PRESS KIT News & Information - PRESS KIT - ABOUT BARRIÈRE Barrière is the brand name under which the hotels and casinos of two separate groups -the Groupe Lucien Barrière and the Société Fermière du Casino Municipal de Cannes (SFCMC) - are marketed. Founded in 1912 by François André, the Group has grown over the years under the successive stewardships of Lucien Barrière, Diane Barrière-Desseigne and Dominique Desseigne to become France’s leading casino operator and a standard-setter in the luxury hotel sector. Barrière has designed offers that are unrivalled in the field of leisure and entertainment, founded on a commitment to operational excellence, service quality and French art de vivre. The Group today operates 41 casinos and 15 hotels under the Barrière brand (plus two partner hotels*) –a majority of which are 5-star– and more than 140 restaurants and bars, including the famous Fouquet’s in Paris (with branches in Marrakesh, Cannes, Toulouse and La Baule). It also stages more than 3400 shows and events every year. With 6895 employees, the Group posted earnings of €1.17bn for the financial year to 31st October 2014. Barrière has an excellent reputation in the catering industry and serves more than 2 million meals each year in the leisure sector. With eight spas (in Cannes, Dinard, Enghien-les-Bains, La Baule, Lille, Marrakech, Paris and Ribeauvillé), one thalassotherapy centre in La Baule, one balneotherapy centre in Ribeauvillé, three golf and two tennis clubs (with more than 30 clay courts). Barrière is also an established name in the well-being and sport sector. The Group is well known for its chain of resorts in internationally-renowned tourist destinations. * Hôtel Mercure Niederbronn and Pullman Aquitania Bordeaux - PRESS KIT - Table of Contents 1lEIsURE BARRIÈRE – A mAjOR plAyER In And EnTERTAInmEnT 1 • A family affair 2 • The Barrière group’s four business divisions A • Barrière Casinos B • Barrière Restaurants C • Barrière Hotels D • Well-being and sports 3 • Barrière – Committed to culture A • Cinema B • Cultural events C • Architectural heritage D • The Barrière Foundation 2 TRAdITIOn & pROgREss 1 • An independent Group 2 • Human resources 3 • Barrière renovations 4 • Fouquet’s Perfumes 3 BARRIÈRE fIgUREs And lOcATIOns 1 • Barrière in figures 2 • Casinos Barrière 3 • Hotels Barrière - PRESS KIT - 1 Barrière A major player in leisure and entertainment One hundred years have gone by since the opening of the legendary Hôtel Le Normandie and Barrière Casino in Deauville. Over the course of a century, Barrière has seen a stellar rise that has brought it tremendous success. The Group posted yearly earnings in 2014 of €1.17 bn while employing 6895 staff. This success is due in particular to the Group’s trademark “Barrière Spirit”, a subtle blend of tradition and modernity, excellence and simplicity, an embodiment of the French art de vivre embraced each day by staff members eager to add that personal touch to the welcome and the services they provide. The Barrière story is, above all, a family affair; a company handed down through four generations to the children of the present Group Chairman Dominique Desseigne, Joy and Alexandre Desseigne-Barrière. Since the very beginning, heritage, a lasting legacy and the handing down of knowledge have been cornerstones of the company’s principles. - 4- - PRESS KIT - A FAMILY AFFAIR A OnE hUndREd-yEAR hIsTORy -5- - PRESS KIT - 1 A fAmIly AffAIR 1912-1962 1962-1990 fRAncOIs AndRé The first resorts at Deauville and La Baule lUcIEn BARRIÈRE normandy, 1912. Eugène cornuché, director of the In 1951, françois André’s nephew lucien Barrière A group is born Trouville casino, decides to build another temple to joined the family-run company, taking over its manage- gaming in deauville, a town that has been without a ment in 1962 at his uncle’s death. Under his leadership, casino for decades. The aim was to compete with its the company was modernised, while maintaining its smaller seaside neighbour that was attracting more and tradition and preserving the prestigious resorts left by more parisian clients. Eugène cornuché also had the his predecessor. bright idea to build a hotel for the clients: the normandy. In 1980, lucien Barrière set up the société hôtelière The casino was inaugurated in 1912 in front of 1500 de la chaîne lucien Barrière (shclB) to bring all guests and almost immediately deauville began his companies, including the hotels and casino at eclipsing Trouville. After the great War, the seaside resort la Baule, into a single group. rapidly returned to normal, with the casino becoming a In his time, françois André had made his mark –and mecca for many of the big names of the Roaring raised some eyebrows- by admitting ladies to his Twenties including coco chanel, André citroën and