Catalogue of health resorts and SPA Centres


Catalogue of health resorts and SPA Centres
Catalogue of health resorts and SPA Centres
R e f re s h m e nt fo r ever yone!
12. Aštuoni Guest-House
13. Energetikas Health and Wellness Centre
14. Gabija Hotel
15. Vanagupė Hotel
16. SPA Centre of the Kerpė Hotel
17. SPA Centre of the Palanga Hotel
18. Pajūrio alka
23. SPA Centre Galatėja in Telšiai
20. Saulėja SPA in Kaunas
21. SPA namai in Kaunas
Health resorts
Recreational areas
22. SPA Hotel Belvilis in Molėtai
Baltic Sea
1. Tulpė Sanatorium
2. Royal Residence
3. Eglė Sanatorium
4. Europa Royale Druskininkai
5. Health and Recreation Centre
Grand SPA Lietuva
6. SPA Centre Medea
7. SPA Vilnius SANA
8. Belorus Sanatorium
9. Life Energy S.P.A.
10. East Island SPA Centre in
11. SPA Centre Aqua Rojus
24. Amber Relax Luxus, amber and
mineral therapy centre
25. Beauty Therapy and Surgery Clinic
26. SPA Centre Amber Massage
27. Villa Alicante
28. SPA Vilnius DIA
29. SPA Centre East Island in Vilnius
30. Idzumi
19. SPA Centre Trasalis
Let’s g e t t o k n o w e a c h o t h e r !
Lithuanian health resorts
/ 002
Mineral water. Drink and plunge!
/ 003
Therapeutic mud. Try it!
/ 004
Climate. Breathe it in!
/ 004
Categories of the SPA centres presented in the issue
/ 005
Birštonas – the pearl of the Nemunas Loops
/ 006
1. Tulpė Sanatorium
/ 012
2. Royal Residence
/ 014
Druskininkai – the source of health
You are in Lithuania!
/ 016
3. Eglė Sanatorium
/ 022
4. Europa Royale Druskininkai
/ 024
5. Health and Recreation Centre Grand SPA Lietuva
/ 026
6. SPA Centre Medea
/ 028
7. SPA Vilnius SANA
/ 030
8. Belorus Sanatorium
/ 032
9. Life Energy S.P.A.
/ 034
roundings: meadows and hills are everywhere. Hear
tertainment. In Lithuania you can listen to world-class classi-
10. East Island SPA Centre in Druskininkai
/ 035
how the land is praised by the singing of birds. Five nation-
cal music, watch numerous plays and operas in the country’s
11. SPA Centre Aqua Rojus
/ 036
al parks are waiting for you to explore. Travel through re-
30 theatres and enjoy high quality contemporary art.
Neringa: the inspiring legend
/ 038
freshing forests, see cultural monuments: castles, ancient
Palanga: Sun, Wind, and Sea Waves
/ 044
burial mounds, churches, crosses and more.
You are in Lithuania.
Experience the green sur-
/ 048
13. Energetikas Health and Wellness Centre
/ 050
14. Gabija Hotel
/ 052
15. Vanagupė Hotel
/ 054
16. SPA Centre of the Kerpė Hotel
/ 056
soughing of the sea, feel the grains of sand be-
17. SPA Centre of the Palanga Hotel
/ 058
tween your fingers as they run through your hands. Get a
18. Pajūrio alka
/ 060
traditional amber necklace and take a piece of Lithuania
Anykščiai: The Dream of Poets and Romantics
/ 062
back home with you.
Ignalina: Oasis of Tranquillity and Quietness
/ 068
Trakai: the Town Where History Speaks
/ 072
/ 078
Zarasai: Land of Islands and Lakes
/ 080
20. Saulėja SPA in Kaunas
/ 086
21. SPA namai in Kaunas
/ 088
22. SPA Hotel Belvilis in Molėtai
/ 090
23. SPA Centre Galatėja in Telšiai
/ 092
24. Amber Relax Luxus, amber and mineral therapy centre
/ 094
25. Beauty Therapy and Surgery Clinic
/ 096
26. SPA Centre Amber Massage
/ 098
27. Villa Alicante
/ 099
28. SPA Vilnius DIA
/ 100
29. SPA Centre East Island in Vilnius
/ 102
30. Idzumi
/ 103
w w
Need a good place for a conference, seminar or meeting?
Then look no further. Experienced Lithuanian travel agen-
12. Aštuoni Guest-House
19. SPA Centre Trasalis
tres, exhibitions, concerts, festivals – all are here for your en-
Lithuania’s rivers and lakes are calling out to be explored;
cies will help you find conference halls and make sure eve-
numerous resorts and spa centres are ready to share
rything runs smoothly. Hotels, holiday camps, farmsteads,
the healing secrets of their mineral springs.
Hear the
Did you know that the name Lithuania is a thousand years
old? Discover Lithuanian history and art. Thea-
guest and recreation houses are all ready for your stay.
Taste Lithuania. Take
a bite of brown bread and
enjoy the taste of golden rye. Spread some honey, put a
slice of white cheese on top and enjoy... but don’t forget
to thank those little workers buzzing in the meadows. If
you are thirsty, have a sip of Lithuanian kvass. Smile. You
are in Lithuania.
Ref re s h m e n t f o r e ve r y o n e !
T h e r i c h e s o f o u r n a t u re
Relax and recuperate in Lithuanian
holiday resorts and SPA centres
If you take some time to rest in Lithuania it will be an experience to remember: the country’s scenic holiday resorts and modern equipped SPA centres will surprise you with the abundance,
quality and good value of their services. Recover in the open
country and fresh air, enjoy the exclusive attention of the SPA
centres’ staff, experience relaxing massages, mineral water and
therapeutic mud baths, honey masks and unique amber therapy.
Specialists will assess your health condition and prescribe sanatorium-and-resort therapy, health-improving, and rehabilitation
procedures which are uniquely suited to you.
Birštonas, the balneological (bathing-therapy) resort situated
in the Nemunas Loops Regional Park, was famous all over the Russian Empire as early as the XIX century. The Nemunas, the longest, broadest and most scenic Lithuanian river, flows through the
town while forming loops. Here, houses and elegant villas built in
the XIX–XX centuries are scattered among trees, and the tower of
a neo-Gothic church reaches up to the sky. In Birštonas, any weariness will disappear after relaxing procedures or a few glasses
of mineral water from a pump-room. For treatment, SPA centres
located here use natural therapeutic mud andmineral water from
under the ground.
Druskininkai is the health resort with the longest traditions in
the country. In the town there are 7 mineral water springs, 9 operating sanatoria and one balneological therapy centre, where the
most modern therapy and diagnostic technologies are applied.
Here you can experience the therapeutic effect of the minerals,
Jacuzzis, oxygen, vertical and herb-and- mud-baths, enjoy underwater massage, honey masks, the pleasures of the salt room and
oil therapy. Walking in the pine forest paths will restore your vitality, strengthen your immune system, recover your mental balance,
and improve your health.
Neringa, which is situated in the scenic Curonian Spit National
Park, is a prestigious international sea-side holiday resort, char-
acterised by its truly unique natural surroundings. Experience
calm, romantic sunrises and sunsets, the murmur of pine-trees
and fresh air filled with the scent of pine tar. Explore white-sand
beaches and the scenic 50-km-long bicycle path.
The difference between the sea-side holiday resort of Palanga and Neringa is the same as the difference between night and
day. The range of entertainments and treatment procedures
here is especially wide. In the town there are many taverns,
cafés, restaurants, discotheques, bars, night clubs, and casinos.
If you like outdoor activities, hire a motorcycle, bicycle or horse,
or take to the lawn tennis courts and swimming pools. Take a
walk in the Tiškevičiai Palace Park designed by É. André, or listen to concerts and poetry on the terrace of the Palace during
August evenings.
In the town of Zarasai, which is surrounded by hills and lakes,
you will have rest both in summer and in winter. The town is enclosed by forests on all sides, and this is why the air, refreshed by
the “green lungs”, is so fresh. Here, you will find a microclimate
favourable to your health as well as an environment excellent for
outdoor activities. In Trakai, forests are also considered to be one
of the most important therapeutic factors. The town, which is located on a peninsula, boasts not only natural resources favourable to health, but also a spectacular red castle on the island.
In Anykščiai, you will be charmed by blue-eyed lakes and recover in the fresh air of the Little Pine Forest of Anykščiai. The
town is adorned with a narrow-gauge railway which snakes
between lake-side resorts. In the autumn of 1999, this narrowgauge railway celebrated its centenary – part of Lithuania’s living
engineering heritage. Also, visit Eastern Lithuania – the Ignalina
district, which boasts more than 200 lakes and dozens of rivers
and reservoirs. The great Labanoro forest is situated not far from
the town of Ignalina. It is possible to gather berries here in summer and to pick mushrooms in autumn.
Mineral water. Drink and plunge!
In Lithuania, there are mineral water springs whose water
treats gastrointestinal diseases, normalises the secretory and motor functions of the stomach, improves liver function, bile flow,
and regulates intestinal activity. For therapeutic baths, low, medium, and high-mineralisation water is used. The degree of mineralisation is determined by the content of mineral substances in
one litre of water.
Drinkable mineral water contains biologically active microelements; therefore, such water will help to regulate acid secretion,
combat inflammations, and improve metabolism. If you use mineral water as a remedy, be sure to seek medical advice as the same
water, if taken 1 – 1.5 hours before a meal, suppresses gastric juice
secretion, and if taken while eating or 10 – 15 minutes afterwards,
it stimulates gastric juice secretion. Take a drink of mineral water
and witness its power!
Maybe you would like to plunge into mineral water with your
whole body? In mineral water baths, your muscles will relax, the
tonus of vein walls will increase, skin pores will open, breath will
become deeper, blood circulation and metabolism will become
more active, and oxygen will be absorbed better – you will easily recover from diseases of the nervous system, cardiovascular
system, immune system, joints, back bone as well as some skin
diseases. The particularly strong effect of baths is determined by
sodium chloride and other salts dissolved in water. After getting
out, the salts will remain effective for a long time because they
will crystallise on the skin in a thin layer forming a “salt sheath”.
Also, try Jacuzzis. Their therapeutic effect is similar to that of
mineral water baths; however, the effect will be further enhanced
by the effect of air mixed with water. Water will irritate skin receptors, while air bubbles will massage you gently, relax your muscles and calm you. A Jacuzzi will take away your weariness and
cure your stress and sleeplessness. You will feel how your capillary
blood circulation is improving and metabolism is becoming more
active, and your organism will recover because its oxygen intake
will start to improve.
If your joints ache and you have difficulty bending your legs,
get into a vertical bath. They are particularly effective in treating
diseases of muscles, ligaments, bones, and joints. During procedures in baths, the effect of mineral water will be enhanced by
the positive effect of kinesitherapy (treatment of a disease with
movements or exercise). When feeling partial weightlessness,
muscles will relax; this is why it is easier and even painless to
make therapeutic movements. After a course of vertical baths,
muscles and ligaments will strengthen, mobility of the backbone
will improve, movements will become more unrestricted, and
pains will disappear.
More than 20 mineral water wells function in Lithuanian
health resorts? Calcium chloride and sodium chloride mineral waters prevail. In some of them, therapeutically significant concentrations of sulphates, bromine, and magnesium
are found. Their mineralisation ranges from 3 g/l to 115 g/l.
It preconditions the methods of using the water for treatment as well as indications. Chloride ions account for more
than 80 equivalent percentage, while the composition of
cathions is more diversified: sodium, calcium, and magnesium. Low- and medium-mineralisation waters are used as
drinkable water. The mineralisation of calcium- and sodiumchloride mineral water for external use ranges between 10
g/l and 40 g/l (optimal mineralisation is 20 to 40 g/l).
Did you know?
The r i c h e s o f o u r n a t u re
T h e rm
i cūhseųs goaf m
o tuor sntautrutre
SPA centres fall into the following categories:
Day-time SPA centre – in such a SPA centre, you can choose
one procedure or spend the whole day after selecting a
combination of procedures. However, a day-time SPA centre
would not provide accommodation services. Such a SPA centre should be equipped with at least 3 SPA procedure rooms.
Day-time mini-SPA centre – a SPA centre equipped with less
than 3 rooms for SPA procedures.
Hotel SPA centre – a SPA centre established at a hotel as an
additional service for guests of the hotel. Such a centre would
offer services provided by a whole-day and/or sports club SPA
centre. In a hotel SPA centre you can buy one procedure or to
spend a whole day there.
Health-improvement SPA centre – a SPA centre where you
can order various SPA procedures; however, the personnel
working there do not have a medical background, and no
treatment or surgery operations are performed.
Treatment SPA centre – a licensed institution, whose main
goal is to provide medical care and rehabilitation services
(various plastic surgery operations can be performed as well).
The staff of such an institution are doctors. It is a SPA centre
where various medical services are rendered.
Therapeutic mud. Try it!
It might seem a bit unpleasant to plunge into a peaty mud
bath; however, it is worth doing because such procedures are
particularly effective for the treatment of diseases of joints, backbone, metabolism, and the peripheral and functional nervous
system. The helpful SPA centre personnel will offer you mud applications, special applications for gums, electric mud and mud
sponges. Mud will help the skin to release biologically active
substances, which have an effect on all systems of the organism.
Mud is even used to cure diseases of the central nervous system,
diseases of genital organs, and gastrointestinal disturbances.
If black mud does not tempt you, try white therapeutic mud.
It is mud of organic origin from freshwater lakes, which contains
plenty of biologically active substances and microelements. During a procedure, such mud will have an effect not only on your
skin, but also on all tissues and organs. White mud procedures
will improve blood circulation and metabolism, and will help the
body to remove accumulated harmful substances and waste. It
will protect the skin against dryness and aging, and will moisturise it. After taking a few baths, you will feel how your immunity
has strengthened. If you are ill, inflammation processes in the or-
ganism will slow down or stop completely, while glands will start
functioning more actively.
Therapeutic mud baths with mineral water are particularly effective. Only 20 minutes spent in a warm mud bath will open skin
pores and remove wastes. A wealth of useful microelements and
biologically active substances contained in the mud will penetrate your skin and blood circulation system, and metabolism will
improve. Therapeutic mud baths relieve pain, promote healing
processes, and activate metabolism and histotrophic nutrition.
They effectively cure chronic inflammations, allergic diseases,
gastrointestinal disturbances, diseases of joints and muscles, gynaecological and urological diseases.
Mud treatments have been used since ancient
times. There are several types of therapeutic mud, and
the one mostly used in Lithuania is peaty mud, which
has many curative properties.
Did you know?
Climate. Breathe it in!
The mild climate of Lithuanian holiday resorts restores, cures,
relaxes, and strengthens. An appropriate combination of atmospheric pressure, air temperature and moisture, the amount of
precipitation, wind direction and strength, and the intensity of
solar radiation are important to every living organism.
Climate therapy procedures train the thermoregulation function
of the organism, stimulate metabolism and activity of many organs
and physiological systems, improve the immunobiological reactivity of the organism and normalise its neuroregulation function.
Staying in the open air is an important form of climate therapy
and includes air baths, sleep and rest outdoors, gymnastic exercises and sports outdoors. To make sure that you achieve the best
results, combine these procedures with sun baths and swimming.
Do you have heart or blood vessel troubles? Are you irritated,
tired, or enervated? The oxygen-saturated air of our country will
help you to restore the deregulated functional condition of your
nervous system and improve your spirit. When you breathe such
air, you will sleep better, liver function will become more active,
and protein and fat metabolism in the organism will normalise.
Health-improvement and treatment SPA centre – an institution where both doctors and specialists in SPA procedures
work, and where medical care and SPA procedures are performed.
Birš t o n a s
Bicycle paths
Žvėrinčius Forest Bicycle Path (15 km, asphalted and non-asphalted paving). Žvėrinčius Forest is rich in recreation and sport
grounds and wooden sculptures; there are resting and fire places. Here, one can see migrating birds: little and black-headed
gulls, ducks, lesser black-backed gulls, and sandpipers.
Theatre and Concert Hall
Birštonas Culture Centre
Jaunimo St. 4, Birštonas
Phone: + 370 319 65 550
In the Centre, they show films and hold performances, concerts,
and other events.
Vytautas Park – the old area of the holiday resort. Landlord Ignacijus Kvinta of Jeznas, who bought the holiday resort in 1874,
established a park here.
Birštonas – the pearl of the Nemunas Loops
The history of Birštonas, one of the oldest holiday resorts in
Lithuania, dates back to medieval times. This year-round mineral water, mud and climate therapy resort is situated in the
very centre of the country. The country’s major cities of Vilnius,
Kaunas, Alytus, and Marijampolė are all within an hour’s drive.
Since ancient times, the curative power of the mineral water
here has attracted the Grand Dukes of Lithuania, poets, artists,
and musicians. They all left their footprints in this rather small
holiday resort surrounded by loops of the Nemunas and verdant
forests on all sides.
mild continental climate,
fresh air,
mineral waters,
peaty mud.
Natural health factors:
Today, Birštonas tempts people not only with its modern therapy centres, which are famous for their long-standing treatment
traditions, but also with mineral water with a deservedly worldwide recognition, hospitable hotels and restaurants, perfect opportunities for outdoor activities and cultural events such as the
Birštonas International Jazz Festival.
When you come to Birštonas, enjoy the views of the Great
Nemunas Loops from the basket of a hot air balloon, experience
a parachute jump, take a flight with a glider or paraglider, and
take a walk along the pedestrian path. Look around the banks of
the Nemunas from the deck of the entertainment ship Vytenis,
take a “Viking”, “dragon” or “water snake” boat and race with your
friends, experience the canoeing rapids of the Verknė river and
catch up with gulls accompanying the entertainment twin-deck
ship Luxuria Ra! In summertime, test your skills on courts for lawn
tennis, beach volleyball, basketball or pétanque (French bowls);
in wintertime, explore the ski trails.
In the sanatoria and SPA centres of Birštonas, you will enjoy
exclusive services: beauty procedures in the hamam and the selfservice therapeutic mud procedure. Here, you will have a chance
to plunge into a warm milk, wine or Jacuzzi bath, to enjoy fullbody massage or aromatherapy, and to be engrossed in the philosophy of Kneipp procedures.
Central Park is located in the centre of the town and occupies
an area of 25 ha. The park is crossed by walking paths. Most of
the park’s plantations are covered with pine-trees. The Summer
Stage, where city festivals and other events are held, is nearby.
The century-old pine tree growing next to the stage is included
on the list of Protected Natural Monuments.
The lake-side embankment (sand and grass) is situated near
Žvėrinčius Forest: a perfect place for refreshing yourself in the
open air, only around 1 km away from the centre of Birštonas.
Birš t o n a s
Traditional events held in Birštonas
⿎⿎ Lithuania’s Winter Mighty Men (with the participation of
Lithuania’s strongest mighty men)
⿎⿎ Organ Music in Birštonas, Sacral Music Concerts in the
Church (on Sundays)
⿎⿎ Concerts of Pažaislis and St. Christopher Music Festivals
(classical music events held in several Lithuanian venues, noted
for the variety of musical genres featured)
⿎⿎ Fischer Cup, Alpine Skiing Competition
⿎⿎ Commemorating the Amber Road, International Rowing
⿎⿎ National Spring Rowing Marathon
⿎⿎ A. Mikėnas Memorial, International Race Walking Competition
⿎⿎ Birštonas Painters’ Plein-Air
End of August – beginning of September
⿎⿎ Summer Mosaics in Birštonas, Music and Dance Festival
(during the event, music of various styles is played and theatrical
performances are held)
⿎⿎ By Jievaras Bridges, Children and Youth’s Folk Dance Festival and Competition
⿎⿎ Commemorating A. Kikilas, Lithuanian Rowing Marathon
⿎⿎ Poetry’s Spring, International Poetry Festival
⿎⿎ Birštono Grynparkas, International Culture and Ecology
Festival (held in odd-numbered years)
⿎⿎ Birštonas Holiday Resort Festival (various sporting and cultural events, held on the last weekend of June)
⿎⿎ Hot Air Balloons Festival (held in odd-numbered years)
Verknės St. 8, Birštonas
Phone: + 370 319 56 493
Sofija’s Residence Hotel-Restaurant
Jaunimo St. 6, Birštonas
Phone: + 370 319 45 200
⿎⿎ Birštonas International Jazz Festival (held on the last weekend of March in even-numbered years)
Nemuno Slėnis Hotel-Restaurant
⿎⿎ Birštonas Autumn, International Dance Sport Competition
⿎⿎ Gloria Deo, National Exhibition of the Religious Art of
Modern Artists (held in even-numbered years)
⿎⿎ December – The Month of Holiday Entertainments (a great
variety of events are held throughout the whole month)
‫ ٭٭‬Services include the Medieval Banquet with costume of that time.
Sonata Hotel-Restaurant
Algirdo St. 34, Birštonas
Phone: + 370 319 65 825
Birštono Seklytėlė
Prienų St. 10, Birštonas
Phone: + 370 319 65 800
Paragliding – Paragliding with an instructor
Viking ships, sail-and-oar boats, canoeing and kayaking –
Birštono Nemunas Sport Club, Public Institution
Vytenis entertainment ship
Luxuria RA entertainment twin-deck ship
Canoeing the Verknė River,
Lawn tennis courts
Basketball courts
‫ ٭٭‬Exclusive catfish dishes are offered.
