- Blessed Trinity Catholic Church
- Blessed Trinity Catholic Church
BLESSED TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH January 10, 2016 ADDRESS: 5 SE 17th Street Ocala, FL 34471 PHONE: 352.629.8092 FAX: 352.351.8872 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: PARISH OFFICE - 352.629.8092 www.blessedtrinity.org SICK CALLS: 352.629.8092 352.207.5835 (Emergency pager) MISSION: CHRIST THE KING Pastor Father Patrick J. Sheedy x 3209 Associate Pastors Father Raul Valdez Father Franklin Salazar x 3219 x 3227 In Residence Father Michael O’Keeffe Father Joseph Maniangat x 3221 595.5605 Deacons Heriberto Berrios, Jim Boerstler, James Schwartz Sisters Immaculate Heart of Mary Reparatrix 867.9860 Misioneras Catequistas 622.4500 14045 N US Hwy 301 Citra, FL 32113 352.595.5605 LA GUADALUPANA 11153 West Hwy 40 Ocala, FL 34482 352.291.2695 MASS SCHEDULE AT BLESSED TRINITY WEEKEND Saturday 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm Sunday 7:15 am, 8:45 am, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm Spanish, 5:00 pm Life Teen DAILY Mon—Fri 7:10 am and 5:30 pm Wednesday 8:15 am (follows school schedule) Thursday 6:30 pm (Spanish) Saturday 8:00 am Reconciliation FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK Thursday 7:00pm (Spanish) Saturday 2:45—3:30pm (English) 5:00—5:30pm (English) Sunday 12:15—12:45pm(Spanish) MASS SCHEDULE AT OUR MISSION CHURCHES WEEKEND Saturday Sunday DAILY Tuesday Wednesday 7:00pm (Spanish) 10:15 am at Christ the King 7:00 pm at La Guadalupana (Spanish) 7:00 pm at La Guadalupana (Spanish) 5:30 pm at Christ the King Parish life January 10, 2016 ~ the baptism of the lord MISSION STATEMENT: Blessed Trinity Catholic Church Stewardship Community recognizes Jesus is Lord. We believe that our Time, Talent and Treasure are gifts from God to be used for the spiritual, educational and social needs of our community, the Diocese and the world at large, especially the poor. PARISH STAFF - 629.8092 Sr. Juliet Ateenyi Katherine Baker Colleen Halstead Jason Halstead David Hardison Fran Harwas Steve Hoesterey Ro Lipari Kris Plunkett Kelly Schwietert Julie Martin Ministry to Sick Secretary Parish Administrator Blessed Trinity School Elder Care Human Resources Brother’s Keeper Religious Education Parish Bookkeeper Angels in Arms Youth Minister Melinda Gunn Paul Miranda Sr. Concepta Najjemba Elizabeth Tilley Stewardship Plant Manager Soup Kitchen Music Ministry Trinity Catholic High School David L. McKenzie President Lou Pereira Principal x3211 x3201 x3218 622.5808 671.2823 x3212 622.3846 x3207 x3228 622.6167 x3222 x3208 804.2415 789.8139 x3202 622.9025 NEW PARISHIONERS ARE WELCOME to stop by the Church Office to register Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm or stop by the Parish Hall the first Sunday of each month following the 8:45 am and 11:00 am Masses. BAPTISM: We are pleased to help your family prepare for the special event of your child’s entrance into our faith community. To help parents and godparents prepare, a class (English) is held the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm in the Community Center and in Spanish the 2nd Saturday of each month, at 9:00 am at Guadalupana. Parents and Godparents must attend this class prior to scheduling baptism. MARRIAGES: If you are planning to be married at Blessed Trinity, your preparation process should begin at least four (4) months prior to desired date. We look forward to helping you during your time of engagement and preparation for the vocation of Christian marriage. Call the Church Office for an appointment with one of our priests. SICK CALLS AND HOSPITAL VISITS: If you or a family member are in a local hospital or homebound and would like to receive Communion or Sacrament of the Sick, please call the Church Office at 629.8092 or Sister Juliet at x3211. When registering at the hospital, put your name on the Catholic List. STEWARDSHIP BY THE BOOK Jesus, whom God called “my beloved Son,” is also the “servant” of whom Isaiah speaks in the first reading. We who are baptized in Christ must follow His example and use our time and