08-25-1926 - Village of Pinckney


08-25-1926 - Village of Pinckney
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Pincknejr, LmopttMi County. Michigan, Wednesday, August 25, 1926
T h e Pinckney school opens T u e s d a y ,
7. D u r i n g t h e s u m m e r
vacation t h e school has been t h o r o u g h ly cleaned a n d some
made. Several
new seats have been
added. A large e n r o l l m e n t is anticip a t e d this y e a r a s some schools in t h e
vicinity have been d r o p p e d by t h e University while t h e local school continues on t h e accredited list, m a k i n g t h e
twelfth y e a r of c o n t i n u o u s accrediting.
Annual Sale of
Blankets and Comforters
of exceptional quality
A fivc-vcar-olil son of Mr. ;md Mrh.
J. 1J. Buckley of Iosco, while riding on
a load of gravel Monday m o r n i n g fell
off and one of t h r rear wheels r a n over
its thigh- Ur. C\ L. Sigler was summoned h u t found no bones broken.
T h e thigh, was only bruised. T h e little fellow is now on t h e road t o rapid
VIRGIN WOOL Blanket! size 66x80 aborted colors.Wock plaids
Orders, taken now, for delivery on Sebt. 20 $7-5o
FANCY PLAID BLANKETS, in a variety of colors, siz?
7vox8o1 a regular $12.50 or #13.50 value for $9.95"
COLD CROWN BLANKETS, size 70x80, are plaided in attractive colors and white and are special for this sale at $2.96 pr.
SHEET BLANKETS, of a good quality of cotton are size
64x76 and are priced for the sale at onry $1.89.
WOOL CAMPING BLANKETS, in khaki color, are size
6axSo and are regularly priced at $3 29, special for this sale at
Mark S w a r t h o u t r e p o r t s good p r o gress on
t h e canal
he is p u t t i n g
through his lake f r o n t a g e on P o r t a g e
L a k e . I t will be HOO foot long a n d
a b o u t 500 feet h a s already been completed.
Met Chalker r e p o r t s a n o t h e r successful d a n c i n g p a r t y at his P a t e r s o n lake
hall last S a t u r d a y evening, 107 couple
t u r n i n g out. T h e next
one will be
given on the evening of Sept. +. A n o t h er will also be given on t h e L a b o r D a y
'BED COttFORTS, sizes ' 3278 and sizes 72x84 are filled with
cotton af» covered with sateen or cambric, *3 9&SOLE AGENTS FOR THE KENWOOD AND OREGON
Main Floor Annex
The D e x t e r M. K. Church will s t a r t
construction at one* of a new church
to t h e place of one d e s t r o y e d by fire
two years a g o . I t
will be colonial
9(1x40, with a full
where the diuing room and g y m n a s i u m
will he located. T h e a u d i t o r i u m a n d
class room will be on t h e main floor.
estimated cost
is $25,()00 a n d
the entire
amount h a s
been raised.
J a c k D u n n ' s team played H o r t o n
to an 18 inning tie last week. Score 1
t o l . Kddie L a u pitched for J a c k .
is p l a n n i n g t o hold a
Iwibor D a y c e l e b r a t i o n .
Miss Grace Lewis, county
nurse, h a s t e n d e r e d h e r resignation t o
taken effect on S e p t e m b e r 1.
Dealer* In
W t know (what o t h e r s d o and a t a l l t i m e t k e e p O U R P R I C E S A L I T T L E BIT L O W E R a n d our Q U A L I T Y A L I T T L E B I T H I G H E R t h a n
our competitor*.
It it thit S A F E G U A R D that we give y u o t h a t h a t built u p o u r butinoM and won for u t t h e confidence a n d good-will of t h e
W* m
Howell'* Leading and Original
Barnard's Cash Specials
V --;•
None Such Evaporated Milk,large 10c
Spotless Cleaner
25c |
« 6 Bars Luna Soap
25c i
6 Bars Lennox Soap
11 Bars R. and M Soap
| 1 Pkg. Yeast Foam
1 Pkg. Best Rolled Oats, large 24c
Howell Flour
Kept Fresh Coffee, grooDd dairy 39c
30c Can Dill Pickles
Base Ball
Lee Lavey
Pinckney, Mich.
Why Speculate on unknown Tires?
All ''Firsts—Fresh Stock.
Sinclair—-Oils Fit Any Degree of Wear
have been seriously handicapped for
In keeping wilh the growth a n d development of Washtenaw County F a i r
the inuMfigemrnt
has contracted the
highest pohsible class of e n t e r t a i n m e n t
and a t t r a c t i o n s
for the 15)kit) exposition. Horse racing for the lovers of
"the sport of k i n g s " ; a clean m i d d a y
with all the modern rides W a s h t e n a w
County F a i r can a c c o m m o d a t e ; grandof unusual merit;
WASHTENAW FAIR NOTES stand a t t r a c t i o n s
The seventh
W a s h t e n a w dancing every evening in the splendid
to close every
County F a i r will be held August 3 1 - - - new dining hall and
S e p t e m b e r 1-2-3-4 will indicate the ag-day's e n t e r t a i n m e n t the most up-todisplays of firericultural p r o g r e s s W a s h t e n a w County date iind gorgeous
has made in t h e past year. Organized works obtainable.
and operated solely for the p u r p o s e of
In p l a n n i n g a g r e a t e r
aiding a n d fostering t h e i m p r o v e m e n t county fair, officials have borne foreof all b r a n c h e s of livestock,
floracul- most in mind a fair which will truly
t u r e , h o r t i c u l t u r e a n d domestic a r t s represent every township, town and
and for the building
of a g r e a t e r city in W a s h t e n a w
home, c o m m u n i t y a n d county
spirit baseball teams, exhibits and displays
the 192fi W a s h t e n a w County Agricul- from every part of W a s h t e n a w comt u r a l exposition will break all previous bine t o make t h e greatest W a s h t e n a w
records for q u a l i t y of exhibits, educa- County F a i r a real fair truly representional displays a n d wholesome enter- tative nf W a s h t e n a w county.
tainment and recreation.
The exhibition space for t h e lf)2fi
W a s h t e n a w C o u n t y F a i r will be filled W H Y T H I S S A L E IS D I F F E R E N T
with quality exhibits which, it is be- It comes at a time nf the y e a r when
lieved will r e p r e s e n t
progress never f a r m e r s need 99 p e r cent of t h e goods
before equalled in Michigan consider- on saie. S p r e a d e r s , h a r r o w s , c r e a m seping t h e few years
t h e W a s h t e n a w a r a t o r s , engines, and 100 other articles
Countv F a i r
h a s been in o p e r a t i o n .
are selling at .5 p e r cent less t h a n cost,
aid given b y
cost a n d 5 p e r cent above cost.
County h a s mode it possible t o p r o vide suitable exhibit space f o r a num- Object is t o reduce stock, Sale ends
ber of d e p a r t m e n t s which h e r e t o f o r e August 31st. R. E . B a r r o n , Howell.
The Store That Saves You Money
10 Bar»R.N.M.
10 lbs.
Soap and 1 pkg
24 1-2 lb Sack RJUI.SoapPwd
Catsup, 2 Bottles
French Mustard, 2 for
Shredded Wheat, per pkg.
Full qt. glass jar Dill Pickles
Urge pkg. R . N M.Soap Flakes 1 7 c
$50.00 REWARD
A reward of $50.00 will be willingly
given to the party who will return to his
owner,Rex,brindlebull dog,underahot jaw,
who ttrayed away from hit home recently.
More People Ride on Goodyear Tires than
any other kind--FOLLOW THE CROWD
The Or and Rapids Bedding Co has sent
G. H. Beurmann one pe.r of $12.00
Pillows to be given away at tfcf Howell,
Li*. CO. fairtothe Man 4 Wife registering the largaat family under21 years
of age. Please register at the ticket
Sunday, August 29 office.
At the Pinckney Grounds
Gleo H.BeuretB, Howell
Mrs. C. J. Clinton .and Mrs. Fred
Bowman were Stockbridge callers last
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Kice, Mrs. £. O
Drouillard, and Mrs Earl Baughn and
BiUie, visited at the home of Dr.
Starts at 3:30 P>M. Admission 25c son
Brown at Nashville Sunday.
.James Roche won t w o purses* at t h e
O a k l a n d county fair a t Milford last
week, t a k i n g first in t h e free for all
trot with M o r g a n Dewey and second
in t h e 2:35 with Deymon Forbes,
Jim is about t h e last of t h e old time
horsemen in this section, which con•••••h drivers as J, V, N.
' AT
There's a Goodyear Tire for every purse
and we've got yours.
Sinclair Oil Station
u r b o I l * » »n One of O u r D i a m o n d , f i a t Safe a t Though Banked
We always carry a Full Line of Spices, Can Tops and
Rubbers, Fruit Jars, Jelly Glasses, etc. for the canning and pickling season.
Miss Elk Crawford
Republican Nominee
Your support at tha Primtrlai wfllfcawt*^
; - v v > ' ' • ; • • ? > " c\>
<• • . j ,
w :••>
' ' * - • - ; » » •
• : , ' • ' • : » /
h k l
Austrian President Opens Airway
1 .Mf\jcuii soldiers camped In the yard of the Guadelupe church In Mexico City. 2—Employees of Self ridge's,
great London department store, arriving to study American store methods. 8—Nicholas Murray Butler, president
of Columbia university, laying corner stone of Caaa Itallana, Italian intellectual center in New York.
palace by the guard, which was commanded by General Pelletler, the onearmed war hero.
This action by the assembly completed the victory of the Poincare cabinet and both the assembly and the
parliament were adjourned. There
was no attempt to obtain ratification
the debt accords with the United
Ohio Democrat* Name Pom- ofStates
and Great Britain, and the
erene, Wet, to Oppo*e
sub-commission of parliament named
to study them will do nothing until
Senator WillU, Dry.
September. The chairman of one of
these commissions says the MellonBy EDWARD W. PICKARD
Berenger agreement cannot possibly
HIO'S primaries were the most In- be ratified in its present form. Amteresting and important of thoM bassador Herrlck sailed at once for
held last week, for the state will be America for the especial purpose of
one of the chief battlegrounds of the acquainting President Coolldge and
November election, and in the opinion members of the cabinet with the finanof competent political observers the cial situation In France and the attifate of one of the nominees will have tude of the French government toward
a determining influence on the Demo- the debt. The Paris newspapers think
cratic presidential nomination in 1928. he has ' come home to support the
Aflee Pomerene, long a leader of French a»ms and viewpoint. It Is
Ohio Democrats and a former United likely he will urge that American
States senator, was nominated for the credits be extended to France immesenate, defeating Supreme Court diately.
Judge Florence K. Allen by a comfortProspects for acceptance of the Meiable majority. Pomerene is listed as lon-Berenger accord by the American
a decided wet and opposed the senate were not enhanced by the acEighteenth amendment when serving tion of Georges Clemenceau, the vetIn the upper house. Judge Allen La eran French statesman. From the sean ardent dry and was supported by clusion of his retirement he wrote to
the Anti-Saloon league. On the Re- President Coolldge an open letter conpublican side is Senator Willis, who cerning war debts that was so sareasily won a renomination. He is castic and covertly threatening as to
one of the chief supporters of prohibi- be insulting.
tion in the senate and it is assumed
the Ohio drys will concentrate on him.
ENATOR BORAH, addressing a
But there Is a complication in the fact
gathering in Idaho, predicted 'hat
that the Democrats renominated Gov.
next fifty years would mark the
Vic Donahey for a third term, and as
he is a dry, the Democrats believe most severe economic war history had
many drys will be held In line for ever recorded and declared that in
their entire ticket Pomerene's ad- view of this Impending struggle there
mirers, who are many, think that If he was no Just reason for the United
can beat Senator Willis he will.stand StRtes to give up World war debt cola good chance for the Presidential lection.
