Annual Report - Family Service of the Piedmont
Annual Report - Family Service of the Piedmont
Catch the Vision Safe a nd Hea lthy Fa m il ies 2013–2014 Annual Report Family Service of the Piedmont, Inc. Family Service of Greensboro Foundation, Inc. Family Service of High Point Foundation, Inc. Message from the President & Board Chair Family Service of the Piedmont has had much to celebrate this year. We set out with three primary goals: to maintain fiscal sustainability, to establish our agency as community experts in our core programs, and to attract and retain high caliber staff. We have been successful in all areas. All of our programs have embraced a “No Margin, No Mission” philosophy. This means we are managing our expenses so that the full cost of each program is covered by that program’s revenues. We have streamlined our infrastructure, creating an Electronic Health Record and integrating software to reduce billing errors and provide accurate, timely information. We have expanded our fundraising efforts, resulting in a 20% increase in dollars raised from the community. Family Service is widely regarded as an expert resource on topics of domestic violence, child abuse, mental health and financial wellbeing. Our programs are outcomes driven and employ evidence-based, best practice interventions. Program successes this year include: increased capacity in our Children’s Advocacy Centers; added on-site psychiatric medication management services; introduced a new mortgage modification program; added Harmony House supervised visitation services; expanded Outpatient Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Incredible Years services in Randolph county; partnered in the creation of a Victim’s Justice Center in High Point and the Guilford County Family Justice Center in Greensboro; and created a new dual diagnosis program for clients with both mental health and substance use disorders. The staff at Family Service are our most important resource. This year we have focused on maintaining a competitive overall compensation package, creating a wellness program and increasing understanding of staff benefits. This has resulted in low staff turnover (14%) and high staff satisfaction, with 89.2% of staff reporting that they are satisfied with their job. All of these goals come together to ensure our long-term vision of Family Service of the Piedmont as a thriving agency known for its expertise in providing high-caliber core programs. We have had a truly outstanding year! Tom Campbell President & CEO Family Service of the Piedmont, Inc. Anne B. Osborne 2014-2015 Chair Family Service of the Piedmont Board Growing Up and Giving Back Growing up in High Point’s Southside neighborhood, there were many opportunities for Perry Sturdivant to go down the wrong path. With higher than average crime rates and a large percentage of households living below the poverty line, children of Southside face greater challenges than many of their peers. Fortunately for Perry, his grandmother who cared for him as a child made certain he attended Family Service of the Piedmont’s Fairview Family Resource Center (FFRC) each day after school. “I started coming to the Center in elementary school,” Perry recalls. “My grandmother always worked two jobs, so instead of being at home alone, I would attend the 1 Family Service of the Piedmont 2013-2014 Clients Served Resource Center to work on homework and stay out of trouble.” There were times he did not want to, Perry admits, but at his grandmother’s insistence he attended the FFRC regularly throughout his childhood and teenage years. Perry learned life lessons that continue to benefit him today. “I learned how to be respectful and responsible,” he says. “I established a number of lasting friendships with other attendees of the center and still keep in touch with them today.” The old adage, Grandma knows best, definitely rings true in Perry’s case. Now 19, Perry is working on his Bachelor’s degree in Network Security at ECPI. He still attends the FFRC each week, but he does so now as an adult volunteer. Helping kids with homework and providing childcare during parenting classes, he has become a mentor and a positive role model for a new generation of Southside children. “I’m thankful that I can give back to kids who are facing the same challenges that I had growing up,” Perry says. “I know how fortunate I am to have had the FFRC in my life. I am proud to give of my time and hope to help other kids find the success that I have today.” 2013-2014 Financials* REVENUE Contributions United Ways Government Grants Family Service Foundations Private Foundations Program Fees Other Revenue Total $220,167 $1,355,605 $1,752,010 $1,112,988 $478,932 $1,571,805 $2,427 $6,493,934 EXPENSES Salaries, Benefits & Personnel Professional Fees, Contract Labor Equipment & Supplies Occupancy & Insurance Travel, Conferences & Dues Special Assistance Miscellaneous Depreciation Total $4,962,458 $116,473 $310,664 $810,177 $120,608 $9,158 $39,203 $63,252 $6,431,993 Surplus $61,941 NET ASSETS Family Service of the Piedmont ..............................................................................$625,860 Family Service of Greensboro Foundation ..........................................................................$3,241,176 Family Service of High Point Foundation ...........................................................................