Edmondson Hall Revitalized - University of Hawaii at Manoa


Edmondson Hall Revitalized - University of Hawaii at Manoa
University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
Ke Kumu ‘Ike
The Newsletter Of The Colleges of Arts & Sciences
Spring 2014
Volume 23· Number One
Edmondson Hall Revitalized
Last August’s blessing ceremony
marked a milestone for the College
of Natural Sciences— a $15 million
renovation to Edmondson Hall
(named after zoologist Charles
Howard Edmondson), home to the
Department of Biology.
“We have a state-of-the-art biology
department with now a state-of-theart biology building,” said Natural
Sciences dean William Ditto. “It’s a
rebirth for the University of Hawai‘i
at Mānoa life sciences.”
“It’s a moment of pride,” agreed
Steve Robinow, the interim chair of
the UH Mānoa biology department.
“We can walk students and faculty
and families through here and
show them what we have and
be really proud of the learning
environment we get to provide
their children.”
The four-story, 42,000 square foot
building features nine teaching
laboratories for undergraduates, and
two 5,000 square foot research labs
for faculty and graduate students.
Lab storage and staging areas, office
space, and meeting room were
also renovated.
“What you don’t see by just looking
at the building and the facilities is
how creative the curriculum is now,
how creative the research is that’s
going to be done in that building,”
said Ditto.
The next step is a $35 million
renovation to the adjacent Snyder
Hall, where the microbiology
department is located. When it is
completed, Snyder and Edmondson
will be called the UH Mānoa
Center for Life Science Research
and Teaching.
Steve Robinow, Fred Kamemoto and Ernie Reese (professors emeriti, Zoology), Bill Ditto, and
Christopher Womersley (professor, Biology) attend the blessing.
“This is important to the entire
university and the people of
Hawai‘i,” said Ditto. “This is
the future.”
Ho Chun
Dai Dai
Ho Chun
Lecturers Lecturers
Elizabeth Kolbert
Michael J. Balick
New Yorker science writer and highly acclaimed author
Elizabeth Kolbert presented “Man, Nature, and Climate
Change, A Conversation with Elizabeth Kolbert. Staff
writer for The New Yorker since 1999, Kolbert speaks
passionately about the realities of environmental catastrophe
and what can be done in a time of epic changes to our
planet. Following her groundbreaking series “The Climate
of Man,” published in The New Yorker, she received
prestigious awards from the American Association for the
Advancement of Science, National Academies of Sciences,
Sierra Club, and Lannan Foundation.
Distinguished ethnobiologist and conservationist Michael
J. Balick is the Vice President for Botanical Science and
the Director and Philecology Curator for the Institute of
Economic Botany at The New York Botanical Garden.
For nearly three decades, Balick has studied relationships
among plants and people, working with traditional
cultures in tropical, subtropical, and desert environments.
Her recent books, Field Notes from a Catastrophe and
The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History, continue
her hard-hitting, investigative science writing. Drawing
upon personal tales of those most affected by global
warming, she writes of threats to people near the poles
and in the Pacific, and the examples of lost civilizations.
Speaking of the ethics of her work, Kolbert says, “If
there’s not a moral dimension to potentially leaving a
totally impoverished planet to future generations, all
generations, I don’t know what would be.”
He is a specialist in the field known as ethnobotany,
working with indigenous cultures to document their plant
knowledge, understand the environmental effects of their
traditional management systems, and develop sustainable
utilization systems, while ensuring that the benefits of such
work are always shared with local communities. He has
conducted international expeditions to carry out fieldwork
in countries including Belize, Costa Rica, Egypt, Haiti,
Israel, Jamaica, and Peru. Balick is also a prolific writer,
authoring or contributing to countless books and other
printed publications.
These public events are made possible by the late Dr. Dai Ho Chun through his estate gift, which established the Dai Ho Chun
Endowment for Distinguished Lecturers at the UH Mānoa Colleges of Arts & Sciences. Dr. Chun was a distinguished and
visionary educator. These lectures are also sponsored by the College of Languages, Linguistics, and Literature, with additional
help from the Dai Ho Chun Endowment Selection Committee and Mānoa: A Pacific Journal of International Writing.
Ke Kumu ‘Ike | Spring 2014
Ke Kumu ‘Ike
Ke Kumu ‘Ike, or “the basis
of knowledge” in Hawaiian,
is the newsletter of the
Colleges of Arts & Sciences
at the University of Hawai‘i
at Mānoa. The kukui leaves,
which are featured on the
banner, have long been closely
associated with learning
and enlightenment in the
Hawaiian culture.
The newsletter is published
twice a year by the Office
of Community and Alumni
Relations (2500 Campus
Road, Hawai‘i Hall 311,
Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96822)
and is mailed to over 69,000
households of alumni and
friends. We’d like to hear
from you. If you have
comments, suggestions, news,
or an address change, please
write to us, call 808.956.4051,
or e-mail [email protected].
Arts and Sciences Deans
Peter Arnade
College of Arts and
Robert Bley-Vroman
College of Languages,
Linguistics, and Literature
William L. Ditto
College of Natural Sciences
Denise E. Konan
College of Social Sciences
Senior Editor and Writer
Karin Mackenzie
Office of Community and
Alumni Relations
Established in 1907 and fully
accredited by the Western Association
of Schools and Colleges, the
University of Hawai‘ i is the state’s
sole public system of higher education.
The UH System provides an array
of undergraduate, graduate, and
professional degrees and community
programs on 10 campuses and through
educational, training, and research
centers across the state. UH enrolls more
than 56,000 students from Hawai‘ i,
the U.S. mainland, and around the
world. For more information, visit
Message from the Deans
Dear Alumni and Friends,
Ke Kumu ‘Ike provides a great opportunity to share news
about the Colleges of Arts & Sciences. There are many ways
to derive information, but we believe that the printed word
remains an important and more personal way to stay in
touch with you in comparison to other means. Thank you for
continuing to welcome it into your homes and businesses each
fall and spring for over two decades.
Ke Kumu ‘Ike has uniquely and consistently served as the
deans’ voices, along with those of many others. This particular
issue, like similar ones that have preceded it, is especially
meaningful to us because the Philanthropy section lets us
express our appreciation for your generous contributions
to both our individual colleges and to the overall academic
unit of Arts & Sciences. Your gifts to the Colleges of Arts &
Sciences inspire all of us who care about higher education in
the State of Hawai‘i and for the people of Hawai‘i. Virtually
all aspects of our colleges are positively influenced by private
support, collaboration, and partnerships. You are the reason
that Colleges of Arts & Sciences are able to expand and
enhance the educational opportunities and experiences of
today’s students. You are the reason that the arts and sciences
advance research, service, and instruction at UH Mānoa,
making curriculum offerings excellent that would otherwise
have been just adequate.
Every day as deans we are reminded of the impact you make.
We see research and scholarship in and out of the classroom,
academic excellence, upgraded facilities, and many other areas
that would not be possible were it not for your assistance.
Your concern about the quality of the university and its future
humbles us. We are especially proud of your loyalty and
dedication to the Colleges of Arts & Sciences. Many of you
have donated to the colleges since the inception of a concerted
development (aka fundraising) program. We may not have had
the pleasure to meet you in person, but we certainly know
who you are.
We applaud you. From the Colleges of Arts & Sciences
Alumni Association board of directors and its members, to
the tens of thousands of graduates throughout the world, Arts
& Sciences’ ohana is special. Just as your contributions have a
lasting legacy, our gratitude and appreciation endure, as well.
Peter Arnade
College of Arts and
Robert Bley-Vroman
College of Languages,
Linguistics, and Literature
William L. Ditto
College of Natural Sciences
Me ke aloha pumehana,
Peter Arnade
Robert Bley-Vroman
William L. Ditto
Denise E.Konan
Denise E. Konan
College of Social Sciences
The University of Hawai‘ i at Mānoa
is an equal opportunity/affirmative
action institution.
Spring 2014 | Ke Kumu ‘Ike 3
We are pleased to acknowledge donors who made contributions to Arts & Sciences programs from January 1, 2012 through December 31,
2013 via the UH Foundation. We also acknowledge donors who made gifts of less than $100 and recognize the importance of these thousands
of gifts, even though space does not permit their publication.
Gifts of $1,000,000 and more
Dr. Edward A. Langhans
The Ford Foundation
The Rockefeller Foundation
Dr. Leslie Wilson
& Ms. Judy Sterling
Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai
Estate of Alexander M. Dollar
Mr. & Mrs. Guy E. Dunan
HCF - Medical Research Funds
Hands of Hope
Harold K. L. Castle Foundation
Mr. Robert Hogan
Myra W. & Jean Kent Angus Fdtn.
Sidney Stern Memorial Trust
Simons Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Jack H. Ward
Gifts of $250,000 to $499,999
Gifts of $10,000 to $24,999
Hawaiian Silversword Foundation
Dr. Karl Seff
The Uehiro Foundation
Gifts of $500,000 to $999,999
Mr. Jesse M. Doyle
Hau‘oli Mau Loa Foundation
Ruth Kleinfeld-Lenney, PhD
Malama Kahalawai Inc.
Mr. James L. Sarset
Silicon Valley Community
Gifts of $100,000 to $249,999
Albert Parvin Foundation
Bilinski Educational Foundation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Foundational Questions Institute Fund
Hawaii Community Foundation
Henry Luce Foundation, Inc.
John Chin Young Foundation
Kamehameha Schools
Las Cumbres Observatory Global
Telescope Network, Inc.
Ms. Carol Mon Lee
Michael & Patricia O’Neill
Charitable Fund
Dr. & Mrs. Dieter Mueller-Dombois
Mr. & Mrs. Michael O’Neill
Mr. John C. N. Shen
The Arthur & Mae Orvis
Foundation, Inc.
Gifts of $50,000 to $99,999
Mr. & Mrs. Dale M. Araki
Mrs. Samsil Cannon
Conservation International
Dr. Chuck Y. Gee
Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc.
Hung Wo & Elizabeth Lau Ching
Dr. April R. Komenaka-Scazzola
& Mr. Joseph V. Scazzola, DPM
Estate of Dr. Roger Alan Long
OSG Corporation
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel D. Palmer
Mr. Larry M. Suyama
The Freeman Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Charles van Riper III
Vanguard Charitable Endowment
World Turtle Trust
Gifts of $25,000 to $49,999
Bank of Hawaii
Dr. Jerry H. Bentley
Ke Kumu ‘Ike | Spring 2014
Dr. & Mrs. Edwin E. Catmull
Drs. David & Susan Chandler
Cooke Foundation, Ltd.
Fendi NA Inc.
Ms. Gay Ann Davis Gilmer
Hawaiian Electric Ind Charit Fdn
Ito En (North America) Inc.
Ito En (USA), Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Wing Tek Lum
Mr. John M. J. Madey
Dr. Elizabeth N. McCutcheon
The McVay Family Foundation
Ms. Julie Packard
Ms. Alison Rieser
Samsung Press Foundation
Mr. Rodney P. Santos
Science Applications Int’l. Corp.
Dr. Miriam F. Sharma
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Smith
Dr. Clifford W. Smith
The Applewood Fund
The Cacers Trust
The Cades Foundation
Tikiwolf Productions Corp
Yun T. Tu Trust
Mr. Thomas Widmann
Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Bamboo Harvest LP
Dr. Caroline H. Blanchard
Dr. Robert J. Blanchard
Box Office Settlement
Charles Koch Foundation
Community Foundation of Santa
Cruz County
Deans Publishing
Dieter and Betty Heycke
Charitable Fund
First Insurance Charitable
Friends of Waikiki Aquarium
Hawaii Alpha Delta Kappa
Mr. & Mrs. Dieter Heycke
Mr. Dale L. Kuhnley
& Ms. Karen K. Kosasa
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Kudo
Dr. Ching-Huei Lee
Mr. Dane W. Lee
McInerny Foundation
Mr. Robert Metcalf
Mr. Joseph Mueller
Neil & Mary Kosasa Foundation
Dr. Norma B. Nichols
SSFM International, Inc.