Depicting the generosity of the
nomination, and there can be little
doubt that he would be formidable as United States toward foreign governa compromise candidate if there were ments during the war as having "no
some such deadlock ns In the 1024 parallel," Mr. Borah declared the atconvention. Donahey's Republican op- titude of debtor nations would cause
portent for the governorship is Myers the senate to reverse its decision and
Y. Cooper, a business man of Cin- reject the world court If it were voted
on today.
In Nebraska the Republicans reO FAR as the government win adnominated Governor McMullen, and
the religious struggle In MexCharles W. Hryan received the Demo- ico mit,
war, of words. But from
cratic nomination without opposition. others comea stories
that give the conIncomplete returns from Alabama indi- test a more sanguinary
Corcate that Hugo Black won the Demo- respondents of American aspect.
cratic nomination for senator, equiv- told of bloody riots and of summary
alent to election, and that Bibb Graves
and now Archbishop Ruiz
was named for governor. In Arkansas executions,
of MIchoacan has carried
Gov. Tom J. Terral seems to have to the archbishopric
in Mexico City
been defeated by John Martineau.
a report that is the most serious yet
Dodging her promise to resign If heard. He asserts that two priests
Dan Moody defeated her In the pri- und between 27 and 87 Catholic citimary, Gov. Miriam Ferguson of Texas zens were executed after an all-day
has declared that she will contest battle between troops and Catholics
with Moody for the nomination in the In Zahuayo, and estimates that fifty
run-off primary set for August 28, persons were killed in the battle. The
and has raised the antl-Klan banner, prelate also said that at Acambaro,
so the tight Is ou again there.
state of Guanajuato, disorders arising from the religious laws controHREE Circuit court Judges sitting versy led to other executions, and he
en banc at Dixon, 111., held uncon- related further instances of violence
stitutional the Illinois primary^elec- in various places.
tion laws on the ground that equal
The government has started Its camrepresentation in county conventions, paign for the nationalization of all
and consequently in state and Judicial churches and church property, and its
conventions, is Impossible under the secret agents are turning up many priexisting laws. The case will go up to vate chapels that are being used for
the Supreme court In October on ap- public worship, contrary to the spirit
peal, and if the decision Is sustained of the law. Mayor Arturo Saracho of
the entire system of making party Mexico City, in the first concession of
nominations In Illinois will be wiped any kind made to Catholics since the
out and the old party delegate con- religious conflict began, has decreed
vention system will automatically re- that the committees placed in charge
turn. Senator Deneen and others be- of Catholic churches in the capital
lieve the nominations made last April may be composed of five Catholics and
will be unaffected because the Novem- five municipally appointed citizens for
ber election will be over before the each church. Hitherto the committeeSupreme court acts on the appeal.
men have been municipal appointees.
Under the new plan the Catholic committeemen
are to have charge of the
OR the first time since 1884 the
national assembly of France, con- management of each church, but the
sisting of the deputies and senators municipal committees will assume reIt is
sitting In Versailles, was convoked sponsibility for the property.
last week for the purpose of incorporating In the constitution Premier somewhat appease the Catholics.
Poincare's plans for saving the re- \ Archbishop Mora y del Rio gave a
public from financial disaster. By a long interview to the correspondent of
vote of 671 to 144 the assembly wrote the Chicago Dally News, again denyInto the constitution a law creating a ing the charges of President Callea
sinking fund for the redemption of the against the church but really saying
floating debt which will be autono- nothing new. The minister of the Inmous and will be provided from fixed terior held the primate had thus viodefinite sources with a sure Income. lated the clause in the constitution
Such dignity as might be expected of prohibiting clergymen from criticising
the occasion was destroyed by the 144 the laws or government of Mexico,
recaldtranta. mostly Socialist ex- and said the matter had been "cited
tremists. They fought the measure In | to the attorney general for investiga•very way, sang the "Carmagnole," tion." So there is s chanee that the
•tooted and hooted, and one of their venerable primate may be arrested
Mr, known as an agent of lfos- and tried.
«sw, led to be removed from the
• self-consttttttsd "good wfll mission
from the United States," numbering
thirty-two Americans, Including* ten
Protestant clergymen from the Middle
West, has concluded its inquiry Into
the Mexican troubles and summarizes
its findings In this resolution:
"We believe that a program of education and social reform Is necessary
for the rehabilitation of Mexico. We
believe the Callea administration is
engaged in a great program of social
reform and that ail truly Interested in
the welfare of Mexico will co-operate
in its essential undertakings."
Declaring the Mexican anti-clerical
measures were injurious to American
persons and property, tb.e Knights of
Columbus asked President Coolldge to
Intervene with force to compel their
modification; but the President natarally has declined. Officials of the
American Federation of Labor also
say that body will take no sides In
the controversy. Ambassador Sheffield has started home with a lot to
report, but presumably about the alleged violations of treaty rights In
the land and oil laws.
chief of prohibition enforcement
has returned from his trip to Europe
and says the agreement he made with
the British authorities dooms rum row
to extinction. He declines to go into
details but says the basis of the plan
is exchange of Information and evidence and that it will tend to stop
illegal shipping operations. Andrews
repeated his recent statement to the
effect that Imported liquor was only
20 per cent of the total sold in the
United States, and added:
time a story Is published that 100
cases of liquor have been smuggled
In or have mysteriously disappeared
from some warehouse you can bet that
these 100 cases will be sold 10,000
times. Every bootlegger in town
promises to get his clients some of
the good stuff and the result Is that a
lot of home-made Is sold at Increased
IPLOMATIC representatives of
Jugo-Slavla, Rumania and Greece
In Sofia delivered to the Bulgarian
government a Joint note from their
governments asking that Bulgaria
suppress the Macedonian revolutionary societies and prevent further violence along the frontiers. The note
was firm but couched In friendly
phrase, and the Bulgarian foreign
minister said It would be answered
within a week. So far, Bulgaria has
refused to accept responsibility for the
comitadJl8 and their border raids.
celebrated the seventh
anniversary of the republic with
parades that, in Berlin at least, were
interrupted by rioting on the part of
the communists in which scores of
persons were injured. President Coolldge sent a cablegram of congratulation to President von HIndenburg.
The German government is still
pressing the allies for reduction of
their garrisons in the Rhlneland, and
it is said the German ambassador to
Paris has been conferring with M.
Briand and has received the promise
of further withdrawals In the near
A unique ceremony was held on the Zugspltx, in the Bavarian Alps,
when the new mountain railway was officially opened. The "train" goes
9,720 feet high, to the highest summit of the range. This photograph shows
the Austrian President, Dr. Michael Hainlach, taking the first ride in the
swinging car.
Make Black Art
Blessed Science
Billion-Dollar Annual Loss
to Agriculture Being
Checked by Poison.
Washington.—Six tons of poison
have been dusted from an airplane
flying over Peninsula State park, Wis.,
according to an announcement from
Sturgeon Bay, Wis., in an effort to
save 500 acres of hemlock forest
Calcium arsenate was used in the air
attack on worms which are said to
have destroyed 6,000.000 feet of timber since last fall.
"Poison has entered the ranks of
big business within the last 15 years,"
says a bulletin of the National Geographic society from Its headquarters
in Washington, D. 0. "Poison Is now
broadcast over cotton fields as well
as forests. Death-dealing poison Is
the policeman of orchards and vineyards and a swatter of Insects. It is
guardian of water supplies, godfather
to the grain crop, first assistant to
the doctor, and aid to the veterinary.
Many agencies are booming the poison trade.
"On a certain block of Thirteenth
street, S. W., in Washington, there is
s three-story brick building. To all
appearances it is a small apartment
house. There is a Herculean task
going on in this smug lodging with
flapping awnings. It is the task of
converting the black art Into a
blessed science.
"Occupying the third floor of the
insecticide and fungicide bureau are
the laboratories which test all the
poisons of those two classes used In
the United States. Killing compounds
must toe the mark of the 'pure poison' act passed by congress In 1910.
These laboratories are poison's best
friend. They helped develop the calcium arsenate formula which Is the
hope of the South against the ravages of the boil weevil. More recently they have found how to adapt the
powerful poison of a beautiful crysanthemum for the preparation of a
poison gas which is death to pestiferous files, but which will not harm
the higher animals, including humans
Reduction of the $1,500,000,000 loss
which agriculture suffers every year
from Insects and fungi is the goal of
the bug poisoners' black art.
ont tribes of microbes in drinking water. In association with mercury it
is useful in tanning, preserving wood,
hat manufacture and embalming, but
its poisonous proclivities are so pronounced that it can be classed as a
strong antiseptic. Other good-bad
elements are sulphur, lead, phosphorus and potassium. But the king of
them all is arsenic. The debt the
United States owes to arsenic for exterminating insects, fighting fungi,
bacteria, rats, mice and gophers, is
"One recent year more, than 14,000,000 pounds of arsenic was distributed
to the country in insecticides and fungicides. Yet search »he country over
and you will not find an arsenic mine
in operation, although the element 1B
common. It occurs as a constituent
of 130 minerals. The main supplies
of arsenic are obtained as by-products
of American safety engineering and
American mines.
"Copper sulphate, lime and water
mixed together, is death to worms and
a boon to the cabbage crop, the berry
and currant crop, and other crops.
It goes under the name of bordeaux
mixture because its usefulness was
discovered by an odd freak In a vineyard near the French wine town. •
French vineyardist was exasperated
with thieves who stole bis grapes. So
he made up a paste of chemicals
which he put on the outside vines ail
around his garden. Insect pests were
the real thieves of the Bordeaux
grapevines that year—that is, of most
of the grapevines except the vines in
the French peasant's poison ring. A
young scientist noticed the phenomenon. It gave him an idea. He experimented with the paste, determined
the proper proportions, and the world
has been using bordeaux mixture extensively ever since.
"Paris green, copper arsenate, for
years the best-known insecticide, is
gradually being displaced by new and
better workers.
There is calcium
arsenate and there is lead arsenate.
More than 17,000,000 pounds of lead
arsenate was mixed last year chiefly
for use in orchards.
"Simple" chemical compounds are
not the whole story. The benevolent
poison trade is still dependent on tjfcs)
plant world, which was probably Hal
original producer of deadly d|iyBM^
Strychnine is a product of the rsjsjgssl
hard seeds from the fruit of the noi|
vomica tree which grows in the West
Indies. Then there is pyrethrum.
It sounds like a new tooth paste,
Pyrethrum swelled American Import
figures by $1,461,000 last year, coming from such outlandish places ss
Kriveljl and Clttavecchla in Dalmatia
and KM and Mlkawa, Japan,
New Petrified Forest
Discovered in Arizona
Mesa, Ariz.—A new petrified forest
has been found. It lies about 100
miles southeast of here, near the line
between Pinal and Graham counties
and in the midst of the Deer Creek
coal field. Edwin Watson, head of
the company developing the coal measures, has brought here a section of
petrified tree trunk 2 feet in diameter
and 18 Inches in height, together
with many smaller specimens of the
agatlzed material.
The "wood" is of grayish color, in
this respect only being dissimilar to
that found near Holbrook In northern
Arizona. Many specimens were coal
black on the surface, the discoloration departing when the pieces were
taken from the field.
Was on Red River Trail 60 Years Ago
Elements of Bad Character.
"Laboratory workers and all students of chemistry know that certain
of the 95 elements are bad characters.
Most of these elements, which are enemies to life, lead Doctor Jekyl and
Mr. Hyde existences. Copper, that
Napoleou Hayden, seventy-seven years old, of Latellier, Manitoba, was
ready messenger boy of mankind, gets easily the most picturesque figure In the ox cart pageant at Grand Forks,
into bad company with sulphur. Cop- y. D., on the campus of the University of North Dakota for the edification
per-sulphate will kill a bug instanter. of the members of the Columbia river historical expedition when it stopped!