$3,389,946 * preliminary pre-audited figures Building a Bond: From Trauma to Healing unsure of their future, angry with what had happened and out of touch with their emotions. Slowly, through therapy, the children began to identify their feelings and understand how those feelings affected their behavior. It soon became apparent that the whole family could benefit from therapy. “I never had children, so getting two kids at 45 years old was a new experience,” Tina explains. “I had no idea how to raise kids. The stress of the entire situation put a real strain on my marriage.” Tina (right) with Director of Family Support Services Sue Spidell “When my sister went missing, her husband kept telling everyone she had taken off,” says Tina. “She would typically talk to our mother on a daily basis. When we hadn’t heard a word from her in over a week, we knew something wasn’t right. We informed the police and waited for any word about her whereabouts.” Tina’s worst fears became a reality when detectives arrived at her house early one morning. Her sister had been brutally murdered. Her remains had been found, and her husband was in jail charged with the crime. The Police Department contacted Family Service of the Piedmont’s Children’s Advocacy Center to set up an emergency forensic interview for her sister’s children to see if they had witnessed the murder. It quickly became apparent that the children, ages 6 and 9, were unaware that their mother was dead and their father was responsible. Sue Spidell, the agency’s Director of Family Support Services, was brought in to break the news and offer support to the family. “It took a while for it to sink in”, Spidell remembers. “I’ll never forget the son just holding on to the table in shock, like he was going to get blown away.” Both children were taken in by their aunt Tina and her husband, and started individual therapy right away. The children were guarded and A Family Service therapist began offering in-home, bi-weekly family counseling sessions, helping the children and adults learn ways to communicate with each other, to discipline age-appropriately, and to adjust to the new family dynamics. Therapy began to address the trauma each member of the family had suffered, and to heal the cracks in their personal relationships. “I don’t think I would have been able to do this if it weren’t for Family Service,” Tina says. “My husband and I couldn’t have gotten through it without our therapist. Every time I needed to know something, they were there. They helped us every step of the way.” When their mother’s murder case was resolved within the legal system, the whole family took part in a counseling session to inform the children of the outcome and talk about their feelings. During this session, recalls Spidell, it became obvious that true attachment and bonding had occurred within the family. “The oldest child climbed onto uncle’s lap while the youngest quickly climbed onto Tina’s,” she says. “Both children found the comfort they needed while having this difficult conversation, and aunt and uncle responded naturally in very loving, nurturing ways, re-assuring the children of their love and commitment to them.” Having suffered through the most horrible distress and loss, the new family had come together to give the children the safe and healthy environment they deserve. Family Service of the Piedmont, Inc. 2014-2015 Board of Directors Family Service of Greensboro Foundation, Inc. 2014-2015 Board of Trustees Family Service of High Point Foundation, Inc. 2014-2015 Board of Trustees Chief Administrative Personnel Anne Osborne, Board Chair Mark Williamson, Vice Chair Landon Cobb, Treasurer George Ragsdale, Secretary David S. Thompson, Immediate Past Chair Tom Campbell, President/CEO Lynn Black, Chair Kim Holleman, Vice Chair Matthew Rankin, Treasurer Beth Harrington, Secretary Daniela Helms, Immediate Past Chair Georgia Lineback, Guild President Tom Campbell, President/CEO Alyce Hill, Chair Elizabeth Finch, Vice Chair Bill McGuinn, Treasurer Julie Shamburg, Secretary Cathy Procton, Immediate Past Chair Donna Cumby, Guild President Tom Campbell, President/CEO Tom Campbell, President & CEO Kim Bauman Elizabeth Finch Lynn Black Robert Hager Kip Blakely Jay Haldeman Brack Brigman Alyce Hill Rudy Clark Kim Holleman Kimberly Crews Margaret Penn Pete Cross Jim Wehrley Kathy Dick Gwen Willis Eddie Edwards Doug Witcher Lindsey Auman Stephanie Billings Lisa Bullock Vanessa Carroll Diane Conterno-Neese Daniel Craft Donald Dibbles Tina Forsberg Ron Johnson Sterling Kelly Kim Ketchum Robert Ketner Thais Lewis Jan Pritchett Leslye Tuck Carolyn Walters James Weeks Ellie Yearns Beachy Allen Lynn DePasquale Nancy Amos Mary Eliza Duckett John Bencini Jeff Horney Lavern Brown Janice Kubinski Matthew Cochrane Jane McAllister Debbie Cottam Kay Miller MooMoo Councill David Moore Tyler Covington Matt Nowell Frosty Culp Rosalyn Pauling Steve Hess, Chief Program Officer Becky Hunt, Compliance Officer/Director of Human Resources Jody Susong, Marketing & Development Officer Chip Turner, Chief Financial Officer Susan Davis, Junior League Liaison 2014 Annual Report 2 The 2013 Julia B. Nile For Love of Family Awards Lynne Owens Gladstone Courtney D. Best Greensboro High Point The Julia B. Nile For Love of Family Award Past Recipients 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Longtime friend and past award recipient Commissioner Kay Cashion presented Lynne Gladstone with the award from Family Service of Greensboro Foundation. Lynne has given thirteen years of board service and more than two decades of volunteer support to Family Service, including as Board Chair, Vice hair, Foundation Secretary, Special Events Chair, House & Grounds Chair, and long-standing charter member of The Guild of Family Service of Greensboro. Lynne has promoted Family Service’s message to State Legislators and County Commissioners to advocate continued agency funding. She is a founding member of the Families First Honor Society in Greensboro. An active volunteer in the Greensboro community, Lynne remains an avid supporter of Family Service of the Piedmont. She has