Mr. Sloan K. Sakamoto
Schwab Charitable Fund
The Charles Engelhard Foundation
The Nature Conservancy
The Presser Foundation
Dr. Kazue Tsukikawa
Ulupono Initiative LLC
Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Capt. David G. Wilson & Mrs.
Carolyn A. Berry Wilson
Hana Kamakila Kane Blatter
Ms. Sherry P. Broder
Charles H. & Margaret B.
Edmondson Trust
Dr. Joel R. Cohn
Dr. & Mrs. David Fitz-Patrick
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Goo
Mr. Joseph A. Gray
Hawaii Bowl Foundation
Hawaii International Film Festival
Hawaii Music Teachers Association
Hawaii Youth Opera Chorus
Hawaii Youth Symphony
Dr. Ken Ito
& Ms. Elizabeth Hokada
Dr. Linda A. Illiano
Immigrant Investors
Association Inc.
Dr. James H. E. Ireland
Mr. Stephen J. Isenberg
Dr. Kenneth D. Lennon
Dr. & Mrs. G. Kem Lowry, Jr.
Matson Navigation Company, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. McKenney
Meadow Gold Dairies
Northrop Grumman Foundation
President & Mrs. Barack Obama
Ms. Cara D. Smith Peck
Rhumbline Charitable Fund
Ms. Emilie J. Richards
Mrs. Sady K. Sakai
Mr. Larry J. Shapiro
& Mrs. Carol-Ann UetakeShapiro
Dr. Lisa A. Shigemura
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Szostak
Ms. Edith Kawakami Tan
Dr. Jean M. & Mr. Dennis K.
Variety School of Hawaii
Dr. & Mrs. Frank X. Woolard
World Projects Corporation
Dr. Julia K. Yoshida
eGlobal Family
Gifts of $1,500 to $2,499
Abbott Fund Matching Grant Plan
Allen & Nobuko Zecha
Abe & Susan Arkoff
Mr. & Mrs. Richert T. C. Au Hoy
Bank of America Foundation, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. B. Hudson Berrey, Jr.
Dr. Victor P. Bradford
Dr. & Mrs. Rainer F. Buschmann
Central Pacific Bank
Mr. Ernest Q. C. Chang
Dr. Lance D. Collins
Tom & Kristi Dinell
FX-Group, Inc.
Dr. Michael S. Foster
Faith N. Fujimura Trust
Mrs. Barbara N. Fukushima
The Hon. Hilary Benson Gangnes
& Dr. Byron S. Gangnes
Dr. Gregg S. Geary
Ms. Elizabeth Glover
Hiram L. & Ellyn Fong Foundation
Mr. Takeo Hokama
Honolulu Piano Teachers Association
Mr. Wayne B. Kato
& Ms. Jodi-Ann Ito
Journal of Chinese Philosophy
Mr. Harry G. Kasanow
Kika, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. William H. King
Ms. Ruth Elynia S. Mabanglo
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Malaghan
Ms. Barbara C. Marumoto
Dr. Donald M. Matsumori
Michael & Tomoko Malaghan Fund
Dr. Thomas L. Mullins
Mr. Glenn K. Nakasato
Mr. Mark L. Nowicki
Oahu Choral Society
Mr. Phillip Olsen
& Ms. Gail Hudson
Dr. & Mrs. Adrian K. Rantilla
Raytheon Matching Gifts
for Education
Redhead Productions, LLC
Mr. William J. Rhyne
Mr. Kenneth R. Rohde
Mr. Matsuo Takabuki
Tokyo College of Music
Dr. Ricardo D. Trimillos
U.H. BFA Fund
Victor P. & Roberta K. R. Bradford
Charitable Gift Fund
Dr. & Mrs. Coolidge Wakai
Ms. Linda A. Ward
Gifts of $500 to $1,499
AIA-Hawaii Society
AMKOR A & E, Inc.
Mr. Peter M. Adzuara
Aurelio S. Agcaoili
Alexander & Baldwin Inc.
Alexander & Baldwin, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Russell H. Ando
Ann Tanabe Piano Studio
Dr. Belinda A. Aquino
Dr. & Mrs. Norman K. Arai
Mr. Robin T. Arakaki
Mr. Steven Y. Arashiro
Mr. Salvatore Aurigemma
Dr. Mary K. Babcock
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Barnes
Mr. Donald E. Beck
Bejach Family Gift Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Benton Bejach
Mr. Larry D. Bentley
Mr. Charles T. Beyer
Dr. Mary G. F. Bitterman
Mr. Samuel S. Blackman
Mr. John T. Blamey
Blue Planet Foundation
Col. Daniel Blum
& Ms. Corrine Lahti
Estate of Frank Boas
Mr. Harold T. Bonnette
Gen. & Mrs. David A. Bramlett
J. Brenton Shore
Dr. Thomas J. Brislin
Dr. Patricia A. Brown
& Mr. Donald J. Brown
Mr. Eric J. Brunson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Bunn
Mr. Jon Anthony R. Burdios
Mr. & Mrs. M. Burgessporter
Mr. Benjamin A. Burns
Mr. Gerald Burris
& Ms. Beverly Creamer
CBS Television Network
Ms. Hilda Cagata
Mrs. Ruth Marks Campbell
Ms. Kiana K. Canicosa-Miles
Mr. & Mrs. Orval Canicosa-Miles
Mr. & Mrs. Ian Capps
Ms. Anne E. Carlson
Dr. William R. Chapman
Mr. Cale A. Char
Drs. Rahul & Virgie Chattergy
Chevron Humankind Matching Gift
Chinese Students & Scholars
Ms. Eileen S. Cho
Dr. & Mrs. Alan R. Chock
Mrs. Christine C. Chow
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Colbert
Dr. & Mrs. James J. Connors
Consulate General of Japan
Mr. Timothy A. Craig
Mr. Christian Delay
& Mr. Nathan Dwyer
Diamond Head Theatre
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Dinell
Doris Duke Foundation for
Islamic Art
Dorothy B. Anderson Perpetual
Charitable Trust
Drake University
Duo Creative Communications, Inc.
Environmental Graphics
Events International, Inc.
First Hawaiian Bank Foundation
Dr. Dolores Foley
Foodland Super Market, Ltd.
Mrs. Cecilia H. Fordham
Maj. & Mrs. Scott K. Johnson
Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence C. Foster
Ms. Corinne S. Fujieda
Mr. & Mrs. David T. Fujikawa
Mr. Scott A. Fujita
Mr. Frederick Y. Fukunaga
Dr. Fumiko Fukuta
GE Foundation
Dr. LeAnn & Mr. Ronald Garrett
Gary O. Galiher, Attorney at Law
Ms. Candes M. Gentry
Mrs. Lynn M. Glick
Dr. Jonathan Goldberg-Hiller
& Ms. Alexandra French
Mr. Eugene Golowich
Ms. Vernadette V. Gonzalez
Mr. Michael K. Gormley
Ms. Jane A. Gouveia
Dr. George W. Grace
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Grad
Mr. John Zimmermann
& Dr. Diana Graham
Dr. Christopher J. Grandy
Group Travel Services Hawaii
Mr. Lee O. Gunnels
Mr. Timothy Halliday
Han Sheng Music Association
Mr. Hao Zhou & Ms. Chunlian Hao
Hawaii State Band Festival
Hawaii State Tours
Mrs. Misae Hayashi
Dr. Jerris R. Hedges
Mr. Michael T. Hengler
Dr. Manfred Henningsen
Dr. Ronald S. Himes
Dr. Virginia & Mr. William
Mr. & Mrs. Keith K. Hiraoka
Mr. & Mrs. Mark K. Hironaka
Mr. & Mrs. Chester Y. K. Ho
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Holowecki
Mr. & Mrs. T. Bruce Honda
Honolulu Museum of Art
Dr. JoAnn Hotta
& Mr. William Palmer
Mr. & Mrs. Chi-Chia Hsieh
Dr. Hsin I. Hsieh
Dr. Judith R. Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hungerford
Mrs. Lois J. Huxtable
Ms. Joanne A. Ide
Mr. Edward N. Inouye
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Iopa, Jr.
Dr. David T. Isaak
Mr. Tully J. Isle
Dr. Shannon Brigman
& Dr. Robert Jedicke
Jhamandas Watumull Fund
Mr. Randolph Moore
& Ms. Lynne Johnson
Dr Ruben Juarez
Just A Girl Productions LLC
Ka Waiola O Na Pukanileo
Mr. Alvin A. Kajiwara
Mr. Kenneth I. Kamemoto
Mr. David M. Kaneko
Dr. & Mrs. Edward Kaneshige
Dr. Gabriele Kasper
Mr. Andrew N. Kato
Mr. Malcolm T. Katsumoto
Ms. Regina K. Kawamoto
Drs. Kent M. & Elizabeth M. Keith
Mr. Robert T. Kelley, Jr.
Mr. Tracy A. Kim
Drs. Michael P. & Ruby E. Kirkup
Mr. Ken Takayama
& Ms. Diane Kishimoto
Dr. & Mrs. John R. Kludt
Dr. Terence R. Knapp
Dr. John M. Knox
& Ms. Mary Alice Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis S. Kohara
Drs. Denise & Abel Konan
Ms. Tamara Kong
Korean Care Home
Ms. Ayumi Kumaki
Mr. Richard T. Kuramoto
Mr. & Mrs. Akemi Kurokawa
Dr. Sumner J. La Croix
Dr. How Man Lam
Mrs. Florence K. Lamoureux
Dr. & Mrs. William A. Lampe
Ms. Kamala H. Lannetti
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney K. M. Lau
Mr. Alan W. Lee
Mrs. Carol L. Lee
Mr. Thomas Coffman
& Ms. Lois Lee
Drs. Worldster & Patricia Lee
Dr. & Mrs. Chung H. Lee
Mr. Wendell Y. K. Leong
Dr. I-Bei Lin
Inessa F. Love
Maria Lowder
Ms. Kathleen Lukens
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Lyons
Dr. & Mrs. Adolf G. Mader
Mr. Zhoydell C. Magaoay
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Manabe
Dr. Harley I. Manner
Dr. Aida R. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Martin-Doike
Masaki Music Inc.
Mr. Neil S. Matsumori
Dr. Darrell Y. Matsumoto
Mrs. Katherine K. F. Mauney
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Mrs. Shizue Minobe
Mr. Michael E. M. Miranda
Ms. Ann K. Miyamura
Mr. & Mrs. Orlando A. Montoya
Mr. James S. More
Mrs. Sally W. Morgan
Mrs. Emi U. Morikawa
Dr. Melvin M. Moriwaki
Mr. Mark M. Munar
NPO P.I.A. Japan
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Nagata
Mr. Wayne R. Nakama
Ms. Evelyn H. Nakamura
Ms. Rose S. Nakamura
Mr. & Mrs. Jay K. Nakasone
Mr. Raymond E. Naylon, Sr.
Ms. Renee J. Nedblake
Ms. Cara M. Takeyama Nip
The Honorable Scott Y. Nishimoto
Drs. William & Kazue O’Grady
Oahu Arts Center
Mrs. Judy Ogawa
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Ogawa
Ms. Lynette M. Oh
Mr. Michael T. Ohata
Dr. & Mrs. Norman H. Okamura
On Trek Inc.
Dr. Lisa P. Ottiger
Ms. Lori L. Pacarro
Pacific Guardian Center
Mr. Wilson K. K. Pang
Paula Cooper, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Pauley
Mr. Robert R. Perkinson
Drs. Frank L. & Barbara Bennett
Dr. Lyn C. Peterson
Mr. Paul A. Petrowski
Ms. Regina R. Pfeiffer
Dr. & Mrs. James F. Pierce
Ms. Claudia A. Pizzino
Professional Music Tours, Inc.
Dr. Teresita V. Ramos
Ms. Ruth S. Rudolph
SJO & Associates, LLC
Mr. Dominic D. Salazar
Dr. Todd H. Sammons
Ms. Kathleen M. Sands
Ms. Angelica D. Santiago
John H. & Ruth Y. Sato
Mr. & Mrs. Kent N. Sato
Ms. Delphia P. Scully
Second Language Studies Student
Dr. Michael J. Shapiro
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Ms. Celia Y. Shen
Dr. Nadine C. S. Shigezawa
Ms. Joyce S. H. Shih
Dr. Darren K. Shimabukuro
The Hon. & Mrs. Herbert K.