the casinos. lucien Barrière was also to be a pioneer, Rothschilds. It was the place to be, to have fun and to be refurbishing the majestic hotel in cannes, acquiring seen; deauville quickly became a favourite and a stan- new premises in Trouville, dinard, Royan and dard for other resorts to follow. Around that time, Enghien-les-Bains and adding nine holes to the golf cornuché’s friend and business partner françois André course in deauville. oversaw the construction of the casino at la Baule, Barrière’s resort in deauville became a second home modelled on its sister facility on the côte fleurie. The to the “jet set”, with the legendary couple Brigitte hermitage hotel opened in july 1926. In 1927, françois Bardot and gunther sachs taking up residence there. André replaced Eugène cornuché at the head of the In the field of cinema, he was instrumental in creating société des hôtels et casino de deauville (shcd). The the deauville film festival in 1975; he was also the first same year, he began construction of the hôtel du golf, to introduce slot machines in the group’s two casinos the course itself –designed by Tom simpson and later in cannes and deauville. lucien Barrière passed away remodelled by henry cotton- being completed in 1929. in september 1990 without witnessing the craze for friend of kings and princes, artists and politicians, these “one-armed bandits” among the gaming public françois André Ami designed luxury holiday resorts in france. for his guests, where gaming and sports, partying and farniente vied for top position. An entrepreneur at heart, André was the inventor of the “french resort”, bringing together casino, hotels and sports facilities in one place. Two gaming circles in paris, the casino in chamonix, the resort town of contrexeville, the casino and the Westminster hotel in le Touquet are all françois André’s work. - 6- - PRESS KIT - 1 A fAmIly AffAIR From 1990 onwards 1997 to date dIAnE BARRIÈRE dEssEIgnE dOmInIqUE dEssEIgnE Building on the legend Continuing the legacy while adding a new dimension. The beginning of the 1990s. diane Barrière-desseigne from 1997, diane Barrière’s husband dominique takes over from her father and embarks on the reno- desseigne joined her at the head of the société des vation of the group’s three hotels in deauville, the hôtels et casino de deauville (shcd) and the société hermitage and Royal in la Baule and the majestic in hôtelière de la chaîne lucien Barrière (shclB). In 1998, cannes. they oversaw the acquisition by the shcd of the It was diane Barrière-desseigne who gave the group famous fouquet’s brasserie on paris’ champs- the distinctive “Barrière” style through a long-term Elysées, along with its prestigious brand name. partnership with the designer jacques garcia. In 2001, diane Barrière-desseigne passed away as a An intelligent and elegant woman, she was one of the result of her injuries, leaving dominique desseigne first of the new generation of determined female alone at the helm of the group. continuing a strategy entrepreneurs ushering in a more modern style of of growth and modernisation, in 2006 he fulfilled his management. In 1995, diane Barrière-desseigne was late wife’s dream of opening a hotel on the champs- seriously injured in a plane crash. Elysées: the fouquet’s hotel. dominique desseigne took the group down a continuing path of innovation, diversifying its activities, anticipating new trends and customer needs across is business lines –casinos, hotels and catering- and making the first forays into overseas markets. Today, the Barrière group has 41 casinos and 17 hotels -including two partner hotels- of which four are members of leading hotels of the World and one Relais & châteaux. located in world-famous tourist centres, the Barrière Resorts are considered destinations of exception. - 7- - PRESS KIT - GAMING & PLEASURE cAsInOs BARRIÈRE -8- - PRESS KIT - BARRIÈRE C ASINOS Barrière operates 41 casinos, 37 in France, three in Switzerland and one in Egypt. It is the leading casino network in France and Switzerland in terms of global GGR* and one of the largest in Europe. Seven of France’s 11 largest casinos are operated by the Barrière Group, including the largest of all, the Casino Barrière Enghien-les-Bains in the Paris area, and others in Deauville, Bordeaux, Blotzheim, Cassis, Nice and Toulouse. The Barrière group has three casinos in Switzerland, in Montreux, Fribourg and Courrendlin. Its casino in Egypt opened in 2007 in Cairo. InnOvATIOn More... Barrière casinos feature the latest in games and Since 2007, the Casinopass card has made casino access innovative technology. The TITO (ticket in ticket out) more simple for clients as well as providing them with system was tested and introduced at the Barrière loyalty rewards, numerous benefits and