August 2010 - Motorcycle Rider News
August 2010 - Motorcycle Rider News
THEN NEW MADE WHOLE LAW PART 2 By Melissa Winthers, Esq. In addition to limiting the rights of health insurance companies to get paid back out of an injured person's recovery, the new made whole law addresses the controversy surrounding whether the appropriate measure of an injured person's damages is the amount of the medical bills or the amount paid by the health insurance company. For example, let's say the amount billed by health care providers for crash-related medical treatment totaled $100,000 but the health insurer only paid $30,000 of those bills with the remainder being written off due to the health insurer's contractual discount. Is the appropriate measure of the injured person's medical expenses $30,000 or $100,000? The courts have been split on this issue. Some courts have decided that, because the amount paid was $30,000, an injured person should not be able to present the $100,000 figure. Others have determined that because the injured person had the foresight to buy health insurance, he/she should reap the reward of the contractual discount which he paid for, allowing the $100,000 figure. The later reasoning was based on the premise that it would be unfair for the individual who did not buy health insurance to receive greater com- Twin LighT Performance WE PROVIDE SERVICE • PARTS & TIRES FOR HARLEY-DAVIDSON Ray Domenico’s Service and Repair Shop Specializing in Evo’s & Twincams We Specialize in Engine Performance Packages – Fast turn around – B r i n g u s Yo u r Q u o t e a n d We W i l l D o O u r d a m n e d e s t t o b e at I t pensation that the person who did. It was also consistent with Colorado's collateral source doctrine which precludes the jury from reducing an injured person's damages for a benefit he paid into, such as social security disability income or a private disability policy. The new Made Whole law says that the appropriate measure of damages in the example above is the full amount of the bills, or $100,000 . It contains a very important provision prohibiting evidence of the fact that any portion of the injured person's medical bills have been paid for by health insurance or have been contractually discounted by health insurance. I have already had an opportunity to discuss this law with several adjustors evaluating claims. They have agreed that the carriers now owe claimants the full amount of the medical bills based on the new law. However, there is still a case pending before the Supreme Court on this issue. Depending upon how that case is decided, we may see new ways to attempt to get around the policy of this statute. In sum, over the past several years we have seen legislation and case law which has significantly increased the benefits that an injured person can collect. For example, several years ago the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that an injured person's uninsured /undersinsured motorist (UM/UIM) coverage travels with him not his car. That allowed injured people to utilize other household UM/UIM policies, such as motorcycle policies with higher coverage limits, even when the injured person was not on a motorcycle. The General Assembly then enacted legislation providing for the stacking of the liability and UIM policies, effectively doubling injured individual's coverage. And now, we have the new Made Whole law which both reduces health insurers rights to get paid back out of an injured person's recovery and increases the amount of damages injured people are allowed to claim. So often in a serious collision, the available coverage is insufficient. These legal changes have made significant headway toward providing injured motorists with a fuller recovery. If you have any questions about how the new law might affect you, call Melissa Winthers, Esq. Melissa is an attorney at Fleishman & Shapiro P.C. She represents people who have been injured in collisions and can be reached at 303-861-1000 or [email protected]. 