challenged her fellow volunteers to act with “Enthusiasm, Passion and Responsibility,” and to be daily ambassadors for the agency. “One person can make a difference,” Lynne has said. “You never know when something you say or do will make a profound change in the life of someone who is secretly hurting or afraid.” Greensboro Shirley Spears Leah Tannenbaum Sally Weeks Kay Cashion Pete and Pat Cross Robert Hager Kim Ketchum Rebecca Schlosser Robin Tyler Judy Frederick Lynn Black Sunny Lawson Paul Kennedy High Point Jack and Marsha Slane Doris Deal Keith Clark (posthumous award) David R. Hayworth Jim and Jesse Millis Carroll Ann Miller Michael Smith Jeff Horney Bill Horney Tim and Linda Ilderton Elizabeth Finch Lin Amos Frosty and Catharine Culp Past award winner Jeff Horney presented the award to Courtney Best from Family Service of High Point Foundation. Since being introduced to Family Service over thirty years ago, Courtney has become a strong advocate for the agency. Her volunteer activities, and more than two decades of employment at High Point Regional Health, have centered on enhancing the lives of children and families in the community. Courtney has served as a board member in some capacity for more than nineteen years. She is a charter member of the Family Service of High Point Endowment Board, has served on the Family Service of High Point Board, the Family Service of the Piedmont Board, and the House and Grounds Committee. She is a founding member of the Families First Honor Society in High Point. “What I have always loved is the way the leadership of the organization is dedicated to protecting and healing families,” Courtney says. “Teaching parents to parent without violence, providing debt management and a path to home ownership, helping women live without fear for themselves and their children. The result is safe and healthy families.” Legacy Society Recognizing those who remember Family Service in their will, or as a beneficiary of retirement or insurance plans. If you would like to be listed as a member of the Legacy Society, or to find out more, please contact Jody Susong at (336) 387-6161 x1105 or email [email protected] John and Lynn Black The Estate of Ray Burrow The Ray and Tanya Burrow Family Fund The Estate of Sarah W. Cooke Ronald P. Johnson Julia B. Nile Mike and Bunnie Smith Charlie B. Smith Memorial For Love of Family Fund Doug and Jody Susong The Estate of Leah Tannenbaum Help and Hope for Homeowners Clem Mitchell first came into contact with Family Service of the Piedmont’s Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS) in 2009. Clem and his wife at the time, Mavis, were both retired. They were having trouble paying their bills and were accumulating credit card debt. They did not want to file for bankruptcy. CCCS was able to assist them in creating a budget to manage their monthly payments. They were both pleased to have achieved a workable plan to pay off their debt in a timely manner. In November 2013, Mavis passed away. Clem found that he was not able to manage the mortgage payment on his income alone. The variable rate on his mortgage made it extremely difficult to budget 3 Family Service of the Piedmont each month. He fell behind on payments and the risk of foreclosure was looming. “The thought of losing your home creates an overwhelming sense of pressure,” Clem says. “It was a very difficult time.” Once again, he contacted CCCS for help and was connected with Certified Consumer Credit Counselor Pete Sargent. Pete was able to assist Clem in obtaining a loan modification through the Making Home Affordable Program. The interest rate of his loan was lowered, and his monthly payment was significantly reduced. The interest was also changed to a fixed rate which allowed Clem to more effectively plan his budget each month. Clem has recently married his high school sweetheart, Karen. He feels that he can now enjoy this chapter in his life without the fear of foreclosure. “Life is a lot less stressful now,” Clem concludes. “Knowing exactly how much to expect to pay each month makes things a lot easier. With the help of CCCS, I now have a better understanding of my mortgage and can rest assured that Karen and I will be able to remain in our home for good.” The 2014 Julia B. Nile For Love of Family Awards Katherine Harvey Covington Elizabeth Clay Smith High Point (Posthumous Award) Honor Societies Greensboro Recognizing those individuals who have made a lasting impression on Family Service of the Piedmont and the Greensboro and High Point communities. Families First Honor Society Family Service of Greensboro Foundation Katherine Covington first moved to High Point in the 1990’s. She immediately took part in Challenge High Point to learn more about the city, meet new people and get involved in the community. She was soon asked to join the Family Service of High Point Board. After reading the mission statement, seeing the list of Board Members and meeting then CEO Julia Nile, her answer was an enthusiastic “Yes!” She joined the Family Service of High Point Board in 1997 and served through 2003. Katherine has held a number of board positions including Secretary, Treasurer and Annual Meeting Liaison, and has served as a member of the Strategic Planning Sub-Committee of the Steering Committee, Planned Giving Committee, and Annual Campaign Committee. Katherine and her husband Ned hosted the High Point Oyster Roast at their home in 2013. They are founding members of the Families First Honor Society in High Point. A veteran community advocate, Katherine is currently involved with Good Friends of High Point, an organization she helped found in 1997, serves on the Executive Board of Open Door Ministries, and is a member of the HPU Board of Visitors and YWCA Advisory