are greater - Notre Dame Academy


are greater - Notre Dame Academy
summer 2013 | volume 9 | issue 2
“No graces
GIFT friendship ”
Message from the President
“ . . . friendships have a significant impact on
who we are and how our lives evolve . ”
The Hallmarks of a Notre Dame Learning Community state, in part,
“We foster a spirit of friendship as foundational to our learning community relationships.”
(Hallmark 6) Ask any student or graduate of NDA what was most important to them while they were here and you
are bound to hear “my friends” among their top three answers. Who wouldn’t expect to hear that from teenage girls?
Friendship doesn’t just happen. And while we don’t often think about friendship’s foundation or how it is played out
in our daily lives, friendships have a significant impact on who we are and how our lives evolve.
Here at NDA, we believe in honoring the goodness in ourselves, in others, and in creation. We are the Imago Dei,
that is, we are created in the image of God. God dwells in us and among us. In all our relationships, there is the potential for an encounter with God, if we open our hearts and minds to that reality.
Our students truly enjoy being with one another. It is evident in the laughter that fills the halls. I am always pleased
to hear our guests’ observations after visiting the classrooms. ey speak of the interactions between the students and
the teachers. ey can see the mutual respect, the urging of the students to be curious about the material, the deep
listening in class discussions, and especially the gratitude as students say “thank you” as they leave class. e students
keep each other on their toes. ey encourage each other to improve and to try new things. ey applaud each
other’s successes. ey support one another if someone is having a bad day.
I can’t tell you how many times I hear alumnae say, “My NDA friends are still my friends today.” ere are groups
of alumnae who get together every month for lunch. ere are other groups who go away for long weekends together. Sometimes it is professional networking that draws a group together. It’s not uncommon to hear from an
alumna who just started a new job and discovers that someone else in the company is also an NDA grad. She’ll say,
“Immediately there was a bond!”
But it’s not just our students and alumnae who speak of friends at NDA. Our faculty and staff experience that bond
as well. Whether it’s the encouragement and mentoring of a new teacher, support in sickness, working together on a
project, sharing insights on being a new parent, suggesting a great town to live in, or a good book to read, it’s not uncommon to hear, “I couldn’t have done it without the support of this community.”
Our alumnae from the mid-80s to mid-90s will recall a Michael Smith song often sung at NDA liturgies that ends,
“A lifetime’s not too long to live as friends.” Need I say more?
Sister Barbara A. Barry, SNDdeN ’69
Kathryn Quinn Miller ’97
Contributing Writers
Ashley Simmons ’08
Lynn Page Flaherty
Amanda Quintin
AQ Design
Reynolds DeWalt
Ryan Hutton
Michael Russo
Published by the
Office of Institutional Advancement
Notre Dame Academy
1073 Main Street
Hingham, MA 02043
Office of Institutional Advancement
Lynn Page Flaherty
Director of Institutional Advancement
[email protected]
Miriam Brownewall P’94 ’95
Development Assistant
[email protected]
Kathryn Quinn Miller ’97
Director of Communications
[email protected]
Bryan Pinabell
Director of Annual Giving
[email protected]
Stevie Lee Taylor
Director of Alumnae Relations
[email protected]
Notre Dame Academy
Board of Directors 2012 – 2013
Mark Baker P’10 ’15
Sister Barbara A. Barry, SNDdeN ’69
Michael Bevilacqua P’08
Sister Edie Daly, SNDdeN
Sister Mary Farren, SNDdeN
Douglas Farrington P’11
Steven Habeeb
Jeanne M. Higgins ’83
Sister Anne Malone, SNDdeN ’67
Paul Mulligan P’99
Colleen Nevin ’89
Timothy Pinch P’02 ’07 ’12
Dianne Reilly P’98 ’00 ’09
Tabitha LaFarge Ross ’91, Chair
Brother Daniel Skala, CFX
MaryCarroll Sullivan ’68
NDA is accredited by the New England
Association of Schools and Colleges.
vita! summer 2013 | volume 9 | issue 2
inside this issue
From Main Street
NDA News, Events, and Accolades
Congratulations Class of 2013!
10 Cover Story
Friendship: One of Life’s Greatest Blessings
14 Advancing NDA
Out of the Blue Gala and
e Campaign for Cushing Auditorium
18 Class Notes
Alumnae News and Moves
25 Expressions
If you would like to send a Letter to the Editor, update your information, or contribute a piece for consideration
to vita!, please send information to the address listed to the left, or email [email protected].
Main Street
news | events | accolades
Ou r Co m m un ity
R es po nd s
Wonderful news! I am a member of the
class of ’68, which moved to Hingham
in 1965, from Roxbury. Our time in
Hingham was rich and rewarding. As a
former eighth grade teacher, I am delighted to see that the solid foundation
of an NDA education will be offered
to younger girls.
maryellen madden mcgarty ’68
When NDA moved to Hingham in 1965 it included a seventh and eighth grade.
Reopening Our 7th and 8th Grade
e news spread quickly. Twitter feeds and Facebook posts pinged and text messages
buzzed: NDA is adding a seventh and eighth grade!
“I was thrilled by the positive response from the entire community,” shared Sister Barbara
A. Barry, SNDdeN ’69. “Our alumnae, parents, and friends have confidence in the work
we do – in large part because of our dedicated and passionate faculty members.”
In 2011, a Strategic Growth Plan was developed that challenged the Board of Directors and
school leadership to examine how to best serve the 21st century learner. ese discussions, as well as an increasing number of inquiries from families, led to the decision to
reopen the seventh and eighth grade program.
Sister Barbara adds, “When NDA moved from Roxbury to Hingham in 1965 (I was one
of those students!), the school included both a seventh and eighth grade. In many ways,
this strategic initiative brings us back to the essence of who we are as a school sponsored
by the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur.”
As an alumna and mother of a three
year old daughter, I am very excited by
this announcement. I am sure this will
be an overwhelming success for NDA.
Additionally, I believe this offering will
fill a void and provide parents with a
much needed alternative for their
middle school aged girls.
meredith curran desharnais ’94
As a current NDA parent, I would have
loved my daughter to attend seventh
and eighth grade at NDA. The girls are
receiving a top notch college-prep
education and are leaving as confident
and poised women prepared for college
and beyond. Thank you NDA!
agnes boyle kane p’16
To learn more, please visit,
Open House
notre dame academy
Sp rea d th e word !
We encourage you to invite your friends & fa mily
to NDA’s Fall Open Houses!
October 20, 1:00-3:00 p.m. | November 7, 5:00-7:00 p.m.
For your convenience, you’ll find a postcard at the center of this magazine to
send to potential applicants.
Recruitment for seventh graders – the Class of 2020 – will begin this September.
The Admissions Office will continue to accept applications for grade 9 and transfer
Learning on the Road
This spring and summer, our young women
traveled beyond campus and experienced
some life-changing trips.
Main Street
Dear Mom,
This trip is a mazin g!
See you when I get
Love, Sa mant ha
Fifteen students enjoyed an amazing trip to Spain
during April vacation. They traveled to Madrid and
Toledo and then spent five days with families in Valladolid where the girls went to school with their host
sisters. Activities included a flamenco performance,
churros and chocolate, the Prado and the Reina Sofia
museums, and tapas at some fantastic restaurants.
Kaela Nelson ’14 said, “The family we helped came
to see us on the last day and it was hard to say
goodbye. They were so grateful and happy that we
were able to insulate their home.”
k o ne s c
In June, 60 students and 26 chaperones traveled to
Man, West Virginia as part of the Appalachia Service Project. After months of training, the group arrived ready to rebuild and repair the homes of
families in poverty. Projects over the five days included: installing insulation, repairing a roof, building a deck and wheelchair ramp, and constructing a
retaining wall.
Samantha Mastrogiacomo ’13 shared, “Going to
Spain definitely was the most rewarding trip of my
life. Staying with a family is something a lot of people aren't able to do and I do consider myself so
blessed to have this experience!
We are pleased to
announce the selection for the 2013-2014
One Book One School program: The
Queen of Water by Laura Resau. The
OBOS committee promises this is an
excellent summer read. Programs and
events will be planned throughout the
school year – including a visit from the
author in April.
A description:
NDA was across the pond this June! In an
effort to collaborate with Sisters of Notre
Dame schools around the world, a group of
students and chaperones traveled to England for 10 days. They visited two Sisters of
Notre Dame schools in Liverpool where
they attended classes and got to know life
as a teenager in England. They then enjoyed
a home-stay experience in Plymouth and
time in London.
English teacher Rita Hurley reports that
many friendships were made between the NDA girls and the English girls. She shares, “We realized
that we have English sisters who just have a slightly different kilt!”
Born in an Andean village in Ecuador, Virginia lives with her large family in a small,
earthen-walled dwelling. In her village of
indigenas, it is not uncommon to work in
the fields all day, even as a child, or to be
called a “longa tonta” - stupid Indian - by
members of the ruling class of Spanish descendants. When seven-year-old Virginia
is taken from her village to be a servant to
a mestizo couple, she has no idea what
the future holds. In this poignant novel
based on a true story, acclaimed author
Laura Resau recounts one girl's unforgettable journey to self-discovery.
vita! summer 2013 | 3
Main Street
drug and alcohol awareness
This year, Teens Acting for Social Change (T.A.S.C.) examined the
difficult issue of teen drug and alcohol use. To build awareness
among all students, members created a week-long public service
campaign through announcements over the loud speaker, displays,
posters, and guest speakers. Senior Kayla Valente shared, “I hope that
this week really [encouraged] NDA girls to stop and think, so that if
a situation with drugs or alcohol is ever presented to them, they will
know the facts and be strong in their answer when they say ‘no.’”
artist accolades
The Visual and Performing Arts Department is pleased to congratulate the winners of this year’s 9th Congressional Art Competition:
Caroline Casey ’14 – honorable mention in Photography
Lauren Knight ’14 – first place in Collage
Delia Grant ’16 – second place in Collage
Marissa Nader ’14 – second place in Computer Generated Art
Avery Robertson ’13 – third place in Computer Generated Art
schindler’s list survivor at nda
Juniors and seniors attended a presentation by Holocaust survivor
Rena Findler. She told students about being taken with her family to
a Nazi ghetto camp in Poland. She described the abuse she suffered
and remembered the ashes in the sky from the ovens where prisoners were burned to death. Her message to the students was simple.
She said, “You have the power to make a difference and make a
change. Stand up to bullies and do not be a bystander.”
Also, senior Avery Robertson was awarded first runner up in the
Dream@50 art contest. The contest commemorated the 50th
anniversary of Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream speech.
2 013
robotics competes
After a great season of competition, the NDA Robotics Team qualified
for the Massachusetts State Tournament held at Bridgewater State
University. The competition was filled with excitement; 28 teams from
New England competed for a chance to advance to the world competition. The team went 3-3 and placed 17th overall in the state.
social justice at the state house
Ten students and chaperones traveled to the State House for Youth
on the Hill and Legislative Action Day sponsored by the Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless. They heard from speakers in the
morning and in the afternoon they visited their own representatives
and senators to share their concerns on these issues.
