Wimbledon School of English - Comitato Genitori Liceo Tasso
Wimbledon School of English - Comitato Genitori Liceo Tasso
Roma, 23 gennaio 2015 Ai rappresentanti di classe Lunedì 2 febbraio 2015, presso il nostro liceo, alle ore 16:00 Presentazione Londra -‐ Estate 2015 Corso intensivo estivo di Inglese e preparazione IELTS (età minima 16 anni) Corso Junior estivo di inglese (per i minori di 16 anni) La sottoscritta, professoressa Anna Ottonello, docente di Inglese, sezioni A e G, propone per l'estate 2015 due programmi di inglese a Londra: > Corso di inglese generale più Ielts della Wimbledon School of English > Corso junior residenziale della Language in Group presso la Roehampton University In allegato: -‐ i preventivi con i dettagli dei servizi; -‐ le brochure delle scuole con i dettagli dei corsi; -‐ la valutazione della Wimbledon School of English ottenuta dopo l'ispezione ISI-‐Independent School Inspectorate. Cordiali saluti, Anna Ottonello Roma, 23 gennaio 2015 PREVENTIVO Corso di inglese di due settimane presso la Wimbledon School of English 19 luglio – 1° agosto 2015 -‐ Gruppo minimo di 12 studenti (dai 16 anni in poi) Corso di General English più Ielts Preparation Totale di 48 lezioni di General English e 8 lezioni di Ielts Preparation Lezioni di 50 minuti ciascuna dal lunedì al venerdì, in classi internazionali (max 14 studenti). Livello minimo richiesto: intermedio per partecipare alla preparazione Ielts. Opzioni alternative per studenti con livello più basso. Alloggio: # In famiglia, camera singola o doppia, pensione completa. 13 notti (da domenica a sabato). Attività culturali e ricreative: # 3-‐4 attività pomeridiane ogni settimana. # 1 escursione di una giornata intera (ad es. Oxford, Cambridge Bath, ...) e 1 escursione di mezza giornata a Londra. Inoltre: # Test di livello, materiale didattico, certificato finale della scuola. # Trasferimento da e per l’aeroporto di Londra # Assicurazione Europ Assistance per spese mediche e bagaglio. Quota: Per un gruppo di almeno 12 studenti 1. General English più Ielts (28 lezioni settimanali) con alloggio in camera singola 2.130 euro a persona 2. General English più Ielts (28 lezioni settimanali) con alloggio in camera doppia 2.070 euro a persona 3. General English (24 lezioni settimanali) con alloggio in camera singola 2.040 euro a persona 4. General English (24 lezioni settimanali) con alloggio in camera doppia 1.980 euro a persona NB La quota potrebbe subire variazioni in relazione al cambio euro sterlina Non compreso nella quota: Viaggio da e per Londra; quanto non espressamente previsto. Prenotazione e anticipo: entro il 2 marzo 2015. Per le modalità vedi le condizioni generali, art. 6. Per maggiori informazioni contattare a scuola la professoressa Anna Ottonello. _____________________________________ Lingue nel Mondo – Corsi di Lingue all’Estero Vicolo della Campana 22 – 00186 Roma Tel 06 3200082 -‐ Fax 06 92912852 -‐ [email protected] www.linguenelmondo.com Partita Iva 07017351003 Lingue nel Mondo 2015 – Wimbledon School of English La Wimbledon School of English è una delle migliori scuole di inglese per stranieri non solo di Londra ma di tutta la Gran Bretagna. Non lo diciamo noi di Lingue nel Mondo ma lo affermano gli ispettori ufficiali che periodicamente visitano le scuole di inglese in tutto il Regno Unito. Infatti la scuola nel 2014 è risultata tra le “top schools”, obiettivo raggiunto da meno dell1% delle quasi 300 scuole ispezionate. http://www.wimbledon-‐school.ac.uk/resources/el_gazette_centres_of_excellence_2014.pdf Al centro dell’elegante quartiere di Wimbledon, a soli 25 minuti di metropolitana da Victoria Station, la Wimbledon School of English combina le mille attrattive di Londra con la calma e la tranquillità di una zona residenziale. Fondata nel 1964, sede ufficiale per gli esami Cambridge, la WSE propone corsi di inglese generale e di inglese specifico, per studenti di tutte le nazionalità che abbiano più di 16 anni di età. Corsi di Inglese Generale Intensivo più Preparazione all’esame Ielts (età minima 16 anni) Il corso di inglese generale della Wimbledon School of English migliora tutte le aree della conoscenza dell’inglese: grammatica, vocabolario, conversazione, comprensione e ascolto. Il corso è di 28 lezioni a settimane. Gli studenti saranno in aula dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 9:15 alle 12:55. E quattro pomeriggi a settimana, dalle 13:55 alle 14:45. Due di questi pomeriggi saranno dedicati all’approfondimento delle tecniche per sostenere l’esame Ielts. Alloggio L’alloggio previsto è in famiglie selezionate dalla scuola, camera singola o doppia, pensione completa. Attività Wimbledon School of English organizza un programma di attività comprese nel prezzo. Il programma include attività sportive e ricreative, proiezione di film in lingua originale, giochi, attività serali. Inoltre, durante il weekend, è prevista un’escursione di una giornata intera. Page 10 EL accreditation news September 2014 Integrating excellence Melanie Butler explains how the Gazette brings together the old and new British Council inspection results to produce its quality rankings Ow can you compare the number of apples scored by one group with the number of pears scored by another, even if the fruit have been handed to both groups by the same teacher? On these pages we have ranked organisations inspected by ~ the British Council under the ~ scheme running until the end ; of 2011 (where a maximum <Q. of approximately ten points of ~ excellence could be awarded) :;. ~ with centres inspected under m the new scheme (where up to ~ fifteen points of strength can be awarded, although most providTOP OF THE CLASS English in Chester has been ranked joint first with nine points of excellence under the old BC inspection regime ers can only score fourteen). The only way to do this is by norm-referencing - in other words, you compare the percenKey tile rankings of centres across * = perfect score the two groups. For example, red = new entry since our September 2013 edition Wimbledon School of English is the only one of the 290 centres so far inspected under the Top-ranked group new regime to have scored all fifteen points, which puts it in 15 strengths (top 0.3%) the top 0.35 per cent. Similarly, Wimbledon School of English* ELC Bristol and English in Chester, the two top schools left under the old system, scored 9 points (top 0.3%) an unbeaten nine points, putEnglish in Chester ting them in the top 0.37 of English Language Centre Bristol the total 540 results recorded at the end of 2011 before the H Second-ranked group 14 