June 26, 2016 - St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
June 26, 2016 - St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
I set the LORD ever before me; With him at my right hand I shall not be disturbed Events for the Week Monday, June 27, 10:00 a.m. AA Meeting - A Room 4:00-7:00p.m. Attic Treasures Collection Library 7:00 p.m. Men’s “CRHP” - Gospel Room Tuesday, June 28, 8:30 a.m. 9:40 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Rosary - Chapel Novena - Chapel AA Meeting - A Room 10:00 a.m. ENDOW-Sciturro – Small Meeting Room (SMR) 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Pilgrim’s Way - Library Women’s “CRHP” - Founder’s Hall 6:00 p.m. Outreach Volunteer Mtg. - Library 7:00 p.m. Pilgrim’s Way - Grand Hall Kitchen Half Wednesday, June 29, 10:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Group 7:00 p.m. AA Meeting - A Room ENDOW-Varner - Small Meeting Room Charismatic Intercessory Prayer Chapel Venture Crew 212 - A Room Thursday, June 30, 10:00 a.m. & 7:00p.m. AA Meeting - A Room 10:00a.m. Bible Study - Library 10:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Pilgrim’s Way - Founder’s Hall Knights of Columbus Assembly St John Knights Hall 7:00 p.m. Pilgrim’s Way - Library Friday, July 1, 10:00 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. AA Meeting - A Room 10:00 a.m. Bible Study - Library 6:30 p.m. Knights of Columbus Bingo St John Knights Hall Anointing of sick after all Masses-Church Welcome reception after all Masses for Fr. Robert Gathering Space Saturday, July 2, 3:30 a.m. Confessions - Church Sunday, July 3, NO coffee & donuts Page 2 Some Notes from Fr. Dwight’s Desk……. A Reminder if You are Hospitalized When you or someone you love is hospitalized, Fr. Jim and I and our parish pastoral staff want to be a support to you. Our parish community wants to be of help. But we can’t do that if we don’t know you are in the hospital. With changes in patient privacy regulations (HIPPA) that have been enacted by the federal government, it is important to remember the following if you are going to be hospitalized for any length of time. When you register or are admitted, tell the hospital: • That you are Catholic; • That you worship at St. John; • Give the hospital permission to tell us that you are hospitalized when we inquire. If you don’t tell them, privacy regulations prevent the hospital from telling us! If they aren’t able to tell us, we may not know that you are hospitalized. Also, most folks don’t seem to realize that because of patient privacy laws the hospitals cannot automatically notify us when a parishioner is hospitalized. If you happen to be admitted through the emergency room, this is doubly true, as religious preference and place of worship information often slip through the cracks. The best way to make sure that we know is for you or a loved one to call the parish office to let us know when you are hospitalized. Parish Offices Will be Closed July 4 The parish offices will be closed on Monday, July 4, in observance of the Independence Day holiday. The parish offices will re-open on Tuesday, July 5. Have a safe and enjoyable 4th of July. A Gentle Reminder for Everyone Although the summer months are here, it is important to be sensitive about how we dress when we come to church. This is important for all of us, and it is especially important for those who exercise liturgical ministries within the assembly. Because so many are away on vacation during these months, the need for lastminute ministry substitutes is greater. It is especially appropriate for those who are trained Eucharistic ministers and lectors to come dressed as if they will minister, even though they may not be scheduled for a particular liturgy. While comfort is certainly high on our lists during warmer weather, everyone must also remember that year-round modesty and good taste in how we dress are in keeping with prayerful church celebration and is a way of showing Christian respect for our brothers and sisters around us. If You’re Traveling for Summer Vacation... With summer travels beginning, don’t forget to make Sunday (or Saturday evening) Mass a part of your vacation. You can get Mass times for anywhere in the U.S. by going to www.masstimes.org for Mass times, street maps, and more. When you visit a parish, don’t forget to offer your financial support in thanksgiving—it is appreciated. At the same time, please do not forget to share your continued financial support with our parish. Our expenses continue throughout the summer months, too! Page 3 Mass Intentions for the Week Monday, June 27, Weekday-Saint Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Am 2:6-10, 13-16; Mt 8:18-22 7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer - Chapel 9:00 a.m. Betty Bissen, 16th anniversary of death - Paulette Tuesday, June 28, Saint Irenaeus, Bishop and Martyr Am 3:1-8, 4:11-12, Mt 8:23-27 7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer - Chapel 9:00 a.m. Joshua Francis & Amy Gil– Rich & Mary Ann Dixon 7-8:00 p.m. Confessions - Church Wednesday, June 29 Saints Peter & Paul, Apostles, Acts 12:1-11/2, Tm 4:68, 17-18, Mt 16:13-19 7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer - Chapel 9:00 a.m. Norma Rose Deziel - Simone DesMarais Thursday, June 30, The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church Weekday-Am 7:10-17, Mt 9:1-8 7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer - Chapel 9:00 a.m. Donald Schofield, 1st anniversary of death - Rich & MaryAnn Dixon Friday, July 1, Blessed Junipero Serra, Priest Weekday Am 8:4-6, 9-12, Mt 9:9-13 7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer - Chapel 9:00 a.m. Anthony Benvenuto - Tim & Linda Faricy Adoration to follow Mass until 8:45p.m. in the Chapel Saturday, July 2, Weekday-Am 9:11-15, Mt 9:14-17 3:30 p.m. Confessions - Church Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 66:10-14c, Gal 6:14-18, Lk 10:1-12,17-20 or 10:1-9 5:00 p.m. Noel Francis - Family Sunday, July 3, 8:00 a.m. Viginia Heller - Herb Heller & Family 10:00 a.m John Simpson - Eleanor 12:00 p.m. Ann Adams - Mark & Dianne Trudell 6:00 p.m. People of the Parish The Sanctuary candle will burn in the Church this week in memory of John Simpson The Sanctuary candle will burn in the Chapel this week in memory of Kevin Medonis July 2nd & 3rd Mass 5:00 Pm Sat. 7-2 Lectors E. M. Gage, P. (1) Champlin, C. (2) Balmer, P. Bencheck, J. Bombach, S. Eisenbeis, D. Elton, D. Husse, J. Jensen, K. Monahan, R. Tryles, S. Varner, J. Usher Servers Balmer, F. Claxton, K. Herrman, D. Verhelle, D. Verhelle, T.. Michael Meyers, Loren Wolf, Mayson Kelly 8:00 am Sun. 7-3 Spaniola, J. Arthur, M. (1) Dembny, J. Arthur, T. (2) Dixon, M. Kruse, C. Menzies, N. Olkowski, D. Topolinski, J. Williams, K. Gifford, K. Jewell, M. Nagy, S. Patthananchar oenphon, O. Porritt, J. Jon Topolinski, Monica & Joe LeDuc 10:00 Adams. S. Carpenter, J. Bradburn, K. Draeger, T. Erber, J. Erber, A. Frakes, J. Learman, R. Learman, K. Sass, J. Bieling, B. Carpenter, L. Clements, D. Laue, K. Cannazzaro, M. Mathis, B. Redden, B. Tatro, R. Wagner, D. Rachel, Caleb & Nick Learman 12:00 pm Sun 7-3 Pieczynski, J. (1) Lockwood, P.(2) Buchanan, Katie Dziadzio, J. Hagerman, A. Kelly, C. LeVasseur, J. Miller, T. Sciturro, R. Taylor, A. Glinke, T. Gonzalez, C. Langeway, C. McDonald, S. Niec, M. Thomas, J. Daniela Lahoud, Carson Blissett, Ellie Koester 6:00 pm Sun 7-3 Haiss, V. (1) Thayer, M. (2) Haiss, A. Jankowski, L. Kunkel, L. Sharp, R. Sloan, J. Ulrich, L. Wolf, L Wolf, N. Beste, Megan Cusson, Dan Darling, S. Gilbert, M. Ladwig, S. Nick Mammel, Nathan & Jacob Keeley am Sun. 7-3 Page 4 Worship from Fr. Jim …. Just a few weeks ago we celebrated the feast of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit was given to the apostles. While this event happened one time in history, the gift of the Holy Spirit is one that keeps on giving and is available to us today. The same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, the same Holy Spirit that enabled the apostles to overcome their fear and evangelize the world, the same Holy Spirit that has raised up and formed saints in every time and place is available to us today. I’ll take a few weeks to write a bulletin series in order to help us understand who the Holy Spirit is and the impact that He can have on our lives. Today we want to answer the question: what difference does the Holy Spirit make in my life? The short answer is this: the Holy Spirit changes everything! We see this so clearly when we read the Acts of the Apostles. After Jesus’ death and resurrection the Apostles are literally hiding in the upper room because they are afraid of being persecuted or killed. After they receive the Holy Spirit they go out and boldly proclaim the truth and love of Jesus. In a certain sense, the Holy Spirit fills our “power shortage”. Without His presence we are weak, feeble-minded, fearful, and prone to sin. But with the Spirit we begin to become the men and women, the sons and daughters of God, the saints that we were created to be! St. Paul says, for God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power and love and self-control (2 Tim 1:7). Through the Holy Spirit we receive the gifts that He desires to give us. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are: wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge, fortitude, piety, and fear of the Lord (or wonder). Through these gifts the Holy Spirit enables us to live the life we were made for, a life of freedom in and for Christ. When we begin to live this life the fruits of the Holy Spirit begin to manifest in our lives. The fruits of the Holy Spirit are: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (see Gal 5:22-23). So if you want more power and courage to preach the Gospel and to live as a disciple of Jesus; if you want to receive the gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge, fortitude, piety, and fear of the Lord; if you want to bear the fruits of love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control in your life, then you need more of the Holy Spirit! Tim Garbach ..