Main Street
board of directors
focus on the
Tabitha LaFarge Ross ’91 has concluded her term as the Chair of the
Board of Directors. Under her leadership, the Academy completed a
successful NEASC reaccreditation process and developed the 2011
strategic growth plan. Other initiatives include the Campaign for
Cushing Auditorium and the decision to reopen the seventh and
eighth grade program. Ross also directed the updating of the Board’s
governance, policies, and procedures.
and staff
World Languages teacher Marta Cabral will serve as NDA’s
Coordinator of Global Education. In this new role, she will manage annual immersion trips and serve as liaison for international
students attending NDA.
French teacher Anne Marie Gean organized the annual faculty
and staff visit to Father Bill’s Place in Quincy. e group served
135 guests a delicious homemade meal.
Guidance Counselor Carolyn Powers welcomed a beautiful baby
boy, Nathaniel, to her family this winter.
e World Languages and Science departments have new
department chairs. Allyson Butler and Renee Parry were promoted to these roles, respectively.
Admissions Assistant and Lacrosse Coach Meredith Frank was
named coach of the year by the Boston Globe. See page 7 for more.
Physics teacher and Track & Field Coach Rick Kates was named
coach of the year by the Boston Globe. See page 6 for more.
In June, we said farewell to Assistant Principal Connie Hyder.
Hyder recently served as World Languages Department Chair and
was very involved in NDA service opportunities including two
years chaperoning the Appalachia Service Trip.
We bid a fond goodbye to Science teachers Maura Lockett and
Marissa Simms. eir passion for the sciences inspired many
students and we send them our best wishes.
It is often quipped that life begins at retirement and we wish the
following faculty members a happy and enjoyable new phase
in their life: Social Studies Teacher Sue Beldotti, Math Teacher
Antoinette Fidler, French Teacher Anne Marie Gean, and English Teacher Tom Martin. ank you for your commitment to
our students and for your service to NDA!
e Board named MC Sullivan ’68 Chair of the Board of Directors. Her responsibilities include strategic planning and policy
formation. Sullivan has been a member of the Board for three years
and currently is the Director of Ethics for Covenant Health Systems
in Tewksbury, Ma.
We are pleased to welcome five new board members:
Jane Branca-Wallace ’71 is a senior financial administrator for Massachusetts General Hospital’s Center for Comparative Medicine. She
previously worked at Polaroid where she was a division vice president
for global operations. Branca-Wallace received her BA from Newton
College of the Sacred Heart and her MBA from Boston College.
Brad Caron P’12 ’16 is the President and owner of SIGNET
Electronic Systems. In this role he ensures the profitable growth of the
company and seeks strategic mergers and acquisitions. He has served
on NDA’s PASS Committee for three years and received his degree
from Bryant College.
Stephen LeVangie P’98 ’02 is the President of LeVangie Electric
Company, Inc. He is a certified electrician, construction supervisor,
and vocational instructor. LeVangie has been an integral member of
the NDA community since his first daughter arrived to NDA in
1995, serving on many parent committees and contributing to
fundraising efforts.
Curt Morley P’12 ’13 ’15 is a managing director at Barclay’s Capital
where he is responsible for covering large money managers, insurance
companies, and hedge funds. Prior roles include management positions at Lehman Brothers and Fidelity. Morley graduated from Saint
Lawrence University and received his MBA from Duke University.
Sean Teague P’08 ’13 is the senior managing director at Cassidy
Turley Real Estate. He represents corporations and developers in the
leasing and sales of office, laboratory, and warehouse space in the
greater Boston area. He attended College of the Holy Cross.
boston strong
In May, students, faculty, and staff dressed in their Boston best to
support the One Fund for the marathon bombing victims. We saw
team jerseys, BAA gear, and Boston Strong t-shirts everywhere we
turned. By making a donation to “dress down,” or through the
purchase of a BostonStrong bracelet, the school community
raised $1,500 for the One Fund.
vita! summer 2013 | 5
Indoor Track
Indoor Track
We are proud to announce that our Indoor
Track team captured the Division II State
Championship this winter! NDA competed
against 58 other teams, topping them all with a
total of 49 points. In his 19th year as head coach,
Rick Kates led 58 participants to a perfect 5-0 season.
DCL All-stars included Amanda Reilly ’14, Isabella Dimare ’15, Shauna
Owen ’13, Gabby Kenyon ’14, Mollie O’Leary ’13, Mary Claire Dachille
’14, Taylor Kennedy ‘14, Liz Baker ’15, and Elizabeth Tevnan ’14.
“I am truly blessed to have been part of a great season,” said Coach
Kates. “Coach Terri Ladka, Coach Laura Regan and Coach Sarah Drury
were an integral part of this season, along with the leadership of
captains Shauna Owen, Meghan Steeves, Nicole Strauss, Mollie
O’Leary, and Clara King. Thank you to the NDA Athletic Department,
parents and alumnae who came, cheered and supported all of us.”
Katherine Waters ’06 returned as head coach of the Winter
Cheerleading team led by senior captains Alex Clancy and Alanna
Kelley. Despite several injuries, the team competed in the Viking
Invitational Cheer Competition, placing second.
The Dance Team welcomed two of our students from China! Anna
Duffy ’14 and Chloe Blair ’14 captained the team as they performed at
halftime at NDA basketball games. The team also competed in a variety of competitions, including the state competition, placing ninth in
the All Styles Division.
The Cougars qualified for the state tournament,
despite 10 regular season losses and made
their way to the semifinal round of the sectional tournament before falling to Duxbury.
Led by their senior captains Alex Dalton,
McKenna Cudgma, and Natalia Maccarrone, they
finished the season 13-11. The team boasted two League
All-stars: McKenna Cudgma ’13 and Casey Hult ’13 and McKenna
also received Patriot Ledger honors.
Gymnastics was undefeated in the Cranberry League North Division
with a record of 6-0, 8-2 overall. Senior Captain Sarah Jaklitsch earned
Patriot Ledger honors, as well as league All-star honors. She was also
chosen for the Senior National Team. NDA finished third overall at
the Cranberry League Championships.
Alpine Ski
The Alpine Ski team placed first in the Ski East
Division this season. Seniors captains were
Amelia Brown, Meredith Flaherty, Brooke
Morley and Katie McNamara. Despite challenging weather conditions, the team saw a record
66 participants. NDA had nine skiers qualify for the
state tournament and eight traveled to the MIAA State Alpine Ski
Race. Amelia Brown was honored as the league’s top skier for the
fourth straight year.
Ice Hockey
Ice Hockey finished the season third in the Catholic Conference with a
record of 2-12-6. Senior captains Amie Varano and Julie Sophis earned
League All-star honors and Patriot Ledger honors. In its tenth season,
the team hosted a youth hockey clinic and its second alumnae game.
NDA also hosted the Cougar Classic, which is the largest girls hockey
tournament on the South Shore.
Main Street
Track and Field
Track and Field
Congratulations to Track and Field on its first Division II State Championship title and 25th consecutive first place finish in the Catholic
Conference! The 102 participants had an extraordinary season. League
All-stars included Amanda Reilly ’13, Shauna Owen ’13, Gabby Sillari ’16,
Isabella Dimare ’14, Elizabeth Baker ’15, Elizabeth Costantino ’14, Julia
Marshall ’15, Julia Conte ’14, Elizabeth Tevnan ’14, Mollie O’Leary ’13,
Taylor Kennedy ’15, Abby Concannon ’13, and Gabby Kenyon ’14.
The Sailing team received a record number of sign-ups this season,
boasting 33 participants. The team finished second in the Mass Bay
League B South Division with a league record of 2-1 and an overall
record of 3-4. The team was captained by Caroline Sullivan ’13, Jamie
Figuerido ’13, and Molly Cormican ’14.
Coach Rick Kates won Division II Boston Globe Coach of the Year
for the second time. He was #1 in the Boston Globe feature article:
“10 moments to remember from the spring season.”
Tennis finished the season in second place in the Catholic Conference
and an overall record of 9-7, 10-8 including post season. The team
was captained by Amanda Hajjar ’13, Meg Golden ’14 and Hannah
Pasqualucci ’13. Amanda Garrow ’14, Margaret Lewis ’14 and Megan
Faherty ’15 all earned League All-star recognition. The Cougars qualified for the state tournament, but lost in the first round to Barnstable.
NDA also had several athletes participate and place in the New Balance National Championships, held in Greensboro, North Carolina.
Isabella Dimare, Shauna Owen, Amanda Reilly, Gabby Sillari, and
Gabby Kenyon all found success in North Carolina, setting school
records for NDA.
Softball had a great season, finishing first in the Catholic Conference with
a league record of 4-0, 14-2 overall. Captains included Emma Dunbar ’13,
Kate O’Leary ’13 and Jackie Polito ’13. Emma Dunbar, Kate O’Leary,
Megan Barrett ’14 and Hillary Dole ’16 all earned League All-Star honors.
Emma, Hillary and Colleen Cassidy ’14 received Patriot Ledger honors. The
team qualified for the State Tournament, beating Weymouth in the first
round before falling to Silver Lake in the quarterfinals.
The golf team finished third in the Mass Bay
League. NDA was well represented at the MBL
North Individual Tournament by Alex Hurley ’15,
Lindsey Meallo ’14, Kendall McDermott ’15, and
Meaghan McDonough ’14. These girls, plus
Caroline Buckley ’16 and Brianna Rosman represented
NDA at the South Sectional Qualifier as well, earning second place.
The Cougars placed fourth in the State Team Tournament.
Lacrosse won its first ever State Championship this season! Coaches Meredith Frank and Maria
Tedeschi and senior captains Alex Dalton, Julia Simmons, and Mariel Teague led the team to an astonishing 18-2 record, 24-2 including the postseason. “It seems surreal to me,” said Coach Frank.
“This has 100 percent everything to do with my players. I am so proud of these girls.”
Alex Dalton and Isabella O’Connor ’14 were named
US Lacrosse All-Americans and each earned Patriot
Ledger All Scholastic honors, Boston Herald All
Scholastic honors, and Boston Globe All Scholastic
honors. Other All Scholastic recipients include
Charlotte Allard ’16 and Mariel Teague.
Coach Frank was named the Division I Boston
Globe Coach of the Year. She was #10 in the Boston
Globe feature article: “10 moments to remember
from the spring season” which highlighted her
dramatic victory over her mother’s Westwood
High School squad.
vita! summer 2013 | 7
2013 Graduation
160 thCommencement
On the evening of May 17, family and
friends gathered together to celebrate
NDA’s 160th Commencement.
class of 2013!
The presentation of the
medallion has been a
tradition since the
Academy’s founding in
1853 and symbolizes the
transition from student
to alumna.
1) Jacqueline Polito shares a personal reflection on
her faith formation.
2) Nicole Knobloch Storey ’02 presents her sister
Colby Knobloch with her medallion.
3) Daryl Denelle has a unique relationship with her
sponsor Danette Colella ’87: Danette is Daryl’s
4) On behalf of her classmates, Class President
Kayla Valente offers a response after being
inducted into the Alumnae Association.