Mr. Ryan T. Shinoyama
Ms. Barbara S. Shioi
Dr. Noenoe K. Silva
Dr. Edward A. Silver
Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Smith, III
Mr. Justin K. Smythe
Mr. Aviam Soifer
& Ms. Marlene Booth
Ms. Kathy K. Sokugawa
Ms. Susan E. Somes
Mr. George E. St. John
Dr. David E. Stannard
Dr. Patricia G. Steinhoff
& Mr. William D. Steinhoff
Mr. Robert R. Stewart
Stryker Weiner & Yokota Public
Relations, Inc.
Mrs. Esther K. Suzuki
Taiwanese Association of America
Dr. & Mrs. Ernest T. Takafuji
Tamagusuku Ryu Senju Kai
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Y. Tanji
The Howard Hughes Corporation
The Jean Charlot Foundation
Timpuyog Organization
Mrs. Esther C. Tompkins
Triage Entertainment Inc.
Shuang Troy
U. International Corporation
UH Ceramics Students
UH Glass Students
Ms. Amy E. Uyechi
Verizon Foundation
Dr. Xiaojun Wang
Mr. Jian Lu & Ms. Heyue Wang
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Watari
Dr. Danny J. Wedemeyer
Western Union Business Solutions
Mr. James W. Wickes
William E. Palmer & JoAnn Hotta
Charitable Fund
Mr. Brent C. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Winber
Dr. & Mrs. Donald W. Wood
Mr. Russell T. Yamada
Mr. Samuel H. Yamashita
Mr. Wayne K. Yasutomi
Mrs. Janice S. Yokoyama-Trubitt
Mr. Clayton I. Yoshida
Ms. Mari Yoshihara
James S. & Harriet O. Yoshimori
Mr. Alvin Y. Yoshinaga
Kent and Dora Youel
Young’s Piano Studio
Gifts of $100 to $499
A T & T Foundation
AXA Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Erik Aamodt
Mrs. Caroline K. Abe
Mr. Joseph A. Abel
Mr. Alfred Abiva, Jr.
Ms. Gineryll P. Abracosa
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Abrunzo
Mr. Jason T. Achiu
Mr. John H. Acidera
Ms. Betsy A. Ackley
Ms. Mildred S. Adaniya
Dr. & Mrs. Peter S. Adler
Dr. & Mrs. Allen A. Agapay
Mr. & Mrs. Kazuo Agena
Mr. Raymond R. Aguado
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Ah Hee
Mr. Leslie S. Ah Sam
Spring 2014 | Ke Kumu ‘Ike 5
Mr. & Ms. Kamaui Aiona
Ms. Jean E. Akama
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Akamine
Ms. Mary Ann E. Akao
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne A. Akemoto
Dr. & Mrs. William K. Akina
Ms. Sarah E. Akinaka
Dr. George Akita
Mr. & Ms. Myron Akutagawa
Mr. Javier Alarcon
& Ms. Erika Bodo
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Albert
Mrs. Virginia S. Albertson
Mrs. Mislyn T. Alensonorin
Mr. Christopher A. Alicto
T. M. Allard
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Allday
Mr. Dennis Almeida
& Ms. Suzanne A. St. Amour
Ms. Stephanie Alvarez
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Alvaro
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. S. Amai
Mr. John K. Amaki
Ms. Pearl M. Ancheta
Ms. Karen J. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Ross A. Anderson
Ms. Karen H. AndersonBittenbender
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Ando
Mr. Eugene K. Andreasen
Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Andrews, Jr.
Ms. Fides A. Angara
Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Aoki
Mrs. Linda E. Aono
Mr. Melvin T. Arai
Mr. Kevin K. Arakaki
Dr. & Mrs. Ken C. Arakawa
Mr. Mako Araki
Mr. Alex S. Arena
Mr. Richard H. Arimizu
Ms. Jean T. Arntz
Mr. Herb H. Artola
Ms. Jennifer T. Asato
Mr. Keegan A. Asato
Mr. Goro Asato
Mrs. Helen T. Asato
Ms. Maria E. Ashley
Mr. Abubakr Aslamkhan
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Atkinson, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Atwater
Mr. & Mrs. Wedemeyer R. Au
Mrs. Lorraleen N. Au-Raycher
Ms. Chevelle-Sharae Au-Stein
Dr. Bjorn R. Aune
Drs. Kelly & Krystyna Aune
Mr. George T. Auyong
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney K. Ayabe
Mrs. Sherri A. Azuma
Ms. Judy Z. Babcock
Badoc Pinili Women’s Assn of
Ms. He Bai
Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Bain
Mrs. Joyce E. Baker
O. Balaban
Mr. Rogelio Balala
Bank of the West
Mrs. Michelle C. Winn Baptiste
Mr. Fred A. Barbaria, Jr.
Mr. Fred Barbash
Dr. John Barkai & Ms. Linda Martell
Mr. Theodore A. Barmashi
Mr. & Mrs. Todd C. Barnes
Ms. Barbara J. Barrett
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Bartlett
Dr. & Mrs. Gordon B. Bauer
Mr. & Mrs. Ross G. Bean
Mr. John Gordon Beaton
Mr. Alexander K. Beck
Ke Kumu ‘Ike | Spring 2014
Dr. Hazel G. & Mr. Walter Beh II
Ms. Kimberly W. Belvin
Ms. Summer M. K. Bento
Dr. B. Cheryl Beredo
Dr. Ralph Berger
Conrad B. Bernisto, PsyD
Ms. Jan C. Berris
Dr. David E. Bertelson
Mr. Ned O. Bertz
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Best
Ms. Marion B. Bigelow
Mrs. Patience M. Bingham
Dr. Ruth & Mr. Tom Bingham
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Bishop
Mr. Ronald G. Black
Ms. Morgan F. Blair
Mr. Jeffrey Boeckman
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Bomke, Jr.
Mr. Marc Bonner
Mr. William A. Bonnet
Mr. Christopher P. Bopp
Mr. Thomas S. Borgioli
Mr. David C. Borsani
Ms. Lisa Bos
Dr. Jackson T. Bosley
Mrs. Margo T. Bourland
Ms. Edith H. Bowles
Dr. & Mrs. Dan Boylan
Mr. Harry Bradbury
Mr. Joel Bradshaw
& Ms. Jean Kirschenmann
Dr. S. Kalani Brady & Ms. Jun Look
Dr. & Mrs. James Brandon
Dr. & Mrs. Douglas E. Brandt
Mr. Christopher S. Brennan
Mr. Stephen M. Brennan
Brian K. W. Lau DDS
Ms. Elaine M. Bridge
Mr. James K. Bright
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan D. Britt
Ms. Penny Britto
Ms. Kelly K. Brochard
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Brodie
Drs. Trina Brodsky & Stephen Saeks
Dr. Frances M. Brookey
Ms. Judith Ann Brown
Prof. & Mrs. Ronald C. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Brown
Mr. & Mrs. L. Keith Brown
Dr. Ronald P. Brown
Mr. Ryan Brownsberger
Dr. & Mrs. William C. Bruns
Mrs. Barbara J. Brynie
Ms. Carol A. Buckley
Ms. Andrea S. Burch
Mrs. Susan R. Burton Goodearl
Mr. Luis-John A. Busekrus
Mr. Eugene N. Bush
Dr. Kenneth W. Bushnell
Cabugao International Association
of Hawaii
Mr. Daniel S. Caldwell
Ms. Melissa M. Calkin
Mr. & Ms. Charles Callahan
Professor & Mrs. David L. Callies
Ms. Marybeth Callison
Mrs. Anna F. Campbell
Mrs. Caryl J. Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Canarsky
Ms. Jill Takasaki Canfield
Mr. Thai V. Cao
Ms. Claire C. Cappelle
Mr. Crizaldrin M. Caraang
Drs. Robert G. & Gloria N. Carlile
Mrs. Marilyn Carlsmith
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald D. Carr
Ms. Martha S. Carrell
Dr. & Mrs. W. Dennis Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Casalina
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Case
Mrs. Candy Cassarno
Mr. Paul J. Castanon
Dr. & Mrs. A. Didrick Castberg
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Castro
Mr. Edward Cessna
Drs. Sun-Ki Chai
& Hye-Ryeon Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Jean-Paul J. Chaine
The Honorable Derrick H. M. Chan
& Ms Jan E. Takamine
Mr. & Mrs. James K. Chan
Mr. Wai Lun Chan
Mr. Paul M. Chandler
Ms. Brenda S. Chang
Dr. & Mrs. Alan Y. M. Chang
Ms. Elaine M. L. Chang
Dr. Matthew A. Chapman
Dr. & Mrs. Murray Chapman
Dr. David A. Chappell
Mr. & Mrs. Rene Chavez
Mr. & Mrs. Clifton Y. S. Chee
Mr. & Mrs. Warren C. W. Chee
Dr. Ghulam S. Cheema
Dr. Shiuh-Feng Cheng
Mr. Wei Cheng
Mr. Michael T. Cheng
Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Cheng
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Chenkin
Mr. & Mrs. Lee R. Chesney, Jr.
Ms. Sharon Chiarucci
Children’s Literature Hawaii
Mr. David Y. Chin
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. H. Ching
Ms. Brenda K. H. Ching
Drs. H.C. Bittenbender
& Donna Ching
Mr. Paul W. Ching
Mr. Clayton A. Ching
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Chiogioji
Mr. Chang Young Cho
Drs. Minja K. & Yong-ho Choe
Ms. Dorothy P. I. Chong
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Chong
Dr. Timothy Y. C. Choy
Mr. David Christian
Dr. Chengzhi Chu
The Honorable Suzanne Oakland
& Mr. Michael Oakland
Ms. Cheryl E. Chun
Ms. Itoko Chun
Mrs. Jeannette M. Chun
Mrs. Judith A. F. Chun
Mr. Randall K. P. Chun
Mr. & Mrs. Todd K. Chun
Mr. Stewart Chun
& Ms. Diane Sakumoto
Dr. Clement B. N. Chun-Ming
Ms. Eun Jae Chung
Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. S. Chung
Mr. & Ms. Matthew K. Chung
Ms. Alma Y. W. Cirino
Dr. & Mrs. Randall S. Cislo
Mr. Donald G. Clark, II
Mr. & Mrs. Mark K. Clark
Ms. Jeanne M. Cody
Dr. Robert E. Coleman
Ms. Elizabeth A. Colwill
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Coney
Dr. Eric J. Conklin
Ms. M. Gay Conklin
Dr. & Mrs. Paul R. Connelly
Professor Alison W. Conner
Mr. Donald Conover
& Mr. Ernest Harada
Mrs. Brenda Conway
Dr. Haruko M. Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Cooke
Dr. Pamela J. Coonan
& Mr. Keiron D. Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. David A. S. Cordero, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Corpuz
Mr. Greg G. Cosh
Mr. & Mrs. John Costales, Jr.
Dr. Christina E. Costarella
Dr. & Mrs. Cedric B. Cowing
Mr. David W. Cox
& Ms. Susan Shaner
Mr. Robert A. Cravalho
Ms. Randi L. Creamer
Mr. Richard A. Criley
Mrs. Linda A. Crites
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Crumpton
The Honorable Ty J. K. Cullen
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cundy
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Curry
Ms. Joann M. D’Addio
Dr. & Mrs. Phillip L. Dahlstrom
Dr. Audrey I. Daigneault
Dr. Shirley J. Daniel
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne S. Date
Dr. James A. Dator
& Ms. Rosemary McShane
Ms. Darcy B. Davis
Mr. John M. Davis
Mrs. Maile B. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. John Phil Davis
Mr. Craig A. De Costa
Mr. Charles P. DeYoe
& Ms. Susanne Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Sadami Deai
Mr. John B. Degele
Ms. Amy S. Dela Cruz
Mr. & Mrs. Rogelio Delacruz
Mrs. Kay J. Demello
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Dendle III
Mr. Raymond C. Devenney
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Devens
Ms. Bonnie A. Devine
Mr. Shawn D. Dey
Mr. Damon K. Dias
Dr. Dora S. Dien
Ms. Kathy Munemasa Dietlin
Robbie Dingeman & P. Brian
Mr. Nathan J. Ditzler
Ms. Wallis A. Doerge
Mrs. Michelle S. Dolan
Ms. Candace L. Donohoe
Mr. & Mrs. Sanit Khewhok
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Karl H. Dovermann
Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Drielak
Drs. Richard & Joan Dubanoski
Mr. William Dupont
Mr. Aaron A. Dus
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Dusendschon
Dr. John Wendell
& Ms. Victoria Dworkin
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Dym
Ms. Lauren L. Easley
Ms. Erin M. Ebisu
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Z. Eby
Ms. Beverly A. Edge
Ms. Sara Edlin and Mr. William
Dr. Suzan E. & Mr. Edwards
Mr. Michael T. Egami
Mr. John A. Egan
Mr. Frank A. Eger, III
Ms. Elaine N. Eguchi
Mr. & Mrs. George Robert Elder, Jr.