strengths (top 0.5%) Beet Language Centre (ALPHA Language Centre)* Lake School of English Oxford Ltd* St Edmund's College, Ware* 8 points Third-ranked group (top 1%) Bell International Cambridge Hilderstone College 7 points Fourth-ranked group 12 strengths (top 1.5%) Excel English Language School Ltd Windermere International Summer School (top 0.5%) D'Overbroeck's College, Oxford Leeds Metropolitan University London School of English Language Specialists International, Portsmouth Sussex Downs College University of Edinburgh 13 strengths system changed. The difference between these three schools is so infinitesimally small that we have placed all three schools in joint top spot. To make it visually clear all the names in the red boxes are schools inspected under the new system, while those in blue boxes were inspected under the old. It could be argued that this is still not fair, as under the new system many centres are not inspected on all fifteen criteria. However, this is a problem in most educational league tables. For example, a university with a medical school will almost always rank higher than one without one because medical research is a category in most rankings. In theory, it should be possible for the Gazette to weight for criteria eligibility, indeed we might well trying doing so in the future, but when we are already comparing two different schemes it is an algorithm too far. Instead, we have marked with asterisks Beet Language Centre, Lake School of English and St Edmund's College, all of whom received a perfect score of fourteen points out of a possible fourteen, as well as Wimbledon School of English with fifteen out of fifteen. • 6 points (top 1.5%) BABSSCO Discovery Summer The English Language Centre, Brighton The English Experience, Norwich Exeter Academy International Language Holidays Melton College Norwich Institute for Language Education (Nile) OISE Bristol Barnet Southgate College St Giles International, Brighton University of Brighton (top 1%) Bell Young Learners Ealing, Hammersmith & West London College South Leicestershire College University of St Mark and St John, Plymouth II strengths EF Bristol Kaplan International English Manchester (top 2.5%) EDUCATIONAL OVERSIGHT INSPECTION OF PRIVATE FURTHER EDUCATION AND ENGLISH LANGUAGE COLLEGES WIMBLEDON SCHOOL OF ENGLISH Wimbledon School of English 2 1. THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SCHOOL 1.1 Wimbledon School of English was established in Wimbledon in 1964, moving to its current premises in 1975 where it occupies two adjoining Edwardian houses. The school also runs and manages the London Exam Centre, a short distance away. The chairwoman, who is also one of the main shareholders, is supported by a principal, academic director and operations director. The school aims to offer students the opportunity to improve their English language skills whilst gaining an insight into British and international cultures. 1.2 The school provides weekly continuous enrolment throughout the year for students aged 16 and over on general English classes and for students aged 18 and over on business English classes. All courses are matched to the Common European Framework Reference (CEFR). A range of examination courses, along with specialist and business English language courses are available. 1.3 At the time of inspection 235 students were enrolled. Ten students were under 18 years of age. Numerous different nationalities are represented, with the majority of students from Japan, South Korea, Italy, Taiwan and Switzerland. The majority of students are female. No students were identified as requiring support for special educational needs or disabilities (SEND). 1.4 The school has four residential homes in the local area and also offers female only accommodation on request. Students under 18 years use home-stay accommodation. Wimbledon School of English 2. 3 THE SUCCESS OF THE COLLEGE 2.(a) Executive Summary 3. 4. 5. Section of the Standards The quality of the curriculum, teaching and learners’ achievement Students’ welfare, including health and safety The effectiveness of governance, leadership and management Grade awarded 1-4 1 Exceeds expectations 1 Exceeds expectations 1 Exceeds expectations 2.1 The quality of the curriculum, teaching and learners’ achievement exceeds expectations. The school very successfully achieves its aim to improve students’ English language skills. The curriculum is very effective in meeting students’ professional and personal requirements and aspirations, and offers clear progression through the broad range of levels offered. Information available to students and agents prior to arrival is clear, accurate and comprehensive. Initial assessment is highly successful at placing students at the correct level. The quality of teaching and learning is excellent and successfully enables all students to make very good progress. Lessons are very well planned, responding to individual and group needs. Teachers use an excellent range of teaching methods which meet the interests of students. Progress is well monitored and students are set appropriate and challenging targets. A very impressive virtual learning environment is used effectively to complement formal teaching sessions and support individual development and attainment. 2.2 Arrangements for welfare, health and safety exceed expectations. The school premises are very good although some classrooms can get overcrowded. Systems and procedures are highly effective in ensuring the wellbeing of students across the school, in residential homes and with host families. Thorough risk assessments are in place and staff are appropriately trained to ensure students remain safe. Relationships are warm and friendly and contribute to excellent student care and welfare. Attendance monitoring is excellent and systems for reporting the absence of tier 4 students are well managed. Safeguarding arrangements are excellent, with a comprehensive policy and clear, well managed procedures. Arrangements for supporting students under 18 years are excellent. 2.3 Leadership and management exceed expectations, with clear leadership provided by the principal. Responsibilities for managing the school are clearly delegated and the directors monitor the school’s quality assurance processes well. Policies and procedures are coherent, well promoted and effective. All legal compliances are in place. Management information systems are secure and contribute to the welfare and safety of students. School self-evaluation is honest and accurate and informs the school development plan. Staff responsibilities are well defined and supported by highly effective communication. High quality staff are appointed and retained and there is a strong commitment to effective continuing professional development. Wimbledon School of English 4 2.