from Maryknoll after tuition policy changes meant
she might have to leave the school.
(L to R) Kyohei
“I'm the oldest of nine, and in the old days it used to be that you
got a discount on every next child that went to the school,” she said.
“So with a family of nine, you get a really good bargain.”
After the policy was changed, her siblings had to leave
“Sister caught wind of it and the next thing you know, I’m in the
principal’s office with my mom, and she offered me a third of my
tuition off,” she said.
Gunderson had to earn one third and her parents came up with
the rest.
“Tuition was only $325 in those days, but I also baby sat at only
$0.50 an hour.”
For the future of the school, both principals want to continue to
expand the in-classroom educational programs to ensure that
students receive the best education possible, but they also want to
ensure that we never lose sight of the spirit of our founders. They
want to see the Maryknoll charism and Noblesse Oblige lived everyday in the lives of students and teachers.
“It’s the tapestry of Maryknoll,” Gunderson said. “It’s about
getting into college, but it's also about getting into life.”
Sekino, Michael Taniguchi, Daniel Han, Shana Tong ’83, Kent Kawahara, Dillon Keaney, Matt Smith
Spring 2009
Maryknollers Making A Difference
National Philanthropy Day
Sheraton Waikiki Hotel
November 14, 2008
or her years of volunteer work, 2nd grade teacher Charlene Wong
Lum ’60 was named a “Volunteer in Philanthropy” award winner at
November’s National Philanthropy Day Conference in Waikiki.
Mrs. Lum is entering her 37th year of teaching at her alma matter. She’s
a pillar in the Maryknoll community not only because of her tenure, but her
volunteer work. After the regular school day, she spends countless hours
tutoring students, mentoring her fellow teachers and volunteers on several
committees, truly exemplifying our motto “Noblesse Oblige.”
Charlene Lum with husband Ronald
Lum with school president Perry Martin
Lum with Maryknoll Juniors Keenan Kurihara and
Trevor Ventura
Lum with sisters Margie Wong Kum ’51,
Annie Mae Wong Ah Choy ’50 and
Bobbie Wong Chow ‘56
Lum with Very Rev. Marc Alexander
Annie Mae Wong Ah Choy ’50, Be-Jay Upchurch Kodama ’81,
Bobbie Wong Chow ‘56
Memorial Mass
Sacred Heart Church
November 1, 2008
Class of ’53 (Seated) June Kamioka-Fuller, Juliette Shea Chock,
Jean Uyeda Leong
(Standing) Eva Chang Matsuyoshi, Charlotte Soares Simmons
very year, Maryknoll School celebrates
those who have passed on (alumni,
Maryknoll Fathers, Sisters and friends) in
the past year with a special Mass. In
November, we remembered 28 from the
Maryknoll ohana.
Doug Ferreira ’63, Maryknoll Sister Dolores Rosso
Maryknoll Sister Rosario Daley shares stories with alumni.
Spring 2009
In Memoriam
Maryknoll Alumni
November 2007 – November 2008
LUM ’40
AANA ’55
HAO Jr. ’57
ENOS ’62
YOON ’66
McCUE ’93
Founder’s Day
Saint Ann’s Church, Kaneohe
February 10, 2009
ounders Week is an opportunity for Maryknoll School to recommit ourselves to the values upon which our school was
founded. It was started to remember and celebrate the feast day of our
Founders on February 14, 1920. This is the day that Mother Mary
Joseph Rogers (Mollie Rogers) received papal approval for the women
to form their order.
This year, faculty, staff, students, invited guests and the Maryknoll
Sisters celebrated Mass at Saint Ann’s Church in Kaneohe. Bishop
Larry Silva presided and Father Gordian Carvalho celebrated. The
theme for Founders Week was “Catholic Schools Celebrate Service,”
which was a continuation of the theme of Catholic Schools Week.
Maryknoll Sister Joan Chatfield, Anne Harpham ’68,
Lucile Mistysyn ’37, Maryknoll Sister Dolores Rosso
(L to R)
Most Rev. Clarence (Larry) Silva, Father Gordian Carvalho, Deacon Billy Whitefield, Very
Rev. Marc Alexander
(L to R)
(L to R)
Melissa Worsham, Shelly Deakins, Matt Ho, Bryson Wong
Katia Worley, Nicole Kamada, Malulani Antonio, Shiulina Wu, Erica Edrada, Charity Mae,
Danielle Miyamoto, Taryn Lum
(L to R)
Spring 2009
33rd Annual Luau
Blaisdell Exhibition Hall
November 16, 2008
ahalo to the Friends and Families at Maryknoll
School! Thanks to our supporters, our 33rd Annual
Luau was yet another success, raising almost $40,000 this
year. Outstanding praise is given to the entire Maryknoll
High School student body. Our vendors and guests were all
impressed with the hard work, dedication, and stellar
service from all the divisions. We have received nothing
but compliments regarding their work that evening.
In addition to our student body, a special mahalo to our
parent volunteers that evening. Most notably, our 2008 Luau
Committee! Their spirited dedication to Maryknoll is the
reason we are so successful.
This year’s luau was special for our new president
Perry Martin, as it was his first in Hawaii and with the
school. “I enjoyed meeting many families in our school
community and experiencing the wonderful food. I was truly
impressed with the number of families who attended this
event.” Mr. Martin expressed how much fun he had and
said he and his wife look forward to many more with us!
Dr. Gabriel Ma
Maryknoll School President Perry
Martin, Taylor-Anne Atou
continued on next page
Elaine Batacan, Brenda Dung Wong ’77, Eve Yeung ‘94
Chelsea Michel, Emma Ng Pack
Maryknoll School President Perry Martin,
Father Gordian Carvalho
Luau 2008 continued
Mahalo to the many volunteers, especially Maryknoll students
and parents, who make this event possible!
Special thanks to our generous donors and “above-andbeyond” volunteers:
Betty Steljes
Brenda Ballesteros-Miyashiro
Esther Abbey
Karl Sakamoto
Keith Nakano
Matt Chun
Merv & Waynette Cabral
Milton & Renee Tengan
Marians Catering
Dole Foods
Be part of our exciting team of volunteers! We have open
recruitment year-round to tend luau booths and event planning.
Tessie Ishikawa Schmisseur ’81, Tony Schmisseur,
Trevor Schmisseur, Katelyn Schmisseur
(clockwise from top left)
Helen Lung, Laurie Wong ’56
Dewey Keohohina, Beverly Keohohina
Maxine Chisteckoff Vickery ’58, Donald Vickery
Michael Ho ’57, Patricia Chu Ho ’57
Yvonne Chinen, Paul Chinen ’57
Spring 2009
Holiday Homecoming
Dave & Buster’s
December 27, 2008
Class of 2001 (Seated L to R) Brendan Higa, Nathan Cowen, Marisa
Mendoza, Chrissie Moreno, Marissa Chee
(Standing L to R) Jack Oka, David Mistysyn, Lynn Chan,
Russell Sypowicz, Carlin Yamashita
Cade Darryll Santos ’99,
Perry Martin
Class of 1999 (L to R) Cade Darryll Santos, Sean McGirr, Craig
Watson, Nicole Thommes, Dayne Nakamoto, Damien Enright
(L to R)
Celine Michelle Chan ’04, Tiffany Loo ’04, Brian Klein ’04, David Mistysyn ’01
Betsey Hughes Gunderson ’68, Nathanial Silva ’02, Jonathan Lui ’02
Class of 2001 (L to R) Brendan Higa, Nathan Cowen, Russell
Sypowicz, Wesley Wong, Carlin Yamashita
Leann Martin, Pattie Wong Heatherly ’66
Lynn Chan ’01, Perry Martin
Fall 2008
Chad Asato
ILH Championship 3rd Place Bronze Medalist
ILH Championship 4th Place Bronze Medalist
State Championship 20th Place
Amy Fisk
State Championship 11th Place
State All-Tournament Team
Korie Higa
State Championship 25th Place
Matthew Ho
ILH Co-Player of the Year
ILH First Team All-Star
State Championship 23rd Place
Melissa Worsham
State Championship 19th Place
Julie Besenbruch
ILH 2nd Place Silver Medalist
ILH First Team All-Star
State Championship 4th Place Medalist
Claire Hann
ILH 9th Place Bronze Medalist
ILH Second Team All-Star
State Championship 19th Place Medalist
Spring 2009
Fall 2008
Cross Country
ILH 2nd Place (Pac5)
Coach Lanky Morrill
Coach Chris Yee
Coach Alton Motobu
Julie Besenbruch
Brie Adams
Claire Hann
Ka’imilani Aiona
CSL 2nd Place Tournament Championship
Coach Ann Holt
Lauren Aratani
Tatiana Daswani
Kristen Dau
Shaye Ikehara
Jennifer Kobayashi
Gwendalyn Liu
Jenna Mimaki
Whitney Nakamura
Kayla Ushijima
Elissa Wong
Jacob Mayer
ILH Second Team All-Star
Brendan Bradley
ILH 3rd Place JV Bronze Medalist (Sprint)
James Casken
ILH 1st Place Gold Medalist (Distance) Champion
ILH All-Star
James Pentz
ILH 5th Place Bronze Medalist (Distance)
Elissa Ji
ILH Second Team All-Star
Eric Weinhardt
ILH DI Second Team All-Star
Winter 2008
Ashley Agcaoili
ILH DII First Team All-Star
Melissa Ching
ILH DII Honorable Mention
Kristen Canencia
ILH DII Player of the Year
Soana Fifita
ILH DII Second Team All-Star
Tiana Kawaihoa-Marquez
ILH DII Honorable Mention
Coach Bobby Samson
ILH DII Coach of the Year
Jacob Mayer
ILH DI Honorable Mention
David Nosal
ILH DI Honorable Mention
Brie Adams
ILH Girls DI All-Star
Krista Lizardi
ILH Girls Mix Crew All-Star
David Pawlak
ILH Boys Mix Crew All-Star
Reyanne Ramones
ILH Girls DII All-Star
Robert Roesener
ILH Boys DI All-Star
Jonathan Yoshikawa
ILH Boys DII All-Star
Chad Asato
ILH Individual Championship - Fifth Place
Korie Higa
ILH Individual Championship - Fifth Place
Tyler Terai
ILH DI Second Team All-Star
Honolulu Advertiser All-State Honorable Mention
Honolulu Star-Bulletin Fab 15
Spring 2009
Winter 2008
Geena Fong
State DII Tournament Most Outstanding Player
KHON Channel 2 News Athlete of the Week
Honolulu Advertiser All-State Honorable Mention
Brandi Hutchins
ILH DII First Team All-Star (Fullback)
Honolulu Advertiser All-State Honorable Mention
Kendal Kagawa
ILH DII Second Team All-Star (MidField)
Megan Miyahira
Basketball (Girls)
ILH Varsity Division II Champion
Head Coach Bobby Samson
Asst. Coach John Donlin
Asst. Coach Ilene Samson
Ashley Agcaoili
Miho Arai
Kristen Canencia
Melissa Ching
Soana Fifita
Kayla Godinet
Corine Gushikuma
Tiana KawaihoaMarquez
Kelcie Lau
Stacie Lau
Nicole Lee
Ashley Shiroma
Amanda Tseu
Shiulina Wu
ILH Intermediate Swimming Championship 2nd Place
(100M Backstroke)
ILH Intermediate Swimming Championship 3rd Place
(200M Freestyle Relay)
Michaela Yamashita
ILH Intermediate Swimming Championship 3rd Place
(200M Freestyle Relay)
Alex Yee
ILH Varsity Championship 3rd Place (200M Medley
Brandon Oshiro
ILH Third Place Bronze Medalist (125 lb)
State Tournament 3rd Place Medalist
Cassidy Oshiro
ILH Third Place Bronze Medalist (108 lb)
State Tournament 5th Place Medalist
Sean Tachibana
ILH Second Place Silver Medalist (120 lb)
ILH Second Team All-Star
State Tournament 5th Place Medalist
ILH Division II JV Champion
Coach Joseph Amigleo
Athena Adora
Maybelle Berueda
Amanda Busmente
Ashlee De Santos
Jan Garo
Elena Grant
Tyara Johnson
Kimiko Mitchell
Raquel Ostrowski
Gasandria Perdido
Taylor Wong
Winter 2008 continued
ILH Division II Intermediate Champion
Head Coach John Holady
Asst. Coach Charley Chong
Carly Cooper
Emerald Leong
Lauren Nikaido
Cianna Ochoco
Caitlin Pang
Kylie Teramoto
Christie Wong
Basketball (Boys)
CSL Sportsmanship Team Award
Head Coach Kevin Tokuda
Assistant Coach Wilson Leong
Brandon Ando
Scott Byun
Keith Hattal
Zachary Hinck
Thomas McKee
Hiroki Mori
Dylan Murakami
Chase Ogoshi
Sean Saito
Jake Suyemoto
Zachary Togawa
Shane Victorino
ILH Division II Champion
State Division II Champion
Head Coach Eddie Wong
Assistant Coach Dave Barker
Wendy Chapman
Brandi Hutchins
Allison Calabrese
Kayla Fajota
Geena Fong
Kendal Kagawa
Kelsey Weeks
ILH Intermediate II Champion
Heather Kurzenski
Cydney Nakasone
Sara Yogi
Spring 2009
100 Days Dinner
Japanese Cultural Center, Manoa Grand Ballroom
March 8, 2009
he 100 Days Dinner is a celebration for this year’s senior class, kicking off their
final days until graduation. But it’s also a time to motivate them to make the most
of their time at Maryknoll School, and to do their best beyond that.
A perfect example of inspiration for our Class of 2009 is Fabiana Karen
Baquering Crozier ’59, who won the Golden Alumni Award at the dinner. The award
is given to the individual who has given the most to his or her classmates and
Maryknoll School over the past 50 years, and who continues to
practice the Christian values they learned in school.
Fabiana is now retired after becoming an award winning
nurse for the Hawaii Department of Health. She says her
Maryknoll education prepared her for her career and life
purpose because it instilled a sense of discipline and a desire
to seek knowledge. She wanted to thank the nuns – especially
Sister Dolores Rosso, who was her homeroom and English
Board Chair Al Wong
pumps up the crowd.
continued on next page
Maryknoll School Alumni Association Scholarship Winner
Geraldine Ribao (center) with mom Veronica and Alumni Association
President Maj. Gen. Darryll D.M. Wong ’68
All photos courtesy of Maryknoll Photography Club
Golden Alumni Award Winner
Fabiana Baquering Crozier ’59
(L to R)
Jubilarian Class of 1959
Jerry Neumann, Julia Hao Neumann, Fabiana Karen Baquering Crozier, Thomas Mendes, Willy Crozier, Janice Aguiar Perreira, Stanford Pa
100 Days continued
teacher. Fabiana says Sister Dolores had a reputation for being
strict, but says she made you learn. She admired her and respected
her way of teaching, and says Sister helped mold her into the
person she is today.
Geraldine Ribao won the 4th Annual Maryknoll School
Alumni Association Scholarship, given to an exceptional graduating senior for the purpose of higher education or training. That
person must also demonstrate Christian faith and beliefs, a love
and concern for others, be recognized as an inspiring role model
and who typifies Noblesse Oblige.
Geraldine has been described as a hard worker, smart,
caring, a good role model and leader, and a fine example of
someone who demonstrates Christian faith.
Congratulations to Fabiana and Geraldine!
Jubilarian Class of 1959
(L to R seated) Peter Robb,
Patty Rapoza Robb,
Jarrett Pang, Ivy Pang
Simon, Roger Simon, Lauren
Wong, Hazel Doi Wong
(L to R standing)
(L to R seated) Lynne Martin, President Perry Martin, Jeff Chang ’94, Cindy Chang
(L to R standing) James Mora, Jacque Darcey ’97, Laurie Hong Wong ’56, Board Chair
Al Wong, Yvonne Usita
Yvonne Usita Morris ’63,
Verdiana Biagioni-Gazzoll
All photos courtesy of Maryknoll Photography Club
Morris ’63, Maj. Gen. Darryll D.M. Wong ’68
Erica Edrada, Soana Fifita, Kelsie Calabrese, Lihau Cox, Melissa
Chang, Kristen Canencia
(L to R standing) Caitlin Sakamoto, Alyson Kintscher, Christina Chuc
(L to R seated)
(L to R seated) Shay Shibata, Mei Kaminaga, Desiree Talavera, Miho Arai
(L to R standing) James Casken, Robert Roesener, Dillon Keany, Ms. Kyle
Nakahara, Chasen St. Onge
Spring 2009
The Monsignor Charles A. Kekumano
Scholarship & Award Dinner
Hilton Hawaiian Village
April 5, 2009
he Monsignor Charles A. Kekumano Scholarship & Award
Dinner raises funds for the Kekumano Scholarship Fund and, in
the last few years, has also benefited the capital campaign to build the
Maryknoll School Community Center. The annual dinner has become
a premier event for Maryknoll School raising more than $1,000,000
since it was first held in 1998.