Ms. Jan D. Elliott
Ms. Fumie Endo
Mr. Vernon Y. Endo
Dr. Lee H. Endress
Prof. Peter Englert
& Ms. Donna Vuchinich
Ms. Estelle A. Enoki
Mr. & Mrs. Casemiro Epe, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Erdman
Mr. Gordon J. Erece
Drs. Wayne Estabrooks
& Sheryl McCarthy
Mr. Ernest E. Estes
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald D. Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Uson Y. Ewart
Expo Displays Hawaii
Eye Productions Inc.
Dr. Roxanne J. Fand
Mr. Shih Hung C. Fang
Dr. Farideh Farhi
& Mr. Ardlan Nikou
Drs. Gary Farkas & Velma Kameoka
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Farmer
Dr. William W. Farris
Dr. Michael E. Fassiotto
Mr. Bob Jones & Ms. Denby Fawcett
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Feagins
Mrs. Tomoko G. Feagles
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Felmet
Dr. Kathy E. Ferguson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Fiacco, Jr.
Ms. Dimpna L. Figuracion
Filipino Association of Univ Women
Ms. Laura M. Fink
Ms. Sandra K. Finney
Mr. Richard A. Flanders
Dr. John M. Floyd
Dr. & Mrs. Walter S. O. Fo
Dr. Kathy M. Foley
Mrs. Mary D. Chang Fong
Mr. Rendell K. Fong
Foodland Give Aloha
Mrs. Tahirih A. Foster
Mr. Charles M. Fraley
Mr. Joseph M. Francher
Dr. Christina M. Francis
Mrs. Beatrice B. Freitas
Mr. Louis H. Freitas
Ms. Mary J. Freshley
Mr. Andrew D. Friedlander
& Ms. Janis C. Akuna
Mr. James W. Frierson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Collin M. Fritz
Mrs. Haruko Froeb
Dr. & Mrs. Royal T. Fruehling
Ms. Loretta J. Fuddy
Mr. David K. Fujihara
Mr. Kenneth K. Fujii
Ms. Beth K. Fujimoto
Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Fujimoto
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Fujimoto
Ms. Julie M. Fujimoto
Mrs. Amy H. Fujino
Ms. Myra Fujino
Mr. & Mrs. Henry T. Fujita
Ms. Ruth Y. Fujita
Ms. Carol T. Fujitani
Rev. & Mrs. Yoshiaki Fujitani
Mr. David H. Fukuda
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley K. Fukuhara
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Fukumoto
Mr. & Mrs. Royce S. Fukunaga
Dr. Satomi Fukutomi
Mr. Peter Fuleky
Mr. Donald K. Funai
Mr. & Mrs. Francis T. P. Fung
Dr. & Mrs. Randall Y. Furushima
Ms. Donna Furuya
Ms. Joan M. Gagnon
Mr. Cheyne S. Gallagher
Mr. Roy Ganeku
Mr. Michael Ganson
Dr. Harry W. Gardiner
Dr. Cliff Bieberly
& Ms. Stacia Garlach
Mr. John M. Gasidlo
Ms. Lori T. K. Gates
Dr. Richard S. Gazan, Jr.
Ms. Leah Gazan
Mr. Sam Gellens
Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Anderson
Mr. Jesse H. Gibbon
Dr. Robert E. Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Y. Ginoza
Dr. Edward Glazier, Jr.
Dr. Susan Glover
Mr. Martin P. Chaplin
& Ms. Susan Glover
Mr. James Anthony K. Gochenouer
Dr. Jorge E. Gomez-Galeno
Mr. & Ms. Lester M. H. Goo
Mr. Richard Goodman
Ms. Rebecca J. Goodman
Mrs. Julie Goodson
Dr. Brian S. Goodyear
Mr. & Mrs. George Goto
Dr. David J. Gow
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Goya
Ms. Jana D. Grace
Ms. Courtney K. Graham
Ms. Estella M. Grantham
Ms. Cecilia Graybeal
Mr. Gary Kikuchi
& Ms. Theresa Greaney
Mr. Richard Greenwood
Ms. Catherine E. Greiner
Mrs. Mary J. Grinter
Dr. Xue-Qin Gu
Dr. Peter F. Guay
Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel G. Guerrero
Ms. Amy S. M. Guigui
Dr. Nanda K. Gulavita
Dr. Hulya Guler
Mr. & Mrs. Rod Gurrola
Mr. & Mrs. Werner J. Haas
Ms. Laurinda Hadsell
Dr. & Mrs. Mark R. Hagadone
Mr. & Mrs. Curt M. Hagen
Mr. & Mrs. Elton Hagihara
Dr. Hwei-Shien L. Hahn
Dr. & Mrs. Liang-Cheng Hahn
Ms. Lynne G. Halevi
Mr. Matthew F. Haley
Dr. John B. Hall
Halla Huhm Dance Studio LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Hamada
Ms. Wendy Hamamoto
Ms. Gayle Y. Hamasaki
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Hampe
Mr. & Mrs. Howard R. Hanada
Mr. Scott K. Hanano
Rev. & Mrs. Stephen K. Hanashiro
Dr. William F. Haning, III
& Dr. Elizabeth Char
Ms. Myra T. Harada
Ms. Leslie L. Harakawa
Mr. & Mrs. Royal C. Harrop
Mr. Noel V. Hartline
Ms. Carol M. Hasegawa
Dr. Hazel N. Y. Hasegawa
Ms. Alyse Satomi Hashi
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hashi
Mr. Norman K. Hashimoto
Mr. Robert H. Hashimoto
Hawaii American String Teachers
Hawaii Council for the Humanities
Hawaii Gamelan Society
The Hon. Leslie A. Hayashi
& Mr. Alan Van Etten
Ms. Rena S. S. Hayashi
Mrs. Noel Head
Mr. Daniel R. Headrick
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Hearn
Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Hee
Mrs. Annette H. Hee
Ms. Linda W. F. Hee
Dr. & Mrs. Wilson A. Heefner
Mr. Thomas E. Heintzman
Dr. George M. C. Held
Ms. Erica M. Helm
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Heltzel
Dr. Margot A. Henriksen
Mr. James M. Henry
Ms. Colleen K. Hera
Ms. Nanci L. Hersh
Mrs. Betty Y. Higa
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Higa
Mrs. Janice H. Higa
Mr. & Mrs. Toshio Higa
Ms. Sharon K. Higa
Mr. & Ms. Kelvin Higa
Dr. & Mrs. Kelvin T. Higa
Dr. Tatsuo Higa
Mr. David H. Higo
Mrs. Patricia Hillis
Dr. Douglas R. Hilt
Mr. David Hinshaw
& Ms. Linda Barb
Mr. Todd Y. Hirai
Ms. Cynthia K. Hirakawa
Mr. & Mrs. James Hiramatsu
Mr. Melvin T. Hirano
Ms. Malie Hirao
Mr. Leslie S. Hiraoka
Mr. & Mrs. Francis H. Hirashiki
Mr. & Mrs. David K. Hirashiki
Dr. Mark Hixon
Mrs. Tamar P. Hoapili
Mr. Kenji F. Hobbs
Mrs. Kerry A. Hocker
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Hockridge
Mr. Peter Hoffenberg
& Ms. Saundra Schwartz
Drs. Gerald & Eva Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hollister
Mr. & Ms. Nathan S. Honda
Drs. Craig Smith and Celia Hooper
Drs. James O. & Lois E. Horton
Dr. & Mrs. George P. Hoskin
Mr. William E. Howden
Mr. & Ms. Qi Hu
Dr. & Mrs. Wen-Yuan Huang
Dr. Amy & Mr. Gavin Hubbard
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Huber
Dr. Robert N. Huey
Ms. Julie Hugo
Mrs. Constance G. Hullander
Ms. Evelyn L. Hunter
Ms. Joan L. Husted
Mr. Dean E. Hutter
Mr. Richard M. Ibara
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph M. Ige
Mr. Alan M. Iguchi
Mr. Brian T. Iha
Mr. Eric T. Ikawa
Ikayzo Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Y. Ikeda
Mr. Kevin M. Ikeda
Dr. & Mrs. Kiyoshi Ikeda
Mr. & Mrs. Walter N. Ikehara
Warren Y. Imada & Dorothy E. Imada
Ms. Jean R. Imamoto
Dr. Andrew W. S. & Jennie Lee In
Dr. & Mrs. Peter In
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Ing
Ms. Roberta K. Inouye
Ms. Cynthia Iodice
Drs. Troy Joel & Carole L. Isaak
Dr. Dianne N.
& Mr. Howard T. Ishida
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley T. Ishihara
Mr. & Mrs. Warren K. Itamura
Mr. Alfred Y. Itamura
Takuma Itoh
Ms. Ethel C. Iwasaki
Mr. Ronald T. Iwata
Mr. Roy T. Iwata
Mr. Michael Iwatake
& Ms. Colleen Hayase
Dr. & Mrs. Miles M. Jackson
Dr. & Mrs. Frederick H. Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Dwight N. Jackson
Dr. & Mrs. Patrick R. Jackson
Mrs. Laureen M. Jacobs
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace R. Jacobson
Mr. & Mrs. George F. Jacroux, Jr.
Mr. Noel R. Jaderstrom
Ms. Elizabeth Jahnke
Ms. Katherine A. James
Mr. & Mrs. Rick A. James
Japan-America Society of Hawaii
Japan-America Society of Honolulu
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Jardine
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Jaskot, Jr.
Mr. Alexis D. Javier
Mr. & Mrs. Davor Jedlicka
Mr. George I. Jinbo
Mrs. Alberta R. Jitchaku
Joanna Zane Piano Studio
Dr. Annette Johansson
Ms. Cynthia T. L. Johnson
Mr. Donald R. Johnson
Mr. David A. Johnson
Dr. David R. Jones
Mrs. Kathleen L. Villiers Jones
Professor Hilary K. Josephs
Mrs. Noreen L. Judson
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Jung
Ms. Barbara S. Jurkens
Mr. Keith K. Kagamida
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron A. Kagawa
Dr. Kathleen H. Kagawa
Kahala Senior Living
Community Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Roscoe Kahumoku
Mr. Ronald R. Kajiwara
Lance & Jeri Ann Kakuno
Mrs. Barbara L. H. Kalipi
Mr. Kekoa W. Kaluhiwa
Mr. & Mrs. Harry H. K. Kame‘enui
Mr. Larry Kamemoto
& Ms. Lorrie Chang
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Y. Kamemoto
Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. Kamida
Mr. & Mrs. Ray K. Kamikawa
Mrs. Shirley R. Kamins
Mrs. Arleen F. Kamita
Mr. Kent A. Kamita
Ms. Tammy L. Kamiyama
Mr. & Mrs. Chris J. Kanazawa
Dr. & Mrs. Peter J. Kanazawa
Mrs. Shimeji R. Kanazawa
Mr. Ryan S. K. Kanda
Mr. & Mrs. Steven S. Kanemoto
Mr. Wayne T. Kaneshiro
Mr. Arthur T. Kaneshiro
Dr. & Mrs. Owen Kaneshiro
Mrs. Mary S. Kanetake
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley T. Kanetake
Mrs. Ellen S. S. Kang
Mrs. Holly R. Kaplan
Mrs. Christine Kapololu
Mr. Baybars Karacaovali
Mr. Kaveh Kardan
Mr. Thomas H. Kaser, Jr.