exclusive deals in casino in Blotzheim as soon as french regulations all the Barrière group’s establishments. permitted. All the casino’s slot machines are fitted with the system. The TITO system has since been deployed in all the other Barrière casinos. * Global gaming revenue Casino Barrière Biarritz - 9- - PRESS KIT - BARRIÈRE C ASINOS REspOnsIBlE gAmIng BARRIÈRE ThEATREs The Barrière group is strongly committed to responsible The arts are a major area of expertise within the Barrière gaming, having put in place a responsible gaming group. With more than 3400 shows and events staged programme at its casinos as early as 2004. This each year, casinos Barrière are fully committed to the global, pioneering programme was the first in france performing arts and artistic creation and are closely and aimed at reducing the risk of problem gambling involved in the artistic scene in the towns and cities in by providing clients with preventive information and which they are located. musical revues, concerts, one-man innovative measures to assist them with their gaming shows, plays and ballets are all regular features at casinos behaviour. One of these, the lvA (voluntary Access Barrière casinos. long part of the group’s genetic make-up, limitation) is a service for those Barrière casino the arts have had their own specialist management team clients who wish to limit their number of casino visits. since 2005. A “visit credit limit”, agreed between the client and the Each Barrière casino has a theatre or dedicated space management of the casino concerned, is applied to providing a year-round stage for local cultural events. The the client. Once the credit has been used up, access latest-generation casinos at lille and Toulouse each have to the casino Barrière is refused. modular, 1200-seat theatres able to cater for dinner-shows, concerts or revues. The Barrière Enghien Jazz Festival is a well-known and eager- ly-awaited event entirely created and produced by Barrière. More than just the casinos, it’s the cultural life of cities themselves that benefits from these events. Theatre at the Casino Barrière Enghien-Les-Bains - 10 - - PRESS KIT - HERITAGE & ELEGANCE hOTEls BARRIÈRE - 11 - - PRESS KIT - HOTELS BARRIÈRE The Barrière group has 17 hotels (16 in france and one The hotels are leisure complexes in themselves, some in marrakesh)*. located in world-famous tourist centres, being part of larger resorts offering, in addition to Barrière hotels are destinations of exception. These accommodation and restaurants, a range of services prime geographic locations have made Barrière a including games, shows, entertainment, well-being benchmark of excellence in the french market, with a (spa, balneotherapy and thalassotherapy) and sports majority of five-star hotels. The group is one of the (golf and tennis). The latest addition to the catalogue, major players in the luxury hotel sector, with a specific the Barrière Resort Ribeauvillé, opened its doors on market positioning: its hotels aim to blend perfectly 27th february, 2012. into their environment, provide a top-quality, friendly and tailored service and offer varied and inclusive activities. More… Best Initiative in Client Experience: • The Diwi Programme won first prize in the Best Initiative in Client Experience category at the 2012 Worldwide Hospitality Awards. • In place in most Hotels Barrière, the Diwi Programme provides a range of services aimed at children unrivalled in the market, including gifts, welcome kits, bathroom kits, cultural and sports activities, educational programmes, in-room breakfast and restaurant services. • On the apps side: in 2015, Hotels Barrière launched their mobile application allowing clients to reserve a room, order room service and talk directly to hotel staff. A room at Le Royal Deauville, refurbished in 2015 by Nathalie Ryan - 12 - - PRESS KIT - TASTE & TEMPTATION REsTAURAnTs BARRIÈRE - 13 - - PRESS KIT - B A R R I È R E R E S TA U R A N T S With more than 40 restaurants and bars, the Barrière group is a major player in the catering sector, with an international reputation thanks largely to its Fouquet’s restaurant in Paris, with branches in Cannes, Toulouse, Marrakesh and La Baule… Offering a quality cuisine at all its establishments, its renowned chefs have enabled this sector to prosper within an activity that is an integral part of the French art of living. Barrière has one Michelin-starred restaurant, the Diane at the Hôtel Le Fouquet’s in Paris (1*). lA pETITE mAIsOn dE nIcOlE fOUqUET’s BRAssERIEs The hôtel Barrière le fouquet’s opened its new In 2014, the group and pierre gagnaire decided on a restaurant in january 2013. The menu of la petite unique partnership with the aim of bringing a touch of maison de nicole, the parisian namesake of the creativity