(b) Action points (i) Compliance with standards for Private Colleges 2.4 At the time of the inspection, the college met all the key standards for private further education colleges and quality is high. The college exceeds expectations for the quality of education. (ii) Recommendations for further improvement 2.5 The college is advised to make the following improvements: 1. To measure individual student progress to identify the school’s average progression rates. 2. To improve classroom accommodation in order to ensure a comfortable learning environment for all students in warm weather. Learn English in London Wimbledon School of English 50 Years of Excellence Quality Education | Perfect Location A special interest group of English UK Welcome to Wimbledon School of English 2 Welcome to our brochure, which is designed to give you a flavour of the top-quality tuition, excellent facilities and convenient London location you can enjoy if you study at our school. Of course, the best way to experience this is to see for yourself and we hope to welcome you in person very soon. Contents 3 Transport 4 Welcome from the Principal 6 Our School 8 Our Courses 10 Our Approach 12 Examination Courses 14 Resources and Services 16 Accommodation 20 Our Sports and Social Programme 22 Wimbledon - The Perfect London Location What the ISI say about us Students develop excellent skills, knowledge and understanding that are relevant to their language aims and personal aspirations. Wimbledon School of English | London All England Tennis Club Wimbledon Village and Common Post Office G G Library Centre Court Shopping Centre G Wimbledon G School of English King’s Lodge IMAX Cinema G Fitness Centre G Accommodation G G Wimbledon Theatre G Squash and Badminton Centre G Queen’s Lodge Accommodation Wilton Tennis Club G “My English has improved quickly because the teachers are professional, helpful and kind. There are students from all over the world so I also have a chance to practise my communication skills. I think it is the perfect place to stay and study because the school has a lovely atmosphere and is not far from the centre of London.” Rathakorn Polthammaphorn Thailand 3 Destination Wimbledon Wimbledon lies in south-west London and is one of the city’s most popular locations. With excellent transport links, it is easy to reach by train or underground from all of London’s major airports, rail and coach stations. If you let us know your travel plans, we can advise on the best way to get from your airport or station to your accommodation. Alternatively, we can arrange a meet and greet service, where a school representative will meet you at your airport or station and take you to your driver, who will make sure you are safely inside your accommodation before leaving you. Transport Wimbledon (London Transport Network Zone 3) has fast connections to Central London (Zone 1) and a great choice of transport options. The school is only 3 minutes walk from the train and underground station. G Overground train There is a frequent service (16 trains per hour) from Wimbledon Station to Waterloo, with a 15 minute journey time. G Underground train The District Line runs from Wimbledon Station and can take you direct to the museums of South Kensington, Westminster and the Tower of London, as well as linking to the entire underground network. G Night bus This service runs direct from Trafalgar Square to Wimbledon all through the night. G Tram Runs from Wimbledon Station to local areas. G Numerous local buses G Taxis Take a famous London black cab from the taxi rank at Wimbledon Station. Airport Connections London Heathrow 29km 75 minutes By underground train changing at Earls Court London Gatwick 39km 50 minutes By overground train changing at Clapham Junction Luton 97km Stansted 73km Heathrow 29km Eurostar 19km London City LONDON Wimbledon G Gatwick 39km Quality Education | Perfect Location 26km Over 45 Years of Excellence 4 WSE is one of the oldest English language schools in the UK and since its foundation in 1964 it has earned a reputation for quality and excellence. We have been named as one of the top UK Centres of Excellence, according to our British Council Inspection reports. This is an honour of which we are justifiably proud and one that we all work hard to maintain. We believe strongly in the importance of education and have developed a range of courses designed to improve your understanding of the English language and develop your confidence in its use. Our continued success is largely down to the talent of our staff, the dedication they devote to our students and the pride they take in the school. A lot of our staff have been with us for many years and I myself started here as a teacher over 20 years ago! The charming Edwardian façade of our main building hides a busy school with excellent educational and recreational facilities, including a beautiful garden where you can relax between lessons. The London Exam Centre is part of WSE and is a dedicated test site for the Cambridge Examinations, IELTS and PTE Academic. Depending on the time of year, we have between 230 and 380 students, from up to 60 different countries, studying at any one time. This gives a wonderful opportunity to make new friends from around the world, learn about each other’s cultures and, most importantly, speak English together! What the ISI say about us Relationships are warm and friendly and contribute to excellent student care and welfare. Wimbledon School of English | London “The teaching is creative and dynamic, the staff are very dedicated and the school is a wonderful and welcoming place.