lo calannouncement - Gardiner Chamber of Commerce
June 9, 2010 Edition #23 The Gardiner Chamber of Commerce ☻ www.gardinerchamber.com 222 Park Street ● PO Box 81 ● Gardiner, MT 59030 ● phone 406.848.7971 ● fax 406.848.2446 [email protected] NEWSLETTER ADS can be submitted the following ways: (Ads CANNOT be taken over the phone) Fax to 406.848.2446 Email [email protected] (if you are going to type your ad, please email it and then submit payment one of the followings ways with a copy of the ad) Mail to PO Box 81, Gardiner MT 59030 Drop off at the Chamber office or drop box LOCAL ANNOUNCEMENTS PAYMENT IS DUE IN ADVANCE!!! There is no billing, payments must be received by NOON on Tuesday or the ad will not be printed. It is your responsibility to write or type the ad and to count the words before submitting it to the Chamber office. If you are not sure how much the ad will cost, call or email the office for assistance. 406.848.7971. Yellowstone 5k Fun Run/Walk... It's almost here! Have you been training ? There is still time to start a healthy workout with a short 5K !! June 19 the Gardiner Chamber will be hosting a 5k Fun Run/Walk. All proceeds will help pay for " Welcome to Gardiner" banners for the light poles on Hwy 89. Register before June 15 for a $5.00 discount !!! See the attached registration form or pick one up at the Chamber office. Mail or drop in the Chamber Drop Box outside the office. The Montana Department of Labor and Industry has responded to employers’ needs by making it easier to obtain posters mandated by laws for posting. An all-in-one poster that incorporates all 5 of the required posters may be obtained at no cost to you by contacting your local Job Service Workforce Center or by stopping by the Gardiner Chamber office; the Chamber has a handful available to give out to the public. First come, first serve. DONATIONS NEEDED! Shakespeare in the Parks is returning to Gardiner this fall on September 3rd in Arch Park. I still need donations for Shakespeare! If you are interested in supporting this wonderful asset to our community, please contact Ker’en at 406.223.5012 or mail a check to PO Box 946, Gardiner, MT 59030. Wednesday, June 9th, at 7 pm at the Gardiner Community Church. Everyone is invited to a Jr. and Sr. High Girls’ Choir from the Church of the Good Shepherd in Billings, MT as they begin their tour performing their musical “Rejoice”. We would like to thank everyone that came out for “Bingo for Bob” last Friday night, it was a lot of fun! Robert is doing well and after a few more days of rehabilitation the doctor should release him and let him come home. Wade and Paula Laubach and Robert Rhoads Birthday Wishes - Come wish Addie Wickham a happy 50th. June 12th 3pm at the Wickham residence. 1st Annual Veteran Stand Down, Veterans, veteran families, and people in need are welcome! Gallatin County Fair Grounds in Bozeman Saturday, June 19, 2010 9a.m. – 3p.m. Free lunch, new surplus clothing, sleeping bags, jackets, and much more! Free transportation from the Gardiner Exxon Station at 8a.m. More information: 406-580-8253 The regular scheduled meeting of the Gardiner Park County Water & Sewer District for June 8th has been canceled. A special meeting will be held at 6pm on June 15th 2010 in the district office at 430C Main Street Gardiner. Please join us for An Evening with Tom Murphy, Saturday, June 12, 7:00 p.m. at the Yellowstone Association Headquarters in Gardiner. Acclaimed photographer Tom Murphy will present a free public slide show and book signing showcasing Yellowstone's seasons through his work. RETAIL/MISC. Karnatz Tree Service offers trimming, feeding, tree stump grinding, and tree removal in Gardiner. Free estimates 406.222.6505. BUSINESSES Did you know that the Gardiner Tire Iron is under new management? Serving our customers is our new priority and we will do everything possible to keep your wheels moving and a smile on your face. We have all the necessary services such as tire repair/replacement , engine diagnostics/repair/replacement, batteries, and many other services like oil changes, brake repair, and custom accessories. We can diagnose and fix any and all problems with your vehicle. Please stop in and let us earn your business! Serenity Salon - Need a change of style or want some sun therapy, come see Connie and CJ. Also checkout our facebook page. We will be closed Friday June 11th. Sorry for the inconvenience. For appointments call Connie at 223.5210, CJ at 224.2858. Walk-in’s welcomed. Nathan’s Trash and Recycling Service will haul garbage, brush, junk, and recycling for Park County Refuse permit holders. 