5) Sisters Meghan Steeves and Kelsey Steeves ’11
pose together prior to the Medallion Ceremony.
6) Students process to the Commencement.
Congratulations Class of
“Today, our candles are
shining brightly. We are beaming,
closing one chapter in our lives, excited
to bring our light to whatever the future
holds for us… I am truly blessed to have
been given the opportunity to be on this
journey with all 141 of you, and I cannot
wait to see how you go light your world.”
— Julia MacDougall ’13
“Be a lifelong learner!
Read books, read people, read situations. Learn from books, learn from
people, learn from life. . . Lifelong learners look at the world around them, they
are informed voters, they are informed
parents, business professionals, clergy,
and yes, military officers.”
— Rear Admiral Margaret
DeLuca Klein ’75
Julia MacDougall and Admiral Klein
7) Rebecca Mullaley was
named the Salutatorian.
8) This year’s Valedictorian is
Caroline Lengyel.
9) Principal Kathleen Rowley
Colin ’89 presents the Saint
Julie Award to Sarah Curtis.
This award is given to the
student who best personifies the qualities of NDA’s
patron saint.
10) Graduates at last!
Words of Wisdom
NDA was pleased to welcome Rear Admiral Margaret DeLuca
Klein ’75 to campus to deliver the commencement speech. She
serves as the Chief of Staff for the U.S. Cyber Command and was
the first female commandant of the U.S. Naval Academy. Admiral
Klein was exceptionally excited to speak to the Class of 2013 because
her niece, Julia MacDougall was graduating. In a wonderful
coincidence, Julia was selected, via an anonymous essay contest,
to be the student graduation speaker at the ceremony.
vita! summer 2013 | 9
by kathryn quinn miller ’97
Quite simply, Notre Dame Academy wouldn’t exist without friendship. e founders of
the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur – Julie, a peasant woman, and Françoise, a noblewoman – formed an improbable friendship in 1794 and, together, established schools
for young women.
is spirit of friendship is just as vibrant today in the tiled halls of NDA. Our alumnae
often tell us about relationships that began with a shared joke in homeroom, a chemistry
experiment gone wrong, or a walk to Marylou’s for coffee.
vita! reached out to NDA’s 5,000-plus alumnae and asked them to share their stories of
friendship. Some made us cry, and many made us smile. Here are just a few we hope you
will enjoy!
by anita horne lawlor ’78
On August 29, 2011, in the middle of the
darkness of Hurricane Irene, I lost my beloved
high school sweetheart and husband of 27
years very unexpectedly. Ed Lawlor and I met
while juniors in high school. Our first real
“date” was the NDA winter cotillion in 1977;
a double date with Karen Sutherland Giovannucci. We were married in 1984 and
raised two wonderful sons. With one married
and one in college we were savoring the
“empty nest” – until a heart attack suddenly
ended it all.
Now, with the perspective of almost two
years, I can say I know there are couples that
have twice the time but only half the love.
And I am grateful. I credit faith, family and
friends for getting me through. My life has
been and continues to be so full of blessings.
I have fabulous children, an amazing and
loving extended family, fulfilling work with
supportive colleagues, and really wonderful
friends. e NDA friends have been very
important to me during this time because
They say it is when the shock of a death
and the commotion of the events settle
down, that the grieving really begins.
I would agree.My
NDA friends
have sustained me in the dark time since.
NDA friends have remained part of my life in
the 35 years since graduation. Since we were
high school sweethearts, all of them knew Ed.
I was in Karen’s wedding. Katie Comerford,
Grace Cotter Regan, and I graduated from
Boston College together. Anne Boudreaux
McCabe’s children and mine attended the
same school. Christmas cards, emails, and occasional visits became the norm as our families, jobs, and life took center stage. We
looked forward to reunion time for a sure fire
way to get together.
In the middle of the power outages and limited communications caused by the hurricane,
I was making arrangements for Ed’s wake and
funeral. In this whirlwind, flowers started to
arrive at my door. Among the first were from
Karen. Her mom saw Ed’s obituary in the
newspaper and started to spread the word.
Within hours, the NDA community mobilized: prayer requests were sent out, emails
and Facebook posts started rolling in, and my
1978 classmates were a big part of his wonderful sendoff.
ey say it is when the shock of a death and
the commotion of the events settle down, that
the grieving really begins. I would agree. My
NDA friends have sustained me in the dark
time since. ere have been prayers, cards,
calls, and emails – just to check in – flowers
on my birthday, notes on my anniversary,
lunches, and visits.
Anita (far right) and her friends at Reunion this May.
they are among very few who knew me before
I ever met Ed. at does help me to remember there was a “me” before there was an “us.”
I will be forever grateful to Karen, Katie,
Grace, Tricia, Anne, and all the “girls” who
have walked me through this unexpected part
of the journey.
To quote an email I received from Grace the
morning of Ed’s wake: “We may not see each
other often, but lifelong friendship has its
benefits.” Indeed!
Anita and Ed's first date: 1977 NDA Cotillion
vita! summer 2013 | 11
e role of a mentor is typically viewed as a
professional advisor, yet for Social Studies
Teacher Sally Ruscito, the opportunity to
mentor a former student was much more
She shares, “I first met Erin [Fontana Faulhaber ’97] in 1994 when she took my Modern European history class. She was an
excellent student and we stayed in touch
while she was earning her degree in history
and secondary education from Stonehill
College. Erin even did some of her required
observation hours in my classes.”
Erin credits Sally with initiating her love of
history. “Sally’s memory for facts and anecdotal stories, love of Russian history, and
overall enthusiasm were inspirational!”
In 2001, Erin was hired as a Social Studies
teacher at NDA and with homerooms next
[Sally] was always willing to give me advice, ideas, and
even tough love when I needed it. She
became my
friend, my NDA mother, and my beloved colleague.
— Erin Fontana Faulhaber ’97
to each other, their mentorship continued.
Sally guided Erin through those first years of
Erin said, “Even though NDA didn't have an
established mentoring program, Sally nicknamed me ‘protégé’ and eased me through
any tough times and transitions. We worked
on lesson plans, project plans, and grading.
She gave me hints about how to reach those
students who struggled, and she even helped
with simple day to day procedural tasks. She
was always willing to give me advice, ideas,
and even tough love when I needed it. She became my friend, my NDA mother, and my
beloved colleague. She shaped me to be the
most amazing history teacher that I can be!”
For Sally, the joy of mentoring a former student on a daily basis for nine years was a career highlight. “I really have a lot of pride in
Erin’s success as an educator – she is a born
teacher! To know that my passion inspired
someone else’s career and that I was able to
guide her in those early years of teaching is incredibly fulfilling.”
by kaitlyn skerry litchfield ’02
I met her the first day of school, freshman
year, 1998. I was sitting alone and I couldn't
find my one friend that I had to come to
NDA with from junior high. I was thinking
"Great, I'm that girl that has to sit alone now."
And then, from nowhere, a girl with a giant
field hockey bag and stick sat next to me and
asked "Is anyone sitting here?" So we sat and
listened to Sister Barbara welcome us. We
learned that we were in the same homeroom
and had every class together. I had just made
a kind of, sort of friend!
A few weeks went by, and my life changed
forever when my friend Ally Darling passed
away. Life swirled, simplicity turned complicated, emotions were confused – but one
thing did not change, and that was Kate. She
was always there. I would cry, for no reason,
but she was there to tell me it was ok. Sometimes I didn't feel like going to the dances but
Kate said I should. She invited me to her
birthday party, she sat next to me in Spanish
and science. She wrote me notes to make me
An empty auditorium seat made
us friends, time and effort made us
best friends, and unconditional
love has made us sisters.
feel better (I still have all of them). And then
I did start to feel better.
It has been fifteen years since the day we first
met. We graduated, we went to college, we
moved, we grew up. We are adults now. We
are married, we own homes, and we have chil-
dren (well, I consider Kate's kids to be mine!).
We talk to each other every day. We pray for
each other, and we support each other.
An empty auditorium seat made us friends,
time and effort made us best friends, and unconditional love has made us sisters. ank
you Notre Dame Academy for giving me Kate
Watkins McDonald.
Demerits. A chemistry experiment explosion.
Off-the-shoulder graduation dresses. ese
are just some of the memories a “crazy goofy”
group from the Class of 1986 (and one member from the Class of ’87!) continues to laugh
about today.
Heather Healey Don, Katie Wilkinson Duggan, Christine Fitzgerald, Susan Healey, Monica Landry, Jean Seidel, Missy Seidel Leggat,
and Carolyn Crescenzi Rein are passionate
about their 30-plus years of friendship.
Carolyn shares what she thinks makes their
group so special. “Our lives have followed
many different paths in the thirty years we
have been friends – and we are all very different – but through dating, marriages, divorces,
infertility, births, moves around the country,
promotions, and the loss of parents we are all
there for each other.”
Missy agrees, “ese women have made my
saddest moments a bit brighter and made me
smile harder than I thought possible at my
happiest moments. I want to thank them for
San Francisco 2013
sidesplitting laughter and for being there
when it matters.”
Monica adds, “We have all accepted each
other and encouraged each other over the
years . . . It is special to have people in your
life who have literally grown up with you.”
is spring, the group travelled to San Fran-
cisco for a long weekend to celebrate their
40th birthdays. (If you are doing the math,
Carolyn explains that it took about four years
to actually pull the trip together!) Yet, the
group wouldn’t divulge too many details
about their time there. After all, as Katie said,
“What happens in San Francisco, stays in
San Francisco.”
by jenn schraut ’96
As a freshman at NDA, my toughest class was
French. Mrs. Anne Marie Gean was my
teacher and she didn't let me get away with
not studying or doing my homework. I tried
to hide behind my friend, Kathleen Sullivan
Harrell '96, but "Madame" always called on
me! It was the first time a teacher had ever
pushed me outside my comfort level and I
didn't know how to handle it. "Ferme la
bouche" (close your mouth!) was a phrase
often directed to me since I loved to talk in
class and not pay attention.
Jenn and Madame Gean at the Alumnae Musical Revue
this June.
Summer rolled around and I found out that I
had Mrs. Gean again for French, and also for
homeroom. I asked my mother to call the
school to change my class. "She doesn't like
me," I whined. My mom turned to me and
said, "Absolutely not. Sometimes in life you
have to deal with people you don't like. You
need to figure it out." With that advice, I
worked extremely hard sophomore year. I
stayed after class for tutoring, I studied with
friends, and did extra credit work (which included creating a small replica of the Eiffel
Tower!). I not only did better in class, but in
turn, I developed a special friendship with
Mrs. Gean.
In college, I spent a year studying abroad in
England and traveled to Paris with Courtney
Lane '96 and Luiza Nanu Pellerin '96. Paris
was exactly how Mrs. Gean described it. I
wrote Mrs. Gean a long letter (back when we
used paper and a pen) describing my time in
France and the impact she had on my life. It's
been 17 years since I graduated from NDA,
but I have kept in touch with Madame during
that time.
is past June, after 37 years of teaching – 29
at NDA – Mrs. Gean retired. I am so proud
of her and happy for the next chapter of her
life. Merci, Madame Gean and félicitations!
vita! summer 2013 | 13
Advancing NDA
Established This Spring
50th Reunion Celebrated with a Scholarship Gift
Each year, NDA hosts the 50th reunion class for a special day at
the school. Most women arrive eager to reconnect with their classmates to laugh over old yearbook photos. But Diane Cudd
Capodilupo had other plans when she arrived that April morning; she was looking for the advancement office.