1st Annual Bearman Classic Memorial Run - August 22nd 1st Annual Bearman Classic Memorial Run is all about remembering YOUR memories of a friend, and an all-around fun guy in the biker community, Bear, aka Ted Rensink. It's not a poker run, with scheduled stops, but a chance to enjoy the freedom of riding. A ride that was one of Bear's favorites, Peak-to-Peak. A map with suggested stops, all Bear's favorites, will be provided. Many stops will include specials, such as chili at Last Shot, a burger at Kermit's and slice of carrot cake at Oskar Blue. Cams, Big Bore Kits, Port and Flow Heads, Carburetor Modifications and Exhausts We Are Dealers for: Drag Specialties - Thunder Header Exhausts Midwest and more We offer a complete Chrome Exchange 1754 HWY 287 - Broomfield Co. - 303-438-5700 Directions: 1 block south of Dillon (South of the Overpass) Black Building with an Orange Strip on the east side of Hi-way 287 2 AUGUST 2010 Bear's sister, Adrian says, "My brother loved the Peak-to-Peak ride, especially during the week when it was just him and the road. For his first memorial ride, all I ask is that you do something to remember my brother. If it's the mapped Peak-toPeak ride, that's great. If you remember Photo By sitting on your ass at Jerry D's shooting the bull with him, do that. There are no rules - except maybe that you should return to the Firehouse by 4 pm for raffles and a pig roast ($10 donation at door)." Monies raised from this memorial will be used to purchase a Sturgis memorial for Bear and be donated to MaxFund. FMI: or 303/736-6700 MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS—ENTERTAINMENT MOTORCYCLERIDERNEWS.COM THUNDER IN THE ROCKIES, SEPTEMBER 3-5, 2010 Sturgis' Full Throttle Saloon invades Loveland, Colorado This year, the mountains will quake as the Full Throttle Saloon travels to Loveland, bringing with it amazing bartenders, and thundering the Thunder Mountain Amphitheater with hogs and music second to none. This year, the world's largest biker bar, the Full Throttle Saloon, will be taking over the Thunder Mountain Amphitheater during Labor Day Weekend, bringing a whole show of its own! The Full Throttle Saloon boasts an array of unique entertainment spectacles. Some things to look forward to include FLAUNT, a flirty burlesque show, the girls of Full Throttle Saloon with their special way of serving drinks, midget wrestling, theme nights, mechanical bull and live musical entertainment. Also on sight, Michael Ballard, Angie from Angieland and Goatboy, stars of Tru Tv's "Full Throttle Saloon" reality tv series. Thunder in the Rockies celebrates its sixth year with some major changes. The event will be held on the grounds of Thunder Mountain Harley-Davidson including the Thunder Mountain Amphitheater, 4250 Byrd Drive, Loveland, Colorado, 80538; as well as south across Crossroads Blvd. on the empty Ferraro dealership lot, 4040 Byrd Drive, Loveland, Colorado, 80538. This additional lay out adds 6 acres of parking lot that will be packed with various motorcycle industry vendors, live entertainment, the bike show, food, and much more. Admission to the event is absolutely FREE! Additionally, there will be an increased amount of parking and entertainment. Thunder in the Rockies is headed back to its roots. For updates, visit Thunder in the Rockies ( the Full Throttle Saloon ( for continuously updated information - and get ready, for the ride of your life. Courtesy of Full Throttle Press Release: events/doc4317375371278651998.html IT IS BETTER TO GIVE YOUR KEYS TO A FRIEND - THAN GET THEM BACK FROM THE JUDGE THE NEXT MORNING MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS SINGLES ENTERTAINMENT Check out our new web site All material is copyrighted and cannot be reproduced without written consent. Distributed on the 1st of every month with the exception of December which is distributed on the 10th. Publisher: Michael S. Clapp - [email protected] Editor: Diana Rowe - [email protected] Contact us at 303-744-0500 or 303-478-9566 the best is just a click away Tech Tips Events Rides MOTORCYCLERIDERNEWS.COM Photos Videos MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS—ENTERTAINMENT Front Page The Graphics are courtesy of Jeff Lawrence Graphics & Marketing ARM Entertainment AUGUST 2010 3 Lakeside Speedway Band Introducing Lakeside Speedway Band By Diana Rowe