A. Linguistics
A. Linguistics
LINGUA A. Linguistics YEAR VIII / 2009 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue Contents I. Theory & Methodology The paradigm shift - from instruction to learning Alina Preda, Adriana Fekete 7 Réalisé et non réalisé dans l’imparfait Sergiu Zagan-Zelter, Diana Zagan-Zelter 15 Teaching Adult Learners – Difficulties and Rewards Kovács Réka 23 Marele dicţionar român-polon ca un “text cultural” Joanna Porawska 33 „Esquemas de rumano. Gramática y usos lingüísticos” la importancia del aprendizaje de la morfología en el proceso de adquisición del rumano por estudiantes extranjeros José Damián González-Barros 45 Cross-Cultural Dimensions of Foreign Language Teaching and Assessment Ioana Nan 51 The StS Project – BUILDING AN E.S.P. CORPUS Adrian Ciupe 57 Self Evaluation As a Metacognitive Strategy in the Context of BEC Higher Ana Maria Pascu 71 Conversation analysis in an oral business communication course Emilia Plăcintar 81 Completing the incomplete Intercultural awareness raising and business discourse Biró Enikő 91 La comunicación publicitaria Timea Tocalachis 103 3 Lingua A. Linguistics The Role of Language in Branding.The Use of Plain Language as a tool for Branding Kelemen Antonia Izabella 111 Exploiting Pictures in Motion Kovács Réka, Gabriela Ioana Mocan 117 II. Varia “Babeș-Bolyai” University at the European Universities Debating Championship Ana Maria Pascu 127 Fifth Corpus Linguistics Conference Adrian Ciupe 128 TBLT 2009 Tasks: Context, Purpose, and Use. Veronica Armașu, Ioana Nan 129 III. Reviews „Marele Dicţionar Român-Polon” în contextul dezbaterilor de lingvistică integrală Mircea Borcilă 133 Dicţionar contextual de termeni traductologici – franceză-română Alexandra Viorica Dulău 137 Mariana Istrate, Numele propriu în textul narativ Denisa Ionescu 4 139 I. Theory & Methodology The paradigm shift - from instruction to learning Alina Preda, Adriana Fekete* D er Begriff integriertes Lernen, im englischen Blended Learning (direkt übersetzt, „gemischtes Lernen”) bezeichnet einen zusätzlichen Teil an dem Lernprozess, wobei Vorteile durch die Verbindung verschiedener Medien und Methoden gesteigert und Nachteile vermindert werden können. Dieses neue Konzept verbindet die Effektivität und Flexibilität der elektronischen Lernformen mit den sozialen Aspekten der Face-to-Face-Kommunikation. Es bezeichnet damit eine Lernform, die eine didaktisch sinnvolle Verknüpfung von „traditionellem Klassenzimmerlernen“ und modernen Formen von E-Learning anstrebt. Besonders wichtig ist es, dass das eine ohne das andere nicht funktioniert - die Präsenzphasen und die online Phasen müssen also optimal aufeinander abgestimmt sein. Die Qualität eines hochwertigen integriertes Lernangebotes kennzeichnet sich durch ein, durch allen Phasen des Lernprozesses gehendes Curriculum, eine Wahl des Mediums, welches die Stärken der jeweiligen Phase voll zur Geltung bringt, ein Programm, das dem Lernenden möglichst viel Freiraum einräumt (Lerntempo, Eingangskanäle, soziale Bindung, Module, usw.) und eine Didaktik, die dem Spaß am Lernen Priorität einräumt. Der zentrale Aspekt des integrierten Lernens ist die Vorbzw. Nachbereitung in Präsenzveranstaltungen. Insbesondere die Nachbereitung sichert somit einen gewissen Lerntransfer, den klassische Präsenzveranstaltungen nicht leisten können. metakognitive Fähigkeiten, Lehrprozessen, Lernprozessen, Mediendidaktik, kooperative Lernformen, E-Learning, integriertes Lernen They say that “variety is the spice of life”, so it should come as no surprise that variety may well be the secret of successful learning. This secret began to unravel on September 11, 1956, on the second day of an MIT symposium, organised by the Special Interest Group in Information Technology. It was there and then that the history of blended learning started being written. As Kai Peters and Mario Weiss (2006) note, it was the first time that “a symposium had been held that drew together a broad range of people” whose interests covered various areas of study, from psychology, philosophy, linguistics, anthropology, to physics, neuroscience, information and * Babeș-Bolyai University Lingua A. Linguistics computer science. Each and every one of these different experts had become aware that only by drawing together these various disciplines could they make progress in their respective fields. Thus, they began the search for “a unified science that would discover the representational and computational capacities of the human mind, and their structural and functional realization in the human brain” (Miller, 2003: 144). Eventually, they succeeded in defining “a new area of cognitive processes, which over time came to be known as cognitive science” (Peters and Weiss, 2006: 79). The term cognitive science was coined by Christopher Longuet-Higgins in 1973, and in the same decade the journal Cognitive Science and the Cognitive Science Society were founded. This rapidly evolving interdisciplinary study aims to establish whether and how intelligence may be modelled computationally, and thus focuses on issues pertaining to learning and development; language acquisition and processing; memory, attention, perception and action. Over the years, cognitive sciences have made it possible to conceive of new ways of structuring information, and have pointed out that the traditional linear approach to information structuring may be replaced by a novel view which opens “new opportunities for mass customisation in learning and communication” (Peters and Weiss, 2006: 79). One of the main advantages of such an approach lies in the fact that it overcomes the frustration one feels when, in an attempt to structure information, one finds that certain items “do not fit into neatly defined categories” and, consequently, cannot be represented into simple hierarchical filing systems (Peters and Weiss, 2006: 79). Peter and Weiss (2006) outline the history of the new approach to information structuring, starting from the 1990s when Yahoo “started with a number of high-level categories” which later expanded, then subcategories were introduced, which, in turn, “spawned more sub-categories” and categorization was replaced by links between data entities “described in terms of properties and classes, and their relations”. Finally, Google “really made it work” since on Google “the search forms the basis for the result, not the other way around” (Peters and Weiss, 2006: 80). These revolutionary ontological structures have been used in innovative e-learning applications with important results, their efficiency being guaranteed by the fact that linear learning engagements and hierarchy-based interfaces are abandoned in favour of “learning interfaces where links, relationships and information bridges predominate”, interfaces that generate “a learning flow which is individualized” (Peters and Weiss, 2006: 81). Employed by companies such as Airbus to help employees prevent back injuries, but also by the European Society of Cardiology, for instance, e-learning was also adopted by various corporations, medical centres, important banks, human resource consulting firms, county councils, adult learning inspectorates and universities, such 8 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue as Ashridge Business School, which, in 2004, launched an on-line MBA module. But, as Andrew Ettinger and Viki Holton (2004: 22) show, due to significant barriers encountered in implementing e-learning, the “initial wild enthusiasm” was later replaced by a more cautious approach, or even by reluctance and rejection. The barriers included the considerable investment and resources required, the cultural change supposed to take place in the case of both trainers and learners, the enormous amount of time needed to develop such a platform, the various technological problems and, last but not least, the loneliness of the e-learners. Here is a systematised chart of the most significant advantages and disadvantages identified by various researchers in the field, such as Kurtus (2004), as well as Ettinger and Holton in light of their 2004 research on the impact of e-learning: ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES potentially efficient training programme controversial topic time-saving for users due to: • on-line guides and book-reviews • overviews of various subjects and skills • links to recommended websites practical difficulties in implementing it: • financial problems • time-related issues • mentality hurdles • staff-training difficulties technology is advancing at high speed technological problems may arise cost-effective training for large groups high development costs (initially) creative ways to motivate learners requires a profound cultural change can cover the basics efficiently not appropriate for all types of training focus on individual learning lack of a supportive environment cannot replace good classroom training and the buzz the ‘where’ and ‘when’ are flexible as the setting is free experienced at the end of a fruitful classroom discusfrom time and place constraints sion allows for an adjustable learning pace does not allow for discussions with peers individualized learning flow loneliness of the e-learner different ways of presenting knowledge can have a negative second-class image Consequently, over time, the term e-learning has fallen into disgrace, being subject to negative interpretations and associated with technical problems, monotony, dullness and boredom. Thus, out of the need to overcome this negative image, blended learning has surfaced as a better approach to the process of teaching and learning. Just like e-learning, blended learning uses interfaces where “the response to questions of preferred learning styles, knowledge levels, job functions and language needs determine the order, style and flow of the learning engagement” (Peters and Weiss, 2006: 81). However, a blended approach implies the use of both classroom 9 Lingua A. Linguistics and e-learning activities, both diagnostic tests interpreted by a tutor, and selfadministered ones, direct guidance as well as on-line coaching. This variation is welcome and highly appreciated by the learners, as it fosters many different but equally efficient ways of accessing knowledge: far from being isolated behind the computer screen, as they are bound to be in a strict e-learning course, learners may thus benefit from the enhanced potential of blended learning approaches, which allow for real interaction, face-to-face communication and socialising as well, in an environment where learning is truly valued. Establishing a common-ground between traditional and e-learning, paving the way from instruction to learning, blended learning gives learners access to the best of both worlds. Thus, as Donald P. Buckley (2002: 29) pointed out, at the beginning of this new millennium, we are in the midst of a profound change, as “our generation has the first opportunity to enable an educational transition from a reliance on metaphors about how people learn to an emphasis on pedagogies founded on an understanding of the cognitive development of learning.” This transition is likely to reach the proportions of a paradigm-shift, according to Barr and Tagg, as the traditional instructional paradigm, which stresses “the delivery of content as the principal product of education”, gives way to the learning paradigm, which emphasises “the need to ensure that the content is being delivered within powerful learning opportunities” (Buckley, 2002: 30). Learning-centered instructional technology in tune with the cognitive development of learning may offer a solution to poor student-learning outcomes. Thus, Buckley (2002: 30) outlines the four essential factors required by such a transition: a learning - centered technology that will lead to the formation of learning-centered communities can only be implemented if transformational faculty development is coupled with institutional change based on efficient coursemanagement systems. According to Buckley (2002: 30-32), “the pedagogical feature set” needed in order to create the desired learning-centered technology includes: • an interactive environment that may prompt the students “to construct knowledge, to learn with understanding” by “exploring and interpreting the content area” • varied information formats that activate different kinds of learning opportunities which, being “enabled by different parts of the brain” prevent the students from perceiving the instructional process as monotonous and make full use of the “sensory-rich nature of instructional technology” • electronic communication that offers opportunities for teamwork and cooperative learning 10 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue • formative assessment, which, whether structured or open-ended, encourages “mindful engagement” by allowing the students to “reflect on their understanding” before tackling new issues, and to develop metacognitive skills • authoring tools, which “promote the construction of knowledge” and allow students to benefit from a wide array of information formats and “associated cognitive styles” • research simulation, essential because “critical inquiry is an acquired skill”, since the part of the brain responsible with the search for alternative evidence and with the insightful interpretation of valuable evidence “may have evolved from perceptual regions of the brain”; therefore, a lot of practice is needed, if the students are to “develop robust epistemological skills earlier in their academic experiences” The need for such a learning-centered technology can be the catalyst for transformational faculty development, which, nevertheless, requires more than the occasional workshop; it requires “recurrent development cycles in which innovative products and pedagogies are fashioned, used and refined” (Buckley 2002: 32). Since faculty communities are made of content experts trained in critical inquiry, these gifted educators still need training in the cognitive development of learning, if they are to succeed in using the new instructional technology. By exploring learningcentered and inquiry-oriented teaching styles, the faculty will find it stimulating to create and promote small projects and technology-assisted student activities that promote student learning with understanding. However, since the focus should be not on technology, but on learning, the goal is finding “the simplest possible entry” into this “technology-assisted world of learning” (Buckley 2002: 33). Given that collections of learning modules are available on-line, the authoring efforts of the faculty can be directed, from the start, towards the development of “pedagogies and activities that exploit the available learning modules” (Buckley 2002: 36). Course management systems offer at least three classes of tools that promote student learning with understanding: • web-based content delivery tools, which “foster the transition from pure lecture to learning activities” such as problem-based and case-based experiences; • communication tools that support team-work, foster cooperative learning and thus allow the faculty members to “step away” form center-stage, and “assume the role of facilitator”; • on-line assessment tools, which, in time, will lead to the development of “routine formative assessment systems”, based on “a web-based homework system”, which allows for accurate assessment of students’ progress and learning needs and 11 Lingua A. Linguistics ensures a “competency-based learning standard” by providing “real-time feedback to students” (Buckley 2002: 36-37). Not surprisingly, the students see technology as a natural part of their learning environment, as they use the Internet not only for leisure and socialization, but for school work and school research as well. The generation gap between students and faculty is probably widened by the fact that the former are more Internet-savvy than the latter. What Diana Oblinger stated in 2003 about North American students is true of our students now: thus, although most students have grown up with technology, lack of hardware resources in universities, old equipment and filtering software limit students’ in-school use of technology. Oblinger (2003: 40-42) summarizes the ten attributes that Jason Frand has identified as characteristic for the current “information-age mindset”: The students • see the computer as an assumed part of life, • consider the Internet as superior to television, • acknowledge that “reality is no longer real”, as digital images can be altered and “an e-mail sent from someone’s address may not have come from that person”; • believe that “doing is more important than knowing”, and thus value results and actions much more than the mere accumulation of facts • prefer a “trial-and-error approach to solving problems” to the traditional “logical, rule-based approach” • see “multitasking” as the natural response to “information overload” • prefer typing to handwriting • think that staying connected is essential, and make sure that they are in touch with their friends, family and peers via cell phones, PDAs and computers (the Internet, e-mail, Yahoo! Messenger, Hotmail MSN, Skype, chat-rooms, blogs, etc.) • tend to manifest “zero tolerance for delays”, having “a strong demand for immediacy” and expecting responses to be quick • find it increasingly difficult to make the distinction between creator/owner and consumer in “a file-sharing cut-and-paste world”, living under the impression that “if something is digital, it is everyone’s property” (Oblinger 2003: 40-42) Consequently, “the new students”, being the product of a technologically imbued environment, require faculty able to deal with their new demands and with their novel needs: The teachers should 12 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue • be able to point out the meaning of “authoring” in cyberspace and the techniques of avoiding plagiarism when doing research on the Internet; • have the ability to use information technology so as to facilitate cooperative learning and encourage students to work collaboratively; • employ varied information formats, making use of web-based contentdelivery tools, a web-based homework system and on-line assessment tools • offer a wider scope of learning situations • use the most appropriate techniques for each type of learning activity • deliver what the students need • gather together all the important topics previously discussed thus creating a virtual knowledge repository • offer students the necessary time to reflect on all the information presented • offer pro-active support to the learners • be aware that, by helping others while sharing experience and knowledge, the students will gain at least as much as they give, enriching the input of innovative ideas and techniques of study, thus significantly increasing learning efficiency, which will ultimately benefit the group as a whole • encourage students to pursue and maintain active membership of discussion forums and on-line groups relevant to their area of study, enabling meetings with likeminded peers, in the classroom and on-line (by written electronic communication – e-mails, or via synchronous communication, in a videoconference or in discussion forums) • be enthusiastic, able to motivate students to start and continue a discussion • use group dynamics appropriately, ensuring the desired learning outcomes • offer face-to-face and on-line training meetings • offer students real-time feedback and • provide links to diagnostics The ever more impressive advances in technology and the “information-age mindset” characteristic of the younger generation, together with recent research in cognitive science pointing towards the efficiency of learning interfaces that generate an individualized learning flow have resulted in a rapid growth of interest in computerassisted learning and teaching. While e-learning as such failed to fulfil the original promise, a more appropriate solution has been found: blended-learning, a learneroriented approach that integrates e-learning strategies within traditional classroom activities, promoting learning with understanding and encouraging studentautonomy. By the end of this century’s second decade, blended learning will, most 13 Lingua A. Linguistics probably, have been accepted by most, if not all of the people closely involved with training, as a powerful learning tool, extremely efficient in knowledge management. References Buckley, D. P. (2002). “In Pursuit of the Learning Paradigm – Coupling Faculty Transformation and Institutional Change”, EDUCAUSE, January/February, Vol. 37, 2002. Available at: http://www.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ erm0202.pdf; Retrieved on 3 September, 2007. Ettinger, A. and V. Holton (2004). “E-Learning – A Challenging Journey Started Research Findings from Ashridge Business School”, The 9th International Telework Workshop, Crete, Greece: 6th – 9th September 2004. Available at: http:// www.ashridge.org.uk. Retrieved on 15 June, 2007. Ettinger, A. and V. Holton (2004). “E-learning: revolutionary or evolutionary?” Available at: http://www.ashridge.org. uk. Retrieved on 15 June, 2007. Miller, G.A. (2003). “The Cognitive Revolution: A Historical Perspective”, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Vol 7 (3), March, 141-144. Oblinger, D. (2003). “Boomers and Gen X-ers Millennials – Understanding the New Students”, EDUCAUSE, July/ August, Vol. 38, 2003. Available at: http://www.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/erm0342.pdf; Retrieved on 4 September, 2007. Peters, K. and M. Weiss (2006). “Understanding Computes: Cognitive Science and Learning”, Convergence, Vol 7 (1), February. Available at http://www.ashridge.org.uk. Retrieved on 14 June, 2007. 14 Réalisé et non réalisé dans l’imparfait Sergiu Zagan-Zelter, Diana Zagan-Zelter* I n this paper, we study to what extent the unaccomplished part of the French ‘imparfait’ can become accomplished and situations when the part that appears to be accomplished (due to inferences), is in fact unaccomplished. We focus on elements such us anaphora, essential properties of the ‘imparfait’ and ellipsis to show that this French tense allows the reference to an internal phase of a situation without providing information about the part that is not described. In this respect, considering the relation ‘passé simple – imparfait’ as a background for our study, we argue that the unaccomplished part of the ‘imparfait’ is in direct relation with the phenomenon of ellipsis. ellipsis, anaphora, aspect, imperfectivity, narration. 1.Introduction Dans ce travail, nous analysons le problème de l’imperfectivité de l’imparfait et la relation qui existe entre “l’incomplet”, “l’inaccompli” ou “l’imperfectif ” et le phénomène de l’ellipse. Dans notre démarche, nous nous appuyons sur les procédés anaphoriques dont on recourt souvent quand on utilise une phrase avec un verbe à l’imparfait, sur la relation étroite entre le passé simple et l’imparfait dans le discours narratif et sur la possibilité de compléter la partie non réalisée de l’imparfait. Dans le chapitre 2, nous montrons qu’il est possible de saisir la totalité en s’appuyant sur une partie et dans le chapitre 3, nous montrons que l’imparfait permet de renvoyer à une partie de la phase interne d’une situation, sans apporter d’information sur la partie qui n’est pas décrite. Le chapitre 6 présente la possibilité que la partie qui n’est pas réalisée devienne réalisable et des situations quand la partie qui semble réalisée soit * Babeș-Bolyai University Lingua A. Linguistics en réalité non réalisée. Avant cela, nous abordons la relation passé simple- imparfait qui est définitoire pour notre étude. 2.Les propriétés essentielles de l’imparfait temporel L’imparfait a la particularité de traduire des actions ou des états passés, sans les enclore dans les limites de leur réalisation, sans les présenter comme ayant eu de commencement ni de fin. (Wagner, 1939 : 320) L’imparfait a été schématisé par Holger Sten (1952) de la manière suivante: ( ) ( ) Ce qu’on observe dans ce schéma est l’absence de la délimitation initiale et finale, le manque de contrainte dans des espaces bien délimités en ce qui concerne la réalisation des actions. L’imparfait temporel (exceptant l’imparfait dans les conditionnelles), a deux propriétés essentielles : la première est son caractère anaphorique (ainsi nommé parce que la référence temporelle de la phrase à l’imparfait est construite par rapport à un autre événement, qu’il s’agit de reconstituer) et la seconde propriété est aspectuelle (l’imparfait semble décrire un événement en train de se produire). Berthonneau et Kleiber (1993) soutiennent la thèse anaphorique et considèrent que l’imparfait, à la différence du passé composé, contient un manque. L’existence d’imparfaits dits narratifs met en discussion le problème de l’imperfectivité de l’imparfait. Ainsi, les événements mentionnés en Le lendemain, Paul téléphonait à Marie sont présentés comme s’étant produits plutôt qu’en train de se produire. Mais dans une phrase comme Quand je suis entré il y a deux minutes, Paul téléphonait à Marie, rien n’indique que Paul ait à l’heure actuelle terminé la conversation au téléphone. La caractérisation de l’imparfait comme un état englobant crée une imperfectivité possible: l’état peut se continuer après la fin de l’événement. La propriété d’imperfectivité peut expliquer la thèse selon laquelle le temps n’avance pas avec l’imparfait. Dans l’exemple: Paul entra. Marie téléphonait. nous notons x < y le fait que x débute avant y et x ⊆ y le fait que début (x) ≥ début (y) et fin (x) ≤ fin (y). Nous comprenons par cela que Marie ne peut pas cesser de téléphoner avant que Paul n’entre. Mais, si nous considérons la situation: Paul téléphona. Marie entrait. et que nous tenions compte de la représentation avec x et y, nous pouvons découvrir une situation assez bizarre: la fin (x) ≤ fin (y) peut signifier que Marie continue à entrer même après que Paul cesse de téléphoner. Une telle possibilité peut être acceptée si nous introduisons en discussion le phénomène de l’ellipse: Marie peut 16 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue être la secrétaire qui entre et sort régulièrement. Par l’imparfait alors, on annonce non seulement une partie d’un événement, mais aussi une partie d’une situation habituelle; à l’aide de l’ellipse, de la partie, on saisit l’habituel, c’est-à-dire la totalité. Un autre aspect que nous voulons soutenir est en opposition avec l’idée selon laquelle le temps n’avance pas avec l’imparfait. Dans l’exemple ci-dessus, le temps avance si on saisit l’événement dans sa totalité ou dans son aspect répétitif. La représentation début (x) ≥ début (y) signifie que Marie entrait toujours, même avant le coup de fil. 3.L’ellipse aspectuelle (le cas de l’imparfait) L’imparfait de rupture apparaît en général après le passé simple et entre ces deux moments c’est l’ellipse explicite qui prédomine: Lorsque le notaire arriva avec M. Geoffrin [...] elle les reçut elle-même et les invita à tout visiter en détail. Un mois plus tard, elle signait le contrat de vente et achetait en même temps une petite maison bourgeoise ( Maupassant 1999 : 292). Paul Imbs (1968) considère que l’action décrite par l’imparfait ne fait plus partie de la narration proprement-dite parce que la trame des événements est finie. Cet imparfait de rupture qui suit à l’ellipse, fonctionne comme une extension de la narration au-delà des événements déjà accomplis. Dans La Pipe en sucre de M. Rolland, Carl Vetters montre qu”il y a une relation entre l’imparfait narratif et l’ellipse narrative: Deux semaines après, on lui coupait les deux jambes, et le deux février suivant, deux chevaux la menèrent au cimétière. (Caudal & Vetters, 2005 : 54). Tout le monde comprend que la personne est morte et est conduite au cimétière pour être enterrée et non pas pour se promener. On peut donner deux autres exemples, de James H. Chase: Le Vautour attend toujours et de Simenon: Tout Simenon: Il grommela, mit le contact et la Morris démarra. Dix minutes plus tard, les deux hommes se trouvaient dans une petite chambre chichement meublée, éclairée par une ampoule poussiéreuse et sans abat-jour qui pendait lamentablement du plafond sale. (Caudal & Vetters, 2005 : 54). Il lui donna le numéro de l’immeuble, endossa son pardessus et quelques instants plus tard, il y avait une silhouette sombre de plus à marcher à pas rapides dans le brouillard. Ce ne fut qu’au coin du boulevard Voltaire qu’il trouva un taxi. Les avenues, autour de l’Etoile, étaient presque désertes. (Caudal & Vetters, 2005 : 54). Dans ces deux exemples d’ellipse, il s’agit d’un trajet pendant lequel il ne se passe rien de significatif. Personne n’est surpris de constater qu’un personnage qui finit par trouver un taxi au boulevard Voltaire se trouve, dans la phrase suivante, déja du côté de la place de l’Etoile. 17 Lingua A. Linguistics Dans le contexte narratif, l’imparfait permet de renvoyer à une partie de la phase interne d’une situation, sans apporter d’information sur la partie qui n’est pas décrite. Caudal et Vetters (2005) ont nommé ce phénomène ellipse aspectuelle. Le contexte narratif ne contredit pas le contenu aspectuel de l’imparfait mais il ajoute l’information aspectuelle qui n’a pa été donné par ce temps. L’imparfait exprime un type particulier du point de vue imperfectif et renvoie à une sous-partie de la phase interne, de sorte que la phase résultante et le changement d’état associé font l’objet d’une ellipse aspectuelle. C’est le contexte qui permet d’inférer que la phase résultante a été atteinte. Voilà un exemple de La nuit du carrefour de Simenon: Quelques instants plus tard, Maigret descendait (e1) l’escalier, traversait (e2) le salon aux meubles disparates, gagnait (e3) la terrasse ruisselante des rayons déjà chauds du soleil. (Caudal&Vetters, 2003: 55) On constate que c’est e2 qui permet d’inférer que e1 a atteint sa borne de droite et qu’une transition a eu lieu. En effet, Maigret ne peut pas être en train de traverser le salon tant qu’il n’est pas arrivé en bas de l’escalier. Or, l’affirmation que Maigret est en train de traverser le salon est prise en charge par le narrateur, même si l’inférence qu’il a effectivement traversé le salon n’est pas explicitée, mais inférée à son tour sur la base de e3. Autrement dit, l’imparfait a sa valeur sécante normale et sature une partie de l’interval (qui ne comprend pas la borne de droite); l’autre partie (avec la borne de droite) n’est pas explicitée par l’imparfait. On pourrait dire qu’elle fait l’objet d’une ellipse narrative et le contexte est celui qui permet d’inférer que la borne de droite a été atteinte. 4.Imparfait au début et à la fin du récit Berthonneau et Kleiber (Berthonneau & Kleiber 1993) considèrent qu’il est difficile de commencer un récit par une phrase à l’imparfait isolée. C’est pour cela qu’une phrase comme Il y avait d’abord ce visage allongé par quelques rides verticales, telles des cicatrices creusées par de lointaines insomnies, un visage mal rasé, travaillé par le temps (Ben Jelloun 1985 : 7) demande le recours à l’aspect anaphorique de l’imparfait, aussi bien qu’une analyse de son aspect elliptique. Le mot d’abord oblige le lecteur d’admettre l’existence d’un personnage dans sa totalité, tout en le forçant de se fixer sur un aspect qui exclut une grande partie du portrait. On trouve l’imparfait au début d’un récit, quand la trame événementielle n’est pas encore mise en place et qu’il s’agit simplement d’indiquer au destinataire qu’il est question de données passées: Il était une fois... . L’imparfait de fin de récit et vu par Paul Imbs (1968) présente les événements comme des moments (nous préférons le terme moments à celui d’états utilisé par Imbs, parce que expliquer l’imparfait de rupture en termes d’état est inexact, - cela reprend la vieille conception de l’imparfait 18 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue duratif) dans lesquels le narrateur voit les héros installés, et caractérise l’atmosphère finale du drame. On peut comparer cet imparfait à la fin du récit avec la dernière image d’un film qui devient une photo fixe et sur laquelle s’affiche le générique, pour que le spectateur éprouve la sensation floue et agréable d’une histoire terminée qui continue à lui faire impression. Le lecteur continue à compléter la dernière “image” du livre avec des choses qui se sont déjà passées, à la différence du lecteur qui lit une première phrase comme Il était une fois et qui doit compléter l’espace libre au fur et à mesure. 5.La relation passé simple – imparfait Dans l’exemple Le 12 septembre 2003, il pleut / il pleuvait à Birmingham, on découvre le fait que le passé simple et l’imparfait sont anaphoriques. Dans cette commune nécessité d’un support temporel, le passé simple marque le point d’incidence au temps du procès pleuvoir (sans pour autant indiquer précisément la localisation temporelle de ce point), alors que l’imparfait ne le marque pas. Dans La nuit vint. M. Marambot se coucha à son heure ordinaire et s’endormit. Il fut réveillé par un bruit singulier. Il s’assit aussitôt dans son lit et écouta. (Labeau 2007 : 29), nos connaissances du monde nous demandent de poser entre l’endormissement et le réveil ultérieur un certain temps. Le passé simple franchit cette ellipse sans le concours d’un circonstant. La sécution s’endormir < être rêveillé demande que ce second procès soit représenté à partir de son point d’incidence au temps. L’imparfait, lui, ne peut franchir cette ellipse par ses propres vertus et exige un adjuvant du type x temps plus tard: La nuit vint. M. Marambot se coucha à son heure ordinaire et s’endormit. Il ? était réveillé / Deux heures plus tard, il était réveillé par un bruit singulier. Il s’assit aussitôt dans son lit et écouta. (Labeau, 2007 : 29) L’explication aspectuelle est qu’à la même demande cotextuelle de représentation du procès à partir de son point d’incidence du fait de la succession, l’imparfait, de par son instruction [ - incidence], répond négativement. 6.La perfectivité / l’imperfectivité de l’imparfait Selon Dospinescu (Dospinescu 2000), tant qu’un autre événement ne vient pas arrêter le cours de l’événement, l’imparfait reste ancré dans le passé par sa partie déjà réalisée et, pour sa partie non réalisée mais réalisable (peut-être), ouvert sur le présent de l’énonciation avec lequel il peut interférer: - Tu fais quoi maintenent? / - Je lis, enfin je lisais. [= je ne lis plus, je réponds à la question mais je peux reprendre ensuite la lecture] (c’est nous qui soulignons). La possibilité que la partie qui n’est pas réalisée devienne réalisable tient d’un contexte plus large: s’il s’agit d’un examen pour 19 Lingua A. Linguistics la préparation duquel un étudiant consacre beaucoup de temps et que la question vienne juste avant le départ vers la faculté (il s’agit de deux collègues qui vont ensemble à la faculté), il est possible que la partie qui manque ne soit jamais réalisable: l’étudiant passe l’examen et suit une carrière dans autre domaine et il ne continue plus la Quand je regardai vers leun magasin, elle traversait la rue. lecture du livre. Mais, si l’étudiant échoue à l’examen, il est possible qu’il reprenne la lecture duNous livre. C’proposons est pour cela que nous possibilités considérons que partie non réalisée est quatre decette schématiser le signifié de l’im une ellipse, dont la récupération tient du contexte. d’établir s’agit d’un procès perçu dans toute sa dimension ou non. Soit A Prenons s’il l’exemple suivant: Quand je regardai vers le magasin, elle traversait la rue. points qui signifient le parcours d’une personne qui traverse une rue. Soit X u Nous proposons quatre possibilités de schématiser le signifié de l’imparfait et d’ établir s’il d’un procès La perçu dans toute sa dimension ou non. Soit B deux milieu des’agit ce parcours. flèche représente le parcours de A laetpersonne, tel qu’i points qui signifient le parcours d’une personne qui traverse une rue. Soit X un point parmilieu celuidequi regarde.La flèche représente le parcours de la personne, tel qu’il est au ce parcours. perçu par celui qui regarde. A A B B a. X b. c. d. Dans la première situation, on peut voir que tout le processus est vu par celui qui regarde. En b., on voit seulement le parcours X – B et on infère que la personne a Dans la première situation, on peut voir que tout le processus est vu pa 20 regarde. En b., on voit seulement le parcours X – B et on infère que la p parcouru la période A – X avant que celui qui regarde ne voie. En c., celui qu même s’il n’a pas vu tout le parcours, infère que la personne va aboutir à B. 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue parcouru la période A – X avant que celui qui regarde ne voie. En c., celui qui regarde, même s’il n’a pas vu tout le parcours, infère que la personne va aboutir à B. En d., on peut repérer la personne au milieu du trajet A – B et d’inférer que la personne a traversé et va traverser la rue. En fait, il se peut que les choses se passent d’une autre manière pour les points b., c. et d. Pour b., la personne peut remplir seulement le segment X – B si elle doit aller de B à X pour récupérer un objet qu’une autre personne a jeté du point B. Ainsi, la personne part de B, arrive à X et retourne à B avec l’objet récupéré. Le segment A – X n’a été jamais parcouru, donc en réalité, traversait [AB] = traversait [AB - AX]. En c., il se peut que la personne qui traverse, se souvienne de quelque chose et retourne. Alors, traversait [AB] signifie traversait [AB - XB]. En d., il est possible qu’une personne soit laissée au milieu de la rue par une voiture et qu’elle monte dans une autre voiture. C’est le cas où la personne ne traverse pas la rue et le trajet pourrait être représenté par traversait [AB] = traversait [ - AB]. 7. Conclusion Dans le chapitre antérieur, nous avons proposé quatre possibilités de schématiser le signifié de l’imparfait et d’établir s’il s’agit d’un procès perçu dans toute sa dimension ou non. Nous avons montré le fait que les inférences n’aident pas toujours à remplir les espaces libres et qu’on peut utiliser un verbe à l’imparfait qui dénote le mouvement pour faire référence à un manque total de mouvement. Avant cette démonstration, nous avons étudié des problèmes comme: les propriétés essentielles de l’imparfait temporel, l’ellipse aspectuelle, l’utilisation de l’imparfait au début et à la fin du récit et bien sûr, la relation parfait simple – imparfait. Bibliografie: Ben Jelloun, T. (1985). L’Enfant de sable. Paris: Seuil. Berthonneau A.