Panel. Katherine whole-heartedly believes that when a family is empowered with tools, they can achieve stability to begin a sustainable life of self-reliance rather than a life of dependency on others. The two words in Family Service’s mission statement that first inspired her to get involved with the agency are FAMILY and EMPOWER. She quotes a friend: “Families are the basic unit of society. If families deteriorate and fail, so goes the world.” Elizabeth Clay Smith joined The Guild of Family Service of Greensboro in the 2000’s and by 2010 was serving as Vice President. That same year, she co-chaired the Greensboro Oyster Roast, establishing a new partnership between the Guild and Family Service of Greensboro Foundation which resulted in a 30% rise in Oyster Roast proceeds that year, and set the stage for continued growth of the event ever since. For her enthusiasm and fundraising success, the Guild honored Clay with their 2010 President's Award. In 2011 Clay began her role as President of the Guild, memorably encouraging the membership to “Get Engaged” by re-committing to support Family Service and the Guild in real and productive ways. Clay joined the Board of Trustees of Family Service of Greensboro Foundation in 2012. She served on the Endowment Committee, and when the position of Vice Chair became vacant she graciously stepped in to fill the role and become Chair of the Foundation the following year. She is a founding member of the Families First Honor Society in Greensboro. Clay was an exceptional, passionate, positive and influential asset to Family Service and the Greensboro community. She inspired and encouraged others to “get engaged” in serving others by using their gifts of time, talent and treasures to impact the community. Clay dreamed big and her mission was to make a difference by moving people into action to provide care and services for those in need. She personally made a difference in the lives of numerous Family Service clients through her passion, volunteerism and generosity. Our Funders Family Service of the Piedmont is grateful to receive funding from the following private foundations and charitable institutions which supported the agency in the 2013-2014 year: United Way of Greater Greensboro United Way of Greater High Point Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust Cone Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation Lincoln Financial Foundation Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro Bank of America Foundation Ecolab Foundation Mary Lynn Richardson Foundation Food Lion Foundation CVS Caremark Foundation Forest Hills Presbyterian Church Endowment United Neighborhood Centers of America Winston Salem Foundation Paul Kennedy Missy Akin Kim Ketchum Adair Armfield Robert and Leslie Ketner Karen and Tom Armstrong Phil and Charisse Kleinman Lindsey and Frank Auman Becky Koonts Lori Aycock Lex MacFarlane Kulman Quint and Robin Barefoot Phyllis Lancaster Cyenthia Nunn Barker Pearce and Anne Landry John and Lynn Black J.D. and Sunny Lawson Pat and Ken Brooks Jim and Liza Lee Willie and Lisa Bullock Glorine Luper Kay Cashion T. Jack Markham Clyde and Dot Collins Carol McCoy Sally and Alan Cone Bill and Patty McIvor Pete and Pat Cross Jim and Sylvia Merritt Dixie Culver Carlyn Myers Louis DeJoy and Aldona Wos Betty Hughes Nichols Leah and David Edgerton Pete and Anne Osborne Jane Ellison Hoyt Phillips Marion and Peggy Follin Marshall and Sandy Pittman Dan and Tina Forsberg Lee Presson Judy Frederick Kevin and Dianne Pusch George “Bud” Frediani III Elizabeth Rankin Rick and Libby Gabriel Stephen and Carla Robinson Laura Gasiorek Kitty Robison Lynne Gladstone Mark and Judy Roy Robert Hager Mike and Rebecca Schlosser Jay and Jen Haldeman Meredith Scott Bill and Martha Halstead Sue Simmons Steve and Pam Hassenfelt Clay Smith Daniela Helms Shirley Spears Michael and Fay Hoggard Kay Stern Worth and Kim Holleman Bynum and Bonnie Hunter Craig and Leigh Sudbrink Muriel Inabnet Kevin and Christina Supple Mary and Rodney Ingram Sigmund and Ellen Tannenbaum Marc Isaacson and Jill Wilson Robin and Marti Tyler Liz and David Johnson Jim and Sally Weeks Ron Johnson David and Lauren Worth Mojgan Jordan Families First Honor Society Family Service of High Point Foundation Terry Aiken Beachy and Dan Allen Lin and Nancy Amos Julie Andrews Tony and Sallie Bardelas Michael and Stephanie Beaver Stan and Deane Belk Courtney Best Arthur and Dawn Bingham Beth Breece Brack and Emilee Brigman Claire Brinson Earl and Kitty Congdon Deborah M. Cottam Amanda Covington Ned and Katherine Covington Kimberly Crews Frosty and Catharine Culp Iv and Leslie Culp Donna Cumby Doris Deal Chip and Mary Eliza Duckett Bill and Candace Fenn Sandy and Elizabeth Finch John and Louise Foster Rick and Lisa Gilliam Jim Gooding Chris Greene Pam Greene David R. Hayworth Bill and Whitney Heard Eric and Alyce Hill Bill Horney Jeff and Claire Horney Tim and Linda Ilderton Harold and Suzy Johnson Wes and Mary Keever Steve and Miriam Kimsey Gina Laney Nancy Laney Margaret Lewis Jeff and Carroll Ann Miller Phil and Kay Miller Jef Morgan Mark and Rena Norcross Dr. Lenny Peters Sallie Phillips Cathy Procton Maria Puschinsky Nido and Mariana Qubein Kerry and Cindy Rice Emilie Rogers Steve and Kathy Rohrbeck Lesley Rosser Kerie Beth Scott Jeannie Sedberry Jack and Marsha Slane Condon Smith Mike and Bunnie Smith David S. Thompson Jeanné Dulion-Thorn Kelly Vaughan Leigh Wagner Miriam L. Wagner Kay and Lyndon Wall Jim and Gray Wehrley Mark and Betty Williamson Doug Witcher Chris Wynne 2014 Annual Report 4 Our Donors Family Service is grateful to the many individuals and groups who sustain us in our vision of building safe and healthy families. While it is not possible to list all our donors, Family