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Read now - Peninsular Malaysia Mission of Seventh
Official Newsletter of Peninsular Malaysia Mission | Issue 30 | Sep 2011 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 1 Corinthians 13:1, NIV. ៥ 㢹 㛑䇈 ϛ Ҏ ⱘᮍ 㿔, ᑊ Փⱘ 䆱䇁 ै≵ ᳝ ⠅ , ៥ ህ៤ њ 号 ⱘ䫷 , ડᕫ 䪍 ϔ㠀 . હᵫࠡк 13:1 PENINSULAR MALAYSIA MISSION OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS ADD 22-1, Jalan 2/114, Kuchai Business Centre, Jalan Kuchai Lama, 58200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. TEL (603) 7984 7795 | FAX (603) 7984 4600 EMAIL [email protected] | WEBSITE | Free Internal Circulation ~ Message ~ MISSION STATEMENT We, the Seventh-day Adventist Church exist to preach the gospel to prepare the people in Peninsular Malaysia for Jesus Christ’s second coming, by ministering to their physical, mental, social and spiritual needs through in-reach and outreach programmes of the Church. VISION STATEMENT To prepare our members for Jesus’ soon return and with united spirit evangelize the whole of Peninsular Malaysia. PEM DIRECTORY President Leong Fai Executive Secretary Terrance Sim Treasurer Adventist Jayce Gooi Laymen Industries Chaplaincy Services & Jayce Gooi Francis Amer (HON) Children Ministry, Community Service, Women Ministry Tam Man Lin Communication, Public Affairs & Religious Liberty Terrance Sim Education Matthew Mambu Family Ministry Petrik Andrews Message from the President of Peninsular Malaysia Mission (PEM), Pr Leong Fai Bringing Hope to Every Family “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” (I Cor 13:13). Faith, hope and love are three pillars of Christianity. Hope carries us through all pains and sufferings in our Christian journey. Hope is the element that gives us joy while we are still in this sinful world. Hope will be in history as we settle in the paradise, but not the faith and love. The Publishing Department of the world church adopted a slogan “bringing hope to every family”. This is not just in words. The world church is setting up plans, and mobilizes every Seventh-day Adventist to fulfill this slogan. Peninsular Malaysia Mission is without exception. We plan to scatter the Great Hope like autumn leaves as Ellen White referred to this plan. (The Great Hope is a new title given to the Great Controversy which contains the timely message and hope for the world). There are more than 22 million in population within our mission territory. By law, 40% of these populations are reachable with the gospel, that is about 8.8 million. If we estimate 8 persons form a family unit, we have 1.1 million families to share our hope. Owing to the limited resources, we plan to distribute 110,000 copies (10% of the families) in 2012 and 2013. Hopefully, by God’s grace, we can share with the other 90% of the reachable families in 2014 and 2015. In the human point of view, it does not seem possible, but in God, there is nothing impossible if we choose to work with Him. In order to let God ordain and commission the Great Hope Project’s success accordingly, I would like to encourage every children of God be blessed by reading through the Great Controversy (at least the last 14 chapters of the book) this year so that we can be a channel to bless others in 2012 and 2013.> Health Ministry Jane Yap Leadership Development Mission Ministerial Education And (LEAD), Adventist Leong Fai Lawrence Randig Personal Ministry, Sabbath School Ministry, Voice of Prophecy Tan Meng Cheng Philanthropic Goh Cheng Siew Shepherdess International Tam Man Lin Spirit of Prophecy Dennis Ng Stewardship & Trust Services Alex Rajakumar Youth, Pathfinder, AMiCUS James Edward A Vision 2 CONGRATULATIONS to Lawrence, Joanne and Benjamin Teoh on their baptisms by Pr Simon Siew in Kuantan during the Petaling Jaya English Church Camp from Jun 10-12. Left to right: Pr Petrik Andrews, Lawrence, Joanne, Benjamin, Pr Simon Siew.> Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2, NIV. ~ PEM President’s Message & Good News from PEM Churches ~ ᇚ Ⳑ ᳯ ᏺ㒭 ↣ Ͼ ᆊ ᒁ ĀབҞᐌᄬⱘֵ᳝ˈ᳝ᳯˈ᳝⠅䖭ϝḋˈ݊Ё᳔ ⱘᰃ⠅DŽā˄ᵫࠡ ˖˅ ֵǃᳯ⠅ᰃⴷᬭֵӄϝᬃ᷅DŽⳐᳯᏺ៥Ӏ 䍄䖛㢺䲒ⱘⴷᕦᮙDŽⳐᳯՓ៥Ӏ⌏䖭㔾ᙊ Ϫ⬠ҡ✊ৃҹ᳝୰ФDŽ䞠ˈֵᖗ⠅ᖗҡ ✊ֱᄬˈԚⳐᳯᇚ៤Ўग़DŽ ܼ⧗ᬭӮⱘ᭛ᄫᏗ䘧䚼䮼প㒇њϔϾᷛ䇁ˈህᰃ ĀᇚⳐᳯᏺ㒭↣ϔϾᆊᒁāDŽ䖭ϡऩऩᰃϔϾষ োDŽܼ⧗ᬭӮᏆ㒣䅶ゟњ乍䅵ߦˈᑊ⿃ᵕⱘࡼ ਬܼԧЈֵᕦˈՓ䆹ষো៤Ўᅲ䰙ⱘ㸠ࡼDŽ偀 ᴹ㽓ѮञቯऎӮгϡ՟DŽḍᗔ⠅ӺᏜ↡᠔䇈 ⱘ ˈ ៥Ӏᔧ ᇚ ӳⳐ ᳯ བ⾟ ⱘ ᄤ㠀 Ꮧ ⒵ ഄ 䴶DŽ˄䖭ᇚⳐᳯᏺ㒭↣Ͼᆊᒁ䅵ߦЁˈӳⳐ ᳯᰃᙊПѝⱘᮄৡ⿄DŽℸкࣙњ㒭⦄ҷϪ⬠ ⱘֵᙃঞӳⳐᳯDŽ˅ ៥ӀऎӮⱘ㣗ೈݙ᳝䍙䖛ϸगϸⱒϛҎষDŽḍ ⊩ᕟˈ៥ӀৃҹⱒߚПಯकⱘҎӴᡀ⽣䷇ˈ гህᰃܿⱒܿकϛҎষDŽབᵰ៥ӀԄ䅵ᑇഛܿϾ Ҏ㒘៤ϔϾᆊᒁऩԡˈ៥Ӏህ᳝ϔⱒϔकϛⱘᆊ ᒁⱘᎹᇍ䈵DŽЎⳂࠡऎӮⱘ䌘⑤᳝䰤ˈ៥Ӏ 䅵ߦ ঞ ϸᑈߚݙথकϔϛᴀ˄˅ ӳ ⳐᳯDŽ Ꮰ ᳯ䴴ⴔ Ϟ Ᏹⱘᘽ ˈ ៥Ӏ ৃ ҹ ঞ ᑈݙ ⱘᆊᒁࡾDŽҹҎⱘ ⳟ⊩䖭ᰃϡৃ㛑ⱘˈԚϞᏱџ䛑㛑ˈা㽕៥ Ӏ䗝ᢽϢ⼖ৠᎹDŽ 㽕ՓϞᏱ᠔䅶ゟ৽ⱘӳⳐᳯ䅵ߦ៤ࡳˈ៥ 哧ࢅ↣ϔԡϞᏱⱘᄤ⇥Ҟᑈݙ䇏ᅠᙊПѝϔ 䘡˄㟇ᇥᇚ᳔ৢकಯゴ䇏ϔ䘡˅ҹԧ偠ҢЁ᠔ᕫ ࠄⱘ⽣⇨ˈབℸˈ៥Ӏ ঞ ᑈৃҹ៤ Ўㅵ䘧ˈՓ߿Ҏг㩭⽣> BAPTISMS SHARED BY PR SAMUEL MONEY: On Aug 6, Pr Samuel Money baptized six souls in Seremban after a series of evangelistic meetings. Pr and Mrs Minsun are doing a great job in Seremban. They are also branching out their work into Nilai, 24 kilometers away, and in another town, Gemas, 100 kilometers away from Seremban. Pr Minsun is also specialized in working for the orang asli people near Nilai. Please pray for their work.> SPONSORSHIP available for Seventh-day Adventists who are interested in the Medical Ministry. For details, please contact:-Dr Edward Nathan (Penang Adventist Hospital) Add: 465 Burmah Road. 10350 Penang, Malaysia. Tel: 04-2227200 Email: [email protected] The Registrar (Christian Medical College) Add: Bagayam, Vellore--632002, Tamil Nadu, South India. Telefax: 00-91-416-232788 BAPTISMS SHARED BY MRS LEONG FAI (LEFT PICTURE): Congratulations to Chan Yut Lin, Melvyn Poh Ern Meng, Micholas Poh Ern Sheng, Priscilla Poh Ern Huey, Christopher Teh Kai Yao and Crystal Teh Hui Yin (ٙᘽ ˈ ٙᘽ㚰ˈٙᘽᯢˈ䚥߃㗔ˈ䚥ᚴል) (kids from KIDs Club) on their baptisms on Jul 30, conducted by Pr Chan Chong Kee. The five children are the second batch of Vacation Bible School attendees being baptized in Penang. During this baptism service, their parents put on their baptismal robes for them. Welcome to the Penang Chinese Church!> Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8, NIV. Vision 3 ~ Good News from PEM Churches ~ s NEWSTART Charity Bazaar (International Vegetarian Food Fair & Games) Venue: Date: Time: NEWSTART SHARED BY PR TAN MENG CHENG: From Jul 3-8, the Petaling Jaya (PJ) Chinese Church organized a "NEWSTART Week Community Service Programme" together with the help of Aenon Health Care, a project sponsored by Pejabat ADUN Selangor, Kawasan Bukit Gasing. Taman Bandar SS2 (Petaling Jaya, Selangor) Oct 16, 2011 (Sun) 9:00am – 4:00pm ALL proceeds go towards charitable organizations. For more information, contributions or setting up of stalls, please contact:ͲͲ Lip Sin at 016Ͳ3336698 Siew Mei at 016Ͳ2136998 Edmund at 012Ͳ3338656 Jessica at 013Ͳ4210119 On Jul 3 (Sunday), there was an opening ceremony at the PJ Old Town Bus Station. We provided free health screening, assisted by the Adventist Community Health Centre (ACC) staff, free massage therapy, healthy cooking demonstration and free vegetarian lunch for all the participants. Every morning from Jul 4-8, we conducted the CHAROBIX exercise for the PJ Old Town residents at the field. In the afternoons, Aenon Health Care medical missionaries and volunteers, together with our church members went from house to house for visitation and provided health services. In the evening, we conducted health talks on NEWSTART and cooking demonstrations. It was a wonderful experience and a great opportunity to witness to the residents in PJ Old Town. Some residents indicated their interest to join our church health activities in the future. Some even attended our church services on Sabbath. Praise God and may all the glory be to our Savior Jesus Christ. We want to thank all the volunteers from ACC and Aenon Health Care, especially our dedicated community service leaders (Yew Lip Sin and his team) and programme chairman (Dr Lai).> Vision 4 HAPPY HEALTHY COMMUNITY SHARED BY SIA EU GIN: Celebrating a Happy, Healthy Community was the theme for the health programme held by Malacca Church on Jul 31. Church members cooperated and worked as one to prepare for this day. Flyers, leaflets and other materials were distributed to the surrounding community and beyond. Several counters were put up to aid with the measurements of height, weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), blood pressure and glucose level, body fat percentage and health age. These measurements are essential in helping people realize their health conditions. After the various tests, members of the public were then counselled by qualified doctor and nurses as to how they can obtain optimum health. Lectures on “Diabetes, and Its Management” along with “Understanding Health Age,” were conducted. An interactive lecture on calories was held to help participants realize the caloric content of their food intake. On the whole, the programme was informative and an eye opener for many including many church members. While the adults were engrossed in the lectures, the children participated in the “NEWSTART” for Kids programme. Health food and books were also on sale. The event went smoothly and at the same time served the community well.