The honoree at the first dinner, Monsignor Charles A. Kekumano,
was recognized for his selfless contributions to the community. In
memory of the Monsignor, the Noblesse Oblige Award for Service is
awarded annually to those who devote their talent to the service of
others and who give both example and meaning to Maryknoll’s motto,
Noblesse Oblige – “to whom much is given, much is expected.”
Past recipients of the Noblesse Oblige Award for Service include
Dr. Livingston Wong ’48, Jim Gahler, Irmgard Farden Aluli, Cha and
Jack Thompson, Nina Keali’iwahamana Rodrigues Rapozo ’54, Dr.
Jorge Camara, Dr. Gabriel Ma, Wally Yonamine and Al Wong.
Noblesse Oblige Award for Service Honoree Peter Ng and wife Doris
Maryknoll School President Perry Martin, Most. Rev. Larry Silva, Doris Ng,
Peter Ng, Maryknoll School Board Chair Al Wong
All photos courtesy of Maryknoll Photography Club
(L to R)
Jackie Ng-Osorio, Petra Ng-Osorio, Isabella Furuhashi, Debbie NgFuruhashi, Aidan Furuhashi, Peter Ng, Doris Ng, Maddie Niebling, Sandy Niebling
(back row L to R) Kane Ng-Osorio, James Furuhashi, Jeff Niebling, Richard Ng,
Jean Han
(front row L to R)
Peter P. J. Ng is a graduate of Saint Louis School, Chaminade
University and the University of California Hastings College of Law.
He has been practicing law, concentrating in estates, trusts and probate
for 44 years and shares his practice, Ng & Niebling, LLLC, with sonin-law Jeffrey Niebling. Peter is a fellow of the American College of
Trust and Estate Counsel.
Demonstrating the spirit of Noblesse Oblige (“to whom much is
given, much is expected”), Peter has held volunteer leadership positions for various organizations over the years, including The Marianist
Center of Hawaii, Palolo Chinese Home, Hastings College of Law
1066 Foundation, Chaminade University Education Foundation, Star
of the Sea Church Finance Council, Hawaii Tax Institute and the East
Honolulu Rotary Club.
Peter is currently a trustee for the Clarence T.C. Ching Foundation
and a director of the Kukui Gardens Corporation. He also serves as a
Eucharistic Minister and lector at Star of the Sea Church. In 2006,
Peter was honored as the Recognized Member of the Kaimuki
Business & Professional Association, and in 2007 as the Model
Chinese Father of the Year.
Peter is a part of the Maryknoll ‘ohana as a former board member,
parent and current grandparent of students at Maryknoll.
Peter and his wife Doris Quinones Ng have four children and four
Emcee Nina Kealiiwahamana
Rodrigues Rapozo ’54
Maryknoll School Board members Galen Ho ’63 and Cori Ching Weston
check out some items in the silent auction.
The Monsignor Charles A. Kekumano Scholarship is awarded annually to
a returning Maryknoll student entering their junior or senior year who demonstrates excellence both inside and outside the classroom.
Keenan Kurihara says coming to Maryknoll School is one of the best decisions in his life. He says this great learning environment makes him a better
leader and genuine person, and he strives to make Maryknoll an even better
place. That’s one of the reasons why he chose to be a student ambassador – to
explain to others that attending Maryknoll is more than school, but a place
where you can belong and the people care about you. Besides being an ambassador, Keenan also is head of the Campus Ministry, member of the Filipino
Club, Student Counseling Group and Bowling team. He will also serve as
Student Senate Treasurer in his senior year.
Kekumano Scholar Keenan Kurihara and mom Radlyn
All photos courtesy of Maryknoll Photography Club
Spring 2009
The House that Mike Built
Maryknoll’s new Community Center fulfills a dream
for the former president and school
By Anne Harpham ‘68
hen the Maryknoll School Community Center is formally
dedicated later this year, it will fulfill a decades-long dream for
the school. And although it was from the very beginning a team
effort by many, for one person who will return to Hawaii for
the ceremony, it will be an immensely gratifying moment.
Michael Baker, now retired as president of Maryknoll
School and living on the East Coast, has seen pictures from
afar of the building under construction and in a brief trip to
Honolulu in February toured the not-quite-completed
project. When he left Hawaii last year, work had started on
the community center, but he watched much of the project
he put so much effort into from afar.
The photos sent to him of each step of the work brought
tears to his eyes -- because it was a little more than a
dream for so many people for so long and a labor of love
for those who made the dream happen.
“A lot of people are invested in this, what a jewel this
will be for the kids,” marveled Baker after his February
tour of the building
When Baker arrived at Maryknoll in 1997, the community center
was a concept without plans. It had been talked about for years. It was,
he said, known as “the project.” When he accepted the job as president, he said, the Maryknoll School Board told him when he took the
job they were committed to getting the community center built. And
that center, Baker said, truly rests on the shoulders of the Maryknoll
“I was bothered we did not have a showplace,” said Baker. “We
needed something stellar and that is where you have to credit the board.”
In particular, Baker credits Dr. Thomas Kosasa and Alfred M.K.
Wong, who co-chaired the building committee.
“The two of them are largely responsible for raising
the money,” he said.
Baker will be back this fall to see the
Maryknoll School Community Center opened for use – giving the
school a first-class gymnasium, fitness center and training facilities.
But more than that, notes Baker, it gives the school a place to gather
the entire student body for liturgy, assemblies and activities. That’s
something, he notes, most other schools take for granted.
When he interviewed for the job as president of Maryknoll, Baker
saw something wonderful in a school that he said simply did not know
how good it was. What guided him, he said, was the dream for a
school that had wonderful programs and facilities that needed, to put
it mildly, a lot of improvement.
“This is a place where incredible things happen in impossible situations,” said Baker.
Some might have said the dream of a community center was also
impossible, and it was indeed a bold step when planning and fundraising finally began. The $21 million center is the single-biggest project
in the 82-year history of Maryknoll.
The school also invested $11 million in purchasing several
properties adjoining the school, reinforcing the classroom building closest to the community center site, air-conditioning the
grade school and site planning and permitting.
For Board Chair Al Wong, it will help bring the students
closer together and strengthen the alumni. The Maryknoll School
Community Center is a legacy project in many ways. It is an
iconic building that provides a school gathering place. But it also
is a symbol of years of effort to create the facilities that enhance
Maryknoll’s academic excellence.
As the school positions itself to continue to improve, it also
has not abandoned the mission of the Maryknoll Sisters who
founded the school in 1927, notes Baker. When he interviewed
at Maryknoll over a decade ago, school officials kept telling him
what the school lacked.
“The things the school was apologetic for, I found to be its
hallmark,” he says.
The spirit of the school, the academic program, the warm
feeling and students who cared about each other overcame the
shortcomings of the physical plant.
Now, when Maryknoll finally has its own gathering place,
says Baker, the hard work of fundraising, planning, the heartache
of the costly delays, troubles with permitting and opposition by a
few neighbors will be just a memory.
“Those are the things you forget about once the building is
up,” Baker says.
Indeed, the former president clearly would rather focus on
what the building means for Maryknoll’s future and watch the
school’s other dreams come to fruition.
“There’s more down the road,” promises Wong. “There’s so
much potential for Maryknoll, all the elements are there.”
Spring 2009
Dedication Ceremony
Michael E. Baker Board Room
February 12, 2009
aryknoll School honored former president Mike Baker by
naming the newly refurbished meeting room in the White
House the “Michael E. Baker Board Room.” The school and board
surprised Baker with a dedication ceremony during his visit in
The room now gives the school a location for executive
meetings, featuring a big screen TV, an even bigger meeting
table and a picture and plaque honoring Baker’s 11 years of
service at Maryknoll.
“It gives Mike a chance to still be with us at all our meetings,” said board chair Al Wong.
Baker officially opens the Michael E. Baker Board Room.
Pau Hana Happy Hour
at Bar 35!
Young Alumni Association
Networking Social
Whether it's reconnecting
with a classmate or making
new connections with fellow
young alumni, come out and enjoy
$3 martinis and light pupus. No cover,
21 and over only. Any questions please
contact Lloree Gamiao at 808.952.7313 or
email [email protected].
Young Alumni Pau
Hana Happy Hour
Bar 35 at
35 Hotel Street
Thursday, June 18
Time: 5:30 - 7:30 PM
No cover, 21 and over only
Spring 2009
The time is now…
View from Dole Street
Fitness Center
Gym Floor
Hardwood Floors for Gym
Alumni Suite
Grand Opening
September 4, 2009
View from 2nd Floor
View from Alexander Street
ALUMNI GIVING 2007 - 2008
Class of 1937 . . . . . . . . . 100.00%
Class of 1939 . . . . . . . . . . 28.57%
Class of 1943 . . . . . . . . . . 44.44%
Class of 1954 . . . . . . . . . . 28.30%
Class of 1942 . . . . . . . . . . 42.11%
Class of 1953 . . . . . . . . . . 26.56%
Class of 1945 . . . . . . . . . . 34.62%
Class of 1938 . . . . . . . . . . 25.00%
Class of 1958 . . . . . . . . . . 29.31%
Class of 1946 . . . . . . . . . . 25.00%
Class of 1953 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Class of 1965 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Class of 1958 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Class of 1966 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Class of 1954 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Class of 1960 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Class of 1961 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Class of 1968 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Class of 1964 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Class of 1984 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Class of 1963. . . . . . . . . . $26,010
Class of 1965. . . . . . . . . . . $4,160
Class of 1967. . . . . . . . . . . $5,975
Class of 1975. . . . . . . . . . . $3,505
Class of 1957. . . . . . . . . . . $5,265
Class of 1954. . . . . . . . . . . $3,485
Class of 1953. . . . . . . . . . . $4,920
Class of 1952. . . . . . . . . . . $3,285
Class of 1966. . . . . . . . . . . $4,430
Class of 1958. . . . . . . . . . . $3,240
Annual Giving Report 2007-2008
Dear Maryknoll Supporters:
Charitable giving is part of Maryknoll’s moral fabric. Thank you for being part
of a generous community enabling us to focus resources and effort toward issues we
care about. I realize that you have choices with your charitable giving and thank
you for keeping Maryknoll School as a priority. I especially thank you for continuing to support Maryknoll in these difficult economic times.
I am optimistic about our future and look forward to developing a 21st century
school that addresses student facilities, enhanced curriculum, financial aid, endowment growth, and other student educational opportunities.
Because of your support, we have been able to meet all of our 2007-2008 goals
in both raised funds and giving participation. Your support allowed a number of
students to receive the financial aid necessary to attend our school. Your gifts have
developed new classroom programs, helped to raise technology standards, and
build real life academic connections. Lastly, your commitment has allowed us to
attract and retain the very best educators in leadership of our children.
God loves a "cheerful giver" (II Corinthians 9:7). In fact, the Greek word used
in that scripture is where we derive the word "hilarious." Obviously, God wants us
to enjoy the gift of giving! Confidence in your gift's impact is the key to experiencing the true joy of generosity. Thank you for your confidence.
As Winston Churchill said, "You make a living by what you make, you make a
life by what you give." Your generosity certainly reflects the spirit of Noblesse
Oblige. Thank you for your kindness and continued support. I promise to be a good
steward of each dollar.
Perry Martin
President, Maryknoll School
Dear Friends,
Mahalo for your support of the AIM (Annual Investment in Maryknoll)
campaign. With your generous donations, we were able to again surpass our
fundraising goal for the 2007-2008 fiscal year.
These donations enable bright and deserving students to obtain a quality
Catholic education. Teachers are able to provide a challenging curriculum to
create 21st century leaders. Maryknoll School is able to maintain its awardwinning faculty and staff and provide a comfortable learning environment for its
students. All this is possible because of you.
Your annual gifts help bridge the gap between tuition and the actual cost of a
Maryknoll School education. I hope you can and will continue to support the
school each year.
On behalf of the Maryknoll School Board, the faculty and staff, and all the
families you have helped, thank you again for making a difference.
Alfred M.K. Wong
Chairman, Maryknoll School Board
All photos courtesy of Maryknoll Photography Club.
Annual Giving Report 2007-2008
To contribute to Maryknoll School, or to create a new scholarship or gift, please call the Development Office at (808) 952-7310.
The foundation for giving at Maryknoll is the ongoing yearly
appeal. It raises funds to bridge the gap between tuition and the real
cost of educating students at Maryknoll School.
Annual giving is not just making a contribution. It’s about investing in the future of the institution and, above all, in each young person
who is entrusted to our care.
Maryknoll values the ongoing commitment of its donors. We have
established Legacy Levels of Giving to recognize cumulative levels of
giving to Maryknoll, including all contributions to funds and appeals.
$200,000 and above
$100,000 - $199,999
$50,000 - $99,000
$25,000 - $49,000
The Capital Campaign is a drive to raise funds for building
improvements, additions, and endowments. Large gift pledges are
usually scheduled with payments over a period of years. Gifts of cash,
stocks, bonds, and other negotiable securities are the most common
types of contributions. Continued support of AIM and the Capital
Campaign is vital to the financial well-being and future growth of
Maryknoll School.
A number of generous individuals have established endowed named
scholarships. Restricted gifts may be made directly to these funds.
Jerry & Mieko Beckers Scholarships
The Beckers Scholarships are renewable, partial tuition awards
for students who are entering middle school (grades 6, 7 and 8).
Applicants must demonstrate financial need, academic achievement and involvement in extra-curricular activities.
Earl Joseph & Ann York Gallian Memorial Scholarship Fund
In 1993, Dr. Franklin Young ’60 established this scholarship at
the request of Mr. and Mrs. Gallian, who became fond of our school
through their lifelong friendship with Dr. Young. This scholarship is
awarded every year to female high school students who demonstrate the potential to contribute significantly to Maryknoll’s extracurricular programs.
Ho-Ching Scholarship
Established in 2002 by Class of 1963 alumni Galen Ho and
Patricia Ching Ho, this scholarship is awarded to students of good
academic standing and financial need who have demonstrated leadership and service to the community.
Father James Jackson Endowed Scholarship
In 1986, Father James Jackson, former associate pastor of Sacred
Heart Church and School Chaplain, established a scholarship in
memory of his mother, Clara Rose de Lima Calouri. This scholarship provides assistance to students demonstrating a willingness to
contribute to the continued excellence of the Maryknoll family.
Monsignor Charles A. Kekumano Scholarship
Created in 1998 to honor the Monsignor who epitomized our
Maryknoll School motto, Noblesse Oblige, “to whom much is
given, much is expected,” this scholarship is funded by the proceeds
from the Monsignor Charles Kekumano Scholarship Dinner. The
Kekumano Scholarship is awarded annually to a returning
Maryknoll junior or senior who demonstrates financial need, is
Roman Catholic, has a solid academic record, and exemplified a
spirit that takes the teachings of the Catholic faith and puts them
into action by serving others, showing a keen interest in both the
school and the greater community, and working toward the promotion of justice.
Marie S. Lindo Scholarship Fund
Marie S. Lindo passed away in August 2007. She believed in
education and wanted the best for her three children, two of whom
attended Maryknoll School. This scholarship was established by
her daughter Paula Lindo Boyce ’63 to recognize and memorialize
the memory of Marie, and to make the opportunity for learning
accessible to all children that come from single-parent families who
have financial need.
The Maryknoll Fathers’ Scholarship
In 1998, a challenge gift of $100,000 was given to Maryknoll
when the Maryknoll Fathers returned Sacred Heart Parish and the
school to the care of the Diocese of Honolulu. This gift will help
fund scholarships for Maryknoll students.
The Andrew ’55 and Zosima Padilla Book Scholarship Fund
The Andrew & Zosima Padilla Book Scholarship Fund was
established in February 2005 to honor the memory of Andrew
Padilla ’55 and his wife Zosima. Andrew always valued the education he received at Maryknoll and wanted to find a way to help
students with their education. Their endowed scholarship will be
used to aid needy students with the purchase of their books.