Chlorine ingratiates itself with man- en route to the Pacific Northwest He was a regular ox cart driver over
kind in the welcome guise of salt, but the Red River trail 60 years ago, his route having been from Fargo to Winnichlorine has vicious tendencies. Mas peg. His father, Peter Hayden, opened the first trail up the east side of
N A conference with Director of the shires this desperado chlorine to wipe ' the
Red River of the North.
Budget Lord at White Pine camp,
President Coolldge cut the departmental estimates of expendlturesvfor
served In about six weeks.
the fiscal year 1928 by about 1100,"Silver nights" were observed 1*
000,000. Mr. Coolldge found that the
Sweden again In 1908, but exactly
appropriations requested for 1928 towhere the dust then came from it
¢taled «3,369,000,000, an increase of
was not possible to determine, since
$164,000,000 over the total voted for. Volcanic Eruptions Foreshadow the twilight during late summer months. volcanoes often 'erupt in isolated reThis the President said would not do,
The Swedish landscape is ordinarily gions where the event is not reported.
Return This Ysar of 8trange
and he set to work with General Lord
remarkable during the long sunlit
Northern Phonomenon.
to meet the estimates. When they had
summer nights, but the silver light Radio Compass Guides
finished they had reduced the total to
it a weird beauty.
Sweden. — "Silver
Naval Plane 45 Miles
The earliest systematic observaGovernment officials saw a possi- nights," or unusually bright twilight tions of the gradual spread of fine
Washington.—The successful guidbility of further reduction of taxes in from sunset to sunrise, has been fore- volcanic ash date from May, 1883, ing of a naval plane from a distance
1828, this depending mainly on the cast for Sweden this summer by as- when the eatire island of Krakatoa of 4» miles by radio compass hearings
continuation of prosperity and busi- tronomical experts.
from a ship has been reported by the
Formerly such phenomena caused in the East Indies was blown up by Navy department
ness expansion meantime, and on the
the bursting of a volcano. The exextent to which retirement of the pub- widespread consternation, aa the light plosion was heard as far as the PhilA plane from the cruiser Richmond
lic debt decreases the annual interest waa bright enough to read by in ippines, Hongkong, western Australia went out 46 miles, the personnel of
Stockholm at midnight Many peocharge on Liberty bonds.
the ship not knowing in which direcple thought it foreshadowed the day and India. The amount of ashes tion.
Signals were picked up by the
thrown up has been estimated at 18,ILUAM P. M'ORACKBN, JR.. of of last judgment Now scientists 000,000 cubic meters.
plane and it was given the course
Chicago, secretary of the Ameri- bare discovered it is due to volcanic
to the ship, corrections of the
By November of that year the finer
can Bar association, has been ap- ash spreading through the upper laycourse
being sent at intervals.
pointed assistant secretary of com- ers of atmosphere and reflecting the layers reached Europe, causing extra
Following these the pUot brought
red sunsets, and in Sweden the twimerce In charge of the development sen's rays back to the earth.
plane directly over the Richmond.
of commercial aviation, and has been | t h e recant eruptions of a vetcas* light was made brighter for the n o t
sworn in. He is thirty-seven years of on the Kamchatka peninsula, of an- three summers.
The catch of the sealing fleet out
In 1902, after the eruption of Mount of St Johns, Newfoundland, this seaage, waa an aviator in the World war other in Japan, and also that of
and has devoted much of his attention Manas Loe in the Pacific, foreshadow Pel**, on the West Indian Island ef son totaled 206*948 seals ss compared
* ncarrence of the extra brilliant Martiniqne, the dnst was first ob- with 123,240 last
since then to dvil aviation.
Cettinje Continue* Its Monotonous Life.
Cettinje, Montenegro—While
the other capitals of Europe have
been growing at a rapid pace, Cettlnje, once the stronghold of King
Nicholas' picturesque
kingdom, has slumbered in an atmosphere of medievalism and oriental
Situated in the heart of the "Black
mountain" district, the natives live
the same precarious, monotonous lives
they did centuries ago when they fled
from the Turks.
But the "littlest of Europe's capital*" still retains all that color, romance* animation and' oriental fascination which gave Franz Dehar, the
Austrian composer, his inspiration for
writing "The Merry Widow."
The spot where he wrote that lively
operetta is still pointed oat to visitors. The great oak tree under which
the redoubtable King Nicholas carried on the affairs of state and collected tribute from his subjects still
stands, the object of intense curiosity of all tourists.
the inclusion of Montenegro in the
Sdngdom of the Serbs, Croats and
\-4Ro?enes, while conferring many
* •••'iflts on the hardy mountaineers,
changed the outward aspects of
ije but little. In a country which
Is made up largely of rock and barren soil, life IB given only to the sure,
the strong and the swift. In many
cases the Montenegrin pitches bis
modest stone hut high up among the
crags where the, eagle makes its nest.
One American visitor characterized
Montenegro as a "land of tomb(tones." Left to Itself, the country
qpofcld starve, for such small arable
lend areas as exist produce only
about one-third the population's food
requirements. The rest must come
from the outside.
Yet in this primitive, poverty-ridden
land, women do all the work. It is
an adage as old as the country itself
that "man is the warrior, and woman
the worker." Man's sole duty is to
defend the home and his family's honor with firearms. The women age
prematurely under the ceaseless burden of work, and few of them live beyond fifty.
Hassan Tagl Zadek, Persian minister of foreign affairs, has come to
the United State* as commissioner
general to the sesquicentenulal In
Philadelphia. He called oo President
Coolldge In Washington.
Samoa™ Fear Native
Oath More Than Bible
Apia, Samoa.—White men who introduced the system of plotting land
and the surveyor's methods of defining boundaries, brought with them to
Samoa the white man's method of
administering oaths.
So, officially, the native Samoan
places his hand upon the Holy Bible
to swear that title to a certain piece
of land belongs to him. But those
who have lived here long know that
at heart the native does not have the
degree of fear when an oath is taken
upon a Bible that he had for the old
Samoan oath. Where grave issues
are at stake he is apt to discard the
modern form for the old one.
While the-old manner varied In the
different villages, the common rite
was to take a bunch of grass and lay
It oo a stone or other object that represented the family or village god.
Vbe contesting parties would say
With hand resting on the grass: "In
Ike presence of this whole assembly,
I lay my hand on the grass; If I have
declared falsely, may I suddenly die."
New York Man to Oust
Slums of Metropolis
New York-—August Heckscher, real
estate operator and philanthropist,
sailed for Europe with a vow that he
would dig Into the tenements of New
York on his return and clean them up.
He intends to study housing for the
poor In Germany, Holland and England as an emissary of Mayor Walker
and with the information he gathers
there attack the housing problem in
this city with his own funds and as
ranch aid from other wealthy men as
he can muster.
Blush Is Rare
Munich.—Blushing is rare nowadays and may arouse suspicion, in the
worUs of a Bavarian judge, but it is
sot evidence of guilt And so the con•teflon of a shy youth, who was much
confused when a stenographer acsasstf him of theft, has
Section Full of Charm and
Historic Interest.
Washington. — Agitation to save
Fort Hunt and Fort Washington as
historic sites turned attention to the
lower Potomac, an historic region
which seldom makes any considerable
ripple In the world's news, says a bulletin from the Washington (D. C.)
headquarters of the National Geographic society.
"School histories tell how tobacco
planters of colonial Virginia depended
on rivers for transportation ; and, in
1928, the lower Potomac and Chesapeake bay country still is In the river
transportation stage.
"Representative of the numerous
tiny steamers that carry both passengers and freight in tbl«j region IS
one line which plies from Washington
to Baltimore. It mak*i a trip 360
miles by water In 03 bears, which can
be covered In 45 rairutes ou a railroad train.
Salute to M L Vernon.
"The standard buy steamer Is a
screw propelled boat 100 to 150 feet
long. It carHoa one or two decks of
cabins and draws from 8 to V2 feet
of water.
"On its leisurely way down the Potomac CD the way to Baltimore, th*1
steamer touches history nearly every
time It puts In at a landing In Maryland or Virginia. Soon after leaving
Alexandria where General Braddock
landed on bis way to meet the French
and defeat near Pittsburgh, the
steamer pa.sses under the guns of
Fort Hunt and Fort Washington.
Then the passengers hear the whistle
blast the traditional salute to stately
Mount Vernon. Across the river Is
Marshall ha!I and in Gunston Cove
Is brown brid; Gunston hall, manor
of Washington's close friend. George
Port Tobacco cannot be
reached. Its creek is silted up. But
Colonial Beach, once the private landing of 'Light Horse Harry' Lee, awaits
the steamer. Colonial Beach is now
a summer resort for capital residents.
Wakefield, birthplace of LJeorge Washington, is within sight from the steamer lane. This site and monument will
soon receive more attention from
Americans, for the government has
recently authorized the building of a
good roud to the main pike.
"The dependence of this historic
Virginia shore on water transport is
typical of the whole Chesapeake bay
country. Northern neck is the birthplace of Presidents and Statesmen.
From Northern neck came George
Washington, James Monroe, Robert E.
Lee, Thomas Lightfoot Lee, and Richard Henry Lee, and the father of
John Marshall. Near the edge of it
was born James Madison.
"Northern neck is the northern
strip of a greut rectangular block of
land between the parallel lines of the
Potomac and James rivers. If you
search the map closely you will see
that this block Is sliced Into three
major sections by tidal rivers. On
the bay side there are five wide river
mouths on a 70-mile front separating
and isolating broad headlands almost
as effectively as would mountsin
ranges. On the opposite Maryland
shore there are five headlands In 60
miles. In the Chesapeake one goes
visiting in a motor boat Light signals are more applicable than the telephone.
Rivers Toe Wide to Bridge.
'•There are numerous villages In
tidewater Virginia that are three and
four times farther from a railroad
than any town in Illinois, Iowa or
Ohio. Even .modern auto truck service cannot help them much, because
a trucker would have to spend much
of his time in this large-scale rural
Venice, ferrying rivers too wide to
bridge economically.
"One of the most historic of the
Potomac landings is S t Mary's- The
steamer winds up between the narrowing banks of the St. Inlgoes'creek,
a sunken creek mouth like all the
Chesapeake bay rivers. Then as the
boat makes the final turn among the
crescent beaches, green fields and
blotches of dark pine, a pier comes in
view at the foot of a high green bank.
Among the trees is the white shaft of
a monument to Leonard Calvert, who
founded the Palatinate of Maryland
on this site in 1684. For many years
St. Mary's was the capital of Maryland and the bricks of the old state-'
house are now incorporated in the
vine-covered Episcopal church set fn
the ancient graveyard.
"The charge that America is cursed
by the speed of modern life cannot be
made to include the Chesapeake bay
country. Life there takes its pace
from the soft, sunny climate and the
inhabitants at each landing watch the
arrival and departure of their 'Argosy to the Outside World* with Immense calmness of spirit Since there
are no hills, the tree-clotted headlands and Islands and Jutting piers
seem to be some peaceful and pastoral design embossed upon a limitless blue sheet of water.
"A Chesapeake bay voyager soon
realizes that fine seamanship Is not
confined to the high seas. Taking a
river steamer up the turns and twists
between narrow banks sod turning
the 100-foot boat around In a space
which appears to he 100 feet, calls
for careful navigation,
"The visitor's growing conception
of river traffic's Importance to this
region is enforced at places like
Coan's Landing, which is about 200
feet from the next stop, Bundick's
wharf. Yet to go by road from Coso
to Bundick's la s 25-mile Journey."
Altxakap River of
Chsuif ca Its Course.