“ Glacidalva Iolanda Dos Santos Brazil 5 We are serious about study and committed to helping you progress as quickly as possible. Central to this is your happiness and well-being during your stay, and as an independent, family-owned business, we are dedicated to creating a friendly, relaxed atmosphere, whether at the school, in your accommodation, or whilst you are enjoying the busy social programme. Wimbledon has an excellent range of leisure facilities and shopping opportunities within walking distance of the school. With its excellent transport links, it’s also the ideal location to enjoy the benefits of London without the stress of a daily commute to the city centre. I hope you enjoy looking through our brochure and it inspires you to come and study with us. If you need any further information, you can visit our website at www.wimbledon-school.ac.uk, or send us an email at [email protected] What makes us one of the UK’s best schools? G Intensive full-time classes (minimum 20 hours per week) and a serious study programme G A team of experienced and dedicated teachers including several IELTS examiners G A centre for Cambridge, IELTS & PTE examinations G A lovely building with a large, beautiful garden G Top location in one of the best parts of London G Great transport links, only 20 minutes from the centre of London G The e-wimbledon language learning platform G Excellent accommodation situated near the school G Good facilities including free internet access, WiFi and a multi-media study centre G Free sports and social activities…including tennis! G A free placement service for all UK universities G Accredited by the British Council and the ISI. Member of EnglishUK, Business EnglishUK, Quality English, IALC and the English Network G The care and attention of an independent school I look forward to welcoming you very soon. Jane Dancaster Principal & Managing Director Quality Education | Perfect Location Our School 6 Our school is situated right in the centre of Wimbledon in a spacious, typically English Edwardian house, which still has its original antique fireplaces and beautiful stained glass windows. In addition to light, airy spaces for relaxation, we are one of the few London schools with a garden, where you can sit outside and enjoy the changing seasons. WSE has a friendly, relaxed atmosphere, thanks to our attractive premises and the warmth and dedication of our staff. What the ISI say about us Our Facilities We have 25 well-equipped classrooms, 10 of which have interactive whiteboards. If you’d like to do some extra work, there is also a multimedia Study Centre with a manager available every afternoon to help you with your individual study programme. We also have a reading library, with a range of books to suit every taste. There is WiFi access throughout the school and free Internet access from our computers. Your Time Your time outside the classroom can be just as important in developing your language skills as your time spent in lessons, so our large common room is a popular place for students to socialise and relax. There are games, newspapers and magazines, as well as PCs, a TV and DVD player - you can borrow DVDs from our large film library. We also encourage all our students to take part in the many sports and social activities on offer. Refreshments can be bought from our snack-bar, or you can visit one of the many cafés, restaurants, shops and fast-food outlets close to the school. There are many opportunities to socialise and make friends, including comfortable, welcoming and wellresourced social areas. Wimbledon School of English | London “You have really good facilities in school and the common room is great for meeting and making friends. I love the garden - I spent time there in summer, in autumn we had lunch and chatted there and when it was winter I played with my friends in the snow. I think the atmosphere in school is the best in London.” Kim HyungHu South Korea 7 Our Students Our facilities at a glance: In a typical year we will welcome students from over 60 different countries. Our minimum age is 16, though from September to June most students are between 20 and 30 years old. We have no upper age limit and about a quarter of our students are over 30. In July and August there is a larger proportion of older teenagers enjoying summer vacation courses. G 21 classrooms in the main building G 4 classrooms in the annexe (Mansel Road Centre) G Interactive whiteboards in 10 classrooms G Large, light, comfortable common room with TV, DVD, PCs, newspapers, magazines & games G Snack bar G Fully-equipped multimedia Study Centre with a teacher there to help every afternoon G Film library G Reading library G Free WiFi throughout the school G Table tennis G Piano G Large, beautiful garden Our Student Statistics Number of Nationalities per year Over 60 Student Numbers: Average (September-June) 240 students Average (July-August) 360 students Student Ages: Average (September-June) 25 years Average (July-August) 18 years Minimum student age 16 years Age of oldest student to date 80 years Students aged over 30 25% Quality Education | Perfect Location Our Courses 8 Whatever your reasons for learning English, whether for study, business or pleasure, we use the best possible teaching methods to help you develop your language skills and knowledge, enabling you to communicate with confidence in a variety of situations. Your lessons cover all aspects of grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, listening, reading, writing and pronunciation. For further information Our Courses We offer a wide range of courses including: G General English G Examination Preparation G Academic English G Business and Professional English G Courses for Teachers G English for Special Purposes Your Progress We expect our students to attend all their classes, study hard and do regular homework. Your teachers keep a careful check on your progress through: G Weekly tests G Regular individual tutorials G An end of level examination If you pass your end of level examination, you receive a Wimbledon School of English certificate as proof of your achievement and you are then able to progress to the next level. For a full list of our Standard and Intensive Courses, dates, and details of each course programme, including a timetable, please see our Information Booklet or visit www.wimbledon-school.ac.uk Wimbledon School of English | London “My courage and confidence improved a lot as the lessons provided a chance to really USE English instead of just learning it.” Cho-Hsin Tsai Taiwan 11 Teaching Methods Why is WSE the right school for you? Lessons are based on a mix of the latest textbooks and a wide range of supplementary resources. Your lessons cover all aspects of grammar, vocabulary, listening and reading, comprehension, writing and pronunciation. We use the best possible teaching methods to help you build your language skills, ensuring that you can both understand and use the language appropriately. This will allow you to communicate with confidence in a variety of situations, whether you’re studying, working or simply relaxing. G We offer a wide range of courses, whether you are looking to improve your English for study, work or just pleasure G You can study for as long as you want - from one week to a whole year G Choose between Standard or Intensive Courses G We will test your grammar, written and spoken English on your first morning to ensure you are placed in the most appropriate class G Our Academic Managers and teachers will help you choose the best course for you G Regular tutorials with your teacher will help to monitor your progress G Weekly tests and an exam at the end of every level will help you see how you have improved G You will receive a Wimbledon School of English Certificate at the end of your course Your first day itinerary 08.00 Arrive at school, bringing your passport. Receive a WSE Welcome Pack. Take an English grammar, writing and speaking test to assess your current level. Enjoy our welcome talk followed by a tour of the school to meet our staff. 