-M. & Kleiber G. (1993). « Pour une nouvelle approche de l’imparfait: l’imparfait, un temps anaphorique méronomique », Langages, 112, 55-73. Caudal, P. & Vetters, C. (2005). «Que l’imparfait n’est pas (encore) un prétérit». P. Larrivée & E. Labeau (éds.), « Nouveaux Développements de l’imparfait » - Cahiers Chronos, 14, Amsterdam/Paris/New York : Rodopi, 49-82. Dospinescu, V. (2000). Le Verbe. Iasi: Junimea. Imbs, P. (1968). L’emploi des temps verbaux en français moderne. Essai de grammairedescriptive. Paris: Klincksieck. Jayez, J. et all. (1998). Le temps des événements. Paris: Kimé. Labeau, E. & Larrivée, P. (2005). Nouveaux Développements de l’imparfait. Amsterdam / Paris / New York: Rodopi. 21 Lingua A. Linguistics Labeau, E., Vetters, C. & Caudal, P. (2007). Sémantique et diachronie du système verbal français. Rodopi. Maupassant, G. (1999). Une vie. Paris: Hachette. Sten, H. (1952). Les temps du verbe fini (indicatif) en français moderne. Copenhague: Munksgaard. Sthioul B. (1995). Imparfait et focalisation. Genève: Université de Genève. Touratier, C. (1996). Le système verbal français. Paris: Colin. Wagner, R.-L. (1939). Les phrases hypothètiques commençant par “si” dans la langue française des originès à la fin du xv-ème siècle. Paris: Droz. Wunderli, P. (1980). Du mot au texte. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag. 22 Teaching Adult Learners – Difficulties and Rewards Kovács Réka* D er vorliegende Artikel befasst sich mit Aspekten des Fremdsprachenunterrichts für Erwachsene. Da erwachsene Lerner schon über ein reiches Sprachrepertoire verfügen, können frühere Spracherfahrungen als einträgliche Quellen verwendet werden, die den Lernprozess erleichtern können. Im Sinne des Erwachsenenunterrichts sollte die Aufgabe des Sprachlehrers nicht nur darin bestehen, die Bedürfuisse der Lernenden zu erkennen, sondern auch ihre Lernerwartungen mit den Zielsetzungen des Unterrichts zu verbinden. Im Folgenden werden die Englischkurse für Anfänger im Rahmen des Lingua-Sprachzentrums dargestellt und gleichzeitig Erfolge und Schwierigkeiten sowohl der erwachsenen Lernenden als auch des Lehrers hervorgehoben. Es werden Beispiele geliefert, wie die Lernhindernisse überwunden und die Kursteilnehmer zum erfolgreichen Lernen ermuntert wurden. Erwachsenenunterricht, Bedürfnisse, Zielsetzungen, kommunikative Fähigkeiten, Schreiben, Grammatikunterricht, Hindernisse, Erfolge. Introduction Teaching adult learners can be described as a complex process involving the intricate, mutually complementary and many-sided relationship between the learners and the teacher. At the same time, it can be considered a lucrative field with rewards accompanied by frustrations that would have either positive or negative impact on the classroom actors. Teaching adults requires not only the sound knowledge of management skills and teaching techniques, but also a certain degree of flexibility, sensitiveness and empathy towards adult learners and the language itself. In such an interdependent environment, an effective teaching-learning process could come into being, provided the instructor is able to find equilibrium between the sides and manages to combine the above practices for the common goal of both learners and the teacher. That is why questions like “How can adult learners be taught effectively?”, “How can they be led once again into the world of learning?”, “How can their language * Babeș-Bolyai University Lingua A. Linguistics awareness be raised?”, “How can adults be motivated, encouraged, evaluated and even monitored?” or “How can the needs of adults be identified and their expectations met during the classroom activities?” sound familiar to and should be a subject of concern for every language teacher engaged and interested in adult teaching. This is but a short list of challenges and dilemmas regarding the feelings of teachers involved in teaching adult learners. However, the course instructors’ uncertainty, doubts and anxiety about the learning-teaching process can even triple once he or she is confronted with further issues of great significance, such as gaining the sympathy of the students, preparing the lessons, highlighting the language, selecting the materials or, last but not least, the impact of the topics on the adult learners and on their feelings. “Will they like me?” “Do the subjects relate to their interest and speak to them evoking an immediate response?” “Can the issues lead to a personal reaction?” These are a few of the many concerns and problems teachers would face. Besides the above-mentioned obstacles, language teachers can often experience other difficulties, mainly when teaching foreign languages to adult learners at beginner level. Since these students have no command of the foreign language and yet they are endowed with communicative competencies, having a particular language background and possessing a well-formed “world awareness”, the teacher’s job and responsibilities towards both the students and the language are much more complicated and varied. Needs assessment In order to avoid any potential pitfalls or to prevent any problems from occurring, language teachers have to be fully aware of the different needs adult learners may have. For achieving this, teachers have to establish connections between the needs and aspirations of the students and the objectives of the course with the aim of providing not only a pleasant and enjoyable class atmosphere but also a useful, interactive learning-teaching medium. Thus, in order to respond positively to the adult learners’ expectations, the first step to be taken – both by the teacher and the teaching establishment – is to recognise and identify the needs of adult students. Since many of the learners have only a vague idea of the objectives they would like to achieve by learning a foreign language, it is vital for them to form an idea about the language course and the teaching establishment. It is therefore of utmost importance for the future learners to try and specify their objectives concerning the studied language and furthermore to match these objectives to those of the teacher, language course or teaching institute. In this first stage of 24 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue looking for and recognising the own objectives, the students may also learn about their personality, thereby becoming aware of certain characteristics of it. Knowledge of their own identity may play an important role in determining their behaviour and attitude towards the teaching-learning process, as well as in their selection of learning methods. When realising these objectives, the students should also ask themselves about the areas where they wish to use the foreign language or about the skills they intend to acquire. Following the specification of the learning objectives, assessment should occupy a major position and should be integrated in the learning material. In this way, students will have the opportunity to check and evaluate their adopted strategies, as well as the application of these techniques. Assessing the progress, comparing the newly acquired knowledge to the previous one and receiving constant motivation from the instructor would encourage the learners, leading them to success. Nevertheless, during the course, the objectives of the adult students may change and at the same time alterations may take place in their identity. Therefore, the aforementioned factors might have a decisive part in the continuation of the course. The more clearly the objectives are defined and the more effectively the teaching/learning strategies are implemented, the better chances the students have to acquire the foreign language. In addition to the identification of the students’ expectations, it is also extremely useful, and even advisable, for a teaching establishment to improve its knowledge of the future learners. Tailoring the needs of the learners to those of the teaching institute would prove to be the source of a fruitful collaboration in the long run. That is why, in order to satisfy the changing needs of the students, teaching establishments and staff should also be characterised by a high degree of adaptability and flexibility offering onward consultancy or advisory service in order to better meet the demands of all parties (Richterich, Chancerel 1980: 17-42). Teaching a foreign language to adult learners at beginner level means the consideration and application of a wide range of new classroom approaches and techniques. However, a course instructor may rightfully ask these questions: “Do the students already have some previous knowledge in the foreign language?” or “Can the students’ knowledge of their mother tongue be exploited in a way to enhance success?” Owing to the fact that adult students have already a certain level of fluency in more than one language and that they regularly use it in everyday life with some degree of self-confidence, they are able to constantly grasp at their invaluable linguistic resources taking full advantage of them for their own benefit. Thanks to the already existing linguistic resources and language skills, students can speed up the process of learning the foreign language. Apart from that, learners’ anxiety may be reduced, confidence and motivation may be added to the class activities, and thus students can 25 Lingua A. Linguistics be helped to contribute to the lesson in a variety of ways, depending on their previous language experience. As long as the learners’ linguistic resources are utilised, many difficulties might be overcome, while problems and misunderstandings might be solved. Because the above resources may be well exploited by both the teacher and the students, the different aspects of language learning like the teaching of vocabulary, pronunciation, comprehension, grammar and writing, to name but a few, may be facilitated, thus providing the learners with sufficient exposure to new language items. Alternatively, students may be encouraged to develop their ability to relate to topics, to predict, deduce and infer, compare and get meaning from contexts or give meaning to situations. In a nutshell, the personal contribution to the class would definitively arouse the learners’ interest, curiosity and motivation towards the foreign language (Nicholls, Hoadley-Maidment 1988: 80-85). In addition to these resources, the students’ mother tongue and cultural heritage could turn out to be generous aids in understanding and identifying the language difficulties students may face. Being aware that a person’s way of thinking and feeling is rooted in their mother tongue could help the teacher not only in error correction but also in understanding the communication difficulties students might undergo. It is common knowledge that, at the initial stages of learning a foreign language, the students’ repertoire is limited to those few utterances already learned and that they must constantly think in their mother tongue before or while speaking. Even – when having a simple conversation – learners become aware of what they actually mean only after delivering the message. Therefore, in order to understand essential information or to structure their ideas, students may often need to think in or use their mother tongue; moreover, in certain cases, they would also need explanations in their native language. In this sense, teachers will manage to better monitor the process of referring back to mother tongue equivalents and supervise the way students would sort out their ideas and apply learning strategies of their own (Nicholls, HoadleyMaidment 1988: 97-103). As opposed to the previous idea, according to which adult students could benefit from their linguistic repertoire, it should also be noted that adult learners’ experience could be a drawback as well, a hindering factor in the learning process. Indeed, adult learners’ past experiences could play an important role in their learning activity, but at the same time they could have a negative impact on the learning techniques and strategies adults would implement. To put it simply, negative learning experiences could constantly remind adult students of their past failures. That is why adults may frequently approach learning tasks with preconceived ideas or even preconceptions that would prevent them from reaffirming the objectives or simply from choosing the 26 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue most appropriate and effective learning strategies. In other words, since adult learners can never start with a totally blank mind, negative experiences may hold adults back, discourage and deter them from forming or improving their own learning styles. In addition, other barriers to learning could be emphasised, some of which are external in nature, being caused by domestic and financial difficulties, while others are of internal nature, arising from psychological or physiological problems. When considering factors like adult learners’ personal identity, life goals, marital status, families, sex, personal finances, their disposal over free time, the balancing of fulltime work with part-time studies, timetable, etc., we could draw the conclusion that enrolling for a language course may not only affect their domestic environment and everyday life or lead to subsequent changes in the students’ personal identity, but could also result in alterations in behavioural and emotional adjustments in family life. All these negative outcomes may go together with the other barriers created by the teacher himself/herself. Hence, the teacher’s personality, his/her personal attitude towards the students, the choice of teaching techniques, the lack of empathy or attention, and imperfections in the teaching environment may also be regarded as negative points that could be sometimes crucial in the learners’ decision of continuing or completing the language course (Huddleston, Unwin 2002: 79-107). As a consequence, we could ascertain that teaching adult learners may pose challenges and difficulties, but also provide perspectives and opportunities to every language teacher. Nearly all the time teachers may get the impression of tiptoeing on a minefield, where they can constantly witness as well as experience situations with hidden difficulties, unexpected joy, and where instructors have to pay attention, be patient and open-minded or show sensitiveness and understanding towards the students’ attitude. Teaching adult students is a complicated process, so it is not possible to follow absolute rules that would insure success. However, it is worth bearing in mind that teaching itself is not a personality contest where instructors should aim for popularity; it is rather success that would derive from the teacher’s competence and knowledge of handling the situation, from knowing what to do (Lewis, Hill 1993: 10-16). Sharing my teaching experience When teaching English language to beginner adult students at the Lingua language school of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, course instructors may encounter several difficulties, which however could be well managed and even overcome, as long as the teachers pay enough attention to them and come up with an answer to the challenges. 27 Lingua A. Linguistics Teaching Speaking As far as speaking is concerned, we could observe that beginner students often run into difficulties when having to speak freely or express their views about subjects. Since they have only limited language resources, it can be difficult to convince them to speak or use their productive skill in a meaningful way. Thus, at the early stages of the language class, adult students are generally confused using a kind of mixture of English and their mother tongue. In addition, the lack of self confidence or the awareness that they have no precise knowledge of the grammar rules could be regarded as serious impediments in the learning process. In spite of the difficulties adult students would face, it is vitally important to give them speaking tasks that would encourage and provoke them to use the language at their command. Getting students to have free discussions or take part in roleplays would stimulate their interest and motivate them to develop their spoken communication skills. This element of real life may help them to understand what communicating in English really feels like. Besides this, good speaking activities can be highly motivating provided all the students participate fully, and the feeling that they belong together or have the same aims would give them enormous confidence and satisfaction (Harmer 1998: 87-96). In what follows, we would present some speaking tasks that proved to be creative, stimulating and popular among the students attending the Lingua language courses at beginner level. In the first unit “International English”, the students learned about countries and nationalities. The next class, they received several cards with foreign names on them and in pairs they had to guess each other’s nationalities and countries they were from. The aim of this exercise was not only to practise the already acquired structures, but also to encourage spoken fluency and successful communication. Later on the learners were given the pictures of certain personalities and their task was first to present these famous people, and second to write short paragraphs about them. By the use of such cards or pictures the students managed to overcome their anxiety of “getting involved” in the topic or discussion more easily. Another case in point would be the unit “Food and Drink”, where the students learned the special vocabulary of communicating in a restaurant, of ordering food and drink and of writing a menu. Several practice activities followed the presentation of the new language, their aims being accuracy and the correct manipulation of language patterns. At this stage, the students were also provided with menus and they had to role-play simple conversations in a restaurant. By putting the language in context, the learners managed both to practise the language and to acquire several 28 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue key functions – starting a conversation, inviting people, making suggestions, asking for help, asking for and offering things, agreeing and disagreeing, etc. - a foreigner would need when speaking English. As a consequence of such activities, we could remark that the students managed not only to express their views in the form of a free discussion but also to get rid of their fears of using the English language. Since all the above activities involved an element of information gap and the demand that the students would interact in order to complete the tasks, the adult learners were highly motivated and strived to communicate. Under relaxing and motivating circumstances, the elements of frustration were offset by the interesting and engaging nature of the tasks. Teaching Writing Another area of concern for the teachers of English would be the teaching of writing to adult students. It is again a widely held view among the language teachers that mastering the ability to write effectively should be a key objective for the learners. Due to the fact that writing can be used for a variety of purposes, ranging from being the background for grammar teaching to reinforcing the language to be taught, teachers should lay a special stress on both the development and improvement of the students’ writing skills. As compared to oral communication, writing presumes different mental processes students would go through. Since writing is not time-bound, learners have more time to reflect upon their ideas and consult dictionaries or grammar reference sources so that they will use the language accurately. After going through all these phases, students could become better writers and could learn how to write in various genres using different registers. When helping students to become better writers, teachers have a number of vital tasks to perform. First of all, learners need to be made aware of the writing conventions and genre constraints in specific types of writing. Second, teachers need to act as motivators and provokers, mainly because learners tend to be reluctant when expressing themselves in different contexts. Besides these roles, the teachers’ responsibilities would be to support and reassure the students, react to their written work and, finally, evaluate it (Harmer 2004: 31-43). Next, we would like to highlight by means of a few examples how the adult students coped with the challenges of writing at the Lingua English courses. In order to encourage learners to write teachers should bring some energy and excitement in the process of writing. Successful activities could not be organised and performed unless a strong, engaging context is created. Thus, with the aim of generating motivation, 29 Lingua A. Linguistics writing activities were combined with the use of visual aids (e.g. describing photos of family members) or students were often asked to carry out the writing task in groups, using a limited number of words. The latter method proved to be quite provoking, and the idea of competition added an extra incentive to the writing approach. Teaching Grammar Another important aspect closely linked to speaking and writing skills would be the teaching of grammar. Since nearly all the students have a reluctant or even rejecting attitude towards grammar, language teachers have to come up with interesting and exciting class activities that would contribute not only to a better understanding of grammar rules, but also to encouraging students and wiping out their misconceptions. As I have observed during my teaching experience, adult students prefer the deductive approach to the inductive one and in general are unfamiliar with learning grammar through texts. Although in real life we experience texts in their entirety and in their contexts of use, adult students tend to detach language from the context. It would seem they would rather analyse sentences in isolation than groups of sentences or even texts. Somehow they lose their self-confidence, get scared of a text or simply refuse dealing with contexts (Thornbury 1999: 69-90). Moreover, their anxiety reaches a peak when having to handle grammar exercises embedded in speaking or writing tasks. At this stage, adult learners should not only be encouraged by their teachers but also be led into and adjusted to activities that combine grammar with other skills. In this context group work, dialogues and roleplays could be generous sources that would foster their learning and help them to get rid of their inhibitions when practising the English language. As the above examples point out, adult learners reacted well to the set of interactive and challenging activities. What’s more, they turned out to be quite flexible and sensitive towards different tasks, despite the fact that at the early stages of the language course they needed to be carefully convinced and motivated to accept the new teaching methods and learn from these. Little by little, adult learners gained selfconfidence and later on managed to successfully juggle with the foreign language. Conclusion In conclusion, we could take the view that teaching adult students is both rewarding and frustrating – feelings that are familiar to all those engaged in the teaching-learning process. It is not only the teachers who may encounter difficulties 30 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue or experience success, but also the adult learners who may go through positive and negative phases. The key to a fruitful interaction and collaboration is the identification of the needs and their adaptation to and combination with the objectives to be set. References Harmer, Jeremy (1998). How to Teach English. Essex: Longman. Harmer, Jeremy (2004). How to Teach Writing. Essex: Longman. Hopkins, Andy; Potter, Jocelyn (1994). Look Ahead. Classroom Course. Essex: Longman. Huddleston, Prue; Unwin, Lorna (2002). Teaching and Learning in Further Education. London, New York: RoutledgeFalmer. Lewis, Michael; Hill, Jimmie (1993). Source Book for Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Oxford: Heinemann English Language Teaching. Nicholls, Sandra; Hoadley-Maidmnet Elizabeth (1988). Current Issues in Teaching English as a Second Language to Adults. London, New York: Edward Arnold. Richterich, René; Chancerel, Jean-Louis (1980). Identifying the Needs of Adults Learning a Foreign Language. Oxford: Pergamon Institute of English. Thornbury, Scott (1999). How to Teach Grammar. Essex: Longman. 31 Marele dicţionar român-polon ca un “text cultural” Joanna Porawska* L es linguistes, surtout ceux qui reconnaissent les bases anthropologiques dans leur recherche (parlant dans ce cas également de l’histoire des mentalités), ont souvent constaté que d’un dictionnaire de la langue transparaît la réalité au sein de laquelle celuici a été élaboré. Le dictionnaire reflète une langue et une culture non seulement par ce que l’on peut y trouver, c’est-à-dire une certaine liste de mots-titres et les définitions utilisées, mais aussi par ce qu’il en manque. Le Nouveau Dictionnaire roumain-polonais (Édition de l’Université Jagiellonne, Cracovie, 2009) est un terrain intéressant d’investigations dans ce sens. Ses auteures, Halina Mirska Lasota et Joanna Porawska, se sont basées sur le premier corpus d’exemples du dictionnaire, élaboré dans les années ’80 du siècle dernier, l’ont actualisé et l’ont préparé pour la publication. Dans le processus de rédaction du Grand Dictionnaire roumain-polonais, toute une série d’exemples/contextes employés antérieurement ont été abandonnés ou remplacés par d’autres. L’analyse de ces exemples nous permet d’observer les processus qui ont eu lieu dans la mentalité des Roumains et dans celles des Polonais, dans une période relativement courte, de 1989 jusqu’à présent, les processus étant conditionnés surtout par les transformations sociales, les mutations idéologiques et les changements politiques de ce temps dictionnaire roumain-polonais, exemples, transformations Consideraţii introductiv-teoretice. Pe baza acordului între Academia Polonă de Ştiinţe (PAN) şi Academia Republicii Socialiste România, s-a elaborat şi s-a publicat la Varşovia, în 1970, primul “Dicţionar român-polon”. În acelaşi timp, la Institutul de Lingvistică din Bucureşti au pornit lucrările având ca scop elaborarea dicţionarului polon-român, dar el nu a fost publicat până acum. În consecinţă, un mare dicţionar polon-român (mă refer în această comunicare la seria dicţionarelor mari), elaborat de vorbitori nativi de română, nu există încă. În aceste condiţii, acum câţiva ani, când am aflat că o lucrare de acest fel a fost deja elaborată în mare parte de dr. Halina Mirska Lasota, o renumită specialistă în domeniul limbii române, am luat decizia să mă ocup de actualizarea acestui dicţionar şi de editarea lui. Această * Jagielloński University, Cracovia, Poland Lingua A. Linguistics mare lucrare lexicografică (aproximativ 45 de mii de articole), la publicarea căreia s-a renunţat după schimbarea situaţiei economice a editurilor după 1989, rămăsese neterminată. După aproape un deceniu de muncă de actualizare şi editorială, dicţionarul a apărut în anul 2009 la Editura Universităţii Jagiellone, la Cracovia. Lucrarea noastră se adresează în primul rând publicului larg. Bineînţeles, un astfel de dicţionar trebuie să cuprindă şi unii termeni de specialitate, chiar unele forme învechite şi regionalisme, necesare, de exemplu, celui care studiază limba română, celui care citeşte literatura română veche şi clasică, traducătorului. El cuprinde şi informaţii de tip cultural, legate de istorie, politică, mitologie şi religie (mai ales cea ortodoxă, de ex. denumirile sărbătorilor) – informaţii fără care unele articole ar fi neinteligibile pentru polonezi. La actualizarea lucrării am introdus anumite modificări, astfel încât dicţionarul să devină “user-friendly” pentru cititor. Chiar dacă nu se dovedesc a fi în perfectă conformitate cu instrucţiunile tradiţionale, deciziile noastre au fost determinate de ceea ce am putea numi adecvarea la cititor, urmând binecunoscutul principiu al utilităţii publice al lui E. Coşeriu, după care “cercetătorul nu are dreptul să se izoleze , ca într-un turn de fildeş, în sfera îngustă a specialităţii sale, vorbind exclusiv pentru şi pe înţelesul <savanţilor>”. (Munteanu 2005:37). Credem că acest dicţionar este menit să fie de folos în primul rând cititorului obişnuit, care nu posedă nici cunoştinţe filologice specializate, nici cunoştinţe specializate în alte domenii. Nu am evitat, aşadar, explicaţiile de tip enciclopedic, atunci când le-am socotit importante pentru înţelegerea unui anumit lexem de către cititorul polonez. Am încercat să introducem şi neologismele apărute în limba română în ultimii 20 de ani. Actualizarea şi revizuirea primei versiuni a fost însă o muncă grea, dat fiind faptul că au existat puţini specialişti (sau nu există deloc; de exemplu jurişti, politologi, dar şi ingineri etc.) care să cunoască bine ambele limbi. Numai cei care au astfel de competenţe - şi lingvistice şi într-un domeniu bine precizat - pot hotărî dacă echivalenţele date sunt corecte sau nu. Şi vorbim despre situaţia unor limbi pentru care nu s-au elaborat dicţionare de specialitate bilingve, în ţări în care resursele financiare pentru ştiinţă sunt încă minime. În consecinţă, viitorii cititori care vor consulta în acest dicţionar, de exemplu, termeni juridici, nu vor găsi întotdeauna ceea ce au nevoie – dat fiind faptul că nu am găsit specialişti care să cunoască amândouă sistemele juridice. Este mai simplu să stabileşti un echivalent exact din domeniul medicinei, decât din domeniul juridic, chiar administrativ – pentru că şi realitatea diferă în cele două ţări. Spre surpriza mea, chiar termenii botanici, cu toate că au şi denumirile latine, revizuiţi după 20 de ani, au suferit multe modificări. O situaţie aparte am avut la lexicul religios, unde am pornit de la ideea că termenii româneşti trebuie traduşi prin termeni din limbajul ortodocşilor polonezi. Pentru că limbajul acestora este puţin dezvoltat şi puţin descris în cadrul limbii polone 34 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue (majoritatea polonezilor fiind catolici), corpusul acesta a cerut mult efort şi timp (1). Aşadar, am conştiinţa că prima ediţie a dicţionarului nu este perfectă (oare un dicţionar poate fi perfect?), dar, cu timpul, va fi revizuită şi ea. Constatarea că limba îmbătrâneşte şi că, după 20 de ani care s-au scurs de la culegerea materialului lexical, s-a schimbat realitatea şi limba care o reflectă, este un truism. În acest text nu mă voi ocupa de totalitatea schimbărilor care trebuiau efectuate în procesul de actualizare, această muncă fiind descrisă parţial în articolul meu publicat anterior (Porawska 2006). Necesitatea introducerii noilor cuvinte şi a noilor sensuri este evidentă, mai ales astăzi, în lumea dominată de internet. Nici descrierea complexă a elementelor fals prezentate existente în dicţionarele publicate în România şi în Polonia din această perioadă nu va constitui scopul prezentării mele. Deformarea imaginii cultural-lingvistice a lumii, efectul ideologizării din perioada trecută în amândouă limbile este descrisă în câteva lucrări de sinteză şi într-o serie de articole (Zafiu 2007 şi alţii). E. Coşeriu, în articolul său “Limbaj şi politică” vorbea despre “uzul lingvistic determinat de atitudinile şi ideologiile politice, de valorile şi nuanţele speciale pe care cuvintele – cele care aparţin terminologiei politice ca atare, dar şi multe din limbajul curent – de obicei le dobândesc în cadrul unor anumite ideologii” (Coşeriu 2002:20); şi, mai departe: “în regimurile <autoritare> atât de dreapta, cât şi de stânga, termenul <partid> ajunge să fie folosit pentru [partidul unic], adică pentru ceva care ar părea să fie negarea ideii înseşi de <partid> şi apare în construcţii care indică explicit această <unicitate> (<a intra în Partid>, <a fi membru de Partid>) (ibidem). Intenţia mea este de a prezenta un fragment al imaginii cultural-lingvistice a lumii anilor 80 ai secolului trecut, aşa cum transpare ea din descrierea lexicografică din primul corpus de exemple al dicţionarului nostru. Mai precis, un fragment al acestei imagini, descris pe baza articolelor eliminate sau modificate de noi în timpul revizuirii, sau, cel puţin, a celor care au căpătat indicaţia ist. şi care s-au referit la “limba de lemn”, la limbajul politic şi economic al epocii. Începând cu Hasdeu, Şăineanu şi Tiktin – ca să enumăr numai câteva nume de mari lexicografi români, lingviştii au atras atenţia că un dicţionar de limbă reflectă şi, în acelaşi timp fixează, nu numai o anumită etapă a dezvoltării lingvistice, ci şi fragmente ale realităţii şi ale experienţei umane. Din cauza acestei “oglinzi a societăţii” (2), pietrificate în limbă şi descrise sub formă de dicţionar, lucrările lexicografice pot fi un câmp de investigaţie interesant şi un teren de analize, arătând imaginea cultural-lingvistică a lumii. Cercetarea de acest tip a cunoscut o dezvoltare deosebită în Polonia în ultimele decenii (există deja o tradiţie în domeniu, astfel încât putem vorbi despre un cognitivism polonez). Aceasta presupune, la modul general, privirea lumii prin prisma limbajului, interpretarea ei pe baza analizei datelor lingvistice, 35 Lingua A. Linguistics iar “analiza datelor lingvistice permite reconstituirea acestor reprezentări, stabilirea modalităţii în care un polonez interpretează lumea, observă trăsăturile lucrurilor şi ale persoanelor, le stabileşte ierarhia, precum şi locul omului în cadrul acestui univers” (Bartmiński, Panasiuk 1993:347). E. Coşeriu spunea, în articolul citat anterior, că textele politice pot fi studiate “ca orice text, în sens <filologic>, adică în calitate de documente, ca surse de informaţie istorică sau istorico-culturală, inclusiv în ceea ce priveşte concepţiile şi ideologiile politice” (Coşeriu 2002:24). În aceeaşi ordine de idei, o opinie asemănătoare formulează Mariana Neţ într-unul dintre articole. Autoarea scrie, în concluziile analizei sale, referitoare la cercetarea operelor lexicografice: “Dicţionarele de limbă constituie şi un instrument util pentru studiul culturii şi al civilizaţiei la un moment dat, pentru că reflectă evoluţia acestora” şi, în continuare “Evoluţia limbii, evoluţia lexicografiei şi evoluţia civilizaţiei sînt în interdependenţă” (Neţ 2005:455-470). Cercetarea propusă de mine se situează într-un cadru teoretic mai amplu al etnolingvisticii actuale, definită de E. Coşeriu “în aşa fel încât ea să corespundă unei <lingvistici e s c h e o l o g i c e> (....), care să studieze în totalitatea sa contribuţia <cunoaşterii lucrurilor> cu privire la configuraţia şi funcţionarea limbajului” (Coşeriu 1994:134) (3). Pornind de la corelaţia limbaj – cultură în aşa conturată de E. Coşeriu etnolingvistica propriu-zisă sau lingvistica etnografică “obiectul de studiu este limbajul” , este vorba de “fapte lingvistice ca fiind condiţionate de <cunoaşterile> despre lucruri” (ibidem:135). “Etnolingvisticii limbii îi aparţine, în mod cert, studiul faptelor unei limbi ca fiind motivate de cunoaşterile (idei, convingeri, concepţii, ideologii) despre <lucruri> (...)” (ibidem:145). Autorii dicţionarelor bilingve cunosc, în general, nu numai limbile pe care le descriu, ci şi realitatea vieţii popoarelor care le folosesc. Regretata Halina Mirska Lasota, după studii şi doctoratul susţinut în România, a lucrat toată viaţa la Agenţia Poloneză de Presa ca redactor responsabil cu ţările socialiste (1956-1986), predând concomitent limba română la Universitatea din Varşovia. Perioada îndelungată de contacte cu limbajul presei româneşti din epocă şi multe experienţe personale, lucrarea ei ştiinţifică din domeniul lingvisticii (4), efectuarea de numeroase traduceri, toate acestea constituie o garanţie a excelentei cunoaşteri a ambelor limbi şi, în acelaşi timp, a realităţii anilor din perioada trecută. În corpusul iniţial al dicţionarului nostru apar cuvinte şi contexte specifice epocii, multe provenind din presa românească a anilor 70’-80’(5). Materialul descris îl constituie aşa numitele solidarităţi lexicale (unităţile sintagmatice), adică colocaţiile care aparţin „discursului repetat” (Lingvistica integrală 1996:36) care au apărut ca exemple în materialul cules în anii 70 ai secolului trecut. “Ceea ce a fost fixat în limbă este (a fost), de asemenea, fixat în conştiinţa socială într-o perioadă istorică concretă” (Bartmiński, Panasiuk 1993:373) Analizând 36 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue exemplele, contextele folosite anterior, aşa cum apăreau ele în presa epocii, modificate de noi în timpul revizuirii, putem contura deci şi imaginea conştiinţei sociale a anilor 70-80 ai secolului XX, sau, cel puţin, imaginea ei dorită de conducătorii vremii. Ilustraţii practice. Grupul cel mai mare de exemple care au suferit modificări este din domeniul “limbii de lemn” a epocii, mai ales din domeniul politicii şi, în al doilea rând, din cel al economiei (6). Cel mai des am luat hotărârea de a schimba exemplul sau de a-l completa prin indicaţia ist. sau polit., mult mai rar am eliminat articolul în întregime. Conştiinţa noastră lingvistică de după anul 2000 ne-a determinat să schimbăm contextele folosite anterior. a. Realitatea politică. Aşadar, activitatea Partidului Comunist (Român – în România), numit muncitoresc în Polonia (Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza) a constituit o zonă lingvistică foarte bine reprezentată în limbajul presei de atunci. Realitatea perioadei anilor 70-80 poate fi parţial reconstituită, scoţând la iveală următoarele aspecte (7): 1. modul de funcţionare a partidului congrés n (pl ~e) 1. zjazd m; kongres m; ~ de partid <de sindicate> zjazd partyjny <związków zawodowych>; ~ ştiinţific kongres naukowy; I. ~ul Partidului Comunist Român II. ~ de partid <de sindicate> lărgí|t, ~ta adj (mpl ~ţi, fpl ~te) rozszerzony, poszerzony s-a scos contextul plenara lărgită Urmează exemplele care arată: 2. apartenenţa la partid: mémbr|u, ~ă (mpl ~i, fpl ~e) I n , (..) II m, f człon/ek m, -kini f; ~u de sindicat członek związku zawodowego I. ~u de partid II. ~u de sindicat candidá|t, ~tă m, f (mpl ~ţi, fpl ~te) kandydat m, -ka f; ~t la preşedinţie kandydat do urzędu prezydenta I. ~ de partid II. ~t la preşedinţie exclúde I vt (exclúd) wykluczać; wyłączać; a ~ dintr-un partid wykluczać z (jakiejś) partii I. a ~ din partid II. a ~ dintr-un partid epur|á vt (~éz) 2. przen. oczyszczać; usuwać; polit. a ~a rândurile funcţionarilor przeprowadzić czystkę w szeregach urzędników 37 Lingua A. Linguistics I. a ~a rândurile