Mr. Van U. Kashiwamura
Ms. Maiko Kasuya
Spring 2014 | Ke Kumu ‘Ike 7
Ms. Kathy M. Katano
Capt. Marjorie R. Katin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Kato
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence O. Kawamoto
Mr. Keith M. Kawamoto
Ms. Jill Kawane
Dr. Henry K. Kawasaki
Ms. Diane T. Kawauchi
Mr. Darin H. Kawazoe
Mr. Grant K. Kayahara
Jinshan Ke
Ms. Toni Y. Keefer
Mr. Geoffrey S. Keeler
Dr. Sterling C. Keeley
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Keene
Col. Charles Keever
& Dr. Beverly Keever
Mrs. Florence M. Kelley
Dr. & Ms. Liam C. Kelley
Drs. Ralph A. Becker-Szendy
& Linda A. Kelley
Col. Richard C. Kemp
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Kent
Dr. & Mrs. Benedict Kerkvliet
Ms. Lauren R. Kerr
Dr. Darith S. Khay
Mr. & Mrs. Richie H. Kibota
Mr. Alan Y. Kido
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald H. Kikawa
Mr. & Mrs. Bert H. Kikuchi
Kikunobu Dance Company Inc.
Dr. Meredith L. Kilgore
Mr. Brian S. Kim
Ms. Induk Kim
Ms. Jeongran Kim
Mr. & Mrs. John S. S. Kim
Ms. Mi Hae Kim
Ms. Rose H. Y. Kim
Mr. Dennis C. H. Kim
Mr. Isami Kimoto
Dr. Craig C. Kimura
Mr. & Mrs. George Kimura
Mr. & Mrs. Stan M. Kimura
Ms. Susan R. Kimura
Mr. Kalekona Kingsbury
Mr. & Mrs. Earl J. Kingston
Mr. & Mrs. Masuo Kino
Ms. Harriet H. Kirihara
Mr. Arnold T. Kishi
Mr. & Mrs. Hiram Y. Kitagawa
Mr. & Mrs. Ira Kiyomura
Dr. E. Barbara
& Mr. Richard L. Klemm
Mr. Martin R. Knapp-Cordes
Dr. & Mrs. James Philip Knauer
Mr. David W. Knutson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Y. H. Ko
Ms. Lynn Y. Koba
Mrs. Amy E. Kobayashi
Mr. Arthur Y. Kobayashi
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde E. Kobayashi
Mr. Paul T. Kobayashi
Mr. & Mrs. Peter N. Kobayashi
Mr. Dave K. Koide
Mr. Reginald M. Kokubun
Ms. Candace K. Kolander
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Kolba
Mrs. Sharael L. Kolberg
Ms. Ellen H. Kondo
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Kondo
Dr. Kimi Kondo-Brown
Ms. Eleanor Konishi
Mr. Jonathan Kono
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Koo
Ms. Cynthia Kop
Mrs. Cheryl A. Kortuem
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kosaka
Mr. Kyle M. Kosma
Ms. Kristin Kouke
Ke Kumu ‘Ike | Spring 2014
Mr. James P. Kraft
& Ms. Renee Arnold
Mr. Jeremy P. Kramer
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth B. Kramer
Ms. Solina J. Kramer
Ms. Loraine J. Krauss
Drs. Sankaran & Monomita Roy
Mr. Nobuo Kubota
Mr. Dennis H. Kunishima
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin I. Kuniyuki
Dr. Linda L. & Mr. David L.
Mrs. Phyllis C. Kurio
Dr. & Mrs. Roy M. Kurisaki
The Honorable Christine E.
Kuriyama & Mr. Stanley M.
Mrs. Luella M. G. Kurkjian
Mr. Robert Kurosawa & Mrs.
Melissa Slattery
Dr. & Mrs. Daryl H. Kurozawa
Mr. Lawrence M. Kusumoto
Mr. Jeffrey Y. Kuwabara
Mr. Melvin K. Kwan, Jr.
Dr. Alison G. Kwok
Mr. & Mrs. Guy Lageman
Ms. Rachel P. Lagutan
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon W. T. Chang
Dr. David J. Lam
Mr. Howard T. S. Lam
Mr. Peter S. Lam
Mrs. Joy A. Lamb
Mrs. Evelyn B. Lance
Ms. Brittani N. Larson
Ms. Pamela J. Larson
Ms. Anne M. Lau
Ms. Brenna C. H. Lau
Ms. Brittnee K. L. Lau
Mr. Bruce K. S. Lau
Mr. Karlton K. Lau
Dr. & Mrs. Brian K. W. Lau
Ms. Corianne W. Lau
Mr. & Mrs. Henry W. N. Lau
Dr. & Mrs. Larry L. Laudan
Mr. Jeffrey D. Layaoen
Dr. Brad R. Leamaster
Mr. Daesoo Lee
Ms. Emily J. Lee
Mr. Chiu Leong & Ms. Eva Lee
Mr. Gregory T. K. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Guy M. Lee
Mr. Jimmy W. J. Lee
Ms. Joan S. I. Lee
Dr. & Mrs. John C. H. Lee
Mr. Justin E. Lee
Kum Hae Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Lee
Ms. Patricia Y. K. Lee
Dr. Rachel Lee
Sang Hyop Lee
Ms. Susannah J. Lee
Mr. Wendell C. M. Lee
Ms. Maya L. Legrande
Dr. David W. Lemonds
Mrs. Virginia L. Leong
Ms. April K. Y. Leong
Mr. Thomas F. Lepere
Mr. Daniel M. K. Leung
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Levinson
The Honorable & Mrs. Steven H.
Mr. James Lew & Ms. Qing Cheng
Mr. Donald Ranney, Jr.
& Ms. Mary Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Lezak
Mrs. Bi Chuan Li
Dr. Mark Y. Li
Ms. Sai K. Li
Mrs. Ellen S. Libby
Drs. Bruce Liebert & Judith Kellogg
Mr. Clifford B. Lim
Ms. Jennifer Anne A. Lim
Mr. Jaesoo Lim
Mr. & Mrs. Darryl K. Lindsey
Ms. Juliette S. H. Ling
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Linscott
Mrs. Carole L. Littleton
Mr. Eric M. Littman
Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Littman
Ms. Betty H. Liu
Mr. Clarence Liu
Dr. Gregg Lizenbery
& Ms. Marilyn Cristofori
Locations Foundation
Lockheed Martin Matching Gift
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Loo
Mr. Jere H. E. Loo
Dr. Sandra A. Loo
Mr. & Mrs. Alson C. H. Look
Ms. Karen L. Loomis
Lorraine Rasp Rollins, Ph.D
Drs. Bennett and Shelley A. Loui
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan P. Low
Mrs. Charlotte A. C. Low
Ms. Laurie A. Lowry
Ms. Karen Lucas
Dr. Linda E. Lucas
Mr. & Ms. Thomas Adam Luczak
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Ludwick
Ms. Rosalind Lum Creacy
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lum
Mr. Russell H. J. Lum
Ms. Susan Kathleen Lum
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. J. W. Lung
Mr. Peter M. Luscomb
Mr. Ronald A. Lynch
Dr. John M. Lynham
Dr. & Mrs. James F. Lyons
Mr. & Mrs. Winson Ma
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Y. I. Ma
Mr. & Mrs. D. Scott MacKinnon
Mrs. Joyce H. MacLennan
Mr. & Mrs. Dale R. Machado
Mr. & Mrs. Scott D. Mackenzie
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Madden
Mr. Todd S. Maeda
Ms. Mari Maedo
Dr. & Mrs. Leigh A. Maginniss
Mrs. Natalie Mahoney
Ms. Mihoko Maier
Drs. Timothy Male
& Guinnevere Roberts
Mr. Christopher R. Mallanao
Mr. Jeremy J. Manabat
Dr. & Mrs. Alfred Maneki
Ms. Chelsea Manfredi
Mr. Richard E. Mar
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Marin
Mr. Clyde R. Mark
Ms. Nancy L. Marker
Mrs. Aurora Marks
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Marks
Ms. Christy A. Martin
Mr. Anthony Godshall
& Ms. Sandra Martino
Mr. & Mrs. William Mashburn
Dr. & Mrs. Andrew W. Mason
Ms. Jocelyn Y. Masuda
Ms. Karen A. Masunaga
Mrs. Judy W. Matevich
Ms. Ann E. Mathews
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Matoi
Dr. & Mrs. Dean W. Matson
Mr. & Mrs. Roy T. Matsuda
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Matsumoto
Ms. Dale T. Matsumoto-Oi
Mr. & Mrs. Dean S. Matsuoka
Ms. Leslee E. Matsushige
Mr. Justin T. Matsuura
Ms. Beverly M. Matsuura
Mr. Dwight H. Matsuwaki
Mrs. Carol T. Matsuzaki
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Matus, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Russell H. F. Mau
Mr. Kirby W. Maury
Ms. Georgianna I. Maxner
Ms. Mary Jane Maxwell
Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. H. May
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Mayer
Mr. Joseph T. McAlister
Mr. T. J. McAniff
& Ms. Roz Wright
Mr. John McComass
& Ms. Christine Kobayashi
Mr. Darren F. McCoy
Mr. Mark P. McDonnell
Ms. Jeannie O. McElree
Mr. Roy A. McGalliard
Mr. & Mrs. John W. McGrath
Mr. Dustin R. McKennan
Mrs. Sharon S. McPhee
Ms. Jennifer R. Mcfatridge
Ms. Sally B. R. Mcintosh
Ms. Lyubov V. McSwain
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Medeiros
Dr. Mandy J. Medina
Ms. Sheila A. M. Meehan
Ms. Condesa A. N. Meijide-Gentry
Mr. Brien Meilleur
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Melohn, III
Ms. Cora S. Meyer
Mr. Robert R. Midkiff
Ms. Jenny C. Migita
Ms. Lori A. L. Migita
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Migita
Mrs. Kinui Miki
The Honorable Marie & Mr. William
Dr. & Mrs. Richard S. Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Shigeto Minami
Ms. Laurie S. Minamide
Ms. Louise S. Miura
Mrs. Gail K. Miyahira
Mrs. Leatrice E. Miyahira
Ms. Karen K. Miyasato-Cox
Ms. Jean M. Miyashiro
Mr. Lloyd K. Miyashiro
Mrs. Sharon Miyashiro
Ms. Sharyn L. Miyashiro
Mr. Fusao Miyashiro
Dr. Kimie Miyazaki
Mrs. Ellen N. Mizoguchi
Mr. & Mrs. Gary S. Mizono
Mr. & Mrs. Hiro Paul Mizue
Dr. & Mrs. James E. T. Moncur
Ms. Amy Monk
Moo Gung Hwa Chorus of Hawaii
Mr. Byron Moon
& Ms. Wendy Chang
Mr. H. B. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey E. Moore
Mr. John Webster
& Ms. Dawn Morais
Mrs. Mary L. Moran
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Morgan
Ms. Katy A. Morikawa
Mr. Mark A. Morikawa
Ms. Kelly Y. Morikone
Mr. Peter Morimoto
& Ms. Tracy Murakami
Mr. & Mrs. John Moriyama
Mr. Bert K. Moriyasu
Mrs. Crystal K. Morton
Dr. Nicholas A. Moskovitz
Dr. Maury E. Mulligan
Ms. Jean H. Mullis
Dr. Gloria L. Ursal Munson
Ms. Roberta C. P. Murakami
Mr. Philip H. Muramoto
Ms. Susan S. Murata
Mr. Robert F. Murphy, Jr.
Ms. Teresa A. Murphy
Music Contact International Inc.