resources in the service of God and neighbor. ADS OF THE WEEK DEAN LAW FIRM, LLC Timothy S. Dean & Michael E. Dean Business Law, Real Estate, Probate, Estate Planning and Personal Injury 352.387.8700 THE CENTER FOR FEMALE PELVIC MEDICINE, RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY & INCONTINENCE M. Delcharco, Jr., MD, LLC 352.690.6300 Please see our Ads at the back for all our business supporters. WORD OF LIFE “[Jesus] showed us the self-sacrificial nature of love when he laid down His life for us, and we are called to follow in his footsteps. We are called to be his hands and feet, caring for and loving others.” — USCCB 2015-16 Respect Life Program Prayer and Program Guide (www.goo.gl/2nrphg) worship January 10, 2016 ~ the baptism of the lord MINISTRY OF THE WEEK ADULT BIBLE STUDY Weekly meetings for scripture study and faith sharing. For more information, please contact Bobbi Taylor at 352.875.8147 or email: [email protected] STEWARD OF THE WEEK ELIZABETH HURLEY (6:00pm—11:00pm) CAPTAIN FOR ADORATION MINISTRY The captains of the Adoration ministry are an amazing group of individuals who serve the adorers in the Adoration ministry by, assisting with finding substitute adorers in emergency situations, acting as a liaison to the coordinator, and aiding with the ongoing data collection of this ministry. Thank you for being faithful Stewards! NEW PARISHIONERS: The Annual Ministry Head meeting with Parish Council and Parish Staff is scheduled for January 12th, 2016 in the Parish Hall at 6:00p.m. We really really need every Ministry Head to be present. It unites us as a Parish. It is the only opportunity each year for us to meet one another and see how we are all joined together supporting one Parish mission. Howard and Andrea Richburg Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Baptism of the Lord. This officially brings to an end the season of Christmas. You might say this is a second Epiphany. It is important to us as Catholics and Christians because it represents a second creation involving the entire Trinity. In fact in the Eastern Church this feast is called Theophany because God appears in three persons. Jesus the Son is baptized; the Holy Spirit descends upon Him; and God declares “You are my beloved Son; with You I am well pleased.” We recall our own Baptism on this day, because Christ’s Baptism represents in many ways what occurred at our Baptism. At Christ’s Baptism the Holy Spirit descended upon Him. At our Baptism the Trinity occupied our soul; Christ was declared the “Beloved Son”; at our Baptism we became a child of God. At Jesus’ Baptism the heavens were opened, and at our Baptism heaven was opened to us. On this Holy Day we need to reflect upon our own Baptismal calls — calls to live and love on this earth, a command to seek holiness, to actively be disciples of Christ, calls which can be achieved in part by embracing stewardship as a way of life. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (#1213) states: “Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the door which gives access to the other sacraments. We are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission.” READINGS FOR NEXT WEEK Is 62:1-5 1 Cor 12:4-11 Jn 2:1-11 WEEKLY MASS INTENTIONS Monday, January 11 Tuesday, January 12 Wednesday, Jan 13 BAPTISMS: Jack and Helen Anderson Copyright © 2015www.THECATHOLICSTEWARD.com Ministry Head Meeting COMMISSIONING OF ALL THOSE IN MINISTRY There will be a commissioning of anyone involved in a ministry at Blessed Trinity at all of the Masses the weekend of January 16th17th. Prayerfully consider joining a ministry and/or renewing and refreshing your current commitment! Thursday, Jan 14 Friday, January 15 Saturday, January 16 Sunday, January 17 FR. PAT’S 3RDSACRAMENT MEETING Fr. Pat’s 3rd Sacrament meeting will be TODAY, Sunday, January 10th, at 9:55 AM in the Gym. The make up for this class is Saturday, January 16th, at 9:00am, in the Chapel of the church. This meeting is mandatory for parents of students making a acrament, for the first time this year, and all confirmation students. If you have any