language - Centro de Enseñanza Para Extranjeros
language - Centro de Enseñanza Para Extranjeros
Office (3rd Floor) and return a sealed copy of the receipt to the Spanish Department. The Bursar's Office hours are Monday through Thursday from 9:00 to 13:00 and 15:00 to 16:30, and Fridays from 9:00 to 13:00 hours. Registration will close 3 working days before the exam date or when the group reaches the maximum number of students. They must be paid in cash (Mexican pesos or its equivalent in US$) or by Visa or Master Card. Personal checks or traveler's checks are not accepted. CENTRO de ENSEÑANZA para EXTRANJEROS C E P E PROCEDURE The day of the exam, students must present their Application Form and payment receipt at 9:35 a.m. The written exam will be held from 10:00 a.m. on, in the room and date previously assigned. The oral exam will be held at the Spanish Department on the assigned hour. A soft pencil (No.2) must be used to answer the exam. Use of dictionaries is not allowed. The certificate stating the results of the exam may be picked up at the Spanish Department ("Sección de Materiales") 20 working days after the exam was taken. The time limit to pick it up is six months. SPECIFICATIONS Students not able to take the exam must notify the Spanish Department ("Sección de Materiales") three days before the exam date in order to apply the fee to a future date. Students who do not show up on the exam date will lose the opportunity of a refund and must pay the fee again when they apply at a future date. FEES $ 500.00 Mexican Cy. or its equivalent in US dollars, plus mail costs in the case of results of the exam sent outside Mexico City. Fees are subject to change. INFORMATION CEPE CU Av. Universidad 3002. Ciudad Universitaria, Del. Coyoacán, 04510 México, D.F. Phone. (5255) 5622-2470. Fax: (5255) 5616-2672. E-mail: [email protected] diseño gráfico: L.C.G. Erandi Hernández Serra Up date: 04/09. CELA CERTIFICATES OF SPANISH AS AN ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE DESCRIPTION The Certificates of Spanish as an Additional communicative competence in Spanish, either by immersion or by a self-taught way. Language (CELA) evaluate the candidates´ level STRUCTURE communicative competence to cope with matters The CELA, at its different levels, consists of five in the public and private fields and -to a lesser sections, worth as follows: degree- in the academic and professional fields. The CELA, Intermediate level, proves a communicative competence adequate to express in a clear and detailed manner a wide range of themes in normal communicative circumstances, which do not require a specialized use of the language. It certifies the level corresponding to level B2 (Vantage) of the Common European Frame of Reference for Languages, learning, teaching and evaluation. The CELA, Superior level, certifies a level of communicative competence adequate to develop without any difficulty in situations that need a precise and shaded use of Spanish, and the knowledge of the cultural habits manifested through it. This CELA certifies the level corresponding to level C2 (Mastery) of the Common European Frame of Reference for Languages, learning, teaching and evaluation. The recipients of these exams are those among the general public who have followed formal studies or who have developed a linguistic and SECTION Linguistic Competence Listening Comprehension Reading Comprehension Written Expression Oral Expression PERCENTAGE 15% 20% 20% 20% 25% SECTION Reading Comprehension Listening Comprehension Linguistic Competence Written Expression Oral Expression PERCENTAGE 15% 15% 20% 25% 25% SECTION Reading Comprehension Listening Comprehension Linguistic Competence Written Expression Oral Expression PERCENTAGE 15% 15% 20% 25% 25% In the next chart, the percentage needed to measure the levels of proficiency required is specified. PERCENTAG 88-100 75-87 63-74 0-62 Tuesday, March 3th Thursday, May 7th of aptitude in relation to their linguistic and The CELA, Introductory level, certifies a level of communicative competence adequate to interact socially in elementary, frequent and predictable situations and to communicate, in a basic manner, personal experiences, plans, opinions, wishes and needs. It certifies the level corresponding to level A2 (Waystage) of the Common European Frame of Reference for Languages, learning, teaching and evaluation. CELA EXAM APPLICATION DATES, 2009 GRADE Very Good (MB) Good (B) Passing (S) Incomplete ( I ) Thursday, August 6th Thursday, October 8th The Certificate of Spanish as an Additional Language is applied four times a year on fixed dates at the Centro de Enseñanza para Extranjeros (CEPE) of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico (UNAM). Taking it at an external location is subject to an agreement in which the date of the visit of the person in charge of applying the exam would be determined in conjunction with the corresponding institution. The results of the exam and corresponding certification will be issued 20 working days after its application. CERTIFICATION The Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México is the only institution able to certify the Spanish Proficiency Exam. Certification consists of a letter-certificate that shows the points obtained by the student and a description of the communicative competence acquired in relation to the results of the exam. The results of the exam will be valid for two years. EXAM APPLICATION AT CEPE CU REQUIREMENTS: Minimum age: 18 Present original and copy of passport and two photographs (passport size). Fill out the Application Form at the Spanish Department ("Sección de Materiales"). The office hours are Monday through Thursday from 9:00 to 13:00 and 15:00 to 16:30; Fridays from 9:00 to 13:00 hours. Pay the required fee at the CEPE Bursar's
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