11.15 Your classes begin. 16.00 Meet your fellow students at our welcome drinks party. Quality Education | Perfect Location Resources and Services 14 Beyond the classroom, we have a range of facilities and services designed to help you with your studies before, during and after your stay. It is a complete package of resources to enable you to get the most out of your studies with us and achieve your goals. e-wimbledon e-wimbledon is our online learning platform, which is available to all our full-time students for three months before their course starts and three months after they have completed their course. On e-wimbledon you can: Your e-wimbledon benefits G Get a personalised study plan at any level Get a personalised study plan at any level G Find hundreds of lessons based on English G Find hundreds of lessons based on English language news websites language news websites G Practise for FCE, CAE, CPE or IELTS exams G Practise for FCE, CAE, CPE or IELTS exams G Work with your teacher to focus on weak areas G Work with your teacher to focus on weak You can also: areas G G GContact other students in in thethe school Contact other students school G GLink your account to to your Facebook page Link your account your Facebook page G GFind outout about and book activities onon thethe social Find about and book activities programme social programme G GGet news about what is is going onon in in thethe school Get news about what going school G GUse e-reception to to request holidays, bank oror Use e-reception request holidays, bank What the ISI say about us library letters, etcetc library letters, A valuable online learning resource, ‘e-wimbledon’, encourages and supports students to take responsibility for their own learning. Wimbledon School of English | London “The study centre was a really great way of studying after school.” Barbara Lupacova Czech Republic 15 Study Centre and Student Libraries We have resources for all levels in the Study Centre and libraries, so that you can work on improving your language skills or relax with a good book or film. Our Learning Technology Manager (an experienced teacher) is in the Centre every afternoon to help you design your personalised study plan and use the computers and other materials. Study Centre Facilities 18 computers with special language practice and examination programmes Large bank of past exam papers for IELTS, TOEIC, TOEFL and all Cambridge exams Film library with over 200 DVDs you can take home University Counselling Service Reading library with over 1000 books for all levels We provide a free university and academic counselling and career guidance service: Listening library G Help and advice in course and college selection, from undergraduate/postgraduate programmes, to foundation courses and local evening classes Reference library G Well-stocked library of prospectuses for all UK Universities and Art Colleges, and other materials to help you make your choice Tourist information on London and the UK G Help with all aspects of your application including completing application forms, providing references and preparing for interviews Quality Education | Perfect Location Grammar and pronunciation worksheets Accommodation: Homestay 16 Feeling happy, safe and relaxed in your accommodation is key to your ability to study and your enjoyment of the whole London experience. That is why we have two dedicated accommodation staff who are available to match your requirements with the range of options on offer. Our accommodation is carefully selected and regularly checked to ensure it meets the high standards we expect for our students. All our accommodation features free WiFi internet access, making it cheap and convenient to stay in touch with friends and family back home during your stay. Our accommodation team are available to answer any questions and to quickly address problems, if any arise. School-managed Options G Homestay Standard Standard Plus (private bathroom) Superior (private bathroom and within 25 minutes’ walking distance of the school) Independent (room only and self-catering with full use of kitchen) G Superior House-share Ensuite study-bedrooms, communal kitchen, living room, laundry room, garden and other facilities. G Standard House-share Study-bedrooms (some ensuite), communal kitchen, living room, shower-rooms, garden and other facilities What the ISI say about us Students are very happy with their host families and in the residential houses. The range of accommodation helps students to quickly settle into the school and enables them to practise and improve their English language skills in a relaxed and safe environment. Wimbledon School of English | London Our Sports and Social Programme 20 London is one of the most exciting cities in the world so you will never be bored if you come here. Our sports and social programme is designed to make full use of the recreational and cultural opportunities presented by our London location. Joining the activities will allow you to practise your newly learnt language skills beyond the classroom, in reallife situations, as well as make friends with your fellow students. For further information Our Programme We have a wide and varied range of sports and activities on offer so that you can really make the most of your stay. All sports and activities which take place in the school are free and all sports equipment is provided - you only need to bring the right shoes. We can also arrange tennis and riding lessons on your free afternoons and there is a good golf course on Wimbledon Common. For some excursions you will need to pay travel costs and for others there may also be fees for tickets or entry charges. Free Activities G Monday welcome drinks party G Dance evenings - try Salsa or Zumba! G Party evenings and theme nights (eg Valentines) G International