to the fouquet’s menu, while at the same time legendary restaurant in nice, features authentic dishes preserving the culinary tradition the famous parisian from the south of france, with an emphasis on brasserie holds dear. from the fourth quarter of 2015 product origin, choice and quantity. Within the hotel, it onwards, the various fouquet’s brasseries, including is also a place to have fun and share good times over the legendary parisian flagship, will be progressively a meal. The restaurant opened a branch at the implementing this partnership. The fouquet’s at cannes majestic in cannes in 2010. and la Baule have featured the creative new menu since september 2014 and April 2015 respectively.. More… Barrière Cook Master – The digital cooking competition. At the final at the Hôtel Le Fouquet’s, the jury comprising guest stars Luana Belmondo and Marianne James and Group chefs Jean Luc Mothu, Chief Executive of the Deauville Resort and Barrière Director of Catering, Claude Ducrozet, Head Pastry Chef at the Hôtel Le Fouquet's and Maryan Gandon, Executive Chef at the Hôtel Le Majestic, Cannes, together with the 2013 winner, Barbara de Labriffe, selected “La Ronde des Passions”, a delicious, sun-filled composition blending notes of passion fruit, mango and coconut set on a crisp crown and topped with whipped cream laced with ginger. A dessert created by Coralie Batista and now featured on all the Group’s restaurant menus. Chicken with herbs, one of the suggestions on the Fouquet’s menu created in partnership with Pierre Gagnaire - 14 - - PRESS KIT - WELL-BEING & SPORTS spAs, ThAlAssOThERApy, gOlf, TEnnIs... - 15 - - PRESS KIT - WELLBEING & SPORT WEllBEIng In 2015, the Barrière group decided to regroup all its well-being centres under a new name. They are now known as diane Barrière spas in tribute to a person who was the embodiment of beauty: beautiful, elegant, audacious, refined… The first centre to be inaugurated is at Barrière’s Royal hotel in la Baule. The group will be rolling out the new brand progressively: • The spark soins sport & spa at the Barrière Resort, Enghien-les-Bains; • A large thalassotherapy centre at la Baule, renovated in 2015; • le spa by shiseido at the hôtel le fouquet’s, paris; the U spa Barrière at the Barrière Resort, Ribeauvillé, the hôtel & Ryads le naoura in marrakech and at the Barrière hotel, lille, opened in October 2012; • The Barrière my Blend by clarins spa at the hotel le majestic in cannes, opened in 2013; • A 3600-sq. m. balneotherapy centre at the Barrière Resort in Ribeauvillé. The Barrière Resort Ribeauvillé at the heart of the Alsace region is a tourist destination in itself, with a range of leisure activities unique in France: a casino, 4-star hotel, five bars and restaurants, a balneotherapy centre, a business centre and an auditorium. spORTs Barrière hotels have three adjacent golf courses (the Barrière and st. julien courses in deauville, the Barrière International course in la Baule), tennis courts and a tennis club (with 32 courts in la Baule). horse-riding is another sport with close connections, with the races at deauville, polo and the show jumping events at dinard and la Baule. The Barrière International Golf Course at La Baule is one of Europe’s top golf courses and the most extensive in France, with three separate 18-hole courses and one 9-hole course in a 220-hectare park plus a training centre designed by Jack Nicklaus comprising 10 covered practise tees, 55 tees on natural or artificial grass, 5 target greens, putting green, pitch-and-putt area, practise bunker, coaching studio, golf cart hire … - 16 - - PRESS KIT - CULTURE & CINEMA BARRIÈRE gROUp’s cOmmITmEnTs - 17 - - PRESS KIT - F I L M I N D U S T RY The Barrière group has been supporting the cinema from its beginnings, as its many partnerships attest: • deauville American film festival • dinard British film festival • cannes International film festival • césar Awards Evening at fouquet’s C U LT U R A L E V E N T S Working with local councils in the towns and cities it is located, the Barrière group participates in more than 3400 events each year, including musicals revues, concerts, plays, ballets and exhibitions, making it an important contributor to the local arts scenes. The group also organizes many cultural events including: • The Barrière Enghien jazz festival • The moments musicaux de la Baule • The Barrière montreux casino is a partner of the swiss city’s famous jazz festival • partnership with the Opéra national de Bordeaux • partnership with the francofolies music festival. A R C H I T E C T U R A L H E R I TA G E The Barrière group is custodian of a rich cultural heritage: many of its hotels and casinos were built at the end of the 19th century in the grand seaside style of the times and many are listed