Cordova, Alaska.—Henry Glacier
has changed its age-old course and
la now literally poshing ita way over
the top of a mountain to reach the
sea, dedare observers returning from
the vicinity of Mile 75:
What was first thought smoke Issuing from the top of a peak near
here later developments show to be
great clouds of duat caused by the
breakup of the soil under the pressure
of the ice river.
Henry Wolklns, sourdough, who has
traveled over a large part of the territory Investigating geological freaks,
visited the scene and inspected the
glacier's actions. He heard the tons
of rock, pushed by the glacier, falling into canyons below, causing crashings audible for five miles. The
mountain aide has the appearance of
heavy blasting operations.
Due to the tremenuous pressure resulting from the slow progress across
the mountain, the glacier has buckled
and mammoth cracks crosswise are
noticeable. The peak of the mountain being slowly disintegrated is
about 3,000 feet high but composed
of soft shale. Prospectors believe the
whole mountain will soon crumble
from the pushing of the Irresistible
force of the ice structure.
(CopyrUrtii by W. G.
LM DRISCOLL found himself upon
his feet, staring at the wreck of
the train in which he had b«en
traveling. All about him lay the
dead aud injured, and the carriages,
which were beginning to catch Are,
Illumined the night with a lurid glare.
It was in the middle of the mountain district of the East. Driscoll bad
left bis little town In the Midwest
to go to the great city. It was his
first Journey in ten years. A discovery of oil upon his property had given him the promise of wealth, and he
had set out to negotiate with a company.
Jim Driscoll, at fifty, was reputed
the crabbedest old man In Boxville.
If Mary and he had had children he
might have discovered that life is not
wholly a vale of tears. As It was, he
was a town character. He knew It,
too; knew that Mary shrank from him
and feared him, though loyalty kept
her to him; knew that his presence
anywhere chilled the mirth, that the
children hated him, that his neighbors avoided him.
He gloried in it. He had the reputation of being a vindictive man, and
he gloried in that. He was close-fisted,
King of Yugo-Slavia Has
hard as nails, and he hugged his sinYearly Income of Million ister reputation to his heart.
Belgrade.—King Alexander of YugoThe wreck had come suddenly. It
slavia is one of the highest-paid mou- had unsettled him. Of course, he
archs in the world, recent additions was not going to Interest himself in
to his civil list bringing his yearly in- any of the injured. That was not
come to $1,000,000 a year.
Drlscoll's way.
But the physical
This is forty times greater than the shakeup had unsettled the habits of
personal allowance made by Bulgaria years, and for the first time in his life
to King Boris, and about five times in Driscoll began to take stock of himexcess of the yearly Income of King self.
Ferdinand of Rumania. It is almost
His thoughts were changed by hearfourteen times more than the salary ing a child's cry at his side. Stooping
of the President of the United States down, he saw a pretty little girl of
and is probably exceeded only by the eight or nine years, lying beside the
civil list of the king of England.
track. Near her lay the body of a
But out of his $1,000,000 a year man. He had been killed in the disAlexander must maintain a huge pal- aster, and the girl, who seemed only
ace at Belgrade, another at Top- slightly injured, was stretching out
chider, near Belgrade, a third at Bled, her arms to him and sobbing.
in northern Sloyenia, and several
Beneath his hard exterior Driscoll
smaller villas. The • new palace at had a heart tender in one respect.
Topchider cost the state nearly $1,- He loved children. TJiat was why he
000,000, while repairs on the old pal- scowled at them, to hide his feelings.
ace In Belgrade cost about $400,000. If • Mary and he could have had a
The young king does not entertain child like that!
on an elaborate scale, but he has an
He spoke gruffly to the little girl,
enormous number of servants and but she did not seem to notice his
others attached to his various palaces presence. And at last, with a shrug
who must be paid.
of the shoulders, Driscoll turned his
back to her.
He started away—not in the direcGirl Ride* 140 Miles on
tion of the metropolis, however, but
"Nonstop" Trip in Persia back toward his home. A new Idea
Tabriz, Persia.—The championship had come to him. He would pretend
among the world's feminine horseback that he had been killed in the wreck,
riders ought to go to Miss Marjorie and return home secretly, to discover
Wilson of Watertown, N. Y., an Amer- what people were saying about him.
ican girl in the Near East Relief or- He anticipated the Jeers, the scoffing
and congratulations, and his own
phanage work here.
In order to save a large group of triumph when he suddenly appeared
refugees from political Intrigues which In the midst of them.
The news of the disaster had spread
threatened to deprive them of their
and, five miles down the line,
homes, she made the nonstop trip of
140 miles on horseback, halting only Driscoll passed a wrecking train, with
to change animals. The Journey was a medical car attached. Behind it,
from Tabriz to Urmia, and she made along the wayside track, there came
the distance in 24 hours less than the a man In a buggy, who pulled up his
weekly train requires between these sweating steed.
"Have you seen the wreck?" he
same two points.
The story of her remarkable ride
"Yes," answered Driscoll. "I was
has Just been revealed In an official
report filed with the American embas- aboard. My friend, Jim Driscoll, was
killed, and that's enough for me. Are
sy here.
you a reporter?"
"Yes, I'm a newspaper man." anGerm Attacks Fish
swered the other. "Give me a short
College Park, Mo.—Cystislagellldia account while I rest my horse.
—boasting a size in Inverse ratio to Quick!"
its name—is the germ which is car"I will if you'll put Jim Driscoll
peting the shores of the lower Ches- uown as dead," answered Driscoll.
apeake with hundreds of thousands "Say Jim Driscoll of Boxville, 111., was
of dead fish, says JH. B. Truitt, aquari- killed by breaking his neck, because
ologist at Maryland, university. Farm- I'm not a-going to break the news to
ers are carting the fish to their fields his family."
for fertilizer.
The bargain was strurk and Drlaeoll gave the other a five minutes' acRoyalty Economizes
count of the wreck. Then he hurried
Brussels.—King Albert and Queen along the line.
He caught a branch train at the
Elizabeth are eating economy bread,
the same kind as used by the humble Junction, and finally, about eight
peasant in Flanders; everybody's do- o'clock the next evening, attired In a
ing It, and the saving to the country •habby suit which he purchased at
is estimated at 10,000,000 francs a a pawnbroker's, he made his way In
the dark through the streets of Boxmonth.
ville. Nobody who passed In the
gathering darkness recognized DrisCheerful Guy
coll in the shabby, slouching stranger.
New Philadelphia, Ohio.—Mrs. Ada
He pushed open the garden gate
Balr, granted a divorce from her husand
crept to the outside of the parlor
band, Medil W. Balr, granted his rewindow.
Inside he saw a small
quest that she give him the song
but his wife was
books of their home so be can sing
uot there.
at her funeral.
"It'll be a hard blow for Mary," one
Of the crowd was saying. "Poor
• H I M 1 H I 1 I M 1 1 I I 1 M I 1 I I i ;Jim!"
Driscoll recognized him as the local
; Beats Storm by Using
druggist, with whom he had been on
bad terms for years. He clenched his
Kite for Sea Fishing
He hated the man's hyprocrlsy
Pacific Beach, Wash.—Joseph
than himself.
\\_ Phelan, deep-sea fisherman, re"Now there's many talks against
cently devised a method to deJim,
but he wasn't such a had felfeat the b«*vy surf which often
broke in the shoemaker. He
prevents him launching his dory
man named Austin, with whom
at high tide. He rigged up a
had had a feud of several
large box kite, to which he atmonths' standing, on account of a
tached a dozen lines and baited
misunderstanding. "When a
folks make allowances
Flying the kite In the strong
you, a man who can
wind accompanying the turn of
keep the love of a woman like Mary
the tide. It carries out the Mnes
Driscoll must have some good in him
a quarter-mile or more. An eas•—it stands to reason."
ily controlled trip or trigger re"It's a pity there wasn't no chilleases the fishing tackle Into
sighed Miss Hemans. the sisthe deep water, where large cod,
ter of the butcher. 'That's what ate
flounders and sea-running salInto their hearts like add. Bat 1
mon are promptly hooked. By
that if he Uvea, Miry Driscoll
the time Phelan has the kite
so overjoyed that life'll take
hauled back to the beach his
so s happier look for her.'4
lines are heavy wKb fish.
"No chance of his recovering. Is
• i 111111111411 i 1111 l i m i t tfcorer asked Austin.
A small one," said the bctcher
•The doc says that if he recovers
consciousness he'll most likely get
well. It seems there's a splinter of
bone pressing on his brain, aud they
can't tell how much It's injured him.
If he recovers consciousness, the
bruin's all right ; if he don't—well, he
won't, that's all."
*Dld Mary Driscoll write that 7"
ajsked another.
"Sure. She wrote to Miss Hemau*
Jim Driscoll was conscious of mingled emotions. The tlrst was of
shame and humiliation. Of all the
neighbors gathered there, not one had
a bad word for him. But the second
was of disgust. Could It be possible
that his wife had gone to the hospital
and actually mistaken another man
for himself?
Or was somebody lying'/ That was
a more probable explanation. Of
course 1 It was a lie. His impulse
was to run into the room, but he restrained himself, aud he heard another speaker say:
"I tell you, Miss Hemans, when I
saw Mary Driscoll start off this morning, she looked actually pretty In that
black dress of hers, In spite of her
sorrow. She was crying, and she
couldn't hide it, but she looked like a
girl again. Sorrow seems to bring
back the youth in some people."
"She's had sorrow enough," broke
In the first sneering voice that Driscoll had heard. "Living with a man
like Jirn is enough to make any woman wish she was dead."
Driscoll knew the speaker. He was
the cashier of the local bank, and
about the only friend he had In Boxville. And the sudden realisation of
the fellow's treachery almost unnerved the watcher at the window.
He, Driscoll, had been so wrapped
up In his hatred and moodiness that
he had never been able to tell hiB true
friends from the false ones. He had
acted like a foof An overwhelming
sense of remorse came over him. If
he could see Mary now, and tell her
what a fool he had been :
And, unable longer to restrain himself, he sprang for the door, opened
it, and rushed Into the parlor.
"I'm here, and I've heard every
word!" he shouted to the assembly.
"You, Mr. Nevins—" he turned to the
cashier—"were my best friend, and
you can walk right out of my house
and never come—"
"Well, Jim Driscoll was a good man
in his way." said Miss Hemans, wiping her eyes.
They had not heard him! Nobody
had heard or noticed him! And, even
as he stood there, bewildered, Nevins
walked straight Into him—and through
In nn instant Driscoll understood.
He wns dead' He had died in the
collision, and tie was In his own home
in the spirit, while the mangled flesh
lay—in the hospital, no doubt, where
his patient wife was watching!
"I agree with you, Mlas Hemans,"
the butcher answered.
Jim Driscoll turned slowly away,
arid, with the realization that his last
chance to redeem his life was gone,
an agonizing sense of hopelessness
crushed him.
Used LydU E. P m k t W t
Vegetable Compound
Adktas, Texas.—"Before nay o s b f
Own© I was so weak I had to stay ia>
bed most of th*
•time until I began
t a k i n g Lydla A.
C o m p o u n d . My
mother-in-law, who
is a midwife, tola
me it was all foolishness for ma t o
stay In bed. 8fiO
told, me to taJco
Lydla EL Plnkhsm's
V e g e t a b l e Compound and It would
handed me one of
your little books and I read It and was
Interested in i t I went to a drug-storo
that night and got a bottle of your
wonderful medicine. I took It until
the baby was born and was able to ho
up and do my work. Baby is 4 ½
months old now and weighs 14 pounds.
I have plenty of milk for her and aha
gains Bteadily. I recommend it. I
am willing to answer letters and will
do anything I can for any woman, for
I know how I suffered."—Mas. A_ H.
TSCHISSUST, R No. 2, Box 39, Adkina,
Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been in use by women for
over fifty years. It Is a vegetable tonlo
made from roots and berba and Is sold
by all druggists.