Sacred Heart Parish Scholarship
Established in 1998, this scholarship provides 50% tuition
assistance to a newly-admitted middle school or high school
student who is a member of Sacred Heart Parish. This student must
be a practicing roman Catholic who demonstrates financial need,
carries a minimum grade point average of 3.50, and is actively
involved in community service or church-related activities.
Rudolph A. and Ralph W. Sylva Scholarship
Established in 2001 from the estate of Rudolph Sylva ’35, this
scholarship is awarded annually to students with proven scholastic
promise, with preference given to those of Hawaiian or partHawaiian ancestry.
Vance O. Smith Endowed Scholarship
In the 1980s, the Bishop Trust Company, Limited, as Trustee of
the Vance O. Smith Trust, established this scholarship for
Maryknoll School. Mr. Smith had a special interest in social studies and history and willed his remaining trust assets to organizations
established and operated exclusively for educational purposes. This
scholarship is awarded to deserving students who display academic
promise and financial need.
Robert “Foxy” Thomas Scholarship
Established in 1992, this scholarship is given in honor of Robert
“Foxy” Thomas. Mr. Thomas was an avid sports enthusiast who
admired the competitiveness of Maryknoll’s athletes, particularly in
basketball, which led him to leave the bulk of his estate to fund this
scholarship. The Robert “Foxy” Thomas Scholarship is awarded to
students based on their demonstrated special qualities of leadership,
scholarship, potential for contribution to the school’s co-curricular
programs, and financial need.
Every year, Maryknoll receives funding from various individuals
and organizations for scholarship awards.
Ching Scholarship
Created in 1996 by the Hung Wo and Elizabeth Lau Ching
Foundation, this scholarship is awarded to Maryknoll students who
are citizens of the United States.
DeFontes Scholarship
Establisehd by Mrs. Georgia E. Blake Rice ’55, the DeFontes
Scholarship is awarded to qualifying Maryknoll students.
Father William Desmond Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1986 by families belonging
to Sacred Heart Parish in honor of Father William Desmind, presiding pastor of Sacred Heart Church from 1981 to 1985.
Father Francis Diffley Scholarship
Established in 1998, this scholarship honors Father Francis
Diffley, the last Maryknoll priest to serve as pastor of Sacred Heart
Church and president of Maryknoll School.
Maryknoll School Alumni Association Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2006 in memory of Karen
Chinen. It is awarded to an exceptional graduating senior for the
purpose of pursuing higher education or training.
Maryknoll School Parent Teacher Guild Scholarship
Every year, our Parent Teacher Guild generously donates
portions of the proceeds from their successful fundraiser to support
scholarship for students with financial need.
St. Francis of Assisi / Boys & Girls Club of Hawaii Scholarship
The St. Francis Scholarship is a renewable, partial tuition award
for students who are applying to enter grades 7 through 12. The
applicant must be a member of the Boys & Girls Club of Hawaii
who has actively participated in a clubhouse for at least one year,
and who demonstrates financial need and scholastic promise.
The Shirley Campos Uniform Fund
This fund was established in 2005 to honor 31-year Maryknoll
School secretary Shirley Campos for her dedication to our children
and the school. This fund is to be used for families in need, to help
them cover the cost of purchasing a school uniform.
Restricted financial gifts for special programs, specific purchases
or other needs within Maryknoll School not included in the budget for
a given fiscal year come under this category. Special gifts benefit the
school while addressing the particular interests of donors.
In addition to the above gifts, Maryknoll School also encourages
other forms of giving as described below:
Planned Giving
Planned giving provides an opportunity for donors to support
Maryknoll through deferred giving. Examples of such programs
include bequests, life income plans, gifts subject to a retained life
estate, gifts of life insurance, and charitable lead trusts. In addition, you can name Maryknoll in your will to help ensure the
vitality of Maryknoll School for future generations of students.
Planned giving may be discussed with Maryknoll’s Development
office or the donor’s own financial advisor to determine personal
Memorial and Named Gifts
These gifts honor a family member, friend, or loved one and can
be made to the school with the assistance of our Development Office.
Gifts in Kind
Any item that does not have a professional appraisal is considered a gift in kind. Donations of computers, office equipment, furniture and other items of value to Maryknoll are greatly appreciated.
Acceptance of such items is subject to qualifications in our Gift
Acceptance Policy, and usage and space constraints.
Gifts of Service
Parents, friends and businesses who offer their services to the
school without remuneration are greatly valued by the Maryknoll
Aloha Auto Auction
Generous gifts of used automobiles provide additional money to
our operating fund. The Development Office can answer questions
about this program and make arrangements regarding donation.
Mike McKenna’s “Spirit of Giving” for Education Program
For every new car, truck, or van sold to parents or friends of
Maryknoll, Mike McKenna will donate $100 to the school.
Qualifying vehicles may be purchased at one of three locations:
Mike McKenna’s Windward Ford, Mike McKenna’s Windward
Volkswagen/Mazda, and McKenna Motor Cars in Kailua-Kona.
The tuition crediting program at allows families
to earn real-dollar rebates in the form of tuition credits for their
online purchases. Each family can also benefit from the commissions earned by purchases made by their extended family and
friends. There is no cast, term or obligation to the family, or their
supporters, to participate in this program. For more information,
Annual Giving Report 2007-2008
Make a Match to Double Your Donation
Many companies dedicated to charitable giving participate
in a matching gift program. Yours could be one of them. To
make the most of your gift to Maryknoll, ask your human
resources department if your company has a matching gift
program. If it does, fill out the form and return it to Maryknoll’s
Development & Alumni Office, according to your employer’s
Maryknoll School is grateful for the generosity of the
companies who supported our 2007-2008 annual giving fund
through matching gifts.
Annual Summary for the Fiscal Year September 1, 2007 through August 31, 2008
The donors listed in this report made gifts in support of Maryknoll
School between September 1, 2007 and August 31. 2008. Gifts made
after August 31, 2008 are credited to the 2008-2009 Annual Investment
in Maryknoll (AIM) and will be recognized in next year’s report. We
have made every effort to be accurate in recognizing those who have
done so much for Maryknoll. Please accept our sincere apologies for
any errors or omissions. Feel free to contact the Development and
Alumni Office at (808) 952-7310 so that we may correct our records.
Annual Investment in Maryknoll – AIM
Unrestricted Gifts
Gifts to Scholarship
Gifts in Kind
Fundraising Events
31st Annual Luau
Kekumano Scholarship Dinner
17th Annual Golf Tournament
PTG Fundraiser
$ 897,024
Parent of Alum
Current Parent
Board Member
Alumni 19%
Annual Giving Report 2007-2008
Legacy Giving
*Indicates those who have given gifts to AIM for 10 or more consecutive years.
A special mahalo to these donors for their ongoing commitment to the students at Maryknoll School.
($200,000 and above)
($50,000 to $99,999)
Bank of Hawaii
Mr. Gerald William Beckers
First Hawaiian Bank Foundation
Harold K.L. Castle Foundation
Hawaii Community Foundation
Hung Wo and Elizabeth Lau Ching Foundation
Marielouise Abel Terminating Trust
Mary D. and Walter F. Frear Eleemosynary Trust
Maryknoll School PTG
Mr. Foxy Thomas
($100,000 to $199,999)
Atherton Family Foundation
Catholic Diocese
Mr. Paul Y. Chinen ’57
Mrs. Elizabeth Lau Ching
Mrs. Juliette Y. Chock ’53
Earl Gallian Estate
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Fergus
Friends of Maryknoll
Mr. James Hiramatsu ’75 and
Mrs. Aileen Hiramatsu
Mr. Galen Ho ’63 and
Mrs. Patricia Ching Ho ’63
Dr. and Mrs. Gabriel W.C. Ma
Maryknoll Fathers Hawaii
Pacific Century Financial Corporation
Samuel N. & Mary Castle Foundation
Verizon Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Malcom H.M. Chang
Dr. Collin Dang ’61 and Dr. Mary Dang
Mr. Fukuyoshi Kawazoe
Dr. Irwin Lee and Mrs. Irene Lee
McInerny Foundation
Mrs. Lucile I. Smith Mistysyn ’37
Mrs. Nancy Hada Nakamura ’40
Ms. Henrietta Nobrega
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Rodriguez
Mrs. Edna Kozuma Shirai ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Jasen H. Takei
The Edward E. Ford Foundation
The Schuler Family Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C.S. Tsai
Rev. Theodore Vierra ’48
James and Juanita Wo
Mr. Stacey T.J. Wong ’70 and Mrs. Lorena Wong
Susan Chong Wong ’66
Vance O. Smith Trust
($25,000 to $49,999)
Alexander & Baldwin Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Kuniaki Azuma
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Baker
BHP Hawaii
Mr. Randy W.G. Ching
Dr. Thomas Ching ’75 and Mrs. Trang Ching
Keith and Peggy Chock
Mr. Andrew W. Corcoran ’64
Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Darcey
Paul ’66 and Rebecca de Ville
Mrs. Miriam Desha Dowson ’39
Ernst & Young LLP
First Hawaiian Bank
G.N. Wilcox Trust
Virginia Gonsalves ’38
HEI Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Ho
Dr. Patricia Young Lee ’61
Mr. Dean M. Miyamoto CPA ’72
James and Yvonne Morris ’63
Mrs. Karen T. Nakagaki Nakamura ’62
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P.J. Ng
Nick and Monica Domaloan Ng Pack ’83
Okada Trucking Co.
Mr. Hirohito Ota ’93 and Mr. Junya Ota ’93
Alice and Rob Roberts
Mrs. Linda E. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Schuman
Mrs. Valerie A. Wong Sorensen ’63
The ABC Stores
Theo H. Davies Foundation
Mr. Alfred M.K. Wong and
Mrs. Laurie Hong Wong ’56
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl P. Wong
Dr. and Mrs. Livingston M.F. Wong
Photos courtesy of Maryknoll Photography Club
Annual Gifts
*Indicates those who have given gifts to AIM for 10 or more consecutive years.
A special mahalo to these donors for their ongoing commitment to the students at Maryknoll School.
($5,000 and above)
G.N. Wilcox Trust
Friends of Maryknoll
Mr. Galen Ho ’63 and Mrs. Patricia Ching Ho ’63
Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Mi Kosasa*
Maryknoll School PTG
McInerny Foundation
Nike Employee Matching Gift
($2,500 to $4,999)
Kuniaki Azuma
Mr. Paul Y. Chinen ’57*
Hickam Chaplain Tithes and Offerings Fund
Mr. James Hiramatsu ’75 and
Mrs. Aileen Hiramatsu
HTH Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P.J. Ng
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. David K.C. Wong
($1,000 to $2,499)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J.K. Akiona
Albert Chong Associates Inc.
June H. Arakawa*
Mr. Michael E. and Mrs. Janice Baker*
Bert and Stacie Beaman
Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Bella
Dr. and Mrs. Ariel A. Catalan
Drs. Randal Motooka and
Tammy Chang-Motooka
Mrs. Jeanette M.L. Lum Chun ’56
Mr. and Mrs. Henry and Anne Chung
Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Darcey
Marlene R. Dias De Costa
Harrilynn-Joy Kameenui and Danilo R. Domingo
Mary Kathryn Kosco Farrell ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred B. Fernandes, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Myles Fujiwara
Donamay Lau Guinasso
Bob and Lori Harrison
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Helfrich ’39
Mr. Michael Ho ’57 and Mrs. Patricia Chu Ho ’57
Mr. and Mrs. John Isabelo
Jhamanda’s Watumull Fund
Eugene and Jin Sook Kaminaka
Greg and Lynn Kiyan
Mr. William J. Klauberg, Sr.
Knights of Columbus
Mr. Stan Kum and Mrs. Marjorie Kum
Ms. Deborah A. Lazur
Mr. Andrew S.O. Lee ’42
Mr. and Mrs. Desmond C. Lee
Dr. Patricia Y. Lee ’61
Betsy C. Leong
Mrs. Charlene Wong Lum ’60 and
Mr. Ronald Lum*
Elliott C. Mattos
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Morikuni
James and Yvonne Morris ’63*
Ms. Janet Mei Chi Ng ’78
Mrs. Willa A.N. Gaud Papandrew ’67
David X. and Jennifer Pham
Mr. and Mrs. Robby H. Rask
Annual Giving Report 2007-2008
Mrs. Betty Blake Rice ’55
Neiland Sadarananda and Sally Malia Chang
K. Saito
Mr. and Mrs. William I. Samaritano
Mr. Charles K. Shigeta ’54*
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory K. Shiu
Dr. and Mrs. Darlene DeMello Sousa
Janis Ing Strauss
Gail P. Tiwanak
Mrs. Claire M. Nishimoto Tong
John H. Walbridge, Jr.
Mrs. Cori C. Weston
Albert and Maureen Wong
Alfred M.K. and Laurie Wong
Mrs. Brenda D. Dung Wong ’77 and
Mr. Kiman Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl P. Wong
Mr. Darryll Wong ’68 and
Mrs. Teresa Ching-Wong ’69
Mr. Richard S.H. Wong ’52
Mrs. Susan Chong Wong ’66
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth K. Yamashita
Mr. Mario K.M. Yim ’87
Miss T. Phyllis Zerbe
($500 to $999)
Scott and Lisa Adams
Dr. Maria P. Adora
Brian’s Contracting, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Arakaki
Mr. and Mrs. Eleuterio C. Arnobit, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Ashley
Vim and Janine Balantac
Rosalina Juan Baysa ’50
Mr. Peter Boneza and Mrs. Cris Chong-Boneza
Mr. Eric Bourne
Mr. Mark K. Bradley ’80
Sandi A. Campos
Juliette S. Chock
Janice and Chuck Choi
Ann Chung
Len and Judy Dempsey
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Doan
Miriam D. Dowson*
Lannie Dung
Masa and Mayumi Edamura
Edward Enterprises, Inc.
Mr. James Fallon
Mr. Benjamin Fong ’52 and
Mrs. Wanda Hoe Fong ’53
Ms. Bonnie E. Freitas
Shogo Fukuzawa
Mr. James C. Gahler
Maria T. Guevara
Ms. Betsey H. Gunderson ’68
Steven and Audrey Hidano
Lori Ho
Ms. Valerie Anne Ho ’60
Elaine Chang Hoffman
Mrs. Carolyn M.S. Dang Hong ’67*
Mrs. Jeanne A. Kikawa
Mr. and Mrs. Dong Joo Kim
Mr. and Mrs. Arne C. La Prade*
Gordon and Louise Lau
Souvanhny Law
Judge and Mrs. Richard M.C. Lum
Dr. and Mrs. Greg Lung
Ms. Diane K. Malinovich
Karin and Bill McCorriston
Mrs. Patricia Muneno McIntyre ’67*
Mrs. Lucile I. Smith Mistysyn ’37*
Mr. and Mrs. Manfred Mueller
Mrs. Susan Lee Nakamoto ’72
Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Naone
Clifton and Jill Okimura
Gwen Cabral Pane’e
Mr. and Mrs. Roland T. Shimabukuro
Roy L. Shults
Roxanne Simpkins-Williams
Felix C. and Edith Freitas
Bert M. Sumikawa
Brian and Karen Tajiri
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Takano
Lena Takei
Audrey Nakagaki Tanaka
Mrs. Shana ’83 and Mr. Rodney Tong*
Goro and Carolyn Uehara
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Uekawa
Gary and Pat Wassel
Stella M. Q. Wong
Mr. Steven Y.S. Wong ’86
Dr. Richard K. Yokoyama ’43
Clarence S. Yoshino
Curtis and Loretta Yuen
($100 to $499)
Mrs. Margarita Q. and Mr. Dick C. Adair
Kelli Steele Adams and Paul Adams
Mrs. Jean Agena
Gerry, Emma and Genalyn Agustin
Mr. Clarence L. Ahakuelo, Jr. ’53
Lt. Gov. and Mrs. James R. Aiona, Jr.