buildings. The architectural heritage of the towns is enriched by commissioning famous and talented architects and interior designers for the construction of new buildings: • jacques garcia and Edouard françois for the hôtel le fouquet's, paris • pascal desprez for the spark soins, sport & spa Enghien-les-Bains, the hotel & Ryads le naoura in marrakesh and the majestic in cannes. • jean-michel Wilmotte and the Toulouse-based firm cardète et huet for the Barrière casino in Toulouse • jean-paul viguier and pierre-yves Rochon for the Barrière hotel, lille, and the Barrière casino in Blotzheim • nathalie Ryan for the Barrière le normandy and Royal deauville hotels and the dior and “mélodie en sous-sol” suites at le majestic in cannes • chantal peyrat for the hôtel du golf in deauville and the Royal in la Baule. - 18 - - PRESS KIT - B A R R I È R E F O U N D AT I O N The Barrière foundation was set up in 1999 by dominique desseigne and diane Barrière-desseigne. Today under the presidency of dominique desseigne, the foundation provides patronage for culture and the arts with a mission to encourage quality writing in film and theatre, provide support for the distribution of first, second or third works and search for new talent through awareness campaigns among sector professionals such as producers, distributors and theatre directors. Each year, it awards a prize of €31,000 in each category, with €8000 going to the writer and €23,000 to be used to promote the work’s distribution. Prize winners since the foundation’s creation, the juries made up of entertainment professionals and personalities have nominated the following prize winners: fIlms plAys 2000 : frédéric schoendoerffer « scènes de crime » 1999 : noëlle Renaude « fragments d'Alex » 2001 : philippe le guay « Trois huit » 2000 : serge Kribus « le grand retour de Boris s » 2002 : guillaume nicloux « Une affaire privée » 2001 : michel del castillo « jour du destin » 2003 : marc Esposito « le cœur des hommes » 2002 : gilles granouillet « l'incroyable voyage » 2004 : Arnaud viard « clara et moi » 2005 : pierre notte « moi aussi je suis catherine deneuve » 2005 : Anthony cordier « douches froides » 2006 : Rémi de vos « jusqu’à ce que la mort nous sépare » 2006 : gérald hustache-mathieu « Avril » 2007 : louis-charles sirjacq « les riches reprennent confiance » 2007 : carine Tardieu « la tête de maman » 2008 : sebastien Thiery « cochons d'Inde » 2008 : marion laine « Un cœur simple » 2009 : Alain gautré « la chapelle-en-brie » 2009 : Zabou Breitman « je l'aimais » 2010 : cyril gely « diplomatie » 2010 : pascal Elbé « Tête de Turc » 2011 : nathalie fillion « A l'Ouest » 2011 : Bruno chiche « je n’ai rien oublié » 2012 : stéphane guérin « Kalachnikov » 2012 : lorraine lévy « le fils de l'Autre » 2013 : Benoît moret « A flanc de colline » 2013 : vianney lebasque « les petits princes » 2014 : marie castille mention-schaar « les héritiers » 2015 : Olivier jahan « les châteaux de sable » - 19 - - DOSSIER DE PRESSE - 2 Tradition & progress In 100 years, the Group has undergone radical change while retaining the fundamental values that underpin each of its business arms. Thus, the Barrière Group: • Has given a new face to its casinos and gaming rooms by transforming them into genuine leisure and entertainment centres, with restaurants, themed bars, theatres…; • Has brought innovation into its casinos, for example with the TITO (Ticket in - Ticket out) system, bill acceptors, electronic roulette, bingo… but also terraces equipped with slot machines for smokers …; • Has been instrumental in the success of poker, having been one of the first to introduce it to the gaming room; • Has developed the concepts of themed and signature restaurants: - the Café des Sports, present at 15 Barrière Casinos, a fun and friendly place to eat at any hour and showing televised sports; - the Café Barrière: traditional French cuisine present in three Barrière establishments; • Created the Diane Barrière label to make its thalassotherapy, balneotherapy and spa offers a benchmark for quality in the well-being sector. Over the coming years, the Group will continue to offer its French and international clients the best in service and hospitality in all its establishments and across all its business arms, with a vast renovation project already under way. It aims to consolidate its position as market leader and continue its expansion overseas. Since February 2013, the Group has been certified ISO 14001, the benchmark for sustainable development. It is the first hotel and casino group in France to have obtained this certification. - 20 - - PRESS KIT - AN INDEPENDANT GROUP BARRIÈRE - An IndEpEndEnT fAmIly-OWnEd gROUp An InTERnATIOnAlly -mIndEd gROUp In 2004, the group lucien Barrière came into being through the merger of the