Active entertainments
Hot air ballooning – Audenis Balloonists’ Club
Gliding and Flying – Kaunas County Aviation Sport Club
Parachute jumps – Kaunas Parachutists’ Sport Club
Beach volleyball courts
Pétanque court
Ski trails
Nemuno Slėnis
Verknės St. 8, Birštonas
Phone: + 370 319 56 493
Sofija’s Residence
Jaunimo St. 6, Birštonas
Phone: + 370 319 45 200
Algirdo St. 34, Birštonas
Phone: + 370 319 65 825
Audenis Guest House
Lelijų St. 3, Birštonas
Phone: + 370 319 61 300; + 370 319 61 302; + 370 319 61 303
Vidisa Camping
Prienų St. 25, Birštonas, 3 km away from the centre of the holiday resort
Phone: + 370 319 55 351
Birš t o n a s
Places of interest
‫ ٭٭‬Old Therapy Centre
Sculpture of Vytautas the Great
Birštonas Museum
Visitors’ Centre of the Nemunas Loops Regional Park
Birutės St. 31, Birštonas
(sculptor G. Jokūbonis, architect V. Čekanauskas, 1998)
Tylioji St. 1, Birštonas
Phone: + 370 319 65 610; + 370 319 65 613
‫ ٭٭‬Purpose-built, the Mud Therapy Centre of the Tulpė Sanatorium
was established in 1927 and is still operating today.
‫ ٭٭‬The sculptor embodied the will of many residents of Birštonas to bring
back Grand Duke Vytautas the Great on his horse to his hunting lands.
Vytauto St. 9, Birštonas
Phone: + 370 319 65 605
Nemunas Loops Regional Park
‫ ٭٭‬One of the country’s biggest regional parks occupying an area of
more than 25 000 ha.
The Exposure of Škėvonys
‫ ٭٭‬The Exposure of Škėvonys (33 m high) is a national natural monument. It is included on the list of most valuable geological objects in
Northwest Europe.
The Mound of Birštonas (Vytautas Hill)
The Church of Saint Anthony of Padua
Monument to Jonas Basanavičius
Birutės St. 14, Birštonas
(sculptor A. Aleksandravičius, 1939)
‫ ٭٭‬A stone church built in the neo-gothic style. The tall tower is its distinguishing feature.
Mineral water pump-room
Nemajūnai, Birštonas Municipality
‫ ٭٭‬Built in 1878, this church with a small tower on the roof is the only
original neo-gothic creation by folk craftsmen in Lithiania
Nemunas Embankment
Birštonas Municipality
‫ ٭٭‬The Nemunas Embankment (2 km long) is an engineering construction intended for protecting Birštonas against floods. However,
it is also perfectly suitable for recreation.
B. Sruogos St. 3, Birštonas
‫ ٭٭‬Drinkable spring water, whose mineral composition is close to that
of the historical spring discovered in 1878.
Dream Bench
Lithuania Stained Glass Window
B. Sruogos St. 2, Birštonas
‫ ٭٭‬Lithuania Stained Glass Window (42 sq. m) by Vytautas Švarlys in
the Culture Centre of Birštonas is one of the largest stained glass windows in Lithuania.
‫ ٭٭‬The Kurhaus of Birštonas is one of the few existing buildings of its
type in Lithuania.
Opening hours: Wednesday – Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
‫ ٭٭‬In Birštonas Museum, you will find an exhibition describing the
past of the holiday resort.
Sacral Art Museum
Birutės St. 10, Birštonas
Phone: + 370 319 65 699
The Church of the Saint Apostles Peter and Paul
Near the Nemunas, Birštonas Municipality
‫ ٭٭‬One of the most famous and highest mounds in Lithuania. The
wooden castle of Birštonas used to perch on top of the mound, one of
the hunting manors of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania.
‫ ٭٭‬Built in 1939, the bust of Jonas Basanavičius is the oldest sculpture
in Birštonas.
‫ ٭٭‬Sit down, close your eyes, dream away – and your dreams will come true.
Monument to Balys Sruoga
(sculptor G. Plechavičius, 1997)
‫ ٭٭‬In July 1945, after B. Sruoga returned from Schtuthoff concentration camp, he settled in Birštonas and wrote here his “Dievų Miškas”
(“The Forest of Gods”), the book of recollections about this ordeal.
Opening hours: Wednesday – Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
‫ ٭٭‬The museum exhibits valuable specimens of sacral art such as
paintings, sculptures, textiles, liturgical vessels, and pieces of folk art.
Tourism Information Centre
SPA c e n t re s i n B i r š t o n a s
S PA c e n t re s i n B i r š t o n a s
1. Tulpė Sanatorium
Tulpė was the first sanatorium to be established in Birštonas. It
has long traditions of mineral water and therapeutic mud treatment. The sanatorium is proud of its excellent results, which are
achieved owing to a successful combination of traditional resort
treatment with SPA ideas and tailoring them to clients with different needs. Everyone can come here: whether it be to have
a rest, recreate, or improve his health. The residential buildings
and the therapy centre of the sanatorium are situated in the
very centre of the Birstonas Resort Park, on a picturesque loop
of the Nemunas River.
•• Health-improvement and treatment SPA centre
Address: B. Sruogos St. 4, Birštonas
Phone numbers for ordering services: + 370 319 65 525,
+ 370 319 61 336
E-mail for ordering services: [email protected]
Internet site:
Clients are serviced in the following languages: Lithuanian,
English, and Russian
The sanatorium is proud of the awards received for its services.
In 2005, the sanatorium won the Gold Medal at the Lithuanian
Product of the Year competition for its treatment and healthimproving programmes implemented with the use of the highmineralisation mineral water, Vaidilutė.
SPA centre opening hours:
Monday – Sunday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
locomotor disorders,
Kaunas airport – 60 km;
gynaecological diseases,
Vilnius airport – 90 km;
digestive system diseases,
Kaunas railway and bus stations – 40 km;
mental and behavioural disorders.
Vilnius railway and bus stations – 90 km;
Birštonas bus station – 1 km.
natural mineral water,
Owing to the use of natural therapeutic resources,
diseases in addition to those specified in the licence
of the Tulpė Sanatorium can be treated in the sanatorium:
natural mud,
nervous system diseases,
central nervous system diseases,
skin diseases.
Natural therapeutic resources applied:
Distances from stations and airports:
The following are treated in the sanatorium:
How to find us:
About the Tulpė Sanatorium:
Number of rooms – 40.
Catering type – dietetic nutrition, vegetarian cuisine,
cooked-to-order catering.
Conference hall (up to 80 seats).
Additional services:
Fitness facility;
SPA c e n t re s i n B i r š t o n a s
S PA c e n t re s i n B i r š t o n a s
About the hotel:
Number of accommodations in apartments and rooms – 140.
Catering type – buffet service, three meals daily or a la carte.
Conference halls: Major Conference Hall – 100 seats, Minor Conference Hall – 25 seats, Cinema Hall – 80 seats,
Meeting Hall – 15 seats.
Additional services:
2. Royal Residence
The Royal Residence is a modern residential complex situated
in a wonderful corner of nature – Birštonas, amongst pine woods,
on the beautiful bank of the scenic Nemunas. The complex includes a hotel, restaurant with a winter garden, cinema and concert hall, Health and SPA Centre with a swimming pool, baths and
fitness facility, the Seminar and Conference Centre, library and St.
Roch’s Chapel.
Residents and guests have all conditions necessary to be able
to live a comfortable and healthy life: to enjoy a balanced organic diet, refresh themselves with “Royal” mineral water that has
unique qualities and springs from under the ground right in the
courtyard of the Residence, to experience natural health-improving procedures, breathe the fresh air of the resort, and admire the
breathtaking beauty of the surrounding nature.
Guests of the Royal Residence have at their disposal the Health
and SPA Centre, where they can swim in the swimming pool and
relax in Jacuzzis and aromatic baths. The Centre is also equipped
with a sauna, Russian steam bath, Turkish steam bath, and luxurious Turkish bath hamam. In the dim candlelight, you will feel
•• Health-improvement and treatment SPA centre
Guarded parking;
Cardio-fitness facility;
Complex of baths: sauna, Russian steam bath, Turkish
steam bath, and luxurious Turkish bath hamam;
Children’s play room (without a nurse’s attendance);
Winter garden;
Ping pong;
Relaxation room;
Meditation hall;
Kinesitherapy room;
Cinema hall;
Bicycle rental;
Rental of poles for Nordic walking;
Kneipp procedures with recommendations.
Address: Pakalnės St. 3, Birštonas
Phone numbers for ordering services: + 370 319 62 030;
+ 370 615 11 422
E-mail for ordering services: [email protected]
Internet site:
Distances from stations and airports:
Clients are serviced in the following languages: Lithuanian,
English, Russian, Polish, and German
SPA centre opening hours:
Monday – Sunday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Natural therapeutic resources applied:
the steam-breathing marble with your whole body and, charmed
with oriental massage and captivating scents of herb extracts,
will enjoy real relaxation.
The Health Centre is equipped with a gym and cardio-fitness
facility, marble vessels with mineral water for Kneipp therapy procedures, ping pong and billiard rooms. If you long for quiet, you
will be able to relax in a special relaxation room. There, snugly
seated in a special chair, surrounded by quiet music and the gentle aroma of candles, you will sip herbal tea and watch exotic fish
in the aquarium. Also, you will find there the separately arranged
Meditation Room.
natural mineral water,
Kaunas airport – 50 km;
Vilnius airport – 100 km;
Kaunas railway and bus stations – 50 km;
Vilnius railway and bus stations – 100 km;
Birštonas bus station – 2 km.
How to find us:
Therapeutic SPA services provided:
consultation of a recreation therapist or kinesitherapist;
massages: including classical, relaxing, aromatherapy,
and anti-cellulite massage; remedial massage of the full
body or its individual parts is performed following recommendations by a doctor.
Treatment programmes are designed
to treat the following diseases:
You can get advice from a recreation therapist or kinesitherapist, and choose one of a variety of massages including classical,
relaxing, aromatherapy or anti-cellulite full-body massage. Remedial massage of the full body or its individual parts is performed
following recommendations by a doctor.
neurological diseases,
locomotor apparatus diseases,
The Royal Residence is the perfect place to recuperate after a
working week, to restore health after an illness, or just to have a
wonderful vacation with the family.
digestive system diseases,
respiratory system diseases,
endocrine diseases.
As soon as you arrive in Birstonas by bus, contact the Royal Residence and a driver will come to pick you up.
Dr u s k i n i n k a i
Bicycle paths
Žvaigždžių Orbita (The Orbit of Stars) (24 km). The path starts
near Druskonis Lake, goes along small lakes and through forests,
and passes by the Devil Stone, a monument of nature that gave
rise to many legends. Riding by this path, you can also visit the
ethnographical village of Švendubrė, which is situated near the
legendary Raigardas Valley. In this village, you can familiarise
yourself with the lifestyle and customs of the people of Dzūkija.
Žilvino Takas (The Path of Žilvinas) (12 km). This path starts at
the confluence of the Ratnyčia and Nemunas rivers and leads
along sanatoria of Druskininkai, ponds and forests. If you take
this path, you can reach Grūtas Park (a sculpture garden of Soviet-era statues) and Girios Aidas forest museum as well as have
a meal in the nearby barbeque houses.
Gydyklų Park is the city’s central park, with Druskininkai Therapy Centre and the Water Park situated nearby.
Druskininkai – the source of health
On 20 June 1794, Stanislovas Augustas Poniatovskis (Stanisław
August Poniatowski), the Grand Duke of Lithuania and the King of
Poland, issued a decree declaring Druskininkai to be a health resort. Today, Druskininkai is a year-round international balneological resort, i.e. a health resort using mineral water for the treatment and prevention of diseases. It is a resort complex offering
mud, mineral water, and climate therapies.
Druskininkai is rich in mineral water of different degrees of mineralisation, whose composition is similar to well-known European
mineral waters, and therapeutic peaty mud pools. Owing to the
pine forests and numerous lakes surrounding Druskininkai, it has
extremely fresh air, containing mostly negative (light) ions – an
essential sign of air purity. Currently, the following facilities operate at the health resort: the renovated Druskininkai therapy centre and 7 sanatoria, 16 hotels, 11 guest houses, 16 rural tourism
homesteads, and SPA complexes.
Druskininkai lies in a scenic environment and is just surrounded
by places of interest. You can reach closer or further places of in-
terest by bicycle paths, spread throughout pine forests from the
city centre, or by sailing downstream or upstream the Nemunas.
At this holiday resort you will have an opportunity both for
calm rest and active entertainments. The water park of Druskininkai is the biggest and most modern in the whole Baltic
region. It is a recreation and entertainment centre covering an
area of 21 000 sq. m: water entertainments inviting you to go
wild, and 22 various baths. In ONE Adventures Park, which is located on a bank of the Nemunas River, you can live out your Tarzan fantasies! Here, paths are arranged in the trees: more than
130 obstacles are laid out along 9 tracks spread over an area of
3 ha. Tarzan’s Flight over the Nemunas, one of these challenges,
is a unique, more than 400 metre-long track stretched over the
biggest Lithuanian river.
In the list of the top ten resorts worth visiting published by
Newsweek in 2003, Druskininkai is mentioned as the best European balneology resort. On 30 May 2008, Druskininkai received
the Flag of Honour of the Council of Europe.
Music Square is one of the most attractive public spaces in
Druskininkai, a favourite place for both local residents and
guests of the resort.
Vijūnėlė Lake Side (sand). A popular lake-side near the city centre, perfectly suited for refreshing yourself on a hot summer day.
Lake-side near the Eglė Sanatorium (sand and grass). You can
enjoy the fresh air of Druskininkai near a lake surrounded by a
sea of trees.
fresh air, oxygen,
mineral water,
therapeutic mud.
Natural health factors:
Dr u s k i n i n k a i
Traditional events held in Druskininkai
July – August
⿎⿎ Druskininkai Resort Festival (lasts for around 3 days, during
which one can watch theatrical street performances and take
part in music events)
May – June
⿎⿎ Druskomanija, International Festival of Modern Music
(a unique music event combining various genres including classical and experimental music)
⿎⿎ Kadagynė, Festival and Contest of Folk Dance of the People of Dzūkija
⿎⿎ Druskos Metamorfozės (Metamorphoses of Salt), Artists’ TenDay Period (artists from various cities create sculptures of salt)
June – August
⿎⿎ Druskininkai Theatre Festival (the most notable performances, films, and music projects are shown; every year, organisers of the Festival introduce new names and new creative directions to the audience, familiarise them with the works that won
the highest recognition, and give the stage to debutants and
⿎⿎ Dainava Land Folk Festival (the best folk and ethnographical ensembles, individual singers and musicians of Dzūkija
as well as representatives of other countries take part in this
event; the Craftsmen’s Fair is held)
⿎⿎ Vasaros Adai (The Echoes of the Summer), Festival of Saying Good-Bye to the Summer (various competitions, the Craftsmen’s Fair, concerts, and performances are held)
⿎⿎ Menų Artelė, Art Amateurs’ Festival (teams of art amateurs
and individual performers surprise those who visit the festival)
⿎⿎ Druskos Traukinys (Salt Train), International Festival of
Sung Poetry
⿎⿎ Druskininkai Summer with M. K. Čiurlionis, International
Festival of Arts (the art of M. K. Čiurlionis, one of the most distinguished Lithuanian artists, is commemorated; various classical
music concerts, folk performances etc are held)
⿎⿎ Vaivorykštė, Festival of National Cultures
⿎⿎ Ąžuolo Pasaka (The Oak’s Fairy Tale), Wood Carvers’ Festival
Grūtas Park
Šv. Jokūbo St. 22, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 60 533
Grūto k., Druskininkai Municipality
Phone: + 370 313 55 511
Dangaus Skliautas
Medūna Hotel Restaurant
Mona Liza
Kurorto St. 8, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 51 819
Liepų St. 2, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 58 033
V. Kudirkos St. 37/40, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 616 03 196, + 370 698 35 364
Vytauto St. 43, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 60 537
Druskininkai Hotel Restaurant
V. Kudirkos St. 43, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 52 566
Parko Vila
Pušynas Hotel Restaurant
Vilniaus Ave. 3, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 56 666
Regina Hotel Restaurant
Veisiejų St. 29, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 42 070
T. Kosciuškos St. 3, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 59 060
Europa Royale Druskininkai Hotel
Soho Restaurant and Club
Vilniaus Ave. 7, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 42 221
Druskininkų St. 3, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 633 95 755
⿎⿎ M. K. Čiurlionis’ Days, International Painters’ Plein-Air
SPA Vilnius SANA
⿎⿎ Raigardas, Painters’ Plein-Air
M. K. Čiurlionio St. 113A, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 616 12 965, + 370 656 13 053
K. Dineikos St. 1, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 53 811
⿎⿎ Druskininkai Poetic Fall, International Literature Festival
⿎⿎ Christmas and New Year events
Forto Dvaras
Violeta Hotel Restaurant
M. K. Čiurlionio St. 55, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 55 438
Kurorto St. 4, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 60 600
Druskininkų Kolonada Restaurant and
Music Club
Čili Pica
V. Kudirkos St. 22, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 53 409, + 370 652 75 292
K. Dineikos St. 12, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 51 365
⿎⿎ Music without Boundaries, International Festival (individual pianists as well as piano and chamber ensembles demonstrate their talents)
Ivolita Hotel Restaurant
Šv. Jokūbo St. 10, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 40 030
De Lita Hotel Restaurant
⿎⿎ Piano Music Summer in Druskininkai (famous Lithuanian
pianists put on concerts, and young talents also give their performances)
June – September
Best Western Hotel Central Restaurant
Vilniaus Ave. 13, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 612 22 462
Taikos St. 9, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 51 865
M. K. Čiurlionio St. 97, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 56 010
Vilniaus Ave. 22, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 52 318, + 370 618 00 441
Senasis Nemunas
I. Fonbergo St. 7, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 42 079, + 370 616 09 593
M. K. Čiurlionio St. 51, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 674 29 393, + 370 313 52 212
Maironio St. 16, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 59 093
Vido Malūnas
Veisiejų St. 4, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 52 356, + 370 612 60 867,
+ 370 612 60 862
Vila Upė
Druskininkų St. 33, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 55 426
Gardino St. 3, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 612 43 420
El&El Armenian Tavern
Grūtas Village, Druskininkai Municipality
Phone: + 370 313 47 447, + 370 685 66 600, +
370 699 66 888
Jerevan Café
M. K. Čiurlionio St. 128, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 55 554, + 370 650 99 679
Active entertainments
2000 Pėdų
Phone: + 370 313 49 261, + 370 612 93 676,
+ 370 698 36 144
Druskininkų Gelmė
Phone: + 370 313 53 393, + 370 687 26 858
Gardino St. 36/K. Dineikos St. 12, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 52 819
Alita Leisure and Entertainment Centre
Phone: + 370 697 08 007, + 370 313 59 195
Dr u s k i n i n k a i
Guest houses
Places of interest
Sūkurys Lesiure Club
Best Western Central
Beauty source
Druskininkai Museum of Resistance and Exile
Phone: + 370 313 52 212
Šv. Jokūbo St. 22, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 60 533
Saulėgrąža Café
‫ ٭٭‬Take a sip of pure water from this miraculous spring, which is said
to have unique properties.
Vilniaus Ave. 24, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 45 842
Vasario 16-osios St. 1, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 51 814
Phone: + 370 313 52 318
Alita Leisure and Entertainment Centre
Phone: + 370 697 08 007, + 370 313 59 195
Sūkurys Lesiure Club
Phone: + 370 313 52 212
Druskininkai Water Park
Phone: + 370 313 52 338
V. Kudirkos St. 43, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 52 566
Kurorto St. 4, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 60 600
Parko Vila
M. K. Čiurlionis Memorial Museum
Druskininkai Jewish Community Cemetery
Vila Evelina
‫ ٭٭‬To visit Druskininkai Jewish Community Cemetery, you need to
take the forest path between Mergelės Akelės Lakes and Druskininkai Tourism and Business Information Centre (Gardino St. 3).
‫ ٭٭‬M. K. Čiurlionis was a symbolist, the first Lithuanian painter who
revealed the originality of abstract arts in his works, and was also a
famous composer.
M. K. Čiurlionio St. 36, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 685 68 942
Vilniaus Ave. 2A, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 51 555
Guest House of Žirmūnai Training
Vilniaus Ave. 30, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 51 091
Vilniaus Ave. 6, 10
Phone: + 370 686 87 022, + 370 698 72 220
Šv. Jokūbo St. 10, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 40 030
Senasis Paštas
Druskininkų Gelmė Steamer Excursion
De Lita
(May 1 – October 15)
Phone: + 370 313 53 393, + 370 687 26 858
Vytauto St. 43, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 59 198
‫ ٭٭‬Duration of the tour – 3 hours: the ship
sails to Liškiava for 40 minutes; excursion in
Liskiava lasting 1hr 20 mins; return upstream
Nemunas for 1 hour. Sets sail – 2:30 p.m.
every day (except for Monday).
Bicycle rental
Best Western Central
Phone: + 370 313 60 533, + 370 612 61 763
Maironio St. 3, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 60 511
M. K. Čiurlionio St. 128, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 55 554
V. Kudirkos St. 37, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 682 58 257
Laisvės Ave. 1/Vilniaus Ave. 22, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 618 00 441
Druskininkai Camping
Gardino St. 3, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 60 800
Phone: + 370 313 52 212
Liepų St. 2, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 58 033
Maironio St. 22, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 59 100
Draugystė Sanatorium
Phone: + 370 313 53 132
Phone: + 370 313 56 666
Vilniaus Ave. 3, Druskininkai
Beach Volleyball
Druskininkai Camping
Near Vijūnėlė Lake
Phone: + 370 313 60 800
T. Kosciuškos St. 3, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 59 060
Lawn Tennis
Sūkurys Lesiure Club
Druskininkai Tourism and Business Information Centre
Phone: + 370 313 60 800
Vila Upė
Druskininkų St. 33, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 55 426
Water Bubble (walking on water)
Green Future
Phone: + 370 640 52 999
Pedal boats
At Druskonis Lake
Phone: + 370 600 48 600
K. Dineikos St., Vilniaus Ave., Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 687 73 350
Kurorto St. 6, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 60 608
Draugystės St. 2, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 52 847
Maironio St. 22, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 59 100
‫ ٭٭‬The Museum is considered to be one of the best Lithuanian museums devoted to the period of the Soviet occupation.