513.582.8265 Join the Eagles Hall Fitness Center today! Individual memberships are just $25 a month and family memberships are $40. Signup at the Yellowstone Perk now. Get your Gardiner Community Center Card and help support the Community Center. Save Hundreds at local businesses like Subway, Reds Blue Goose, Wild West Rafting, Gardiner Pharmacy, and many more. Cards are just $15. Stop by the Tumbleweed Bookstore to start saving and supporting. Shanti Yoga Co. - Create balance, restore vitality - Hatha Yoga - Monday and Wednesday evenings - Gardiner Community Center. Call 406.223.4989 or email [email protected] for seasonal schedule. All are welcome. FOOD FARM has Summer inside. Everything you need to kick off the season. Fire up the grill with New York Strip Steak at $ 6.99 lb. and Pork Babyback Ribs at $ 3.99 lb. , all summer long. The Flower trailer will be available through Fathers day. Contact Debbie with any special order needs. FOOD/DRINKS Texas Hold'em: Every Thursday night at 7 pm. at the Antler Pub & Grill. Come early for dinner... Black Angus Rib-Eye, Great Burgers, the best Chicken Fried Steak in town !! See you there !! Come eat breakfast at the Two-Bit open daily at 6:00am Come Check out the happy hour specials @ the Two-Bit daily form 5:00 to 6:oopm Newsletter ads must be paid for in ADVANCE. There is no billing. Ads submitted without payment will not be run. Ads are $5.00 for 40 words or less in paragraph form, 10 cents for each additional word. $1.00 for borders or artwork added. Deadline for all newsletter ads is Tuesday @ noon. Ads may be submitted by email to [email protected] if payment is required please drop of a copy of the ad and payment AT THE Chamber office. It is helpful if you submit your ads before Tuesday. Ads CANNOT be placed over the telephone. Lost and Found, Free, Thank you, and PSA ads are free up to 40 words. If any ad is over 40 words, we require payment of 10 cents per additional word. Payment is required for all words in the ad! You may drop off ads at Chamber Office 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by using the conveniently located drop-box outside the Chamber office. 2 SERVICES & ADVERTISEMENTS Home Remodeling and Repairs www.cstconsultantsllc.com NO job too BIG or too small 20+ years EXP Attention to Detail CST CONSULTANTS, LLC Registered & Insured 406.223.8330 Mention this ad for s 5% discount Thinking of Kitchen or Bath Remodel? Variety of Ideas & Options for a Variety of Budgets Shana M. Lewis @ 224-2908 Specializing in all phases of Home Remodel Custom Cabinetry & Countertops Custom Furniture & Trim Absaroka Knoll Construction 406.333.4848 Gardiner Laundry—111 East Main Street REAL-ESTATE Right next door to Yellowstone Gifts & Sweets Gardiner’s Newest and Cleanest Laundry Open 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Daily. While you wait—Watch TV and enjoy a FREE small fountain soda, regular coffee or get $.50 off a 16 oz. regular latte at Yellowstone Gifts & Sweets We can build you a new house or complete a small project. Roofing, Decks, Baths, Kitchens. References upon request. HOMES/PROPERTY FOR SALE House for sale in Jardine. 2 story, 2 bed, 2 bath on approx. 