société hôtelière de la chaîne lucien Barrière (shclB) (renamed groupe lucien Barrière), the société des hôtels et casinos de deauville (shcd) and Accor casinos, an Accor group subsidiary that owned 23 casinos and three hotels. fifty-one percent of the capital of the group thus formed was held by the desseigne-Barrière family, 34% by Accor and 15% by the investment fund colony capital. colony capital sold its 15% share to Accor in 2009. In 2011, the Accor group decided to sell its 49% share in glB. dominique desseigne found a new partner, fimalac, with whom he shared a strategic vision, an approach to heritage in which property plays a major role and a strong commitment to culture. Today, the desseigne-Barrière family is the majority shareholder with 60%, fimalac holding the remaining 40%. The level of the desseigne-Barrière family’s shareholding, the highest since the group was founded, shows its attachment to preserving the identity and values that have made the group a market leader and to continuing its long-term development. The group’s portfolio has grown from 10 hotels and 13 casinos in 2004 to 13 Barrière hotels (plus two partner hotels) and 39 casinos today. The group lucien Barrière today owns nine hotels, with a total floor area of 155,817 sq.m., six casinos, with a total floor area of more than 30,000 sq.m. and various other properties (golf courses, tennis clubs…) covering more than 3.7m sq.m. The société fermière du casino municipal de cannes (sfcmc) owns two hotels with a total floor area of 45,000 sq.m. The desseigne-Barrière family also holds more than 60.33% of the capital and 59.15% of the voting rights in the sfcmc. Under dominique desseigne, the group has also acquired a new, international dimension. In 2003, the group opened the Barrière casino in montreux, switzerland, which in 2008 became the country’s biggest casino in terms of ggR. The same year, the shcd took over Ryads Resort development, owner of the land on which the hotel & Ryads le naoura marrakesh would be built with financing from major investors. The year 2004 saw the opening of Barrière casinos in fribourg and courrendlin in switzerland, with cairo following in 2007. To mark its one hundredth birthday, and the centenary of its first inauguration of its first casino, Barrière added a new destination to its catalogue, the Barrière Resort Ribeauvillé, featuring 11,000 sq.m. dedicated to leisure and well-being including a 1500-sq.m. casino, a four-star hotels with 52 rooms, three bars, three restaurants, a 3600-sq.m. balneotherapy and spa area and a conference room. The entire resort at Ribeauvillé has been built to comply with hqE (high environmental quality) and hpE (high energy efficiency) standards in line with the group’s values and commitment to sustainable development. - 21 - - PRESS KIT - A N E W G E N E R AT I O N O F C ASINOS AND RESORTS since the beginning of the 2000s, the Barrière group has seen a series of successful new launches, casino concession renewals and renovations. public service contracts have been re-awarded to the group to operate casinos at Biarritz, la Baule, dinard, deauville, saint-malo, nice, cassis, saint-Raphaël, Royan and menton, underlining the trust placed in it by local authorities and its ability to renew the concessions and maintain good relations locally. Barrière successfully tendered for all the recent contracts including Toulouse, Blotzheim and lille. since 2001, and despite the unfavourable economic climate, the group has continued to invest in its hotels and casinos, making them more modern and more welcoming. sainte-maxime, saint-Raphaël and menton have thus seen their floor spaces optimized, with the addition of terraces set aside for smokers and equipped with slot machines. The foyer and bar at the Barrière casino in la Rochelle have also undergone a full renovation. The years 2003-2008 saw a growth in the number of casinos both in france, with leucate and Blotzheim in 2008, and overseas, in particular with the opening of the Barrière casino in montreux in 2003, fribourg and courrendlin in 2004 and cairo in 2007. Casino Barrière Biarritz In 2007, the group introduced the concept of the “new generation” casino in Toulouse. It was the first casino to offer a wide range of games, a 1200-seat theatre, restaurants and themed bars under the same roof. The casino had become a complete leisure centre open to all. The year 2009 was a landmark year for the group, with the opening of the hotel & Ryads le naoura in marrakesh, the group’s first hotel outside Europe and the first to include the “riad” concept in its accommodation offer. for the Barrière group, it marks the arrival of french excellence in the heart of the famous medina. In 2010, the group introduced another concept at the Barrière hotel-casino in