Recommended by women everywhere,
As French babies become scarcer
and scarcer the governmental desire
to increase the population grows
stronger and stronger. A law has
Just gone Into effect substantially Increasing the awards portioned out to
the parents whose progeny are many.
Families with four children or
more under the age of thirteen are
allowed 360 francs annually for each
child after the third. Provision Is
also made for widows and widowers,
A widow with Ave children would receive under the new regulations 1,800
francs, or 1380, according to pre-war
tretHmratforcom. At drug and the*
for Prm StmpU wto Ik Sdal Mfc. Cfc*
After A Bath
Cuticura Soap
Dost Wit*
IfellMtelr M«4U«tod
Of PUaatM PrMi
Jim Driscoll opened his eyes and
stared Into his wife's face.
Button, Button
"Oh, thank (iod, Jim! You are conHenry Ford discussed the English
scious. You are going to get well.
situation at a Dearborn dinner,
Jim, God has answered my prayers.
"The English coal economy advoI have prayed for you night and day
these ten days past, and the doctor cates," said Mr. Ford, "remind me of
said if you know me again you would the bride whose husband said:
"'Darling, did you sew that button
recover. Jim, my dear—Jim, Oh, my
on my coat?'
" 'No, sweetheart,' said the bride, "1
And, kneeling at the bedside, she
nnd a button; but It's all
flung her arms round the injured
up the buttonhole.' M
man's neck.
"Jim, everyone is talking about It,"
All in the Cha*e
she said later.
H. M. Dubose said at a
"About what?" whispered Driscoll
"Take an army of boys chasfng
'The little girl in the next b e d butterflies,
put bald
look at her, Jim! Don't you rememwrinkles
ber? You pulled her from beneath
the car which had fallen on her fayou have a beautiful panorama of
ther and killed him. Nobody knows
the modern
world." — Pittsburgh
how you freed her, but it fell back
on your head and Injured you terriM
bly. And, Jim—
Extinct and Fogsil Bird*
Driscoll could read the hope In his
Various birds may be called exwife's eyes.
rather than fossil, because their
"Yes. my dear," he answered, patspecies
have expired since the present
ting her hand. "If you like, Mary."
era began, or in some cases
"You'll adopt her, Jim? She has
since written records were kept
nobody In the world."
And that time Mary Driscoll read
Every one excels In something la
the answer In his.
which another falls.—Svrus.
Supply of Air Seem*
Not Vital to Turtle
Of all air-breathing animals, the
turtle seems to have the best claim to
be the champion submarine. Prof. G.
H. Parker of Harvard university, In a
report to the Boston Society of Natural History, tells of a water tortoise
that submerged Itself and stayed under water for ten solid hours. However, when other tortoises were Imprisoned In wire cages under water
they gave out In only about an hour.
Professor Parker is of the opinion
that a great deal depends on whether
the tortoise is "hiding his breath"
by his own volition. The caged tortoises struggled to find a way out of
their prison, and thus probably used
up their reserve oxygen supplies much
more rapidly than the quiescent animal that had made the dire voluntarily. Alligators were found to survive under water for i s much as six
hours, and caymans, which are aliiratortlke reptiles from Central America, conld hold out for two hours. This
ability to live for long periods under
water, without ft renewal of the air
supply, has an Important relationship
to the long submergence periods during hibernation* Professor Parke*
Sure Relief
Hot water
Sure Relief
25« and 75« PkfiSdd Everywhti*
• big kaes Mb* this, bat ywe
bora* n»r have s bases or fcrvtse
on bit ankU, Seek, •tifle.kaeeer
will dean it
lag up the IM
—only • !
M o w
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We bave everything wanted
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Pencil Boxes loc up, Pens lc,
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Composition Books 50
Everything else accordingly
Riwafl, Oiitsite Courthtuse
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Phone «319
If 1* Pontile St.
Ann Arbor, Mies
Justice of the Peace
Ofica to Court House
Offio* Hovtt
fcl;OQ la 2:30 P. M.
Miss Gwendolyn Conninc is visiting
\ytr uncle, Chester Woodworth und H.
A. Connine In Detroit.
David Bloss and wife attended a
family reunion at Lapeer last Tuesday.
The Howell Farmers* club will hold
a picnic at Triangle Lake this week
Thowday. A pot-luck dinner will be
Mr. and Mrs. "William Connine are
•isitlng in Philadelphia und Washington, D C
Josephine Gehringer wan operated
upon for appendicitis at St. Lawrence
hospital in Lansing last week.
A telegram was received here lust
week from California, announcing the
death of Mrs. Mary Peterson, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Driver of this place.
V m Ruttrnan and family attended
the reunion at the Green chtr^h in
Iosco last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. W, J W i t t y attended
the Dickerson reunion Friday at the
home ' of Mrs Edith Dickerson Beach
in Howell.
Mr. and Mrs. KdwiiV*. Nash are entertaining their grand-daughter
J, D. White, wife and son Norman
Mr. and 31 r», Ben White spent Sunday
at John M Harris' in Pinckney
Mr. and Mrs. Albin Pfau and daujrh1
t*r Nina went to Detroit Sunday to
remain for a weeks' visit.
Several from here attended the fair
at Milford list week.
Horace Hanson and Roy Ellsworth
and families spent Sunday at Chas.
Hanson's in Genoa.
Herbert Pfao was Home from Trenton, SatuTdny evening.
Mr. und Mrs. W. J Witty attended
th* Woll-DierttJe reunion Sattrrday at
Hollo Smith'* near Fowlerville.
The Roberts families spent Sunday
at Triangle lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Midland and
daughter n\ Detroit, Mr and Mrs. The*
Oaffney of Oceola visited at
W J.
Gnffneys one evening last week.
Mrs. Fred Huff visited her aunt,
M M . Mary Haney, in Dexter, one day
last week.
Clara Pfao is spending the week in
The North and South Aid Societies to be voted at su,ch election,i Provided
of the Iosco M. E. church wtH meet that the application may be made uRfMT
with Rev. and Mrs. Stephens Thursday a blank prepared by said voter , profcept 2. Supper will be served from vided said application is substantially
5 to 6 o'clock iu the basement of the in the form required by this section.
Such application blank shall be in
church at Fowlerville
Rev. and Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Nettie substantially the following form a n d
Dcy, Mrs Clara Pond and*Mr and Mrs shall be signed and witnessed by the
Ora Carr uf Fowlerville and Mr and applicant as herein required:
Application for absent voters balMrs. Wm. T u n n a r d of Howell attended the home-coming at the South Ios- lot for the election to be held on .
a duly
co church Friday.
precinct of
Little Robert Ruttmau was on the qualified elector of
the towuship of
_or village of
*Sick list the last of the week
or the -_.
ward of the city of
— ~o
and State of
exMiss Agues Watson returned home
Sunday from
township or ward on the day for holdat Beiiaire.
ing such election, hereby make appliMr. and Mrs. Ralph Teaehout and
cation for an official ballot or ballots
family and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jac- to be voted by me at such election. I
obs and family were Brighton visitors
request an official ballot of the
(To be filled in for primary
Mr. and Mrs. Ckiude Watson and elections only.)
family of Owosso, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Send "absent voter" ballot to me at
Watson and family of Fort Vf/ayne,
postoffice. City, townIndiana, Mr and Mrs. J. C. Obert and ship or village address, if any
Mr. and Mrs C B Obert and daughter
Signature of applicant
Dorothy of Flint, Mrs. Josephine Obert Home address of applicant
*and Miss Jennie Watson of Durand,
and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey and son
of Jackson spent Sunday with Mr. and
(Signature of Absent Voter)
Mrs. Claude Rose and Ruth and Agnes
Signed, scaled and delivered in the
Mr. Sam \YTalfe of Detroit pent Sunday with his wife at the Claude Rose
Miss Louise Chipman of this place
When to Make Application to Clerk for
and Ernest Foster of Fowlerville were
married last Wednesday.
ballots can be ntade
Miss Mollie Ckipman of Detroit is
Thirty Days prior
staying with her father, Elmer Chip- and Howard May and family attended
man during the absence of her sister, the May reunion at Potters Park, Lan- to the date of election, provided it
reaches said Clerk not later than the
sing, Saturday.
Day preceding the election.
reV ere Worden and family and F. A.
receipt of the blank applicaWorden of Jackson spent Sunday at union at Joselin Lake, Sunday. Lewr
the voter must fill it out
is Roepcke and family of Detroit, Mr.
the W orden home here.
and mail same to
Mrs. Harold Conk
and daughter and Mrs. Julius Roepcke and family
given, or deDoris spent several days of the past of Hartland, Rev. Hoffman and famliver
week w'th her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ily of Dayton, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs.
If the voter is not registered, but is
Gordis Lambright of Royal O a k , JenEugene Gallup.
a qualified voter or will be
Misses Margaret and Lois Fenn of nie Roepcke of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs.
of election, he should make
Detroit are visiting their grandmother Fred Roepcke and family of Stockout
or mail with his appliMrs. Emily Harris.
bridge, and the various members of
Mrs. Carl Bollinger and children and the family in the vicinity uf L'nadilla
Affidavit for Registration
Miss Lois Worden visited their aunt, were present.
State of MichiMrs. Thomas
Chriswel!, of Chelsea.
The Boyce fumily held their reunion
being duly
Thursday afternoon.
at Pleasant Lake Saturday.
I am a
Mr. and Mrs. Lyal Chrlswell are the
Rev. and Mrs. Fred Hurlburt
att- citizen and duly qualified elector of
proud parents of a
10 pound bab\ ended a reunion of Mr. Hurlburt's
precinct of the towngirl.
old school friends at Dimondale, Sat- ship of
, or village of
George Putt who
has been urday.
awny for days returned home TuesG, A. Pyper and wife and Mrs. Sar- of the city of
ah Pyper entertained Mr. and Mrs. county of
Grading on the road North of town Charles May ot Lansing and Mr and
is completed.
Mrs. Seymour May of Dayton, Ohio l i s No.
, or
Carol Dolan and her sistn
R. F. D..No
from Detroit were with his parents.
visited friends in Dearborn
; that 1 am not now registered as an
Mr. und Mrs. Harry Ellis Thursday.
elector therein and that I am voting by
Miss Bernita Rowe of Onawee i Monday and Tuesday of this week.
Marion Cranna is spending the week absent voter's ballot at the election (or
visiting her sister, Mrs. Dewey Bren
in Lansing.
primary election) to be held upon the
famday of
Frankie Baker who has been in B;n
19__ the application for which ballot
View for the summer returned to hr\
Ferris und Virginia Mutter of How- accompanies this application; that I
home here Thursday.
Doris Quinn
of Detroit and MIv ell are spending a few days with their ?make this affidavit for the purpose of
procuring my registration as an elector
Julia Quinn of Ann Arbor spent th< grandmother, Mrs. Delia Hndley.
in accordance with the statute; that I
week end nt the Hill and Titus home.
make the following statements in comDr. Norman Wilson
and son of
with the Michigan election law;
Jackson und his sister, Miss Molli<
Wilson of New
York City were ii
; Race
; Birthplace-C. Kkigsley and family were Fowtown Thursday afternoon.
; Date of NaturalisaT
Mr. and Mrs. Vet Bullis and Mr. urn lerville callers Saturday.
Miss H p Jen Mercer of Detroit is visMrs. John Groshaus
and Miss L«»i
J further swear or affirm that the
Worden attended the May reunion » iting at the home of Mark Allison.
answers given to the questions conPotters Park, Lansing, Saturday.
Mrs. K. Niskunen entertained com- cerning my qualifications as an elector
are true and correct to the best of my
Lorraine and Mildred Worden <> pany from Detroit the past week.
Jackson were with
their Aunt, Mis
Mark Allison and daughters Flor- knowledge and belief.