There's a new sound in town. Introducing Lakeside Speedway Band, a 4-piece band. You'll recognize Mick, one of the brothers from the popular Brethren Fast. He's got a new sound and a new band. Mick describes the music as "the smooth, groove covers of the late 60's Motown." Besides Funky ass bass Mick the Stick, there's Scooter Barnes on guitar, aka Turn #3, Racin Jason, lead singer, and Boogie Man Bishop on drums. The band is hitting the Denver circuit. I haven't had an opportunity to review them, but why don't you take a listen and let me know what you think? Upcoming gigs include the 12th anniversary of No Name Bar & Grill, Saturday, August 24, noon to 8 pm. 4 AUGUST 2010 MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS—ENTERTAINMENT MOTORCYCLERIDERNEWS.COM MOTORCYCLERIDERNEWS.COM MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS—ENTERTAINMENT AUGUST 2010 5 6 AUGUST 2010 MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS—ENTERTAINMENT MOTORCYCLERIDERNEWS.COM Get on the Scoot and Ride Every Wednesday night at In The Zone Sports Bar, bike night with live music! Sunday, August 1 Birthday Bash at Susie's Bar & Grill, Celebrate Kathy & Matt Need of the Uncle Nasty Show's birthday, 11 am-6pm. Live Music & Fun. Come early 10 am - ? for Annual Bike/Car Wash fundraiser with the Denver Roller Dolls. Meet your favorite Doll! FMI: 303/2789000 Monday, August 9 through Sunday, August 15. 70th Annual Sturgis Bike Rally Saturday, August 14 Tessa Paprocki Memorial Ride Poker Run, benefits Cops Fighting Cancer. Registration 8:30 am at at Rocky Mountain Harley-Davidson, 2885 W. County Line Road, Littleton. Bikes out at 10:00 am. Ride fee $20.00/ rider and $5.00/ passenger. Poker hands are $10.00. STOPS: Cactus Jack's Saloon, Evergreen; Kermit's Roadhouse, Idaho Springs; Bullwhackers Gas Station; Golden; and ending at In The Zone Sports Bar; Golden. The ride ends with a barbeque, live music and more. FMI: call 303/909-9702, or go to, email [email protected] Saturday, August 21 Ride 9-11 Flight Crew Memorial Ride. Ride starts at Colorado National Speedway, 4281 Weld County Rd 10, Dacono. Registration begins at 12:00 pm and the 2.5 hour ride starts promptly at 2:30 pm and scoots through the foothills. The ride/ registration fee of $20 rider / $15 passenger includes: Food (Hamburger / Hot Dog and Chips), a drink (Non-Alcoholic beverage only), a 2010 Ride 9-11 Pin and admission to races! This ride is a Memorial Ride for the flight crews killed on Sept. 11, 2001. For more information call (303) 600-8200, click here to send e-mail, or go to Saturday & Sunday, August 21-22 26th Annual 1000-IN-24 Endurance Ride, Colorado Freewheelers MC's 1000+ miles in 24 hours or less endurance ride. Pre-registration at website: Entry: $50.00 solo, $100.00 couple includes scenic 2 & 4 lane route, shirt, hat, & pin. Starts & ends at Fay Myers Motorcycle World, 9700 E Arapahoe Rd., Greenwood Village, CO 80112. Contact: Frank Heinzel freewheelin- [email protected] 303-295-7137 Sunday, August 22 1st Annual Bearman Classic Memorial Run. Registration at Firehouse Tavern, 10369 Quivas, Thornton. Last bike out by 11:00 am. The ride ends with a pig roast, raffles, and live music. All donations will be sent to Maxfund and the Diabetes Foundation. FMI: or 303/736-6700 Saturday, August 28 3rd Annual Rides and Rods Scavenger Run, sponsored by Event Envy. Registration 8:00-10:00 am at Hotel VQ's parking lot, 1975 Mile High Stadium Circle, Denver. All motorcycles are welcome. The ride will have five scavenger hunt stops and end in Central City with a party and vendors. The ride benefits Autism Speaks. FMI, call 720/877-7543, or go to Saturday & Sunday, August 14 & 15 Free entrance to National Parks. For a complete list of the fee-free national parks, go to The Oldest Liquor License in Lakewood Established 1950 Motorcyclists Welcome Live Music Friday Nights Every Friday Night July 31 - Deadly Sins Bike Run Aug. 6 & Sept. 3 - Resonators Aug. 13 - Legal Addiction Aug. 20 - Brian Hornbuckle Aug. 27 - Kristin Kay Band Sat. & Sun.Join us for our fabulous Biker Breakfast Wi Fi Hot Spot KARAOKE - Saturdays LIVE BLUES JAM - Thursdays OPEN MIC NIGHT - Weds - 7p.m. Join