‫ ٭٭‬This exhibition is devoted to Ž. Lipšicas (1891–1973), one of the
most famous sculptors of the XX century.
K. Dineikos St. 12, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 659 63 450
Druskininkai Sculpture Park of Ž. Lipšicas
Ethnographical Village of Švendubrė with the Devil’s Stone
‫ ٭٭‬In the village, you will find ancient homesteads of the people
of Dzūkija with spacious fenced courtyard. Not far from here, the
mythological Devil’s Stone looms. This place is the stuff of legends
and folk stories.
‫ ٭٭‬is famous for monuments of archaeology and architecture.
Raigardas Valley
‫ ٭٭‬is a landscape reserve, about which many legends and folk stories were created. The Valley is preserved as a rare earth structure,
which was formed relatively recently (5 000 years ago) and is still in
the process of formation.
M. K. Čiurlionio St. 35, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 52 755
Grūtas Parkas – Sculpture Garden of Soviet-Era Statues
Grūtas Village, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 55 511
Antanas Česnulio Sculpture and Recreation Park
Naujasodė Village, Druskininkai Municipality
Phone: + 370 313 52 448
V. K. Jonynas Gallery
M. K. Čiurlionio St. 41, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 55 553
Minor Gallery
M. K. Čiurlionio St. 37, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 55 752
Love Island
‫ ٭٭‬In the Gallery, modern works of art by Lithuanian and foreign authors are exhibited; an art showroom is open.
‫ ٭٭‬From ancient times, young people of Druskininkai have gathered
on the Love Island to find their matches.
Sofa Gallery
Druskininkai City Museum
M. K. Čiurlionio St. 59, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 51 024
Druskininkai City Museum Branch
V. Kudirkos St. 7, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 53 825
Vilniaus Ave. 10, Druskininkai
Phone: + 370 313 51 034
Girios Aidas Forest Museum
M. K. Čiurlionio St. 102, Druskininkai
Tourism Information Centre
SPA c e n t re s i n D r u s k i n i n k a i
SPA c e n t re s i n D r u s k i n i n k a i
3. Eglė Sanatorium
Eglė Sanatorium feels like a separate town remote from the city
centre, being surrounded by pines. Žilvinas and Eglė multi-storey
bedroom blocks and the new Eglė+ complex are spread over an
area of more than 20 ha. 400 double rooms, 229 single rooms,
and 40 de luxe suites are expecting their guests. In addition, the
new Eglė+ complex is furnished with 150 double apartments and
20 de luxe apartments. The same building complex also includes
a new therapy centre, health bar, conference and concert hall,
and winter garden.
Today, the natural therapeutic factors, i.e. mineral water and
therapeutic mud, which have distinguished the resort for centuries, are combined with modern technologies. This allows comprehensive treatment of various diseases and strengthening of
the organism. Experienced doctors will help the client to select
from more than 150 treatment and prevention procedures with
the use of mineral water, therapeutic and white mud, kinesitherapy, physiotherapy, and psychotherapy.
•• Therapeutic SPA centre;
•• Health-improvement and treatment SPA centre.
Address: Eglės St. 1, Druskininkai
Phone number for ordering services: + 370 313 60 220
E-mail for ordering services: [email protected]
Internet sites:,
Clients are serviced in the following languages: Lithuanian,
English, Russian, German, and Polish
SPA centre opening hours
The reception office is open round-the-clock.
Treatment and rehabilitation for all medical profiles. The
strongest fields include the treatment of locomotor system, gastrointestinal, and skin diseases.
Natural therapeutic resources applied:
natural mineral water,
natural mud,
Distances from stations and airports:
Therapeutic SPA services provided:
About Eglė Sanatorium:
Number of rooms – 820.
Catering type – dietary, buffet service.
Conference halls – 5, equipped with 20 to 440 seats.
Kaunas airport – 115 km;
Vilnius airport – 130 km;
Kaunas bus and railway stations – 115 km;
Vilnius bus and railway stations – 130 km;
Druskininkai bus station – 1 km.
How to find us:
Additional services:
Parking lot;
Fitness facility;
Sauna (9 types);
SPA store;
Catering (dietary, buffet service, health bar);
Children’s play room (with or without a nurse’s attendance) and children’s playground in the courtyard;
Winter garden;
Sports facilities: swimming pool, squash, volleyball, basketball, lawn tennis, and badminton.
SPA c e n t re s i n D r u s k i n i n k a i
SPA c e n t re s i n D r u s k i n i n k a i
4. Europa Royale Druskininkai
Europa Royale Druskininkai Hotel and Druskininkai Therapy
Centre welcome you near the meander of the Nemunas River, in
the resort of Druskininkai, famous for its unique natural springs.
This health-improving complex, which has the deepest traditions
in Lithuania, offers traditional resort treatment and uses longstanding curative powers of mineral water and mud baths.
The complex is established in the former Tsar’s SPA of the XIX
century and mud therapy centre of the XX century. Now it is the
base for a luxurious resort treatment, recreation, and entertainment centre. For the convenience of the guests, Europa Royale
Druskininkai Hotel is connected with the oldest, but the most
modern treatment establishment of the resort, Druskininkai
Therapy Centre. So, you can get access to all services provided
in the therapy centre even without even leaving the premises. In
Druskininkai Therapy Centre, you will strengthen your immune
system, recover your mental balance, and improve your health
while enjoying procedures performed with the use of natural
mineral water and therapeutic mud.
•• Hotel’s SPA centre
Address: Vilniaus Ave. 7, Druskininkai
Phone number for ordering services: + 370 313 42 221
E-mail for ordering services: [email protected]
Internet site:
Clients are serviced in the following languages: Lithuanian,
English, Russian, and Polish
SPA centre opening hours:
Monday – Sunday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Natural therapeutic resources applied:
natural mineral water,
natural mud,
Additional services:
Therapeutic SPA services provided
If you suffer from digestive disturbances, pains in the back
bone or joints, or sleeplessness, try the natural treatments: mineral water (balneotherapy), therapeutic mud (pelotherapy), and
cold (cold therapy). For treatment procedures, Druskininkai Therapy Centre uses natural mineral waters and therapeutic mud, and
successfully cures the following diseases:
Guarded parking;
Fitness facility;
Sauna – a complex of baths and Jacuzzi;
Children’s paying ground and children’s play room;
Bowling – 6 lanes;
Free internet access.
cardiovascular system diseases,
peripheral nervous system diseases,
endocrine system diseases,
gynaecological and urological diseases,
Kaunas airport – 120 km;
locomotor system diseases,
Vilnius airport – 130 km;
digestive system diseases,
Druskininkai bus station – 1 km;
skin diseases,
Kaunas railway and bus stations – 120 km;
respiratory tract diseases etc.
Vilnius railway and bus stations – 130 km.
The wide variety of treatment and health-improving procedures available in Druskininkai Therapy Centre allows the doctor
to prescribe individual programmes.
About the hotel:
Class – 4 stars.
Number of rooms – 101.
Catering type – buffet service for breakfast; lunch and dinner from the menu.
Conference halls – 6, accommodating up to 400 persons.
Distances from stations and airports:
How to find us:
SPA c e n t re s i n D r u s k i n i n k a i
SPA c e n t re s i n D r u s k i n i n k a i
Procedures for the treatment
of the following conditions are offered:
cardiovascular diseases,
pains in joints and the backbone,
respiratory problems and pulmonary diseases,
being overweight,
sleeplessness and stress,
compromised immunity etc.
About the Lietuva Hotel:
As soon as you arrive at the Grand SPA Lietuva, you will sense
that you are in a world of health. Here you will enjoy peace and
tranquillity while the staff takes care of your health and well-being.
The activities of Grand SPA Lietuva are focused on continuing
the old health-improvement and treatment traditions of Druskininkai. Our aim is to assist our guests in restoring and improving
their physical and mental health.
After relaxing in the Grand SPA Lietuva health-improvement
and relaxation complex, you will feel healthier, younger, and more
attractive. Grand SPA Lietuva offers various SPA procedures and
curative therapies, one-day or one-week relaxation programmes
for health and beauty. Consultations with professional medical
doctors will help you to find answers to worrying questions. Your
body is sure to feel both physical and mental benefit from having
rested here.
Class – 3 stars.
Number of rooms – 179.
Catering type – buffet service.
Conference halls – 6, accommodating 30 to 350 people.
Additional services:
5. Grand SPA Lietuva
Health and Rest Centre
Grand SPA Lietuva is the biggest health-improvement and relaxation complex in the heart of the resort of Druskininkai, on the
slope of the confluence of the Nemunas and Ratnyčėlė rivers.
Parking lot;
Fitness facility;
SPA shop;
Catering: SPA cuisine, buffet service and three meals
(a la carte) restaurant, bars (Herbal Bar, Lobby Bar, and
Juice Bar);
Children’s play room (with or without a nurse’s attendance) and children’s playground in the courtyard.
•• Health-improvement and treatment SPA centre
Address: V. Kudirkos St. 45, Druskininkai
Phone number for ordering services: + 370 313 51 200
E-mail for ordering services: [email protected]
Internet site:
Clients are serviced in the following languages: Lithuanian,
English, Russian, and Polish
Distances from stations and airports:
SPA centre and therapy centre opening hours:
Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Sunday, 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Vilnius airport – 125 km;
Kaunas airport – 140 km;
Vilnius railway and bus stations – 125 km;
Kaunas railway and bus stations – 140 km;
Druskininkai bus station – 1 km.
How to find us:
Natural therapeutic resources applied:
natural mineral water,
natural mud,
SPA c e n t re s i n D r u s k i n i n k a i
SPA c e n t re s i n D r u s k i n i n k a i
Medea Out-Patient Rehabilitation Clinic
provides after-treatment for the following:
neurological diseases,
locomotor apparatus disorders,
respiratory system diseases,
skin diseases,
endocrine diseases,
gynaecological diseases.
About Medea Guest House
Number of rooms – 11 apartments.
Catering type – breakfast.
Conference hall, accommodating up to 40 people.
Additional services:
6. Medea SPA Centre
Medea invites you to come to Druskininkai, one of the most beautiful Lithuanian holiday resorts, and to stay in the Medea SPA Centre
Hotel, which is located in a park on the lake-side. Medea is the perfect
place for spending a weekend, holidays or vacation with your family,
for recovering from stress and tension in the SPA complex, and for
checking your health condition in the modern medical centre.
Owing to its romantic environment, the hotel of Medea SPA
Centre is especially favoured by young couples, whether those
who intend to get married or just would like to escape from their
everyday routine and troubles and to arrange a festival in an exclusive setting. The apartments of the Medea SPA Centre Hotel
provide comfortable accommodation to families with children as
well as to seniors looking for peace and the shelter of nature.
Medea SPA Centre in Druskininkai offers you a choice of various SPA programmes according to individual requirements. Here,
•• Health-improvement and treatment SPA centre;
•• Hotel’s SPA centre.
Parking lot;
Fitness facility – exercise room;
SPA shop;
Bicycle path;
Bicycle rental.
Address: Sveikatos St. 34, Druskininkai
Phone numbers for ordering services: + 370 615 12 311,
+ 370 313 58 412
E-mails for ordering services: [email protected], [email protected]
Internet site:
Clients are serviced in the following languages: Lithuanian,
English, Russian, and Polish
Distances from stations and airports:
SPA centre opening hours:
Monday – Sunday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Officer-on-duty: Monday – Sunday, 9 p.m. to 9 a.m.
you can experience and enjoy one-week or weekend relaxation,
health-improvement, slimming, and body-line trimming programmes. While innovative, these procedures are viewed highly
among guests of the Centre. In Medea SPA Centre you can enjoy
infrared ray and steam baths with a warm outdoor Jacuzzi.
Medea Medical Centre, which is found next door to the SPA
Centre, offers a range of high-quality medical services provided
with the use of the most modern equipment.
At Medea SPA Centre in Druskininkai you can find everything
you need to restore and strengthen your power, to recover or lift
your mood. After the procedures, our guests can take a walk in
the park, ride bikes or skates about the countryside, or take a tour
by boat or pedal boat in the nearby lake.
The SPA Centre Hotel is more than a hotel. Fresh air, new feelings, romantic evenings, which rejuvenate you and restore your
power, are also a part of the SPA Centre Hotel. Specialists of the
Centre say that their customers’ returning again and again is the
best recognition of their work.
Vilnius airport – 125 km;
Kaunas airport – 140 km;
Vilnius railway and bus stations – 125 km;
Kaunas railway and bus stations – 140 km;
Druskininkai bus station – 3 km.
Natural therapeutic resources applied:
natural mud,
How to find us:
Therapeutic SPA services provided:
massages: treatment and relaxing;
hydrothermal procedures in a steam bath; inhalations;
paraffin baths for feet and hands;
anti-cellulite vacuum and ultrasonic procedures;
consultations of a dermatologist and treatment with intense pulse light (IPL) therapy:
removal of vascular spots and pigment spots, treatment
of acne, hypertrichosis treatment, and photorejuvenation.
SPA c e n t re s i n D r u s k i n i n k a i
SPA c e n t re s i n D r u s k i n i n k a i
About the hotel:
Class – 4 stars.
Number of rooms – 187.
Catering type – restaurant (buffet service, breakfast,
lunch, and dinner; option: dietary catering according to
a menu drawn up by the dietarian); SPA bar with a menu
of special SPA meals and ecological food; the café of Atlantida Leisure Centre with an outdoor terrace, snacks and
Conference halls – 10, around 800 people can be accommodated in the Conference Centre.
Additional services:
7. SPA Vilnius SANA
SPA Vilnius SANA Health Centre is situated in the centre of
Druskininkai, the oldest and largest Lithuanian health resort, on
the bank of the Nemunas River. Owing to pine forests and clean
lakes surrounding this place, the climate here is always mild and
warm, and the air is fresh and among the purest in Europe.
The nearby mineral water spring, where high-mineralisation
water is produced and supplied directly to the health centre, is
the biggest asset of SPA Vilnius SANA Centre. The mineral water,
which have many curative properties, and the therapeutic mud,
yield to none of the famous European springs.
SPA Vilnius SANA is a health-improvement centre with mineral
water procedures and therapeutic and health-improvement programmes. A 4-star hotel, SPA bar with a special SPA menu, restaurant, leisure centre with bowling, darts, and a café, winter garden
and large conference centre are all situated under one roof.
In 2004 a modern health centre was established on the basis
of the Vilnius Sanatorium (which operated from 1976), and today
carries on the old traditions of health resort treatment: procedures with mineral water, therapeutic mud, kinesitherapy, and
vertical baths.
•• Health-improvement and treatment SPA centre
Address: K. Dineikos St. 1, Druskininkai
Phone number for ordering services: + 370 313 53 811
E-mail for ordering services: [email protected]
Internet site:
natural mineral water,
natural therapeutic mud,
natural honey,
Parking lot;
Fitness and therapeutic exercises facility;
Mineral water swimming pool;
SPA shop;
Children’s room;
SPA Grožis beauty parlour;
Nordic walking;
Bicycle rental;
Free potable, natural mineral water;
Bowling, billiards and darts in Atlantida Leisure Centre;
Winter garden;
Concerts, dance parties, and themed nights;
Festivities and occasional events for guests: Christmas,
Easter, and individual parties.
Clients are serviced in the following languages: Lithuanian,
English, Russian, German, and Polish
SPA centre opening hours:
SPA Vilnius SANA Health and Leisure Centre operates all the year
round (without days-off ).
•• SPA Centre – Monday – Sunday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
•• Restaurant – Monday – Sunday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
•• Bowling – Monday – Sunday, 4 p.m. to 1 a.m.
•• SPA Bar – Monday – Sunday, 10 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Distances from stations and airports:
Therapeutic SPA services provided:
The following are treated: nervous system, cardiovascular, respiratory, locomotor, and digestive disturbances,
stress, sleep disorders, and chronic fatigue. Individual
treatment programmes are drawn up.
The following highly experienced doctors work in the
SPA centre: neurologist, psychiatrist, physical medicine
and rehabilitation (PM&R) doctor, gynaecologist, gastroenterologist, ear-nose-throat doctor, dermatologist, and
The SPA Centre performs procedures of 356 types including therapeutic and relaxing baths and massages,
Ayurvedic procedures, mineral water swimming pool,
Rasul bath, procedures on the hamam table, amber,
aroma, and music therapy, biomusic therapy, aerofits
and music therapy, salt room, face and body nourishing
procedures, procedures for couples etc.
Natural therapeutic resources applied:
Vilnius airport – 125 km;
Kaunas airport – 140 km;
Vilnius railway and bus stations – 125 km;
Kaunas railway and bus stations – 140 km;
Druskininkai bus station – 150 m.
How to find us:
SPA c e n t re s i n D r u s k i n i n k a i
SPA c e n t re s i n D r u s k i n i n k a i
Natural therapeutic resources applied:
natural mineral water,
natural mud,
Therapeutic SPA services provided:
therapeutic massages of various types, underwater massage, aqua massage, mineral baths, physiotherapy, kinesitherapy, therapeutic mud, salt room, Bemer therapy,
hirudotherapy (treatment using medical leeches), and
About the Belorus Sanatorium:
8. Belorus Sanatorium
The Belorus Sanatorium is situated in the centre of the health
resort of Druskininkai, in the forest park area alongside the Nemunas River, close to mineral springs. The sanatorium provides treatment of digestive, nervous system, and locomotor diseases.
Natural therapeutic resources applied here include the following: therapeutic mud, “Druskininkai” potable mineral water, water
of Dzūkija Springs, and baths with water of Sūrutis Spring. When
you stay in this sanatorium, try Jacuzzis, carbonic acid, and Sūrutis
baths. The list of services recommended includes swimming in
the pool as well as other therapeutic water, paraffin, electric and
mud procedures, massage, inhalations, phytotherapy, manual
therapy, phototherapy, and acupuncture.
The renovated sanatorium is equipped with rooms with comfortable furniture, fire-places, and modern home appliances. Facilities available to guests include a large cinema and concert hall,
library, gym, and sports grounds. Various cultural events, sports
competitions, disco nights and excursions are arranged.
Class – 3 stars.
Number of rooms – 74.
Catering type – at request.
Conference hall, accommodating up to 100 people.
Additional services:
•• Health-improvement and treatment SPA centre
Address: Maironio St. 2, Druskininkai
Phone number for ordering services: + 370 313 60 618
E-mail for ordering services: [email protected]
Internet site:
Guarded parking lot for the hotel’s guests;
Fitness facility;
The complex of baths and swimming pools is equipped
with a sauna and infrared-ray bath;
Children’s playground; children’s play room;
Winter garden.
Clients are serviced in the following languages: Lithuanian, Russian, and Polish
SPA centre opening hours:
Monday – Sunday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Distances from stations and airports:
Vilnius airport – 125 km;
Kaunas airport – 140 km;
Vilnius railway and bus stations – 125 km;
Kaunas railway and bus stations – 140 km;
Druskininkai bus station – 2 km.
How to find us:
SPA c e n t re s i n D r u s k i n i n k a i
SPA c e n t re s i n D r u s k i n i n k a i
9. Life Energy S.P.A.
Life Energy S.P.A. is more than a SPA therapy complex. Here,
SPA procedures can be combined with personal development.
This approach is aimed not only at improving the physical condition of an individual, but also at balancing his internal state.
At Life Energy S.P.A. Centre, six groups of therapies and entertainments are distinguished. They form the Strong Body Energy
Circle, i.e. a consistent system for the improvement of your physical condition: you can choose from among the detoxification,
pre-stress, contouring, facial skin refreshment, jazz of experiences
and integrated health-improvement SPA therapies. SPA therapies
and programmes are designed to fit the tastes and needs of men,
women, families, and couples.
10. East Island SPA Centre in Druskininkai
The efficiency of the SPA services is ensured by a professional
team of specialists, SPA cosmetics products by world-class producers, and application of modern SPA procedures.
Life Energy means the main source of a human, i.e. the energy of
life, which helps someone to achieve goals, to feel self-confidence
and inspiration to create, to dream, meet challenges, and just enjoy being alive. Life Energy S.P.A. is the place where health-improvement specialists will help you to restore the internal power
and to use your life energy in a more balanced way.
At Life Energy S.P.A. Centre 10 different SPA spaces, equipped
and decorated in accordance with their SPA therapy philosophies,
are welcoming you to experience and enjoy their SPA procedures.
Distances from stations and airports:
Vilnius airport – 125 km;
Kaunas airport – 140 km;
Vilnius railway and bus stations – 125 km;
Kaunas railway and bus stations – 140 km;
Druskininkai bus station – 1 km.
How to find us:
Natural therapeutic resources applied:
An exclusive East Island SPA Centre of almost 500 square meters in size, located on the second floor of the Water Amusement
Park in Druskininkai, offers everything that is the best and most
impressive in the world of beauty and relaxation: an endless variety of professional massages, exotic oriental SPA treatments,
body and face nourishing programmes.
Enjoy day-time beauty procedures, solariums, baths or exotic
SPA baths. A wide range of SPA treatments offered here will surprise both those who enter this world of new feelings for the first
time and those discerning guests who value unique sensations
and plan to stay here for a longer time.
As soon as you open the door of the SPA Centre, it is as if time
stands still and you find yourself in a distant oriental country,
where you are able to awake your feelings, relax your body and
soothe your soul.
Additional services:
Various accommodation options.
Additional services:
Parking lot;
SPA shop.