Mrs. Dorothea E. Myers
Ms. Otome M. Myers
Mr. Craig H. Nagaishi
Mr. Cary K. Nagano
Mr. Edmund M. Nagao
Dr. & Mrs. George I. Nagao
Mrs. Gail M. Nagaoka
Ms. Beverly K. Nakada
Ms. Justine M. Nakagawa
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Nakagawa
Ms. Laraine T. Nakagawa
Mr. Brendan S. Nakahara
Dr. Jan F. Nakahara
Ms. Lynn A. Nakahara
Mrs. Betty Nakaji
Mr. Marvin W. Nakajima
Dr. & Mrs. Albert K. Nakakura
Ms. Shari Ann S. Nakakura
Ms. Lisa H. Nakama
Mr. Nathan K. Nakamoto
Ms. Dell M. Nakamura
Ms. Marsha S. Nakamura
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Nakamura
Ms. Helen T. Nakamura
Mr. Larry Nakano
Mr. Rodney K. Nakano
Ms. Robyne T. N. Nakao
Dr. Ryon K. Nakasone
Ms. Nancy M. Nakasone-Arsiga
Dr. Katherine T. Nakata
Mr. Calvin S. Nakatsuka
& Ms. Katherine S. Takaki
Ms. Lynne Nakaura
Dr. & Mrs. Porntawee
Mrs. Jean Nash
Dr. Geoffrey S. Nathan
Dr. Karen J. Neff
& Mr. Charles B. Neff
Mr. Alvin A. Nekoba
Dr. & Mrs. Peter J. Nelligan
Dr. & Mrs. Deane E. Neubauer
Suzanne & Ralf Neufang
Mrs. Dawn E. Ng
Mrs. Debra F. Ng
Mr. Eddie Ng
Nicanor F. Joaquin M.D., Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Nicholas
Ms. Yi Nicholson
Mr. Matthew A. Nickel
Mr. & Mrs. Henry S. Nihei
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas T. Nii
Dr. Arlene M. Nikaido-Lung
Dr. Laurel M. Nishida
Ms. Shirley S. Nishida-Calalay
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Y. Nishihara
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin T. Nishihara
Dr. & Mrs. Warren S. Nishimoto
Dr. & Mrs. Bryan I. Nishimura
Dr. Lawrence & Dr. Kiyoko Nitz
Ms. Barbara Nobriga
Ms. Amy E. Nogami
Ms. Carole T. Nohara
Mr. Roy K. Nojima
Ms. Carolyn J. Nolasco
Mr. & Mrs. Myron H. Nomura
Ms. Yeiko J. Nowaki
Mr. Glenn Noyama
Nueva Vida
Ms. Jennifer L. O’Brien-Thelen
Dr. Daniel F. O’Donnell
Dr. Joseph H. O’Mealy
Mrs. Ethel U. O’Neil
Mr. Henry O’Neill
& Ms. Carol K. Muranaka
Ms. Lorraine H. Oasa
Mr. Baron J. Obata
Mr. Kevin H. Oda
Mr. Lynol Y. Oda
Mr. Kyle Ogami
Maj. Billy G. Ogan
Mr. Eugene Ogan
Mr. Brennen-Scott Y. Ogawa
Dr. & Mrs. Gary S. Ogawa
Mr. & Mrs. Roy T. Ogawa
Ms. Lorna Y. Ogawa
Mr. Curtis K. Ogawa
Ms. Carol K. Ogino
Ms. Jean B. Ohai
Ms. Jennifer T. Ohara
Mr. John S. Ohari
Ms. Irene F. Ohashi
Ms. Alayne M. Ohta
Mr. Shannon E. Oide
Mr. & Mrs. Steven I. Oishi
Mr. & Mrs. Todd T. Oishi
Ms. Frances Y. Oka
Ms. Amy M. Okada
Dr. & Mrs. Jon P. Okada
Dr. & Mrs. Gary A. Okamoto
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Okamura
Ms. Tomoko Okazaki
Mr. John S. Oki
& Ms. Joy M. Miyasaki
Ms. Mavis Y. Okihara
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde M. Okinaga
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson S. Okino
Mr. Steven K. Okoji
Mr. Watson T. Okubo
Mr. Ronald J. Okubo
Dr. Roy K. Okuda
Mr. Michael Okumura
Drs. Garret P. & Amy L. Olberding
Drs. Douglas C. Olsen
& Kara M. Okahara
Mr. Victor S. Olshansky
Dr. George E. Omen, Jr.
Ms. Kathryn M. Omine
Ms. Eadie S. Omonaka
Mr. & Mrs. Clifton T. Onaga
Dr. & Mrs. Jeri J. Ooka
Mr. Jose Pedro B. Orias
Ortiz & Katano, Attorneys at Law
Mr. Larry Osborne
Mr. & Mrs. Leslie H. Oshiro
Mr. Robert S. Oshita
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Y. Otaguro
Mr. Daniel R. Otineru
Mr. Simon Ottenberg
Mrs. Karen M. Ottoboni
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Owen
Mr. Thomas T. Oyasato
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Ozaki
Mr. M. Marcelo Pacleb
Dr. Louise Pagotto
& Mr. L. Pagotto
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah A.
Pahukula, Jr.
Mrs. Sydney Jean Palm-McIntosh
Mr. & Mrs. Kit Kaniala Palmer
Mr. John M. Pampalone
Mr. Lance Pan
Dr. Kevin D. Pang
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Park
Mr. & Mrs. Francis H. Y. Park
Dr. & Mrs. Melvin Park
Mr. Sae Y. Park
Ms. Hwa Ja K. Park
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan E. Patmont
Mr. Pablo S. Paz
Pearson Education
Mr. Jonathan Peck
& Ms. Barbara Vobejda
Ms. Lorie K. Peralez
Percussive Arts Society Hawaii
Rev. Dr. Mary Carol Perrott
Mrs. Dorothy A. Pertz
Ms. Catherine Peterman
Mrs. Malia B. Peters
Dr. Michael Peters
& Dr. Karuna Joshi-Peters
Dr. & Mrs. Robert G. Peters
Ms. Lynn Peters
Dr. & Ms. Roger A. Pfeffer
Ms. Patti Phears
Mr. Gary R. K. Phillips
Dr. Karen W. Phinney
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Picard
Mrs. Martha E. Pilliard
Mrs. Briana T. Platukis
Dr. Ann M. Pobutsky
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford M. Pollard
Mr. Donald Pollock
Mr. Ronald J. Polomsky
Samuel G. Pooley, Ph.D.
& Marcia E. Hamilton
Mr. Iain N. Pound
Mr. Tim Powell
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Prather
Mr. & Mrs. Duane Preble
Mrs. Eiko Preston
Mr. Alan Price
& Ms. Maureen Schaeffer
Ms. Diane Profita
Mr. Warren A. Putzke
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Quattrone
Mr. Eliseo Queja
ROSES Systems Solutions
Mr. Phillip A. Raab
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Racine
Mr. & Mrs. Denny Randall
Mr. Ganesh Ranganathan
Mrs. Helen Y. Rauer
Ms. Barbara J. Ray
Dr. Buenaventura E. Realica
Dr. & Mrs. Garry A. Rechnitz
Dr. Gay G. Reed
Mr. & Mrs. Arend Reeuwijk
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Rehg
Mr. Walter R. Reid
Mr. Nolan K. Reis-Moniz
Mr. Glen Reiser
Mr. Jonathan R. Relacion
Mrs. Millynette L.M. Remmers
Ms. Qing Ren
Mr. Mark S. Reynhout
Mrs. Georgia L. Richards
Mr. & Mrs. Manning Richards
Ms. Eve M. Riggs
Mrs. Leslie A. S. Ringuette
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred S. Rivera
Alice P. S. & Crichton C. Roberts
Mr. Michael Roberts
Mr. David A. Robyak
Mr. Taylor T. Rock
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence D. Rodriguez
Dr. Matthew P. Romaniello
Ms. Christina A. Ronay-Lappin
Dr. D. Haigh Roop
Mr. David A. Ross
Dr. & Mrs. Fred H. Roster
Rotary Club of Honolulu Sunset
Dr. & Mrs. Randall W. Roth
Dr. James A. Roumasset
Dr. Sharon E. Rowe
SAG - AFTRA One Union
SSK Electric
Sachi Hawaii
Ms. Ruby Sager
Dr. Kiran K. Sagoo
Dr. & Mrs. Pawan K. Sahu
Ms. Sabrina M. Saiki-Mita
Mr. & Ms. Kyle S. Sakado
Diane & Jay K. Sakai
Mr. Hajime Sakai
Mr. Justin J. Sakai
Dr. Gen P. Sakamoto
Mr. Shoji Sakamoto
Ms. Diana Sakihara
Dr. & Mrs. Brian H. Sako
Mr. Donn M. Sakuda
Mr. Kent A. Sakuda
Mr. Joseph A. Salazar
Ambassador Charles B. Salmon, Jr.
Sampaguita Assn. of HI
Mr. & Mrs. Alex J. San Buenaventura
Mr. Michael Sana
Ms. Akiko Sanai
Ms. Debra J. Sanchez
Ms. Lilia Q. Santiago
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew K. Saranchock
Mr. & Mrs. Kiyoshi Sasaki
Mr. & Mrs. Jed T. Sasaki
Mr. & Mrs. Nobuo Sato
Mr. & Mrs. Harold S. Sato
Mr. Alan M. Sato
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn H. Sato
Sawai Koto School Hawaii
Ms. Amy L. Saxton
Mrs. Patricia Scavo
Ms. Barbara A. Schaper
Dr. & Mrs. Richard E. Schatz
Mr. Keith W. Scheff
Dr. Alice E. D. Scheuer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Schmidt
Mr. Robert C. Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Tony R. Schoonover
Ms. Gina K. Schultz
Mrs. Laura Brooke Schuneman
Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel F. Scion
Steven R. Scott
Ms. Talea L. Scott
Mr. Allan Y. Segawa
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur S. Seki
Mr. Toshio Seki
Ms. Elsa L. Serion
Mr. Akio Serizawa
Mr. Henry L. Sermersheim
Dr. Ramon R. Sewnath
Ms. Sarah W. Shanahan
Rev. Donald W. Shaner
Mrs. Linda Shapiro
Dr. & Mrs. S. I. Shapiro
Mr. & Mrs. Scott E. Sharpe
Dr. Edward J. Shaya
Sheila Meneses Tomas
Ms. Corrie S. Shigeta
Mr. Thomas T. Shigeta
Ms. Helen N. Shikina
Ms. Lori Ann A. Shimabukuro
Mr. & Mrs. Takeo Shimabukuro
Mr. & Mrs. Takeshi Shimana
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin T. Shimoda
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Shimogawa
Mr. Wesley Y. Shimokawa
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley T. H. Shin
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Shinno
Ms. Lei A. Shinoda
Ms. Helen A. Shipp
Dr. Amy E. Shirk
Ms. Emily M. Shiroma
Mrs. Janet A. Shitabata
Mr. Norris S. Shito
Mr. Michael R. Shook
Dr. Susan R. & Mr. Bryant W. Shultz
Dr. & Mrs. Edward J. Shultz
Spring 2014 | Ke Kumu ‘Ike 9
Mr. & Mrs. Danny Shum
Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan H. Shun
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Siegel
Ms. Peggy Anne Siegmund
Sigma Delta Pi
Mr. Paul E. Simpson
Mrs. Larraine D. Sinclair
Mr. Michael Sitch & Ms. Louise Ing
Dr. & Mrs. Albert K. Q. Siu
Mr. & Mrs. Yet Siu
Ms. Melanie M. Skievaski
Skinner Law Offices
Dr. Timothy Slaughter
& Ms. Yvonne Chang
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Smith
Mr. Donald Smith
Ms. Martina M. Smith
Ms. Stacey B. Smith
Dr. Wayne S. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Marcellus S. Snow
Ms. Carla E. Soekias
Mr. & Mrs. Warren H. Soma
Dr. Moon K. Song
& Ms. Jong Soon Jee
Mr. & Ms. Raynard C. Soon
Mr. Steven W. Soong
Dr. Fred Soriano
Mr. & Mrs. William T. South
Mrs. Barbara J. K. Souza
Ms. Dana R. Spade
Mr. Peter P. Sparks
& Ms. Clytie P. Mead
Mr. James H. Spencer
Mr. & Mrs. Henry S. Speno
Mrs. Janice I. St Amant
Ms. Mary D. Stanton
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Stanton
Mr. William J. Steinohrt
Mr. & Mrs. Q. D. Stephen-Hassard
Mr. Steven R. Stepter
Mr. Daniel R. Stewart
Mr. Wade C. Stockton
Ms. Louise S. Storm
Mrs. Stephanie A. Strickland
Ms. Sherrill J. Sturm
Dr. Julia S. Su
Dr. Andrew Makoto Subica
Mr. & Mrs. Iggy Jang
Ms. Florence S. Sugimoto
Ms. Blanche H. Sugimoto
Mrs. Joy Sugimura
Dr. & Mrs. Guy M. Sugino
Ms. Susan Y. Sugitani
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin K. Sumimoto
Mr. & Mrs. Jason K. Sunada
Dr. & Mrs. Jack P. Suyderhoud
Suzuki Talent Education
of Hawaii
Ms. Michiko Suzuki
Mr. Arnold Y. Suzumoto
Dr. & Mrs. David A. Swanson
Mrs. Cyd Y. Swerdlow
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Swezey
Mrs. Judith L. Swidryk
Mr. & Mrs. William J. M. Weir
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tagore-Erwin
Mr. Paul G. Tai See
Ms. Gail H. Taira
Ms. Jean M. Takabayashi
Ms. Annabelle T. Takahashi
Mr. & Mrs. Ed M. Takamine
Mrs. Judy M. Takasane
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Takayesu
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Y. Takeda
Dr. Franklin S. Takei
Ke Kumu ‘Ike | Spring 2014
Ms. Fawn C. S. Takemoto
Dr. David Takeuchi
& Ms. Amy Yamashita
Drs. Bryan T. & Marianne
K. Tanabe
Dr. Takuma Tanada
Mr. Harold T. Tanaka
Mr. & Mrs. Lance K. Tanaka
Ms. Patrice A. Tanaka
Mr. Charles Tang, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Tanji
Mr. Edwin I. Tanji
Mrs. Harolyn M. Tanji
Mr. Watson Y. Tanji
Mr. Thomas M. Tannahill
Ms. Mardijah A. Tarantino
Dr. Nori Tarui
Dr. Jane B. Taylor
Ms. Malia A. Taylor
Mrs. Marjorie N. Taylor
Tchaikovsky Music Studio
Ms. Cassandra K. Tengan
Dr. Margery S. Williams-Terpstra
Mr. & Mrs. Donn Terry
Mr. Christopher L. Test
Ms. Carol H. Thamtrachai
The Gold Coporation
The Home Depot Foundation
The Piano Studio
The Salvation Army
Col. Ronald S. Thomas
Ms. Nancy Thomas-Cote
Ms. Andrea Y. Thompson
Mr. Nathan E. Thurber
Mr. Kenneth A. Tice
Time for Barbara Marumoto
Drs. Richard & Jan Titgen
Mr. Hung T. J. To
Mrs. Laurie A. Tochiki
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Todd, Jr.