Mr. Clifford M. Akana ’42
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Akau
Mrs. Barbara V. Nobrega Akau ’61
James and Faye Aki
Mr. and Mrs. Gene C. Albano
Brooke Alexander
Gladys Ching Aloiau
Rhys and Terry Amimoto
Mr. Michael D. ’79 and Mrs. Teresita Amore*
Jerome and Gladys Andrade
Ms. Haunani Suzanne Apoliona ’67
Joyce K. Arakaki
Edward and Sue Arakawa
Sam and Jean Arakawa
Mrs. LeeMarie Armstrong-Gomes ’93
Edwin and Lois Asato
Thomas and Tammy Atou
Aaron and June Au
Phyllis Au and Kaila Au
Richard Y.C. Au
Mrs. Rona Augustine-Chun
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Bagayas
Michael Bajinting
Mrs. Cynthia Y.T. Balantac
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Baysa
Mrs. Dolores Grohmann Beddow ’78
Mrs. Antonella K. Chock Bennett ’55*
Mr. and Mrs. Max L. Besenbruch
Mr. and Mrs. Alan K. Bluemke
Corliss Mukaigawa Boehne
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bolte
Dr. and Mrs. Peter M. Boolukos
Mr. and Mrs. Suthap Boonyatera
Rendell K. Bourg
William Bow
Elena Salangsang Bowker
Paula Rochelle Lindo Boyce ’63
Mrs. Kristen Lum Bradley ’76 and
Mr. Todd Bradley
Haidee C. Bristol-Horne
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Broderick Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Broderick
Felice N.J. Wong Broglio*
Joel and Brown
Mrs. Kathleen H. Haggood Buckey ’38
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bunten
Kyle Burns
Thomas J. Burns
Tom and Suzanne Cajski*
Carlos and Summer Campos
Ms. Kimberly Carahasen ’87
Stephen and Lori Carlos*
Mrs. Sharon Y.L. Ching Carsten ’77
Suzanne Casart
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Casey
John and Sarah Casken
Mr. and Mrs. Leoncio C. Castillo
Mr. Christopher Casupang
William A. Cataldo
Elliott W. Chamizo ’61*
Daniel and Dr. Jennifer Chandler
Michelle Chang
Mr. Evanson H.W. Chang*
Mrs. Flora Y. Chang
Donald S.M. Chang
Fredrick Chang and Betty Ontai-Chang
Dr. Jo Ann A. Chang ’83
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Chang
Welton & Michelle Chang ’82;
Brendan Chang ’13
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Chang
Robert K.Y. Chang
Stanley and Cynthia Chang
Mrs. Wendy Chang and Mr. Byron Moon
Renee Chang-Yamada
Mrs. Carrie-Ann H. Chee ’94
Mr. Dennis W. Chee ’52*
Mrs. Phyllis Odo Chee ’73 and
Mrs. Kelvin Chee ’73
Mr. Kenrick Chee and Mrs. Sara Chee
Lorrin Chee*
Yu Lin Chen and Min Wu
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Y. Chikasuye
Douglas and Kathleen Chin
Mark and Jeanie Chin
Mrs. Betty Chinen
Carol Jean Young Ching
Patrick and Elisabeth Ching
Reid Alan Ching
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H.S. Chock
Stephen C. Chock
Curtis and Debra Chong
Randall Chong
Mr. and Mrs. Benson Choo
David and Reba Choo (Zachary Choo)
Steve, Charlene and Puna Choo
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L.H. Chow
Laureen Chow
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Chow
Mr. Calvin C.W. Choy ’62
Liana S.F. Chan Choy ’86
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Choy
George J. Chu, M.D. and Diane W. Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Chu
Amy Khiet Chuc
Mrs. Beatrice S.Y. Thom Chun ’47
Col. and Mrs. Edward K. Chun Fat Jr.*
Edward K. Chun Fat, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Y.F. Chun
Mr. and Mrs. Jon-David Chun
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Chun
Peter Chun
Henry W.C. Chung
Mayumi and KJ Chung
Leslie G. Chung
Mr. and Mrs. Warren A. Chunn
Kelli Ciccone
Alfred Cicogna
Joe Clare
Mr. Clinton J. and Mrs. Josie Clausen
Marilyn Alencastre Coffman
Col. and Mrs. Chuck Coghlin
Courtnee Collins
Mr. Thomas L. Collins
Vicki Villarama Collins
Leila V. Condon
Mrs. Agnes Sills Cordeiro ’37
Hilda De Cambra Cordeiro*
Mrs. Mari-Jo Silva Correa ’80
Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Costales
Mr. Robert J. Coursey, Jr. ’64*
Michael and Michele Cox
LCDR and Mrs. Anthony Crego
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Crosswhite
Jai and Carla Cunningham
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Dang,
Christine L. Dang ’13
Bedda Bergold D’Angelo
Mr. Edward DaSilva
Enrique and Yvonne de Luna
Mrs. Else M. De Mello ’45
Mr. Guy M. De Primo ’65
Paul and Rebecca de Ville
Ms. Dvonia Ching Dekker ’64
Mrs. Napua E. Prados Demers ’58*
Joe DePrimo
Kuuipo Determan
Monsignor Daniel J. Dever
Haunani F.M. Burns Dickson
4 Dolan kids and me (Anne)
Mrs. Roseline R. Gabriel Domaloan
Teddy A. and Lolita R. Domingo
Russell Donnelly
Patsy Catala Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Downes
Ms. Barbara A. Dreflak
Michael and Katie Dudley ’70*
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S.J. Dung
Rev. Timothy Eden S.M.
Mrs. Mary Finnegan Ehring ’58
Joe Endo
Mrs. Patricia L. Gilsey Eng ’57
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Evers
Mrs. Betsy June Fabro-Borg ’82
Mrs. Mook-Lan Mui Fan ’41*
Ms. Elaine Y. Farm
Kathryn Molyneux Ferreira
Mrs. Verna P. Perry Ferreira ’53
Mr. Doug Ferreira ’63
Mr. and Mrs. Teddorico Ferrer Jr.*
Scott Finkboner*
Mr. and Mrs. Renato V. Flojo
Elaine Chun Fong ’54
Foodland Super Market, Ltd.
Robert and Maggie Fortuna
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Fujimoto
Dr. Ira M. and Cattie Fujisaki
Ms. Gina Michiko Fukumitsu ’86
Gary and Pauline Fukumura
Michael and Caryn Fukunaga
Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Funai
Joy Funakoshi
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Fung
Geoffrey and Rowena Furukawa
Yoshio and Saeko Futatsugi
Mr. and Mrs. William Gabriel
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Gamiao
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Gaoing
Judge Colette Y. Yoda Garibaldi ’73
Jessie and Judith Garo
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Garwolinski
Mr. and Mrs. A.J. John Gaudet*
Mrs. Milagros D. Gavieres
Cheryl R. Kunimune Gesik
Mr. Lester S. Gibo ’72
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ginto*
Mrs. Angie N. Golis-Yamamoto*
Virginia Gonsalves
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Goo, Sr.
James Gore
Clarence L. Gouveia
Mrs. Lisa Anne Y.L. Wong Gruebner ’82*
Dr. and Mrs. Peter A. Guevara
Mr. Wayne Gushikuma and
Mrs. Cora C. Cabebe ’73 Gushikuma
Annual Giving Report 2007-2008
SPARTAN CLUB continued
Mieko Gushikuma
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gyotoku
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Ha
Thomas Haioka
Mrs. Lorraine Chamizo Hamilton ’60*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Hann*
Mrs. Ann H. Hannan
Dolores Burnett Hansen ’58
Ryan and Susan Harada
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Harrison
Joni Hashimoto-Kim
Randal and Patty Hashimoto
Randall and Wendy ’87 Hata
Mrs. Shirley H. Fujii Hayashi ’53
Mr. Allen Heau
Wilfred and Evelyn Hee
Gwen K.L. Heliker
L. Mason Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Hermosura
Joan Herring Fisher
Scott and Misao Higa
David and Joni Higashiguchi
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram N. Hiu
Ivy Ho
Liz Russell Hochberger
Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Hoke Jr.
Mrs. Geralyn Lum Holck ’78
Hoshi Sanai
Wendy Wong-Howell*
Norma N. Hung
Raymond Imbo, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell H.W. Ing
Mr. Leslie Sin Chong Ing
Douglas H. Inouye
Mr. Jonathan D.C. Isabelo ’94
Allene M.C. Higa Ishikawa ’58*
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle K. Iwamoto
Dr. and Mrs. David M. Iwasaki
Norine (Lau) Jalbert
Jane C. Wong Private Foundation
Mrs. Monica Yoshino Jennings ’75 and
Mr. James Jennings
Timothy J.K. Johnson
Paul and Ann Jones
Wade H. Jones
Mrs. Susan K.S. Taam Jong ’46
Mr. and Mrs. Won IL Joo
Mrs. Beatrice H. Iwamoto Jost ’49
Alice L. Jow
Doug Kagawa
Frank R. and Naomi I. Kahookele
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Y. Kai
Joey, Christine, Ryland Kaitoku
Mr. Edwin S. Kala’i ’43*
Mr. Jeffrey Keahi Kalani ’90
Margaret J. Kalima
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kam
Glen and Stella Kam
Larry Kam
David and Roxanne Kamalu
Rosana Kamata
Harry and Karen Kame’enui
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Y. Kanada
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kaneshige
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Kaneshiro
Eugenie Kaili Kaopua
Mimi and Guy Katayama
Mr. Jared Kaufmann, Sr. ’58*
Leigh Ching Kawakami
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt E. Kawamoto
Mr. and Mrs. David N. Kawamura
Mrs. Katherine A. Kawano (Elissa Wong)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kawasaki
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Kaya ’82
Violet Kamai Kekina
Mr. Kristopher C. Kern ’98
Jeffrey Keuss
Mrs. Elizabeth Manzano Keyes ’56
Takemi Khau
Craig and Lisa Kim
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Kim
Mrs. Faye I.M. Spencer Kim ’63
Joung Won Seg
Landen Kim
Mr. Michael D. Kim
Katelyn Domdoma
Mildred Kinoshita
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Kitts
Cpt. & Mrs. W.J. Klauberg, Jr.
Jason Knight
Mrs. Mildred F. Burlem Koch ’42
Be-Jay Upchurch Kodama
Mrs. Virginia Koo
Aiko Koochi
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold and Vanessa Kop
Mrs. Sherlin Lee Kowal ’68
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Kramer
Dr. Stephen and Deborah Kula
Mr. Brian Kung and Mrs. Maggie Zhu
Wane and Renee Kunihisa
Robert and Eunice Kunimitsu
Harry and Nora Kurosu
Ed and Heidi Kurzenski
Glenn and Ann Kusaka
Mr. Edison C.Y. Kwock ’59
Waley C.M. Kwock*
Philip Kwon
Thomas Ky and Siri Ky
Mrs. Mary Ann Cordeiro La Fazia ’63
Mrs. Ludmilla La Prade*
Mrs. Cynthia Lai
Dolly Echiverri Langen, M.D.
Michael and Sandra Langer
Linda Jo N. Langley
Michael and Cyndy LaPorte*
Michael Lastor
Alan Lau
Merton and Claire Lau
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Lau
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W.N. Lau
Jonathan K.H. Lau, D.D.S. ’91*
Mr. and Mrs. Ka Hon Lau
Matthew Lau
Hoang Le and Lily Wu-Le
Mrs. Mary S.Q. Mau Lecavelier ’61
Guy and Audrey Kong Lee ’64*
Brian Lee
Ms. Diane O.L. Lee ’61*
Mr. Eddie P. Lee
Mrs. Edwina Cordeiro Lee ’58
Ernest K.C. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Hyung S. Lee
Dr. and Mrs. Irwin K.M. Lee
Jaejun Lee
James and Nancy Lee
Drs. Jeffrey and Meta Lee
Ronald and Junie Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Lee
Tiffany Lee
Mrs. Allison Lee-Takamine ’87 and
Mr. Duane Takamine ’86
Mr. Gordon and Jean Uyeda Leong
Mrs. Helen C. Chock Leong ’43*
Mr. Tahn Chow Leong ’46
Mrs. Irene W.Y. Chang Letoto ’50*
Catherine Li*
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Lim
Lei Mei Lin and David Wo
Mrs. Lorna P. Chang Lin ’63
Wayne and Julie Lin
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Lincoln
Priscilla W. Lindsay
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ling
Michael Roche and Verna Ling-Roche
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Liu
Mr. Garrett Liu and Mrs. Colleen Yoda Liu ’75*
Mrs. Jackie L. Loo
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Loo
Patrick Loo ’90 & Talen Loo
Mrs. Christine Mattos Loomis ’85*
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J.K. Louis
Mrs. Frankie A. Lucas*
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lui
Mr. and Mrs. Don Lui-Kwan
Michelle Luke
Mr. Alfred Lum ’71 and
Mrs. Adele Odo Lum ’72
Chuck Lum
Mr. and Mrs. David T.E. Lum
Evelyn Chang Lum ’49
Mr. Fredric D.W. Lum ’44
Kenneth and Keiko Lum
Stanford and Gloria Lum
Wesley Lum
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred W.C. Lum
Louella Ahakuelo Lung and Richard K. Lung
Mr. and Mrs. Khubo Luu
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Machado ’46
Bruce and Brenda Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Akira Makinodan
Mr. and Mrs. Bonifacio D. Maluyo
Dorothy Y.L. Goo Man ’52*
Dr. and Mrs. Joel Manaligod
Ms. Theresa L.M. Martin*
Carl and Gail Matsuura
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence W.C. Mau
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.K. Mau
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Mau
Jeffrey and Heidi McGivern
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle R. McLain
Mr. and Mrs. Roger McLain
Mr. Glenn Medeiros
LTC Manny Medeiros ’57
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Medeiros
Carlos and Stacy Mercado
Melodee Barkus Metzger ’60
Mrs. Camille T. Domaloan Michel ’84*
Dr. Trisha B. Miki ’87
Ms. Cafey Millard
Cary Jane Miller*
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Randal K. Mimaki
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Y. Mito
Mr. and Mrs. Joc Miw
Denis Y. Miyashiro
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Miyashiro
Mrs. Winona Hu Miyashiro ’62
Corrine S. Miyose
Dane and Leah Mizuno
Thelma Nobuko Sano Mori*
Michele Tokunaga (’65) Morikami
Mr. and Mrs. Akihiro Morikawa
Mrs. Jo-Ann and Mr. Neal R. Morisato*
Guy and Brenda Moriwaki
Mary Helen Tom Morrow
Allan and Sharon Mossing
Agnes Marie Braz Motley
Ms. Christie Sachiko Yoshikawa Mukai ’85
Lawrence and Karen Mun
Bill and Cheryl Muneno
Archie and May Murakami
Ross and Dayle Murakami
Carl and Helen Nagami
Mr. and Mrs. Dan O. Nagami
Melvyn and Beverly Nagata
Pat Nakagawa
Scott A. Nakagawa
Mrs. Adora H. Aoki Nakamura ’44
Craig Nakamura and Elise Matsumoto
Mrs. Gail S. Nakamura and
Mr. Carleton Williams*
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nakasone
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Nakasone
Mr. Gene Ng and Mrs. Michelle Peng
Hieu T. Nguyen
Mrs. Stanley Nip
Duane and Jill Nishimura
Ms. Hiroko Noda
Mrs. Lorraine Sawai Noda ’54
Dr. Harry T. Nomura ’47
Greg and Liz Nosal
Mr. Paul O’Brien
Ellen Funakoshi Ogata
Owen and Cynthia Ogata
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Y. Ogawa
Wilma M. Ogimi
Mr. and Mrs. Roland S. Ogoshi
Mr. and Mrs. Masahiro Ogura
Ian and Amy Ohari
Steven and Karen Ohata (Cade ’17)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Okada
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Okaneku*
Scott and Brenda Okazaki ’75
Mr. Mark Okihiro and
Mrs. Michiyo Tsubata-Okihiro
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Y. Okimoto
Aaron and Sherri Okinaga
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Okinaga
Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Okita
Clayton and Lois Oku
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Okuhara
Arnold and Nancy Okumoto
Cary and Heidi Omoto
Omoto’s, Darren, Darcy and Taylor
Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Omura
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Y. Omura
Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne K. Onaga
Dr. Sharon K. Hiu Ong ’83 and
Mr. Simon Y. Ong*
Mr. Carl H. Osaki ’78
Iris M. Oshiro
Mr. and Mrs. Lester K. Oshiro
Lynn and Lincoln Oshiro
Thomas and Norma Oshiro
Bryce and Chance Otsuka
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Oumi
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Ouye
Claire M. Paishon
Neal A. Palafox
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Palma
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Pang
Brian and Karen Pang
Kenzie J. Pang ’69
Mrs. Barbara J. Fernandes Papo ’59
Mr. and Mrs. John Parris
Fran Patoskie
Mr. Albert J. Pattison
Robert Paul and Nancy Chen
David and Gina Pawlak
Mrs. Barbara Leong Perreira ’48 and
Mr. Jonathan Perreira ’40
Bernadette Perry*
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew H. Perry
Ann Keala Jones Peters*
Maria Marcos Pine ’64
Kim I. Pinensky
Norman Polk
Mrs. Virginia T. Thom Poon ’46
Timothy and Graciela Pregana
Jennifer Koffler Prevette
Bradley and Loren Pulice
Mrs. J.N. Pulice
John and Jullie Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Ray R. Ramones
Alton and Sandra Ramos
Frank Ramos, Jr.