partidului II. a ~a rândurile funcţionarilor 3. modul propagandistic de a gândi transpare din următoarele exemple: líni|e f (pl ~i) 11. linia f; punkt m; kierunek m; zarys m; în ~i generale <mari> w ogólnych zarysach; pe toată ~a na całej linii; polit. pe ~e de stat po linii państwowej I. pe ~e de partid II. pe ~e de stat învăţătúr|ă f (pl ~i) 1. nauka f; ~a lui Hegel doktryna Hegla I. ~ă marxistă II. ~a lui Hegel învăţăm|ânt n (pl ~inte) 2. nauczanie n; program de ~ânt program m nauczania s-a scos exemplul program de ~ânt în politică <ideologic, de partid> evolúţi|e f (pl ~i) 1. ewolucja f; rozwój m; ~a gândirii filozofice rozwój myśli filozoficznej I. ~a gândirii marxiste II. ~a gândirii filozofice gândír|e f (pl ~i) 2. myśl f; ~e umanistă myśl humanistyczna I. ~e marxistă II. ~e umanistă 4. lupta pentru pace a „lagărului” comunist: lágăr n (pl ~e) 1. wojsk. obóz m; ~ de prizonieri <de concentrare> obóz jeniecki <koncentracyjny> s-a scos exemplul ~ socialist<capitalist> menţínere fsing utrzymywanie (się) n, trwanie n; ~a ordinii <păcii> zachowanie n porządku <pokoju> I. ~a păcii II. ~a ordinii <păcii> alătur|á (~éz) II vr a se ~a 2. przyłączać się, przystępować; a se ~a mişcării pentru drepturile omului przyłączać się do ruchu na rzecz praw człowieka I. a se ~a mişcării pentru pace II. a se ~a mişcării pentru drepturile omului 5. atitudinea faţă de (aşa numita) lumea a treia: deşteptá (deştépt) I vr a se ~a 1. budzić się; rozbudzać się; m-am ~t târziu obudziłem się późno; przen. natura se deşteaptă la viaţă przyroda budzi się do życia 38 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue I. popoarele se deşteaptă la viaţă II. natura se deşteaptă la viaţă capituláţi|e f (pl ~i) polit. praw. kapitulacja f (= konwencja między państwami, z których jedno zapewnia drugiemu ochronę prawną jego obywateli) I. (= convenţie impusă unei ţări semicoloniale de către o ţară capitalistă, în virtutea căreia aceasta obţine anumite privilegii pentru cetăţenii săi stabiliţi acolo) II. (= convenţie care asigură cetăţenilor unui stat anumite privilegii pe terioriul altui stat) 6. realitatea politică nouă de după 1989: guvérn n (pl ~e) rząd m; ~ de coaliţie <minoritar> rząd koalicyjny <mniejszościowy> Articolul iniţial a fost redactat fără context, s-a adăugat : ~ de coaliţie <minoritar> fundáţi|e f (pl ~i) 2. fundacja f; Fundaţia pentru Drepturile Omului Fundacja na rzecz Praw Człowieka; Fundaţia Culturală Română Rumuńska Fundacja Kultury Nu au existat exemplele, am adăugat: Fundaţia pentru Drepturile Omului; Fundaţia Culturală Română . integr|áre f (pl ~ări) 2. ekon., polit. integracja f; ~area producţiei integracja produkcji <produkcyjna>; ~are în structurile euroatlantice włączanie się do struktur euroatlantyckich; ~are europeană integracja europejska I. ~area producţiei II. ~are în structurile euroatlantice; ~are europeană intrá vi (íntru) 7. zaczynać, rozpoczynać ; a ~ de serviciu rozpoczynać <obejmować> dyżur; am ~t în douăzeci de ani rozpocząłem dwudziesty rok życia s-a scos colocaţia: a intra în câmpul muncii naţionál, ~ă adj (mpl ~i, fpl ~e) narodowy; venit ~ dochód narodowy; problemă ~ă kwestia narodowa <narodowościowa>; minoritate ~ă mniejszość narodowa; s-a adăugat: minoritate ~ă nesupúner|e f (pl ~i) nieposłuszeństwo n, nieuległość f, niesubordynacja f; ~e civilă nieposłuszeństwo obywatelskie s-a adăugat: ~e civilă 7. experienţele româneşti sau cele poloneze: După experienţele poloneze din 1981, cuvântul marţial a căpătat şi exemplul – colocaţia a introduce legea marţială, iar activist a căpătat indicaţiile polit., peiorativ. b. Realitatea economică a anilor 80 transpare din următoarele exemple din domeniul economic, în sens larg, care se referă la: 39 Lingua A. Linguistics 8. proprietate: particulár, ~ă (mpl ~i, fpl ~e) III m 1. osoba prywatna 2. właściciel m sklepu <zakładu>, pot. inicjatywa prywatna, prywaciarz m Am scos indicaţia învechit ( dawn.) şi exemplul: a cumpăra de la particulari editúr|ă f (pl ~i) wydawnictwo n; ~ă de stat <particulară, ştiinţifică, universitară> wydawnictwo państwowe <prywatne, naukowe, uniwersyteckie> s-a adăugat: <particulară, ştiinţifică, universitară> 9. impozite: hotăr|î (~ăsc) I vt 5. uchwalać; I. parlamentul a ~ât desfiinţarea impozitelor parlament uchwalił obniżkę podatków II. parlamentul a ~ât mărirea impozitelor parlament uchwalił podwyżkę podatków impózit n (pl ~e) ekon. podatek m; ~ pe venit <pe autovehicule, pe salariu> podatek dochodowy <samochodowy, od zarobku> s-a adăugat: pe salariu gríl|ă f (pl ~e) 4. przen. próg m (wyborczy, podatkowy) s-a adăugat: fin. ~e de impozitare 10. cumpărături: găs|í (~ésc) III vr a se ~i 2. występować (w przyrodzie) Contextul I. în magazine nu se găseşte nimic a fost înlocuit prin: II. în Silesia se ~eşte mult cărbune găs|í (~ésc) 6. dostać; zdobyć; kupić; am fost la magazin, dar n-am ~it nimic convenabil byłem w sklepie, ale nie udało mi się kupić niczego, co by mi odpowiadało prima versiune: I. am fost la magazin, dar n-am ~it nimic a fost completată prin: II. nimic convenabil: coádă f (pl cózi) 8. kolejka f; ogonek m; ~ la casă kolejka do kasy; ~ pentru bilete <carne> kolejka po bilety <mięso>; a face ~ stać w kolejce; a cumpăra fără ~ kupować bez kolejki prima versiune: I. ~ pentru carne completată prin II. la casă; ~ pentru bilete 40 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue nimer|í (~ésc) III vr a se ~i 2. pot. trafić <nawinąć> się; citeşte tot ce se ~eşte czyta wszystko, co się trafi <jak leci, pot. jak popadło> I. cumpără tot ce se ~eşte II. citeşte tot ce se ~eşte Am renunţat la articolul nechezol din cauza absenţei unui echivalent polonez. desfiinţ|áre f (pl ~ări) zniesienie n, likwidacja f; ~area unui program likwidacja programu exemplul: I. ~area cartelelor a fost înlocuit prin II. ~area unui program *** “Limba se transformă sub influenţa schimbărilor de regim, atât ca instrument al descrierii, cât şi ca instrument implicat în aceste schimbări” iar “Percepţia (...) lumii depinde de punctul de vedere adoptat (...) care decide modul de a vorbi despre evenimentele social-politice, influenţează interpretarea fenomenelor, evaluarea şi estimarea lor” (trad. ns) (Kamińska-Szmaj 2001:7). Opinia citată a Irenei KamińskaSzmaj, lingvistă poloneză care a descris limbajul politicii de după 1989 în Polonia, îşi găseşte confirmarea în materialul lingvistic analizat, referitor la trecutul comunist, în linii mari comun în România şi în Polonia. Autoarea observă, în continuare, că, dându-şi seama de compromiterea limbajului din epoca trecută şi dorind să rămână pe scena politică, politicienii şi ziariştii erau conştienţi de necesitatea de a-şi schimba comportamentul comunicaţional, în conformitate cu noul context politic. Ciocnirea între formele vechi şi cele noi este resimţită mai ales în procesul de traducere, dicţionarele bilingve care răspund necesităţilor urgente ale vieţii fiind aşadar un teren de investigaţie interesant şi pentru analize de tip cultural-lingvistic. Autorii lor, care trăiesc, de obicei, în două lumi create de limbile comparate, observă mai bine unele fenomene, iar realitatea îi împinge să introducă în dicţionar unele forme şi semnificaţii care lipsesc din dicţionarele unilingve. Bineînţeles, contextele care, în cazul dicţionarului român-polon, le-au înlocuit pe cele din anii 70-80, pot deveni cu timpul şi ele un teren de cercetare. Ele vor fi probabil modificate în dicţionarele viitoare, pentru că, nemaifiind oprimată de sistemul unui „partid unic”, realitatea se schimbă repede, iar internetul influenţează puternic cantitatea şi calitatea comunicării interumane. 41 Lingua A. Linguistics Note 1. Nici în dicţionarele explicative româneşti (adică punctul de plecare pentru munca noastră) acest domeniu nu a fost bine elaborat. În anul 2000, Rodica Zafiu observa: “Terminologia bisericească e lacunar şi uneori chiar incorect prezentată în multe dintre dicţionarele noastre moderne; acest lucru e poate chiar mai evident pentru lexicul catolic decât pentru cel ortodox” (Zafiu 2000). Şi, în continuare, “ (...) în dicţionarele de după război, ca efect al cenzurii ideologice, prezenţa termenilor bisericeşti (şi cu atât mai mult a celor catolici) e redusă la minimum” [ibidem]. 2. ”căci nemic mai social ca limba, <creatorul şi oglinda societăţii>, fără care nu se pot asocia doi indivizi şi s-ar spulbera într-o clipă orice comunitate umană” (Hasdeu 1988:VII). 3. E. Coşeriu atrage atenţia, într-o comunicare prezentată în 1978, asupra faptului că etnolingvistica s-a dezvoltat până acum într-un mod fragmentar, iar “în cadrul programului <Wörter und Sachen> şi al geografiei lingvistice, s-a acordat atenţie în principal relaţiei dintre limbaj (în special: lexic) şi cultura populară <materială>. (...) Însă aceasta este insuficient, deoarece condiţionarea limbajului prin <lucruri> şi prin <cunoaşterile despre lucruri> depăşeşte cu mult ceea ce a fost considerat până acum ca atare” (Coşeriu 1994:133). 4. Halina Mirska Lasota (1930-2006) a susţinut în 1974, la Facultatea de Limbă şi Literatură Română a Universităţii din Bucureşti, teza de doctorat intitulată Aspectul verbal în limba română (pe baza comparaţiei între limba polonă şi limba română), conducătorul tezei fiind prof. Alexandru Graur. 5. Unele explicaţii din interiorul articolelor se datorează experienţei îndelungate de viaţă a Halinei Mirska Lasota. Acest factor important la autori de dicţionare (vârstă şi experienţă) nu poate , totuşi, înlocui existenţa operelor lexicografice cuprinzând , mai ales, cuvintele din limba de lemn din perioada comunistă în România, unde străinul ar putea găsi formele nechezol, obsedantul deceniu, patrioţi, petreuşi etc. 6. În prezentul articol nu mă ocup cu termenii specializaţi, ştiinţifici din domeniul economiei ci, mai degrabă de formele din limbajul general, de fiecare zi. 7. Pentru a uşura lectura prezint schimbările efectuate sub forma unei scheme, în care apare articolul citat (sau un fragment al lui) în forma lui actuală, iar sublinierile au fost introduse de mine pentru nevoile acestui text, pentru a pune în relief fragmentele modificate. Cifrele romane sunt folosite dupa modelul următor: I – pentru exemplul anterior, II – pentru contextul actual. Bibliografie 1. Bartmiński, J. Panasiuk. (1993). Stereotypy językowe, (in:) Encyklopedia Kultury Polskiej XX wieku t. 2. Współczesny język polski. coord. J. Bartmiński , Wrocław , 363-387. 2. Coşeriu, E. (1994). Lingvistică din perspectivă spaţială şi antropologică. Chişinău: Ştiinţa. 3. Coşeriu, E. (2002). “Limbaj şi politică”, Identitatea limbii şi literaturii române în perspectiva globalizării, volum îngrijit de Ofelia Ichim şi Florin-Teodor Olariu, Iaşi: Editura Trinitas, 17-40. 4. Kamińska-Szmaj, I. (2001). Słowa na wolności. Język polityki po 1989 roku. Wrocław:Wydawnictwo Europa. 5. Hasdeu B.P., Studii de lingvistică şi filologie 1, p. VII, Bucureşti:Editura Minerva, 1988. 6. Lingvistica integrală. Interviu cu Eugeniu Coşeriu realizat de Nicolae Saramandu. (1996). Bucureşti:Editura Fundaţiei Culturale Române. 42 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 7. Munteanu, E. (2005). Introducere în lingvistică. Iaşi: Polirom. 8. Neţ, M. (2005). “Urbanizare şi dicţionare”, Limbaje şi comunicare: Colocviul Internaţional de Ştiinţe ale Limbajului: ediţia a VII-a, Suceava – Cernăuţi, 2-5 oct. 2003, vol. VII, Ed. Universităţii Suceava, pp. 455-470. 9. Porawska, J. (2006). “Problemele elaborării noului dicţionar român-polon”, Identitatea culturală românească în contextul integrării europen, volum îngrijit de Marius-Radu Clim, Ofelia Ichim, Laura Manea, Florin-Teodor Olariu, Iaşi: Editura Alfa, 291-296. 10. “Słownik rumuńsko-polski” (1970). Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Wiedza Powszechna, red. Jan Reychman. 11. Zafiu, R. (2000). “Lexicografice şi bisericeşti”, România literară, nr.46, 22 noiembrie. 12. Zafiu, R. (2007). Limbaj şi politică. Bucureşti: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti. 43 „Esquemas de rumano. Gramática y usos lingüísticos” la importancia del aprendizaje de la morfología en el proceso de adquisición del rumano por estudiantes extranjeros José Damián González-Barros* T he present study describes the activity of the Department of Romanian Language from Escuela Oficial de Idiomas in Madrid. In my position of a member of this department I will take into discussion a useful method we successfully apply in the teaching/learning process of the Romanian language. In the ‘70s the Romanian language was learned by philologists only. Starting with 1999, due to the great number of Romanians coming in Spain, a great number of persons needed to learn the language of the country. A publishing house from Madrid came up with a successful idea for the books teaching the Romanian language: some tables used during the revision classes that include both grammar aspects and vocabulary notions – specific for diverse communication contexts These tables were useful in order to make a synthesis of the Romanian morphology, where, more than often the exceptions from the rule are the rule itself. Diagram, table, revision, study, morphology Para el estudio del rumano en España, el año 1976 representó, sin duda alguna, un hito importante ya que fue entonces cuando comenzaron los cursos de esta lengua en la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Madrid. Las Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas son centros de titularidad estatal creados en 1911 con el fin exclusivo de enseñar lenguas extranjeras a cualquier ciudadano mayor de catorce años que deseara aprenderlas por razones diversas, lo que hacía que el público-meta no tuviera, por tanto, que tener necesariamente una preparación filológica. El Departamento de Rumano nació para completar la oferta de lenguas románicas, uniéndose pues a los de francés, italiano y portugués. Posteriormente, alrededor del año 1985, se crearon los departamentos de gallego y de catalán. Actualmente, los alumnos pueden elegir entre 20 idiomas: desde los de circulación internacional (inglés, francés, alemán), hasta otros más minoritarios, como irlandés, finés o húngaro; todas las lenguas románicas; dos eslavas (ruso y polaco), y también árabe, japonés y chino, que han conocido en los últimos dos o tres años un aumento significativo en * Departamento de Rumano de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Madrid “Jesús Maestro” Lingua A. Linguistics el número de estudiantes. A estos idiomas se añade también el español como lengua extranjera en régimen intensivo de dos horas diarias de clase. En la actualidad, el Departamento de Rumano cuenta con dos profesores, Ana Maria Diaconescu, licenciada por la Facultad de Lenguas Extranjeras de la Universidad de Bucarest, y el autor de estas líneas, licenciado por la Facultad de Filología de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Hasta el año 1999-2000, la mayoría de los alumnos que se matriculaban en los cursos de rumano eran estudiantes de la Facultad de Filología, tanto de la especialidad de románicas, como de la de clásicas, a los que se unían personas con diversas formaciones y profesiones, a las que les gustaba estudiar idiomas y las cuales, después de haber aprendido los de circulación internacional, querían también conocer una lengua más “exótica”. Además de estos alumnos, había también personas que habían viajado a Rumanía y que, desde el recuerdo de los días que habían pasado allí, de los lugares visitados y de las personas que habían conocido, querían aprender a hablar rumano ya que tenían la intención de volver en un futuro no muy lejano. La fecha mencionada anteriormente representa el momento en el que los rumanos comenzaron a emigrar a España en un número cada vez mayor, y esta situación supuso, evidentemente, una conexión más estrecha, un conocimiento recíproco, más directo, entre los dos pueblos, sobre todo en el caso de los españoles, teniendo en cuenta que hasta entonces Rumanía, los rumanos, la cultura rumana eran muy poco conocidos por el gran público, lo cual también contribuyó a que aumentara el número de alumnos de nuestro Departamento y a una diversificación de los mismos. Además de las tres categorías de estudiantes antes mencionadas, también encontramos ahora a los que han hecho amistad con rumanos que han emigrado a España, o a los que se han casado con rumanos/rumanas asentados en nuestro país y que quieren comunicar con los parientes (suegros, cuñados etc.) que se han quedado en Rumanía. Están también los que trabajan para empresas españolas que desarrollan su actividad comercial en este país, otros son maestros o profesores con un número significativo de alumnos rumanos en sus grupos, otros son trabajadores sociales que se ocupan de los inmigrantes y sus problemas. Por consiguiente, un grupo muy heterogéneo, deseoso de conocer la realidad, la cultura, las costumbres de los rumanos, y en este sentido, la lengua es, sin duda, la mejor manera para entrar en ese nuevo espacio. En este contexto de gran interés por el rumano, la editorial „Palas Atenea Centro de Lingüística Aplicada” de Madrid, quiso publicar dos trabajos importantes para el estudio de este idioma: una serie de tablas para repasar los principales puntos gramaticales y un vocabulario para varias situaciones comunicativas. La misma editorial ha publicado (y sigue publicando) trabajos de esta índole en inglés, francés, alemán, italiano, portugués, español, y también en polaco, ruso, eslovaco, búlgaro, 46 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue hebreo, etc. El proyecto tiene como objetivo difundir lenguas menos conocidas y al mismo tiempo ofrecer a los que las aprenden un valioso instrumento de estudio. La editorial „Palas Atenea” se puso en contacto con nuestro Departamento para que redactáramos estos dos trabajos, teniendo en cuenta un criterio que personalmente me ha parecido muy interesante: los “Esquemas” de gramática los tenía que escribir un hablante no nativo, ya que éste, al haber aprendido esa lengua, sabe mejor lo que es difícil para un estudiante español y cómo se puede enfocar la explicación de un determinado aspecto gramatical; mientras que el “Léxico” para situaciones comunicativas estaba a cargo de un hablante nativo, puesto que éste tiene, obviamente, un sentido de la lengua que, en principio, un hablante no nativo no posee. Por lo tanto, yo me encargué de la realización de los “Esquemas”, y Ana Maria Diaconescu, la jefe del departamento, se encargó del “Léxico para situaciones”. También deseo subrayar una particularidad de todos los libros de esta serie, un gran invento de la editorial: las páginas, en formato A5, se pueden desprender del lomo y se pueden volver a poner en su sitio. Se trata de que el estudiante se lleve sólo aquellas tablas que quiera estudiar o repasar y poder leerlas en el autobús o en una pausa en la facultad o en el trabajo, sin tener que cargar con todo el librito. La primera edición de estas tablas apareció en junio de 2002 con el nombre de „Esquemas de rumano. Gramática y usos lingüísticos”, y el vocabulario en abril de 2005 con el título de „Léxico para situaciones. Español/Rumano, Român/Spaniol”. Ambos trabajos tuvieron un gran éxito de ventas, lo que prueba el interés creciente por el rumano que existe en España. La experiencia de la realización de estos „Esquemas” fue muy interesante para mí como profesor de rumano y estudiante de otras varias lenguas extranjeras. ¿Qué deben contener estos cuadros? Los aspectos gramaticales más importantes de la lengua, claro está, presentados de manera sucinta (había un límite tanto para las dimensiones de la página, como para el número de las mismas), con un breve texto en español. En principio, el objetivo del trabajo no era el de presentar la lengua rumana a una persona que quisiera acercarse a ella con interés de filólogo o de aficionado al estudio de lenguas extranjeras, o con la intención de aprenderlas utilizando los cuadros en vez de un libro de texto. La idea fundamental fue más bien poner al alcance de los estudiantes de rumano (tanto a los que estudiaban en nuestro Departamento o en la Facultad de Filología, como a los que estudiaban por su cuenta), una herramienta que les permitiera repasar las nociones de gramática que habían aprendido de manera teórica y práctica, pero que les resultaban difíciles y debían sistematizarse y repetirse fuera de las aulas. Aún más si cabe en el caso del rumano, donde las excepciones a la regla...son una norma. 47 Lingua A. Linguistics Para cualquier extranjero que empiece a aprender rumano existen varias dificultades que lo ponen a prueba, y en este sentido un problema serio lo constituye el hecho de que el rumano, a diferencia de otras lenguas, y seguramente de las otras lenguas románicas, es difícil desde el principio. La diferencia de género (masculino, femenino, neutro), las formas doi/două, la formación del plural con sus múltiples desinencias y las innumerables alternancias fonéticas desorientan a cualquier aprendiz ya desde las primeras lecciones. A todo esto se añade más tarde la conjugación de los verbos en presente de indicativo, con las cuatro conjugaciones que se transforman en ocho paradigmas “distintos”, más, otra vez, las correspondientes alternancias fonéticas (un aspecto en el que el rumano sobresale de manera especial). Esto es suficiente para que la formación de una frase sencilla se convierta en un verdadero problema al haber tantas “posibilidades de elección” (género, desinencia de plural, desinencia de persona...). Esta es la razón por la cual los cuadros debían comprender, en la medida de lo posible, todo este abanico de irregularidades (o de aspectos que un extranjero considera como irregularidades, aunque no sean consideradas como tales), como son las alternancias fonéticas, sistemáticas en rumano, pero una fuente de problemas para cualquier alumno, que no entiende, por ejemplo, por qué un sustantivo como ceaşcă tiene un plural ceşti, forma en la que difícilmente se reconoce el singular. Lo mismo ocurre con la conjugación de los verbos en presente de indicativo. Debían presentarse no sólo los ocho modelos de conjugación, sino también otros “modelos” para la primera conjugación (la más difícil para un extranjero), como a pleca, a cumpăra, a învăţa, a juca. Para la realización de estas tablas consulté todos los libros de rumano para extranjeros que tuve entonces a mi alcance y fui cogiendo algo de cada uno de ellos, comprobando que no todos tenían los mismos esquemas o que no todos eran tan amplios como hubiera querido, añadiendo otros donde hiciera falta. Otras veces recurrí también a tablas hechas por mis estudiantes (no pocas veces es el mismo aprendiz quien hace el esquema o el resumen más adecuado para él). Ese fue el caso para la tabla con las formas combinadas de los pronombres en dativo y acusativo. Debo confesar que en ninguno de los manuales publicados hasta ahora encontré una solución mejor para un aprendizaje eficaz de estos pronombres que siguen constituyendo un aspecto difícil en el proceso de adquisición del rumano y que, a mi modo de ver, no estaba enfocado en los libros de una manera satisfactoria. Tal como ya he mencionado, el límite del número de páginas impuesto por la editorial (y que en el caso del rumano ya superaba de todos modos el número fijado para las otras lenguas publicadas hasta entonces), no ha permitido presentar aspectos gramaticales importantes como el discurso indirecto, ni considerar, aunque fuera de manera breve, la sintaxis. La rica (y difícil) morfología del rumano se impuso, 48 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue al ocupar un considerable número de páginas. En el caso de cualquier lengua románica, la morfología tiene un peso tan grande que un enfoque comunicativo de la enseñanza/aprendizaje de estas lenguas no puede disminuir la importancia del estudio sistemático de las formas gramaticales. Ahora bien, en el caso del rumano, este peso es aún mayor, y por eso considero que un obra de estas características, a base de tablas de repaso puede ser un muy buen complemento también para un enfoque comunicativo. No podemos “librarnos” fácilmente de la gramática y es bueno saber y recordar que, con independencia de la manera en que se vaya a enseñar el rumano, se tiene que conceder una atención especial a la morfología. 49 Cross-Cultural Dimensions of Foreign Language Teaching and Assessment Ioana Nan* F oreign language learning has become, in recent years, one of the most important objectives on the educational agendas of European Union member states. Consequently, the role of foreign language teachers has also gained in prominence. The idea of the article is that foreign language teaching makes professionals in the field share the same characteristics and have the same mission as mediators between nations and cultures. As far as assessment practices are concerned, the article raises some questions as to whether it is society who should influence the setting of learning standards or, rather, standards which should determine what is to be acknowledged as valuable in a given society. Educational policies, foreign language teaching, assessment, standards. The teaching and assessment of foreign languages are areas difficult to define outside and across national or cultural boundaries, as they depend to a significant extent on local social, political and educational contexts whose variety of content and purpose cannot be easily ignored. However, the need to transcend spatial limitations and engage actively in intercultural communication has become, especially in recent years, an important item on the educational policy agendas of many countries around the world, as well as a central goal for education in the EU member countries. The desirable effect of developing cultural knowledge “and empathy with people of other languages and cultures”1 and of “deepening students’ understanding of the peoples and places of the world [in order to] foster an attitude of respect for those cultures”2 has come to be seen as one of the direct results of foreign language learning and therefore as one of the most important tasks of foreign language teaching. Thus, from the point of view of the Council of Europe, modern language teaching should aim at promoting * Babeș-Bolyai University Lingua A. Linguistics not only “the personal development of the individual”, but also “a positive attitude towards other cultures, free from prejudice, intolerance and xenophobia.”3 On the other hand, research has shown that it is still not certain to what extent language learning activities and programmes will actually produce these positive cross-cultural attitudes unless they are specifically structured to do so by including communicative language teaching as well as thorough knowledge and understanding of the “real” target culture defined as the native speakers’ “way of thinking, feeling and viewing the world”.4 In this context, the role of language teachers as cultural mediators becomes crucial, and their special status among teachers comes to the fore. Therefore it might not be entirely irrelevant to ask ourselves whether, if it is only logical and usually taken for granted that the teacher makes the subject, the subject can also make the teacher – in other words, whether there is something about the subject matter of language that distinguishes it (and its teachers) from other subjects. Research over the years has shown that questions such as this are not unjustified, especially since it has been pointed out that most of our current knowledge of teaching actually comes from subject areas characterized by a paradigmatic type of knowledge (such as science or mathematics), which might not make it ideally suited to describe and understand areas such as foreign language teaching, defined by narrative ways of knowing.5 While “hard” disciplines such as physics or chemistry emphasise cognitive goals such as learning facts, the “soft” areas of humanities focus more on general knowledge, character development and thinking skills. Moreover, foreign language teaching is one of the few areas of the humanities where “the medium is the message”, that is, “the content and the process of learning the content are the same.6 Consequently, the widely used concept of pedagogical content knowledge, implying teacher’s knowledge of a subject and of how to teach it, “may not be wholly applicable to foreign language teaching”.7 These and similar reasons have prompted research into what distinguishes foreign language teachers from teachers of other subjects. The report publishing the findings mentions five groups of respondents to this question, including not only experienced teachers (some of them master students in TESOL at a UK university), but also pre-service English teachers, subject specialists in fields such as science, chemistry, mathematics and history, as well as a number of undergraduate students in English. The respondents, all of them non-native speakers of English, came from various countries in Europe, with two groups based in Hungary and Slovenia each. The findings seem to confirm the researcher’s intuition that the topic deserves further attention and resources. Roughly placed into two categories, these results describe, on the one hand, the disciplinary characteristics of language teaching, and 52 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue on the other hand, the features of a good language teacher. Among the disciplinary characteristics are mentioned: 1. The nature of the subject matter: Foreign language teaching requires the teacher to use a medium the students do not yet understand, although all of them will have already learned their first language. This conclusion also triggered some comments of the conceptual demands of foreign language learning, especially when it comes to adult, cognitively mature learners, since it was felt that there might sometimes be a gap between the level of knowledge one is asked to demonstrate in the foreign language and the more general cognitive abilities of the learner. The issue will be further dealt with when assessment problems are discussed. Furthermore, a foreign language is also felt to be “an inherently ambiguous subject, less hierarchically organised than maths, for example, and which encompasses a variety of subdomains.”8 This translates for teachers into greater freedom in the classroom and autonomy in developing the curriculum, but it also means a necessarily rigorous selection of the learning areas and purposes. 2. Interaction patterns in classroom work – which, desirable as they are in other subjects, are not felt to be as necessary as they are in language learning. 3. The professional abilities of language teachers - which are often perceived to be the equivalent of their proficiency in the target language. 4. The practical outcomes of language teaching – which are not comparable to those of other subjects (as one of the respondents put it, “Math graduates will not apply Pythagoras when they go shopping”). 5. Many more adults study languages than they do other subjects - which also means that language teaching is driven, more than other subjects, by commercial forces. However, it was pointed out that the subject itself is usually perceived as low status, even if this status applies to other subjects such as history. 6. Language teaching is a political activity, introducing learners to ways of thinking and being that reflect those of the target culture. The content of teaching in this case was seen to be not only the language but the culture behind it. As far as personal qualities of foreign language teachers are concerned, the survey results revealed that, even if these were indeed desirable in teachers of other subjects, they were seen as almost essential in foreign language teachers. Thus, what was emphasized was the closer, more relaxed and more positive relationship with learners, along with traits such as creativity, flexibility and a sense of humour. Encouraging as these results may be, it must be mentioned that much of this perceived distinctiveness is, as underlined before, context-dependent. Language teaching is a socially constructed phenomenon, so any further research must pursue 53 Lingua A. Linguistics the question with reference to particular educational settings, especially outside Europe, where educational systems may still share a large enough number of common aspects. So far, existing research has shown that, despite the different perceptions of power and authority commonly associated with Asian countries, for example, students in these surveyed countries also question the traditional authority structure of the classroom, while European students, although culturally individualistic, have a positive attitude to cooperating in groups to achieve common goals. The more progressive methodology usually associated with foreign language teaching may well serve to promote these positive cross-cultural learning trends. If language teaching is rated a political activity, so much more is assessment. Calls for educational reform in countries such as the USA now include a new and very strong demand for accountability in the form of testing systems that financially punish or reward schools and educators based on students’ performance. Educational funding around the world is now tied to reported achievement level. In Europe, “the impact of the CEFR comes from the fact that it offers a common metalanguage facilitating transparency and coherence in the provision of language learning and in the reporting of achievement in it”.9 However, the language tests for citizenship and immigration have brought to researchers’ attention another aspect of assessment. Language tests have been compared to roads built by skilled engineers, and the role of technical expertise as an exercise of power has been called into question. Drawing on insights in social theory, the proponents of this new approach to assessment advocate a more discriminate view of standardisation. “Recognising the other”10 and sustaining diversity are more important, in their opinion, than setting rigid standards from a position of authority: “As ‘new Englishes’ have started to emerge, language testers ask themselves how closely a particular, ‘localised’ variety does – or does not – align with an accepted, or ‘acceptable’, standard.”11 This, in turn, triggers further considerations about the role of standardisation and the choice of norms, as well as about the notion of prescriptivism – is there a particular language variety whose value is inherently higher? The dilemma is well illustrated by the frequently used comparison “native speaker” versus “non-native speaker”, when the latter’s is itself a language variety. Moving beyond such traditional debates as “who owns the language?” by accommodating linguistic diversity and recognising the existence of “international English” marks the beginning of “a new paradigm characterised by notions of ‘interdependence and complementary differentciation’”12, where assessment should primarily take an ethical perspective ensuring fairness and equity to all stakeholders. 54 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue This is all the more necessary taking into account the significant attitudinal, behavioural and developmental impact language test scores and their interpretation might have on individuals or groups. On the other hand, it might be useful to see to what extent tests and test policies are also influenced by the kind of society where they are applied. A case in point could be Norway13, a strongly egalitarian society whose functioning is well illustrated by the unwritten principle according to which “Thou shalt not think that thou art better than thy neighbour”. The role of school in the anti-elitist Norwegian society is to wipe out social differences and ensure equity, so that “the less you have, the more you get”. Under such particular circumstances, the functions of competition and testing are difficult to grasp or to justify. However, in the wake of some political changes and education reform, national tests of English as a foreign language were first introduced at secondary level in 2004. They consisted in a computerised reading test and a direct test in writing. Teachers were trained to apply the CEFR standards in assessing both skills. Nevertheless, the feeling among stakeholders – both test-takers and concerned parents – were so strong against the supposedly “subjective” assessment of writing that they triggered a national debate about the reliability and usefulness of the writing test, as a result of which this was dropped altogether. It is difficult to imagine such developments in EU member countries that, despite differences in national standards, are still bound by a unique and commonly accepted frame of reference. However, the example seems to illustrate that local societal contexts do determine the need for standards or absence thereof. This brief excursion into cross-cultural issues of teaching and assessment was meant to suggest that, as teachers of foreign languages, we are not different from our colleagues anywhere in the world, and that our work is valuable. On the other hand, when it comes to assessment, we should probably learn more about how to become thinkers, and not mere technicians. Notes Japanese 1999 Course of Study, Foreign Languages (Senior High School), in D.E. Ingram, op. cit. 1 2 3 Trim 1997, in D.E. Ingram, op. cit. 4 D.E. Ingram, Language Learning and Cross-Cultural Attitudes. 5 Grossman and Schulman 1987, in Simon Borg, The Distinctive Characteristics of Foreign Language Teachers, Language Teaching Research 10,1 (2006); pp. 3–31. 6 Hammadou and Bernhardt 1987, in Simon Borg, op. cit. 7 Freeman 2002, in Simon Borg, op. cit. 55 Lingua A. Linguistics 8 Grossman and Schulman 1994, in Simon Borg, op. cit. 9 Dr. Brian North, The Educational and Social Impact of the CEFR in Europe and Beyond: a Preliminary Overview, key-note address, the works of ALTE 3rd International Conference, Cambridge, 10-12 April 2008, pp. 16-17. 10 Tim McNamara, Recognising the Other: Language Assessment, Immigration and Citizenship, key-note address, op. cit., p. 15. 11 Dr. Lynda Taylor, Setting Language Standards for Teaching and Assessment: a Matter of Principle, Politics or Prejudice?, key-note address, op. cit., p. 18. 12 idem 11, p. 19. 13 Cecilie Carlsen, Crossing the Bridge from the Other Side: the Impact of Society on Testing Policy, workshop presentation, op. cit., pp. 32-33. Bibliography: Borg, S. (2006). “The Distinctive Characteristics of Foreign Language Teachers”, Language Teaching Research 10,1, 3–31. Ingram, D. E. (2005). Language Learning and Cross-Cultural Attitudes, http://www.tesolchile.net/documents/ sept2005/DEIngram_fullpaper_Oct2004.htm), accessed November 15, 2008. The works of ALTE 3rd International Conference, Cambridge, 10-12 April 2008, The Social and Educational Impact of Language Assessment. 