> Apply your heart to instruction and your ears to words of knowledge. Proverbs 23:12, NIV. ~ Good News from PEM Churches ~ BAPTISM SHARED BY PR DENNIS NG: Malacca Church baptisms on Jul 9 at the beach front. Photo courtesy of Miron Gakim showing some of the Malacca Church members and the baptismal candidates.> PARENT’S DAY PROGRAMME SHARED BY DORET AGNEL: Penang Indian Church organized a Parent’s Day programme on Jul 9. It was attended by church members, Vacation Bible School graduates’ parents and some new interests. We had several special programmes to raise awareness on family values, parenting and children enrichment. There was also a skit as the main highlight, casted by the Penang Indian Youths.> MOTHER’S DAY SHARED BY DANIEL VICTOR: Everyone loves his/her mother, and all of us love the mothers in our church. On May 14, we celebrated Mother's Day in our church. During the Sabbath School programme, we had a few mothers shared about their experiences as young and working mothers, as well as young grandmothers. Some of their experiences were hilarious for us while some left tears in our eyes. We truly love you all mothers.> But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation…1 Peter 2:9, NIV. Vision 5 ~ Good news from PEM Churches ~ 26TH ANNUAL INDIAN CHURCH CAMP SHARED BY DORET AGNEL: This year, all the PEM Indian churches, had the 26th Annual Indian Church Camp from Jun 2–5 at Sungai Petani, Kedah. The camp meeting was organized at the Cinta Sayang Resort. The guest speaker was Dr Maywald Jesudass (Ministerial and Education Director in the Middle East Union). This is the first time we had someone from that part of the world to be the guest speaker for the camp. PEM Treasurer, Jayce Gooi, officiated the opening of the camp and about 248 members from all the PEM Indian churches participated in this 26th annual camp. Quite a number of non-Adventists also participated in this camp. Two new interests, Simon and Matthew, testified that they were impressed by the Adventist messages, the Sabbath truth and not forgetting the warm Christian fellowship. All the campers were blessed by Dr Maywald’s inspiring messages, mainly on the Later Rain and Holy Spirit. All the 8 messages presented by the guest speaker had captured all the participants’ attention. It was a wonderful camp and members are looking forward to the next 2 th Annual Indian Church camp in Bagan Datok (hosted by Teluk Intan Church), in 2012. Praise God for blessing this camp! Vision 6 An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips. Proverbs 24:26, NIV. ~Good News from PEM Churches ~ FATHER’S DAY AT SUNGAI WAY CHURCH SHARED BY DANIEL VICTOR: On Jun 25, all the fathers in Sungai Wai Church had a big smile on their faces as the youths gathered together in planning the Father’s Day programme. We had some fathers shared about their experiences of being young fathers, as well as young grandfathers. Most of the time, fathers are very quiet, but we were delighted with their open sharings on that day. We are grateful to our earthly fathers, and also our Heavenly Father.> PRAISE & WORSHIP, MUSICAL NIGHT IN SUNGAI WAY CHURCH SHARED BY DANIEL VICTOR: On Jul 20, we were blessed with the musical presentation by Pr Rajaratnam Jones and his group. The church was filled with both family and friends who were blessed by the event.> MOTHER’S DAY AT SUNGAI WAY CHURCH SHARED BY DANIEL VICTOR: Everyone loves their mother, and all of us love the mothers in our church. On May 14, we celebrated Mother's Day in our church. During the Sabbath School programme, we had a few mothers shared their experience as young and working mothers as well as young grandmothers. Some of their experiences were hilarious for us, while some left tears in our eyes. We truly love you all mothers.