Jeremy Ramos
Kurt and Mavis Ramos
James P. Rapoza ’45
Marc and Sandra Rezentes
Mr. and Mrs. Cesar Ribao
Janis Rich
Jenna Richards ’13
Joann Rimas
Diana Jeremiah Rittmeister ’60
Alice and Rob Roberts*
Ms. Mary Maloney Roberts ’70
Mr. Jonah I. Chang and
Mrs. Helena M. Rodriguez
Mrs. Maria Consuelo Rogers*
Brother Venard Ruane
Paula Viveiros Russell ’63
Paul and Sybil Saito
Karl and Kalene Sakamoto
Gwen M. Sakanashi
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A.Q. Salas
Shirley K. Salomon
Ian T.T. Santee
Carol Santiago
Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon Santos
Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Sato
Lynn N. Sato, Tazuko Masaki, Harold Masaki
Mrs. Margaret E. Goto Sato ’45*
Mr. and Mrs. Nobuo Sato
Schoolpop, Inc.
Christopher Sciotto
Mr. and Mrs. Mitsunobu Sekino
Anthony Sellitto
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Seo
Lynette Mau Seto
Mrs. Pauline E. Seto Richardson
Charlotte Sexton
Mrs. Leinani J. Shak
Phyllis N.T. Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Lance H. Shibata
Mr. and Mrs. Natsuo Shigezawa
Stacy and Michelle Shigezawa
Diane Shimomi
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Shimomi
Annual Giving Report 2007-2008
SPARTAN CLUB continued
Mr. and Mrs. Kwang C. Shin
Mr. and Mrs. Mitsuo Shinsato
Dr. Lance K. Shirai ’78
Ernest and Jean Shoji
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sibayton
Mark L. Silva
Mr. Marty S. Silva ’81
Thomas E. Silva
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sim
Ms. Charlotte M.H. Soares Simmons ’53 *
Dr. Paul M. Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Siu-Li
Mrs. Laine A. Matsuo Skiendiel ’68*
Mrs. Georgiana D. Denis Smith ’53
Mr. and Mrs. Noah F. Smith
Stephen Soares ’85 and Irma May Baptiste
Tracy and Paul Soenksen
Mr. and Mrs. Tom K. Soo Hoo
Marlene M. Soares Souki*
Carol Ann Bryan Sousa
William E. Spencer, Jr.
Col (ret.) Brian J. Spitzer ’66
Mr. and Mrs. Oran Spotts
Mrs. Frances Y.C. Goo Steen ’47
Jay and JoAnn Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Suenaga
Dr. and Mrs. David Sumikawa
Kelli K. Sunada
Joan Kwock Sung
Mr. Lance Suzuki
Mr. and Mrs. Jed M. Taba
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Y. Tadaki
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tagawa
Christina Takafuji
Stanley M. Takamine
Daryl, Cori, Noah and Emily Takamiya
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Takamiya
Todd Takayama
Mr. and Mrs. Hiroji Taki
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Tamanaha
Terry and Carole Tamura
Gary Alan and Grace Tanaka
Lauralei Morgan Tanaka
Mr. and Mrs. Randal T. Tanaka
Mr. and Mrs. Tadayuki Tanaka
Shawn & Tanya Tanoue
Eric and Wendy Taramasco
Mr. Clarence K. Tatekawa ’42*
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Tatsumura
Dr. and Mrs. Ray Teramoto
Sheri S.M. Teves
Margaret Sebastian Thomas ’53
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Thomas
Toni and Yayoi Tokuhara
Dr. Benjamin C.K. Tom ’45
Mr. Daniel M.C. Tom ’68
Gordon and Judy Tom*
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin K.S. Tom
Mrs. Lillian Ohta Tominaga ’46
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Tomiyasu
Mr. and Mrs. Albert C.Y. Tong
Joseph and Denise Torres
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest K. Tottori
Paul and Shelli Tottori
Leilani Tsukazaki
Lorraine and Jon Tsuruda
Mrs. Tomoko Tsuyemura ’45
Jaime and Trice Ubongen
Dean and Joy Uchida
Mr. Dean Hiromi Ueda ’93
Keith and Lea Uehara
Wilfred T. Uekawa
Ralph and May Ukishima
Kathryn Elms Ulrich ’68
Mr. and Mrs. Fukuo Umeda
Mrs. Melinda S. Lohr Underkofler
Glenn and Michelle Ushio
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Uy
Lori Beth Wong Van Cantfort and
Ryan Wong Van Cantfort
Mr. Leonard Ventura and
Mrs. Benedith Tabiolo-Ventura
Mr. and Mrs. Eusebio B. Verona
Nastia Maxine Chisteckoff Vickery
Clyde H. Vierra
Mr. and Mrs. Riza L. Villa
John Vivoli
Mr. and Mrs. Dayne H. Wada
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Wada
Charlene Yap Wall
Virginia Lum Wat ’52*
Gerald H. Watanabe, M.D.
Scott and Kandyce Watanabe
Tadashi and Jean Watanabe
Michael and Gail Weisz
Joan F. White
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Whitford
Lori L. Wilhelm
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Winter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Witt
Mr. David F. Won ’74
Barbara C. Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Brian C.L. Wong
Colene S. Wong
Samuel Wong
Denny and Cindy Wong
Elizabeth and Kristyn Wong
Mrs. Frances Chow Wong ’69*
Connie & Gerald Wong
James and Jeanine Wong
Kyle A. Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard K.H. Wong (Debra)
Mr. Stacey T.J. Wong ’70 * and
Mrs. Lorena Wong
Mr. Stephen Wong ’65 and Mrs. Susan Wong ’65
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Wong
Thomas P. Wong, Sr.
Walter C.K. Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Warren F. Wong
Col. and Mrs. Wendell Wong
Wilson and Helen Wong
Lisa Wong-Yamamoto ’84*
Celia Chun Wright
Mrs. Laura L.F. Xiao
Mei Yee Wong, Hang Xie
Glen and Aireen Yagyagan
Toru and Yumi Yamada
Albert and Page Yamamoto
Mr. and Mrs. Brant Y. Yamamoto
Jean K. Nakamura (Arthur) Yamamoto
Mr. and Mrs. Victor M. Yamamoto
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Yamane
Allen and Gladys Yamanoha
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Yamasaki
Kent and Cheryl Yamasaki
Ms. Gail T. Yamashita
Mrs. Eloise M. Uyeda Yano ’55*
Mrs. Jean Yuen Yates ’61*
Mr. and Mrs. Alan M.L. Yee
Dr. and Mrs. Ed Yee
Chris and Linda Yee
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Yee II
Mr. and Mrs. Lester B.K. Yee
Mr. and Michael T. Yee
Michael Yee and Susan Harada-Yee
Michael, Helen and Alex Yee
Phyllis Quon Yee
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Y. Yi
Davis Yogi and Debra Kagawa-Yogi
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Yokoyama
Barbara A. Yoneda
Daniel W.C. Yong
Pamela J. Yoon*
Deacon Walter and Frances Yoshimitsu
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Young
Ronald S.K. Young ’57*
Tambry R. Young and Suzanne King
Hank and Ursula Zerbe
Brian Zweber
(up to $99)
Mrs. Esther M. Todd Abbey ’73
Mr. and Mrs. Boyce A. Abellira
Laurie Acohido
Mr. Simplicio Acosta and
Mrs. Lydell Corteza-Acosta
Mrs. Allyson and Mr. Landen P. Agcaoili
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Agena
Catherine Affatica Agor
Judith Ann Vierra Aguiar ’62
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Ah-Tye
Mr. Kazuyuki Akashi ’45*
Takashi and Dorothy Akimoto
Mrs. Beverly A. Akiona
Mr. and Mrs. Roland S. Alfelor
Janetta and John Allison
Aloha Auto Auction
Mr. and Mrs. John Amano
Yvonne Lau Ambrose ’61
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron A. Amodo
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Teodorico P. Andrada
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Antonio
Ms. Harolyn Arakaki-Pedro
Mrs. Margaret M. Tam Araki ’69
Roy K. Aratani
Dr. Garvin V. Arrell ’60*
Mr. and Mrs. Bryant K. Asao
Mr. and Mrs. Dexter T.Y. Au
Raenette Wong Auyong
Mildred Awana
Mr. and Mrs. William Axt
Joyce Tamaoka Bajet
Mr. John P. Baraquio ’88
Chris and Elaine Batacan
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry R. Baxter
Janell Beattie
Ms. Frances Ho Bellinger ’68
Agnes Benavente
Mr. Rudy Benigno and Mrs. Wannette Gaylord
Bonnie Bise
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Blewitt, Jr.
Setsuko Bluemke
Ms. Juliann E. Borges
Mrs. Mary Lou Gilleres Botelho ’53 and
Mr. Herbert Botelho ’51
Ms. Maria Di Pisa Brady ’80
Stanley G. Bukes
Lance and Virginia Bull
Mr. and Mrs. Nicolas C. Cabebe
Ms. Selene Cadirao
Mr. Steven Caley
Mr. and Mrs. Keahi L. Cambra
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Campman
Shauna K. Candia
Mr. Matthew L. Capps
Ms. Suzanne Sunada Carlos ’88
Mrs. Suzeth and Mr. Wilfredo M. Carreon
Mr. and Mrs. Dannie W.M. Chan
Mr. Danny H.K. Chan
Mr. and Mrs. Dion Chan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chan
Glenn and Laurie Chang
Harris and Jo Chang
Dr. and Mrs. Henry M.C. Chang
Mrs. Jacqueline K. Ching Chang ’71
Mr. Jeffrey L.K. Chang ’94
Mr. and Mrs. Norman K.C. Chang
Mr. and Mrs. William C.F. Chang
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Char Jr.
Esther Lee Chee ’47
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Chen
Joe Cheng
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Chin
Dick and Emy Ching
Douglas M.C. Ching
Elaine Young Ching
Mr. and Mrs. Gary M.T. Ching
Mr. George K.H. Ching ’48
Mrs. Jeanette T. Ching
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Ching
Mrs. Sylvia ’66 and Mr. Randall ’63 Ching
Lawrence Chinn
Ms. Antoinette Chock
Mrs. Mandy Rose L. Baptist Chock ’99
Mr. and Mrs. Saejin Choi
Dr. Marguerite Malia Chow ’78
Michael Y. M. Chow and Dr. Michael I. Chow
Darryl Choy ’90*
Mrs. Jacqueline N.J. Hew Choy ’82
Mr. Anthony P. Chun ’72 and
Mrs. Linda F.S. Chun*
Mrs. Lisa M. Rodrigues Chun Fat
Gary and Kelli Chun
Marie B. Chun
Mary L. Mei Ling Chun
Mr. and Mrs. Bing Fay Chung
Mr. Kapono Ciotti
John and Taryn Clatanoff (Carr)
Mr. Craig Clouet
Christian and Rachael Colman
Mark and Stephanie Conching
Mr. and Mrs. Condes
David and Connie Copp
Mr. Wilhelm Cordes III ’88
Mr. Nathan and Mrs. Lori Costa
Paul A. and Karen L.H. Cowan
Mr. Chris Cramer
Mrs. Martha and Mr. Richard Crawford
Mrs. Mary Jo Leineweber Culvyhouse
Waldene Ichijo Curtice
Mrs. Naty Dadiz
Sister M. Rosario Daley
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.Y. Dang
Mr. and Mrs. Rickard A. Deakins
Marla M. Delovio
Dan and Cathy Devaney
Mrs. Roseyn J. Devlin
Ms. Deanna Leilani Dudoit ’78
Mrs. Jeanne C. Amlin Duggan ’58
Barbara Dung
Gary and Bobbi Dworshak
Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Edrada
Geneve Eleccion
Mrs. Dulinda Gomes Ernesto ’37
Noah Esperas
Tanny Esperas
Mr. Liberato D. Fabro ’78
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard E. Fajota
Yvonne Faria
Mr. and Mrs. Ed G. Felipe
Phoenix M.M. Ferriman
Norman and M.J. Fong
Shui Yee Fong
Mr. Shawn G.K. Fonseca ’78
Toshiko Fortuna
Mrs. Gwendolyn M. Chang Fu ’53
Mrs. Lillian Yoshimoto Fujihara ’47
Nancy F. Oshita Fujii*
Mrs. Carlynn S. Fujii-Chun ’83
Laura Fujimoto
Akihiko Fukusato
Mrs. Kimberly Ann M. Fuller ’90
Mr. Thomas C. Furtado
Ms. Michelle Ann K. Gabriel ’99
Ms. Patricia Ann Gabriel ’93
Mr. Leonardo Gaoiran
Phyllis Boner Gardner
Mrs. Caren M. Lee Gaud ’71
Mrs. Kimberly Gleason
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Glynn
Sam and Lea Goin
Mrs. Betty D. Gomes ’53
Mr. Franklin R. Gonzales
Nelson and Lisa Goo
Mrs. Roxane S. Ishikawa Goo ’78
June D. Mattos Gorgonio ’75*
Mr. and Mrs. William Gosnell
Mrs. Jennifer M. Woo Goto
Ms. Mona Goto
Mark and Yurica Griffin
Ms. Bonnie Griffiths
Mrs. Lea F.L. Langer Grupen ’86
Mr. Robert Guieb and Ms. M. Theresa Espejo
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham B. Guillermo
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Guillermo
Keith Gushikuma
Sydney Kam Gutierrez
Al and Bev Guzman
Mrs. Cora C. Choy Haberman ’70
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Hackman Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy H. Hagino
Courtney Lee K. Haia ’04
Ms. Janet Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick K. Hamada
Mr. and Mrs. Lane S. Hamaoka
Mrs. Christine G.L. Hangai
Donald T. Hashimoto
Fumiko Hashimoto
Mrs. Kewina L. Prados Hastings ’56
Taven Hathaway
Stephanie Hayashi
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Hays
Mr. and Mrs. Brad L. Heatherly
Mrs. Patricia Wong Heatherly
Mrs. Ellen A. Hee
Shellie Kodama Hee
Ms. Meaghan K. Herndon ’05
Dan Hew
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Itsuo Higa
Karen and Edwin Higa
Mrs. Lynnette Pascua Higa ’96
Ray M. Higa
Mrs. Mary H. Hill
Maylanie Hipolito
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hirata
Mr. and Mrs. Guy I. Hironaka
Zack Hironaka Grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Hisashima
Elizabeth W.P. Hisashima ’98
Annual Giving Report 2007-2008
FRIENDS continued
John T.K. Hisashima ’00
Mr. Bernard A.K.S. Ho
Cyndi Ho
Mr. and Mrs. Darin L.M. Ho
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin W.L. Ho
Kiana and J.P. Hockenberger Leong
Mrs. Dana Lynn Goo Holiona ’86
Mr. Christopher H. Hong ’79
Mr. and Mrs. Russell M. Horikawa
Patricia Howlett
Patricia Chun Hudson
Ms. Mahina E. Hugo
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Hung
Mr. and Mrs. Asami Ichimura*
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert K. Ikawa
Erin K. Imada
Mrs. Mary C. Inglis*
Linda Ipsen
Darryl and Dee Ann Iseri
Roger and Florence Ishii
Carolyn Kwock Ishiwata
Mrs. Catherine C. and Mr. Ronald T. Iwami
Mrs. Rose Hamada Iwamoto
Ms. Jamie Kunimoto Jochums ’78
Paul and Makanani Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Jordan
Dr. and Mrs. Emerson M.F. Jou
Jeffre and Melissa Juliano
Just Give
Mr. Malo B. Torres and
Mrs. Jennifer Kaahaaina-Torres
Mrs. Jacqueline DePonte Kaanoi ’58 and
Mr. Wendell Kaanoi ’58*
Edward and Margaret "Mags" Kageyama
Ms. Dorie K. Kahaulelio
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Kaholokula
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Kahookele
Mr. Kaipo Kaina and Mrs. Britney Kokubun
Mr. and Mrs. Calin T. Kaku
Alexander Kam
Ms. Grace J. Kamikawa
Mrs. June E. Kamioka-Fuller ’53
Sterling and Petra Kamiya
Mr. Troy Kamiya
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Kaneshiro
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Kaneshiro
Mrs. Liberta Du Pont Karratti-Aiwohi ’57
Annie C. Kau
Mr. Darryl Kau and Mrs. Alicia Andrade-Kau
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kawakami
Mrs. Darcie W.L. Au Kawamura ’90
Mr. Frank M. Kawamura
Ms. Mia E. Kawamura ’05
Craig and Cindy Kawasaki
Mrs. Linda Wong Kealoha ’66
Mrs. Joan Ellen Pollack Keaulana ’63
Mr. Lawrence K. Kekaulike
Ms. Tanya M. Kemmler
Mrs. Lucille Loretta Kern
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Kim
Mr. and Mrs. Hong-Nam Kim
Karen Y.S. Kim
Shirley Kim
Sylvia Kim-Sioda
Mr. and Mrs. Hiroyuki Kimura
Ms. Jeanne (Jadee) D. Kindred
Stacie (Kupahu) Kissel
Mr. Franklin Kiyabu ’53 and
Mrs. Carmen Silva Kiyabu ’53
Herbert H. Kiyabu
Mrs. Virginia M. Hulten Klein ’64*
Mr. Karlun G. Ko ’77
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn S.E. Kobashigawa
Mr. Bradley & Theresa Quinn Koki ’71*
Mrs. Beatrice K.H. Kam Kong ’54
Mr. Wendell Konn ’66
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Koo
Mrs. Rebecca I. Kotake*
Ms. Nicole S. Koyanagi ’05
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kozuma
Mrs. Cecilia Amor Bitanga Kramer ’74
Jackson Kuang
Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Kubo
Mr. Ed and Mrs. Tammy ’83 Kubo
Mrs. Cynthia C.L. Ah Yo Kupau
Mrs. Emi Kuriyama
Steve and Emi Kuriyama
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon T. Kurokawa*
Serena Kwong
Mr. and Mrs. Hung C. Ky
Mr. and Mrs. Eric L. La’a
Paulette Laanui
Kamaile Labatad
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C.K. Lam
Nin Wah Lam
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lam
Mr. and Mrs. Wai Sing Lam
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Lambert
Frances H. Lancaster
Mr. and Edgar S.H. Lau
Ms. Georgette N. Matsuzawa Lau
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Lau
Marc Devon Kwai Tim Lau
Wesley and Linda Lau
Arthur and Sylvia Lee
Cheryl Lee ’05
Deanne Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Lee
Mr. Harlan Lee and Mrs. Tamie Rezentes
Mr. and Jae Hang Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Lee, Jr.