student nights G Film shows G Our student disco at Po Na Na nightclub G Camden and other London markets (travel extra) G Historic pub tour of Wimbledon G Museum and gallery excursions (travel extra) G Wimbledon walks For an up-to-date calendar visit www.wimbledon-school.ac.uk Wimbledon School of English | London “I played squash, badminton and went running. The running club was wonderful and I also enjoyed the International Party! It was fantastic and I will never forget that night. I met a lot of nice people through the school's social activities.” Chang Wook Choi South Korea 21 Activities with a Charge Sports G Varied programme of Friday afternoon trips from Kew Gardens to fun at the Bowling Alley G Full-day excursions to other UK sights and cities such as Stonehenge, Cambridge and Oxford We think sports are a great way of getting together and making new friends. Every week we organise group sports such as: G Evening theatre trips to see the latest musicals G Visits to London’s most popular attractions such as Madame Tussauds and the London Eye G Student club nights at London’s top venues such as Pacha and Ministry of Sound G Tennis What else?! Once a week we take a group to Wilton Tennis Club, weather permitting (not winter). Subject to court availability, you can also play for free on Monday to Thursday afternoons. G Squash G Volleyball G G Basketball Football G Badminton G Nuffield Fitness Centre For a monthly fee you can enjoy a swim, join exercise classes or use the gym. Running Club G G Table Tennis Sample Week Afternoon (16.00) Monday Welcome Drinks Party and Board Games Tuesday Running Club /Volleyball/Walking Tour of London Quiz Night Wednesday Squash & Badminton/Film Club Zumba Party Thursday Football Theatre Trip or Historic Pub Tour Friday Tennis/Trip to Camden Market International Party Night at Pacha Saturday Full-day Excursion to Stonehenge and Bath Sunday Free to explore the delights of London Quality Education | Perfect Location Evening Wimbledon - The Perfect London Location 22 London is one of the world’s most vibrant, exciting cities and from Wimbledon you have the perfect base from which to explore its many delights. Wimbledon itself is famous for much more than tennis and is one of London’s liveliest and most beautiful areas. For further information Wimbledon really has a lot to offer students at our school. On our website www.wimbledon-school.ac.uk. you will find links to several sites that give you more information on Wimbledon. Wimbledon It is a big, busy place (about 90,000 inhabitants) and is one of the wealthiest parts of London with a lot to offer. The school is ideally located in the Town Centre. G Shopping Choose from the famous names in Centre Court Shopping Centre or the more exclusive designer boutiques in Wimbledon Village. G Eating and Drinking For a quick snack or a more leisurely evening out you are spoilt for choice with numerous cafes, bars, lively pubs and restaurants offering food from every corner of the world. G Entertainment Looking for a night out? Catch all the latest movies at the multiplex cinema, enjoy a musical at the large and beautiful traditional Victorian theatre or dance until the early hours at one of Wimbledon’s nightclubs. G Sport and Fitness If you want to keep fit there are several fitness centres with good facilities, tennis courts, horseriding stables, an indoor swimming pool and a golf course on the Common. G Wimbledon Village This historic area is one of London’s gems. Whether you’re walking round admiring the pretty cottages with their flowerfilled gardens, or sitting in a café watching the world go by, it’s a wonderful place to spend time. Wimbledon School of English | London 23 G Wimbledon Common This vast area of parkland, woods and lakes, next to Wimbledon Village, is perfect for horse riding, jogging, picnics, playing a round of golf or simply walking with friends. Wimbledon really is a wonderful location - perfect if you want to enjoy the delights of London but live and study in a safe and pleasant environment. “If you think Wimbledon is just the tennis courts you’ve got it all wrong. You can find everything from Italian restaurants to Buddhist temples. It’s wonderful and surprising!” Chiara Palmeiro Italy London London is one of the most exciting cities in the world and you will never be bored here. It offers a lively mix of historic monuments, fascinating cultural attractions, the latest fashions, exciting modern bars and clubs, music for all tastes, traditional pubs, food from all over the world, theatres showing opera, dance, drama & musicals and all the latest films. London really does have something for everyone. Quality Education | Perfect Location G Culture and History You don’t need to spend a lot of money to enjoy London’s culture – many of our famous art galleries and museums are absolutely free and with over 300 to choose from, you’re sure to find something to interest you. G Shopping After class you can shop until you drop in Oxford Street, Covent Garden or the Kings Road or pop into Harrods for something special. You could also join one of our excursions to Camden Market for something a little bit different. G Parks London is one of the greenest cities in the world, with more than 1,800 parks and open spaces. See wild deer in Richmond Park, play golf on Wimbledon Common or go boating in Hyde Park. G Nightlife and Entertainment From West End musicals to opera and ballet; intimate music venues to giant arenas; small, specialist dance clubs to world famous nightclubs: London draws the best artists from around the globe. If you want to stay out late, the night bus will bring you right back to Wimbledon. Just make sure you’re not late for school the next morning! The famous attractions of Central London are only 20 minutes away by train or underground from Wimbledon Station, which is just 3 minutes’ walk from the school. www.wimbledon-school.ac.uk Our promise G To help you make rapid progress in your English G To help you make the right academic choices for your future G To ensure that you are happy in your accommodation G To help you enjoy your stay and explore London and the rest of England G To make your experience at WSE one of the best times of your life Wimbledon School of English Quality Education | Perfect Location “I have been in other schools around Europe and they’re not the same as Wimbledon School of English. Here you feel really at home because the atmosphere is so warm and kind. The staff and students are like my second family in England.” Pedro Zurita Spain Phone: +44 20 8947 1921 Email: [email protected] +44 20 8944 0275 Fax: 41 Worple Road Wimbledon London SW19 4LZ UK Roma, 23 gennaio 2015 PREVENTIVO Corso di inglese di due settimane presso la University of Roehampton London – Language in Group 19 luglio – 1° agosto 2015 -‐ Gruppo minimo di 10 studenti (dai 13 anni ai 15 anni) Corso Junior Dynamic English Totale di 40 lezioni di General English integrato con attività e la realizzazione di un video Lezioni di 45 minuti ciascuna dal lunedì al venerdì, in classi internazionali (max 15 studenti). Livello minimo richiesto: elementare. Alloggio: # In residenza universtaria, camera singola, pensione completa. 