> EVANGELISTIC MEETING SHARED BY PR ROBERT J AGUSTIN: The Lord is Good, and His Mercies Endures Forever. By the leading of the Holy Spirit, the Sungai Way Church organized an evangelistic meeting from Jul 15-17. The theme of the meeting was "Amazing Truths!". Throughout the meeting, new friends and guests attended each day. Please keep praying for the gospel work and the new interests.> HEALTHY FOOD COOKING DEMO SHARED BY YOSELYN YOHAN: CELEBRATION! Sungai Way, Puchong Women Ministry and Health Ministry joined together in organizing a healthy food cooking demo in Puchong Indian Church on Jul 3. Mrs Meena Sam, Mrs Evelynn, Ms Yoselynn and Mrs Rebecca Agustin taught us to bake, cook and make healthy food. Our neighbours and friends joined us in this event.> SHARED BY MRS LEONG FAI: In response to the request by the Puchong Indian Group’s Community Department, dialysis patient, Mr Ramachandran, was presented a cheque of RM300.00 by Goh Cheng Siew, representing PEM’s Philanthropy Department on Jul 9. Mr Ramachandran is currently having Bible studies under Pr Robert J Agustin.> Praise be to the Lord, to God our Saviour, who daily bears our burdens. Psalm 68:19, NIV. Vision 7 ~ Good News from PEM Churches ~ 坁䱜㟨↩䤓㠿䞮✌ Puchong Newly Baptized Members (䟀煓㧿噈⒕℺ Shared by Kit Nyin): ⦷ 2011 7 㦗 23 㡴䤓⸘㋾㡴㡸ₙ᧨坁䱜䤓㟨♚掌⦷⏺才䌄₼㠖⪑勩↩ㄅ屐幐ₘ⇜坁䱜䤓㏤拢♚♦㾦┯⏴ₙガ䤓 ⮶⹅ㄼ. ㇢⮸㡌嫛♦㾦䤓㢾㬐␅䓶᧨力ₘ⇜♦㾦䤓ㆮ⏓ⱟⱈ⒕Ⓔ㦘棗䀆㭽ㆮ⏓ᇬ䞧⽿ㆮ⏓✛煓㣢楾ⱟⱈ. Ⅵ ⅻ掌⦷↦ⅉ槱ⓜ㔎帳✛㘴♦勅䲲Ⅵⅻ₹ⅉ䤓㟠᧨ㄅ⑂㉦䞮恮⅝勅䲲᧨㒟ₙガ䤓⏎Ⰲ. ⦷♦㾦䤓 扖䲚᧨扨ₘ⇜ㆮ⏓ⱟⱈ叇ₙサ䧏⠫㌵✛⸘䤓㉒㍔᧨⦷ㄶ䤓ㆮ⏓ⱟⱈ✛⮸ₙ䤓↦⮸∎掌Ⅵⅻ㎮Ⓙㄕ␃. ㇢⮸㣩ₙ᧨⦷坁䱜㟨↩㒠ⅻ㦘㎮㋸勩殟㣩↩. ␅₼棗䀆㭽ㆮ⏓✛煓㣢楾ⱟⱈ⒕℺ℕⅥⅻ帳幕䤓兞☕. Ⅵ ⅻ䤓屐幐掌䂀䂀⦿㎮┷ℕ⦷ㄶ⒉ゼ䤓㹞⇜. ⅝Ⅵⅻ䤓屐幐♾ⅴ䦚Ⓙ夌䏅㧴呹ₜ⚛䤓䞮㿊卛㣾᧨ₙガ䤓㏗ 䓀恾掌⦷ㆤ欕䧏㒠ⅻ᧨∎㒠ⅻ㦘㧉↩帳幕䯑ㄅ㒟䯑䤓䤓⏎Ⰲ. 㦏⚝᧨㎮庱恾サ欕扨ₘ⇜ㆮ⏓ⱟ ⱈ᧨常Ⅵⅻ厌⮮┯⏴ₙガ䓀䤓⮶⹅ㄼᇭ㏎坁䱜䤓ㆮ⏓ⱟⱈ厌⦷摛℡䦇㔅㖐᧨槯䧏䤓䓀✛㋸␇᧨怆 㒟栎♙⯣忿⮸⦌䤓拢恾.> > 㘱幎㋸㍯⃚⹅ⷳ⏎棱 Love in Action – Visiting Rumah Charis (䟀処商㤃✛⛷侺⚪ Shared by Zhi Chen & Che Chiun): 2011 7 㦗 10 㡴㢾㒠ⅻⓜ枚↩⛧ⅻⒿ㋸㍯⃚⹅ 㘱幎䤓㡴. ㇢㒠ⅻⒿ才㋸㍯⃚⹅㢅᧨挲摛㦘㈗⮩㿊㾋䤓⺞ 㦚♚. 㒠ⅻℕ⑯氥幦㷛全Ⅵⅻ⚻᧨执㟨Ⅵⅻ幦㷛摛䤓┷ ⇫. 棳㷳⃚⮥᧨㒠ⅻ执挲K⺞㦚♚䘸䃇㒞᧨㦘Ⱁ᧶䘸槱 优᧨劐烿㗘⺞炰䷘䷘ᇭ䃇㒞夌䏅丏◤᧨⇕㹞₹⺞㦚♚掌䘸 ㈦㈗㉒. 䦚屐挲K⺞㦚♚挲⃗㉒᧨㒠ⅻ䤓㉒掌㈗䅰恂. 㷳㶰᧨㒠ⅻ 㟨↩⃮サℕ㈗⮩㡴デ歮❐㗟全挲K⺞㦚♚ⅻᇭ ␅⸭᧨扨㶰䤓㘱幎常㒠ⅻⓜ枚↩⛧ⅻ掌㦘㈗⮶䤓㟅噆㢝 䤌⋩ⅉ䤓拢䚕ᇭ㒠ⅻ掌䂀䂀⦿⇢↩ℕ“㡌㹣♦㦃㦘䰞”⦲ 兞₼䤓拢䚕ᇭ⚛㢅᧨㒠 ⅻ执ⷵ↩ℕ䙜㍫愺扈䤓ⅉ✛ℚ䓸. ⦷㷳㏎ₙガ其兼忟䰞ⅥⅻㄅⅥⅻ⚛⦷᧨⃮㎮庱ₙガ常㒠 ⅻ䤓㘱幎厌欉Ⓒ⦿扪嫛.> > Vision 8 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5, NIV. ~ Good News from PEM Churches ~ BAPTISMS SHARED BY PR RS PHILIP: Thank the Lord Almighty for hearing and answering our prayers. Karthiyeenij, from the Hindu background, is the youngest in her family. She has been hearing the truth for about 10 years through Seselia Poobalan, Kulim church member, but she could not step forward for the truth due to her family members. During Pr Edwin’s ministering in Kulim Church, her husband baptized into our church. The believers of Kulim church would get together every Friday evenings, under the leadership of church elder Poobalan and Seselia, to pray for this family particularly. After tireless prayers, the Holy Spirit touched Karthiyeenji’s heart, and together with her two children, they baptized on Jul 2 at Ulu Paip, Kulim, by Pr Thevarajulu. We believe that through this family, the Lord would touch her sister's and brother's families as well. Please pray for these precious souls.> HEALTH SCREENING SHARED BY PR ROBERT J AGUSTIN: By the leading of the Lord, the Sungai Way Health Team organized a health screening at Desa Mentari on May 22.> GOSPEL MUSICAL NIGHT SHARED BY PR ROBERT J AGUSTIN: After the evangelistic meeting, on Jul 20, we were blessed again by a group of pastors and teachers from India. We were blessed by their gospel songs and messages. All glory and honour to the Lord. Praise HIM always.> Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Matthew 5:8, NIV. Vision 9 ~ Good News from PEM Churches ~ SHARED BY PR RUBIL PAMAJAH: KKR- SDA Pandamaran BM / SDA Klang BM pada 22-23 July 2011. KKR-(Kumpulan Kebangunan Rohani) gabungan antara gereja SDA Pandamaran dan SDA Klang telah diadakan pada 22-23 July 2011. Tema perkumpulan tersebut adalah: BAGAIMANA SUPAYA SUKSES. Ada lima sesi kotbah yang telah disampaikan berlandaskan dari tema tersebut: 1. Sukses dalam Berpacaran 2. Sukses dalam Hubungan Suami-Isteri 3. Sukses dalam Mendidik Anak- anak 4. Sukses dalam Kerjaya 5. Sukes dalam Keimanan / Kerohanian Gereja Pandamaran telah menjemput Pr Stimson Hutagalung dan Mrs Pastor, Rolyana Febriana dari UNAI Bandung Indonesia sebagai pembicara khas perkumpulan ini. Selain mendengar kotbah, lagu-lagu Istimewa turut dipersembahkan dari kumpulan koir / solo dari gereja Klang dan Pandamaran. Suasana bagitu