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M-Care (Mobile Training for Home and Health Caregiver For People with Disabilities and Older People - 539913-LLP-1-2013-1-TR-LEONARDO-LMP) project has been funded with support
from the European Commission. This newsletter reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information
contained therein.
Newsletter 3
Welcome to the 3rd M-CARE Newsletter.
It covers one of the most intensive periods of the project when the
structure of the training units was developed. The events and the
materials presented in this Newsletter refer to January and February, 2015.
You can find also a brief overview of the training content, as
well as the topics included in the M-CARE curriculums. We also included an interview we had with Muhammet Murtaza Yetiş, a
member of the Turkish Parliament.
If you want to receive up-to-date information, please also follow
the project website, as well as our social
media channels (Twitter, Facebook).
If you would like to contribute to the next editions of the
[email protected]. The next edition will be issued in May
2015 and we will be more than glad to publish your materials if
relevant to the M-CARE aims and objectives.
We wish you a pleasant reading!
You can find us on:
At the end of February 2015, the M-CARE training content was
completed. It has been tailor-made for personal caregivers with a
desire to enhance their knowledge and working expertise.
The course materials are now being organised in two different
learning platforms: one for use on a desktop computer and the
other for use on Android mobile devices. If the user wants to access the full content s/he should go to desktop computer training
platform, while if s/he is interested in practical cases the Android
mobile device platform is the right place.
M-CARE Programme will include 14 Modules emphasizing on the
practical guidance and recommendations, namely:
Module 1 Didactical support explains how the training will
be delivered from a methodological and pedagogical point of
view. The Module outlines that the potential PCGs can access
the training material both via traditional teaching ways (faceto-face, via textbook) as well as via online and mobile training environments. In addition, the online version has been
combined with an interactive community that offers PCGs the
possibility to exchange best practises, share experiences and
benefit from available training material (audio, video, text). A
gaming component will also offer the PCG the chance to learn
by gaming, while self/pre-/post assessment forms have been
Module 2 Disability awareness gives thorough information
about the most frequently faced disabilities and their respective limitations and barriers. The first section of the Module is
dedicated to the three theoretical models, i.e. medical, social,
and bio-psychosocial models. They are used as justification
for applying different approaches in the provision of services
for disabled people. Then the module continues with brief
practical information about the limitations of clients with mobility, hearing, visual, speech impairments and learning difficulties. Based on the results from WP2 the partners decided
to include a specific part related to people with dementia and
Alzheimer syndrome which proved to be challenging while
working as a PCG. It ends with practical tips “How to act with
a client with disability?”.
Module 3 Communication skills is dedicated to the basic
communication between the PCG and his/her client with
disability. The module provides information and guidance on
how to establish good contacts, as well as improving the
communicative skills. Furthermore it addresses empathy. The
unit also gives important advice regarding disability etiquette
and ten tips to respect the client while communicating with
him/her. Another eleven tips for communication with people
with learning difficulties were also included by the authors of
the module. The modules ends with tips on “How to reduce
the tension” in communication with clients with disabilities.
provides information about the legal
framework concerning disabilities, the rights of people with
disabilities as well as funding opportunities foreseen for
the acquisition of assistive technologies and social benefits.
An important part of the module is dedicated to the PCG’s
responsibilities and how they are regulated in each partner
country. The module makes the PCG familiar with key
International acts such as the UN convention for the rights of
people with disabilities, the European Disability strategy 2010
-2020, etc.
Module 5 Social Inclusion focuses on the strategies to
enhance inclusion, what social factors inclusion promotes,
and the barrier that exist towards social inclusion.
Module 6 Psychological empowerment gives practical information on how to treat the client with kindness and respect. It also consists of a number of topics related to ethics, as
well as addressed guidance how to identify personal needs
and desires of the client with a disability. A major part of the
module is dedicated to the prevention of depression of the client. The module provides guidance for the PCG how to help
depressed elderly as well as how to distinguish depression
and dementia. The module presents strategies how to recognize and prevent possible suicidal behaviour of the client with
disability. Another part is dedicated to the sexuality as a
physiological need and the associated risks.
Module 7 Physiological needs covers topics such as
physical status, nutrition, toileting and changing diapers,
health monitoring and technical assistance and knowledge.
Module 8 Hygiene provides the PCG trainee the basic
knowledge of general hygiene basics. In separated units the
trainee receives specific information about: general principles,
sources of infection, routes of infection, infectious diseases
and learning topics of individual hygiene (how to wash hands,
disinfect hands, shower, bath) and how to deal with food refusal (i.e.: people with dementia).