Lois Worden from Sunday to Tliur> ence of Iosco and Maude of Detroit Signed
spent Thursday at the home of M. W. Taken, subscribed and sworn to before
Jim Downey is gaining slowly, a I Allison.
me this
day of
though still confined to his bed.
Mrs. Glenn Perkins and children of My Commission expires
Mr, and Mrs Milton Barrett of I)i Fowlerville nnd Mrs. Robt. Aynior and Notary Public in and for said County,
troit were with her parents, Mr. nm daughter of Owosso spent Tuesday at Stnte of Michigan.
Mrs. Fred Howlett part of last week
the home of C. Kingsley.
Vote- If thi* acknowledgement is
Mr. and Mrs, John Decker of Dot
Miss Bessie Gnffney of Detroit and taken outside the State, Certifcate of
and were Sunday visitors at the Ron Mrs. Lewis Gehringer of Howell spent the Court that the person taking the
ert Leech home.
Sunday at their home here.
acknowledgement is a notary must be
Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Van Buren <•>
Mr. and Mr. J. M. Brigham enter- filed with the clerk.
Detroit spent Sunday with her parent tained company from Ann Arbor SunClerk to Mail Initialed Ballots to
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Drown.
S. A. Denton will spend part of thi
We are glad to hear at this writing
As soon ns the ballots are printed
week with his son, Warner, in Detroit that Mrs. A. J. Gnffney is doing just the Clerk will mail immediately to
said applicant, the ballot or ballots to
Mr. and Mrs. Hoy B. Hanaford call fine.
he voted by said applicant at said eleced
at th • parsonage Saturday. Mr
tion, or deliver the same in person,
H i n a f o r d is State
president of th<
Buraccas and Philatheas.
Mrs. Robert Wei ton was on the sick provided the applicant is duly registered.
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Topping and Mr list the last of the week.
and Mrs. Vet Topping of Plainfieh
Miss Lcnora Lidgard is in Stock- Hew Votar Should Prepare Ballot
called on Mr. and Mrs. R G Chipmm bridge assisting Mrs. Wilmot Reeves
Upon receipt of the ballot or balSunday afternoon.
uith her work.
lots herewith enclosed you will proceed
Frank Van Syckel and family were to mark the same in accordance with
Lou Boyce of Stockbridge is paint
in Lansing Wednesday to attend a re- the instructions then fold each ballot
ing C, F. Bollinger's new house.
Frank Howlett was home from l)e union nt Potter Park.
so that the corner bearing the initials
Asa Lewis of Stockbridge was in of the township, village or city clerk
troit this last week.
Mrs. Lena Rice was in Howell m town the first of the week doing some may be seen without unfolding
plumbing for the Toppings.
business Wednesday.
ballot. Place the ballot or ballots in
The Jacobs reunion was held at the the envelope enclosed herewith
Mr, and
Mrs. Renas Mapes an<
Mrs. Lucile Croford were in Lansirv home of Clyde Jacobs Saturday.
securely seal the same. Make out the
Mr. and Mrs. Asahel Dutton spent statement printed upon the back and
have same witnessed by two qualified
Sam Galbraith was home from D< Sunday nt Pleasant l^ike,
Tuesday of last week, S. G. Topp- electors, place the necessary postage ft
troit several days of the .past week
The Sharp
reunion was held r ing, Mr . and Mrs. E L. Topping, El- upon the envelope and deposit the
Jocelyn Lake, August 21 with a boo' mer Braley, Lottie Braley, with Mr same in the postoffice or government
and Mrs. F. L. Wright of Stockbridge receptacle provided for the deposit of
90 present.
reunion at mail matter. Absent voter ballots to b
Archie Arnold and family of How attended the Beal-Forn
ralid must be mailed so they will
ell were the Sunday guests of his pur Long Lake near Fenton.
Miss Lottie Brnley returned
Sun- reach the clerk of the township, village
e n t s Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Arnold.
visit or city in which your precinct is'loRoscoe Arnold
and Miss Mern day evening from a /rw days
cated, in time to be deposited by him
Smith of Dansville spent Sunday witl
the proper election board before
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Arnold
of the polls'on election d«y.
Mrs. Belle Leech is spending a frw
Voter, Returning, Cam
with friends
in Birmingham.
Asphalt Shingles
8 7.00 * 5.00
Vote in Pan
Mrs. Agnes Ball is taking a mote- Manure Spreaders — 160.00
No absent voter returning to his
trip in the Northern part of the stat'- Side Del. Rakes
80.00 place of residence will be prohibited
Mr. and Mrs MacRorie attended th J8 Spring Tooth Har. +0.00
32.00 from voting in person within his preGolden Wedding anniversary of >»: Corn Planter
60.00 cinct, notwithstanding that he may
MacRorie's parents, near Bay City, tt; Heating Stoves
22.001 have made application for an absent
past week.
H and 16 Nails
1>«0 voter's ballot or ballots and the same
Hudson Hay Carr
14.00 may have been mailed by the said
100 Other ArbcUa from 10 tq 28
clerk: Provided that such voter has not
pmr east dJacmmt
availed himself of the privilege of an
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Calkins of W e l l R. E. BARRON, Howell.
absent voter as provided by this act,
ington, D C spent Snnday with Mr
and voted the ballot' or ballots mailed
and Mrs Walter Miller
him by the said clerk, and provided he
Will Bruff visited Clyde
retsrn such ballot or ballots, if receivAt A n y and All Elections
Wko A M Entitled ie Vftt* by Mail ed, to the board by whom same shah
Erwin Zwinck and family ride in u
be marked "canceled" «afid' placed in
Hot* Votor SkettM Prooad
Hudson-Esaex Coach nowadays.
Any voter coming within the provis- the regular ballot boxes''with other
Mrs. Ada Patagburfl end friend of i i-ns given above, expecting to be ab- ballots,
•>, 1?
Lansing we*e Thursday visitors of Mr* ent on the day of inch election, from
Any voter voting at;any election
Walter Miller.
I the township or ward in which his vol both in person and by means.of an abLittle Lorena Suttaaer of Williams j in a precinct is situated* nay make ap- sent voters ballot, or wfo^ahall attempt
ton spent the past week with Merett* plication to the township* city or vil- to so vote, shall on conviction be deem
la gt clerk, either is person or by mall, ed gttlHy of a felony.
Rasmus Jensen was taken seriously upon a blank tp be famished by the M. E Darrow, Clerk of said Town
ill Friday night He was taken to the j county clerk to'the various township, skip of Pitnam. Pinckney Sanitarium, Saturday, and h pity sad village clerks for that trar- Dated July 17, A. D. 10W.
The Murninghaui families held their
reunion at Trianjflc Lake, Sunday.
Mrs. L. M. Wooffln and daughters,
Beatrice and Mrs Charier Reed were
in Owoseo, Thursday, to attend the
funeral of Mrs. N o r w a a Cute.
Jay Roed, Ralph Eastman, Harry
Reed, Hudson Briton, Charles Reed
and , families «njoyed a picnic dinner
Wednesday ot the home of their cousins Frank Lown at Fowlerville.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Heed were tailed to Ann Arbor last week by the
death of the latter's mother, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Joy Bliss of Northville
were recent visitors at the home of
Fred Moore
Earl Ward and family
were in
Hrig-hton one day last week.
Bailey Smith and family visited at
Senator James Cousins' farm
Pon^ac, Sunday.
Miss Alice Jensen and Moretta Ruttnian were in Pinckney, Sunday.
Mrs. Libbie Ellsworth and grandson
Elmer were in Detroit the past week.
Tracy Horton, F. E. Beach and
families spent Sunday at Marios Filkins' in North Howell
Mr. and Mrs. David Bloss visited in
Swarta Creek, Flushing and Hadiey
several day*s last week.
Mff. Jetm Rnttman went to Detroit
Get Smith, pay Mo won and familj * Stilt**I the Parker reunion at
Triaafle Lake, Sunday.
•'< Bmes Bofcerts and sons and Mra.
' ft** Q&m Wtre is Lansing Snoday reported a little bettar.
That'll Make
The More Handy Utensils You keep
Within R e a c h — t h e Less Work
There'll Be to Doing Your Preferring.
A Complete Line of
i Preserving Kettles, Stew Pans, Pitchers, Pails and Tea Kettles
j Teeple H a r d w a r e
(pots, for ta« ©tidal ballot et bailott
The Bureau Drawer
and the Stage Coach
In this day of express trains, motors and aeroplanes, you
would uot thiuk of traveliug by stage coach, uor, if you really
»top to think about it, would you place your valuables in a
bureua drawer or other "hidiug places",WHEN modern secure
safe deposit vaults such as ours are available. You will find our
safe deposit service to b« convenient, prompt and courteous and
the cost of a box is less than a cent a day.
Pinckney State Bank
First Aid For
Damaged Automobiles
Wrecked or damaged cars repaired in our garage not only run as good as new they are as good as
new. Our mechanics put back into the wrecked car *
all the power and performance the maker gave it in
the iirst place.
we give complete Wrecker Service
Pinckney Service Garage
W.H. MEYERS, Prop.
Full of Vim
Our Soft Drink, hive th.t « a p p y tu* that i, «,refr«hin«
«nd the,r punty make, them a drink fitting fa, , „ " ' £ £ £
«ectnc refngttor.
Full measure guarsnteed.
Hie Pincbey Fruit Store
My oilee U located in Pint assy.
Let us do YOUB
Entered atthe'FMtoflfteeat *?not*
uey, Mich, M Second Clate Matter
PAUL w. comnT
SubscrlpUoB, fl.S6 a Tetr t» k*fw*
Phone us for a free Maytag trial
—no obligation. Let us do a week's
washing for you. the Maytag will
do it in an hour — at your home.
1$o muse — no fuss. See it dean
cuffs and collars without hand-rubbing.
Phone now to be sure of a machine,
ftfany are maMng reservstfefVI. If the
Maytag doesn't sell itself, you need not ,
keep it.
Sold by
Staple and fancy groceries, fresh
smoked meats.
Aluminum Washer
H E use of Firestone tires and
tubes mean.-, a real >avina to
automobile riper-* tors.
These sturdy, lon£-weanne,ernnomical tires—the tires that a>-e
accepted by automobile, truck and
bus operators everywhere as the
standard of (jualitv lor highway
transportation—are an exception
ally good buy at our low priee>.
Let us £ive you our price? b-.-tore
,y©u buy ne.v tires. Lei us *how
you the advantage you'll enjoy
when )v#u use Firestones.
L e o n a r d D e v e r e a u x is v i s i t i n g ; r e l a tives at H o w e l l this week.
M i s s F e m e T u p p c r w a s in A n n A r
b o r a c o u p l e of d a y s last
Reason and Don Swarthoiit
s p e n t t h e vseek e n d witii J a c k s o n relatives.
Miss C a r m e n L e l a n d r e t u r n e d Mond a y f r o m a w e e k ' s visit w i t h A d r i a n
D o r a L u u g h l i n of J a c k s o n h a s
been visiting at the home
M. T.
G raves.
Mrs. R o b t J a c k , M r s . S. H . C a r r a n d
Mrs M Kettler were
P o n t i l e visitors
George Leavey
of J a c k s o n
was a
guest at the home
of hra f a t h e r
Leavey Sunday.
T h e f a m i l i e s of t h e l a t e C h r i s t o p h e r
Brogan and Ann Brady have erected
new m e m o r i a l s
on t h e i r
l o t s in S t .
Mary's cemetery.
Mr. a n d M r s K v e r e t t B u r c h i e l of F t .
W a y n e , 1ml.
a r e g u e s t s of M r , a n d
K F Read
P r o f . T h e o d o r e Ciau! a n d f a m i l y of
A n n A r b o r w e r e w e e k e n d g u e s t s of
Mr. a n d M r s . F . 1). J o h n s o n .