us for our great Poker Runs Saturdays & Sundays PLEASE MENTION THIS AD PLEASE MENTION THIS AD PLEASE MENTION THIS AD $3.50 Mimosa’s $4 Dbl. Bloody Mary’s & Screwdrivers Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Great American, Mexican, Greek, Italian Food & Pizza 8100 W. Colfax - 303-237-8051 Lakewood MOTORCYCLERIDERNEWS.COM MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS—ENTERTAINMENT AUGUST 2010 7 SERVING METRO DENVER FOR THOSE WHO ENJOY RIDING MOTORCYCLES Events For AUGUST 2010 August 2010 1 - MH HOG Member's Choice Ride 303/340-4982 1 - National Biker’s Round-Up Motorcycle Rally, Missouri 1 - International Serenity Riders 20th Annual Run, Cedaredge, CO 303/853-0229 or 719/633-1894 1 - Katies Ride for the Cure, 6th Annual Benefit for Cystic Fibrosis cure 970/290-3240 6 - CMA 1st Friday Youth Meeting, location changes [email protected] 720/748/1789 6-8 - CMA South Dakota State Rally, Deadwood, SD 605/716-9377 7 - RM HOG Can’t Do Sturgis Run 303/703-2885 7 - Susie’s Bar & Grill All Day Happ-i-er Hour Golden, CO 303/278-9000 9-14 - STURGIS Rally & Races (70th Annual Black Hills Motor Classic) Sturgis, SD 14 - Susie’s Bar & Grill Sturgis Strike Party, Golden, CO 8 AUGUST 2010 303/278-9000 9-14 - STURGIS Rally & Races (70th Annual Black Hills Motor Classic) Sturgis, SD 14 - Susie’s Bar & Grill Sturgis Strike Party, Golden, CO 303/278-9000 14-15 - DCHOG Overnighter to Steamboat Springs, CO 303/238-0425 15 - RM HOG Open Run 303/703-2885 15 - JWP Swap Meet, Fairgrounds, OK City, OK 816/228-5811 20-21 - Vintage M/C Show & Swap, Seymour, WI, 877/853-6210 20-22 - Chrome & Chroma Art Exhibit, 15801 W. Colfax, Golden, CO 303/993-3322 20-22 - Veteran’s Salute Motorcycle Rally Cripple Creek, CO 719/487-8005 20-22 - ABATE D-1 Rally on the Plains, Yuma, CO 970/542-0902 Continues on page 15 MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS—ENTERTAINMENT MOTORCYCLERIDERNEWS.COM By Diana Rowe He had me at chainsaw. Heavy metal rock 'n roll fans are already with me. I'm talking about Jesse James Dupree and his energizing band Jackyl. Denver's Grizzly Rose will be one of Jackyl's stops On the Road to Sturgis, Friday, August 6, and Denver fans will get the opportunity to ride with him to Sturgis. I'm a secret heavy metal fan, from way back in the AC/DC days, but I hadn't heard much about Dupree and Jackyl until the Full Throttle series on TruTV last fall. The Full Throttle series, besides all the drama of running a biker bar, introduced me to this charismatic lead singer and his over-the-top yet irresistible style. Dupree presented himself during this series as a businessman and showman, and I was impressed. His signature solo musical performance of "The Lumberjack" had me sitting on the edge of my seat - hey, it was my first time. He kept the beat by revving the chainsaw's engine or using the chain brake to slow the engine down to keep the beat. The climax is Dupree slicing up a wooden stool onstage, smashing it, and throwing the sliced pieces out to the crowd. All I wanted to ask was "where in the hell did he get the chainsaw idea?" Apparently I'm not the only one with questions. I read online (Wikipedia) that he was asked, "How the hell can you play a chainsaw?" to which he responded, "How the hell can you not play a chainsaw?" Gotta love a guy who knows what he wants. Probably why I was thrilled at the opportunity to chat with him on the phone the week before his concert. He might be a wild man on the stage, but Dupree was nothing but a gentleman on the phone. "It's been too long since we've visited Denver," Dupree said. "Our band is as lethal as ever and we want to celebrate 2010 with our MOTORCYCLERIDERNEWS.COM fans. We've released a new album, When Moonshine and Dynamite Collide. We've gotten great response, something we're proud of and ready to share with our fans in Denver. We're ready to re-claim our relationship with the Mile High city on Friday, August 6. " And claim Denver is exactly what he plans to do. Friday, August 6, Jackyl kicks of their morning with a live show with Lewis and Floorwax on The Fox 103.5. Next stop is a meet and greet at Mile High Harley-Davidson of Parker at 3 pm. Make sure