56 The StS Project – BUILDING AN E.S.P. CORPUS Adrian Ciupe* L a linguistique appliquée aux corpus lexicaux est un domaine relativement nouveau de nos jours à cause des techniques informatiques de plus en plus performantes. Notre étude présente une idée pratique originale ayant une application dans le domaine de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage de l’anglais pour des buts spécifiques (ESP), tout en discutant tout d’abord les déficiences des approches traditionnelles, puis mettant l’accent sur els destinataires du processus éducationnel, par une « délégation d’autorité » dans l’élaboration des syllabus et des tests d’anglais au niveau tertiaire. Tout ceci concourt à une familiarisation des étudiants avec la construction des corpus linguistiques relevantes dans des domaines spécifiques, aussi au niveau éducationnel que professionnel (lifelong learning). ESP, ELT, discours, linguistique, corpus, lexis, collocation, projet, étudiant. A Definition StS = Student to Student; or, StS = Student – teacher – Student. Interestingly enough, through pure serendipity, the preposition ‘to’ and the noun ‘teacher’ in these phrases become synonymous, by a coincidental overlapping of the initial letters in the StS abbreviation / pun, thus clearly indicating a ‘directional’ semantics of the noun ‘teacher’, one of the central premises of the thesis to be explained below. Premises ESP (English for Specific Purposes) is a long-established preserve of specialized English discourse at tertiary level, in practical and theoretical courses, universally ready-made or more or less locally customized through institutional focus. Any ESP teaching syllabus will obviously insist on an amount of specialized lexis to be taught to students in economics, business and political studies and so forth. Although grammar structures may also inform such courses, this is ‘strangely’ tributary to a frequency principle – for example, the passive voice in English may rank high on an * Babeș-Bolyai University Lingua A. Linguistics ESP teacher’s agenda because of the frequency rate of such structures in scientific discourse. ESP lexis is incorporated into ELT (English Language Teaching) materials also guided by such frequency principles. Specific topic units in various course books will include domain-specific terms, allegedly topping the word lists that any future professionals trained in English (as a foreign language) as undergraduates ‘should’ know for immediate evaluation purposes and, ‘maybe’, for their future professional careers as well. The relativity signalled in the above statements stems from an increasing awareness that many of the traditional ways of looking at ESP are ‘traditional’ enough to be superseded, gradually, by an approach that leaves prescription behind, favouring an on-going process of method-building and customization of ELT materials. Of course, teachers keep improving their methods and they keep producing more adequately customized ESP materials for their students. But is this ‘good enough’? Or is it just a good excuse, unwittingly brought to the fore as a novelty in ESP teaching? Because ‘new methods’ might add up to nothing new and may amount to just a minor – and possibly insignificant – change by the teacher and for the teacher; likewise, what could ESP / ELT customization amount to? If ELT tailoring is guided by the teacher for what s/he thinks that his or her students may find useful, this could well be just a deftly disguised new prescription. The purpose of this study is to discuss the implications of a possible approach to ESP by shifting ‘method’ and ‘customization’ of ESP materials from the teacher’s realm to that of his or her students, through an express focus on specialized corpora embarked on by students for students, through the guidance of a teacher. The StS Project is an original idea of the author of this paper, based on ESP learning (and also teaching) needs constantly observed and ascertained by nearly a decade’s experience. This study will explain the basic motivation behind such a project and it will also give a detailed overview of The StS Project itself. Finally, it will present conclusions derived from its application and evaluation, with a view to enhancing and reinforcing the method described below, towards logical (and hopefully relevant and useful) extensions for future pursuits of this kind. Rationale of The StS Project A few (boldly rhetorical) questions underlie The StS Project: are ready-made ESP courses ‘good enough’? Are customized syllabi ‘good enough’? Are dictionaries ‘good enough’? More daring interrogations may ensue: are teachers ‘good enough’? Are 58 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue students ‘good enough’? Obviously, such apparently impudent allegations have to be explained. From experience, teachers may conclude that ready-made courses (a variety of textbooks produced by leading ELT publishers like LONGMAN, OUP, CUP etc) are good, but ‘not good enough’ because no matter how ‘advanced’ they are, they may be too broad and not very easily adaptable to learners’ needs (Harwood 2005: 150). The specialized lexis offered by such textbooks may or may not adequately span the range of interests and applications present in various departments of economic, business management or political (and not only) profile faculties. By using online texts, teachers may try to fill this gap by devising materials more customized to their students’ needs. However, this may pose different problems. Online texts are usually used as the ‘starting point’ for a specific vocabulary activity, examples are carefully gleaned, modified, edited, to assist the non-native ESP teacher in his or her endeavour of teaching ‘relevant’ terms. Nevertheless, courses customized by non-native speakers of English may suffer from an ‘alien complex’ that could be perpetuated by students’ compounded difficulty and confusion in facing ‘real language’ texts in their future careers (McEnery 1996). The simplification of examples for the sake of an intended ease on the part of the students in acquiring new structures presents itself as a double-edged problem: on the one hand, simplified examples may serve the immediate purpose of introducing new specialized lexis. But is this kind of simplification not prone to clouding the issue when students are faced with real-life situations / texts? John Sinclair notes this very dilemma: “When ‘sounds natural’ is examined closely, it usually transpires that it is almost impossible to invent an adequate example; attempts made by language teachers, lexicographers and others to represent usage are often embarrassing and never reliable” (Sinclair 1997: 31). If this quotation refers to ELT in general, it becomes apparent that if we were to apply Sinclair’s assertion to ESP teaching, the implications would be even greater. Producing examples in a language that is not yours, which is further rendered even more problematic by a specialized field in which you are not an expert, is indeed a formidable task. So, what could be done? The present study puts forward The StS Project, but I would first have to attempt an answer to the question ‘Are dictionaries good enough’, a query I have left for last, obviously, for strategic reasons. Established ELT publishers keep coming up with innovative approaches to dictionary building. These new methods are obviously tributary to the latest advancements in technology, mainly computers. Dictionaries like the ones from LONGMAN, CAMBRIDGE, OXFORD, COBUILD and MACMILLAN are accompanied by interactive multimedia CDs that are meant to supplement and even 59 Lingua A. Linguistics replace book formats with electronic versions inspired by contending corpora. It is true that such dictionaries may offer thousands of sample sentences to illustrate lexis, all sentences being extracted from the corpora on which these dictionaries are based, but is this enough? No dictionary could be ‘complete’ enough to offer the ESP learner a multitude of relevant examples. Dictionaries will continue to retain their general character as a useful tool or as a means to an end. No matter how innovative they are at the present time, they are still of secondary importance to either the general language or the ESP learner. However, applied corpus linguistics, underlying the construction of ELT dictionaries themselves, may lend itself to changing the shift from the above mentioned teacher-conceived method and teacher-created syllabus to a student-based approach. If by using ready-made textbooks teachers and students are more or less confined to a limited number of choices (Bogaards 1994), creating a customized corpus may be of much greater assistance. Moreover, if students themselves are acquainted with a method they can use themselves and are ‘delegated’ sufficient authority to be the prime deciding factor in building a corpus relevant to themselves, the dilemmas discussed above could make substantial room for possibly highly innovative improvements. So, how about The StS Project? The StS Project (Student to Student) is a project in English as a foreign language, freely submitted by university students on a bonus-granting basis, as part of their semester class work / self study. The project centres on (upper-intermediate / advanced) language awareness in terms of specific vocabulary (ESP = English for Specific Purposes) and its performance implications for learners of English at an upper-intermediate, advanced and proficient level (Common European Framework B2, C1 and C2 levels, i.e. the exact levels of academic / professional relevance in Romania, the rest of the European Union and countries like the U.S., Canada and Australia). It involves acquiring and developing skills in active reading through language awareness-raising and language structure manipulation at a high level of English, in terms of mastery of domainspecific vocabulary, collocations (including fixed expressions, idioms and phrasal verbs) and derivatives. This project has been developed as a result of need-based criteria, gradually and consistently ascertained and established after years of teaching English as a foreign language (in the ESP / exam format) to undergraduate students in the fields of EUROPEAN STUDIES, INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, MANAGEMENT OF EUROPEAN INSTITUTIONS, MEDIA STUDIES, POLITICAL SCIENCE and CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION. 60 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue The main student-oriented objectives (in random order) of this project include: enhancing research skills and their relevance; developing and enhancing awareness of online materials for English language study; developing self-study skills; developing student independence in working with target tasks (texts in English); developing active reading and language awareness; developing student skills in dictionary usage; providing high-level students with opportunities for self-improvement; familiarizing students with English exam-relevant language structures; providing students with a learning focus; providing students with a sense of personalized independence; providing students with a viable alternative to the existing assessment / marking system; encouraging life-long improvement of skills in a foreign language; familiarizing students with texts apt to be found in various exam formats; familiarizing students with the language of texts they may encounter in their future careers; raising students’ awareness of the interlinks between language learning and computer skills; familiarizing students with the ways in which relevant English exams are constructed; letting students play an active part in the construction of academic-specific curricula; letting students contribute to the construction of relevant exam questions in English; encouraging access to information and language learning by sharing; reinforcing the idea that language-learning is an on-going process etc. All these objectives have been and may be discussed in class for further clarification. The main teacher-oriented objectives (in random order) of this project include: ensuring that the student-oriented objectives above are met; assisting in making statistics regarding syllabus (course) and exam improvement / relevance; better differentiating among students’ levels of English; being better and more realistically informed in suggesting / making curricula / syllabi; attending to immediate and long-term students’ interest-based needs in language learning etc. How to Do The StS Project The steps of this procedure are as follows: 1. Participating students access a website of their own choice (but based on the list of topics given) and select a relevant text according to their own preference. 2. Students process the text by highlighting derivatives (e.g. ‘prosecution’ – students are free to decide which derivatives are relevant to their level and interest), domain-specific terms (e.g. if a text is about the Holocaust, if a term like ‘death camp’ is present, it may be highlighted – students are free to decide which such terms are relevant to their domain, level and interest); collocations (e.g. ‘fast car’), idioms (e.g. ‘make light of something’), phrasal verbs (e.g. ‘set up’ a business – note that this 61 Lingua A. Linguistics phrasal verb also forms a collocation with ‘business’) and fixed expressions (e.g. ‘in view of ’ something). 3. Students copy / paste the above information in a 3-column table (see the SAMPLE) as follows: (1) the first column will contain only relevant grammatical information about the words / expressions / collocations in column 2 (definite or indefinite articles or auxiliary verbs that make the usage of the expressions in column 2 obvious; if such words are not needed, that space of the table will be left blank (see the SAMPLE and class discussions on the issue); (2) the second column will contain the elements mentioned in (2) above in their neutral form, all alphabetically arranged (see the SAMPLE and class discussions on the issue); (3) the third column will contain a complete example sentence (practically, the entire copied and pasted text sentence in which the highlighted item appears). 4. Students identify their project as shown in the SAMPLE. 5. Students submit their project by email as instructed. Those students who want to participate in this project should note the following: 1. The project is not compulsory; it is an alternative to the existing system of class activities and final performance (exam) assessment. 2. The project is mainly intended for higher-level students (upper-intermediate and above). Lower-level students are not expected undertake this project if they are not sure they can do it successfully. These should work on their current level of English until they feel more or less certain that they can successfully accomplish such a project. 3. Students are discouraged from undertaking this project just because they need the bonuses in marking. They have to be made aware of the fact that they will not get any bonus if the submitted project is not (near) perfect and also, they should be encouraged to regard the project as a long-term endeavour – with respect to its effects on themselves and their colleagues (sharers). Students should be reminded that their projects will be accessed by their own colleagues as well as students they do not know – at present and in the future. 4. Students wanting to submit such a project should do so early. When they submit the project, it may take a few rejections before it is finally accepted. This will reflect the quality of their work and the feedback they get from the teacher. 5. Students are encouraged to ask for feedback at any stage of their project. By submitting The StS Project, students are aware that: 1. the project is relevant to their English learning needs at an upper-intermediate level and above; 62 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2. they are submitting the project of their own free will and as an alternative to the existing evaluation and final marking system; 3. they have read and asked for all the information regarding the project; 4. their project will be made public; 5. their names will be mentioned when the project is made public; 6. their freely-submitted projects can be used in whatever form and for whatever purposes – excluding commercial ones in themselves, but including the following: statistics of whatever kind, sharing in any form, quoting for whatever purposes; should their projects appear in a recognizable form (close to the original project they have submitted), in whatever circumstance, they will be properly acknowledged. Submitting The StS Project will be taken as a final and unequivocal statement of complete agreement with the above conditions, as well as with all regulations pertaining to The StS Project, made known as such, in various forms. Practical Application of The StS Project Collecting such projects from interested students is supposed to lead to a cumulative building of a dictionary of domain-specific collocations and fixed expressions (no such dictionary exists at present) to be accessed by various students at all times and free of any charge. The leader of the project (teacher / instructor / examiner) makes these projects electronically available (on established websites or on CD / DVD copies), in their original and edited forms as well, to all participating students, on a semester / study-year / graduation year basis. At the end of each semester, all the collected projects will be made available to students FREELY, on a CD or DVD. The CD / DVD will be given to the students’ representative (one for each major and year of study) who will make it available to his / her colleagues ALSO FREELY. All students may duplicate the CD / DVD for their own personal use. Since The StS Project is cumulative and continuous in nature and by design, each semester there will be a new edition of this collective endeavour. Each new edition will be updated as to contain ALL previous editions. Each CD / DVD version (edition) of the project will contain: • separate folders with projects collected from each year of study and major for that specific semester; • separate folders with archived projects collected from each year of study and major for all previous semesters since the start of the project; 63 Lingua A. Linguistics • a WORD document containing the entire compilation of all collocations and expressions (all tables put together and arranged alphabetically) available for that specific edition of the project, including all previous editions; • the original project sample and overview as guidelines for other students wishing to embark on the project themselves; • a document containing tips about how to make the most of The StS Project; • any further relevant data. The ultimate goal is to gradually produce a freely available specialized electronic dictionary of collocations and expressions of unlimited magnitude, guided by principles of language-learning, language-exam and ESP subject-oriented relevance, all doing justice to the name of the project itself: one made by students for students, under the supervision of their instructor to ensure a quality final product. This product, renewed with every subsequent edition, is intended to become a highly original and extremely useful tool for undergraduate students preparing for all sorts of exams in English, as well as for all future professionals seeking careers in business, politics or the mass media. Findings and Conclusions Having piloted The StS Project for one entire academic semester, I have obtained what at first sight may seem pretty dismal results: very few students embarked on the project and much fewer had their projects accepted. Why? Given that The StS Project was originally intended as optional, 1. very few students chose to do it in the first place, since they benefited from an alternative (traditional) marking bonus; 2. very few of them produced successful projects (after repeated attempts) also because most students displayed little if any seriousness in poring over the provided SAMPLE and OVERVIEW; most did it ‘by the ear’, in the hope of receiving the bonuses available. Obviously, it would be unfair to ‘blame’ only superficiality on the part of students. The project itself is indeed a difficult one, requiring advanced discriminatory skills in handling difficult language concepts (collocations, fixed expressions, derivatives etc), especially if these are also accompanied by theoretical awareness. So, the original version of the project may be deemed a failure, but with a necessary rider. In the first place, it was administered in a piloted version; this could well mean that the pilot version is in fact a diagnosis of student psychology, motivation and language awareness skills. Sadly, though, this diagnostic project also reveals that traditional methods are so deeply instilled in student psychology, that more novel ways (even if 64 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue they are apparently appreciated by students when they are introduced and explained at length in class and in ‘rules’ laid out in a written guide) continue to have a powerful deterrent value. Taking the piloted project and its results as a diagnostic test of students’ skills, in order to ensure the success of future attempts, the following conclusions may be drawn: 1. such a project needs to be made mandatory, as an integral part of the overall marking system; 2. should it be so, the project has to be simplified in order to make it accessible to students of all levels, but without detracting from its utility – this can be achievable with the assistance of a concordancer (software) made available to all students (along with training sessions on how to use it), which will, in effect, do the most difficult tasks automatically; 3. such a project has to be more effectively linked to other class activities by adapting it to integrated tasks – texts will be manipulated not only linguistically, but they will also have to be the starting point for speaking and writing activities; 4. the original conception of The StS Project may be retained as such – but only on an optional, bonus-granting basis, recommended to very high-level ambitious students, usually preparing for C1 and C2 exams. From this point of view, using the original version of The StS Project with such students may well amount to the building and reinforcement of language in use skills – pivotal in all exams. With hindsight, The StS Project has been a great opportunity for diagnosing various deficits in ESP teaching / learning, leading to one of the most worrying conclusions of all: currently, students prefer to steer clear of innovative approaches for the sake of the simplicity and familiarity implied by traditional ways. Nevertheless, since there is an increasing trend towards networking at all levels (and ‘networking’ is a concept to be explored elsewhere) – take the example of the ‘double standard’ introduced by book-form dictionaries and their electronic counterparts, all based on corpora of varying magnitude and focus – tradition in ELT must be made to accommodate sufficient opportunities for ‘networking’ with more topical methods provided by the Cyber Age; we should not forget that even old-fashioned libraries lined with book shelves have come to boast computerized connections to an amount of information more vast than ever. Ultimately, the obsolete / obsolescent book worm may change, as a ‘species’, into, perhaps, a mouse trap. 65 Lingua A. Linguistics Appendix This appendix contains a SAMPLE of The StS Project referred to in this paper. Since The StS Project involves essential layout rules, the SAMPLE is reproduced in jpeg format, each of the following being a print-screen of the individual pages of the SAMPLE. This same sample has been discussed in class and it has been sent in electronic form (as a template WORD document) to all my current students, along with the – slightly modified (student-friendly) – overview / rules discussed in various sections of this paper. Section 1 of SAMPLE (complete) 66 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue Section 2 of SAMPLE (complete) 67 Lingua A. Linguistics Section 3 of SAMPLE (a one-page extract) 68 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue Section 4 of SAMPLE (complete) Bibliography Bogaards, P. (1994). Le vocabulaire dans l’apprentissage des langues etrangeres, Paris: Editions Didier. Harwood, N. (2005). ‘What do we want EAP teaching materials for?’, Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 4, 150. McEnery,T., A. Wilson (1996). Corpus Linguistics, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Sinclair, John (1997). ‘Corpus evidence in language description’, in A.Wichmann et al. 69 Self Evaluation As a Metacognitive Strategy in the Context of BEC Higher Ana Maria Pascu* I l presente lavoro indaga sull’importanza della metacognizione nell’acquisizione di lingue seconde, concentrandosi soprattutto sulle strategie metacognitive nel contesto del BEC (Business English Certificate) Higher. Oltre al backround teoretico il lavoro include uno sperimento longitudinale, centrato sull’importanza dell’autovalutazione come un elemento della metacognizione, durante una prova di lettura del BEC Higher. metacognizione, strategia, autovalutazione, lettura. The paper is focused upon theoretical aspects of metacognition in second language acquisition, with a view to applying this theoretical knowledge to the practical field of preparing candidates for examinations. The investigation of self evaluation as a metacognitive strategy in the context of a Cambridge examination (Business English Certificate Higher) represents the practical side of this paper. We will begin by looking at some theoretical aspects of metacognition and its use in second language acquisition so that later we can analyze its applicability to the restricted field of preparation for the BEC exam. A possible definition of metacognition is “the process of becoming aware of declarative and procedural knowledge about cognition and applying these types of knowledge in order to regulate cognitive mechanisms so as to improve their function” (one can thus talk about metaattention, metamemory or metacomprehension). Flavell (1979) makes the distinction between two components of metacognition: metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive processes. Metacognitive knowledge can be defined as the declarative knowledge about cognitive processes. This type of knowledge can be used to regulate and control cognitive processes. Metacognitive knowledge may refer to: * Babeș-Bolyai University Lingua A. Linguistics • the subject (i.e. the student or candidate): general knowledge about learning, such as means of processing information that is directly related to the subject’s specific context. • the task: knowledge about the specific requirements of different types of tasks and the way in which they involve cognitive processes. • strategies: knowledge about cognitive and metacognitive strategies and about the instances in which these strategies may be applied. • interactions among any of the above: knowledge about the way in which any of the above mentioned items interact and thus influence the result of cognitive processing. Metacognitive processes imply procedural knowledge referring to the application of cognitive strategies. Metacognitive strategies are sequential processes that regulate the cognitive processes with a view to reaching a cognitive objective (Livingstone 1997). The main metacognitive strategies that we have in mind are planning, monitoring and self evaluation. Planning takes place before the task, monitoring occurs in parallel with the task, whereas self evaluation occurs after the task has been completed. Chamot (1999) adds problem solving to these three metacognitive strategies. However, it is our stance that problem solving is not a metacognitive strategy, but a cognitive one, as its purpose is to fulfill a task, not to regulate or better learning. Furthermore, Brown (1983, in Yussen 1985) adds prediction to the above list of metacognitive strategies, which can be defined as the estimation of the quantitative result of the cognitive activity, e.g. the amount of information that the subject will acquire after the completion of the task. In addition, guessing the answer to a task before its completion is another metacognitive strategy the researcher considers. However, he does not make reference to self evaluation. We believe that prediction and guessing may just as well be considered sub- elements of planning. Overlap as far as cognition and metacognition are concerned is not infrequent, the above example of categorizing problem solving as a metacognitive strategy being only one example. One cannot stress enough the fact that metacognitive strategies precede (planning), follow (self evaluation) or occur simultaneously (monitoring) with the cognitive ones. Furthermore, metacognitive strategies have a different purpose than cognitive ones. While cognitive strategies are applied in order to help a certain subject reach a certain objective (e.g. completing a task that requires the subject to reorganize a text in order to make it coherent), metacognitive strategies are used by a subject who wants to ENSURE that a certain goal will be reached. Thus, it is obvious that subjects having metacognitive skills usually perform better in tasks that involve cognitive processes. 72 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue The BEC Higher examination tests the candidates’ ability to use English within the context of business at an advanced level. All the four skills are tested, our focus here being reading, particularly the second reading task (the jumbled text). Students can choose from two different ways of preparation, which may also be combined when preparing for this examination: focusing on tasks that are similar in content, structure and level to the examination tasks and/ or starting with tasks that are identical in structure and level with the BEC Higher tasks. In our view, the second variant is more advantageous, particularly for those students whose level is at least upper intermediate, for two reasons: • The improvement of declarative and procedural knowledge. By focusing on tasks that are identical in structure and level with the examination tasks, the students can improve their procedural knowledge (by applying certain cognitive and metacognitve strategies) more effectively. Moreover, they get the opportunity to enrich their declarative knowledge at the same time, by learning new vocabulary items and grammar structures from those very tasks. • Effective monitoring. By focusing on such tasks the students can evaluate their performance correctly and thus have the chance to concentrate particularly on those that require more practice. On the contrary, if the students only focus on less demanding tasks that are only similar to the examination tasks, it may make preparation a lot easier and they may get the wrong impression that they are doing well and expect the same to happen in the examination. Metacognitive strategies involved in the second reading task of the BEC Higher examination The reading test lasts for 60 minutes, in which the candidates are required to complete six tasks, the second task being the jumbled text. By and large, planning implies both setting objectives and time management. The former involves knowledge of the task and understanding of instructions, while the latter is equally important having in mind that time could become a real stress factor in the entire exam. As far as the second reading task is concerned, the subjects should decide upon not spending more than 10 minutes on this task. The subjects should also direct their attention to the text and read it while ignoring the gaps to ensure a general understanding of it. Monitoring, as it has already been pointed out, occurs in parallel with the completion of the task and it implies analyzing the attention given to the task and the level of comprehension while it takes place. The direct result of monitoring is 73 Lingua A. Linguistics self evaluation, the two being interconnected in the sense that if the evaluation is unfavorable, one can resort to further planning and monitoring by employing additional cognitive resources. Monitoring as a metacognitive strategy ensures that the subject employs enough cognitive resources and strategies in order to achieve his/ her goal. The metacognitive strategies subjects may decide to apply with a view to achieving the goal are the following: • Read the text up to the first gap and the sentence following it. • Underline key words in the sentence that precedes and in the one that follows the first gap. • Read all the seven sentences that have been taken out of the text and choose one (or several if the subject realizes after appropriate monitoring that he/ she does not know the answer; in this case he/ she must return to the gap later and eliminate the unnecessary sentences). The answer should be chosen on the basis of the information gathered from the sentences around the gap and after reading all the possible answers. • Do the same for all the gaps in text. The self evaluation of comprehension after it has taken place usually involves the following stages: • Every time a sentence has been chosen for a certain gap, all the other sentences are analyzed as well, even if they have already been selected for other items, in order to avoid mistakes. • The subject explains to him/ herself the reason(s) for choosing each sentence, by evaluating the connections with the text. • After filling in all the gaps, the subject reads the entire text again in order to check whether it makes sense. It can be argued that any learning involves restructuring information. Therefore, learning to apply such metacognitive strategies step by step involves restructuring some skills (Rost 1990). First of all, subjects must be ready to accept ambiguity. Acceptance of ambiguity can be applied to both planning and monitoring. As far as planning is concerned, the subject must read the text ignoring the missing information in the gaps, which is a cause of ambiguity. Regarding monitoring, the subject must be able to focus his/ her attention on texts that more often than not lack coherence and/ or cohesion and can thus be ambiguous. Related to the acceptance of ambiguity, being able to detect sources of ambiguity is another necessary skill. Ambiguity may be a result of the way the task is structured (as in the second task of the reading test) as well as of the subjects misunderstanding 74 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue or lack of understanding some parts. While beginners have the tendency to extend sources of ambiguity to larger linguistic sequences, more proficient subjects are able to restrict and eliminate them by using inferences. The flexibility of evaluating risks is another skill that may be applied to both planning and self evaluation. Underestimating or overestimating the importance of risks may lead to either a superficial or a time consuming approach to the task. Thus, flexibility is the key word in this context. All of the above mentioned metacognitive strategies and their implications are options that candidates have when either preparing for the BEC examination or taking it. There are candidates who choose to apply other strategies and, one must admit, there are candidates who succeed in the examination without applying any metacognitive strategy. What we suggest, however, is that applying some metacognitive strategies improves one’s performance. The experiment The experiment we made looks into the option that subjects have when it comes to the self evaluation of their performance in the second reading task. Self evaluation can be undertaken not only at the end of the task, but also at the end of each stage within the task, in this case after choosing each particular answer. The objective of this experiment is the analysis of the relationship between the moment in which self evaluation as a metacognitive strategy takes place, performance and the quality of self evaluation in the case of the jumbled text type of task. The hypothesis is that subjects that evaluate themselves immediately after the completion of each item do so more precisely and have a better performance in the long term than subjects who evaluate their performance at the end of the task, after completing all the items. The method The subjects were 60 2nd year students at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, from Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj- Napoca. The average level of the students was upper intermediate, as it has been ascertained by taking into account their performance in the English classes and tests in the previous two semesters. The 60 subjects were randomly divided into two groups: the experimental group and the control group. The design. An experimental design with two factors was used (the moment of self evaluation and the verbal instruction – the experimental group had been told to apply the metacognitive strategy, while the control group had not been told about it before the completion of the task). The independent variable was represented by the moment of the self evaluation (either after the completion of each single item for the 75 Lingua A. Linguistics experimental group, or at the end of the task for the control group). The dependent variable was represented by the accuracy of the self evaluation and the number of correct answers. The materials. Both the experiment and the control group subjects were given a jumbled text type of task (see annex), namely an authentic text of approximately 450500 words, with six gaps out of which six sentences had been taken out and seven randomly mixed sentences (the six sentences plus a distractor). The procedure. The subjects had been divided in two groups of 30 and each group was tested collectively. Both the subjects in the experimental group and the ones in the control group were familiar with the metacognitive strategies they had to apply (as a result of previous training). They were all instructed to apply all the planning, monitoring and self evaluation strategies, with the exception of the last self evaluation strategy in the case of the experimental group. The subjects in the experimental group were told that they would get a jumbled text type of task (they were familiar with this type of task). They were told that after each answer they gave they should evaluate it as follows: if they were sure about the answer they should encircle the letter corresponding to the correct answer, and if they were not they should underline it. We only chose two variants for this condition so as not to complicate the subjects’ task and in order to avoid subjectivity. The subjects were also told not to think about their answers once they have evaluated them and to hand in their question paper as soon as they finished evaluating their last answer. An invigilator made sure that this happened. The subjects had 15 minutes for this task. The subjects in the control group were also told that they would get a jumbled text type of task, with which they were also familiar. They were told to address the task as usual, by applying the above mentioned strategies. After 15 minutes they were told to take a red pen and evaluate their answers just like the subjects in the experimental group (by encircling the letters they were sure about and by underlining those that they were not confident about). They were told that they were not allowed to change their answers at this stage and an invigilator made sure that was the case. After a semester the experiment was repeated with another jumbled text in order to see whether there were any significant differences in the subjects’ performance and self evaluation quality. Results and discussion The results of this experiment are partly consistent with the hypothesis. 