questions please call Ro Lipari at 629-8092. MASS SCHEDULE TIME CHANGE 5:15pm daily Mass is now being said at 5:30pm. 7:10 am Charles Lubega Ateenyi † 5:30 pm Hector Rodriguez † 7:10 am L/D Members Winkler & Kochetta Families 5:30 pm John Day † 7:10 am Elizabeth Sisul † 8:15 am Joseph Bartolomei † 5:30 pm Gaspar Rivera, Jr. † 7:10 am L/D Andrew & Teresa Semudo † 5:30 pm Bob Debard † 7:10 am Georgina Cuza † 5:30 pm Herbert Hurley † 8:00 am Lou Yandric † 4:00 pm Frances Kennedy † 6:00 pm Anthony Pelliccio † 7:15 am Martha, Erica & Amanda Rohen † 8:45 am Vittorio Didato † 11:00 am Alice Swiderski † 1:00 pm Spanish Community 5:00 pm Meghan Fuller † Your prayers are requested for Audrey Paczolt, Maria Serrano and Vidal Ramos who have recently died. ALTAR FLOWERS Please call the Church Office at 629.8092 x3201 if you would like more information on placing flowers on the altar. Jan 9/10: Jan 16/17: Jan 23/24: Jan 30/31: ministries Activities EMAIL ALERTS! If you would like to receive emails regarding all upcoming Life Teen events, news and updates, please email Julie: [email protected] Sunday, January 10th: Join us for Mass, dinner & Life Night, concluding at 8:00pm. Sunday, January 17th: Join us for Mass, and then the Michael James Mette concert, in the Parish Hall!!! Concert begins at 6:30pm, and will run until roughly 8:00pm. Our BT Catholic Heart Work Camp group had great things to say about Michael (teens & adults!), after he lead worship for the weeklong work camp, last year! The concert is free, with a love offering….this concert is an event for all ages! TEENS: we will not have time to eat dinner between Mass & concert, so please make sure to have a late afternoon snack to hold you over. ATTENTION ALL LITURGICAL MINISTERS There will be a liturgy morning of reflection on Saturday, January 16th, from 8am-12pm. Mark your calendars! More information to follow. Do you have a thought, idea, comment for any of the staff of Blessed Trinity?! We now have a "comment box" inside the Stewardship Center. You can place those comments in the box at any time and we will make sure they get to the right staff member. We hope this will be another helpful tool we can use to keep building our parish community. FLORIDA CANCER AFFILIATES (FCA) is offering FREE support group meeting for cancer patients. 1st Monday of the month GI nd 2 Monday of the month Lung 3rd Monday of the month Breast 4th Monday of the month Lymphoma/Leukemia 5th Monday of the month Educational Group Groups will meet from 5:00-6:30pm Please register by calling 352-732-4032 ext 286 or email [email protected] Please indicate which support group you plan to attend WHERE? 433SW 10th Street Ocala FL 34471 Any questions please email: [email protected] or follow us on FB at Blessed Trinity EDGE or instagram @BTOcalaEdge KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MEETINGS 2nd Wednesday of the month, 7:30 PM K of C Hall Next meeting is Wednesday, January 13 HALL RENTALS Weddings, Birthdays, Retirements, Graduations Free WI-FI Hall rental is available for daytime and evening Competitive Rates Parishioner Discount Call: (352) 368-5960 RESPECT LIFE MEETING Meeting January 17th at 9:45am in the Parish Hall. All are welcome to attend! RESPECT LIFE MASS Saturday, January 30th, 2016 at 8:00am Blessed Trinity will have its annual Mass for Life as we honor those who have lost their lives to the Culture Of Death. Fr. Denis Wilde of Priests For Life will be our guest homilist. Fr. Denis will also preach at all weekend masses. COFFEE & DONUTS Every Sunday in the Parish Hall after the 7:15am, 8:45am and 11:00am Masses. Please come and support the various ministries who provide the coffee and donuts! Donations are welcome! LIGHTHOUSE CATHOLIC MEDIA CD’S Winning the Culture War We have numerous books of daily devotions. Wood plaque Icon’s in two sizes. Nice selection of music boxes. Year of Mercy bracelets and Year of Mercy medals. Care Notes: Finding comfort and healing in the Rosary. How Angels make a difference in our lives. Climbing up from depression Books: Where Jesus Prayed – “The Lord’s Prayer has remained with