•• Health-improving SPA centre
Address: V. Kudirkos St. 45, Druskininkai
Phone numbers for ordering services: + 370 313 51 622, + 370 687 88 646
E-mail for ordering services: [email protected]
Internet site:
Clients are serviced in the following languages: Lithuanian,
Russian, English, and Polish
SPA centre opening hours:
Monday – Thursday and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Parking lot (40 parking spaces).
Distances from stations and airports:
Vilnius airport – 125 km;
Kaunas airport – 140 km;
Vilnius railway and bus stations – 125 km;
Kaunas railway and bus stations – 140 km;
Druskininkai bus station – 500 m.
How to find us:
•• Day-time SPA centre
Address: Druskininkai Water Amusement Park Vilniaus Ave. 13,
Phone numbers for ordering services: + 370 313 56 643,
+ 370 670 00 444
E-mail for ordering services: [email protected]
Internet site:
Clients are serviced in the following languages: Lithuanian,
English, Russian, and Polish
SPA centre opening hours:
Monday – Sunday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
SPA c e n t re s i n D r u s k i n i n k a i
SPA c e n t re s i n D r u s k i n i n k a i
11. Aqua Rojus
The Aqua Hotel, which is located in the complex of the Water
Amusement Park in Druskininkai, offers rest in summer and entertainments all the year round!
91 rooms of original design are waiting for you in this three-star
hotel. When you choose this hotel, you will be able to enjoy the
services of the water amusement park, pleasures provided by 20
baths, face and body nourishing treatments, and massages in the
Aqua Rojus SPA Centre without leaving the complex of the water
amusement park.
Aqua Rojus SPA Centre is a world of beauty, internal balance,
and amusing discoveries. It offers not only a comfortable atmosphere, but also a variety of face nourishing procedures, body
masks, programmes, massages and hydrotherapy procedures.
•• Hotel’s SPA centre
Address: Vilniaus Ave. 13–1, Druskininkai
Phone number for ordering services: + 370 697 08 008
E-mail for ordering services: [email protected]
Internet site:
Clients are serviced in the following languages: Lithuanian, English, Russian, and Polish
Natural therapeutic resources applied:
Vilnius airport – 125 km;
other cosmetics.
Kaunas airport – 140 km;
Vilnius railway and bus stations – 125 km;
Kaunas railway and bus stations – 140 km;
Druskininkai bus station – 500 m.
SPA centre opening hours:
Monday – Thursday and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Here, you can pamper your skin with black pearl therapy, ther-
Distances from stations and airports:
Therapeutic SPA services provided:
How to find us:
Weightlessness therapy in Carisma bath.
mal mask, blue green algae spirulina therapy, and healing earth
and aloe therapy with natural cosmetics. Shaping body masks
with coffee powder, chocolate, grape extract, and seaweed will
make you feel as if in paradise. The white pearl and gold body
programmes radiate with magic and sensuality, moisturise and
smoothen the skin and cover it with admirable reflects of pearls
or gold. The Thai ritual with energy stones performed during this
procedure harmoniously unites the oriental wisdom and power
of nature. Warm stones pleasantly heat up your body, relax it, remove physical and emotional tension, and harmonise your body,
mind, and soul. These procedures form a new world of new unexperienced feelings, which improve your well-being.
The oxygen bar will help to mitigate your stress and overcome
your troubles. Here, you will breathe in a jolt of fresh air, and the
detoxification of the organism with the Bio Detox machine will
help to strengthen the immune system of your organism and to
avoid a number of diseases. Specially for men, the SPA Centre offers detoxification, cleaning, and energising facial procedures.
About the Aqua Hotel
Class – 3 stars.
Number of rooms – 91.
Catering type – buffet service.
Conference halls – 4 (total number of seats: 460).
Additional services:
Underground guarded parking lot;
Sauna (in the same building);
SPA shop – special cosmetics necessary for the procedures can be acquired in the SPA Centre.
Aqua Rojus SPA Centre is located on the ground floor of the
Aqua Hotel based in the complex of the Water Amusement
Park in Druskininkai. The complex of the Water Amusement
Park is situated near Pramogų Square, the central square of
Druskininkai, and the pedestrian Vilniaus Avenue. To get to
the Centre, walk down Vilnius Avenue towards Druskininkai
Water Amusement Park, then enter the Aqua Hotel in the Water Amusement Park and go downstairs by lift.
Ner i n g a
Bicycle paths
Curonian Spit Bicycle Path (50 km). The path stretches along
the whole Lithuanian part of the Curonian Spit. When riding
along this modern-equipped bicycle path, you can stop and
view many places of interest in Neringa.
Event halls
Nida’s Agila Culture and Tourism Information Centre
Taikos St. 4, Nida
Musical and various cultural events are held.
L. Rėza Culture Centre
L. Rėzos 54, Juodkrantė
The Centre arranges various exhibitions of the modern art of
Lithuanian and foreign artists, and ancient art and history, as
well as organising cultural events.
Curonian Spit National Park
Naglių St. 8, Nida
Neringa: the Inspiring Legend
The Curonian Spit, the sand strip washed by the waters of the
Baltic Sea, has been here since giants walked the earth. Legend
has it that the peninsula was formed by of the playing of a girl
giantess named Neringa – thus she created a safe haven for local
fishermen, protecting them against raging marine monsters. For
centuries this legend has been inspiring people living, working,
and creating here – they are notable for their carefulness, firm
and weathered character, reliability and hospitality.
The holiday resort of Neringa was established in 1961 in the
Curonian Spit National Park, which has been on UNESCO’s World
Heritage List since 2000 as a site possessing natural and cultural
heritage value. The beaches of Neringa have also won international recognition and were awarded the Blue Flag in 2002.
Neringa is a land with rich culture, which gathers artists, writers, actors, and musicians. A unique atmosphere and views of
nature attract those for whom the Curonian Spit becomes the
source of inspiration. Music festivals and art plein-airs follow
each other and become traditional events.
Neringa, a 52 km long sand strip, can be compared to an outdoor SPA centre. The combination of dunes, water and wind
has a breathtaking effect on everyone who visits Neringa. It is a
unique oasis of nature, whose shores are washed with the waters
of the Curonian Lagoon and the Baltic Sea on either side. When
you climb up the Dune of Parnidis, you will see the sun rising in
the east and setting in the west. The people of this land are also
particular: they are focused on the manufacture of amber items
and speak about the curative energy emitted by amber.
Thousands of people from all corners of the world come here
in summertime to admire the wonderful landscape created by
nature and by man, and to enjoy outdoor water and sand treatments. Residents of the town of Neringa meet them hospitably
by opening the doors of their homes and providing accommodation, catering, and entertainment services. Neringa has a
well-developed infrastructure of active entertainments in the
outdoors and on the water, ranging from canoeing and bicycle
rental to sailing by ships, which can bring you to Ventė Cape
and Minija Village and from which you can enjoy the views of
the Nemunas Delta. Orienteering enthusiasts also invite you
to discover Neringa by having an active break and familiarising
yourself with the delicate nature of the Curonian Spit.
ionised seaside air saturated with iodine and salts,
sunny seaside microclimate,
recreational green spaces,
water reservoirs.
Natural health factors:
The park that contains Neringa. In addition to treasures of
nature, the park affords protection to objects of cultural heritage. The park provides exclusive conditions for leisure: the
fish-rich lagoon, clean seaside beaches, and forests dotted
with mushrooms. Here you will find perfect conditions for sailing. You can stay in guesthouses or at local residencies.
According to the list drawn up in 2010 by Lonely Planet, one of
the world’s most popular travel guides, the beaches of the Curonian Spit rank second among the best beaches in the world.
The unique combination of dunes, sea, sky, and forests give
real refreshment to the human soul and body.
Nida Beach – 3 500 metres.
Preila Beach – 1 700 metres.
Pervalka Beach – 2 000 metres.
Juodkrantė Beach – 1 500 metres.
Ner i n g a
Traditional events held in Neringa
⿎⿎ Festival of Summer Season Opening in Neringa (in the second half of May, concerts of various musical styles are held: folk
songs, rock music, DJs; the festival events are supplemented with a
folk artists’ fair, tournaments and other programmes)
⿎⿎ Tek Saulužė Ant Maračių, International Folklore Festival (in
the second part of June, musical events, craftsmen’s fair, culinary
heritage presentation and other events are held)
⿎⿎ Nepaklusniųjų Žemė, International Chamber Music and Ecology Festival (held in the first half of July)
⿎⿎ Thomas Mann International Festival (in mid-July, concerts,
art exhibitions, literature afternoons, and reviews of cinema films
are arranged in Nida; it is one of the largest and best-known cultural events in Neringa during the summer season; this festival attracts an international audience)
⿎⿎ Musical August at the Seaside, Opera and Symphonic Music
(music performances are given in various venues of Neringa)
Active entertainments
Water entertainments
G. D. Kuverto St. 15, Nida
Phone: + 370 469 52 001
‫ ٭٭‬Excursions by pleasure craft, yachts, authentic kurėnas boat,
and exotic canoes.
‫ ٭٭‬Offers a wealth of fish and European cuisine dishes.
⿎⿎ Days of Ancient Crafts in Neringa, Festival (in mid-August, museum workers and archaeologists demonstrate handicrafts of Lithuanian ethnographical regions of pre-history and early medieval times;
folk ensembles give their concerts under the open sky)
‫ ٭٭‬Here you will find traditional Lithuanian and fish dishes.
⿎⿎ Baltijos Banga (Baltic Wave), Cinema Festival
Nidos Seklyčia
⿎⿎ Vox Academia, International Choral Music and Vocal Music
Festival (it is held in August – September)
⿎⿎ Brücke Plein-Air, International Painting Plein-Air Devoted to
Expressionists’ Traditions of the Brücke Generation (the plein-air
is aimed at reviving the creative spirit of the famous colony of artists in Nida that existed until 1945)
⿎⿎ A cycle of events devoted to the commemoration of World
Tourism Day (sports and cultural events are held in various spaces
of Neringa; there are especially many art exhibitions)
⿎⿎ Fisherman’s Festival (held in the second part of July; the goal
of the festival is to commemorate and honour local residents involved in commercial fishing, as fishing is a traditional trade and
one of the main sources of subsistence of the residents of the Curonian Spit)
⿎⿎ Neringa Town Festival Events (during the third week of November, various events are held in all educational and cultural institutions
of the town, and the gala concert of the art collectives of Neringa is
given in Nida’s Agila Culture and Tourism Information Centre)
⿎⿎ Kuršių Nerija (Curonian Spit), International Chamber Music
Festival (at the end of July – beginning of August, the most famous
chamber music artists from Lithuania and other countries of the
Baltic Sea region give their performances; concerts are held in the
Evangelical Lutheran churches of Juodkrantė)
⿎⿎ Holy Christmas and New Year in Neringa (events held between
December 18 – 31 include theatrical lighting of the Christmas tree,
meeting with Santa Claus, traditional Christmas concerts, and afternoons with Santa Claus for children; on 31 December, a concert of
popular classical music is traditionally given in the hall of Nida’s Agila Culture and Tourism Information Centre, and a concert of dance
music groups for young people is arranged in Savivaldybės Square;
the event is completed with an impressive fireworks and nighttime
disco party)
⿎⿎ Nida Jazz Marathon, International Nida Jazz Festival (held at
the end of July – beginning of August)
‫ ٭٭‬More information about the events is available on
G. D. Kuverto St. 2, Nida
Phone: + 370 469 51 149
Lomiškio St. 1, Nida
Phone: + 370 469 50 000
‫ ٭٭‬The holiday resort has one of the country’s longest bicycle tracks
with a well-developed infrastructure. The track joins the West Lithuanian Bicycle Ring and EuroVelo, the European cycle route network.
Nordic walking
‫ ٭٭‬European cuisine is predominant.
‫ ٭٭‬Nordic walking amateurs can enjoy 3 walking paths: the botanical path, Naglių Nature Reserve path, and Parnidis path.
Blokart landsails
Naglių St. 2, Nida
Phone: + 370 469 52 757
‫ ٭٭‬Blokart landsails (which become ice sledges in wintertime) is
one of the most popular attractions, enabling you to chase each
other with the wind.
‫ ٭٭‬Lithuanian traditional and fish dishes.
Pamario St. 13, Nida
Phone: + 370 469 52 777
‫ ٭٭‬Offers European cuisine and fresh fish dishes.
In Neringa, the following entertainments are also offered: fishing,
mini-golf, basketball in modern courts, lawn tennis courts etc.
Nidos Smiltė
Accommodation types
Skruzdynės St. 2, Nida
Phone: + 370 469 52 221
Hotels, guest-houses, rest houses, camping, bed-and-breakfast, and individual accommodation.
‫ ٭٭‬Offers European and local cuisine dishes.
L. Rėzos St. 54, Juodkrantė
‫ ٭٭‬Offers European and Lithuanian cuisine dishes.
Nidos Kempingas
Taikos St. 45A, Nida
Phone: + 370 682 41 150
‫ ٭٭‬Distance from the centre – 1 500 metres.
Restaurants, cafés, bar cafés, outdoor cafés, taverns, pizzeria, and bakery.
Bicycles, velomobiles, segways, scooters, electric carts,
trampoline, mobile bath, pleasure passenger boats, yachts,
cutters, canoes, landsails, buses, and cars.
‫ ٭٭‬More information is available on
Places of interest
Gintaro Įlanka (Amber Gulf)
‫ ٭٭‬In the XIX century, amber was quarried here, and today in the Amber Gulf you can see sculptures installed in water. The most impressive
view is when they are lit by sunshine on the day of the autumnal equinox, when the astronomical autumn begins.
Botanical Path
‫ ٭٭‬Familiarise yourself with the vegetation of the Spit and enjoy
the sounds and peace of nature.
Ner i n g a
Stone Sculptures Park
Juodkrantė Quay
‫ ٭٭‬The exhibition of this Park, the Earth and the Sea, comprises 31
sculptures created by artists from Lithuania, Great Britain, Sweden,
and other countries.
Monument to Liudvikas Rėza
L. Rėzos St. 8, Juodkrantė
‫ ٭٭‬Liudvikas Rėza (Ludwig Rhesa) (1776–1840) – Prussian Lithuanian public figure, Lithuanist, theologist, folklorist, and professor of
Königsberg University.
Wooden Sculpture Exhibition on the Hill of Witches (Raganų
‫ ٭٭‬More than 80 oak sculptures decorate the Hill of Witches where, as
the story goes, devils and witches would arrange feasts since times immemorial. This place is particular – it is the frontier between the mystic
and real world, where imagination recovers and creative powers awake.
Juodkrantė Evangelical Lutheran Church
L. Rėzos St. 56, Juodkrantė
‫ ٭٭‬A wooden building of the Evangelical Lutheran Church was built
in 1770 – 1780, and a stone one was erected in 1885.
Colony of herons and cormorants
‫ ٭٭‬One of the biggest colonies of these birds in Europe.
Observation Deck on Avinas Hill
Near Juodkrantė
‫ ٭٭‬From the observation deck on Avinas Hill, you can see the Avinas
Hill horn sand plains complex and one of the most beautiful panoramas – the Grey (Dead) Dunes in Naglių Nature Reserve.
Naglių Nature Reserve Path
Near Pervalka, at the 31st kilometre of the road Smiltynė – Nida
‫ ٭٭‬Naglių Nature Reserve covers an area of 1 680 ha. It stretches from
Juodkrantė to Pervalka over 9 kilometres. Here you will see the Grey
Dunes (also called the Dead Dunes), buried places of former settlements,
spontaneously seeded vegetation and centuries-old virgin forests.
Žirgų Lighthouse (Lighthouse of Horses)
‫ ٭٭‬The lighthouse was built in 1900 in the Curonian Spit, at Pervalka,
behind Agila Bay, in front of Žirgų Horn of Birštvynas Cape. The lighthouse still operates. It can be reached by ship and can be seen from
the shore of the Curonian Spit.
Preila Ethnographic Cemetery
‫ ٭٭‬The old cemetery lies at the southern part of Preila, at the feet of
the dunes. The last Curonians of Preila found their terminal home
under wooden, moss-grown grave covers.
Old School of Preila
‫ ٭٭‬The history of the school dates back to 1849. Teaching was in German.
Vecekrugas Dune
1.5 km to the south of Preila
‫ ٭٭‬The highest planted dune on the Curonian Spit (67.2 m), which
offers a wonderful panorama of the Curonian Spit.
Monument to G. D. Kuvertas
‫ ٭٭‬For many years G. D. Kuvertas and his son combated the encroaching
sand by planting the seashore area. The forest planted by them saved
Nida and protected the Pašto (Postal) Road from being buried by sand.
Nida Evangelical Lutheran Church
Pamario St. 43, Nida
‫ ٭٭‬The beautiful red-brick Nida Evangelical Lutheran Church, built in
the Gothic style, was sanctified in 1888. Its wooden ceiling, stainedglass windows, and painting by E. Mollenhauer “Christ Reaches out
His Hand to the Apostle Peter, Who is Afraid to Sink” lend an especially comforting character to the interior of the church.
Ethnographic cemetery and grave markers krikštai
Valley of Death
‫ ٭٭‬Krikštas (plural krikštai), wooden grave markers of original shapes,
have survived in the ethnographic cemetery until now. They are
typical of the Curonian Spit and represent one of the oldest forms of
burial markers in Lithuania.
‫ ٭٭‬This valley lies between the Hill of Parnidis and the Hill of Gliders
(Sklandytojų). During 1870 – 1872, a camp for French military prisoners functioned here. As a result of harsh imprisonment conditions,
exhaustion, and diseases, many of the prisoners died and were buried in the cemetery established at the camp.
Sculpture to commemorate V. Kernagis
‫ ٭٭‬Vytautas Kernagis, one of the most respected Lithuanian citizens,
is immortalised in the sculpture as dreamily playing his guitar sitting
on a bench. V. Kernagis was a Lithuanian music and sung poetry performer and author, director of entertainment events, and TV anchor.
Parnidis Path
‫ ٭٭‬The path is equipped with 14 information stands which familiarise visitors with the flora and fauna, geology, and history of the Curonian Spit.
Catholic Church
Neringa History Museum
Kopų St. 2/Taikos St. 17, Nida
Pamario St. 53, Nida
Phone: + 370 469 51 162
‫ ٭٭‬The new church of modern design with a roof of canes was sanctified in 2000.
Lighthouse on the Hill of Urbas
‫ ٭٭‬The following exhibitions operate in the museum: “The trades of
the people of the Curonian Spit”, “Nida Settlement of the stone age”,
and “The holiday resort of Nida: everyday life and household”.
‫ ٭٭‬One of the biggest and most important lighthouses on the Lithuanian coast (29.3 m high).
Hermann Blode Museum
Memorial Stone for Nida Gliding School
‫ ٭٭‬Hermann Blode was called “the artists’ patron” because many artists,
mostly painters, used to gather in his hotel at the end of the XIX – beginning
of the XX century. However, the two World Wars ruined this creative oasis.
‫ ٭٭‬The Gliding School functioned 1933 – 1939; here was the basic
summer camping place for Lithuanian gliders.
Hill of Parnidis with the Calendar Sundial
‫ ٭٭‬The 52 metre high Hill of Parnidis offers a panorama to the Baltic
Sea and the Curonian Spit. The calendar sundial, whose height is
nearly 14 metres, was constructed here in 1995. Unfortunately a part
of the installation was broken by the hurricane that raged here in 1999.
Valley of Silence
‫ ٭٭‬A roadside pole was erected at the beginning of the valley in 1991
to commemorate the reestablishment of Lithuania’s independence.
It is the starting point of the Panidis Path.
Skruzdynės St. 2, Nida
Phone: + 370 469 52 219
Thomas Mann Memorial Museum
Skruzdynės St. 17, Nida
Phone: + 370 469 52 260
‫ ٭٭‬In this summer-house Thomas Mann spent several summers. Here he
wrote his works “Joseph and His Brothers” (“Joseph und seine Brüder”) and
“My Summer-House” (“Mein Sommerhaus”). The authentic furnishing has
been restored in the parlour, veranda, and work-room. Now, the parlour of
the museum accommodates chamber music concerts, literature parties,
international sessions (conferences, seminars) organised by the Thomas
Mann Culture Centre, and events of the Thomas Mann Arts Festival.
Tourism Information Centre
Pala n g a
Pa l a n g a
Concert Halls
Palanga Summer Stage
Vytauto St. 43, Palanga
One of the main places of Palanga where concerts are held.
Ramybė Culture Centre
Vytauto St. 35, Palanga
Phone: + 370 460 54 124
Events held in Ramybė include concerts, chamber performances, literature evening parties, and presentations of books
as well as arts cinema.
Vandenis Music Club
Birutės Ave. 47, Palanga
Phone: + 370 460 53 530
Live sound concerts are given the whole year round.
Palanga Botanical Park (Birutė Park)
Vytauto St. 15, Palanga
Palanga: Sun, Wind, and Sea Waves
Palanga’s landscape, boundless multicoloured sea, beautiful
park, and breathing pine forest will awaken positive emotions,
lift your mood, and scatter routine troubles. The natural curative
factors of Palanga differ from those of other Lithuanian health resorts. This resort has a marine climate, without considerable temperature fluctuations, with warm summers and quite mild winters. Constant movement of air masses between the land and sea
provide natural ventilation of the seaside (which is not possible
in continental climate conditions). The air of Palanga is more than
just clean: it has a high concentration of ozone, ionised particles
and vegetative phytoncides. In small drops of water taken from
the sea, the winds bring particles of chloride, iodic, and other salts
to the beach, the the seaside air and the visitor’s lungs.
Dunes and pine forests form a natural lee, where holidaymakers
find places to enjoy air and sun during colder and windy days, and
where scented pines provide shelter from the burning sun.