1. The relationship within the experimental group between the quality of the self evaluation at the beginning and at the end of the longitudinal experiment 76 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue The difference between the two sets of results was not significant. 2.The relationship within the experimental group between the performance at the beginning and at the end of the longitudinal experiment The performance of the experimental group at the end of the longitudinal experiment increased significantly in comparison with the initial moment (p<0.02). 3.The relationship within the control group between the quality of the self evaluation at the beginning and at the end of the experiment The quality of self evaluation improved significantly for the control group (p<0.01). 4.The relationship within the control group between the performance at the beginning and at the end of the experiment The performance of the control group did not increase significantly. 5.The relationship between the initial quality of self evaluation for the control group and the experimental group The performance of the experimental group was significantly better than that of the control group from this point of view (p = 0.02). 6.The relationship between the initial performance for the control and the experimental group The difference was not significant. 7.The relationship between the quality of self evaluation at the end of the experiment for the control and the experimental group The experimental group performed better than the control group in this respect (p= 0.06). 8.The relationship between the final performance for the control and the experimental group The difference was not significant. A possible explanation would be the insufficient number of subjects that took part in this experiment. Conclusions: Self evaluation is much more accurate when it immediately follows each item of the task that is being evaluated, instead of having it done at the end of the task, both in the short and in the long term. However, the subjects’ ability of evaluating themselves immediately after the completion of each item does not increase significantly in time. Moreover, their self evaluation significantly improves, even though it remains less accurate than in the case of the subjects who evaluate themselves immediately after each item. As far as performance is concerned, the results are as follows. For the subjects that evaluate themselves after the completion of each item performance improves in the long term, but for the control group it remains at the same level, despite the 77 Lingua A. Linguistics fact that, as stated above, there is significant improvement in the control group’s self evaluation. However, there has not been a significant difference between the performance of the experimental and the control group, regardless of the moment in which this was measured. This may be due to the insufficient number of subjects (60) and also to other variables related to planning and monitoring as metacognitive strategies which have not been taken into account in this experiment. Annex Reading test part two Questions 9 – 14 • Read this text taken from an article about how companies’ decision-making can go wrong. • Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps. • For each gap 9 – 14, mark one letter (A – H) on your Answer Sheet. • Do not use any letter more than once. • There is an example at the beginning, (0). Bad business decisions are easy to make Example: 0 - H Those who make disastrous business decisions generally exhibit two characteristic types of behaviour. First they make a selective interpretation of the evidence when deciding to go ahead with a project. (0)...H... . How do such bad decisions come about? One reason is that the people in control are determined to make their mark by doing something dramatic. (9)......... . Once the leader has decided to put his or her name to a project, many in the organisation believe it politic to support it too, whatever their private doubts. (10)........ . These doubters know that such a perception will cloud their future careers. The desire to agree with the boss is typical of committees, with group members often taking collective decisions that they would not have taken individually. They look around the table, see their colleagues nodding in agreement and suppress their own doubts. If all these intelligent people believe this is the right thing to do, they think to themselves, perhaps it is. It rarely occurs to committee members that all their colleagues have made the same dubious calculation. Responsible managers usually ask to see the evidence before reaching a decision. (11)........ . Even those who consider all the evidence, good and bad, fail to take account of the fact that expert predictions are often wrong. The reason for this is that feedback is only effective if it is received quickly and often; and senior executives rarely become the experts they claim to be, because they make too few big decisions to learn much 78 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue from them. So when it becomes clear that disaster looms, many executives insist on pressing ahead regardless. (12)........ . The repercussions of doing so can be daunting. So what can be done to prevent companies making bad decisions? (13)........ . Another is to delegate the decision on whether or not to continue to people who are not in the thick of the decisionmaking, such as the non-executive directors. (14)....... . But they shouldn’t expect any gratitude: people who have made huge mistakes are not going to say ‘Thank you, we should have paid attention to you in the first place.’ A It would be far better, though, if dissidents in the organisation raised their doubts beforehand, and were listened to. B They want to be recognised as having changed the company in a way that history will remember. C This is not to argue that companies should never attempt anything brave or risky. D Too much money has been spent and too many reputations are at stake to think about stopping at this stage. E One solution is to set targets for a project and to agree in advance to abandon it if these are not met. F After all, people who persistently point to potential pitfalls are seen as negative and disloyal. G But they often rely only on those parts of it that support their case. H Coupled with this, they insist that the failure was someone else’s fault. Answer key 9B 10F 11G 12D 13E 14A References Chamot, A., Barnhardt, S., Beard El. Dinary, P., Robbins, J. (1999). The Learning Strategies Handbook. London, New York: Longman. Flavell, J. H. (1979). ”Metacognition and cognitive monitoring: A new area of cognitive developmental inquiry”, American Psychologist 34, 906-911. Rost, M. (1990). Listening in Language Learning. London, New York: Longman. 79 Lingua A. Linguistics Yussen, S. R. (1985). “The Role of Metacognition in Theories of Cognitive Development”, Metacognition, Cognition and Human Performance, vol. 1. D. L. Forrest- Pressley, G.E. MacKinnon, T. G. Waller (eds.). New York, London: Academic Press. BEC Higher reading task [Online]. Available: http://www.cambridgeesol.org/support/dloads/bec/bec_higher_04.pdf [2006, February 20] 80 Conversation analysis in an oral business communication course Emilia Plăcintar* C onversation Analysis (CA) treats language in use as an emerging process through which the participants coordinate their interactional behaviour to achieve a joint project. This paper is an attempt to make a case for an introductory theoretical CA component in a course on advanced oral communication for our MA students in international communication in business. For this purpose, we briefly describe conversation as a prototypical speech genre, outline the CA field of study and provide a selection of course and seminar activities. In conclusion, we assert that by familiarising the students with the inner workings of ordinary conversation they will be able to understand the idiosyncracies of the various sub-genres of oral business discourse. conversation, conversation analysis, action sequences, business discourse, cognitive planning 1. Introduction: Conversation Analysis Conversation as the bedrock of human interaction provides a genuine source of materials on the basis of which to study language in use. Conversation Analysis addresses the practical workings of language in the communicative actions carried out by real interactants through speech. According to Edmonson (1981: 6), conversation “is used loosely and nontechnically to refer to any interactional stretch of talk involving at least two participants, and taking place in a non-formalised setting, such that no special rules or conventions may be said to operate.” In his definition of conversation, besides the non-specificity of the setting in which conversation occurs, Levinson also focuses on its functioning. He describes conversation as “the sustained production of chains of mutually-dependent acts, constructed by two or more agents each monitoring and building on the actions of the other” (1983 : 44). It follows that conversation is a * Babeș-Bolyai University Lingua A. Linguistics reciprocal undertaking, as speakers coordinate their behaviour and cooperate for the sake of a fluid and orderly interaction in the process of achieving a joint enterprise. All the diverse areas of human activity involve the use of language. Bakhtin (1986) explains that language enters life through concrete utterances and that each sphere of activity in which language is used develops characteristic types of utterances, i.e. speech genres. He distinguishes between primary genres, which have taken form in unmediated speech communion and are found in the local communicative activities of everyday life, and secondary/complex genres, which have absorbed and digested various primary genres. Obviously, ordinary conversation belongs to the former type of speech genre, as conversational interaction is the central type of communication. This view on conversation can be associated with Levinson’s remark that conversation is “the prototypical kind of language usage, the form in which we are all first exposed to language – the matrix for language acquisition” (1983: 284). The prime object of study of CA is the organisation of naturally occurring conversation or talk-in-interaction. Its task is to look into the emergence and maintenance of a presupposed “interactional order” (Psathas 1995: 45) or “meaningful conduct” (Pomerantz and Fehr 1997: 69) produced and understood on the basis of shared procedures and methods that allow the communicators to sustain the flow of conversational interaction. Sacks et al. (1974) pioneered the study of conversational management as a process per se, concentrating strictly on the activities effected by the conversationalists as they open and close conversations, change turns, or make inferences about the relations between sequences. They advanced the assumption that conversations are rulegoverned and that these rules are double-faced: on the one hand, they are quite general and, on the other, they allow for an adaptation to the immediate local contingencies of interaction. In their terminology, rules are both “context-free” and “context-sensitive”, and the very objective of CA is to study how people in an interaction interpret each other’s utterances and behaviour and produce an intersubjective understanding of their doings. Here are some of the fundamental questions that CA specifically addresses: In what ways can talk be seen to be structured? How does a participant know when to start speaking after a previous speaker? How do two (or more) interactants who begin speaking simultaneously negotiate who will get the turn? How do speakers construct their turn to make sure their listener understands them? How do speakers display understanding of the last speaker’s turn? How do speakers signal to their listeners that they intend to hold the floor? How do speakers manage agreement and disagreement? How do participants move from one topic of conversation to another? How do participants repair their own utterances or those of the co-participant(s)? How 82 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue do speakers bring a conversation to a close? What role do non-lexical or quasi-lexical items play in the construction of meaning? How are pauses used and interpreted in conversations? (cf. Reay 1998: 54-5) In short, CA treats language as a dynamic activity and an ongoing process and demonstrates how interactants achieve a sense of mutual understanding. Mey (1994) explains the distinction between the tasks and functions of CA and those of pragmatics. He argues that, in their concern with users of language, pragmaticists are faced with a hidden partner: society. If CA simply studies the interactional mechanisms involved in verbal interaction, then pragmatics goes beyond conversation to look at societal constraints, as it is society that “determines what we can say and how we say it, and in what kind of situation or context” (1994: 250). It follows that pragmatics complements the insights of CA into the organisation of discourse with predictive and explanatory power to account for the way in which conversational actors are able to manipulate the characteristics that the interactional system makes available in order to realise a particular goal and carry out a plan. In our argument for the introduction of the basic CA (and pragmatic) concepts in our communication course, we are inspired by Mey’s (1999) metaphor of words being “our common currency”, which is meant to emphasise the importance of language users’ membership of the social community: “To have my words pay for my communicative expenses in dealing with the world, I must remain a contributing member of my community, my context, by recognizing my social obligations and paying my speaking dues” (1999: 302). Elsewhere, Mey (1998) is preoccupied with the issue of “emancipatory linguistics” and hopes that raised-consciousness linguistics can contribute to making the users more aware of the language they (and others) are using. It is our conviction that linguists, language teaching practitioners, and communication professionals should share in this responsibility for communicative emancipation, including conversational emancipation. In the ensuing sections, we briefly describe our course and selectively present some activities designed for the introduction and application of basic CA concepts. 2. Description of the MA programme in international communication and business administration Buiding and developing communicative competence is a project that is gaining more and more space in the updated curricula for tertiary education in Romania. In particular, the academic foreign language curricula, especially at ‘Babeş-Bolyai’ 83 Lingua A. Linguistics University, allot considerable space to communication in various professional fields: journalism, law, political science, business, international relations, and social work. This context has facilitated the initiation by our department of modern languages and business communication of the MA programme in professional communication, which has been running for three years now. Here’s a selection of some communication subjects from the respective curriculum: Introduction to argumentation; Language and style in professional discourse; Advanced oral communication in business; Communication in conflict situations and negotiations; Communication in public relations; and Intercultural communication. As for the course in advanced oral communication in business, here are the major themes included: The process of spoken communication; Organisational patterns in conversational interaction; Business discourse vs. ordinary conversation; The interpersonal dimension of workplace talk; Talking to do things: Speech activities in business communication; Business presentations; Business meetings; Business interviews; and Business negotiations. We deem that understanding the techniques and patterns that people use in everyday conversation forms the basis for the more task-oriented types of interaction employed in workplace communication, such as chairing or participating in a meeting, interviewing or being interviewed, negotiating, making an appointment, making/answering enquiries via the telephone, etc. That is why our course begins with a theoretical preamble that introduces some fundamental CA notions, such as elements of conversational interaction, the emergence of turns and sequential patterns. 3. A selection of course and seminar activities The length of this article does not allow us to demonstrate how all those concepts are introduced in the course. Below, we explain how sequencing devices and the specific features of business discourse are presented to our students. 3.1 Action sequences We use as exemplification two conversations, (C1) from Graddol et al. (1994: 193) and (C2) from Svartvik and Quirk’s (1980) corpus of English conversation. [C1] 1 M: Oh, g’day John! How’s things? 2 J: Hi, Mike, not too bad. How’s things with you? 3 M: Can’t complain, can’t complain, be going on holiday soon. How’s work? 4 J: Good, real good, actually. 84 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 5 M: Well, look, got to dash, good seeing you – catch up with you later. 6 J: Yeah, look, let’s have coffee soon. 7 M: OK, great: see you then. 8 J: Yeah, see you. [C2] 1 A: (rings) 2 B: Benjamin Holloway. 3 A: this is Professor Dwight’s secretary, from Polymania College, 4 B: ooh, yes, – 5 A: uh:m . about the: lexicology *seminar,* 6 B: *yes* 7 A: actually Professor Dwight says in fact they’ve only got two more m . uh:m sessions to go, because I didn’t realize it it . finishes at Easter, 8 B: I see, yes, *uh:um* 9 A: *so* it . wouldn’t really be . 10 B: much point, . *no,* 11 A: *no,* . (laughs) 12 B: OK right, thanks very much, 13 A: OK . * bye,* 14 B: *bye,* Conversationsalists in both conversations perform three broad actions in sequence: (1) they open the conversation, (2) they exchange information, and (3) they close the conversation. Each of these actions further divides into other sequences of actions. Here are the components of each action in [C1]: Action (1): (1a) M greets J (line 1); (1b) J greets M (line 2). Action (2): (2a) M asks J a question (line 1); (2b) J answers M’s question and asks M a question (line 2); (2c) M answers J’s question and asks J a question (line 3); (2d) J answers M’s question (line 4); (2e) M attempts to close the conversation and gives reason for it (line 5); (2f) J agrees to close but not before he has made an invitation (line 6); (2g) M accepts the invitation (line 7). Once students notice that not only is conversation a joint activity but so are its parts, the notions of sequencing and sequential patterns can be introduced. Why do pairs of actions occur in sequence? What accounts for most of the sequencing is the fact that each action is dependent on the completion of the previous one, that is, interlocutors cannot exchange information until they have opened the conversation, and, similarly, they cannot close before they have exchanged information. The same explanation holds for the sequencing of sub-actions: a question cannot be answered prior to asking it, just as an invitation cannot be accepted prior to launching it. It 85 Lingua A. Linguistics follows that these sequences are not determined by what the interactants are trying to say, but by what they are jointly trying to accomplish. The fundamental sequencing device in conversation is the adjacency pair, the prototype of which is the question-answer sequence. Adjacency pairs have two parts – a first pair part (abbreviated as FPP) and a second pair part (abbreviated as SPP), and their most important property is conditional relevance. This means that once the speaker has produced a FPP of a certain type of adjacency pair (e.g. invitation), it is conditionally relevant for the hearer to produce a SPP of the right type (e.g. acceptance/rejection of invitation). Clark explains that adjacency pairs are ‘minimum joint projects’ and ‘ideal building blocks for dialogue’ (1994: 992). To illustrate these notions we analyse the adjacency pairs in [C2]: FPP = 1A [Summons] – SPP = 2B [Response] FPP = 3A [Assertion] – SPP = 4B [Assent] FPP = 5A, 7A [Assertion] – SPP = 6B, 8B [Assent] FPP = 9A, 10B [Assertion] – SPP = 11A [Assent] FPP = 12B [Thanks] – SPP = 13 A [Response] FPP = 13 A [Good-bye] – SPP = 14 B [Good-bye] Other sequential patterns that are introduced and exemplified then are presequences and insertion sequences. Pre-sequences serve as preliminary inquiries that check the conditions for more extended joint tasks. For example, they are used in paving the way for invitations, requests, announcements, questions, stories, jokes, or for terminating conversations, etc. Strict neighbouring of the two-component utterances in an adjacency pair is a requirement that is frequently ignored in the sense that the FPP is separated from the SPP by other talk. For example, an answer to a question may be delayed by several intervening utterances, a phenomenon known as insertion. Generally, insertion sequences are used to clarify a FPP before replying to it. In this way, the clarifying turn becomes the FPP of an embedded adjacency pair and the answer to it is the SPP. Only when clarification has been accomplished does the SPP of the initial pair occur. A powerful concept related to the aspect of sequential organisation in conversation is preference organisation. Some adjacency pairs may take more than one kind of response of which only one is considered the common pattern. These alternative SPPs are not treated by participants as equivalent choices. For example, FPPs that seek action on the part of the hearer may be met with either acceptance or refusal, the former pattern being the preferred response, while the latter the dispreferred one. Therefore, a request, an offer, and an invitation are preferably followed by an 86 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue acceptance, not a refusal, although either response will comply with the requirement established by the FPP. To exemplify, the following two contrasting SPPs to an invitation are analysed: [1] A: Why don’t you come up for a drink one evening? B: I’d love to. [2] A: Why don’t you come up for a coffee tomorrow morning? B: Well, er, that’s awfully nice of you, but, you see, I don’t think I can make it tomorrow, uhm, actually, I’m expecting the plumber to fix the water taps, so…er, couldn’t we make it some other day, perhaps? We can notice that the acceptance of the invitation in [1] is naturally quick and direct and that the structural simplicity of the preferred response contrasts with the structural complexity of the dispreferred rejection of the invitation in [2]. Thus, the question that arises is about the structural characteristics that mark the SPP in [2] for dispreferredness. Levinson (1983) mentions the two essential features of dispreferred actions: they tend to occur in a marked format and to be avoided. Above all, the negative response poses greater demands on the speaker as (s)he has to resort to politeness strategies to mitigate the dispreferred option. As a result, this is conspicuously more complex and richer in terms of linguistic resources. The actual refusal in our case is delayed by prefaces or hedges (well, you see), then by hesitation (er), uncertainty (I don’t think), and an appreciative comment on the invitation. Finally, the declination is produced, but it is accompanied by an account and the expression of availability at another time. All these tentative linguistic devices point to the speaker’s reluctance to turn down the invitation. Thus, students are made aware that: most of the conversation activity is organised into sequences of adjacency pairs; utterance interpretation is mainly grounded on the sequential environment; different combinations of adjacency pairs have different uses; in their conversational activity, interactants orient themselves to the various sequential structures to the degree in which these patterns answer their needs for carrying out certain communicative goals and plans. Given the significance of goal achievement, sequences of actions in institutional discourse are consciously organised. That is why we also introduce the notion of plan as a cognitive representation of predetermined actions through which the talk is steered towards some desired result. According to the literature on cognitive processes, the activity of plan conception is multi-layered and multidirectional. Hayashi (1996) explains that such a cognitive model contains (1) “outcomes” (task/ideational goals), (2) “designs” (behavioural goals), (3) “procedures” (gross actions), and (4) “operations” (minute actions). The first three planes are related to the top-down planning process, while the last one refers 87 Lingua A. Linguistics to the bottom-up emergence of conversation. While ordinary conversation involves predominantly bottom-up operations, business conversations are predicated on an overall interactional and organisational plan, which argues for the predictability of business discourse in terms of its global and sequential organisation. Later in the course, when the main areas of oral performance in business, i.e. presentations, negotiations, meetings, and interviews, are studied and practised, the students will be aware of and able to observe the repetitive overall structure of each type of discourse and the way in which the interaction emerges locally to accomplish macro-plans. The seminar activities that follow the theoretical lecture are based on conversational data provided by us or collected by the students themselves, as most of them have a job. The assignments are meant to get the students to identify various organisational patterns and their utility, describe the overall project of an exchange and the actions it is made up of, or interpret the functions of selected utterances in the realisation of the local and global goals of an interaction. 4. Conclusion In describing our approach to teaching oral business communication to MA, we have intended to make a point of the utility of introducing a Conversation Analysis component in the course. The feedback we have received from our students allows us to assert that an understanding of the basic concepts mentioned herein raises their awareness of business conversation as action and helps them grasp the internal mechanisms of “collective behaviour” (Searle 1997) in conversational interaction. Once the students become aware of the conversational machinery of everyday interaction as the baseline template of the speech exchange process, they will be able to analyse the particularities of the different sub-genres of business discourse. References Bakhtin, M. M. (1986). The problem of speech genres, in M. Holquist (Ed.), Speech Genres and Other Late Essays. Austin: University of Texas Press, 60-103. Clark, H. H. (1994). Discourse in production, in M. A. Gernsbacher (Ed.), Handbook of Psycholinguistics. San Diego: Academic Press, Inc., 985-1018. Edmonson, W. (1981). Spoken Discourse: A Model for Analysis. London and New York: Longman. Graddol, D., J. Cheshire, and J. Swann (1994). Describing Language. Buckingham: Open University Press. Hayashi, T. (1996). Politeness in conflict management: A conversation analysis of dispreferred message from the cognitive perspective, Journal of Pragmatics, 25, 227-55. Levinson, S. C. Pragmatics. (1983). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 88 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue Mey, J. L. (1994). How to do things with words: a social pragmatics for survival, Pragmatics, 4(2), 239-63. Mey, J. L. (1998). Pragmatics, in J. L. Mey (Ed.), Concise Encyclopedia of Pragmatics. Oxford: Elsevier, 716-37. Mey, J. L. (1999). When Voices Clash – A Study in Literary Pragmatics. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. Pomeranz, A. and B. J. Fehr (1997). Conversation Analysis: An approach to the study of social actions as sense making practices, in T. A. van Dijk (Ed.), Discourse Studies, vol. 2. London/Thousand Oaks/New Delhi: Sage Publications, 64-91. Psathas, G. (1995). Conversation Analysis: The Study of Talk-in-Interaction. Thousand Oaks: Sage. Reay, S. (1998). Conversation Analysis, in A. Wray et al. (Eds.), Projects in Linguistics – A Practical Guide to Researching Language. London: Arnold, 54-62. Sacks, H., E. Schegloff and G. Jefferson (1974). A simplest systematics for the organization of turn-taking in conversation, Language, 50 (4), 696-735. Searle, J. (1997[1986]). Conversation as dialogue, in M. Macovski (Ed.), Dialogue and Critical Discourse. New York/ Oxford: Oxford University Press, 237-55. Svartvik, J. and R. Quirk (Eds.) (1980). A Corpus of English Conversation. Lund: Gleerup. 89 Completing the incomplete Intercultural awareness raising and business discourse Biró Enikő* D ie vorliegende Arbeit möchte die Wesensart der interkulturellen Kompetenz im Kontext des Fremdsprachenunterrichts erhellen. Dabei steht die Entwicklung verschiedener Fertigkeiten, sowie die des bewussten Lernens in Bezug auf die eigene und die fremde Kultur im Vordergrund, indem die Empfindlichkeit der Lernenden für die kulturellen Unterschiede trainiert wird. Die Entwicklung des bewussten Lernens spielt im Fremdsprachenunterricht eine Schlüsselrolle, da es ein ganzes Leben lang hält. In der Arbeit werden kurz die Ergebnisse eines in Sankt Georgen durchgeführten Experiments dargestellt und darauf hingewiesen, dass der Entwicklung der interkulturellen Kompetenz und des bewussten Lernens eine ganz bedeutende Rolle zuzuschreiben ist. Abschließend werden in der Arbeit einige Techniken dargestellt, die der Entwicklung der interkulturellen Kompetenz dienen. interkulturelle Kompetenz, Bewusstmachung, positive Haltung, Entwicklung der interkulturellen Kompetenz “No man is an island, entire of itself, every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main, if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less…any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind.” (John Donne) 1.Introduction According to my paper professional discourse is business discourse and I would like to reflect upon some elements of business discourse acquisition. The notion of a discourse I am using is based on the work of a sociolinguist named James Gee, who defines a discourse as “a socially accepted association among ways of using language, of thinking, feeling, believing, valuing, and of acting that can be used to identify oneself as a member of a socially meaningful group … or to signal (that one is playing) a socially meaningful ‘role’.” (1990: 143) * Babeș-Bolyai University Lingua A. Linguistics In our case: the ‘socially meaningful role’ is that of a competent speaker in a business environment by competent meaning here: inter-culturally competent. Professional discourse is important from both a cognitive and a social point of view. All kinds of professional discourse enable students and trainees to read and use guide books, courses etc. (i.e. brochures, reports, handbooks, flyers). Gee suggests that discourse acquisition takes place through observation of and interaction with people who are already members of that discourse community: therefore getting sensitized could be one of the key elements in language learning. Any kind of learning (and especially language learning) is a process of socialization into a new community (the ELT community) and therefore into a new discourse – learners acquire a new discourse along with a new social identity. In other words acquiring a new discourse means becoming able to take on a new social identity – one of a number – and a new view of the world and the things that are important in it. Therefore business professional discourse shows learners or “clients” a way to be – when they are engaged in various business communicative situations – and from a cognitive point of view provides them with linguistic tools for perceiving and categorizing, and reflecting upon the objects, processes, behaviors, and events arising in a business environment. We need to socialize an FL learner into the language of profession. But before we teach them these language skills, we must examine how this specific professional discourse works, what is effective, what kind of talk suggests authority or weakness, and what kind of rules of speaking are part of this tradition (i.e. business communication). We can empower an FL learner to take on an identity kit that is part of being a business person. If we help FL learners to communicate with authority in a business professional situation, they present themselves confidently. We need to model presentation skills for them including strategies. The learners need interpersonal skills, analyzing skills and guidelines for interactions. A confident command of a professional discourse brings authority and credibility to the speaker. A discourse of power is not just about vocabulary – it is dealing with arguments, competence, reasoning, listening – and authentic presentation of one’s ideas. A language learner has to become interculturally competent in order to play a socially meaningful role, taking part in a professional discourse. We know it very well that in this globalizing world remote and separated business discourses are no more available and have no purpose. The language learner is going to become not just a business speaker, therefore well equipped with the tools of a business discourse, but also has to reach a certain stage of an intercultural speaker. 92 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue The topic of intercultural competence became more and more important during the past years: globalization and worldwide contacts between companies, organizations and individuals need the ability to communicate in a successful way. Intercultural competence is the ability of successful communication with people of other cultures. This ability can exist in someone at a young age, or may be developed and improved due to willpower and competence. The bases for a successful intercultural communication are emotional competence, together with intercultural sensitivity. This paper deals with not the linguistic tools or cognitive tools first of all, but with that difficult-to-approach side of intercultural competence acquisition – the way to be – and one of the main steps of it. 2.Getting “sensitized” Socio-cultural and intercultural competence By the appearance of the communicative language teaching a focus has been placed on the development of competences. Communicative competence has become the target model of language pedagogy. An often used model belongs to Canale and Swain (1980), containing four components: linguistic competence, sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence and strategic competence. There are other models too, of course, but no one reflects explicitly on the fifth element of the model, which is cultural competence. According to Bárdos (2005) we have to include the fifth element the model of communicative competence, the cultural competence. Language does not just deliver the cultural background but it is part of it. Therefore developing cultural competence should be present while learning and acquiring a foreign language. Liddicoat (2005) mentions that culture is practice, which is accomplished and realized by the members of a cultural group in their daily lives and interactions. Therefore it is a lifelong engagement together with all those strategies, interactions, reactions which are important for the participants of that particular culture. It is also a dynamic set of practices, changing and developing day by day. Actually, the most important part of culture is that which is internal and hidden, but which governs the behavior it encounters. Kramsch (1993) believes that culture should be taught as an interpersonal process, rather than presenting cultural facts and the aim of teaching culture is increasing students’ awareness towards the target, ‘host’, culture, helping them to make comparisons among cultures. Actually, while studying cultural competence we have to mention two terms: socio-cultural and intercultural competence. 