Module 9 Daily care at home provides the PCG the basic
knowledge of daily care at home. The PCG is taught how the
house is cleaned quickly and thoroughly. There are recommendations given when and how often to clean something
and also requirements which have to be considered in terms
of hygiene.
Module 10 First aid and risks gives essential information
on the topic of provision of first aid and the risks. The module
trains topics such as how to recognise a dangerous situation
for the client, to communicate the alert to medical services,
and to prevent worsening condition of the casualty waiting for
medical care. This module provides tips how to recognise and
to react in case of choking, severe bleeding, wounds,
poisoning, etc.
Module 11 Environment includes challenging situations,
such as hot or cold weather and maintaining of a suitable
temperature in the home environment. The next section of
the modules is related to recommendations which can help
the PCG to provide safe services and to advice the client on
how to live healthy and how to avoid substances that can
badly affect his/her condition – i.e. alcohol, drugs, nicotine
and caffeine. The module ends with useful guidelines in terms
of the possible usage of suitable assistive technologies i.e.
communication and medical devices.
Module 12 Mobility emphasizes on the basic needs of people with disabilities and elderly people to get the opportunity
to take part in daily living activities by increasing their mobility.
Module 13 Leisure & Daily activities provides the PCG
some examples and basic knowledge how to offer leisure and
daily activities to the clients. Different ways of leisure and
daily activities are shown depending on the needs of a person
with a disability or an elderly.
Module 14 Burnout Syndrome provides general information
about the Burnout Syndrome and how it affects the productivity of the PCG. The module trains the PCGs how to make
a difference between stress and a burnout, as well as how to
cope with burnout symptoms.
The modules will be available via, including self
assessment forms for the (potential) PCG.
If you are a current PCG and wish to update your skills and expertise, you may join the M-CARE training as a piloter. It starts in
April and will last till October 2015. You can be a piloter in either
Belgium, Bulgaria, Turkey or Germany. Just contact the respective
partner in your country to declare your readiness to be a piloter.
More information about the recruiting procedure will come soon on
the project websites.
Interview with Muhammet Murtaza Yetiş
Prof. Seyhan Firat and Muhammet Murtaza Yetis
This interview was done by GAZI University team, especially for
the M-CARE project Newsletter.
Could you please let us know who is Muhammet Murtaza
I was born in 1972 in Adıyaman. I graduated from the primary
and high school in Adıyaman. After I finished medicine faculty, I
graduated with a specialisation in paediatrics.
Being a doctor and a director, I have achieved plenty of works in
leading areas. In the Sifa Hatun Home Care Centre, which serves
people with different disabilities and bedridden patients, as well as
uses Tele-medicine applications, I have been awarded by the Ministry of Health in Turkey. I am a member of the Turkish parliament and represent the AK Party from Adıyaman. I am also the
director of the coordination unit for people with disabilities in the
AK Party. I am married and I have 3 children.
What are your future plans regarding disability in your
On behalf of our party, we want to see all people with disabilities
in every field. We are working on different political issues regarding this field. We are one of the leading countries improving the
social policies for disabled children. The sensitivity of our president
Mr. Erdogan and Prime Minister Mr Davutoglu did a lot in favour of
disabled children in our country. Part of the budget for this field
was increased with the support of the AK Party. Employability, increase in the salaries and integration in the social life are some
areas where we have achieved progress. We have also planned
more initiatives for the future as well.
What are the reasons for establishing the Active Life Centres which are lead by you in Turkey?
It is the first model for Turkey for educating the disabled people in
employability, supporting their families for their social, emotional,
educational and economic status.
These centres are organised by directors and with specially educated staff. They provide services to all kind of people with different disabilities in all domains. It is constructed as a campus for
their wellbeing and personal development.
What services do they offer in these centres?
These active life centres are not organised just for disabled
people. This project will involve the older people and old
campaigners as well. The architectural barriers are minimised for
the use of disabled and older people and old campaigners in this
project. These barriers are eliminated by paying attention to walls,
ramps, water, elements with sounds, colourful floors and different
textures. All the vehicles can reach inside the buildings through
special paths that have been constructed. Performance stage,
health units, recreational activity and sport units, social entertainment areas, book stores and bazaar areas are established for
common usage. These centres also include a library, barber, grocer, occupational therapy areas, research and project development units, functional activity units, conference room, etc.
The services include individual care, family training and rehabilitation for the disabled and older people.
What kind of activities are taking place in active life centres
for the care of the disabled people?