you bring your ride, because Jackyl and their biker fans will burn up the metro roads around 4 pm by scooting their way to the Grizzly Rose. Depending on the traffic, arrival time is 6 pm at the legendary Griz for dinner, sound check and bonding time with the band. The Grizzly Rose doors open to the public at 6 pm and fans may purchase concert/buffet dinner tickets at $30 per person. Concert only tickets are $15 in advance at or 303-295-2353, or $20 day of concert at the door. Live music MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS—ENTERTAINMENT begins at 8:30 with special guest Witchburn. Jackyl's pre-Sturgis show kicks off at 10:00 pm. Fans will also have an opportunity at 5 minutes of fame as TruTV will be filming the reality series, On the Road to Sturgis with Jackyl. Purchase your concert ticket and then add a front row seat of Jackyl by purchasing VIP bottle service at the Grizzly Rose for you and 5 of your friends. VIP bottle service is $300 includes a bottle of your choice and mixers (or case of beer) for up to 6 people. (For those mathematically challenged folks, this is just $50 bucks additional per person and includes a few drinks.) Seating is limited, and sells out quickly, so call 303295-2353 to book yours. The road to Sturgis doesn't have to stop at the Grizzly Rose. Try to get some sleep, and show up to meet Jackyl lead singer Dupree and bass player Roman Glick at 11am, Saturday August 7th, at Mile High HarleyDavidson, Aurora. Pack your bikes and fill up your tanks, because you're in for the scoot of your lifetime to Sturgis with members of Jackyl's band. Dupree says, "Get ready to roll with Jackyl. We're looking forward to riding with our fans to Sturgis. We'll ride 3 hours or so, stop for a cold beer, something to eat, and then gas up and scoot on in to Sturgis." Once in Sturgis, fans can get a repeat of the Grizzly Rose show by attending the Full Throttle "reunion show" Thursday night, August 12, during the Rally. Looks like Dupree and his band Jackyl are sticking to their promise to reclaim their relationship with Denver! See you at the Grizzly Rose show on Friday, August 6. AUGUST 2010 9 Bikers Ride Together For Hope House of Colorado Raising Nearly $5,000 Not even a hot July day, with temperatures pushing past 100 degrees, kept nearly 70 bikers away from a 125 mile + scoot to benefit the teen moms and kids of Hope House of Colorado. As hot as the ride was on Saturday, July 17, I can't imagine a better way to spend the day, scooting through the Colorado countryside. After check in at In The Zone Sports Bar, we rode from Golden down Highway 93 through Boulder and into Lyons on Highway 36, to our first stop the welcoming Outlaw Saloon. This is the 5th year we've put Outlaw on our charity run, and they always dig into their Tshirt stock and donate 3 or 4 t-shirts toward the raffle. The staff and management are always happy to see us, just like old friends. Beer is cold; and food is awesome. Oh -- and Outlaw Saloon's patio rocks! Next we putted through the country making our way up to the coolness of Carter Lake, headed to Windjammer Bar. Unfortunately even after several phone calls in advance and a trial run in person just two weeks earlier, the bar wasn't staffed to handle our group. Cold beer and burgers were as difficult to get as a donation to the charity (even though the owner/manager had committed to a donation!). The staff was unfriendly and inefficient, apparently not willing to work for a living. Or maybe this bar is just not as motorcycle friendly as they say? Approximately 10 Hope House bikers grew tired of waiting for a drink and food (over 1 hour!) and simply left. We learned our lesson -- as much as we love this ride around Carter Lake, this group of bikers will no longer spend their money where they aren't welcome. Next stop was a long, hot scoot east to Dacono and the very biker friendly Jerry D's. Believe me, once we arrived, everyone needed a tall drink of water -- oh and that ice cold beer and friendly wait staff sure were a welcome sight. Great burgers and Mexican food -- and did you know owner Jerry grows his own tomatoes? Fresh is best! Another 40 minute scoot and we ride