Mr. Abraham M. Tokashiki
Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. Tokunaga
Ms. Jennifer L. Tom
Mr. Malcolm Tom
& Ms. Karen R. Char
Mr. & Mrs. Derek K. Tomita
Mr. Troy Y. Tomita
Dr. & Mrs. Eliot N. Tomomitsu
Mr. Wayne Y. M. Tong
Mr. Robert J. Toonen
Col. Mark A. Torreano
Mrs. Raquel H. Torres de Sa
Ms. Carol A. Tougas
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Toulon
Ms. Ai-mo T. Tran
Dr. Karl G. Trautman
Dr. Bonnie L. Traymore
The Honorable Gordon M. Trimble
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Troy
Mr. Spiro Socaris & Ms. Lisa Trubitt
Mr. Stephen L. Tschudi
Ms. Ying W. TseMr. Richard O.
Mr. Douglas S. Tsuruda
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Cassius Tuato’o
Ms. Kaleve Tufono-Iosefa
Dr. & Mrs. Richard E. Tullis
Mr. Joseph Tumpap
Mr. Uili Tupouniua
Mr. William P. Turner
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Turner
Col. & Mrs. E. James Turse
Mr. & Ms. Terry J. Tusher
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Tuyay
Ms. Rosalind M. Tyson
US China People Friendship
Assn HonUH Press
Mr. & Mrs. Senyu Ueunten
Ms. Lyn Uhl
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon M. Umetsu
Mr. Howard K. Unruh, Jr.
Ms. Christine N. Urabe
Mrs. Cheryl M. Urasaki
Mr. & Mrs. Tetsuo Uratani
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Ushijima
Mr. & Mrs. Y. Ushijima
Dr. Hediana M. Utarti
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Y. Uyechi
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond T. Uyeda
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Uyeda
Mrs. Kazue Uyeda
Mrs. Rae N. M. Uyehara
Mr. Dennis S. Uyesugi
Nephia V. Valeriano
Mrs. Mary T. Valliant
Mr. Raytan K. Vares
Mr. & Mrs. Kosuke Vasquez
Ms. Lynn M. Vear
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Ventura
Ms. Claudia A. Ventura-Abbott
Dr. Anna Viggiano
& Mr. Lindbergh Marzo
Mr. Leighton K. Vila
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Y. Wada
Mr. Russ I. Wada
Mr. & Mrs. Leigh I. Wakamatsu
Mr. Fred I. Waki
Dr. Haidan Wang
Ms. Jenny L. Y. Wang
Dr. Liang Wang
Dr. Qinghong Wang
Wensheng Wang
Mr. William C. Wantland
Dr. Richard Ward
Ms. Emily A. Warner
Mrs. Jodee N. Watanabe
Mr. & Mrs. Nobuyuki Watanabe
Ms. Wanda K. Watanabe
Ms. Charlotte H. Watanabe
Dr. Donald E. Watson
Dr. Vincenne A. Waxwood
Mrs. Phyllis S. Weaver
Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Webster, Jr.
Ms. Bonnie W. Weeks
Dr. Eldon L. Wegner
Dr. Michael Weinstein
& Ms. Marsha Meckler
Mr. Benjamin D. Weitz
Wells Fargo Comm. Support
Wells Fargo Foundation
Mr. Glenn K. West
Ms. Sherri L. West
Dr. Alan T. White
Mr. Douglas A. White
Mr. John M. White
Ms. Gail A. Wilcox
Mr. Dan D. Wilder
Dr. George Wilkens
Dr. Gary C. Wilkins
Mrs. Elaine D. Williams
Dr. Katherine Williams
Dr. & Mrs. Fred Williams
Ms. Lani Willis
Mr. James S. Williston
Ms. Cheryl L. Willoughby
Dr. & Mrs. John F. Wilson
Ms. Rebecca E. Wilson
Winnie Chan Piano Studio
Dr. Jenifer S. Winter
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Wixom
Mrs. Sylvia Wohlmut
Ms. Suzanne L. Wolfe
Mrs. Donna Wolff
Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Womack, Jr.
Ms. Dannette K. O. Won
Mr. Albert Y. D. Wong
Dr. Bradley D. Wong
Mr. Duane K. Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan K. Wong
Ms. Marion S. Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. H. Wong
Ms. Shun Wah Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Myron H. Wong
Mr. Charles W. Wood
Dr. Joseph Wai-Man Wu
Mr. Paul L. Wysard
Mr. Louis P. Xigogianis
Mrs. Harriet F. Yamada
Ms. Rachelle T. Yamada
Mr. & Mrs. Cory S. Yamaguchi
Dr. & Mrs. Chris K. Yamamoto
Mr. & Mrs. Miles K. Yamamoto
Mr. Jay T. Yamamoto
Mr. Keith A. Yamanuha
Mr. Larry H. Yamaoka
Dr. Beatrice T. Yamasaki
Mr. Norman Yamasato
Mr. Wilfred Y. Yamasawa
Mr. Wayne K. Yamashige
Kelly Ann C. Yamashiro, PhD
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Yamashiro
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas I. Yamashiro
Ms. Wendy T. Yamashita
Mr. & Mrs. Curt I. Yamashita
Mrs. Ramona C. Yanai
Mr. Allen Yang
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar T. Yanger
Dr. Christine Yano & Mr. Scott Wilson
Dr. Pearl Yao
Mr. James Y. S. Yap
Ms. Dale K. Yashiki
Ms. Ellen J. Yasuda
Mr. & Mrs. Mel M. Yazawa
Mr. & Mrs. Guy A. Yeager
Dr. & Mrs. Eric K. S. Yee
Drs. David A. Chiriboga
& Barbara Yee
Dr. Thomas Yee
Ms. Valerie B. H. Yee
Dr. Marty Clayman
& Dr. Catherine Yen
Mr. Herbert D. M. Yeung
Dr. & Mrs. Gareth C. Yokochi
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Yokota
Mrs. Kay M. Yoneshige
Ms. Marian Y. Y. Yong
Ms. Elizabeth C. Yoshida
Mr. Jon H. Yoshida
Ms. Ruth M. Yoshida
Mr. & Mrs. Grant E. Yoshikami
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn S. Yoshimori
Ms. Katherine E. Yoshimura
Mr. & Mrs. Harold H. Yoshimura
Mr. Tsutomu Yoshinaga
Mrs. Susan S. Yoshioka
Mr. Daniel H. Yotsuda
Mr. Gregory B. Young
Ms. Joni Young
Mrs. Lorraine M. L. Young
Ms. & Ms. Marlene Q. F. Young
Ms. Patsy K. Young
Mr. & Mrs. Kwan L. Young
Mr. Timothy S. G. Young
Mr. Lindsey J. Yowell, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jason K. C. Yuen
Mr. Keo K. Zaiger
Ms. Laurie M. H. Zane
Mr. Timothy Knutson & Ms. Liane Zane
Rev. Linda B. Zaye
Dr. & Mrs. Robert B. Zeuschner
Dr. Herbert F. Ziegler
Alumni News
Colleges of Arts & Sciences Alumni Association
President’s Message
Aloha e CASAA Ohana,
I’m writing this during the season of giving and thinking about why people give.
There are all kinds of reasons, but often it’s because we have received. Giving is
mutually rewarding—the recipient feels good and the giver feels even better. I am
grateful to have been both recipient and giver.
In my senior year in high school my father passed away. He was only forty-four,
and my widowed mother, only thirty-seven. My sisters and I were devastated.
As we matured, we would come to understand that our mother dealt not only
with grief, but also with the daunting challenges (not the least of which was
financial) of raising three children. Today, many families face similarly or equally
difficult situations.
Though the word “philanthropy” may not have been in my vocabulary back then,
it certainly was a part of my adolescent experiences. Thanks to the generosity of
strangers, I received scholarships to help pay for tuition. I learned that companies
and people like your selves had funded scholarships for worthy students in
financial need. As I grew older and wiser, my appreciation for these gifts also
grew. It is the reason that I, along with my sisters, chose to establish our own
scholarship endowment in my parents’ honor.
My passion to provide assistance to students increases each year. Perhaps it is
because I see how much it now costs to earn a college degree. I remember that my
$100 scholarships would pay for tuition and some books. Today, it won’t even pay
for a single book in some cases. The crippling debt that many students graduate
with is unfathomable.
Please become a member
of CASAA and be a part
of this special UH Alumni
Association chapter.
To join, you can call
808.956.4051 or go to
Perhaps my passion is the result of seeing first-hand how generous people are when
provided the chance to give to others. Case in point—last fall, in recognition
of CASAA’s 20th anniversary, our dedicated board set forth the goal of raising
$20,000 for the CASAA Scholarship Endowment through our signature wine
pairing dinner. It was a lofty goal, and quite frankly, the catchy phrase of
“$20,000 in 20” was appealing. Well, we missed our mark—the dinner raised
$22,225! CASAA friends not only met expectations, but also exceeded them.
Please enjoy a brief photo recap on the following page.
Thank for you putting CASAA in the satisfying situation of being both a giver
and a receiver, just as I was. We give scholarships to students because we receive
your support. It’s that simple, and I am truly grateful.