Diane (left) shares and laugh with
Kathleen Torsney Young ’63 at their
reunion in April.
A successful realtor, Capodilupo is the owner of Re/Max
Achiever’s in West Roxbury. Consistently ranked as one of the top
residential brokers in New England, she is known for her market
savvy and her professionalism. On this day, she had a strategy in
mind, but she needed more information to make it happen.
“When I met with Diane, she was very straightforward,” explains Lynn Page Flaherty, NDA’s
director of advancement. “She explained that she wanted to celebrate her reunion by giving back.
She is a woman who has been very successful and she’s very grateful for the blessings in her own
life. She wanted to make a gift to support the next generation of NDA women and she wanted to
do it in the most lasting way possible.”
e Diane Cudd Capodilupo ’63 Scholarship Fund will provide financial assistance to a
freshman for each of her four years at NDA. A restricted fund, created with Diane’s $50,000 gift,
the scholarship principal will be invested, allowing the actual scholarship award to grow over time.
“Making NDA accessible to all young women of promise is so important to who we are as a Sisters
of Notre Dame School,” says Flaherty. “Alumnae like Diane make it possible for us to fulfill our
mission. We are so grateful for her gift. What a special way to kick off reunion weekend!”
DeGiacomo Scholarship Honors a Loved One
When Ruth DeGiacomo passed away in March 2011, she left behind six
children, 12 grandchildren, her devoted husband of 58 years, and a wealth
of family stories.
Granddaughter Amanda Smith ’07 writes, “Nana taught me how to play
poker and perfect my poker face … She had the biggest, most contagious
laugh ever, and always had the best desserts at her house …”
Ruth DeGiacomo
GP ’97 ’07
Julie Smith ’97 adds, “She encouraged her granddaughters to be real sports
fans, kept my college essays for years, and encouraged me to continue writing. She had a good sense of humor, valued friendships, made a delicious spaghetti sauce, and
hated the Yankees.”
Education was important to Ruth and her husband, a value they passed down to their children
and grandchildren. “Effort was always most important,” says their daughter Lisa Smith. “ey
wanted us to try our hardest in school and were always supportive of teachers and their efforts.”
William DeGiacomo decided to create a scholarship in his wife’s honor, funded via a revocable trust.
e Ruth H. DeGiacomo GP’97 ’07 Memorial Scholarship will be awarded annually to a rising
sophomore and will provide financial assistance for three years. Recipients will be actively involved
members of the NDA community who’ve demonstrated a commitment to their education.
“Mr. and Mrs. DeGiacomo share such a love story,” says Lynn Page Flaherty. “It’s been a privilege
to learn about her from people who obviously loved her so much. We are excited her legacy will
inspire and support young women here at NDA.”
why a scholarship?
“Support for scholarships and financial aid remains our top priority,” says Lynn Page Flaherty,
NDA’s director of institutional advancement.
“Every year, we meet some amazing young
women who would add so much to our community, but we simply cannot offer the level of
financial assistance necessary for their families
to join ours.”
Gifts to support financial aid and scholarship
can be made in a variety of ways:
• Outright gifts – The average financial aid
grant is $5,000 annually. Gifts in support of
financial aid can be made in any amount.
Those able to make a four-year commitment
of $1,000 or more become members of the
Leadership Council, a special group of donors
who have pledged to support a student for
her entire high school experience.
• Scholarship Funds – A scholarship fund can
live on in perpetuity, carrying the name and
interests of this person forward for future
generations. A principal balance of $50,000
is required to establish a fund. Such funds are
invested, with the income added to that
balance each year. Approximately 5% of the
principal balance is allocated annually to support the scholarship’s purpose, with the
expectation that each scholarship awarded
will be at least $2,000.
• Scholarship Grants – When establishing a
permanently restricted fund is deemed impractical, a current-use grant can be created.
These scholarship grants can be established
much like permanent scholarships. But the
fund is set up with the understanding that it
will not exist in perpetuity and that its balance
will be paid out over a pre-determined period
of time. Scholarship grants are generally expected to provide annual awards of at least
To learn more about supporting financial aid
and scholarships, please contact Lynn Page
Flaherty at 781.749.5930, ext. 2246 or
[email protected]
cushing auditorium
A Class Act
As the Campaign for Cushing Auditorium
nears completion (as of this printing
deadline, $435,000 of the $507,000 goal
had been committed), a very NDA trend is
emerging: classmates are joining together to
make a difference for their community.
It began with the Class of 1999.
Soon after the Campaign for Cushing Auditorium launched, Jaclyn Coppens Cleary
and Amanda Callahan shared, via Facebook, their interest in raising funds to name
seats in honor of their deceased classmates.
Class agent Jennifer Boussy Carroll reached
out to alumnae director Stevie Lee Taylor.
“When we were seniors at NDA, we lost
two classmates, Erin Darling and Colleen
Clancy, at the beginning of the school year
in a terrible car accident. Erin’s little sister
(Allison), also passed away in the accident.
As you might imagine, this affected our class
deeply. Given the tragedy at the beginning of
the year, it was inconceivable that only days
before graduation, we would lose another
dear classmate, Kate Gaughan, as well. Since
graduation, we have lost three other classmates, Sinead Lovett, Leslie O’Brien, and
very recently (actually during the course of
this fundraising effort), Shannon Smith.
Despite the different paths my classmates
and I have taken and many miles that may
now separate us, I think the Class of 1999
will always remember the sense of community that NDA instilled in us. It is the least
we could do to celebrate the lives of our
friends by honoring them with a spot in the
new NDA auditorium.”
To date, 54 members of the class – more
than 50 percent of the graduates – have contributed towards the six seats.
“ It’s heartwarming to
see all the ways that
friendships are being
celebrated in this
auditorium renovation.”
alumnae director
stevie lee taylor
Joy Picknarcik Calapai ’92 also used Facebook to kick off a class effort, not only for
her class, but to reach out to the Class of
1990 in honor of dear friend Gina Charbonneau ’90. “Gina was always singing –
you could hear her in the auditorium, in
chorus, and even in the halls between
classes!” With the assistance of Kate Devin
Dauphinais ’92, the Class of 1992 effort
will honor Colleen Browne D’Attilio,
Christine Welch Gillis, and Heidel Vietze.
Close friendships are clearly evident with
other naming plans. “e Charmers” is the
name given to a group of 1966 graduates.
eir devotion to one another is evident
from the matching jackets they wear each
year when they participate in the Making
Strides for Breast Cancer Walk. ey finalized their seat plaque wording during yet
another mini-reunion at Mary Ann Stanford McCulley’s house.
Celia Corkery Civello ’88 reached out to
her circle of friends, soliciting seven gifts to
name a seat in memory of classmate
Michelle Vitale. Margaret Mary Grady and
Nancy McElaney Joyce, both members of
the Class of 1961, have remained close since
their days at Roxbury. ey decided to share
a seat. And the Class of 1995 is in the midst
of a grassroots effort to see how many seats
they can emblazon with their class year. Erin
Smith Grable, Kelly Manning Collins, and
Rachel Quinlan Altobello are leading this
“It’s heartwarming to see all the ways that
friendships are being celebrated in this auditorium renovation,” says Alumnae Director
Stevie Lee Taylor. “We talk about this being
the place where our community comes together. at will be on full display when one
walks through the rows and sees all the names.”
Taylor points out that some gestures are
meant to be surprises. “ere will be some
seats named for people who have no idea
that they’ve been honored this way.”
She adds, “is year’s 50th and 55th reunion
classes – 1963 and 1958 – responded in a
big way to our Reunion Challenge. We asked
each class to consider how they would like to
see their names in the auditorium; 1958 was
one of the first to respond, led by Anne
Gildea. e Class of 1963 intends to have an
entire row of seats named for their class. ey
are just three seats short of their goal!”
While the Campaign for Cushing Auditorium
is expected to conclude this summer, the “Take a
Seat” initiative will continue until all 870 seats
are named. Additional seat plaques will be installed next summer. To learn more or to “Take
a Seat” in honor of a loved one, please contact
Lynn Page Flaherty at 781.749.5930, ext.
2246, or [email protected] or make
your gift at
vita! summer 2013 | 15
Out of the Blue
Gala 2013
Left: Gala Co-Chairs Sue Winsper P’15,
Nicki Reilly Disch ’98, Kate Devin
Dauphinais ’92 and Doug Farrington
P’11 (not pictured) played a tremendous
role planning the successful evening.
e fifth annual Out of the Blue Gala was
a fantastic evening. e event is NDA’s
single largest source of annual support for
financial aid and alumnae, parents, and
friends raised a record total – $140,000!
is year, the Gala took place at the
Boston Marriot Quincy and 400 guests
enjoyed a silent auction, dinner, and live
auction entertainment.
Susan Linn Dinatale ’60R and Mary Blood ’60R.
Save the Date for Gala 2014
Saturday, March 29!
Above: Award winners being honored
at the Gala: 2013 Friends of NDA,
Tim & Kitty Pinch P’02 ’07 ’12;
Outstanding Recent Graduate, Leah
Moschella ’02; Distinguished Graduate
of the Year, M.C. Sullivan ’68; Sister
Barbara Barry, SNDdeN ’69, and
Athletics Hall of Fame recipients,
Mary Bowker Dunn ’89, Joan Finneran
Read’77, and Courtney Lawson
Desena ’95.
Chris and Patti Valente P’05 ’13 enjoyi
ng the festive atmosphere
along with Steven and Tara Healy P’13.
Above: Members of the Gala
Committee: Annie Nelson P’14,
M.E. Puzo Bailey ’96, Katie Puzo
’98, Nicki Reilly Disch ’98, Paul
Letsche P’09 11 14, and Kathy
Morley P’12 ’13 ’15.
Students welcomed guests to the event
were a big help to the Advancement staff.
Left: Jack and Lauren
Concannon P’13 enjoy
the evening.
new insurance program
launches for alumnae
cushing auditorium
The Doyle Stage Project
The effort to re-name the Cushing Auditorium stage in honor
of Cappi and Ted Doyle continues. As of this printing, more
than half of the $25,000 goal had been committed. Help
us make this re-dedication possible! Make your gift today
at or call 781.749.5930,
ext. 2246.
And with nearly every gift, comes another tribute to this amazing couple. A special thanks to Merideth Finn Beers ’92 for
her lovely words below!