Service would like to give special thanks to the following supporters who gave to our agency during the 2013-2014 year: Major Contributors ($20,000 and Above) The J. Richard and Sybel F. Hayworth Foundation Doug Witcher Diamond Donors ($10,000 - $19,999) Anonymous Frank and Lindsey Auman/Signature Properties Group The Carroll Company The Congdon Family Fink's Jewelers Grand Rental Station Emerald Donors ($5,000 - $9,999) Anonymous (2) Albion & Associates Frank and Nancy Brenner Buchanan Printing & Graphics The Ray and Tanya Burrow Family Fund The Clark Foundation Pete and Pat Cross In Memory of Frances and Philip Daly Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP Dormition of the Theotokos Greek Orthodox Church High Point Bank High Point Jewelers and Fine Gifts Eric and Alyce Hill Irvin Orthodontics David and Liz Johnson Robert and Leslie Ketner Matthews Mobile Media Ken and Jane McAllister Mutual Distributing Richard Nault Kevin and Dianne Pusch Ralph Lauren Corporation Solstas Lab Partners Kappa Delta Sorority, High Point University New Breed Logistics/The Honorable Aldona Wos and Mr. Louis DeJoy The PNC Financial Services Group Rotary Club of High Point Wells Fargo Woodruff Family Law Group Sapphire Donors ($2,500 - $4,999) Alan Michaels Design Bank of North Carolina Cyenthia Barker/First Citizens Bank BB&T BBQ Joe's Country Cooking & Catering Jim and Marianne Bennett John and Lynn Black Bill and Whitney Heard/Brack and Emilee Brigman Tim Bryson/TLB Design James R. Bullock, Jr. Willie and Lisa Bullock Carolina Container Company Columbia Forest Products Diane Conterno-Neese The Deal Foundation Elm Street Center Furnitureland South, Inc. Sam and Lisa Ganem Gorrell Family Foundation Got You Floored Guilford Technical Community College Hawthorne Residential Partners High Point Regional Health I.H. Caffey Distributing Co. Ilderton Dodge Chrysler Jeep International Market Centers Johnson, Peddrick & McDonald, PLLC Lincoln Financial Group Oliver and Laurie Lloyd The Michel Family Foundation Phil and Kay Miller Mark and Rena Norcross Nourison Industries Pete and Anne Osborne Pace Communications The Lenny Peters Foundation Austin and Melissa Pittman Premier Federal Credit Union Priba Furniture and Interiors Jonathan and Anna Ramsden Stephen and Carla Robinson Mike and Rebecca Schlosser Jack and Marsha Slane St. Francis Episcopal Church Kay Stern The Whitener Foundation Ruby Donors ($1,000 - $2,499) Jamestown Civitan Club Sandy and Elizabeth Finch Somerset Bay Industries, Inc. Linda Knight Carr/Knight Carr & Co. Hall/Metal Works of High Point Anonymous (5) Jamestown News/YES! Weekly Flipflop's Beach Bar and Grill Southern Engraving Company Cellular Sales of North Carolina Jeanne Miles 1618 Concepts, Inc. Mark Janas Flow Land Rover & Jaguar of Greensboro Shirley Spears Certus Properties Jeff and Carroll Ann Miller Above and Beyond Catering Ron Johnson and Bill Roane Marion and Peggy Follin Allene D. Spruill Jimmy and Vickie Clark Newbold Advisors Aesthetic Images Photography Bob and Kim Jones Dan and Tina Forsberg Mike and Laura Steen Classic Construction of North Carolina Mitchell and Betsy Oakley/Charles Aris Alan Ferguson and Associates/The Grassy Knoll Wade Jurney John and Louise Foster Systems Contractors, Inc. Coley Cosmetic & Hand Surgery Center Pest Management Systems/Laurie and Billy Tesh Dan and Beachy Allen Bob and Magz King The Kritzer Frederick Family Sig and Ellen Tannenbaum Colonial, LLC Sallie Phillips Allergy and Asthma Center NC Kissing Tree Studio The Fresh Market Terminix Company David and Helen Congdon The Earl Phillips Family Foundation Lin and Nancy Amos Fritz and Amy Kreimer Skipper and Marita Gates David S. Thompson Cornerstone Health Care Stanley and Karen Pigman Adair Armfield Brent and Lex Kulman Genuity Concepts, Inc. Triad Eye Associates Sallie Corrigan and Bob Amos The Pink Door Quint and Robin Barefoot Lawndale Baptist Church Philip and Joanne Gilbert Marshall and Leslye Tuck Bob and Debbie Cottam Praesage, LLC Bassett Furniture Andy and Donna Lee Rick and Lisa Gilliam Tuggle Duggins P.A. Tyler and Amanda Covington Jan and Wanda Pritchett Bernard Robinson & Co. Legacy Classic Furtniture Greenhouse Fabrics Tyler Redhead & McAlister Real Estate Daniel and Kathy Craft/Craft Insurance Group Cathy Procton Dr. Ray and Janis Beshears LF USA Greensboro Regional Realtors Foundation, Inc. UnitedHealthcare Crescent Ford Don and Donna Pulitzer Patrick and Stephanie Billings/BE Creative Lomax Construction Jay and Jen Haldeman US Trust, Bank of America Kimberly Crews Nido and Mariana Qubein Bio-Tech Prosthetics & Orthotics The Lookout Foundation Billy and Emily Hall Vann York Auto Group Crown BMW R.H. Barringer Distributing Co. Richard and Mandy Black Lorillard Tobacco Company Harriss and Covington Hosiery Mills Tom and Sabine Verellen/Verellen, Inc. Frosty and Catharine Culp Rebecca & Co./Palm Avenue Kip and Lee Blakely Rob and Daniela Helms Viking Polymers Culp, Inc. Debbie Reynolds Blossoms by Stroud Florist Susan Macheledt High Point Market Authority Kay and Lyndon Wall Davis Furniture Kevin and Indira Lindsay Roberts Blue Group Restaurants/Paul and Katie Riggan Main & Taylor Shoes & More Hill, Chesson and Woody, Employee Benefit Services Debra Wallace Disaster One/Ras and Susie Fenger Steve and Kathy Rohrbeck Blue Ridge Property Management Mike and Rebekah Mango Mike and Fay Hoggard Carin Warner Diversified Trust Company/Lisa and Buster Johnson The Sales Factory Breece Enterprises, Inc. J.J. and Jordan Marus Dr. Howard Holderness Wells Fargo Advisors Chip and Mary Eliza Duckett Same Day Xpress Ken and Pat Brooks Frank and Sandy Mascia Worth and Kim Holleman Well.Spring Retirement Community East Coast Construction Services, LLC Brett and Laura Schulman Joseph M. Bryan