1.25 acres. $300,000. Call Lloyd Johnson 406.223.2823 2003 Schult manufactured home 18x80 - 106 Hell Roaring #1 - 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom - forced air heat, central air conditioning - washer & dryer hook ups, dish washer, rear porch, front deck, large yard - lots of parking and storage - contact Andy @ 406-599-3123 ERA LANDMARK WESTERN LAND ~ WE LIVE HERE, WE LOVE IT HERE! We would like nothing better than to assist you with your real estate needs. Covering all of Park & Gallatin Counties. We are proud to be able to serve all your residential, land, ranch, recreational and commercial real estate needs. Contact Gardiner’s local Realtor, Lori Hamilton, for dedicated professional service. MONTANA ~ LET IT TAKE YOUR BREATH AWAY! 406-223-1079 [email protected] NEW LISTINGS: Beautiful 20 acres, 146 Tom Miner Creek Rd. 4 bed, 2.5 bath, guest home, 4 stall barn. $675,000. And 4 bed, 2 bath, manufactured home, on rented lot in Gardiner $39,500. Call Chris Lyness 406.930.0299. ERA Western Land. 3 GREAT NEW MOVIES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! The North Entrance Wash Tub & DVD See our website for ALL the New Releases at http://washtubanddvd.formovies.com/ DVD Rental Hours: Sunday 2-6pm Monday-Thursday 1-7pm Friday & Saturday 1-8pm We Sell NEW Movies for only $15.95...less than Wal-Mart Absaroka Homes & Land Company Real Estate & Construction 205 Main Street P. O. Box 8 Gardiner MT, 59030 Jennifer Short 406-223-5856 E A G E R To L I S T For Y O U Paradise in Tom Miner Basin Prime Paradise Valley Home Site 20 Irrigated acres in the renowned Tom Miner Basin. 20 acres of very diverse terrain, abundant wildlife, and exceptional views. This property is perfectly situated to enjoy total privacy but also offers quick access to the county road and the state highway, ironically not a car or road can be seen from the property. Featuring a 10 acre pasture, mature trees, varied terrine, and abundant wildlife. As well as two homes that are not in view of one another. One home is a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom built in 1989. The other is a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom built in 1982. All this conveniently located just minutes from Yellowstone River access, 20 minutes to Yellowstone National Park, 35 minutes to Livingston Mt. A rare opportunity to own your piece of paradise in the Tom Miner Basin. Property is situated across the road from the famous Yellowstone River, one of Montana’s finest blue ribbon trout streams with numerous river access options nearby. Only 30 minutes to Yellowstone National Park’s north entrance (Gardiner) and 30 minutes to Livingston, Mt. 5 minute to renowned Chico Hot springs Resort Exceptional 100 gpm well. Easy access, and easy to build on. Ready to go. $225,000.00 $620,000 Unique Yellowstone Area Build Site Rare Gardiner Build Site 1.85 Acres Old cabin on property. Has power, no plumbing. 4.85 acres of secluded view property only 5 miles from Yellowstone National Park. Rare building lot close to Yellowstone National Park, just 5 miles away! (Gardiner Mt.) This one of kind property is situated just a short walk to countless acres of Forest Service land, and endless recreational opportunities. Easy to build on ready to go, includes well & septic. Endless recreation ranging from blue ribbon trout fishing in the famous Yellowstone river, big game trophy hunting, white water rafting, x-country skiing and countless hiking trails only begins to describe the area splendor! All at your back door. Easy access with level ready to build site. $299,900 $149,900 Now open at 205 Main St Gardiner MT. across from the K-bar. Absaroka homes offers building packages starting at $170.00 per sq. ft. visit our website for more info www.absarokahomes.com 4 FOR RENT Apartment for rent, river front property 1 Homemade utility trailers $100 each/obo. bedroom, no pets, no smoking. 800 per month, One with model A rear end and wheels, one security deposit and references, call with box from early Olds/Buick pickup. 1937406.848.7324 38 Chevy flatbed truck $500/obo. 907.301.0900 For rent in Jardine 1 bed room house. $5000 lease per year plus utilities 406.223.1551 Small Cabin for rent 6 miles northeast of Gardiner in historic mining ghost town of Jardine. Perfect for a couple. $150 nightly. Call Lloyd Johnson 406.223.2823 135 Pray Rd two remodeled houses, available now, majestic views, large decks, NS, woodstoves, appliances. 3BR/2BA $900, 2000 Sq Ft, built 2004 or 3BR/1BA Classic Ranch house $900, beam ceilings, wood floors, 1550 Sq Ft, plus garage/shop. 406-223-6558. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE Storage Units - Located in Gardiner. $50.00 per month. For availability, contact Ryan with D&D Storage at 406.223.1056. If no answer, please leave message. Estate Sale! Everything must go! Furniture, bikes, camping gear, household items--many unused and still boxed—green folding cots, large wood framed mirror, and garden cart. Place: Emigrant Hall Dates: June 12 & 13 Hours: 9 am – 4 pm. 1980 Honda CB650 Custom. Needs a little carburetor work. Comes with lots of extras. Located in Mammoth. $500. call 307.242.3720 and ask for Rocky Whirlpool Estate washer and dryer all electric $300 for the pair. Call Alana 614.202.9407 Acoustic guitar, Yamaha FG 413S, solid top w/ hard case $250 406.581.5419 Gardiner Public School has many, many older student desks to deplete from the inventory. Anyone who wants any desks, please pay the school $1.00 per desk, and they are yours to take. Also selling a commercial four compartment deep fat fryer from the school lunch program (in excellent shape!!). Anyone interested in this, you may bid on this item. Call the school at 848-7563. HELP WANTED Assistant Innkeeper - Yellowstone Basin Inn - outgoing person passionate for Montana visitors and Yellowstone, for: housekeeping, laundry, front desk & other duties. Now - October, $9.25, bonus, free housing = women only, no dependents, no pets, no smoking. 406-8487080 Full-time, seasonal (May thru Oct) and parttime (evenings) cashier positions available at Kremers Cenex. Questions can be referred to Scott or Patty Kremer at 848-7742. Part time handyman needed at the Travelodge. 2-4 hours a day 7 days a week. Must be flexible! Please call 406.848.7520 LOST Lost cat in the Calamity Jane Trailer Park area, male, 3 years old, black and white. He disappeared several months ago and shortly after that I moved. Recently friends at Calamity Jane say they have seen him. He is a medium –bright– haired black and white cat and looks like he is wearing a tuxedo. Answers to Tux or Tuxedo. Would like to have him back, he was a very loving cat. Call Bill 406.223.6844 anytime. GARAGE SALES Jim Bridger Cabins -Housekeepers– 3 to 4 hours -mornings only– Pick your days to work. Call or stop by Diane 406.848.7371 Parking Lot Party to Feed Pets! Stafford Animal Shelter's Annual Garage Sale is Saturday, The Gardiner Ranger District will be filling a June 19th from 8 am till 2 pm at the Shelter seasonal Information Receptionist position in Parking Lot; East of Livingston at 3 Business Gardiner, Montana. The work schedule is 40 Park Road. Rain or Shine; get great deals on hours per week, 8 hours daily Monday through furniture, appliances, clothes, sports equipment, Friday. Employment starts at the end of June home and pet accessories and more! All money and extends into October, 2010. Uniform is raised will be used to feed homeless animals. required. Government Housing is not availFor more information or to donate high quality able. Information Receptionist duties initems to the cause phone 222-1311. clude but are not exclusive to greeting visitors and answering the phone. Use of computer to compose letters, and respond to general inquiries from the public. Serves as Collection Officer selling National Forest related items, e.g., maps, permits, information booklets and publications. Arranges office displays and informational materials. Interested applicants, or those desiring further information, should contact Norita Goutermont at 406-848-7375 Ext 23 or Mary Maj at 406-848-7375 ext 24. Sawtooth Deli help wanted 9:30am - 4:30pm dish washer Tues-Sat 5 6 Yellowstone Day 2010 5k Fun Run/walk Saturday, June 19th, 2010 @ Arch Park in Gardiner Registration 8:30am Start Time: 9:30am Pre-Registration Fee (before June 15) $15 Gate Fee $20 Age 16 & under: $10 Without T-Shirt $ 10 “All Proceeds Benefit The Gardiner Beautification Program” Name: ________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Phone: ____________________ Male_______ Female_______ Fee Paid: Pre-register : $15 _______ Gate Fee : $20 _______ Under 16 : $10 _______ No t-shirt : $10 _______ I plan to*: Run Walk (*you may change your mind later) Parent’s Name (if under 18): __________________________ Specify T-shirt size: (Guaranteed w/1st 60) Sm Med Lg XL Waiver: In consideration of this entry, I waive any and all claims for myself and my heirs against the sponsors and host organizations or any of their employees, officer, representatives, or