into my friend Dave Falk and Jimmy's Firehouse Tavern Bar in Thornton. Check this place out because these two guys get bikers! Thanks my friends for the donations and the biker love. As a group, we rode together to our final stop, In the Zone Sports Bar, west on 104th, to 100th, then around Stanley Lake south on Indiana, 64th west to McIntyre and south toward 44th. It was a beautiful sight seeing all the bikers, young and old, male and female, riding for such a great cause. Of course, once we arrived at the Zone, imagine our relief to get out of the heat! A few hours later, best/worse poker hand, 50/50, raf- 10 AUGUST 2010 fle tickets and live auctions, and so far, we bikers raised nearly $3,000 in one day for Hope House of Colorado. We're still waiting on some donations and matching funds, but the final number is tallying up to be around $5,000!! Thanks to everyone that participated! This year is the most we've raised in one day for Hope House of Colorado! Please save the date for the third annual Hope House Toy Run on Saturday, November 20! Mark your calendars next year for the 7th annual In The Zone Hope House Poker Run in July! 2010 4th Annual Molly-Dharma Run for Max Fund a Rainy Success The annual event held Sunday, June 13 was unfortunately a wash - due to inclement weather and that crazy rain that wouldn't stop. A few hardy bikers showed up anyway - 55 people pre-registered online, 10 pre-registered by mail, and even 21 registered on the 13th (in the rain!) for a total of about 86 participants, far short of their average, but still an amazing showing! The founders wish to thank their volunteers and sponsors: Rock Bottom Brewery, Thunderbird Motorcycles, The Platte River Bar & Grill, and Kicked to the Curb Band - and all the other numerous sponsors! In spite of the rain, the low turnout, and the less than expected amount raised, Kirk Zimmerman (Ride Founder and Co-chair of this event) and Ken Mann (Co-Founder and MaxFund Co-chair of this event) presented to Tony Willemse (Executive Director of MaxFund) a check for $2,658.28 on July 23, 2010. In addition, Rock Bottom Brewery donated another $500.00 to our 2010 MDR for a total of $3,158.28 raised! This event, to date, has raised over $14,100.00 for MaxFund! PLEASE NOTE: The Annual MollyDharma Run for MaxFund will always be held on the 2nd Sunday in June! The date for next year's 5th Annual Molly-Dharma Run for MaxFund will be (drum roll please) June 12, 2011. This Restaurant/Bar is FOR SALE Free Pool Every Day 7a. to 4p. 11475 W. Colfax 303-239-8859 SHARK’S STIMULUS SPECIALS Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner $3.75 Every Saturday & Sunday FREE MENUDO Every Sat. & Sun. - $100 Biscuits & Gravy Mon., Wed. & Fri. $1.00 Burrito’s Hand Held Tues. & Thurs. - 50¢ Taco’s, 75¢ Enchilada’s 75¢ Fish Taco’s, 75¢ Guacamole 16 OZ. DRAWS $1.75 EVERYDAY ALL DAY August 28th - Carol’s Run Free Food before and after the Run. All modes of transportation welcome. $10 a Hand Ride starts a Guido’s at 11am - Ends at Sharks’ at 5pm Visit our Sister Bar Enjoy our Smoking & Drinking Patio 9500 W. Colfax MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS—ENTERTAINMENT $1.75 Draws — All day — Everyday Lakewood MOTORCYCLERIDERNEWS.COM Sharks’ Hawaiian Luau Birthday Party TUESDAY, AUGUST 31 THROUGH MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 Ignacio Bike Week Rally Rally headquarters are at the corner of Goddard Avenue and Ute Street. Events start Thursday at 10:00 am. Daily poker runs, and biker field events and burn-out contest starting at 2:00 pm. Bike parade on Sunday. Other events include bull riding, music and more. FMI: 970/259-9302, or LAKEWOOD Shark’s had Hawaiian luau party for all of there customers that had birthdays in July and to spice things up Bernice, owner of Sharks’, had an in house poker run. It is alway a good and plenty of good food. Freedom Harley-Davidson Bikini Bike Wash • Sativa • Indica Special Discounts to all Veterans • Massage Therapist • Edibles • ATM Machine 1630 Carr St. Unit c 303-7 736-6 6366 North of Colfax Blazin’ Babes Custom Wash - This is a company of beautiful ladies that hire out to do Bikini Bike Washes give them