13 notti (da domenica a sabato). Attività culturali e ricreative: # Attività pomeridiane e serali ogni giorno dal lunedì al venerdì (vedi esempio allegato) ogni settimana. # 1 escursione di una giornata intera (ad es. Brighton, Oxford, Bath, ...) e 8 escursioni di mezza giornata a Londra. Inoltre: # Test di livello, materiale didattico, certificato finale della scuola. # Trasferimento da e per l’aeroporto di Londra # Assicurazione Europ Assistance per spese mediche e bagaglio. Quota: Per un gruppo di almeno 10 studenti 2.120 euro a persona NB La quota potrebbe subire variazioni in relazione al cambio euro sterlina Non compreso nella quota: Viaggio da e per Londra; quanto non espressamente previsto. Prenotazione e anticipo: entro il 2 marzo 2015. Per le modalità vedi le condizioni generali, art. 6. Per maggiori informazioni contattare a scuola la professoressa Anna Ottonello. _____________________________________ Lingue nel Mondo – Corsi di Lingue all’Estero Vicolo della Campana 22 – 00186 Roma Tel 06 3200082 -‐ Fax 06 92912852 -‐ [email protected] www.linguenelmondo.com Partita Iva 07017351003 Lingue nel Mondo 2015 Dynamic English @ University of Roehampton 2015 Language in Group nasce dall'alleanza di tre piccole e attivissime scuole: due in Gran Bretagna, a Londra e nelvillaggio diTotnet e una a Dublino- funione diqueste tre realtà ha prodotto un'offerta di corsi di lingue di grande qualità e dall'alto contenuto innovativo. Language in Group London propone da qualche anno un programma Junior nelcampus della Roehampton Unversity, vicino alparco di Richmond. lJn campus in città, ma tranquillo e circondato dal verde, dal quale si possono facilmente raggiungere tutte le principali attrazioni di Londra. Dynamic English (età minima 13 anni) Un corso di 20 lezioni settimanali che migliorerà la conoscenza dell'inglese in modo dinamico, come suggerisce il nome stesso. Dopo le lezioni in classe, ogni settimana gli studenti parteciperanno a 4 escursioni in città, per esplorare Londra e utilizzare praticamente l'inglese, con il compito di realizzare un video della loro esperienza. Alloggio lJalloggio previsto è presso la residenza dell'Università di Roehampton, camera singola, pensione completa. Attività lntenso programma diattività ed escursioni. Attività programmate ognigiorno {vedi allegato}. YOUNG LONDON RESIDENTIAL english and multi-activity learners week 1 Sunday Morning Afternoon Free Day / Arrival / Departure Evening Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Class Class Class Class Class Richmond Park Tour and Hampton Court Activities Southbank Tour Sports Day Hyde Park and Buckingham Palace Evening Activity Themed Disco Sports Day Portobello Market and Notting Hill Evening Workshop Activity Evening Activity Entertainer Kew Gardens Westminster Tour Science Museum Free Day / Arrival / Departure Class Class Class Class Class Evening Workshop Activity Evening Activity Entertainer Evening Activity Themed Disco Saturday Oxford City Visit Evening Activity week 2 Morning Brighton City Visit Evening Activity Afternoon Evening Notes: · Classes include test and orientation on Day 1 as well as end of course report and certificate. · Schedule may be mirrored / We reserve the right to change the programme due to circumstances beyond our control. Email: [email protected] Call: +44 (0)20 7436 8223 Website: www.languageingroup.com/young-learners-LYL L’agenzia Lingue nel Mondo Agenzia di consulenza linguistica specializzata in corsi di lingue all'estero in tutto il mondo. www.linguenelmondo.com Lingue nel Mondo è socio fondatore di IALCA -‐ Associazione Italiana degli Agenti e dei Consulenti Linguistici e fa parte di FELCA -‐ Federation of Education and Language Consultant Association Lingue nel Mondo è Partner Agency di English UK IALC -‐ International Association of Language Centres Quality English ICEF ____________________________________ Lingue nel Mondo – Corsi di Lingue all’Estero Vicolo della Campana 22 – 00186 Roma Tel 06 3200082 -‐ Fax 06 92912852 -‐ [email protected] www.linguenelmondo.com Partita Iva 07017351003 Roma, 23 gennaio 2015 Stage linguistico di due settimane a Londra presso la Wimbledon School of English presso la Language in Group – University of Roehampton -‐ Londra Prenotazione e saldo quota Per bloccare la prenotazione è necessario versare l’intera quota, comprensiva della quota per il volo, entro il 2 marzo 2015, con un bonifico bancario a: Lingue nel Mondo Vicolo della Campana 22 -‐ 00186 Roma Banca Unicredit Agenzia 30089 Via della Scrofa 28 Iban IT 19 G 02008 05259 000021047629 _____________________________________ Lingue nel Mondo – Corsi di Lingue all’Estero Vicolo della Campana 22 – 00186 Roma Tel 06 3200082 -‐ Fax 06 92912852 -‐ [email protected] www.linguenelmondo.com Partita Iva 07017351003 documenti relativi al viaggio. È possibile, a fronte del pagamento di un supplemento, aumentare la durata e la copertura della polizza e stipulare una polizza contro l’annullamento. LINGUE NEL MONDO CONDIZIONI GENERALI 2015 Art.1 ISCRIZIONE Compilare la scheda di iscrizione, firmata sia dallo studente che da uno dei genitori. Insieme con l’iscrizione inviare la fotocopia fronte e retro di un documento valido del genitore che firma l’iscrizione la copia della ricevuta bancaria del bonifico di anticipo. Art.2 LE QUOTE: Le quotazioni per i soggiorni all’estero sono state calcolate secondo il cambio vigente al momento della proposta. Eventuali variazioni del cambio tra euro ed eventuale valuta locale potrebbero portare a variazioni della quota, in negativo o in positivo, da determinare al momento del saldo. Art.3 LE QUOTE COMPRENDONO: Corso di lingua secondo il programma scelto. Soggiorno di 13 giorni con sistemazione in famiglia o in rsidenza econdo il corso scelto: Londra Wimbledon o Londra Roehampton. Trattamento di pensione completa. Attività pomeridiane e serali. Una escursione di una giornata. Trasferimento da/per l’aeroporto di Londra. Assicurazione Viaggi Nostop Gruppi