For The Woman Who Made Me Memorize A 12 Minute
Speech About America (Twice)
by merideth finn beers ’92
Pink Geraniums
Granted you the gift of insomnia
Gray Cardigan
In order to give you more time
Typewriter with plastic cover
To teach girls
Argyle knee socks
How to have hope when it hides from us
Noel Coward
And how to embrace
Our Lady of the Highway
Confidence when it has only just been born
Angels who walk among us, sometimes
in the snow
I hear the quiet sound of your feet
e U.S. Constitution
And the persistent whisper of a canvas
tote bag
e English Language
As it brushes your leg
e wood floor of the stage
You move quickly
ese words: A list of memories
Steadfastly towards your calling
It is incomplete
is education you gave us
Because how can I compose
It cannot be held
In words
You taught us how to live here
A Woman who inspired the course
of my life
Here, each of us, in our own selves.
By example
at your thirty years at Notre Dame
rough grace
Mrs. Doyle, I believe God
Coincided with my four is a gift
I am thankful for Every day of my life
In a continuing effort to provide benefits and
services that support our alumnae throughout their lifetime, NDA is pleased to sponsor
a new Alumnae Insurance Program.
The program offers a variety of attractively
priced insurance products, most of which are
available to NDA alumnae, students, faculty
and staff, as well as their spouses, parents, children, and siblings:
• Health Insurance For those with a temporary or permanent need for coverage, such
as the unemployed and recent graduates,
and for special situations, including travelers and students.
• Life Insurance Long-term protection
with great rates and fantastic features.
Coverage is available from $50,000 to
$50 million.
• Long Term Care Insurance Protect your
assets from serious erosion while allowing
access to quality care in the most
appropriate and desirable setting.
• Travel Insurance Travel Medical and
Trip Protection coverage is available for
individuals or groups, for personal or
business travel.
• Pet Insurance Simple, customizable dog
and cat insurance plans are available.
• Identity Theft Protection Protect yourself
and your family against identity theft with a
comprehensive solution you can count on.
• Advisory Services A licensed insurance
professional is available, at no charge,
to answer questions and provide
customized guidance.
From time to time, alumnae will receive more
information about certain products in the
mail. Please know that NDA does not sell your
information or share it with vendors; these
mailings will be done on behalf of the school.
And just as NDA does not share your information, neither does the program administrator. Should you choose to take advantage
of any of these insurance programs, NDA will
not be notified and information about your individual insurance purchases will not be
For more information, please visit or contact the program
administrator at 800.635.7801.
vita! summer 2013 | 17
news received through june 15, 2013
class agent
Isabelle Hurley Walsh
[email protected]
class agent
Elizabeth McCarty Grimes
class agent
Position Available
OIA Note: Thank you to Mary Lane
Lally who joined us for her 70th
reunion at the Golden Alumnae
luncheon in April.
1944 Reunion
class agent
Eleanor Hannigan McKinnon
OIA Note: It was wonderful to see
Sister Regina Harrington at the
Alumnae Memorial Liturgy in April.
OIA Note: Save the date! Your 70th
reunion is scheduled for May 3, 2014.
If you have ideas or suggestions, or
would like to be a part of your Reunion Planning Committee please
call Director of Alumnae Relations
Stevie Lee Taylor at 781.749.5930,
ext. 2247. We will have a reunion
planning kickoff reception on
October 22 at 6:30 p.m. at NDA if
you would like to learn more!
class agent
Position Available
class agent
Position Available
class agent
Sheila Heffernan Clark
Ann Murray Madigan presented a
medallion to her granddaughter Audrey Madigan at the Class of 2013’s
Baccalaureate ceremony in May.
Connolly Annino, was the featured
speaker at a reception for alumnae
from NDA, Ursuline, Fontbonne, and
Newton Country Day this spring. She
spoke about estate planning for
OIA Note: It was great to see Patricia
Murphy O’Donnell and Frances Cook
Patrick celebrate their 65th reunion
from the Roxbury campus at the
Golden Alumnae Luncheon in April.
OIA Note: Thank you Helen Halpin
McCarney for being part of the company in our One Night Only alumnae
musical revue! Helen came all the
way from Cape Cod to be part of the
show. Hundreds came out for the
last performance in the Cushing Auditorium before renovations began.
1949 Reunion
class agent
class agent
Janet LaPoint Manning
[email protected]
class agent
Constance Kearney Hanley
[email protected]
Patricia Annino, daughter of Patricia
Patricia O'Neal Schmitt
[email protected]
OIA Note: Save the date! Your 65th
reunion is scheduled for May 3, 2014.
If you have ideas or suggestions, or
would like to be a part of your Reunion Planning Committee please
call Director of Alumnae Relations
Stevie Lee Taylor at 781.749.5930, ext.
2247. We will have a reunion planning kickoff reception on October 22
at 6:30 p.m. at NDA if you would like
to learn more!
class agent
Joanne Roland McCarthy
[email protected]
class agent
Isabel Drane Wolf
[email protected]
3559 SW 86th Street
Gainesville, FL 32608
class agent
Position Available
class agent - granby
Rita Greene Sullivan
[email protected]
class agent - roxbury
Gloria Spriano O'Connor
OIA Note: Thank you to the members
of the Class of 1953—both the Roxbury
and Granby campuses—for celebrating your 60th reunion with us in April!
reunion recap
More than 200 alumnae visited NDA to celebrate Reunion Weekend
2013 on April 26 and 27. The Class of 1963 kicked things off with
their 50th Reunion Day at NDA on Friday and festivities continued
on Saturday with the Golden Alumnae Luncheon and Memorial
Afterwards, those celebrating their reunion joined us for a cocktail reception
and many headed off to individual class
parties to enjoy food, fond memories,
and good laughs!
1 The Class of 1963 gathered for a great
photo before heading to dinner.
2 The ladies from the Class of 1993 were
all smiles at their 20th reunion!
3 Members of the Class of 1973 celebrated
their 40th reunion!
4 The Class of 1983 had a great turn out
at their 30th reunion banquet.
5 The Class of 1978 was excited to reconnect and later headed out for cocktails
and hors d’oeuvres.
6 The ladies from 1958 enjoyed a light
reception and celebrated their 55th
reunion before the Memorial Mass.
1954 Reunion
1959 Reunion
class agent
class agent
Carolyn Nash Blair
[email protected]
Position Available
Members of the Granby Street class
got together at Not Your Average
Joes in Hanover to catch up at their
regular lunch. It was great to see so
many of you get together and share
memories and laughs.
OIA Note: Our thanks to Ruth Hanson Lutts for her service to the Alumnae Association Board.
OIA Note: Save the date! Your 55th
reunion is scheduled for May 3, 2014.
If you have ideas or suggestions, or
would like to be a part of your ReOIA Note: We loved seeing Carolyn
union Planning Committee please
Nash Blair at the Alumnae Memorial call Director of Alumnae Relations
Liturgy in April.
Stevie Lee Taylor at 781.749.5930, ext.
2247. We will have a reunion planOIA Note: Save the date! Your 60th
reunion is scheduled for May 3, 2014. ning kickoff reception on October 22
at 6:30 p.m. at NDA if you would like
If you have ideas or suggestions, or
to learn more!
would like to be a part of your Reunion Planning Committee please
call Director of Alumnae Relations
Stevie Lee Taylor at 781.749.5930, ext. class agents
Anne Madden Fancelli
2247. We will have a reunion planning kickoff reception on October 22 [email protected]
at 6:30 p.m. at NDA if you would like Judith Kerrigan Gunderson
to learn more!
[email protected]
An Alumnae Musical Revue
What a memorable evening! On Saturday, June 8 more
than 30 alumnae got back up on stage and performed
gospel music, Broadway favorites, and NDA old standards with former music director Paul Kelly at the
piano. The show raised nearly $5,000 for the Cushing
Auditorium and renovations began just five days later.
A special thank you to M.E. Puzo Bailey ’96 and Paul
Kelly for producing this incredible show!
class agent
class agents
Anne Clancy Botsch
Mary McGivern Bell
[email protected]
Sheila Sullivan Henaghan
[email protected]
Mary Gillen McElroy
[email protected]
class agents
Barbara Gilboy Gillis
[email protected]
Carol Wynne McDermott
[email protected]
Maureen Murphy McMahon
[email protected]
Barbara London Ryan
[email protected]
Virginia Burchill Shannon
class agent
Patricia Fagan Arnold
[email protected]
Jane Marie McGregor recently lost her
husband, retired Colonel Robert McGregor, Sr. Please keep Jane and her
family in your thoughts and prayers.
class agents
Mary Pat Kelly Bartsch
[email protected]
Anne Reardon Gildea
[email protected]
Sandy Wysong Denault-McNitt,
and Maureen Murphy.
the New England Association of
Schools and Colleges.
1964 Reunion
class agents
class agents
Ellen Lawler Ugi
[email protected]
Carolyn Combie Dolan
[email protected]
Catherine Coccimiglio
[email protected]
OIA Notes: Congratulations to Rosemary Bennett MacQuarrie who was
elected to serve a two-year term as a
member of the Alumnae Association
Patricia Golding Paolucci
[email protected]
Mary Ann Stanford McCulley
[email protected]
Maureen White
[email protected]
Please pray for Christine Hannon
Eames whose husband Richard
passed away in April.
class agents
Susan Lewis
[email protected]
class agent
Bette Ballantyne Mullen
[email protected]
Sandra Wysong Deneault
[email protected]
We hope the ladies from the Class of
1963 will come back in the fall to see
their class year emblazoned on new
chairs in the Cushing Auditorium.
Together, the class raised $6,000 as
a part of this year’s reunion fundraising challenge to commemorate their
50th reunion!
Adele Chapman Urbsas
[email protected]
Please keep Anne Colwell Desmond
in your thoughts; her sister, Priscilla
Colwell ’61 passed in March.
OIA Note: Thank you to those of you
from the Class of 1958 who were able
to join us and celebrate your 55th Reunion in April! We had a wonderful
time catching up with you. A special
thanks to the reunion planning committee: Adele Chapman Urbsas,
Anne Reardon Gildea, and Mary Pat
Kelly Bartsch.
OIA Note: Thank you to those of you
from the class of 1963 who were able
to join us and celebrate your 50th Reunion in April! We had a wonderful
time catching up with you. And a
special mention to the lovely ladies
who helped plan this exciting celebration: Bette Ballantyne Mullen,
OIA Note: Save the date! Your 50th
reunion is scheduled for May 3, 2014.
If you have ideas or suggestions, or
would like to be a part of your Reunion Planning Committee please
call Director of Alumnae Relations
Stevie Lee Taylor at 781.749.5930, ext.
2247. We will have a reunion planning kickoff reception on October 22
at 6:30 p.m. at NDA if you would
like to learn more!
class agent
Mary Mulvoy Lofty
[email protected]
class agent
Adele Chiachio
[email protected]
class agents
Liz MacDonald Cicchese
[email protected]
Nancy Doyle Graham
[email protected]
Maryellen Madden McGarty
[email protected]
Special congratulations to Nancy
Howard for embarking on a crosscountry bike ride to raise funds for the
Outer Cape Community Health Services. Sadly, an injury forced Nancy to
Boston College awarded Cornelia Kel- cut the ride short but we commend
ley LaCambria an honorary Doctorate you for your efforts, Nancy!
of Humane Letters at its commence- OIA Notes: Thank you to those of you
ment on May 20. Cornelia is the
from the Class of 1968 who were able
headmaster emerita of Boston Latin
to join us and celebrate your 45th
School and serves as a member of
Reunion in April! We had a wonderful
the commission on American and
Independent Schools Abroad and
vita! summer 2013 | 19
Please keep Kathleen Deary Glynn in
your thoughts and prayers; her sister
Marie Deary Lichtman ’62R passed
on May 1.
time catching up with you. A special
thanks to the reunion planning committee: Liz MacDonald Cicchese,
Nancy Doyle Graham, and Maryellen
Madden McGarty.