Swimming in the sea has a positive effect on the human organism through a simultaneous combination of all natural factors, i.e.
sun, air and water, supplemented with active motions and mechanical and chemical impact of water masses. The effect of the
natural factors on the organism is highly beneficial: swimming improves metabolism and functioning of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, strengthens the nervous and muscular systems etc.
The variety of climatic conditions in the health resort of Palan-
seaside pine forest,
marine climate,
ionised air,
therapeutic mud,
mineral water,
Natural health factors:
ga is significant because it gives you the opportunity to choose
from among different degrees of climatic stimuli including sun
radiation, wind etc. according to the level of hardiness and acclimatisation of the holidaymaker.
Palanga is balneological (bathing-therapy) health resort. In
addition to sea water, the therapeutic means applied here include mineral water, therapeutic peaty mud and other physical curative resources. The sanatoria and rehabilitation centres
of Palanga function the whole year round. Here, with regard
to your health condition, they will offer you physiotherapy, kinesitherapy, psychotherapy, mechanotherapy, reflexotherapy,
and halotherapy procedures, therapeutic massage, therapeutic
baths and showers, therapeutic mud, and other procedures.
The list of troubles treated in Palanga includes various functional disturbances of nervous and cardiovascular systems, neurosis, and overweight. This health resort is especially suitable
for those who are recovering from various infection diseases,
surgery operations, and damage of the cardiac muscle resulting
from fatigue or metabolism disturbance. During the warmest
season, Palanga provides treatment to those who suffer from
joint diseases of rheumatic and other origin, or radiculitis.
It has been established that the most favourable results are
achieved when receiving treatment in ordinary climatic conditions. Therefore, for people living in the medium climatic zone,
the health resort of Palanga, on many occasions, can be more
beneficial than warm resorts of the South.
One of the most beautiful, richest, and best-managed parks in
Lithuania. It is established within the area of the Saint Birutė
Forest, and local residents have been calling it “Birutės Parkas”
(“Birutė Park”) for a long time.
Seaside Regional Park
The park was established with the view of protecting and
maintaining the wonderful landscapes and bio-diversity of
the Baltic seaside, restoring the eroded natural and cultural
heritage, and forming conditions for the development of educational tourism and leisure.
Sand beaches. The total length of the beaches of the health
resort along the Baltic Sea is 25 km.
Pala n g a
Pa l a n g a
Traditional events held in Palanga
⿎⿎ Festival of Summer Season Opening (concerts are held,
folk arts, works of craftsmen and culinary heritage are presented, and performances of various kinds are arranged)
A wide range of hotels, guest-houses and rest houses allow
everyone to find a suitable place in Palanga.
‫ ٭٭‬More information is available on
J. Basanavičiaus Street
‫ ٭٭‬The main street of the town which leads towards the sea. The
majority of Palanga’s cafés, restaurants, and entertainments are
concentrated along this street.
Tourist camps
⿎⿎ Omnitel 1000 Race (in mid-July, the biggest and most
prestigious auto-racing event in the Baltic states)
J. Basanavičiaus St., Palanga
Ošupio Kempingas, E. Balčius’ Tourist Camp
‫ ٭٭‬The 470 metre pier and board-walk is a popular walking venue.
⿎⿎ Palangos Vasara (Palanga Summer), Music and Poetry
Festival (with the participation of well-known Lithuanian and
foreign performers and actors)
Šventoji, around 14 km from Palanga.
A. Mončys House Museum
Žiogelis, Seaside Visitors’ Centre
S. Daukanto St. 16, Palanga
Karklė, 14 km from Palanga.
‫ ٭٭‬On the 2nd floor of the house, in a studio imbued with the spirit
of France and resembling a sculptor’s workshop, works created by A.
Mončys in France and Germany and presented to Lithuania are on
display in the permanent exhibition: sculptures, drawings, graphics,
whistles, masks, diary fragments, and exhibition posters. Visitors to
the museum are allowed to follow the intentions of A. Mončys, i.e. to
touch the works with their hands.
July – August
⿎⿎ Dūdų Vasara (Brass Summer), Cycle of Concerts of Brass
⿎⿎ Nakties Serenados (Night Serenades), Cycle of Concerts of
the Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra
⿎⿎ Ave Maria, Sacral Music Festival
⿎⿎ Birutė Park Day (various cultural events)
⿎⿎ Palangos Stalas (Palanga’s Table), Festival (the event includes concerts, most delicious fish soup contest, and tasting
of hot and cold fish dishes and desserts)
⿎⿎ Kalėdinė Alėja (Christmas Avenue) (an opportunity to familiarise yourself with the Christmas traditions of the Baltic
region and to taste Christmas meals of different nations )
⿎⿎ Palangos Stinta (Palanga’s Smelt), Festival (guests can buy
souvenirs, listen to songs, and take part in anchor handling
competition; the event also includes the boat pulling championship and smelt – small fish – eating contest)
⿎⿎ Palangos Ruoniai (Palanga’s Walruses), Fitness and Health
Festival (ice-swimming in the ice-cold water of the Baltic Sea)
⿎⿎ Velykinių Margučių Alėja (Easter Eggs Avenue), (Easter
eggs of fantastical sizes, with traditional patterns, are exhibited in J. Basanavičiaus Street)
⿎⿎ Jurginės, Festival (Jurginės, aslo called Jore, is the ancient
spring welcoming festival, during which folk music ensembles
give concerts)
Lithuanian, Russian, Italian, Armenian, Ukrainian, and
classic European cuisines, fish restaurants, pizzerias, bars,
and cafés.
‫ ٭٭‬More information is available on
Active entertainments
Lawn tennis, beach volleyball, football, basketball, trackand-field, bicycle riding, velomobile and electric cart driving, and water entertainments near the Rescue Station.
Places of interest
Tiškevičius (Tyszkievicz) Palace (Amber Museum)
Vytauto St. 17, Palanga
Phone: + 370 460 53 501
‫ ٭٭‬The Amber Museum is found in the Palace of the Counts
Tiškevičius (Tyszkievicz) built at the end of the XIX century. The Palace is surrounded by the large and well-managed Palanga Botanical Park. Around 29 thousand amber items are kept in the depository of the museum, with 4.5 thousand of them on display in the
exhibition, which is updated, supplemented with unique archaeological finds, amber inclusions, and other valuable pieces every year.
Birutė Hill
‫ ٭٭‬Birutė Hill is the highest dune in Palanga, famous for a romantic
legend about the love of priestess Birutė and Grand Duke Kęstutis of
Lithuania. The legend has it that this place used to be a base for a
sanctuary of pagan Lithuanians, where holy fire was nursed by the
beautiful priestess named Birutė. Kęstutis, Grand Duke of Lithuania,
abducted and forcibly married her. It is said that after the death of
Kęstutis, Birutė returned to the sanctuary, continued to serve the
gods and was buried at the hill after she died.
Jūros Tiltas (Pier and board-walk)
Dr. J. Šliūpas Memorial Homestead
Vytauto St. 23A, Palanga
‫ ٭٭‬The exhibition is devoted to Jonas Šliūpas, a figure of the Lithuanian national revival (1861–1944). Here, visitors can familiarise
themselves with relics of the history of the town of Palanga.
Palanga Sculpture Park
Vytauto St., Palanga
‫ ٭٭‬Works of recognised sculptors from Lithuania and other countries are exhibited in the Sculpture Park.
Žemaičių Alkas (Samogitian Sanctuary) in Šventoji
‫ ٭٭‬In the observatory, one can observe the sunset over the sea and
mark the main calendar dates. Wooden poles, each of which is devoted to a god or goddess of the Balts’ mythology, were carved by
folk artists and erected here in 1998.
Tourism Information Centre
SPA c e n t re s i n Pa l a n g a
S PA c e n t re s i n Pa l a n g a
12. Aštuoni Guest-House
The mini-SPA complex in the Aštuoni Guest-House will ensure
real relaxation for your body and soul. Guests can enjoy natural
sunbaths, massage Jacuzzi for 10 persons, and sauna as well as
stream and rain showers.
The new, modern and comfortable guest-house is on Birutės
Avenue in the midst of century-old pine trees, near the Botanical Park established by the counts Tiškevičius (Tyszkievicz), in
the vicinity of the sea. Here, you will escape from everyday troubles and enjoy elegant luxury, tranquillity, and hospitality.
It is the perfect place both for those who seek calm relaxation and
those who would like to arrange seminars or business meetings.
•• Hotel’s mini-SPA centre
Address: Birutės Ave. 48, Palanga
Phone numbers for ordering services: + 370 460 48 888,
+ 370 620 48 888, + 370 698 34 390
E-mail for ordering services: [email protected]
Internet site:
Natural therapeutic resources applied:
Parking lot.
aromatic oils for sauna and massage.
Distances from stations and airports:
Clients are serviced in the following languages: Lithuanian,
Russian, and English
SPA centre opening hours:
Monday – Sunday, 8 a.m. to 12 midnight.
Additional services:
Therapeutic SPA services provided:
full-body massages and massages of parts of the body.
About the Aštuoni Guest-House:
Class – 4 stars.
Number of rooms – 8.
Catering type – breakfast, buffet service.
Conference hall, which accommodates up to 20 people.
Kaunas airport – 240 km;
Vilnius airport – 330 km;
Kaunas railway and bus stations – 240 km;
Vilnius railway and bus stations – 330 km;
Palanga airport – 8 km;
Palanga bus station – 2 km;
Closest railway station – 12 km.
How to find us:
SPA c e n t re s i n Pa l a n g a
S PA c e n t re s i n Pa l a n g a
13. Energetikas Health and Wellness Centre
Energetikas Health and Wellness Centre is established in
a unique setting between the Šventoji River and the Baltic
Sea – which is just 100 metres away! This place is surrounded
by pine and birch forests as well as a stone and sculpture park.
Guests are offered a choice of 200 rooms including single-bed,
double-bed and three-bed rooms, suites with a view to the sea,
and deluxe rooms meeting all kinds of requirements. The highly
qualified staff, calm environment and comfortable atmosphere
will allow you to feel at home. This is an ideal place for improving your health and relaxing with family and friends.
The list of treatments provided here includes more than 50
therapeutic procedures: kinesitherapy, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, phytotherapy, dietic therapy, psychotherapy, art therapy, dance therapy, therapeutic mud, paraffin, phango-paraffin
etc. The recreation therapist, taking into account your health
condition, will help you to select the most effective treatments
ensuring fast and long-term health improvement.
Distances from stations and airports:
Kaunas airport – 240 km;
Vilnius airport – 330 km;
•• Therapeutic SPA centre
Kaunas railway and bus stations – 240 km;
Vilnius railway and bus stations – 330 km;
Address: Kuršių Path 1, Palanga
Phone numbers for ordering services: + 370 686 43 419,
+ 370 460 45 505, + 370 460 45 531
E-mail for ordering services: [email protected]
Internet site:
Palanga airport – 10 km (on working days, 8 a.m. to 4:30
p.m., the Centre arranges free pick-up for its customers,
simply call: + 370 686 43 419, + 370 460 45 505);
Palanga bus station – 1 km (on working days, 8 a.m. to
4:30 p.m., the Centre arranges free pick-up for its customers, simply call: + 370 686 43 419, + 370 460 45 505);
Closest railway station – 15 km.
Clients are serviced in the following languages: Lithuanian,
English, Russian, German, Polish, Latvian, and Spanish
SPA centre opening hours:
Monday – Sunday, 24-hour service.
Natural therapeutic resources applied:
natural mud,
air (right at the seaside – therefore, the air is saturated
with iodine).
Therapeutic SPA services provided
The Health and Wellness Centre provides treatment to people suffering from nervous system, locomotor, cardiovascular,
gynaecological, joint, endocrinology, and digestive system
disorders as well as those affected by ionised radiation. Here,
kinesitherapy, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, ergotherapy, phytotherapy and other procedures are performed.
About the sanatorium:
Number of rooms – 201.
Catering type – buffet service.
Conference halls – there are two: for 120 seats and for
40 seats.
Additional services:
Parking lot (free);
Fitness facility (free);
Sauna (charged additionally);
Grocery store;
Catering – three meals (buffet service), canteen and café.
How to find us:
Phone the Health and Wellness Centre, and its driver will
pick you up.
SPA c e n t re s i n Pa l a n g a
S PA c e n t re s i n Pa l a n g a
14. Gabija Hotel
Give power to your body and bring refreshment to your soul
in the spacious bath complex of Gabija. Here you will enjoy the
swimming pool with underwater stream, luxury Jacuzzi, sauna,
and Turkish steam bath. Strengthen yourself in the modern fitness facility. After water and bath procedures, relax in a comfortable lounger while observing the impressive view through the
windows to evergreen pine forests and feel internal harmony.
In the massage room of Gabija, you will be able to enjoy thermal stone, amber, honey, classical, or relaxing massage. The procedures performed here also include body scrub, wrapping, and
cosmetology facial procedures. These services will relax, relieve,
energise, and help you to feel better.
•• Hotel’s SPA centre
Address: Vytauto St. 40, Palanga
Phone number for ordering services: + 370 460 48 251
E-mail for ordering services: [email protected]
Internet site:
Clients are serviced in the following languages: Lithuanian,
Russian, and English
SPA centre opening hours:
Monday – Sunday, 8 a.m. to 12 midnight.
Distances from stations and airports:
Therapeutic SPA services provided:
swimming pool with massaging stream, Jacuzzi, and
massage and cosmetology room.
About the hotel:
Kaunas airport – 240 km;
Vilnius airport – 330 km;
Kaunas railway and bus stations – 240 km;
Vilnius railway and bus stations – 330 km;
Class – 4 stars.
Palanga airport – 8 km;
Number of rooms – 56.
Palanga bus station – 700 m;
Catering type – restaurant.
Closest railway station – 15 km.
Conference halls. Palanga Hall accommodates up to 200
participants; owing to the moveable dividing wall, it can
be divided into two halls: Sea major hall (up to 150 participants) and Parkas minor hall (up to 40 participants).
The facility is also equipped with a VIP meeting room (up
to 20 participants).
Additional services:
Parking lot;
Fitness facility;
Children’s playground.
How to find us:
SPA c e n t re s i n Pa l a n g a
S PA c e n t re s i n Pa l a n g a
About the hotel:
Class – 5 stars.
Number of rooms – 98.
Catering type – restaurant.
Conference halls – 9, accommodating up to 600 people.
Additional services:
15. Vanagupė Hotel
Parking lot;
Fitness facility;
SPA shop;
Children’s play room (with or without a nurse’s attendance)
Swimming pools;
Lawn tennis courts;
Basketball court;
Bicycle rental;
Rental of poles for Nordic walking.
Distances from stations and airports:
Vanagupė invites you to escape from the vanity of the city,
routine troubles, and to breathe in a taste of refreshing marine
air. The hotel offers 98 nicely equipped rooms of various categories, which will tempt both those thirsting for recreation and
those wanting to prepare for training or an important meeting.
The rooms of this five-star hotel are fitted with excellent furniture, interior details, and all means for body care and hygiene
as well as internet access. The Conference Banquet Centre of
Vanagupė, which can accommodate up to 650 guests at a time,
is the biggest in the whole seacoast area. The stylish interior of
the restaurant of the Hotel and delicious international cuisine
will satisfy the needs of even the most selective gourmand.
Golden SPA Centre is waiting for those wanting refreshment
and entertainment. It is a leisure, health, and body care centre
where healthy lifestyle and health self-care, beauty, and internal
harmony are promoted. Golden SPA Centre is noted for its wide
range of services, expertise, interior, and atmosphere. Water is
•• Hotel’s SPA centre
Address: Vanagupės St. 31, Palanga
Phone number for ordering services: + 370 460 41 199
E-mail for ordering services: [email protected]
Internet sites:,
Clients are serviced in the following languages: Lithuanian,
English, Russian, and German
the most important element of the services provided in the SPA
Centre. Water cleans and cures, refreshes and restores, smoothens
and tranquilises. The SPA Centre is based on the 7 life principles
pyramid: beauty, harmony, water, vitality, life balance, nature, and
nutrition. Even the most selective clients will be able to pamper
their souls and bodies.
Natural therapeutic resources applied:
natural mineral water,
natural mud,
mineral sea salts,
Golden SPA Centre of the Vanagupė Hotel is a place you will
like to return to over and again.
Cover photos show the interior of the Vanagupė Hotel and SPA Centre.
Kaunas airport – 240 km;
Vilnius airport – 330 km;
Kaunas railway and bus stations – 240 km;
Vilnius railway and bus stations – 330 km;
Palanga airport – 5 km;
Palanga bus station – 3 km;
Closest railway station – 10 km.
How to find us:
SPA centre opening hours:
Monday – Sunday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Relax and take care of yourself in Golden SPA Centre by selecting from the choice of all kinds of procedures. The centre offers
mysterious SPA rituals, introductions to methods of body care
and healthy lifestyle, massages of various intensity and effect
and lasting 30 to 120 minutes, aroma therapy and beauty baths,
Indian massage, Turkish hamam procedures, various procedures
for body and facial beauty, and relaxation in the complex of
swimming pools and baths. For weekends and holidays, the centre offers several-day or weekly SPA programmes intended for
comprehensive body care. These will allow you to start to relax,
recover from stress, gain energy and vitality, and are adjusted to
various needs.
Therapeutic SPA services provided:
relaxation treatments with the use of natural resources.
SPA c e n t re s i n Pa l a n g a
S PA c e n t re s i n Pa l a n g a
16. SPA Centre of the Kerpė Hotel
The human being is a child of nature; and so it is Mother
Nature who knows best of all what is the best for her child. SPA
treatments combine water, hand-touching, natural Biodroga
products, and the philosophy of specialists who love their
work. You will find all of this in the centre of the health resort of
Palanga, in the Kerpė Hotel.
The mission of Kerpė SPA Centre is to nourish the body,
mind, soul, and beauty. Here you will find the Turkish bath
with Jacuzzi, and a heated marble table where full-body scrub
using Biodroga products is performed after the bath. The gentle
hands of the massage therapist will nourish your body, while
lava stones from Tenerife islands will warm you up, and balance
and restore forces and energy. After the treatments you will feel
relaxed, restored, and full of happiness.
Additional services:
Parking lot.
•• Hotel’s SPA centre
Address: Vytauto St. 76, Palanga
Phone number for ordering services: + 370 460 52 379
E-mail for ordering services: [email protected]
Internet site:
Distances from stations and airports:
Clients are serviced in the following languages: Lithuanian,
Russian, and English
SPA centre opening hours:
Monday – Sunday, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Kaunas airport – 240 km;
Vilnius airport – 330 km;
Kaunas railway and bus stations – 240 km;
Vilnius railway and bus stations – 330 km;
Palanga airport – 7 km;
Palanga bus station – 400 m;
Closest railway station – 12 km.
How to find us:
About the hotel:
Class – 3 stars.
Number of rooms – 23.
Catering type – buffet service (breakfast, lunch, dinner).
Conference hall (up to 28 seats).
SPA c e n t re s i n Pa l a n g a
S PA c e n t re s i n Pa l a n g a
17. SPA Centre of the Palanga Hotel
In the oasis of beauty and health in the Palanga Hotel, you will
notice the integrity of the subtle interior, high-quality equipment, and harmonised colours.
In the SPA Centre, in addition to the cosmetology, massage,
manicure, pedicure, hair styling services, and slimming and
physical health improvement opportunities, you will enjoy exclusive, personally tailored relaxation, anti-cellulite, detoxification, weight-loss, and tightening treatments.
The Centre’s professional experts will help you to forget
everyday troubles and immerse yourself in real relaxation and
pleasure. Massage with special stones, Royal Bamboo, or Chocolate Indulgence will soothe your body and soul. The procedures
of wrapping in colourful clay, salts or seaweed will add luxurious
appearance to your skin. After SPA pedicure and manicure, you
•• Hotel’s SPA centre
Address: Birutės Ave. 60, Palanga
Phone number for ordering services: + 370 460 41 414
E-mail for ordering services: [email protected]
Internet site:
Distances from stations and airports:
About the hotel:
Clients are serviced in the following languages: Lithuanian,
Russian, and English
Class – 5 stars.
Kaunas airport – 240 km;
Number of rooms – 46.
Vilnius airport – 330 km;
SPA centre opening hours:
Monday – Sunday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Catering type – buffet service (breakfast), a la carte.
Kaunas railway and bus stations – 240 km;
Conference hall (75 seats).
Vilnius railway and bus stations – 330 km;
Palanga airport – 8 km;
Palanga bus station – 800 m;
Closest railway station – 13 km.
will feel as if you were walking on a velvet carpet and your carefully tended hands will attract everybody’s attention.
The goal of the SPA Centre is to offer you the latest and most
advanced beauty care and to assure comprehensive safety and
comfort. At the SPA centre of the Palanga Hotel, you will not
only enjoy the bliss of relaxation, but also put time on hold and
erase the signs of aging.
Additional services:
Parking lot (30 spaces);
Fitness facility (10 exercise machines);
SPA shop;
SPA cuisine (characterised by minimal calorific value and
richness in nutrients).
How to find us:
SPA c e n t re s i n Pa l a n g a
S PA c e n t re s i n Pa l a n g a
Therapeutic SPA services provided:
beauty procedures.
About the hotel:
Class – 4 stars.
Number of rooms – 32.
Catering type – Restaurant.
Conference hall (up to 50 people).
Additional services:
Parking lot;
Fitness facility;
18. Pajūrio Alka
The hotel is located in a beautiful and a quiet part of the holiday resort of Palanga, 500 metres from the beach next to the
picturesque Botanical Garden and town centre. It is an ideal
place for those who wish to have a quiet rest or have fun in the
lively Basanavičiaus Street. Pajūrio Alka Health-Improvement
Centre is open both to the clients of the hotel and guests of the
town. Enjoy the services of the centre all the year round!