us for two thousand years for many reasons. Here it returns to its place of origin, carried deep in the heart of a pilgrim traveler as she walks where Jesus walked and discovers within its words the depth, beauty, and truth of the One who prayed them first.” Hope and Help for living with illness – “Chronic illness or a new diagnosis can be overwhelming,….Medications, treatments, and paperwork are a burden, relationships are strained, and God can seem distant. (This book) shows you how to: accept your condition, get in the right frame of mind for a medical procedure, find comfort in prayer and help yourself by helping others.” The Blessed Trinity Gift Store Hours: Wednesday* 3:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. *10% off all regular priced items. Saturday-3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Sunday-8:00-8:45 a.m., 9:45-11:00 a.m., 12:00-1:00 p.m., 4:00-5:00 p.m. To win any war, there are three things that you must know: that you are at war, who your enemy is, and what weapons or strategies can defeat him. Acknowledging that our culture is clearly in crisis, Dr. Peter Kreeft shows us that the only weapon strong enough to defeat the demons of this age is saints. Above all, Dr. Kreeft assures us that victory is assured for those who hope in Christ, because good always triumphs over evil. The CD’s are available in the Church Vestibule. Kindly donate $3.00 per CD to continue this ministry. Checks may be made payable to “Blessed Trinity.” BAPTISM CLASS DATE CHANGE The Baptism Class for January will be held on the third Tuesday of the month, JANUARY 19th. It is held in the Community Center, Building “F” at 7:30pm. Parents and Godparents are encouraged to attend. BLESSED TRINITY SENIOR CRAFTS We meet on Thursdays at 10am to noon in Bldg. "F". We will not begin classes until January 7th, 2016...come start the new year by looking us over and see what we are all about! STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE ~ WEEKLY OFFERINGS Weekly Offering January 3, 2016 Envelope Total: 992 Electronic Offering Total: 231 Total Children’s Offering: Non-Sunday 161 Grand Total for Week: Amount needed for Operating Expenses: Difference $ 45,759.55 $ 28,239.95 $ 00 .00 $ 19,513.10 $ 93,512.60 $104,650.00 ($11,137.40) Year to date collection: $2,266,129.02 Year to date budget: $2,616,250.00 Year to date deficit: ($ 350,120.98) Christmas $ 48,203.85 “Thank you for your donations.” Reminder: Do your best to put your envelope number on the “memo” line of your check. STEWARD SAINTS OF THE WEEK WELCOME HOME Week of January 10-16 The story of Jesus is the story of a seeker and, in the most hopeful sense, there is a seeker in all of us. January 13—Hilary HILARY St. Hilary of Poitiers was a theologian who eloquently defended the divinity of Christ at the time of the Arian heresy in the fourth century. Called “the Athanasius of the West” and named a Doctor of the Church by Pope Pius IX, St. Hilary was a convert who was elected Bishop of Poitiers in 350. A gifted Scripture scholar, he wrote extensively on St. Matthew’s Gospel and the Psalms. He also wrote a 12-volume treatise on the Trinity. In one of his sermons, he offers a working definition of stewardship and provides a concise summary of his life and work: “I am well aware, almighty God and Father, that in my life I owe you a most particular duty. It is to make my every thought and word speak of you. In fact, you have conferred on me this gift of speech, and it can yield no greater return than to be at your service. It is for making you known as Father, the Father of the only-begotten God, and preaching this to the world that knows you not and to the heretics who refuse to believe in you. BOOKKEEPER WANTED Brothers Keeper is in need of a volunteer bookkeeper for 5 to 10 hours a week. Flexible hours. Must know Quickbooks. Call Steve at 622-3846. BROTHERS KEEPER THRIFT STORE How far are you willing to go in your own life in to bring Good News to others? Consider the example of Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne (1769-1852), born in France, traveled all the way to