tarikh semester sarjana muda - Faculty of Education
tarikh semester sarjana muda - Faculty of Education
BUKU PANDUAN HANDBOOK PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR BUKU PANDUAN PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES HANDBOOK UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 SESI / SESSIONS 2012/2013 FAKULTI PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITI MALAYA 50603 KUALA LUMPUR TARIKH SEMESTER SARJANA MUDA/SEMESTER UNDERGRADUATES DATES SESI 2015/2016/2015/2016 SESSION SEMESTER I Haluansiswa/ Orientation 1 minggu/week 01.09.2015 – 06.09.2015 Kuliah/ Lecture 9 minggu/weeks * 07.09.2015 – 06.11.2015 Cuti Pertengahan Semester I/ 1 minggu/weeks * 07.11.2015 – 15.11.2015 Kuliah/ Lecture 5 minggu/weeks 16.11.2015 – 18.12.2015 Minggu Ulangkaji/ Revision Week 1 minggu/week * 19.12.2015 – 27.12.2015 Peperiksaan Akhir Semester I/ 3 minggu/weeks 28.12.2015 – 16.01.2016 Cuti Semester I/ 5 minggu/weeks * 17.01.2016 – 21.02.2016 Inter-Semester Break First Final Semester Examination First Semester Break _________________________ 25 minggu/weeks _________________________ SEMESTER II Kuliah/ Lecture 7 minggu/weeks 22.02.2016 – 08.04.2016 Cuti Pertengahan Semester II/ 1 minggu/week 09.04.2016 – 17.04.2016 Kuliah/ Lecture 7 minggu/weeks * 18.04.2016 – 03.06.2016 Minggu Ulangkaji/ Revision Week 1 minggu/week 04.06.2016 – 12.06.2016 Peperiksaan Akhir Semester II/ 3 minggu/weeks 13.06.2016 – 02.07.2016 Second Semester Break Second Final Semester Examination _________________________ 19 minggu/weeks _________________________ CUTI TAHUNAN/ SEMESTER KHAS/ ANNUAL BREAK/ SPECIAL SEMESTER Cuti/ Break 9 minggu/weeks 03.07.2016 – 04.09.2016 atau/ or Kuliah & Peperiksaan/ Lecture & Examination * Hari Malaysia (16 September 2015) Hari Raya Aidil Adha (24 September 2015) Maal Hijrah (14 Oktober 2015) Deepavali (10 November 2015) Maulidur Rasul (24 Disember 2015) Hari Krismas (25 Disember 2015) Tahun Baharu (1 Januari 2016) 8 minggu/weeks 03.07.2016 – 28.08.2016 Thaipusam (23 Januari 2016) Tahun Baru Cina (8 & 9 Februari 2016) Hari Pekerja (1 Mei 2016) Hari Wesak (21 Mei 2016) Nuzul Al-Qu’ran (22 Jun 2016) Hari Raya Aidilfitri (7 & 8 Julai 2016) Hari Kebangsaan (31 Ogos 2016) VISI UNIVERSITI MALAYA VISI FAKULTI PENDIDIKAN VISION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA VISION OF THE FACULTY OF EDUCATION Untuk menjadi sebuah institusi pengajian tinggi yang ternama di peringkat antarabangsa dalam penyelidikan, inovasi, penerbitan dan pengajaran Untuk menjadi pusat kecemerlangan dalam pendidikan, pembangunan modal insan, penyelidikan,inovasi, penerbitan dan perundingan di peringkat kebangsaan dan antarabangsa To be an internationally renowned institution of higher learning in research, innovation, publication and teaching To become the centre of excellence at the national and international levels in education, human capital development, research, innovation, publication and educational consultation. UNIVERSITI MALAYA UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA Untuk memajukan ilmu pengetahuan dan pembelajaran melalui penyelidikan dan pendidikan berkualiti untuk Negara dan kemanusiaan To advance knowledge and learning through quality research and education for the nation and for humanity MISI UNIVERSITI MALAYA MISSION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA Mempertingkatkan penjanaan ilmu dalam usaha menjadi pusat kecemerlangan dalam pendidikan dan pembangunan modal insan melalui pengajaran, penyelidikan, inovasi, penerbitan dan perundingan To improve knowledge generation to form a centre of excellence in education and human capital development through teaching, research, innovation, publication and educational consultation MISI FAKULTI PENDIDIKAN MISSION OF THE FACULTY OF EDUCATION KANDUNGAN CONTENT MUKASURAT PAGE KATA ALUAN DEKAN 2 MAKLUMAT AM 3 DEAN’S MESSAGE GENERAL INFORMATION CARTA ORGANISASI 10 ORGANIZATION CHART PENTADBIRAN FAKULTI PENDIDIKAN 12 JAWATANKUASA PANEL PENASIHAT AKADEMIK 22 PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR 24 LATIHAN MENGAJAR 30 KEMAHIRAN INSANIAH 36 ADMINISTRATION OF THE FACULTY OF EDUCATION ACADEMIC ADVISOR PANEL COMMITTEE UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES TEACHING PRACTICE SOFT SKILLS PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA BACHELOR PROGRAMMES Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (Pengajaran Bahasa Inggeris Sebagai Bahasa Kedua) 64 Sarjana Muda Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak 116 Sarjana Muda Kaunseling 158 Bachelor of Education (Teaching of English as a Second Language) Bachelor of Early Childhood Education Bachelor of Counseling UNIT-UNIT KEMUDAHAN 192 LOKASI BILIK 195 PENGHARGAAN 204 FACILITIES LOCATION OF ROOMS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS KATA ALUAN DEKAN WELCOMING REMARKS FROM THE DEAN Bismillahirahmanirahim. Dengan rasa bangga dan besar hati saya mengalu-alukan kedatangan semua pelajar baru bagi sesi Tahun Akademik 2015/2016 dan terima kasih kerana memilih Fakulti Pendidikan, Universiti Malaya sebagai pilihan utama untuk melanjutkan pelajaran. Fakulti yang terulung ini bukan sahaja telah mencipta nama di peringkat nasional bahkan juga di peringkat global. It is my pleasure and honour to welcome all new students to the 2015/2016 Academic Year and thanks for making the Faculty of Education, University of Malaya your preferred choice. This established Faculty has made its mark not only nationally but also globally. Seiring dengan pencapaian Universiti Malaya yang melonjak di kedudukan yang lebih baik di peringkat antarabangsa tahun demi tahun, Fakulti Pendidikan juga telah berjaya meningkatkan tarafnya dengan tersenarai sebagai salah satu daripada 100 Fakulti Pendidikan terbaik di dunia. Pencapaian ini tidak tiba dalam sekelip mata tetapi adalah berasaskan daya usaha dan keprihatinan selama bertahun-tahun daripada setiap ahli fakulti serta para pelajar. Dengan usia lebih 50 tahun, Fakulti Pendidikan terus unggul dengan kejayaan menghasilkan kira-kira 20,000 graduan cemerlang. In line with the improvement in ranking of the University of Malaya in the international arena from year to year, the Faculty of Education has also been able to raise its standards to become one of the top 100 education faculties in the world. This success did not happen overnight but is based on years of toil by faculty members and students. Being 50 years of age, the faculty has continued to perform, and has succeeded in producing about 20 000 outstanding graduates. Program ijazah yang ditawarkan oleh fakulti tidak hanya menyediakan pelajar dengan ilmu intelektual dan kemahiran semata-mata tetapi turut menghubungkan teori dan amalan bagi mempersiapkan pelajar untuk menempuh alam pekerjaan. Sehingga kini, graduan kami tidak hanya menyerlah dalam industri tempatan malah turut menyinar di persada antarabangsa. Our degree programmes not only provide students with sought after knowledge and skills, but also link theory to practice to better prepare students for the workforce. To date, our graduates not only shine in the local industries but many are successful in the international arena as well. Dalam kami berbangga dengan kejayaan ini, Fakulti Pendidikan sentiasa peka terhadap cabaran-cabaran baru yang dihadapi oleh negara. Justeru, Fakulti Pendidikan telah mengambil langkah-langkah sewajarnya dalam menghasilkan graduan yang berupaya menjadi pemikir dan menyumbang kepada idea-idea baru seterusnya mampu menjalankan penyelidikan bermutu setaraf dengan universiti terkemuka dunia atau mungkin lebih baik daripada mereka. As much as we take pride in such successes, the Faculty understands it needs to consider the latest challenges faced by the nation. Hence the Faculty has taken the appropriate steps to educate and acculturate our new graduates into becoming thinking individuals who can contribute new ideas and capable of carrying out useful research at par with those from world class universities, but perhaps surpass them. Untuk memastikan kecemerlangan yang mapan, misi dan visi fakulti harus tersinkroni dalam setiap sudut dan didukung dengan strategi yang jitu ke arah hala tuju yang hendak dicapai. Perancangan disusun dengan teliti untuk generasi akan datang dalam menghasilkan buah kejayaan dari benih yang ditanam. To ensure sustained excellence, the university and faculty’s mission and vision must be synchronised from every angle and be supported by strong strategies directed at achieving our desired goals. Planning is done with utmost care so that future generations can reap the fruits of success from the seeds we have sown. Salam hormat dan selamat maju jaya. Regards and all the best for your success. ‘CEMERLANG BERSAMA UM’ ‘EXCELLENCE WITH UM’ PROFESOR MADYA DR. MARIANI MD. NOR ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR DR. MARIANI MD NOR DEKAN/ DEAN FAKULTI PENDIDIKAN/ FACULTY OF EDUCATION UNIVERSITI MALAYA/ UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA 2 MAKLUMAT AM GENERAL INFORMATION PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 3 MAKLUMAT AM GENERAL INFORMATION Universiti Malaya adalah universiti tempatan pertama, ditubuhkan pada tahun 1905, untuk memenuhi keperluan pendidikan tinggi negara. Fakulti Pendidikan ditubuhkan pada 1963, dan pada awalnya dinamakan Sekolah Pendidikan Universiti Malaya. Sekolah Pendidikan Universiti Malaya dibentuk untuk menawarkan Diploma Pendidikan, satu program pasca ijazah, bagi siswazah yang memilih profesion perguruan. Sekolah Pendidikan berkembang dengan amat pesat dan dinaikkan taraf kepada status fakulti pada bulan Julai 1965. Program Sarjana Pendidikan telah ditawarkan untuk julung kalinya selepas dua tahun kemudian, diikuti dengan penawaran program Doktor Falsafah pada tahun 1969. The University of Malaya, the first local university, was established in 1905 to meet the higher education needs of the country. The faculty of Education was founded in 1963, and was initially named the School of Education. The School of Education offered the postgraduate Diploma in Education to graduates who chose to enter the teaching profession. The school expanded rapidly and was upgraded to the status of faculty in July 1965. The Master of Education (M.Ed) programme was introduced for the first time two years later and this was followed by the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) programme in 1969. Sejak penubuhannya, Fakulti Pendidikan Universiti Malaya telah berjaya melahirkan hampir 20,000 siswazah, iaitu lebih daripada 15,000 pemegang Diploma Pendidikan, lebih daripada 2,282 graduan Sarjana, dan kira-kira 3,500 dengan ijazah dasar pendidikan. Since its establishment, the Faculty of Education has successfully educated almost 20,000 graduates. From among them, more than 15,000 have graduated with a Diploma in Education, more than 2,282 with a Master degree and about 3,500 with a Bachelor in Education degree. Seiring dengan Visi Universiti Malaya, Visi Fakulti Pendidikan adalah: In tandem with the University of Malaya’s vision, the Vision of the Faculty of Education is Untuk menjadi pusat kecemerlangan dalam pendidikan, pembangunan modal insane, penyelidikan,inovasi, penerbitan dan perundingan di peringkat kebangsaan dan antarabangsa To become the centre of excellence at the national and international levels in education, human capital development, research, innovation, publication and educational consultation. Nilai-Nilai Teras Universiti Malaya adalah: Core Values of the University of Malaya are: Integriti Profesionalisme Hormat Meritokrasi Integrity Respect Professionalism Meritocracy Kebebasan Akademik Semangat Kerja Berpasukan Berfikiran Terbuka Kreativiti Kebertanggungjawaban Tanggungjawab Sosial Academic Freedom Open-Mindedness Accountability Teamwork Creativity Social Responsibility Bagi mencapai Visi di atas, Misi Fakulti Pendidikan adalah: To achieve the above Vision, the Mission of the Faculty of Education is: Untuk mempertingkatkan penjanaan ilmu dalam usaha menjadi pusat kecemerlangan dalam pendidikan dan pembangunan modal insan melalui pengajaran, penyelidikan, inovasi, penerbitan dan perundingan To improve knowledge generation to form a centre of excellence in education and human capital development through teaching, research, innovation, publication and educational consultation 4 Untuk mencapai wawasan ini, Fakulti telah mengenal pasti objektif yang berikut. To achieve this mission, the Faculty has identified the following general objectives: • Untuk menghasilkan guru yang cekap bagi sekolah dan institusi pendidikan lain. • Untuk menghasilkan pakar dalam semua bidang pendidikan dan pembangunan manusia. • Menjadi pusat pengajian pasca ijazah dan pembangunan manusia. • Menjadi pusat inovasi, penyelidikan asas dan aplikasinya dalam semua bidang pendidikan dan pembangunan manusia. To produce competent teachers for schools and other educational institutions. To produce experts in all areas of education and human development. To become a postgraduate centre in education and human development. To become a centre of innovation in basic and applied research in all areas of education and human development. • Menjadi pusat latihan dan perundingan dalam bidang pendidikan dan pembelajaran untuk organisasi dan institusi. To become the centre of training and consultation in the field of education for organizations and institutions. Fakulti Pendidikan menerima pakai peranan proaktif dalam usaha memenuhi era perubahan yang berterusan dalam bidang pendidikan. Ini termasuk penyemakan dan penelitian semula program dan kursus, penyemakan kurikulum dan instruksi untuk memasukkan, jika perlu, perubahan-perubahan yang berlaku dalam bidang pendidikan. The Faculty is proactive in keeping pace with the ever-changing demands in the field of education. This includes the reappraisal of programmes and courses, curriculum revisions and departmental restructuring to accommodate new changes when necessary. Pada tahun 1970, pada dasarnya, struktur Fakulti Pendidikan adalah terdiri daripada lima bahagian yang berbeza. Bagaimanapun, oleh sebab perkembangan baru dan anjakan paradigma dalam sistem pendidikan, Fakulti Pendidikan telah melalui satu siri penstrukturan dan pembentukan semula organisasinya bagi membolehkan Fakulti ini memenuhi hasrat visi dan objektifnya. Pembentukan struktur organisasi terbaru Fakulti Pendidikan telah dilaksanakan pada tahun 2001 apabila jabatan-jabatan yang berikut ditubuhkan. In 1970, the structure of the Faculty comprised five divisions. However, because of new developments and paradigm shifts in the educational system, the Faculty had a series of restructuring and reorganisation exercises to enable the Faculty to realise its vision and objectives. The latest organisational restructuring was carried out in 2001 resulting in the formation of the following departments. • Jabatan Asas Pendidikan dan Kemanusiaan • Jabatan Psikologi Pendidikan dan Kaunseling • Jabatan Pengurusan, Perancangan dan Dasar Pendidikan • Department of Educational Foundations and Humanities Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling Department of Educational Management, Planning and Policy Jabatan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Literasi Department of Language and Literacy Education • Jabatan Pendidikan Matematik dan Sains • Jabatan Kurikulum dan Teknologi Pengajaran Department of Mathematics and Science Education Department of Curriculum and Instructional Technology Di samping menawarkan kursus-kursus peringkat ijazah tinggi, sejak permulaan penubuhannya, Fakulti Pendidikan terlibat dalam beberapa program ijazah dasar. Salah satu daripada program ini ialah program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains dengan Pendidikan. Program ini dimulakan bersama dengan Fakulti Sains Universiti Malaya pada tahun 1975 bagi memenuhi permintaan yang tinggi untuk guru-guru sains dan matematik bagi peringkat sekolah menengah atas. Selain itu, program ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan Islam juga telah diperkenalkan pada tahun 1982. Kursus ini ditawarkan dengan kerjasama Akademi Pengajian Islam Universiti Malaya bagi menyediakan guru-guru untuk mengajar mata pelajaran Pendidikan Islam di sekolah-sekolah menengah. 5 Besides offering courses at the postgraduate level since its inception, the Faculty also conducts undergraduate programmes. One of these programmes is the Bachelor of Science with Education (B.Sc.Ed.). The programme was initiated jointly with the Faculty of Science in 1975, to meet the great demand for science and mathematics teachers at the upper secondary level. Another programme is the Bachelor of Islamic Education (B. Islamic Ed.) which was introduced in 1982. This course is conducted jointly with the Islamic Academy, University of Malaya, to prepare teachers to teach Islamic Studies in schools. Pada tahun 1980, Fakulti Pendidikan mula menawarkan program ijazah dasarnya sendiri, iaitu Sarjana Muda Pendidikan Bahasa Inggeris Sebagai Bahasa Kedua (PBISBK). Program ini dilaksanakan dengan kerjasama Fakulti Bahasa dan Linguistik, dan Fakulti Sastera dan Sains Sosial. Satu program ijazah dasar dalam Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak ditawarkan buat pertama kalinya pada tahun 1998 dan diikuti dengan satu lagi program ijazah dasar yang membawa kepada penganugerahan ijazah Sarjana Muda Kaunseling in 1997. Program Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (Pengajaran Bahasa Tamil) ditawarkan pada tahun 2000 dan pengambilan kumpulan pelajar terakhir bagi program tersebut ialah pada tahun 2004. Pada tahun 2004, Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (Pengajaran Bahasa Inggeris Sebagai Bahasa Kedua) Pendidikan Rendah telah ditawarkan. In 1980, the Faculty started its own undergraduate programme, the Bachelor of Education in the Teaching of English as a Second Language (B. Ed. TESL). The programme is being run in collaboration with the Faculty of Languages and Linguistics and the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Other degree programmes offered by the Faculty include the Bachelor of Early Childhood Education which commenced in 1998 followed by the Bachelor of Counseling in 1997. An undergraduate program in Early Childhood Education was offered for the first time in 1998 and followed with another undergraduate program leading to the Bachelor of Counselling. Bachelor of Education (Teaching of Tamil Language) was offered in 2000 with the last intake for the programme in 2004. In 2004, the Bachelor of Education (Teaching English as a Second Language) Primary Education was offered. The faculty is always working on new programmes’ documentation aligned with the need of the nation. Pada masa ini program sarjana muda yang ditawarkan di Fakulti Pendidikan adalah seperti berikut: Currently the Faculty offers the following undergraduate programmes: 1. Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (Pengajaran Bahasa Inggeris Sebagai Bahasa Kedua) 2. Sarjana Muda Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak 3. Sarjana Muda Kaunseling 4. Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (Pengurusan Pendidikan) Bachelor of Education (Education Management) Bachelor of Education (TESL) Bachelor of Early Childhood Education Bachelor of Counseling Peranan Fakulti Pendidikan tidak terhad kepada pendidikan guru sahaja. Setiap ahli Fakulti mempunyai kepakaran tersendiri dalam bidang pendidikan, dan kebanyakan ahli akademik di Fakulti ini berkhidmat sebagai penasihat atau pakar runding kepada Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia dan berbagai-bagai organisasi. Setengah-setengah daripada mereka bertugas rapat dengan agensi-agensi antarabangsa termasuk Bank Dunia, UNESCO, UNICEF, IBRD, RECSAM, dan RELC. Semua staf Fakulti ini terlibat secara aktif dalam penyelidikan, dan sejumlah besar kertas kerja dan artikel telah diterbitkan di kedua-dua peringkat, tempatan dan antarabangsa. Kebanyakan grant penyelidikan ditaja oleh Universiti Malaya atau agensi dalam dan luar negara. The Faculty’s role is not limited to teacher education. Each Faculty member has his/her own area of expertise in a particular field of education and many serve as advisers or consultants to the Ministry of Education and various organisations. Some members of the Faculty work closely with overseas and international agencies including the World Bank, UNESCO, UNICEF, IBRD, RESCAM and RELC. All academic staff members are actively involved in research and numerous papers and articles have been published in both local and international journals. Research by faculty members is largely sponsored by grants from the University or agencies from within and outside the country. Fakulti Pendidikan telah memulakan usaha ke arah misinya untuk menjadikan Fakulti ini sebagai satu pusat pendidikan ijazah tinggi dalam bidang pendidikan yang membawa kepada penganugerahan ijazah sarjana dan doktor falsafah. Fakulti berhasrat untuk mengeluarkan pendidik berijazah tinggi bagi memenuhi permintaan sistem pendidikan yang dinamik. Dengan kekuatan semasa kakitangan akademik, yang hampir 100 orang, berbanding dengan jumlah staf yang tidak seberapa, iaitu hanya lima orang, pada tahun 1963, tidaklah menghairankan bahawa Fakulti mempunyai sekumpulan pakar berbakat yang boleh memberikan sumbangan yang lebih besar kepada perkembangan dalam bidang pendidikan. 6 The Faculty of Education has embarked on a mission to enhance its role as a centre for higher degrees in education. The Faculty aims to produce more postgraduate educators to meet the demands of a dynamic education system. With the present academic staff strength of nearly 100 members compared to only five in 1963, the Faculty can proudly claim to have a pool of talented expertise with the ability to make greater contributions to development in the field of education. Fakulti Pendidikan mempunyai jumlah terbesar pelajar ijazah tinggi untuk mengikuti pengajian ijazah sarjana dan doktor falsafah di Universiti Malaya. Di antara calon, yang terdiri daripada rakyat Malaysia, terdapat calon ijazah tinggi dari luar negara seperti Libya, Thailand, Brunei, Fiji, Sri Lanka, Cook Island, Samoa, China, Afrika, dan lain-lain. Dengan kehadiran pelajar dari luar negara, pendedahan dan latihan menjadi lebih luas apabila setiap pelajar dapat berkongsi pandangan dan pengalaman lepas. The Faculty of Education has the largest number of postgraduate students pursuing either the Master or PhD degrees at the University of Malaya. While most of these graduate students are Malaysians, there are also postgraduate students who come from foreign countries like Algeria, Libya, Thailand, Brunei, Fiji, Sri Lanka, the Cook Islands, Samoa, China, various African and other countries. With the presence of international students, the exposure and training received is enriching as students are able to share their diverse experiences and views. Fakulti Pendidikan menawarkan pelbagai pilihan dalam bidang pengajian untuk ijazah Sarjana Pendidikan. Di antaranya ialah bidang: The Faculty of Education offers many areas of study for the Master of Education degree. These include: 1. Perkembangan Kurikulum 2. Perancangan dan Pentadbiran 3. Pendidikan Jasmani 4. Pendidikan Kesihatan 5. Psikologi Pengajaran 6. Pengukuran dan Penilaian 7. Pendidikan Khas 8. Pendidikan Bahasa 9. Pendidikan Bahasa Arab 10. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggeris 11. Pendidikan Sains 12. Pendidikan Matematik 13. Pendidikan Sains Sosial 14. Curriculum Development Planning and Administration Physical Education Health Education Education Psychology Measurement and Evaluation Special Education Language Education Arabic Language Education English LanguageEducation Science Education Mathematics Education Social Science Education Sosiologi Pendidikan Sociology of Education 7 15. 16. 17. Pendidikan Islam Islamic Education Pendidikan Nilai Values Education Pendidikan Seni Arts Education 18. Falsafah Pendidikan 19. Dan pengajian-pengajian bidang lain yang mungkin ditawarkan dari semasa ke semasa Philosophy of Education Other areas of study which may be offered from time to time Di samping program Sarjana Pendidikan di atas, Fakulti juga menawarkan beberapa program profesional. Di antaranya ialah: Besides the Master of Education programme, the Faculty also offers the following postgraduate programmes: 1. Sarjana Kaunseling Master of Counselling (MCounselling) 2. Sarjana Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak 3. Sarjana Pengurusan Pendidikan 4. Sarjana Teknologi Pengajaran 5. Sarjana Pendidikan Matematik dengan Teknologi Komunikasi dan Maklumat 6. Sarjana Pendidikan Sains dengan Teknologi Komunikasi dan Maklumat Master of Early Childhood Education (MECEd) Master of Educational Management (MEdMgt) Master of Instructional Technology (MIT) Master of Mathematics Education with Information and Communication Technology (MMathEdICT) Master of Science Education with Information and Communication Technology (MScEdICT) Fakulti Pendidikan menawarkan program Doktor Falsafah Secara Penyelidikan dan juga secara Kursus dan Penyelidikan. Bagi Program Doktor Falsafah Secara Kursus dan Penyelidikan 3 bidang ditawarkan buat masa ini adalah; The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programme is conducted either by research in 19 areas of study, or by coursework and research in three areas of specialisation namely: 1. Kurikulum Dan Pengajaran 2. Pengurusan Dan Dasar Pendidikan 3. Kaunseling Curriculum and Instruction Education Management and Policy Counselling 8 Walaupun pada asalnya bahasa pengantar pengajian kebanyakannya dilaksanakan melalui pengantar bahasa Melayu, namun semakin banyak kursus ditawarkan melalui pengantar bahasa Inggeris. Ini membolehkan para pelajar luar negara yang tidak fasih dalam bahasa Melayu dapat mengikuti pengajian ijazah tinggi melalui pengantar bahasa Inggeris di Fakulti ini. Secara praktikal, semua staf akademik Fakulti Pendidikan adalah tenaga akademik dwibahasa, iaitu mereka berketrampilan dalam kedua-dua bahasa Melayu dan Inggeris. Untuk pelajar dari luar negara yang tidak menguasai bahasa Melayu, Fakulti ini menyediakan, sebaik mungkin, tatacara pengajian khas, agar mereka dapat meneruskan pengajian kursus mereka dalam bahasa Inggeris. Although the official medium of instruction for the Masters and PhD programmes is Malay, most of the courses are taught in English. This is to enable foreign students who are not proficient in the Malay language to pursue their postgraduate studies at the Faculty. In effect, all staff members are bilingual, that is, they are proficient in the Malay language as well as in English. For students from overseas who do not master the Malay language, the Faculty provides, as far as possible, special education procedures, so that they can continue their course of study in English. 9 CARTA ORGANISASI ORGANIZATION CHART PENTADBIRAN FAKULTI PENDIDIKAN ADMINISTRATION OF FACULTY OF EDUCATION PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 10 11 PENTADBIRAN FAKULTI PENDIDIKAN ADMINISTRATION OF THE FACULTY OF EDUCATION PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 12 KAKITANGAN PENTADBIRAN (PEJABAT DEKAN) ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF (DEAN’S OFFICE) Dekan Dean Timbalan Dekan (Ijazah Tinggi) Deputy Dean (Higher Degree) : Prof. Madya Dr. Mariani Md. Nor Associate Professor Dr. Mariani Md. Nor BScEd(Mal), MPhil, PhD(Bristol) : Profesor Dr. Esther Sarojini Daniel Professor Dr. Esther Sarojini Daniel BScEd (Hons)(Mal), M. Ed., PhD(USM) Timbalan Dekan (Ijazah Dasar) : Dr. Adelina Asmawi Timbalan Dekan (Penyelidikan) : Dr. Ahmad Zabidi Abdul Razak BEdHons, MEd(Mal), PhD(Massey) Ketua Penolong Pendaftar : Aziah Saad BSc.Maths(SIU), MPS(UM) Penolong Pendaftar (Ijazah Tinggi) Assistant Registrar (Higher Degree) : Anida Kamaludin BBA (Hons), DBS(UiTM) Penolong Pendaftar (Pembangunan& Penyelidikan) : Mohd Norazlin Mansor DipMgt(UTM), BComm(Hons)(UPM), MCorpComm(UPM) Pegawai Projek Project Officer : Alina Ranee BSc(Edinburgh), MBA(IIUM) Deputy Dean (Basic Degree) Deputy Dean (Research) Head Assisstant Registrar Assistant Registrar (Development & Research) BEdTESL (Hons), MEd(Tech)(Mal), PhD(Melbourne) : Sa’idah Nafisah Mohd Zahari BHSc (Hons)(IIUM), MPA(UM) 13 AHLI-AHLI FAKULTI FACULTY MEMBERS JABATAN ASAS PENDIDIKAN DAN KEMANUSIAAN DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATIONS AND HUMANITIES Ketua : Zaharah Hussin BIsEdHons, MEd(Mal), PhD(UKM) Pensyarah Kanan : Latifah Ismail (Datin) BAHons(USM), DipEd(USM), MEd(Tsukuba), PhD(Nottingham) Abd. Razak Zakaria BAHons(UKM), MA(UKM), PhD(Mal) Abdul Muhsien Sulaiman BSc, MEd, PhD(Mal) Ghazali Darusalam BAHons(UKM), CertEd(MPI), MA(UKM), PhD(Mal) Vishalache Balakrishnan CertEd(MPIK), Specialist CertEd(MPIK), BEdTESLHons(Mal), MEd(Mal), PhD(VUM,NZ), CertESOL(NZ) Zaharah Hussin BIsEdHons, MEd(Mal), PhD(UKM) Head of Department Senior Lecturer : : : : : Mohd Faisal Mohamed BJuris(Al al-Bayt), MA(Portsmouth) Rahimi Md Saad BAHons(Yarmouk), DipEd(IIUM), MEd(Mal) Pensyarah Lecturers : Pensyarah Kanan Pelawat : Wail Muil Alhaj Said Ismail BSc, MEd, PhD (Yarmok) : Abu Talib Putih CertEd, DipAD(Fine Art-ITM), MA(IIIinois), PhD(Iiiinois at Urbana Champaign) Wan Hasmah Wan Mamat BAHons, DipEd(Mal), DipPengIs(UKM), MA(East Anglia), EdD (Monash) Visiting Senior Lecturer Felo Penyelidik Research Fellow : : 14 JABATAN PENDIDIKAN BAHASA DAN LITERASI DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGE AND LITERACY EDUCATION Ketua : Juliana Othman BEdTESOLHons(Moray Hse, UK), MA, PhD(Reading) Profesor : Abdul Jalil Othman CertEd(MPSAH), BEdHons(UPM), MEd(Mal), PhD(Mal) Profesor Madya : Juliana Othman BEdTESOLHons(Moray Hse, UK), MA, PhD(Reading) Pensyarah Kanan : Adelina Asmawi BEdTESLHons, MEd(Tech)(Mal), PhD(Melbourne) Chew Fong Peng BAHons, DipEd(UKM), MA, PhD(UKM) Muhammad Azhar Zailaini BAHons(Morocco), DipEd(IIUM), MEd(Mal), PhD(Mal) Pradip Kumar Mishra BA(Utkal,India) MA, PhD(Berhampur,India) Wong Seet Leng CertEd, BAHons, MEd(Mal), PhD(Mal) Zawawi Ismail BAHons(Yarmouk), DipEd(IIUM), MEd(UKM), PhD(UKM) Zuwati Hasim BEdTESLHons, MAESL(UKM), PhD(Waikato,NZ) Shanina Sharatol Ahmad Shah BEdTESOLHons(Surrey,UK), MEdTESL (Mal), PhD(Mal) Head of Department Professor Associate Professor Senior Lecturer : : : : : : : : Pensyarah Lecturer : : : : Pensyarah Kanan Pelawat Visiting Senior Lecturer Felo Penyelidik Kanan Hyeseung Jeong BA(Korea), DipTESOL(Korea), DipTESOL for young learners(Korea), MATESOL(Korea), PhD(Waikato,NZ) : Senior Research Fellow : Pengajar-Skim Latihan Akademik Bumiputra : Tutor-Bumiputra Academic Training Scheme/SLAI Mohd Rashid Mohd Saad BEdTESLHons(UKM), MEd(Leeds), PhD(Mal) Foziah Mahmood CertEd,DipESL(Mal), BEdTESLHons(UPM), MEdTESL(Leeds) Huzaina Abdul Halim CertEd(MPIK), DipBanking(ITM), BEdTESLHons, MScTESL(UPM) Norini Abas BEdTESL(UPM), DipESL(Mal), MA in ELT(Warwick) Roselina Johari Md Khir BA(Mal), MA(Bloomington) : Moses Samuel BAHons, DipEd, MEd(Mal), EdD(Harvard) Asra Zarina Asbollah BHS(UIAM), MEd(Mal) Fateha Senom BEdTESL(Mal) 15 JABATAN PENDIDIKAN MATEMATIK DAN SAINS DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE EDUCATION : Profesor $: Noraini Idris (Dato’) BScEd (Hons), MEd(Mal), PhD(OSU) : Nik Azis Nik Pa BSc, MSc(N Illinois), EdD(Georgia) : Esther Sarojini Daniel BScEdHons(Mal), MEd., PhD(USM) Profesor Madya : Head of Department Professor Associate Professor Pensyarah Kanan Senior Lecturer : : : : : : : Sharifah Norul Akmar Syed Zamri (Datin) BSc, MEd(Ohio), PhD(Mal) Rohaida Mohd Saat BSc(Indiana), MScEd(Indiana), PhD(UPM) Leong Kwan Eu BSc Ed(Mal), MEd.ICT(Mal), MSc. (Columbia) MA(Columbia), MPhil (Columbia), PhD(Columbia) Renuka a/p V.Sathasivam BSc(Mal), MEd(Mal), MSc(Mal), PhD(Mal) Rose Amnah Ab. Rauf BScEd(UTM), MScEd(Warwick), PhD(UKM) Selva Ranee a/p S.Subramaniam BSc(USA), DipEd.(Mal), MEd.(Mal), PhD(UKM) Syed Kamaruzaman Syed Ali BPend,(UNIMED), MSc(UPM), PhD(UPSI) Suzieleez Syrene Abdul Rahim BScEd(Hons)(Mal), MEd(Mal), PhD(Western Australia) Pensyarah : Norjoharuddeen Mohd Nor BSc(Queensland), MEd (Houston), SPLI(MPTI) Pensyarah Kanan Pelawat : Dr. Hutkemri S.Pd (Maths Ed.)(UOR), M.Ed(UKM), PhD(UKM) Lecturer Visiting Senior Lecturer $ Sharifah Norul Akmar Syed Zamri (Datin) BSc, MEd(Ohio), PhD(Mal) Ketua Dipinjamkan/ On Secondment 16 JABATAN PSIKOLOGI PENDIDIKAN DAN KAUNSELING DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY AND COUNSELLING Ketua Head of Department : Fonny Dameaty Hutagalung BA(UMA), MA(UKM), PhD(UKM) Profesor Professor : Ananda Kumar a/l Palaniappan BScHons(UKM), MEd(Mal), MBA(Mal), PhD(Mal) Profesor Madya Associate Professor : Diana Lea-Baranovich B.ME(Loyola), M.ED(Loyola), EdD(California Coast) Jas Laili Suzana Jaafar BAHons, DipEd (UKM), MSc(Belfast), PhD (Lancaster) Loh Sau Cheong CertEd, BEdHons(UKM), MSc, PhD(UPM) Mariani Md. Nor BScEd(Mal), MPhil, PhD(Bristol) Zahari Ishak CertEd, BEdHons, MSc(UPM), PhD(Mal) : : : : Pensyarah Kanan Lecturer : : : : : : : : : Lau Poh Li BCouns, PhD(Mal) Melati Sumari BIsEdHons, MEd(Mal), PhD(W Michigan) Rafidah Aga Mohd Jaladin BScHons(UWA), MCouns(Mal), PhD(Monash) Shahrir Jamaluddin DipSc(UiTM), BA, MScEd, PhD(SIU) Madhyazhagan a/l Ganesan B.Sp.Ed, M.Sp.Ed, PhD(UKM) Hamidah Sulaiman BEd(UPM), MA(UKM), PhD(Mal) Ida Hartina Ahmed Tharbe BScHons(Kent), MA(UPM), PhD(UKM) Noor Aishah Rosli BHSc (Hons)(IIUM), MSc(UUM), PhD(Marquette,USA) Fonny Dameaty Hutagalung BA(UMA), MA(UKM), PhD(UKM) Pensyarah Pelawat Visiting Lecturer : Nabeel Abdallah Adedalaziz Dip, BSc, MA, PhD(Yarmouk) Felo Penyelidik Kanan (Senior Research Fellow) : Isahak Haron (Profesor Emeritus Dato’) BA(Hons), DipEd(Mal), Med(Sydney), PhD(Chicago) Pengajar-Skim Latihan Akademik Bumiputra Tutor-Bumiputra Academic Training Scheme/SLAI : Ahmad Shamsuri Muhamad BCoun(Mal), MCoun(Mal) Azmawaty Mohamad Nor BABuss(Melbourne), MCouns(Mal) Norfaezah Md. Khalid BCoun(Mal) Norsafaratul Aznin A.Razak BCoun(Mal) : : : 17 JABATAN KURIKULUM DAN TEKNOLOGI PENGAJARAN DEPARTMENT OF CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY Ketua : Umi Kalsum Mohd Salleh BAHons(USM), DipEd(USM), MEd(UKM), PhD(Adelaide) Profesor : Saedah Siraj BAHons(UM), DipEd, MEd(UM), PhD(Pittsburgh) Pensyarah Kanan : Chin Hai Leng DipEd(UKM), BAHons(UKM), MMgmt(UM), PhD(UM) Dorothy Dewitt BScEd(Mal), Med(Mal), PhD(Mal) Farrah Dina Yusop B.Mgt.Edu(Info Tech)(Hons)(UUM), MIT(UM)(Mal), PhD(Lowa State) Lorraine Pe Symaco MA(U.Philippines), PhD(Oxford) Mohd Shahril Nizam Shaharom BScComp(UTM), Med(UTM), PhD(UM) Norhashimi Saad BIsEdHons(Mal), MAED(Warwick) Norlidah Alias BEng(Monash), MEd(Mal), PhD(Mal) Rafiza Abdul Razak BEdTESL(Hons)(UKM), MEd(Mal), PhD(UIA) Siti Hajar Halili BScHons(UiTM), MAEduTech(USM), PhD(USM) Tee Meng Yew BSc(Kansas), BA(Kansas), MBA(Kansas), PhD(Kansas) Head of Department Professor Senior Lecturers : : : : : : : : : Umi Kalsum Mohd Salleh BAHons(USM), DipEd(USM), MEd(UKM), PhD(Adelaide) Pensyarah : Pensyarah Pelawat : Felo Penyelidik Kanan : Pengajar-Skim Latihan Akademik Bumiputra *: Hema a/p Letchamanan Lecturer Visiting Lecturer (Senior Research Fellow) Tutor-Bumiputra Academic Training Scheme/SLAI Mohammad Attaran MA(TMU), PhD(TMU) : Zahra Naimie BA(Iran), MA(Mal), PhD(Mal) Abu Bakar Nordin (Profesor Emeritus Dato’) BA(Auckland), MA(Auckland), Cert. in Teaching(Auckland), DipEd(Massey), PhD(Chicago) : Mohammad Hafiz Zaini : Siti Farhah A.Aziz BA(UTM) * Cuti Belajar/ Study Leave 18 JABATAN PENGURUSAN, PERANCANGAN DAN DASAR PENDIDIKAN DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT, PLANNING AND POLICY Ketua : Megat Ahmad Kamaluddin Megat Daud BA, MSc(St.Thomas Miami), PhD(Mal) Profesor : Sufean Hussin (Datuk) BScEdHons, MEd(Mal), PhD(Oregon, USA) Profesor Madya : Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani BBA(UUM), DipEd(MTC),ESL(Indiana), MBA(UKM), PhD(Mal) Pensyarah Kanan : Ahmad Zabidi Abdul Razak BEdHons, MEd(Mal), PhD(Massey) Husaina Banu Kenayathulla BAct(UIA), DipEd(UIA), MEd(Mal), MSCED(Indiana), PhD(Indiana,USA) Megat Ahmad Kamaluddin Megat Daud BA, MSc(St. Thomas Miami), PhD(Mal) Zuraidah Abdullah DipEd(Mal), BA(Mal), MPRinc(Mal), PhD(Mal) Kazi Enamul Hoque BA(Dhaka), B.Ed(Rejshahi), MSS(Dhaka), M.Ed(Darul Ehsan), PhD(USM) Simin Ghavifekr BEd(IAU), MEd(UPM), PhD(Mal) Norfariza Mohd Radzi BAcc(Uniten), MBA(UPM), PhD(Mal) Azuraida Shahadan BBA(Mal), MEdMgmt(Mal), MEd(Pittsburgh), PhD(California,USA) Head of Department Professor Associate Professor Lecturers : : : : : : : Felo Penyelidik Kanan : Senior Research Fellow Felo Penyelidik Research Fellow : : Abdul Rahman Idris (Datuk) BEcHons, DPA(Mal), MPA(USC), PhD(Manchester, USA) Mohammed Sani Ibrahim BA(Hons) (Mal), M.Ed (Mal), M.Ed.(London), PhD(UKM) Rahmad Sukor Abd. Samad CertEd, BAHons(USM), MEd(Mal) 19 KAKITANGAN SOKONGAN SUPPORT STAFF Pejabat Dekan Jabatan Nurul Fathina Romli Yusri bin Mohamad Yusuf Khairul Amilin Mohamed Mohd Salehudin Md Zin Norhafizah Mat Rahim Norhaslizawati Ramli Noorhaida Mohamad Siti Farah Quraisyiah Mohd Yusof Sunita Abdul Aziz Dean’s Office Pejabat Timbalan Dekan Deputy Dean’s Office Fatimah Abu Talib Muhamad Hamka Bakhtiar Muhammat Yufpri Mat Inun Normawati Zainol Abidin Nor Azura A. Rahim Pejabat Am Department Bilik Dokumen dan Rekod Documentation and Record Room Anis Amija Amiruldin Jamaliah Jasin General Office Azri Fazli Mohd Omar Fazlina Zakaria Juriza Mahidin Logeswari a/p Nanessenderam Mariamah Muhammad Mazlita Ahmad Mohd Rafi Bakri Noor Hayati Ismail Noraini Bahari Norazlina binti Ahmed Nawawi Norfazlin Aida Radzuan Norkusharina Nasir @ Nasarudin Rohaizal Akmal Arifin Siti Nurmaznum Zulkafri Zubaidah Omar 20 UNIT-UNIT KEMUDAHAN FACILITIES UNITS Studio TV Makmal Mikrokomputer Khairy Khalid Norazlina binti Ahmed Nawawi Bengkel Kayu Makmal Multimedia Omar Shaari Azrul Yusuf Tun Hairul Farid Ton Hamzah Makmal Pendidikan Seni Makmal Kaunseling Omar Shaari Saiful Taqiyuddin Iskak TV Studio Woodwork Workshop Art Education Laboratory Microcomputer Room Multimedia Room Counselling Room Makmal Sains Serbaguna Multipurpose Science Laboratory Azlan Aziz Habibah Az-Zahra Abd Rahim 21 JAWATANKUASA PANEL PENASIHAT AKADEMIK ACADEMIC ADVISOR PANEL COMMITTEE PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 22 JAWATANKUASA PANEL PENASIHAT AKADEMIK ACADEMIC ADVISOR PANEL COMMITTEE Dekan Dean : Prof. Madya Dr. Mariani Md. Nor BScEd(Mal), MPhil, PhD(Bristol) Timbalan Dekan (Ijazah Dasar) : Dr. Adelina Asmawi Jawatankuasa : Prof. Madya Dr. Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani BBA(UUM), DipEd(MTC), ESL(Indiana), MBA(UKM), PhD(Mal) Deputy Dean (Basic Degree) Commitee BEdTESL (Hons), MEd(Tech)(Mal), PhD(Melbourne) : Dr. Noor Aishah Rosli BHSc (Hons)(IIUM), MSc(UUM), PhD(Marquette,USA) : Dr. Abdul Muhsein Sulaiman BSc, MEd, PhD(Mal) : Dr. Mohd Shahril Nizam Shaharom BScComp(UTM), Med(UTM), PhD(UM) : En. Norjoharuddeen Mohd Nor BSc(Queensland), MEd (Houston), SPLI(MPTI) : Pn. Roselina Johari Md Khir BA(Mal), MA(Bloomington) Staf Sokongan Support Staff : Pn. Norfazlin Aida Radzuan Sila klik https://education.um.edu.my/undergraduate/academic-advisor-panel untuk maklumat lanjut. Please click https://education.um.edu.my/undergraduate/academic-advisor-panel for more details. 23 PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 24 PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES 1. SARJANA MUDA PENDIDIKAN (PENGAJARAN BAHASA INGGERIS SEBAGAI BAHASA KEDUA) BACHELOR OF EDUCATION (TEACHING OF ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE) Program Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (Pengajaran Bahasa Inggeris Sebagai Bahasa Kedua (PBISBK) telah dimulakan pada tahun 1989. Oleh sebab tujuan program adalah untuk memberi persediaan akademik dan latihan profesional kepada bakal guru Bahasa Inggeris sekolah menengah, program ini menggabungkan komponen kemahiran bahasa dan kesusasteraan Inggeris dengan komponen profesional yang menekankan ilmu pendidikan dan amalan pengajaran di bilik darjah. The Bachelor of Education programme (Teaching of English as a Second Language (TESL) began in 1989. The aim of the programme is to provide academic preparation and professional training for English Secondary School teachers. The programme integrates the English language skills and English Literature with the professional components, which stress on knowledge in education and classroom teaching practices. Pada tahun 1997, program pensiswazahan dalam PBISBK telah dimulakan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan melibatkan pengambilan dua kohort pelajar sahaja. Pada tahun 1999, seramai 57 graduan telah lulus dan berjaya menamatkan pengajian, sementara pada tahun 2000 seramai 111 graduan telah mendapat pensiswazahan. In 1997, the graduate programme for TESL was launched by the Ministry of Education which involved the intake of only two cohorts of students: 57 students graduated In 1999 and a total of 111 graduated in 2000. Mulai tahun 1999 pula, Program Khas Pensiswazahan Guru (PKPG) telah dimulakan atas permintaan Kementerian Pendidikan. Perbezaannya dengan program pensiswazahan terdahulu adalah pada tahap pertengahan pengajian, pelajar program PKPG yang meneruskan pembelajaran mereka di Universiti Malaya akan bergabung dengan pelajar PBISBK program biasa. Dahulunya, pelajar PKPG diletakkan dalam kelompok yang tersendiri. Program PKPG bagi PBISBK ini berakhir pada tahun 2004. In the early 1999, Teachers’ Special Graduate Programme (PKPG) was launched under the request of the Ministry of Education. The difference compared to the previous graduate programme lies in the intermediate level of the course as students of the PKPG programme who continue their studies at the University of Malaya would join the normal degree programme. In the past, PKPG students would be in their own groups. The PKPG programme for the TESL ended in 2004. Walaubagaimanapun, program PBISBK ambilan lepasan STPM masih berjalan. Pada sesi 2015/2016 terdapat 30 pelajar yang mengikuti program ini. However, the TESL programme for the STPM leavers still continues. In the 2015/2016 session, 30 students signed up for the programme. Matlamat Program: Programme Goals: Menghasilkan guru atau pendidik yang mempunyai kelayakan akademik yang kukuh serta latihan perguruan yang profesional, khususnya untuk Pengajaran Bahasa Inggeris Sebagai Bahasa Kedua di sekolah menengah atau di manamana sektor pendidikan yang berkaitan. To produce teachers or educators who have strong academic qualifications and professional teacher education specifically for the Teaching of English as a Second Language in secondary schools and any other relevant sectors. Hasil Pembelajaran Program Learning Outcomes of the Programme : 1) Menguasai pengetahuan yang cukup untuk Pengajaran Bahasa Inggeris sebagai bahasa kedua. 2) Mempraktikkan kemahiran bahasa sebagai guru di sekolah menengah, institusi pendidikan awam ataupun swasta, khususnya dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Inggeris sebagai Bahasa Kedua dan mata pelajaran lain yang berkaitan. 3) Acquire sufficient knowledge for the teaching of English as a second language. Practise language skills as teachers in secondary schools, institutions in the public or private sector, particularly in the Teaching of English as a Second Language and other related subjects. Mengamalkan sikap positif terhadap penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris dan mengembangkan penggunaan tersebut dalam pengajaran di bilik darjah dan komunikasi harian untuk faedah masyarakat. Adopt a positive attitude towards the use of English and develop its use for teaching in the classroom and daily communication for the benefit of the community. 25 4) Menampilkan etika perguruan yang profesional serta sikap tanggung jawab moral yang tinggi semasa menjalankan tugas. Display professional ethics and a high level of moral responsibility on the job. 5) Berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggeris secara berkesan semasa melaksanakan tugas secara individu sama ada sebagai ahli atau ketua dalam kumpulan/pasukan. Communicate effectively in English in the performance of individual tasks either as members or leaders of a group / team. 6) Menganalisis secara kritikal isu yang berkaitan dalam usaha menyelesaikan masalah berhubung dengan Pengajaran Bahasa Inggeris sebagai Bahasa Kedua. Critically analyze issues related to the effort to solve problems in the teaching of English as a Second Language. 7) Menunjukkan kemahiran dalam penggunaan teknologi moden bagi menyebar maklumat secara berkesan sama ada untuk pengajaran mahu pun untuk pembelajaran sepanjang hayat. Demonstrate skills in using modern technology to disseminate information effectively for either teaching or lifelong learning. 8) Menggunakan ilmu pendidikan dan kebolehan berbahasa Inggeris untuk tugas perundingan, penguruan dan keusahawanan pengusahaan dalam sektor pendidikan. Use the knowledge in the field of education and English language proficiency in negotiation, teaching and entrepreneurial undertakings in the education sector. 2. SARJANA MUDA PENDIDIKAN AWAL KANAK-KANAK BACHELOR OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Program ini mula ditawarkan pada tahun 1997 dengan pengambilan seramai 83 pelajar, program ini merupakan yang pertama di Malaysia bertujuan menyediakan pendidikan dan latihan profesional kepada mereka yang ingin menjadi pendidik peringkat awal kanak-kanak, atau mereka yang sudah berkecimpung dalam bidang pendidikan awal kanak-kanak dan ingin mendapat latihan secara profesional di peringkat Sarjana Muda. Sehingga kini program ini telah mengeluarkan seramai 265 graduan. Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak ini telah diiktiraf oleh Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam sebagai setaraf dengan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kepujian dari universiti-universiti tempatan bagi maksud lantikan ke jawatan yang bersesuaian dalam Perkhidmatan Awam dan ia setanding dengan universiti antarabangsa. This programme was first established in 1997 with the intake of 83 students. It is the first programme of its kind in Malaysia that aims to provide education and professional development to those who are interested to be educators of Early Childhood Education, or to those who are aspiring to obtain professional training in the Bachelor level. To date, the programme has produced 265 graduates. Bachelor of Early Childhood Education is recognized by the Civil Service Department (Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam) as equivalent to other Bachelor programmes of other local universities for suitable employment in the civil service and is comparable to those of international universities. Matlamat Program: Programme Goals: Menghasilkan bakal pendidik yang berwibawa dalam bidang pendidikan awal kanak-kanak dan mampu berkhidmat sebagai pembimbing, penasihat atau pengusaha dalam sektor perkhidmatan yang berkaitan. Produce educators who are competent in the field of early childhood education and who are able to serve as counselors, advisors or managers in the relevant service sector. Hasil Pembelajaran Program Learning Outcomes of the Programme : 1) Menguasai kefahaman yang tinggi terhadap aspek perkembangan dan amalan pendidikan awal kanak-kanak; 2) Menggunakan pengetahuan dan kemahiran dalam teknologi pengajaran dan pengurusan untuk pusat perkembangan pendidikan awal kanak-kanak; Master a high level of understanding of aspects of the development and practice of early childhood education; Use the knowledge and skills in instructional technology and management in centres for the development of early childhood education; 3) Mengaplikasikan kemahiran pendidikan awal kanak-kanak dalam melaksanakan tanggungjawab sosial terhadap komuniti; Apply the skills of early childhood education with social responsibility to the community; 26 4) Mengamal etika profesional dan tanggungjawab moral dalam melaksanakan tugas berkaitan dengan pendidikan awal kanak-kanak; Practise professional ethics and moral responsibility in carrying out tasks related to early childhood education 5) Berkomunikasi secara berkesan, berupaya memimpin dan melaksanakan kerja berpasukan sebagai penjaga dan pendidik kanak-kanak; Communicate effectively, show leadership, and engage in teamwork as guardians and educators of children. 6) Menggunakan pemikiran kritikal dan kreatif dalam membuat keputusan dan menyelesaikan masalah; 7) Menguruskan maklumat dalam menjalankan tanggungjawab sebagai pendidik awal kanak-kanak dan mengamalkan pembelajaran sepanjang hayat; Display critical and creative thinking in making decisions and solving problems. Manage information in the exercise of responsibility as early childhood educators and practice of lifelong learning 8) Menggunakan kemahiran dan keusahawanan dalam melaksanakan tugas sebagai bakal pendidik atau pengusaha taman asuhan/didikan kanak-kanak. Use relevant skills and entrepreneurship in the performance of duties as future teachers or managers of early childhood centres. 3. SARJANA MUDA KAUNSELING BACHELOR OF COUNSELING Dimulakan pada tahun 1997 dengan pengambilan seramai 75 pelajar, program Sarjana Muda Kaunseling menyediakan pendidikan dan latihan profesional kepada mereka yang ingin menjadi kaunselor di institusi pendidikan, jabatan kerajaan atau sektor swasta. Commenced in 1997 with an intake of 75 students, the Bachelor of Counseling programme provides education and professional training for those who aspire to be counselors in educational institutions, government departments or private sectors. Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kaunseling telah diiktiraf oleh Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam sebagai setaraf dengan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kepujian dari universiti-universiti tempatan bagi maksud lantikan ke jawatan yang bersesuaian dalam Perkhidmatan Awam. Pada sesi 2015/2016 terdapat 50 pelajar yang mengikuti program ini. The Bachelor of Counseling programme from UM is recognized by the Civil Service Department (Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam) as equivalent to other Bachelor programmes to other local universities for suitable employment in the civil service. To date, this programme has produced 300 graduates.. In the 2015/2016 session, 50 students signed up for the programme. Matlamat Program: Programme Goals: Program ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan ahli kaunselor professional dan sumber manusia yang bertauliah bagi mengurus organisasi institusi dan pendidikan dalam kedua-dua sektor (awam dan swasta) untuk keperluan Negara This program aims to produce professional counselors and certifed human resources to manage organizations and educational institutions in the two sectors - public and private - to the serve the needs of the nation. Hasil Pembelajaran Program Learning Outcomes of the Programme : 1) 2) Menguasai pengetahuan dalam bidang kaunseling dan psikologi. Master knowledge in the field of counseling and psychology. Menggunakan kemahiran dalam bidang psikologi kaunseling untuk berfungsi sebagai kaunselor di institusi pendidikan, sektor awam atau sektor swasta. Use the skills in the field of counseling psychology to work as counselors in educational institutions in the public sector or private sector. 3) Mempamerkan kemahiran sosial dan tanggungjawab dalam mempraktikkan khidmat kaunseling demi keperluan masyarakat dan persekitarannya. Display social skills and responsibility in implementing counseling services in line with the needs of society and the environment. 4) Mengamalkan etika profesional dan tanggungjawab moral ketika melaksanakan tugas sebagai kaunselor. 5) Berkomunikasi dengan berkesan, bekerja dalam pasukan dan mempunyai kemahiran kepimpinan dalam menterjemah, merangka, menyampai dan menilai projek kaunseling. Practise professional ethics and moral responsibility in the discharge of duties as counselors. 