The name of the hotel originates from the Baltic word alka,
which refers to a place of worship of ancient Lithuanians enveloped in special aura. It was the place for various rites that rendered spiritual and physical purification. The services provided
by the hotel suit this name perfectly. The complex of baths of
the hotel SPA Centre, with a swimming pool and massaging
Jacuzzi, will help you to relax and gain spiritual strength. In the
Alka Hotel, you will be able to enjoy various massages and wellness procedures performed by professional massage therapist–
Distances from stations and airports:
•• Hotel’s SPA centre
Kaunas airport – 240 km;
Vilnius airport – 330 km;
Address: S. Daukanto St. 21, Palanga
Phone number for ordering services: + 370 460 41 433
E-mail for ordering services: [email protected]
Internet site:
Kaunas railway and bus stations – 240 km;
Vilnius railway and bus stations – 330 km;
Palanga airport – 5 km;
Palanga bus station – 500 m;
Closest railway station – 12 km.
Clients are serviced in the following languages: Lithuanian,
English, Russian, and German
How to find us:
All rooms of the hotel are equipped with an air conditioning system, individual safes, cable TV, balconies and terraces,
telephones, and wireless Internet access. The rooms are nonsmoking. Every bathroom is fitted with a floor heating system,
hairdryers, and all necessary bathroom accessories.
The hotel has a restaurant whose menu includes many delicious dishes and beverages. Here you will enjoy not simply a
good meal, but healthy, ecological food and the special menu
of the SPA Centre.
The cosy conference hall, which can accommodate up to 50
participants, is available for conferences, seminars, and meetings. Guests’ cars can be left in the video-monitored parking lot
near the hotel. Upon request, the hotel can arrange for a driver
to meet you or your guests at the airport, station, or another
point and provide transportation to the hotel.
Forget about your troubles and build up your strength for
new achievements! Highly experienced, attentive, and helpful
personnel of the hotel will take into account every last request
of yours and will apply all their effort to make you come here
again many times in the future.
The centre of Palanga.
Any k š č i a i
Bicycle paths
Anykščiai – Puntukas (5 km). The beautiful countryside as well
as the abundance of objects of cultural heritage are the main
points of attraction on this route.
Anykščiai – Niūronys (6 km). This bicycle path crosses
Anykščiai Regional Park
Concert Halls
Chamber Arts Centre in Anykščiai Chapel
Vilniaus St. 36, Anykščiai
Phone: + 370 381 54 432
Anykščių Culture Centre
A. Baranausko Ave. 2, Anykščiai
Phone: + 370 381 52 096
Anykščiai: The Dream of Poets and Romantics
In Anykščiai, you will be charmed by the blue eyes of lakes,
and refreshed by the fresh air of Anykščiai Forest. It is no wonder
that this town is called the cradle of Lithuanian literature, being
the birthplace of three giants of Lithuanian literature: Antanas
Baranauskas, Antanas Žukauskas-Vienuolis, and Jonas Biliūnas.
Other writers, poets, artists, and scientists grew up in their shadow.
Here many – even the smallest lakes, rivers and hills – have
their special history. The origin of the town is also related to our
ancestors who admired Rubikiai Lake. Viewing it from the top
of the hill they called it “Kaip delnas” (“Like the palm”), and in
turn called the stream joining the lake: “Kaip nykštys” (“Like the
thumb”). Another legend has it that a farmer’s daughter hurt
her thumb washing linen at the source of a river at Rubikiai Lake
and cried: “Ai, nykštį, ai, nykštį!” (“Oh my thumb, oh my thumb!”).
water reservoirs,
fresh air.
Natural health factors:
The literary allure of the town is supplemented by the geographical environment, substantive economic activities, and
numerous objects of culture. Rubikiai Lake, surrounded by
three mounds, which covers an area of nearly 1 000 ha and has
16 islands, lies just several kilometres from the city. The famous
Puntukas Stone, the second largest stone in Lithuania, rises
in the western part of Anykščiai Forest. Nearby, you will find
Šeimyniškėliai Mound, where Voruta, the tower of the first
Lithuanian King Mindaugas, used to stand. These and other
features of Anykščiai are well-suited for tourist excursions: they
are easy and convenient to reach and are equipped with recreational grounds.
The city is also famous for its narrow-gauge railway, which
snakes between lake-side resorts. It is one of the most interesting
operating pieces of Lithuanian engineering heritage. In the autumn of 1999, this narrow-gauge railway celebrated its centenary.
Anykščiai is the base for the first and, so far, the only summer
toboggan track in Lithuania. You can take it downhill both in
summer and winter, whether it be snowing, warm, or cold.
There is no other district quite like this in Lithuania, which attracts people with a wide variety of places of interest, museums,
and monuments of nature. Owing to these treasures, the town
was granted the status of a holiday resort area in 2007.
The most popular landmarks of Anykščiai include the Church
of St. Matthew, the Stone of Puntukas, and the monument on
the tomb of the Lithuanian writer J. Biliūnas called “Laimės
Žiburys” (“The Light of Happiness”). And these are just a few of
the many attractions in Anyksciai worth seeing!
Anykščiai Regional Park
The total area in the Anykščiai Regional Park is 15 459 ha. 1
natural reserve, 4 landscape, 4 geomorphological, 3 botanical,
1 swamp, 1 urban, and 1 landscape architectural reserves have
been established in Anykščiai Regional Park in order to preserve its natural and cultural value.
The Forest of Anykščiai. The legendary Stone of Puntukas
rises in the place made famous by the poem “The Forest of
Anykščiai” (“Anykščių Šilelis”) written by Antanas Baranauskas.
Troškūnai Arboretum. Here you will find many works of folk
artists installed in the midst of vegetation.
Traupis Botanical Garden. Its development started in 1989.
Beach at the Šventoji River (100 m, sand and grass). Swimming in the Šventoji River, in the Forest of Anykščiai, will always leave an unforgettable impression on you.
Dainuva Valley Beach (50 m, sand and grass). In the valley
situated not far from the centre of Anykščiai, you can enjoy
the pleasures provided by nature.
Šeimyniškėlių Street Beach (30 m, sand and grass) is located
not far from the centre of the town.
Rubikiai Lake Beach (50 m, sand and grass).
Nevėža Lake Beach (30 m, sand and grass).
Any k š č i a i
Traditional events held in Anykščiai
During the whole summer
⿎⿎ Rubikiai – Dainų Krantas (Rubikiai – the Bank of Songs),
Professional Classical Music Festival
⿎⿎ Anykščiai – 2011, International Swimming Sprint Festival
⿎⿎ Bėk Bėk, Žirgeli! (Run, Stallion, Run!), Traditional Culture
and Horseracing Sport Festival
⿎⿎ Joninės (St. John’s Day) Regatta on Rubikiai Lake
⿎⿎ Troškimai, International Children and Youth Art Therapy
and Creative Camp and Festival
⿎⿎ Velnio Akmuo (Devil’s Stone), Hard Rock Music Festival
Restaurants and cafés
Active entertainments
Keturi Kalnai
Mountain and cross-country skiing
Liudiškių St. 18, Anykščiai
Phone: + 370 381 58 520
‫ ٭٭‬The Skiing Centre operates at Kalita Hill. The length of the main
track is 250 m, where the altitude difference amounts to 40 m. Skiing equipment rental is available nearby.
‫ ٭٭‬Functions constantly only during the summer season.
Romuvos Parkas
Summer toboggan track
Žalioji Village, Svėdasai Eldership, Anykščiai District
Phone: + 370 381 57 747
‫ ٭٭‬The country’s only summer mountain sledging attraction – the
summer toboggan track – operates at Kalita Hill.
‫ ٭٭‬Offers dishes of Eastern Europe cuisine.
Paupio St. 1, Anykščiai
Phone: + 370 381 78 213
⿎⿎ Anykščiai City Festival and World Congress of People of
Laumės Vingis
⿎⿎ Folk-Virus, Lithuanian Youth Ethnic Culture and Non-Traditional Folk Festival
⿎⿎ International Young Organists’ Festival
⿎⿎ Purpurinis Vakaras (Purple Evening), National Bards’ Festival
Narrow-gauge railway
‫ ٭٭‬Take a regular run or order a trip for your friends and yourself. Train
travel is combined with various educational and cultural events.
A. Baranausko Avenue. 9, Anykščiai
Phone: + 370 381 54 300
Mindaugo St. 2, Anykščiai
Phone: + 370 381 52 752
Swimming pool and bathing complex
‫ ٭٭‬Take a swim in the swimming pool, relax while lying in the hydro-massage bath, enjoy the steam baths, plunge into the cold
tub, and sweat it out in the fitness facility.
Bicycle rental
Niūroniai Village, Anykščiai District
Phone: + 370 682 13 405
‫ ٭٭‬Ride your bike around Anykščiai, breathe the fresh air, and explore a multitude of monuments of cultural and natural heritage.
Šaltinio St. 1, Kavarskas, Anykščiai District
Phone: + 370 381 55 147
Anykščiai Go-Cart Track
Žuvienės Pašiūrė
‫ ٭٭‬Why not drive the go-cart track a few times? Motorsportas is
developing auto-racing and cart sports in Lithuania, it arranges
trainings and competitions at various levels .
Rubikiai, Anykščiai District
Phone: + 370 659 88 610
Any k š č i a i
Corn Labyrinth
‫ ٭٭‬Hide yourself in corn just 2 km away from Anykščiai. A.
Baranausko Klėtelė (A. Baranauskas’ Granary) is the first corn labyrinth in Utena County.
Puntukas Hotel
Narrow-Gauge Railway Station Museum
A. Baranausko Avenue. 15, Anykščiai
Phone: + 370 381 51 345
Vilties St. 2, Anykščiai
Phone: + 370 381 58 015
Places of interest
Paintball, hiking, hot air ballooning and other entertainments
‫ ٭٭‬A group for paintball should consist of at least 8 persons. Participants are given guns, helmets, and special equipment. It is
recommended to have sport shoes and loose, comfortable clothes
and headwear.,
A. Baranauskas and A. Vienuolis-Žukauskas Memorial
Angels’ Museum and Sacral Art Centre
‫ ٭٭‬Adults and young people aged above 16 years can try their aiming accuracy. The shortest shooting distance is 20 metres. A qualified
instructor will give you shooting advice and conduct competitions.,
Vilniaus St. 11, Anykščiai
Phone: + 370 381 51 447
A. Vienuolio St. 4, Anykščiai
Phone: + 370 381 58 015
Okuličiūtė Manor Palace
Horse Museum
‫ ٭٭‬Okuličiūtė Manor Palace is the white building with columns in
the city centre, near the bridge over the Šventoji River. Currently it
houses the Children’s Library.
Paupio St. 10, Anykščiai
Niūroniai Village, Anykščiai District
Phone: + 370 381 51 722
Raguvėlė Manor
J. Biliūnas Homestead Museum
Raguvėlė Village, Anykščiai District
Niūroniai Village, Anykščiai District
Phone: + 370 381 51 722
Chamber Arts Centre in the Old Town Chapel
Hotel in Keturi Kalnai Business and Leisure Centre
Liudvika and Stanislovas Didžiulis Memorial Homestead
Liudiškių St. 18, Anykščiai
Phone: + 370 381 58 520
Griežionėliai Village, Anykščiai District
Phone: + 370 381 43 901
St. Matthew Neo-Gothic Church
Vilniaus St. 8, Anykščiai
Vilniaus St. 36, Anykščiai
‫ ٭٭‬The Church of Anykščiai with two towers, each of which is 79
metres in height, is the tallest twin-spire church in Lithuania. It
contains a wealth of art.
Troškūnai Church and Bernardine Monastery Ensemble
Vytauto St. 1, Troškūnai, Anykščiai District
Laimės Žiburys (The Light of Happiness), Sepulchral Monument to J. Biliūnas
Liudiškiai Hill, Anykščiai District
‫ ٭٭‬J. Biliūnas was a master of literature, one of the most famous
Lithuanian writers.
Monument to A. Baranauskas
‫ ٭٭‬A. Baranauskas was one of the most distinguished Lithuanian
poets and linguists.
Monument to Vienuolis
‫ ٭٭‬A. Vienuolis was a Lithuanian pharmacist, prose-writer, playwriter, museologist and public figure.
Tourism Information Centre
Ign a l i n a
Aukštaitija National Park
The vegetation of the park varies from steppe to tundra species, and many rare, endangered bird and animal species find
sanctuary here. Also, traces of human activities for a period of
more than ten thousand years and cultural heritage of many
generations form some of the most valuable assets of the Park
Kazitiškis Park
The park preserves many old, mighty trees: oaks, ash-trees,
maples, and mountain elms. It is one of just a few Lithuanian
terrace parks with a geometric layout.
Gavis Lake sand beach. The lake, which lies within the town,
has a length of 1.9 km, width of 1.2 km, and depth of up to 56
Ignalina: Oasis of Tranquillity and Quietness
The Ignalina District, which is located in Eastern Lithuania, has
been renowned for its charming landscape since ancient times.
Lakes, woodland areas, and a well-developed tourism infrastructure makes it a destination of choice for both Lithuanian and
foreign holidaymakers. The origin of the name Ignalina, which is
beautified with as many as 200 lakes, several dozen rivers and
reservoirs, is disclosed by the legend about love between Lina, a
daughter of Lithuanian Duke Budrys, and a crusader called Ignas.
Ignalina, you have an opportunity not only to relax and recover
from urban noise, but also to feel the spirit of real rural life.
One third of this land is covered with forests, while protected areas account for one fourth of its area. The biggest part of
Aukštaitija National Park as well as fourteen regional parks and
various reserves are located within the area of the district. Educational tourism, leisure tourism, athletic tourism, ecotourism,
and rural tourism are all popular here. In the surroundings of
Ignalina is also famous for its winter sport entertainments. All
the year round, athletes practise, many competitions are held,
and holidaymakers are received with especial hospitality in the
Lithuanian Winter Sports Centre located at the outskirts of the
town. In Ignalina Sports and Entertainments Centre, you can
both exercise and enjoy high-quality services of the SPA Centre.
This land will inspire artists and nature enthusiasts, enchant
botanists, anglers, and sports enthusiasts. Hiking, excursions by
water and forest roads, and relaxing at campsites will leave an
indelible impression. In the district there are 11 museums and a
total of more than 200 places of interest.
fresh air,
fresh and mineral water.
Natural health factors:
Lūšiai Lake beach, Palūšė Village, Ignalina District (sand and
grass). 15 wooden sculptures are erected on the northern
bank of the lake.
Ilgis Lake beach, Ignalina (sand and grass). Ilgis Lake has the
shape of a horseshoe.
Žaliasis Lake beach, Ignalina (grass).
Concert Hall
Ignalina Culture and Sports Centre
Ateities St. 43, Ignalina
Phone: + 370 386 52 118
Performances, concerts, and disco parties are held.
Ign a l i n a
Traditional events held in Ignalina
⿎⿎ Dainuokit, Vyturiai, Pop Song Festival (held at the end of May)
⿎⿎ Traditional 24-hour swimming marathon for the District
Mayor’s Cup.
Ignalina Sports and Entertainments Centre,
Vasario 16-osios St. 35, Ignalina
Phone: +370 386 33477
October – November
⿎⿎ Bildučiai, International Children and Youth Theatre Festival
Žuvėdra Restaurant
Mokyklos St. 11, Ignalina
Phone: + 370 686 09 069
Romnesa Restaurant
Strigailiškis Village, Ignalina District
Phone: + 370 678 41 294
Places of interest
A. Hrebnickis Museum Exhibition
Rojus Village, Dūkštas Eldership, Ignalina District
Phone: +370 386 45 472, +370 675 01 098
‫ ٭٭‬Pomologist A. Hrebnickis was born in 1858. His father-in-law
gave him a 24 ha land plot, called Velnynė, as trousseau, and Rojus emerged here. The homestead of Rojus was built in 1896 – 1897
according to the design of Hrebnickis himself (now a historical
monument of national significance).
Ginučiai Water Mill
Ginučiai Village, Ignalina District
‫ ٭٭‬The water mill is equipped with accommodation facilities –
book early for summertime! Exhibitions devoted to the milling
trade are arranged in non-residential premises. The cascades near
the water mill attract both young and old.
Papiliakalnė Village, Ignalina District
‫ ٭٭‬Ladakalnis (sometimes also called Ledakalnis) is a mountain
175 m high. It is believed that it used to be the place for sacrificial rites according to ancient Lithuanian religious traditions. The
mountain opens a wonderful view of 6 lakes.
Palūšė Village
Active entertainments
‫ ٭٭‬The village is located near the old trading road that used to connect Vilnius with Daugavpils and Polotsk. Its name originates from
the name of Lūšiai Lake. In written sources, Palūšė was mentioned
as long ago as 1651. St. Joseph Church, built in the village in 1757,
is the oldest wooden church in Lithuania. It is said that it was erected using only an axe, without any saw. The bell tower (which was
shown on the 1 litas banknote) and a chapel are beside the church.
Ignalina District
Skiing (winter)
Lithuanian Winter Sports Centre
Sporto St. 3, Ignalina
Phone: + 370 386 54 193
Swimming pool, bathing complex, fitness facility, bowling, billiards, and lawn tennis courts
Sports and Entertainments Centre
Vasario 16-osios St. 35 Ignalina
Phone: + 370 386 33477, + 370 386 53540.
Swimming pool, fitness facility and baths
Ignalina Culture and Sports Centre
Ateities St. 43, Ignalina
Phone: + 370 386 52 118
Žuvėdra Hotel and Restaurant
Mokyklos St. 11, Ignalina
Phone: + 370 686 09 069
Hotel in the Sports and Entertainments Centre
Vasario 16-osios St. 35, Ignalina
Phone: +370 386 53 540
Guest-House in Ignalina Culture and Sports Centre
Ateities St. 43, Ignalina
Phone: + 370 386 52 118
Hotel and Guest-House in the Lithuanian Winter Sports Centre
Sporto St. 3, Ignalina
Phone: + 370 386 54 193
Palūšės Campsite
Palūšė Village, Ignalina District
Phone: + 370 615 21 403
Ancient Beekeeping Museum
Stripeikiai Village, Ignalina District
‫ ٭٭‬The sculpture compositions (created by T. Patiejūnas) exhibited
on the bank tell the story of the development of beekeeping until
the present time, and a bee-family whirls around in the sculpture
of Babilas, the God of Bees.
Old ethnographical villages:
‫ ٭٭‬Salos and Šuminai; the Botanical Track goes by the route Palūšė –
Tourism Information Centre
Tra k a i
Trakai Historical National Park
The only historical national park in Lithuania and indeed all
of Europe. Owing to its unique character, the park was put on
UNESCO’s Preliminary World Heritage List.
Užutrakis Manor and Park
The aristocratic Užutrakis Manor and Park were created by
Polish architect J. Huss and world-famous French landscape
architect and botanist E. F. André at the turn of the XIX – XX
Akmena Lake embankment (100 m, sand and grass). Situated
2 km from the old town of Trakai. Akmena is a lake with high
steep banks, which belongs to Trakai Historical National Park.
Here you can enjoy water entertainments.
Bicycle paths
Trakai: the Town Where History Speaks
Senieji Trakai – Užutrakis (12 km). Riders who take this path
will enjoy the views of historical monuments and incredibly
beautiful countryside.
One of the most visited towns in Eastern Europe, Trakai enchants with its wooden architecture and fascinating landscape.
The town is situated on a peninsula and the Island Castle is surrounded by water on all sides; these unique defensive features
made it an important military and political centre and the residence of Grand Dukes.
Concert Halls
Trakai is renowned for its curative powers given by nature,
as well as for a wealth of cultural events and entertainments.
Trakai is suitable for tourism and recreation owing to its natural
and human landscape: lakes, ponds, and other water reservoirs,
parks, plantations, and their combinations. Music, art, and love
for nature form a common language in Trakai, which is understandable to everybody.
fresh air,
Natural health factors:
The towers of the Castle, which reflect in the quiet Galvė
Lake, recall the XV century when the Lithuanian state was powerful and its lands stretched to the Black Sea. Two castles have
survived in the town: the Island Castle and the Peninsula Castle.
The Island Castle used to be one of the strongest fortresses and
one of the most important places of residence in the empire. It
saw visits of medieval envoys, dukes, and King Jogaila (Jagiełło).
Explore the views that have been admired by present day Kings
and Queens, including Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, King
Carl XVI Gustaf XVI and Queen Silvia of Sweden, as well as heads
of Greece, Iceland, China, and other countries.
Visit Užutrakis, the nearby palace built in a historical style. After more than a hundred years, the estate and park of Užutrakis
Manor are experiencing another golden age now! The ensemble
of the estate of the manor was created on the initiative of Count
Juozapas Tiškevičius (Juzef Tyszkiewicz) and his wife Countess
Jadvyga (Jadwiga) in 1897 – 1902. This park, which was constructed in the English style and includes more than 20 ponds and
grounds with flower gardens, was designed by French landscape
architect E. F. André. Currently, the park is under reconstruction.
Trakai is surrounded by 5 large lakes. Luxuriate on clean beaches, enjoy the wonderful panoramas of Trakai from a pleasure
craft or yacht deck, take a boat or pedal boat. In summer, take
part in the Medieval Handicrafts Festivals, where knights joust,
medieval dancing-girls fascinate the audience, and faquirs charm
with the magic of fire in the Historical Museum in Trakai Castle.
Trakai Island Castle
Kęstučio St. 4, Trakai
Phone: + 370 528 53 941
Concerts, performances, and other events are held.
Užutrakis Manor
Karaimų St. 5, Trakai
Phone: + 370 528 55 006
Chamber music parties and other events are organised here.