St. Charles, Missouri to bring the Society of the Sacred Heart religious congregation to the U.S. Today the Society has 21 schools in the U.S. and is found in 44 countries around the world. Sacred Heart sisters focus on educating young women and emphasize in their curriculum the need for global awareness and building a more just world. You can carry on these efforts in your own neighborhood, parish, office, home, and see how far the Spirit moves you. —Take Five for Faith Help us earn CASH for our school with Box Tops for Education!! Clipping Box Tops is an easy way for the BT Parishioners to help our school earn money. Box Tops are worth .10 a piece and can be found on over 100 products including cereals, produce, snacks, juices, paper products and much more. Bring your Box Tops to Mass and drop them off in the collection bin that is located in the Stewardship Room. Thank you for supporting our school!! Come downtown and see our great selection of clothing. Great prices, great merchandise, for a great cause. 622-5544. On the corner of Ft. King & Magnolia. PALM FOR EDUCATION CAR DRAWING Support Trinity Catholic's tuition assistance program. Purchase your ticket today $50 each or 3 for $100. Winner gets car of choice from Palm Chevrolet up to $25,000 msrp or $15,000 cash! Drawing will be held at the Winter Carnival on February 21st. Get your ticket today at www.trinitycatholichs.org/cardrawing. Make a difference in the life of a student today. If you are seeking and wondering if you might want to return to your Catholic faith come and share your story. It is said that when your story connects to mine a powerful, sacred bond may begin to form, one rooted in the promise of Matthew 18:20: “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them”. Our next Welcome Home series begins on Wednesday, January 27, 2016, 7:00 pm in Elder Care. For more information contact : Mariano Guas 504-782-6065 or Linda Guas 832-865-9045. CONCERT ~ Michael James Mette Sunday, January 17th at 6:30pm – Michael James Mette will be sharing his music with our community, with a new show focused on the Year of Mercy. Michael is a Catholic musician and speaker who travels the country with his wife of 15 years, Michelle and their six young children: Gabby (12), Trinity (10), Charity (8), Cecilia (7), Michael Jr. (5), and Truman (1). His music is a modern reflection of his faith, blending alternative rock with faith-based lyrics. The concert will be 90 minutes and will include lights, video, music and testimonies by Michael and Michelle. Our BT Catholic Heart Work Camp group had great things to say about Michael (teens & adults!), after he lead worship for the weeklong work camp, last year! The concert is free, with a love offering - please consider attending the concert and supporting this ministry! SPECIAL COLLECTION: Catholic Home Missions ADORATION NEEDS According to the Dynamic Catholic, one of the top ways to experience the Year of Mercy is to pick one spiritual and one corporal work of mercy and incorporate those into your personal routine. What better way to do that than involve yourself with the Adoration Ministry here at Blessed Trinity. Currently we have TWO IMMEDIATE needs: Many diocese right here in the United States do not have enough priests and trained lay ministers to serve their parishes. These diocese are known as home missions. The Catholic Home Missions Appeal, which will take place this weekend in the collection, supports these dioceses by funding essential ministries, including seminary education and lay ministry training. Please be generous in this appeal and share your resources to strengthen the Church at home. 1. We are currently seeking an Adoration captain. This position assists adorers, who serve from 6:00 PM – 11:00 PM, in helping adorers find substitutes in emergency situations, acting as a liaison to the coordinator, and aiding with the ongoing data collection of this ministry. Access to e-mail is needed. Sister Helen Prejean 2. IMMEDIATE NEEDS FOR ADORERS: Tuesdays: 3:00 – 4:00 AM Sundays: 3:00 – 4:00 AM Please prayerfully consider this ministries needs