lille, bringing together all the group’s savoir-faire under one roof: a five-star hotel, a “new generation” casino, a gourmet restaurant plus several other dining options, a spa and a 1200-seat theatre. In 2012, it opened a unique resort at Ribeauvillé, featuring an innovative and comprehensive leisure offer over 11,000 sq. m. of floor space comprising a four-star hotel, three bars, three restaurants and a balneotherapy centre with spa. Le Royal La Baule Casino Barrière Enghien-les-Bains - 22 - Le Royal Deauville - PRESS KIT - TALENTS & CARREERS hUmAn REsOURcEs - 23 - - PRESS KIT - HUMAN RESOURCES Two of the Barrière group’s greatest assets are the professionalism and commitment to service quality of its staff members. Regular and systematic controls are carried out to maintain the highest levels of quality and the commitment shown by each of its teams ensure that best practices are shared. The Group offers a wide range of attractive, long-term employment opportunities whatever a candidate’s qualifications or experience in domains as varied as the luxury hotel and casino sector, catering, tennis and golf, thalassotherapy and well-being and entertainment. A dynamic human resources policy gives priority to internal promotion and job mobility. dIsABIlITy my cAREER AT BARRIÈRE The group has always paid particular attention to workers with disabilities. The website, set up in late This awareness has led to the signing in june 2009 of 2011, is a job mobility website for Barrière group a first agreement in favour of disabled workers. employees. It is a concrete example of the importance In 2012, we signed a second agreement with labour the group places in its employees’ professional and and management organizations that includes a personal development. The job offers, on open-ended prevention and employment guarantee plan for contracts, are made available to the group employees disabled employees. on the website for 15 days before being opened up to We are currently involved in an innovative awareness public view. In addition, a mobility charter has been and recruitment campaign, handi cap’, with the aim drawn up that includes, among other things, housing of recruiting 60 disabled staff by 2015. To date, and removal assistance etc. almost 300 managers have been trained in support measures for staff members who are handicapped. The group also intends partnering with the cRp (professional re-adaptation centre) to encourage handicapped job-seekers to train for the positions available within the group as part of their pre-orientation and/or qualifying training course. - 24 - - PRESS KIT - BARRIÈRE RENOVATIONS - 25 - - PRESS KIT - # B A R R I E R E N OV A nEW chApTER In ThE gROUp’s sTORy In 1913, the group was already innovating with the Royal hotel in deauville and its 400 rooms complete with bathroom, electricity, central heating and telephone – a real revolution for the times. more than a hundred years later, the same energy drives the group to re-design its hotels and casinos in harmony with their past and to cater for the needs of today: more tailored services, mobility, well-being, immediate yet discreet access to modern technology… all in a place steeped in history. A large-scale renovation programme lasting three years is currently in full swing. It is being led by two dynamic interior designers, chantal peyrat and nathalie Ryan, and is due to cost €225m. The hermitage hotel in la Baule began its transformation in 2013, with the creation of new balconies, suites and rooms, followed by the renovation of the hôtel du golf in deauville. Other hotels due for a redecoration are the Barrière le normandy and the Royal deauville, both of which will be brought up to date while retaining their historical soul. “mélodie” in honour of the film “mélodie en sous-sol” and its actors jean gabin and Alain delon… The terrace at the fouquet’s has been renovated. The gray d’Albion hotel will be opening its new beach. In la Baule, the Royal and its thalassotherapy centre has been redesigned and refurbished and is due to open its doors in spring 2015 in a totally new spirit… On the casino side, the casino Barrière in Biarritz, which took its inspiration from the recent renovations of the casinos Barrière in le Touquet and la Baule in 2012, reopened its doors in may 2014. With many historical buildings of architectural interest –the Barrière casino in Biarritz is almost 100 years old- the emphasis has been put on accommodating today’s gaming public by making access and moving around easier: slot machines and table games on a single floor and evermore spacious and open restaurants and bars to create all-inclusive leisure complexes where gaming, dining and shows exist side by side… a total pleasure experience in casinos designed for today and for always. The