… 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time “You are my inheritance, O Lord.” Psalm 16 Father, free us from darkness and keep us in the radiance of your truth. Amen. Do you come to be fed at the table of the Word? Do you have respect for Jesus and the Eucharist? Do you have an important role in our Liturgy such as Lector, Eucharistic Minister, Usher, or Minister of Hospitality? Dress appropriately for the Liturgy! God deserves our best! Pax Christi! Timothy J. Garback Director of Music Ministries/ Liturgy [email protected] Page 5 Coordinator of Youth Ministry Kyle Ulrich …… Always check our facebook page for updates www.facebook.com/ YouthGroupStJohntheEvangelist Director of Religious Education Helene Paulik …… Don’t Take a Vaca on from Church! Please help us to plan: Sign up NOW for Fall Classes! Early signup savings through August 1st CLASSES BEGIN week of September 18TH SUMMER YOUTH GROUP WEDNESDAYS AT 7PM PICK UP A SCHEDULE ONLINE OR AT THE WELCOME DESK THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HELPED MAKE THE NICK FRENCH MEMORIAL GOLF FORE FAITH A GREAT TIME AND A GREAT SUCCESS! Fill out a form at the Welcome Desk Download a form from the parish website (Religious Education page): http://stjohnfenton.org/how-toregister-for-classes Return your form and payment to the Welcome Desk or to the REP office Monday-Friday 9am-5pm First Eucharist 2016-17 Registration Information Children entering grade 2 in the Fall who wish to make their First Holy Communion in May 2017 need to register for Sacramental Preparation They must have completed the grade 1 curriculum at a Catholic School or in a Religious Education Program. A grade 1 home study can be completed over the summer: books are available for purchase in the REP office. Forms are available at the Welcome Desk and online and can be returned to the Welcome Desk or to the REP office Sponsors Needed for St. John Religious Ed. Program Teachers Consider a donation to help our volunteer teachers receive the training they need to serve our students well: The cost to sponsor a volunteer’s certification is $50 and $10 will cover the cost of one class. Please send donations to the REP office and write “Sponsor a Catechist” in the memo line of your check. If you can’t teach a class, please support someone who can! Page 6 Director of Adult Education Dan Medich …… Outreach Corner Deacon Terry . . . . . . WHAT IS RCIA ? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process established for the universal Church for individuals to become Catholic and receive the sacraments of initiation—Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. This initiation process also involves a parish community experiencing a renewal in faith as it prepares and welcomes new members into the Church. The Rite speaks of conversion as a “spiritual journey”. Centered on fostering a deep relationship with Jesus and the church he founded, this journey takes place through distinct stages over a period of time suitable to bring about a thorough catechesis, significant experience of the parish community, and commitment to the liturgical and moral life of the Catholic faithful. The RCIA process is a restoration of the ancient catechumenate, arising within the first three centuries following the era of the apostles. It was the early Church’s way of Christianizing the pagan Roman Empire. The Second Vatican Council called for the restoration and use of this venerable and powerful method of initiation for the worldwide Church. Dan Medich Jr 248.982.5355 [email protected] Live Third. Jesus, Others, and then Yourself! Thank You For your Bottles, Cans and Cash at our June Bottle Drive! Your gifts raised $782.00 for those in need. Next Bottle Drive will be July 9th and 10th ( due to July 4th weekend) Upcoming Events July 9-10 Bottle Drive July 12 Partners in Outreach Meeting Activity Center Library 6:30 p.m. Focus: volunteer sign up Aug.6-7 Bottle Drive Aug. 13 Sgt. Patrick O'Rourke 5.5 K walk/ run ( 1/3 of proceeds to benefit St. John Outreach) Page 7 St. John School Xwâvtà|ÉÇ |Ç Yt|à{ ‹AAA Student Council Second semester student council representatives are pictured above with student council advisors Ms. Feazel and Mr. Stoody. The group organized a Gear Up to Read book drive. They raised funds by selling suckers at lunchtime. The funds were used to purchase used children’s books with positive messages and good role models. Student Council also asked school families to donate books to the cause. All of the books were donated to Catholic Charities. St. John School Openings for the 2016-2017 School Year 3 Year old Preschool (PM Session) 4 Year Old Preschool (PM Session) Junior Kindergarten (PM ) Half day AM Kindergarten 1st-8th Grade Visit our website to register: stjohnfenton.com Page 8 Our Parish Life Together …... OFFERTORY OBSERVATION Offertory Observation… Weekly Offering Jun 6 - Jun 12, 2016 Sunday/Holy Day $21,036.37 In today’s second reading, St. Paul provides a wonderful $3,480.00 one-sentence summary of Christian stewardship: Out of Online love, place yourselves at one another’s service. GIFT Campaign $596.00 Outreach $905.00 Outreach Bo le Drive $532.00 Scholarship Fund $402.00 School Founda on $250.00 reign of God needs servants to trust. (Luke 9:51-62) St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry $695.00 For those who are discerning a call to service, may they Boiler $25.00 Other $620.00 Summer Mission Appeal $35.00 Subtotal $28,576.37 Monthly online giving $20,657.17 Total $49,233.54 Envelopes used: 471 E- thers: 233 Total donors: 704 MAY & YEAR TO DATE May 2016 Income/Expense Report (Fiscal Year July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016) May Actual Income Church Totals: Faith Forma on Totals: Elementary School Totals: Child Care Totals: Income Totals: Expense Church Totals: Faith Forma on Totals: Elementary School Totals: Child Care Totals: Expense Totals: Income - Expense: Year-to-date Actual $ 130,807.19 $ 2,006,728.35 $ 675.00 $ 45,162.53 $ 41,873.16 $ 1,131,359.44 $ 2,891.00 $ 28,341.44 $ 176,246.35 $ 3,211,591.76 $ 87,180.69 $ 1,449,795.79 $ 16,946.37 $ 247,543.08 $ 139,872.55 $ 1,683,329.31 $ 2,165.63 $ 21,873.98 $ 246,165.24 $ 3,402,542.16 $ (69,918.89) $ (190,950.40) Excluding intra-parish transfers Vocation Views… Will you choose to follow Jesus wherever he goes? To say “yes” without hesitation requires great trust. The trust that God will provide what they need. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR HOMEBOUND Karen Apelbacher Sharon Ball Mamie Berta Mary Boan Robert Boyd JoAnn Boyden Patrick Carmody Virginia Carmody Rosemary Cashin John Cislo Charlie Cole Christine Cole Carol Cornillie Rick Coscia Elizabeth Clark Pamela Daoust Phyllis Davis Lori Delecki Mary Douglas Joshua Dybata Phillip Frederick George Gardner Lillian Green Amanda Guy David Hollenbeck jr. Harold Jean Lee Johnson Michelle Joseph Mark Kelley Jackie Kepsel Terry Kruse Linda Lach Claudia Losh Catherine Lord Jane LeBlanc Nicolas Novak Jim Perczak Renee Polidan Christopher Polly James Rausch Linda Lach Claudia Losh Catherine Lord Jane LeBlanc Shirley Morgan Dan O’Rourke Nicolas Novak Renee Polidan Christopher Polly James Rausch Jim Roan Doris Rohen Daisy Romano Joe Salfi Rose Sekulich Pat Shaw Jim Simota Russel Stidham Helen Sturgeon Robert Stewart Pat Sweeney Edward Tatro Orpha Verhelle Gary Wagner Virginia Westfall Carol Ann Wenta - Rhoades Eloise Wild Maureen Williams Pat Zacharska And he told them a parable to show them that they ought always to pray and not lose heart . Luke 18:1 WELCOME DESK If anyone from St. John Fenton ordered a book at the Father Richard McCalear, OMI healing service called The power of Healing Prayer and paid $16 for it, please send an email to [email protected] your name and complete address and the book will be mailed to you. If you don't have access to email please call the St. Francis Prayer Center at 810-7875330 and leave the same information. The list we made at the time has been misplaced and we want to make sure everyone gets their book. Thanks The Lord is just and loves justice: let us give thanks and praise! Page 9 TO THOSE CONCERNED Dear parishioners, school families and those who are concerned with St. John Parish and School, I have been charged with addressing your concerns with the future of St. John School. Until July 1st I have no authority to make policy as I am not currently your pastor. As a rule, I do not interfere in policy and decision making of a currently sitting pastor. However, with the permission of Fr. Dwight, and at the request of Mrs. White and Mrs. Cronin, I have been involved in the school budgeting meetings. In those meetings, I advocated with Mrs. White and Mrs. Cronin to make only necessary cuts. During the process, a number of proposals were made including reducing the teaching personnel by up to as many as five. Instead, we were able to move some teachers into “shared time” positions and salaries have been frozen for the coming contract year. Additionally, the premium share was raised from 18% to 21% for health insurance, with discussion of possibly moving to 25% the following year. These decisions were difficult to make and provide insight into the seriousness of the financial situation. After multiple hours and searching for solutions to balance the budget, we were still not at the point needed. In order to have a balanced budget, it became clear it was necessary to remove one teaching position. Mrs. White was left with the difficult task of determining the teacher. In formulating her decision, she had discussions with Diocesan Superintendent Mr. Sean Costello and Genesee County Catholic Schools Executive Director Mrs. Cronin. Fr. Dwight was consulted as pastor and I was informed as the future pastor. I felt comfortable with this decision based on my knowledge not of our current teaching staff, but of Mrs. White. She is an educator and administrator with decades of service to our Diocese and is well respected by her fellow principals as one of the most competent and professional principals in our Diocese. I would have been pleased if she had stayed on as principal, but she has already delayed her retirement as a service to St. John Parish. With that being stated I am very concerned about the perceived vilification of such a devoted and competent servant at the end of her career. Let me be clear that I am not in any way disagreeing with her decisions or how she went about informing the community of them. I am agreeing to be part of the process in order to move forward. Our Diocese has stated that, with the consent of Fr. Dwight and Mrs. White, we are able to move forward with a plan to raise funds to remove the