and if you are unable to serve, please pray that God will send individuals to sustain this core ministry, here at Blessed Trinity. EXPERIENCED INDEPENDENT CAREGIVER 352.304.9846 References upon request Terry Schultz Nourse, Adoration Coordinator [email protected] or 352-817-5553 Thursday, January 14, 2016 BISHOP MOORE CATHOLIC GYMNASIUM · 6:30 PM Talking about life, death and social justice. The death penalty is one of the great moral issues facing our country, yet most people rarely think about it, and very few of us take the time to delve deeply enough into this issue to be able to make an informed decision about it. Come join us! Dead Man Walking — The Journey Continues “TOGETHER IN HOLINESS” MARRIAGE CONFERENCE Blessed Trinity Parish Welcoming Ministry New to our parish family? You are invited to the diocesan-wide Together in Holiness marriage conference on March 5, 2016 from 8:00am-2:30pm, located at St. Mary Magdalen, Altamonte Springs. The theme for the day is “Family as a School of Love.” It includes inspiring presentations, Mass, Eucharistic adoration, and Reconciliation. Speakers are Danielle Bean, publisher at Catholic Digest; Arland Nichols, President of the St. John Paul II Foundation; and Deacon Norm and Cindy Levesque of Orlando. Registration includes breakfast and lunch: $45/couple or $25/individual, $10/child. Learn more and register at www.TogetherInHoliness.org RETROUVAILLE Sometimes things can go very wrong in a marriage. Retrouvaille is a program to help heal and support married couples experiencing difficulties, couples broken, lonely and hurting. It’s also for couples who have separated or divorced and want to try again. Our next program begins January 29-31, 2016. For more information and registration, call 352-274-4614. All calls and names held in strictest confidence. We invite you to visit our website at Retrouvaille.org. Want some information on getting involved? Please stop by and let us introduce ourselves and offer our assistance We will be available after Masses in the Chapel/Cry Room 4:00pm & 6:00pm—January 16th 7:15am, 8:45am, 11:00am— January 17th If you have any questions regarding our parish family. God bless! If you would like to meet after any other Mass or on a different date please do not hesitate to contact Janice Ferguson 352-817-6949 or email: [email protected] or Yvonne Roach 352-266-7609 SPIRITUAL ADOPTION OF UNBORN BABIES Blessed Trinity’s Respect Life Ministry is sponsoring the Spiritual Adoption Program which asks individuals/families to pray daily for nine months for a baby who is in danger of abortion. Your participation will be imitating the innkeeper who provided shelter for Mary and Joseph. This Spiritual Adoption Program involves: PASSION AND PURPOSE FOR MARRIAGE Coming to Blessed Trinity Friday, February 19, 2016 “Passion and Purpose for Marriage” is presented by the Matthew Kelly Foundation’s Dynamic Catholic. Dr. Allen Hunt will help you discover the key ingredients to a healthy and happy marriage. Thanks to three generous sponsors, the first 300 people to purchase tickets from me rather than online, will receive a paid ticket for every ticket they purchase. That brings the cost down to $25 per couple! Free babysitting may also be available in your home, on a first come first served basis. For tickets and further details, call Phyllis Marino at 352.861.2770. It is an opportunity to pledge a daily prayer for nine months for a baby who is in danger of abortion. The Spiritual Adoption prayer cards can be found in the Parish Hall the 2nd Sunday of each month and at the Hospitality Center in the vestibule. Include the parents of the unborn baby you wish to adopt in your prayer. Ask God to give them the courage to imitate Mary & Joseph by giving a simple “yes” to bring forth their child. You can also help to educate others about the development of the pre-born baby. Visit coffee & donuts in the Parish Hall the 2nd Sunday of each month. There you will find new materials each month to help you. Where possible gather baby items for Brother’s Keeper or the Pregnancy Center. You will thereby be imitating