renovations carried out at the Barrière casinos in menton and niederbronn are totally in this spirit. The east wing of the majestic in cannes will have all its bathrooms refurbished and see the naming of a new presidential suite with a floor area of 100 sq. m. A room at Le Royal Hotel in La Baule, designed by Chantal Peyrat. - 26 - - PRESS KIT - THE FOUQUET’S BRAND: TIE–IN MERCHANDISING The group has partnered with the prestigious perfume designer parour group to launch the first of its collection of scent harmonies under the fouquet’s brand. The collection comprises five perfumes (two for women, two for men and a unisex eau de toilette), four exceptional scented candles, a dry body oil and a gentle soap. The fouquet’s scent collection is available in the Barrière hotels and casinos at the most prestigious locations in france and morocco and at selected sales outlets around the world. It may be purchased in Russia at the duty free area at moscow sheremetyevo Airport, in sochi and on board TKs trains, in the philippines (Art of scent) and in dubai and Abu dhabi (layal outlets) as well as being available online at - 27 - - PRESS KIT - 3 THE BARRIÈRE GROUP In fIgUREs - 28 - - PRESS KIT - 1 ThE BARRIÈRE gROUp BARRIÈRE TOdAy In fIgUREs* mEAns… 41 casinos of which 37 casinos in france, 3 casinos in switzerland, 1 casino in Egypt • 7,132 slot machines • 460 electronic games • 274 gaming tables • 7 of the 11 largest casinos in france : Enghien-les-bains (1) • Bordeaux (4) • Blotzheim (5) • deauville (7) • Toulouse (8) • cassis (9) • nice Ruhl (11) • no. 1 casino operator in switzerland (17% market share) 17 luxury hotels 2,467 rooms & suites and 26 ryads Over 140 restaurants and bars more than 2 million meals served 3 golf courses (99 holes) Entertainment more than 3400 programmes (events, bill-topping shows, revues, dinner shows…) 6 895 employees €1.17 billion in 2014 revenues, of which: • €843m from the casino business • €142m from catering • €120m from the hotel business • €63 from other sources hotels 10,2 % casinos 72,2% catering 12,2 % Others 5,4 % * Figures as at 31st October 2014 - 29 - - PRESS KIT - 2 cAsInOs BARRIERE Lille Lille Le Touquet Touquet Trouville Trouville Deauville Deauville Ouistreham Ouistreham Perros-Guirec Perr os-Guirec Saint-Malo Saint-Malo Ribeauvillé Ribeauvillé Dinard Dinard Carnac Carnac Bénodet Bénodet Niederbronn-Les-Bains Niederbronn-Les-Bains Enghien-Les-Bains EnghienLes-Bains Blotzheim Blotzheim Paris La Baule Baule Courrendlin Courr endlin Besançon Besançon SUISSE SUIS SE Fribourg Frib ourg Montreux Montreux Les Sables Sables d’Olonne d’Olonne La Rochelle Rochelle Chamonix Chamonix Megève Megève Royan Royan Cour Courchevel chevel Ou Ouverture verture 2016 2016 Jonzac Jonzac Briançon Briançon Bordeaux Bordeaux Toulouse Toulouse Carry-le-Rouet Carry-le-Rouet Dax Biarritz Cannes Cannes Menton Menton Nice Nice Cap d’Ag Ag gde de Cassis Saint-Raphaël Saint-Raphaël Sainte-Maxime Sainte-Maxime Leucate L eucate 16 Hôtels Barrière 2 Hôtels partenaires MAR MAROC OC EGYPTE EGYPTE Marrakech Marrakech La Baule Bénodet Besançon Biarritz Blotzheim Bordeaux Briançon Cannes (2) Carnac Carry-le-Rouet Cassis Chamonix In fRAncE Dax Deauville Dinard Enghien-les-Bains Jonzac Leucate Lille Megève Menton Nice Ruhl Niederbronn-les-Bains Ouistreham 41 Casinos Barrière El Ge Gezirah zirah Perros-Guirec Royan Ribeauvillé La Rochelle Le Cap d’Agde Les Sables d’Olonne Saint-Malo Sainte-Maxime Saint-Raphaël Toulouse Le Touquet Trouville - 30 - sWITZERlAnd Courrendlin Fribourg Montreux EgypT Cairo - PRESS KIT - 3 hOTEls BARRIÈRE Lille Lille Deauville Deauville Niederbronn Niederbronn Les-Bains Les-Bains Dinard Dinard Ribeauvillé Ribeauvillé Enghien-Les-Bains Enghien-Les-Bains Paris La Baule Baule Courchevel Cour chevel Ouverture Ouverture 2016 2016 Bordeaux Bordeaux Cannes Cannes 16 Hôtels Barrière 2 Hôtels partenaires MAROC MAROC Marrakech Marr akech Cannes : Le Majestic • Le Gray d’Albion Lille : Hôtel Barrière Paris : Le Fouquet's Dinard : Le Grand Hôtel Bordeaux : Pullman Aquitania Nierderbronn : Mercure Ribeauvillé : Hôtel Barrière Enghien-les-Bains : Hôtel du Lac • Le Grand Hôtel La Baule : L’Hermitage • Le Royal • Le Castel Marie-Louise Deauville : Le Normandy • Hôtel du Golf • Le Royal Marrakech : Hôtel & Ryads Le Naoura - 31 - - PRESS KIT - Contact & Information Barrière Group Communications Department mAnUElA IsnARd-sEZnEc group communications director [email protected] BARBARA BOURcIER group communications deputy director [email protected] EmmAnUEllE gAlIZZI press Relations manager [email protected] - 35, boulevard des capucines - 75002 paris Tél +33 1 42 86 54 00 - fax +33 1 42 86 39 44 Barrière is the first french hotel and casino group to be IsO14001-certified
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