Carol McCoy John and Jo Hughes Randy and Katie White David and Leah Edgerton Senn Dunn Insurance Dan and Barbara Caffrey Todd and Donna McCurry Les Hurrelbrink and Mary Sansing Edward Jones Investments Steve and Joy Shavitz Diana Caldwell McDonalds of High Point Ice Age Management Emerywood Baptist Church Simon Jewelers Eric and Mary Calhoun McMichael Mills Rodney and Mary Ingram Empire Education Group Clay Smith Tom Campbell Mercedes Benz of Greensboro International Textile Group Bill and Candy Fenn Dick and Ann Smith Carolina Bank Cam and Margaret Ann 5 Family Service of the Piedmont Pearl Donors ($500 - $999) Anonymous (2) 4 Moons Travel Absolute Comfort Heating & Cooling Ameriprise Financial Services Marius and Hilary Andersen Ken and Sally Ann Anderson Tom and Karen Armstrong At the Ritz Costumes Baity's Discount Tire Sales Nancy Ball Barber Center for Plastic Surgery Kim and Tricia Bauman David and Ruthie Baynard Stan and Deane Belk Benson, Brown & Faucher, PLLC Fred and Courtney Best Karen Bickham-Jobe Bill Black Chevrolet Cadillac Gail Boulton Bradshaw Orrell Interiors Cooper Brantley Joe Brantley Breslow Starling Bob and Ann Brinson Ralph and Jane Brooks Bob and Michelle Bruggeworth Jim and Nancy Bryan Buff Natural Nails Frank and Frances Bullock Jim and Lynn Burgio Pete and Vicki Callahan Candice Apple & Associates Steve and Jan Capps Watts and Betsy Carr Cherokee Forest Products Christ United Methodist Church Glenn and Amy Chrystal Rudy and Michelle Clark A Cleaner World Landon and Annette Cobb Joseph and Meredith Coladonato Garrison and Kelli Coley CommunityOne Bank CommunityOne Mortgage Alan and Sally Cone Tom and Rene Cone Pat Copeland Mike and Jean Cornwell Moore and MooMoo Councill CPT Engineering & Surveying Hamp and Lula Culler Andrew and Donna Cumby Dr. and Mrs. Steven L. Davis Allen and Kathy Dick Arthur and Desiree Dick Lawrence and Linda Egerton Keith and Dorsay Eichhorn Bobby and Alison Ellington Evangel Fellowship Word Ministries Evans Air Services, Inc. Phil and Charisse Kleinman John and Linda Faircloth Sullivan Wealth Management, LLC Zizzy and Jeannie Osborne Rodger and Tresa Kleisch First United Methodist Church Kevin and Chris Supple Quentin Pell Richard and Patricia Knight Edmund and Michelle Fish Doug and Jody Susong Ryder and Donna Perkins William and Diana Knox Mary S. Fisher Will Sydnor Daniel and Vivian Pesaresi Ralph and Andrea Knupp The James and Tracy Flori Foundation Al and Brenda Taylor Phozo Booth/ZoZo Photography Kriegsman Luxury Outerwear Charles and Courtney Freeman Bill and Mary Thacker Nancy deWitt Pickard Janice Kubinski Rick and Libby Gabriel Burke and Trinh Thompson Piedmont Triad Insurance Alfred Kuhnemann Monroe and Laura Gentry Dorry Tooke Priscilla's of Greensboro Jennifer Langdon Joe and Carolyn Gorga Triad Lighting Randy McManus Designs Glenn Lavinder Tom and Elizabeth Gratzek Trinity Pension Group, LLC Matthew and Elizabeth Rankin LeBauer Allergy & Asthma Greenpoint Insurance Group Mike and Jeanne Twilley Replacements, Ltd. Guilford Park Presbyterian Church Robin and Marti Tyler Kerry and Cindy Rice Al and Ginni Lineberry Robert Hager United Finishers International Rotary Club of Furnitureland Chuck and Tammy Little Harley Davidson of Greensboro VALIC Mark and Judy Roy Local Honey Salon Beth Harrington Bill and Susan Veazey Jim and Melinda Rucker Frank and Sandra LoNano Brad and Kim Hayes Mark and Kelly Walker Brad and Deena Samuel Scott and Morgan Love Juan and Sebrina Hernandez Mike and Katherine Weaver Jim and Sharon Schlosser Mike and Stephanie Ludwig Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Jim and Sally Weeks John and Stephanie Scott Zack and Lauran Matheny Jack and Morgan Horner Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church Carl and Leigh Seager Brooks and Millie Mayson/Express Oil Change David and Bonnie Horney Wesley Memorial United Methodist Women Sedgefield Country Club Bill and Caroline McGuinn Jeff and Claire Horney Len and Judy White Bill and Julie Shamburg McMillion Capital Management George Hoyle and Kathleen Kelly Mark and Kathy Whitesell Bob and Ann Shepherd Mid-State Forklift Innovative Kitchens & Baths Robert Whitnell and Anne Glenn Smith Leonard PLLC Monkee's of Irving Park Inspirations Unfinished Furniture Gallery Bruce and Jackie Wieland Barbara Snavely David and Leslie Moore Irving Park Art & Frame Mark and Betty Williamson Southern Roots Restaurant and Catering Tom and Cotten Moring Marc Isaacson and Jill Wilson Mark and Kappie Yates St. Mary's Episcopal Church Billy and Dottie B. Nutt Jamestown Jewelers Vann and Ann York Chris and Dallas Stanley O.Henry Hotel Burney and Dina Jennings Doug and Joan Stone Christina and Andrew O'Flaherty Keller Williams Realty/Jennifer Sparks John and Kimberly Strong Jason and Stacey Ofsanko Kim and Lisa Ketchum Craig and Leigh Sudbrink Old Vineyard Behavioral Health Services Community Supporters ($200 - $499) Anonymous (2) Emerge Skin Therapy Patrick and Elizabeth Burns Adams Farm Animal Hospital, PA Robert and Wendy Enochs Charles and Ann Cain Aetna Foundation, Inc. Episcopal Church Women of St. Mike and Cres Calabrese Chidi and Anna Akwari Mary's Bill and Becky Campbell William and Ann Albright John and Shirley Erath Conrad John and True Campbell Elizabeth Aldridge Keith and Debbie Faircloth James Carlisle Sam and Gina Alem Jay Falls Jeff and Brenda Carr Alem.Dickey Designed Interiors Marcus and Lore Fariss Mike and Jill Carr Ali-Style – Allison Dodge Jeff and Lora Farlow Janet Cecil Ralph and Patti Allen Steve and Erin Farney Bruce and Gwynne Chadwick Rob and Blyss Allonier Alan Ferguson Ed and Lorinda Charles Howard and Sally Altizer E.O. and Paula Ferrell Joni Chastain Mike and Brooke Altman Jack and Dee Dee Fetner Barry and Lisa Cheek Charlotte