1974 Reunion
Our congratulations to MC Sullivan
as she begins her term as chair of
the NDA Board of Directors.
(see story, p. 5)
Joanne Knasas Pretti
[email protected]
class agents
Megan Tonderys Bearce
[email protected]
OIA Note: Save the date! Your 40th
reunion is scheduled for May 3, 2014.
If you have ideas or suggestions, or
would like to be a part of your Reclass agent
union Planning Committee please
Julie Nesbitt Valiton
call Director of Alumnae Relations
[email protected]
Stevie Lee Taylor at 781.749.5930, ext.
2247. We will have a reunion planOIA Note: Save the date! Your 45th
reunion is scheduled for May 3, 2014. ning kickoff reception on October 22
at 6:30 p.m. at NDA if you would like
If you have ideas or suggestions, or
to learn more!
would like to be a part of your Reunion Planning Committee please
call Director of Alumnae Relations
Stevie Lee Taylor at 781.749.5930, ext. class agents
Kerry Gilmore Burke
2247. We will have a reunion planning kickoff reception on October 22 [email protected]
at 6:30 p.m. at NDA if you would like Paula Carroll Pozniak
to learn more!
[email protected]
1969 Reunion
Maria Gillis Read
class agent
Maureen Sullivan
[email protected]
Mary Barry
class agents
Mary Ganley Montanari
[email protected]
Carol Cote Schneider
[email protected]
Congratulation to Jane BrancaWallace, one of the newest members
of the NDA Board of Directors.
(see story, p. 5)
class agents
Jane Malloy Corry
[email protected]
Katherine Fogarty
[email protected]
class agents
Denise Murphy Cargill
Rear Admiral Peg DeLuca Klein gave a
memorable speech at this year’s commencement ceremony. It was made
even more powerful by the fact that
her niece, Julia MacDougall ’13, was
in the graduating class and gave the
student address. (see story, p. 9)
Admiral Klein also attended the
Naval Academy’s Aviation Selection
Dinner in January where she ran
into fellow NDA alumna Caroline
Lockett ’08 (see photo).
to join us and celebrate your 35th Reunion in April! We had a wonderful
time catching up with you. A special
thanks to the reunion planning
committee: Tricia Callahan Dransfield, Ellen Gilmore, and Karen
Duffy Balaschi.
1979 Reunion
class agents
Mary Hayes Lawrence
[email protected]
Linda Shaughnessy Leroy
[email protected]
Rita McNulty Taugher
[email protected]
OIA Note: Save the date! Your 35th
reunion is scheduled for May 3, 2014.
If you have ideas or suggestions, or
would like to be a part of your Reunion Planning Committee please
call Director of Alumnae Relations
Stevie Lee Taylor at 781.749.5930, ext.
2247. We will have a reunion planning kickoff reception on October 22
at 6:30 p.m. at NDA if you would like
to learn more!
class agents
Janice Hayes Cha
[email protected]
Michelle McGee
[email protected]
Shelagh Foley Sullivan
[email protected]
Please keep Gina Toland Bender in
your prayers; her father William
passed in March.
save the date
1934, 1939, 1944, 1949, 1954,
1959, 1964, 1969, 1974, 1979,
1984, 1989, 1994
Your reunion weekend is
set for May 3, 2014!
If you are interested in helping plan your
reunion, please join us for a reunion
kickoff reception on Tuesday,
October 22 at 6:30 p.m. at Notre Dame
Academy’s Board Room. Wine and
cheese will be provided. Kindly R.S.V.P.
to Stevie Lee Taylor by October 18.
OIA Note: Thank you to those of you
from the Class of 1983 who were able
to join us and celebrate your 30th Reunion in April! We had a wonderful
time catching up with you. A special
thanks to Jeanne Higgins and Marjorie McCahill Mahoney for helping
plan the festivities!
OIA Note: Thank you Jeanne Higgins
for being part of the company in our
One Night Only alumnae musical
revue! Hundreds came out for the
last performance in the Cushing Auditorium before renovations began.
1984 Reunion
class agents
class agents
Jill Flaherty Dunbar
[email protected]
Mary Sullivan Butler
[email protected]
Jennifer McDermott Lance
[email protected]
Mary McHugh McKelvey
[email protected]
Kimberly Carvelli Marcia
class agents
Jane Dever Barry
[email protected]
Lauren Murphy Tobin
[email protected]
Mary Beth Vargus
[email protected]
Mary McHugh McKelvey presented
a medallion to her daughter Mary
Kate McKelvey at the Class of 2013’s
Baccalaureate ceremony in May.
OIA Note: Thank you to Kerry Gilmore
Burke for hosting our professional
networking event in Boston.
Judith White
[email protected]
Brenda McHugh King
[email protected]
Susan Dever Marriner
[email protected]
OIA Notes: Congratulations to Judy
White who was elected to serve a
two-year term as a member of the
Alumnae Association Board.
Ellen Ferriter McAllister
[email protected]
Maureen Feeley Ridings
[email protected]
Patricia Malone Perry
[email protected]
OIA Note: Thank you to those of you
from the Class of 1973 who were able
to join us and celebrate your 40th
Reunion in April! We had a wonderful
time catching up with you. A special
thanks to the reunion planning committee: Judy White, Brenda McHugh
King, Kathleen Fenn Gaughan, and
Susan Sullivan Dougherty.
Reunions 2014
class agents
class agent
class agents
class agent
Linda Federico
[email protected]
Dianne Chase Chase
[email protected]
Diane O'Brien Gaudet
[email protected]
Julie Sullivan Sorgi presented a
medallion to her daughter Rosemary
Sorgi at the Class of 2013’s Baccalaureate ceremony in May.
Jeanne Higgins
[email protected]
OIA Note: Thank you to those of you
from the Class of 1978 who were able
Tamera Harrington Corsaro presented
a medallion to her daughter Francesca
Corsaro at the Class of 2013’s Baccalaureate ceremony in May.
Sandra Gillis Parkinson presented a
medallion to her daughter, Catherine
Parkinson, and Katie Lynch Carroll presented a medallion to her niece
Caroline Kenneally at the Class of
2013’s Baccalaureate ceremony in May.
OIA Note: Save the date! Your 30th
reunion is scheduled for May 3, 2014.
If you have ideas or suggestions, or
would like to be a part of your Reunion Planning Committee please
get involved
If you’d like to get involved in
alumnae programming, please contact
Alumnae Director Stevie Lee Taylor
at [email protected] or
781.749.5930, ext. 2247. There are
volunteer opportunities to fit every
schedule and interest!
call Director of Alumnae Relations
Stevie Lee Taylor at 781.749.5930, ext.
2247. We will have a reunion planning kickoff reception on October 22
at 6:30 p.m. at NDA if you would like
to learn more!
Colleen Wyse Chave presented a
medallion to her daughter Abigail
Chave, and Monica Landry presented
a medallion to her niece Violet
Landry at the Class of 2013’s
Baccalaureate ceremony in May.
class agents
class agents
Nancy Stolfa Loewe
[email protected]
Patricia Hart Kelly
[email protected]
Jennifer Clary Rohnstock
[email protected]
Heather Ward wrote in April that she
was 19 days into a thru-hike of the
Appalachian Trail, a 2,200 mile trail
running from Georgia to Maine. She
is hiking to raise money for two charitable organizations, Empower SCI
and CapeAble Adventures. You can
see her hiking progress on her blog,
Congratulations to Jennifer Merrigan
Fay who made The Legal 500 United
States “Leading Lawyers” list.
Please keep Jennifer Clary Rohnstock
and her family in your thoughts;
her father is recuperating from
heart surgery.
Julia MacDougall, daughter of the
late Joan DeLuca MacDougall, was
the student speaker at this year’s
NDA graduation. Joan’s sister
Peg DeLuca Klein ’75 gave the
commencement address.
OIA Notes: Congratulations to
Heather Stevens Cronin who was
elected to serve a two-year term as a
member of the Alumnae Association
class agent
Amy Graham Delaney
[email protected]
association news
Alumnae Board Elects New Members
At the June meeting of the Alumnae
Association Board, the following graduates were elected to serve two-year terms:
Heather Stevens Cronin ’87
Rosemary Bennett MacQuarrie ’62R
Karen Reed Peddell ’85
Judy White ’73
A special thank you to the following
alumnae for their service and dedication
to the board this past term:
Ruth Hanson Lutts ’59R
Kelly Manning Collins ’95
Ann Furlong Luukko ’89
Amanda Murphy ’00
Courtney Jones-Visser’s daughter
Alexandra was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis before her
second birthday. Alexandra is now
three and was asked to serve as the
Youth Ambassador for the South
Shore Arthritis Walk in May. Courtney
took part in the walk and has asked
for your prayers. Alexandra is the
niece of Suzanne Jones-Walmsley ’87,
the cousin of Lisa Jones ’88, and the
great-great niece of Sister Julia
Louise, SND.
OIA Note: Thank you to those of you
from the Class of 1988 who were able
to join us and celebrate your 25th Reunion in April! We had a wonderful
time catching up with you. A special
thanks to the reunion planning committee: Amy Graham Delaney, Tricia
Rennie Guilbeault, Maura Bell
Boucher, and Adrienne Timilty
1989 Reunion
class agents
OIA Notes: Congratulations to Karen
Reed Peddell who was elected to
serve a two-year term as a member
of the Alumnae Association Board.
Eileen DeGraan Flaherty
[email protected]
Colleen Knight Harvey
[email protected]
class agents
Kathryn McConville Flatley
[email protected]
Ellen Sullivan Haynes
[email protected]
Mary Furlong Healey
[email protected]
Kara Sullivan Lynch
[email protected]
Ann Furlong Luukko
[email protected]
Colleen Knight Harvey is enjoying
her second year living in Boulder,
Colorado with her husband Sean and
three boys (ages 4, 5, and 8). She rejoined the workforce as a Financial
Advisor at Merrill Lynch in Boulder,
and would love to hear from any fellow alumnae visiting the area. Her
email is [email protected].
OIA Note: Thank you Joy Picknarcik
Calapai, Nicole Principe DiRuzza,
and Heather Alcott Sperano for being
part of the company in our One
Night Only alumnae musical revue!
Hundreds came out for the last perOIA Note: Save the date! Your 25th
reunion is scheduled for May 3, 2014. formance in the Cushing Auditorium
before renovations began.