a call 720-234-9012. “BEST ON BROADWAY” The Owner “BEST TACO’S THIS SIDE OF ARIZONA $100 TACO’S 11a.m. - 3p.m. We Are a Motorcycle Friendly Bar – Daily Specials – Texas Hold 'en Poker Thurs. & Fri. 7p.m. Fri. 1pm. & Sat. 3p.m. & 8p.m. Happy Hour 4 - 7 p.m. Mon. - Fri $1.50 Draws — FREE POOL — MONDAY - FRIDAY 11A.M. TO 3P.M. • Pool Tables • 5 Dart Boards 3866 So. Broadway 761-7823 MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS—ENTERTAINMENT AUGUST 2010 11 Jakes Roadhouse 1st Annual Car Show Jake's Roadhouse debuted their 1st annual car and motorcycle show, Saturday, July 17, sponsored by Evil Souls Car Club. According to owner Doug Jacobsen, "It was the biggest single day event. Yes, it was a lot of work, but at the end of the day, thanks to Evil Souls and AAI Speed Shop, everyone had a great time!" With 50 bikes and 40-plus cars, Jake's parking lot was filled to the brim. Two live bands played music all day, and due to a special liquor permit, drinks were allowed in the parking lot. Handmade trophies added a special touch to the entire event, and Jake's is planning on holding the event in 2011. 12 AUGUST 2010 MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS—ENTERTAINMENT MOTORCYCLERIDERNEWS.COM MOTORCYCLERIDERNEWS.COM MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS—ENTERTAINMENT AUGUST 2010 13 14 AUGUST 2010 MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS—ENTERTAINMENT MOTORCYCLERIDERNEWS.COM Events For AUGUST 2010 continued 21 - Brent’s Place Kid’s Cure Poker Run Benefit for Kids 720/495-9912 21 - ABATE D-5 Poker Run to Rally on the Plains, Denver to Yuma CO 720.635.8561 21 - MH H-D Shop Event www.milehighhog.com303/343-3300 21 - Eazin Thunder MC Annual Party 303/916-6381 21 - CMA Loveland Special Youth Challenge Benefit Run, Loveland, CO 970/237-0425 21 - 23rd Annual POW/MIA Ride, Woodland Park, CO 719/487-8005 21 - Rolling Thunder Annual POW Balloon Release, 303/514-7916 21 - Road Warriors MC Annual Old School Run, 720/427-1019 21 - Colorado Freewheeler s 23rd Annual 1000-In-24 Run 303/295-7137 - 303/973-9222 21-9/6 - Colorado State Fair @ Pueblo, CO 800/876-4567 22 - Bushwacker's Post Sturgis Ride & Party 303/722-0280 22 - Rky Mtn HOG Ham & Egg Run www.rmhog.com303/703-2885 22 - DC HOG Family Picnic Day, Golden Gate Park 303/238-0425 22 - 15th Ann'l Tattoo Competition, Cripple Creek, CO 719/487-8005 22 - JWP Swap Meet, Twin Drive In, KC, MO 816/228-5811 27-28 - Sun H-D Demo Days, Thornton, CO 303/287-7567 28 - RM HOG LOH Overnighter Run 303/703-2885 28 - MH HOG Craig Hospital Motorsports Day 303/343/3300 28 - Susie’s Bar & Grill 3rd Still Kickin' Run, Golden 303/278-9000 28-29 - CitW 13th Ann'l Overnighter to Grand Lake 303/427-1538 720/635-2897 28-29 - 3rd Annual Prairie Biker Rally, Morgan County Fairgrounds, Brush CO 800/354-8689 28-29 - ABATE D-8 Ignacio Bike Rally, Ignacio, CO 970/946-6188 29 - MH HOG Member's Choice Ride 303/340-4982 29 - RM HOG Surprize Run 303/703-2885 29 - American Iron MC Poker Run & Party 720/427-7774 Sept 2010 2-4 - AMCA National Show & Swap, Davenport, IA 800/782-2622 2-5 - ABATE All ABATE State Campout, Ignacio, CO 303/789-3264 2-5 - Milwaukee Motorcycle Rally, Milwaukee, WI 800/200-4557 3 - CMA 1st Friday Youth Meeting, location changes [email protected] 720/748/1789 3-4 - Sun H-D Annual Labor Day Sale Event 303/287-7567 3-6 - Four Corners Bike Rally, Durango/Cortez, CO 3-6 - Thunder Rally, Loveland, CO 800/805-6467- 970/292-0418 4 - Susie’s Bar & Grill All Day Happ-i-er Hour Golden, CO 303/278-9000 4 - Grace in the Wind Church 2nd Anniversary Celebration, Aurora, CO 303/999-7272 4-5 - The Shop Kustom Kulture Festival, Ventura, CA 805/650-6777 4-6 - SCMA Three Flags Motorcycle Classic, Mexico to Canada 310/437-4116 5 - MDA Miracle Ride of the Rockies - 303/753-8690, 3/287-7567, 3/340-4982 5 - Susie’s Bar & Grill Pre Labor day BBQ & Party, Golden 303/278-9000 September 6 - Labor Day RIDING BY THE STARS By Mary O'Gara, Ph.D. ARIES: You have important relationships that need to be renegotiated now. Partners, former partners, or your customers-they all see your growing and expanding now and need confirmation that you're still there for them, still committed. So