Amos Cody and Heather Fielden Tom Chitty Laura Amos Bert and Debbie Fields Jeff and Debbie Christiansen Cal and Sue Anderson Brad and Courtenay Fields Hayes and Clem Clement Anthropologie Jim and Lynn Finnegan Stan and Dana Clinard Archdale Drug Jim and Evelyn Fisher Fred and Christine Clodfelter Lynn Arnold Van and Molly Fletcher Matthew and Denise Cochrane Cobb and Raegan Atkinson Robert and Elizabeth Fonorow Seth and Melissa Coker Sam and Janice Baker Zan and Shawn Fortune Jamie and Alison Collins Scott and Kelly Bankhead John and Sarah Foster Committee to Elect Kenn Kopf Jimmy and Caroline Barber Lyle and Kelly Frye Ben and Betty Cone David and Becky Barger Ed and Diane Gaines Congregational United Church of Christ Brian and Shea Barnett Kim and Alice Galimore Greg and Lisa Costello Dennis and Betty Barry Ron and Evans Garber Mike and Donna Cottonaro Edwin and Martha Bass Woody and Laura Gasiorek Paul and Barbara Coughlin Scott Bayer Brian Gavigan and Ronda White David and Jennifer Covington Jonathan Baynes Clark and Laura Gibson Lawrence and Joanna Cox Jeff and Mary Beach Eric Gillespie Joe and Kari Craig Michael and Stephanie Beaver Len and Olivia Gillespie Kent and Lynn Crawford Richard and Shari Beavers Tom and Peggy Glaser Scott and Tiffany Crenshaw Robert and Kristi Beeler Jack and Brenda Glenn John and Jennifer Cross Beeson Hardware and Lumber Co. Herb and Lindy Goins Michelle Crow William and Cathy Bencini Steven and Pamela Goodbred Brack and Caroline Culler Bill and Margaret Benjamin Jim and Karen Gooding Skip and Nicole Culler Steve and Gail Bernstein Art and Carolyn Green Rob and Susan Culp Doug and Angela Berry Chris and Kathy Green James and Phyllis Cumby Tom Berry Green Valley OB/GYN Hank and Sallie Cunningham Darin and Dana Bett Haynes and Ginger Griffin Elmon and Pam Dale Gary and Vivian Biesecker Neal and Kathy Grigg Sanders and Lane Dallas Joel and Michelle Bigelman David and Joann Grimes Pat and Mary Carol Danahy Jimmy and Bonnie Black Katrina Guilford Peter and Kim Dansie Keith and Aprille Black Steve and Lisa Hancock MaryAnn D'Antono David and Barbara Blackman Charles and Martha Harris Jim and Beth Dasher Bill and Liz Blackwell Jack and Audrey Harris Carter and Beth Davenport Harry Blair Jim and Pat Heery Davy Davidson Blue Ridge Capital Holdings Jim and Terry Helms Kearns and Ashley Davis BlueCross BlueShield of NC Grace and A. B. Henley Neal and Tiffany Davis Josh and Lisa Bobbitt Harvey and Emily Herman Michael and Julie Delgaudio Donald and Nancy Bogard Brian and Pamela Herndon Joe and Lynn DePasquale Jason and Carol Bohrer Steve Hess Danny and Teresa Deskevich Lee and Rose Marie Boone John and Ande Hewitt Don and Marti Digby Ken and Sarah Bowden Chip and Cathy Hicks Carlene Dix Boy Scout Troup #216 Jack and Sharon Hicks Tim and Laurie Dolan Pete and Holly Braden Jerry and Donna Highsmith Dolley Madison Woman's Club Linda Brady and Steve Heyer Allan and Kathryn Hild Michael and Zoe Draelos Susan Brady Hayes and Cherie Holderness Michael and Mary Drummond Bob and Snow Brenner Richard and Beth Holland Blaine and Martha Anne Dubose Will and Paige DuBose Herb and Rosemarie Broadmeadow Stan and Misty Holt Lucille Duncan Tom and Bonnie Broadwater Bill and Daphne Horney Lowell and Cathy Easter Jim Brooks David and Martha Howard Edward R. Murrow Kiwanis Club Bugsy and Myra Brown David and Maribeth Hudgins Greg and Ginger Edwards J.R. and Kim Brown Maurice and Laura Hull David and Katie Egerton Matthew Brown and Betty Ann Sam and Anne Hummel Blades and Karen Elliott Roscetti Becky Hunt Bob and Tina Elsayed Randy and Lynn Buchanan Tim and Linda Ilderton Don Ingold Bobby and Debbie Irvin Carswell Jackson Jamestown Rotary Club Jamestown UMC Circle of Faith Fran & Dick Janas Tom and Cindy Jarrell Joe and Rosy Jenkins Kenyatta Jennings-Richardson Allen Johnson Chuck and Mary Jones Duncan and Caroline Jones Fred and Liz Jones Jim and Honor Jones Martin and Jules Jones Phil and Debbie Joyce Ken and Sharon Kasica Chuck and Merrill Keeley Wes and Mary Keever Shane Kelly Sterling and Susan Kelly Sarah Kemm Brian and Lee Kemp Jay and Rosemary Kenerly Terry and Margaret Kenerly Buck and Nan Kester David and Karen Kiefer Steve and Miriam Kimsey Jim and Marian King Sam and Gennie Kirby Steve and Leigh Ann Klee Beth Koonce Justin Krick David and Sally Kuratnick Eric and Diane Lackey Rick and Phyllis Lancaster Landmark Builders of the Triad Pearce and Anne Landry Richard and Betsy Lane Bruce and Nancy Laney William and Gina Laney Doug and Anne Lang Sam and Deborah Lankford Bart and Barbra Lassiter J. D. and Sunny Lawson Chuck and Lynne Ledford Ken and Leigh Ann Lennon Bob and Ginger Lett Larry and Becky Lewis Rick and Margaret Lewis Lewis Systems & Service Co., Inc. Doug and Smedes Lindner John and Pat Lindsay Georgia Lineback Brokie and Ann Lineweaver Laurence Long David and Melissa Lowe Michael and Rita Lucas Neil and Susan Lutins Charlie and Ann Lynch Dan and Jenni Lynch Brenda Macfadden Carolyn S. Maddux Orrin and Amanda Magill Reid Marks Jim and Sandra Marsh Joe and Kim Martin Joe and Sherry Marus Terry and Margaret Massagee John and Carol Matthews Alex and Terri Maultsby Dusty and Kay Maynard John and Geri McComb John and Beverly McCracken Mark and Kelly McDonald Bill and Patty McIvor John and Kathy McKenzie Henry and Katherine McMullan Michael and Melanie McNamara Kellie Melinda Gary and Katherine Michalove Ken Mickey and Michele Jedlica David and Vicki Miller Butch and Madeline Mills Joel and Liz Mills Alex and Rosalyn Moore Dudley and Mary-Lynn Moore Louis and Teresa Moore Skip and Peg Moore Jim and Ann Morgan Bob and Kim Murray Mike and Jill Murray Bert and Lisa Newsome Bob and Donna Newton Randy and Catherine Niebauer Nick and Sheila Nikouyeh Terry and Julia Nile Tommy