A hui hou and aloha pumehana,
, BA ’64
CASAA President
Jean Toyama
Spring 2014 | Ke Kumu ‘Ike 11
Most Successful
Wine Pairing Dinner
(seated) Lance Mizumoto
and Ayumi Kumaki; Heather
Patterson and Wayne Kato
(which raised over $22,000 for
the CASAA Scholarship Endowment)
(seated) Diane Pang, Lorine
Ogawa, Portia Jim On, and Lecia
Ortiz; Pierre Pang, Shelton Jim
On, Roy Ogawa, and
Jonathan Ortiz
(seated) Debbie Cheeseman, Myla Williams,
George Williams, and Scott Nishimoto; Chevy
Au-Stein and Lorra Au-Raycher
(seated) Andrew Tanji, Joyce
Settle, Jeanne Oka, Ethel Aotani,
and Bette Uyeda; Virginia Tanji,
James Chan, Kamilla Chan, Jean
Toyama, Mavis Masaki, and
Dennis Toyama
(seated) Kat Frystak, Ariel Lennon, and Ken Lennon; Alvin
Katahara, Mae Katahara, and Ronald Frystak
Russell Ando, Patti Arakaki, and
Gordon Arakaki
photos on this page by Jessica Ando
Ke Kumu ‘Ike | Spring 2014
Special Thanks to
Auction and
Door Prize Donors
Alohamoe by
Maureen Taylorson
Ethel S. Aotani
Bernadette Baraquio Hamada
Barefoot League
Big City Diner
Big Island Candies
Bishop Museum
Kamilla Chan
City Mill Company, Ltd
Creating CoPOWERment
Center, LLC
Diamond Head Theatre
Eden in Love
& The Wedding Café
Fresh 2 Death Detailing
Fresh Catch
Fresh Image 808
Laarni Gedo
Global Investments
Halekulani Corporation
Hawaiian Chip Company
Honolulu Theatre for Youth
Ilima Hotel
Jodi Ito
J.M.C. Creations
Karuna L Joshi-Peters, PhD
Kaanapali Golf Courses
Kennedy Theatre
Worldster & Patricia Lee
Kenneth & Ariel Lennon
Lyon Arboretum
Market City Shopping Center
Barbara Marumoto
Massage Matters
McKinley Car Wash
Earl Mente
John Nagamine
Jeanne Oka
Paul Brown Salon
Larry Rodriguez
Jean St. Hilaire
Sea Glass Fine Art
Nadine Shigezawa &
Jim Tollefson
SOHI Fitness
The Cheesecake Factory
Jean & Dennis Toyama
University of Hawai‘i at
Mānoa Athletics
University of Hawai‘i at
Mānoa Bookstore
Allen Uyechi
Wakefield Coffee
Richard Wong
Grant Yoshikami
CASAA’s Scholarship Support at Work
An excerpt from the travel report of graduate student Michi Sweeney
who received a 2013 CASAA Academic Opportunities Award
As a recipient of the Spring 2013 CASAA Opportunities
Award, I was able to use this scholarship to cover a
portion of the travel expenses to present my research
project, undertaken from 2012–13 through the UH
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program
(UROP), at the World Futures Studies Federation
conference held in Bucharest, Romania in June 2013.
The conference celebrated the 40th anniversary of the
federation, which was founded in 1973 in Paris, but
conceptualized in Bucharest in 1972. The conference was
held at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies,
in the beautiful Aula Magna Hall—the very same venue
Sweeney on nutritional deficiency in Hawai‘i
that the WFSF founders met at when the federation
was envisioned in 1972. The anniversary conference
theme was Global Research and Innovation: Transforming
Futures, and in attendance were more than 100
participants representing a variety of institutions from six
continents. It was both inspiring and humbling to glean
from and interact with the conference participants.
To be able to participate in a futures conference, I had
to shift my focus from looking at nutritional deficiency
in Hawai‘i as a social issue in its present state, to
considering how it can be prevented in the future(s). The
presentation I gave at the conference summarized the
present barriers to food security that were illuminated
by the UROP research project, and introduced the need
for alternative solutions to address this social issue, as
current interventions such as the Hawai‘i Foodbank
and SNAP do not prevent nutritional deficiency and
subsequent chronic diseases. The process of preparing
for this conference caused me to question whether I
should focus my continued personal and academic efforts
towards intervention or prevention. I was confronted
with the possibility of either equipping myself and
others with tools to make better consumer choices in
the current food system, or becoming equipped with
tools to create a different food system altogether. As a
result of this process, I have chosen to focus on social
transformation that serves to prevent a social issue, rather
than attempting to solve social problems after they’ve
been created.
Yee Receives Lifetime
Achievement Award
Barbara W. K. Yee (’74 Psychology) was awarded the
American Psychological Association’s James Jones
Lifetime Achievement Award during the organization’s
2013 national meeting in Honolulu. The award was
presented by APA’s Minority Fellowship Program for Yee’s
longstanding and distinguished contributions to the field
of racial and ethnic minority psychology through teaching
and training.
Yee, a developmental psychologist, is a professor and
chair of the Department of Family and Consumer
Sciences in the College of Tropical Agriculture and
Human Resources. Her research bridges immigration,
acculturation, gender issues, health literacy, and lifestyle
practices. She has followed Southeast Asian immigrant and
refugee families since the fall of Saigon in 1975, studied
immigrant women from the Philippines and Mexico,
and looked at generations of Native Hawaiian and Pacific
Islander families.
Yee with Kamana‘opono Crabbe, also an alumnus of the Department
of Psychology
Spring 2014 | Ke Kumu ‘Ike 13
Faculty News
Female Creepers
Persian Program Begins
The Persian Language, Linguistics and Culture Program
was recently established, made possible through a grant
from and in partnership with the Roshan Cultural
Heritage Institute. Support for Persian graduate studies is
an integral part of the new program.
Two Roshan institute graduate fellowships for students
of Linguistics and Second Language Studies will be
awarded. A fellow must be a degree-seeking graduate in
Linguistics or Second Language Studies and participate
in research.
Only 22 to 28 percent of the remaining adult population of
the endangered Hawai‘i creeper (Oreomystis mana) found
in the southern portion of the Hakalau Forest National
Wildlife Refuge are female according to research published
by biology professor Leonard Freed and cell and molecular
biology professor Rebecca Cann. This raises concerns about
the birds’ ability to continue to propagate the species.
Fellows will also be expected to participate actively in the
instructional program in Persian language, linguistics
and culture. They will work with Dr. Ladan Hamedani,
Roshan institute instructor, to develop materials and,
where appropriate, help in instruction. In addition, two
Roshan institute fellowships for graduate students of
Persian will be awarded.
Both male and female Hawai‘i creepers are olive green and
have a short, straight gray bill and black mask. The birds are
endemic to the Island of Hawai‘i. Creeping up and down
koa and ‘ōhi‘a tree trunks and along the underside of larger
branches, they feed on insects living under loose bark.
From 2001 to 2007, Hawai‘i creeper population declined
by 63 percent throughout a 3,400-hectare open forest
area at Hakalau Refuge on the windward slope of Mauna
Kea, according to trend analyses by Freed and Cann. The
scientists observed the male-biased sex ratio along the
elevation gradient in a formerly high density section of the
forest. Freed and Cann pin the sudden and rapid decline
of Hawai‘i creepers on food limitation associated with a
surge in local numbers of the Japanese white-eye (Zosterops
japonicus), an introduced bird that competes with the
creeper. Food limitation was indicated by lower mass,
stunted bill growth, and shorter legs of young creepers, as
well as changes in the timing and duration of molt of both
hatch-year birds and adults. These changes, along with
lower fat and loss of fledglings, point to starvation as the
cause of the Hawai‘i creeper collapse.
“We know the creeper is in serious trouble, and we
urgently need to increase adult female survival,” Freed
said. “At a minimum, this will include controlling
Japanese white-eyes. Also, captive breeding may be
necessary to produce females that can be released into the
wild to restore the adult sex ratio.”
Ke Kumu ‘Ike | Spring 2014
Persian is the official and national language of Iran,
and standard Modern Persian is spoken in Tehran, the
capital of Iran. The Persian language belongs to the West
Iranian language group, a subgrouping of Indo-Iranian
languages, which are part of the Indo-European language
family. The two dialects of Persian are Tajiki and
Dari, which are spoken in Tajikistan and Afghanistan,
respectively. Persian culture has produced thousands
of literary works and exquisite ancient art including
architecture, intricate tile works, finely woven carpets,
painting, pottery, calligraphy and modern art, including
cinema and music.
High-Energy Physicists Predict New Family of
Four-Quark Objects
An international team of high-energy
physicists says the discovery of an
electrically charged subatomic particle
called Zc(4020) is a sign that they have
begun to unveil a whole new family of
four-quark objects.
The Beijing Spectrometer (BESIII)
collaboration, which includes
scientists from UH Mānoa, previously
announced the discovery of a
mysterious four-quark particle called
Zc(3900) in April 2013.
“While quarks have long been known
to bind together in groups of twos or
threes, these new results seem to be
quickly opening the door to a previously
elusive type of four-quark matter,” said
Frederick Harris, a professor of physics
and astronomy and a spokesman for
the BESIII experiment. “The unique
data sample collected by the BESIII
collaboration has continued to yield
a stream of clues about the nature of
multi-quark objects.”
The recent breakthroughs by the
BESIII collaboration have come
about through a dedicated study of
the byproducts of the anomalous
Y(4260) particle.
Using the Beijing Electron Positron
Collider (BEPCII) in China, scientists
tuned the energy at which electrons
and positrons annihilate matter to
4260 MeV, which corresponds to
the mass of the Y(4260) particle. The
BESIII collaboration used this method
to directly produce and collect large
samples of the particle’s byproducts,
or decays.
This experimental method allowed the
BESIII collaboration to first observe
the Zc(3900) and then the Zc(4020).
Also recently spotted in the decays
is the electrically neutral X(3872), a
particle that has been experimentally
established for more than 10 years, and
has long been suspected to be a fourquark object.
“The year 2013 has so far been
an exciting one for the BESIII
experiment,” Harris said. “Using decays
of the Y(4260), a family of four-quark
objects has begun to appear. While
the theoretical picture remains to be
finalized, more and more clues are
suggesting that we are witnessing new
forms of matter. And while a new ‘zoo’
of mysterious particles is emerging, it
seems a new classification system may
soon be at hand to understand it.”
About the BESIII Experiment
The Beijing Spectrometer (BESIII)
experiment at the Beijing Electron
Positron Collider is composed of about
350 physicists from 50 institutions in 11
countries. U.S. groups include Carnegie
Mellon University, Indiana University,
The University of Minnesota, The
University of Rochester, as well as
physicists in the High Energy Physics
Group, in the Department of Physics
and Astronomy at the University of
Hawai‘i at Mānoa.
The end view of the cylindrical BESIII detector. The electron and positron beams collide in its center, and the decay products of their interactions are
measured in the detector subsystems as they travel outward. The lines radiating out from the center of the detector are the many cables carrying signals to
the digitizing electronics. The blue iron endplates which act as the flux return for the strong superconducting magnetic field are approximately 15 feet high.
Spring 2014 | Ke Kumu ‘Ike 15
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Graduate Student Protecting Endangered Species
Botany graduate student Seana Walsh
has been awarded the Eloise Gerry
Fellowship from the Sigma Epsilon/
Graduate Women in Science National
Fellowships Program to continue her
research on a critically endangered
Hawaiian plant endemic to Kaua‘i
and historically to Ni‘ihau—the
‘ōlulu, or “cabbage on a stick” plant,
Brighamia insignis.
The plant is considered one of
the most unusual in the Hawaiian
flora. In the wild, only one individual
Ke Kumu ‘Ike | Spring 2014
is thought to survive, clinging to a sea
cliff along Kaua‘i’s Nā Pali Coast.
Using a small set of cultivated B.
insignis plants under the care of staff
at the National Tropical Botanical
Garden’s Limahuli Garden on
Kaua‘i, Walsh will observe the
plants during the day and night to
determine if any local pollinators
are visiting its flowers. If no wild
pollinators are found, handpollination may be the only way to
ensure its continued survival.