Nadja Kobe - ZRS Bistra, Ptuj
Nadja Kobe - ZRS Bistra, Ptuj
Slovenija v transnacionalnih programih evropskega teritorialnega sodelovanja 2014-2020 Zaključna konferenca projekta ZeroWastePro mag. Nadja Kobe, SVRK Ptuj, 19.11.2014 EU - ESRR Izhodišče: 2007-2013 1. Transnacionalni programi so pomemben razvojni instrument in imajo zaradi sodelovanja institucij posebno dodano vrednost. 2. Slovenija je v transnacionalnih programih zelo uspešna. 3. Novi programi transnacionalnega sodelovanja 2014-2020 nadaljujejo prejšnje, a z vrsto novosti. Slovenija ponovno v 13 programih teritorialnega sodelovanja, a ne povsod v istih. Čezmejni Transnacionalni Medregionalni SI - Italija Območje Alp INTERREG EUROPE SI - Avstrija Mediteran ESPON SI -Madžarska Srednja Evropa URBACT SI - Hrvaška Jadransko-jonski INTERACT Podonavje Nova vloga transnacionalnih programov: podpora makroregionalnim strategijam (MRS) Skladnost MRS-TNP 1. Skladnost geografskih območij 2. Skladnost prioritet 3. Nova prioriteta: krepitev institucionalnih zmogljivosti javne uprave v povezavi z MRS Vodilna načela 1. Trikrat KO: koncentracija, kooperacija, koordinacija 2. Usmerjenost k rezultatom in merjenje rezultatov Območja transnacionalnih programov . Tri obstoječa območja: Območje Alp (skladno z EUSALP) Mediteran (3 nove regije) Srednja Evropa (s Hrvaško): sega na območje 4 MRS Namesto IPA Jadranske pobude in JVE: Jadransko-jonski program in Podonavje, skladna z območjema Jadransko-jonske in Podonavske MRS Organi upravljanja Program Lokacija Območje Alp Salzburg Sekretariat: Muenchen Mediteran Marseilles Srednja Evropa Dunaj Jadransko-jonski Bologna Podonavje Budimpešta Povečanje sredstev ESRR za transnacionalne programe za 17%: s 744 na 873 milijonov evrov. Transnacionalni program Sredstva ESRR v milijonih evrov Stopnja sofinanciranja projektov iz ESRR v % Območje Alp 116 85 (vse države) Mediteran 224 85 (vse države) Srednja Evropa 246 85 (SI…) 80 (AT, DE, IT) 83 85 (vse države) 202 85 (vse države) Jadransko-jonski Podonavje Številne podlage za izbor prioritet: triletno programiranje od 2011 dalje • Podlage EU: EU 2020, Teritorialna agenda 2020, kohezijski paket • Makroregionalne strategije • Analize in evalvacije programa in projektov • Analize posameznih območij: potrebe, izzivi, potenciali, priložnosti… • Spletne ankete na transnacionalni ravni • Posveti z deležniki v državah • Sodelovanje OU in ekspertov, usmerjajo in odločajo države članice 11 tematskih ciljev iz uredb (modro: prevladujoči izbor TNP) 1. krepitev raziskav, tehnološkega razvoja in inovacij 2. povečanje dostopnosti do informacijskih in komunikacijskih tehnologij (IKT) 3. povečanje konkurenčnosti MSP ter kmetijskega sektorja 4. podpora prehodu na nizkoogljično gospodarstvo v vseh sektorjih (energija) 5. prilagajanje podnebnim spremembam ter obvladovanje tveganj 6. varstvo okolja in spodbujanje učinkovite rabe virov 7. trajnostni promet in odprava ozkih grl v ključnih omrežnih infrastrukturah 8. spodbujanje zaposlovanja in mobilnost delovne sile 9. spodbujanje vključevanja v družbo in boj z revščino 10. vlaganje v spretnosti, izobraževanje ter vseživljenjsko učenje 11. izboljšanje institucionalnih zmogljivosti in učinkovita javna uprava, za transnacionalne programe zlasti v povezavi z MRS Zaveza: usmerjenost k rezultatom Politika Projektni partnerji Prenos k nosilcem razvojnih politik Prenos k programom Cilja 1 in drugam CENTRAL EUROPE 2014-2020 OBJECTIVES: 1. smart solutions to regional challenges through transnational cooperation 2. building capacities of regions and relevant actors (governance) PRIORITY AXIS 1 PRIORITY AXIS 2 PRIORITY AXIS 3 PRIORITY AXIS 4 Cooperating on innovation to make Central Europe more competitive Cooperating on low-carbon strategies in Central Europe Cooperating on natural and cultural resources for sustainable growth in Central Europe Cooperating on transport to better connect Central Europe Specific Objectives IP 1.B.1 To improve sustainable linkages among actors of the innovation systems for strengthening regional innovation capacity in central Europe IP 4.C To develop and implement solutions for increasing energy efficiency and renewable energy usage in public infrastructures IP 6.C. 1 To improve integrated environmental management capacities for the protection and sustainable use of natural heritage and resources IP 7.B To improve planning and coordination of regional passenger transport systems for better connections to national and European transport networks IP 1.B.2 To improve skills and entrepreneurial competences advancing economic and social innovation in central European regions IP 4.E. 1 To improve territorially based low-carbon energy planning strategies and policies supporting climate change mitigation IP 6.C. 2 To improve capacities for the sustainable use of cultural heritage and resources IP 7.C To improve coordination among freight transport stakeholders for increasing multimodal environmentally-friendly freight solutions IP 4.E. 2 To improve capacities for mobility planning in functional urban areas to lower Co2 emmissions IP 6.E To improve environmental management of