Trasalis Hotel
Gedimino St. 26, Trakai
Phone: + 370 528 51 588
Various concerts are arranged.
Tra k a i
Traditional events held in Trakai
July – August
⿎⿎ Pagauk Vėją (Catch the Wind), Small Aircraft Festival (held
at Galvė Lake and includes competitions between parachuting accuracy experts, hang-gliders, motor paragliders, model
aeroplanes, and rocket models)
⿎⿎ Pilėnai, Opera (this opera, which became the most impressive event of the summer season of the Lithuanian National
Opera and Ballet Theatre, is staged in the Island Castle every
year, on the eve of Statehood Day in July; this year, it will be
shown on 8, 15, 22, and 29 July and 5, 12, 19, and 26 August)
⿎⿎ Jazz Fiesta onboard the Galvė Ship (jazz concerts will be
arranged onboard the ship on 10, 17, 24, and 31 July and 14
and 21 August),
⿎⿎ Užutrakio Vakarai (Užutrakis Evenings), Cycle of Chamber
Music Concerts,
⿎⿎ Užgavėnės (Mardi Gras) (this festival has been celebrated
since ancient times. The entertainments include wearing various masks aimed at driving out the sadness that accumulated
over the winter and inviting the sun),
20 May
⿎⿎ Naktis Muziejuje (Night in the Museum) in Trakai Island
Castle (Trakai Historical Museum opens the gates of the Island
Castle at night for International Museum Day)
⿎⿎ Trakų Vasara 2011 (Trakai Summer 2011), Town Festival
(marks the beginning of the tourism season; various sports
competitions are held and music and songs are heard throughout the town)
⿎⿎ Rotušės Turgus (City Hall Market) (organised during the
Town Festival at the historical place – the old town of Trakai,
near the former City Hall and marketplace),
⿎⿎ Gintariniai Irklai (Amber Oars), the 49th International Regatta
⿎⿎ Medieval Festival (during the festival the medieval spirit
returns to Trakai, and swords rattle here again)
⿎⿎ Atataria Vamzdžiai, Brass Music Festival (it will be held on
11 – 12 June),
⿎⿎ Mes Sveikinam Trakus, International Music Festival (on
1 – 7 August, fanfare and other brass orchestras will give performances, and old music and jazz will be played)
⿎⿎ Kopūstinės Kermošius and Žolinės (in pre-Christian Lithuania, Žolinės was the festival of thanksgiving to deities for the
harvest; later on, it transformed into the celebration of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary; in Dzūkija, this festival is
also called Kopūstinė. On 13 – 15 August, guests will be entertained by famous folk art groups, craftsmen will sell their articles and offer medicinal herbs, and theatrical performances
will be held),
⿎⿎ Ancient Handicraft Days in Trakai Island Castle (during
the festival, which will take place on 20 – 21 August, master
craftsmen who maintain medieval traditions will demonstrate
their creations, disclose the secrets of ancient craftsmen, and
cook traditional medieval dishes)
⿎⿎ Sacral Music Festival (it will be held on 11 September),
Apvalaus Stalo Klubas
Karaimų St. 53A and 55, Trakai
Phone: + 370 528 55 595
Karaimų St. 29, Trakai
Phone: + 370 528 55 179
Senoji Kibininė
Karaimų St. 65, Trakai
Phone: + 370 659 72 132, + 370 659 08 452
Karaimų St. 93A, Trakai
Phone: + 370 698 13 777
Apvalaus Stalo Klubas
Karaimų St. 53A and 55, Trakai
Phone: + 370 528 55 595
Kranto St. 5B, Trakai
Phone: + 370 528 53 990
Academia Remigum Guest-House
Karaimų St. 93A, Trakai
Phone: + 370 698 13 777
Tra k a i
Active entertainments
Educational excursions; boat tours around Galve Lake,
Yacht tours by Galvė Lake and Skaistis Lake; rowing regattas
Phone: + 370 685 62 826, + 370 682 44 771, + 370 678 39 304,
+ 370 671 29 434, + 370 686 16 176, + 370 688 84 724, + 370 699 92 299
Boat and pedal boat rental
Slėnyje Kempingas
Slėnio St. 1, Trakai
Flights by airplanes, gliders, and hot air balloons,
Horse-riding clubs, individual lessons, excursions, and outings
Adventure Park, ,
‫ ٭٭‬Live out your Tarzan fantasies and try your strength by climbing from
one tree to another on courses of various degrees of difficulty.
Medieval Entertainments,
‫ ٭٭‬In mid-August, during the Ancient Handicraft Days, the view of the
courtyard of the Island Castle will take you back to the Middle Ages: craftsmen teach ancient handicrafts, and you will experience tempting smells
and tastes from the stalls and medieval inn.
Places of interest
Church of the Visitation the Blessed Virgin Mary in Trakai
(XV century)
Sodų St. 8, Trakai,
‫ ٭٭‬A unique monument of Christian Lithuania which has Gothic and Baroque elements and reflects the six-century-old heritage of the Church. Believers and pilgrims are particularly attracted by the portrait of the Blessed
Virgin Mary, the oldest image of the Mother of God in Lithuania.
Ruins of Trakai Peninsula Castle (also called the Great Castle)
(XIV – XVII c.)
Kęstučio St., Trakai,
‫ ٭٭‬The extant fragments of the castle, which began construction under the
legendary Grand Duke Kęstutis of Lithuania, include towers and ruins of
the defensive walls.
Trakai Island Castle (XIV – XV c.),
‫ ٭٭‬One of the most important castles in the history of Lithuania. It used
to be the main residence of Grand Duke Vytautas Magnus of Lithuania.
Today, the castle is one of the most visited tourism attractions. The hall
and courts of the castle are a venue for concerts, festivals, exhibitions, and
Ancient Handicraft Days.
Karaims Street – “Small Town”
‫ ٭٭‬The Karaim community has been part of Trakai since 1397, when Grand
Duke Vytautas Magnus of Lithuania brought their direct ancestors from
the Crimea.
Kenessa (Karaims’ Prayer Hall)
Karaimų St. 30, Trakai
‫ ٭٭‬One of the world’s three functioning Kenessas.
Tourism Information Centre
SPA c e n t re s i n T r a k a i
S PA c e n t re s i n T r a k a i
Therapeutic SPA services provided:
salt chambers,
About the Trasalis Hotel:
Class – 3 stars.
Number of rooms – 103.
Catering type – buffet service, restaurant.
Conference halls – 6, which are able to accommodate up
to 1,500 people.
Additional services:
19. Trasalis SPA Centre
One of the biggest Lithuanian SPA centres, offering a great variety of body treatments including relaxing, rejuvenating, slimming,
moisturising, and skin tightening. Blissful aromatic medical herb
baths, Jacuzzis, rose-and-wine and silk-like milk baths, various
massages (classical, Ayuverdic, Tibetan, with hot stones or pints),
the Dead Sea swimming pool, and health capsules bring you
beauty, health, refreshment, and bodily and mental improvement.
Body massage removes tension and stress, and cleans harmful
substances from the organism making the skin smooth, resilient,
and elastic. Lying in the transparent mountain crystal bath, which
is illuminated by the light of six colours, you will be able to relax,
lose weight, restore skin moisture balance, overcome aches and
pains, and recover from sleeplessness. Water and mud from the
Dead Sea is an excellent therapy for women suffering orangepeel skin. This combination will help to remove excessive water
and toxins from the body. In the Nuvola bath, you will be able to
relax completely as your body feels the state of weightlessness.
Guests are offered exclusive hamam treatments. Hamam embodies traditions of the Arabic bath dating back to the times of
the Ottoman Empire. Skin surface scrubbing and washing, the
most pleasant procedures for the skin, are performed on a heated
marble bed. The latter procedure is combined with massage. After
•• Health-improving SPA centre;
•• Health-improving and treatment SPA centre.
Parking lot;
Fitness facility;
SPA shop;
Catering (restaurant);
Children’s play room (with a nurse’s attendance);
Winter garden;
Water Amusement Park;
Address: Gedimino St. 26, Trakai
Phone numbers for ordering services: + 370 528 51 588,
+ 370 699 52 085, + 370 528 32 204
E-mail for ordering services: [email protected]
Internet site:
Bowling and billiard club;
Beauty parlour;
VIP bath;
Clients are serviced in the following languages: Lithuanian,
English, Russian, and Polish
Bicycle rental;
Ship excursions.
SPA centre opening hours:
Monday – Thursday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Friday, 10 a.m. to 9 a.m.
Saturday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Sunday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Natural therapeutic resources applied:
natural mud,
hamam procedures, you will feel a positive effect on your body including cardiovascular, lymph, respiratory, and nervous systems.
Hamam is also suitable for weight control; therefore, your body
will become lighter, and skin will acquire silk-like tenderness.
Those who are mindful of their health will be provided with
the following therapeutic services: salt rooms, kinesitherapy in
a ward or swimming pool, physiotherapy procedures, therapeutic mud and phango-paraffin, and therapeutic massages.
Day-time SPA programmes are tailored according to individual needs: they are made up of face and body beauty procedures,
exotic massages, and aromatherapy sessions. Romantic couples, mothers-to-be, and seniors will be provided with special
programmes in the SPA centre.
If you would like to relax it is not necessary to take a monthlong vacation or go to warm lands in search of sun and sea. When
relaxing in accordance with the programmes specially prepared
by the experts of this SPA centre, you will be able to pamper your
body with SPA procedures, visit the Water Amusement Park with
the bath zone, actively exercise in the fitness facility, enjoy delicious food in restaurants, and stay overnight in the Trasalis Hotel.
Programmes are drawn up with due regard to different needs
of visitors; everyone will be able to choose the appropriate one.
Allow some time for your loved ones and yourself, and come
back home vigorous, uplifted and full of restored strength.
Distances from stations and airports:
Vilnius airport – 25 km;
Kaunas airport – 85 km;
Vilnius railway and bus stations – 25 km;
Kaunas railway and bus stations – 85 km;
Trakai railway and bus stations – 1 km.
How to find us:
Zar a s a i
Gražutė Regional Park
Laisvės Ave. 14, Salakas Town
The park is wooded and dotted with lakes. It is valuable for its
landscape, ecosystem, and the cultural heritage of the upper
reaches of the Šventoji River. There are many walking paths
in the park. The Antalieptė Lagoon, of singular beauty with a
wealth of islands, peninsulas, and inlets, stretches as long as
16 km. The configuration of this water reservoir is the most
complicated in Lithuania.
Sartai Regional Park
Vytauto St. 5, Dusetos, Zarasai District
The park covers an area of 12 547 ha. It was established in order to preserve the landscape of Sartai Lake, which formed
in a unique intersection of bowls, its ecosystem and cultural
heritage value.
Bicycle paths
Zarasai: Land of Islands and Lakes
When you take a look at a map of Lithuania, you are sure to
notice the land of Zarasai immediately. Its area is covered with so
much blue colour that you will doubt whether anyone even knows
how many lakes and rivers are located in these lands. Notice the
sonorous names of its settlements, which preserve the memory of
the ancient Selonian tribe. The name of the town of Zarasai is one
of the brightest memorials to the language of this extinct tribe.
The lakes of the town of Zarasai, called its “blue eyes”, have been
blazing for as long as 505 years. The history of the town’s name –
started long, long ago, when a family of giants lived on a huge
hill. The story goes that Azerasas, a cheerful and fast little giant
who grew up in the family, liked playing hide-and-seek. One day,
the whole family went to a forest. The little giant persuaded his
climate therapy (air and solar baths;
swimming in natural water reservoirs),
hydrotherapy (swimming in natural
fresh water reservoirs).
Natural health factors:
parents to play and hid. His father and mother started to search
for him. They walked around for a long time but could not find
the boy-giant, who had hid and dropped asleep. Then the father
started to shout: “Azerasai! Azerasai!”, and the echo responded
to him: “Zarasai! Zarasai!”. Mom also shouted, but the echo only
repeated: “Zarasai! Zarasai!” The little giant was awoken by the
voices and found his parents himself. Full of happiness, they came
back home all together. Later, the hill, which lies between seven
lakes, was inhabited by people who founded a town here and
named it Zarasai to commemorate the friendly family of giants.
How beautiful and memorable Zarasai is! Howsoever you arrive here: by bike, car, or on foot, the town will greet you with the
church towers radiating in the sunshine on a high hill. Your eyes
will scarcely be able to take in all the hills, forests and strings of
lakes, which glitter here with all tones of blue and mysteriously
stretch beyond the horizon. Zarasai is different in every season: in
winter you will see iced-over lakes and forests dozing under caps
of snow; in spring, the town is excited with the power of water
that has escaped from the embrace of ice, and the air is saturated
with the scent of blossoming bird cherry trees; in summer, you
will be lured by the freshness of water and pine forests breathing
with health; and autumn here is a real parade of colours of nature.
The land of Zarasai is an edge of sky on the ground. Find
some time to spend in this land, which has been acknowledged as the most attractive water tourism location in Lithuania! You are welcome in Zarasai, a health resort area and the
first Cultural Capital of Lithuania!
Gražutė Minor Bicycle Ring (37 km). When riding this path,
you can turn to Gražutė Major Bicycle Path. Marks, information
signs, and arrows will prevent you from losing your way. On
stands, you will find both maps and comprehensive information on the wildlife, plants and places of interest in the park.
Antazavė Pine Forest Path (13 km). When riding this path, you
will visit cultural and natural treasures of Sartai Regional Park.
In the town of Zarasai there are three places suitable for outdoor swimming; the beaches are formed of sand and grass.
Concert Hall
Zarasai District Municipality Culture Centre
Vytauto St. 1A/2A, Zarasai
Phone: + 370 385 51 667
Various cultural events are held.
Zar a s a i
Traditional events held in Zarasai District
⿎⿎ Žirgas Dailėje (Horse in Visual Art) or Žirgas Fotografijoje
(Horse in Photography), Exhibitions, and National Trotter Race
⿎⿎ Žolinės Festival and Zarasai Town Festival (since ancient
times the grandest, most anticipated, and most famous town
festival, during which the town’s birthday has been also celebrated since 2006; it includes a handicraft and folk art fair,
performances, and concerts)
⿎⿎ Užgavėnės (Mardi Gras) (this festival has been celebrated
in Lithuania since ancient times; the entertainments include
wearing various masks aimed at driving out the sadness that
accumulated over the winter and inviting the sun)
⿎⿎ Vieversys, Amateur Rural Art Groups Festival (with participation of the best folk ensembles and chapel choirs)
⿎⿎ Du Sparnai (Two Wings), Theatre Festival
⿎⿎ Po Drugelio Sparnu, Festival of Children’s Entertainment,
Dance Studios and Pop-Choruses
⿎⿎ Sėlos Muzikantai, Folk Music Festival
⿎⿎ Onion Planting Festival and Stasinės (craft fair and other
⿎⿎ Poezijos Pavasarėlis (the event is intended for all those who
like poetry)
⿎⿎ 300 Lakes Rally, Motor Rally
⿎⿎ Dusetų Galiūnų Turnyras (Dusetos Mighty Men Tournament), Aukštaitija Region Communities’ Festival
⿎⿎ Mėnuo Juodaragis, Independent Festival of Modern
Balts’ Culture (this festival, which is also well-known both in
Lithuania and abroad and has deep traditions, is intended for
all amateurs of alternative music and Balts’ culture)
⿎⿎ Roko Naktys (Rock Nights), International Festival (this
rock music festival is one of the most famous, thundering, and
cheerful festivals in Lithuania, where both Lithuanian and foreign groups are given the stage)
⿎⿎ Šaltvyšnių Soup Eating Championship
⿎⿎ Water Sports Festival
⿎⿎ Dusetos Fellow-Countrymen Festival (the horse race on
Sartai Horse-Course is the main highlight of the festival, which
also includes concerts, a fair, etc)
⿎⿎ Dusetos Gallery Painters Exhibition
⿎⿎ People Carrying Championship
⿎⿎ Undinėlių Daina, Youth’s Creative Art Forum
⿎⿎ Crayfish Eating Championship (it is held in Prie Bravoro
Zarasai Aviation Club
Sėlių Ave. 8, Zarasai
Phone: + 370 385 30 545
Dimitriškiai Village, Zarasai District
Svaja Café
Sinagogos St. 1C, Zarasai
Baltasis Mustangas Association
Phone: + 370 385 52 110
Liaudėnai Village, Zarasai District
Diana Bar Café
Phone: + 370 686 32 252
Phone: + 370 689 10 712
Šiaulių St. 3, Zarasai
Degesos Boat Rental Station
Phone: + 370 385 52 337
Bikėnai Village, Zarasai District
Perlas Café
Vilniaus St. 16, Zarasai
Phone: + 370 385 30 713
Phone: + 370 685 44 450
Excursions by pontoon twin-deck ship; horse-riding
Pasartėlė Rural Tourism Homestead
Didžiadvaris Village, Zarasai District
Bikėnų Užeiga
Phone: + 370 652 33 232
Bikėnai Village, Zarasai District
Phone: + 370 685 44 450
‫ ٭٭‬More information about the services is available on
‫ ٭٭‬Dishes of culinary heritage are on offer.
Prie Bravoro Tavern
Dusetų Individual Farmstead, Zarasai District
Phone: + 370 686 48 890
‫ ٭٭‬Dishes of culinary heritage are on offer.
Nakviša Guest-House
Šiaulių St. 2C, Zarasai
Phone: + 370 699 36 701
⿎⿎ Zalvynė, National Youth’s Folklore Rally
Monopolis Restaurant
⿎⿎ Traditional Autumn Gifts Fair
⿎⿎ Prozos Ruduo (Prose Autumn) (this event is intended for
those who have a feeling for literature)
⿎⿎ Oželio Pastogėj, Children’s Folklore Groups Contest
Active entertainments
Water Sports Centre of Zarasai Agricultural School
Laukesa Village, Zarasai District
Phone: + 370 687 39 626
Zarasai Youth’s Water Sports Club
Phone: + 370 610 63 327
Water sports equipment rental
Prie Lagūnos
Phone: + 370 652 80 299
Vandens Lelija Guest-House
Kauno St. 27D, Zarasai
Phone: + 370 655 50 802
Zarasai Camping
Kauno St. 67, Zarasai
Phone: + 370 620 93432 (during the summer season)
‫ ٭٭‬We invite you to relax in rural tourism farmsteads and tourist
campsites! More information is available on
Places of interest
Great Island on Zarasai Lake
‫ ٭٭‬One of the most beautiful Lithuanian islands, where various
events are held.
Stelmužė Oak
Stelmužė Village, Zarasai District
‫ ٭٭‬The oldest and thickest oak tree growing in Lithuania and one
of the oldest oak trees in Europe.
Vergų Tower
Stelmužė Village, Zarasai District
‫ ٭٭‬A small rectangular building constructed of untooled stones
with apertures on the upper part, situated at the edge of Stelmužė
Park. The German Folkersams, and later on the Tsar’s court nobles
the Valuyevs, ran an estate here. This building was used as a prison
for serfs.
Jūrų Muziejus (Maritime Museum), Personal Collection of
V. Žilinskienė
Gražutė Regional Park Visitors’ Centre
Laisvoji Ave. 14, Salakas, Zarasai District
Phone: + 370 385 59 425
Zar a s a i
Salakas Ethnographical Exhibition and Information Exhibition of Gražutė Regional Park (Gražutė Visitors’ Centre)
Laisvoji Ave. 14, Salakas, Zarasai District
Phone: + 370 682 33 041
Ramūnas Čižas Brewery and Exhibition of Ancient Brewery Equipment
Dusetai Individual Farmstead, Zarasai District
Degučiai Walking Path
‫ ٭٭‬The best way to familiarise oneself with the natural and cultural
value of Gražutė Regional Park.
Šniukštai Botanical Collection
Šniukštai Village, Zarasai District
Phone: + 370 611 40 406
Phone: + 370 686 48 890
Šlyninka Water Mill
Antalieptė Hydroelectric Power Station
Šlyninka Village, Zarasai District
Antalieptė Village, Zarasai District
Phone: + 370 682 30 166
Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Sorrows in Salakas
Bažnyčios St. 20, Zarasai District
‫ ٭٭‬Built in 1911, this church in the Neo-Romantic style also has
some Neo-Gothic characteristics.
Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Zarasai
Bažnyčios St. 3, Zarasai
‫ ٭٭‬This unique building, a piece of engineering heritage with extant authentic equipment, has a three century history.
Zarasai Land Museum
D. Bukonto St. 21/1, Zarasai
Phone: + 370 385 52 456
‫ ٭٭‬A neo-Baroque church erected in 1878.
Sacral Art Museum in the Church of the Cross of Our Lord
Jesus Christ
Tiberiade Community
Stelmužė Village, Zarasai District
Baltriškiai Village, Zarasai District
Phone: + 370 385 43 694
Antazavės Land Public Museum
Antazavė Village, Zarasai District
Phone: + 370 385 41 316
Stone of the Plains
Stelmužė Village, Zarasai District
Linguist Kazimieras Būga Memorial Museum
‫ ٭٭‬This stone of impressive size has many legends connected with it.
Pažiegė Village, Zarasai District
Phone: + 370 385 52 456
Ieva’s Menagerie
Šlapiai Village, Zarasai District
Phone: + 370 686 32 552
Power Engineering Museum
‫ ٭٭‬Several dozen interesting beasties live in a pen.
Phone: + 370 620 81 251
Sartai Horse Stable
Didžiadvaris Village, Zarasai District
Phone: + 370 385 56 505
Dusetos Sculpture Park
K. Būgos St. 31A, Dusetos, Zarasai District
Phone: + 370 385 56 878
Tiltiškiai Village, Zarasai District
Dusetos Art Gallery
K. Būgos St. 31A, Zarasai District
Phone: + 370 385 56 878
Tourism Information Centre
SPA c e n t re s i n K a u n a s
S PA c e n t re s i n K a u n a s
20. Saulėja SPA in Kaunas
Saulėja is a chain of SPA centres, whose goal is a relaxed body,
beauty, and mental tranquillity. Based in the city centre, in the
Park Inn Kaunas Hotel, Saulėja SPA has a largest area (900 sq.
m) and provides the widest range of treatments among all SPA
centres in the Kaunas area.
seurs seeking ritual relaxation.