If you have ideas or suggestions, or
Special thanks to Kathleen Devin
would like to be a part of your ReDauphinais and Joy Picknarcik Calapai
union Planning Committee please
for helping rally support for the Cushcall Director of Alumnae Relations
ing Campaign. We appreciate you
Stevie Lee Taylor at 781.749.5930,
spearheading the fundraising for your
ext. 2247. We will have a reunion
class! Kate also served as alumnae coplanning kickoff reception on Octochair of our annual Out of the Blue
ber 22 at 6:30 p.m. at NDA if you
Gala – thank you for all of your work!
would like to learn more!
OIA Note: Our thanks to Ann Furlong Luukko for her service to the
Alumnae Association Board. We appreciate all of your help with the service committee.
class agent
class agents
Beth Bernier Crowell
[email protected]
Amanda Condon Adamczyk
[email protected]
Please keep Melissa Clary and her
family in your thoughts; her father is
recuperating from heart surgery.
Nicole Anderson Cox
[email protected]
OIA Note: Thank you Ellen Spadorcia
for being part of the company in our
One Night Only alumnae musical
revue! Hundreds came out for the
last performance in the Cushing Auditorium before renovations began.
OIA Notes: Thank you to those of
you from the Class of 1993 who were
able to join us and celebrate your
20th Reunion in April. We had a
wonderful time catching up with you.
A special thanks Keri O’Brien for
helping plan. Keri also helped host
our professional networking event
in Boston.
class agents
Kathryn Sullivan Everett
[email protected]
Shelagh Foley O'Brien
[email protected]
Tabitha LaFarge Ross
[email protected]
Cheryl Arlanson Russo
[email protected]
Robin Sullivan Campbell
[email protected]
Toni Ruscio Gross was recently
named the Executive Director of the
Riverside Theater Works in Hyde Park.
OIA Note: Thank you to Susan Graham Bairstow for serving on our host
committee for the Alumnae Association’s networking event in Boston.
Our thanks and congratulations to
Tabitha LaFarge Ross as she completes her term as chair of the NDA
Board of Directors. Please see story
on page 5.
class agents
Kathleen Devin Dauphinais
[email protected]
Kendra LaFauci Garvin
[email protected]
Amy Hunter-Torres
[email protected]
Terri Santoro Schaffer
[email protected]
Christine Coleman Heshion has
joined the Corporate Legal Department of Liberty Mutual Insurance in
Boston as In-House Counsel.
Erika Rettman Welch
Thank you Anastasia Adamonis
Powers for being part of the company in our One Night Only alumnae
musical revue! Hundreds came out
for the last performance in the Cushing Auditorium before renovations
1994 Reunion
class agents
Erin Wall Brighton
[email protected]
Jennifer Mackin
[email protected]
Maureen Kelly Burgess joined Carolyn
Launie Nolan, Courtney Reilly Csikesz,
and Amy Foy – all from the class of
2000 – for a great playdate with their
daughters (see photo).
OIA Notes: Save the date! Your 20th
reunion is scheduled for May 3, 2014.
If you have ideas or suggestions, or
would like to be a part of your Reunion Planning Committee please
call Director of Alumnae Relations
Stevie Lee Taylor at 781.749.5930,
ext. 2247. We will have a reunion
planning kickoff reception on
October 22 at 6:30 p.m. at NDA
if you would like to learn more!
Thank you Alanna McLaughlin and
Nerissa Williams for being part of
the company in our One Night Only
alumnae musical revue! Hundreds
came out for the last performance
in the Cushing Auditorium before
renovations began.
vita! summer 2013 | 21
1 Kristen Sullivan St.Amour ’97 welcomed Elyse Bria St. Amour.
2 Lisa Thompson Leonard ’97 welcomed son William Daniel Leonard.
3 Kara Cronin Simone ’97 welcomed a
new baby boy, James Cronin Simone.
4 What a great day for these moms and
their girls: Carolyn Launie Nolan ’00
with Winnie, Courtney Reilly Csikesz
’00 with Annie, Maureen Kelly Burgess
’94 with Amelia and Paige, Amy Foy
’00 and the newest addition Mya.
class agents
Elizabeth Banker Costello
[email protected]
Jennifer Howley D'ambra
[email protected]
in the Cushing Auditorium before
renovations began. M.E. also served
on the Out of the Blue gala committee – thank you for all of your work!
class agents
Marianne Kroha
[email protected]
Colleen Carney
[email protected]
Nicole Palermo-Cristaldi
[email protected]
Elizabeth Condon Driscoll
[email protected]
OIA Notes: Our thanks to Kelly
Manning Collins for her service to
the Alumnae Association Board. We
would also like to thank Kelly for
speaking at our professional networking event in Boston; she shared
great tips on how to brand yourself
in the job market today. We also want
to thank Kelly, Erin Smith Grable,
Rachel Quinlan Altobello for rallying
the support of their classmates for
the Campaign for Cushing. Thank
you for spearheading this effort!
Erin Fontana Faulhaber
[email protected]
Thank you Kirsten Hughes, Whitney
Wise Lloyd, and Molly McDonald
Long for being part of the company in
our One Night Only alumnae musical
revue! Hundreds came out for the last
performance in the Cushing Auditorium before renovations began.
class agents
Heather Oberg Brown
[email protected]
Gina Muscato
[email protected]
Luiza Nanu Pellerin
[email protected]
Adrienne Fowkes Ramsey
[email protected]
Kara Lynch
[email protected]
Jennifer Schraut
[email protected]
OIA Note: Thank you M.E. Puzo
Bailey for helping produce our One
Night Only alumnae musical revue!
M.E., along with classmates Ashley
Nelson Chevalier, Christine Donadio
Cormier, Meg Madden, Gina Muscato, and Kristina Beckerman Rull,
performed in the last performance
Lisa Thompson Leonard is proud to
announce the birth of her son,
William Daniel Leonard, born on
February 27, 2013 (see photo).
Kristen Sullivan St. Amour and her
husband Jason welcomed Elyse Bria
St. Amour on January 23. Elyse joins
her big sister Bella (see photo).
Kara Cronin Simone welcomed a new
baby boy, James Cronin Simone, on
November 20, 2012. James joins
older brothers Jack (9) and Ryan (5).
Kara and her family live in University
Heights, Ohio (see photo).
OIA Note: Thank you Erin Nally
Amirault, Stephanie Powers, and
Elise Foley Kell for being part of the
company in our One Night Only
alumnae musical revue! Hundreds
came out for the last performance
in the Cushing Auditorium before
renovations began.
Thank you to Jess Bradbury Adams
who served on the Out of the Blue
Gala committee.
1998 Fall Reunion
class agents
Lindsay Worswick Caron
[email protected]
Courtney Curran
[email protected]
Claire Duffy-Finn
[email protected]
Allison Quinn Guido
[email protected]
Lindsay Deneault Hobart
[email protected]
Nicki Reilly Disch served as alumnae
co-chair of our annual Out of the
Blue gala – thank you for all of your
work! She also recently served on the
committee for the Key Gala: Hope
Reigns hosted by the American Cancer Society at the Park Plaza Castle.
Congratulations to Allison Quinn
Guido and her husband Craig on the
arrival of baby boy Miles! He joins
big brother Gio. Our thanks to Allison Quinn Guido for her service to
the Alumnae Association Board.
Meghan Corry
[email protected]
OIA Notes: Thank you to Colleen
Manning Parnell for speaking at our
professional networking event in
Boston; she shared great tips on
how to brand yourself in the job
market today.
Carolyn Launie Nolan, Courtney
Reilly Csikesz, and Amy Foy joined
Maureen Kelly Burgess ’94 for a
great playdate with their daughters
(see photo).
Save the date! Your 15th reunion is
scheduled for Thanksgiving Weekend
(November 30, 2013). If you have
ideas or suggestions, or would like to
be a part of your Reunion Planning
Committee please call Director of
Alumnae Relations Stevie Lee Taylor
at 781.749.5930, ext. 2247.
Thank you Lindsay Denault Hobart
and Katie Puzo for being part of the
company in our One Night Only
alumnae musical revue! Hundreds
came out for the last performance in
the Cushing Auditorium before renovations began. Katie also served on
the Out of the Blue gala committee –
thank you for all of your work!
class agents
Amanda Callahan
[email protected]
Jennifer Boussy Carroll
[email protected]
Kristen Cwirka
[email protected]
Caitlin Fowkes Jamali
[email protected]
Ashley Taylor Peterson
[email protected]
Please keep Amanda Daly Berman in
your thoughts and prayers; her father
recently passed away.
OIA Note: Thank you Jaclyn Coppens
Cleary and Heather Phillips for being
part of the company in our One
Night Only alumnae musical revue!
Hundreds came out for the last performance in the Cushing Auditorium
before renovations began.
Special thanks to Jennifer Boussy
Carroll for helping rally support for
the Cushing Campaign. We appreciate you spearheading the fundraising
effort for your class!
class agents
Hayley Cammarata
[email protected]
Courtney Madden
[email protected]
Carolyn Launie Nolan
[email protected]
Debra Clooney is working as a physical therapist at the new Spaulding
Rehabilitation Hospital in
Courtney Reilly Csikesz is finishing up
her dermatology residency in Providence, RI and will begin her
pediatric dermatology fellowship in
July at UMASS Medical Center in
Worcester. She lives in Lincoln, RI with
her husband and daughter, Annabel.
OIA Note: Thank you to Colleen
McNulty, Katelyn Rizzo, and Erin
McFadden for serving on this year’s
Out of the Blue gala committee.
class agent
Alyssa Mazeika
[email protected]
Please keep Deirdre Smith in your
thoughts and prayers. Her sister
Shannon Smith ’99 passed in June.
class agents
Erin Daly
[email protected]
Jillian Harrison Dumas
[email protected]
Congratulations to AC Gaughen
whose novel, Scarlet, made the American Library Association’s list of the
2013 Best Fiction for Young Adults.
Gillian Maclean Gwaltney and husband, Justin Gwaltney welcomed
daughter, Carys Rae Gwaltney on
April 22.
Brittney Nelson welcomed daughter
Hayden Ashley Boyce on March 14,
2013. Godmother and aunt is Ashley
Nelson Chevalier '96 (see photo).
OIA Note: Thank you to Julie Spatola
and Jenn Dunphy for serving on our
host committee for the Alumnae Association’s networking event in Boston.
1 Brittney Nelson '02 welcomed
daughter Hayden Ashley Boyce.
4 In celebration of Mother’s Day, the
Brown girls (Ashleigh ’04, Arianna
’06, Alex ’08, and Amelia ’13) threw
on their NDA graduation dresses for
a great photo-op for mom, Sheila!
2003 Fall Reunion
class agent
Meredith Daly
[email protected]
Please keep Sara Dyer in your
thoughts and prayers; her mother,
Mary, passed on March 16.
Lindsey Gatto Harr and her husband
Greg welcomed twin boys Maxwell
and Camden in early February
(see photo).