agents of these races and agree to indemnify or hold harmless for any injury or illness which may directly or indirectly result from my participation in the Gardiner Chamber Yellowstone 5K Fun Run/Walk. I further state that I am physically fit and able to participate in this event. Signature ___________________________________________Date:______________________________ Signature of Parent if Under 18 yr. of age ___________________________________Date: ______________________________ For more information or to pre-register , call 406.848.7971 or email [email protected] Make checks payable to the “Gardiner Chamber” and drop off at the office or mail to: PO Box 81, Gardiner, MT 59030 Paid ____________ Check # ______________ Cash _____________ 7 J UNE 2010 Sun 6 Mon 7 Tue Wed 8 9 Food Pantry 1-6pm 13 14 15 16 22 Library 10am-5pm & 6pm-8pm Library 6pm-8-pm 23 12 18 24 Sat Game Night 7pm Library 6pm-8-pm Library 10am-5pm & 6pm-8pm 21 11 17 Food Pantry 1-6pm 20 Fri 10 School Board Meeting @ 7pm Library 10am-5pm & 6pm-8pm Thu 19 Game Night 7pm 25 Library 6pm-8-pm 26 Game Night 7pm Send your Park County events for a free listing on LivingstonMontana.com to [email protected] COMMUNITY SERVICES & COMMITTEES 2-1-1 is an easy to remember telephone number that connects people with important community services and volunteer opportunities. AA Meetings: Wednesdays @ 7pm at St. William’s Catholic Church. American Legion Meeting: 2nd Tuesday @ 7pm at the Gardiner Community Center Angel Line: 2nd and 4th Monday of each month. 9-9:30 pick-ups leaving Livingston at 2pm. Call Patty at 406.222.4668. Bear Creek Council Meeting: 3rd Tuesday @ 7pm - For more information call 307.344.7414 www.bearcreekcouncil.org Gardiner Community Library Tuesdays 10am-5pm, 6pm-8pm & Thursdays 6pm-8pm. 406.848.7835 Gardiner School Board Meeting: 2nd Wednesdays @ 7pm in the Gardiner School Conference Room Gardiner Food Pantry Hours Electric Peak Arts Council Tuesdays from 1pm-6pm. Meeting: 1st Thursday @ 5:30pm in 307.344.9006 - Linda Gray the Gardiner High School Library Gateway Hose Company Gardiner Chamber of Commerce Board of Trustees Meeting: Board Meeting: 3rd Wednesday @ June 27, 2010 @ 7pm at the Fire 12pm. Office hours MondayHall. June 7th Budget Meeting Thursday 10am-4pm; FridaySunday: CLOSED. 406.848.7971 Gardiner-Park County Water District Board Meeting: 2nd TuesGardiner Community Center: day @ 6pm at the District Office Board Meeting:2ndTuesday 7:00pm @ Tumbleweed. 406.224.2370 Golden Word Toastmasters Club: Every Wednesday @ 6:30pm at the Gardiner Ranger Station Back Entrance NA Meetings: Fridays @ 7pm at the Gardiner Baptist Church NAMI-Livingston provides help to the mentally ill and their loved ones. nami-livingston.org or call 406.224.2869 CHURCH SERVICES Mt. Republic Chapel of Peace (Cooke City): Sundays: Worship 8:00 and 10:00 am St. John’s Episcopal Church (Emigrant): Sundays: Worship 9am The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Sundays: Sacrament Service 10am St. Williams Catholic Church: Sundays: Mass 8:00am Mammoth Camp Ground: Sunday: Worship 8:30am & 7pm Gardiner Baptist Fellowship Sundays: Sunday School 10am Worship 11am Lunch 12noon, All welcome Mondays: Evening Crafts 6pm Gardiner Community Church: Sundays: Worship 9am Sunday School 10:15am Youth Group 7pm Mondays: Dave R. FPUniv. 6:30pm Wednesdays: Weekly Bible Study 7pm Thursdays: AWANA 6:15pm Fridays: Men’s Prayer Breakfast 6:30am Mammoth Chapel Sunday: Worship 8:30am & 10:30am The Gardiner Community Newsletter is sponsored by the Gardiner Chamber of Commerce & is printed on 100% post consumer recycled paper. Its purpose is to inform local residents and visitors regarding items of local interest. Occasionally opinions are expressed herein that do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the Gardiner Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber reserves the right to edit for length, grammar, good taste, and to prevent slander & libel. The Gardiner Chamber supports everyone’s First Amendment Rights. If you have a problem with any public notice printed in this publication, please contact the person who submitted it. 8
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