necessity of immediate staffing cuts. I was charged with determining the appropriate amount that would remove all the cuts to our school budget for the next fiscal year. This would include reinstating the teachers’ “steps increases” to salaries, not reducing school staff and possibly delaying the increased premium share to all employees who take health insurance as well as other items on our budget. The diocese stated that it is not appropriate to allow parents to pay for a particular teacher, but it is alright if they want to alleviate the budget cuts as a whole. Staffing decisions are made by the principal and the pastor and this policy will not change. Employee performance reviews will remain confidential and appropriate discipline and termination policies will be used by the principal and pastor with consultation of GCCS and Diocese of Lansing. My best estimate after consulting with St. John Parish Accountant, St. John School Administration, and Diocese of Lansing Finance Director is that we need to raise $190,000. This figure will lead the parish to a balanced budget and eliminate any planned staffing cuts at the school this year. I will remind everyone this is a temporary solution to our financial situation. We are planning on further cuts in the future which include a natural attrition of teachers (be aware that if a teacher or staff member leaves for any reason we will not automatically fill that position). Unless we are able to work together to increase income for our School and Parish we will return to this issue next year. It has come to my attention that some have started plans on raising funds to bring back a teacher. We will not accept funds with this intent. We will accept funds to postpone planned budget cuts for the 2016-2017 school year. These funds need to be made individually and directly to St. John School on or before July 1, 2016. The PSA is not to collect funds and is not authorized to open any bank accounts for this or any purpose. We need individual checks with names and addresses and email addresses. By donating to this fund you understand that they are only restricted by the intent to eliminate the budget cuts for the 2016-2017 school year. If the full $190,000 is not raised, we will send out an email to donors with our plans on how we intend to use these donations to reduce the planned budget cuts for the 2016-2017 school year. I remind you that the rest of St. John Parish has already made severe cuts in salaries, positions and other budgeted areas, the school staff has not yet been affected by the necessary budget reduction. I hope we can come together and work for a common vision for St. John School and the entire parish. St. John School is a vital part of the Mission of St. John Parish. Yours in Christ, Rev. Robert F. Copeland Page 10 JUNE WEEKEND ROSARY APPLEFEST 2016 Start the week off with your Mother Mary. As always your personal intentions are included. ATTIC TREASURES: Collections begin June 13th Donations will be accepted Mondays at 4pm-7pm at the Library/Conference Room of the Activity Center Unsold garage sale items make good donations! Please, no televisions, computers or clothing. Chairpersons Are Still Needed for: - Spaghetti Dinner (Sunday afternoon) - Farmer's Market (we would love to bring this back) - Big Fun (our newest event for boys and girls to win prizes) - Parking (a group would be great for this) COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN NEWS LABOR TRAFFICKING-RUTH RONDON (2) Blessing to Fr. Ryan and the beginning of his priesthood. I am sure it has been a long road but we share our joy with his as his life begins as Father Ryan. Congratulations!!! Since it is the changing of the guard so to speak at St. John, we welcome our new pastor, Fr. Robert next weekend. We wish him the best as he settles into his new home! July 13, is our “Resale Fashion Evening” Everyone is asked to shop garage sales, or resale and put together an outfit. You can dress casual or dress up. Your choice. Keep track of your cost per item. There will be prizes. Deanna, Cheryl, Nancy, Shirley, Bunnie and Jill are putting their heads together for this evening. They will serve a summer supper of hot dogs with all the trimmings. Please call Deanna for reservations 629-5440. A donation of $5.00 is payable at the door. Remember to thank God daily for our faith and the freedom to practice it. Pray for world peace and those working to make it happen. There is a saying: Time heals all wounds. Time has the ability to lessen our memory of the specific details and soften those that remain. Why then would Ruth Rondon, a Human Trafficking survivor, open these wounds again by speaking to groups about her horrific experiences? As I watched and listened, it was obvious that the wounds were not only open - but bleeding. She explained that it has taken years for her to have the ability to speak of the brutality, shame and other elements that she had no control over. Her message is one of hope and thankfulness. This last weekend of June we will praying the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary one half hour before the 5:00 p.m., 8:00 a.m., and 10:00 a.m. weekend masses. Our intention for June