93 Lingua A. Linguistics Socio-cultural competence refers to acquiring an appropriate linguistic behavior, obeying the linguistic rules, the target community’s cultural-social conventions. Acquiring socio-cultural competence would mean learning and most of all acquiring the culture of another community, being culturally competent in the target language. On the other hand, the term intercultural competence (ICC) refers to the development of those skills which enable language learners to understand the target culture and cultural conventions and this is consciously based on the given cultural background which is their own cultural background. This is a kind of being an insider and an outsider at the same time, having a critical approach but also non-judgmental opinion about ‘home’ and the ‘host’ cultural norms. This means simultaneously increasing student’s awareness towards the target culture and to their own, sensitizing them to cultural diversity. Therefore, intercultural competence enables you as a language learner to be aware of the fact that cultures are relative. No one can speak of one “normal” way of doing things. This is linked to the view that positive attitudes and awareness are equally important where awareness involves exploring, experimenting and experiencing, being reflective and introspective. Therefore these elements have to be developed while forming ICC. 3.ICC components Traits, characteristics Three areas or domains Four dimensions Proficiency Levels of attainment According to Fantini (1995), one definition of ICC is that it is the complex of abilities needed to perform effectively and appropriately when interacting with others who are linguistically and culturally different from oneself. According to him, ICC encompasses multiple components. These include: • a variety of traits and characteristics (e.g. flexibility, humor, patience, openness, interest, curiosity, empathy, tolerance for ambiguity, and suspending judgment, among others) Clearly, the traits associated with intercultural competence require further examination. According to Fantini (1995), empathy might be more an abstract ideal than a reality. Theoretically, it is impossible to place ourselves in someone else’s shoes, therefore the term “relational” empathy - acknowledging that at best, we can attempt 94 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue to understand from another’s perspective, but never quite succeed - was introduced. Being non-judgmental arouses the same kind of problems - being another is a trait impossible to achieve. Human beings are de facto judgment machines. We make judgments that guide our actions. If we understand this, however, it may help us to suspend judgments momentarily in an unfamiliar cross-cultural situation. • three areas or domains (the ability to establish and maintain relationships, the ability to communicate with minimal loss or distortion, the ability to collaborate in order to accomplish something of mutual interest or need) • four dimensions (i.e. knowledge, (positive) attitudes/affect, skills, awareness) Of these, awareness is central and especially critical to cross-cultural development. It is enhanced through reflection and introspection. Awareness differs from knowledge in that it is always about the “self ” and helps to clarify what is deepest and most relevant to one’s identity. Awareness is furthered through developments in knowledge, positive attitudes, and skills, and in turn also furthers their development. • proficiency in the host language • varying levels of attainment throughout a longitudinal and developmental process. 4. Completing the incomplete An intercultural speaker Recurrent mistakes Developmental model of intercultural sensitivity The concept of “the intercultural speaker” was introduced due to the fact that what the FL learner acquires and the learning processes passed through are different from the similar processes of a native speaker. The FL learner is also influenced by other contexts: like the socio-cultural ones through which he/she has passed up until that point. Therefore, learning a new language is related to linguistic and cultural contexts, and the learning process involves, among many, intercultural awareness raising and constant revision of already existing conceptions. That is why the integration of culture in the model of Communicative Language Teaching might seem not enough. This model suggests that FL learners should „copy” native speakers, and the learners are viewed as incomplete native speakers. There are also opinions according to which a non-native speaker can never achieve a native speaker’s competence, as Medgyes (1992) believes. 95 Lingua A. Linguistics A shift should be made from teaching communicative competence to teaching intercultural (communicative) competence. In the process of foreign language learning the aim should not be to become a native speaker or mediator: the FL learner should become able to engage in different communicative situations of complexity and avoid stereotyping. Also we should try to avoid making the same mistake over and over again. We should not focus anymore on the concept of a “complete”, “perfect” language user. New views highlight that this is even impossible. But if ICC research includes personality traits (e.g. empathy) this may lead to the same conclusion – that those who are not showing empathy towards the other cultures are interculturally “incomplete”. Therefore it seems more important to focus on raising – because it has been said that once acquired it becomes lifelong, it is not forgotten. It can be developed. Among the models of culture learning – and therefore intercultural competence developing – there is the model of Bennett (1986), the developmental model of intercultural sensitivity, which might be useful while dealing with intercultural awareness raising. The author observed that individuals confronted cultural difference in some predictable ways as they learnt to become more competent intercultural communicators. Bennett organized these observations into six stages of increasing sensitivity to cultural difference. Bennett built this model on the assumption that as one’s experience of cultural difference becomes more complex and sophisticated, one’s competence in intercultural relations increases. Each stage indicates a particular cognitive structure that is expressed in certain kinds of attitudes and behavior. Learners of FL have to pass the different stages of intercultural sensitivity, which are the following: denial, defense, minimization, acceptance, adaptation, integration. The first three DMIS stages are ethnocentric, meaning that one’s own culture is experienced as central to reality in some way. Denial stage: does not recognize cultural differences. Defense stage: recognizes some differences but sees them as negatives. Minimization stage: views many of own values as universal, own culture is seen superior. The other three DMIS stages are ethnorelative, meaning that one’s own culture is experienced in the context of other cultures. Acceptance stage: presents a reasonable goal for FL teachers. It involves understanding that the same behavior can have different meanings in different cultures. Adaptation stage: is cognitive and behavioral and may allow the person to function in a bicultural capacity. Integration stage: requires in-depth knowledge of at least two cultures (one’s own and another) and the ability to shift easily into the other cultural frame of reference. 96 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue This model predicts that as time goes by, people can move from defense into minimization. The goal of the FL teacher should be to get learners of FL to at least the fourth stage of this model: acceptance stage. At this stage we can speak about development of intercultural competencies and strategies are more easily understood and followed than in the first three stages. At this stage it can be required from the learner to show some positive attitude and where the developmental task requires analysis of cultural contrasts. Learners may focus on cultural difference while deepening cultural self-awareness. Because raising awareness becomes a lifelong engagement we can say that once established the kind of an independent learner can deepen it later on. We can tentatively say that an independent learner: uses effective strategies; has appropriate knowledge; holds positive beliefs and attitudes. We can show them strategies, we can provide them with items of knowledge and we can encourage positive attitudes towards the target language and culture and back up their struggle to work out effectively their intercultural needs… 5.Raising awareness Over the years, various writers have explored the relevance of awareness to educational processes. Increased knowledge, skill, and positive attitudes enhance awareness just as increased awareness enhances the others. Awareness is heightened through introspection and reflection; it is part of the intercultural experience. Awareness develops from the insights one gains about the self in relation to other people, and to the world. Once developed, awareness cannot be put aside; for unlike knowledge, awareness is not forgotten. ICC development, then, goes beyond knowledge; it also requires the skills, attitudes, and awareness that mediate interactions with others. At this stage the learners are introduced new input about the target language and culture. During participative tasks the learners should be encouraged to compare the new language culture with their own practices and language use. The teacher should support them in noticing differences. These should be followed by explanations. Using authentic materials is extremely useful, moreover because some materials designed for language learners may edit out cultural information and therefore may distort the learners picture of the culture. 97 Lingua A. Linguistics 6. A brief survey A needs analysis University students at our department are intermediate to upper intermediate level English, German or French language learning students. They need to learn and to acquire English for Specific Purpose, which in their case is Business English. Being at an intermediate or even upper intermediate level of English they have already got a certain background consisting of communicative competence. For obtaining their language certificate at the end of their studies they need to learn a lot of grammar, and vocabulary related to Business English. They have a good syllabus to provide them with useful information and lots of exercises and reading sections. Being aware of the importance of ICC the mere preparation for the language certificate might seem not enough. The role of the FL teacher here is loaded with extra-curriculum researche and options to develop ICC. Therefore extra materials could be chosen in order to emphasize ICC developing. A needs analysis for analyzing the students’ already existing developmental stage of intercultural sensitivity was carried out. It was based on a brief survey, which included 36 bilingual students of our department, bilingual meaning here Hungarian mother tongue and Romanian as second language. The items of the questionnaire were grouped around four main topics: A. their level of English (self-assessment) B. their knowledge about big Culture and small culture (culture-related information, e.g. history, holidays, traditions of the English and American people) C. their attitude towards English learning and English culture (stereotypes, wish to learn the language, understanding cultural differences) D. their willingness to use different sources of English to improve their knowledge of English (courses, grammar book, books, movies, documentaries, news, email/IRC, others) A. Level of English – self-assessment According to their self-assessment, the majority of them (24) ranked themselves on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the worst, and 10 the best) around 7 (average). They had to rate separately speaking, reading, writing, grammar, pronunciation, listening. Only one of them ranked himself as being on level 1 (although he belongs to an intermediate group) and 11 of them ranked themselves on the scale around 5 (average). The number of years they have studied English varied from 1-12 years of study of English. B. Their knowledge about big C and small c 98 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue According to the questions, their knowledge is extremely low concerning historical events or traditional way of life of the English. The questions were open ones; therefore they had to recall their memories. The historical events noted were: 11th September (8), Independence Day (6), or 4th of July (4), Lincoln (3), Shakespeare (3), Queen Elizabeth (2), Washington (2), and Civil War (2). Among the answers there were mentioned Robin Hood and the Vietnam War. The traditional events mentioned were: Christmas (34) and Halloween (21), Easter (16), Saint Valentine’s Day (11), Thanksgiving Day (8), and New Years Eve (2). C. Their attitude towards English learning and English culture They were given some stereotypes and they had to tick those which they agree most with. There were 8 statements (strong stereotypes) among which “England is land of beer, football and bad weather” were the most popular, 28 of them thought as true. 24 of them wrote a No answer to the item “The English boil all their food”, but this could have happened because of lack of information and not of their strong belief in a stereotype. But most of the statements were regarded as true statements about the English which means that they think of the target culture framed by stereotypes. They were also asked whether they consider the cultures (English, Romanian, and Hungarian) very distant ones, or they think that one can understand the target culture by living there or even just by speaking the target language. The answers were varied of course, but 23 of them considered that culture can be understood by living in the target country, while 9 of them thought that people can understand each other’s culture quite easily if they know the language, and just 4 of them believed that people (Romanian or Hungarian and the English) cannot understand each other’s culture. This means that they do believe in the success of an immersion situation considering understanding culture and just a little percent of them has a strong denial or defense attitude towards other cultures and languages. Their attitude towards English learning was also tested by the final question “why do you learn English”. According to the answers the majority of them (28) thought that “I have to graduate the University” or “English is a world language”. Among them 17 confessed that “I like the language”. Only 8 of them ticked “I like their culture” or “I am interested in other cultures.” This could mean that their developmental level of intercultural sensitivity is far beyond the fourth stage (acceptance). D. Their willingness to use different sources of English About learning English they were asked whether they are willing to use different sources for learning English, or given any kind of opportunities how they would improve their English. According to the answers, 27 of them considered films/movies a useful source. 26 of them said that university course is also useful for learning English, 16 of them would choose books. Interestingly, just 16 of them considered 99 Lingua A. Linguistics email/IRC a useful source of English learning – although being young people it was supposed that they may have English speaking pen-friends or chatters. Grammar books were ticked just by 14 of them, being the least useful source according to their opinion. This shows that they are not really interested in seeking for other alternatives than what is given already: courses and films, the latter being also their entertainment, of course. The opportunities for improving their English varied from language courses to staying in an English speaking country at least for a month (differentiated according to stay for work or a tourist trip). They were allowed to choose just one. The majority of them would improve their English while working in an English speaking country (21). The others: by going on a tourist trip to an English speaking country (10) and staying at least in an English speaking country not for working (3) or by joining some courses (1) and watching movies (1). The results were not surprising knowing the fact that many students go abroad with short term jobs and one of the pleasant consequences of their stay is an improved language command. Conclusions They acquired stereotypes of the language, generalizations about the target language and culture – not facts. This must be changed. These language learners lack awareness and therefore their knowledge of the target culture is also very incomplete and insufficient. They think that culture knowledge is acquired and matters only when one is in the target country. They also should pay attention to other possibilities than university courses in order to improve their knowledge of English; therefore the concept of independent learner should be advertised. In conclusion: students are not born with innate awareness towards the target culture and therefore great attention should be placed on raising it. 100 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue Bibliography Bárdos, J. (2004). Nyelvpedagógiai tanulmányok. Iskolakultúra, Pécs. Bennett, M. (1986). A developmental approach to training for intercultural sensitivity. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 10(2), 179-195. Canale, M. and Swain, M. (1980). Theoretical bases of communicative approaches to second language teaching and testing. Applied Linguistics 1, 1: 1-47. Fantini, Alvino (1995): “About intercultural communicative competence: a structure”. Brattleboro, VT, USA, 2000, 2001, 2003, Revised 10.15.2005. http://www.experiment.org/gsi/. Date of download:20.03.2007. Fekete, A. (2004). Suport Curs An I. Varianta revazuta. Cluj-Napoca. Gee, J. P. (1990) Social Linguistics and Literacies. London: The Falmer Press. Golubeva, I. (2003). Teaching Culture. In: Nyelvek és kultúrák találkozása. Szerk.: Tóth Szergej. Officina Press Kft., Szeged. Kramsch, C. (1993). Context and Culture in Language Teaching. Oxford. Oxford University Press. Liddicoat, A. J. (2002). Static and dynamic views of culture and intercultural language acquisition. Babel, vol. 36, nr.3, pp. 4-11, 37. Medgyes, P. (1992). Native or non-native: Who’s worth more? ELT Journal, 46(4), 340- 349. 101 La comunicación publicitaria Timea Tocalachis* L a communication publicitaire représente l’une des composantes de la communication, un domaine d’étude très actuel. Notre analyse se propose d’étudier à la fois les différentes composantes du processus de la communication publicitaire, de même que mettre en evidence l’influence du destinataire, du support (le moyen par lequel on transmet l’information) sur le message publicitaire. communication, publicité, modèle, annonce, message, produit Una de las metas de la comunicación publicitaria es hacer vender los productos. Desde el punto de vista organizacional, en un informe de la Comisión Internacional para el Estudio de los Problemas de la Comunicación se toma en cuenta la publicidad como uno de los más importantes sectores de de la industria de la comunicación. No obstante, cabe imponer ciertas diferenciaciones entre los esquemas de la comunicación clásica y los de la publicidad: en primer lugar, el hecho de que el remitente es una instancia que paga; cualquier anuncio necesita una inversión financiera. En segundo lugar, el período entre la emisión del mensaje y su recepción es mayor que en el caso de la comunicación entre dos interlocutores presentes (la publicidad escrita llega al lector sólo cuando y en el caso en que éste compra dicha publicación). En tercer lugar, la publicidad de la prensa escrita puede ser considerada un tipo de comunicación “involuntaria”, en el sentido en el que se dirige a un público que no espera y tampoco está dispuesto necesariamente a recibirla (uno no compra el diario o la revista para la publicidad, menos en el caso en el que se ha propuesto su estudio). Por lo consiguiente, se puede afirmar que la publicidad escrita (el objeto de nuestra investigación) es, según la clasificación de Jakobson, fática e impersonal, puesto que la instancia enunciativa constituye un elemento conector en búsqueda de un número mayor de contactados a los que no conoce más que un poco o incluso en absoluto y cuyo único denominador común es la recepción del mensaje. * Babeș-Bolyai University Lingua A. Linguistics La comunicación publicitaria es ambivalente, compaginando la retórica del textoimagen con las significaciones simbólicas de dicho producto. La publicidad explota las connotaciones de los mensajes, usando del poder del lenguaje poético para evocar enentos del pasado, propios a cada individuo. El efecto simbólico del anuncio resulta de la colaboración entre el autor – que se inspira de su patrimonio cultural de palabras e imágenes capaces de despertar al lector (e implícitamente al consumidor) experiencias únicas y la inducción del deseo y de la acción de comprar – y la persona a la que va dirigido el anuncio. Éste último contribuye a su turno a la atribución de una connotación simbólica al texto inductor, el lector proyectando sobre el texto el aura de resonancia y analogías que le permita identificarse en el anuncio. Desde este punto de vista, la perspectiva comunicacional clásica queda reducida, ya que se sitúa sólo en el dominio del mensaje o del receptor, ignorando de esta manera los contextos culturales y económicos. La comunicación comercial y la comunicación simbólica son inseparables, de modo que el acento recae tanto en el cambio económico, como en el simbólico. Un nuevo modelo de la comunicación publicitaria comprende nueve elementos: el remitente, el receptor, el mensaje y el medio de transmisión (instrumentos de comunicación), la codificación, la decodificación, la respuesta y la reacción contraria (funciones), el ruido del sistema. (apud Kotler, Saunders, Wong, Armstrong 1998: 816). Este modelo resalta los factores principales de una comunicación eficaz. El remitente debe saber a quién dirigirse y qué respuesta quiere obtener. Cabe que él sepa codificar mensajes, teniendo en cuenta la manera en la que los destinatarios a los que estos mensajes se dirigen los decodifican o los interpretan. Él debe transmitir el mensaje por un medio recepcionado por los destinatarios y crear canales de reacción contraria que le permitan evaluar la respuesta que los destinatarios han dado al mensaje. Por lo tanto, la persona que se ocupa de la comunicación de márketing debe realizar las cosas siguientes: identificar a los destinatarios del mensaje; saber qué respuesta espera; selectar el mensaje; elaborar el presupuesto promocional; elegir el mix promocional; recepcionar la reacción contraria para poder medir los resultados de la promoción y coordinar el conjunto del proceso de la comunicación de márketing. A continuación, veremos en qué consta cada una de estas operaciones. Un especialista en la comunicación de márketing tiene desde el principio una imagen clara sobre los destinatarios (el grupo-meta). Éstos pueden ser los compradores potenciales o los usuarios actuales de un producto, los que toman la decisión de compra o los que la influencian. Una vez definidas las características de los destinatarios, el especialista en comunicaciones de márketing debe decidir sobre la respuesta que busca a recibir. Desde luego, en la mayoría de los casos, la respuesta final la constituye la adquisición del producto. Los destinatarios se pueden hallar en 104 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue cualquiera de las seis etapas de preparación del comprador, etapas que el consumidor recorre normalmente hasta el consumo de un producto. Éstas son: la información, el conocimiento, el placer, la preferencia, la convicción y la adquisición. Ellas forman la jerarquía de las etapas de la respuesta ofrecida por el consumidor. La comunicación tiene como objetivo el pasaje del consumidor por todas estas etapas, finalizada con la adquisición del producto. Algunos destinatarios podrían ser convencidos, pero no de tal manera como hagan la adquisición. Es posible que ellos esperen a que una ocasión favorable se presente, que deseen más informaciones o que tengan la intención de actuar más tarde. El especialista en comunicaciones tiene que determinar a éstos últimos a dar el paso final. Analizando las etapas de preparación del comprador, partimos de la hipótesis de que éste pasa por tres tipos de situaciones: cognitivas (la concienciación, el conocimiento), afectivas (el placer, la preferencia, la convicción), y comportamentales (la adquisición). El orden “aprende - siente – actúa” corresponde a la situación en la que los compradores están profundamente implicados en el proceso de adquisición de un producto de una cierta categoría, percibiendo grandes diferencias entre las marcas, como en el caso de la compra de un automóvil. Sin embargo, muchas veces los compradores recorren dichas etapas en otro orden. Por ejemplo, el orden “adquieresiente- aprende” es específico para los productos que necesitan, para la adquisición, una gran implicación por parte del consumidor, las diferencias entre marcas siendo irrelevantes. Éste es el caso de los sistemas de calefacción central. Existe también un tercer orden “aprende- adquiere- siente”, situación en la cual los consumidores se implican poco en el proceso de adquisición, percibiendo pequeñas diferencias entre los distintos productos y marcas. El orden mencionado corresponde a la compra de un producto de tipo sal de cocina. Conociendo las etapas del proceso de compra recorrido por los consumidores, igual que el orden en el que estas etapas están enfocadas, el operador de márketing puede aumentar la eficiencia de la actividad de planificación de las comunicaciones. Después de haber establecido en qué consta la respuesta buscada, el especialista en comunicaciones pasa a la creación de un mensaje eficaz. Lo ideal sería que el mensaje llamara la atención, mantuviera vivo el interés, suscitara el deseo y determinara la acción (de aquí la denominación del modelo AIDA, un modelo linear desarrollado por los teóricos americanos en 1925). En realidad hay pocos mensajes que hagan al consumidor recorrer el proceso entero desde la concienciación hasta la adquisición. El modelo AIDA contiene las características que posee un mensaje bien concebido. Otro modelo linear es el concebido por Lavidge & Steiner (1961) que valorifica la notoriedad de la marca del producto, teniendo como efecto la atracción y la convicción del consumidor en vistas de la compra. Pero este modelo de la publicidad ha sido 105 Lingua A. Linguistics visto como uno restrictivo, puesto que no se basa en el pensamiento, sino en el reflejo de compra inducido al consumidor. Sin embargo, estos modelos de comunicación publicitaria parecen funcionar en el caso de las publicidades con un impacto más débil (es el caso de los detergentes), caso en que las repeticiones parecen producir el efecto previsto, el de determinar su compra. En cambio, los modelos modulables, si bien describen la comunicación publicitaria como un proceso unidireccional entre un remitente y un público receptor, traen como elemento nuevo la descomposición del proceso publicitario en elementos que pueden combinarse independientemente los unos de los otros. Mencionamos que nos hemos inspirado de la descripción de los modelos del trabajo de Jean Michel Adam y Marc Bonhomme, L’argumentation publicitaire. El modelo triádico [LEARN], [LIKE], [DO], elaborado por teóricos como Starch, Festinger o Krugman describe la comunicación publicitaria desde la perspectiva de tres módulos centrados en el receptor: el modelo cognitivo [LEARN], que muestra la necesidad de conocimiento del receptor, el modelo afectivo [LIKE] (refleja las reacciones y las preferencias del receptor frente al producto) y el modelo práctico [DO], que actúa como filtro en la elección de dicho producto. La permutación de estos tres módulos determina varios tipos publicitarios: [Learn > Do > Like] representa una implicación minimal por parte del receptor centrada en la información de éste por la repetición <LEARN>, el pasaje al acto de compra <DO> y finalmente la evaluación del producto <LIKE>. Este tipo de comunicación atañe en general los productos sin una gran fuerza de influencia, que se compran por hábito. El tipo siguiente [Like > Learn > Do] se centra en la seducción del receptor <LIKE>, su concientización en lo concerniente a las características del producto <LEARN> y su adquisición <DO>. Este tipo de publicidad se encuentra en la publicidad que insiste en las imágenes de marca de renombre, como también para los perfumes o relojes de lujo. [Like > Do > Learn] revela la fuerza de seducción del producto <LIKE> que determina la acción de compra <DO> y probablemente la búsqueda de informaciones concerniendo el producto <LEARN>. Es el caso de las publicidades que subrayan los deseos instintuales del receptor, que es también la meta del eslogan “No dude(n) en tenerlo/comprarlo!”. El modelo [Do > Learn > Like] empieza con la adquisición del producto <DO> por una motivación anterior (ofertas, reducciones), seguido por el descubrimiento de sus propiedades <LEARN> y el grado de apreciación <LIKE>. Este modelo se aplica en el caso de las rebajas, donde la bajada de los precios contribuye a la acción de compra, sin tener en cuenta otros rasgos tales la cualidad o la necesidad real de tener el producto. El modelo [Do > Like > Learn] se caracteriza por la adquisición una vez más del producto <DO>, hecho que se debe a la apreciación anterior del producto <LIKE>, lo que conlleva al descubrimiento de las cualidades del producto todavía ignoradas <LEARN>. Este 106 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue modelo corresponde a las campañas publicitarias de amplitud (Coca-Cola) o a la publicidad por fidelidad, en la que la costumbre de comprar dicho producto tiene una importancia significativa. El modelo de Jakobson y el análisis de los elementos que lo componen ha constituido el objeto de estudio de numerosos investigadores en el dominio de la publicidad. Éstos han clasificado los diversos anuncios en función de la valorización de algún u otro elemento. De esta manera, además de la comunicación - remitente, centrada en la competencia del productor de comunicar el mensaje deseado, la comunicación – receptor, que pone de relieve la fuerza de persuasión del mensaje, la comunicación – referente (el producto y las connotaciones que derivan de su presentación). Adam y Bonhomme identifican también la comunicación – contacto, que visa llamar la atención por imágenes – choque, las cuales tienen como propósito la retención de dicha marca en la memoria colectiva justamente por el efecto provocado. La comunicación – código utiliza un sistema entero de signos que explotan el gusto del público hacia lo lúdico; de esta categoría forman parte los anuncios construidos sobre los juegos de palabras o sobre parónimos. Lejos de dirigirse a un público pasivo, la comunicación publicitaria forma parte de un sistema complejo basado en la interdependencia. De este modo, los enunciados dependen en una gran medida del soporte por el cual están transmitidos, del remitente y del destinatario. En lo que concierne el marco en el que se producen los enunciados, éste tiene una relevancia determinante en el caso de la publicidad escrita: uno no va a encontrar los mismos anuncios en una revista que se dirige al público femenino y en una revista con sujetos políticos, por ejemplo, como igual de importante es también la paginación. Al mismo tiempo, la última cubierta de la revista, que de costumbre no leemos, contiene sólo imagen y eslogan. Un criterio en la elección de los anuncios lo constituye la temática de dicha revista: así, en el número de agosto de la revista National Gographic România de 2006 aparecen nueve reclamos, de los cuales cuatro para marcas de coches, uno para un tipo de ordenador, dos para algunas marcas de bebidas alcohólicas y dos reclamos hacen publicidad para unas cadenas de televisión. El público-meta de esta revista es el público preponderantemente masculino, de donde resulta también la opción de estos tipos de reclamos. Además de la temática de la revista, los anuncios publicitarios están repartidos también según la posición de las columnas. De esta manera, en la revista Cosmopolitan (febrero de 2007), en la rúbrica “Belleza” (las páginas 48-59), predominan los reclamos para los productos de tocador (champú, rojo de labios), mientras que en la rúbrica “Salud” (las páginas 132-141) están presentes anuncios para marcas de pastas dentífricas o varias lociones para distintas enfermedades. 107 Lingua A. Linguistics Finalmente, el contexto espacial en el que aparece el reclamo tiene igualmente una importancia decisiva, como también los colores utilizados y la forma que el especialista en publicidad elige para evidenciar el anuncio. Por ejemplo, acudir a un reclamo que se extiende sobre una página entera crea al receptor una sensación de “invasión” de su intimidad, agreada por ciertas personas, mientras que un anuncio más pequeño, situado en un rincón de la página, crea una sensación de intimidad, una relación estrecha que se establece entre la persona que ha pensado y producido el mensaje y el destinatario del mensaje, con un impacto a lo mejor igual de fuerte como en el caso del anuncio de otro tamaño. Ciertamente, entre el anuncio de la prensa escrita y su soporte existe una relación de interdependencia bidireccional: si al principio el soporte ha sido el que ha influenciado el anuncio, paulatinamente se ha llegado a la reacción inversa, a saber el reclamo ha impuesto reglas de paginación o espacio, puesto que muchas publicaciones dependen en una gran medida desde el punto de vista financiero de la publicidad. El objetivo principal de la publicidad es la valorización del referente. El tipo del producto determina el mensaje publicitario. En función de las posibilidades descriptivas del producto, éstas se pueden clasificar en productos que no necesitan una descripción interna de la composición o de los componentes. En este caso, el que realiza el anuncio siente la necesidad de conferir al producto otras determinaciones (como la espacial o a través de la metaforización). Éste es el caso también de las marcas para cerveza, caso en que una descripción de su composición no tendría impacto sobre el receptor. Es ésta la causa por la cual aparecen reclamos como “Los amigos saben por qué”, intentándose por una metonimia la colocación del producto en su marco referencial (el consumidor). Otra categoría de productos son aquellos cuyos componentes permiten un análisis separado (es el caso de los automóviles o de los ordenadores); este análisis es incluso recomendado para evidenciar las cualidades del producto. Un ejemplo en este sentido es también el anuncio siguiente para la marca de automóviles Rover: “Sólo aquellas personas que poseen un estilo propio pueden apreciar el Rover 827 Sterling. Un vehículo que combina la elegancia de su interior – decorado en madera de nogal y tapizado en cuero Connolly – con la tecnología más sofisticada. Con un coeficiente aerodinámico del 0’33, una perfecta insonorización del habitáculo y un excelente sistema de suspensión autonivelante. Y sin olvidar su robusto motor de 2.657 c.c., 177 CV, 24 V e inyección multipunto programada. Ni su poderosa mecánica que incorpora dirección servoasistida con sensor de velocidad y ABS. Todo en la SERIE ROVER 800 cuatro puertas que incluye el TOVER 827 STERLING, el ROVER 820 Si – 2 L, 140 CV y 16 V – y el ROVER 825 SD Turbo Diesel Intercooler – 2,5 L y 118 CV -, está cuidado para conseguir un perfecto acabado. Un estilo muy personal.” 108 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue Pese a todo esto, por el recorte de las partes de un producto para expresar una imagen de conjunto, al creador de publicidad no le está prohibida la capacidad de creación e imaginario, éste teniendo la posibilidad de atribuir otras connotaciones metafóricas al producto, como en el ejemplo que sigue: “Alfa Romeo – la pasión de conducir”, donde la idea fundamental reside en la ambivalencia de la palabra “pasión”: por un lado el placer de conducir, y por otro lado la sensación de alegría que le confiere a uno el hecho de conducir un Alfa Romeo. Puesto que el público de los mensajes con propósito comercial, institucional o humanitario no es uno pasivo, la publicidad debe adaptarse a la categoría de personas a la que está dirigida. En Francia, el Centro de comunicación avanzada, tras varias encuestas sistemáticas, ha evidenciado cinco grandes familias de “socio-estilos” que constituyen la galería de los estilos de vida, una cartera de todos los segmentos de clientes, diferenciados no sólo por la categoría socioprofesional y socioeconómica, sino sobre todo por el denominador común en lo que concierne la conducta, los gustos, los hábitos en todos los dominios de la vida. En su enumeración nos hemos inspirado del trabajo de Bernard Cathelat “Publicidad y sociedad”, de la traducción rumana de 2005. Los rigoristas, 20% de la población, se caracterizan por un neoconservatorismo en el cual se compaginan la búsqueda de las raices ideológicas del pasado con las tecnologías modernas. Su meta no es escapar de la realidad por metáforas u otras figuras de estilo, al producto atribuyéndose sólo una connotación moral. Los materialistas (24%) se acercan a los rigoristas por el deseo de seguridad y la evitación de las innovaciones de cualquier tipo, pero se distinguen de éstos últimos por la aceptación de una argumentación simplicista del mensaje publicitario. Los egocentristas (23%) se constituyen generalmente de jóvenes que proceden de entornos sociales en crisis y que son receptivos a todo lo que choca o es sentimental al mismo tiempo. Para los decalados (20%), lo que importa es evadir del contingente, sin tener mucho aprecio para el consumo o la conyuntura económica; son individualistas, de costumbre jóvenes de menos de 40 años, receptivos a los mensajes humorísticos. Los activistas (13%) se caracterizan por dinamismo, son receptivos en general a los mensajes publicitarios inusuales y elitistas. El mensaje publicitario toma en cuenta estos tipos de público. Así, los dos ejemplos de mensajes publicitarios para relojes de lujo que siguen se dirigen cada uno a otra categoría: “Técnica del futuro, tradición del pasado. Seiko, el reloj de calidad de hoy” es un mensaje que tiene como público-meta a los rigoristas, propensos hacia la tradición. “Si puede, tenga un Rolex. Y si puede aún más, regale otro” es un mensaje que se adecua a los activistas, por acudir a valores como la unicidad (no sólo por el precio, sino también por el prestigio) y al mismo tiempo la puesta de relieve de un 109 Lingua A. Linguistics valor como la amistad, pero con el mismo fin de valorizar a la persona que ofrece el producto. La publicidad es determinada también por la mentalidad del público, por los valores culturales del momento. De esta manera, si hasta el decenio pasado los reclamos para automóviles subrayaban las cualidades inherentes de éstos, en los reclamos del último decenio se ha venido notando una acentuación de la preocupación por el medio ambiente como resultado de los cambios climáticos a los cuales asistimos todos. Cualquier tipo de publicidad tiene que reflejar el sistema de valores del público para evitar los malentendidos y la recepción errónea del mensaje. El proceso de comunicación, esencial en el márketing promocional, puede ser entendido como el camino desde el remitente al receptor, para obtener una respuesta. Este modelo puede ser descrito también como un agente publicitario, enviando un mensaje comercial (un reclamo) al comprador que le responde por la decisión de comprar o no dicho producto o servicio. El público ve en el reclamo un estímulo que genera una respuesta previsible en el mercado. La comunicación es esencial en cualquier momento de nuestra existencia. Su ausencia conlleva a menudo malentendidos y confusiones provocadas también por la inadaptación del mensaje al registro correspondiente. Bibliografía Adam, J-M., Bonhomme, M.