indah sekali dengan kehadiran para anggota gereja setempat dan juga tetamu tetamu yang datang turut serta menjayakan perkumpulan ini. Sebagai tanda penghargaan kepada pembicara undangan kami, gereja Pandamaran telah memberikan Sijil penghargaan kepada mereka dan juga cenderahati berupa foto yang diambil semasa sesi bergambar sebahagian daripada peserta perkumpulan ini. Tidak dilupakan juga kepada semua para anggota gereja Pandamaran dan Klang terutama sekali para tetamu yang telah datang…terima kasih kerana tanpa anda semua KKR ini tidak akan terlaksana dengan jayanya. Terima kasih juga kepada PEM yang sentiasa memberi dorongan dan bantuan sehingga kami dapat laksanakan acara ini dengan baik. Semoga Tuhan memberkati.> SERMONS RECORD PROJECT SHARED BY MRS LEONG FAI: Two teenagers from Puchong Chinese Church, 㔫㢋᱈ and 㔫ṧᡀ, were awarded gifts from the PEM Children's Ministries Department, for their faithfulness in listening and recording of sermons notes during the last quarter from Apr to Jun. Sermons Record Project is one of the projects from the PEM Children's Ministries Department to encourage the children to pay attention during worship services and thus enrich their spiritual life. If your children are interested in joining this project, kindly contact Ms Christine Tan at PEM (03-79847795) to get the free sermon notebooks available in 4 languages: English, Chinese, Tamil and Bahasa.> UNIQUE ADVENTIST HEALTH MESSAGE SHARED BY DR DICKY NG (LEFT PICTURES): Mr Steven Chee, a volunteer with Penang Adventist Hospital, went to Bukit Mertajam Chinese Methodist Church (BM CMC) with Dr Dicky Ng and Dr Wesley Toh on Jun 8 evening. The three joined in the church mid week evening worship service organized by the Women's Ministry. While Dr Dicky Ng shared the unique Adventist Health Message with about 100 in attendance, Mr Steven Chee conducted the glucose tests. BM CMC expressed their great appreciation to Penang Adventist Hospital Wellness Doctor and Chief Operating Officer for sharing their expertise to help the Bukit Mertajam c-ommunity in preventive health.> Vision 10 Buy the truth and do not sell it; get wisdom, discipline and understanding. Proverbs 23:23, NIV. ~ Good News from PEM Churches ~ MEDICAL AND DENTAL OUTREACH FOR ORANG ASLI IN KUANTAN SHARED BY MRS JANE B YAP: From Aug 20-21, a 5-member medical team from Penang consist of a medical doctor, 2 dentists, a nurse and a dental assistant, together with Adventist Community Health Centre staff, PEM staff and Kuantan Adventist Church pastor and some members, dedicated their weekend for the Orang Asli Medical and Dental outreach which started on Saturday afternoon until Sunday afternoon. A total of 74 orang asli people both young and old, from two nearby orang asli villages, benefited from this event. Free medications, medical consultation, dental extraction, dental filling and a health talk were among the services that were given free of charge. A big thank you to those who spent their weekend serving the community! Praise the Lord indeed!> PATHFINDER SHARED BY PR SAMUEL MONEY (BOTTOM LEFT): The JB English Church hosted a training for Master Guides and Master Guides-in-Training in the church during the weekend of Jul 22- 24. A new award known as, "Pathfinder Leadership Award," has been devised by the General Conference and Part 1 of the training began in the Johor Bahru Church during that weekend. Those participated in Part 1 of the training included, Pastors, Master Guides, and Master Guides-in-training from the JB English, JB Bahasa, JB Tamil, Ulu Tiram, Kulai and the Skudai Church groups. The following people served as instructors for the training: Pr James Edward, MG Elba Lee and MG Art Chew. Parts 2 and 3 of the training will be followed up in the coming months. This new award is to rejuvenate the leaders with new skills as Master Guides.> Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness…Matthew 5:8, NIV. Vision 11 ~ Good News from PEM Churches ~ TALK ON “MICROPHONE AND ITS PLACEMENT” SHARED BY IR CHUAH CHIN HOON, AMN: A talk containing about 135 slides on sound reinforcement system was held at the Petaling Jaya Chinese Church (PJCC) Aug 6 at 2pm. The talk was given by Ir Chuah Chin Hoon, AMN, of PJCC, to more than 30 attendees. About 1/3 of the attendees were non-Adventists. The talk ended at about 4pm with a question and answer session. The talk was opened by a prayer by Elder Chan Oi Hee, and followed by church songs by a church youth, Wang Zi Bin. He was then introduced by the church pastor, Pr Tan Meng Cheng before the talk. In opening his talk, Ir Chuah thanked God. He said that without Him, he would not be what he is now. He told the audience that in 1961, before returning from the National Taiwan University, Taipei, after graduating Attendees of the talk. in the field of Electrical Engineering, the headmaster of his former secondary school asked him whether he could get a job when returning home. The headmaster told him to tighten his waist belt as the Taiwanese degree then was not recognized by the Government. Ir Chuah then prayed to God, and what a surprise, he got a job the next day on his return to Penang, a teaching job at the Poh Tay High School. This indicated that God had answered his prayers. Later, he joined Radio Malaya (RTM) and continued to work there for 30 years until 1992 which he retired. Prior to his retirement, he was the Director of Engineering in the Design and Development Division, the second highest engineering post in RTM then, and was responsible for the designs and construction of all the new RTM stations, both radio and TV, throughout the whole country. After his retirement, he set up his own company, and in Dec 2008, he was invited by a Malay consulting firm (C & S and M & E), based in Shah Alam, to join their firm as their Non-Executive Director until present. Despite this, in the meantime, he is still allowed to run his own company. So far, Ir Chuah had completed about 100 AV, acoustics and broadcasting projects and published about 22 articles concerning his works in the local and overseas engineering magazines. He frequently gave lectures in Acoustics, Noise Control Room and AV systems. The first series of the talks were on the sound reinforcement system. This talk was conducted free to the public, and was presented in Chinese, and with the text and terms in English. Other talks concerning the sound reinforcement system will be followed soon as follows:-(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (i) (j) Mixing console and audio processors Power amplifiers Loudspeakers and its placement Wiring and connection Haas effects Equalization Opening by Elder Chan Oi Hee. Music VS speech % ALcons Running and operation of sound reinforcement system.> EVANGELISTIC MEETINGS SHARED BY PR RS PHILIP (LEFT PICTURE): We thank the Lord for the new members added to the Kulim and Nibong Tebal Churches recently. From Jul 21-23, we had a series of evangelistic meetings conducted by Pr Jonesrajaratham, Pr Muthiah and a group of pastors and laymen from India. The daily attendance was about 25 people. On the night of Jul 23, the Kulim Church celebrated Parents’ Day organized by the youths and children. Please remember Kulim and Nibong Tebal churches in your prayers.> Vision 12 Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the Lord. Psalm 134:2, NIV. ~ Good News from PEM Churches ~ ONE HEART SHARED BY PR SAMUEL MONEY: On Aug 13, the JB English Church had a rare treat by the ONE HEART singers, 22 of them, from the Thomson Chinese Church in Singapore. This group came to our church to sing and preached during the Divine Service. The church was packed full with people, and the attendance was believed to have exceeded 120 people. The ONE HEART singers were led by Fam Saw Ching, who teaches at the San Yu Adventist School in Singapore. He also gave a short sermon after the choir sang their special numbers. After the worship service, we had a lunch fellowship at the Lamb Shelter and there was more than enough food for all -visitors, friends, church members and the choir group that came.> FOOD FOR THE ORPHANS SHARED BY MRS LEONG FAI: God is good! Deuteronomy 14:29 reads “And the Levite, (because he hath no part nor inheritance with thee,) and the stranger, and the fatherless, and the widow, which are within thy gates, shall come, and shall eat and be satisfied; that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all the work of thine hand which thou doest.” MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT SHARED BY PR SAMUEL MONEY: On Aug 7, Sunday night, a programme on Marriage Enrichment was conducted at the Seremban Church. Four couples, including Pr Minsun and his wife, Runie, read their marriage vows in front of the congregation and re-pledged to be faithful to their marriage vows until death. Special certificates were issued to the couples at the close of the ceremony.