Mr, a n d
Mrs. F r a n k
B o y l a n of
Brighton were Sunday
callers at the
h o m e of M r s . A r v i l l a P l a c e w a y .
Mr. a n d M r s
George Driver
O w o s s o a r c v i s i t i n g a t t h e h o m e s of
the S p e a r s b r o t h e r s west of t o w n .
Mr. a n d Mrs. Charles
W a t s o n of
D a y t o n , O h i o s p e n t a c o u p l e of d a y s
last w e e k w i t h Miss F a n n y M o n k s .
B o b b i e a n d P a t s y K e n n e d y of Det r o i t s p e n t last w e e k w i t h t h e i r g r a n d - ft
p a r e n t s , Mr. a n d M r s . P . K e n n e d y .
Mr. a n d Mrs. S H C a r r , Miss D o r othy C a r r ,
M r s . Milo
Kettler and $
d a u g h t e r Yvonne were
callers Sunday.
J a m e s Hocking
s i s t e r , Mrs, D o w n , of
a t t e n d e d the House reunion n e a r there
at T w i n B e a c h last w e e k .
cent Sale proves the
!)!» p e r
ade m a n y new custoabove,
w n s h i p in L i v i n g s t o n
m e r s in e\ e r v
Countv, Ingham, Shiawassee, Genesee,
and O a k l a n d
A m o u n t of
1 to 2 1. SI .>o 10.1 H.
90 ,,er cent of t h e m a b a r g a i n .
R- L .
M r s 0 S B u r g e r i.s v i s i t i n g h e r m o t h
e r ut W i l l i u m s t o n .
H e r n a r d L a v e y of D e t r o i t wat> in
P i n c k n e y last F r i d a y .
Mihi> G r a i - e T u p p e r w a s h o m e f r o m
Ann A r b o r o v e r .Sunday.
O l a V a u g h n of
1'inckney last F r i d a y .
Mrs. F l o r a H a r r o w h a s b e e n v i s i t i n g
r e l a t i v e s in F o w l e r v i i l e .
W i n . K v a n J r . of C h e l s e a ^
was a
Pinckney caller Thursday.
K. O . D r o u i l l a r d w a s a B r i g h t o n v i s i t o r s a p a r t of l a s t w e e k .
M r . a n d M r s W 11 M e y e r w e r e Arm
A r b o r c a l l e r s o n e d a y s Jast w e e k .
M i s s M i l d r e d I . e m o n of D e x t e r w a s
a Pinckney
c a l l e r last T h u r s d a y .
Mr. a n d
Mrs. Charles Reason ami
son w e r e L a n s i n g v i s i t o r s S u n d a y .
H J* G a r d n e r
spent Sunday
w i t h M a y o r Hoff a m i w i f e of H o w e l l .
Mrs H F Sigler who has been spend
s e v e r u l w e e k s v i s i t i n g f r i e n d s in
Cleveland, returned
home Thursday.
J a m e s F o h e y of J a c k s o n
was the
Ktiest of r e l a t i v e s in t h i s v i c i n i t y last
Mrs. I.. S. C ' h a l k e r of J a c k s o n w a s a
r e c e n t tfuest of f r i e n d s a n d r e l a t i v e s
of t h i s p l a c e
Win. Fisk
of D e t r o i t
g r a n d p a r e n t s , M r . a n d M r s . W i l l Fisk
last w e e k .
M i s s M y r t l e L a w r e n c e of J a c k s o n is'
a g u e s t a t t h e h o m e of M r . a n d M r s .
Karl Baughn.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Reason and
to I r i s h H i l l s a n d
Brooklyn Sunday.
Mr. and M r s . O r i n Fisk anil
of D e t r o i t w e r e S u n d a y q u e s t s of M r .
and Mrs. Will Fisk.
W. H. G a r d n e r , Misses F a n n y
M o n k s and Nellie G a r d n e r w e r e Ann
A r b o r visitors Friday.
J a m e s T i p l a d v of
was a B a r r o n ,
v i s i t o r a t t h e h o m e of M r . a n d M r s .
F. W . F a r n u m l a s t F r i d a y .
M r . a n d M r s . B e n C l a r k of D e t r o i t
w e r e g u e s t s of M r . a n d M r s . T . Sheb a n s e v e r a l d a y s last w e e k .
S a r a h K i n e s of
is v i s i t i n g M r . a n d M r s . W . C. Miller
and other Pinckiie\ relative*.
Mr. a n d M r s . Will i . a r k i n of H o w
ell w e r e T h u r s d a y
e v e n i n g c a l l e r s at
h o m e of A l d e n C a r u g g e r .
a n
Misses Florence
d ^ ^ H K L ')o.v'*'
a n d J . H a u c k of J f t c k . s ^ ^ H V e r e c e n t
v i s i t o r s at t h e J a m e s D < > l H h o m e .
Mr, a n d M r s . B o o n e A m b u r g e \ w e r e
g u e s t s of h e r s i s t e r , M r s . H e r b e r t .Allen in L a n s i n g s e v e r a l d a y s last w e e k .
R. S c h a f e r a n d M r s . Ida F i e d ler e n t e r t a i n e d at a b r i d g e l u n c h e o n
T u e s d a y a f t e r n o o n at P o r t a g e L a k e .
J e n n i e F o r a n of C h i c a g o lias
been v i s i t i n g at the b o r n e of M a . a n d
XV. S l i e h a n a n d
M Ch.ilker and Mrs Attie Pond
of J a c k s o n v i s i t e d M r s .
S a r a h Chalkier a n d M r s . P. K e n n e d y s e v e r a l d a y s
last week.
N e l l i e / a i d a n t a n d d a u g h t e r of
J a c k s o n , N e b r a s k a have been visiting
at t h e h o i n e of h e r s i s t e r , M r s , F r e d
L o o k for the m e r c h a n t
who gives
y o u 2.5c w o r t h of m e r c h a n d i s e free if
p u r c h a s e y o u r s e a s o n t i c k e t of
him b e f o r e S e p t . 1.
Quoit enthusiasts
will be g l a d t o
k n o w t h a t F r e d B e r r y is s c h e d u l i n g
p i t c h i n g e v e n t s t h r e e d a y s of t h e F a i r ,
And other articles of si
school equipment.
REE yourself from the
annoyance of achy feet
by wearing the Arch Preserver Shoe This is the
famous shoe that has a concealed, built-in arch bridge
to support the foot arch,
and e flat inner sole (crosswise) that prevents pinching
of the nerves and bloodvessels. Your feet are youth Cult active —and well
A full line of school books S
and supplies now on hand.
When you fill up your tank with Sinclair Gasoline—-you
art> filling your car with "life". Your car is eager to go---quiclc
on ilio Kt't-Hway---powerful on the hills. Your car tfivea you its
best service when you give your car the best gasoline—Sinclair
POWER-FULL Gasoline.
Hosiery Too
J, S. Field & Son
6 Batteries & Tubes
weliave them
Six of the leading makes to choose from
Prices from $38.00 up
the opening of an office Friday, Aug. 20th
in the State Bank
Fowlerville, Mich.
Phone 209
Howell. Mich.
with appropriate prizes.
Annua! Gladiolii Days will be held
at Mack & Co., Ann Arbor, Friday and
Saturday. With each. Si purchase, a
Notice is hereby given that a Gengladiolus will be given free.
Mr and Mrs. McClure .Hinchey of eral Election will be held in the TownHowell, Harold Graham and Francis ship of Putnam, County of Livingston,
of Detroit were
Sunday State of Michigan, at Pinckney Town
guests of Mr. and Mrs. XV. H. Meyer. Hall within said township on
Miss Gertrude Snooks one of the
TUESDAY, Sept 14th, A. D. 1926
editors of the Spectator, a paper pubFor the purpose of placing in nomlished by the Highland Park high ination by all political parties particischool is working in the Dispatch of- pating therein, candidates for the folfice.
lowing offices, Viz: STATE—One cant
Our annual Gladiolii Days sales Fri- didate for Governor; one candidate for
day and Saturday wiil save you nmnyy Lieutenant Govematr.
dollars. A flower given free with each
$1 purchase at Marie & Co., Ann Ar- for Representative in Congress for the
Congressional district of which said
Mr. and Mrs. N 0 Frye entertained Hownship forms a part.
Sunday Mr and Mrs Harry Warner of
LEGISLATIVE—One candidute for
Jackson, Mr and Mrs. Myron Dunning Senator in the State Legislature for
of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Teeple the Senatorial District of which the
and family of Howell.
said Township forms a part: one canMr. and Mr. C XV Barry HTV very didate for Representative in the State
anxious for the return of their pet Legislature for the Legislative district
brindle bull dog, "Rex" who disap- of which said Township forms a part.
peared from his home last WednesCOUNTY—Also candidates for the
day night. They offer a very liberal re- following county office* viz.: Sheriff,
ward for his return.
County Clerk, County clerk, county
Bert Benhani of Birmingham, Ala- treasurer; Register of Deeds; Prosebama, who is attending summer school cuting Attorney, o-ne Circuit Court
at the U of M and Mrs. Myron Kly of
•omafissio'ner; one coutoty drain comAnn Arbor were visitors at the home
of their sister, Mrs. M F Darmw, Sun- missioner, one survryor, two coroners;
one county school commissioner.
Del •fate* to County Convention*
For the
first time
in the United
There shall also be elected at sajd
States a family ticket has been issued
by direct vote of the regisby a Fair Association
that is good
day and night, or any time. tered and qualified voters of each poThese are being offered through the litical party in each county, as inany
merchants of Livingston
county for delegates in each township, ward OT
Fair at Howell, Sept. 7-8-9110, until precinct, as 'fce case may be as such
Sept. 1. There is a distinct saving if political party in sach township, ward
or precinct shall be entitled to by the
bought now.
Mrs. Leal Sigler while visiting in call issued by the county committee
Cleveland recently, went
to Western of such political party for the county
Reserve Historical Building to «ee the convention thereafter to be held by
record of her father, Dr. C W Haze, such political party within said counry
who with his brother, Dr. Henry Hare, in that year for the purpose of electwere honor graduates from the Cleve- ing delegates to the state convention
land College in 1851-52. This college called for the purpose of nominating
was organized in 1847. Dr. Haze and candidates for state offices,-to be vothis brother were pioneer surgeons and ed ' for at the Norftnker election. In
case of any vacancy fa any delegation
physicians of Michigan.
from any election precinct, township or
ward, to the county convention, such
shall be filled bj the delegates
Effective today, Peninsular Ready
the ward or township In
Mixed Paint drops to $8.50 a single
gallon, #3 25 in five gallon lots. Your
grandfather and father used PeninThe *tat* ventral committee of each
sular paint and wet* well •iltsed. Yon poiittoti partly shall, at least thirty
will be too. R. E. BarriTHewell days before ^ t h e September prtaary
One Gradetkat malm Jto Grods
herein provided for, cau.se to be forwarded by nuiil to the chairman of the
county committer of such p;irty a cwpy
of the call far the Fall State convention showing the number of delegates
to which .srirh county shall be entitled
in the state convention af such party:
und the said state cen^ftil committee
hliall apportion such dWcgates to thr
several counties in proportion and according to the ntnibcr of vates cast
for the candidate of such party for
secretary of state in e;ich of .said counties, respectively, at the last preceding
November election.
The name of thr candidate foi delegate to the county convention shil! not
be printed upon the nffieial primary,
election ballot, but one or more such
names may be placed on such ballot by
printrd or written slips pasted thereon
by the voter, or the names may be
written in by the voter.
Delagates to the Fall county convention shall be- elected by election prt*
cincts and the county clerk shall notify by mail each' person elected as
such delegate.
The required number of electors to
receive the highest number of votes
for delegates to the Fall connty convention of any political party shall be
declared by the hoard of primary elec
tion inspectors to be elected.