(2005). L’argumentation publicitaire : Rhétorique de l’éloge et de la persuasion, Armand Colin, Paris. Cathelat, B.(2005). Publicitate şi societate, Trei, Bucureşti. Kotler, P., Saunders, J., Armstrong, G., Wong, V.(1999). Principiile Marketingului – ediţia europeană, Teora, Bucureşti. McQuail, D., Windahl, S.(2001). Modele ale comunicării pentru studiul comunicării de masă, comunicare.ro, Bucureşti. 110 The Role of Language in Branding. The Use of Plain Language as a tool for Branding Kelemen Antonia Izabella* D ie Vorteile der einfachen Sprache im Geschäft sind heutzutage ein immer ausgeprgter betrachtet. Die einfache Sprache bedeutet ein klares, einfaches Sprechen und Verwendung der einfachen Sprache auch im Schreiben, dem das Stil aber nicht fehlt. Es wird eine grössere Wichtigkeit für die Beziehungen mit den Kunden durch dem klaren und eifachen Sprechen, gewidmet. Da soll man die Nötigkeiten jeder Person un in der selben Zeit die Qualität der Dienstleistungen betrachten und evaluieren.. Eine logische und klare Präsentierung der Information, die richtig strukturiert ist und dabei auch ein geeignetes Format hat bedeutet mehr als fünfzig Prozent des Erfolges. Die Verwendung einer originalen Marketing-Forschungs- und Produktevaluierungsmethode muss von jedem in Betracht genommen werden wenn er Erfolg haben will. Die einfache Sprache bringt mit sich Vertrauen, Wettbewerblichkeit, Effizienz der Kosten, eine gut ausgedachte Planung für die Zukunft. Das Thema hängt mi einer konkreter Kunden-Service Situation zusammen und zeigt wie die mündliche und schriftliche Sprache in dem Marktforschungswettbewerb nützlich geworden sind. Durchsichtlichkeit, Einfachkeit, Marke, Kunden, Partnerschaft, Verständniss, Geschäft, Nutznehmer. It is considered that simplicity in general, and plain language in particular, offer new opportunities for positioning and reinforcing brands. Plain language is not plain boring, plain brand or plain patronizing. It is a communication style that is carefully crafted to meet the needs of readers. Plain language documents give clear and honest information, in a way that’s inviting and easy to read. Trends towards simplicity and transparency Plain language says what it means, and means what it says. Because of its simplicity and transparency, it has attracted the attention of brand practitioners. In Simplicity Marketing (2001), brand strategists Steven Cristol and Peter Sealey argue that the more-is-better ideal of consumer society has resulted in information overload. Consumers are sick and tired of being bombarded with choice. Christol and Sealy * Babeș-Bolyai University Lingua A. Linguistics outline a new opportunity for brands – simplification. They claim that instead of bewildering arrays of choices, consumers are searching for brands that offer clarity something to hold on to in the chaos of information overload. Successful brands will be those that are positioned to help reduce consumers’ stress by simplifying their lives. Do South Africans fit into this profile? ‘Yes’, says Gordon Hooper of Bateleur Research. ‘South African consumers are crying out for simplicity. Brands are increasingly built on convenience rather than just price or product quality – and simplicity is a key element of convenience.’ But communicating simply is not just about convenience; it’s also about honesty. The worldwide trend towards transparency is growing. In The Naked Corporation (2003), the authors argue that ‘businesses must for the first time make themselves clearly visible to shareholders, customers, employees, partners, and society’. The problem is that if communication is not clear, readers may suspect that the company is not being transparent. In their everyday lives, consumers come across TLAs (three-letter acronyms) like ACI, ATB, ARB, MSA, DD, USB, PC, XP, AV, MMS. For many, unclear communications like these are WMDs (weapons of mass deception): signs that the company is ‘hiding the truth’, and is therefore not trustworthy. So simplicity and transparency are often two sides of the same coin. A lack of simplicity also leads to disempowerment and a feeling of alienation from the brand: A colleague of mine wants to buy a memory stick, but she ‘’doesn’t know how to ask for one’’. She need not feel alone. According to a poll conducted for Microsoft in late 2000 by Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates (Microsoft, 2000): • 72 percent of women 30 years of age or older find it intimidating to buy technology products because they feel that advertisements are not written so that the average person can understand them. • Of the women 30 years and older who said they frequently feel intimidated by technology, more than half have been using a computer for at least four years . It is obvious that in South Africa, with many consumers not receiving business communications in their mother tongue, it is even more important that language be plain. However, the value of clear communication extends beyond less literate or less experienced target audiences. A survey conducted in Australia by the Plain Language Institute showed that ‘the more experience a person has with business or legal documents the more likely that person is frustrated and angered by incomprehensible language’ (as quoted by Stephens, 2003). ‘Using plain English is not just a good intention. It is a business necessity.’ Lord Alexander of Weedon QC, Chairman, NatWest Group 112 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue Plain language as part of the brand promise In Simplicity Marketing (Cristol and Sealey, 2001), one of the strategies that the authors put forward is to use the concept of simplicity as a brand promise. The most notable examples of this strategy come from those sectors which offer an intangible product or service, for example, financial or professional services brands. When Mutual Life of Canada demutualised in 1999, it repositioned itself around the concept of simplicity. This promise was made upfront in the new name, Clarica. According to the company website: ‘A new name, Clarica, was chosen to convey the power of clarity in helping customers make informed decisions about their health insurance, life insurance, and investments.’ (Example from Balmford 2002, page 5) ANZ, an Australian bank, makes the following promise to its customers: ‘We will write all letters, brochures, ATM messages and other notices in plain language. In all our communications we will help you understand what they mean for you’. ANZ provides ongoing measurement of this promise through customer surveys, and claims to use the feedback as part of its financial literacy programme. There is perhaps some correlation between financial literacy programmes and plain language: after all, both are about empowering customers and shareholders to make informed decisions. Citibank was one of the first financial services companies to focus on simplification (this was in the 1970s), and they have developed one of the most substantial financial literacy programmes in the world. Professional services firms have also latched onto the brand promise of simplicity. In 2002, KPMG Australia ran an extensive marketing campaign with the slogan ‘It’s time for clarity’. (Example from Balmford 2002, page 6) Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu has launched a Straight Talk series of booklets – its website gives the reasons why: ‘For far too long, the consulting industry has been filled with hyperbole and consulting jargon. Deloitte decided it was time to expose the truth and begin talking straight about important business and industry issues.’ Although we have yet to see any major South African brands be repositioned around simplicity, there are some precursors to this. For example, Standard Bank is now ‘Simpler. Better. Faster.’. Hollard helps you to ‘get sorted’. OUTsurance customers ‘always get something out’. Both Auto & General and OUTsurance have used plain language in their advertising: Auto & General boast that they were the first short-term insurer to be awarded plain language accreditation, and OUTsurance uses the theme of simplicity in a radio campaign: Male voice: So you desire to discharge your insurance claim. Kindly put pen to paper in the general vicinity of these documents and furnish us with your appellation and domicile. Then we will require you to come forth with the minutiae of the occurance. 113 Lingua A. Linguistics Voice-over: Some people just make things complicated for the sake of it. Well car, household and business insurance needn’t be. At OUTsurance we believe in simplicity…. Plain language as a part of brand experience Ongoing ‘functional’ communications (letters, user manuals, statements, bills, and so on) are often intimidating and packed with complex information – simplifying them helps readers to use them effectively. It also gives companies an opportunity to create a worthwhile touchpoint for their brand experience. Part of your experience of your bank is your monthly statement. Customers of life insurance will never enjoy the benefits of the product they have bought – often their single experience of the brand is its letters and policy schedules. If these documents are clear, well-structured, and free of jargon and small-print – and if their tone of voice is aligned to brand values – they will help to reinforce the brand. If not, they cannot help but damage brand perception. OUTsurance is among the first companies in South Africa to understand the impact of its functional communications on its brand. Head of Communications, Trevor Devitt, says that its simplified and redesigned policy document is part of the ‘total package’ customers receive from this short-term insurer: ‘Our policy document is the first tangible experience customers have with our brand – before receiving it, they will have had only phone interaction. That’s why it needs to reflect who we are and what we promise.’’ Devitt believes that the new policy document reflects what consumers have always wanted, but never thought they would receive. Candice Burt, a plain language attorney and one of the founders of Simplified, points out another benefit of simplifying policy documents: ’The more people are able to read and understand their policies, the more likely they are to understand the terms of their insurance. A lack of understanding – so prevalent in our insurance industry – often leads to disappointment when consumers try to claim. At worst, it may even result in expensive litigation.’’ Other companies who are adding to brand experience through plain language include Kulula.com, who include plain language terms and conditions for air tickets, and Woolworths who use plain language throughout their stores. Making new products into accessible products Plain language is useful when companies want to widen the target audiences of brands – especially those involving high-tech products. We have already seen how a lack of understanding can make consumers feel disempowered and alienated from a brand. According to the framework set out by Moore in his book, Crossing the Chasm: ‘The point of greatest peril in the development of a high-tech market lies in making the transition from an early market dominated by a few visionary customers to a 114 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue mainstream market dominated by a large block of customers who are predominantly pragmatists in orientation.’ (Moore, 1991) While visionaries may be tolerant – even appreciative – of complexity, pragmatists probably need simplicity before trying a new product. The power of plain language in increasing adoption of technology can be seen in the way new cellphone functions, like chat and ringtones are marketed. However, it will be interesting to see at what stage plain language will be used to promote more complex functions like MMS and wireless features. Where South Africa stands Over the last few years, both regulation and legislation have been introduced to guide financial services companies into using plain language. Consumers, even outside financial services, have ’wised up’ and are articulating frustrations with ‘small print’. Although our plain language history is impressive in many areas (the South African constitution is recognized internationally as a model example of plain English law), our business communications have trailed behind. This means that there is room in our market in most industries for brands to differentiate themselves through clarity. If this happens, it will benefit both businesses, and their customers. Rob Gentle, author of ‘Read this – business writing that works!’ has worked on many plain language projects in South Africa. He notes that ‘’while there is still space for companies to build competitive advantage through simplicity, it’s only a matter of time before plain language becomes a ‘must-have’ rather than a differentiator’’. References Balmford, C. (2002).”Plain language: beyond a ‘movement’ ” , Presented to the Fourth Biennial Conference of the PLAIN Language Association, New York. Cristol, S.- Sealey, P.(2001). Simplicity Marketing: End Brand Complexity, Clutter, and Confusion. N-Y.Simon & Schuster Inc. Moore, G. (1991). Crossing the Chasm. Denver. Harper Business Press. Stephens, C: Plainlanguage.com Tapscott, D., Ticoll. D.(2003). The Naked Corporation: How the Age of Transparency is Revolutionizing Business, NewYork. Free Press. 115 Exploiting Pictures in Motion Kovács Réka, Gabriela Ioana Mocan* D ie Arbeit befasst sich mit der Rolle der visuellen Materialien im Unterricht. Die statischen und dynamischen Bilder tragen dazu bei, die produktiven und reproduktiven Fertigkeiten zu üben und zu entwickeln. Solche Bilder können das Interesse und die Motivation der Lernenden wecken, außerdem fördern sie ihre kommunikative Kompetenz. Die dynamischen visuellen Materialien können meisterhaft bei der Lektion „Werbung” verwendet werden. Verschiedene neue Themenkreise wie zum Beispiel: traditionelle Werbung, soziale Werbung, vergleichende Werbung können mittels der dynamischen Bilder kreativ und inhaltsfärbend eingeleitet und dargestellt werden. visuelle Materialien, dynamische Bilder, Motivation, kommunikative Fähigkeiten, Werbung. Introduction “A picture speaks a thousand words” is a saying we are all familiar with. But are we aware of the merits of a picture, of its ability to replace words or to describe stories, events, situations, feelings, relationships or concrete things more effectively? Are we aware of the creativity, the imagination, of the challenges, perspectives and opportunities a picture may represent and present? In a visually stimulated culture we can perceive the presence of pictures day by day and almost everywhere. “Pictures are all around us everyday, in the street, at work, at home and even in our leisure time… They are enjoyable, they set the scene or context, they inform us, they interest us, and they are a key resource” (Goodman 2007: 1). Moreover, they can be the key resources of any classroom activity as well. Advertisements as a resource for teaching languages Since the standard classrooms are described as one of the worst possible places in which to learn a living language, many language teachers try to find solutions to overcome this problem by resorting to different methods and materials that bring colour, enjoyment, dynamism, a more personable and natural touch to every activity that is performed during the lessons. This sense of real world, the taste of real life can * Babeș-Bolyai University Lingua A. Linguistics be provided by a selection of authentic texts as well as by well-chosen visual aids that, when imaginatively used, may foster creativity and enthusiasm evoking an immediate response from the students and finally leading to a personal reaction. This personal response to a topic can be considered as one of the most vital elements of all meaningful language learning processes. The use of visuals may have many advantages: they are inexpensive, easily available in most situations, fresh and different with a variable style, highly flexible and, last but not least, can be used for almost every aspect of the language teaching, from discussion to essay writing, from description to games (Hill 1990: 1-5). Visuals – when wisely selected – may not only be appropriate for just a part of a lesson as a rich base and stimulus for writing and discussion, but they can also serve as an illustration for something being read or talked about, that is, as background to a topic. Visuals may give learners sufficient exposure to new language items, helping the students to develop their ability to relate to topics, to predict, to deduce and infer, to get meaning from contexts and also to give meaning to situations. Visuals may increase interest and motivation, may contribute to a sense of context of the language and can serve as a specific reference point or stimulus. Potential uses of advertisements in class Besides the conventional and objective picture descriptions, visuals may be exploited in various ways. To name but a few, the students can be introduced to a problem solving challenge or can be given opportunities to carry out tasks; furthermore, they can be asked to produce something new and creative in the context of a discussion. In the first case, the learner’s mind is engaged in a communicative content tailored to their personal values and imagination. Learners may see and interpret the aspects of the picture in numerous ways, the power of images and the principle of introducing a challenge may provoke different reactions, so the students will manage to juggle with the foreign language, making it a living element. There are many concepts of the language which focus on in-class activities such as describing, matching, grouping, sequencing, predicting, analysing, deducing, verifying, differentiating, interpreting, convincing, evaluating, story telling, answering, etc. All these tasks based on challenges stimulate the students’ interest and encourage them to develop their spoken or written communication skills. This element may also create an atmosphere of competition and the idea of rivalling or striving for accomplishing a task may add at the same time an extra incentive to a creative and artistic approach. This aspect of competition may however be reduced when students are provided with “opportunities”. In such situations they are encouraged to express feelings, ideas, to 118 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue exchange experience with little emphasis upon right and wrong answers. In a context of support and confidence, learners may talk about pictures, about themselves or speculate about other people. By the use of a visual stimulus they may overcome their anxiety of “getting involved” in the topic or discussion more easily. As a consequence of such activities and under relaxing and motivating circumstances, the students will manage to express their views in the form of a free discussion. To put it simply, visuals offering challenges and opportunities can be the basis of every lively activity in the teaching and learning process, their role being to encourage and to motivate the students as well as to contextualise the language (Wright 1989: 6-9). As shown above, visuals can often be used to promote productive skills, speaking and writing, as their primary function is to motivate the students by arousing their interest and making them take part in activities. Moreover, visuals can contribute to the context in which the language is used, by bringing reality into the classroom. When language is contextualised, the learners can use their knowledge of the world to describe what they see and finally move on to predict, to speculate and to deduce what is implied in a picture. Therefore, pictures can be described not only in an objective way, but they can also be interpreted or even responded to subjectively. They can stimulate and provide information to be referred to in further conversations, discussions, debates, etc. (Wright 1989: 17). However, visuals may encourage the development of a wider range of receptive skills. In both reading and listening activities pictures can play a central role. In the same way visual aids may be added to any stage of reading and listening activities (pre-reading, pre-listening, while-reading, while-listening, post-reading, post-listening activities). They can become the mouthpiece of a context, by representing the speakers, their appearance, the setting and the situation. Additionally, visuals can further a better understanding of the topic, enabling the learner to focus more on the content, the atmosphere of the situation or on the mood of the message. As far as reading and listening activities are concerned, pictures may give extra information about a topic, allowing the learner to form an opinion also from the hidden messages of a text. So visuals can be used creatively to provide either the general context or to illustrate particular points. They may supply a type of non-verbal information helping the students to predict the content of a text or to respond to the language appropriately. Visuals may aid in recognizing the implied meanings of a text also by setting the scene or by introducing the cultural and contextual reference. Consequently, even cultural awareness may be promoted by the correct choice of visuals; attention may be drawn to the distinctions between cultures and customs. Thus, a picture may contribute to making the words more accessible (Wright 1989: 159-161). 119 Lingua A. Linguistics In the proper selection of visuals teachers may often apply to dynamic visuals like animated short films, videos as well as pictures in motion. As compared to the conventional static pictures and images, these pictures in motion may bring more colour, change and variety into any language class; their main benefits consist in the dynamic, sequential and animated characteristics. Such visuals permit teachers to provide a variety of presentation methods that may be adapted to the learners’ different needs and expectations. Dynamic visuals may also offer an enriched learning environment both by affecting the students’ perception on a topic and by reducing the cognitive load to learn the materials, as they prove to be an excellent external support for mental simulations. By watching motion images and pictures, students may explore a new reality, may combine and connect learned information with new input, and therefore text or topic comprehension and picture comprehension would complete each other (Schnotz 1996: 2). Since animated pictures may be best exploited for a variety of teaching purposes and can be associated with different topics of conversation, they can appeal to many learners of various ages and at different levels. Provided the teacher’s aim is to motivate the students, to enhance effective learning processes and to create enjoyment in the classroom, dynamic visuals can be well implemented in the case of Business English classes as well. There are strong grounds for believing and supporting the idea that students need visuals as reference point, as background or as stimulus in all stages of their activities. For this reason a special selection of dynamic pictures related to the topic “Advertisements” may be suitable to highlight the idea of how invaluable pictures may turn out to be and how generously they may act and interact with a topic and also with the students. Some sample English classes on Advertising In order to get a better insight into the topic, the students would need some previous knowledge about advertising, the discourse of advertising and finally about the types of advertisements. They need to be made fully aware of the role advertisements play in our lives and about the impact they exert upon our society. It is common knowledge that advertisements are the elements of our everyday life, as they are all around us, and perhaps this fact is one of the reasons why we do not often think about their nature as a form of discourse or as a system of language or about the messages they may convey to the consumers. It is again a widely held view that advertising is just one of the many tools available to help a firm sell what it has to offer, yet it can be one of the aspects which may 120 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue enhance the character and reputation of brands. It can, clearly, be a very important part of reaching to the customer as well as of building the reputation of a product and company. To a certain extent, advertisements can give information about the product or service, its characteristics and the markets on which these goods may be found. On the one hand, ads can aim at establishing new relationships by targeting people who have never tried those products before; on the other hand, they may keep existing customers by encouraging customer loyalty. In addition to this, however, advertisements can do more: they can begin to develop a reputation both for a product and for the company. This reputation building process can be achieved as long as, by means of effective advertising, the product is given a reputation of good quality. Not only is advertising a way of achieving sales, but also a weapon of competition. This means it can help to distinguish one brand from its competitors by making it stand out to potential buyers. Although initial advertising – when the product is launched may result in a satisfactory level of awareness, understanding and trial by consumers, it is not enough when it is about keeping customers. Even in competitive markets, advertising is used as a way of reminding customers that the brand exists by retaining their confidence in the product. In order to increase sales advertising should meet different requirements: first, it should remind the brand’s users to buy and use the product; second, it should try to persuade users of competitive brands that the advertised product is better for their purposes than the product they are using at present; third, it should raise people’s awareness of the brand existence by informing them about the virtues of the product and finally encouraging non-users to use the product category (White 1993: 1-23). It is worth bearing in mind that advertising sells. Apart from that, “advertisements inform, persuade, remind, influence, change opinions; they even, perhaps, change emotions and attitudes. Advertising changes society; makes people buy things they do not want…” (White 1993: 55). The above quotation could act as a valuable starting point of the English classes on “Advertising”. In this way students could be properly initiated into the theme and their curiosity could be aroused, so that they could be led to focus not only on the main ideas, but also on particular sub-headings, such as advertising and society, advertising and the law and the role of advertising in educating masses. Assuming that the presentation of these issues goes together and is highlighted with visual aids, both static and dynamic pictures, the response of the class could be significantly improved, interest and enjoyment could be generated and, furthermore, students could be given the opportunity of experiencing “real life” as well as of interacting with pictures. Due to the fact that advertisements can be well connected with every part and aspect of the English class, students can be offered the possibility to practise and use 121 Lingua A. Linguistics natural and authentic language. For advertising relies to a large extent on pictorial imagery, it invites reading, speculations, personal reactions and differences of opinion. In a nutshell, it leads to discussion. It speaks to our inner voice, and the spoken text embedded in action can help us to exploit and understand the hidden messages of the text. During the English classes held for the second-year students in Economics, different types of dynamic pictures, animated advertisements, and TV commercials were presented and exploited in the form of discussions, debates, reading and listening activities. The main goal of this approach was to familiarise the students with the various types of advertisements and the messages beyond them, to contextualise language, to enrich their vocabulary, to help them develop their points of view and perhaps even their attitudes towards certain advertisements. An additional purpose was to cause an immediate impact on the students and to stimulate them in order to respond creatively, emotionally and subjectively to the issue presented. With hindsight, these pictures in motion proved to be excellent also by providing the students with extra information about the topic. In the first instance, the students were shown several traditional advertisements about a “Dr. Oetker” pudding cream and about the “Grania” flour. Their attention was drawn to the features and benefits of these products and to the “Unique Selling Proposition” they develop. Thus, the students could observe which of the so called conventional methods these ads take advantage of in order to attract the attention of potential customers, reflecting upon how the interest of the consumers was aroused in the product. The emphasis was also on the means used to create a desire for the benefits of these goods and lastly, how the ads encouraged the customers to take prompt action. The next advertisements are examples of the so called public interest or public service advertisements which use strategies and techniques similar to commercial advertising, yet for non-commercial purposes. Their role is to make the public aware of certain burning social and global issues, like public health, public safety, diseases, political ideology, discrimination, energy conservation, deforestation, environmental problems, etc. Such advertisements can be considered as a powerful educational tool capable of reaching, teaching and motivating audiences (Wikipedia 2007: para.1). The ad presented to the students brings into discussion the public’s attention to the disabled, how they are seen, and in many cases, even misjudged by society. The atmosphere of this advertisement is created in a masterly manner. The chess champion, who is admired by everybody, appears on the scene in the blinding flashes of cameras and plays simultaneous chess with several players and finally is beaten in a game by a boy with disabilities. The advert depicts the facial expressions of the two characters in a 122 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue brilliant way. The effect of the ad is thereby shocking; the realization of reality is painful. The sound effects outline the meaning of the advertisement in an outstanding way, its messages “Respect yourself and you will respect the others” or “Disinterest is the biggest handicap” or “Talent knows no handicap” echoing in our souls and deeply moving us. On viewing these ads, the students reacted with an immediate emotional response. Moreover, being under the influence of these pictures, they interacted with each other, showing great sensitivity towards the problems exposed. The next advertisement shown to the students is a typical example of the so called contrastive advertisements. In order to reach the button and extract a Pepsi from the vending machine, the boy in the advertisement steps on a Coca-cola can. As we have already stated, advertising does not only attempt to sell the goods of companies, but it is also a powerful competitive weapon. But how far should this competition go? Should there be a limit, a line drawn between honest, fair and unfair competition? By asking these questions, the students could be properly introduced into the topic “advertising and the law”. They could be asked to recall advertisements in which this comparative reference is expressed. As advertisers often tend to make specific comparisons between their products and rival products, viewers – in many cases even unconsciously – locate particular items in the text and draw them together for comparison on a specified basis. However, the lack of specific reference to certain products does not stop advertisers from employing comparative reference. This means that advertisers often leave out the comparative item while keeping in the basis for comparison. Even though a comparative reference is not clearly expressed to the viewers, they still decode from the text this “much better” idea (Goddard 1998: 104). When referring to the above-mentioned advertisement the students’ attention can be drawn to advertising regulations, to the legal framework within which advertising operates, to ethical advertising standards, as well as to laws and rules that control, constrain and even reprimand inappropriate advertisements. It should be pointed out to the students that comparative advertisements are interpreted differently and the rules vary around the world. Thus, in Europe it is illegal to make any comparisons of a product with a competitor’s in advertising. There are no laws against it in Britain and in the USA, yet the Code of Advertising Practice lays down some guidelines as to what is permissible. According to this Code of Practice, all advertisements should be legal, decent and truthful. They should be prepared with a sense of responsibility to the consumer and society, and lastly, should conform to the principles of fair competition generally accepted in business. It should be stressed that the expression of comparative reference and superiority in advertisements is legal and accepted in certain countries as long as comparison is not likely to mislead, it complies with the principles of fair 123 Lingua A. Linguistics competition and does not tarnish the reputation and image of a company (White 1993: 197). The other advertisements presented to the students, such as adverts on alcoholic drinks, tobacco or funny ones proved to be excellent starting points for discussions and debates. The students engaged in various reading and listening activities and were eager to interact with each other by using such pictures in motion as a basis for conversation. In addition to this, the use of such dynamic pictures had a huge impact on them, generating interest and emotional response to the topic. These pictures in motion turn out to be a very generous source of discussion, motivation and enjoyment in class, since they are highly interactive and dynamic. They create effect, managing to engage the viewer in a dialogue with a text or picture as one of the interlocutors of it. These adverts have illustrated that images work alongside the verbal text to create ways of interpretation, to address to the viewer, involving them as participants in this interaction. Conclusion By exerting a huge visual impact and by provoking different reactions, visual aids, both static and dynamic, can and should play a major part in English classes. The power of images can be well exploited and connected with different language learning activities. Since images can foster great personable and workable opportunities and a harmonious and stimulating teaching-learning environment, teachers should resort to such pictures as often as possible in order to maximize the success of the class. All in all, we should allow pictures to speak a thousand volumes within the English class for the benefit of the students and the teachers alike. Bibliography Goddard, Angela. (1998). The Language of Advertising. Written Texts. London, New York: Routledge. Goodman, Jennifer. (2007). Picture Stories in the Communicative Classroom. Retrieved from www.teachingenglish. org.uk/think/resources/picture_story.shtml. Hill, David A. (1990). Visual Impact. Creative Language Learning through Pictures. Essex: Longman Group UK Limited. Schnotz, Wolfgang. (2007). Knowledge Acquisition with Static and Animated Pictures in Computer-Based Learning. Retrieved from http://eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/Home.portal. White, Roderick. (1993). Advertising: What It Is and How to Do It. Berkshire: McGRAW-HILL Book Company Europe. Wikipedia (2007). Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_service_advertising. Wright, Andrew. (1989). Pictures for Language Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 124 II. Varia “Babeș-Bolyai” University at the European Universities Debating Championship Ana Maria Pascu Three debating teams and two judges represented “Babes-Bolyai” University at the European Universities Debating Championship, which was hosted by the University of Newcastle, at the beginning of August (1-5 August 2009). One of the participating teams represented the Lingua Center Debating Club. It is most significant that beginner debaters are supported financially by the university and thus given the chance to participate at important international competitions, which are an excellent learning opportunity. After seven preliminary rounds, the selected teams took part in quarters, semifinals and finals, which took into account the debaters’ level of English. Thus, there were separate quarters, semifinals and finals for native speakers and for ESL (English as a second language) debaters. Great judging standards were ensured by judges being permanently ranked according to their performance by the chairs of each judging panel. The motions were as follows: R1: This House would allow the police to use entrapment. R2: This House would use the education system to instill moral norms in children beyond mere obedience to the law. R3: This House would grant citizenship to illegal immigrants who report on workplace exploitation. R4: This House believes that the gay rights movement should oppose gay marriage. R5: This House believes that western liberal countries have a moral duty to spread democracy across the world using force where necessary. R6: This House believes that custody hearings should not take a child’s biological parentage into account. R7: This House would allow doctors to actively lie to their patients in order to create or augment a placebo effect. ESL QF: This House would allow the police to physically discipline children below the age of criminal responsibility. Lingua A. Linguistics QF: This House would allow political parties to designate certain pre-election claims as binding promises, the breaking of which would trigger immediate fresh elections. ESL SF: This House believes that countries where assisted suicide is illegal should prosecute those who assist others that travel abroad to receive euthanasia. SF: This House believes that desecration of religious sites is a legitimate tactic of warfare. ESL GF: This House would remove all legal barriers to the genetic enhancement of humans. GF: This House would abolish all limits on immigration. The winners for the ESL section were from The Netherlands, while the native speaker winners were from Oxford. Fifth Corpus Linguistics Conference Adrian Ciupe Between 20 and 23 July 2009 I took part in the Fifth Corpus Linguistics Conference hosted by the University of Liverpool, UK, where I presented a paper entitled Corpora and EFL / ELT: Losses, gains and trends in a computerised world. My presentation centred on several practical and methodological aspects relating to the use of proprietor corpora by publishers such as LONGMAN, MACMILLAN, CAMBRIDGE UP and OXFORD UP in compiling paper and electronic format dictionaries for advanced learners of English, as well as in producing various ELT / EFL course books. Theoretically informed by the Lexical Approach (c.f. Michael Lewis), my line of argument acknowledged the efforts of current ELT/EFL publishers but also highlighted their conspicuous shortcomings, eventually suggesting possible remedial action in designing further such products. Well-attended (over 300 speakers from around the world) and successfully organised, with separate sections on language learning, discourse, language software etc, the Corpus Linguistics 2009 conference was run jointly by the universities of 128 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue Liverpool, Birmingham and Lancaster, being the fifth biennial conference in the series of Corpus Linguistics. The official conference website is: http://www.liv.ac.uk/english/CL2009/index.htm TBLT 2009 Tasks: Context, Purpose, and Use. Veronica Armașu, Ioana Nan Lancaster, UK September 2009 The International Conference on Task-based Language Teaching (ICTBLT) was hosted by Lancaster University, UK, between 13-16 September 2009. It the third of the series of biennial TBLT conferences inaugurated in 2005 by the Katholieke Universiteit of Leuven and continued in 2007 under the auspices of the University of Hawaii. The Lancaster conference brought together a relatively small but enthusiastic community of EFL, ESP and EAP researchers and teachers, most of them from universities and colleges in Western Europe, the United States and Japan, whose interest in task-based learning and assessment was reflected not only in the significant number and variety of topics presented on each of the three days of colloquia and workshops, but also in the central issues taken up in the presentations of the four plenary speakers. Thus, some of the key questions approached were the place of technology in the context of second-language learning, the use of classroom tasks as conducive to social, action-oriented practices, the role of motivation in task-based learning behaviour, as well as the yet unsolved puzzle of task-based assessment in language learning programmes. In addition, some of the most interesting aspects debated were: the role of corrective feedback in task-based learning, the attitude of EAP teachers to CBI (Content-based 129 Lingua A. Linguistics Instruction) and the importance of shifting to task-based and project-based learning, some possible methods of measuring learners’ oral fluency, or the effects of task complexity and task conditions on oral production. A special section was dedicated to The TBLT 2009 Student Awards which has focused on rewarding students who have had outstanding contributions in the field of task- based learning and research. Thus, the organizers have stated their ongoing interest in developing further research programmes in the field. All in all, the Lancaster 2009 TBLT conference emphasized once more, and very successfully, the need for learning a second or foreign language by performing authentic communicative tasks whose ultimate purposes are not so much to manipulate form with utmost accuracy, as much as to convey contextually appropriate meaning in order to build not only language skills but also relevant, practical, extra-linguistic skills for life. The 2009 Lancaster Conference Organising Committee has announced that the 4 Biennial International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching will take place between the 17-20 November 2011 in Auckland, New Zealand, bearing the promising title of ” Crossing Boundaries”. th Official conference website: http://www.lancs.ac.uk/fass/events/tblt2009/ 130 III. Reviews „Marele Dicţionar Român-Polon” în contextul dezbaterilor de lingvistică integrală Mircea Borcilă* Există, cred, suficiente şi bine întemeiate motive care ne îndeamnă să salutăm cu satisfacţie apariţia acestei excepţionale realizări lexicografice – Marele Dicţionar Român-Polon, în contextul lucrărilor celui dintâi „Congres Internaţional de Lingvistică Integrală” de la Cluj. Cel mai important dintre aceste motive este, fireşte, unul mai general, de natură istorică şi culturală, anume faptul binecunoscut că „şcoala lingvistică din Cluj” se mândreşte cu titlul de a fi conceput şi realizat, în bună măsură, cel mai important monument lexicografic al culturii române, faimosul Dicţionar al Academiei, aşa cum e numit acesta în mod curent, în lumea ştiinţifică. Personal, regret cu toată sinceritatea faptul că cel care conduce, astăzi, şantierul (atât cât a mai rămas, la Cluj) al lucrărilor la această operă monumentală, directorul Institutului de Lingvistică al Academiei Române, Ion Mării, nu a putut, din motive de sănătate, să se adreseze el însuşi Congresului cu această ocazie. În ce mă priveşte, voi încerca să invoc, foarte sumar, cel puţin trei raţiuni pentru care consider dicţionarul de faţă ca pe un câştig excepţional şi semnificativ al lexicografiei bilingve interculturale. În primul rând, mă refer la concepţia lucrării şi îngăduiţi-mi să pornesc, în această privinţă, de la ideea exprimată aici de eminenta noastră romanistă, Maria Iliescu, anume aceea că Puşcariu şi, acum, iată şi Coşeriu, trebuie consideraţi drept repere care au intrat în zodia „clasicităţii”, adică ei reprezintă, pentru noi, valori clasice care, dincolo de discuţiile şi dezvoltările pe care le putem face, au reuşit să cucerească ceva definitiv pentru cultura română şi cea europeană. Concepţia acestui dicţionar, aşa cum a fost schiţată ea, în Cuvântul introductiv, şi prezentată de către una din cele două merituoase autoare ale lucrării, invitată de onoare a Congresului nostru, se înscrie, cu claritate, în perspectiva unui asemenea câştig. Profesoara Joanna Porawska a pomenit faptul că axa principală a noului Mare Dicţionar, spre deosebire de cel din ‘70, este ideea regăsită încă la Hasdeu – eu aş duce-o şi mai departe, la Cipariu – a * Babeș-Bolyai University Lingua A. Linguistics unei „oglinzi” pe care dicţionarul trebuie să o reprezinte în raport cu viaţa istorică a neamului ce vorbeşte limba respectivă. Să ne amintim că, tocmai, această idee, preluată chiar de la Cipariu, a fost exact ideea pe care a citat-o, la început, Puşcariu când a pornit programul Marelui Dicţionar al Academiei Române, i.e. ideea că într-un dicţionar trebuie să găseşti, „ca într-o oglindă, firea, sufletul şi istoria neamului”. E vorba, deci, de o fericită reafirmare a unui principiu al lingvisticii, înţeleasă ca ştiinţă a culturii sau, mai exact, de o reinstaurare a unei concepţii, să-i spunem, cvasispirituale sau sufleteşti, datorită căreia, prin intermediul Dicţionarului, cunoaştem, desigur, şi realităţile materiale, dar cunoaştem şi sufletul şi modul de-a simţi, modul de-a gândi, modul de-a vedea aceste lucruri care se reflectă în cuvintele, în expresiile idiomatice şi, în general, în sensurile cele mai caracteristice ale unei/unor limbi, pe care şi acest excelent Dicţionar le scoate în lumină. Această idee a fost, de fapt, dezvoltată de Puşcariu în elaborările sale teoretice, aşa cum am încercat să argumentez şi eu în mai multe texte din ultima perioadă. Îmi amintesc de o întâlnire pe care am avut-o în 2003 cu filologii germani – Deutsche und rumänische Philologen in der Begegnung – unde acest punct de vedere („ Puşcariu, un mare precursor al lingvisticii integrale”) a fost prezentat şi argumentat pe larg. S-a vorbit despre drumul de la Puşcariu până la Coşeriu sau despre rădăcinile româneşti ale lui Coşeriu în mutaţia conceptuală dinspre pozitivism înspre o altă lingvistică, de orientare funcţional-culturală, cum a fost cea „clasică” a şcolii clujene. Într-adevăr, acest principiu este minunat ilustrat şi în concepţia lucrării de faţă. Este vorba de un dicţionar etnolingvistic, de un „text cultural”, cum l-a numit autoarea, am putea spune chiar intercultural, în sensul profund al înţelegerii care stă la baza lingvisticii integrale de astăzi pe plan internaţional. A doua raţiune pe care aş dori s-o invoc, foarte succint, este strâns legată de prima, dar vizează, cu precădere, valoarea practică a Dicţionarului. Mă refer, anume, la bogăţia expresiilor idiomatice pe care o cuprinde această lucrare şi observ că multe dintre aceste expresii – considerate de noi, până acum, conform tradiţiei consolidate prin celebra carte a lui Sandfeld, din 1933, ca ţinând de aşa-zisa „comunitate” sau „familie” de „limbi balcanice” – se regăsesc, ca atare, şi în limba polonă. Acest dicţionar este o foarte bună cale, sau poate servi în acest sens, pentru explorarea unei idei ştiinţifice de mare importanţă. Dicţionarul atestă, anume, extrem de multe expresii idiomatice în care putem traduce cuvânt cu cuvânt din română în poloneză şi invers, fără să schimbăm sensul figurat al expresiei, în destule cazuri în care aceasta nu se poate face cu o limbă soră, cum ar fi franceza sau italiana. Este o provocare pe care acest Dicţionar o lansează, deja, cercetătorilor, anticipată, desigur, de mai mulţi lingvişti – între care şi profesorul Alexandru Niculescu – şi pentru care lucrarea lexicografică de faţă poate sluji ca o piatră de temelie sau un foarte bun suport investigaţional. 134 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue Se poate cerceta, şi pe această temeinică bază, în ce măsură adevărul transmis prin tradiţia menţionată este doar unul parţial şi în ce măsură putem delimita un „nucleu comun”, nu doar „balcanic”, ci est-european, cu deosebire tocmai în aria expresiilor idiomatice, care ilustrează cel mai bine „viziunea” implicită asupra lumii, caracteristică unei anumite culturi sau unui spaţiu cultural mai cuprinzător. Şi a treia raţiune, corelată cu cea anterioară: schimbarea lingvistică. Acest Dicţionar ne demonstrează că, în 40 de ani, limba română s-a schimbat destul de radical în multe straturi ale semanticii ei lexicale, înţelegând prin această schimbare o mutaţie în chiar profilul ei lexematic ca entitate istorică, dar şi în dimensiunea „normei” ei tradiţionale, aşa cum se prezintă aceasta din unghiul discursului repetat, al frazeologismelor şi al elementelor figurative specifice. Acestea s-au schimbat foarte mult în ultimii 40 de ani, iar Dicţionarul de faţă reflectă admirabil această schimbare în perspectivă interlingvistică. Comunicarea revelatoare a profesoarei Porawska, de astăzi, a fost plină de asemenea ilustrări elocvente. S-a putut întrezări, cred, cu claritate, însuşi procesul prin care se configurează o nouă „fizionomie” semantică a limbii noastre, prin comparaţia, „în oglindă”, cu procesul similar care are loc în limba polonă. Cele trei raţiuni invocate ar fi suficiente, cred, pentru a saluta cu satisfacţie, apariţia acestui volum, în contextul dezbaterilor noastre. Există, însă, desigur, numeroase alte aspecte pe care specialiştii – lexicografii, în primul rând, semanticienii istorici, cei care lucrează în domeniul relaţiilor româno-polone – le vor putea fructifica pornind de la această adevărată capodoperă. Nu-mi rămâne decât să o felicit, din toată inima, pe profesoara Porawska, în numele dumneavoastră, al tuturor, precum şi pe organizatorii acestui deosebit moment al Congresului nostru de lingvistică integrală. 135 Dicţionar contextual de termeni traductologici – franceză-română Maria Ţenchea coordonator, Dicţionar contextual de termeni traductologici – franceză-română, Editura Universităţii de Vest, Timişoara, 2008 En ordre alphabétique, Diana Andrei, Diana Boca, Ruxandra Filip, Cristina Georgescu, Andreea Gheorghiu, Ioana Giurgincă, Doina Hebedean, Georgiana Lungu Badea, Mariana Pitar, Adina Popa, Maria Ţenchea et Diana Voinescu sont les auteurs de ce dictionnaire contextuel de terme traductologiques, du français vers le roumain, dont la coordination et la révision appartiennent à Madame le Professeur Maria Ţenchea. Le dictionnaire a été élaboré grâce à un projet financé par le CNCSIS. Le directeur du projet No 1441 de 2006 est Maria Ţenchea qui a coordonné l’activité de l’équipe, ayant à la base une initiative de Madame le Maître de Conférence Georgiana Lungu Badea. En plein essor, la traductologie roumaine tend à consolider ses concepts, tout comme la terminologie utilisée dans ce but. C’est ce qui justifie la nécessité de faire publier un pareil dictionnaire, un vrai instrument de travail mis à la disposition des spécialistes, mais aussi des étudiants qui sont en voie de formation, pour ne pas oublier le public intéressé à ce genre d’activité. Plus de deux cents termes ou collocations, donnés en français à côté de leur traduction en roumain, par exemple: Hétéronyme/Heteronim; Compensation/ Compensaţie, Compensare; ou bien Traducteur expert (judiciaire)/Traducător expert (judiciar); Expression figée, Figement/Expresie fixă, Entitate frazeologică, forment le fonds de ce dictionnaire qui a pourtant un caractère de nouveauté. Celle-ci réside dans le fait que les termes ne sont point définis, comme dans un dictionnaire classique, mais accompagnés d’exemples concrets, d’où la difficulté de l’élaborer. Lingua A. Linguistics Les exemples de longueur variable sont présentés dans un ou même dans plusieurs contextes authentiques qui démontrent leur fonctionnement effectif dans le domaine de la traductologie. Le choix en est large et les citations offertes provienennt autant de textes français que de textes rédigés ou simplement traduits en roumain, suivis de la source respective: Surtraduction/Supratraducere – “On fait de la surtraduction lorsqu’on explicite abusivement en français ce qu’il convient de garder implicite en passant d’une langue à l’autre.” (J. Delisle, La Traduction raisonnée, p. 230) “Supratraducere. Greşeală de traducere care constă în traducerea explicită a unor elemente din textul sursă ce ar trebui să rămână implicite în textul ţintă.” (J. Delisle, Terminologia traducerii, p. 128). Certes, le nombre de contextes est dû à l’importance du terme vedette ou de la collocation en cause, allant de deux ou trois au total, jusqu’à plusieurs pages, notamment: Traducteur/Traducător, Tălmăcitor (pages 178 à 181). C’est pourquoi, le dictionnaire devient une sorte d’encyclopédie de la traduction car il peut servir à étudier la terminologie utilisée dans ce domaine d’importance vitale à l’époque de la globalisation. Afin de faciliter son utilisation, les auteurs ont mis à la disposition du lecteur un index de termes en français et en roumain (pages 239 à 245). Le volume est ouvert par une liste d’abréviations en français et une autre en roumain, les abréviations les plus usuelles qui se retrouvent dans les exemples donnés. Et non pas en dernier lieu, les sources sont offertes (pages 227 à 238) en deux sous-chapitres: Volumes, études et articles et Sites du web. Alexandra Viorica Dulău* * Babeș-Bolyai University 138 Mariana Istrate, Numele propriu în textul narativ Istrate, Mariana, Numele propriu în textul narativ, Napoca Star, Cluj-Napoca, 2000 T he choice of presenting the study of Mariana Istrate is a well founded one because we deal with one of the few Romanian works regarding literary onomastics. The author presents the different onomastic categories to be found in narrative texts, the relationship between literary onomastics and other linguistic branches, as well as the so-called “thresholds to interpretation” such as the title, the prefaces etc literary onomastics, proper name, thresholds to interpretation. L’interesse di Mariana Istrate per il ricco ma poco esplorato campo dell’onomastica trova le sue radici nelle ricerche romene benché internazionali riguardanti quest’ampia tematica. Mariana Istrate svolge la sua attività presso il dipartimento di Italiano della Facoltà di Lettere dell’Università “Babeş-Bolyai”. La studiosa si è dedicata al campo dell’onomastica, e all’onomastica letteraria in particolare, a cominciare con la stesura della tesi per il dottorato. Di conseguenza, ha pubblicato vari articoli in riviste di prestigio, ha partecipato e ha sostenuto conferenze in Romania e all’estero. Tra le più recenti rammentiamo una conferenza presso l’Università “La Sapienza” di Roma dal titolo Finzione e denominazione nel romanzo autobiografico di Lucian Blaga e Ion Heliade Rădulescu – un romantico romeno italofilo presentata presso l’Università “Il Bo” di Padova. Per ciò che riguarda i volumi pubblicati si tratta di: Numele propriu în textul narativ, Napoca Star, Cluj-Napoca, 2000; Scriptor in fabula, Napoca Star, Cluj-Napoca, 2002; Percorsi del nome, Ezio Parma Editore Napoca Star, Cluj-Napoca, 2002. Mariana Istrate è membro dell’Accademia di Scienze, Arti e Letteratura di Oradea e dell’Associazione „Onomastica e Letteratura” di Pisa, Italia. Lo spunto del presente lavoro è rappresentato dal fatto che è stata l’onomastica letteraria, dall’ampio campo dell’onomastica in generale, ad aver conosciuto il maggior Lingua A. Linguistics sviluppo negli ultimi decenni. Essa postula e sfrutta, allo stesso tempo, il fatto che il nome proprio nel testo narrativo rappresenta una scelta individuale, consapevole e, soprattutto, motivata dell’autore. Si deve sottolineare un tratto caratteristico dell’onomastica letteraria e cioè una maggior libertà nel creare: la denominazione epica può far uso tanto di nomi ripresi dal corpus onomastico esistente nella lingua, quanto di nomi creati in conformità con il sistema onomastico in questione. L’uso selettivo di un certo nome è già un indizio della sua funzione semantica. L’inserimento di un segno linguistico individuante contribuisce alla generazione ed all’articolazione del testo, e la sua reiterazione è la garanzia della continuità e coerenza del testo. Nella prima parte, il lavoro fa l’analisi delle principali categorie onomastiche che appaiono nel testo per poter vertere, in un secondo momento, su quelle che vengono usate in quanto “soglie verso il testo” (il nome d’autore, lo pseudonimo in quanto nome d’autore, il nome del testo). L’ultima parte viene a delineare la ricezione di questi nomi, suscitando reazioni estetiche, per arrivare alla loro lessicalizzazione attraverso il complesso processo dell’antonomasia. Il primo aspetto presentato dalla studiosa è quello della definizione dell’onomastica del testo letterario (problematica ritrovatasi anche nel titolo del secondo capitolo). Lo spunto in questo senso è rappresentato dalla prima prova di definire questo concetto in Romania nell’ambito del Simposio di onomastica del 1987, i cui lavori furono pubblicati nella rivista “Studii de onomastica”, del 1990. La definizione di Augustin Pop considera, in linea di ipotesi, che l’onomastica letteraria coinvolga la letteratura, „nel grado in cui [essa] costituisce l’oggetto della ricerca”, e la linguistica „per ciò che riguarda il metodo di investigazione”1. Di conseguenza: „l’onomastica letteraria potrebbe essere quel ramo dell’onomastica che studia l’origine, l’evoluzione e le funzioni dei nomi propri delle opere letterarie”. Marica Pietreanu viene a completare questa definizione affermando che l’onomastica letteraria sia: „quel ramo dell’onomastica il cui oggetto di ricerca sono i nomi propri delle opere letterarie, con un metodo complesso di interpretazione, in cui si intrecciano l’analisi linguistica e quella letteraria e artistica”2. Una volta definita l’onomastica letteraria, emerge il problema delle categorie con cui essa opera – toponimi, antroponimi, zoonimi, astronimi, anemonimi (nomi di fenomeni meteorologici), ergonomi (nomi di associazioni umane), crononimi (nomi dei periodi di tempo), ecc.3 Spicca, dunque, il problema dell’identità tra le categorie dell’onomastica letteraria (OL) e quelle dell’onomatica generale (O), fatto che verrebbe ad invalidare la teoria secondo la quale l’OL fosse una suddivisione dell’O. Per trovare una soluzione a questo problema, la ricercatrice ricorre ad un termine proposto da Augustin Pop – simbonim4 – per tutti i nomi propri delle opere letterarie. Parte dalle osservazioni di Cesare Bandi e sottolinea il fatto che, nell’opera letteraria,“il nome acquista un nuovo significato, fondamentalmente 140 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue diverso da quello anteriore”, “trasformandosi da un realonimo in un simbonimo”5. Di conseguenza, l’ OL potrebbe essere ridefinita in quanto suddivisione dell’onomastica che si occupa con lo studio dei simbonimi e studia i mezzi tramite i quali i nomi propri ottengono, all’interno del testo letterario, la qualità di simbolo letterario. Un altro argomento analizzato nel secondo capitolo è quello del rapporto tra l’onomastica letteraria e le altre discipline della linguistica – la lessicologia, la morfologia, la sintassi ma anche la storia della lingua, la dialettologia e la fonetica. L’onomastica ha forse il maggior impatto, il più visibile, sulla lessicologia a causa del passaggio dalla categoria di nome comune a quella di nome proprio e viceversa. Questa transizione è resa possibile dal “degrado” semantico del nome proprio, processo che può materializzarsi in un nuovo significato e può avere in quanto conseguenza l’arricchirsi del vocabolario con nuove parole, nuovi sensi. Un primo passaggio dal nome proprio al nome comune viene realizzato attraverso la comparazione con la quale i tratti di un personaggio letterario vengono attribuiti ad una persona reale (si vedano Don Quijote, Don Juan, Hagi Tufose, ecc. ). Un’altra modalità per cui nuove parole appaiono è la derivazione di nomi comuni da nomi di scrittori, personaggi letterari e opere. Il fenomeno è presente nel linguaggio della critica e della storia letteraria e in seguito ne risultano: aggettivi – barbian, eminescian, hamletian, ecc., nomi – formati sia da un nome proprio + suf. –ism: caragialism, faustism, ecc., sia da un aggettivo onomastico + suf. –ism: argezianism, balzacianism, ecc., oppure verbi. L’ultima parte del secondo capitolo verte sullo stato attuale delle ricerche nel campo in questione, avendo come spunto le affermazioni di Garabet Ibrăileanu, fatte nel 1926, nello studio “Numele proprii în opera comică a lui Caragiale” con cui l’autore fonda un nuovo campo di ricerca, quello dell’onomastica letteraria. Sono rammentati anche Al. Cristureanu, il quale, nelle sue ricerche, fa un inventario dei nomi ma, allo stesso tempo, prova a fare anche la loro analisi stilistica; Elena Linţă la quale spiega che si è fatta meno attenzione agli antroponimi presenti nelle opere letterarie a causa dell’uso prediletto, nella letteratura, dei nomi propri consueti; Veronica HiceaMocanu la quale si è soffermata sopra i nomi propri dei testi drammatici; Rodica Marian, Marica Pietreanu e Augustin Pop che si sono dedicati prevalentemente ai nomi propri presenti nella poesia; Victoria Moldovan nella sua analisi del rapporto nome-personaggio nell’opera di Sadoveanu. Lo statuto del nome proprio nel testo narrativo è un aspetto che non può essere trascurato in uno studio di onomastica letteraria e, di conseguenza, la studiosa ha dedicato a questa problematica una parte consistente del suo lavoro e ha considerato come punto di partenza le considerazioni generali sopra il nome proprio. Una rassegna delle più importanti prospettive riguardanti il nome proprio conduce alla conclusione che esso sia multivoce (può avere più significati), monovalente (ha un 141 Lingua A. Linguistics valore diverso per ogni situazione) e unidimensionale (denomina tanto un oggetto quanto un insieme di oggetti ma separatamente, non allo stesso tempo). Il famoso linguista Coşeriu afferma: “Il nome proprio [...] è sempre il nome di un <<singolare>> (questa A) e mai di un <<particolare>> (una A)”6. Si deve sottolineare il fatto che il nome proprio non denomina nello stesso piano con il nome comune, classificando la realtà, ma fa uso di una seconda modalità denominativa la quale individua e unifica. Soltanto dopo aver tracciato le linee generali riguardanti lo statuto del nome proprio, la ricercatrice è stata in grado di presentare la problematica del nome proprio nel testo narrativo rilevando il fatto che, all’interno del testo, il nome non rinvia più al mondo reale che ci circonda ma ad uno immaginario, creato, appartenente alla finzione, che nel testo richiama, tuttavia, il primo. I tratti che individuano la letteratura e, implicitamente, il nome proprio del testo letterario, restano sempre l’unicità e l’originalità, qualità che suscitano l’interesse del lettore. Dall’altra parte, Eugène Nicole7 si sofferma sopra l’idea della continuità della referenza nel processo narrativo. Nella stesura dell’opera, così come nella lettura, ogni nome racchiude in sé una serie di tratti che vengono attribuiti gradualmente all’individuo che denominano. Si verifica, dunque, un rinvio speciale che mira ad un modello mentale del referente. Per Gravel il personaggio significa sia “un nome ricco di qualità”, sia “qualità collegate attraverso il nome”. In quest’ultimo caso, dal punto di vista narrativo, l’emergere di un nome ed il suo reiterarsi nel testo “fonda il racconto e orienta la lettura verso l’aspettativa di un destino”8. Sempre Eugène Nicole accenna alla “caratteristica anaforica” del nome proprio e Mariana Istrate, a sostegno di quest’affermazione, fa degli esempi ripresi dalla letteratura romena. È il caso del romanzo classico all’interno del quale la narrazione e la reiterazione dei nomi sono strettamente collegate, la connessione essendo ovvia soprattutto nei diversi cicli di romanzi come quelli di Hortensiei Papadat-Bengescu. La reiterazione del nome che denomina un personaggio porta alla fissazione, nella mente del lettore, dell’identità onomastica. Si produce, di conseguenza, una sorta di eco che può condurre, in seguito al processo di ricezione, alla percezione del nome in quanto simbolo di una qualità o di un’esistenza esemplare. In questo caso, si può verificare persino il passaggio del nome proprio ad un nome comune. Un tratto interessante che è stato rilevato nella letteratura dell’ultimo secolo è quello del passaggio dalla pluridenominazione alla scomparsa del nome proprio nel testo narrativo. Tranne il classico esempio di Cervantes che usò la pluridenominazione, la studiosa ci presenta anche quello di Ciuleandra di Rebreanu notando che, solitamente, quando non si tratta di un personaggio dai tratti fissi, ogni nuova apparizione del nome porta alla luce una nuova caratteristica della personalità del denotato. Quindi, Mădălina è la ragazza piena di gioia, esuberante, che balla la danza popolare chiamata ciuleandra mentre Madeleine è l’affascinante signora Faranga, mite, melanconica, che 142 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue finirà per essere ammazzata da suo marito. I diversi nomi dati allo stesso personaggio sono intenti a suggerire il fatto che l’identità del personaggio si perde malgrado le prove disperate di riacquistarla. È il caso dell’eroe di Pirandello dal romanzo Il fu Mattia Pascal (1904) il quale „vive e muore, rinasce e muore nuovamente”9, senza ritrovare se stesso. Mattia Pascal coglie l’occasione di una situazione favorevole per crearsi una nuova identità. Il „defunto” Mattia Pascal diventa Adriano Meis nella speranza non solo di vivere una nuova vita ma anche di essere una nuova persona. Però, cambiando il suo nome non fa altro che abbandonare una maschera per un’altra, il nome essendo la maschera con cui la persona si fa conosciuta agli altri. In questo riguardo Jean Starobinski afferma: „In modo simbolico il nome si colloca alla confluenza tra « l’esistere per se stesso » e « l’esistere per l’altro », esso è veramente intimo ed è un fatto pubblico. Accettando il mio nome accetto che esso sia un denominatore comune tra il mio essere profondo e il mio essere sociale”10. Però, è la rinuncia al nome l’attuale tendenza per ciò che riguarda il romanzo contemporaneo. La “disgregazione” dell’architettura epica accade nello stesso tempo con “la morte dell’eroe” e “la scomparsa dell’autore”11. Di conseguenza, si nota un calo per ciò che riguarda il potere individuante del nome proprio. Faulkner, in L’urlo e il furore, dà lo stesso nome a due persoanggi centrali, Kafka, nel Castello, chiama un personaggio con un’unica lettera, K, Vasile Rebreanu, negli Amori del cascatore, usa, in quanto nomi e cognomi dei personaggi, dei nomi comuni che denominano la classe a cui essie appartengono. Ai rispettivi nomi e cognomi vengono aggiunte le iniziali in ordine alfabetico: il ragazzo A, l’alunno B, lo studente C, ecc. Il capitolo “La letterarietà e la denominazione” verte, in un primo momento, sulla definizione del primo concetto accennato nel titolo, soprattutto dalla prospettiva semiologica di Heinrich F. Plett12. Lo studioso definisce un concetto „espressivo” di letteratura - la quale „rinvia all’emittente”, uno “ricettivo” – che rinvia al ricettore, un concetto “mimetico” – rivolto al referente, e uno retorico in relazione con il codice dei segni letterari. L’opera letteraria “crea un mondo”13 imitando un discorso dall’ “intento referenziale”, in base ad una convenzione tramite la quale lo scrittore fa finta di “fare un’asserzione”, di “fare un rinvio”, e il lettore si mostra d’accordo con questa “pretesa”14. Dovuto all’uso del nome proprio la referenza “crea il personaggio della finzione”15. L’affermazione di Searle verrà sostenuta con argomenti dalla ricercatrice romena che fa l’esempio del racconto Popa Tanda di Ioan Slavici. Dato che condivide la sopraccennata pretesa dell’autore, il lettore accetta il fatto che esiste, nel villaggio Butucani, un maestro chiamato Pintilie, personaggio della finzione creato tramite il rinvio illocutorio. La conclusione della studiosa è che l’istituirsi di questa convenzione testuale mira allo strutturarsi del nome proprio in quanto l’asse sul quale verrà costruito il personaggio letterario. 143 Lingua A. Linguistics “Le soglie verso il testo” rappresentano un altro concetto su cui verte lo studio di Mariana Istrate. Così, se il nome di un autore richiama un certo universo immaginario, i titoli, a loro turno, saranno in grado di rinviare, in vario modo, alla finzione. I titoli dei capitoli vengono a rafforzare, a loro turno, l’invito di entrare nella finzione lanciata dal titolo dell’opera così come anche le prefazioni, le postfazioni, i motti, ecc. Paul Cornea afferma che “tutto è eloquente per coloro che hanno una certa esperienza”. Di conseguenza, “il lettore avvisato raccoglie” questi elementi “prima di incominciare la lettura”, in quanto segni esterni che aiutino alla conclusione di un “contratto di lettura”16. Dunque, la ricercatrice conclude che i nomi hanno “la funzione di avvertire” l’entrare del lettore in un universo immaginario, ma, allo stesso tempo, pure una funzione di “segno coesivo” della narrazione e una funzione “psicologica proiettiva”17. Lo statuto “relazionale” così scoperto progetta il personaggio in uno spazio che si colloca “al di là del testo”. Per analizzare l’espressività antroponimica, Mariana Istrate accenna, per primo, ai nomi reperibili – i quali offrono al discorso epico autenticità e rappresentano un punto di riferimento per poter collocare l’azione in un certo spazio e momento storico. In secondo luogo, vengono accennati i nomi attestati – tutti quei nomi i quali, benché costruiti in conformità con il sistema di denominazione esistente nella lingua, vengono usati in un’opera letteraria senza che rinviino ad un prototipo omonimo, oppure dei quali non ci risulta che esisti un tale prototipo, e pure i nomi inventati – che non si verificano nella realtà, solo nella finzione essendo accettate in un universo immaginario solamente grazie ad una convenzione. Questi ultimi non si distinguono, dal punto di vista funzionale, dai nomi dell’onomastica consueta, ma la loro forza suggestiva è grande. Mariana Istrate accenna anche all’espressività toponimica, zoonimica ed eufemistica. I toponimi simbonimi possono essere, a loro turno, reperibili, attestati e inventati mentre “i nomi di animali, nella maggior parte, tranne quando non rappresentano nomi di persona o di animali ripresi da altre lingue straniere, sono evoluti fino a questa funzione da aggettivi o appellativi ripresi dalla lingua comune”18. Facendo l’analisi degli pseudonimi, la studiosa fa una rassegna delle circostanze della loro apparizione, le cause e, soprattutto, si nota un interesse particolare per ciò che riguarda la loro classifica semantica. Dunque, vengono individuati pseudonimi che rinviano a dei tratti fisici, psichici, pseudonimi che indicano un mestiere, l’origine, derivati dai nomi di animali oppure quelli che provengono dalle formule onomastiche di identificazione caratteristiche per il sistema popolare. Dal punto di vista della loro costruzione si tratta di nomi-sintagma, anagrammi, asteronimi o criptonimi. Insieme ai nomi d’autore, pure il titolo rappresenta un invito alla lettura. Esso indica in modo riassuntivo o suggestivo l’essenza di un’opera e, secondo Boris Cazacu, 144 2008 – European Year of Intercultural Dialogue “il titolo risponde, in un certo modo, alle domande che il giudice romano faceva durante le inchieste: quis « chi », quomodo « come », quando « quando », quibus auxiliis « con che mezzi », ubi « dove »”19. La studiosa conclude dunque che, motivato o arbitrario, il titolo offre al testo individualità, unicità e riconoscibilità. Un ultimo argomento trattato da Mariana Istrate nel suo studio è la ricezione dei nomi propri presenti nel testo narrativo. La studiosa si sofferma sopra le affermazioni di Paul Cornea20 in conformità con le quali la ricezione del messaggio poetico rappresenta un atto individuale e irripetibile e richiede un’ “interazione comunicativa”21 fondata su un certo bagaglio di conoscenze dato che ogni testo gode di un “orizzonte d’attesa adatto o no all’accetto immediato. La ricezione dipende da fattori culturali, ma anche dalla competenza letteraria del lettore che, a seconda delle informazioni racchiuse nel testo, realizza una “lettura interpretativa”, fedele per ciò che riguarda le strutture del testo, oppure una “lettura libera”, per divertirsi e rilassarsi, oppure una “lettura standard” che porta ad una “comprensione più o meno soddisfacente del testo ed a una rappresentazione mentale del mondo della finzione”22. Per ciò che riguarda i meriti del presente lavoro, dobbiamo rammentare, per primo, il fatto che, secondo Mircea Borcilă, „la presente sintesi si fonda su un grande numero di opere esaminate, appartenenti non solo alla letteratura romena ma anche a quella universale, e su una ricca illustrazione degli aspetti di principio sostenuti con esempi tra i più rilevanti”. Inoltre, l’originalità del lavoro risiede nell’argomentare e nel sostenere le ipotesi enunciate, personali o appartenenti ad altri autori, attraverso esempi dalla letteratura romena, tratto che lo colloca tra i pochi lavori di onomastica letteraria romena. Non può essere trascurata la struttura assai chiara, dettagliata, del materiale presentato, a cui si deve la logica successione dei capitoli. Note 1 Pop, Augustin, “Obiectivele onomasticii literare”, în Studii de onomastică, V, 1990, p. 400-408. 2 Pietreanu, Marica, “Probleme de onomastica literară. Cu privire la poezia lui Marin Sorescu”, în Studii de onomastică, V, 1990, p. 382-400. 3 Ioniţă, Vasile, “Cu privire la categoriile onomastice”, în Studii de onomastică, IV, 1987, p. 39-47. 4 Pop, Augustin, “Obiectivele onomasticii literare”..., p. 406. 5 Bandi, Cesare, Teoria generală a criticii, Bucureşti, Editura Univers, 1985, p.166. 6 Coşeriu, Eugen, Teoria del lenguaje y linguistica general, segunda edicion, Madrid, Editorial Gredos, S.A., 1967. 7 Nicole, Eugène, “L’onomastique littéraire”, în Poétique, 46, avril, 1981, p. 233-252. 8 Nicole, Eugène, “L’onomastique littéraire..., p. 206. 9 Pirandello, Luigi, Răposatul Mattia Pascal, Bucureşti, Editura pentru Literatură Universală, 1968, p. 240. 10 Starobinski, Jean, Textul şi interpretul, Bucureşti, Editura Univers, 1985, p. 358. 11 Jauss, Hans Robert, Experienţă estetică şi hermeneutică literară, Bucureşti, Editura Univers, 1983, p. 296. 12 Plett, Heinrich F., Ştiinţa textului şi analiza de text. Semiotică, lingvistică, retorică, Bucureşti, Editura Univers, 1983. 13 Ohmann, Richard, „Actele de vorbire şi definirea literaturii”, în Poetica americană. Orientări actuale, ClujNapoca, Editura Dacia, 1981, p. 179-199. 14 Searle, John R., „Statutul logic al discursului ficţional”, în Poetica americană.Orientări..., p. 221. 145 Lingua A. Linguistics 15 Ibidem, p. 222. 16 Cornea, Paul, Introducere în teoria literaturii, Bucureşti, Editura Minerva, 1988, p. 153. 17 Muthu, Mircea, „Înţelegerea personajului literar”, în Excelsior, I, 1992, nr. 2, p. 15. 18 Paşca, Ştefan, „Nume de persoane şi nume de animale în Ţara Oltului”, în Academia Română. Studii şi cercetări, XXVI, 1936. 19 Cazacu, Boris, „De ce lectura modernă a textului narativ? Modalităţi narative şi implicaţii lingvistice”, în Limba română literară. Probleme teoretice şi intepretări de texte, Bucureşti, Societatea de Ştiinţe Filologice, 1985, p.143. 20 Cornea, Paul, Introducere în teoria lecturii, Bucureşti, Editura Minerva, 1988. 21 Jauss, Hans Robert, Pour une esthétique de la réception, Paris, 1978. 22 Cornea, Paul, Introducere în teoria lecturii... . Denisa Ionescu* * Babeș-Bolyai University 146