and Liisa Nolan Steve and Jane Norris John Nosek David and Maegen Novak Matt and Marilyn Nowell Stuart and Lee Nunn Chad and Melinda Oakley Matt and Laura O'Connell Tom and Jessie Ogburn Mike and Amy O'Keeffe Richard and Ivey Orr Robert and Kathy Osborne Zack and Gretchen Owens Bill and Jo Ann Owings Curt and Debbie Palat David and April Parker Randy and Lou Ann Parker John and Judy Parks Janet Parris-Gray George and Paula Payne David and Beth Penley Matt and Kelly Penley Lyn B. Peraldo Chip and Sabra Permar Anna Maria Pesaresi Bill and Amy Petty Jim and Susan Phillips Kevin and Elizabeth Phillips Dan and Laura Pierce Lou and Holly Pierce Bob and Mary Plybon Andy and Leigh Ann Pool Jerry and Elizabeth Poole Lee and Michelle Porter Steve and Denise Potter Jim and Dot Powell Presbyterian Women Dickie and Julie Price Tyson and Collins Pugh Gene Purdum and Sally Millikin Maria Puschinsky Quota International of Greensboro Billy Ragsdale George and Jenny Ragsdale Will and Mary Ragsdale Kerr and Palmer Ramsay Rick and Libby Ramsey Sandy Rankin Flip and Jeanie Ray Mike and Kathi Raybon Jordan and Ann Reece Robert and Rosemary Reed Bryan and Stacy Reich Karl and Kristi Resh Mark and Lisa Reynolds Kurt and Carmella Roehrig Casey and Holly Root Pat and Lesley Rosser Alex Stevens and Megan Royle Bob and Bee Rule Per and Elisabeth Sandberg George and Julie Sanders David and Jenny Sar David and Patti Saunders Mark and Sue Schall Anthony and Jeannie Sedberry Tom and Dana Shade Don and Carolyn Shaw John and Kirstin Shepperson Raymond and Jo Sherrer Mark and Caroline Shogry Mark and Annie Silver Suzanne Silver Bill and Sue Smith Henry and Cheryl Smith Lanty and Margaret Smith Scott and Condon Smith John and Carole Snider Jim and Kay Snow Gordon and Pat Soenksen Pete Sojka and Elisabeth Stambaugh Bill Soles Dan and Nancy Solomon Suci Sorensen Kevin and Elizabeth Speight Paula Spinks John and Lacy Starr Jim and Deb Staton Joe and Pat Stavola Dwight and Diane Stone Tom and Susan Storrs Harry Suggs Tom and Claire Sullivan J.J. and Virginia Summerell Al and Bev Sykes Jeanne L. Tannenbaum Thomas and Gaither Terrell Tim and Grace Terrell Christopher and Laura Tew Matt and Emily Thiel Lewis and Kathleen Thompson Margaret Thompson Pete and Jo Thompson John and Jeanné Thorn Adam and Lauren Tilley Tom and Suzanne Tilley Xan and Beth Tisdale Allen and Judy Tomlinson Chris and Jane Trevey Triad Women's Forum Mark and Anna Troutman Chuck and Deanna Truby Royster and Donna Tucker Harrison and Martha Turner David and Beth Tuttle Zan and Pam Tyson Stephen and Sue Uhlin Tom Ullman and Carol Young United Methodist Women, Christ United Methodist Church Rusty and Tina Van Landingham Richard and Sylvia Vanore Don and Nancy Vaughan John and Kelly Vaughan Randy and Sherry Vaughan Sonny Vestal Trudy Wade Bobby and Kim Wainer John and Lynn Walker John and Ollie Wall Tom and Anna Wall Tom and Elizabeth Walsh Carolyn Walters Mark and Nancy Warburton Jess and Susannah Washburn Joe and Mitzie Weatherly Don and Susie Webb Alf and Lee Webster Buddy and Dot Weill Ed and Becky Weller Haywood and Kathy West Westchester Country Day School Brantley and Jacalyn White Bob and Judy Wicker Mike and Royale Wiggin Virgil and Kay Willard Burt and Meredith Williams Jim and Victoria Williams Don and Gwen Willis Eric and Susan Wiseman Chuck and Bert Wood Patrick and Adrienne Woods David and Erica Worth David and Lauren Worth Robert and Ellen Worth Ron and Carol Wright Scott and Kishie Wyatt Gary and Chris Wynne Mark and Anne Yarbrough Bill and Barbara Young Steve and Stacy Yow Seth and Sara Yowell Ryan and Kaki Zell Ben and Ann Zuraw 2014 Annual Report 6 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 545 Greensboro, NC 315 East Washington Street Greensboro, NC 27401-2911 • 1401 Long Street High Point, NC 27262-2541 • 902 Bonner Drive Jamestown, NC 27282-8948 Vision Mission Building Safe and Healthy Families Facebook/familyserviceofthepiedmont Family Service of the Piedmont empowers individuals and families to restore hope, achieve stability and thrive through quality support services, advocacy and education. Finding Happiness “I don’t ever remember being happy. I was always down,” says Jennie Hearne as she recalls her struggle with depression, beginning in her young teenage years. “I’ve been hospitalized multiple times for attempted suicides and have spent years struggling to just get out of bed and live.” Jennie had exhausted countless attempts at finding the combination of medication and counseling that was right for her. During a particularly difficult time in her life, Jennie found herself at a crossroads. “I had lost my job, my mother had just died, and I’d lost my house. It was a horrible time and I just wanted to disappear,” Jennie remembers. When she was hospitalized again, her sister and father urged her to reach out for help. “I finally made the decision to do something for myself,” she smiles. “I called Family Service of the Piedmont to just talk to someone. I told them what I was looking for in a counselor, and they connected me with Janet Cecil.” “Janet is the best thing that’s happened to me,” Jennie continues. “It was wonderful to just talk to someone who would listen. After a few months of counseling and getting on the proper medication, I realized for the first time in my life, I felt good about myself. I wanted to live.” “Before coming to Family Service, I never knew what happiness was,” says Jennie “I still struggle, of course, but would advise others in my situation that if you commit to counseling, you too can pull through. It took me over thirty years to find the right counselor and combination of medications that would make me happy. You just have to stick with it.”
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