will be for all priests, especially Fr. Dwight as he transitions to a new parish, for Father Ryan as he begins his priestly ministry, for Fr. Jim that he will always be "on fire" in his vocation and for Fr. Robert Copeland as he prepares to lead our parish family. If you come late, please join in anyway! Sandy Tryles, President Her hope is that by telling her story others will know that help is out there. "Human Trafficking" was an unknown label when she was first victimized, but the term has gained international recognition with groups working to end the inhumane activities. She concluded her presentation by thanking us for all we are doing to spread awareness, help in rescuing victims, supporting legislation and programs, and by keeping her and others in our daily prayers. Please pray to end all forms of Human Trafficking. Call the hotline: 888-3737-888. Connie Ozanich Page 11 The World Apostolate of Fatima Diocesan Morning of Prayer and Reparation is held the First Saturday of each month at one of the Flint and Owosso area churches. July 2, 2016, Holy Rosary Church 5199 Richfield Rd., Flint Twp. 9:00 a.m. The morning includes Mass, investiture of the Brown Scapular, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Holy Hour of prayer and rosary. Please call Suzanne at 742-0773 with any questions or concerns. SUMMER SCRIPTURE DAYS 2016 Fr. David Rosenberg will be presenting “Diversity of Gifts”. May we learn to utilize our own special gifts to promote the Love of Christ. AUGUST 9 – 11 AT ST. FRANCIS RETREAT CENTER, DEWITT. Registration is open until July 29, 2016. Space is limited. contact Diane at 517-342-2465 [email protected] and she will email or send the brochure to you. PROJECT RACHEL HELPLINE at (517) 993-0291 or 888-456-HOPE. Our next 8-week, " Forgiven and Set Free"class. for groups or individuals, is June 15 - July 27, 2016 at our New Life Center, 1601 East Grand River in Lansing. We also offer referrals to spiritual directors and trained licensed therapists. There is no charge for the class and all materials are provided. Childcare is available. Email [email protected] to register. Confidential helpline at the New Life CenterProject Rachel Ministry, (517) 993-0291.Go to hopeafterabortion.com for more information. Where are you?! When you discontinue a landline, change a phone number or email address, please notify the church office at 810-629-2251 so we can stay up to date on this information. If you prefer not to have this information published in the church directory, just let us know. Thank you for your cooperation. Outreach Hours: Monday -Wednesday 10:00am-2:00pm Thursday 4:00pm-7:00pm St. Vincent de Paul collection days for your donations are the third Saturday of every month, 11:00a.m-1:00 pm. It’s time for the 7th Annual St. John the Baptist Catholic Church car show! Join us Saturday, July 16th for a fun day filled with great cars, a fantastic Silent Auction, 50/50 raffles, and bake sale, all held on the beautiful parish grounds! 2099 N. Hacker Rd, Howell, MI 48855 (Corner of M-59 & Hacker Rd). Show Car entrance fee is $20 Spectator General Admission $2 per Car. LIVE MUSIC by the Fast Eddie Band & new award categories! Awards given in categories ranging from 1900-2016, as well as Best Corvette, Best Mustang, Best Camaro, Best Truck, Best Rat Ride, & Best in Show. Show car entrants will be entered in a raffle with five winners of $100. If you have any questions about this event contact St. John Church at [email protected] or 517546-7200. SPECIAL NEEDS MASS Holy Redeemer in Burton hosts a special needs Mass, the 4th Sunday, of each month at 1:00p.m. We attempt to focus this service on the special needs families. This Mass has a homily and music that is tailored to those with Special needs. The Mass enables children and adults with special needs to serve, to read, to usher and to participate in what ever else that they feel comfortable doing. It allows them to be themselves. The next mass will be on June 26, 2016 1:00p.m.Holy Redeemer . June 26, 2016—1:00p.m. July 24, 2016—1:00p.m. Page 12 BeFrienders are men and women who meet with one individual and walk with them on their journey in a confidential, listening, and compassionate manner bringing with them the caring presence of God and the community. BeFriender classes help to prepare men and women to face life’s challenges in a faith-filled, loving way. BeFrienders meet as a group once or twice a month to learn and pray together … asking God to walk with them on this journey. BeFrienders are commissioned by the pastor … and the people of the parish to become a loving presence in the parish and the community. Classes are free and will begin at the end of September. September 24th (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) October 8th (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) October 22nd (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) All three classes are mandatory. Now is the time to register. If this sounds like a way that you would like to serve, please contact one of the parish coordinators. Margie Beckers 735-6406 Elaine Schilling 629-6345 Jim Spaniola 629-3705 Rosie Unterborn 629-4070 Page 13 SAVE YOUR EMPTIES! We are