Kevin Lee ’03
Krystal Lee ’00
Sydni Au Hoy
Mrs. Lorraine Young Lee ’59 and
Chris-Noel Lee ’87
Lucille Y.H. Lee*
Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Lee
Sheri Ann Wong Lee
Tommy and Lori Lee
Mr. Wayson C.W. Lee ’68
Mrs. Francine L. Lee-Kadota ’77*
Aaron and Hiroko Lehl
Mrs. Nancy S.L. Leng
Mrs. Cecilia A. Taum Leong ’37*
Mrs. Clara Leong
Dorothy M. Leong*
Jay and Liane Leong
Ms. Deborah Leong-Yep
Mr. Henry R. LePage, Jr.
Mrs. Sadie Mau Lew ’57
Helene L. Chock Lewis
Mr. Sammy Li and Mrs. Mika Uematsu
Tim Li and Lili Zhang
Mr. and Mrs. Vernal K. Lilly
Nelson and Lisa Lindsay
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Liongson
Ryan Liu
Mrs. Susie C. Liu
Mr. Travis M. Liu ’07
Victor and Jean Lizardi
Ms. Hoi Ming (Antonia) Lo ’05
Mr. Anthony Lo ’06
Mrs. Bobbie Loo
Lila Loos
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Low
Christina Low
Patrick Low
Mrs. Betty Ching Lowe ’46
Mrs. Lily T.L. Lu*
Kristi Lucas
Blake M.K. Lum
Melody Lum
Mrs. Marianne M.L. Chock Lum ’49
Mr. Michael Lum ’64 and
Mrs. Carol Ann Lum ’64
Robert M.Y. Lum
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Lum
Mr. Stanton Lum ’63 and
Mrs. Nicolette Tong Lum ’64
Mr. Wilfred Lum
Muriel W. Lum-Pang
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lyckman
Mr. John K. Madriaga
Mr. Glen J. Maeda
Patricia Lum Maffit
Mr. and Mrs. Narciso E. Magsanoc
Rochelle A. Mahoe
Mrs. Sylvia R. Johnson Makainai ’76
Mr. Milton Y. Makishi
Gabrielle Makuakane-Maier
Mr. Leopoldo Malagon and
Mrs. Danielle Diamond
Mrs. Mercedes P. Wong Manalili ’58*
Mrs. Tracy Manlansing
Mr. and Mrs. George Manzano
Mrs. Emily M. Marciel-Baptiste ’53
Adrian and Malia Marquez
Candace N. Martin ’03
Mrs. Catherine M. Pinho Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas N. Martin
Mr. Jules Martin, Jr. ’53
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Masaki
Betty Murakami Mastropaolo
Marion Masuda
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin V. Mateo
Suzanne Furuya Matsuda ’66
Ms. Nicole A. Matsumoto
Mrs. Eva Chang Matsuyoshi ’53
Patrick and Gay AhLoy
Dana and Darren Mau
Ronald Mau
Albert and Carol Maunakea
John and Tusi Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. McClure
Mrs. Gayle S. McEntire
William J. and Deborah A. McFeeley*
Mr. and Mrs. Mark McGuinness
Mary Jane McMillan
Charlie and Debbie McNicoll
Mrs. Cynthia N. Medeiros
Kaui Mendonca
Mrs. Alaynna Lai-ing Miki Lau Miguel ’92
Josh Arakaki ’09 & Tandi Arakaki ’04
Jon H. Miki
Mrs. Florence G. Min
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Minaglia (Isabel)
Ms. Alison Y. Miyasaki
Mrs. Rie Mizumura*
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Kiyoshi Mochizuki
Tracy Lynn Monsarrat
Hope I. Montalvo
Roger and Natalie Morey
Dr. and Mrs. Hayato Mori
Mr. James Morris II ’85 and
Mrs. Doreen Leong Morris ’84
Mrs. Patricia A. Moskal
Ms. Diane F. Mosley ’63
Dennis and Arlene Mun
Kendrick and Gail Mun
Allan and Janet Murakami
Mrs. Danelle A. Murakami-Ha ’95
Mrs. Pamela L. Gomez Murnane ’78
Mr. Jonathan A. Murray ’84
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Nagamine
Mr. Craig T. Nagasawa ’77
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent C. Nagtalon
Mr. and Mrs. Len T. Nakahara
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nakama
Mr. and Mrs. Duane R. Nakamura
Kazue Nakamura
Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Nakamura
Mr. Reid M. Nakamura ’04
Mr. and Mrs. Roy K. Nakamura
Mr. Ikutaro Nakanishi
Sheila B. Nakanishi ’68
Mrs. Helen Tanabe Nakano ’55
Mr. and Mrs. Keith M. Nakano
Shawn and Lisa Nakano
Mr. and Mrs. Kyl Nakaoka
Eddy and Sandy Nakashima
Jon and Mari Nakasone
Mrs. Leocadia Kaopuiki Naone
Mrs. Ricci D. Keltz Naone ’78
Anthony Nebres
Denise Nelson
Mr. Alfred Neves, Jr. ’53 and
Mrs. Sylvia Costa Neves ’54
Mrs. Monica L. Domaloan Ng Pack ’83
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Ngo
Tammy Nguyen
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Nguyen
Jeff and Sandy Niebling
Matthew Nihei
Mr. and Mrs. Matao Nihei
Mrs. Lynette K. Nakamura Niles
Ms. Jerrilyn B.Y. Nirei
Mrs. Kathleen Wong Nirei ’76
Annie H. Nishiki
Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Nitta
Mrs. Vivian E. Enos Nobrega ’37*
Michael and Catherine Nozaki
Mr. and Mrs. Alan T. Nunokawa
Caryn A.T. Nunokawa
Mr. and Mrs. Tod S. Nurmi
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. O’Callaghan*
George and Aiko Odo
Mary Y. Ogata
Nancy C. (Wakayama) Oide
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Okamura
Nadine J. Jeremiah Olinger*
Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Ornelles
Mr. and Carlton Y. Oshiro
Mr. and Mrs. John Oshiro
Mr. and Mrs. Roy T. Otsuka*
Mr. Richard Pafundi and Mrs. Miyoung Pafundi
Adrienne Young Palmer
Mr. Byron Pang and Mrs. Janice Martin-Pang
Mrs. Daisy Yee Pang ’52
Mr. and Mrs. Gary K.H. Pang
Mr. Jerry K.C. Pang ’56
Patricia Lum Pang
Dr. Ronald J. Pang ’68
Mr. Dennis L. Pascual
In memory of Cleto Pasoquen ’46
Ms. Cheryl L. Nobriga Patoc
Jeannie Pentz
David and Kelly Pila
Patrick and Denna-Lei Plunkett
Betsy Fisher and Ernie Provencher
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert V. Rabago
Leigh Maria Ramos-Platt
Benjamin and Flora Rayray
Jolyne R. Rego
Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel J. Relator
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rewick
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Rhinelander
Mrs. Barbara M. Soon Richards*
Mrs. Eva Lynn Robinson*
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rodrigues
Lori Tseu-Rodriguez
Mrs. Ellen C. Caires Rogers ’58
Sister Dolores A. Rosso, MM
Mrs. Colette Cordeiro Ruiz ’60
Mr. and Mrs. Darren T. Saiki
Scott and Mara Saito
Ms. Naomi A. Saito
Mr. and Mrs. Newton Sakamoto
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Sales
Mr. Chi Meng Sam and Mrs. Sut Kei Sou
Kenneth K. Sato
Mr. Anthony and
Mrs. Tessie Ann I. Schmisseur ’81
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Schraff
Mr. Ronald T. Segawa
Tino Sellitto
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Senining
Dr. and Mrs. Toshiyuki Shibata
Mr. and Mrs. George Shimabuku
Iris Shimabukuro
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Shimabukuro
Lynn Akina-Shimamura
Annual Giving Report 2007-2008
FRIENDS continued
Mr. and Mrs. Del J. Shin
Ms. Kathleen Shin
Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Shiraishi
Mr. and Mrs. James Shiroma
Mrs. Carlyn Nunes Shriver ’68
Mr. Glenn J. Silva
S. Silva
Mrs. Julia Adviento Siobal
Carla A. Chock Siu
Mr. Denis J. Siu ’59
Joann Skudlarick
Carol Rosa Smith*
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E.L. Soong
Valerie Wong Sorensen
Tanya M. Soriano
Jean-Denis St. Onge
Ms. Susan M. Stacy ’61
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Stone
Harold and Vicki Strapple
Jeff A. Strauser
Mr. Richard F. Strawn II ’64
Stephanie A. Suehiro
Mrs. Paulette T. Ukishima Sumida ’58
Samuel Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Dean H. Suzuki
Harumi K. Suzuki
Ms. Anne Wong Sylva ’97
Dan D. Taba
Dr. and Mrs. Brian K. Tabata
Mr. and Mrs. Neal S. Tachibana
Ms. Shelley Kim Tadaki ’91*
Gregg Kam and Leona Tadaki-Kam
Steven and Cheryl Tagawa
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C.M. Tai
Yoshiko Takagi
Mr. and Mrs. Keith T. Takahashi
Mr. and Mrs. Randolf Talavera
Ms. Melissa Tam
Daniel and Adele Tamashiro
Raymond T. Tamashiro
Thomas S. Tamashiro
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tanonaka
Mike Tave and Darlene Chun
Mr. Lionel G. Tejada ’67
Arnie and Leslie Morland-Tellez
Mr. and Mrs. Milton T. Tengan
Derrick and Muriel Teruya
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Thom
Lt. and Mrs. Troy R. Thurgood
Edward and Chieko Tokuda
Ms. Joanne Tom ’68
Mr. and Mrs. Steven K. Tome
Terrence K. Torco
Mrs. Alice H. Neumann Trani
Fred and Edna Tseu
Ms. Jennifer Tseu
Mrs. Violet Tsuchiyama
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Tsukamoto
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Y. Tsukamoto
Mr. Kwok Ming Tsun and
Mrs. Chi Man (Cindy) Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Tu
Bonnie Tung
J. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Y.F. Tyau Jr.
Mary Ann Underwood
Mr. and Mrs. Michael U. Ung
Mr. and Mrs. Yoshiichi Ushio
Ms. Joneive D. Domingo Uy ’76
M. Uyehara
Troy Uyehara
Mr. and Mrs. Salvador Valdez
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Valle
Marian (Scanlan) Van Kirk
Mrs. Mary Jane Arce Vannatta
Mr. and Mrs. Galen Vasconcellos
Juan and Pauline M. Viloria
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Vinluan
Mrs. Catherine von Wiegandt
Ms. Annette K. Waiau
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker
Mr. Paul Wallrabenstein, Jr. ’58 and
Mrs. Theresa Tong Wallrabenstein ’58
Marisa Kula Mercer & David Andrew Kula
Rick Walter
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Walton
Mr. Kai Ming Wang and Mrs. Rui Zhen Han
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Wang
Ms. Kristie S. Watanabe ’06
Lisa F. Ho Watanabe
Ms. Lorianne Lee Watanabe ’99
Mrs. Lynne Y. Taniguchi Watanabe ’69
Mr. and Mrs. Reid Watanabe
Mr. Isaac Watson and Ms. Cindy Omura
Wallace Weatherwax
Theresa Young Wee, M.D. ’72
Mr. and Mrs. Dan E. White
Patricia M. Lindo Wigglesworth ’57
Mrs. Grace M.S. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. John Williams Sr.