The services that we offer in these centres are suitable for people
older than three years of age. These services are: day care, night
care, periodical care ( daily, weekly, monthly), social, cultural and
sport activities, occupational therapy, individualised special supports, rehabilitative activities and hydrotherapy, special education,
family support and psychological support.
Psychological-emotional support, physiotherapy, social support
and care and special education is offered to the disabled people
and their families between the ages of 3-70 that have at least a
50% decrease in their capacities caused by physical, mental and
emotional disabilities.
Finally, the M-Care Project is developed for the training of
the people who take care of disabled and older people.
What kind of support does your organisation have for improving those national and international projects like MCare?
In the case of disabled and older people we never ignore this kind
of projects on behalf of the AK Party Coordination Centre. We
always support all the projects which may contribute to the lives
of people with disabilities and older people. We may also support
serious projects with our other departments.
M-CARE dissemination events
Dissemination of M-CARE within workshop “Introducing of
e-learning as a tool for development of professionals’ competence”, 21 December 2014, Stara Zagora
On 21st December 2014 Interprojects team presented the project
in front of 14 professionals directly working with people with
different types of disabilities. The project training curriculums
were well received and the content of the draft units was
described as helpful. Among the participants were managers of
sheltered houses and training centers who concluded that the
training modules has a lot to do with the practice and the
low-skilled workers can benefit from them. All guests received a
project leaflet and gave the Bulgarian partner their contacts for
further communication.
Dissemination of M-CARE at SGSCC symposium “Social
competences & creativity as a stepping stone towards personal growth, social development and employability”, 17
December 2014, Brussels, Belgium
SGSCC (Serious Games for Social & Creativity Competence) project’s event focused on the importance of social skills and creativity for people with disabilities which is fundamental to both social
integration and professional self-realisation. In the context of this
event, also M-CARE was presented to the participants (Trainers/
teachers of special education, Social workers, People with disabilities, Parents/friends/colleagues, Representative organisations of
people with disabilities, Personal assistants / personal caregivers,
Policy makers, Educational software / game developers).
M-CARE dissemination events
Presentation of the project during workshop “Development
of social services in Plovdiv Municipality”, 13 January 2015,
The workshop was jointly organised by Interprojects team and
The Social Affairs Department of Plovdiv Municipality. It is a kind
Bulgarian partner, and the senior experts from the Municipality
which were achieved during the seminar held at the beginning of
December in Brussels, Belgium.
The workshop was attended by 30 participants all of them working
in the field of social affairs. They received the M-CARE leaflet and
got information about M-CARE’s latest development.
M-CARE dissemination events
M-CARE announced in front of the Turkish stakeholders
On 24 December 2014 Prof. Seyhan FIRAT presented good
practices about European Centralised projects to nation wide delegates of the Turkish National Agency
M-CARE publicized through the IncluD-ed portal.
In January 2015 an article describing M-CARE project has been
published on the portal by the European Network on Inclusive
Education & Disability. The portal is popular among people dealing
with education and social affairs.
M-CARE dissemination events
M-CARE presented in front of the staff from the Municipality
of Zlatograd, Bulgaria
On 22nd February, 2015 the team of INTERPROJECTS LTD presented M-CARE project in front of 47 public servants from the Municipality of Zlatograd, Bulgaria.
As a result of the presentation the Mayor of the Municipality has
invited the Bulgarian partner to demonstrate the M-CARE platforms at a specially organized workshop in the next months.
According to the Mayor there are social and personal assistants of
people with disabilities who need to be additionally qualified and M
-CARE might be a good option for them.
More information about the planned activities in Zlatograd will be
shown in the next Newsletter.
M-CARE dissemination events
Mobile app to be used in training for students, teaching
them how to support disabled colleagues
The M-Care team of the Dpt. of Communication and Media Studies
of the University of Athens (UoA) established a close cooperation
with the Speech and Accessibility Laboratory and the
e-Accessibility Unit for Students with Disabilities, which will result
in a mutually beneficial utilization of resources.
The UoA M-Care team had the opportunity to exchange good
practices with Dr. Georgios Kouroupetroglou, who is an Associate
Professor at the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications (UoA) and leader of the Speech and Accessibility Laboratory
and the e-Accessibility Unit for Students with Disabilities.
Both parties agreed to cooperate so that the content of the
ATHENA Free AT Software Inventory can be included in the Assistive Technology part of the M-Care mobile the application. The AT
software applications provided in ATHENA are presented in an organized and systematic way after they have been installed and
tested in the Speech and Accessibility Laboratory.