touch base-and then you soar and enjoy the expanding world around you. TAURUS: Pamper yourself. Spend a month doing juicy, sensuous things. Shop for the bike before the 20th, but shop for the little things that make a ride comfortable, pleasurable. New music, soft sheets, beautiful rides and a hot tub or hot springs afterward. The world can wait while you give yourself the lavish care you're more likely to give to others. GEMINI: There's a moody touch to your restlessness this month, and shopping isn't the answer, doggone it. Shopping's not a good idea after the 20th-but what you really need to do this month is spend quiet time getting in touch with yourself. Take a journal and ride into the mountains for a day or just curl up at home and put on some good music and start changing life to suit yourself. MOTORCYCLERIDERNEWS.COM CANCER: There's way too much change around you-people growing, moving away, moving closer, relationships shifting. And you hate all that change when it's not something you set up yourself. Time to expand your horizons, let things simmer while you get out with a new groups, perhaps a charity ride or joining a few friends to do community service. Expand your horizons however your heart leads you. LIBRA: Responsibilities clip your wings now as you do the balancing act that lets important people in your life grow and expand. Romance comes to you, rides right up to your doorstep this month, whether it's a new relationship or an old one heating up again. Indulge yourself in short rides at sunset and find places that restore your personal harmony now so you can share everyone else's excitement. LEO; It's time for some strategic financial planning, especially financial planning, all that detail stuff you'd rather brush aside. But you're good at it now, so plan for the year ahead. Take the computer and ride up into the mountains if you need a little adventure, but no spending sprees until you've worked out your priorities for the year ahead. SCORPIO: That old motorcycle's just not what you want any more. You can replace it now or do upgrades after the 20th. Whatever it takes to make you feel good when you ride out is worth doing now. Family and neighborhood changes are beyond your control, but not beyond your influence. VIRGO: Assert yourself this month, but be willing to rethink your positions on old issues. Even if you were right then, things change. But one thing you can be adamant about: friends don't let friends ride under the influence. You'll be glad later for dishing out tough love now. If you buy some hot new lingerie now, chances are you'll get to show it off this month. SAGITTARIUS: There's not enough money for your adventures this monthbut you can find what you're looking for if you ride out on community service rides or just a long trip with a large group. New people, new conversations, new scenery all take the place of the lavish spending you'd like to be doing right now. What you really crave now is the excitement of new ideas, even on a budget. MOTORCYCLE RIDER NEWS—ENTERTAINMENT CAPRICORN: Are you feeling the power? Reaching out to new people? This could be a trend, you know. You're making the right connections at work, thinking in new directions. Even your rides at the end of the day should have something new to offer. This is the time to go for it in all phases of your life, and it's a longterm trend. AQUARIUS: There may be a new romance or a new hobby in your life this month, but what really counts is family ties, neighborhood ties-whoever's part of your comfort zone. In business, partnering and teamwork bring in the money this month. After work, ride over to a favorite coffee shop and hang out with casual friends, but allow time for a little sensual sharing. PISCES: Do you feel renewed now? Is the adrenaline rush back? Are you yearning for romance or great music or some other indulgence? Buy something shocking for you or your bike, but focus now on listening and communicating as deeply as possible with your partner and your customers. You may even be able to rework old agreements to everyone's satisfaction now. AUGUST 2010 15
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