Europ Assistance. Materiale didattico, certificato di fine corso. Art.4 LE QUOTE NON COMPRENDONO: Il viaggio, tasse aeroportuali e quanto espressamente indicato nella “quota comprende”. non Art.5 GRATUITÀ Una gratuità per l’insegnante accompagnatore ogni 10 o 15 studenti partecipanti (secondo l’offerta della scuola). Art.6 PAGAMENTO QUOTA Inviare un anticipo di 500 euro entro il 2 marzo 2015 via bonifico bancario a Lingue nel Mondo - Unicredit agenzia 30089 IBAN IT 19 G 02008 05259 000021047629. Causale: Nome e cognome dello studente, scuola in Italia, corso Inglese, destinazione (ad esempio: Dublino). Inviare la ricevuta via fax 06 92912852 o via mail [email protected] Art.7 DOCUMENTI NECESSARI Per tutti i partecipanti di nazionalità italiana: passaporto individuale o carta d’identità in corso di validità e valida per l’espatrio. Per i partecipanti minori di 14 anni oltre al documento sarà necessaria anche una dichiarazione di accompagnamento rilasciata dalla Questura. I partecipanti di nazionalità non italiana dovranno rivolgersi per tempo al Consolato del Paese di destinazione per accertarsi delle modalità del loro espatrio. Art.8 ASSICURAZIONE Tutti gli studenti di Lingue nel Mondo saranno coperti per la durata del viaggio dalla polizza Europ Assistance Tour Operator, con copertura di spese mediche e copertura bagaglio. Il testo integrale dell’assicurazione è a disposizione del partente ed è consegnato con i Art.9 RECESSO UNILATERALE Prima dell’inizio del corso lo studente può recedere unilateralmente dal contratto a condizione che ne dia comunicazione scritta a Lingue nel Mondo con lettera raccomandata a.r. o con telegramma. In tal caso Lingue nel Mondo tratterrà le seguenti percentuali: • recesso fino a 30 giorni di calendario prima dell’inizio del corso: 40% euro. • recesso da 29 a 18 giorni di calendario prima dell’inizio del corso: 60% della quota di partecipazione. • recesso da 17 a 7 giorni di calendario prima dell’inizio del corso: 80% della quota di partecipazione. • recesso dopo tali termini: 100% della quota di partecipazione. Art.10 CESSIONE DEL CONTRATTO Entro 4 giorni lavorativi prima dell’inizio del corso, lo studente che si trovi nell’impossibilità di usufruire del corso stesso potrà cedere il contratto ad un terzo, a patto che questi soddisfi tutte le condizioni e i requisiti per la fruizione dei servizi oggetto del corso. In tal caso lo studente dovrà darne comunicazione scritta Lingue nel Mondo con raccomandata a.r., indicando le generalità del terzo cessionario. Lo studente e il terzo sono solidalmente obbligati nei confronti dell’organizzatore al pagamento del prezzo e delle spese ulteriori derivanti dalla cessione. Art.11 RECESSO SENZA PENALITÀ Lo studente iscritto ad un corso potrà recedere dal contratto senza pagare penalità nel caso di: • aumento della quota superiore al 10% (ad esclusione della quota relativa al volo) • modifiche del tipo di sistemazione apportate dall’organizzatore dopo la conclusione del contratto e non accettate dallo studente. A tal fine la comunicazione dovrà pervenire a Lingue nel Mondo entro 2 giorni lavorativi dalle ricezione della proposta di modifica. Lingue nel Mondo ha comunque la facoltà di annullare il corso e quindi di recedere dal contratto per cause di forza maggiore.Tutte le somme versate dai partecipanti verranno restituite. Art.12 RESPONSABILITÀ DELL’ORGANIZZATORE L’organizzatore (Lingue nel Mondo) è responsabile dei danni arrecati allo studente per l’inadempimento totale o parziale delle prestazioni contrattualmente dovute, a meno che le mancanze contestate siano imputabili al partecipante stesso o ad avvenimento che l’organizzatore non poteva, con tutta la necessaria diligenza, ragionevolmente prevedere o risolvere. Il risarcimento non può in ogni caso eccedere i limiti previsti dalle leggi e convenzioni internazionali in riferimento alle prestazioni il cui inadempimento ha determinato la responsabilità. L’organizzatore è tenuto ad apprestare rapidamente ogni rimedio utile al soccorso, fermo restando il diritto ad essere risarcito per i danni subiti allorché l’inadempimento è dipeso da fatto del socio medesimo. Lingue nel Mondo agisce unicamente in qualità di intermediario tra gli studenti e le persone,gli enti pubblici e privati erogatori dei servizi. Nessuna responsabilità compete a Lingue nel Mondo per qualsiasi danno potessero subire gli studenti partecipanti o le cose di loro proprietà nelle scuole, presso le famiglie, gli alberghi e tutti i tipi di alloggio previsti, durante tutto il periodo del soggiorno e durante il viaggio. Lo studente ha l’obbligo di rispettare i regolamenti relativi al corso e al soggiorno ed è responsabile in prima persona di danni o pregiudizi causati per sua colpa a Lingue nel Mondo, alle scuole o alle famiglie ospitanti o nei confronti di terzi a cui debba rispondere. Art.13 CAUSE DI FORZA MAGGIORE Scioperi, sospensioni per avverse condizioni atmosferiche, avvenimenti bellici, disordini civili e militari, sommosse, calamità naturali, saccheggi, atti di terrorismo, epidemie costituiscono cause di forza maggiore e non sono imputabili all’organizzatore nel caso impediscano lo svolgimento corretto di uno o più servizi inclusi nei programmi. Lingue nel Mondo non è responsabile del mancato utilizzo dei servizi dei vettori aerei, marittimi e terrestri causati da ritardi e cancellazioni. Art.14 RECLAMI E DENUNCE Lo studente, a pena di decadenza, deve denunciare all’organizzatore per iscritto, sotto forma di reclamo, le difformità e i vizi del programma e le inadempienze nella sua organizzazione o realizzazione, all’atto stesso del loro verificarsi o, se non immediatamente riconoscibili, entro 10 giorni dopo la data prevista per la fine del corso. Qualora i reclami siano presentati dal luogo di effettuazione del corso, l’organizzatore deve prestare al partecipante l’assistenza al fine di ricercare un’equa e pronta soluzione all’inconveniente. Analogamente dovrà provvedere l’organizzatore, anche nel caso di reclamo presentato al termine dei corsi, garantendo in ogni caso una sollecita risposta alle richieste del partecipante. Art.15 FORO COMPETENTE Per ogni controversia dipendente dal presente contratto, sarà competente esclusivamente il Foro di Roma. Firma per presa visione delle condizioni generali. In particolare si dichiara di aver letto e accettato : l’articolo 2 (Le quote) l’articolo 3 (Le quote comprendono) l’articolo 8 (Documenti necessari) l’articolo 9 (L’assicurazione) l’articolo 10 (Recesso unilaterale) FIRMA _____________________________________________________________________________________