collecting returnable pop cans and bottles for S T . J OHN O UTREACH POPCAN & BOTTLE DRIVE The weekend of July 9th & 10th CATHOLIC LAWYERS and LAW STUDENTS: Bishop Boyea has a special message for you at www.lansingcatholiclawyersguild.com/ news Please find a moment to read his letter. Thank you. Diane Arzberger 517-342-2465 HIRING, Holy Family School, Grand Blanc (Deadline June 30, 2016) Music Education Teacher for Grades Preschool-8 for the 2016-2017 School Year. The ideal candidate must be a practicing Catholic, have a deep appreciation and knowledge of music theory, ability to instruct children in the fundamentals of music, teach a vocal and instrumental program and organize and conduct school performances. Also, a current Michigan teaching license or the ability to obtain a Michigan teaching license is required. Interested candidates should submit the following to [email protected] or fax to (810)694-9405.1. Cover letter 2. Resume 3. Copy of your transcripts 4. List of three references (complete contact information) Don’t forget to make Sunday (or Saturday evening) Mass a part of your vacation. You can get Mass times for anywhere in the U.S. by going to www.masstimes.org for Mass times, street maps, and more. When you visit a parish, don’t forget to offer your financial support in thanksgiving—it is appreciated. At the same time, please do not forget to share your continued financial support with our parish. Our expenses continue throughout the summer months, too! Extended Care Full-Time & Part-Time Aide Full-time position includes benefits. Holy Family School provides supervision of students from Preschool to Eighth Grade within a faith-centered environment. The ideal candidate should be a practicing Catholic and enjoy working with children. Interested candidates should submit the following to [email protected] or fax to (810)694-9405. 1. Cover letter 2. Resume 3. List of three references (complete contact information) Cafeteria Supervisor A part-time position. This candidate will provide supervision of students from Kindergarten to Eighth Grade within a faith-centered environment during their lunch hours of 10:50am – 12:50pm, Monday through Friday. The ideal candidate should be a practicing Catholic and enjoy working with children. (Daily rate: $18/day)submit the following to [email protected] or fax to (810)694 -9405. 1. Cover letter 2. Resume 3. List of three references (complete contact information) DENISE R. KETCHMARK Attorney at Law Parish Member Since 1971 611 W. Court Street, Suite 203, Flint 810-232-6096 By Mentioning This Ad, 10% of all Monies Collected From Client for Legal Services Will be Donated to the St John GIFT Campaign, Phase II You’re a Neighbor, Not a Number. Personal • Commercial • Life • Employee Benefits 1190 Torrey Road, Fenton 810.629.1566 | 800.467.6645 | www.bbmich.com SERVICES WE PROVIDE: “Your Lender for Life” www.ELGACU.com Located inside VG’s on Leroy St. Funeral, Memorial & Cremation Services Pre-Arrangements, Monuments, Grave Markers & Urns (810) 600-4372 Kenneth & Becca Temrowski (810) 629-2533 500 Main Stteet Fenton, MI 48430 www.temrowskifamilyfuneralhome.com www.phplumbingheating.com Dr. Jeffrey T. Pinkston Parishioner Dr. Dennis B. Pinkston Dr. Carole A. Cocagne Dr. Krista L. Kline Dr. Nicole L. Stilson Parishioner 10010 Miller Rd. Swartz Creek, MI 48473 Phone: 810-635-4015 Fax: 810-635-4017 HOURS Mon.-Fri. 9-12, 2-5:30 Sat. 9-12 www.swartzcreekvet.com • New Work • Repairs • Modernization 3460 N. Genesee 736-3830 Di Natale Accounting & Tax Service Albert Di Natale, Enrolled Agent & Tax Accountant Personal, Sm. Business, Real Estate 14165 Fenton Rd., Ste. 104 G 810-714-4302 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........ Gary A. Wasiak, DPM Highland Office 2997 East Highland Rd. Highland, MI 48356 P/248.887.3729 Parish Member www.communityfootcenters.com Our mission is you. 24/7 HELP www.thestatebank.com ........ $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made 800.535.0517 Creating beautiful smiles! TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months J Douglas Mercer Ins Agcy Inc. ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Irrigation Services Landscaping • Fertilization Lawn & Bed Maintenance www.chaselawn.com Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! 1-800-248-0280 www.duro-last.com Jeff Gottron, Parishioner 391100 St John Church (B) www.jspaluch.com • Free consultations. • Open every Saturday. • Low down payment options. • Interest free financing. No referral needed. Just give us a call. Downtown Linden WaxOrtho.com 810.458.6188 Doug Mercer, Agent 2813 Silver Lake Road Fenton, MI 48430 Bus: 810-714-0370 See why State Farm® insures more drivers than GEICO and Progressive combined. Great service, plus discounts of up to 40 percent.* Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® CALL FOR QUOTE 24/7. *Discounts vary by states. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1001174.1 State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 “Your Hometown Dealer”. See Our Website For Specials Tim and Jennifer Hall Parishioner 15123 North Road • 810-714-3300 1-800-714-9505 • www.hallfenton.com EASY TO FIND - US23 at EXIT 80 QUALITY EYE CARE AT A GREAT VALUE Designer Contacts Frames Eye Exams 3140 Silver Lake Rd. at US 23 • 810-593-1000 www.genopt.com Family Owned 1225 W. Hill Road Flint, MI 48507 ASSOCIATED FOOT CLINIC New Location (810) 235-2345 (810) 750-8300 *Diplomate, American Board of Podiatric Surgery Fenton House Restaurant • Game Room For Customers Only • Non-Smoking • Alcohol Free • Great For Families • Separate Room for Private Get-Togethers • Dine In • Take Out FREE BREAD Physicians and Surgeons of the foot 102 N. Adelaide • Fenton, MI 48430 www.swartzfuneralhomeinc.com WITH $5 PURCHASE CARRY OUT ONLY Jeffrey C. Noroyan, D.P.M.* Tim Snyder, D.P.M.* Allan Kalmus, D.P.M.* Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA www.CatholicCruisesAndTours.com BUY 1 MEAL AT FULL PRICE GET SECOND AT 1/2 PRICE 413 S. LEROY • DIBBLEVILLE 810-629-0661 Law Offices of K.C. Baran, P.C. Attorney & Counselor Serving Linden & Fenton Area • Chapter 7 Bankruptcies • Wills • Trusts, Estates • Family Law • Custody Support • DUI / Criminal Defense Parish Member, K of C Member 810-936-5211 JOHN’S PIZZERIA & RESTAURANT 810-629-506 0 1492 LeRoy NEW BANQUET ROOM Book Your Parties Now! Large and Small, We Can Handle Them All Catering for All Occasions Serving Genesee Cty. for Over 40 Years Kenneth & Shannon Brant 17460 Silver Parkway • Fenton, MI 48430 Ken: 810-853-8440 • Shannon: 810-853-8444 Office: 810-373-5073 AGA Gymnastics Competitive, recreational & Cheer Tumbling year round! 810-234-9900 for details Creative Learning Academy Child Care Center www.brantsrealestate.com Infant, toddler, pre-school and Kindergarten programs year round. 810-234-8448 for details Both Voted Number 1 in Genesee County! (810) 733-7090 www.jposullivan.com Register for AYSO by 7/31 for 16 weeks $95.00 after $115.00 We also have travel with FC Bolton and Little Kritters for 2 & 3 year olds all at Deer Run Questions call 586-907-1726 Call us today for a FREE QUOTE! www.PeabodyInc.com 265 N. Alloy, Ste. 100 • Fenton, MI 48430 HOLLY: (248) 634-7731 • FENTON: (810) 629-1504 www.doescheradvisors.com 248.701.5235 Serving business owners & executives in the Fenton community. 607 N. Saginaw, Holly, MI Active Parish Member 391100 St John Church (A) 248-634-4671 Tom & Barbara Doescher, new parishioners of St. John Parish www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 600 North Adelaide Street Fenton, Michigan 48430 Phone: 810-629-2251 Fax: 810-629-2302 Website: www.stjohnfenton.org School Phone: 810-629-6551 Pastoral Team REV. DWIGHT EZOP, Pastor: Mass Schedule 810-629-2251 ([email protected]) Saturday: 5:00 p.m. REV. JIM ROLPH, Parochial Vicar: Sundays: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., & 6:00 p.m. 810-629-2251 - ([email protected]) TIMOTHY GARBACK, Minister of Music: 810-629-2251 ([email protected]) DEACON TERRY & MARY CARSTEN, Baptismal Prep.: Weekdays: 9:00 a.m. in the Chapel Holy Days: See Parish Bulletin or website Confessions in the Church Saturdays: 3:30 p.m.—4:30 p.m. Tuesdays: 7:00 p.m.—8:00 p.m. 810-397-8703 ([email protected]) DEACON TERRY CARSTEN, OUTREACH COORDINATOR 810-629-1817 Parish Support Staff DANIELLE SPHAR, Parish Accountant 810-629-1850 Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays, confession is often available in the Reconciliation Room, (stone chapel building) 8:00 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. Adoration: each Friday 9:45 a.m.—9:00 p.m. SHAUNA MEYERS, Bookkeeper PARISH OFFICE: 810-629-2251 TRICIA JORGENSEN, Parish Secretary ([email protected]) MELANIE FRENCH, Parish Secretary ([email protected]) Religious Education DAN MEDICH, Coordinator of Adult Formation: 248-982-5355 ([email protected]) KYLE ULRICH, Coordinator of Youth Ministry: 810-938-9411 ([email protected]) HELENE PAULIK, Director of Religious Formation: 810-629-1850 ([email protected]) RFP OFFICE: 810-629-1850 CAROL BECK, REP Secretary: ([email protected]) St. John School SCHOOL OFFICE: 810-629-6551 Baptism Baptism is usually celebrated on the third Sunday of the month. Parents must call Deacon Terry and Mary Carsten to register their child before the last day of the month prior to their selected date at 810-397-8703. Marriage Please contact the Parish Office at least nine months prior to wedding date, if possible. Anointing of the Sick This sacrament offers the Lord’s healing strength and peace to anyone who is seriously or chronically ill or hospitalized. Please call the parish office if you wish to have someone receive this sacrament. Rite of Christian Initiation RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation) is for anyone interested in joining the Catholic Church or for any adult who has not received the Sacraments of Confirmation or Eucharist. Please call 810-629-1850. Facilities P ARISH O FFICE —810-629-2251 KIT WHITE, St. John School Principal: S T . J OHN S CHOOL —810-629-6551 ([email protected]) RFP O FFICE —810-629-1850 ANGIE HAISS, School Office Manager: ([email protected]) ANDREA KEHOE, School Secretary: ([email protected]) P OWERS H IGH S CHOOL —810-591-4741 O UTREACH O FFICE —810-629-1817 A CTIVITY C ENTER —810-629-3560 S T . J OHN K NIGHTS H ALL —810-629-3560 S T . V INCENT DE P AUL F OOD P ANTRY -810-750-0469