the Magi by donating gifts (baby items) to young moms in need. OFFERTORY/GIFTS FAMILY AT MASS Representatives of the community bring the bread/ wine/prayers and collection from the community to God’s Altar at Mass. It is a great honor and privilege to represent the community in this fashion. If you have never done this, decide today to accept this invitation. All you have to do is let an usher know on your way into Mass or you can sign in on the book provided for this purpose in the vestibule. You can be a single person, a couple, a family or several single persons. When no one volunteers then and only then do the ushers do it. CHILDRENS OFFERINGS It is time to encourage parents to encourage their children to bring a gift for God each and every week and bring it up to the Altar while adults are being passed the collection basket. It does not have to be money. It really should be their gift. At present it is mostly pre-schoolers who come. But the plan was for all youth—grade school up to and including 12th grade—to come to the Altar. Encourage them. It is a real life learning experience. BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY NEEDS THE BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY IS IN NEED OF ADDITIONAL CASSEROLES AND DESSERTS. IT SEEMS THAT THERE WERE SEVERAL FUNERAL RECEPTIONS IN NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER SO OUR FREEZERS ARE LOW ONCE AGAIN. THIS IS A WONDERFUL MINISTRY AND THE GRIEVING FAMILIES ARE ALWAYS SO APPRECIATIVE-------AND THOSE OF YOU WHO COOK AND BAKE FOR US ARE ALL A BIG PART OF IT. WE THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTION. JUST BRING YOUR CASSEROLES AND CAKES/COOKIES TO THE CHURCH OFFICE AND THEY WILL PLACE THEM IN OUR FREEZERS. STORE-BOUGHT ITEMS ARE EQUALLY APPRECIATED. PEACE & SOCIAL JUSTICE Catholic Relief Services provides direct assistance to small family coffee, tea & cocoa farmers in Latin America, Africa, Asia, India & Palestine and supports them by promoting Fair Trade here in the United States. CRS partners with more than a dozen companies in the U.S. that are totally committed to Fair Trade. Fair Trade is the only approach to coffee, tea & hot chocolate cocoa that guarantees farmers a fair price. We are selling these Fair Trade products after Mass this weekend. We now also have single serve coffee, dark chocolate hot cocoa, & olive oil. Thank you for your purchases to help these farmers, their families & employees make a fair wage. Jesus wept. John 11:35 Has the loss of a loved one impacted your life? Jesus understands grief. Death can cause great pain and confusion for the living, even those of strong faith. Whether your loss was recent or remote, someone young or old, sudden or unexpected; the grief process can be challenging. There is help. The program is free, but registration is required. Grief Support and Recovery Program Introductory Session: Saturday Jan. 23rd, 2016 from 12:00-3:00 P.M. Lunch Provided. Attending this introductory session does not obligate you to join the program. Sessions to be held every Monday evening beginning: 1/25/16 until 3/7/16. Weekly sessions held from 6:30 – 8:00 P.M. in the Elder Care Center. The program is free. But pre-registration is required. For information or to register: Please call Casey Ball @ 687-1081 OR Sheila Leary @671-7621 Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Matthew 5:4 Come Let Us Adore Him Advent, Christmas & Epiphany have opened our eyes to our need to worship, adore and praise Jesus, our Lord and King. Blessed Trinity’s charismatic prayer group, Fountains of Living Water, invites you to join us in lifting up and exalting the Name Above All Names. Every week we gather for songs of joy and praise …which leads to a time of quiet listening …which leads to a time of reflecting on the Word of God …which leads to a time of sharing faith …which leads to a closing time for prayer and intercession. Come, add your heart to our offering of praise. We meet Every Thur. 7-8:30pm in Adult Day Care. Call Richard or Katy for info, 307-9009. Sponsored by Fountains of Living Water Prayer Group