functional urban areas to make them more liveable places 30.6.2014 CP Final ALPINE SPACE 2014-2020 OBJECTIVES: 1. To trigger and fund projects 2. To nourish debates on the future of the Alpine Space area and the Cohesion policy 3. To catalyze cooperation and common solutions in the Alpine Space PRIORITY AXIS 1 PRIORITY AXIS 2 PRIORITY AXIS 3 Innovative Alpine Space Low-carbon Alpine Space Liveable Alpine Space PRIORITY AXIS 4 Well-governed Alpine Space Specific Objectives IP 1. B. 1 Improve the framework conditions for innovation in the Alpine Space IP 4.E .1 Establish transnationally integrated low-carbon policy instruments IP 6. C IP 1. B. 2 Increase capacities for the delivery of services of general interest in a changing society IP 4.E .2 Increase options for low-carbon mobility and transport IP 6. D Sustainably valorize Alpine Space cultural and natural heritage Enhance the protection, the conservation and the ecological connectivity of Alpine Space ecosystems TO 11 Increase the application of multilevel and transnational governance in the Alpine Space CP Final MEDITERRANEAN 2014-2020 OBJECTIVES are to promote sustainable growth in the MED: * Fostering innovative concepts and practices * A reasonable use of resources * Supporting social integration Through integrated and territorially based cooperation approach. PRIORITY AXIS 1 PRIORITY AXIS 2 PRIORITY AXIS 3 PRIORITY AXIS 4 Promoting MED innovation capacities to develop smart and sustainable growth Fostering low carbon strategies and energy efficiency in specific MED territories: cities, islands and remote areas Protecting and promoting Mediterranean natural and cultural resources Enhancing Mediterranean governance S p e c i f i c IP 1. B To increase transnational activity of innovative clusters and networks of key sectors of the MED area O b j e c t i v e s IP 4.C To raise capacity for a better management of energy in public buildings at transnational level IP 6.C To enhance sustainable development policies for a more efficient valorisation of natural resources and cultural heritage in coastal and adjacent maritime areas IP 4. E.1 To increase the share of renewable local energy sources in energy mix strategies and plans in MED territories IP 6.D To maintain biodiversity and natural ecosystems through strengthening the management and networking of protected areas IP 4.E. 2 To increase capacity to use existing low-carbon transport systems and multimodal connections among them TO 11 To support the process of strengthening and developing multilateral coordination frameworks in the MED for joint responses to common challenges 26.9.2014 Final CP DANUBE 2014-2020 OBJECTIVES Policy driver and pioneer to tackle common challenges and needs PRIORITY AXIS 1 PRIORITY AXIS 2 PRIORITY AXIS 3 PRIORITY AXIS 4 Innovative and socially responsible Danube region Environment and Culture responsible Danube region Better connected and energy responsible Danube region Well governed Danube region Specific Objectives IP 1.b.1 IP 1.b.2 Improve framework conditions for innovation Increase competences for business and social innovation IP 6c Foster sustainable use of natural & cultural heritage and resources IP 7c Support environmentallyfriendly and safe transport systems and balanced accessibility of urban and rural areas IP 11.a ERDF Improve institutional capacities to tackle major societal challenges IP 6d Foster the restoration and management of ecological corridors IP 7e Improve energy security and energy efficiency IP 6d Strengthen transnational water management and flood risk prevention IP 11.b ETC Support the governance and implementation of the EUSDR IP 6d Improve preparedness for disaster risk management 22.10.2014 Final CP ADRIATIC-IONIAN PROGRAMME 2014-2020 OBJECTIVES PRIORITY AXIS 1 PRIORITY AXIS 2 PRIORITY AXIS 3 PRIORITY AXIS 4 Innovative and Smart Region Sustainable Region Connected Region Supporting the governance of the EUSAIR S p e c i f i c IP 1.B Support the development of a regional innovation system for the Adriatic Ionian area O b j e c t i v e s IP 6.C Promote the sustainable valorisation of natural and cultural assets as growth assets in the Adriatic-Ionian area/ region IP 6.D Enhance the capacity in transnational ly tackling environmental vulnerability, fragmentation and the safeguarding of ecosystem services in the Adriatic-Ionian area/ region IP 7.C Enhance capacity for integrated transport and mobility services and multimodality in the Adriatic-Ionian area/ region IP 11 Facilitate the coordination and implementation of the EUSAIR by enhancing the institutional capacity of public administrations and key stakeholders and by assisting the progress of implementation of joint priorities 29.10.2014 Final CP Status različnih programov Programi sodelovanja: Nova programa sodelovanja: • Srednja Evropa • Območje Alp • Mediteran * Podonavje * Jadransko-jonski program Komisiji predloženi julija oz. do 22.9.2014 (rok). Če bodo programi potrjeni v 2014 oz. do marca 2015, bodo prvi razpisi ALP in CEN na začetku 2015. Komisiji bosta predložena predvidoma novembra 2014. Prvi razpisi: predvidoma v 2015.