27 Communicate effectively, work in teams and possess leadership skills in translating, designing, delivering and evaluating counseling projects. 6) Menggunakan kemahiran saintifik untuk menganalisis isu kritikal dalam usaha mencari penyelesaian kepada masalah dalam bidang piskologi kaunseling. Use scientific skills to analyze critical issues in an effort to find solutions to problems in the field of counseling psychology. 7) Menggunakan pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang telah dipelajari sebagai asas untuk meningkatkan lagi kemahiran dan keperluan ke arah pembelajaran sepanjang hayat. Use knowledge and skills learned as a basis to improve skills and requirements towards lifelong learning. 8) Menjadi seorang kaunselor yang bertauliah yang mampu berperanan sebagai penasihat, pakar runding, pakar rujuk dalam sesebuah agensi perundingan yang sedia ada sebagai persediaan untuk kemahiran keusahawanan dalam konteks kaunseling. Become qualified counselors who are able to act as advisers, consultants, and specialists in existing consulting agencies in preparation for entrepreneurial skills in the context of counseling 4. SARJANA MUDA PENDIDIKAN (PENGURUSAN PENDIDIKAN) BACHELOR OF EDUCATION (EDUCATION MANAGEMENT) Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (Pengurusan Pendidikan) merupakan program Program Khas Pensiswazahan Guru Besar yang dianjurkan oleh Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia melalui Institut Aminudin Baki. Ini adalah program “top-down” Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia melalui Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi kepada semua universiti termasuk Universiti Malaya. Program ini dibentuk untuk melatih pengurus dan pentadbir sekolah seperti guru-guru besar, penolong-penolong kanan dan guru-guru kanan mata pelajaran yang layak untuk dilantik sebagai Guru Besar bagi memenuhi keperluan Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, khususnya untuk menjadikan sekurang-kurangnya 50% daripada jawatan Guru Besar di sekolah rendah disandang oleh pemegang Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (Pengurusan Pendidikan) pada tahun 2010. Bachelor of Education (Educational Management) program is a special program called Program Khas Pensiswazahan Guru Besar organized by the Ministry of Education through the Institute of Aminuddin Baki. It is the "top-down" program of the Ministry of Education through the Ministry of Higher Education to all universities, including the University of Malaya. The program is designed to train school managers and administrators such as Headmasters, senior assistants and senior teachers that are eligible to be appointed as Headmaster to meet the needs of the Ministry of Education, in particular to make at least 50% of Headmasters in the primary schools held by graduates of Bachelor of Education (Educational Management) by 2010. Kumpulan pertama pelajar seramai 30 orang telah mula mengikuti program ini pada sesi 2007/2008. The first group of 30 students began the program in 2007/2008 sesion. Hasil Pembelajaran Program Learning Outcomes of the Programme : 1) Menunjukkan kefahaman dan penguasaan ilmu pengetahuan merangkumi teori dan amalan dalam bidang organisasi dan pengurusan pendidikan. Demonstrate an understanding and mastery of knowledge covering theory and practice in the field of organization and management of education. 2) Mempamerkan kemahiran merancang, mengelola, memimpin dan mengawal organisasi dan pengurusan sesebuah institusi pendidikan; Demonstrate skills in planning, organizing, directing and controlling the organization and management of educational institutions; 3) Menguasai kemahiran mengumpul, mengurus dan menganalisis data; 4) Mengaplikasi dan mengintegrasi teknologi dalam pengurusan institusi pendidikan dengan cekap dan berkesan; 5) Mengimplementasi polisi dan perundangan dalam pembangunan sistem pendidikan; 6) Master the skills to collect, manage and analyze data; Apply and integrate the technology in the management of educational institutions efficiently and effectively; Implement policies and laws in the development of the education system; Menyelesaikan masalah dan membuat keputusan menggunakan pemikiran kritis dan kreatif; Solve problems and make decisions using critical and creative thinking; 28 7) Mengamalkan hubungan baik, berinteraksi dan bekerja secara berpasukan untuk mencapai objektif organisasi; 8) Mengamalkan akauntabiliti dan tanggungjawab sosial; 9) Mengamalkan nilai dan etika professional dalam pengurusan pendidikan. Practise good relations, interact and work as a team to achieve the objectives of the organization; Practise accountability and social responsibility; Practise professional values and ethics in educational management Disclaimer: Tiada penawaran kursus bagi program Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (Pengurusan Pendidikan) bagi kemasukan sesi 2015/2016. No courses are offered for the programme of Bachelor of Education (Education Management) for intake 2015/2016. 5. PROGRAM KERJASAMA DENGAN FAKULTI LAIN COLLABORATIVE PROGRAMMES WITH OTHER FACULTIES Pada masa ini, Fakulti Pendidikan bekerjasama dengan dua (2) fakulti lain di Universiti Malaya dengan mengendalikan komponen profesional yang menekankan ilmu pendidikan dan amalan pengajaran di bilik darjah. Program tersebut ialah: At present, the Faculty of Education collaborates with two (2) other faculties in the University of Malaya by managing a professional component which stresses on educational knowledge and teaching practice in the classroom. The programmes are: - SARJANA MUDA PENDIDIKAN ISLAM BACHELOR OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION Sejak tahun 1982, Fakulti Pendidikan telah bekerjasama dengan Akademi Pengajian Islam dalam mengendalikan program Sarjana Muda Pendidikan Islam. Since 1982, the Faculty of Education collaborates with the Academy of Islamic Studies to manage the Bachelor of Islamic Education programme. - SARJANA MUDA SAINS DENGAN PENDIDIKAN BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH EDUCATION Program Sarjana Muda Sains dengan Pendidikan telah dimulakan pada tahun 1975 dan merupakan program kerjasama Fakulti Pendidikan dengan Fakulti Sains. The Bachelor of Science with education began in 1975 and it is a collaboration between the Faculty of Education and Faculty of Science. 29 LATIHAN MENGAJAR TEACHING PRACTICE LATIHAN MENGAJAR TEACHING PRACTICE PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/ 2015/2016 BACHELOR OF EDUCATION (TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SESSION SECOND LANGUAGE) PROGRAMME PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA PENDIDIKAN (PENGAJARAN BAHASA INGGERIS SEBAGAI BAHASA KEDUA) BACHELOR OF EDUCATION (TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE) PROGRAMME 1. LATIHAN MENGAJAR TEACHING PRACTICE Latihan Mengajar merupakan komponen praktikal dalam pendidikan profesional keguruan yang djalankan bagi tempoh yang ditetapkan. Pelajar dikehendaki menjalani Latihan Mengajar di bawah seliaan penyelia yang berpengalaman (di sekolah menengah). Dalam tempoh tersebut pelajar akan cuba mempraktikkan apa yang telah dipelajari tentang teori pendidikan dan kaedah pengajaran dalam mata pelajaran pengkhususan masing-masing ke dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran sebenar di bilik darjah. Teaching practice is a practical component that is imperative in the education of teachers. This practice is done within a required duration determined by a committee in the faculty. Teacher candidates will go through teaching practice under the supervision of experienced supervisors. Within the estimated duration, the teacher candidates will attempt to implement what they have learnt which includes the educational theories and the methodology in their respective subjects into the actual classroom environment. Selain daripada tugas-tugas pengajaran, pelajar perlu melibatkan diri dalam kegiatan ko-kurikulum di sekolah, atau apa sahaja tugas pentadbiran bilik darjah, perkhidmatan khas dan pengurusan sekolah yang diminta oleh pihak sekolah. Apart from teaching duties, teacher candidates will also need to be involved in the school co-curricular activities as well as any administrative duties, special tasks and school management, as required by the respective schools. Pelajar hendaklah membuat persediaan mengajar yang lengkap termasuk rancangan pelajaran, alat bantu mengajar, bahan penilaian dan menyimpan rekod pembelajaran murid. Pelajar juga dikehendaki melibatkan diri sepenuhnya dalam program-program/aktiviti-aktiviti penting yang berlaku di sekolah seperti Hari Kebangsaan, Hari Sukan, Hari Ucapan dan Pameran. Teacher candidates also need to develop their own teaching preparation, which must include lesson plans, teaching aids, evaluation materials and the students’ progress reports. The candidates also need to be involved as much as possible in all the school activities; National Day, Sports Day, Speech Day or exhibitions. Latihan Mengajar diadakan pada Semester ke 7 dan kebiasaannya melibatkan sekolah-sekolah di sekitar Wilayah Persekutuan dan Selangor. Teaching practice commences in the 7th Semester and is carried out in schools in the Federal Territory or Selangor. 2. PRA SYARAT/ KRITERIA LATIHAN MENGAJAR PRE-REQUISITE/CRITERIA FOR TEACHING PRACTICE Telah lulus semua kursus asas, kursus Kaedah Pertama dan Kaedah Kedua kecuali kursus Asas, Kursus Kaedah Pertama dan Kaedah Kedua yang ditawarkan dalam Semester II Tahap Akhir. Passed all foundation courses, First Method and Second Method courses. First Method and Second Method courses are offered in Semester II for final year students. 3. SYARAT KEHADIRAN LATIHAN MENGAJAR ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENT FOR THE TEACHING PRACTICE 3.1 Bagi Mereka Yang Tidak Mempunyai Sijil Perguruan For candidates without a Teaching Certificate (1) Jangka masa Latihan Mengajar adalah selama 10-12 minggu. Pelajar diwajibkan menghadiri sepenuhnya Latihan Mengajar. Calon yang tidak menghadiri Latihan Mengajar selama tempoh yang tidak melebihi 5 hari bekerja atas alasan kesihatan dan perubatan atau alasan lain yang dianggap munasabah oleh Fakulti, boleh disifatkan sebagai telah memenuhi keperluan Latihan Mengajar. The duration of teaching practice is between the range of 10-12 weeks. It is compulsory for the teacher candidates to attend the whole training. Teacher candidates who do not attend teaching practice for 5 working days or less, with medical and health conditions or other acceptable reasons by the Faculty will be considered as having fulfilled the practicum. (2) Calon yang tidak menghadiri Latihan Mengajar atas alasan kesihatan dan perubatan atau alasan lain yang dianggap munasabah oleh Fakulti, selama tempoh antara 6 hingga 12 hari bekerja boleh dikehendaki menjalankan Latihan Mengajar lanjutan tidak melebihi 4 minggu. Penempatan ke sekolah untuk maksud ini hendaklah seperti ditentukan oleh Fakulti. Teacher candidates who fail to attend the training without any medical reasons or any other plausible reasons for 6 to 12 working days will be expected to extend the training session for the duration of not more than 4 weeks at the school assigned by the Faculty. 31 (3) Calon yang tidak menghadiri Latihan Mengajar selama 13 hari bekerja atau lebih walaupun dengan alasan perubatan dan kesihatan atau alasan lain hendaklah disifatkan sebagai tidak memenuhi syarat dan perlu mengulang Latihan Mengajar sepenuhnya. Candidates who did not attend teaching practice for 13 working days or more with medical or health reasons or other plausible reasons will be noted as failing to complete and will be required to repeat the teaching practice in full. (4) Dalam kes tertentu, Fakulti boleh bertindak untuk menangguh Latihan Mengajar seseorang calon. Dalam kes sebegini, calon hendaklah menghadiri Latihan Mengajar selama 10-12 minggu pada masa yang ditetapkan oleh Fakulti Pendidikan dan peruntukan perkara (1), (2), dan (3) dikenakan. In some exceptional cases, the Faculty may act in deferring the teaching practice of certain candidates. In such cases, the candidate must undergo the teaching practice for 10-12 weeks within the stipulated time and items (1), (2) and (3) will apply. 3.2 Bagi Mereka Yang Telah Mempunyai Sijil Perguruan For candidates with Teaching Certificates (1) Latihan Mengajar adalah antara 6-8 minggu. Calon diwajibkan menghadiri sepenuhnya Latihan Mengajar. Calon yang tidak menghadiri Latihan Mengajar selama tempoh yang tidak melebihi 5 hari bekerja atas alasan kesihatan dan perubatan atau alasan lain yang dianggap munasabah oleh Fakulti, boleh disifatkan sebagai telah memenuhi keperluan Latihan Mengajar. Teaching practice should be completed within 6-8 weeks. Candidates are required to attend the training in full. Candidates who fail to attend within the stipulated time of not more than 5 working days with health and medical reasons or other plausible reasons accepted by the Faculty may be deemed as having fulfilled the training requirement. (2) Calon yang tidak menghadiri Latihan Mengajar atas alasan kesihatan dan perubatan atau alasan lain yang dianggap munasabah oleh Fakulti, selama tempoh antara 4 hingga 6 hari bekerja, boleh dikehendaki menjalankan Latihan Mengajar lanjutan tidak melebihi 2 minggu di sekolah yang ditentukan oleh Fakulti. Candidates who fail to complete the teaching practice with health and medical reasons or other plausible reasons accepted by the Faculty for the duration of 4-7 working days may be required to extend the training session for not more than 2 weeks in the school assigned by the Faculty. (3) Calon yang tidak menghadiri Latihan Mengajar selama 7 hari bekerja atau lebih, walaupun dengan alasan perubatan dan kesihatan atau alasan lain, hendaklah disifatkan sebagai tidak memenuhi syarat dan perlu mengulang Latihan Mengajar sepenuhnya. Candidates who fail to attend the teaching practice for 7 working days or more, even with medical and health or other reasons, will be considered as failing to fulfill the requirement and will have to repeat the teaching practice in full. (4) Dalam kes tertentu, Fakulti boleh bertindak untuk menangguh Latihan Mengajar seseorang pelajar. Dalam kes sebegini, pelajar hendaklah menghadiri Latihan Mengajar selama 6-8 minggu pada masa yang ditetapkan oleh Fakulti Pendidikan dan peruntukan perkara (1), (2), dan (3) dikenakan. In some exceptional cases, the Faculty may act in deferring the teaching practice of certain candidates. In such cases, the candidate must attend the teaching practice for 6-8 weeks within a stipulated time and items (1), (2) and (3) will apply. Catatan : Pelajar akan dibekalkan dengan Garis Panduan dan Buku Rekod Latihan Mengajar semasa menjalani Latihan Mengajar. Note : The students will be equipped with the Teaching Practice handbook when they are sent for teaching practice. PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA PENDIDIKAN AWAL KANAK-KANAK BACHELOR OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION PROGRAMME 1. LATIHAN MENGAJAR TEACHING PRACTICE Latihan Mengajar merupakan komponen praktikal dalam pendidikan profesional keguruan yang djalankan bagi tempoh yang ditetapkan. Pelajar dikehendaki menjalani Latihan Mengajar di bawah seliaan penyelia yang berpengalaman (di sekolah menengah). Dalam tempoh tersebut pelajar akan cuba mempraktikkan apa yang telah dipelajari tentang teori pendidikan dan kaedah pengajaran dalam mata pelajaran pengkhususan masing-masing ke dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran sebenar di bilik darjah. Teaching practice is a practical component that is imperative in the education of teachers. This training is done within a required duration determined by a committee in the faculty. Teacher trainees will go through teaching practice under the supervision of 32 experienced supervisors. Within the estimated duration, the teacher trainees will attempt to implement what they have learnt which includes the educational theories and the methodology in their respective subjects into the actual classroom environment. Selain daripada tugas-tugas pengajaran, pelajar perlu melibatkan diri dalam kegiatan ko-kurikulum di taska atau tadika, atau apa sahaja tugas pentadbiran bilik darjah, perkhidmatan khas dan pengurusan taska atau tadika. Apart from teaching duties, they will also need to be involved in co-curricula activities in the assigned pre-schools and kindergartens as well as any administrative duties, special tasks and school management as required by the respective pre-schools or kindergartens. Pelajar hendaklah membuat persediaan mengajar yang lengkap termasuk rancangan pelajaran, alat bantu mengajar, bahan penilaian dan menyimpan rekod pembelajaran murid. Seberapa yang boleh, pelajar hendaklah melibatkan diri sepenuhnya dalam program-program/aktiviti-aktiviti penting yang berlaku di taska/ tadika seperti Hari Kebangsaan, Hari Sukan, Hari Ucapan dan Pameran. Teacher trainees need to also develop their own teaching preparation which must include lesson plans, teaching aids, evaluation materials together with the students’ progress reports. The trainees also need to be involved as much as possible in all the celebrations that are held in the pre-schools or kindergartens such as National Day, Sports Day, Speech Day or exhibitions. 2. LATIHAN MENGAJAR PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA PENDIDIKAN AWAL KANAK-KANAK TEACHING PRACTICE FOR THE BACHELOR OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION PROGRAMME (1) Latihan Mengajar merupakan latihan amali yang dijalankan oleh pelajar di pusat pendidikan awal kanak-kanak sekolah. Teaching pratice is carried out at early childhood education centre as practical training for the students. (2) Latihan Mengajar (Taska) diadakan pada semester ke-7 dan Latihan Mengajar (Tadika) pada semester ke-9. (3) Pelajar yang tidak menyempurnakan Latihan Mengajar dalam tempoh masa yang ditetapkan atas sebab-sebab tertentu akan dikehendaki menyempurnakan Latihan Mengajar dalam tempoh yang terdekat yang ditetapkan. Teaching practice (Nursery) will be carried out during the 7th semester. Teaching Practice (Kindergarten) will be carried out during the 9th semester. Students who are unable to complete the Teaching Practice at the specified time for various reasons are required to complete the Teaching Practice within the shortest possible time. (4) 3. Latihan Mengajar biasanya diadakan di sekitar Wilayah Persekutuan dan Selangor. Teaching Practice will normally be within the areas of the Federal Territory and Selangor. KRITERIA LATIHAN MENGAJAR SARJANA MUDA PENDIDIKAN AWAL KANAK-KANAK CRITERIA FOR TEACHER TRAINING IN BACHELOR OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION 3.1 Bagi Taska/For Nursery (a) Sudah mengambil dan lulus kursus-kursus berikut: Should complete and pass the courses below: PPEK2207 Kemahiran Pemerhatian & Penilaian I v.1 (3 Jam Kredit) PPEK2208 Kemahiran Pemerhatian & Penilaian II (3 Jam Kredit) PPEK3104 (b) Observation and Evaluation Skills I v.1 (3 Credit Hours) Observation and Evaluation Skills II (3 Credit Hours) Perancangan Program & Strategi Pengajaran I v.1 (3 Jam Kredit) Programme Planning and Teaching Strategies I v.1 (3 Credit Hours) Sudah mengambil 72 jumlah jam kredit (18 jam kredit sesemester x 4 semester) Should complete 72 credit hours (18 credit hours per semester x 4 semesters) 3.2 Bagi Tadika/For Kindergarden (a) Sudah mengambil dan lulus kursus-kursus berikut: Should complete and pass the following courses: PPEK3192 Latihan Mengajar (Taska) (4 Jam Kredit) Teaching Practice (Nursery) (4 Credit Hours) 33 (b) PPEK2207 Kemahiran Pemerhatian & Penilaian I v.1 (3 Jam Kredit) PPEK2208 Kemahiran Pemerhatian & Penilaian II (3 Jam Kredit) PPEK3104 Perancangan Program & Strategi Pengajaran I v.1 (3 Jam Kredit) PPEK4101 Perancangan Program & Strategi Pengajaran II v.1 (3 Jam Kredit) Observation and Evaluation Skills I v.1 (3 Credit Hours) Observation and Evaluation Skills II (3 Credit Hours) Programme Planning and Teaching Strategies I v.1 (3 Credit Hours) Programme Planning and Teaching Strategies II v.1 (3 Credit Hours) Sudah mengambil 108 jumlah jam kredit (18 jam kredit sesemester x 6 semester) Should complete 108 credit hours (18 credit hours per semester x 6 semesters) PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA KAUNSELING BACHELOR OF COUNSELING PROGRAMME LATIHAN PROFESIONAL (PRAKTIKUM) PROFESSIONAL TRAINING (PRACTICUM) Pelajar akan menjalani pengalaman lapangan dalam pendidikan, institusi atau agensi (swasta atau awam) yang dibenarkan. Pengalaman ini adalah direka bentuk untuk memberikan peluang kepada pelajar memperolehi pengalaman terselia dalam mengimplementasikan kemahiran dan pengetahuan yang diperlukan untuk menjadi kaunselor yang berkesan. Ia memberikan peluang kepada pelajar menggunakan pembuatan keputusan refleksi dalam mentaksir, merekabentuk, menyampaikan dan menilai kaunseling yang berkesan. Penyeliaan akan dilakukan oleh pensyarah dan kaunselor di agensi, di mana latihan dijalankan. Pelajar perlu menyempurnakan jam kerja dan memperolehi pencapaian standard yang ditetapkan dan pengalaman. Students will go through the experience of fieldwork in the selected educational setting, institutions or agencies (private or public sectors). This experience is designed to give them the opportunity to gain experience in implementing the skills and knowledge needed in order to become effective counselors. It would give the students the opportunity to use their knowledge in reflective decision-making for translating, designing, conveying and evaluating effective counseling. Observations will be conducted by lecturers and counseling agents at the respective training centres. The students will be required to accomplish the hours stipulated and will need to achieve a standard performance set and experience. PRA SYARAT/PRE-REQUISITE : Telah mengambil dan lulus semua kerja kursus. Completed and passed all coursework. BAGI SEMUA PELAJAR/TO ALL STUDENTS : KES PELAJAR HAMIL/CASES OF PREGNANT STUDENTS 1. Pelajar wanita yang hamil 6 bulan ke atas tidak dibenarkan menjalani latihan mengajar/praktikum. 2. Pelajar wanita yang hamil kurang dari 6 bulan boleh menjalani Latihan Mengajar/ Praktikum dengan syarat: Female students who are 6 months pregnant and above are not allowed to participate in this teaching practice. Female students who are less than 6 months pregnant are allowed to participate in the teaching practice with the following conditions: (a) perlu mendapatkan surat dari doktor perubatan yang mengesahkan bahawa mereka boleh menjalankan latihan mengajar. must have a letter of approval from a doctor to allow them to go through the teaching practice. (b) perlu menandatangani surat perjanjian yang memaklumkan jika dalam masa menjalankan praktikum, sesuatu perkara yang tidak diingini berlaku kepada pelajar. Pihak Universiti tidak akan bertanggungjawab kepada pelajar yang hamil dan bayi yang dikandung. must sign an agreement granting that if any mishap were to occur during the teaching practice, the University will not be responsible for both child and mother. 34 Catatan : Pelajar akan dibekalkan dengan Garis Panduan dan Buku Rekod apabila mereka hendak menjalani Latihan Mengajar/Profesional Note : The students will be equipped with the handbook when they are sent for Teaching Practice/Professional Training 35 KEMAHIRAN INSANIAH SOFT SKILLS PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 36 KEMAHIRAN INSANIAH/SOFT SKILLS PENGENALAN/INTRODUCTION Dalam era globalisasi, pencapaian tahap akademik yang tinggi idak lagi mencukupi untuk para graduan diterima terus ke pasaran pekerjaan. Dengan ekspektasi majikan dan cabaran pekerjaan yang semakin meningkat, graduan perlu memiliki bukan sahaja kelayakan akademik tetapi kebolehan dan kemahiran yang memberikan nilai tambah yang mampu menarik minat majikan. Dari aspek ini, kemahiran insaniah ataupun dikenali sebagai ‘soft skills’ dilihat sebagai penyumbang yang kritikal dalam menjana modal insan yang menyeluruh di samping mampu membawa persaingan di peringkat global. In this era of globalization, high academic achievement alone is not enough for graduates to be accepted into the job market. Employers have high expectancy of graduates and given the ever increasing challenges in employment, graduates not only need academic qualifications but capabilities and skills that give added values and can attract employers. From this aspect, ‘soft skills’ are seen as critical contributors in generating holistic human capital besides increasing global competitiveness. Pihak Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi telah menggariskan tujuh elemen kemahiran insaniah yang wajar dimiliki oleh graduan. Tujuh elemen tersebut ialah: The Ministry of Higher Education has specified seven elements of soft skills that graduates should master. These seven skills are: (1) Kemahiran Berkomunikasi (2) Pemikiran Kritis dan Kemahiran Menyelesaikan Masalah (3) Kemahiran Kerja Berpasukan (4) Pembelajaran Berterusan dan Pengurusan Maklumat (5) Kemahiran Keusahawanan (6) Etika dan Moral Profesional (7) Kemahiran Kepimpinan Communication Skills Critical thinking and Problem Solving skills Teamwork Skills Lifelong Learning and Information Management Entrepreneurial Skills Professional Ethics and Morality Leadership Skills Setiap elemen berkenaan diperincikan kepada 2 kumpulan iaitu: Each element is categorized into 2 groups, namely: • Kemahiran Insaniah Mesti (KIM) : KIM merupakan kemahiran yang mesti dimiliki oleh setiap pelajar Institut Pengajian Tinggi. Jika kemahiran ini tidak ada, pelajar dianggap tidak kompeten dalam elemen berkaitan. Soft Skills (must have): SMH are the skills that must be mastered by all students in Higher Learning Institutions. If these skills are absent, the student is regarded as not competent in the element involved. • Kemahiran Insaniah Tambahan (KIT) : KIT dianggap sebagai kemahiran generik yang memberi nilai tambah kepada pelajar. Jika pelajar memiliki kemahiran KIT & KIM mereka boleh dianggap memiliki kompeten cemerlang dalam elemen berkaitan. Soft Skills (good to have) : SGTH are regarded as generic skills that give added-values to the student. If these skills are mastered by the student together with the SMH, the student is regarded as having outstanding competency in the element involved. 37 KETERANGAN ELEMEN KEMAHIRAN INSANIAH CRITERIA OF THE SOFT SKILL ELEMENTS 1. KEMAHIRAN BERKOMUNIKASI COMMUNICATION SKILLS Kemahiran berkomunikasi melibatkan komunikasi yang berkesan dalam Bahasa Melayu dan bahasa Inggeris yang dikategorikan kepada 8 tahap berikut: Communication skills involve effective communication in Malay and English and are categorized into 8 levels: Tahap Keterangan: Course Outcomes: 1. Kebolehan menyampaikan idea dengan jelas, berkesan dan penuh keyakinan, secara lisan dan bertulis. 2. Kebolehan mengamalkan kemahiran mendengar yang aktif dan memberi maklum balas. 3. Kebolehan membuat pembentangan secara jelas dengan penuh keyakinan dan bersesuaian dengan tahap pendengar. The ability to deliver an idea with clarity, effectiveness and confidence, in verbal and written form. The ability to apply active listening skills and give feedback. The ability to give clear presentations with full confidence and appropriate to the level of the listener. 2. 4. Kebolehan menggunakan teknologi dalam pembentangan. 5. Kebolehan berunding dan mencapai persetujuan. The ability to negotiate and achieve agreement. 6. Kebolehan berkomunikasi dengan peserta komunikasi yang mempunyai budaya berlainan. 7. Kebolehan mengembangkan kemahiran komunikasi perseorangan. 8. Kebolehan menggunakan kemahiran bukan lisan. The ability to use non-verbal communication. The ability to use technology in presentations. The ability to communicate with communication participants who are of different cultures. The ability to develop personal communication skills. PEMIKIRAN KRITIS DAN KEMAHIRAN MENYELESAIKAN MASALAH CRITICAL THINKING AND PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS Kemahiran berfikir dan kemahiran menyelesaikan masalah melibatkan kebolehan berfikir secara kritis, kreatif, inovatif, analitis, serta kebolehan mengaplikasikan pemahaman dan pengetahuan kepada masalah baru dan berlainan. Keterangan 7 tahap kemahiran Pemikiran Kritis dan Kemahiran Menyelesaikan Masalah adalah seperti berikut: Thinking skills and problem solving skills involve the ability to think in creative, critical, analytic, innovative ways and the ability to apply understanding and knowledge to new and unrelated problems. Criteria for the 7 skill levels of Creative Thinking and Problem Solving Skills are as follows: Tahap Keterangan: Course Outcomes: 1. Kebolehan mengenal pasti dan menganalisis masalah dalam situasi kompleks dan kabur, serta membuat penialaian yang berjustifikasi. Ability to identify and analyse problems in complex and uncertain situations, and make justified evaluations. 2. Kebolehan mengembang dan membaiki kemahiran berfikir seperti menjelaskan, menganalisis dan menilai perbincangan. Ability to develop and improve thinking skills such as clarifying, analyzing and evaluating discussions. 3. Kebolehan mencari idea dan mencari penyelesaian alternatif. Ability to seek ideas and alternative solutions. 38 3. 4. Kelebihan berfikir melangkaui batas. 5. Kebolehan membuat keputusan yang berdasarkan bukti kukuh. 6. Kebolehan untuk bertahan serta memberikan perhatian sepenuhnya terhadap tanggungjawab yang diberikan. 7. Kebolehan memahami dan menyesuaikan diri kepada budaya komuniti dan persekitaran kerja yang baharu. Ability to think out of the box. Ability to make decisions based on solid evidence. Ability to persevere and give full attention to responsibilities given. Ability to understand and adapt to the new work culture and new environment. KEMAHIRAN KERJA BERPASUKAN TEAMWORK SKILLS Kemahiran Kerja Berpasukan melibatkan kebolehan untuk bekerjasama dengan orang lain daripada pelbagai latar belakang sosiobudaya untuk mencapai matlamat yang sama. Keterangan 5 tahap Kemahiran Kerja Berpasukan adalah seperti berikut: Teamwork skills involve the ability to cooperate with others from diverse sociocultural backgrounds to achieve the same goals. The 5 levels of teamwork skills are as follows: Tahap Keterangan: Course Outcomes: 1. Kebolehan membina hubungan baik, berinteraksi dengan orang lain dan bekerja secara efektif bersama mereka untuk mencapai objektif yang sama. Ability to develop good relationships, interact with others and work effectively with them to achieve common objectives. 4. 2. Kebolehan memahami dan mengambil peranan bersilih ganti antara ketua kumpulan dan ahli kumpulan. 3. Kebolehan mengenali dan menghormati sikap kelakuan dan kepercayaan orang lain. 4. Kebolehan memberi sumbangan kepada perancangan dan menyelaraskan hasil usaha kumpulan. 5. Bertanggungjawab terhadap keputusan kumpulan. Ability to understand and play alternate roles as team leader and team member. Ability to recognize and respect attitudes, behaviors and beliefs of others. Ability to contribute towards planning and facilitating group work output. Respoonsible for group decisions. PEMBELAJARAN BERTERUSAN DAN PENGURUSAN MAKLUMAT LIFELONG LEARNING AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Pembelajaran Berterusan melibatkan usaha belajar berdikari dalam pemerolehan kemahiran dan pengetahuan baru. Keterangan 3 tahap Pembelajaran Berterusan dan Pengurusan Maklumat adalah seperti berikut: Lifelong learning involves the student’s effort in independent acquisition of skills and new knowledge. The 3 levels of Lifelong Learning and Information Management are as follows: Tahap Keterangan: Course Outcomes: 1. Kebolehan mencari dan mengurus maklumat yang relevan daripada pelbagai sumber. 2. Kebolehan menerima idea baru dan berkeupayaan untuk pembelajaran autonomi. 3. Kebolehan mengembangkan minda ingin tahu dan dahagakan ilmu. Ability to search for and manage relevant information from varied sources. Ability to accept new ideas and develop capacity for autonomous learning. Ability to expand the inquisitive mind and thirst for knowledge. 39 5. KEMAHIRAN KEUSAHAWANAN ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS Kemahiran keusahawanan melibatkan keupayaan untuk meneroka peluang dan membangunkan kesedaran risiko (risk awareness), kreativiti dan inovasi dalam aktiviti berkaitan perniagaan dan pekerjaan. Keterangan 4 tahap Kemahiran Keusahawanan adalah seperti berikut: Entrepreneurial skills involve the ability to explore opportunities and develop risk awareness, creativity and innovativeness in activities related to business and employment. The 4 levels of Entrepreneurial Skills are as below: Tahap Keterangan: Course Outcomes: 6. 1. Kebolehan mengenal pasti peluang perniagaan. 2. Kebolehan merangka perancangan perniagaan. 3. Kebolehan membina, meneroka dan merebut peluang perniagaan dan pekerjaan. 4. Kebolehan untuk bekerja sendiri. Ability to identify business opportunities. Ability to develop business plans. Ability to build, explore and grab business and employment opportunities. Ability to work independently. ETIKA DAN MORAL PROFESIONAL PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND MORALITY Etika dan Moral Profesional melibatkan kebolehan untuk mengamalkan standard moral yang tinggi dalam amalan professional dan interaksi sosial. Berikut adalah keterangan bagi 3 tahap kemahiran Etika dan Moral Profesional: Professional Ethics and Morality involve ability to practice high moral standards in professional practice and social interaction. Below are the 3 skill levels for Professional Ethics and Morality: Tahap Keterangan: Course Outcomes: 7. 1. Kebolehan memahani kesan ekonomi, alam sekitar dan sosobudaya dan amalan profesional. 2. Kebolehan menganalisis dan membuat keputusan dalam penyelesaian masalah berkaitan etika. 3. Kebolehan mengamalkan sikap beretika, di samping mempunyai rasa tanggungjawab terhadap masyarakat. Ability to understand the impact of economy, environment and sociocultural elements and professional practice. Ability to analyse and make decisions to resolve ethics-related problems. Ability to practise ethical behavior and possession of responsibility towards society. KEMAHIRAN KEPIMPINAN LEADERSHIP SKILLS Kemahiran Kepimpinan melibatkan keupayaan untuk mengamalkan ciri kepimpinan dalam pelbagai aktiviti. Keterangan tahap Kemahiran Kepimpinan adalah seperti berikut: Leadership Skills involve ability to practise leadership qualities in various activities. The levels of Leadership Skills are as follows: Tahap Keterangan: Course Outcomes: 1. Pengetahuan tentang teori asas kepimpinan. 2. Kebolehan untuk memimpin projek. 3. Kebolehan untuk memahami dan mengambil peranan bersilih ganti antara ketua pasukan dan anggota pasukan. 4. Kebolehan untuk menyelia anggota pasukan. Knowledge of the basic theories of leadership. Ability to lead and manage projects. Ability to understand and play alternate roles of team leader and team member. Ability to supervise team members 40 PEMETAAN KURSUS MENGIKUT TAHAP KEMAHIRAN INSANIAH (KI) MAPPING OF COURSES TO PROGRAMME LEARNING OUTCOMES Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (Pengajaran Bahasa Inggeris Sebagai Bahasa Kedua) Bachelor of Education (Teaching of English as a Second Language) Sarjana Muda Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak Bachelor of Early Childhood Education Sarjana Muda Kaunseling Bachelor of Counseling TAHAP KEMAHIRAN INSANIAH SOFT SKILLS LEVELS KOD & TAJUK KURSUS KREDIT CODE & TITLE OF COURSES CREDIT CT Pemikiran Kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah CS Kemahiran Berkomunikasi Communication Skills 1 2 3 2 √ √ √ 2 √ √ √ 4 5 6 Team Work Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 LL Pembelajaran Berterusan & Pengurusan Maklumat TS Kerja Berpasukan KK Kemahiran Keusahawanan Entrepreneurial Skills Life Long Learning and Information Management 7 1 2 √ √ √ √ 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 EM Etika dan Moral Profesional 4 1 2 √ √ UNIVERSITY COURSES Islamic Civilisation & Islamic Civilisation GIG1002 Hubungan Etnik √ √ √ 2 √ √ √ 2 √ √ √ Ethnic Relationship √ √ √ GIG1003 Asas Pembudayaan Keusahawanan √ Basic Course On Culture Of Entrepreneurship GIG1004 Literasi Maklumat Information Literacy √ √ √ Leadership Skills Professional Ethics and Moral KURSUS UNIVERSITI GIG1001 Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia (TITAS) LS Kemahiran Kepimpinan √ 3 1 2 3 4 TAHAP KEMAHIRAN INSANIAH SOFT SKILLS LEVELS LL Pembelajaran Berterusan & Pengurusan Maklumat KOD & TAJUK KURSUS CODE & TITLE OF COURSES CT Pemikiran Kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah CS KREDIT Kemahiran Berkomunikasi CREDIT Communication Skills GIG1005 Jalinan Masyarakat 2 1 2 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ 4 5 6 TS Kerja Berpasukan Team Work Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 KK Kemahiran Keusahawanan Entrepreneurial Skills Life Long Learning and Information Management 7 1 2 √ √ √ √ 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 EM Etika dan Moral Profesional LS Kemahiran Kepimpinan Leadership Skills Professional Ethics and Moral 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 √ Social Engagement PBET 2106 Kemahiran Berfikir dan Komunikasi 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Thinking and Communication Skills 42 Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (Pengajaran Bahasa Inggeris Sebagai Bahasa Kedua) Bachelor of Education (Teaching of English as a Second Language) Sarjana Muda Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak Bachelor of Early Childhood Education TAHAP KEMAHIRAN INSANIAH SOFT SKILLS LEVELS KOD & TAJUK KURSUS KREDIT CODE & TITLE OF COURSES CREDIT CT Pemikiran Kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah CS Kemahiran Berkomunikasi Communication Skills 1 2 3 √ √ 3 √ PPET2104 Psikologi Pendidikan v.1 3 PPET3104 Prinsip Teknologi Pengajaran PAET3101 Etika dan Perguruan 4 5 6 Team Work Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills 7 8 1 2 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 √ √ √ 3 √ √ √ √ √ 3 √ √ √ √ 3 √ √ √ √ 4 5 6 LL Pembelajaran Berterusan & Pengurusan Maklumat TS Kerja Berpasukan KK Kemahiran Keusahawanan Entrepreneurial Skills Life Long Learning and Information Management 7 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 EM Etika dan Moral Profesional LS Kemahiran Kepimpinan Leadership Skills Professional Ethics and Moral 1 2 4 1 2 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 1 2 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 4 KURSUS ASAS BASIC COURSES PDET1105 Asas Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesihatan & Kokurikulum Basic Physical Education, Health and Co-Curriculum v.1 PAET1102 Asas Falsafah dan Pendidikan di Malaysia 3 Basic Philosophy and Education in Malaysia Educational Psychology v.1 Principles of Instructional Technology Ethics and Teaching PDET4101 Kepimpinan Diri & Organisasi Personal Leadership & Organisation PAET4101 Sosiologi Persekolahan Sociology of Schooling √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 43 1. Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (Pengajaran Bahasa Inggeris Sebagai Bahasa Kedua) Bachelor of Education (Teaching of English as a Second Language) TAHAP KEMAHIRAN INSANIAH SOFT SKILLS LEVELS KOD & TAJUK KURSUS KREDIT CODE & TITLE OF COURSES CREDIT CT Pemikiran Kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah CS Kemahiran Berkomunikasi Communication Skills 1 2 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ 4 5 6 Team Work Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills 7 8 1 2 3 4 √ √ √ √ √ √ 5 6 LL Pembelajaran Berterusan & Pengurusan Maklumat TS Kerja Berpasukan KK Kemahiran Keusahawanan Entrepreneurial Skills Life Long Learning and Information Management 7 1 2 3 √ √ √ √ √ 4 5 1 2 3 1 √ √ √ √ √ 2 3 EM Etika dan Moral Profesional LS Kemahiran Kepimpinan Leadership Skills Professional Ethics and Moral 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 √ √ 4 KURSUS UNIVERSITI UNIVERSITY COURSES PDEX2101 Pengurusan Unit Beruniform 3 Uniform Unit Management PBET2112 Foundations of Research for TESL 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ KAEDAH PERTAMA FIRST METHOD PBET1101 Linguistics for Language Teachers 3 PBET1103 Introduction to the Grammar of English 3 PBET1105 Foundations for TESL Methodology v.1 3 3 3 3 PBET1106 Listening and Speaking in the ESL Classroom v.1 PBET2107 Reading in the ESL Classroom PBET2108 Writing in the ESL Classroom 44 TAHAP KEMAHIRAN INSANIAH SOFT SKILLS LEVELS KOD & TAJUK KURSUS KREDIT CODE & TITLE OF COURSES CREDIT CT Pemikiran Kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah CS Kemahiran Berkomunikasi Communication Skills 1 2 3 3 3 PBET4101 Simulated Teaching for TESL v.1 3 PBET3107 Integrative Seminar: Issues in TESL 3 PBET2109 School Orientation Programme 1 PBET2113 Language Learning & Language Use PBET3103 Language Testing & Assessment 4 5 6 Team Work Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills 7 8 4 5 6 LL Pembelajaran Berterusan & Pengurusan Maklumat TS Kerja Berpasukan KK Kemahiran Keusahawanan Entrepreneurial Skills Life Long Learning and Information Management 1 2 3 7 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 EM Etika dan Moral Profesional LS Kemahiran Kepimpinan Leadership Skills Professional Ethics and Moral 4 1 2 3 1 2 PBET4191 Latihan Mengajar (Sek. Men) 7 PPEX4180 Projek Ilmiah 6 Teaching Practice (Secondary School) 3 4 Academic Project A. KAEDAH KEDUA (PENDIDIKAN SENI) SECOND METHOD (ART EDUCATION) PSET1101 Asas Rekaan Tampak v.1 3 PSET2101 Rekaan Dua Dimensi v.1 3 Fundamentals of Visual Design v.1 Two Dimension Design v.1 45 TAHAP KEMAHIRAN INSANIAH SOFT SKILLS LEVELS KOD & TAJUK KURSUS KREDIT CODE & TITLE OF COURSES CREDIT CT Pemikiran Kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah CS Kemahiran Berkomunikasi Communication Skills 1 2 3 4 5 6 Team Work Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills 7 8 1 2 3 PSET3105 Tinjaun Seni 3 PSET2102 Rekaan Tiga Dimensi v.1 3 PSET3103 Kurikulum Pendidikan Seni 3 PSET3102 Apresiasi & Asas Kritikan Seni v.1 3 PSET4102 Pengajaran Mikro Pendidikan Seni 3 PSET4104 Pendidikan Seni dan Amalan di Sekolah 3 4 5 6 LL Pembelajaran Berterusan & Pengurusan Maklumat TS Kerja Berpasukan KK Kemahiran Keusahawanan Entrepreneurial Skills Life Long Learning and Information Management 7 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 EM Etika dan Moral Profesional LS Kemahiran Kepimpinan Leadership Skills Professional Ethics and Moral 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 Art Survey Three Dimension Design v.1 Three Dimension Design v.1 Basic Art Criticism & Appreciation v.1 Micro Teaching In Art Education Art Education & Practice In School B. KAEDAH KEDUA (PENDIDIKAN MORAL) SECOND METHOD (MORAL EDUCATION) PSET1103 Pendidikan Moral dan Etika v.1 Moral Education and Ethics v.1 3 PSET1104 Perkembangan Moral v.1 3 PSET2103 Pendidikan Moral & Agama v.1 3 Moral Development v.1 Moral Education and Religion v.1 46 TAHAP KEMAHIRAN INSANIAH SOFT SKILLS LEVELS KOD & TAJUK KURSUS KREDIT CODE & TITLE OF COURSES CREDIT CT Pemikiran Kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah CS Kemahiran Berkomunikasi Communication Skills 1 2 3 3 3 PSET3104 Penilaian dalam Pendidikan Moral 3 PSET4206 Pengajaran Mikro Pendidikan Moral PSET3101 Kurikulum Pendidikan Moral Moral Education Curriculum PSET3106 Pendekatan Pengajaran & Pembelajaran dalam Pendidikan Moral 4 5 6 Team Work Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills 7 8 4 5 6 LL Pembelajaran Berterusan & Pengurusan Maklumat TS Kerja Berpasukan KK Kemahiran Keusahawanan Entrepreneurial Skills Life Long Learning and Information Management 1 2 3 7 1 2 3 3 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 EM Etika dan Moral Profesional LS Kemahiran Kepimpinan Leadership Skills Professional Ethics and Moral 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 Approaches in Teaching And Learning Moral Education Evaluation in Moral Education Micro-Teaching in Moral Education PSET2104 Projek Pendidikan Moral v.1 Moral Education Project v.1 C. KAEDAH KEDUA (PENDIDIKAN KESUSASTERAAN INGGERIS) SECOND METHOD (LITERATURE IN ENGLISH EDUCATION) PBET1107 Introduction to Methodology in Literature Education 3 PBET1208 Teaching Prose in the Literature Class 3 PBET2209 Teaching Poetry in the Literature Class 3 47 TAHAP KEMAHIRAN INSANIAH SOFT SKILLS LEVELS KOD & TAJUK KURSUS KREDIT CODE & TITLE OF COURSES CREDIT CT Pemikiran Kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah CS Kemahiran Berkomunikasi Communication Skills PBET2210 Teaching Drama in the Literature Class PBET3211 Literary Texts for ESL Learners 3 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Team Work Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 LL Pembelajaran Berterusan & Pengurusan Maklumat TS Kerja Berpasukan KK Kemahiran Keusahawanan Entrepreneurial Skills Life Long Learning and Information Management 7 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 EM Etika dan Moral Profesional LS Kemahiran Kepimpinan Leadership Skills Professional Ethics and Moral 1 2 4 1 2 3 1 2 PBET3105 Assessment in Literature Education 3 PBET4103 Simulated Teaching in Literature Education 3 PBET4102 Performance in Literature Education 3 PXET2201 English Proficiency for Teacher I v.1 3 PXET2202 English Proficiency for Teacher II v.1 3 PXET3203 English Proficiency for Teacher III v.1 3 PXET3204 English Proficiency for Teacher IV v.1 3 3 4 KECEKAPAN BAHASA INGGERIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY 48 TAHAP KEMAHIRAN INSANIAH SOFT SKILLS LEVELS KOD & TAJUK KURSUS KREDIT CODE & TITLE OF COURSES CREDIT CT Pemikiran Kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah CS Kemahiran Berkomunikasi Communication Skills 1 2 3 4 5 6 Team Work Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 LL Pembelajaran Berterusan & Pengurusan Maklumat TS Kerja Berpasukan 7 1 2 3 4 KK Kemahiran Keusahawanan Life Long Learning and Information Management 5 1 2 3 Entrepreneurial Skills 1 2 3 EM Etika dan Moral Profesional LS Kemahiran Kepimpinan Leadership Skills Professional Ethics and Moral 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 KESUSASTERAAN INGGERIS ENGLISH LITERATURE PXET1105 Prose I v.1 2 PXET1101 Prose II v.1 2 PXET2105 Poetry I v.1 2 PXET2107 Poetry II v.1 2 PXET3105 Drama I v.1 2 PXET3107 Drama II v.1 2 PXET3106 Shakespeare on Screen v.1 2 PXET3109 Literature and Popular Culture 2 PXET3108 Language of Literature v.1 2 PXET3110 Texts for Schools 2 49 2. Sarjana Muda Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak Bachelor of Early Childhood Education TAHAP KEMAHIRAN INSANIAH SOFT SKILLS LEVELS KOD & TAJUK KURSUS KREDIT CODE & TITLE OF COURSES CREDIT CT Pemikiran Kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah CS Kemahiran Berkomunikasi Communication Skills 1 2 3 3 √ √ √ 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 4 5 6 Team Work Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills 7 8 1 2 3 4 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 5 6 LL Pembelajaran Berterusan & Pengurusan Maklumat TS Kerja Berpasukan 7 1 2 3 √ √ 4 KK Kemahiran Keusahawanan Life Long Learning and Information Management 5 1 Entrepreneurial Skills 2 3 1 √ √ √ 2 3 EM Etika dan Moral Profesional LS Kemahiran Kepimpinan Leadership Skills Professional Ethics and Moral 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 √ √ 4 KURSUS UNIVERSITI UNIVERSITY COURSES PDEX2101 Pengurusan Unit Beruniform Uniform Unit Management √ KURSUS ASAS BASIC COURSES PPEX2101 Pentaksiran Pembelajaran Dalam Pendidikan √ √ √ Appraisal of Learning in Education PAEK1103 Asas Falsafah & Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak 3 PPEK2105 Psikologi Pendidikan untuk Kanak-Kanak & Remaja 3 √ √ √ Basic Philosophy and Education in Early Childhood √ √ √ Educational Psychology for Children And Adolescents KURSUS MAJOR MAJOR COURSES PDEK1121 Perkembangan Kemahiran Fizikal Kanak-kanak 3 √ Physical Skill Development in Children 50 TAHAP KEMAHIRAN INSANIAH SOFT SKILLS LEVELS KOD & TAJUK KURSUS KREDIT CODE & TITLE OF COURSES CREDIT CT Pemikiran Kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah CS Kemahiran Berkomunikasi Communication Skills 2 3 3 √ √ √ √ PBEK1111 Seni & Tatasusila Bahasa 3 √ √ √ √ PPEK1141 Perkembangan Kanak-Kanak 3 √ √ √ PPEK2207 Kemahiran Pemerhatian & Penilaian I 3 √ √ √ PPEK2141 Mainan & Perkembangan 3 √ √ PMEK2131 Matematik Awal Kanak-Kanak 3 √ √ 3 √ Art & Craft Language Arts Child Development 4 5 6 Team Work Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills 1 PSEK1151 Seni & Kraf 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 LL Pembelajaran Berterusan & Pengurusan Maklumat TS Kerja Berpasukan 7 1 2 3 4 KK Kemahiran Keusahawanan Life Long Learning and Information Management 5 1 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 2 3 Entrepreneurial Skills 1 2 3 EM Etika dan Moral Profesional LS Kemahiran Kepimpinan Leadership Skills Professional Ethics and Moral 4 1 2 3 1 2 √ √ 3 4 √ √ √ √ √ √ Observational and Evaluation Skills I v.1 Play and Development Mathematics for Early Childhood PPEK2208 Kemahiran Pemerhatian Dan Penilaian II √ Observational and Evaluation Skills II PPEK2106 Prinsip Pengurusan Tingkahlaku Kanak-Kanak 3 PSEK1152 Muzik 3 √ √ Principles of Children Behaviour Management v.1 Music √ √ 51 TAHAP KEMAHIRAN INSANIAH SOFT SKILLS LEVELS KOD & TAJUK KURSUS CODE & TITLE OF COURSES KREDIT CT Pemikiran Kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah CS Kemahiran Berkomunikasi CREDIT Communication Skills 1 2 3 √ √ 3 √ 3 3 PBEK3101 Bacaan & Kesusasteraan Awal Kanak-Kanak 3 PMEK3101 Sains Awal Kanak-Kanak v.1 PDEK3121 Kesihatan & Keselamatan 4 5 6 Team Work Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills 7 8 4 5 6 LL Pembelajaran Berterusan & Pengurusan Maklumat TS Kerja Berpasukan KK Kemahiran Keusahawanan Entrepreneurial Skills Life Long Learning and Information Management 1 2 3 7 1 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 2 3 4 5 1 2 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 1 2 3 EM Etika dan Moral Profesional LS Kemahiran Kepimpinan Leadership Skills Professional Ethics and Moral 4 1 2 √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 1 2 √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 4 √ Reading and Literature for Early Childhood Sains Science for Early Childhood v.1 Health & Safety PSEK3152 Pengajian Sosial Awal KanakKanak √ Social Studies for Early Childhood PPEK3104 Perancangan Program Dan Strategi Pengajaran I v.1 3 Programme Planning and Instructional Strategy I v.1 PDEK3103 Kepimpinan & Pengurusan Awal Kanak-Kanak v.1 3 √ √ √ Leadership and Management for Early Childhood v.1 PPEK4101 Perancangan Program & Strategi Pengajaran II v.1 Programme Planning and Instructional Strategy II v.1 3 √ 52 TAHAP KEMAHIRAN INSANIAH SOFT SKILLS LEVELS KOD & TAJUK KURSUS KREDIT CODE & TITLE OF COURSES CREDIT CT Pemikiran Kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah CS Kemahiran Berkomunikasi Communication Skills 1 2 3 √ √ 3 √ 3 PPEX4180 Projek Ilmiah 2 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 √ √ √ 3 √ √ 3 √ √ 6 PAEK4301 Amalan Asuhan Kanak2 Di Malaysia 5 6 Team Work Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills 1 Academic Project 4 7 8 4 5 6 LL Pembelajaran Berterusan & Pengurusan Maklumat TS Kerja Berpasukan KK Kemahiran Keusahawanan Entrepreneurial Skills Life Long Learning and Information Management 7 1 2 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 EM Etika