OIA Note: Save the date! Your 10th
reunion is scheduled for Thanksgiving
Weekend (November 30, 2013). If you
have ideas or suggestions, or would
like to be a part of your Reunion
Planning Committee please call
Director of Alumnae Relations Stevie
Lee Taylor at 781.749.5930, ext. 2247.
class agents
Meaghan Cotter
[email protected]
Jill O'Sullivan
[email protected]
OIA Note: Thank you Eileen Puzo for
being part of the company in our
One Night Only alumnae musical
revue! Hundreds came out for the
last performance in the Cushing Auditorium before renovations began.
class agents
Katelyn D'entremont
[email protected]
Kristina Valente
[email protected]
Amy Wright
[email protected]
class agents
Meagan Dwyer
[email protected]
Molly English
[email protected]
Alyssa Williams
[email protected]
Danielle Hennessey Willemin was
married on April 20. Guests included
fellow ’06 alums Katlyn Bouzan (maid
of honor), Kristina Balaschi (brides-
2 Carys Rae Gwaltney, daughter of
Gillian Maclean Gwaltney ’02
3 Lindsey Gatto Harr ’03 welcomed
twins Maxwell and Camden.
maid), Elizabeth Micci (bridesmaid),
and Kristin O'Malley (see photo).
Joanna Timmons
[email protected]
OIA Note: Thank you Meg Kirpas for
being part of the company in our
One Night Only alumnae musical
revue! Hundreds came out for the
last performance in the Cushing Auditorium before renovations began.
Caitlyn Donovan was a Boston
Marathon participant for the second
year in a row. This year, she was the
guide runner for Josh Crary. The pair
were profiled on the WBZ website.
class agents
Maura Dee
[email protected]
Molly Griffin
[email protected]
Mary Kate Jasper
[email protected]
Fiona Moriarty
[email protected]
OIA Note: Thank you Tara Reilly and
Martha Roberts for being part of the
company in our One Night Only
alumnae musical revue! Hundreds
came out for the last performance
in the Cushing Auditorium before
renovations began.
Caroline Lockett ’08 attended the
Naval Academy’s Aviation Selection
Dinner in January. She ran into fellow
NDA alumna Admiral Peg DeLuca
Klein ’75 (see photo).
Her mom tells us that Elizabeth
Bevilacqua just completed a year with
the Jesuit Volunteer Corp. in Cleveland and has been accepted into the
actuary program at Boston University.
OIA Note: Save the date! Your 5th reunion is scheduled for Thanksgiving
Weekend (November 30, 2013). If you
have ideas or suggestions, or would
like to be a part of your Reunion
Planning Committee please call
Director of Alumnae Relations Stevie
Lee Taylor at 781.749.5930, ext. 2247.
2008 Fall Reunion
class agents
class agents
Molly Burke
[email protected]
Brittany Concannon
[email protected]
Hilary Ippolito
[email protected]
Margaret Maguire
[email protected]
Young Alumnae Reunions
Celebrating the Classes of 1998, 2003, and 2008
save the date: saturday, november 30
If you would like to be a part of your class reunion planning committee,
please contact Stevie Lee Taylor in the Alumnae Relations office at
[email protected] or 781.749.5930, ext. 2247.
We want to hear from you!
Maggie Holland
[email protected]
Kara Dunford
[email protected]
Kelly McCarthy recently graduated
from Stonehill College and will be attending Boston College in the fall to
get her Ph.D. in chemistry.
Kara Dunford has certainly been
keeping busy! She is finishing up her
thesis, graduating from GW, and
travelling to the UK for a quick trip.
She’ll be staying in DC for the summer and working on a research assistantship with a former professor
and a fellowship with an organization
called Young Government Leaders.
She’ll start classes full time again
in the fall for her master's program
in political management.
Kelsey Reilly has accepted a graduate
assistant position with the Stonehill
College lacrosse team.
Natalie Glines graduated from
Mount Holyoke College in May with
a major in Astronomy and a minor
in Geology. Last year, she spent a
semester at the University of
Edinburgh, UK and over the summer
spent two weeks in Iceland volunteering with Volcanology research.
She will be pursuing graduate
studies after a year off to work and
research. This spring, Natalie presented her Independent Study at the
44th annual Lunar and Planetary
Science Conference to thousands of
scientists from around the world.
Did you see the running shoes on
the cover of Boston Magazine? Claire
Spatola was one of the Marathon
runners whose shoes were part of
this artful tribute.
Congratulations Class of 2009! Many
of you marched in another commencement this spring – send us a
note and let us know what you are up
to now! You can email us at [email protected]
class agents
Angela Skeiber
[email protected]
Emily Donovan
[email protected]
Abigail Squires
[email protected]
Caroline Roche
[email protected]
Congratulations to Katy Baker on
her award winning photograph from
Viet Nam.
Lenna Dwyer graduated from
Stonehill College this spring –
she completed her BA in world
history in just three years!
vita! summer 2013 | 23
1 Danielle Hennessey Willemin ’06 was
married on April 20.
2 Caroline Lockett ’08 and Admiral Peg
DeLuca Klein ’75 at the Aviation Selection
Dinner for the Class of 2012 at the Naval
3 Lauren Varela ’12 and the NDA varsity
soccer team.
Meaghan Leong was recently named
to the Eastern College Athletic Conference (ECAC) East All-Academic
team. Meaghan is a member of the
ice hockey team at St. Michael’s
College in Colchester, VT.
Sarah Whitham, a junior and volleyball player at Trinity College, was
recently named to the New England
Small College Athletic Conference
(NESCAC) Fall All-Academic Team.
Kate McCarthy, a senior at Stonehill
College, appeared in a production of
“A Chorus Line” at the Black Box
Theater in Mansfield this summer.
Computer Science teacher Betty
Cheyne reports that the production
was wonderful and that Kate was
Please keep Alyssa Thompson in
your prayers; her grandfather
William passed in March.
class agents
Emily Cross
[email protected]
Sarah Jasper
[email protected]
Kelsey Lutch
[email protected]
Ciara McManus
[email protected]
Jessica Nevins travelled to El Paso,
TX this past January with a group of
students from Saint Joseph's University for an immersion trip to learn
about immigration issues.
Rebecca Openshaw headed to
Colorado for an 18 month missionary
trip in the Colorado Denver North
Lacrosse player Molly McElgunn
recently earned a spot on the 2013
Liberty League All-Academic Team.
To be eligible, student-athletes must
have a full year of attendance at their
institution, and carry at least a 3.2
cumulative grade point average.
Molly will be a junior at William
Smith College and is an anthropology and sociology major.
OIA Note: Thank you Chrissy Higgins for being part of the company in
our One Night Only alumnae musical
revue! Hundreds came out for the
last performance in the Cushing Auditorium before renovations began.
class agents
Maeghan Price
[email protected]
Eileen O’Malley
[email protected]
Lauren Varela, a rising sophomore
at Harvard and a member of the
women’s soccer team, shared that
it meant so much to have the NDA
varsity soccer team come out to
support her at a game against BU.
class agents
Kayla Valente
[email protected]
Gabrielle Corner
[email protected]
Congratulations to the Class of 2013!
And welcome to the Alumnae Association! We look forward to keeping in
touch with you.
Congrats to Alex Dalton! She was recently named the top overall lacrosse
player in the state of Massachusetts
by ESPN!
Please pray for Eileen Mai whose
father passed in March.
In Memoriam
Listings reflect notifications received by the Office of Institutional Advancement through June 24, 2013. In order to accommodate all
listings, we are able to include only basic family, educational, and professional information for alumnae obituaries. Our Friends and Family
section lists only immediate family members of our current students, faculty, and staff. We will continue to publish updates on the families of
alumnae in the Class Notes section of vita! and the Intentions section of the Alumnae E-Newsletter. Should you wish to have a classmate or
family member remembered, please contact [email protected].
Kathleen Grady Carolan ’28F passed away on
April 27. Kathleen is survived by her five children,
eight grandchildren, and seven great grandchildren.
Janet Ahern Rink ’36G passed away on February
18. She was preceded in death by her husband and
two of her three children. She is survived by a
daughter and her grandchildren.
Virginia Oswald ’43G passed away on June 17.
She graduated from Stratton Business College in
Boston and had been a secretary for area stations
WHDH and WCVB. In earlier years, she was a
secretary at the New England Deaconess Hospital.
Virginia is survived by her brother.
Barbara Dugan Lynch ’45R passed on March 22.
Barbara is survived by three children and seven
Norma Fallon Timmerman ’46R passed on March
30. Norma is survived by her four children and five
grandchildren. She was the aunt of NDA eology
teacher Regina Timmerman.
Ruth Sullivan Ryan ’57R passed on April 3.
She graduated from Boston College in 1961 and is
survived by her daughter and two grandchildren.
Rosemary Carole Collins Puoplo ’58R passed
on March 10. She is survived by her husband,
six children, and ten grandchildren.
Priscilla Colwell ’61R passed on March 20.
She was an assistant professor at Michigan State
University and is survived by her siblings, including
her sister Anne Colwell Desmond ’63R.
Marie Deary Lichtman ’62R passed on May 1.
Marie earned a B.A. from Emmanuel College in
1966 and attended Tulane University’s School of
Social Work. She served proudly with the American
Red Cross and later obtained a master’s degree in
library science from the University of Alabama.
She is survived by her son, mother, and siblings,
including her sister Kathleen Deary Glynn ’65R.
Mary Harrison ’69 passed away on June 24. Mary
was a 1973 graduate of St. Anselm College where
she earned a bachelor’s of science in nursing.
She joined the U.S. Air Force in 1974, where she
served with distinction for over 25 years as a
commissioned officer and nurse. She retired in
1999 as a lieutenant colonel. She is survived by
her mother and two brothers.
Shannon Smith ’99 passed on June 5. She is
survived by her parents Richard and Mary Jane
Sullivan Smith, her sister Deirdre Smith ’01, and
her brother. Shannon was a 2003 graduate of
Columbia University, and 2011 graduate of the
University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee where she
attended a master’s program in English and Library
Science. For the past two years, she was employed
in the oncology research department of the
Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, as a grant
management specialist.
Night Out on the Town — By Kiera Bruce ’13
Kiera created a series of paintings that capture a person’s personality through their shoes. She shares, “I wanted shoes to
express the different character traits about a specific person. Each [painting] tells a story and gives the viewer a little glimpse
into that person’s life.”
For this piece, Kiera worked to convey her mother’s personality. “I incorporated her necklace and bracelet to give it a dressy
and feminine feel. They are her dancing shoes, so I made sure I made them flashy but fancy at the same time.”
Kiera will attend Emmanuel College this fall and hopes to study art therapy as part of her psychology major.
Notre Dame Academy is a vibrant, Catholic, college-preparatory learning community, sponsored by the Sisters of Notre Dame de
Namur. e Academy guides young women in their personal faith formation, challenges students to pursue academic excellence,
and encourages social responsibility on behalf of global justice.
In support of this mission,vita! magazine communicates through its pages the newsworthy activities of members of the NDA community.
vita! is published three times a year for alumnae, parents, faculty, staff, and friends of the Academy.
Notre Dame Academy
1073 Main Street | Hingham, MA 02043-3996
Non-Profit Organization
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T hank you,seniors!
The Class of 2013 – graduates and parents – raised $56,770 for the
new sound system in the Cushing Auditorium.
To read more about the Campaign for Cushing Auditorium, see page 15.