Saulėja SPA is noted for its diversity of services, treatments
tailored to the needs of each client, and special procedures designed for men, women, and couples.
Nowadays, SPA centres have become a particular place
where you can escape, at least for a short time, from routine
troubles and enjoy refreshment and recreation. Saulėja SPA
is a port of pleasant experiences, full of tranquillity and harmony, which will give you positive feelings and moments of
relaxation, enhance your well-being, and beautify and pamper your body.
Body and facial procedures for clients are performed in the
SPA centre with the use of French cosmetics Thalgo and Terrake. Thalgo is a line of classical skin care products formulated to
match the needs of modern men and women. Terrake products
are used for prestigious procedures intended for SPA connois-
Here you will find the Relaxation Room, where you will also
be able to enjoy refreshment and quietness. After relaxing and
getting rid of worries, you will feel your health and capacity to
work improving, and you will head for home full of new strength
and reflections.
•• Day-time SPA centre
Address: K. Donelaičio St. 27, Kaunas
Phone numbers for ordering services: + 370 372 40 847, + 370
685 02 902
E-mail for ordering services: [email protected]
Internet site:
Therapeutic SPA services provided:
cleansing procedures,
Kaunas airport – 15 km;
Kaunas railway and bus stations – 2 km.
underwater massages,
lymph drainage massage.
Number of rooms – 206.
Catering type – buffet service, restaurant a la carte, and
Conference Halls – 8, which can accommodate a total of
around 1000 guests (450 people in the main conference
halls, 28 people in the smaller halls).
SPA centre opening hours:
Monday – Sunday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
How to find us:
About the Reval Hotel Neris:
Clients are serviced in the following languages: Lithuanian,
English, Russian, and German
Natural therapeutic resources applied:
Distances from stations and airports:
Additional services:
Parking lot;
Fitness facility;
SPA shop;
Catering (buffet service, restaurant a la carte, and bar);
Children’s play room.
Call the following numbers of Health Center and you will
be met.
SPA c e n t re s i n K a u n a s
S PA c e n t re s i n K a u n a s
21. SPA Namai in Kaunas
The mission of the SPA centre is to foster your body, mind and
soul, and to teach you to do all of this at home. The centre offers a variety of services which will rejuvenate your body and
calm your mind. SPA Namai welcome you to relax, rejuvenate,
and recover strength. The purpose of SPA Namai is to promote
a healthy lifestyle and positive and healthy thinking. Personal
attention from the specialist staff for every client will help them
to overcome the stress of routine life. Holistic therapies combined with traditional methods stimulate the clients’ own curative capabilities and help the organism to recover its balance
Health means a physical, mental and emotional balance. Safeguard your health: listen to your body, love and protect it. Come to
SPA Namai, and here you will get help in balancing and recovering
your powers and become inspired to make positive changes.
•• Day-time SPA centre
Address: Aušros St. 20, Kaunas
Phone numbers for ordering services: + 370 372 08 988,
+ 370 612 48 133
E-mail for ordering services: [email protected]
Internet site:
Clients are serviced in the following languages: Lithuanian,
English, and Russian
Distances from stations and airports:
SPA centre opening hours:
Monday – Sunday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Kaunas airport – 15 km;
Kaunas railway and bus stations – 2 km.
Natural therapeutic resources applied:
natural essential oils, creams, and cosmetics.
Therapeutic SPA services provided
The following methods re used:
intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy.
Additional services:
Sauna and therapeutic steam bath;
SPA shop (facial and body skin care products).
How to find us:
SPA c e n t re s i n M o l ė t a i
S PA c e n t re s i n M o l ė t a i
About the Belvilis Hotel:
Class – 4 stars.
Number of rooms – 12; there are also 8 cottages.
Catering – breakfast (buffet service), lunch, dinner in the
restaurant (on request or according to an agreed menu).
Conference hall (70 seats), meeting hall (25 seats), and
meeting room (8 seats).
Additional services:
Free guarded underground parking lot;
Outdoor entertainments: lawn tennis courts, basketball,
mini-football, and volleyball courts, bicycle and walking
paths (maps of the routes are available), boats, pedal
boats, canoes, and a motor boat;
Winter entertainments: skiing in a forest by an established route, skiing on a lake, and sledging;
Sauna; tub;
Children’s playground in the grounds of the hotel.
22. SPA Hotel Belvilis in Molėtai
Places of interest around the SPA centre
The SPA Hotel Belvilis is a unity of modernity and natural beauty. The hotel offers a wonderful natural landscape, comfortable
and active rest, and provides highly professional services.
The cosmetic beauty procedures performed in the hotel will
not only create an attractive appearance and good mood, but
will also have a positive influence on your well-being and health.
In the SPA Hotel Belvilis, you will find a SPA centre with a
swimming pool, complex of baths, Jacuzzi, and a variety of facial
and body treatments.
Massages, body scrubbing, aromatherapies and cosmetic
procedures are performed by professional massage and cosmetics specialists.
Ethnocosmology Museum
Kulioniai Village, Molėtai District
Distances from stations and airports:
•• Hotel’s SPA centre
Address: Kirneilė, Molėtai District
Phone number for ordering services: + 370 652 55 500
E-mail for ordering services: [email protected]
Internet site:
Vilnius airport – 70 km;
Kaunas airport – 100 km;
Kaunas railway and bus stations – 70 km;
Vilnius railway and bus stations – 100 km.
Clients are serviced in the following languages: Lithuanian,
English, and Russian
How to find us:
SPA centre opening hours:
Monday – Sunday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Natural therapeutic resources applied:
Therapeutic SPA services provided:
therapeutic massages,
body wrap procedures and other SPA procedures.
When driving by the Vilnius – Utena highway, turn right
near Molėtai towards Pabradė and Inturkė. Then drive
for a few kilometres, turn towards Žydavainiai and follow
the direction signs leading to SPA Hotel Belvilis.
SPA c e n t re s i n Te l š i a i
S PA c e n t re s i n Te l š i a i
23. Galatėja SPA Centre in Telšiai
Galatėja SPA Centre is one of the largest and most up to date
SPA centres in Žemaitija (Samogitia). This oasis of health and
beauty is focused on those clients who value quality of service,
professionalism, and natural products.
The sustained effort of the Galatėja SPA Centre team does not
go unrewarded: the Centre has received several letters of appreciation and nominations. Its experienced specialists, with medical backgrounds, regularly participate in international seminars,
trainings, and competitions of SPA centres.
Open the doors of Galatėja SPA Centre, and you will be received with a sincere smile, attention, pleasant service, a comfortable atmosphere, and a wealth and variety of treatments.
•• Day-time SPA centre
Address: Gedimino St. 4 and Masčio St. 4, Telšiai
Phone number for ordering services: + 370 444 60 604
E-mail for ordering services: [email protected]
Internet site:
Distances from stations and airports:
Clients are serviced in the following languages: Lithuanian,
English, Russian, and German
SPA centre opening hours:
Monday – Sunday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Natural therapeutic resources applied:
Therapeutic SPA services provided:
massages: therapeutic, underwater, vacuum, and lymph
therapeutic baths,
Dead Sea mud procedures,
natural mud,
swimming pool,
SPA capsule,
natural salts of the Dead Sea.
Ayuverdic massages,
therapeutic facial procedures,
electromagnetic field therapy (Bemer 3000),
natural herbs warm compresses,
paraffin therapy,
hot stones massage.
Additional services:
Parking lot;
SPA shop.
Kaunas airport – 200 km;
Vilnius airport – 290 km;
Kaunas railway and bus stations – 200 km;
Vilnius railway and bus stations – 290 km;
Telšiai bus station – 30 m.
How to find us:
Near the bus station.
SPA c e n t re s i n V i l n i u s
S PA c e n t re s i n V i l n i u s
24. Amber Relax Luxus,
amber and mineral therapy centre
Amber has been noted for its curative properties since ancient times. Amber Relax Luxus releases the beneficial properties of amber by using infrared-ray technology. Jadeite, a pyroxene mineral, is also used for therapeutic procedures.
Šarūnas Davainis designed the physiotherapy massage tables
and sauna made of amber and jadeite mosaic, which is penetrated by infrared rays that heat up the body. This invention,
•• Health-improving SPA centre
Address: Latvian St. 7, Vilnius
Phone number for ordering services: + 370 611 57 000
E-mail for ordering services: [email protected]
Internet sites:,
Clients are serviced in the following languages: Lithuanian,
Russian, and English
SPA centre opening hours:
Monday – Sunday, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. (at request).
Natural therapeutic resources applied:
amber and jadeite (infrared-ray amber and jadeite bath;
amber and jadeite infrared physiotherapeutic massage
When exposed to the heat of infrared rays, amber spreads a
pleasant aroma of amber acid and enhances the beneficial energy of ions emitted by amber, which has a positive impact on the
human organism. Use of jadeite in procedures causes emissions
of silicic acid, which relieves pain and mitigates inflammation.
Amber Relax Luxus complexes,
infrared-ray and mineral (amber and jadeite) bath,
full-body Amber and Classical thermo-massage,
back thermo-massage,
leg and foot massage,
facial procedures with amber cosmetics Gintarinis
Such mineral and infrared-ray therapy helps to normalise
blood pressure, reduces blood cholesterol levels, cures inflammations of the bladder, and improves the functioning of other
internal organs, especially the kidneys and liver.
Amber Relax Luxus massages are performed with the use of
amber sand, amber powder and balls. Special cosmetics (oils,
creams, and powder) containing natural Baltic amber are used.
Tools for massages and treatments are also made of amber.
Vilnius airport – 10 km;
Vilnius railway and bus stations – 5 km.
structured amber water.
Therapeutic SPA services provided:
certified by the Geneva-based World Intellectual Property Organization, has been acknowledged as unique and as having no
counterparts anywhere in the world.
Distances from stations and airports:
Additional services:
Parking lot;
SPA shop.
How to find us:
SPA c e n t re s i n V i l n i u s
S PA c e n t re s i n V i l n i u s
25. Beauty Therapy and Surgery Clinic
Beauty Therapy and Surgery Clinic is the first and probably
the only establishment in Lithuania which can offer such a great
variety of beauty services. The services and treatments provided
by the clinic include procedures with Guinot, Bioline, and Pevonia Botanica cosmetics, massages, aesthetic dermatology, and
plastic surgery, Dessange hairdressing, a baths complex, fitness
facilities, a cosmetics shop, cosmetologist services, and many
others. All of this will help you to preserve the beauty of your
body, improve your health, and also to have a nice time.
The Clinic is deservedly proud of its specialists – the highly
qualified professionals will give you advice on matters of concern
to you. Having difficulty choosing suitable cosmetics? Concerned
about a mole or other kind of skin defect? Want to improve the
shape of your body? Or maybe you would just like to relax and
pamper your body with SPA procedures? Drop into this oasis of
beauty, and they will help you! You will be rewarded with the feeling of well-being, internal peace, and a comfortable environment.
Natural therapeutic resources applied:
•• Day-time SPA centre (with its branch at Vokiečių St. 28/17–3);
•• Therapeutic SPA centre;
•• Health-improving SPA centre;
•• Health-improvement and treatment SPA centre;
•• Hotel’s SPA centre.
Dead Sea water,
mud: Dead Sea mud, Aromatic mud (Canada), Rasoul
mud (Morocco), and Desert mud (USA, Arizona),
North Sea seaweed.
Address: Sugiharos St. 3, Vilnius
Phone number for ordering services: + 370 527 05 710
E-mail for ordering services: [email protected]
Internet site:
Clients are served in the following languages: Lithuanian,
English, Russian, and Polish
SPA centre opening hours:
Monday – Saturday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Distances from stations and airports:
Therapeutic SPA services provided
Dead Sea baths are recommended in cases of skin diseases as well as for those who suffer from osteoarticular
and pelvic diseases.
The Clinic offers a wide range of weight-loss procedures,
which help to run off excess weight.
Fitness exercises in the gym and swimming pool for the
improvement of overall health as well as.
Water aerobics for pregnant women.
Number of rooms – 2.
Additional services:
Parking lot;
Fitness facility;
SPA shop;
Catering (bar café).
Vilnius airport – 10 km;
Vilnius railway and bus stations – 7 km.
How to find us:
SPA c e n t re s i n V i l n i u s
S PA c e n t re s i n V i l n i u s
26. Amber Massage SPA Centre
27. Villa Alicante
In this chaotic world, many people miss quietness, exclusive
attention, and a slower pace of life. Amber Massage SPA Centre,
together with nature, presents a haven of peace for you. The
essential idea of the activities of the centre exactly the Latin
maxim “sanus per amber”. Listen to the breathing of the waves
of the Baltic Sea, blend with this breathing, and feel the pulse
of the Universe.
In this centre, the Jacuzzi will pleasantly pamper even the
pickiest guest. Bath connoisseurs will be able to take a steam
bath, Finnish or infrared-ray sauna. The water of the seeming
pool, heated to +28 °C, with cascades and underwater streams,
will perfectly balance your body and help you to relax from daily
troubles. The water of the swimming pool is disinfected without
using chlorine. Various massages will help restore your energy
for another day or even for a whole week.
Your treatment will start in the steam bath with a cup of “amber” tea. After leaving the remains of the daily tension in the
cosy bath, you will be invited to have your massage. Amber
massage was designed according to well-known massage techniques; however, the body is massaged with the application of
natural amber powder, amber balls, and small warm bags filled
with amber sand and amber pieces. The human body absorbs
the powder and thus adopts its best properties. This massage
ensures complete relaxation of your body and mind.
Natural therapeutic resources applied:
natural mineral water,
natural mud,
amber and amber products.
Additional services:
SPA shop;
Parking lot.
Therapeutic SPA services provided:
Additional services:
Parking lot;
4 baths, swimming pool, Jacuzzi (water is disinfected
without chlorine), the bath is situated on the bank of a
various massages and procedures.
Distances from stations and airports:
About the hotel:
How to find us:
Distances from stations and airports:
Vilnius airport – 5 km;
Vilnius railway and bus stations – 1 km.
•• Day-time SPA centre,
•• Health-improving SPA centre.
Address: Aušros Vartų St. 15, Vilnius
Phone numbers for ordering services: + 370 687 20 060,
+ 370 526 14 923
E-mail for ordering services: [email protected]
Internet site:
Clients are served in the following languages: Lithuanian,
English, and Russian
SPA centre opening hours:
Monday – Sunday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Number of rooms – 11.
Vilnius airport – 10 km;
Catering type – a la carte.
Vilnius railway and bus stations – 8 km.
Conference halls – 3: the first hall accommodates 60 people; the second and third can accommodate 20 people
•• Hotel’s SPA centre
Address: Padekaniškių St. 8, Vilnius
Phone number for ordering services: + 370 520 40 100
E-mail for ordering services: [email protected]
Internet site:
Clients are served in the following languages: Lithuanian,
English, German, Polish, and Russian
SPA centre opening hours:
Monday – Sunday, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
How to find us:
SPA c e n t re s i n V i l n i u s
S PA c e n t re s i n V i l n i u s
28. SPA Vilnius DIA
SPA Vilnius DIA, a modern SPA centre situated in the heart
of Vilnius, near the Seimas (Parliament) Palace on Gediminas
Avenue, offers more than 120 facial and body treatments for
women and men.
Delighting massages, ritual body care treatments and water
therapies are performed in an environment of subtle luxury. SPA
Vilnius DIA Centre is distinguished for its interior, designed by
the famous international architecture company Douglas Wallace Architects (based in London) in cooperation with Lithuanian architect Gintė Pamerneckienė.
•• Day-time SPA centre
Address: Gedimino pr. 49A, Vilnius
Phone number for ordering services: + 370 526 29 200
E-mail for ordering services: [email protected]
Internet site:
Clients are served in the following languages: Lithuanian,
English, Russian, and Polish
SPA centre opening hours:
Monday – Saturday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Sunday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Natural therapeutic resources applied:
Distances from stations and airports:
natural mineral water,
Vilnius airport – 6 km;
Vilnius railway and bus stations – 3 km.
Therapeutic SPA services provided:
The Day-time SPA centre is the perfect place for those who
appreciate the harmony of body, soul and mind and believe in
the wisdom of traditions. In SPA Vilnius DIA, you will be able to
enjoy health improving massage therapies performed according to century-old massage techniques developed in the health
resort of Druskininkai. The specialists of the centre have been
trained to perform classical and therapeutic massages by the
most highly regarded professional massage therapists of SPA
Vilnius in Druskininkai. For special body care, the centre offers
body scrub and massage treatments on a heated marble table
called a hamam combined with a private Turkish bath and SPA
treatments for hair and scalp.
As many as 51 facial and body therapies are performed by applying professional Elemis (Great Britain) cosmetics which are
used and valued by many celebrities in the world.
Before and after treatments, every guest is invited to enjoy
authentic herbal tea (4 sorts of tea including those for men, for
mature women, soothing, and tonic) developed by Doctor of
Medicine P. Dagilis who works in the centres of SPA Vilnius.
traditional and therapeutic massages,
body scrub and massage procedures on the heated
hamam table,
SPA rituals for hands and feet,
facial and body treatments,
beauty procedures.
The closest hotels are located just 30 – 100 metres from
SPA Vilnius DIA.
Additional services:
Make-up designer services;
SPA manicure and pedicure;
How to find us:
SPA c e n t re s i n V i l n i u s
S PA c e n t re s i n V i l n i u s
29. East Island SPA Centre in Vilnius
This centre, one of the biggest and most impressive SPA centres
in Vilnius, will surprise even those guests who have travelled widely, seen much, and who value privacy and exclusive attention. East
Island SPA Centre, which is located in the Forum Palace Sports, Entertainment, and Business Centre, invites you to experience exotic
SPA programmes and plunge into the world of SPA delight.
Distances from stations and airports:
Vilnius airport – 10 km;
Vilnius railway and bus stations – 5 km.
Massage experts who have arrived from Thailand to work in East
Island SPA Centres are ready to disclose to you the relaxation secrets
of the ancient Orient, to tranquilise your soul and refresh your body.
Various Thai, herb, stone, aromatherapy, and other exotic massages
will improve your well-being, foster the skin of the whole body,
and help to achieve internal harmony. Treatments are performed
with the use of the most professional and effective cosmetic products, which will refresh your skin, pamper your body, and soothe
your soul. The authentic interior of the SPA centre and its enchanting music will transport you to the distant oriental countries, from
where you will come back relaxed and filled with pleasure.
Come to the world of oriental feelings!
How to find us:
30. Idzumi
Idzumi day-time SPA Centre is a piece of Japan in the very
centre of Vilnius. Idzumi is an interface of interaction between
the culture of the ancient Orient and modern life-styles encompassing human wisdom, the power of touch, the tranquillity of
nature, musical sounds, and special sensual experience.
The fundamental tenet of this SPA Centre is that every individual is unique; therefore, each guest is listened to when served.
Natural therapeutic resources applied:
natural mud.
Therapeutic SPA services provided:
Parking lot (40 spaces).
Additional services:
Parking lot;
•• Day-time SPA centre
•• Day-time SPA centre
Address: Forum Palace, Konstitucijos Ave. 26, Vilnius
Phone numbers for ordering services: + 370 527 22 227,
+ 370 682 33 222
E-mail for ordering services: [email protected]
Internet site:
Address: Sporto St. 12, Vilnius
Phone number for ordering services: + 370 652 88 854
E-mail for ordering services: [email protected]
Internet site:
Clients are served in the following languages: Lithuanian,
English, Russian, and Polish
SPA centre opening hours:
Monday – Sunday, 10 a.m. to 9 a.m.
Vilnius airport – 10 km
Vilnius railway and bus stations – 5 km.
Additional services:
Distances from stations and airports:
Clients are served in the following languages: Lithuanian,
English, and Russian
SPA centre opening hours:
Monday – Saturday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Sunday, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
How to find us:
See y o u i n L i t h u a n i a !
Lithuanian tourism offices
Useful references
United Kingdom
Tel. +44 020 703 412 22
E-mail: [email protected]
Vytenio St. 9/25, LT-01331 Vilnius
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel. +358 504 087 825
E-mail: [email protected]
Jaunimo St. 2, LT-59206 Birštonas
E-mail: [email protected] /
Tel. +33 146 225 384
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel. +49 308 900 9180
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel. +39 063 260 0310
E-mail: [email protected]
EU structural support 2007–2013
Tel. +48 226 969 815
E-mail: [email protected]
Тel. +7 495 697 0814
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel. +34 667 693 931
E-mail: [email protected]
I n d u l ge yourself in Lithuania!
Published by JSC “VIP Viešosios informacijos partneriai.”
Cover pictures by P. Gasiūnas. We express gratitude to “Vanagupė“
Hotel in Palanga for their assistance in creating the cover pictures.
Pictures by P. Gasiūnas, R. Anusauskas, V. Ščiavinskas, K. Kantautas,
K. Stalnionytė, L. Druknerytė, A. Varanka, N. Skrudupaitė, L. Ciūnys,
J. Karaliūnas, V. Valužis, Z. Biržietytė.
Printed by JSC “Arx Baltica,” 2011.
Lithuanian State Department of Tourism under Ministry of Economy
Švitrigailos St. 11M, LT-03228 Vilnius, Lithuania
Tel. +370 5 210 8796, fax +370 5 210 8753
E-mail: [email protected]
S e e yo u i n L i t h u ania!