dan Moral Profesional LS Kemahiran Kepimpinan Leadership Skills Professional Ethics and Moral 4 1 2 √ √ √ 3 1 2 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 4 Child-Rearing Practices in Malaysia v.1 PAEK4302 Amalan Asuhan Kanak-Kanak Islam Islamic Child- Rearing Practices v.1 KURSUS MINOR (PENDIDIKAN KHAS) MINOR COURSES (SPECIAL EDUCATION) PPEK1101 Pengenalan Kepada Pendidikan Khas Introduction to Special Education PPEK1102 Kanak-Kanak Pintar Cerdas & Berbakat Gifted and Talented Children v.1 PBEK2101 Kaedah Bacaan Untuk Kanak2 Kurang Upaya Reading Method for Children with Disabilities PMEK2101 Kaedah Matematik Utk Kanak2 Kurang Upaya Mathematics Method for Children with Disabilities √ √ √ √ √ 3 53 TAHAP KEMAHIRAN INSANIAH SOFT SKILLS LEVELS KOD & TAJUK KURSUS KREDIT CODE & TITLE OF COURSES CREDIT CT Pemikiran Kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah CS Kemahiran Berkomunikasi Communication Skills PPEK2104 Intervensi Kanak-Kanak Dan Keluarga 3 1 2 3 √ √ √ 4 5 6 Team Work Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 LL Pembelajaran Berterusan & Pengurusan Maklumat TS Kerja Berpasukan KK Kemahiran Keusahawanan Entrepreneurial Skills Life Long Learning and Information Management 7 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 √ √ 3 1 2 3 EM Etika dan Moral Profesional LS Kemahiran Kepimpinan Leadership Skills Professional Ethics and Moral 4 1 2 3 1 2 √ √ 3 4 √ Children and Family Intervention PPEK3105 Strategi Kurikulum & Penilaian Dalam Pendidikan Khas v.1 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Curriculum Strategy & Evaluation In Special Education v.1 PPEK3106 Pendidikan Inklusif 3 √ √ √ 3 √ √ √ √ Inclusive Education PPEK4101 Internship/Projek Pendidikan Khas √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Internship: Special Education Project KURSUS MINOR (TEKNOLOGI PENGAJARAN) MINOR COURSES (INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY) PPEA1107 Asas Teknologi Pengajaran 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Basic Instructional Technology PPEA1106 Aplikasi Komputer Dalam Pengajaran √ Computer Applications in Instruction PPEA2101 Rekabentuk Pengajaran Instructional Design 3 54 TAHAP KEMAHIRAN INSANIAH SOFT SKILLS LEVELS KOD & TAJUK KURSUS KREDIT CODE & TITLE OF COURSES CREDIT CT Pemikiran Kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah CS Kemahiran Berkomunikasi Communication Skills 2 3 3 √ √ 3 √ 3 4 5 6 Team Work Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills 7 8 4 5 6 KK Kemahiran Keusahawanan Entrepreneurial Skills Life Long Learning and Information Management 7 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 EM Etika dan Moral Profesional LS Kemahiran Kepimpinan Leadership Skills Professional Ethics and Moral 1 2 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ 4 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 4 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ PPEA2106 Internet Dan Pengajaran 1 LL Pembelajaran Berterusan & Pengurusan Maklumat TS Kerja Berpasukan 4 1 √ √ √ √ 2 3 1 2 3 4 √ Internet and Instruction PPEA2107 Multimedia Dalam Pengajaran Multimedia in Instruction PPEA3110 Media Pengajaran Instructional Media PPEA3111 Web & Perangkaian Sekolah Web & School Networking PPEA4102 Projek Teknologi Pengajaran √ Instructional Technology Project v.1 LATIHAN MENGAJAR TEACHING PRACTICE PPEK3192 Latihan Mengajar (Taska) Teaching Practice (Nursery) PPEK4190 Latihan Mengajar (Tadika) Teaching Practice (Kindergarden) 55 3. Sarjana Muda Kaunseling Bachelor of Counseling TAHAP KEMAHIRAN INSANIAH SOFT SKILLS LEVELS KOD & TAJUK KURSUS KREDIT CODE & TITLE OF COURSES CREDIT CT Pemikiran Kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah CS Kemahiran Berkomunikasi Communication Skills 1 2 3 √ √ 4 5 6 Team Work Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills 7 8 1 2 3 √ √ √ √ √ 4 5 6 LL Pembelajaran Berterusan & Pengurusan Maklumat TS Kerja Berpasukan 7 1 2 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 4 KK Kemahiran Keusahawanan Life Long Learning and Information Management 5 1 2 √ √ 3 Entrepreneurial Skills 1 2 3 EM Etika dan Moral Profesional LS Kemahiran Kepimpinan Leadership Skills Professional Ethics and Moral 4 1 2 3 1 2 √ √ √ √ 3 4 KURSUS UNIVERSITI UNIVERSITY COURSES PPEC3137 Penyelidikan Tindakan 3 Action Research KURSUS WAJIB BIDANG COMPULSORY COURSES FOR THE AREA OF STUDY PPEC1133 Statistik Untuk Sains Tingkahlaku 3 √ √ √ 3 √ √ √ 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Basic Statistics for Behavioral Science PPEC1135 Pengenalan Kepada Kaunseling Psikologi √ √ Introduction to Counseling Psychology PPEC1136 Kemahiran Komputer untuk Kaunselor Computer Skills for Counsellors PAEC2137 Masyarakat Kerjaya dan Pendidikan Society, Career and Education PPEC2131 Teori Kaunseling Counseling Theories √ √ 56 TAHAP KEMAHIRAN INSANIAH SOFT SKILLS LEVELS KOD & TAJUK KURSUS KREDIT CODE & TITLE OF COURSES CREDIT CT Pemikiran Kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah CS Kemahiran Berkomunikasi Communication Skills 1 2 3 4 5 6 Team Work Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 LL Pembelajaran Berterusan & Pengurusan Maklumat TS Kerja Berpasukan KK Kemahiran Keusahawanan Entrepreneurial Skills Life Long Learning and Information Management 7 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 EM Etika dan Moral Profesional LS Kemahiran Kepimpinan Leadership Skills Professional Ethics and Moral 4 1 2 3 1 2 √ √ PPEC2132 Teknik Kaunseling 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ PPEC2133 Teknik Kaunseling Lanjutan 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ PPEC2134 Kepimpinan Kelompok 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ PPEC 2135 Teori dan Amalan Perkmbngan Kerjaya 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ PPEC2136 Kaedah Penyelidikan dlm Kauns 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 4 Counseling Techniques Advanced Counseling Techniques Group Leadership Career Development Theories and Practice Research Method in Counseling PPEC3132 Dinamik dan Prosedur Kelompok 3 √ √ √ √ √ Group Dynamic and Procedure PPEC3133 Ujian dan Pengukuran Psikologi 3 PPEC3134 Kaunseling Silang Budaya 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ PPEC3135 Kaunseling Vokasional dan Kerjaya 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Psychological Test & Measurement √ √ Cross Cultural Counseling Vocational & Career Counseling 57 TAHAP KEMAHIRAN INSANIAH SOFT SKILLS LEVELS KOD & TAJUK KURSUS CODE & TITLE OF COURSES KREDIT CT Pemikiran Kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah CS Kemahiran Berkomunikasi CREDIT Communication Skills 1 2 2 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 PPEC3139 Perkmbgn dan Kaunseling Kerjaya 3 √ √ PPEC3140 Kaunseling Ketagihan dan Pemulihan 3 √ PPEC3141 Pengendalian Perkhid. Bim dan Kauns 3 √ PPEC3142 Isu Profesional dan Etika dalam Kaunseling dan Psikologi 3 3 4 5 6 Team Work Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills 1 PPEC3138 Kaunseling Keluarga 7 8 4 5 6 LL Pembelajaran Berterusan & Pengurusan Maklumat TS Kerja Berpasukan 7 1 2 √ √ 3 4 KK Kemahiran Keusahawanan Life Long Learning and Information Management 5 1 2 3 Entrepreneurial Skills 1 2 3 EM Etika dan Moral Profesional LS Kemahiran Kepimpinan Leadership Skills Professional Ethics and Moral 4 1 2 √ √ √ √ √ 3 1 2 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 4 Family Counseling √ √ √ Information Service in Career Development And Counseling Addiction and Rehabilitation Counseling v.1 √ Programme Organisation for Counseling Services Professional Issue and Ethics in Counseling and Psychology PPEC3170 Latihan Amali Kaunseling (Makmal) 3 √ √ √ Counseling Practicum (Laboratory) PPEC3172 Latihan Profesional 3 PPEC4101 Pentaksiran Individu 3 Professional Training √ √ √ Individual Assessment 58 TAHAP KEMAHIRAN INSANIAH SOFT SKILLS LEVELS KOD & TAJUK KURSUS KREDIT CODE & TITLE OF COURSES CREDIT CT Pemikiran Kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah CS Kemahiran Berkomunikasi Communication Skills PPEC4303 Pembangunan Sumber Manusia 3 1 2 3 √ √ √ 4 5 6 Team Work Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills 7 8 1 2 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ 4 5 6 LL Pembelajaran Berterusan & Pengurusan Maklumat TS Kerja Berpasukan KK Kemahiran Keusahawanan Entrepreneurial Skills Life Long Learning and Information Management 7 1 2 √ √ 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 EM Etika dan Moral Profesional LS Kemahiran Kepimpinan Leadership Skills Professional Ethics and Moral 4 1 2 3 1 2 √ √ √ √ 3 4 Human Resource Development PPEX4180 Projek Ilmiah 6 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Academic Project KURSUS ASAS PSIKOLOGI (MINOR) BASIC COURSES PSYCHOLOGY (MINOR) PAEC1301 Psikologi Sosial 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Social Psychology PAEC1303 Disiplin, Devians dan Delinkuens √ Discipline, Deviance and Deliquency PPEC1101 Pengenalan Kepada Psikologi Introduction to Psychology PPEC1102 Psikologi Perkmbgn Development Psychology PPEC1104 Psikologi Pembelajaran 3 Psychology of Learning PPEC2102 Perkembangan di Peringkat Dewasa 3 √ √ √ √ Adult Development 59 TAHAP KEMAHIRAN INSANIAH SOFT SKILLS LEVELS KOD & TAJUK KURSUS KREDIT CODE & TITLE OF COURSES CREDIT CT Pemikiran Kritis dan Penyelesaian Masalah CS Kemahiran Berkomunikasi Communication Skills 2 3 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 √ √ √ PPEC2106 Modifikasi Tingkahlaku 3 √ √ √ √ √ PPEC2301 Motivasi 3 √ √ √ √ PPEC2303 Personaliti 3 PPEC3101 Psikologi Bilazim 3 √ √ PPEC3102 Tingkahlaku Organisasi 3 √ √ 3 4 5 6 KK Kemahiran Keusahawanan Entrepreneurial Skills Life Long Learning and Information Management 1 2 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 √ √ √ PPEC4302 Terapi Realiti 3 √ √ √ PPEC4304 Terapi Gestalt 3 √ √ √ PPEC2104 Kesihatan Mental dan Penyesuaian 4 Team Work Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills 1 LL Pembelajaran Berterusan & Pengurusan Maklumat TS Kerja Berpasukan 7 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 EM Etika dan Moral Profesional LS Kemahiran Kepimpinan Leadership Skills Professional Ethics and Moral 4 1 2 √ √ 3 1 2 √ √ √ √ 3 4 Mental Health and Adjustment √ √ Behaviour Modification √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Motivation Personality Abnormal Psychology √ √ √ Organisational Behaviour PPEC4301 Terapi Tingkahlaku Rasional Emotif Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy √ Realty Therapy Gestalt Therapy 60 PETUNJUK ELEMEN KEMAHIRAN INSANIAH SOFT SKILLS ELEMENT INDICATOR KEMAHIRAN BERKOMUNIKASI COMMUNICATION SKILLS Tahap Kemahiran CS1 KIM Kebolehan menyampaikan idea dengan terang, berkesan dan dengan penuh keyakinan, secara lisan dan bertulis CS2 KIM Kebolehan mengamalkan kemahiran mendengar yang aktif dan memberikan maklum balas CS3 KIM Kebolehan membuat pembentangan secara jelas dengan penuh keyakinan dan bersesuaian dengan tahap pendengar. Level Keterangan Skills Explanation The ability to present ideas clearly, effectively and confidently, in both oral and written forms The ability to practice active listening skills and provide feedback The ability to present clearly with confidence and appropriate to the level of the listener Kebolehan untuk menggunakan teknologi dalam pembentangan CS4 The ability to use technology in presentations Kebolehan berunding dan mencapai persetujuan CS5 The ability to negotiate and reach an agreement Kebolehan berkomunikasi dengan peserta komunikasi yang mempunyai budaya berlainan CS6 The ability to communicate with others from different cultures Kebolehan mengembangkan kemahiran komunikasi perseorangan CS7 The ability to develop interpersonal communication skills Kebolehan menggunakan kemahiran bukan lisan CS8 The ability to use non-verbal skills PEMIKIRAN KRITIS DAN KEMAHIRAN MENYELESAIKAN MASALAH CRITICAL THINKING AND PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS Tahap Level Kemahiran Keterangan Skills Explanation KIM Kebolehan mengenal pasti dan menganalisis masalah dalam situasi kompleks dan kabur, serta membuat penilaian yang berjustifikasi CT2 KIM Kebolehan mengembangkan dan membaiki kemahiran berfikir seperti menjelaskan, menganalisis dan menilai perbincangan CT3 KIM CT1 CT4 CT5 CT6 The ability to identify and analyse problems in complex and vague situations, as well as to make justified evaluations The ability to develop and improve thinking skills such as to explain, analyse and evaluate discussions Kebolehan mencari idea dan mencari penyelesaian alternatif The ability to find ideas and alternative solutions Kebolehan berfikir melangkaui batas The ability to think out of the box Kebolehan membuat keputusan yang berdasarkan bukti kukuh The ability to make decisions based on concrete evidence Kebolehan untuk bertahan serta memberikan perhatian sepenuhnya terhadap tanggungjawab yang diberikan The ability to persevere as well as to fully concentrate on a given task 61 Kebolehan memahami dan menyesuaikan diri kepada budaya komuniti dan persekitaran kerja yang baharu CT7 The ability to understand and to fit in with the culture of the community and new work environment KEMAHIRAN KERJA BERPASUKAN TEAM WORK SKILLS Tahap Kemahiran Keterangan TS1 KIM Kebolehan membina hubungan baik, berinteraksi dengan orang lain dan bekerja secara efektif bersama mereka untuk mencapai objektif yang sama TS2 KIM Kebolehan memahami dan mengambil peranan bersilih ganti antara ketua kumpulan dan ahli kumpulan Level Skills Explanation The ability to build to good relations, interact with others and work effectively with them to achieve the same objectives The ability to understand and interchange roles between that of a team leader and a team member TS3 Kebolehan untuk mengenal dan menghormati sikap, kelakuan dan kepercayaan orang lain. TS4 Kebolehan memberi sumbangan kepada perancangan dan menyelaraskan hasil usaha kumpulan The ability to recognize and respect the attitude, behaviour and beliefs of others The ability to contribute towards the planning and coordination of the team's efforts Bertanggungjawab terhadap keputusan kumpulan TS5 Responsible for the group's decision PEMBELAJARAN BERTERUSAN DAN PENGURUSAN MAKLUMAT LIFE LONG LEARNING AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Tahap Kemahiran LL1 KIM LL2 KIM Level Keterangan Skills Explanation Kebolehan mencari dan mengurus maklumat yang relevan daripada pelbagai sumber The ability to search and manage relevant Information from different sources Kebolehan menerima idea baharu dan berkeupayaan untuk pembelajaran autonomi The ability to accept new ideas and the capability for autonomous learning Kebolehan mengembangkan minda ingin tahu dan dahagakan ilmu LL3 The ability to develop a curious mind and the thirst for knowledge KEMAHIRAN KEUSAHAWANAN ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS Tahap Kemahiran KK1 KIM Level KK2 KK3 KK4 Keterangan Skills Explanation Kebolehan mengenal pasti peluang perniagaan The ability to identify business opportunities Kebolehan merangka perancangan perniagaan The ability to outline business frameworks Kebolehan membina, meneroka dan merebut peluang perniagaan dan pekerjaan The ability to build, explore and seize business and work opportunities Kebolehan untuk bekerja sendiri The ability to work independently 62 ETIKA DAN MORAL PROFESIONAL PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND MORAL Tahap Kemahiran EM1 KIM Kebolehan memahami kesan ekonomi, alam sekitar, dan sosiobudaya dalam amalan profesional EM2 KIM Kebolehan untuk menganalisis dan membuat keputusan dalam penyelesaian masalah berkaitan etika Level Keterangan Skills Explanation The ability to recognize the effects on the economy, environment and socio culture in professional practice The ability to analyze and make decisions in solving problems related to ethics Kebolehan untuk mengamalkan sikap beretika, di samping mempunyai rasa tanggungjawab terhadap masyarakat EM3 The ability to practise ethically, apart from being responsible towards the society KEMAHIRAN KEPEMIMPINAN LEADERSHIP SKILLS Tahap Kemahiran LS1 KIM LS2 KIM Level LS3 LS4 Keterangan Skills Explanation Pengetahuan tentang teori asas kepemimpinan Knowledge of basic leadership theory Kebolehan untuk memimpin projek The ability to lead a project Kebolehan untuk memahami dan mengambil peranan bersilih ganti antara ketua pasukan dan anggota pasukan The ability to understand and interchange roles between that of a team leader and a team member Kebolehan untuk menyelia anggota pasukan The ability to supervise team members 63 SARJANA MUDA PENDIDIKAN (PENGAJARAN BAHASA INGGERIS SEBAGAI BAHASA KEDUA) BACHELOR OF EDUCATION (TEACHING OF ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE) PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 64 SARJANA MUDA PENDIDIKAN (PENGAJARAN BAHASA INGGERIS SEBAGAI BAHASA KEDUA) BACHELOR OF EDUCATION (TEACHING OF ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE) KELAYAKAN KEMASUKAN ENTRY QUALIFICATION Kelayakan STPM STPM Qualification Kelayakan MATRIK TESL, Sains & Perakaunan Kelayakan Diploma Diploma Qualification STAM Qualification MATRIC TESL, Science and Accountancy Qualification Syarat Am Universiti Syarat Am Universiti Syarat Am Universiti 1. 1. 1. University General Requirements Lulus SPM/setaraf dengan baik. Pass Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) [Malaysia Certificate of Education] or equivalent with good grades. University General Requirements Lulus SPM/setaraf dengan baik. Pass Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) [Malaysia Certificate of Education] or equivalent with good grades. University General Requirements Lulus SPM/setaraf dengan baik. Pass Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) [Malaysia Certificate of Education] or equivalent with good grades. 2. Lulus dengan Kepujian dalam Bahasa Melayu/ Bahasa di peringkat Malaysia SPM/setaraf. 2. Lulus dengan Kepujian dalam Bahasa Melayu/ Bahasa Malaysia di peringkat SPM/setaraf. 2. Lulus dengan Kepujian dalam Bahasa Melayu/ Bahasa Malaysia di peringkat SPM/setaraf. 3. Telah mengambil Malaysian University English Test (MUET) dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Tahap 1 (Band 1). 3. Telah mengambil Malaysian University English Test (MUET) dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Tahap 1 (Band 1). 3. Telah mengambil Malaysian University English Test (MUET) dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Tahap 1 (Band 1). Keperluan Khas Program Keperluan Khas Program Keperluan Khas Program Lulus ujian Malaysia Education Selection (MEdSI) dan temuduga Lulus ujian Malaysia Education Selection (MEdSI) dan temuduga Lulus ujian Malaysia Education Selection (MEdSI) dan temuduga Dan /and Dan/ and Dan/and Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Tahap 4 (Band 4) dalam Malaysian University English Test (MUET) Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Tahap 4 (Band 4) dalam Malaysian University English Test (MUET) Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Tahap 4 (Band 4) dalam Malaysian University English Test (MUET) Pass with credit in Bahasa Melayu/ Bahasa Malaysia at the SPM level or equivalent. Pass Malaysian University English Test (MUET) with at least Band 1. Special Requirements Pass the Malaysia Education Selection (MEdSI) test and interview Attain at least Band 4 in the Malaysian University English Test Dan/and Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred A pada peringkat SPM dalam mata pelajaran berikut : Attain at least Grade A at the SPM level in the following subject: Pass with credit in Bahasa Melayu/ Bahasa Malaysia at the SPM level or equivalent. Pass Malaysian University English Test (MUET) with at least Band 1. Special Requirements Pass the Malaysia Education Selection (MEdSI) test and interview Attain at least Band 4 in the Malaysian University English Test Dan/and Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred A pada peringkat SPM dalam mata pelajaran berikut: Attain at least Grade A at the SPM level in the following subject: Pass with credit in Bahasa Melayu/ Bahasa Malaysia at the SPM level or equivalent. Pass Malaysian University English Test (MUET) with at least Band 1. Special Requirements Pass the Malaysia Education Selection (MEdSI) test and interview Attain a minimum of Band 4 in the Malaysian University English Test (MUET) Dan/and Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya PNGK 3.00 dalam Diploma Bahasa Inggeris dari mana-mana institusi yang diiktiraf oleh Senat Universiti Malaya; Bahasa Inggeris/English Language Bahasa Inggeris/English Language Dan/and Dan/and Lulus STPM dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya PNGK 3.00 Lulus Matrikulasi KPM/Asasi Sains UM/ Asasi UiTM dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya PNGK 3.00. Pass STPM and attain at least CGPA 3.00 Pass KPM Matriculation/ Asasi Sains UM/ Asasi UiTM with at least CGPA 3.00 Attain at least CGPA 3.00 a Diploma in English Language from any institution recognized by the Senate of the University of Malaya Atau/or Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya PNGK 3.00 dalam Diploma Bahasa Inggeris Sebagai Bahasa Kedua (ESL) dari mana-mana institusi yang diiktiraf oleh Senat Universiti Malaya; Attain at least CGPA 3.00 a Diploma in English as a Second Language (ESL) from any institution recognized by the Senate of the University of Malaya; Atau/or Lulus STPM bukan tahun semasa dengan mendapat sekurangkurangnya PNGK 3.00; Pass STPM not in the current year and attain at least CGPA 3.00; Dan/and Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred A/1A pada peringkat SPM dalam mata pelajaran berikut: Attain at least Grade A/1A at SPM level in the following subject: Bahasa Inggeris/English Language Atau/or Lulus Matrikulasi KPM/Asasi Sains UM/Asasi UiTM bukan tahun semasa dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya PNGK 3.00; Pass KPM Matriculation /Asasi Sains UM/Asasi UiTM not in the current year with at least CGPA 3.00; Dan/and Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred B pada peringkat Matrikulasi di dalam matapelajaran berikut: Attain at least Grade B at Matriculation level in the following subject: Bahasa Inggeris/English Language Dan/and Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred A/1A pada peringkat SPM dalam mata pelajaran berikut: Attain at least Grade A/1A at SPM level in the following subject: 66 Bahasa Inggeris/ English Language SYARAT TAMBAHAN BAGI PERMOHONAN PROGRAM PENDIDIKAN UNTUK PERKHIDMATAN DENGAN KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN TINGGI (KPT) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR APPLICATION FOR EDUCATION PROGRAM FOR SERVICE WITH MINISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCATION 1. Terbuka kepada warganegara sahaja. Open to Malaysian citizens only 2. Permohonan mestilah berumur tidak melebihi 30 tahun pada 1 Januari 2011 iaitu lahir pada atau selepas 1 Januari 1981. I Applicants must be aged not exceeding 30 years on 1 January 2011, that is, born on or after 1 January 1981. 3. Calon yang memohon hendaklah sihat tubuh badan, tidak mengidap apa-apa penyakit mental atau fizikal, dan berupaya mengikuti program-program yang dirangka untuk kursus ini. Candidates who apply must be in good health, not having any physical or mental condition, and be capable of following programs planned for the particular course. Had Umur/Age Limit Permohonan mestilah berumur tidak melebihi 30 tahun pada 1 Januari iaitu lahir pada atau selepas 1 Januari pada tahun yang dipohon. Kos Pengajian/Cost of Study: Pengajian ini dijalankan selama 8 semester (4 tahun) dan kos minimum pengajian ialah RM16,500 Studies will be carried out over 8 semesters (4 years) and the minimum cost is RM16,500 67 STRUKTUR KURSUS COURSE STRUCTURE PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 68 STRUKTUR KURSUS SARJANA MUDA PENDIDIKAN (PBISBK) - PELAJAR MALAYSIA SAHAJA (mulai kemasukan sesi 2015/2016) KURSUS Kursus Universiti TAHUN 1 GIG1002 GIG1004 GIG1001 GIG1003 GIG1005 Kursus Asas Kaedah Pertama Semester II Tamadun Islam Tamadun Asia (TITAS) (2) Asas Pembudayaan Keusahawanan (2) Jalinan Masyarakat (2) Semester I Asas Falsafah dan Pendidikan di Malaysia (3) PDET1105 Semester II Asas Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesihatan dan Kokurikulum v.1 (3) PBET1101 PBET1103 PBET1106 Semester I Foundations for TESL Methodology v.1 (3) Linguistics for Language Teachers (3) Semester II Introduciton to Grammar of English (3) Listening & Speaking in the ESL Classroom v.1 (3) TAHUN 3 Kursus Dalam Fakulti Semester I PBET2106 Kemahiran Berfikir dan Komunikasi (3) Semester I Hubungan Etnik (2) Literasi Maklumat (2) PAET1102 PBET1105 TAHUN 2 PBET2112 Semester II Foundations of Research for TESL (3) TAHUN 4 JUMLAH Semester I Kursus Ko-Kurikulum (2) Semester II Kursus Elektif Luar Fakulti (3) 24 jam kredit Kursus Dalam Fakulti Semester II PDEX2101 Pengurusan Unit Beruniform (3) PPET2104 PBET2107 PBET2108 PBET2113 Semester I Psikologi Pendidikan v.1 (3) Semester I Reading in the ESL Classroom (3) Writing in the ESL Classroom (3) Semester II Language Learning & Language Use (3) Semester I Etika dan Perguruan (3) Semester I PAET4101 Sosiologi Persekolahan (3) PPET3104 Semester II Prinsip Teknologi Pengajaran (3) Semester II PDET4101 Kepimpinan Diri & Organisasi (3) PBET3103 Semester I Language Testing & Assessment (3) Semester I PBET3107 Integrative Seminar: Issues in TESL (3) PPEX4180 Projek Ilmiah (3) + PAET3101 PBET4101 Semester II Simulated Teaching for TESL v.1 (3) 21 jam kredit 36 jam kredit Semester II PPEX4180 Projek Ilmiah (3) + 69 KURSUS TAHUN 1 TAHUN 2 TAHUN 3 TAHUN 4 JUMLAH Kaedah Kedua (Pilih salah satu bidang) a) Pendidikan Seni Semester I PSET1101 Asas Rekaan Tampak v.1 (3) Semester II PSET2101 Rekaan Dua Dimensi v.1 (3) PSET3105 Semester I Tinjauan Seni (3) PSET3103 PSET2102 Semester II Rekaan Tiga Dimensi v.1 (3) PSET3102 PSET4102 Atau b) Pendidikan Moral PSET1103 Semester I Pendidikan Moral & Etika v.1 (3) PSET2103 PSET1104 Semester II Perkembangan Moral v.1 (3) PSET3101 Semester I Pendidikan Moral & Agama v.1 (3) Semester II Kurikulum Pendidikan Moral (3) PSET3106 PSET3104 PSET4206 Atau c) Pendidikan Kesusasteraan Inggeris PBET1107 PBET1208 Semester I Introduction to Methodology in Literature Education (3) Semester II Teaching Prose in the Literature Class (3) PBET2209 Semester I Teaching Poetry in the Literature Class (3) PBET3211 PBET2210 Semester II Teaching Drama in the Literature Class (3) PBET3105 PBET4103 Semester I Kurikulum Pendidikan Seni (3) Semester II Apresiasi & Asas Kritikan Seni v.1 (3) Pengajaran Mikro Pendidikan Seni (3) 24 jam kredit Semester II PSET4104 Pendidikan Seni Dan Amalan di Sekolah (3) Semester I Pendekatan Pengajaran & Pembelajaran dalam Pendidikan Moral (3) Semester II Penilaian dalam Pendidikan Moral (3) Pengajaran Mikro Pendidikan Moral (3) Semester II PSET2104 Projek Pendidikan Moral v.1 (3) Semester I Literary Texts for ESL Learners (3) Semester II Assessment in Literature Education (3) Simulated Teaching in Literature Education (3) Semester II PBET4102 Performance in Literature Education (3) 70 KURSUS TAHUN 1 Kecekapan Bahasa Inggeris Kesusasteraan Inggeris PXET1107 Semester I Writing About Literature (2) Semester II Prose I v.1 (2) atau PXET1101 Prose II v.1 (2) PXET1105 Latihan Mengajar TAHUN 2 TAHUN 3 PXET2201 Semester I English Proficiency for Teachers I v.1 (3) PXET3203 Semester I English Proficiency for Teachers III v.1 (3) PXET2202 Semester II English Proficiency for Teachers II v.1 (3) PXET3204 Semester II English Proficiency for Teachers IV v.1 (3) PXET2105 PXET2107 PXET3105 PXET3107 PBET2109 Semester I Poetry I v.1 (2) atau Poetry II v.1 (2) Semester II Drama I v.1 (2) atau Drama II v.1 (2) Semester Khas School Orientation Programme (1) PXET3106 PXET3109 PXET3108 PXET3110 PBET4191 TAHUN 4 JUMLAH 12 jam kredit Semester I Shakespeare on Screen v.1 (2) atau Literature and Popular Culture (2) 12 jam kredit Semester II Language of Literature v.1 (2) atau Texts for Schools (2) Semester Khas Latihan Mengajar (Sekolah Menengah) (7) 8 jam kredit Jumlah 137 jam kredit Nota: - Fakulti mempunyai hak untuk tidak meneruskan atau mengubah kursus menurut keperluan keadaan. Kursus mungkin tidak ditawarkan oleh kerana kekurangan pelajar yang mendaftar atau ketiadaan tenaga pengajar. + Kursus Progresif 71 COURSE STRUCTURE FOR THE BACHELOR OF EDUCATION (TESL) - FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ONLY (commencing admission session 2015/2016) COURSE Kursus Universiti YEAR 1 GIG1004 GIG1006 #GIG1001 GIG1003 GIG1005 Basic Courses PAET1102 PDET1105 First Method PBET1105 PBET1101 PBET1103 PBET1106 YEAR 2 Semester I Information Literacy (2) Introduction to Malaysia (2) Semester II Islamic and Asian Civilisation (TITAS) (2) Basic Course On Culutre Of Entrepreneurship (2) Social Engagement (2) PBET2112 Semester II Foundations of Research For TESL (3) Semester I Educational Psychology v.1 (3) Semester II Basic Physical Education, Health and Co-Curriculum v.1 (3) Semester II Introduction to Grammar of English (3) Listening & Speaking in the ESL Classroom v.1 (3) Elective Courses in the Faculty Semester I PBET2106 Thinking and Communication Skills (3) YEAR 4 TOTAL Semester I Co-Curriculum Course (2) Semester II Elective Course Outside the Faculty (3) 24 credit hours Elective Courses in the Faculty Semester II PDEX2101 Uniform Unit Management (3) Semester I Basic Philosophy and Education PPET2104 I n Malaysia (3) Semester I Foundations for TESL Methodology v.1 (3) Linguistics for Language Teachers (3) YEAR 3 Semester I Ethics and Teaching (3) PAET4101 Semester II Principles of Instructional Technology (3) Semester II PDET4101 Personal Leadership & Organisation (3) PBET3103 Semester I Language Testing & Assessment (3) PBET3107 PBET4101 Semester II Simulated Teaching for TESL v.1 (3) PPEX4180 PAET3101 PPET3104 PBET2107 PBET2108 PBET2113 Semester I Reading in the ESL Classroom (3) Writing in the ESL Classroom (3) Semester II Language Learning & Language Use (3) Semester I Sociology of Schooling (3) Semester I Integrative Seminar: Issues in TESL(3) PPEX4180 Academik Project (3)+ 21 credit hours 36 credit hours Semester II Academik Project (3)+ 72 Second Method (Choose one of the fields) a) Art Education Semester I PSET1101 Fundamentals of Visual Design v.1 (3) Semester II PSET2101 Two Dimension Design v.1 (3) PSET3105 PSET2102 Semester I Art Survey (3) PSET3103 Semester II Three Dimension Design v.1(3) PSET3102 PSET4102 Or b) Moral Education Semester I PSET1103 Moral Education and Ethics v.1 (3) PSET2103 Semester I Moral Education and Religion v.1 (3) PSET3106 Semester II PSET1104 Moral Development v.1 (3) PSET3101 Semester II Moral Education Curriculum (3) PSET3104 PSET4206 Or c) Literature in English Education PBET1107 Semester I Introduction to Methodology in Literature Education (3) PBET2209 Semester I Teaching Poetry in the Literature Class (3) PBET3211 PBET1208 Semester II Teaching Prose in the Literature Class (3) PBET2210 Semester II Teaching Drama in the Literature Class (3) PBET3105 PBET4103 Semester I Three Dimension Design v.1(3) Semester II Basic Art Criticism & Appreciation v.1 (3) Micro Teaching In Art Education (3) 24 credit hours Semester II PSET4104 Art Education & Practice In School (3) Semester I Approaches in Teaching And Learning Moral Education (3) Semester II Evaluation in Moral Education (3) Micro-Teaching in Moral Education (3) Semester II PSET2104 Moral Education Project v.1 (3) Semester I Literary Texts for ESL Learners (3) Semester II Assessment in Literature Education (3) Simulated teaching in Literature Education (3) Semester II PBET4102 Performance in Literature Education (3) 73 English Language Proficiency English Literature PXET1107 Semester I Writing About Literature (2) Semester II Prose I v.1 (2) or Prose II v.1 (2) PXET1101 PXET1105 Teaching Practice Courses for Graduation Requirements PXET2201 Semester I English Proficiency for Teachers I v.1 (3) PXET3203 Semester I English Proficiency for Teachers III v.1 (3) PXET2202 Semester II English Proficiency for Teachers II v.1 (3) PXET3204 Semester II English Proficiency for Teachers IV v.1 (3) PXET2105 PXET2107 PXET3105 PXET3107 Semester I Poetry I v.1 (2) or Poetry II v.1 (2) Semester II Drama I v.1 (2) or Drama II v.1 (2) Special Semester PBET2109 School Orientation Programme (1) PXET3106 PXET3109 PXET3108 PXET3110 12 credit hours Semester I Shakespeare on Screen v.1 (2) or Literature and Popular Culture (2) 12 credit hours Semester II Language of Literature v.1 (2) or Texts for Schools (2) Special Semester PBET4191 Teaching Practice (Secondary School) (7) 8 credit hours GTEM1101 – Elementary Malay (compulsory) - Total 137 credit hours Note: - The Faculty has the authority not to continue or change a course depending on the circumstances. A course may not be offered due to the small number of students who register or lack of teaching staff. + Progressive Course # Credit Exemption 74 KURSUS UNIVERSITI UNIVERSITY COURSES KURSUS UNIVERSITI UNIVERSITY COURSES PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 GIG1004 – LITERASI MAKLUMAT (2 Jam Kredit) INFORMATION LITERACY (2 Credit Hour ) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini akan meningkatkan perkembangan kemahiran pengurusan maklumat pelajar supaya mereka menjadi pengguna maklumat yang cekap. Kemahiran ini akan menjadi asas kepada pembelajaran sepanjang hayat dan menyumbang kepada kecemerlangan akademik pelajar. Justeru itu, kursus ini memberi tumpuan kepada penggunaan sumber maklumat dan rujukan dalam pelbagai bentuk serta strategi pencarian maklumat yang berkesan. Aspek penilaian maklumat yang diperolehi dan penyediaan senarai rujukan tertentu juga diberi penekanan. This course will develop student information management skills so that they can become effective and efficient users of information. These essential skills will contribute to the academic success as well as create a foundation for lifelong learning. Therefore, this course focus on the strategic use of information and references sources in various format. Evaluation of information obtained and the preparation of reference list is also emphasized. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Penilaian Berterusan - 100% (Kerja Kursus/Ujian/Amali/Lisan) : Continuous Assessment (Course Work/Test/ /Oral) Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu / Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language / English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Gash, S. (2000). Effective literature searching for research (2nd ed). New York, NY: Gowers. Grix, J., & Watkins, G. (2010). Information skills: Finding and using the right resources. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. Hart, C. (2001). Doing a literature search: A comprehensive guide for the social sciences. London, England: Sage Publications. O Dochartaigh, N (2007). Internet research skills: How to do your literature search and find research information online. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Laman web E-Learning (http://spectrum.um.edu.my) GIG1002 – HUBUNGAN ETNIK (2 Jam Kredit) ETHNIC RELATIONS (2 Credit Hours ) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini akan memperkenalkan konsep asas dan teori hubungan etnik. Kursus ini juga akan memupuk kemahiran berkomunikasi, kerja berpasukan, pemikiran kritis dan semangat pembelajaran berterusan serta pengurusan maklumat dalam kalangan pelajar melalui tugasan individu, pembentangan dan aktiviti-aktiviti berkumpulan. This course will explain the basic concepts and theories of ethnic relations. It also inculcates communication skills, teamwork, critical thinking, lifelong learning and information management skills among students via individual assignment, presentation and group work. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Penilaian Berterusan - 70%, : Continuous Assessment Peperiksaan Examination - 30% Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu / Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language / English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Modul Hubungan Etnik, Edisi Kedua. Shamsul Amri Baharuddin (Ketua Ed.). Bangi: Institut Kajian Etnik, UKM. Lim Teck Ghee, Alberto Gomes and Azly Rahman (eds.) (2009). Multiethnic Malaysia: Past, Present and Future. Strategic Information and Reseaerch Development Centre, Petaling Jaya. Syed Hsin Ali (2008). Ethnic Relations in Malaysia: Harmony and Conflict. Strategic Information and Research Development Centre, Petaling Jaya. 76 Zawawi Ibrahim (Ed) (2012). Social Science and Knowledge in a Globalising World. Strategic Information and Research Development Centre, Petaling Jaya. GIG1003 – ASAS PEMBUDAYAAN KEUSAHAWANAN (2 Jam Kredit) BASIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP CULTURE (2 Credit Hours ) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini cuba menerapkan elemen asas pembudayaan keusahawanan kepada semua pelajar. Inisiatif ini diambil untuk membuka minda dan merangsang semangat keusahawanan kepada kumpulan sasar yang berpotensi. Antara topik yang akan diajar termasuklah konsep dan perkembangan keusahawan, kepentingan keushawaan, faktor yang menggalakan keusahawaan,perkembangan keushawaan di Malaysia, kreativiti dan inovasi dalam keusahawanan, peluang perniagaan, kemahiran memulakan perniagaan, merancang perniagaan dan kemahiran mengurus projek perniagaan. Di samping itu, kursus ini juga memberikan pelajar latihan yang lebih bermakna dan berkesan mengenai realiti dunia perniagaan sebenar. This course will attempt to inculcate the basic elements of entrepreneurship in the students. Initiatives are taken to open their minds and motivate the entrepreneurial spirit in this potential target group. The course encompasses theory and type’s entrepreneurship, the importance of entrepreneurship and factors affecting entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship development in Malaysia, ethics of entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation in entrepreneurship, business opportunity, ability to start a business, developing business plans, skills to run and manage a business. The course also incorporates a direct exposure to the real business environment. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Penilaian Berterusan - 100% (Kerja Kursus/Ujian/ Amali/Lisan) : Continuous Assessment (Course Work/Test/ /Oral) Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Sodri Ariffin, Ismail Ab.Wahab and Zarida Hambali (2013) Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship, Malaysia : Oxford Fajar Sdn Bhd. GIG1006 – PENGENALAN KEPADA MALAYSIA (2 Jam Kredit) INTRODUCTION TO MALAYSIA (2 Credit Hours ) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini menerangkan sejarah asal usul dan pembentukan Malaysia. Kursus ini juga membincangkan sistem dan struktur pentadbiran negara, Perlembagaan Malaysia, budaya, nilai dan orientasi setiap kaum, integrasi nasional, perpaduan dan garis panduan untuk berinteraksi dengan rakyat Malaysia This course will explain the history and formation of Malaysia. It will also discuss the national administrative structure and system of Malaysia, the Malaysian Consitution, culture, values, ethnic orientation, national integration, unity and guidelines on social interactions with Malaysians. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 50%, Peperiksaan - 50% : Assignment Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Asma Abdullah & Paul B. Pedersen. (2003), Understanding multicultural Malaysia: Delights, puzzles & irritations, Kuala Lumpur: Prentice Hall Pearson Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Cheah Boon Kheng. (2002), Malaysia: The Making of a Nation, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Kahn, J. and Loh Kok Wah (eds). (1993), Fragmented Vision: Culture and Politics in Contemporary Malaysia, Sydney: Allen and Unwin. 77 GIG1001 – TAMADUN ISLAM TAMADUN ASIA (TITAS) (2 Jam Kredit) ISLAMIC AND ASIAN CIVILISATION (TITAS) (2 Credit Hours ) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini membincangkan peranan ilmu ketamadunan dalam membentuk persepsi, sahsiah dan kehidupan harmoni antara masyarakat berlainan budaya. Kursus ini juga menerapkan nilai-nilai murni dan persefahaman antara pelbagai budaya melalui kebolehan berdialog dan berinteraksi. This course discusses the importance of civilizational in shaping perception, personality and life harmony between different communities. This course also adopts the values and understanding between diverse cultures through dialogue and interaction abilities. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Penilaian Berterusan - 70%, : Continuous Assessment Peperiksaan Examination - 30% Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu Medium of Instruction : Malay Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Osman Bakar, Azizan Baharuddin & Zaid Ahmad (ed.). 2009. Modul Pengajian Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Malaya. Tanpa Pengarang. 2006. Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Melayu, Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Malaya. Tanpa Pengarang. 2001. Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia, Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Malaya. GIG1005 – JALINAN MASYARAKAT (2 Jam Kredit) SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT (2 Credit Hours ) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini mendedahkan kepada pelajar mengenai khidmat kemasyarakatan dan peranan sebagai sukarelawan. Pelajar juga perlu merancang program khidmat masyarakat dan ditempatkan di lokasi-lokasi berkaitan dengan program tersebut. Pelajar perlu membuat laporan dan pembentangan berdasarkan pengalaman bersama komuniti tempatan. This course exposes the students on social enggagement and their role as volunteers. Students need to plan their social enggagement programme and will be placed at a specific location based on their programme. Students have to write a report and make a presentation on their experience with the community. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Penilaian berterusan 100% (Kerja Kursus/Ujian/ Amali/Lisan) : Continues Assessment 100% (Course Work/Test/ /Oral) Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan/atau Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and/or English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Compton & Galaway, 1979. Social Work Process, New York: The Dorsey Press Reid K.E 1991. Social Work Practice With Groups, Clinical Perspective California: Brooks/Cole Pub.Co. Hepworth D. H & H LarsenJ.A 1993. Direct Social Work Practice, Theory and Skills. California: Brooks/Cole Pub. Co. 78 GIG1006 – PENGENALAN KEPADA MALAYSIA (2 Jam Kredit) INTRODUCTION TO MALAYSIA (2 Credit Hours ) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini menerangkan sejarah asal usul dan pembentukan Malaysia. Kursus ini juga membincangkan sistem dan struktur pentadbiran negara, Perlembagaan Malaysia, budaya, nilai dan orientasi setiap kaum, integrasi nasional, perpaduan dan garis panduan untuk berinteraksi dengan rakyat Malaysia This course will explain the history and formation of Malaysia. It will also discuss the national administrative structure and system of Malaysia, the Malaysian Consitution, culture, values, ethnic orientation, national integration, unity and guidelines on social interactions with Malaysians. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 50%, Peperiksaan - 50% : Assignment Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Asma Abdullah & Paul B. Pedersen. (2003), Understanding multicultural Malaysia: Delights, puzzles & irritations, Kuala Lumpur: Prentice Hall Pearson Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Cheah Boon Kheng. (2002), Malaysia: The Making of a Nation, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Kahn, J. and Loh Kok Wah (eds). (1993), Fragmented Vision: Culture and Politics in Contemporary Malaysia, Sydney: Allen and Unwin. PBET2106 – KEMAHIRAN BERFIKIR DAN KOMUNIKASI (3 Jam Kredit) THINKING AND COMMUNICATION SKILLS (3 Credit Hours ) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini berdasarkan atas percayaan bahawa fikiran adalah sesuatu kemahiran yang boleh diperkembangkan melalui panduan dan praktis. Maka ia direkabentukkan supaya kemahiran-kemahiran yang utama dapat diperkembangkan. Kemahiran tersebut merangkumi kebolehan menjelas, menganalisis dan menilai argumen; dan melahirkan sikap yang terbuka minda dan ingin tahu. Kemahiran sedemikian amat diperlukan untuk menjayakan pembelajaran, menyelesaikan masalah dan membuat keputusan yang bijak dalam kehidupan kita. Kursus ini mengintegrasikan perkembangan kemahiran berfikir secara kritis dan kreatif dalam situasi komunikasi, seperti menegaskan emphati di antara pengucap dengan audiens, komunikasi di antara satu sama lain, dan juga penggunaan bahasa dan mesej ‘non-verbal’. This course is based on the conviction that thinking is an ability that can be developed and improved through guidance and practice. It is designed to help develop fundamental thinking abilities such as clarifying, analyzing and evaluating arguments; and developing attitudes of open-mindedness and curiosity. These are needed for success in courses, in solving problems and making informed decisions in life. The course integrates the development of both critical (evaluation) and creative (synthesis) thinking abilities within communication situations such as emphasizing empathy between speaker and the audience, interpersonal communication, and the use of language and nonverbal messages. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 60%, Peperiksaan - 40% : Assignment Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Fisher, A. (2011). Critical thinking: An introduction (2nd Edition). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Butterworth, John & Thwaites, Geoff. (2013). Thinking Skills: Critical thinking and problem solving (2nd Edition). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Verderber, R. F., Verderber, K. S. & Sellnow, D. D. (2008). The challenge of effective speaking. (14th Edition). USA :Thomson Wadsworth. 79 PDEX2101 – PENGURUSAN UNIT BERUNIFORM (3 Jam Kredit) MANAGEMENT OF UNIFORM UNITS (3 Credit Hours ) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kerja kursus pengurusan unit beruniform bertujuan untuk memberi pengetahuan dan kemahiran kepada guru pelatih mengurus unit-unit beruniform yang dijalankan di organisasi pendidikan khususnya sekolah secara cekap dan berkesan. Perbincangan meliputi konsep, peranan, fungsi, proses dan tatacara pengruusan unit beruniform di sekolah mengikut keperluan dan situasi semasa. Aspek-aspek perancangan, pengurusan dan pembangunan unit beruniform diketengahkan. Isu-isu pengurusan unit beruniform, khususnya di peringkat sekolah dibincangkan. Selain itu, kemahiran-kemahiran menjalankan aktiviti unit beruniform juga dijalankan secara teori dan praktikal seperti kemahiran perkhemahan, pertolongan cemas dan kesihatan juga dijalankan This course on management of uniform units aims to provide knowledge and skills to teacher trainees to manage uniform units run at educational organisations, particularly schools. Discussions include concepts, roles, functions, processes and procedures of managing uniform units at school in accordance to the current needs and situations. Aspects of planning, management and development of uniform units are highlighted. Issues on management of uniform units, particularly at school level are also discussed. In addition, the skills on running uniform unit activities are developed through theories and practices such as camping, first aids and health management Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 60%, Ujian Kelas - 40% : Assignment Test Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu Medium of Instruction : Malay Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Abd. Alim Abdul Rahmah. (1994). Pengurusan kokurikulum. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Fajar Bakti Bell., M. (1999). Extra curricular activities in school. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Grgson., B. D. (2003). Activities outside classroom: Tasks and activities. New Jersey: Open University Press PBET2112 – FOUNDATIONS OF RESEARCH FOR TESL (3 Credit Hours) Synopsis: This course is an introduction to research in teaching English as a second language. It is a preparatory course for students to explore research in the field. Current issues and research techniques/methods are identified and discussed in depth. At the end of the course, students will be prepared to carry out research in the area of TESL. Assessment Method : Assignment - 70% , Test - 30% Medium of Instruction : English Language Main References : Creswell, J.W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods approaches (3rd ed.) Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Brown, J. D. & Rodgers, T. S. (2003). Doing second language research (Oxford handbook for language teachers). London: Oxford University Press. Richards, K. (2003). Qualitative inquiry in TESOL. London : Palgrave MacMilan. 80 KURSUS ASAS BASIC COURSES KURSUS ASAS BASIC COURSES PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 81 PDET1105 – ASAS PENDIDIKAN JASMANI, KESIHATAN DAN KOKURIKULUM V.1 (3 Jam Kredit) PHYSICAL EDUCATION, HEALTH AND CO-CURRICULUM V.1 (3 Credit Hours ) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini mendedahkan pelajar kepada asas anatomi, fisiologi manusia, prinsip latihan dan beberapa konsep dalam pembelajaran motor dan biomekanik sukan. Antara topik-topik yang turut dibincangkan ialah falsafah, konsep dan amalan dalam Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesihatan dan Kokurikulum, khususnya, dalam konteks pendidikan. Penekanan juga diberi kepada pentadbiran, pengurusan dan pelaksanaan Pendidikan Jasmani dan kokurikulum di sekolah menengah. The students will be introduced to basic anatomy, human physiology, exercise principles and some concepts and practice in physical education, health and co-curriculum especially in the educational context. Emphasis will be given to administration, management and implementation of physical education and co-curriculum in secondary schools. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, Peperiksaan - 60% : Assignment Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Carpenter.J, & Sinclair, C.(2011).Middle and high school levels, Physical Best Activity Guide. 3th edition. Human Kinetics.USA. Pual, W., Darst et al. (2005). Dynamic physical education for secondary school students. Lumpkin, A., (2004). Introduction to physical education, exercise science, and sports studies. PAET1102 – ASAS FALSAFAH DAN PENDIDIKAN DI MALAYSIA (3 Jam Kredit) PHILOSOPHICAL AND EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATIONS IN MALAYSIA (3 Credit Hours ) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus akan membincangkan sejarah perkembangan falsafah pendidikan utama Barat seperti perenialisme, progresivisme, dan esensialisme yang mempengaruhi perkembangan falsafah pendidikan dunia. Perbandingan akan dibuat dengan falsafah pendidikan Islam. Dengan latar belakang ini, sejarah perkembangan pendidikan di Malaysia akan dikaji untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi polisi dan amalan pendidikan dari semasa ke semasa. Tumpuan diberi kepada perkembangan terkini seperti Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan dan pelaksanaan Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Menengah. Pelajar juga akan dibimbing untuk mengenal pasti andaian di sebalik kepelbagaian pendekatan terhadap pengajaran dan seterusnya menyedari falsafah pendidikan masing-masing. This course will introduce to students the historical development of the main Western educational philosophies such as perennialism, progressivism, and essentialism, which have influenced the development of educational philosophy in the world. Comparisons will be made with the Islamic philosophy of education. With this background the historical development of education in Malaysia will be studied to analyse the factors which influenced the country’s educational policy and practice from time to time. Attention will be given to the latest developments such as the National Philosophy of Education and the implementation of the Integrated Secondary School Curriculum. Students will also be guided to identify the assumptions underpinning the different approaches to teaching and subsequently be aware of their own philosophies of education. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, Ujian Kelas - 20%, Peperiksaan - 40% : Assignment Test Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Armstrong D. G., Henson, K. T., & Savage, T. V. (2001). Teaching today: An introduction to education (6th ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Fenstermacher, G. D., & Soltis, J. F. (1992). Approaches to teaching (2nd ed.). New York: Teachers College Press. Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (1990). Pukal latihan KBSM: Falsafah Pendidikan Negara. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. 82 PPET2104 – PSIKOLOGI PENDIDIKAN V.1 (3 Jam Kredit) EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY V.1 (3 Credit Hours ) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan untuk menyediakan pengetahuan kepada pelajar mengenai teori perkembangan dan faktor yang mempengaruhi proses pembelajaran. Ini akan meliputi topik seperti proses perkembangan, kecerdasan, perbezaan individu, konsep diri dan motivasi. Kursus ini juga akan mengenengahkan teori pembelajaran dan strategi asas pengajaran. This course aims to provide knowledge to students on theories of development and factors affecting their learning process. This course will cover topics such as the process of development, intelligence, individual differences, self-concepts and motivation. The course will also highlight theories of learning and basic teaching strategies. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, Peperiksaan - 60% : Assignment Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Slavin, R.E.(1997). Educational Psychology. Needham Hight, MA: Allyn & Bacon Woolfolk, A.E.(1998).Educational Psychology. Needham Hight, MA: Allyn & Bacon Rothstein, P.R.(1997). Educational Psychology. Siongapore: McGraw-Hill PPET3104 – PRINSIP TEKNOLOGI PENGAJARAN (3 Jam Kredit) PRINCIPLES OF INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY (3 Credit Hours ) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini membincangkan prinsip asas dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran untuk amalan di bilik darjah. Pelajar akan mempelajari cara menulis objektif yang baik dalam merancang satu pelajaran bilik darjah, dan memilih bahan serta kaedah pengajaran mengikut objektif yang ditulis. Disamping itu, pelajar juga akan didedahkan dengan beberapa aspek pengurusan bilik darjah. This course discusses basic principles in the process of teaching and learning for classroom practices. The students will learn to write good objectives in planning class lessons, and to select media and instructional methods that suit the written objectives. Besides, the students will also be introduced to some aspects of classroom management. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, Peperiksaan - 60% : Assignment Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Anglin, G.J. (1995). Instructional Technology: Past, Present and Future (2nd ed.) Englewood Co. : Libraries Unlimited. Gagne, R. M. & Wager, W.W. (1992). Principles of Instructional Design (4th ed.) HBJ College & School Division. Reiser, R.A., Dempsey, J.V. (2000). Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall. 83 PAET3101 – ETIKA DAN PERGURUAN (3 Jam Kredit) ETHICS AND TEACHING (3 Credit Hours ) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini mendedahkan pelajar kepada teori dan amalan nilai sebenar dalam bidang perguruan yang mencakupi definisi, konsep dan ciri etika serta kod etika perguruan. Kursus ini bertujuan untuk membolehkan pelajar memahami kepentingan etika dan agama ke arah perkembangan insan yang mulia serta merancang pelajar untuk mengamalkan tingkahlaku yang beretika dan profesionalisme keguruan. Kursus ini juga mencerakinkan nilai dan ciri insan multazim yang bermoral untuk kehidupan yang sejahtera dan mahir menyelesaikan masalah dan isu etika. This course will introduce to students the theories and practices of values in teaching in terms of definitions, concepts and characteristics of ethics including the ethical code of teaching. The course will enable students to understand the importance of ethics and religion in developing moral character as well as planning for ethical behaviour and professionalism in teaching. The course will also analyse the values and characteristics of a noble and moral person for his or her well-being and skills in problem solving ethical problems and issues. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, Peperiksaan - 60% : Assignment Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Abd. Rahim Abd. Rashid (2005). Profesionalisma keguruan : Prospek dan cabaran. Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Bertens, K. (2003). Etika dan moral untuk pengajian tinggi. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Malaya Mohd. Janib Johari (2001). Etika profesional, Skudai: Penerbit Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. PDET4101 – KEPIMPINAN DIRI DAN ORGANISASI (3 Jam Kredit) SELF AND ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP (3 Credit Hours ) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan untuk menyediakan pemahaman terhadap konsep asas kempimpinan dan imej diri cemerlang yang diperlukan dalam sesuatu organisasi tempat kerja. Antara topik yang akan dibincangkan adalah pengenalan kepada kepimpinan, kepimpinan dinamik dan memahami kepimpinan daripada pelbagai perspektif. Perbincangan mengenai pengurusan diri akan termasuk topik seperti mengetahui potensi kepimpinan diri, menganalisis kekuatan dan kelemahan, dan membina keyakinan diri. This course aims to provide understanding on basic concepts of excellent leadership and self image required in an organization of work place. Among the topics to be discussed are; introduction to leadership, dynamic leadership, understanding leadership from multiple perspectives. Discussions on self organization will include topics such as knowing potentials of self leadership, analyzing self strengths and weaknesses, and building self-confidence. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, Peperiksaan - 60% : Assignment Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Ab. Aziz Yusof (2000). Pengurus dan gelagat organisasi di abad ke 21. Prentice hall . Ahmad Zabidi Abdul Razak (2003). Memimpin diri sendiri. PTS Publications. Ken Parry (1996). Tranformational leadership. Pitman Publishing. 84 PAET4101 – SOSIOLOGI PERSEKOLAHAN (3 Jam Kredit) SOCIOLOGY OF SCHOOLING (3 Credit Hours ) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini akan mendedahkan kepada para pelajar mengenai konsep, pengertian dan peranan pendidikan dan persekolahan dalam konteks sosiologi. Pelajar juga akan didedahkan teori-teori sosiologi pendidikan dan impaknya seperti: Fungsionalisme, konflik, interaksionalisme dan pasca modenisme. Pelajar juga akan dapat memahami persekitaran dan iklim sekolah, cabaran masalah disiplin dalam kalangan murid serta usaha menyelesaikannya. Pelajar juga akan didedahkan tentang hubungan antara persekolahan dan struktur masyarakat, perbezaan status sosio-ekonomi, kesaksamaan peluang pendidikan, mobiliti sosial dan kurikulum tersembunyi. This course gives students an understanding of the concepts, meanings and role of education and schooling in sociological context. Students are also introduced to theories of educational sociology and its impact such as functionalism, conflict, interactionalism and postmodernism. Students will be able to understand the school environment and climate, challenges faced in discipline problems among students and ways to resolve them. Students will also be introduced to the relationship between school and the social structure, socioeconomic differences, educational opportunities and equity and hidden curriculum. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, Ujian Kelas - 20%, Peperiksaan - 40% : Assignment Test Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Amir Hassan Dawi (1999). Penteorian Sosiologi dan Pendidikan. Tanjung Malim : Quantum Books. Hazil Abdul Hamid (1990). Sosiologi Pendidikan dalam Perspektif Pembangunan Negara. Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Myra Sadker, M. (1999). Teachers. schools and society. Kuala Lumpur : McGraw-Hill Higher Education. 85 KURSUS MAJOR: KAEDAH PERTAMA MAJOR COURSES: FIRST METHOD KURSUS MAJOR: KAEDAH PERTAMA MAJOR BAHASA COURSES: FIRSTSEBAGAI METHOD PENGAJARAN INGGERIS BAHASA KEDUA TEACHING OF ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE PENGAJARAN BAHASA INGGERIS SEBAGAI BAHASA KEDUA TEACHING OF ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 PBET1101 – LINGUISTICS FOR LANGUAGE TEACHERS (3 Credit Hours ) Synopsis: This course will introduce students to some basic notions about the nature and functions of language. Students will be exposed to theoretical assumptions of language and their implication for teaching and learning of English as a Second Language. The main components of linguistics include phonology, morphology, syntax semantics and pragmatics and their contributions to the formulation of pedagogic principles. Students are expected to apply knowledge of linguistics in practical situations and in solving problems pertaining to teaching approaches, materials development, and the development of language skills. Assessment Method : Assignment - 60%, Test - 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language References: Crystal, D. (2008). A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics. UK:Blackwell Publishing. Fromkin, V. A.(ed) (2000) Linguistics: An Introduction to Linguistic Theory.UK: Blackwell Publishers Inc. Fromkin, V., Rodman, R. & Hyams, N. (2013) An Introduction to Language. USA: Cengage Learning PBET1103 – INTRODUCTION TO ENGLISH GRAMMAR (3 Credit Hours ) Synopsis: The course offers an overview of English Grammar for English Language teachers. This will lead to an examination of the relationship between form and function as a basis for instructional design. Aspects of English grammar will be examined in relation to the techniques and materials for communicative teaching of forms and functions. Topics covered include varieties of English, formal and functional grammars, pedagogical grammars, special problem areas, the acquisition of grammar and pedagogical considerations. Assessment Method : Assignment - 60%, Test - 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language References: Frodessen, J. & Eyring, J. (2000). Grammar dimensions. Boston: Heinle & Heinle. Quick, R. & Greenbaum, S. (1996). A university grammar of English. London: Longman. Werner, P.K. & Nelson, J.P. (2002). Mosaic 2: Grammar. New York: McGraw Hill. PBET1105 – FOUNDATIONS FOR TESL METHODOLOGY V.1 (3 Credit Hours ) Synopsis: This is an introductory course that is designed to give students insight into recent approaches and methods in ELT theory and practice. Students will be encouraged to develop their own understanding of an appropriate TESL methodology. It will also help students be aware of their role as teachers in the language classroom. The course will include teaching-learning activities for listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary practice. Topics covered include recent approaches and methods in TESL, activities for teaching the four skills and sub-skills, and an introduction to ELT classroom organization and management. Assessment Method : Assignment - 80%, Test - 20% Medium of Instruction : English Language References: Brown, H.D. (2001). Principles of language learning and teaching. USA: Prentice Hall Regents. Gaudart, H. (2009). Lively language learning. Petaling Jaya: August Publishing. Rivers, W. (2000). Teaching foreign language skills. New York: University of Chicago Press 87 PBET1106 – LISTENING AND SPEAKING IN THE ESL CLASSROOM V.1 (3 Credit Hours ) Synopsis: The course will comprise lectures and tutorials which will focus on the teaching of listening and speaking as a separate and integrated skill. Both will be linked to reading and writing in teaching the Malaysian English Syllabus. The course will begin with an overview of basic concepts, principles and approaches to teaching listening and speaking. Opportunities will be provided for students to explore the implications of the above instruction. Workshop sessions throughout the course will offer hands-on experience in planning and implementing lessons. Assessment Method : Assignment - 40%, Test - 60% Medium of Instruction : English Language References: Brown,S. & Smith, D. (2007) Active Listening. USA:Cambridge University Press. Nation, I.S.P.& Newton, J. (2009).Teaching ESL/EFL Listening and Speaking:ESL and Applied Linguistics Professional Series. London:Routledge Richards,J.C. (2005) Second Language Listening: Theory and Practice.USA:Cambridge University Press. PBET2107 – READING IN THE ESL CLASSROOM (3 Credit Hours ) Synopsis: The course will provide an overview of the basic concepts, principles, and approaches to teaching reading. Students will be given the opportunity to relate these experiences to instruction through hands-on experiences in planning and instruction. The course will cover the following: basic concepts and principles of reading, purposes of reading, integrating reading and writing experiences, evaluating and selecting texts for reading, dealing with non-readers, testing reading skills and gauging reading ability. Assessment Method : Assignment - 60%, Test - 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language References: Ruddell, M. R. (2001). Teaching content reading and writing (3rd Edition). New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc. Childs, C. L. (2006). Creative reading and writing in the intermediate ESL classroom with children aged 10-12. Austin: University of Texas. Nation, I.S.P. (2008). Teaching ESL/EFL reading and writing. New York: Taylor & Francis Group. PBET2108 – WRITING IN THE ESL CLASSROOM (3 Credit Hours ) Synopsis: The course will provide an overview of the basic concepts, techniques and approaches to teaching writing. Students will be given the opportunity to relate these theories to instruction through hands-on experiences in planning and instruction. The knowledge and understanding developed through this course will be drawn upon in other methodology courses. Assessment Method : Assignment - 60%, Test - 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language References: Ferris,D & Hedgcock,J. (2013). Teaching ESL composition. New Jersey: Routledge. Hedge, T. (2005.) Writing. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Hyland,K. (2003.) Second language writing. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press. 88 PBET2113 – LANGUAGE LEARNING ANG LANGUAGE USE (3 Credit Hours ) Synopsis: The course examines key concepts and issues in language learning and language use. It sensitizes language teachers to the psychological and social dimensions of language learning and language use. In addition to lectures, readings and class discussions, students will be encouraged to observe, record and analyze language use and language learning in a variety of settings. Assessment Method : Assignment - 60%, Test - 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language References: Brown,D.H .(2000). Principles of language learning & teaching. New York: Longman Lightbown,P. & Spada, N. (1999). How languages are learned. London: Oxford University Press Holmes, J. (2001). An introduction to sociolinguistics. New York: Longman PBET3103 – LANGUAGE TESTING AND ASSESSMENT (3 Credit Hours ) Synopsis: This course will provide students with basic concepts and principles of language testing. It will expose students to various testing approaches and techniques and issues particularly those related to the questions of how and what to test and also the evaluation of test quality. The emphasis of the course will however be on the identification and construction of test procedures which are useful for language teachers. Students will be introduced to various types of language tests and the criteria for constructing particular types of tests. They will be sensitized to methods used to elicit language performance. The theoretical framework provided should enable the students to describe characteristics of existing language tests and to develop new language tests. They will conduct research to test the effectiveness of the test items. Students will be able to do practical work on constructing tests and analyzing and interpreting test results. They will also be required to construct marking schemes and evaluate each other’s marking schemes. Assessment Method : Assignment - 60%, Test - 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language References: Brown, H.D. (2003). Language assessment: Principles and classroom practices. New York: Pearson Education. Fulcher, G. & Davidson, F. (2007). Language testing and assessment: An advanced resource book New York: Routledge. Clapham, C., & Corson, D. (1997). Language testing and assessment. Dordrecht: Kluwert Academic. PBET3107 – INTEGRATIVE SEMINAR: ISSUES IN TESL (3 Credit Hours ) Synopsis: The course builds on and integrates the TESL methodology courses in the teaching of listening, speaking, reading and writing in the light of the teaching practice experience. The main focus of the course is to provide a milieu for post-teaching practice reflection and to help participants theorise key elements from those experiences. The course will consider the management of change in school settings and the impact of curriculum innovations on the teaching-learning situation. Assessment Method : Assignment - 60%, Test - 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language References: Harmer, J. (2002). The practice of English language teaching. England: Pearson Education Limited. Nunan, D. (1999). Second language teaching and learning. U.S.A.: Heinle & Heinle. 89 Long, M.H. (1987). Methodology in TESOL: A book of readings. U.S.A. : Heinle & Heinle. PBET4101 – SIMULATED TEACHING FOR TESL V.1 (3 Credit Hours ) Synopsis: The course builds on and integrates the TESL methodology courses in the teaching of listening, speaking, reading and writing. The focus will be on providing opportunities for simulated teaching in which students will be led to link theory and practice as they plan and implement lessons. The course will encourage students to reflect on experiences and allow them to explore situations they may encounter during teaching practice. Assessment Method : Assignment - 40%, Oral - 60% Medium of Instruction : English Language References: Hedge, T. (2002). Teaching and learning in the language classroom. Oxford: OUP Freeman, D. & Richards, J. (1996). Teacher learning in language teaching. Cambridge; CUP Brown, D.H. (1994). Principles of language learning and teaching. NJ; Prentice Hall. PPEX4180 – PROJEK ILMIAH (3 Jam Kredit) ACADEMIC PROJECT (3 Credit Hours ) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Dalam kursus ini pelajar akan dibimbing untuk menguasai kaedah menjalankan kajian secara ilmiah. Mereka akan memilih satu tajuk penyelidikan yang bersesuaian untuk dilaksanakan dalam tempoh satu semester. Pada akhir kursus ini mereka akan menghasilkan sebuah laporan penyelidikan yang telah dijalankan untuk tujuan penilaian kursus. In this course students will be guided in acquiring skills required for undertaking academic research studies.They will choose a research topic and the study will be completed within one semester. At the end of the course they will produce a research report to be evaluated as the course assessment. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 100% : Assignment Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Macintrye, C. (1999). The art of action research in the classroom. London: David Fulton Pub. McNiff, J. (2004). Action research: Principles and practice. UK: Routledge. Babbie, E. (2001). The practice of social research (9th Edition). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning. 90 KURSUS MINOR: KAEDAH KEDUA MINOR COURSES: SECOND METHOD KURSUS MINOR : KAEDAH KEDUA (PENDIDIKAN SENI) COURSES MINOR : SECOND METHOD (ART EDUCATION) (PENDIDIKAN SENI) (ART EDUCATION) PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 91 PSET1101 – ASAS REKAAN TAMPAK V.1 (3 Jam Kredit) FUNDAMENTALS OF VISUAL DESIGN V.1 (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan memberi pendedahan kepada pelajar tentang teori unsur-unsur seni dan prinsip rekaan. Melalui pendedahan ini pelajar akan melibatkan diri dalam mengaplikasikan unsur-unsur seni dan prinsip rekaan dalam penghasilan karya seni. Sesi kritikan juga diadakan untuk meningkatkan lagi kefahaman pelajar terhadap karya seni yang dihasilkan. This course aims to provide exposure to students on theories of art elements and principles of design. Through such an exposure, the students will be involved in applying the elements and principles in their producing works of art. Critical sessions are held to enhance their understanding of their work. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 100% : Assignment Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Tappenden, C., Taylor, A., Thomas,P.& Tidnam,N. (2006). Complete art foundation course. London: Octopus Publishing Group Ltd. Ocvirk, O.G., Stinson, R.E., Wigg, P.R., Bone, R.O. & Cayton, D.L. (2002). Art fundamentals: Theory and practice. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc. Barber,B. (2006). The complete fundamentals of drawing. London: Arcturus Publishing Limited. PSET2101 – REKAAN DUA DIMENSI V.1 (3 Jam Kredit) TWO DIMENSIONAL DESIGN V.1 (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan memberi pendedahan kepada pelajar terhadap penghasilan lukisan, cetakan dan rekaan. Pelajar akan diberikan pendedahan dengan pelbagai teknik,proses dan peralatan dalam menghasilkan hasil seni. Pelajar juga diberikan pendedahan dalam aktiviti rekaan seperti menghasilkan poster, kulit buku dan logo. Sesi kritikan juga diadakan untuk meningkatkan lagi kefahaman pelajar terhadap karya seni yang dihasilkan. This course aims to provide exposure to students on productions of drawings, prints and designs. Students will gain exposure on various applications of techniques, processes and uses of art tools in producing works of art. Students will also be exposed to working in making posters, book covers, and logos. Critical sessions will help students to enhance their understanding of their own work. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 100% : Assignment Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Ocvirk, Stinson, Wigg, Bone & Cayton. (2012). Art Fundamentals: Theory and Practice 12th Edition London: McGraw Hill Rockman, D (2011). Drawing Essentials: A Guide to Drawing from Observation. Oxford University Press Marculewicz, N. (2002). Making monotypes using a geletin plate. Rockport, Massachusetts: Hand Books Press. Thomas,G. (2000). How to design logos, symbols & icons. Cincinnati,Ohio: How Design Books. Elliot, I.M. (2004). Batik: Fabled cloth of Jawa. New York: Clarkson N Potter, Inc. 92 PSET2102 – REKAAN TIGA DIMENSI V.1 (3 Jam Kredit) THREE DIMENSIONAL DESIGN V.1 (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan memberi pendedahan kepada pelajar tentang penghasilan pelbagai jenis kraftangan. Pelajar akan diberikan pendedahan tentang pelbagai teknik,proses dan peralatan dalam menghasilkan pelbagai jenis kraftangan seperti anyaman, ukiran kayu, tembikar dan batik. Sesi kritikan juga diadakan untuk meningkatkan lagi kefahaman pelajar tentang kraftangan yang dihasilkan. This course aims to provide exposure to students on productions of crafts. Students will gain exposure on various applications of techniques, processes and uses of art tools in producing types of crafts such as weaving, wood-carving, ceramics and batik. Critical sessions will help students to enhance their understanding of their own work. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 100% : Assignment Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu / Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language / English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Steward, Mary. (2011). Launching the Imagination: A Guide to Three-Dimensional Design (4th Edition). McGraw-Hill Education_ Roth, Richard & Pentak, Stephen. (2012). Design Basics: 3D Wadsworth Publishing Sh Sakinah ALjunid & Purser, W. (2006). Modern Malaysian: A tribute to Felda’s craftpeople. Jakarta: Equinox Publishing. Warshaw, J. (2005). The Pottery Handbook. Leicester: Silverdale Books. PSET3102 – APRESIASI DAN ASAS KRITIKAN SENI V.1 (3 Jam Kredit) APPRECIATION AND FUNDAMENTALS OF ART CRITICISM V.1 (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan untuk membolehkan pelajar mendapat pengetahuan mengenai teori asas dan model kritikan seni seperti model Broudy, Feldman dan Miller. Di samping itu pelajar juga terlibat dengan perbincangan terhadap isu dan teknik yang digunakan dalam kritikan. Ini termasuklah soal wacana dan jenis pendekatan dalam kerja pengkritikan seni visual. Untuk mengukuhkan pengetahuan mereka, pelajar akan terlibat dalam amalan kritikan sehingga dapat membina satu kerangka kritikan sendiri untuk menghayati dan membuat apresiasi terhadap karya-karya seni tradisi, moden dan pascamoden. This course aims to enable students to gain knowledge on basic theories and art critical models such as the Broudy, Feldman and Miller models. Apart from that students are also involved in discussions on issues and techniques used in criticism. These include discourses and approaches to the visual arts critical process. To consolidate knowledge, students will be involved in critical work and exercises until they are able to develop their own model to appreciate works of traditional, modern and postmodern art. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 60%, Peperiksaan - 40% : Assignment Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu / Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language / English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Francis, P. (2009). Inspiring writing in art and design. Chicago; Intellect Books Fichner-Rathus, L. (2012). Understanding art (10th Ed.). Cengage Learning Johnson, Paul. (2003). Art: A new history. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson Pingelton, T. (2014). Art appreciation. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Park, J. (2104). Universal principles of art: 100 Key concepts for understanding, analyzing, and practicing Art. Rockport Publishers 93 PSET3103 – KURIKULUM PENDIDIKAN SENI V.1 (3 Jam Kredit) ART EDUCATION CURRICULUM V.1 (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan memberi pendedahan kepada pelajar terhadap kurikulum pendidikan seni sekolah menengah secara menyeluruh. Perbincangan meliputi perkara yang berkaitan dengan falsafah, matlamat, objektif, nilai dan kandungan kurikulum pendidikan seni sekolah menengah. Aspek yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan portfolio, penilaian dan pengurusan seni juga dibincangkan This course aims to enable students to gain knowledge on basic theories and art critical models such as the Broudy, Feldman and Miller models. Apart from that students are also involved in discussions on issues and techniques used in criticism. These include discourses and approaches to the visual arts critical process. To consolidate knowledge, students will be involved in critical work and exercises until they are able to develop their own model to appreciate works of traditional, modern and postmodern art. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 60%, Ujian Kelas - 40% : Assignment Test Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Marshall, J. & Donahue, D.M. (2014) Art-Centered Learning Across the Curriculum: Integrating Contemporary Art in the Secondary School Classroom. Teachers College Press Yenawine, P. (2014). Visual Thinking Strategies: Using Art to Deepen Learning Across School Disciplines (1st Edition) Harvard Education Press Addison, N & Burgess, L. (2003). Issues in art and design teaching. London: RoutledgeFalmer. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia.(2003). Sukatan Pendidikan Seni Visual. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia. (2003). Huraian sukatan Pendidikan Seni Visual sekolah menengah. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka. PSET3105 – TINJAUAN SENI (3 Jam Kredit) A SURVEY OF ART (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan memberi pendedahan asas teori pensejarahan seni bagi mengkaji seni visual sebagai satu hasil proses perkembangan dinamik pemikiran manusia. Melalui pendedahan tersebut pelajar meneliti keselarian antara kerangka perubahan stail seni dengan evolusi logik bercorak rasional yang mendasari pemikiran umum dan imagistik manusia. Pelajar juga terlibat dalam perbincangan mengenai sumber idea seni dan evolusi stail sebagai satu penglibatan kognitif. Dengan cara begini pelajar dapat menilai bagaimana hasil seni boleh menjadi dasar kepada transformasi pemikiran manusia seperti yang terpancar sebagai aliran seni mengikut kefahaman sesuatu tamadun atau kebudayaan. This course aims to provide exposure to students on art history to study the visual arts as a dynamic process of development in human thoughts. Through such an exposure the students will examine the parallelism between the structural change of art styles and the logical evolution of human rationale that underlies the human thinking and imagistic. The students will also be involved in discussions on the sources of artistic ideas and the evolution of styles as a cognitive preoccupation. That way the students will learn to evaluate how a work of art can be the foundation to human transformation of thoughts as reflected through art trends according to culture or civilization. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 60%, Peperiksaan - 40% : Assignment Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Stokdat, M., & Cothren, M. (2013) Art history Volume 1 (5th Edition) New York: Pearson. Stokdat, M., & Cothren, M. (2013) Art history Volume 5 (5th Edition). New York: Pearson. Barnet, S. (2010). A Short Guide to Writing About Art (10th Edition). New York: Pearson Johnson, P. (2003). Art: A new history. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson 94 PSET4102 – PENGAJARAN MIKRO PENDIDIKAN SENI (3 Jam Kredit) ART EDUCATION MICRO TEACHING (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan memberi peluang kepada pelajar untuk meneliti isu pedagogi pendidikan seni dalam konteks pengajaran di sekolah yang dilihat dari aspek teori dan amalan. Pelajar akan mengkaji struktur dan kandungan kurikulum pendidikan seni sekolah menengah sebagai cara mendapatkan asas dan panduan dalam memilih dan menyusun bahan pengajaran yang sesuai. Pelajar juga melaksanakan pengajaran mikro dan membincangkan masalah praktikal berkaitan dengannya. This course aims to provide students an opportunity to examine pedagogical issues in art education in the context of teaching in schools both from the theoretical and practical aspects. The students will study the structure and contents of secondary school art curriculum as a way to grasp the basics and understand the guidelines on selecting and organizing suitable materials for art teaching. The students will also perform micro teaching and discuss the practical problems related to it. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Amali/Lisan - 100% : Oral Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Neu, Kerrian. (2011). Visual Art for the secondary grades. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Hume, Helen. (2014). The Art Teacher's Survival Guide for Secondary Schools: Grades 7-12 (2nd Edition). CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia.(2003). Sukatan Pendidikan Seni Visual. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia. (2003). Huraian sukatan Pendidikan Seni Visual sekolah menengah. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka. PSET4104 – PENDIDIKAN SENI DAN AMALAN DI SEKOLAH (3 Jam Kredit) ART EDUCATION AND SCHOOL PRACTICE (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan membolehkan pelajar mempelajari bagaimana aktiviti seni diuruskan di sekolah. Pelajar mengetahui mengenai seni sebagai satu aktiviti ko-kurikulum di sekolah, penghasilan majalah sekolah dan aktiviti mengwujudkan suasana yang sihat untuk pembelajaran seni. Di samping itu, pelajar akan mencari maklumat mengenai agensi dan kerjaya dalam seni. Kursus ini juga memerlukan pelajar menyediakan satu pameran seni, sebagai aktiviti yang membolehkan mereka mengaplikasi pengetahuan, kemahiran dan inovasi mereka sendiri. This course aims to enable students to learn how art activities are managed in schools. Students will know about art as a co-curricular activity, production of school magazine, and activities of creating conducive environments for art learning. Besides, the students will seek information on agencies and careers in art. This course also requires students to prepare an art exhibition, an activity that allows them to apply their own knowledge, skills and innovation. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 100% : Assignment Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu Medium of Instruction : Malay Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Dalton, R.,&Zuk, B. (2001). Student art exhibition: New ideas and approaches. Reston, VA: NAEA. Gee, K. (2000). Visual art as a way of knowing. Los Angeles, CA: Stenhouse Publishers. White A.W. (2002). The elements of graphic design. New York: Allworth Press. 95 KURSUS MINOR: KAEDAH KEDUA MINOR COURSES: SECOND METHOD KURSUS MINOR : KAEDAH KEDUA COURSES MINOR : SECOND METHOD (PENDIDIKAN MORAL) (MORAL EDUCATION) (PENDIDIKAN MORAL) (MORAL EDUCATION) PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR PSET1103 – PENDIDIKAN MORAL DAN ETIKA V.1 (3 Jam Kredit) UNDERGRADUATE MORAL EDUCATION AND ETHICS V.1 (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/ Synopsis: PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 96 PSET1103 – PENDIDIKAN MORAL DAN ETIKA V.1 (3 Jam Kredit) MORAL EDUCATION AND ETHICS V.1 (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan untuk memberi pemahaman tentang konsep asas moral dan etika, teori etika dan pendidikan moral serta kepentingan pendidikan moral dalam sekolah dan etika professional keguruan. Isu-isu moral semasa akan dibincangkan untuk mempertingkatkan tahap kesedaran pelajar tentang peranan dan tanggungjawab guru pendidikan moral di sekolah. Antara tajuk-tajuk yang akan dibincangkan ialah konsep asas nilai, moral dan etika, teori etika, prinsip moral dan peraturan moral, nilai dan ciri insan yang bermoral, kepentingan dan peranan pendidikan moral dalam sekolah dan etika profesional keguruan serta isu-isu moral semasa. This course aims to provide understanding of the basic concept of moral and ethics, ethical theories, moral education and importance of moral education in schools and professional ethics of teachers. Current moral issues will be discussed to improve students’ awareness level on roles and responsibilities of a moral education teacher in schools. Among the topics of discussion would be basic ethical concepts, ethical theories, moral principles and moral rules, values and characteristics of a moral person, importance and role of moral education in schools, professional ethics of teaching and current issues in the context of Malaysian society. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, Peperiksaan - 60% : Assignment Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Nucci, L. Narvaez, D. & Krettenauer, T. (2014). Handbook of moral and character education (2nd. Ed). New York: Routledge Ab. Halim Tamuri. (2010). Inovasi dalam pendidikan akhlak. Bangi: Penerbit UKM. Asmawati Suhid. (2009). Pendidikan akhlak dan adab Islam: Konsep dan amalan. Kuala Lumpur: Utusan Publications and Distributors. Mohd. Nasir Bin Omar. (2003). Christian and Muslim Ethics. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Majid F. Fakhry. (1994). Ethical theories in Islam. London: Brill. PSET1104 – PERKEMBANGAN MORAL V.1 (3 Jam Kredit) MORAL DEVELOPMENT V.1 (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini mengkaji beberapa teori perkembangan moral daripada pelbagai perspektif perkembangan moral. Tumpuan diberikan kepada perspektif perkembangan moral, seperti perkembangan kognitif, pembelajaran, personaliti, konstruktivis sosial dan integratif. Implikasi teori perkembangan moral terhadap pendidikan moral juga akan dibincangkan.Perbincangan juga meliputi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan moral seperti ibu bapa dan keluarga, rakan sebaya dan sekolah, masyarakat dan media massa. Isu berkaitan dengan perkembangan dan tingkahlaku moral dalam konteks masyarakat Malaysia juga akan dibincangkan. This course studies several theories that relate to moral and character development from various perspectives on moral development. Focus will be given on the development of cognitive, behavioural, personality, social constructivist and integrative perspectives on moral development and behaviour. The implications of the theories of moral development in moral education will also be discussed. Discussions will also include factors that can influence moral development such as parents and family, peers and school, culture and mass media. Issues relating to moral development and behaviour in context of Malaysian society will also be discussed. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, Peperiksaan - 60% : Assignment Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Killen, M. & Smetana, J.G. (Eds) (2013). Handbook of moral development Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Lapsley, D. & Power, F.C. (eds) (2005). Character psychology and character education. Universit Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press. Turiel, E. (2002). The culture of morality: Social development, context, and conflict. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. 97 PSET2103 – PENDIDIKAN MORAL DAN AGAMA V.1 (3 Jam Kredit) MORAL EDUCATION AND RELIGION V.1 (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan untuk mendedahkan pelajar tentang nilai murni dalam pelbagai agama yang diamalkan bagi mencetuskan semangat perpaduan dan menghargai hakikat hidup yang bertoleransi dalam konteks masyarakat Malaysia. Penekanan kursus adalah berdasarkan tajuk yang berikut: konsep agama, kepercayaan dan moral, kepentingan dan peranan agama dalam pendidikan moral dan masyarakat majmuk Malaysia, nilai-nilai moral dari perspektif pelbagai agama dan hubung kait agama dan pendidikan moral, amalan keagamaan dan kepercayaan di kalangan rakyat Malaysia dan nilai yang perlu diamalkan oleh individu dalam konteks masyarakat Malaysia. This course aims at exposing students to the noble values in the various religions so as to instil solidarity and appreciate the need for tolerance in the context of Malaysian society. Topics for discussion will include: concept of religion, beliefs and morals, importance and role of religion in moral education and Malaysian plural society, moral values from different religions and the relationship between religion and moral education, religious practices and beliefs among the peoples of Malaysia and the desired values of an individual in the context of Malaysian society. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, Peperiksaan - 60% : Assignment Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Abdul Rahman Md. Aroff (2011). Pendidikan Moral: teori etika dan amalan moral. Serdang: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia. Erricker, C. (2000). Reconstructing religious, spiritual and moral education. London: Routledge Falmer. Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (2000). Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan. Nucci, L. Narvaez, D. & Krettenauer, T. (2014). Handbook of moral and character education (2nd. Ed). New York: Routledge Vishalache Balakrishnan. (2009). Pendidikan moral untuk universiti dan kolej. Shah Alam: Arah Publications. PSET2104 – PROJEK PENDIDIKAN MORAL V.1 (3 Jam Kredit) MORAL EDUCATION PROJECT V.1 (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan untuk mendedahkan pelajar kepada penglibatan aktif secara langsung dalam aktiviti masyarakat. Pelajar dikehendaki merancang, melaksana dan melaporkan program, projek atau kerja amal yang dipilih. Kesemua peringkat tersebut dirancang bersama dalam kumpulan dan dilaksanakan di tempat yang dipilih. Pelajar dikehendaki menghasilkan satu laporan lengkap berdasarkan projek komuniti atau kerja amal yang dijalankan. This course aims at exposing students to the direct active participation in a community project or social service activity. Students are required to plan, execute and report on the chosen community project or social service. All stages of planning and implementation are to be done at the chosen site by group members. Students are required to produce a complete report based on the implementation of the community project or social service. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 100% : Assignment Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Bradford. S.W. (2006) Techniques and guidelines for social work practice. 7th ed. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon. Carolyn R. O'Grady (2012), Integrating service learning and multicultural education in colleges and universities. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. : New York. Maidment, J. (2006) Practice skills in social work and welfare: more than just common sense. Crows Nest NSW: Allen & Unwin. 98 Zastrow. C. (2009) Introduction to social work and social welfare: Empowering People .10th ed. Belmont, CA: Thomson, Brooks/Cole. . PSET3101 – KURIKULUM PENDIDIKAN MORAL (3 Jam Kredit) MORAL EDUCATION CURRICULUM (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan untuk membolehkan pelajar memahami dan menganalisa matlamat dan objektif kurikulum Pendidikan Moral serta pembentukan dan organisasi kurikulum tersebut khususnya bagi peringkat sekolah menengah. Topik yang akan dibincangkan termasuk: matlamat Pendidikan Moral dalam konteks Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan, objektif kurikulum Pendidikan Moral, organisasi kurikulum, kandungan kurikulum dan implikasinya dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran mata pelajaran tersebut di peringkat sekolah menengah. Tumpuan juga akan diberikan kepada mengkaji program Pendidikan Moral di beberapa buah negara. This course enables students to understand and analyse the aims and objectives of the Moral Education curriculum as well as the structure and organisation of the curriculum, specifically for secondary schools. Topics to be discussed include; aims of Moral Education in the context of the National Philosophy of Education, objectives of the Moral Education curriculum, organisation of the curriculum, curriculum content and its implications to teaching and learning of the subject at the secondary school level. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, Peperiksaan - 60% : Assignment Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Chang Lee Hoon, Norani Mohd Salleh, Wan Hasmah Wan Mamat & Vishalatche Balakrishnan (Eds) (2008). Asia pacific moral, civic and citizenship education: new vision & new realities. Kuala Lumpur: Department of Educational Foundations & Humanities, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya. Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (2000). Sukatan Pelajaran Pendidikan (Semakan) dan Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Pendidikan Moral Tingkatan 1-5. Kuala Lumpur: Pusat Perkembangan Kurikulum. Nucci, L.P. & Narváez, D. (2014). Handbook of moral and character education. 2nd Edition. New York: Routledge PSET3104 – PENILAIAN DALAM PENDIDIKAN MORAL (3 Jam Kredit) EVALUATION IN MORAL EDUCATION (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan untuk membolehkan pelajar memahami matlamat dan objektif penilaian serta pelbagai cara penilaian yang sesuai digunakan dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan aspek penilaian dalam pendidikan moral juga akan dikaji. Topik yang akan dibincangkan ialah konsep penilaian, matlamat dan objektif penilaian, instrumen penilaian dalam aspek kognitif, efektif dan perlakuan moral, cara mengendalikan penilaian, cara merekod dan cara melapor dapatan penilaian dalam pendidikan moral. This course enables students to understand and analyse the aims and objectives of the Moral Education curriculum as well as the structure and organisation of the curriculum, specifically for secondary schools. Topics to be discussed include; aims of Moral Education in the context of the National Philosophy of Education, objectives of the Moral Education curriculum, organisation of the curriculum, curriculum content and its implications to teaching and learning of the subject at the secondary school level. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, Peperiksaan - 60% : Assignment Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Anderson, L.W. & Krathwohl (2012). A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assesing: a revision of Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives. New York, Toronto: Longsman, Green. Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia. Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. (2012) Kerja Kursus Pendidikan Moral Pusat Perkembangan Kurikulum (2006). Penilaian Kendalian Sekolah. 99 PSET3106 – PENDEKATAN PENGAJARAN DAN PEMBELAJARAN DALAM PENDIDIKAN MORAL (3 Jam Kredit) APPROACHES IN TEACHING AND LEARNING MORAL EDUCATION (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan untuk membolehkan pelajar mengkaji pelbagai pendekatan dan strategi pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam pendidikan moral supaya membolehkan mereka menjadi guru pendidikan moral yang berkesan .Topik perbincangan akan meliputi pendekatan seperti pemupukan nilai, analisis nilai, perkembangan rasional, pendekatan caring, pembelajaran kooperatif dan lain-lain. Di samping itu, tumpuan juga akan diberikan kepada penyediaan bahan dan pengendalian pelbagai teknik serta aktiviti pengajaran dan pembelajaran seperti permainan dan simulasi, perbincangan moral, lakonan, pengintegrasian ICT dan lain-lain yang boleh merangsang pembelajaran pendidikan moral di bilik darjah. This course enables students to study the various teaching and learning approaches and strategies in moral education so as to enable them to be effective teachers. Topics of discussion will include approaches on inculcation of values, value analysis, caring, cooperative and active learning. In addition, the focus will also be given to the preparation of materials and the management of different techniques as well as teaching and learning activities such as games and simulation, moral discussions, role-playing, ICT integration and others that will simulate the learning of moral education in the classroom. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 60%, Ujian Kelas - 40% : Assignment Test Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Pendidikan Moral KBSM (Semakan). Nucci, L.P. & Narváez, D. (2008). Handbook of moral and character education. New York: Routledge Wan Hasmah Wan Mamat & Nur Munirah Teoh Abdullah (2013). Pembelajaran Aktif. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka PSET4206 – PENGAJARAN MIKRO PENDIDIKAN MORAL (3 Jam Kredit) MICRO TEACHING IN MORAL EDUCATION (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan untuk mendedahkan kepada pelajar tentang amalan dan prinsip pengajaran pendidikan moral mengikut tahap pembelajaran yang berbeza. Tumpuan kursus kepada perancangan, pelaksanaan dan penilaian serta pengurusan pengajaran dan pembelajaran dan bahan-bahan yang dikenal pasti sesuai. Antara perkara yang juga diberi penekanan ialah kesukaran memahami nilai, kesesuaian, kaedah pengajaran dan perbezaan-perbezaan dalaman pembelajaran murid. Kursus ini akan dijalankan melalui pengajaran mikro. This course exposes students to the practices and principles of teaching moral education for different levels of learning. The course will focus on planning, executing, evaluating and managing teaching and learning as well as materials that are identified to be appropriate. Among the topics that will be emphasised are problems in understanding values, appropriate teaching methods and differences in students’ learning. This course will be conducted via micro teaching. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 100% : Assignment Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Donald C. Orlich, Robert J. Harder, Richard C. Callahan (2012) Teaching Strategies: A Guide to Effective Instruction. 10th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia.(2000). Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Pendidikan Moral KBSM (Semakan). Nikolic, V. (2000). Am I teaching well? Self-evaluation strategies for effective teachers. Toronto:Pippin 100 KURSUS MINOR: KAEDAH KEDUA MINOR COURSES: SECOND METHOD KURSUS MINOR : KAEDAH KEDUA COURSESKESUSASTERAAN MINOR : SECOND METHOD (PENDIDIKAN INGGERIS) (LITERATURE IN ENGLISH EDUCATION) (PENDIDIKAN KESUSASTERAAN INGGERIS) (LITERATURE IN ENGLISH EDUCATION) PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 PBET1107 – INTRODUCTION TO METHODOLOGY IN LITERATURE EDUCATION (3 Credit Hours) Synopsis: This introductory course will enable students to develop insights into the role of literature in the curriculum. Students will be introduced to theories, approaches and issues that are relevant to the teaching and learning of literature in English to speakers of other languages. Notions of language competence and literary competence and the processes of literary reading will be discussed. Students will be encouraged to develop an understanding of appropriate learner-centred methodology for the teaching of the genres of literature. This will be facilitated through the reader-response approaches to texts. The context of literature teaching and learning and the role of the teacher will also be explored. The teaching approach will be largely experiential so that the principles for teaching and learning of literature may be inductively drawn. Assessment Method : Assignment - 60%, Examination - 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language References : Atherton, C., Green, A. & Snapper, G. (2013).Teaching English Literature. UK: Routledge Publication. Lazar, G. (1993). Literature and Language Teaching: A Guide for Teachers and Trainers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Carter, R. & Long, M.N. (1991).Teaching Literature. Burnt Mill, UK: Longman. PBET1208 – TEACHING PROSE IN THE LITERATURE CLASS (3 Credit Hours) Synopsis: This course focuses on the teaching of the short story and novel. Students will draw on their knowledge of the literary elements of both genres of prose, including plot, point of view, character, setting and theme to develop teaching-learning activities to facilitate and understanding and appreciation of the prose narrative. Students will explore the use of a variety of techniques and supplementary materials to scaffold the literary experience of the learner at various stages of the encounter with the text. Students will also strategise how to deal with relevant issues such as length of text, background of text, language and style. Some consideration will be given to better integrating texts in English by Malaysian authors. Assessment Method : Assignment - 60%, Test - 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language References : Collie, J., & Slater, S. (1987). Literature in the language classroom. A resource book of activities and ideas. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Mellor, B., O’Neill, M., & Patterson, A. (2000). Reading stories: Activities and texts. Perth: Chalkface Press. Robert, P. (1999). Developing response to fiction. Milton Keynes: Open University Press. PBET2209 – TEACHING POETRY IN THE LITERATURE CLASS (3 Credit Hours) Synopsis: This course focuses on the teaching of poetry. Students will draw on their knowledge of the literary elements of poetry genre, including subject, structure, mood and tone as well as the use of poetic devices to develop teaching-learning activities, as well as to facilitate the understanding and appreciation of the poem. Students will explore the use of a variety of techniques and supplementary materials to scaffold the literary experience of the learner at various stages of the encounter with text. This will include helping learners deal with the language and style of poetry, and sensitizing them to patterns of sound and meaning as they experience poetry. Discussions will also centre on how to better motivate students to read for pleasure. Some consideration will be given to better integrating texts in English by Malaysian authors. 102 Assessment Method : Assignment - 60%, Examination - 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language References : Kennedy, X.J., & Gioia, Dana. (2002). An introduction to poetry (10th ed.). New York: Longman. Maley, A., & Duff, A. (1989). The inward ear: Poetry in the language classroom. Cambridge: CUP. Moon, B. (2000). Studying poetry: Activities, resources & texts. Urbana/IL: NCTE. PBET2210 – TEACHING DRAMA IN THE LITERATURE CLASS (3 Credit Hours) Synopsis: This course focuses on the teaching of drama. Students will draw on their knowledge of the literary elements of the genre of drama including plot, character, setting and theme, as well as the use of common dramatic devices, to develop teachinglearning activities to facilitate and understanding and appreciation of the play. Students will explore the use of a variety of techniques and supplementary materials to scaffold the literary experience of the learner at various stages of the encounter with text. Students will also draw on their knowledge of stagecraft to explore ways of enabling learners to experience drama, including reading the play text, staging and watching a performance. Some consideration will be given to better integrating texts in English by Malaysian authors. Assessment Method : Assignment - 60%, Examination - 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language References : Collie, J., & Slater, S. (1987). Literature in the language classroom: A resource book of activities and ideas. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Styan, J. L. (1980). The dramatic experience. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Wallis, M., & Sheperd, S. (1998). Studying plays. London: Arnold. PBET3105 – ASSESSMENT IN LITERATURE EDUCATION (3 Credit Hours) Synopsis: Issues related to various forms of assessment in literature education including formal, informal and self assessment. These will be examined in relation to the knowledge, skills and attitude objectives of literature-based programmes. Students will develop assessment aims and procedures to monitor and obtain feedback on the learner’s progress throughout the programme. More specifically, students will develop strategies or ongoing assessment including the development of student portfolios as well as develop formal tests based on seen and unseen texts using various formats and information resources. Students will also construct marking schemes, as well as analyse and interpret assessment results. The relationship between testing and teaching will also be discussed. Assessment Method : Assignment - 60%, Examination - 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language References : Laud, L. & Patel, P. (2013). Using formative assessment to differentiate middle school literacy instruction: 7 practices to maximize learning. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin. Brown, H. D. & Abeywickrama, P. (2010). Language assessment: principles and classroom practices. White Plains, New York: Pearson Education. Luongo-Orlando, K. (2003). Authentic assessment: designing performance-based tasks for achieving language arts outcomes. Ontario: Pembroke Publishers. 103 PBET3211 – LITERARY TEXTS FOR ESL LEARNERS (3 Credit Hours) Synopsis: This course focuses on the selection and use of literary texts in English from around the world to develop literature-based programmes for ESL learners. It examines text-related issues such as subject, language, style, theme and cultural content in relation to learner-related factors such as age, interest, level of language proficiency and socio-cultural background. This is to enable student teachers to decide wisely in the processes of text selection and use in the classroom, and for recommendations for extensive reading for students outside the classroom. Students will also consider guidelines and activities to encourage learners to make their own choices regarding texts. Discussions will also include the use of the canon, young adult literature, graphic novels, translations as well as abridged and simplified ‘graded reader’ texts. Some consideration will be given to better integrating texts in English by Malaysian authors, and a broadening of the types of genres considered as ‘literature’. An experiential approach will be used to enable students to consider strategies for helping learners to access, understand and appreciate personal responses to literary texts from diverse genres, periods and cultures. Assessment Method : Assignment - 60%, Examination - 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language References : Duff, A. & Maley, A. (2009). Literature. Oxford: OUP. Wilhelm, J. & Michael, S. (2010). Fresh takes on teaching literary elements: How to teach wat really matters about character, setting, point of view. Urbana, IL: NCTE. Alsup, J. (2015). A case for teaching literature in the secondary school: Why reading fiction matters in an age of scientific objectivity. New York: Routledge. PBET4102 – PERFORMANCE IN THE LITERATURE EDUCATION (3 Credit Hours) Synopsis: This course aims at providing students with hands-on experience in the use of various types of performance activities to facilitate engagement as well as the analysis and interpretation of literary text by learners. Students will explore how to present literary texts to that they appeal to the learners’ imagination in creating a rich and meaningful context for active meaning-making while allowing for various interpretations of the text. Students will explore a multi-model approach to encourage active learner involvement in the literary experience through the use of the visual, auditory, gestural, spatial and kinaesthetic modalities to support and facilitate explorations of texts. Assessment Method : Assignment - 60%, Oral - 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language References : Kempe, A. (1997). The GCSE drama coursebook. Cheltenham: Stanley Thomas Publishers Ltd. Monahan, S. (1991). Poetry as Sshared reading. Melbourne: Logman Cheshire. Zaro, J.J. & Salaberri, S. (1995). Storyteling. Oxford: Heinemann. PBET4103 – SIMULATED TEACHING IN LITERATURE EDUCATION (3 Credit Hours) Synopsis: This course will focus on enabling students to develop professional competence in the teaching of literature through the practice of simulated teaching where students will plan and implement lessons. This course builds on and integrate courses on the teaching of the various genres as well as the selection and use of texts. Relevant dimensions of the teaching – learning process will be addressed. Students will also develop strategies for implementing the national syllabus in Malaysian literature classrooms. Students will be encouraged to reflect on experience to develop a thoughtful and principled approach to the teaching of literature. 104 Assessment Method : Assignment - 40%, Oral - 60% Medium of Instruction : English Language References : Carter, R. & Long, M. (1991) Teaching of Literature.London: Burnt Mill. Collections of Literary Texts. ( 2009) Literature Components in English Language Teaching for Malaysian Secondary Schools, Curriculum Development Division, Ministry of Education, Malaysia. Syllabus for Literature in English Programme (Form 4&5) 2007. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka 105 KURSUS KECEKAPAN BAHASA INGGERIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY COURSES KURSUS KECEKAPAN BAHASA INGGERIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY COURSES PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 106 PXET2201 – ENGLISH PROFICIENCY FOR TEACHERS I V.1 (3 Credit Hours) Synopsis: The course takes an integrated approach to the development of the four skills at the PXET2201 level – Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. The course will also provide systematic work on grammar and vocabulary with particular emphasis on spoken and written fluency. Students will be encouraged to develop efficient language learning strategies that would provide them with lifelong aid in becoming confident, independent users of English. Assessment Method : Assignment - 60%, Examination - 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language References : English, A. K. & English, L. M. (2009). North Star: Reading & writing (High intermediate) (3rd ed.). USA: Pearson Education. Ferree, T. & Sanabria, K. (2009). North Star: Listening & speaking (High intermediate) (3rd ed.). USA: Pearson Education. Cambridge International Dictionary of English PXET2202 – ENGLISH PROFICIENCY FOR TEACHERS II V.1 (3 Credit Hours) Prerequisite requirement: Passed PXET2201 course with at least a Grade C; 80% attendance Synopsis: The course takes an integrated approach to the development of the four skills – Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing at the PXET2202 level. It will also provide systematic work on grammar and vocabulary with particular emphasis on spoken and written fluency. Students will be encouraged to develop efficient language learning strategies that would provide them with lifelong aid in becoming confident, independent users of English. Assessment Method : Assignment - 60%, Examination - 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language References : English, A. K. & English, L. M. (2009). North Star: Reading & writing (High intermediate) (3rd ed.). USA: Pearson Education. Ferree, T. & Sanabria, K. (2009). North Star: Listening & speaking (High intermediate) (3rd ed.). USA: Pearson Education. Cambridge International Dictionary of English PXET3203 – ENGLISH PROFICIENCY FOR TEACHERS III V.1 (3 Credit Hours) Prerequisite requirement: Passed PXET2202 course with at least a Grade C; 80% attendance Synopsis: The course takes an integrated approach to the development of the four skills – Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing at the PXET 3203 level. It will also provide systematic work on grammar and vocabulary with particular emphasis on spoken and written fluency. Students will be encouraged to develop efficient language learning strategies that would provide them with lifelong aid in becoming confident, independent users of English. Assessment Method : Assignment - 60%, Examination - 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language 107 References : Miller, J. L. dan & Cohen, R. F. (2009). North Star: Reading & witing (Advanced) (3rd ed.). USA: Pearson Education. Preiss, S. (2009). North Star: Listening & speaking (Advanced) (3rd ed.). USA: Pearson Education. Cambridge International Dictionary of English PXET3204 – ENGLISH PROFICIENCY FOR TEACHERS IV V.1 (3 Credit Hours) Prerequisite requirement: Passed PXET3203 course with at least a Grade C; 80% attendance Synopsis: The course takes an integrated approach to the development of the four skills – Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing at the PXET3204 level. It will also provide systematic work on grammar and vocabulary with particular emphasis on spoken and written fluency. Students will be encouraged to develop efficient language learning strategies that would provide them with lifelong aid in becoming confident, independent users of English. Assessment Method : Assignment - 60%, Examination - 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language References : Miller, J. L. dan & Cohen, R. F. (2009). North Star: Reading & witing (Advanced) (3rd ed.). USA: Pearson Education. Preiss, S. (2009). North Star: Listening & speaking (Advanced) (3rd ed.). USA: Pearson Education. Cambridge International Dictionary of English 108 KURSUS KESUSASTERAAN INGGERIS ENGLISH LITERATURE COURSES KURSUS KESUSASTERAAN INGGERIS ENGLISH LITERATURE COURSES PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 109 PXET1101 - PROSE II V. 1 (2 Credit Hours) Synopsis: This course is design to introduce students to elements and conventions of prose writing, particulary in literary texts written in English. Through relevant activities that allow them to identify, discuss and also evaluate the effectiveness of elements and conventions of prose writing, students will learn to appreciate literatures writen in English. Assessment Method : Assignment - 60%, Examination - 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language References : Martin, A. and Hill, R. (1992). Modern Short Stories. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall. Modern Novels. (1996). Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall. Gunner, J. (1990). Beyond the conventions: studies in prose. New York: Harper and Row. PXET1105 - PROSE I V. 1 (2 Credit Hours) Synopsis: Selected texts wil be studied closely, to equip students with the tools of critical analysis, and an understanding of the social, political, cultural and intellectual contexts of the relevant era. Assessment Method : Assignment - 60%, Examination - 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language References : Achebe, C. (1958). Things Fall Apart.London: Heinemann Joyce, James. (1968).”The Dead.” Dubliners. New York: Viking Press. Maniam, K.S. (1996). “The Pelanduk”. Haunting the Tiger. London: Skoob Books Publishers. Hemingway, E. (1952). The Old Man and the Sea. New York: Harper & Row. PXET1107 - WRITING ABOUT LITERATURE (2 Credit Hours) Synopsis: The course is designed as an introduction to ways of writing effectively, combining the study of language with the analysis of literary texts. In this way, students will learn to appreciate literature through deepening their proficiency in the language; whilst as the same time, the experience of reading literary texts will help students use language in a more effective way. Assessment Method : Assignment - 60%, Examination - 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language References : James, Missy. (2005). Reading literature and writing argument. Upper Saddle River:Prentice Hall. Madden, Frank. (2004). Exploring literature: writing and thinking about fiction, poetry, drama and the essay. Pearson/Longman. Roberts. E.V. (1998). Literature: An introduction to reading and writing. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall. Perrine, L. and T.R. Arp. (1991). Sound and sense: an introduction to poetry.New York: Harcourt. 110 PXET2105 - POETRY I V. 1 (2 Credit Hours) Synopsis: This course builds upon the students’ skills in reading and appreciating poetry in English and introduces them to poems written in various literary periods. Students will examine common literary devices and techniques used in analysing poetry, as well as apply basic concepts of practical criticism in their interpretation of the poems. Elements of poetry such as metaphor, imagery, rhythm, sound and language will be emphasized through the study of selected poems from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries. Students will be encouraged to relate the issues raised in the poems to influential social and political factors. As part of their continuous assessment, students are required to analyse critically several poems through a series of written assignments. Assessment Method : Assignment - 60%, Examination - 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language References : Abrams, M.H. (1993). A glossary of literary terms. New York: Harcourt. McMahan, E., Day, S. & Funk, R. (Eds.). (1993). Literature and the writing process. New York: Macmillan. Sadler, R.K. & Hayllar, T.A.S. (1986). Appreciating poetry. South Yarra, Australia.: Macmillan. PXET2107 - POETRY II V. I (2 Credit Hours) Synopsis: This course emphasizes the reading and interpretation of poetry as well as the special language of poetry. Students will learn how to appreciate poems by various poets and learn all about the features of verse such as figurative language, rhythm and diction. This course covers twentieth-century works. Assessment Method : Assignment - 60%, Examination - 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language References : Short, M.H. (1996). Exploring the language of poems, plays and prose. London: Longman. Perrine, Laurence .(1983). Literature: structure, sound, and sense: New York: Harcourt Brace, Jovanovich. Cuddon, J.A. (1992). Dictionary of literary terms and literary theory. London: Penguin. PXET3105 - DRAMA I (2 Credit Hours) Synopsis: Selected drama texts will be studied closely, to equip students with the tools of critical analysis, and an understanding of the social, political, cultural and intellectual context of the relevant era. Assessment Method : Assignment - 60%, Examination - 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language References : Marlowe, C. (1968). Dr. Faustus. Harmondsworth: Penguin. Shakespeare, W. (1964). King Lear. London: Methuen. Wycherley, W. (1973). The country wife. London: Methuen Wilde, O. (1957). The importance of being Earnest. London: Methuen. 111 PXET3106 – SHAKESPEARE ON SCREEN V.1 (2 Credit Hours) Synopsis: This course will focus on three Shakespearean plays, origanally written for the stage and now adapted for the silver screen and the television. The course will examine the effectiveness of using film in teaching Shakespeare in the classroom. Students have to prepare and submit a video assignment of a scene from one of the texts as part of the course. Assessment Method : Assignment - 60%, Examination - 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language References : Davies, A & Stanley, W. (Eds). (1994). Shakespeare and the moving image. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Eisenstein, S. (1997). Film form: essay in films theory, edited & traslated by Jay Leyda. New York: Harcourt Brace. Hill, J. & Pamela, G. (Eds). (1998). The Oxford guide to film studies. New York: Oxford University Press. PXET3107 - DRAMA II v. 1 (2 Credit Hours) Synopsis: Selected drama texts will be studied closely, to equip students with the tools of critical analysis, and an understanding of the social, political, cultural and intellectual context of the relevant era. Assessment Method : Assignment - 60%, Examination - 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language References : Miller, A. (1967). Death of a salesman. New York: Penguin. O’Neil, E. (1956). Long day’s journey into night. London: Jonathan Cape. Pinter, H. (1960) The caretaker. New York: Grove Press, PXET3108 – LANGUAGE OF LITERATURE v.1 (2 Credit Hours) Synopsis: This course will help students to apply linguistic methods in the analysis of literature. Texts used are selected from different genres. Students will learn to read more critically texts taught in other courses. Assessment Method : Assignment - 60%, Examination - 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language References : Brown, G. & George, Y. (1983). Discourse analysis. Cambridge: CUP. Leech, G.N. (1969). A linguistic guide to English poetry.London: Longman. Short, M. (1996). Exploring the language of poems,plays and prose. London: Longman. Toolan, M. (1998). Language in literature. London: Arnold. 112 PXET3109 - LITERATURE AND POPULAR CULTURE (2 Credit Hours) Synopsis: This course aims at giving students exposure to the reading of specific literary texts in English and various types of mass media material to stress the relationship between literature and contemporary popular culture. Students will be exposed to specific literaty genre and will relate specific literaty tetxs read in the course with issues and themes raised in films, television, song, picture/illustrations and newspaper articles. Assessment Method : Assignment - 60%, Examination - 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language References : Waltes, B. (1982). Popular culture: past and present: a reader. Berkshire, UK: Open University Press. Harrington, C. L. (2001). Popular culture: production and consumption. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. Storey, J. (2000). Cultural theory and popular culture: An introduction. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall. PXET3110 - TEXTS FOR SCHOOLS (2 Credit Hours) Synopsis: Selected texts will be studied closely to equip students with the tools of critial analysis, and an understanding of the social, political, cultural and intellectual contexts of the relevant era. Assessment Method : Assignment - 60%, Examination - 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language References : Hardy, T. (1966). Selected shorter poems of Thomas Hardy.London: Macmillian. Keats, J. (1998). Selected Poetry. Oxford: OUP. Rhys, J. (1966). Wide Sargasso sea. London: Andre Deutsh. Shakespeare, W. (1969). Hamlet. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 113 LATIHAN MENGAJAR (PBISBK) TEACHING PRACTICE (TESL) LATIHAN MENGAJAR (PBISBK) TEACHING PRACTICE (TESL) PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 114 PBET4191 - LATIHAN MENGAJAR (SEKOLAH MENENGAH) (7 Jam Kredit) TEACHING PRACTICE (SECONDARY SCHOOL) (7 Credit Hours) Pra Syarat/Prerequisite requirements: Lulus keseluruhan kursus asas fakulti, kaedah pertama dan kaedah kedua. Pass the basic faculty course, first method and second method. Sinopsis/Synopsis: Tujuan latihan mengajar adalah untuk menyediakan guru pelatih peluang menimba pengalaman yang mendalam dan berperanan penuh sebagai guru di sekolah. Pengalaman ini meliputi/melibatkan perancangan dan mengorganisasi pengajaran, membangunkan keupayaan pengajaran bilik darjah dan meyertai aktiviti kelas tambahan. Kursus ini juga menyediakan guru pelatih mengendalikan sendiri bilik darjah mereka sebagai guru baru. The purpose of Teaching Practice is to provide the teacher trainees with an opportunity to experience in depth the full role and meaning of teaching in a school setting. Experiences include planning and organizing for instruction, developing classroom teaching competencies and skills and participating in extra-class activities. It also prepares the trainee to manage her own classroom as a beginning teacher. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 100% : Assignment Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu / Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language / English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Ministry of Education .(2006). KBSM Syllabus for English in the Secondary School. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Ministry of Education .(2006). KBSM Syllabus for Literature in English Programme (Form 4&5). Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. PBET2109 - PROGRAM ORIENTASI SEKOLAH (1 Jam Kredit) SCHOOL ORIENTATION PROGRAMME (1 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini memberi pendedahan kepada pelajar mengenai peranan dan tanggungjawab guru-guru sekolah rmenengah, isuisu yang dihadapi oleh guru-guru dan bagaimana isu-isu ini ditangani. Ia juga memberi peluang kepada pelajar-pelajar untuk mengenal pasti dan menjalankan pemerhatian ke atas pengajaran pembelajaran yang berkesan dan pendekatan yang pelbagai dalam pengurusan bilik darjah dan disiplin. Kursus ini memerlukan pelajar-pelajar berada di sekolah sekurangkurangnya 7 hari dengan bimbingan seorang guru pembimbing dan pensyarah pembimbing. This course focuses on classroom observations to expose students to the role and responsibility of a secondary school teacher, issues facing the school teachers and how these issues are resolved. In addition, it provides opportunities for students to select and observe effective teaching and a variety of approaches to classroom management and discipline. The course requires students to complete a minimum of 7 days in a school with the supervision of a cooperating teacher and a lecturer-in-charge. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 100% : Assignment Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu / Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language / English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Christenbury, L. (2006) Making the Journey, Third Edition: Being and Becoming a Teacher of English Language Arts.USA.:Heinemann. Farrell, T. S. C. (2014) Promoting Teacher Reflection in Second Language Education: A Framework for TESOL Professionals (ESL & Applied Linguistics Professional Series) Canada:Routledge Ministry of Education (2007). Syllabus for English in the secondary school. Kuala Lumpur: Government Printers. 115 SARJANA MUDA PENDIDIKAN AWAL KANAK-KANAK BACHELOR OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 116 SARJANA MUDA PENDIDIKAN AWAL KANAK-KANAK BACHELOR OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION KELAYAKAN KEMASUKAN ENTRY QUALIFICATION Kelayakan STPM Kelayakan STAM Kelayakan Diploma STAM Qualification Syarat Am Universiti Syarat Am Universiti Syarat Am Universiti Syarat Am Universiti 1. Lulus SPM/setaraf dengan baik. Pass Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) [Malaysia 1. Lulus SPM/setaraf dengan baik. Pass Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) [Malaysia Certificate 1. Lulus SPM/setaraf dengan baik. Pass Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) [Malaysia Certificate 1. of Education] or equivalent with good grades. Education] or equivalent with good grades. 2. 2. Lulus dengan Kepujian dalam Bahasa Melayu/ Bahasa Malaysia di peringkat SPM/setaraf. 2. Lulus dengan Kepujian dalam Bahasa Melayu/ Bahasa Malaysia di peringkat SPM/setaraf. 2. Lulus dengan Kepujian dalam Bahasa Melayu/ Bahasa Malaysia di peringkat SPM/setaraf. 3. Telah mengambil Malaysian University English Test (MUET) dengan mendapat sekurangkurangnya Tahap 1 (Band 1). 3. Telah mengambil Malaysian University English Test (MUET) dengan mendapat sekurangkurangnya Tahap 1 (Band 1). 3. Telah mengambil Malaysian University English Test (MUET) dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Tahap 1 (Band 1). Keperluan Khas Program Keperluan Khas Program Keperluan Khas Program Special Requirements Special Requirements Lulus ujian dan Temuduga/Pass the test Lulus ujian dan Temuduga/Pass the test Lulus ujian dan Temuduga/Pass the test Dan/and Dan/and Mendapat sekurangkurangnya tahap Jayyid Jiddan dalam Mendapat sekurangkurangnya PNGK 3.00 dalam Sijil Perguruan University General Requirements University General Requirements Pass with credit in Bahasa Melayu/ Bahasa Malaysia at the SPM level or equivalent. 3. Telah mengambil Malaysian University English Test (MUET) dengan mendapat sekurangkurangnya Tahap 1 (Band 1). Pass Malaysian University English Test (MUET) with at least Band 1. Keperluan Khas Program Special Requirements Lulus ujian dan Temuduga/Pass the test and interview. Dan/and Lulus STPM dengan mendapat sekurang- University General Requirements of Education] or equivalent with good grades. Certificate of Education] or equivalent with good grades. Lulus dengan Kepujian dalam Bahasa Melayu/ Bahasa Malaysia di peringkat SPM/setaraf. Diploma Qualification Kelayakan Matrikulasi (TESL, Sains & Perakaunan) STPM Qualification Pass with credit in Bahasa Melayu/ Bahasa Malaysia at the SPM level or equivalent. Pass Malaysian University English Test (MUET) with at least Band 1. Special Requirements and interview. Pass with credit in Bahasa Melayu/ Bahasa Malaysia at the SPM level or equivalent. Pass Malaysian University English Test (MUET) with at least Band 1. and interview. University General Requirements Lulus SPM/setaraf dengan baik. Pass Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) [Malaysia Certificate of Pass with credit in Bahasa Melayu/ Bahasa Malaysia at the SPM level or equivalent. Pass Malaysian University English Test (MUET) with at least Band 1. and interview. Dan/and Lulus Matrikulasi KPM/ Asasi Sains UM/ Asasi UiTM bukan tahun 117 kurangnya 3.00; PNGK Pass STPM and attain at least CGPA 3.00 Dan/and Mendapat sekurangkurangnya Gred B pada peringkat SPM dalam mata pelajaran berikut: Attain at least Grade B at SPM level in the following subject: Bahasa Malaysia/ Malay Language Bahasa Inggeris/ English Language Dan/and Mendapat sekurangkurangnya Tahap 2 (Band 2) dalam MUET Attain MUET with at least Band 2. peperiksaan Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia (STAM) Attain at least “Jayyid Jiddan” in the Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia (STAM) examination Dan/and Mendapat sekurangkurangnya Gred B pada peringkat SPM dalam mata pelajaran berikut Attain at least Grade B at SPM level in the following subject: Bahasa Malaysia/ Malay Language Bahasa Inggeris/ English Language Dan/and Mendapat sekurangkurangnya Tahap 2 (Band 2) dalam MUET Attain MUET with at least Band 2. Asas dari Maktab Perguruan yang diiktiraf dan mempunyai pengalaman mengajar tidak kurang dari dua (2) tahun; Attain at least CGPA 3.00 a Basic Teaching Certificate from a recognized teacher education institute and have teaching experience not less than two (2) years Atau/or Mendapat sekurangkurangnya PNGK 3.00 dalam Diploma Perguruan Asas/Awal Kanak-Kanak dari UM dan mempunyai pengalaman mengajar sekurang-kurangnya dua (2) tahun selepas lulus Diploma; Attain at least CGPA 3.00 a Diploma in Basic Education/Early Childhood Education and have teaching experience not less than two (2) years after passing the Diploma. semasa dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya PNGK 3.00; Pass KPM Matriculation /Asasi Sains UM/Asasi UiTM not in current year with at least CGPA 3.00; Dan/and Mendapat sekurangkurangnya Gred B pada peringkat SPM dalam mata pelajaran berikut: Attain at least Grade B at SPM level in the following subject: Bahasa Malaysia/ Malay Language Bahasa Inggeris/ English Language Dan/and Mendapat sekurangkurangnya Tahap 2 (Band 2) dalam MUET Attain MUET with at least Band 2. Atau/or Lulus STPM bukan tahun semasa dengan mendapat sekurangkurangnya PNGK 3.00; Pass STPM not in current year at least CGPA 3.00; Dan/and Mendapat sekurangkurangnya Gred B pada peringkat SPM dalam mata pelajaran berikut: Attain at least Grade B at SPM level in the following subject: Bahasa Malaysia/ Malay Language Bahasa Inggeris/ English Language Atau/or Lulus Matrikulasi KPM/ Asasi Sains UM/ Asasi 118 UiTM bukan tahun semasa dengan mendapat sekurangkurangnya PNGK 3.00; Pass KPM Matriculation/ Asasi Sains UM/Asasi UiTM not in current year with at least CGPA 3.00; Dan/and Mendapat sekurangkurangnya Gred B pada peringakt SPM dalam mata pelajaran berikut: Attain at least Grade B at SPM level in the following subject: Bahasa Malaysia/ Malay Language Bahasa Inggeris/ English Language Dan/and Mendapat sekurangkurangnya Tahap 2 (Band 2) dalam MUET Attain MUET with at least Band 2. Had Umur/Age Limit Tiada had umur kepada calon yang ingin memohon. There is no age limit for candidates who apply Kos Pengajian/Cost of Study Pengajian ini dijalankan selama 8 semester (4 tahun) dan kos minimum pengajian ialah RM16,500 The course duration is 8 semesters (4 years) and teh minimum cost is RM16,500. 119 STRUKTUR KURSUS COURSE STRUCTURE STRUKTUR KURSUS COURSE STRUCTURE PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 1 STRUKTUR KURSUS SARJANA MUDA PENDIDIKAN AWAL KANAK-KANAK (mulai kemasukan sesi 2015/2016) KURSUS Kursus Universiti TAHUN 1 GIG1004 GIG1001 GIG1002 GIG1003 GIG1005 Kursus Asas Semester I Literasi Maklumat (2) PAEK1103 Asas Falsafah & Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak (3) Semester I PDEK1121 Perkembangan Kemahiran Fizikal Kanak-Kanak (3) TAHUN 3 Kursus Dalam Fakulti Semester I PDEX2101 Pengurusan Unit Beruniform (3) Semester II Tamadun Islam Tamadun Asia (TITAS) (2) Hubungan Etnik (2) Asas Pembudayaan Keusahawanan (2) Jalinan Masyarakat (2) PDET1105 Asas Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesihatan dan Kokurikulum v.1 (3) Kursus Major TAHUN 2 PBET2106 Semester I Kursus Ko-Kurikulum (2) JUMLAH 24 jam Kredit Semester II Kemahiran Berfikir dan Komunikasi (3) KURSUS UNIVERSITI BAHASA (KUB) SILA RUJUK LAMPIRAN PPEX2101 PPEK2105 Pentaksiran Pembelajaran Dalam Pendidikan (3) Semester II Psikologi Pendidikan untuk Kanak-Kanak & Remaja (3) Semester I PPEK2207 Kemahiran Pemerhatian & Penilaian I v.1 (3) PPEK2141 Mainan & Perkembangan (3) PAET3101 PPET3104 PBEK3101 PMEK3101 PDEK3121 Semester II PSEK1151 Seni & Kraf (3) PBEK1111 Seni & Tatasusila Bahasa (3) PPEK1141 Perkembangan Kanak- Kanak (3) TAHUN 4 PMEK2131 PPEK2208 PPEK2106 PSEK1152 Semester II Matematik Awal Kanak- Kanak (3) Kemahiran Pemerhatian & Penilaian II (3) Prinsip Pengurusan Tingkah-Laku Kanak- Kanak (3) v.1 Muzik (3) PSEK3152 PPEK3104 Semester I Etika dan Perguruan (3) Semester I PAET4101 Sosiologi Persekolahan (3) Semester II Prinsip Teknologi Pengajaran (3) Semester II PDET4101 Kepimpinan Diri & Organisasi (3) Semester I Bacaan & Kesusasteraan Awal Kanak-Kanak (3) Sains Awal Kanak-Kanak v.1 (3) Kesihatan & Keselamatan (3) Semester I PDEK3103 Kepimpinan & Pengurusan Awal Kanak-Kanak v.1 (3) PPEX4180 Projek Ilmiah (3) + Semester II Pengajian Sosial Awal Kanak-Kanak (3) Perancangan Program & Strategi Pengajaran I v.1 (3) Semester II PPEK4101 Perancangan Program & Strategi Pengajaran II v.1 (3) PPEX4180 Projek Ilmiah (3) + PAEK4301 Amalan Asuhan Kanak- Kanak di Malaysia v.1 (3) Atau PAEK4302 Amalan Asuhan Kanak- Kanak Islam v.1 (3) 24 jam kredit 60 jam kredit 121 KURSUS Kursus Minor (Pilihan) TAHUN 1 TAHUN 2 Semester I Pengenalan kepada Pendidikan Khas (3) PBEK2101 PPEK1102 Semester II Kanak-Kanak Pintar Cerdas & Berbakat v.1 (3) PPEK2104 PPEA1107 Semester I Asas Teknologi Pengajaran (3) PPEA1106 Semester II Aplikasi Komputer dalam Pengajaran (3) PPEK1101 Pendidikan Khas PMEK2101 Semester I Kaedah Bacaan untuk KanakKanak Kurang Upaya (3) Kaedah Matematik untuk Kanak-Kanak Kurang Upaya (3) TAHUN 3 PPEK3105 Semester I Strategi Kurikulum & Penilaian dalam Pendidikan Khas v.1 (3) Semester II Intervensi Kanak-Kanak dan Keluarga (3) PPEK3106 Semester II Pendidikan Inklusif (3) Semester I Rekabentuk Pengajaran (3) Internet dan Pengajaran (3) PPEA3110 Semester I Media Pengajaran (3) Semester II Multimedia dalam Pengajaran (3) PPEA3111 TAHUN 4 JUMLAH PPEK4104 Semester I Internship/Projek Pendidikan Khas (3) PPEA4102 Semester I Projek Teknologi Pengajaran v.1 (3) 24 jam kredit Atau Teknologi Pengajaran Latihan Mengajar PPEA2101 PPEA2106 PPEA2107 PPEK3192 Semester II Web & Perangkaian Sekolah (3) Semester Khas Latihan Mengajar (Taska) (4) PPEK4190 Semester Khas Latihan Mengajar (Tadika) (4) Jumlah Nota : 8 jam kredit 140 jam kredit Penawaran Kursus : Fakulti mempunyai hak untuk tidak meneruskan atau mengubah kursus menurut keperluan keadaan. Kursus mungkin tidak ditawarkan oleh kerana kekurangan pelajar yang mendaftar atau ketiadaan tenaga pengajar - + Kursus Progresif - 122 KURSUS UNIVERSITI BAHASA (KUB) MUET BAND 2 MUET BAND 3 MUET BAND 4 MUET BAND 5 & 6 Semester I WAJIB WAJIB WAJIB GLT1004 Mastering English III (2) Semester I & 2 Semester I & 2 Semester I Semester I & 2 GLT1005 Mastering English IV (3) GLT1009 Mastering English VI (3) GLT1014 Advanced Communication Skills (3) Semester 2 GLT1002 Mastering English I (2) Semester 2 PILIH SATU PILIH SATU GLT1003 Mastering English II (2) Semester I & 2 Semester 2 GLT1007 Essential Writing Skills (3) GLT1010 Mastering English VII (3) Semester 2 GLT1011 Technical Writing Skills in English (3) GLT1006 Mastering English V (3) GLT1012 Presentation Skills in English (3) GLT1008 Effective Communication (3) GLT1013 Reading Critically (3) GLT1015 Advanced Professional Writing (3) JUMLAH: 6 K 123 COURSE STRUCTURE FOR THE BACHELOR IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION (commencing admission session 2015/2016) COURSE University Courses YEAR 1 Semester I English Communication Programme (3) : TAHAP 1 GTEE1105 (untuk MUET Band 1) GTEE1107 (untuk MUET Band 2) GTEE1109 (untuk MUET Band 3) GTEE1111 (untuk MUET Band 4) GIG1004 Information Literacy (2) GIG1002 Ethnic Relationship (2) GIG1003 GIG1001 GIG1005 University Courses Major Courses YEAR 2 Semester I English Communication Programme (3) : TAHAP 2 GTEE1205 (untuk MUET Band 1) GTEE1207 (untuk MUET Band 2) GTEE1110 (untuk MUET Band 3) GTEE1112/ (untuk MUET Band 4) GTEE1113 Semester II Basic Course On Culture Of Entrepreneurship (2) Islamic Civilisation & Asian Civilisation (TITAS) (2) Social Engagement (2) Semester I PAEK1103 Basic Philosophy and Education in Early Childhood (3) PDET1105 Basic Physical Education, Health and Co-Curriculum v.1 (3) YEAR 3 Elective Courses in the Faculty Semester I PDEX2101 Uniform Unit Management (3) PBET2106 PPEX2101 Semester I Appraisal of Learning in Education (3) PAET3101 PPEK2105 Semester II Educational Psychology for Children And Adolescents (3) PPET3104 Semester I PDEK1121 Physical Skill Development in Children (3) PPEK2207 Semester II PSEK1151 Art & Craft (3) PBEK1111 Language Arts (3) PPEK1141 Child Development (3) PSEK1152 PMEK2131 PPEK2141 PPEK2106 PPEK2208 Semester I Observational and Evalution Skills I v.1 (3) Play and Development (3) Semester II Music (3) Mathematics for Early Childhood (3) Principles of Children Behaviour Management v.1 (3) Observational and Evaluation Skills II (3) Semester I Ethics and Teaching (3) Semester II Principles of Instructional Technology (3) Semester I Reading and Literature for Early Childhood (3) PMEK3101 Science for Early Childhood v.1 (3) PDEK3121 Health and Safety (3) PPEK3104 Semester I Co-Curriculum Course (2) TOTAL 24 credit hours Semester II Thinking and Communication Skills (3) PBEK3101 PSEK3152 YEAR 4 Semester II Social Studies for Early Childhood (3) Programme Planning and Instructional Strategy I v.1 PAET4101 PDET4101 PDEK3103 PPEX4180 PPEK4101 PPEX4180 PAEK4301 PAEK4302 Semester I Sociology of Schooling (3) 24 credit hours Semester II Personal Leadership & Organisation (3) Semester I Leadership and Management for Early Childhood v.1 (3) Academic Project (3) + 60 credit hours Semester II Programme Planning and Instructional Strategy II v.1 (3) Academic Project (3) + Child-Rearing Practices in Malaysia v.1 (3) Or Islamic Child-Rearing Practices v.1 (3) 124 COURSE Minor Courses YEAR 1 PPEK1101 Special Education Semester I Introduction to Special Education (3) YEAR 2 PBEK2101 PMEK2101 PPEK1102 Semester II Gifted and Talented Children v.1 (3) PPEK2104 PPEA1107 Semester I Basic Instructional Technology (3) PPEA2101 Semester II Computer Applications in Instruction (3) PPEA2107 Semester I Reading Method for Children with Disabilities (3) Mathematics Method for Children with Disabilities (3) Semester II Children and Family Intervention (3) YEAR 3 PPEK3105 Semester I Curriculum Strategy & Evaluation In Special Education v.1(3) PPEK3106 Semester II Inclusive Education (3) PPEA3110 Semester I Instructional Media (3) YEAR 4 TOTAL PPEK4104 Semester I Internship: Special Education Project (3) PPEA4102 Semester I Instructional Technology Project v.1 (3) 24 credit hours Or Instructional Technology PPEA1106 Teaching Practice PPEA2106 Semester I Instructional Design (3) Internet and Instruction (3) Semester II Multimedia in Instruction (3) PPEA3111 PPEK3192 Semester II Web & School Networking (3) Special Semester Teaching Practice (Taska) (4) PPEK4190 Special Semester Teaching Practice (Tadika) (4) Total 8 credit hours 140 credit hours Note: - The Faculty has the authority not to continue or change a course depending on the circumstances. A course may not be offered due to the small number of students who register or due to the lack of teaching staff + Progresif Course 125 KURSUS UNIVERSITI UNIVERSITY COURSES KURSUS UNIVERSITI UNIVERSITY COURSES PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 Bagi pro-forma Kursus Universiti berikut, sila rujuk kepada pro-forma kursus asas program Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (Pengajaran Bahasa Inggeris Sebagai Bahasa Kedua) : For the following University Courses please refer to the course description of the Bachelor Of Education (Teaching English as a Second Language): GIG1001 – Tamadun Islam Tamadun Asia (TITAS) (2 Jam Kredit) Islamic Civilisation & Asian Civilisation (2 Credit Hours) GIG1002 – Hubungan Etnik (2 Jam Kredit) Ethnic Relationship (2 Credit Hours) GIG1003 – Asas PembudayaanKeusahawanan (2 Jam Kredit) Basic Course On Culture Of Entrepreneurship (2 Credit Hours) GIG1004 – Literasi Maklumat (2Jam Kredit) Information Literacy (2 Credit Hours) GIG1005 – Jalinan Masyarakat (2 Jam Kredit) Social Engagement (2 Credit Hours) PBET2106 – Kemahiran Berfikir dan Komunikasi (3 Jam Kredit) Thinking and Communication Skills (3 Credit Hours) PDEX2101 – Pengurusan Unit Beruniform (3 Jam Kredit) Uniform Unit Management (3 Credit Hours) GLT1002– MASTERING ENGLISH I (2 Credit Hours) Synopsis: This course is designed for students with basic proficiency in English. It focuses on basic speaking and reading skills, with an emphasis on accuracy in grammar and on vocabulary building. Students will learn structural accuracy and language appropriateness by being exposed to the language in a variety of contexts. Assessment Method : Continuous Assessment: 60% Examination: 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language GLT1003 – MASTERING ENGLISH II (2 Credit Hours) Prerequisite requirements: Passed GLT1002 (Mastering English I) Synopsis: This course is designed for students with basic proficiency in English. Focus is on building speaking and reading competence with an emphasis on accuracy in grammar and on vocabulary building. Students will develop structural accuracy, reasonable oral fluency and language appropriateness by practising the language in a variety of contexts. Assessment Method : Continuous Assessment: 60% Examination: 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language 127 GLT1004 – MASTERING ENGLISH III (2 Credit Hours) Prerequisite requirements: Passed GLT1003 (Mastering English II) Synopsis: This course is designed for students with a developing pre-intermediate proficiency level in English. Together with the use of suitable vocabulary and accurate grammatical structures, the course focuses on further expanding students’ comprehension of reading texts as well as their competency in writing and speaking skills. Assessment Method : Continuous Assessment: 60% Examination: 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language GLT1005 – MASTERING ENGLISH IV (3 Credit Hours) Synopsis: This course is designed to improve students’ English Language proficiency in terms of grammatical accuracy and language skills at the pre-intermediate level. Students will be exposed to a variety of reading texts in order to improve their reading skills. Students will also be given ample speaking practice to develop their confidence in communicating and interacting with others in a multitude of situations. The course will also improve students’ basic skills in writing sentences and paragraphs. Assessment Method : Continuous Assessment: 60% Examination: 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language GLT1006 – MASTERING ENGLISH V (3 Credit Hours) Prerequisite requirements: Passed GLT1005 (Mastering English IV) Synopsis: This course is designed to improve students’ English Language proficiency in terms of grammatical accuracy and language skills at the intermediate level. Students will be exposed to a variety of reading texts in order to improve their reading skills. Students will also be given ample speaking practice to develop their confidence in communicating and interacting with others in a multitude of situations. The course improves students’ skills in writing paragraphs and essays. Assessment Method : Continuous Assessment: 60% Examination: 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language GLT1007 – ESSENTIAL WRITING SKILLS (3 Credit Hours) Prerequisite requirements: Passed GLT1005 (Mastering English IV) Synopsis: This course introduces the process of paragraph development and the generation of ideas in order to write within a variety of rhetorical patterns. It focuses on accurate and organised structures in writing. The course helps students to understand the relationship between paragraphs in an essay. 128 Assessment Method : Continuous Assessment: 60% Examination: 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language GLT1008 – EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION (3 Credit Hours) Prerequisite requirements: Passed GLT1005 (Mastering English IV) Synopsis: This course focuses on speaking English accurately and coherently. It also develops students’ communication skills and strategies that enable them to interact appropriately and accurately. Students will learn to speak accurately using the appropriate language strategies in a variety of informal situations. Assessment Method : Continuous Assessment: 100% Medium of Instruction : English Language GLT1009 – MASTERING ENGLISH VI (3 Credit Hours) Synopsis: This course is designed to fortify students’ English Language proficiency in terms of accuracy and effectiveness at a developing upper intermediate level. Students will be taught the four language skills with a focus on accurate language use in reading, writing and speaking. The students will be exposed to a variety of texts to develop a higher level of proficiency that will allow them to apply the skills learnt. Assessment Method : Continuous Assessment: 60% Examination: 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language GLT1010 – MASTERING ENGLISH VII (3 Credit Hours) Prerequisite requirements: Passed GLT1009 (Mastering English VI) Synopsis: This course is designed to raise students’ English Language proficiency in terms of accuracy and effectiveness to an upper intermediate level. Students will be taught the four language skills with a focus on accurate language use in reading, writing and speaking. The students will be exposed to a variety of higher level texts to develop a higher level of proficiency that will allow them to apply the skills learnt Assessment Method : Continuous Assessment: 60% Examination: 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language 129 GLT1011 – TECHNICAL WRITING SKILLS IN ENGLISH (3 Credit Hours) Prerequisite requirements: Passed GLT1009 (Mastering English VI) Synopsis: This course will introduce students to effective technical writing skills. Using materials related to the workplace, students will be taught in stages to write a variety of technical documents. Assessment Method : Continuous Assessment: 100% Medium of Instruction : English Language GLT1012 – PRESENTATION SKILLS IN ENGLISH (3 Credit Hours) Prerequisite requirements: Passed GLT1009 (Mastering English VI) Synopsis: This course will introduce students to effective technical writing skills. Using materials related to the workplace, students will be taught in stages to write a variety of technical documents. Assessment Method : Continuous Assessment: 100% Medium of Instruction : English Language GLT1013 – READING CRITICALLY (3 Credit Hours) Prerequisite requirements: Passed GLT1009 (Mastering English VI) Synopsis: This course aims at developing students’ critical reading skills. Students will acquire the ability to analyse a piece of writing in fine detail and the author’s argumentative strategy and style. Students will also learn to evaluate information in an unbiased way, and be able to differentiate between sound and unsound evidence. To this end, students will be exposed to strategies for reading critically and will engage with a variety of reading selections which will develop and enhance their thinking skills via active discussions and presentations. Assessment Method : Continuous Assessment: 60% Examination: 40% Medium of Instruction : English Language 130 KURSUS ASAS BASIC COURSES KURSUS ASAS BASIC COURSES PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 131 Bagi pro-forma Kursus Asas berikut, sila rujuk kepada pro-forma kursus asas program Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (Pengajaran Bahasa Inggeris Sebagai Bahasa Kedua) : For the following Basic Courses please refer to the course description of the Bachelor Of Education (Teaching English as a Second Language): PDET1105 – Asas Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesihatan dan KoKurikulum V.1 (3 Jam Kredit) Basic Physical Education, Health and Co-Curriculum v.1 (3 Credit Hours) PPET3104 – Prinsip Teknologi Pengajaran (3 Jam Kredit) Principles of Instructional Technology (3 Credit Hours) PAET3101 – Etika dan Perguruan (3 Jam Kredit) Ethics and Teaching (3 Credit Hours) PDET4101 – Kepimpinan Diri & Organisasi (3 Jam Kredit) Personal Leadership & Organisation (3 Credit Hours) PAET4101 – Sosiologi Persekolahan (3 Jam Kredit) Sociology of Schooling (3 Credit Hours) PAEK1103 – ASAS FALSAFAH DAN PENDIDIKAN AWAL KANAK-KANAK (3 Jam Kredit) BASIC PHILOSOPHY AND EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini akan membincangkan tentang konsep asas falsafah pendidikan, pandangan beberapa tokoh pendidikan Timur dan Barat terhadap pendidikan awal kanak-kanak serta model pendidikan awal kanak-kanak. Di samping itu, kursus ini juga memberi penekanan kepada falsafah pendidikan prasekolah di Malaysia serta akta yang berkaitan dengannya. Satu lagi aspek yang akan dibincangkan adalah kajian tentang kesan pendidikan awal kanak-kanak terhadap perkembangan kanakkanak dan program headstart untuk kanak-kanak yang kurang bernasib baik. This course will discuss the basic concepts of educational philosophy, the view of a few renowned Eastern and Western educationists towards early education of children and models of early childhood education.. In addition, this course will focus on the preschool education philosophy in Malaysia and the Acts related to it. Another aspect that will be discussed is the study of the effects of early education on the child’s development and the ‘head start’ programme for the less fortunate children. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 50%, : Assignment Ujian Kelas - 50% Test Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu / Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language / English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Armstrong, D.G., Henson, K.T, & Savage, T.V. (2001). Teaching today: An introduction to education (6 th Ed.). New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. Azizah Lebai Nordin & Zainun Ishak (1999) Pendidikan awal kanak-kanak: Teori dan amali. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Malaya. Azizah Lebai Nordin dan Zainun Ishak (1999). Pendidikan prasekolah untuk guru. Kuala Lumpur: Utusan Publications & Distributors. Kementerian Pendidikan Malysia (1999). Garis panduan kurikulum prasekolah. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. 132 PPEK2105 – PSIKOLOGI PENDIDIKAN UNTUK KANAK-KANAK DAN REMAJA (3 Jam Kredit) EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan mendedahkan bakal pendidik awal kanak-kanak kepada teori yang menerangkan bagaimana kanakkanak serta remaja belajar dan faktor yang mempengaruhi proses pembelajaran mereka. Dari aspek pelajar seperti proses perkembangan, kecerdasan, perbezaan individu, konsep kendiri serta motivasi kepada teori-teori pembelajaran, implikasiimplikasi terhadap proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran akan dibincangkan dengan penekanan kepada aplikasi teori dalam pendidikan awal kanak-kanak. This course gives students the basic knowledge on children and adolescent development. Theories and factors influencing child and adolescent development and their learning process will be discussed. Topics include, intelligence, self concept, individual differences the implication of theories to the learning process in children and adolescents. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Ujian Kelas - 60% Test Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu Medium of Instruction : Malay Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Robert E. Slavin, Educational Psychology: Theory into Practice, (2004) 7th Edition, Robert E. Slavin, Allyn & Bacon: Boston, MA. Eggen, P., & Kauchak, D. (2004). Educational psychology: Windows on classrooms (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Prentice Hall PPEX2101 – PENTAKSIRAN PEMBELAJARAN DALAM PENDIDIKAN (3 Jam Kredit) ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING IN EDUCATION (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Tujuan utama kursus ini adalah untuk membiasakan pelajar dengan konsep, teori dan amalan prinsip pentaksiran berkualiti untuk pembelajaran daripada domain utama pada peringkat pendidikan rendah. Antara lain, topik-topik yang akan dibincang termasuklah: teori asas pembentukan instrumen bagi mentaksir pembelajaran, pendedahan kepada pelbagai jenis instrumen pengukuran termasuklah pentaksiran alternatif seperti portfolio, pentaksiran autentik, pentaksiran berasaskan prestasi, isu instrumen - kebolehpercayaan dan kesahan. The main aim of this course is to familiarize students with the basic concepts, theory and practice regarding the principles of quality assessment for learning from the major domains at the primary school level. Among others, the topics that will be discussed include: The basic theory of instrument development to assess learning, exposure to the various types of measuring instrument including alternative assessment such as portfolio, authentic assessment, performance-based assessment, the issues of instrument reliability and validity. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 60%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 40% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Mcmillian, J. H. (1997). Classroom assessment: Principles and practice for effective instruction. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. Linn, R. W. and Gronlund, N.E. (2000). Measurement and assessment in teaching. 8th Ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 133 KURSUS MAJOR MAJOR COURSES KURSUS MAJOR MAJOR COURSES PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 PDEK1121 – PERKEMBANGAN KEMAHIRAN FIZIKAL KANAK-KANAK (3 Jam Kredit) DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN’S PHYSICAL SKILLS (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Pelajar akan didedahkan dengan kepentingan konsep domain-domain yang terdapat dalam perkembangan kemahiran fizikal kanak-kanak. Mereka juga akan memahami tentang pengelolaan dan pentadbiran kelas kemahiran fizikal, sains pergerakan tubuh badan, dan gaya hidup kanak-kanak masa kini. Selain itu, pelajar akan menjalankan sesi amali untuk mempelajari pelbagai kemahiran aktiviti, kemahiran manipulatif dengan pelbagai alatan, aktiviti asas gimnastik, pergerakan berirama dan pergerakan kreatif. Students will be exposed to the importance of domains in the development of children’s physical skills. They will also understand how to conduct and mange children’s physical skill classes, science of body movement, and current children lifestyle. Additionally, students will conduct practical sessions associated with physical activities, manipulative skills associated equipment, basic gymnastic activities, creative and rhythmic movements. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Ujian Kelas - 60%, Test Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Rahl, R., (2010). Physical activity and health Guidelines. Recommendations for Various Ages, Fitness Level and Conditions from 57 authoritative sources. USA. Human Kinetics. Azizah Lebai Nordin & Zainun Ishak (2001). Pendidikan pra sekolah untuk guru. Selangor: Utusan Publication & Distribution Sdn. Bhd. PPEK1141 – PERKEMBANGAN KANAK-KANAK (3 Jam Kredit) CHILD DEVELOPMENT (3 credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini memberi asas pengetahuan kepada pelajar mengenai perkembangan kanak-kanak. Topik perkembangan yang dibincangkan termasuk perkembangan bahasa, perkembangan kognitif dan psikososial. Teori, pola serta faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan akan dibincangkan. This course gives the students basic knowledge on child development. Topics discussed include language development, cognitive development and psychosocial development. Theories, patterns and factors that influence development will also be discussed. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 60% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu Medium of Instruction : Malay Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Berk, L. (2006). Child development, 7th Ed. (International Edition) Allyn & Bacon. Jas Laile Suzana Jaafar (2000). Perkembangan kanak-kanak dan remaja. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Santrock, J. (2004). Child development, 10th Ed. MacGroaw-Hill. 135 PSEK1151 – SENI DAN KRAF (3 Jam Kredit) ART AND CRAFT (3 credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan memberi pendedahan kepada pelajar mengenai prinsip asas pendidikan seni pra sekolah, aktiviti seni dan penilaian hasil seni kanak-kanak. Pelajar juga diberi latihan untuk menghasilkan karya melalui pelbagai jenis aktiviti seni seperti menggambar, mencorak, binaan dan kraf tradisional. Selain itu pelajar dapat pengetahuan mengenai peranan aktiviti seni dalam pembentukan peribadi artistik kanak-kanak melalui lukisan. This course aims to provide exposure to students on basic principles of art for young children, activities and evaluation of children’s art. Students are given training to produce art works through various activities such as picture-making, pattern making, construction and making of traditional crafts. Apart from this, students will also gain knowledge on the role of art activities in children’s personal and artistic development through from their art. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 100% : Assignment Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Gee, K. (2000). Visual Art as away of Knowing. New York: Stenhouse Publishers. South,H. (2005). The everything drawing book. Avon,Massachusetts: Adams Media. Taylor,R. (2002). The creative drawing course. Hong Kong: David & Charles PBEK1111 – SENI DAN TATASUSILA BAHASA (3 Jam Kredit) LANGUAGE ARTS (3 credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini menyediakan pelajar dengan asas prinsip pengajaran pendidikan awal kanak-kanak. Pelajar akan membentuk pengetahuan mengenai pelbagai aktiviti yang digunakan dalam pengajaran empat kemahiran bahasa. Di samping itu, kursus ini juga membincangkan isu pedagogi berkaitan dengan pengajaran, perancangan dan pelaksanaan program literasi untuk pendidikan awal kanak-kanak This course will provide students with the basic principles of teaching in Early Childhood Education. Students will develop knowledge of the range of activities used for teaching the four language skills for ECE. Besides this the course will discuss pedagogical issues related to the teaching of the four skills in the ECE programs and on how to plan and implement literacy programmes in the ECE. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 60%, : Assignment Ujian Kelas - 40% Test Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu / Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language / English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Herr,Judith & Libby, Yvonne(1995). Creative resources for the early childhood classroom (2nded.). Delmar Publishers: New York. Machado,J.M.(1995). Early Childhood experiences in language arts. Petty and Petty (1994) Experiences in Language Arts:Tools and Techniques for Language Arts Methods (6th Edition) Allyn and Bacon. Boston 136 PSEK1152 – MUZIK (3 Jam Kredit) MUSIC (3 credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan memberi pendedahan kepada pelajar tentang konsep-konsep asas muzik. Perbincangan meliputi perkara yang berkaitan dengan pelbagai aktiviti muzik. Pelajar dapat mengetahui teknik bermain kibod dan juga nyanyian asas. Pelajar juga didedahkan dengan perkembangan dan pemahaman tentang teori dan appresiasi muzik. This course exposes students to the basic concepts of music. Discussion will include topics related to a variety of musical activities. Students will learn the techniques of playing a keyboard and also basic singing. Students will also be exposed to the development and understanding of theories and appreciation in music. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Ujian Kelas - 20%, : Test Amali/Lisan - 40%, Oral Peperiksaan – 40% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu Medium of Instruction : Malay Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Winslow, R.W Dallin, Wiest, S.B (2001).muzic skoll for classroom teachers.New York Mc Graw Hill Mc Domald, D.T Simons, G.M (1989) Musical growth and development Birith to six. New York Schirmer Books Campbell P.S Scoot-Kassener, C. (2006). Music in childhood from preschool thtough elementary grades. New York. Schirmer book PPEK2207 – KEMAHIRAN PEMERHATIAN DAN PENILAIAN I V.1 (3 Jam Kredit) OBSERVATIONAL AND EVALUATION SKILLS I V.1 (3 credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan membolehkan pelajar memperolehi kemahiran untuk memerhati dan menilai perkembangan kanakkanak. Kemahiran pemerhatian yang perlu pelajar perolehi ialah anekdot, rekod berpanjangan (running record), senarai semak, percontohan peristiwa dan gundal (tally). Selain mempelajari cara-cara pemerhatian tersebut serta kebaikan dan had cara-cara ini, pelajar perlu menggunakan cara-cara ini untuk memperhatikan dan menilai perkembangan kanak-kanak. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, pelajar menjalani latihan melalui rakaman video dan pemerhatian di taska. This course aims to enable students to acquire skills on observing and evaluating child development. Observation skills involve creating anecdotes, running record, preparing checklists, events sampling and tallying. Students will also learn to handle video recording as part of the skills required to be applied during field experience Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 60%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 40% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu / Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language / English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Beaty, J.J. (1998). Observing development of the young child. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Merill. Nicolson, S., & Shipstead, S. G. (1998). Through the looking glass: Observation in the early childhood classroom (2nd edition). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Merill. McAfee O., Leong, D. (1997). Assessing and guiding young children’s development and learning (2nd edition). Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Mindes, G., Ireton, H., & Mardell-Czudnowski, C. (1996). Assessing young children. Albany: Delmar Publishers. 137 PPEK2141 – MAINAN DAN PERKEMBANGAN (3 Jam Kredit) PLAY AND DEVELOPMENT (3 credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Melalui kursus ini pelajar akan dapat memahami peranan mainan dan memperoleh kebolehan menggunakan permainan sebagai satu kaedah pembelajaran untuk kanak-kanak. Kursus ini juga meneliti teori permainan, jenis permainan dan hubungannya dengan umur, pengelolaan aktiviti permainan bagi menggalakan perkembangan fizikal, intelek, bahasa, sosial, dan emosi kanak-kanak. Pelajar juga dikehendaki membina barang mainan berpandukan prinsip-prinsip yang telah diajar. Through this course students will able to understand the role of play and to acquire ability in using play as a method of learning for young children. The course also observes play theory, types of play and their relationship to age, organization of various play activities to encourage children’s physical, intellectual, language, social and emotional development. Students are required to construct playthings guided by the principles taught. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 60% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu Medium of Instruction : Malay Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Docket, S. & Fleer, M. (1999). Play and pedagogy in early childhood: Bending the rules. London: Harcourt Brace & Company. Dolinar, K., Boser. C., & Holm, E. (1994). Learning through play: Curriculum and activities for the inclusive classroom. New York: Delmar Publisher Inc. Isenberg, J.P., & Jalongo, M.R. (1997). Creative expression and play in early childhood. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Merill. PMEK2131 – MATEMATIK AWAL KANAK-KANAK (3 Jam Kredit) EARLY CHILDHOOD MATHEMATICS (3 credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini membolehkan pelajar memperoleh pengetahuan mengenai matematik awal kanak-kanak, dan kemahiran mengajar matematik pra sekolah. Kursus ini membincangkan dengan mendalam kandungan matematik yang sesuai untuk kanak-kanak pra sekolah, termasuklah konsep pra-rangka, angka asas, operasi campur dan tolak, ada pengukuran dan geometri. Strategi pengajaran yang sesuai, menyeluruh dan bersepadu, seperti tematik, induktif dan penyelesaian masalah turut dibincangkan. Pelajar terlibat secara langsung dalam aktiviti pengajaran, dan mereka bentuk bahan batu mengajar yang berkaitan. This course enables the student to acquire knowledge of early childhood mathematics, and the skills to teach preschool mathematics. The course discusses at depth the contents of mathematics appropriate for preschool children, including prenumber concepts, basic numbers, addition and subtraction operations, foundations of measurements and geometry. Appropriate teaching strategies, wholistic and integrated, such as thematic, inductive and problem solving will also be discussed. Students are involved directly in teaching activities and designing relevant and effective teaching aids. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 60%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 40% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu Medium of Instruction : Malay Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Reys, R.,Lindquist,M.,Lambdin,D.V. & Smith, N.L (2009), Helping children learn mathematics, 9th edition,John Wiley. Smith, S. S. (2009). Early childhood Mathematics:International Edition,4/E, Pearson High Education. Sarama, J. & Clements, D. H. (2009). Early mathematics education research: Learning trajectories for young children, New York:Routledge. Shaw, J. & Blakes, S. (1998). Mathematics for young children. New jersey, Prentice Hall. 138 PPEK2208 – KEMAHIRAN PEMERHATIAN DAN PENILAIAN II (3 Jam Kredit) ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION SKILLS II (3 credit Hours) Pra Syarat/Prerequisite requirements: Telah lulus kursus PPEK2207-Kemahiran Pemerhatian dan Penilaian I v.1 Passed the course PPEK2207- Observational And Evaluation Skills I v.1 Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan membolehkan pelajar menggunakan teknik pemerhatian untuk menilai perkembangan kanak-kanak dalam bidang kognitif, bahasa, seni, identiti diri dan emosi. Kursus ini juga mendedahkan kepada pelajar analisa data penilaian, pentafsiran maklumat penilaian serta cara untuk melaporkan maklumat penilaian kepada ibu bapa. Latihan untuk menggunakan teknik-teknik pemerhatian dan penilaian didapati melalui kajian kes tentang seorang kanak-kanak di Tadika. This course gives students the in-depth knowledge on the techniques of observation and assessment to evaluate child development. Students will also be given the experience of interpreting, assessing observational data and the report on the children development through field work. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 60% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu Medium of Instruction : Malay Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Beaty, J.J. (1998). Observing development of the young child. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Merill. Nicolson, S., & Shipstead, S. G. (1998). Through the looking glass: Observation in the early childhood classroom (2nd edition). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Merill. McAfee O., Leong, D. (1997). Assessing and guiding young children’s development and learning (2nd edition). Boston: Allyn and Bacon. PPEK2106 – PRINSIP PENGURUSAN TINGKAH-LAKU KANAK-KANAK V.1 (3 Jam Kredit) PRINCIPLES OF CHILDREN’S BEHAVIOUR MANAGEMENT V.1 (3 credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan membolehkan pendidik awal kanak-kanak membantu kanak-kanak mengembangkan tingkah laku yang positif. Ia meneliti faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkah laku, prinsip pengurusan tingkah laku dan cara kanak-kanak menguruskan tingkah laku sendiri. Kemahiran pengurusan tingkah laku dan perkembangan aktiviti untuk meningkatkan tingkah laku prososial akan dibina. This course is aimed at enabling teachers of young children to help children develop positive behaviours. It analyses factors that influence behaviours, principles of behaviour management and how to help children manage their own behaviours. Behaviour management skills and developing activities to increase prosocial behaviours will also be discussed. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 60% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu Medium of Instruction : Malay Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Adams, S. K. & Baronborg, J. (2004). Guidance strategies for early childhood settings. Prentice Hall. Essa, E. (2003). A practical guide to solving preschool behavior problems. 5th Ed. Thomson Delmar Learning. Canter, L. & Canter, M. (1992). Assertive discipline: Positive behavior management for today’s classroom. Santa Monica, CA: Canter & Associates, Inc. 139 PBEK3101 – BACAAN DAN KESUSASTERAAN AWAL KANAK-KANAK (3 Jam Kredit) READING AND LITERATURE FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD (3 credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan untuk menyediakan pendidik awal kanak-kanak dengan pengetahuan asas yang berkaitan dengan literasi dan sastera. Ini termasuklah aspek kesediaan membaca, dan aktiviti berkaitan dengan pembacaan dan penulisan pada peringkat awal perkembangan. Penekanan kursus adalah pada kefahaman konsep, faktor, dan peringkat kesediaan membaca dan menulis mengikut tahap perkembangan melibatkan kemahiran dalam pendengaran, pertuturan, dan pemikiran secara holistik di samping meneliti proses dan objektif pengajaran literasi untuk peringkat pendidikan awal kanak-kanak. This course will provide early childhood educators with the background knowledge related to children’s literacy and literature such as reading readiness and activities related to reading and wiritng at early stage. This course emphasizes on the understanding of concept, factors, and stages in reading readiness. It will also emphasize on psychological factors, processes and objectives of literacy teaching at an early stage, development of listening, speaking, reading, writing and thinking skills holistically, varieties in teaching literacy techniques and appreciation of literature, preparation of reaing materials, and evaluation of preschool education in literacy. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 60%, : Assignment Ujian Kelas - 40% Test Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu Medium of Instruction : Malay Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Glazer, Jean. I. 2000. Literature for Young Children. Edisi Keempat. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Shirley Raines & Rebecca Isbell. (1994). Stories: Children’s Literature in Early Education. New York: Delmar Publisher Inc Spodek, B. & Saracho, O. 1994. Right from the Start: Teaching Children Ages Three to Eight. Massachusetts: Paramount Publishing. PDEK3103 – KEPIMPINAN DAN PENGURUSAN AWAL KANAK-KANAK V.1 (3 Jam Kredit) LEADERSHIP AND EARLY CHILDHOOD MANAGEMENT V.1 (3 credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan untuk mendedahkan pelajar mengenai konsep asas kepimpinan cemerlang dan kemahiran untuk mengurus sumber manusia dan keperluan organisasi asal kanak-kanak dengan berkesan. Antara tajuk yang dibincangkan ialah pengenalan kepada kepimpinan yang dinamik serta peranan utama seorang pemimpin di organisasi awal kanak-kanak. Turut dibincangkan ialah aspek-aspek pengurusan yang diperlukan di dalam organisasi awal kanak-kanak (pengurusan pejabat), pengurusan staf, pengurusan kewangan, pengurusan infrastruktur. Tajuk terakhir yang akan dibincangkan ialah kawalan mutu keseluruhan yang merangkumi aspek sumber manusia dan keperluan organisasi. This course is designed to help students explore the basic knowledge of leadership and skill to manage human resource and organizational needs effectively. Among the topics that will be discussed are introduction to dynamical leadership and the main role for a leader in an early childhood organization. Also, a few aspects that are important in managing early childhood organization such as office management, staff management, financial management and facilities management will be discussed. The final discussed topic is quality control management that includes human resource and organizational needs. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 70%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 30% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu / Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language / English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Ahmad Zabidi Abdul Razak (2003). Memimpin diri sendiri. PTS Publications. Al Ramaiah (1999). Kepimpinan pendidikan: Cabaran masa kini. iBs Buku Sdn. Bhd. Ismail Nor (2000). Kepimpinan Nabi Muhammad SAW: Pengurusan Altruistik model ikutan sepanjang zaman. PJ: Utusan Publications. 140 PDEK3121 – KESIHATAN DAN KESELAMATAN (3 Jam Kredit) HEALTH AND SAFETY (3 credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini memberi pengenalan kepada pelajar mengenai penjagaan kesihatan dan keselamatan di kalangan kanak-kanak di samping mendedahkan pelajar kepada berbagai masalah kesihatan yang akan timbul akibat kecuaian dalam menjaga kesihatan dan keselamatan mereka. Kursus ini juga memberi peluang kepada pelajar menggunakan teknik tertentu semasa memberi bantuan kecemasan dalam pelbagai situasi. The course provides students an introduction on healthcare and safety for children as well as problems that may arise out of negligence for their health and safety. The course also provides opportunities for students to use specific techniques for providing first aid in a variety of situations. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Ujian Kelas - 60% Test Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu / Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language / English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Robertson, C. (2014). Safety, Nutrition & Health in Early Education. 6th Edition. USA.Cengage Learning. Morrison, George S. (2001). Early Childhood Education Today Merrill Prentice Hall, Columbus, Ohio. PMEK3101 – SAINS AWAL KANAK-KANAK V.1 (3 Jam Kredit) SCIENCE FOR YOUNG CHILDREN V.1 (3 credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini memperkenalkan kepada pelajar rasional dan kepentingan mempelajari sains di kalangan kanak-kanak. Strategi berbeza bagaimana mengurus dan menjalankan aktiviti sains yang asas tetapi menarik akan dibincangkan. Kemahian proses dan manipulatif asas yang boleh dipupuk semasa umur muda akan dititikberatkan. Pelajar dikehendaki merancang dan membuat demonstrasi aktiviti sains yang sesuai kepada kanak-kanak. Aktiviti luar bilik darjah yang boleh membantu kanak-kanak menghayati dan mempelajari sains akan dimasukkan. This course introduces students to the rationale and importance of learning science among young children. Different strategies how to manage and implement simple but interesting science activities will be discussed. Basic process and manipulative skills which can be developed during the early years will be given emphasis. Students will be required to plan and demonstrate suitable science activities for children . Outdoor class activities that can help children appreciate and learn science will also be included. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 70%, : Assignment Ujian Kelas - 30% Test Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Harlan,J.D. & Ravkin, M.S. (2011) Science experiences for early childhood years: An integrated affective approach (10th.edn.) London : Prentice Hall Carin, A.A.(1993) Teaching science through discover. New York : Macmillan. Esler, W.L. & Esler,M.K.(1993) Teaching elementary science.California : Wadsworth 141 PPEK3104 – PERANCANGAN PROGRAM DAN STRATEGI PENGAJARAN I V.1 (3 Jam Kredit) TEACHING STRATEGY AND PROGRAMME PLANNING I V.1 (3 credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan memberi pengenalan tentang cara memilih aktiviti yang sesuai untuk perkembangan kanak-kanak di bawah 5 tahun, serta menyusun dan menjalankan aktiviti tersebut. Panduan untuk perancangan aktiviti bagi memenuhi keperluan individu dan kumpulan diberikan. Latihan akan merangkumi perancangan, pelaksanaan dan penilaian aktiviti untuk memudahkan perkembangan dan pembelajaran kanak-kanak dalam semua aspek. Penggunaan sumber, pengurusan masa, persekitaran fizikal juga akan dibincangkan. This course gives the students basic knowledge of child development. Theories, patterns and factors that influence the chosen activity on infant and toddlers (0-3 years of age) will be discussed. Hands-on activities will include topics in planning, implementing and evaluation upon the activities pertaining to specific children development. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 60%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 40% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu Medium of Instruction : Malay Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Wortham, S. (1998). Early Childhood Curriculum. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Cryer, D., Harms, T., Bourland, B. (1998). Active learning for infants. Menlo Park, CA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Kail, R.V. (1998). Children and their Development. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. PSEK3152 – PENGAJIAN SOSIAL AWAL KANAK-KANAK (3 Jam Kredit) SOCIAL STUDIES FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD (3 credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini membincangkan tentang perkara asas dalam pengajian sosial awal kanakkanak meliputi matlamat dan ciri-ciri berkaitan bagi merangsang minat pelajar terhadap pengetahuan sains sosial, nilai dan kemahiran sosial. Pendedahan terhadap organisasi pengajaran dan pembelajaran turut didedahkan meliputi penyusunan strategi, aktiviti, bahan dan cara penilaian dalam pengajian sosial awal kanak-kanak. This course provides information and discussion on the theories and teaching approaches for social studies to stimulate children’s interest in social science knowledge, values, and social skills. Skills in teaching and learning organisation , strategy selection, suitable activities and resources to develop early childhood interest in social studies will also be discussed. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 60%, : Assignment Ujian Kelas - 40% Test Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu Medium of Instruction : Malay Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Cartledge, G. & Milburn, J.F. (1995). Teaching social skills to children and youth, innovative approaches. Boston: Allyn & Bacon Schiller, P.& Byrant, T. (1998). The values book: Teaching 16 basics values young children. Beltsville Marland: Gryphon House. Sunal, C.s (1990). Early childhood social studies. Columbia: Merill 142 PPEK4101 – PERANCANGAN PROGRAM DAN STRATEGI PENGAJARAN II V.1 (3 Jam Kredit) TEACHING STRATEGY AND PROGRAMME PLANNING II V.1 (3 credit Hours) Pra Syarat/Prerequisite requirements: Telah lulus kursus PPEK3104-Perancangan Program & Strategi Pengajaran I v.1 Passed the course PPEK3104-Teaching Strategy And Programme Planning I v.1 Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan memberi peluang kepada pelajar untuk mengaplikasikan pengetahuan pedagogi dan kaedah penilaian tekini untuk diguna pakai dalam meningkatkan proses pengajaran & pembelajaran yang berkesan. Fokus kursus terhadap kanak-kanak berusia 4 – 6 tahun. Panduan untuk perancangan aktiviti bagi memenuhi keperluan individu dan kumpulan telah diberikan dalam PPEK3104. Latihan dan perbincangan merangkumi perancangan, pelaksanaan dan penilaian aktiviti untuk memudahkan perkembangan dan pembelajaran kanak-kanak dalam semua aspek. Penggunaan sumber, pengurusan masa, persekitaran fizikal dan kerjasama dengan ibubapa akan dibincangkan. This course provides opportunities for students to apply pedagogical knowledge and current assessment approaches to enhance effective teaching and learning processes. The focus is on children aged 4 to 6 years old. Guidelines for the planning of activities to satisfy individual and group needs have been provided in the course PPEK3104. Training and discussions will cover planning, implementation and assessment activities to children’s development and learning in various aspects. The use of resources, time management, physical environment and collaboration with parents will be discussed. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 60%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 40% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu Medium of Instruction : Malay Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Wortham, S. (1998). Early Childhood Curriculum. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Roopnarine, J.L, Johnson, J.E (2000) Approaches to Early Childhood Education. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill. Kurikulum Prasekolah Kebangsaan (2003). KPM PAEK4301 – AMALAN ASUHAN KANAK-KANAK DI MALAYSIA V.1 (3 Jam Kredit) CHILD-REARING PRATICES IN MALAYSIA V.1 (3 credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan memberi pendedahan kepada pendidik program awal kanak-kanak tentang hubungan dan pengaruh sosio budaya terhadap amalan pendidikan di peringkat awal kanak-kanak. Di antara aspek yang disentuh ialah teori pendidikan keibubapaan, bentuk keluarga dan cara gaya keibubapaan, asuhan kanak-kanak, anak-anak keperluan khas, kesihatan mental anak-anak, penderaan anak-anak dan hubungan guru dengan ibu bapa. Isu-isu semasa dalam amalan asuhan kanak-kanak di Malaysia juga turut dibincangkan. This course exposes future early childhood educators to the relationship and influence of socio-culture to rearing and education practices at the early childhood stage. Among the theories discussed are parental education theory, family form and parental style, child rearing, special needs child and parents, child’s mental health, child abuse and the relationship between teachers and parents. Current issues in practices of child rearing in Malaysia are also discussed. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 50%, : Assignment Ujian Kelas - 50% Test Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu Medium of Instruction : Malay Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Berger, E.H (1995), Parents as Partners in Education. Families and Schools Working Together. New Jersey: PrenticeHall.Inc Morrison, G.S. (2001) Early Childhood Education Today. New Jersey: Merill Prentice-Hall Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (2006). Kurikulum prasekolah kebangsaan. Kuala Lumpur: DBP. 143 PAEK4302 – AMALAN ASUHAN KANAK-KANAK ISLAM v.1 (3 Jam Kredit) ISLAMIC CHILD-REARING PRATICES (3 credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini akan mendedahkan kepada para pelajar falsafah dan konsep asuhan prasekolah Islam. Skop perbincangan akan meliputi trend amalan asuhan kanak-kanak, sukatan dan kaedah asuhan, kaedah pemerhatian, penilaian, serta etika pengasuh muslim di prasekolah Islam dan kelengkapan dan alat bantu mengajar. Ia juga turut menyentuh strategi pengajaran dan pembelajaran prasekolah Islam. This course exposes students to the philosophies and concepts on upbringing children in Islamic preschools, clarify the trend of children upbringing, field of knowledge, syllabus and methods in upbringing, observational methods, assessment, ethics of a Muslim caregiver in Islamic preschools, teaching aids and equipment, and teaching and learning strategies in Islamic preschools. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 50%, : Assignment Ujian Kelas - 50% Test Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu Medium of Instruction : Malay Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Abdullah Nasih 'Ulwan (1985) Tarbiah al aulad fi al Islam. Kaherah: Dar al Salam Saedah Siraj. (2007). Pendidikan anak-anak . Selangor: Alam Pintar Enterprise. Zaharah Hussin. (2005). Kurikulum Pra Sekolah Kebangsaan : Komponen Pendidikan Islam. Kajang: Sun Publication. PPEX4180 – PROJEK ILMIAH (3 Jam Kredit) ACADEMIC PROJECT (3 credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Dalam kursus ini pelajar akan dibimbing untuk menguasai kaedah menjalankan kajian secara ilmiah. Mereka akan memilih satu tajuk penyelidikan yang bersesuaian untuk dilaksanakan dalam tempoh satu semester. Pada akhir kursus ini mereka akan menghasilkan sebuah laporan penyelidikan yang telah dijalankan untuk tujuan penilaian kursus. In this course students will be guided in acquiring skills required for undertaking academic research studies.They will choose a research topic and the study will be completed within one semester. At the end of the course they will produce a research report to be evaluated as the course assessment. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 100% : Assignment Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Macintrye, C. (1999). The art of action research in the classroom. London: David Fulton Pub. McNiff, J. (2004). Action research: Principles and practice. UK: Routledge Babbie, E. (2001). The Practice of Social Research. 9th Edition, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning 144 KURSUS MINOR MINOR COURSES KURSUS MINOR (PENDIDIKAN KHAS) MINOR COURSES (SPECIAL EDUCATION) (PENDIDIKAN KHAS) (SPECIAL EDUCATION) PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 145 PPEK1101 – PENGENALAN KEPADA PENDIDIKAN KHAS (3 Jam Kredit) INTRODUCTION TO SPECIAL EDUCATION (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan mendedahkan kepada pelajar mengenai pelbagai jenis kanak-kanak yang memerlukan pendidikan khas dan pelbagai perkhidmatan dan program pendidikan khas yang disediakan. Pelajar juga akan dibimbing untuk mengenal pasti isu dan cabaran yang dihadapi oleh ibu bapa, sekolah dan masyarakat dalam membesar dan mendidik kanak-kanak yang bekeperluan khas. The course aims to introduce students to the various categories of children who require special education and the various services and programmes available to them. Students will also be guided to identify issues and challenges that are faced by parents, schools and society in the development and education of children with special needs. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 60%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 40% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Hallahan, D. P., & Kaufman, J. M. (2006). Exceptional learners: Introduction to special education. Massachusetts: Allyn & Bacon. Lerner, J. W., Lowenthal, B., & Egan, R. (1998). Preschool children with special needs. Boston: Allyn & Bacon Smith, D. D. (1998). Introduction to special education: Teaching in an age of challenge. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. PPEK1102 – KANAK-KANAK PINTAR CERDAS & BERBAKAT v.1 (3 Jam Kredit) GIFTED AND TALENTED CHILDREN v.1 (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan memberi pengetahuan dan kefahaman kepada pelajar pendidikan awal kanak-kanak tentang kanakkanak pintar cerdas dan berbakat. Antara topik yang akan dibincangkan adalah seperti berikut: ciri dan kaedah mengenal pasti kanak-kanak pintar cerdas dan berbakat; faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kanak-kanak pintar cerdas dan berbakat; masalah yang dihadapi oleh kanak-kanak pintar cerdas dan berbakat; peranan ibu bapa, guru, rakan sebaya dan persekitaran dalam menolong anak-anak pintar cerdas dan berbakat mencapai potensi mereka. The aims at providing knowledge and understanding of early childhood education students concerning gifted and talented children. Among the topics that will be discussed are: characteristics and approaches to identify gifted and talented children; factors that influence gifted and talented children; problems encountered by gifted and talented children; the role of parents, teachers, peers and the environment in enabling gifted and talented children to realize their potential. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 60%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 40% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Davis, G. A. & Rimms, S. B. (1998). Education of the gifted and talented. Needham heights, M. A.: Allyn & Bacon. Heller, K.A., Monks, F. J., Sternberg R. J., & Subotnik, R. F., (2000) International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent. Oxford, England : Pergamon Press Ltd. Khatena, J., (1982). Gifted: Challenge and response for education. Ithaca, Illinois: F.E. Peacock Publishers, Inc. 146 PBEK2101 – KAEDAH BACAAN UNTUK KANAK-KANAK KURANG UPAYA (3 Jam Kredit) READING METHODS FOR CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan mendedahkan kepada pelajar pendidikan awal kanak-kanak tentang bacaan dan kaitannya dengan keperluan kanak-kanak kurang upaya. Di samping itu, pelajar didedahkan tentang teori pengajaran dan pembelajaran bacaan dan implikasinya terhadap kanak-kanak kurang upaya. Kursus ini turut menekankan pembinaan kemahiran menggunakan pendekatan yang bersesuaian untuk mengajar kemahiran bacaan kepada kanak-kanak kurang upaya. Pelajar juga diberikan pendedahan tentang cara penilaian yang boleh dilaksanakan bagi mengenal pasti kemahiran kanak-kanak dalam membaca. This course aims to introduce early childhood students to reading and its relation to special needs. In addition, students are introduced to theories of teaching and learning reading and their implications for children with special needs. The course also emphasizes the development of skills involving the use of appropriate approaches for teaching reading skill for special needs children. Students are also introduced to modes of assessment that can be utilized to identify children’s’ reading skills. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 60%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 40% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Burns, M. S., Griffin, P., & Snow, C. E. (1999). Starting outright – A guide to promoting children’s reading success. Washington: National Academy Press. Hoff, E. (2001). Language development. Stamford: Wadsworth. Wren, S. (2002). Methods of assessing cognitive aspects of early reading development. Texas: The Southwest Educational Development Lab. PMEK2101 – KAEDAH MATEMATIK UNTUK KANAK-KANAK KURANG UPAYA (3 Jam Kredit) MATHEMATICS METHOD FOR CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini direka bentuk untuk membolehkan pelajar meningkatkan kefahaman dan membuat keputusan berhubung pengajaran dan pembelajaran matematik kepada kanak-kanak berkeperluan khas. Kurikulum yang sesuai dan pelbagai teknik pengajaran matematik bagi kanak-kanak berkeperluan khas akan dibincangkan. Implikasi pelbagai teori pembelajaran dalam pendidikan matematik khusus bagi kanak-kanak kurang upaya juga akan dibincangkan. Kursus ini menggunakan pelbagai pendekatan seperti perbincangan dalam kumpulan kecil, besar, pasangan dan menjalankan tugasan secara individu. Sebahagian besar kursus melibatkan pengajaran secara ‘hands-on’. This course is designed to enable the students to enhance their understanding and decision making in relation to teaching mathematics to children with learning disabilities. The appropriate curriculum and various instructional techniques in teaching mathematics to children with special needs will be discussed. Implication of the learning theories in teaching mathematics to children with special needs will also be discussed. This course adopts various approaches such as small and large group discussions, pair and individual work. Major part of the course involves ‘hands-on’ teaching. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 50%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 50% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Reys, R.,Lindquist,M.,Lambdin,D.V. & Smith, N.L (2009), Helping children learn mathematics, 9th edition,John Wiley. Smith, S. S. (2009). Early childhood Mathematics:International Edition,4/E, Pearson High Education Thornton, C.A.(2000). Teaching Mathematics to children with special needs. New Jersey:Prentice Hall 147 PPEK2104 – INTERVENSI KANAK-KANAK DAN KELUARGA (3 Jam Kredit) CHILDREN AND FAMILY INTERVENTION (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan membina pengetahuan dan kefahaman kepada pelajar pendidikan awal kanak-kanak mengenai falsafah intervensi, konsep dan dasar berkaitan dengan intervensi awal. di samping itu kursus ini bertujuan membina pengetahuan pelajar mengenai maklumat perkhidmatan intervensi untuk kanak-kanak kurang upaya dan keluarga mereka. kursus ini turut menekankan kepada pembinaan pengetahuan dan cara bekerja dengan kanak-kanak kurang upaya dan keluarga mereka. Pelajar juga diberikan pendedahan tentang isu dan trend dalam intervensi kanak-kanak dan keluarga The course aims to develop knowledge and understanding of early childhood learners concerning the philosophy of intervention, relevant concepts and policies for early intervention. In addition the course aims to develop knowledge and understanding of students towards information on services concerning intervention for special needs children and their families. The course also emphasizes the development of knowledge and ways of working with children with special needs and their families. Students are introduced to issues and trends in intervention involving children and their families. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 60%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 40% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Cook, R. E. Tessier, A., & Klein, M. D. (1994). Adapting early childhood curricula for children in inclusive setting. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Hallahan, D. P., & Kauffman, J. M. (2006). Exceptional learners: Introduction to Special Education. Massachusettes: Allyn & Bacon Berger, E. H. (2000). Parents as partners in education. Merill: Prentice Hall. PPEK3105 - STRATEGI KURIKULUM DAN PENILAIAN DALAM PENDIDIKAN KHAS v.1 (3 Jam Kredit) CURRICULUM STRATEGY AND EVALUATION IN SPECIAL EDUCATION v.1 (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan membina pengetahuan pelajar mengenai kurikulum pendidikan khas bagi multi kategori. Pelajar akan diberi ilmu pengetahuan mengenai pelaksanaan kurikulum dan prosedur penilaian secara kritikal untuk menjayakan pendekatan pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Di samping itu, dasar dan isu berkaitan secara global akan dikaji dan dianalisis menerusi jurnal antarabangsa. The course aims to contribute to students’ knowledge on special education curriculum for multiple categories. Students will be exposed to knowledge on curriculum implementation critical assessment procedures to enable effective teaching and learning. In addition, policies and issues which are globally related will be examined and analysed through international journals. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 60% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Sowel,E.J.2005.Curriculum An Integrative Introduction.3rd Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall. Omstein, A.C & Hunkins,F.P.2004.Curriculum Foundation Principles and Issues. Pearson Education, Inc. Daniel,P.H.& James, M.K. 2000. Exceptional Learners, Introduction to Special Education, Eight Edition, Boston, USA, Allyn & Bacon 148 PPEK3106 – PENDIDIKAN INKLUSIF (3 Jam Kredit) INCLUSIVE EDUCATION (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan membina pengetahuan pelajar mengenai falsafah pendidikan inklusif. Pelajar akan diberi ilmu pengetahuan mengenai pelaksanaan program inklusif dan faktor kritikal untuk menjayakan pendidikan inklusif. Di samping itu, dasar dan isu berkaitan persekitaran inklusif dan pendidikan inklusif akan dikaji dan dianalisis. This course aims at exposing students to the knowledge in regards to the philosopies of inclusive education. Students will be exposed to the implementation of inclusive education and critical factors contributing to the success of inclusive education. In addition, the policies and issues related to the environment of inclusive education will be discussed and analysed. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 60%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 40% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Haager, D., & Klingner, J. K. (2005).Differentiating instruction in inclusive classrooms. The special educator’s guide. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Byrant, D. P., Smith, D. D., & Byrant, B. R. (2008). Teaching students with special needs in inclusive classrooms. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. McLoughlin, J. A., & Lewis, R. B. (2005). Assessing students with special needs. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. PPEK4104 – INTERNSHIP/PROJEK: PENDIDIKAN KHAS (3 Jam Kredit) INTERNSHIP/PROJECT: SPECIAL EDUCATION (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan membina kemahiran mengaplikasi pengetahuan tentang pendidikan khas dalam setting sebenar. Di samping itu ia juga ianya bertujuan untuk membina kemahiran pelajar dalam merancang dan melaksanakan pengajaran serta penilaian terhadap kanak-kanak bekeperluan khas. Selain itu, kursus ini turut membina kemahiran pelajar berinteraksi dengan kanak-kanak bekeperluan khas, guru dan pentadbir program pendidikan khasdi mana pelajar ditempatkan. Akhirnya kursus ini membantu membina kemahiran pelajar membuat laporan dan pemerhatian ke atas pelajar dalam program pendidikan khas. This course aims at helping the students to develop the skills of applying knowledge of special education in the real setting. In addition, it helps students to develop the skills of planning, and implementing instruction as well as conducting evaluation towards children with special needs. Students will acquire the skills on interaction with special needs children, their teachers and programme manager at the special education centers where the students are placed. This course enables students to learn the skills of generating report and conducting observation towards children in special needs programme. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Amali/Lisan - 100% : Oral Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Haager, D., & Klingner, J. K., (2005).Differentiating instruction in inclusive classrooms. The special educator’s guide. Boston: Allyn and Bacon McLoughlin, J. A., & Lewis, R. B. (2005). Assessing students with special needs. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Byrant, D. P., & Byrant, B. R. (2003). Assisstive technology for people with disabilities. Boston: Allyn and Bacon 149 KURSUS MINOR MINOR COURSES KURSUS MINOR MINOR COURSES (TEKNOLOGI PENGAJARAN) (INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY) (TEKNOLOGI PENGAJARAN) (INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY) PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 PPEA1106 – APLIKASI KOMPUTER DALAM PENGAJARAN (3 Jam Kredit) COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN INSTRUCTION (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini memperkenalkan pelajar kepada penggunaan komputer dalam pengajaran pada semua peringkat pendidikan. Para pelajar turut didedahkan kepada perisian seperti MS Word, MS Publisher, MS Powerpoint dan Ms Excel. Selain daripada itu, mereka turut terlibat dalam penggunaan pembelajaran atas talian seperti pembinaan laman web dan blog. Sebahagian besar kursus melibatkan pelajar dengan penggunaan komputer secara “hands-on” dan praktikal. This course introduces students to computer applications in instruction. The basic concepts discussed here are computer application in education, exposure to software like MS Word, MS Publisher, MS Power Point and MS Excel. Students are exposed to direct involvement with online learning such as developing websites and blog. Predominantly, the course involves students in practical and hands-on computer application. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 70%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 30% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu Medium of Instruction : Malay Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Davis, C.& Eyuon, R. (2016). Education and Technology, London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Carr-Chellman, A. A. (2015). Instructional Design for Teachers, London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Hunter, J. (2015). Technology Integration and High Possibility Classrooms. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Hewitt, D. & Tarrant. S. (2015). Innovative teaching and learning in Primary Schools. London: Sage Publication Ltd. Fisher, A., Exley, K. & Ciobanu, D. (2014). Using Technology to support Learning and Teaching. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Passey, D. (2014). Inclusive Technology Enhanced Learning. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group PPEA1107 – ASAS TEKNOLOGI PENGAJARAN (3 Jam Kredit) BASIC INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini membincangkan evolusi teknologi pengajaran, konsep dan prinsip-prinsip asas dalam bidang teknologi pengajaran. Di samping itu, kursus ini turut memberi fokus kepada isu-isu terkini yang mempengaruhi teknologi pengajaran hingga kini. This course discusses the evolution and the basic concepts and principles of instructional technology. Trends and issues affecting instructional technology until the present day will also be discussed. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 60%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 40% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Anglin, G.J. (2010) . Instructional Technology: Past, Present and Future (3rd ed). Englewood Co.: Libraries Unlimited. Gagne, R. M., Wager, W. W., Golas, K. & Keller, J.M. (2004). Principles of instructional design (5th ed.). HBJ College & School Divison; Reiser, R.A., & Dempsey, J.V. (2011). Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall 151 PPEA2101 – REKABENTUK PENGAJARAN (3 Jam Kredit) INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan pelajar kepada konsep-konsep asas rekabentuk pengajaran dan pengembangan pengajaran sebagai satu proses mencari strategi alternatif di dalam penyelesaian masalah yang bersabit dengan pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Antara tajuk-tajuk penting yang akan dibincangkan termasuk proses mengenal pasti masalah pengajaran dan pembelajaran, yang melibatkan analisis keperluan, analisis pelajar dan analisis tugas atau pengajaran, mencari dan menyediakan strategi pelbagai untuk penyelesaian masalah dan mereka bentuk bahan-bahan pengajaran sesuai dengan bidang pengkhususan. This course introduces students to concepts and basic principles of instructional development. The process is an alternative to solve problems with regard to teaching and learning. The content comprises of needs analysis, task analysis, analysis of learners, prepare various strategies to solve problems and design instructional materials pertaining to respective areas. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 70%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 30% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Kemp, J., Morrison, G., & Ross, S. (2010). Designing effective instruction. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Smith, P.L & Ragan, T.J (2004). Instructional design. New York: John Willey and Sons, Inc. Reiser, R.A., & Dempsey, J.V. (2011). Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall Richey, R., Klein, J.D. & Tracey, M.W. (2010). The instructional design knowledge base: theory, research and practice. Routledge, New York. PPEA2106 – INTERNET DAN PENGAJARAN (3 Jam Kredit) INTERNET IN INSTRUCTION (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Dalam kursus ini pelajar diperkenalkan kepada sejarah dan penggunaan internet dalam pengajaran. Tumpuan ialah kepada teori-teori pembelajaran yang menjadi asas penggunaan internet dalam ”bilik darjah khususnya cognitive apprenticeship, fleksibiliti kognitif, mindtools dan konstruktivisme. Pelajar akan meninjau beberapa cara dan penggunaan peralatan internet dalam pengajaran seperti emel, bilik sembang,papan pernyataan elektronik dan pelbagai sumber yang terdapat dalam world wide web. Pelajar didedahkan kepada cara menilai laman web serta pembinaan laman web. Students are introduced to the history of the Internet in instruction. The focus will be on the theories of learning underpinning the use of the Internet in the classroom environment. Among the theories are cognitive apprenticeship, cognitive flexibility, mindtools, and constructivism. Students will explore the various Internet applications in instruction such as e-mails, chat rooms, electronic blackboard, and other sources in the World Wide Web. In addition, they will be exposed to hands-on activities such as evaluating and designing websites. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 60%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 40% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Davis, . & Eyuon. R. (2016). Education and Technology, London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Carr-Chellman, A. A.. (2015). Instructional Design for Teachers, London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. McFarlane, A. (2015). Authentic Learning for the Digital Generation. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Stein, J. & Graham, C. R. (2014). Essentials for Blended Learning. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Fisher, A., Exley, K. & Ciobanu, D. (2014). Using Technology to support Learning and Teaching. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 152 PPEA2107 – MULTIMEDIA DALAM PENGAJARAN (3 Jam Kredit) MULTIMEDIA IN INSTRUCTION (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan pelajar kepada konsep-konsep dalam aplikasi multimedia dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Pelajar akan mempelajari cara menggunakan satu sistem pembinaan sistem (authoring) dengan tujuan menghasilkan satu pakej pengajaran dan pembelajaran tentang produk pendidikan dengan aplikasi multimedia. Perisian multimedia yang digunakan ialah Multimedia Builder. Para pelajar menggunakan CD tutorial Multimedia Builder serta manual cetak sebagai bahan pembelajaran. Pada akhir kursus, mereka menghasilkan perisian kursus dengan menggunakan perisian Multimedia Builder. The course introduces students to concepts of multimedia application in teaching and learning. Students will learn multimedia authoring in order to produce a teaching and learning package. Multimedia Builder software will be used as the main authoring software. Despite. Students are provided with tutorial CD and printed manual of Multimedia Builder. At the end of the course, students will be able to produce a courseware based on Multimedia Builder. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 70%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 30% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Boyle, T. (1997)Design for Multimedia Learning. London: Prentice Hall. Hofstetter, F.T. (2001) (3rd Ed.) Multimedia Literacy. McGraw-Hill Irwin. Lee, W. W. & Owens, D. L. (2004). Multimedia-Based Instructional Design. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Pfeiffer. PPEA3110 – MEDIA PENGAJARAN (3 Jam Kredit) INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini meninjau aplikasi pedagogi pelbagai jenis media (seperti video dan komputer) dan proses teknologi (simulasi, permainan dan pengajaran terancang). Pelajar didedahkan kepada garis panduan pemilihan media dan kaedah serta memperkembangkan kemahiran penyampaian media. The course explores the application of pedagogy in various media (e.g., video and computer) and technological process (simulation, games, and organized instruction). Students are exposed to the guidelines of selecting media and methods and expand their skills in media delivery. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 60%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 40% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu Medium of Instruction : Malay Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Smaldino, Lowther, Mims & Russell (2015). Instructional Technology and Media for Learning (11th Ed) Upper Sadle River, N. J.: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall. Fenrich, P. (2014) Practical Principles of Instructional Design, Media Selection, and Interface Design with a Focus on Computer-based Training / Educational Software, Informing Science Press Lever-Duffy,J. McDonald, J. (2014) Teaching and Learning with Technology, (5th Ed) Pearson Education Roblyer,M.D. & Doering, A.H. (2012) Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching, (6th Ed) Pearson Education Heinich,R., Molenda, M., & Russel, J. D. (1999). Instructional media and the new technologies of instruction. New York: Macmillan. 153 PPEA3111 – WEB DAN PERANGKAIAN SEKOLAH (3 Jam Kredit) WEB AND NETWORKING IN SCHOOLS (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini mendedahkan pelajar kepada aspek-aspek penting berkenaan perangkaian komputer (computer networks) dengan tumpuan kepada perisian serta peralatan (hardware) yang terlibat dalam mendirikan sesuatu sistem perangkaian sekolah. Antara topik-topik yang diberi penekanan adalah: apakah itu perangkaian, jenis perangkaian, perisian perangkaian, peralatan perangkaian dan juga peranan etika dan perundangan berkaitan dengan sistem maklumat. The course exposes students to the essential aspects of computer networks focusing on software and hardware involve in building school networking system. Among the topics discussed are networking, networking typology, networking software, networking tools, ethics and legal issues pertaining to information system. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 60%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 40% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Beverley E. Crane (2012) Using Web 2.0 and Social Networking Tools in the K-12 Classroom, American Library Association Ciccarelli,P. Faulkner,C. FitzGerald,J. Dennis,A. Groth,D. Skandier,T. (2012) Introduction to Networking Basics, (2nd Ed) John Wiley & Sons Hayden, M. (2000). Networking essentials. Indianapolis: SAMS Publishing. PPEA4102 – PROJEK TEKNOLOGI PENGAJARAN V.1 (3 Jam Kredit) PROJECT IN INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini memberi peluang kepada pelajar menjalankan satu projek penyelidikan tindakan dalam bidang teknologi pengajaran. Pelajar digalakkan mengaplikasi pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang telah diperolehi daripada kursus-kursus yang telah diikuti selama ini dalam minor Teknologi Pengajaran. Projek berkenaan hendaklah dipersetujui oleh pensyarah. Students are given the opportunity to manage action research in instructional technology. Students are encouraged to apply the knowledge and skills gained from the previous courses in instructional technology. The project is supervised by the lecturer. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 100% : Assignment Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Creswell, J. W. (2008). Educational Research: Planning, conducting, and evaluation qualitative research (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall. Coghlan, D. . & Brannick, T. (2000). Doing action research in your own organization. London: Sage Lankshear, C. & Snyder, I. (2000). Teachers and techno-literacy. NSW: Allen & Unwin 154 LATIHAN MENGAJAR (PAKK) TEACHING PRACTICE (ECE) LATIHAN MENGAJAR (PAKK) TEACHING PRACTICE (ECE) PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 155 PPEK3192 – LATIHAN MENGAJAR (TASKA) (4 Jam Kredit) TEACHING PRACTICE (NURSERY) (4 Credit Hours) Pra Syarat/Pre Requirement: (i) Telah mengambil 72 jumlah jam kredit dan lulus kursus-kursus berikut: Have taken 72 credit hours and passed the following courses: PPEK2207 Kemahiran Pemerhatian & Penilaian I v.1 (3 Jam Kredit) PPEK2208 Kemahiran Pemerhatian & Penilaian II (3 Jam Kredit) PPEK3104 Perancangan Program & Strategi Pengajaran I v.1 (3 Jam Kredit) Observational and Evaluation Skills I v.1 (3 Credit Hours) Observational and Evaluation Skills II (3 Credit Hours) Programme Planning and Instructional Strategy I v.1 (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini memberi peluang kepada pelajar untuk menggunakan kemahiran dan pengetahuan dalam memberi pengajaran, aktiviti rutin di taska kepada kanak-kanak di bawah umur 3 tahun. Pelajar juga dikehendaki memberi fokus kepada perkembangan kurikulum yang digunakan di taska. Di taska juga pelajar akan didedahkan kepada perancangan perkembangan kanak-kanak untuk perancangan dan penilaian terhadap perkembangan kanak-kanak secara berkesan. This course gives an opportunity to students to use the skills and knowledge learnt in the process of teaching toddlers aged below 3. Discussions will also be carried out on the planning of the process of teaching and the assessment of the development of the toddlers. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Amali/Lisan - 100% : Oral Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu Medium of Instruction : Malay Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : MacNaughton, G. & Williams, G. (1998). Techniques for teaching young children. South Melbourne: Allison Wesley Longman Arends, R.I., Winitzky, N.E., & Tannenbaum, M.D. (2001). Exploring Teaching (2nd Edition). Boston: Mcgraw-Hill. Puckett, M. & Black, J. (2000) Authentic assessment of the young child: Celebrating development and learning. (2nd ed) Upper Saddle River NJ ,Prentice Hall. PPEK4190 – LATIHAN MENGAJAR (TADIKA) (4 Jam kredit) TEACHING PRACTICE (KINDERGARDEN) (4 Credit Hours) Pra Syarat/Pre Requirement: (i) Telah mengambil 108 jumlah jam kredit dan lulus kursus-kursus berikut: Have taken 108 credit hours and passed the following courses: PPEK3192 Latihan Mengajar (Taska) (4 Jam Kredit) PPEK2207 Kemahiran Pemerhatian & Penilaian I v.1 (3 Jam Kredit) PPEK2208 Kemahiran Pemerhatian & Penilaian II (3 Jam Kredit) PPEK3104 Perancangan Program & Strategi Pengajaran I v.1 (3 Jam Kredit) Teaching Practice (Nursery) (4 Credit Hours) Observational and Evaluation Skills I v.1 (3 Credit Hours) Observational and Evaluation Skills II (3 Credit Hours) Programme Planning and Instructional Strategy I v.1 (3 Credit Hours) 156 Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini memberi peluang kepada pelajar untuk menggunakan kemahiran dan pengetahuan dalam memberi pengajaran, aktiviti rutin di tadika kepada kanak-kanak antara 4 – 6 tahun. Pelajar juga dikehendaki memberi fokus kepada perkembangan kurikulum yang digunakan di tadika. Di tadika juga pelajar akan didedahkan kepada perancangan perkembangan kanak-kanak untuk perancangan dan penilaian terhadap perkembangan kanak-kanak secara berkesan. The course gives an opportunity to students to apply the skills and knowledge learnt in the process of teaching young children of 4-6 yrs of age. Discussions will also be carried out on the planning and developing of the curriculum as well as on the assessment of the children’s development. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Amali/Lisan - 100% : Oral Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu Medium of Instruction : Malay Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : MacNaughton, G. & Williams, G. (1998). Techniques for teaching young children. South Melbourne: Allison Wesley Longman Arends, R.I., Winitzky, N.E., & Tannenbaum, M.D. (2001). Exploring Teaching (2nd Edition). Boston: Mcgraw-Hill. Puckett, M. & Black, J. (2000) Authentic assessment of the young child: Celebrating development and learning. (2nd ed) Upper Saddle River NJ ,Prentice Hall. 157 SARJANA MUDA KAUNSELING BACHELOR OF COUNSELING SARJANA MUDA KAUNSELING BACHELOR OF COUNSELLING PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 1 SARJANA MUDA KAUNSELING BACHELOR OF COUNSELING KELAYAKAN KEMASUKAN ENTRY QUALIFICATION Kelayakan STPM Kelayakan STAM Kelayakan Diploma STAM Qualification Syarat Am Universiti Syarat Am Universiti Syarat Am Universiti Syarat Am Universiti 1. Lulus SPM/setaraf dengan baik. 1. Lulus SPM/setaraf dengan baik. 1. Lulus SPM/setaraf dengan baik. 1. Lulus dengan Kepujian dalam Bahasa Melayu/ Bahasa Malaysia di peringkat SPM/setaraf. 2. Lulus dengan Kepujian dalam Bahasa Melayu/ Bahasa Malaysia di peringkat SPM/setaraf. 2. Lulus dengan Kepujian dalam Bahasa Melayu/ Bahasa Malaysia di peringkat SPM/setaraf. 2. University General Requirements University General Requirements Pass Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) [Malaysia Certificate of Education] or equivalent with good grades. 2. Pass with credit in Bahasa Melayu/ Bahasa Malaysia at the SPM level or equivalent. Diploma Qualification Kelayakan Matrikulasi (TESL, Sains & Perakaunan) STPM Qualification University General Requirements Pass Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) [Malaysia Certificate of Education] or equivalent with good grades. Pass with credit in Bahasa Melayu/ Bahasa Malaysia at the SPM level or equivalent. Pass Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) [Malaysia Certificate of Education] or equivalent with good grades. Pass with credit in Bahasa Melayu/ Bahasa Malaysia at the SPM level or equivalent. 3. Telah mengambil Malaysian University English Test (MUET) dengan mendapat sekurangkurangnya Tahap 1 (Band 1). 3. Telah mengambil Malaysian University English Test (MUET) dengan mendapat sekurangkurangnya Tahap 1 (Band 1). 3. Telah mengambil Malaysian University English Test (MUET) dengan mendapat sekurangkurangnya Tahap 1 (Band 1). Keperluan Khas Program Special Requirements Keperluan Khas Program Special Requirements Lulus ujian kelayakan dan Temuduga/Pass the eligibility test and Interview. Lulus ujian kelayakan dan Temuduga/Pass the eligibility test and Interview. Keperluan Khas Program Special Requirements Dan/and Dan/and Pass Malaysian University English Test (MUET) with at least Band 1. Lulus STPM dengan mendapat sekurang- Pass Malaysian University English Test (MUET) with at least Band 1. Mendapat sekurangkurangnya tahap Jayyid University General Requirements Pass Malaysian University English Test (MUET) with at least Band 1. Lulus ujian kelayakan dan Temuduga/Pass the eligibility test and Interview. Dan/and Memiliki kelulusan lain Lulus SPM/setaraf dengan baik. Pass Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) [Malaysia Certificate of Education] or equivalent with good grades. Lulus dengan Kepujian dalam Bahasa Melayu/ Bahasa Malaysia di peringkat SPM/setaraf. Pass with credit in Bahasa Melayu/ Bahasa Malaysia at the SPM level or equivalent. 3. Telah mengambil Malaysian University English Test (MUET) dengan mendapat sekurangkurangnya Tahap 1 (Band 1). Pass Malaysian University English Test (MUET) with at least Band 1. Keperluan Khas Program Special Requirements Lulus ujian kelayakan dan Temuduga/Pass the eligibility test and Interview. Dan/and Lulus Matrikulasi KPM/ Asasi Sains UM/ Asasi UiTM dengan mendapat 159 kurangnya PNGK 3.00; Pass STPM at least CGPA 3.00; Dan/and Mendapat sekurangkurangnya Gred B pada peringkat SPM dalam mata pelajaran berikut: Attain at least Grade B at SPM level in the following subject: Matematik/ Mathematics Dan/and Mendapat sekurangkurangnya Tahap 2 (Band 2) dalam MUET Attain MUET with at least Band 2. Jiddan dalam peperiksaan Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia (STAM) Attain at least “Jayyid Jiddan” level in the Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia (STAM) Dan/and Mendapat sekurangkurangnya Gred B pada peringkat SPM dalam mata pelajaran berikut: Attain at least Grade B at SPM level in the following subject: Matematik/ Mathematics Dan/and Mendapat sekurangkurangnya Tahap 2 (Band 2) dalam MUET Attain MUET with at least Band 2. yang diiktiraf setaraf dengannya oleh Kerajaan Malaysia dan diperakukan oleh Senat Universiti Malaya dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya PNGK 3.00; Possess any other equivalent qualification recognized by the Malaysian Government and certified by the University of Malaya. Atau/ or Lulus STPM bukan tahun semasa dengan mendapat sekurangkurangnya PNGK 3.00; Pass STPM not in the current year at least CGPA 3.00 and fulfil the special program requirement as follows: sekurang-kurangnya PNGK 3.00; Pass KPM Matriculation / Asasi Sains UM/ Asasi UiTM with at least CGPA 3.00; Dan/and Mendapat sekurangkurangnya Gred B pada peringkat SPM dalam mata pelajaran berikut: Attain at least Grade B at SPM level in the following subject: Matematik/Mathematics Dan/and Mendapat sekurangkurangnya Tahap 2 (Band 2) dalam MUET Attain MUET with at least Band 2. Dan/and Mendapat sekurangkurangnya Gred B pada peringkat SPM dalam mata pelajaran berikut Achieve at least Grade B at SPM level in the following subject: Matematik/Mathematics Atau/ or Lulus Matrikulasi KPM/ Asasi Sains UM/ Asasi UiTM bukan tahun semasa dengan mendapat sekurangkurangnya PNGK 3.00; Pass KPM Matriculation / Asasi Sains UM/ Asasi UiTM not in the current year with at least a CGPA 3.00; Dan/and Mendapat sekurangkurangnya Gred B pada peringkat SPM dalam mata pelajaran berikut: Attain at least Grade B at SPM level in the following subject: 160 Matematik/Mathematics Atau/ or Memiliki kelulusan lain yang diiktiraf oleh Senat Universiti Malaya dengan mendapat sekurang-kurangnya PNGK 3.00; Possess any other equivalent qualification recognized by the Senate of the University Malaya with at least a CGPA of 3.00; Dan/and Mendapat sekurangkurangnya Tahap 2 (Band 2) dalam MUET Attain MUET with at least Band 2. Had Umur/Age Limit Tiada had umur kepada calon yang ingin memohon There is no age limit for candidates wishing to apply Kos Pengajian/Cost of Studies Pengajian ini dijalankan selama 8 semester (4 tahun) dan kos minimum pengajian ialah RM17,000 Studies are carried out over 8 semesters (4 years) and the minimum cost of study is RM17,000 161 STRUKTUR KURSUS COURSE STRUCTURE STRUKTUR KURSUS COURSE STRUCTURE PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 1 STRUKTUR KURSUS SARJANA MUDA KAUNSELING (mulai kemasukan 2015/2016) KURSUS University Courses TAHUN 1 GIG1004 GIG1002 GIG1003 GIG1001 GIG1005 Semester I Literasi Maklumat (2) Hubungan Etnik (2) Semester II Asas Pembudayaan Keusahawanan (2) Tamadun Islam & Tamadun Asia (TITAS) (2) Jalinan Masyarakat (2) TAHUN 2 TAHUN 3 Semester I English Communication Programme (3) : TAHAP 1 GTEE1105 (untuk MUET Band 1) GTEE1107 (untuk MUET Band 2) GTEE1109 (untuk MUET Band 3) GTEE1111 (untuk MUET Band 4) Semester II English Communication Programme (3) : TAHAP 2 GTEE1205 GTEE1207 GTEE1110 GTEE1112/ GTEE1113 TAHUN 4 JUMLAH Kursus Dalam Fakulti PPEC3137 PBET2106 Semester I Penyelidikan Tindakan (3) Semester I Kursus Ko-Kurikulum (2) 24 jam Kredit Semester II Kemahiran Berfikir dan Komunikasi (3) (untuk MUET Band 1) (untuk MUET Band 2) (untuk MUET Band 3) (untuk MUET Band 4) KURSUS UNIVERSITI BAHASA (KUB) SILA RUJUK LAMPIRAN Kursus Wajib Bidang PPEC1135 PPEC1136 Semester I Pengenalan kepada Kaunseling Psikologi (3) Kemahiran Komputer untuk Kaunselor (3) PAEC2137 PPEC2131 PPEC2136 Semester I Masyarakat, Kerjaya dan Pendidikan (3) Teori Kaunseling (3) Kaedah Penyelidikan dalam Kaunseling (3) PPEC2133 PPEC3132 PPEC3135 PPEX4180 PPEC1133 Semester II Statistik Asas untuk Sains Tingkahlaku (3) PPEC2132 PPEC2134 PPEC2135 Semester II Teknik Kaunseling (3) Kepimpinan Kelompok (3) Teori Perkembangan dan Amalan Kerjaya (3) PPEC3133 PPEC3134 PPEC3138 PPEC3139 PPEC3141 PPEX4180 Semester I Teknik Kaunseling Lanjutan (3) Dinamik dan Prosedur Kelompok (3) Kaunseling Vokasional dan Kerjaya (3) Projek Ilmiah (3) + Semester II Ujian dan Pengukuran Psikologi (3) Kaunseling Silang Budaya (3) Kaunseling Keluarga (3) Perkhidmatan Maklumat dalam Perkembangan dan Kaunseling Kerjaya (3) Pengendalian Program Perkhidmatan Kaunseling (3) Projek Ilmiah (3) + PPEC3140 PPEC3142 PPEC3170 PPEC4101 PPEC4303 PPEC3172 Semester I Kaunseling Ketagihan dan Pemulihan v.1 (3) Isu Profesional dan Etika Dalam Kaunseling dan Psikologi (3) Latihan Amali Kaunseling (Makmal) (3) Pentaksiran Individu (3) Pembangunan Sumber Manusia (3) 78 jam kredit Semester II Latihan Profesional (6) 163 KURSUS Kursus Asas Psikologi (Minor) TAHUN 1 PAEC1301 PPEC1101 PPEC1102 Semester I Psikologi Sosial (3) Pengenalan Kepada Psikologi (3) Psikologi Perkembangan (3) TAHUN 2 PPEC2102 Semester I Perkembangan di Peringkat Dewasa (3) TAHUN 3 PPEC3101 Semester I Psikologi Bilazim (3) TAHUN 4 PPEC4301 PPEC4302 PPEC4304 PAEC1303 PPEC1104 Semester II Disiplin,Devians dan Delinkuens(3) Psikologi Pembelajaran (3) PPEC2104 PPEC2106 PPEC2301 PPEC2303 Semester II Kesihatan Mental & Penyesuaian (3) Modifikasi Tingkahlaku (3) PPEC3102 JUMLAH Semester I Terapi Tingkahlaku Emotif Rasional (3) atau Terapi Realiti (3) atau Terapi Gestalt (3) 36 jam kredit Semester II Tingkahlaku Organisasi (3) Motivasi (3) atau Personaliti (3) Jumlah 138 jam kredit Nota :- Penawaran Kursus : Fakulti mempunyai hak untuk tidak meneruskan atau mengubah kursus menurut keperluan keadaan. Kursus mungkin tidak ditawarkan oleh kerana kekurangan pelajar yang mendaftar atau ketiadaan tenaga pengajar. + Kursus Progresif 164 KURSUS UNIVERSITI BAHASA (KUB) MUET BAND 2 MUET BAND 3 MUET BAND 4 MUET BAND 5 & 6 Semester I WAJIB WAJIB WAJIB GLT1004 Mastering English III (2) Semester I & 2 Semester I & 2 Semester I Semester 2 GLT1005 Mastering English IV (3) GLT1009 Mastering English VI (3) GLT1014 Advanced Communication Skills (3) Semester 2 GLT1003 Mastering English II (2) Semester I & 2 PILIH SATU PILIH SATU GLT1002 Mastering English I (2) Semester I & 2 Semester 2 GLT1007 Essential Writing Skills (3) GLT1010 Mastering English VII (3) Semester 2 GLT1011 Technical Writing Skills in English (3) GLT1006 Mastering English V (3) GLT1012 Presentation Skills in English (3) GLT1008 Effective Communication (3) GLT1013 Reading Critically (3) GLT1015 Advanced Professional Writing (3) JUMLAH: 6 K 165 COURSE STRUCTURE FOR THE BACHELOR OF COUNSELING (commencing admission session 2015/2016) COURSE University Courses YEAR 1 GIG1004 GIG1005 Semester I Information Literacy (2) Ethnic Relationship (2) Semester II GIG1003 GIG1001 GIG1005 Compulsory Courses for the Area of Study PPEC1135 PPEC1136 Basic Course On Culture Of Entrepreneurship (2) Islamic Civilisation & Asian Civilisation (2) Social Engagement (2) Semester I Introduction to Counseling Psychology (3) Computer Skills for Counsellors (3) YEAR 2 Semester I English Communication Programme (3) : TAHAP 1 GTEE1105 (untuk MUET Band 1) GTEE1107 (untuk MUET Band 2) GTEE1109 (untuk MUET Band 3) GTEE1111 (untuk MUET Band 4) Semester II English Communication Programme (3) : TAHAP 2 GTEE1205 (untuk MUET Band 1) GTEE1207 (untuk MUET Band 2) GTEE1110 (untuk MUET Band 3) GTEE1112/ (untuk MUET Band 4) GTEE1113 PAEC2137 PPEC2131 PPEC2136 Semester I Society, Career and Education (3) Counseling Theories (3) Research Method in Counseling (3) YEAR 3 YEAR 4 Elective Courses in the Faculty PPEC3137 PBET2106 PPEC2133 PPEC3132 PPEC3135 PPEX4180 Semester I Action Research (3) Semester I Co-Curriculum Course (2) Semester II Basic Statistics for Behavioral Science (3) PPEC2132 PPEC2134 PPEC2135 Semester II Counselling Techniques (3) Group Leadership (3) Career Development Theories and Practice (3) PPEC3133 PPEC3134 PPEC3138 PPEC3139 PPEC3141 PPEX4180 24 credit hours Semester II Thinking and Communication Skills (3) Semester I Advanced Counselling Techniques (3) Group Dynamic and Procedure (3) Vocational & Career Counselling (3) Academic Project (3) + PPEC3140 PPEC3142 PPEC3170 PPEC4101 PPEC4303 PPEC1133 TOTAL Semester II Psychological Test & Measurement (3) Cross Cultural Counseling (3) Family Counselling (3) Information Service in Career Development And Counselling (3) Programme Organisation for Counselling Services (3) Academic Project (3) + PPEC3172 Semester I Addiction and Rehabilitation Counseling v.1 (3) Professional Issue and Ethics in Counselling and Psychology (3) Counseling Practicum (Laboratory) (3) Individual Assessment (3) Human Resource Development (3) 78 credit hours Semester II Professional Training (6) 166 COURSE Basic Courses Psychology (Minor) YEAR 1 PAEC1301 PPEC1101 PPEC1102 PAEC1303 PPEC1104 Semester I Social Psychology (3) Introduction to Psychology (3) Development Psychology (3) Semester II Discipline, Deviance and Deliquency (3) Psychology of Learning (3) YEAR 2 PPEC2102 Semester I Adult Development (3) YEAR 3 PPEC3101 Semester I Abnormal Psychology (3) YEAR 4 PPEC4301 PPEC4302 PPEC4304 PPEC2104 PPEC2106 PPEC2301 PPEC2303 Semester II Mental Health and Adjustment (3) Behaviour Modification (3) PPEC3102 TOTAL Semester I Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (3) or Realty Therapy (3) or Gestalt Therapy (3) 36 credit hours Semester II Organisational Behaviour (3) Motivation (3) or Personality (3) TOTAL 138 credit hours Note :- The Faculty has the authority not to continue or change a course depending on the circumstances. A course may not be offered due to the small number of students who register or lack of teaching staf + Progresif Course 167 KUSRUS UNIVERSITI UNIVERSITY COURSES KURSUS UNIVERSITI UNIVERSITY COURSES PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 168 A. Bagi Pro-Forma Kursus-Kursus Universiti Berikut Sila Rujuk Kepada Pro-Forma Kursus Universiti Program Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (Pengajaran Bahasa Inggeris Sebagai Bahasa Kedua) : For the following University Courses please refer to the course description of the Bachelor of Education (Teaching English as a Second Language): GIG1001 – Tamadun Islam Tamadun Asia (TITAS) (2 Jam Kredit) Islamic Civilisation & Asian Civilisation (2 Credit Hours) GIG1002 – Hubungan Etnik (2 Jam Kredit) Ethnic Relationship (2 Credit Hours) GIG1003 – Asas PembudayaanKeusahawanan (2 Jam Kredit) Basic Course On Culture Of Entrepreneurship (2 Credit Hours) GIG1004 – Literasi Maklumat (2Jam Kredit) Information Literacy (2 Credit Hours) GIG1005 – Jalinan Masyarakat (2 Jam Kredit) Social Engagement (2 Credit Hours) PBET2106 – Kemahiran Berfikir dan Komunikasi (3 Jam Kredit) Thinking and Communication Skills (3 Credit Hours) B. Bagi Pro-Forma Kursus Universiti Bahasa (KUB), sila rujuk kepada Pro-Forma Kursus Universiti Program Sarjana Muda Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak : For the pro forma Language University Courses, please refer to the course description of the Bachelor of Early Childhood Education: PPEC3137 – PENYELIDIKAN TINDAKAN (3 Jam Kredit) ACTION RESEARCH (3 Credit Hours ) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini adalah pengenalan kepada kaedah menggunakan penyelidikan tindakan yang berteraskan kepada konsep penyelesaian masalah. Di akhir kursus ini, pelajar akan dapat membina instrumen asas untuk menjalankan penyelidikan dan mengenal pasti masalah yang dihadapi dan seterusnya melaksanakan reflektif dan kitaran akan proses penyelidikan tindakan yang dijalankan. This course is an introduction to action research methodology based on the concept of problem-solving. At the end of this course, students will be able to construct a basic instrument for carrying out research and identify problems and then implement the reflective and cyclical process of action research. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 60%, Ujian Kelas - 40% : Assignment Test Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Macintrye, C. (1999). The art of action research in the classroom. London: David Fulton Pub. McNiff, J. (2004). Action research: Principles and practice. UK: Routledge 169 KURSUS WAJIB BIDANG COMPULSORY COURSES FOR THE AREA OF STUDY PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 PPEC1133 – STATISTIK ASAS UNTUK UNTUK SAINS TINGKAHLAKU (3 Jam Kredit) BASIC STATISTICS FOR BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: 170 PPEC1133 – STATISTIK ASAS UNTUK SAINS TINGKAHLAKU (3 JAM KREDIT) BASIC STATISTICS FOR BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES (3 Credit Hours) Melalui kursus ini pelajar mendapat kefahaman tentang prinsip asas dalam statistik tingkahlaku bagi statistik deskriptif dan inferensi. Konsep asas seperti skala pengukuran, min, mod, median, kolerasi, perlu dimahiri oleh pelajar. Pelajar juga seharusnya dapat mengenalpasti statistik yang sewajarnya yang patut diguna dalam keadaan tertentu Through this course the student will gain an understanding of the basic principles of statistics in behavioral sciences, both descriptive and inferential statistics. Key concepts such as measurement scale, mean, mode, median, and correlation, must be acquired by the student. The student will also be expected to identify statistics that are appropriate for use in certain situations. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 60%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 40% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/ Main References: Gregory, J. P. (2012). Statistics for the behavioral sciences. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Walsh, Anthony, & Ollenburger, J. C. (2001). Essential Statistic for the Social and Behavioral Sciences. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. PPEC1135 – PENGENALAN KEPADA KAUNSELING PSIKOLOGI (3 Jam Kredit) INTRODUCTION TO COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGY (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan memberikan overview dan penerangan mengenai psikologi kaunseling sebagai profesyen menolong individu, kelompok, dan keluarga menangani masalah yang timbul dari konflik situational dalam kehidupan seharian. Tajuk perbincangan meliputi sejarah perkembangan profesyen, peranan dan fungsi kaunselor, teori dan teknik, proses, penggunaan ujian dan alat pentaksiran dalam kaunseling, setting di mana kaunselor bekerja, dan isu serta etika dalam psikologi kaunseling. This course is designed to give an overview and explanation regarding counseling psychology as a helping profession to aid individuals, groups, and families in resolving problems arising from situational conflicts and daily life. Topics of discussion encompass the history and development of the profession, the role and function of counselors, theories and techniques, processes, use of testing and assessment tools in counseling, setting of the counselor workplace, as well issues and ethics in counseling psychology. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 60%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 40% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Gladding, S. T. (2012). Counseling: A comprehensive profession (Student Value Edition). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Pearson College Division. . Sapora Sipon & Hapsah Md. Yusof (2013). Pengenalan profesion kaunseling (Ed. Ke-2). Nilai: Penerbit USIM. Neukrug, E. (2007). The world of the counselor: An introduction to the counseling profession (3rd. ed). Belmot, CA: Cengage 171 PPEC1136 – KEMAHIRAN KOMPUTER UNTUK KAUNSELOR (3 Jam Kredit) COMPUTER SKILLS FOR COUNSELORS (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan memberi pendedahan asas perkomputeran kepada pelajar supaya mereka lebih celik komputer. Ini akan menjadikan mereka tenaga pekerja masa hadapan yang berkemahiran tinggi dalam bidang kaunseling dan penggunaan teknologi. Melalui kursus ini diharapkan pelajar akan dapat mengenali dan menggunakan program-program yang berkaitan dengan bimbingan dan kaunseling yang terdapat dalam bentuk elektronik dan juga menggunakan bantuan komputer dalam mengendalikan perkhidmatan kaunseling. This course is aimed at giving exposure to the basics of computing to learners so that they become aware of computers. This can make them future employees highly skilled in both counselling and technology use. Through this course it is hoped that students will know and be able to use programs related to guidance and counselling in electronic form and also use the computer in carrying out counseling services. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 80%, : Assignment Ujian Kelas - 20% Test Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu Medium of Instruction : Malay Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Lau, P.L., Aga Mohd Jaladin, R. & Abdullah, H. S. (2013). Understanding the two sides of online counseling and their ethical and legal ramifications. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences,103,1243- 1251. Murugappan,P. (2001). Acess 2000-Tips and Shortcuts. Selangor, Shah Alam: Federal Publications. PPEC2131 – TEORI KAUNSELING (3 Jam Kredit) COUNSELING THEORY (3 Credit Hours) Pra Syarat/Prerequisite requirements: Telah lulus kursus PPEC1101-Pengenalan Kepada Psikologi, PPEC1102-Psikologi Perkembangan, PPEC1104-Psikologi Pembelajaran, PPEC1135-Pengenalan Kepada Kaunseling Psikologi. Passed subject PPEC1101-Introduction to Psychology, PPEC1102-Development Psychology, PPEC1104- Psychology of Learning, PPEC1135- Introduction to Counselling Psychology. Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan memperkenalkan teori-teori kaunseling yang utama agar difahami pelajar dan menjadi asas pengendalian sesi kaunseling. Asas-asas pembentukan sesuatu teori juga akan dibincang Hubungkait antara teori dan teknik juga akan ditinjau. Pada akhir kursus, pelajar diharap dapat membentuk pendekatan kaunseling peribadi melalui integrasi teori-teori yang dipelajari. This course is aimed at introducing the major theories of counselling so that they are understood by the student and become the basis of their counselling sessions. The basis of development of a theory will also be discussed. The relationship between theory and technique will also be explored. At the end of the course the student should be able to develop a personal counselling approach by integrating the theories learned. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 60% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/ Main References: Melati, S., Ida, A. T., Norfaezah, K., Azmawaty, M. N (2014). Teori Kaunseling dan psikoterapi. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Malaya. Corey, G. (2012). Theories and practice of counselling and psychotherapy. California: Wardsworth. 172 PPEC2132 – TEKNIK KAUNSELING (3 Jam Kredit) COUNSELING TECHNIQUE (3 Credit Hours) Pra Syarat/Prerequisite requirements : Telah lulus kursus PPEC2131-Teori Kaunseling/ Passed subject PPEC2131-Counselling Theories Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini memberikan pendedahan tentang sifat-sifat peribadi kaunselor yang berkesan dan proses kaunseling individu. Di samping itu, pelajar akan diberikan pendedahan tentang kemahiran dan teknik yang boleh digunakan dalam sesi kaunseling. Kemahiran yang diajar meliputi kemahiran melayan, mendengar, menstruktur, menyelesaikan masalah dan lain-lain lagi. Beberapa teknik kaunseling berasaskan teori-teori juga akan diajar. This course gives exposure to the individual attributes of an effective counsellor and the individual counseling process. Besides that, the student will be exposed to the skills and techniques that can be used in counselling sessions. Skills taught include attending, listening, structuring, problem solving and others.Several counselling techniques based on theory will also be taught. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 60%, : Assignment Ujian Kelas - 40% Test Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu / Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language / English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References : Okun,B.F. & Kantrowitz, R.E. (2014). Effective Helping: Interviewing and Counselling Technique (2nd Edition). Cengage Learning Okun, B. F. & Kantrowitz, R. E. (2007). Effective Helping: Interviewing and Counseling Techniques. Wadsworth Publishing. PPEC2133 – TEKNIK KAUNSELING LANJUTAN (3 Jam Kredit) ADVANCED COUNSELING TECHNIQUE (3 Credit Hours) Pra Syarat/Prerequisite requirements: Telah lulus kursus PPEC2131-Teori Kaunseling dan PPEC2132-Teknik Kaunseling Passed subject PPEC2131- Counseling Theories and PPEC2132- Counseling Technique Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan untuk melatih pelajar menggabungkan teknik-teknik kaunseling asas yang telah dipelajari melalui kursus PPEC 2132 Teknik Kaunseling seperti kemahiran melayan dan mendengar dengan teori-teori kaunseling di dalam pengendalian sesi yang lebih menyeluruh. Pelajar akan memasuki tahap pengenalpastian masalah dan penyelesaian masalah dengan menggunakan keseluruhan teknik dan kemahiran yang telah dipelajari. This course is designed to train students in integrating basic counselling techniques learnt in PPEC2132. Counseling Techniques such as attending skills and reflective listening will be explored together with relevant theories in implementation of holistic counseling sessions. Students will reach a stage where they can identify problems and their solutions using all the techniques and skills learnt before. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 100% : Assignment Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu / Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language / English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Egan, G (2014) The Skilled Helper. A Problem-Management and Opportunity-Development Approach to Helping (10th Edition). Cengage Learning Inc Hill, C.E. (2014). Helping Skills: Facilitating Exploration, Insight, and Action (4th Edition). American Psychological Association Corey, G. (2005). Theory and Practice & Psychotherapy. Pacitic: Brooks/Cole Pub. Lawrence M. Brammer. (2003). The Helping Relationship, Process and Skills. New Jersey: Pearson Education. Inc. Margaret Hough. (2002). A practical Approach to Counseling. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. 173 PPEC2134 – KEPIMPINAN KELOMPOK (3 Jam Kredit) GROUP LEADERSHIP (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini memperkenalkan pelajar kepada kepimpinan dalam kaunseling kelompok dan teori-teori yang boleh diguna pakai semasa melaksanakannya. Ia bertujuan membimbing pelajar menjadi pemimpin kelompok yang berkesan dan dapat menjalankan kaunseling kelompok. Kursus ini juga akan membekalkan kemahiran pengendalian kelompok serta kaedah campurtangan yang digunakan untuk menangani krisis dalam kelompok. Di samping itu, pelajar akan memahami garispanduan etika semasa melaksanakan kaunseling kelompok. This course introduces the student to leadership in group counseling and the theories that can be applied in its implementation. The course is aimed at guiding the student to assume a leadership role in effective group counseling. This course also imparts the skills of implementing group counseling as well as methods of intervention to overcome crises in groups. Besides that, the student will understand the ethical guidelines in implementing group counseling. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 50%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 50% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Corey, G., Corey, M.S., Callanan, P. & Russell, J.M. (2014) Group Techniques (4th Edition) . Cengage Learning Corey, G. (2007). Theory and practice of group counseling. Pacific Grove, CA: Cengage. Kottler, J. A. (2001). Learning group leadership: An experiential approach. Needham Heights: Allyn Bacon. PPEC2135 – TEORI PERKEMBANGAN AMALAN KERJAYA (3 Jam Kredit) CAREER DEVELOPMENT THEORY AND PRACTICE (3 Credit Hours) Pra Syarat/Prerequisite requirements: Telah lulus kursus PPEC2135-Teori Perkembangan dan Amalan Kerjaya Passed subject PPEC2135- Career Development Theories and Practice Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan untuk mendedahkan pelajar kepada bidang perkembangan vokasional dengan mengkaji teori perkembangan dan amalan kerjaya. Pelajar didedahkan kepada proses perkembangan kerjaya dan teori yang berkaitan. Pelajar juga akan meneliti perkaitan antara teori dengan gaya membuat keputusan kerjaya. The course objective is to expose students to the vocational development field by studying career development theory and practice. Students will be exposed to the career development process and related theory. They will also explore the relationship between theory and style of career decision making. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 60% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu Medium of Instruction : Malay Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Swanson, J.L. & Fouad, N.A. (2014). Career Theory and Practice: Learning Through Case Studies. Sage Publications. Sidek Mohd Noah. (2002). Perkembangan kerjaya: Teori dan Praktis. Serdang: Penerbit UPM Sharf, R.S. (2006). Appying career development theory into counseling. California: Wardsworth. 174 PPEC2136 – KAEDAH PENYELIDIKAN DALAM KAUNSELING (3 Jam Kredit) RESEARCH METHODOLOGY IN COUNSELING (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini dijangka dapat melengkapi pelajar-pelajar dengan asas-asas proses penyelidikan dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penyelidikan. Antara aspek-aspek yang dibincangkan ialah jenis-jenis penyelidikan, proses penyelidikan, faktor-faktor yang menjejaskan kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan penyelidikan, etika penyelidikan, rekabentuk-rekabentuk kajian, kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan penyelidikan, skala pengukuran, pembentukan item soal-selidik dan proses pengumpulan data. This course will equip students with the fundamentals of research processes and give them knowledge about factors that influence research. Among the aspects discussed are the types of research, processes of research, validity and reliability issues, ethics of research, research framework, measurement scales, item development and data collection procedures. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Ujian Kelas - 60% Test Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Tuckman, B. W. (2012). Conducting Educational Research. New York, NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanich, Inc. Babbie, E. (2001). The Practice of Social Research. 9th Edition, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning PAEC2137 – MASYARAKAT, KERJAYA DAN PENDIDIKAN (3 Jam Kredit) SOCIETY, CAREER AND EDUCATION (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini membantu pelajar menghubungkaitkan timbal-balas di antara pendidikan dan kerjaya untuk memenuhi keperluan masyarakat moden. Dengan ini, pelajar dapat memahami pelaksanaan kerjaya dalam masyarakat yang mencirikan teknologi. Kursus ini menggunakan pengetahuan empiris untuk meningkatkan lagi penghayatan konsep sosiologi dan psikologi sosial dan sekaligus mendalami kefahaman pelajar tentang bidang kerjaya dalam kemajuan diri dan masyarakat. This course helps students to relate to the interaction between education and career to fulfil the needs of society. With that students will be able to understand career implementation in a technology oriented society. This curse uses empirical knowledge to increase the appreciation of sociological and social psychological concepts whilst deepening the students understanding of career in development of self and society. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Ujian Kelas - 60% Test Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Lee, K.H., Quek A.H & Chew, S.B (Eds.) (2001) Education & Work: The State of Transition. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.. Malaysia (2006). Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan, 2006- 2010, Kuala Lumpur: Percetakan Nasional. Quek, A.H. (2003) The Social Psychology of Career. Kuala Lumpur : Lingua Publications 175 PPEC3132 – DINAMIK DAN PROSEDUR KELOMPOK (3 Jam Kredit) GROUP DYNAMICS AND PROCEDURE (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan kepada pelajar peranan dan fungsi prosedur kelompok dengan memberikan penekanan kepada elemen-elemen dalam proses dan perkembangan kelompok. Matlamat utama kursus adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan asas kepada pelajar yang boleh digunakan sebagai panduan dalam membina pendekatan sendiri apabila mengendalikan perkhidmatan bimbingan dan kaunseling kelompok atau aktiviti kelompok yang lain. Aspek-aspek yang akan disentuh dalam kursus ini meliputi tajuk-tajuk berikut: Isu dan konsep asas proses kelompok, penubuhan dan perkembangan kelompok, kepimpinan kelompok, keahlian kelompok, pembentukan dan pengasasan kelompok, pengekalan kelompok, penamatan, penilaian dan penyusulan, isu berkaitan etika dan profesional. This course is aimed at introducing students to the roles and functions of group procedures by emphasizing elements and processes in group development. The main objective of the course is to impart basic knowledge to students for use as guidelines in devising their own approach when implementing group counselling or other group activities. Aspects touched upon in this course encompass the following, among others: issues and core concepts of group processes, establishing and developing groups, group leadership, group membership, group initiation, group sustainment, group termination, evaluation and follow-up, as well as ethical and professional issues. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 50%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 50% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Kottler, J. A. & Englar-Carlson, M. (2014). Learning group leadership: An experiential approach (3rd Edition) SAGE Publication Inc. Jacobs, E.E. & Harvill, R.L., & Masson, R.L (2002). Group counselling: Strategies and skills (4th ed.). California: Brooks/ Cole Publishing Co. Ida Hartina Ahmed Tharbe (2006). Memimpin kaunseling kelompok. Kuala Lumpur: PTS Publishing Sdn. Bhd. PPEC3133 – UJIAN DAN PENGUKURAN PSIKOLOGI (3 Jam Kredit) PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING AND MEASUREMENT (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan mendedahkan pelajar kepada pelbagai ujian yang digunakan dalam perkhidmatan psikologi dan kaunseling. Melalui kursus ini, pelajar diharap akand apat membina kemahiran menilai, menganalisis, memarkat, mentadbir, dan mengintepretasi ujian psikologi. Pelajar akan menilai, memeriksa, dan menggunakan ujian atau alat pengukuran aptitude, pencapaian, kecerdasan, personality, minat dan vokasional yang terpilih dan mengaplikasi dalam kaunseling. Isu berhubungan dengan ujian yang akan dibincang termasuk fungsi ujian, isu perundangan, keesahan, kebolehpercayaan, etika dan penggunaan ujian untuk individu, dan pelbagai latar belakang sosial, ekonomi, kebudayaan, dan etnik. The course objective is to expose students to various tests used in psychology and counselling services. Through this course, it is hoped that the student is able to acquire skills in evaluating, analyzing, marking, administering, and interpreting psychology tests. Students will evaluate, examine, and use selected tests or measurement scales of aptitude, achievement, personality, intelligence, interest and vocation for application in counseling. Issues related to the tests will be discussed including the functions of the tests, legal issues, validity and reliability, ethics and use of testing for individuals of varied socioeconomic, cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 60% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Bram, A. D., & Peebles, M. J. (2014). Psychological testing that matters: Creating a road map for effective treatment. APA. 176 Drummond, R. J. (2003). Appraisal procedures for counselors and helping professionals. New York: Merril Prentice Hall Hood, A. B., & Johnson, R. W. (2002). Assessment in counseling: A guide to the use of psychological assessment procedures. California: American Counseling Association Gregory, R. J. (2007). Psychological testing: History, principles, and application. New Jersey: Pearson Watkins, C. E. & Campbell, V. L. (2000). Testing and assessment in counseling practice. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc. PPEC3134 – KAUNSELING SILANG BUDAYA (3 Jam Kredit) CROSSCULTURAL COUNSELING (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini memberi pendekatan kepada kaunseling silang budaya. Pelajar akan diajar tentang teori dan pendekatan tertentu yang boleh digunakan dalam sesi kaunseling kepada individu daripada populasi dan budaya yang pelbagai. Di antara populasi yang akan diberi tumpuan ialah golongan warga tua, janda/duda, penjenayah, penagih dadah, kanak-kanak dll. This course exposes students to aspects of crosscultural counseling. Students will be taught about theories and approaches to be used in counseling sessions involving multicultural populations. Among the populations emphasized are the aged, widows/widowers, criminals, drug addicts, children etc. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 60% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Pedersen, P.B,. Draguns, J.G., Lonner, W.I. & Trimble, J.E. (eds). (2015). Counselling across cultures (6th ed). Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage. Ivey, A. E., Ivey, M. B. (2014). Intentional interviewing and counselling (8th ed.). Singapore: Thomson, Brooks / Cole. PPEC3135 – KAUNSELING VOKASIONAL DAN KERJAYA (3 Jam Kredit) CAREER AND VOCATIONAL COUNSELING (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Melalui kursus ini pelajar mempelajari teknik pengumpulan maklumat dan penggunaannya dalam pengendalian sesi kaunseling vokasional dan kerjaya yang berkesan. Pelajar didedahkan dengan kemahiran untuk memilih struktur kaunseling vokasional dan kerjaya yang bersesuaian dengan keperluan klien. Di samping itu, pelajar akan didedahkan dengan isu-isu pengendalian kaunseling kerjaya bagi kelompok tertentu seperti lelaki dan perempuan, pesara, kurang upaya dan lain-lain Through this course students will learn techniques of data gathering and use of data in carrying out effective vocational and career counseling. They will be exposed to skills for choosing the structure of vocational and career counseling suited to clients’ needs.Students will also be exposed to issues in career counseling implementation for specific groups, for example, males and females, retirees, the disabled and others. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 50%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 50% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu Medium of Instruction : Malay Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Swanson, J. L. & Fouad, N. A. (2014). Career theory and practice: Learning through case studies. London: Sage. Zunker, V. G. (2006). Career counseling: A holistic approach. Belmont, California: Thomson LearningLiptak. J. J. (2001). Treatment planning in career counseling. Stamford, California: Wardsworth.Isaacson, L. E., & Brown, D. (2000). Career information, career counseling, and career development. New Jersey: Boston: Allyn Bacon. 177 PPEC3138 – KAUNSELING KELUARGA (3 Jam Kredit) FAMILY COUNSELING (3 Credit Hours) Pra Syarat/Prerequisite requirements: Telah lulus kursus PPEC2131-Teori Kaunseling, PPEC2132-Teknik Kaunseling, PPEC2133-Teknik Kaunseling Lanjutan Passed subject PPEC2131- Counseling Theories, PPEC2132- Counseling Techniques, PPEC2133- Advanced Counseling Techniques Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini memberi pendedahan kepada pelajar tentang bagaimana mengendalikan kaunseling individu dan kelompok kepada keluarga yang bermasalah. Pelajar juga akan diajar beberapa pendekatan dan teori khusus yang digunakan dalam kaunseling keluarga, di samping teori-teori lain yang bersesuaian. Kemahiran tertentu dan isu-isu semasa keluarga juga akan dibincangkan The course objective is to expose students to methods of implementing individual and group counseling in dysfunctional families. Learners will also be taught several approaches and specific theories used in family counseling as well as related theories. Specific skills and current issues in family counseling will also be discussed Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Ujian Kelas - 60% Test Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Bitter,J. R. (2009). Theory and practice of family therapy and counseling. Belmont, California: Cencage Learning Goldenberg, H., & Goldenberg, I. (2008). Family therapy: An overview. Belmont, California: Cengage Becvar, D. S., & Becvar, R. J. (2006). Family therapy: A systemic integration. Boston, MA : Allyn & Bacon. Hanna, M. S. (2007). The practice of family therapy: Key elements across models. Belmon, CA: Thomson Learning. PPEC3139 – PERKHIDMATAN MAKLUMAT DALAM PERKEMBANGAN DAN KAUNSELING KERJAYA (3 Jam Kredit) INFORMATION SERVICES IN DEVELOPMENT AND CAREER COUNSELING (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan membantu pelajar memahami sumber-sumber dan kegunaan maklumat peribadi, pendidikan kerjaya dalam program perkembangan dan kaunseling kerjaya. Tumpuan akan diberi kepada penelitian mengenai bagaimana program perkembangan kerjaya boleh dibangunkan dan disampaikan untuk memudahkan pemahaman kendiri dan bagaimana pengetahuan mengenai diri boleh digabung dengan maklumat mengenai pekerjaan untuk mempertingkatkan keberkesanan proses pemilihan kerjaya. Akan juga diliputi dalam kursus ini adalah perbincangan mengenai struktur pekerjaan yang terdapat pada hari ini dan trend yang akan mempengaruhi masa akan datang di samping pembentangan mengenai pengkelasan dan penerangan mengenai dunia pekerjaan dan program perkembangan kerjaya seumur hidup. Berbagai pendekatan mengumpul, menyusun, dan mendesiminasi maklumat akan diteliti termasuk system berkomputer. This course will help students to understand sources and use of personal, educational, and career information in development and career counseling programs. Attention will be focused on how career development programs can be developed and presented to facilitate self understanding and how self knowledge can be integrated with information on career to facilitate the process of career decision making. This course will also discuss the structure of career today and trends likely to influence careers in future. It will also touch on career classification, the world of work and lifelong career development. Various approaches in gathering, classifying and disseminating information will be discussed including the use of computer systems. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 60% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Brown, D, (2002). Career information, career counseling, and career development. Boston, MA: Pearson Allyn & Bacon. 178 PPEC3140 – KAUNSELING KETAGIHAN DAN PEMULIHAN (3 Jam Kredit) ADDICTION AND REHABILITATION COUNSELING (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini direka bentuk bagi membolehkan pelajar memahami, mengaplikasi, dan merancang program kaunseling dan pemulihan dadah. Aspek sejarah, falsafah, peranan, fungsi, organisasi, dan perkembangan model-model perkhidmatan kaunseling dan pemulihan dadah akan diteliti. Prinsip asas intervensi dan amalan kaunseling akan dibincang untuk memahami pendekatan kebergantungan fisiologikal dan psikologikal penagihan. Perhatian akan diberi kepada memahami pendekatan terapi masakini serta isu-isu lain yang berkaitan dengan aktiviti pencengahan dan pemulihan dadah. This course is designed to enable students to understand, apply and plan drug addiction and rehabilitation counseling programs. Aspects covered include history, philosophy, role, function, organization and development of models of drug addiction and rehabilitation counseling services. Basic principles of intervention and counseling practice will be discussed in order to understand the physiological and psychological bases of addiction. Attention will be given to current approaches in therapy as well as other relevant issues in drug addiction prevention and rehabilitation Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Ujian Kelas - 60% Test Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: David Capuzi, D & Stauffer, M.D. (2014) Foundations of Addiction Counseling Pearson. Schuckit, M. A. (2001). Drug and alcohol abuse: A clinical guide to diagnosis and treatment. US: Kluwer. Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. Kaunseling Pemulihan Dadah. Kuala Lumpur: DBP Sales, A (2004) Preventing substance abuse: A guide for school counselors. New York: Longmann PPEC3141 – PENGENDALIAN PROGRAM PERKHIDMATAN KAUNSELING (3 Jam Kredit) IMPLEMENTATION OF GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING SERVICE PROGRAMME (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini akan memberikan pelajar pengetahuan serta pengalaman lapangan tentang bagaimana seorang kaunselor merancang program bagi organisasi, khususnya untuk program motivasi latihan dan pengurusan pekerja dalam sesebuah organisasi. Pelajar akan turut dilatih menghasilkan kertas cadangan bagi program yang boleh dikendalikan bagi sesebuah organisasi. This course will give students the knowledge and field experience in how counselors plan programs for organizations, specifically for motivational training and employee management in organizations. Students will be trained in producing proposals for implementation of counseling programs in organizations. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Ujian Kelas - 60% Test Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu Medium of Instruction : Malay Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Myer, J & Herr, E.L. (2011). The Handbook of Counseling. Sage Publications, Inc. Robbins, S.P. (2012). Organizational Behaviour (15th Edition). Prentice Hall, Inc. 179 PPEC3142 – ISU PROFESIONAL DAN ETIKA DALAM KAUNSELING DAN PSIKOLOGI (3 Jam Kredit) ISSUES AND PROFESSIONAL ETHICS IN COUNSELING AND PSYCHOLOGY (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini memberi pendedahan tentang isu semasa yang berkaitan dengan etika dalam profesion kaunseling. Pelajar akan mendapat maklumat tentang beberapa kod etika kaunselor seperti digariskan oleh Persatuan Kaunseling Malaysia (PERKAMA) dan American Counseling Association (ACA). Pelajar juga akan mendapat maklumat untuk memformulasi pendekatan sendiri dengan berpandukan etika bagi menyelesaikan isu-isu asas dan profesional dalam kaunseling. This course exposes students to current issues related to ethics of the counseling profession. Students will get information on codes of ethics as practised by the Malaysian Counselling Association (PERKAMA) and the American Counselling Association (ACA). Students will also be given information so that they can formulate their own approaches guided by ethics to resolve issues in the counseling profession. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 50%, : Assignment Ujian Kelas - 50% Test Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu Medium of Instruction : Malay Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Rafidah Aga Mohd Jaladin & Lau, Poh Li (2013). Isu profesional dan etika dalam kaunseling dan psikoterapi. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Malaya. Corey, G., Corey, M.S., & Callanan, P. (2006) Issues and ethics in the helping professions. California: Wardsworth. Welfel, E. R. (2006). Ethics in counseling and psychotherapy: Standards, research, and emerging issues. California: Wardsworth PPEC3170 – LATIHAN AMALI KAUNSELING (MAKMAL) (3 Jam Kredit) COUNSELING PRACTICUM (3 Credit Hours) Pra Syarat/Prerequisite requirements: Telah lulus kursus PPEC2131-Teori Kaunseling, PPEC2132-Teknik Kaunseling, PPEC2133-Teknik Kaunseling Lanjutan Passed subject PPEC2131- Counseling Theories, PPEC2132- Counseling Techniques, PPEC2133- Advanced Counseling Techniques Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini adalah kursus amali di mana pelajar diperlukan menjalankan kaunseling di bawah penyeliaan pensyarah. Setiap pelajar diperlukan merakamkan sekurang-kurangnya tujuh sesi kaunseling untuk dibawa ke kelas makmal bagi tujuan kritikan dan penyeliaan. Pelajar perlu meneruskan memberi kaunseling kepada klien yang sama sehingga mesalah klien dapat diselesaikan. Pelajar diperlukan menyerahkan satu rakaman sesi setiap dua minggu This is a practical course whereby students are required to implement counseling under the supervision of a lecturer. Each student is required to record at least seven counseling sessions to be brought to the class laboratory for criticism and evaluation. The student is required to continue giving counseling to the client until the client’s problem is resolved. Students are required to hand in a recording of a session every fortnight. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Amali/Lisan - 100% : Oral Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu / Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language / English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Egan, G (2014) The Skilled Helper. A Problem-Management and Opportunity-Development Approach to Helping (10th Edition). Cengage Learning. Berry, C. (2002). Basic Counseling Techniques: A Beginning Therapist’s Toolkit, Illinois: 1st Books Library. 180 PPEC3172 – LATIHAN PROFESIONAL (3 Jam Kredit) PROFESSIONAL COUNSELING PRACTICE (3 Credit Hours) Pra Syarat/ Prerequisite requirements: Telah lulus semua kursus dalam program Sarjana Muda Kaunseling dan tidak boleh diambil bersama lain-lain kursus Pass all subject in Bachelor Of Counseling and tidak boleh diambil bersama lain-lain kursus Sinopsis/Synopsis: Dalam latihan profesional ini pelajar-pelajar akan ditempatkan di pusat-pusat yang memberikan perkhidmatan kaunseling sama ada di pusat pengajian tinggi, di sekolah, pusat kaunseling, politekenik, pusat latihan industri, hospital, jabatan kerajaan atau agensi yang menyediakan perkhidmatan kaunseling. Penempatan ini adalah bertujuan untuk membolehkan pelajar menggunakan pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang telah dipelajari di tempat kerja. Pelajar-pelajar akan diselia oleh pensyarah kaunseling dan/atau kaunselor terlatih di tempat berkenaan. In this professional training course trainees will be placed in centers where they can provide counseling services whether in higher education institutes, schools, counseling centers, polytechnics, industrial training institutes, hospitals, government departments, or agencies offering counseling services. The placement is aimed at giving trainees the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in the actual workplace.Trainees will be supervised by lecturers in counseling and/or trained counselors on site Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Amali/Lisan - 100% : Oral Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Hill, C.E. (2014). Helping Skills: Facilitating Exploration, Insight, and Action (4th Edition).Washington DC: American Psychological Association Boylan, J. & Scott, J. (2014). Practicum and Internship : Textbook and Resource Guide for Counselling and Psychotheraphy (4th. Ed.). New York, NY: Routledge PPEC4101 – PENTAKSIRAN INDIVIDU (3 Jam Kredit) INDIVIDUAL ASSESSMENT (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Pemilihan sesuatu rawatan atau pendekatan sepatutnya perlu selalu berasaskan kepada pentaksiran yang tepat, lengkap dan diaplikasikan dengan bersesuaian ke atas klien. Tujuan kursus ini adalah untuk membiasakan pelajar dengan prinsip dan jenis pentaksiran dan penggunaannya dalam mengdiagnosis, merancang rawatan dan penilaian perkhidmatan. Kursus ini juga akan meneliti pentaksiran untuk populasi khusus, pengaplikasian teknologi dan trend masa hadapan kaedah pentaksiran individu. The choice of therapy or approach should be based on accurate, complete, and appropriate assessment. This course is designed to familiarize students with the principles and types of assessment and their use in diagnosis, planning of therapeutic approaches and evaluation of services. This course will also examine assessment for specific populations, applications of technology in assessment and future trends in individual assessment. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 60% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Jeanneret, R. & Silzer, R. (1998). Individual Psychological Assessment: Predicting Behavior In Organizational Setting, Vol. 8. New York: Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated. Groth-Marnat, G. (2003). Handbook of Psychological Assessment. New York:Wiley, Johnson & Sons, Incorporated. Hood, A. B. & Johnson, R. W. (2002). Assessment in Counseling: A Guide to the Use of Pychological Assessment Procedures. New York: American Counseling Assn. 181 Sidek Mohd Noah (2010). Pengujian dan Penilaian Dalam Kaunseling: Teori dan Aplikasi. Selangor: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia. PPEC4303 – PEMBANGUNAN SUMBER MANUSIA (3 Jam Kredit) HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan kepada pelajar aspek asas bidang Pembangunan Sumber Manusia. Ini termasuklah tinjauan menyeluruh ke atas pembangunan sumber manusia, definisi konsep pembangunan sumber manusia, masa hadapan bidang itu, sejarah, struktur dan bidang program yang diliputi, peranan utama yang dimainkan oleh pengamal pembangunan sumber manusia, setting antarabangsa pembangunan sumber manusia, dan juga bagaimana untuk menyediakan untuk kerjaya dalam bidang pembangunan sumber manusia. Strategi untuk menolong pekerja mencapai kemajuan peribadi dan organisasi optimum seperti strategi pendidikan, pengurusan, interpersonal, psikologi dan lain-lain strategi akan di teliti dalam kursus ini dan berbagai peranan Profesional Sumber Manusia, termasuk peranan sebagai agen perubahan, analisis keperluan, pelatih, dan pemudah akan juga dibincangkan dalam kursus ini. This course is aimed at introducing students to the fundamental aspects of Human Resource Development. This includes a comprehensive overview of human resource development, definition of the concept of human resource development, the future of the field, its history, structure, and relevant program areas, major role played by human resource practitioners, international setting of human resource development and also how to prepare for a career in human resource development and management. Strategies for helping employees achieve optimum personal and organizational development, such as educational strategies, management, interpersonal, psychological, and other strategies will be examined in this course. Various roles of human resource professionals, including their role as agents of change, needs analysts, trainers, and facilitators will also be discussed. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 60% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References Werner, J. M. & DeSimone, R. L. (2005). Human Resource Development. South-Western College Pub.. Gilley, J. W., & Maycunich, A. (2000) Organizational Learning, Performance, and Change: An Introduction to Strategic Human Resource Development. Perseus Publishing Sofo, F., McLagan, P. A., & Watkins, K. E. (2000). Human Resource Development: perspectives, Roles and Practice Choices. Business & Professional Publishing. PPEX4180 – PROJEK ILMIAH (3 Jam Kredit) ACADEMIC PROJECT (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Dalam kursus ini pelajar akan dibimbing untuk menguasai kaedah menjalankan kajian secara ilmiah. Mereka akan memilih satu tajuk penyelidikan yang bersesuaian untuk dilaksanakan dalam tempoh satu semester. Pada akhir kursus ini mereka akan menghasilkan sebuah laporan penyelidikan yang telah dijalankan untuk tujuan penilaian kursus. In this course students will be guided in acquiring skills required for undertaking academic research studies.They will choose a research topic and the study will be completed within one semester. At the end of the course they will produce a research report to be evaluated as the course assessment. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 100% : Assignment Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: McNiff, J. (2004). Action research: Principles and practice. UK: Routledge Babbie, E. (2012). The Practice of Social Research. 9th Edition, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning 182 KURSUS ASAS PSIKOLOGI (MINOR) PSYCHOLOGY BASIC COURSES (MINOR) KURSUS ASAS PSIKOLOGI (MINOR) PSYCHOLOGY BASIC COURSES (MINOR) PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 183 PAEC1301 – PSIKOLOGI SOSIAL (3 Jam Kredit) SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Skop kursus membantu pelajar memahami pembentukan tingkah laku sosial individu dalam konteks sosiobudaya. Dengan ini, pelajar dapat mengaplikasi konsep asas psikologi sosial dalam amalan kaunseling. Pelajar juga boleh menghubungkait peranan kelompok sosial dan agensi sosial dalam pembentukan tingkah laku sosial individu. Ada beberapa isu lain juga dikaitkan dalam perbincangan proses sosial iaitu. impak globalisasi dan ICT dalam konteks sosiobudaya. The scope of the course helps students understand the formation of social behavior of individuals in the sociocultural context. This will enable students to apply core concepts of social psychology in counseling practice. They will be able to relate the role of social groups and social agencies in shaping social behavior of individuals. A few other issues will also be explored in the discussion of social process, among them the impact of globalization and ICT in the sociocultural context. . Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 60% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Hewstone,M, Stroebe,W. & Jonas,K (2012). An Introduction to Social Psychology 5e. Wiley: BPS Blackwell. Malaysia (2006) Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan. Kuala Lumpur:Percetakan Nasional Malaysia Bhd. Kendrick, D.T., Neuberg, S.L. & Caldini, R.B. (2007). Social Psychology-Goals in Interaction Boston: Pearson Education Inc. Quek Ai Hwa (2010) The Social Psychology of Career, Kuala Lumpur: Lingua Publications. PAEC1303 – DISIPLIN, DEVIANS DAN DELINKUENS (3 Jam Kredit) DISCIPLINE, DEVIANCE AND DELINQUENCE (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini membahaskan tentang definisi, faktor dan teori yang menjelaskan salah laku disiplin, devians dan delinkuens, khususnya dalam kalangan remaja. Perspektif biosikososial diutamakan dengan mengambil kira aspek individu dan masyarakat sebagai entiti yang mempunyai ciri-ciri dan keperluan pelbagai serta berhadapan dengan cabaran sejagat dalam melaksana pencegahan dan intervensi berkesan. This course discusses the definitions, factors and theories that explain discipline, deviant and delinquent behaviours especially among youth. The focus is on biopsychososial perspective and taking into account individual and societal as an entity which encompasses varied characteristics and needs apart from having to deal with universal challenges in implementing effective prevention and protection programs. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Ujian Kelas - 60% Test Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Shoemaker, D.J.(2000). Theories of delinquency: An examination of explanations of delinquent behavior. Oxford New York: University Press. 184 PPEC1101 – PENGENALAN KEPADA PSIKOLOGI (3 Jam Kredit) INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini membuat tinjauan tentang psikologi sebagai satu sains tingkahlaku untuk membantu pelajar mengembangkan potensi sebagai seorang warganegara yang dapat memberikan perkhidmatan kepada masyarakat apabila tamat pengajian. Prinsip-prinsip asas psikologi dan teori yang berkaitan akan dibincangkan. Pelajar juga akan berpeluang menjalankan satu kajian mini yang berasaskan prinsip dan teori yang dipelajari This course undertakes a survey of psychology as a behavioral science for helping students develop their potential as citizens who can render service to the community after completing their studies. The basic principles of psychology and related theories will be discussed. Students will also be given opportunities to conduct a mini study based on the principles and theories learned. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 60% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Kalat, J.W. (2013). Introduction to Psychology. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Lahey, B. B. (2001). Psyhology: An introduction. USA: McGraw Hill. Mahmood Nazar Mohamed. (2011). Pengantar psikologi: Satu pengenalan asas kepada jiwa dan tingkahlaku manusia. Kuala Lumpur: DBP. http:www.has.vcu.edu/psy/psy101/forsyth/web.htm PPEC1102 – PSIKOLOGI PERKEMBANGAN (3 Jam Kredit) DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan mengesan beberapa isu penting mengenai psikologi perkembangan semasa hayat dari peringkat persenyawaan hingga remaja. Pertimbangan akan diberi kepada faktor yang memangkin dan menghalang perkembangan normal dari segi fizikal, emosi, sosial, intelektual dan moral. Tumpuan akan juga diberikan kepada perkembangan konsep kendiri, dengan tujuan membantu pelajar menjadi lebih sedar akan diri sendiri, dan hubungan mereka dengan orang lain. Teori mengenai perkembangan kognitif, psikososial, dan moral juga akan dibincangkan. This course is aimed at identifying several important issues related to developmental psychology in life from conception to adolescence. Consideration is given to factors that facilitate or impede normal development from the physical, emotional, social, intellectual and moral aspects. Attention will also be given to development of self-concept, with the aim of helping the student become more of self and relationship with others. Theories related to development of cognitive, psychosocial and moral development will also be discussed. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Ujian Kelas - 60% Test Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Berk, L. (2013). Child Development. Boston: Pearson. Shaffer, D. R. (2013). Developmental Psychology: Childhood and Adolescence. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Shaffer, D. R. (2002). Developmental psychology: Childhood and adolescence. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. 185 PPEC1104 – PSIKOLOGI PEMBELAJARAN (3 Jam Kredit) EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini membincangkan tentang definisi dan sejarah psikologi dan kewujudan tiga perspektif utama iaitu; perspektif behaviorisme, kognitivism, dan konstruktivism. Behaviourism mementingkan rangsangan dan gerak balas yang boleh diperhatikan; kognitivism memberi perhatian kepada proses mental manakala konstruktivism menyarankan bahawa realiti dibina oleh manusia dan tidak wujud daripada benda yang diperhatikan. This course discusses the definitions and history of psychology and the existence of three major perspectives in educational psychology, namely: behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism. Behaviorism emphasizes stimulus and response and can be observed; cognitivism pays attention to mental processes, while constructivism proposes that reality is created by man and does not reside in perceived objects. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 60% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Slavin, R. E. (2014). Educational Psychology, Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon. [LB1051 Sla] Woolfolk, A. E. (2013). Educational Psychology, Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon. [LB1051 Hoy] PPEC2102 – PERKEMBANGAN DI PERINGKAT DEWASA (3 Jam Kredit) DEVELOPMENT IN ADULT STAGE (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan melihat dengan lebih mendalam akan setiap tahap perkembangan dalam kitaran kehidupan manusia. Dalam kursus ini, pelajar akan dibawa meneroka masalah seperti perubahan dalam peranan ibu bapa, perubahan tekanan masyarakat pada orang dewasa, perubahan dalam cara gaya hidup orang dewasa, perubahan peranan lelaki dan perempuan, dan tekanan ke atas kesihatan. Penekanan akan diberi kepada pengenalpastian pola pembelajaran seumur hidup yang membawa kepada kehidupan yang lebih bermakna dan lebih memuaskan. This course is aimed at in-depth examination of all the developmental stages in the human life cycle. In this course, the student will be exploring issues such as change in the role of parents, changes in social pressure on adults, lifestyle changes in adults, changes in gender roles, and threats to health and well-being. Emphasis will be given on identification of the lifelong learning model that can result in a more meaningful and satisfying life. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Ujian Kelas - 60% Test Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Erber, J.T. (2013). Aging and Older Adulthood. NY: Wiley-Blackwell Papalia, D.E., Olds, S.W., & Feldman, R.D. (2011). Human Development (8th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill. PPEC2104 – KESIHATAN MENTAL DAN PENYESUAIAN (3 Jam Kredit) MENTAL HEALTH AND ADJUSTMENT (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan mendedahkan pelajar kepada mekanisme penyesuaian yang manusia gunakan sebagai gerak balas kepada permintaan fizikal, psikologi, dan sosial diri, orang lain dan persekitaran. Perhatian akan diberi kepada mengkaji cara yang manusia lakukan untuk menghadapi atau menangani konflik dan kekecewaan dan penggunaan mekanisme pertahanan diri untuk mengekalkan keseimbangan diri dan proses berterusan di mana indidvidu mengubahsuai 186 tingkahlakunya untuk menghasilkan perhubungan yang lebih seimbang antara dirinya dan persekitaran. Tajuk perbincangan meliputi kesihatan dan kesihatan mental, penyesuaian sebagai proses dan pencapaian, penjagaan kesihatan mental, kekecewaan dan konflik, mekanisme pertahanan diri, teori-teori mengenai salahsuaian, penyesuaian neurotik dan psikotik, kecelaruan personaliti, peranan kaunseling dan psikoterapi dalam memupuk dan mempertingkatkan kesihatan mental. This course will expose students to the adjustment mechanisms used by humans in response to physical, psychological and social demands of the self, others and environment. Focus will be given to studying how humans face conflict and disappointment, mechanisms of self resilience to maintain equilibrium, and ongoing processes that allow the individual to adapt behavior for a balanced relationship between self and environment. Topics to be discussed include physical and mental health, adjustment as process and its achievement, care for mental health, conflict and disappointment, self resilience mechanisms, theories of maladjustment, neurotic and psychotic behavior, personality disorders, as well as the role of counseling and psychotherapy in facilitating and raising the level of mental health.. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 60% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Amber Hague. (2011). Mental health in Malaysia: Issues and concerns. KL: University of Malaya Press. Dunnelly, J. W., Eburne, N., & Kittleson, M. (2010). Mental health: Dimensions of self-esteem and emotional well-being. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon. PPEC2106 – MODIFIKASI TINGKAHLAKU (3 Jam Kredit) BEHAVIOUR MODIFICATION (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan untuk membantu pelajar menguasai prinsip dan konsep modifikasi tingkahlaku yang mereka boleh aplikasi dalam menjalankan tugas sebagai kaunselor. Pelajar akan didedahkan kepada cara-cara membentuk tingkahlaku baru melalui prinsip peneguhan, peragaan dan diskriminasi; cara-cara memantap tingkahlaku baru melalui prinsip pengurangan peneguhan dan peneguhan berkala; cara mengekalkan tingkahlaku yang sudah berasas melalui prinsip substitusi atau penggantian; cara-cara memberhentikan tingkahlaku yang tidak sesuai melalui prinsip pemuakan, penghapusan dan dendaan; dan cara-cara mengubahsuai tingkahlaku emosi melalui prinsip pengelakan dan pengurangan ketakutan. This course is aimed at aiding the student in mastering principles and concepts of behavior modification that they can apply in carrying out their duties as a counselor. Students will be exposed to techniques of behavior modification through reinforcement, counter conditioning and discrimination; ways to consolidate new behaviors through principles such as reduction of reinforcement and intermittent reinforcement; maintaining behaviors through principles of substitution or replacement; ways to stop undesirable behaviors through the satiation principle, extinction and punishment; and ways to change emotional behavior through principles of escape and avoidance conditioning Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 60% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Santrok, J. (2006). Educational psychology. NY: McGraw Hill Raymond G. Miltemberger (2012). Behavior Modification: Principles and procedure. 5th edition Wadsworth, cengage learning. 187 PPEC2301 – MOTIVASI (3 Jam Kredit) MOTIVATION (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini membolehkan pelajar memahami teori motivasi dan menggunakan teori ini dalam kaunseling. Penekanan akan diberi kepada perkaitan antara motivasi dan kepuasan serta prestasi kerja dan mengenalpasti faktor yang mempengaruhi motivasi. Antara tajuk yang akan dibincangkan termasuk motivasi dari segi fizikal, kognitif dan afektif, jenis motivasi, teori motivasi dan strategi untuk memotivasikan klien. This course allows students to understand motivational theory and use the theory in counseling. Focus will be given to the relationship between motivation and satisfaction and work performance and identifying the factors that influence motivation. Among the topics discussed are motivation from the physical, cognitive and affective aspects, types of motivation, theory of motivation and strategies for motivating clients. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Ujian Kelas - 60% Test Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu Medium of Instruction : Malay Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Beck, R. C. (2000). Motivation – Theories & Principles. 4th Ed. London: Prentice Hall. PPEC2303 – PERSONALITI (3 Jam Kredit) PERSONALITY (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini akan memperkenalkan teori utama yang membincangkan personaliti individu dan bagaimana teori boleh berperanan dalam memahami individu. Kursus ini akan membuat tinjauan secara umum tentang perkembangan personaliti dan proses yang berlaku dalam pembentukan personaliti. Dalam setiap teori, pelajar akan didedahkan tentang perkembangan personaliti, dinamik personaliti, dan struktur personaliti. Antara teori yang dipelajari ialah teori psikoanalisis, Carl Jung dan lain-lain. This course will introduce the major theories of individual personality and the role of such theories in understanding the individual. This course will undertake a general survey of personality development and the processes occurring in personilty development. In each theory, students will be exposed to development, dynamics, and structure of personality. Among the theories learned are the theory of psychoanalysis, the theory of Carl Jung and others. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Ujian Kelas - 60% Test Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu / Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language / English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Larsen,R., Buss, D. (2013). Personality Psychology : Domains of Knowledge About Human Nature. NY : Mc Graw – Hill Chamorro – Premuzic, T. (2011). Personality & Individual Differences. NY : Blackwell. 188 PPEC3101 – PSIKOLOGI BILAZIM (3 Jam Kredit) ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan mendedahkan pelajar kepada jenis-jenis kecelaruan psikologikal (psikopatologi) yang sering dialami oleh manusia. Pendekatan integratif kepelbagaian dimensi digunakan dalam membincangkan faktor penyebab kepada setiap kecelaruan. Pelajar juga didedahkan kepada teknik-teknik rawatan yang terkini dan berkesan dalam mengaplikasi setiap jenis kecelaruan This course is aimed at exposing students to various types of psychopathological disorders often suffered by humans. Multidimensional integrative approaches will be used to discuss the causative factors for such disorders. Students will also be introduced to the latest techniques found to be effective in managing these disorders and how to apply them in practice. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 60% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Barlow, D. H., & Durand, V. M. (2013). Abnormal psychology: An integrative approach. Belmont, CA: Wardsworth Nevid, J. S., Rathus, S. A. , & Greene, B. (2013). Abnormal psychology in a changing world. Upper Sadle River, NJ: Prentice Hall Davidson, G. C., & Neale, J. M. (2014). Abnormal psychology. New York: John Wiley. PPEC3102 – TINGKAHLAKU ORGANISASI (3 Jam Kredit) ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini bertujuan untuk membolehkan pelajar memahami tingkahlaku manusia dalam organisasi daripada perspektif psikologi tingkahlaku. Tekanan akan diberi kepada perkembangan semasa yang meliputi soal kelainan tenaga kerja, etika dan pelbagai budaya dan prestasi individu dalam organisasi. Topik yang diliputi termasuk pengurusan kelainan tenaga kerja, prestasi dan penilaian prestasi individu, teori pengurusan organisasi, proses organisasi seperti komunikasi, kepimpinan serta ciri-ciri asas organisasi termasuk pengurusan perubahan organisasi. This course is designed to enable students to understand human behavior in organizations from the perspective of behavioral psychology. Emphasis will be placed on current developments encompassing issues of diversity, ethics, multiculturalism and individual performance in organizations. Topics covered include diversity management, performance and performance evaluation of the individual, organizational management theory, organizational processes such as communication, leadership as well as principles of organization including organizational change management. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 40%, : Assignment Peperiksaan – 60% Examination Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Greenberg, J. (2012). Managing behavior in organization. Upper Sadle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Kinicki, A., & Kreitner, R. (2011). Organizational behavior: Key concepts, skills, and best practices. NY: McGraw Hill. Schermerhorn, J. R. , Hunt, J. G. & Osborn, R. N. (2010). Organizational behavior. NY: John Wiley and Sons. 189 PPEC4301 – TERAPI TINGKAHLAKU EMOTIF RASIONAL (3 Jam Kredit) RATIONAL EMOTIVE BEHAVIOUR THERAPY (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini adalah pengenalan kepada kaedah menggunakan penyelidikan tindakan yang berteraskan kepada konsep penyelesaian masalah. Di akhir kursus ini, pelajar akan dapat membina instrument asas untuk menjalankan penyelidikan dan mengenalpast masalah yang dihadapi dan seterusnya melaksanakan reflektif dan kitaran akan proses penyelidikan tindakan yang dijalankan. This course is an introduction to the concepts and principles of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. Among the topics discussed are the theories and techniques in Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and their applications for effective counseling. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 60%, : Assignment Ujian Kelas - 40% Test Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Corey, G. (2005). Theory And Practice Of Counseling & Psychotherapy. (7th Ed.). Thomson Brooks/Cole. Corey, G. (2005). Case Approach To Counseling and Psychotherapy. (6th Ed.). Thomson/Cole. Dryden, W. (2006). Getting Started With REBT. Routledge. Ellis, A., MacLaren, C. (2005). Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: A Therapist’s Guide, (2nd. Ed.). Impact Publishers PPEC4302 – TERAPI REALITI (3 Jam Kredit) REALITY THERAPY (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Kursus ini memperkenalkan pelajar kepada terapi realiti sebagai salah satu pendekatan yang boleh diamalkan dalam sesi kaunseling. Melalui kursus ini pelajar akan mempelajari semua asas yang diperlukan untuk mengendalikan sesi terapi realiti dengan berkesan. Pelajar akan dibimbing mengendalikan sesi secara praktikal di dalam kelas dan kemudiannya menggunakan pendekatan ini dalam sesi-sesi kendalian mereka sendiri. Secara amnya, kursus ini membentuk kepakaran kaunseling terapi realiti secara lebih spesifik di kalangan pelajar. Through this course the student will be expose to reality therapy technique as an approach to counselling session. Through this course students will learn all the basics that they needed to execute reality therapy effectivelly. Students will be guided to apply the approach in thier own counselling sessions. In general, the course will develop reality therapy counselling expertise in the students. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 60%, : Assignment Ujian Kelas - 40% Test Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Glasser, W. (2000) Reality Therapy In Action. New York, NY: Harper Collins Publishers. Ida Hartina Ahmed Tharbe. (2006). Kelompok terapi realiti. Kuala Lumpur: PTS Professional Publishing Sdn Bhd. 190 PPEC4304 – TERAPI GESTALT (3 Jam Kredit) GESTALT THERAPY (3 Credit Hours) Sinopsis/Synopsis: Terapi Gestalt merupakan salah satu terapi yang digunakan dalam sesi kaunseling. Terdapat beberapa teknik terapi Gestalt, antaranya ialah permainan berdialog, bermain dengan projeksi, tafsiran mimpi dan sebagainya. Antara perkara yang akan diberi penekanan adalah Teori personaliti dan terapi Gestalt, pandangan Gestalt mengenai sifat manusia, konsep-konsep asas Gestalt, Teori dan teknik kaunseling Gestalt. Gestalt therapy is one of the therapies used in counseling sessions. Several techniques are found in Gestalt therapy, among them are dialogue, projection, dream interpretation and so forth. Among the topics emphasized are theory of personality and Gestalt therapy, the Gestalt view of human nature, basic concepts of Gestalt, and Gestalt counseling theory and techniques. Kaedah Penilaian Assessment Method : Kerja Kursus - 60%, : Assignment Ujian Kelas - 40% Test Bahasa Pengantar : Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Medium of Instruction : Malay Language and English Language Rujukan Utama/Main References: Houston, G. (2003). Brief Gestalt Therapy. Sage Publications Ltd. Joyce, P., & Sills, C., (2006). Skills in Gestalt Counselling & Psychotherapy. Sage Publications. Woldt, A. L. & Toman, S. M. (2005). Gestalt Therapy: History, Theory, and Practice. Sage Publications Ltd. 191 UNIT-UNIT KEMUDAHAN FACILITIES PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 192 UNIT - UNIT KEMUDAHAN FACILITIES MAKMAL KOMPUTER / COMPUTER LABS (a) Makmal Komputer 1 dan 2 / Computer Labs 1 & 2 Kemudahan makmal komputer yang terletak di Aras 2, Blok Menara, Fakulti Pendidikan ini menyediakan kemudahan pengajaran serta pembelajaran bagi pelajar-pelajar fakulti. Kemudahan makmal yang lengkap dengan perisian terkini antaranya perisian SPSS, AMOS, NVIVO, MATLAB dan sebagainya bukan hanya boleh digunakan bagi tujuan pengajaran dan pembelajaran, bahkan digunakan bagi tujuan penganjuran seminar dan bengkel. The Computer laboratories located at Level 2, Tower Block, Faculty of Education provide teaching and learning facilities for students. The labs equipped with the latest software such as SPSS, AMOS, NVivo, MATLAB, etc. are utilized not only for the purpose of teaching and learning; but also for the purpose of organizing seminars and workshops. (b) Makmal Komputer 3 / Computer Lab 3 Dengan kemudahan perisian SPSS dan AMOS, makmal komputer yang terletak di Tingkat 1, Blok A ini mampu menampung seramai 30 orang pelajar pada satu-satu masa penggunaan. Dengan kemudahan internet yang berkelajuan tinggi serta makmal komputer yang lengkap, proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran dapat dijalankan dengan lancar. Computer Lab 3, which is located on the 1st Floor, A Block is equipped with SPSS and AMOS software are able to accommodate 30 students at a time. With high-speed internet access and a fully equipped computer laboratories, teaching and learning process can be carried out smoothly. (c) Makmal Komputer 4 / Computer Lab 4 Makmal Komputer 4 terletak di Tingkat 2, Blok C ini dilengkapi dengan kemudahan projektor dan 16 unit Komputer untuk tujuan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Perisian asas seperti Misrosoft Office dan SPSS boleh didapati di makmal ini. Bagi memudahkan proses perbincangan antara pensyarah dan pelajar, sebuah meja bulat juga disediakan di makmal ini. Computer Lab 4 is located at 2nd Floor, C Block and equipped with a projector and 16 computers for the purpose of teaching and learning process. Basic software such as Microsoft Office and SPSS can be found in this laboratory. For the purpose of discussion between lecturers and students, a round table is also available at this lab. MAKMAL MATEMATIK / MATHEMATICS LAB Makmal Matematik, Fakulti Pendidikan, di Tingkat 2, Blok B ini dilengkapi dengan kemudahan projektor dan 10 unit komputer yang terkini untuk tujuan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Ianya menyediakan kemudahan perisian komputer seperti SPSS, SAS, AMOS, G Power, Geogebra, Geometer Sketchpad, Tinkerplots, Scratch dan R studio untuk kegunaan pelajar dalam bidang Pendidikan Matematik. The Mathematics Laboratory, Faculty of Education located at 2nd Floor, Block B is equipped with 10 computers and a projector to date for the purpose of teaching and learning. It provides computer software such as SPSS, SAS, AMOS, G Power, GeoGebra, Geometer Sketchpad, Tinkerplots, Scratch and R studio for student use in the field of Mathematics Education. MAKMAL KAUNSELING / COUNSELING LAB Makmal Kaunseling Fakulti Pendidikan, Universiti Malaya yang terletak di Tingkat 3, Menara Pendidikan menyediakan prasarana yang teraputik dan sesuai untuk tujuan pengajaran dan pembelajaran bagi Program Kaunseling. Ia terdiri daripada 5 Bilik Kaunseling Individu, 2 Bilik Kaunseling Kelompok dan 1 Bilik Sumber. Makmal Kaunseling ini dilengkapi dengan kemudahan rakaman dengan sistem yang terkini bagi memudahkan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Penyediaan makmal kaunseling yang lengkap dan teraputik ini selaras dengan keperluan penawaran program Kaunseling yang berkualiti dan diiktiraf oleh Lembaga Kaunselor Malaysia. 193 The Counseling Lab at the Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, located on the 3rd Floor, Education Tower provides therapeutic and appropriate infrastructure for teaching and learning for Counseling Programs. It consists of 5 Individual Counseling Rooms, 2 Group Counseling Rooms and 1 Resource Centre. Counseling lab is equipped with recording facilities with the latest systems to facilitate the teaching and learning process. A complete laboratory consistent with the requirements counseling programs recognized by the Counselling Board of Malaysia. BILIK CUBE / CUBE ROOM Bilik Cube menyediakan kemudahan untuk pelajar-pelajar beristirehat serta mengulangkaji pelajaran. Dengan kemudahan yang serba lengkap dan boleh memuatkan 40 orang dalam sesuatu masa, bilik ini amat sesuai bagi pelajar dan kakitangan untuk menganjurkan seminar, program, mesyuarat dan pelbagai aktiviti. Bilik ini boleh diakses setiap hari pada 8:00 pagi – 5:00 petang. The Cube Room provides facilities for students to relax and study. With well-equipped facilities and space to accommodate 40 people at a time, this room is ideal for students and staff to organize seminars, courses, meetings and various activities. Access to the room is from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm daily. UNIT PENULISAN ILMIAH / ACADEMIC WRITING UNIT Unit ini terletak di Tingkat 1, Blok C memberi khidmat nasihat penulisan dan pemurnian manuskrip kepada pensyarah dan pelajar pasca-siswazah Fakulti Pendidikan. Buku-buku rujukan dan pelbagai artikel mengenai penulisan dan format “APA style” terdapat di Unit Penulisan Ilmiah. This unit is located on 1st Floor, Block C provides writing advice and editing services to staff and postgraduate students of the Faculty of Education. Reference books and various articles on writing and APA style are available at the Academic Writing Unit. MAKMAL PENGAJARAN MIKRO / MICRO TEACHING LAB Makmal Pengajaran Mikro ini terletak di Tingkat 3, Blok C. Makmal ini dilengkapkan dengan kemudahan projektor serta 10 unit komputer yang terkini bagi tujuan pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Makmal yang boleh memuatkan sehingga 10 orang ini dilengkapi dengan perisian asas komputer serta perisian SPSS. The Micro Teaching Laboratory is located on the 3rd Floor, C Block. This lab is equipped with 10 computers and a projector for the purpose of teaching and learning. This Lab can accommodate up to 10 people and is equipped with basic software and SPSS. PERPUSTAKAAN / LIBRARY Perpustakaan Fakulti Pendidikan diwujudkan adalah bertujuan untuk menyediakan perkhidmatan sumber rujukan yang diperlukan oleh pelajar dan pensyarah bagi tujuan pembelajaran serta rujukan dalam bidang pendidikan. Antaranya bahan penerbitan yang terdapat di Perpustakaan ini ialah buku-buku rujukan, penyelidikan, tesis, jurnal pendidikan tempatan dan antarabangsa, laporan, prosiding persidangan, keratan akhbar, sukatan pelajaran dan sebagainya. The Faculty of Education Library is aimed to provide the necessary resources for students and lecturers for teaching purposes as well as the reference in the field of education. Among them are school text books, research proposals, theses, local and international education journals, reports, conference proceedings, newspaper cuttings, syllabuses and so on. 194 LOKASI BILIK LOCATION OF ROOMS LOKASI BILIK-BILIK LOCATION OF ROOMS PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 PENGHARGAAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS PROGRAM IJAZAH DASAR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES SESI/SESSION 2015/2016 204 PENGHARGAAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Kepada To Profesor Madya Dr. Mariani Md Nor Dekan Dean Ketua-Ketua Jabatan Heads of Departments Pn. Aziah Saad Ketua Penolong Pendaftar Principal Assistant Registrar ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* Profesor Dr. Esther Sarojini Daniel Timbalan Dekan (Ijazah Tinggi) Dr. Adelina Asmawi Timbalan Dekan (Ijazah Dasar) Pn. Anida Kamaludin Penolong Pendaftar (Ijazah Tinggi) Cik Sa’idah Nafisah Mohd Zahari Pegawai Projek (Ijazah Dasar) Jawatankuasa Buku Panduan Ijazah Tinggi 2015/2016 Jawatankuasa Buku Panduan Ijazah Dasar 2015/2016 Dr. Chew Fong Peng Jabatan Pendidikan Bahasa & Literasi Dr. Abdul Muhsien Sulaiman Jabatan Asas Pendidikan dan Kemanusiaan Deputy Dean (Higher Degree) Deputy Dean (Basic Degree) Project Officer (Basic Degree) Assistant Registrar (Higher Degree) The Bachelor Degree Handbook Committee 2015/2016 The Higher Degree Handbook Committee 2015/2016 Department of Language and Literacy Education Department of Educational Foundation and Humanities Dr. Ida Hartina Ahmed Tharbe Jabatan Psikologi Pendidikan & Kaunseling Dr. Dorothy Dewitt Jabatan Kurikulum dan Teknologi Pengajaran Department of Psychology and Counseling Department of Curriculum and Instructional Technology Dr. Norfariza Mohd Radzi Jabatan Pengurusan, Perancangan & Dasar Pendidikan Dr. Noor Aishah Rosli Jabatan Psikologi Pendidikan & Kaunseling Dr. Siti Hajar Halili Jabatan Kurikulum dan Teknologi Pengajaran Dr. Simin Ghavifekr Jabatan Pengurusan, Perancangan & Dasar Pendidikan Department of Psychology and Counseling Department of Management, Planning and Education Policy Department of Management, Planning and Education Policy Department of Curriculum and Instructional Technology Dr. Syed Kamaruzaman Syed Ali Jabatan Pendidikan Matematik & Sains Mr. / En. Mohd Faisal Mohamed Jabatan Asas Pendidikan dan Kemanusiaan Department of Educational Foundation and Humanities Department of Mathematics and Science Education Mr. / En. Norjoharuddeen Mohd Nor Jabatan Pendidikan Matematik & Sains Dr. Zuwati Hasim Jabatan Pendidikan Bahasa & Literasi Department of Mathematics and Science Education Department of Language and Literacy Education Kakitangan Sokongan Kakitangan Sokongan Mdm. / Pn. Siti Nurmaznum Zulkafri Mdm. / Pn. Norkusharina Nasir Support Staff Support Staff ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* dan and Individu-individu yang terlibat secara langsung atau tidak langsung dengan penerbitan Buku Panduan ini. Other individuals involved either directly or indirectly in the publication of this Handbook. Terima Kasih Thank you. 205