Walk of Hope Walk of Hope
Walk of Hope Walk of Hope
Light a Luminaria! at the Candlelighters Walk of Hope It’s one of the most inspirational moments at the Candlelighters Walk of Hope. The release of the balloons before sunset and then as the sun goes down, hundreds of luminarias marking the path encircling Ascarate Lake. These lights are in remembrance to those who have lost their battle with cancer, and symbolize those who have fought and sur-vived as well as those who continue to battle. Order your luminaria for a loved one or for friends who have been touched by cancer. Make a tribute in honor of a cancer survivor or in memory of someone who has lost their battle. Your loved one’s name will appear on a luminaria lighting the Walk. Awareness is our most important tool in funding services for children with cancer as well as research that will one day lead to a cure. Your $5.00 donation will continue to help children with cancer and their families. Luminaria Registration Form Saturday, Sept. 26,2015 Ascarate Park 6900 Delta Your name: ______________________________ Address: ________________________________ In Honor of: _____________________________ In Memory of: ___________________________ Donate In Memoriam A $10 donation will place your child’s name on the back of our 2015 Walk of Hope Shirts. Contact Mary Vasquez for information or to donate. The Walk of Hope is a 1.4 mile inspirational journey along a luminaria illuminated path. Teams may walk in memory or in honor of a child who has had cancer. We encourage families to create their own shirts and signs in remembrance. Walk of Hope 1400 Hardaway St. Suite #206 El Paso, TX 79903 Phone: (915) 544-2222 Benefiting Children With Cancer Please Return to: Candlelighters of El Paso 1400 Hardaway St. Suite #206 El Paso, TX 79903 Phone: (915) 544-2222 www.CandlelightersELP.org www.candlelighterselp.org Walk of Hope Registration: 6:00 p.m. Walk Starts: 8:00 p.m. HOW CAN YOU HELP? Register for the 2015 Walk Of Hope by calling the Candlelighters office at (915) 544-2222. Memorial Walk of Hope 2015 Registration & Donation Form Name ____________________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________City ____________ State _______ Zip _________ Phone # ___________________________ Email Address __________________________________ Team Name ____________________________ Team Captain _______________________________ DONATION INFORMATION – PLEASE ATTACH ANOTHER SHEET OF PAPER IF NECESSARY. CHECKS SHOULD BE MADE PAYABLE TO CANDLELIGHTERS. Name Address Amount Donated BE A PARTNER Cancer remains the number one disease killer of children and Candlelighters would like to count on you to be a partner in raising awareness. Show how much you care about children with cancer and their families. Let El Paso know that you are willing and able to help them move forward. RECRUIT SPONSORS Start out by raising donations to sponsor your walk. Each walker is encouraged to raise $100 (although this is not required to participate). Simply ask ten friends, family members, co-workers or neighbors for $10 each and you have raised your $100. KEEP TRACK OF YOUR PLEDGES Use the attached “Registration & Donation Form” to keep track of your pledges. You may turn in your collected donations at the Walk or mail to: Candelighters of El Paso 1400 Hardaway St. Suite #206 El Paso, TX 79903 (915) 544-2222 I assume all risks associated with this event including, but not limited to falls, contact with participants, the effe cts of weather and the condition of the pathway, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts and in consideration of acceptance, waive and release Candlelighters of West Texas/ So. New Mexico, The City of El Paso, volunteers, community partners, their representatives and successors from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in this event, even though that liability may arise from my negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this waiver. I grant permission to all of the foregoing to use any photographs, motion pictures, recordings, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose. As a parent of a child, who is under 18, I certify that my child has permission to participate in this event. I understand that bicycles, skateboards, roller skates, or roller blades, animals and headsets are not allowed and I and/ or my child will abide by these guidelines. Participant’s Signature _________________________________________ Date ________________
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