It was also agreed that, once implemented, the M-Care app would
be used as a training tool at the two-day seminars organized by
the Speech and Accessibility Laboratory for university students,
teaching them how to support disabled colleagues.
The UoA M-Care team with Dr. Kouroupetroglou (C).
M-CARE dissemination events
Presentation of M-Care to representatives of the Greek
The UoA M-Care team was invited to present the project at a new
media seminar for journalists (26 participants), organized under
the framework of the “Kostis Palamas lifelong learning
UoA presented the results of the M-Care survey, emphasizing the
need to provide reliable and on the job training on personal caregiving practices. The differences between the legislation and PCG
practices among the project countries were also pointed out.
The M-Care mobile application mockups were then presented and
the seminar participants were asked to provide feedback on the
functionalities and the initial design of the app. The comments
were encouraging, as the journalists found the application user
friendly and useful for current or potential PCGs.
After the presentation, the participants received M-Care social
media links and information material to be disseminated through
the media
M-CARE forthcoming dissemination events
At the beginning of May, 2015 M-CARE partners will hold a workshop in Antalya, Turkey.
It will coincide with the 4th Transnational Partners Meeting and will give Partners the opportunity to bring beneficiaries from their countries. Thus the event will become not just a dissemination workshop but a forum for exchanging of ideas and practices from different European countries. In the next issue of the Newsletter you will find an invitation and Agenda for
the workshop.
3 June 2015: Interdisciplinary Symposium
“Social Competence, Creativity and Wellbeing”,
Plovdiv, Bulgaria: part of presentation
ITAG2015, Nottingham, UK
1 December 2015: M-CARE conference, Brussels, Belgium (more details in the next newsletter)
3 December 2015: European day of people
M-CARE Pilot Phase
M-CARE pilot phase will start in March, 2015. All partner
organizations, apart from the technical partner Athens University,
will conduct testing of the M-CARE training platforms with a group
of preliminarily selected representatives of the project target
If you are an unemployed person seeking professional
development in personal care or if you are a professional caregiver
and wish to increase your qualification, then you may join the
M-CARE pilot phase in your country, if it corresponds to the
project partnership.
M-CARE transnational partner meetings
The 3rd meeting took place as scheduled on 21st till 22nd January
2015 in Frankfurt and focused on the fine-tuning and finalisation
of the training modules.
The 4th meeting will be held in Antalya, Turkey on 6-8 May, 2015,
and will coincide with a workshop.
The final meeting will take place on 30th November till 2nd of
December 2015 and will coincide with the final project event.
Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey – Project Coordinator
Gazi University is one of the biggest universities of Turkey
with over 68.000 students including 56.000 undergraduate
and 12.000 postgraduate students currently studying in its
171 academic departments.
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Seyhan FIRAT
Email: [email protected]
Ministry of family and social policy, General Directorate of services
for elderly and disabled people, Turkey
The General Directorate coordinates the activities
on preparing national policies and strategies aimed
at prevention, education, employment and rehabilitation services, ensuring that people with disabilities fully and equally participate in social life without facing any discrimination.
Contact person: Mr. Tayyar Kuz
Email: [email protected]
PhoenixKM BVBA, Belgium
PhoenixKM is a consultancy with extensive
expertise in the field of education and training that targets people with disabilities, but
also their stakeholders, while making use of
the benefits offered by ICT.
Contact person: Mr. Karel Van Isacker
Email: [email protected]
INTERPROJECTS is a training provider, having its activities
fully directed towards people with disabilities and older
people. Their team consists of experts in the field of accessibility issues, career orientation and guidance, employment, mentoring, e-games and networks of employers of disability etc.
Contact person: Mrs. Tonka Cholakova
Email: [email protected]
University of Athens, Greece
The Laboratory of New Technologies in Communication, Education and the Mass Media operates within the Faculty of
Communication and Mass Media Studies of the National and
Kapodistrian University of Athens. The Laboratory serves research and educational needs in the domain of new technologies and their applications in communication, education
and the mass media.
Contact person: Prof. Constantinos Mourlas
Email: [email protected]
Europäischer Verband Beruflicher Bildungsträger, Germany
EVBB is an Umbrella-Organisation of 50 Vocational
Training Centres in 21 European and International
countries and is based in Germany. In 2012 EVBB set
up a “Quality Charter”, taking into account the actual
developments in European Quality Policy such as EQAVET and EQARF.
Contact person: Mr. Fritz-Gerhard KUHN
Email: [email protected]