> Children’s Ministries Leader of Penang English Church invited Mrs Leong Fai to attend their special programme on Jul 30, held especially for the orphans. A special potluck was prepared for the children from Shan’s Home located at Hong Sing Garden, Mt Eskine, Penang. Anne Tan, Dr Agnes Poey, Christine Tan, Tan Cheng Chee, and Mrs Leong Fai prepared gifts for the orphans. Iris Chu told the Rabbit and Hare story while Andreana WS Tan prepared cakes for the birthday celebrations. The children were very grateful for the generous hearts of the Penang English Church members.> Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:3, NIV. Vision 13 ~ Good News from PEM Churches ~ CHILD DEDICATION SHARED BY PR SAMUEL MONEY: On Aug 6, the Seremban Church held a special Children Dedication Service on Sabbath morning. Eight infants were dedicated to the Lord during the Divine Worship Service. On that Sabbath, the church service witnessed more than 100 people packing in the church hall, a scene not seen in that church in the past, when Pr Money was pastoring it in the 1980's.> SHARED BY PR SAMUEL MONEY: Nilai New Group. Please pray for the continuous growth of this group.> Vision 14 Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. Proverbs 3:7, NIV. ~ ~ “Following the advice of Mrs Ellen G White, the first Vegetarian Café managed by PEM is now open! Do visit us at 1-G, Jalan 4/93, Taman Miharja, Jalan Cheras, 55200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, or call 03-92834414 for more information! The Anxiety Disease One of the most prevalent diseases afflicting mankind today is anxiety. Almost everyone is suffering from this malady; men, women, and even children. Some children now are suffering from hypertension or heart disease. The symptoms of anxiety are these: difficulty in getting breath or over breathing; skipping or racing of the heart; sensation of rubbery or “jelly legs;” bouts of excessive sweating; smothering or chocking sensation or numbness in some parts of the body; feeling that surroundings are strange, unreal, foggy or detached; difficulty in falling asleep; and avoiding situations because they frighten you. Are you worried that you will not have enough to eat and that you may starve to death? Actually, one of the biggest problems in nutrition today is obesity. People have too much to eat! Watch our young people; they keep on munching junk foods from sunrise to sunset! Are you worried about what to wear? In tropical countries, where winters are unknown, clothes should be the last cause of worry among the people. The closets of many people are bursting at the seams due to many garments. By all means, we should be concerned and be industrious and diligent to provide for the needs of our families. But we should never be worried, for worry like a rocking chair--it gives you something to do but it never takes you anywhere. Someone whom I love said; “do not worry about tomorrow, let tomorrow worry about itself, each day already has enough trouble of its own.” Also according to St Peter, “Put all your burdens on God for He cares for you.” To me, this is enough reason why I sleep soundly at night.> CHOICES – the secret of our success It’s really all about our choices. Author Des Cummings says; “we are what we choose.” Our ability to make decisions is one of the most important gifts that we human beings have – this is the thread that separates us from animals. People who are not given choice feel victims, hopeless – as if there is no more life in them. Holocaust victim Viktor Frank wrote; “the last of human freedom is to choose ones’ own way.” Though he and his fellow prisoners could not control their environment, they could, however control their reactions and Frank observed that this choice often made the difference between survival and death, hopelessness and persecution. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5, NIV. Some choices have no lasting consequences: for example, what colour to wear to work, whether your shoes matches your handbag, whether you like chocolate or vanilla ice cream; however other decisions may result in outcomes that we have to live with for the rest of our lives… …the husband or wife whom we chose to marry…the people whom we chose to be our friends…the job that we take …whether or not to start smoking, drinking or take drugs …to take supper 5-7 times/week and snack…not to exercise… Studies show that many of the conditions we are dying from today – heart disease, hypertension, obesity, diabetes and some forms of cancers – are the direct result of our lifestyle choices. In many cases they are diseases of over-eating and under-activity. 80 – 90% of them could be eliminated with healthier lifestyle choices. The world is full of choices. God gave us these choices so that we do not become robots. Even though He knew that we might not always take the best ones. No matter your genetics or the condition of your environment, you can follow a healthy lifestyle and participate in your own healing; be part of the process of restoration. God has made you the “manager” of your own body.> Vision 15 ~ Vision ~ Believing what you have received ~ Devotion shared by Daniel Victor ~ I am sure almost every man would agree that owning a BMW might have been their dream. I have the same dream too, well, not to sound materialistic but it is our nature to dream of big things and believe that God would definitely fulfill it. When Abraham believed the promises of God, he was believing in specific Word from God. People think they are exercising faith by saying, “I believe God would give me.” Have you sought the Lord to see whether or not he wants you to have that BMW? Faith is not believing in just anything. Faith is believing in the Word that you have received from God. Faith can only truly operate where the will of God is known. The only way you can be free from doubt is because you have a Word from God; this is not just something that you desire. Abraham had a Word from God--so shall thy seed be--and that is the reason he could become strong in faith and give glory to God. If hearing from God is of critical importance in having faith, then you better learn how to hear the voice of God and how to get that Word from God. You may say, “Well, you never know what God is going to do.” God, however, wants you to know what He is going to do because you are His children. He does not want satan's children to know what is going on, but He wants you to know what is going on because you are His. Christianity is not a religion. It is an experience with somebody who is alive, somebody who wants to give you direction, somebody who will change your life forever. His name is Jesus Christ the Messiah. You need to spend time with Him and the Holy Spirit on a daily basis. Do not make excuses about being too busy or having too many responsibilities. You will always find a way to do what you really want to do. If you make a decision to grow in the things of God on a daily basis, you will be a person who is far more perceptive spiritually than someone trying to hear God in the middle of a storm. It is not impossible to build a house in the middle of a storm, but it is a lot easier to build it when things are calm. The time to develop yourself is while things are working well and while you are healthy and healed. People want to run to God when trouble comes, but it is far better to live in the Spirit on a daily basis. Scripture for thought: "For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith." -- Mark 11:23.> Advisors: Editor: Printers: Circulation: Pr Terrance Sim and Pr Leong Fai Jessica Thai ASP One-Stop Sdn Bhd Peninsular Malaysia Mission (PEM) ~ Many thanks to all who have contributed to Vision, an official quarterly newsletter of PEM. ~ Articles have been edited to suit the alignments. ~ You are invited to contribute towards Vision, kindly email your announcements, testimonies, articles (with pictures) to the editor at [email protected] or post to 57, Jalan Medan Midah, Taman Midah, Cheras, 56000, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Vision 16 Vision Issue 30: If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 1 Corinthians 13:1, NIV. ~ Picture on cover page: ~ Suggested meaning of cover page: the Living Word! The Bible is truly Behold, I am coming soon! Revelation 22:12, NIV.
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