Mr. Michael A. Winchatz
Pilita A. Winchatz
Patricia Wixom
Mr. David Wo
Betty Loo Wong
Mrs. Catherine Mary Salado Wong ’55
Mr. and Ms. Eric S.S. Wong
Ms. Gaylean Kalei Wong ’00
Mr. and Mrs. James C.A. Wong
Mr. James K.W. Wong ’65
Dr. Lucy Fong Wong ’76 and
Mr. D’Wayne Wong ’75
Mr. and Mrs. Orrin C.M. Wong
Stacey K.T.S. Wong
Mr. Stanley A. Wong ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Wong
Mr. and Mrs. William K.C. Wong
Isabella Grohmann Wooldridge
Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne A. Worley
Andy and Cindy Wu
Mr. and Mrs. Jun Xie
Kenrick Yagi
Mrs. Barbara Yamada ’53
Robert Yamane and Family
Mr. David Yamasaki
Bronson Yamashita
Mrs. Kimberly Ann Yamauchi
Garret H. Yanagi
Lo-Lan R. Mui Yee ’43*
Mr. and Mrs. Randal Yee
Mr. Randal Yee and Mrs. Janice Nomura-Yee
Richard and Llewelyn Yee
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Yee
Nathan and Joyce Yim
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney W.S. Yim
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Yoshimura
Albert Young
Ms. Carol M. Young ’58
Skyler and Trevor Young
Dr. Richard S.K. Young ’65
Dr. and Mrs. Royden Young
Vernon J.K. Young ’53
Mrs. Christine Yun
Mr. and Mrs. Wing Yiu Yung
H. Thomas Zerbe III
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Xinyu Zhang
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas C. Zou
Class of ’37……….100.00%
Mrs. Hilda De Cambra Cordeiro
Mrs. Dulinda Gomes Ernesto
Mrs. Cecilia Taum Leong
Mrs. Lucile Smith Mistysyn
Mrs. Vivian Enos Nobrega
Class of ’38……….25.00%
Mrs. Kathleen Haggood Buckey
Ms. Virginia Gonsalves
Class of ’39……….28.57%
Mrs. Miriam Desha Dowson
Class of ’40……….14.29%
Ms. Violet Kamai Kekina
Mr. Jonathan Perreira
Class of ’41……….12.50%
Mrs. Mook-Lan Mui Fan
Mrs. Marian Scanlan Van Kirk
Class of ’42……….42.11%
Mr. Clifford Akana
Mrs. Mildred Burlem Koch
Mr. Andrew Lee
Mrs. Thelma Sano Mori
Mrs. Charlotte Chow Sexton
Mr. Clarence Tatekawa
Mrs. Juliana Kamaka Turner
Mrs. Betty Loo Wong
Class of ’43……….44.44%
Mr. Edwin Kala’i
Mrs. Helen Chock Leong
Mrs. R. Lo-Lan Mui Yee
Dr. Richard Yokoyama
Class of ’44……….9.52%
Class of ’48……….14.29%
Mr. Fredric Lum
Mrs. Adora Aoki Nakamura
Class of ’53……….26.56%
Mr. George Ching
Mr. Ernest Lee
Mr. Robert Lum
Mrs. Barbara Leong Perreira
Mrs. Phyllis Quon Yee
Mrs. Rosalina Juan Baysa
Mrs. Elaine Young Ching
Mrs. Claire Chong Lau
Mrs. Irene Chang Letoto
Mrs. Rae Towata Sato
Mrs. Lenore Fong Young
Mr. Clarence Ahakuelo
Mrs. Darlaine Gerhard Anderson
Mrs. Juliette Shea Chock
Mrs. Verna Perry Ferreira
Mrs. Wanda Hoe Fong
Mrs. Shirley Fujii Hayashi
Mrs. June Kamioka-Fuller
Mrs. Betsy Chang Leong
Mr. Gordon Leong
Mrs. Jean Uyeda Leong
Mrs. Helene Chock Lewis
Mrs. Emily Marciel-Baptiste
Mr. Alfred Neves
Mrs. Ellen Funakoshi Ogata
Mrs. Georgiana Denis Smith
Mrs. Margaret Sebastian Thomas
Mr. Vernon Young
Class of ’51……….17.86%
Class of ’54……….28.30%
Mrs. Frances Spencer Chang
Mrs. Barbara Wong Dung
Mr. Clarence Gouveia
Mrs. Marjorie Wong Kum
Mrs. Serena Jong Kwong
Mrs. Elena Salangsang Bowker
Mr. Fred Chang
Mr. Douglas Ching
Mrs. Elaine Chun Fong
Mrs. Beatrice Kam Kong
Mrs. Dorothy Loo Leong
Mr. Elliott Mattos
Mrs. Sylvia Costa Neves
Mrs. Lorraine Sawai Noda
Mrs. Nancy Wakayama Oide
Mrs. Betty Lee Ontai-Chang
Mrs. Barbara Soon Richards
Mr. Kenneth Sato
Mr. Charles Shigeta
Mrs. Tanya Machado Soriano
Class of ’45……….34.62%
Mr. Kazuyuki Akashi
Mr. Roy Aratani
Mrs. Else Christiansen De Mello
Mr. James Rapoza
Mrs. Margaret Goto Sato
Dr. Benjamin Tom
Mrs. Alice Neumann Trani
Mrs. Tomoko Yamamoto
Mrs. Barbara Chang Wong
Class of ’46……….25.00%
Mr. Lorrin Chee
Mrs. Nancy Oshita Fujii
Mrs. Susan Taam Jong
Mrs. Frances Heau Lancaster
Mr. Tahn Chow Leong
Mrs. Betty Ching Lowe
Mr. Donald Machado
Mrs. Agnes Marie Braz Motley
Ms. Bernadette Perry
Mrs. Virginia Thom Poon
Mrs. Lillian Ohta Tominaga
Dr. Garret Yanagi
Class of ’47……….23.33%
Mrs. Esther Lee Chee
Mrs. Beatrice Thom Chun
Mr. Henry Chung
Mrs. Lillian Yoshimoto Fujihara
Dr. Harry Nomura
Mrs. Frances Goo Steen
Mr. Stanley Takamine
Class of ’49……….5.45%
Mrs. Gladys Ching Aloiau
Mrs. Beatrice Iwamoto Jost
Mrs. Marianne Chock Lum
Class of ’50……….18.18%
Class of ’52……….18.97%
Ms. Mildred Awana
Mr. Donald Chang
Mr. Dennis Chee
Mr. Benjamin Fong
Mrs. Dorothy Goo Man
Mrs. Catherine Pinho Martin
Mrs. Mary Helen Tom Morrow
Mrs. Daisy Yee Pang
Mrs. Virginia Lum Wat
Mr. Richard Wong
Mrs. Jean Nakamura Yamamoto
Annual Giving Report 2007-2008
Class of ’55……….10.53%
Mrs. Joyce Morikawa Arakaki
Mrs. Antonella Chock Bennett
Mrs. Phyllis Boner Gardner
Mrs. Helen Tanabe Nakano
Mrs. Betty Blake Rice
Ms. Shirley Salomon
Mrs. Catherine Salado Wong
Mrs. Eloise Uyeda Yano
Class of ’56……….17.65%
Mr. Robert Chang
Mrs. Jeanette Lum Chun
Mrs. Kewina Prados Hastings
Mrs. Elizabeth Manzano Keyes
Mr. Herbert Kiyabu
Mrs. Marlene Soares Souki
Mrs. Joan Kwock Sung
Mrs. Laurie Hong Wong
Mr. Thomas Wong
Class of ’57……….19.67%
Mr. Paul Chinen
Mrs. Marie Alina Chun
Mrs. Patricia Gilsey Eng
Mr. Michael Ho
Mrs. Patricia Chu Ho
Mrs. Liberta Du Pont KarrattiAiwohi
LTC Manny Medeiros
Mrs. Nadine Jeremiah Olinger
Mr. Gordon Tom
Mrs. Judy Perreira Tom
Mrs. Patricia Lindo Wigglesworth
Mr. Ronald Young
Class of ’58……….29.31%
Mr. Frederick Chow
Mrs. Napua Prados Demers
Mrs. Jeanne Amlin Duggan
Mrs. Mary Kathryn Kosco Farrell
Mr. Thomas Haioka
Mrs. Dolores Burnett Hansen
Mrs. Allene Higa Ishikawa
Mr. Jared Kaufmann
Mrs. Edwina Cordeiro Lee
Mrs. Mercedes Wong Manalili
Mr. Anthony Nebres
Mrs. Carol-Ann Rosa Smith
Mr. William Spencer
Mr. Ralph Ukishima
Mrs. Nastia Chisteckoff Vickery
Mr. Clyde Vierra
Ms. Carol Young
Class of ’59……….12.12%
Mr. Thomas Burns
Mrs. Eugenie Kaili Kaopua
Mr. Edison Kwock
Mrs. Lorraine Young Lee
Mrs. Barbara Fernandes Papo
Mrs. Julia Adviento Siobal
Mr. Denis Siu
Dr. Robert Young
Class of ’60……….16.28%
Dr. Garvin Arrell
Ms. Haunani Burns Dickson
Mrs. Lorraine Chamizo Hamilton
Ms. Valerie Ho
Mrs. Carolyn Kwock Ishiwata
Mrs. Leigh Ching Kawakami
Mrs. Charlene Wong Lum
Mr. Richard Lung
Mrs. Melodee Barkus Metzger
Mrs. Leocadia Kaopuiki Naone
Mrs. Diana Jeremiah Rittmeister
Mrs. Colette Cordeiro Ruiz
Mr. Wallace Weatherwax
Mrs. Elizabeth Balmores Wong
Class of ’61 ……….20.00%
Mrs. Barbara Nobrega Akau
Mrs. Yvonne Lau Ambrose
Mr. Elliott Chamizo
Mrs. Carol Jean Young Ching
Mrs. Patricia Catala Donovan
Mr. Wade Jones
Mr. Wesley Lau
Mrs. Mary Mau Lecavelier
Ms. Diane Lee
Dr. Patricia Young Lee
Mrs. Betty Murakami
Mrs. Carol Ann Bryan Sousa
Ms. Susan Stacy
Mrs. Charlene Yap Wall
Mrs. Jean Yuen Yates
Class of ’62……….10.67%
Mrs. Judith Vierra Aguiar
Mr. Calvin Choy
Mr. Joseph Clare
Mr. Scott Finkboner
Mrs. Joan Herring Fisher
Mrs. Margaret Anderson Kalima
Mrs. Winona Hu Miyashiro
Mrs. Gwendolyn Cabral Pane’e
Class of ’63……….17.11%
Mrs. Paula Lindo Boyce
Mr. Randall Ching
Mrs. Waldene Ichijo Curtice
Mr. W. Douglas Ferreira
Mr. Galen Ho
Mrs. Patricia Ching Ho
Mrs. Joan Pollack Keaulana
Mrs. Faye Spencer Kim
Mrs. Mary Ann Cordeiro La Fazia
Mrs. Lorna Chang Lin
Mrs. Ouida Usita Morris
Dr. Paula Viveiros Russell
Mrs. Valerie Wong Sorensen
Class of ’64……….20.00%
Mrs. Catherine Affatica Agor
Mr. Leslie Chung
Ms. Victoria Villarama Collins
Mr. Robert Coursey
Ms. Dvonia Ching Dekker
Mr. Russell Donnelly
Mr. Raymond Imbo
Mrs. Virginia Hulten Klein
Mr. Waley Kwock
Mrs. Audrey Kong Lee
Mrs. Louella Ahakuelo Lung
Ms. Cary Jane Miller
Ms. Maria Marcos Pine
Mr. Richard Strawn
Mr. John Vivoli
Class of ’65……….22.39%
Mrs. Felice Wong Broglio
Mrs. Bedda Bergold D’Angelo
Mr. Guy De Primo
Ms. Antonina Farm
Mrs. Patricia Lum Maffit
Mr. Norman Min
Mr. Denis Miyashiro
Mrs. Michele Tokunaga Morikami
Mr. Frank Ramos
Mrs. Janis Ing Strauss
Class of ’65……….22.39%
Mrs. Beverly Freitas Suenaga
Mr. John Walbridge
Mr. James Wong
Dr. Richard Young
Class of ’66……….22.06%
Mrs. Sylvia Ching
Ms. Marilyn Alencastre Coffman
Mrs. Mary Jo Leineweber
Mr. Paul de Ville
Mrs. Marlene Dias DeCosta
Mrs. Patricia Wong Heatherly
Mrs. Elaine Chang Hoffman
Dr. Norine Lau Jalbert
Dr. Dolly Echiverri Langen
Mrs. Suzanne Furuya Matsuda
Ms. Jolyne Rego
Mr. Thomas Silva
Col. Brian Spitzer
Mrs. Susan Chong Wong
Class of ’67……….13.16%
Mr. James Gore
Mrs. Carolyn Dang Hong
Dr. Stephen Kula
Mrs. Linda Niemitz Langley
Mr. Bruce McIntyre
Mrs. Patricia Muneno McIntyre
Mrs. Willa Gaud Papandrew
Mr. Eric Tiwanak
Mrs. Gail Nakagaki Tiwanak
Mrs. Mary Ann Yim Underwood
Class of ’68……….20.90%
Mrs. Sandra Asejo Campos
Ms. Betsey Hughes Gunderson
Mrs. Sherlin Lee Kowal
Mr. Wayson Lee
Mrs. Gabrielle Makuakane-Maier
Mrs. Sheila Nakanishi
Mrs. Wilma Akamine Ogimi
Mrs. Laine Matsuo Skiendiel
Mr. Jeff Strauser
Mr. Daniel Tom
Mrs. Kathryn Elms Ulrich
M. Gen. Darryll Wong
Ms. Stella Wong
Ms. Pamela Yoon
Class of ’69……….13.33%
Ms. Phyllis Au
Mrs. Renee Chang-Yamada
Mrs. Teresa Ching-Wong
Mrs. Mary Chun
Mr. Joseph DePrimo
Mr. Ray Higa
Mr. Kenzie Pang
Ms. Lynette Mau Seto
Mrs. Lynne Taniguchi Watanabe
Mrs. Frances Chow Wong
Class of ’70……….7.69%
Mr. Stanley Bukes
Mr. Stephen Chock
Mr. Michael Dudley
Mr. Daniel Hew
Mrs. Lynette Nakamura Niles
Ms. Mary Maloney Roberts
Class of ’71……….9.23%
Mrs. Jacqueline Ching Chang
Mrs. Caren Lee Gaud
Mr. Bradley Koki
Mrs. Theresa Quinn Koki
Mr. Alfred Lum
Mrs. Denise Pang-Yee
Class of ’72……….10.53%
Mr. Anthony Chun
Mr. Lester Gibo
Mrs. Adele Odo Lum
Mrs. Virginia Lum
Mrs. Susan Lee Nakamoto
Dr. Theresa Young Wee
Mrs. Barbara Alencastre Yoneda
Mr. Albert Young
Class of ’73……….11.11%
Mrs. Esther Todd Abbey
Mr. Rendell Bourg
Mr. Kelvin Chee
Mrs. Phyllis Odo Chee
Mr. Peter Chun
Judge Colette Yoda Garibaldi
Mrs. Cora Cabebe Gushikuma
Mrs. Wendy Wong Howell
Class of ’74……….9.68%
Mrs. Corliss Mukaigawa Boehne
Mrs. Shellie Kodama Hee
Mr. Kim Pinensky
Mrs. Roxanne Simpkins-Williams
Mrs. Carla Chock Siu
Mr. David Won
Class of ’75……….13.51%
Class of ’80……….11.24%
Mrs. Shauna Candia
Mrs. Cheryl Kunimune Gesik
Mrs. June Mattos Gorgonio
Mr. James Hiramatsu
Mrs. Monica Yoshino Jennings
Mrs. Sheri Ann Wong Lee
Mrs. Colleen Yoda Liu
Ms. Tracy Lynn Monsarrat
Mrs. Brenda Odo Okazaki
Ms. Iris Shimabukuro
Ms. Brooke Alexander
Mr. Mark Bradley
Ms. Maria Di Pisa Brady
Ms. Haidee Bristol Bristol-Horne
Mrs. Karen Watt Cowan
Mr. Laurence Mau
Mr. Patrick Nakagawa
Mrs. Lisa Ho Watanabe
Dr. Lori Wilhelm
Mrs. Isabella Grohmann
Class of ’76……….5.71%
Mrs. Kristen Lum Bradley
Mrs. Marla Munar Delovio
Mrs. Donamay Lau Guinasso
Mrs. Kathleen Wong Nirei
Class of ’77……….6.85%
Mrs. Sharon Ching Carsten
Mrs. Patricia Chun Hudson
Mrs. Francine Lee Lee-Kadota
Mr. Craig Nagasawa
Mrs. Brenda Dung Wong
Class of ’78……….5.56%
Mrs. Dolores Grohmann Beddow
Mrs. Elizabeth Russell
Ms. Janet Ng
Dr. Lance Shirai
Class of ’79……….8.64%
Mr. Michael Amore
Mrs. Janell Goo Beattie
Mr. Christopher Hong
Mr. Mark Silva
Dr. Gerald Watanabe
Mr. Daniel Yong
Mr. Brian Zweber
Class of ’81……….7.23%
Mrs. Be-Jay Upchurch Kodama
Mrs. Tessie Ann Ishikawa
Mr. Marty Silva
Mrs. Michelle Arakawa Ushio
Mr. Andy Wu
Mr. H. Thomas Zerbe
Class of ’82……….7.92%
Mrs. Michelle Goo Chang
Mrs. Betsy Fabro-Borg
Mrs. Lisa Anne Wong Gruebner
Mrs. Sydney Kam Gutierrez
Mr. Ryan Kaya
Mr. Scott Nakagawa
Mr. Hieu Nguyen
Mrs. Patricia Lum Pang
Class of ’83……….12.50%
Mrs. Laurie Pang Acohido
Mr. Dion Chan
Dr. Jo Ann Chang
Dr. Tammy Chang-Motooka
Mr. Mark Conching
Mrs. Carlynn Fujii-Chun
Dr. Sylvia Kim-Sioda
Ms. Loren Manayan-Pulice
Annual Giving Report 2007-2008
Mrs. Stephanie Kam Nishimura
Dr. Sharon Hiu Ong
Mrs. Lori Tseu Rodriguez
Mr. Anthony Sellitto
Mrs. Shana Campos Tong
Class of ’84……….13.73%
Mrs. Joyce Tamaoka Bajet
Mr. Randall Chong
Mrs. Corinne Lum Hiu
Ms. Kristi Lucas
Mrs. Camille Domaloan Michel
Mrs. Doreen Leong Morris
Mrs. Jennifer Koffler Prevette
Mrs. Mara Ishida Saito
Mrs. Darlene DeMello Sousa
Mr. Benjamin Valle
Mr. Reid Watanabe
Mrs. Lisa Wong-Yamamoto
Mrs. Christie Harada Yee
Mr. Joseph Yee
Class of ’86……….7.48%
Class of ’90……….6.86%
Class of ’96……….3.28%
Mrs. Liana Chan Choy
Ms. Gina Fukumitsu
Mrs. Lea Langer Grupen
Mrs. Dana Goo Holiona
Mrs. Kelly Miyashiro Pila
Mr. Duane Takamine
Mrs. Lori Beth Wong Van Cantfort
Mr. Steven Wong
Mr. Darryl Choy
Mrs. Kimberly Ann Silva Fuller
Mr. Jeffrey Kalani
Mrs. Darcie Au Kawamura
Mr. Patrick Loo
Mrs. Sheri Kurashige Teves
Mr. Terrence Torco
Mr. Reid Ching
Mrs. Lynnette Pascua Higa
Mr. Jason Knight
Ms. Bonnie Choy Tung
Class of ’87……….11.11%
Mrs. Kathryn Molyneux Ferreira
Mrs. Jennifer Kaahaaina-Torres
Dr. Jonathan Lau
Mr. Ian Santee
Ms. Shelley Tadaki
Ms. Kimberly Carahasen
Mrs. Lori Kern Carlos
Mrs. Laura Lynn Miyashiro
Mrs. Wendy Kishaba Hata
Mrs. Chris-Noel Lee
Mrs. Allison Lee-Takamine
Mrs. Liane Yamamoto Leong
Dr. Trisha Miki
Mrs. Ann Marie Jones Peters
Ms. Lauralei Morgan Tanaka
Mr. Mario Yim
Class of ’85……….9.80%
Class of ’88……….6.93%
Mr. Jon-David Chun
Mrs. Ann Chung
Mr. Myles Fujiwara
Mrs. Verna Ling-Roche
Mrs. Christine Mattos Loomis
Mr. James Morris
Ms. Christie Yoshikawa Mukai
Mrs. Adrienne Young Palmer
Mr. Stephen Soares
Mrs. Leah Taum-Cui
Mrs. Bonnie Bise
Mr. Lawrence Chinn
Mr. Blaine Gier
Mr. Patrick Low
Dr. Rochelle Suzuki Mahoe
Mr. Jay Stone
Mrs. Christina Hamada Takafuji
Class of ’89……….1.06%
Mr. Kyle Wong
Class of ’91……….5.43%
Class of ’92……….2.13%
Ms. Christina Theresa Low
Mrs. Alaynna Lau Miguel
Class of ’93……….4.55%
Mrs. LeeMarie Armstrong-Gomes
Ms. Patricia Gabriel
Mrs. Misty Daos Gier
Dr. Leigh Maria Ramos-Platt
Mr. Dean Ueda
Class of ’94……….2.91%
Mr. Jeffrey Chang
Mrs. Carrie-Ann Tamanaha Chee
Mr. Jonathan Isabelo
Class of ’95……….3.26%
Mr. Wesley Lum
Mr. Brian Mistysyn
Mrs. Danelle Murakami-Ha
Class of ’97……….3.74%
Mrs. Taryn Carr Clatanoff
Mrs. Kimberly Nakagami Gleason
Mrs. LeAnne Mistysyn
Class of ’98……….3.48%
Ms. Elizabeth Hisashima
Mr. Kristopher Kern
Mr. Blake Lum
Ms. Caryn Nunokawa
Class of ’99……….3.57%
Mrs. Mandy Baptist Chock
Ms. Tanny Esperas
Ms. Michelle Gabriel
Ms. Lorianne Watanabe
Class of ’00……….5.88%
Ms. Katharine Dolan Aus
Mr. Noah Esperas
Mr. John Hisashima
Ms. Erin Imada
Ms. Krystal Lee
Ms. Pilita Winchatz
Ms. Gaylean Wong
Class of ’01……….1.71%
Mr. David Mistysyn
Mr. Troy Uyehara
Class of ’03……….5.00%
In Memory of Mrs. Mary C.
Class of ’04……….1.57%
Ms. Deanne Lee
Mr. Reid Nakamura
Class of ’05……….2.24%
Ms. Mia Kawamura
Ms. Nicole Koyanagi
Ms. Cheryl Lee
Class of ’06……….1.56%
Mr. Patrick Dolan
Ms. Kristie Watanabe
Class of ’07……….0.78%
Mr. Travis Liu
In In Honor of Carl & Joyce
Mrs. Eloise M. Uyeda Yano ’55
In Honor of Keith and Peggy
Fran Patoskie
In Honor of Mr. James C. Gahler
Mr. Michael D. ’79 and Mrs.
Teresita Amore
Mr. Marc Lau
Mr. Kevin Lee
Mr. Ryan Liu
Miss Candace Martin
Ms. Denise Nelson
Mr. Stacey Wong
Mr. Michael D. ’79 and Mrs.
Teresita Amore
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Anderson
June H. Arakawa*
Mr. Michael E. and Mrs. Janice
Mr. Mark K. Bradley ’80
Mr. Clinton J. and Mrs. Josie
Mr. Craig Clouet
Ms. Barbara A. Dreflak
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S.J. Dung
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Glynn
Ms. Bonnie Griffiths
Mr. Jonathan D.C. Isabelo ’94
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Lambert
Mrs. Frankie A. Lucas
Mrs. Charlene Wong Lum ’60 and\
Mr. Ronald Lum
Mrs. Lucile I. Smith Mistysyn ’37
Mrs. Ouida Yvonne Usita Morris ’63
Mr. and Mrs. Tod S. Nurmi
Mr. Dennis L. Pascual
Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel J. Relator
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E.L. Soong
Ralph and May Ukishima
Mrs. Mary Jane Arce Vannatta
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Walton
In Memory of Mr. Stephen K.
Hao, Jr. ’57
LTC Manny Medeiros ’57
In Memory of Mr. George W.Y.
Mrs. Helen C. Chock Leong ’43
In Memory of Mr. Joseph P.
Mr. and Mrs. William I. Samaritano
In Memory of Mr. George Takeshi
Taniguchi ’46
Mrs. Lynne Y. Taniguchi
Watanabe ’69
Ms. Kristie S. Watanabe ’06
In Memory of Mrs. Alison C. Tom
Ms. Elaine Y. Farm
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Tomiyasu
Mr. and Mrs. Warren A. Chunn
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert K. Ikawa
In Memory of Mr. David J. Lum
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Loo
In Memory of Mr. James F.
McPalmer ’47
In Memory of Doree Wills ’68
Mrs. Lillian Yoshimoto Fujihara ’47
In Memory of Mr. Thomas P.
Mrs. Angie N. Golis-Yamamoto
In Memory of Mrs. Catherine
Morton Peters ’39
Mrs. Lucile I. Smith Mistysyn ’37
Mr. and Mrs. John Williams Sr.
Mrs. Sherlin Lee Kowal ’68
In Honor of Alfred M.K. Wong
Mrs. Cynthia Lai
In Memory of Mrs. Ruth Kam
Ung Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Goo, Sr.
In Memory of Keith T.P.
In Memory of Victoria Yim
Robinson ’68
Mr. and Mrs. Roland S. Ogoshi
Mrs. Sherlin Lee Kowal ’68
In Honor of Mr. Larry Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S.J. Dung
Give to
808.952.7310 •
Annual Giving Report 2007-2008
Dr. Amy Agbayani
Ms. Liane Akana
Ms. Margene Ayers
Curtis and Debra Chong
Col. and Mrs. Chuck Coghlin
Friends of Maryknoll
Ms. Ann Goeller
Mr. Scott S.L. Matsumoto ’04
Mr. Dick Murakami
Marc and Sandra Rezentes
Monsignor Charles A.
Kekumano Award &
Scholarship Dinner
Maryknoll School is grateful to all
who have so generously helped
with the Monsignor Charles A.
Kekumano Award & Scholarship
Ilima Sponsors
Albert C. Kobayashi, Inc.
Donald and Iris Kim
Matsubara - Kotake,
Attorneys at Law
Mitsunaga & Associates, Inc.
Dean Miyamoto CPA
Sony Hawaii Company
Robert and Betty Wo
Maile Sponsors
Bank of Hawaii
Sonny and Barbara Ching
First Hawaiian Bank
Jim and Beth Hoban / Jim and
Yvonne Morris
Island Insurance Company,
Ted and Betty Jung
Kobayashi Sugita & Goda
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Teruya /
W.C.C. Thursday Golf Group
Mr. and Mrs. Simon M.S. Wong
Pikake Sponsors
The Baptiste Family /
McCorriston Miller Mukai
MacKinnon, LLP
Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Mi Kosasa
Larry and Patricia Rodriguez /
Ernst & Young
Plumeria Sponsors
American Coating Company
Associated Steel
Becker Communications, Inc.
Malcom H.M. Chang, D.D.S. Inc.
Paul and Yvonne Chinen
Eldon and Andrea Ching
Juliette Chock
Coca Cola Bottling Company
John Drouilhet and Sada Okumura
David & Gloria Dung
Al Fernandes & Ross Murakami
Ms. Donald W.S. Lau
Dr. and Mrs. Irwin Lee
Cyril Leung, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lung
Dr. and Mrs. Gabriel W.C. Ma
Bill D. Mills
Peter P.J. Ng
Ohata Chun Yuen LLP
Sacred Heart Parish
Takushi, Wong, Lee & Yee
Tower Hawaii/
Thom & Marlene DeCosta
Jack Tsui
Joe and Leonora Wee
Darryl P. Wong
Calvin and Susan Wong
Wong’s Drapery Shoppe, Ltd.
Xerox Hawaii
Carl Yee / Mary Wong /
Mew Choy Wong
Norman Yoshino
Kekumano Award Dinner
Steering Committee
Barbara Ching ’61
Charlene Lum ’60
Gabriel Ma
William McCorriston
Yvonne Morris ’63
Monica Ng Pack ’83
Nina Rapozo ’54
Larry Rodriguez
Linda Ross
Laurie Wong ’56
Becker Communications
Day AV Services
ET Graphic Design
Tom Foster – Manheim’s Aloha
Auto Auction
Hilton Hawaiian Village
Hokuli’i Images
Greg LeLesch – Manheim’s
Aloha Auto Auction
Olomana Marketing
The Palolo Group
Vintage Wine Cellar – Jay Kam
Zoe Hawaii – Cindy Ontai
Maryknoll Grade School Choir
Wendy Chang, Director
Ronnie Allen Campman
Courtney Chun
Sydney Costales
Natasha Daswani
Christina Determan
Adrienne Domen
Kenna Harada
Jenna Hashimoto
Samantha Hipolito
Sherry Ho
Cassandra Kaholokula
Kiana Kim
Everett Lau
Anna Layden
Danielle Leong
Ryan Michel
Kodee Mito
Ethan Moon
Alysa Nemoto
Hideyuki Noda
Cortney Okaneku
Maile Pang
Kyler Sakamoto
Jordan Shimabukuro
Kaliko Thomas
Kelly Watanabe
Darian Yogi
Event Preparation
Mary Lou Botelho ’53
Juliette Chock ’53
Betty Doi ’53
Doug Ferreira ’63
Verna Ferreira ’53
Gwen Fu ’53
Leanna Green
Shirley Hayashi ’53
Carmen Kiyabu ’53
Frank Kiyabu ’53
Shirley Lee ’53
Gordon Leong ’53
Jean Leong ’53
Vinh Luong ’09
Eva Matsuyoshi ’53
Lucile Mistysyn ’37
Janie Moon ’09
Catherine Phillips ’53
Charlotte Simmons ’53
Barbara Yamada ’53
Vernon Young ’53
Event Volunteers
Margot Adair
Jim Gahler
Becky Kotake
Bobbie Loo
Milton Makishi
Maryknoll School –Student
Suzanna McLaughlin
Lynn Mitchell
Jo-Ann Morisato
Gail Nakamura
Les Oshiro
Mara Saito
Tessie Schmisseur
Benedith Tabiolo-Ventura
Claire Tong
Carl Williams
Brenda Wong
Sandy Yamane
Auction Committee
Bill McCorriston, Co-Chair
Linda Ross, Co-Chair
Lisa Adams
Mohala Aiu
Mona Amas
Lei Bright
Waynette & Mervin Cabral
Lisa Chun Fat
Kathy Dean
Cathy Devaney
Mary Ann Ho
Dan Holt
Linda Ipsen
Michael & Cyndy LaPorte
Carin Lim
Ross Lum
Dayle Murakami
Gail Nowicki
Kalene & Karl Sakamoto
Lorna Tsuruda
Brenda Wong
Kent Yamasaki
Auction Donors
David Akina
- The Paradise Yellow Pages
Aloha Airlines
Angy’s Handmade Delights
Mrs. Laura Aratani
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Boolukos
Mrs. Teresa Brink-Wong
Castle Resorts & Hotels
Compadres Bar & Grill
The Contemporary Museum
Celebrity Tuxedos
- Ron Bongiovanni
Chef Mavro
Bob Chinn’s
Crabhouse Restaurant
Class of 1957
C. S. Wo & Sons
Mrs. Toshiko Dose
Elite Catering
Elite Limousine Service, Inc.
Mr. John Henry Felix
The Festival Company
Hapuna Beach Prince Hotel
Hawaii Pet Nanny
Hilton Waikoloa Village
Mrs. Mary Ann Ho
Hokuli’i Images, LLC
HTH Corporation
Indich Collection
Island Soap & Candleworks
Jefferson Prep of the Pacific
Jewelry Factory Direct
Jodi’s Hairgraphics
Kaanapali Golf Resort
Auction Donors (continued)
The Kahala Hotel & Resort
Darcie Kawamura
Kazi Foods Corp. of Hawaii
Kirin Restaurant
Mrs. Anne Kusao
Mrs. Marjorie Kum
Thomas & Siri Ky
Lahaina Myth & Magic
Theatre, LLC
Lamco Print Tees
Mr. Michael
& Mrs. Cyndy LaPorte
Le Bistro
Liki Liki Trading
Dr. Gabriel Ma
Marians Catering
Market City Shopping Center
Mr. Perry Martin
Maryknoll School 1C
- Mr. Milton Makishi
Maryknoll School 2B
- Mrs. Paulette Laanui
Maryknoll School 2C
- Mrs. Charlene Lum
Maryknoll School 3A
- Ms. Melissa Tam
Maui Prince Hotel,
Makena Resort
& Golf Course
McCorriston Miller Mukai
& MacKinnon LLP
Greg McMackin
Michel’s at Colony Surf
Miramar at Waikiki
Mitsunaga & Associates, Inc.
Yvonne & Jim Morris
Na Hoku, Hawaii’s Finest
Jewelers since 1924
Johnalyn Abreu-Nakamura
- Glamour Girl, Inc.
Nancy Nakamura
Neiman Marcus
Oceanic Time Warner Cable
The Original Roy’s
in Hawaii Kai
Paul Brown
Mr. Alan Pflueger
- Pflueger Auto Group
Riggs Distributing, Inc.
Robert Palma Designs
Roy Sakuma Productions
Sea Life Park
by Dolphin Discovery
Shangri-La Tea Company
of Hawaii
The Shidler Group
Starwood Hotels & Resorts
Taj Clubhouse
Mr. Alan Tang
Cassandra Tokars
Tom and Jerry Tokars
- Armstrong Building
Tri-Star Restaurant Group
- Aaron Placourakis
Keith Uehara
- K. U. Productions
John Uekawa
- New City Nissan
Ulu Art
Vacations Hawaii
Victoria Ward Centers
Waikiki Beach Marriott
Resort & Spa
Robert T. Wu
Live Auction
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bella
Rachel Colman
Cathy Devaney
Carol Lau
Les Oshiro
Mrs. Julie Quinn
Kalene Sakamoto
Claire Tong
Haruko Yamasaki
Kent and Cheryl Yamasaki
Annual Giving Report 2007-2008
It looks like we’re almost done…
… but we’ve still got some work to do.
We don’t just mean the construction – we’re also talking about the fundraising. Thanks
to your generous donations, we reached our capital campaign goal of $12 million.
That goal was set years ago, and like every other major project like this, the cost of
construction has gone up over time. However, we did not want to raise our campaign goal
because no one likes a moving target.
So we still need your help.
Log on to to make a donation. Donations of $1,000 and
higher are eligible for a brick in our Walk of Honor (see form on the previous page).
Donations of $5,000 and higher are eligible for our Wall of Honor.
For more information, call our Development Office at (808) 952-7310 or email at
[email protected].
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Honolulu, HI 96822
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Maryknoll Alumni Reunion
Classes ending in 4’s and 9’s... it’s your year to celebrate!
Call (808) 952-7310 or
July 12
Aiea Bowl
1-4 pm
July 16 • Golf
Ewa Beach Golf Course
Registration - 10:30 am
Shotgun Start - Noon
July 18
Class Dinner
Hawaii Prince Hotel
6:00 pm