The board of primary election Inspectors shall certify to the connty
clerk the names of the electors so
elected a* delegates, naming the political party upon whose baJtotat rach
electors were elected- The county
clerk shall notify each delegate so
elected of his election a* such delegate, and shall certify to the chairman
of tro* county committee of each political party* of the county, the delegate* elected "byVstich political pnrty
> t+
» »..»
Suggestions Relative- to Voting
Separate Ballots for each political
party will be provided. The electors
must name the political party oi His
choke when asking for a ballot and in
marking hht ballot must make a cross
in th» square te the left of the name
of each candidate for whom he desircn
to vote, and can vote for only one
candidate except where two or more
candidates are to be nominated in
which caae he should rote for two or
the number to be nominated.
Notice relative to opening and closing of the polls
Act 361—Part Four, Publie Acts of'25
Sec. 1—On the day of any election
the polls shall be opened at seven
o'clock in the forenoon, or as won
thereafter as may be, and sball be continued open until five o'clock in the
afternoon and no longer, provided,
tkat In townships the board of Inspectors of election may ID its discretion
adjoorn the polls at twelve o'clock
noon, for one hour, and that the township board in townships and the legislative body in cities and villages mAy«
by resolution adopted fifteen day#
prior to the election and published
with the nortec of the election, provide
that the polls shall be opened at sit
•'deck In the forenoon and may «1*0
provide that the po\h shall be kept
open not later than eight o'clock in the
evening of the same day.
The PoMs of said election wiH be
open at 7 o'clock a. m. and will remain
open trntil 6 o'clock p. m. of said day
of election, unless the Bolrd of Ideation Inspectors shall, in their dltcrttion, adjourn the polls at I t e*clock
noon for one hour.
Dated Jmly 17, A. D. 1MT.
mm - • •
\ A>'. f.'
'" •
- « X . i »pi.^ii * < ' A
V*. .. — .
•iHi M ' f i « • •
Cutleura Soothe* Baby Rath**
That Itch and born, by hot hatha
NEVER LOSE HOPE of Cutieura Soap followed by gentle
Richard Dix
at SI M M
W p H K Y showed pictures of mem•*> bera of our family the other
night," said Mr. Grasshopper. "Yes,
there wan a meeting of naturalists.
Naturalists are creatures who study
creutifres such as us!
"And, of course, they study other
animals and Insects und birds and so
forth and 40 on."
**So on?" asked George Grasshopper.
"Just an expression, George, meani n g that they study others along the
rery same tinea."
"But grasshoppers haven't tine same
lines as lions," said George Grasshopper.
**Oh» I don't mean such lines," said
Mr. Grasshopper. "I mean along the
Could T a k e the
same branches of life—of the animal
kingdom and so forth."
"Oh, well, I suppose I understand,"
•aid George Grasshopper. "Maybe If
I hop a few times I will see it clearly.
Sometimes when I am tired and I'm
Dot feeling smart and bright, if I hop
a few times it seems to brace me all
"Oh, hopping Is as good as a tonic
to a grasshopper any day," said Mr.
"Well,'' he continued, "I was going
to tell you about these pictures they
•bowed before learned people of our
"Are naturalists learned people?"
asked George.
"Learned about nature." said Mr.
Grasshopper. "Or, at least, If they're
not so learned they're always study-
lug nature creatures and trying to be
leurned"They showed pictures of the
naughty Praying Mantis. You know,
or at least you have heard, how slu
j looks as though she were praying to
I hide from people the fart that she Is
really a very uaughty creature. She's
a humbug, though her name Is Praying Mantis,
"And they showed pictures of the
compound eyes of the tiy, and how the
fly sees the same thing >>o many times
over—at the same time. too.
' T h a t may sound curious, but you
know what I mean. A fly has so many
eyes one would say, or at least can
see so many times over with the eyes
he has because of their, being compound eyes. And then they showed
pictures of us as I have told you.
"They were splendid pictures, I
heard, and the people laughed with
delight over the wonderful circus
stunts we could do.
"Now, that makes me think I'd like
to get up a circus now," said George
"The same thought that Just went
through my grasshopper miud," said
Mr. Grasshopper.
"Let us tell the other grasshoppers
about It," said George.
So Mr. Grasshopper and George
Grasshopper went about and told the
other grasshoppers that they were
going to give a circus.
And all the grasshoppers joined In
the preparations.
Some formed a band, others decided
they would do tricks on twigs—pulling themselves up and over the twigs
and doing really nothing short of fine
trapeze stunts.
Then others began thinking of all
the funny things they could say and
do so they could take the parts of
Still others decided they would ride
each other and have races and superior exhibitions. And still others said
they would have famous grasshopper
hopping races.
They all practiced and practiced
and Mr. Grasshopper was chosen as
the ring master.
They invited the mothers and fathers in the grasshopper families to
come, and they Invited the very young
grasshoppers, too.
And when they all arrived and then
»aw the circus—well, there was such
applause and such excitement.
They, too, hopped about with excitement and cried :
"Bravo, grasshoppers, bravo!"
And Mr. Grasshopper and George
Grasshopper were delighted at the
success of the Grasshopper circus.
( C o u y r l f ht.)
• 7 H.
Horton, famous English divine, took
college examinations together
Oscar Wilde.
«1 A T THIS age I was taking exxA. amlnatlons at Oxford.
One of those who was In with me
at this examination was Oscar Wilde.
I can see him now, with his flabby
face and ruffled hair, striding up to
the desk for fresh paper after the
first hour; then handing in his book
half an hour before time was up. He
was a genius, and for him to pose was
second nature. Of course, he was in
the first class; he reached by sheer
ability a position which I had gained
only by the concentrated and interested labor of two years.—Robert Forman Horton."
TODAY: Doctor Horton Is one of
the highest theological authorities in
the world. He Is chairman of the
London Congregational union and of
the Union of England and Wales. He
was also Lyman Beecher lecturer at
(© by McClure NewnpA.p«r Syndicate.)
a f S ! a f
going in a house at the front
door and out by the back door
brings strangers is a superstition practically universal in this country and
Europe. Doors were most serious matters to the ancients and a decided tinge
of superstition hung about them.
Among the Romans, Janus, a most esteemed deity, was the god of doors. He
was double-faced and, looking both
ways, could watch the front and rear
entrances. The door of his temple was
opened only when there was war. At
such times it was necessary to release
his full Influence to guard the entrances—the doorways—of the country.
But our superstition that going In
theafront door and out at the back
brings strangers is evidently a survival not from any mythology, but
arises from an actual experience of
our barbarian ancestors, an experience not infrequent even In our own
day. A barbarian fleeing from the
avengers of blood or of other dereliction of his tribe, and taking shelter
in a friendly hut, would sneak out by
the back way to the safety of the forest when he heard his pursuers approaching and the trackers, strangers
to the owner of the hut, would trail
him to the front door hy which he
had entered. If the hut had no hackdoor—as was probable—the fugitive's
necessity for avoiding observation Impelled him to make one by going
through the back of the building. In
the middle ages, when houses generally had two doors, men were literally hunted and a fugitive going In at
the front door of his friend's dwelling
often literally "brought strangers" In
"In thJs day fit living out of cans,"
J*ys.c*D\esJ i**,, *Ht looks as If the
*****atp dTtlBatnads will be growling
*** * t **& 1* which wine doesn't
s4i fcsc vattr tfk* mother used to."
* * * * * *
M i S ' S l a l
Richard Dix, the "movie" star, w a i
born In St. Paul, Minn. H e received
his education in that state. He studied
to be a surgeon—the w i t h of his father—but he did not like the sight of
He later worked in a b a n k ; '
also In an architect's office, later becoming associated w i t h a local stock
company, and still later became a
leading man in a western stock company. Some of his most recent pic- .
tures are "Too Many Kisses," " T h e
Shock Punch," "The Lucky Oevil r " 1
As Told by
Irvin S. Cobb
WILL be recalled that it was nee- 1
I Tessary
for the Wright brothers to !
go abroad In order to secure proper !
recognition for their first aeronautic i
inventions. The French government I
welcomed them and gave them proper
opportunity to demonstrate that they
hud progressed fat beyond any other* '
In developing a heavier-than-air flying |
machine; but as a group, the French |
aeronauts' were disposed to show Jeaiousy for the two Yankees.
The point was that these Frenchmen, for years past, virtually has" j
been holding the supremacy over the '
rest of Europe In the matter of aero- j
nuutlc experiments. Their dirigibles, |
It is true, had not proved complete
successes; still, French ingenuity h a d !
progressed farther In this field, than
the Germans or the Britishers had !
gone. It was only to be expected*
therefore, that the two modest strangers from the States should encountor
envy and meet with obstacles from
their Gallic rivals.
Nevertheless, following the successful proof by them of their ability actually to fly and, what was more Important, to guld* their machine along
a given course, a banquet at Paris
was arranged in their honor. Americans had a good deal to do with
bringing the dinner about, but all the
French aeronauts or would-be aeronauts were Invited and a considerable number of them attended.
Naturally, there was a deal of
speechmaking. The chief orator was
a distinguished Frenchman who devoted the... most of his remarks to
claiming that France had led the
world in the new Held of endeavor—
or so he Insisted—and to proclaiming
that future developments ever would
find Frenchmen at the forefront. Curiously enough, he had very little to
say in compliment of the two chief
guests of honor.
Wilbur Wright was next called upon
by the toastmaster. Slowly he rose '
to his feet.
"I am no hand at public speaking," ,
he said, "and on this occasion must j
content myself with a few words of
thanks to the company for Its enter- [
tainment of myself and my brother. !
As I sat here listening to the speakers
who have preceded me, I have heard i
comparisons made to the eagle, to the
swallow and to the hawk as typifying j
skill and speed in the mastery of the
air; hut somehow or other, I could
not keep from thinking of the bird '
which, of all the ornithological kingdom, is the poorest flyer and the best I
talker. I refer to the parrot."
f And down he sat amid tremendous
applause from the Americans present. I
(Copyright by the McN'aughi Syndloat*. I no.)
(© by MeClur* V*w*pip«r Syndic*!*.)
w w
Fortune Ever Just Ahead ot
Placer Miner.
ST at w a
Historic English T o w n
Wimbledon is a residential suburb
of London, situated eight miles southwest of St. Paul's. The population in
m l was 58,003. The ancient name of
Wimbledon was Wlbbadune. It was
supposed to have been the scene of
a battle In 668 between Ceaulln, king
of Wessex, and Ethslbert, king of
Kent At Domesday It formed part
of the manor of Mortlaka During
the following centuries Ihi mSavsr was
transferred to a number of persona.
Wimbledon was Incorporated in 190&
Most r>eople believe that "placer"
mining went out of existence about Danger of Typhoid
the time that Kobert W. Service began to live on his reputation as a poet,
in Vacation Season
but many prospectors still are sluicThe Increase In the prevalence of
ing the yellow dust around Cariboo typhoid fever is often directly proporway.
tional to the increase In touring by
Many of them are not making what motor car, according to a statement
could be termed a living wage when Issued by the Illinois department of
Judged by city standards, but when the public health.
rent problem is no longer a problem
In 1925, the disease spread Into
and firewood Is there for the taking, eight, states from polluted drinking
man re^ul/es but little in the wilder- water of one small town in Indiana.
ness to get by. Hla fare consists Six cases- in Illinois were traced to
largely of bacon, beans, "punk," or thig source. ^ " . ,
homemade biscuits, pepper, salt and
The motor-car takes large numbers
coffee, and $5 or $10 worth of this of people, fttom: their own protected
kind of fodder will last a long time.
community into others in which the
There was great excitement In one sanitary^'conditions are not safe.
little camp a few days ago, says a dis- Every^pe^Bon nrust take the responsipatch from Vancouver, B. C , when the bility fd# the safety of his own food
Houser brothers uncovered a $24 nug- and water at such a time.
get. Such findings are rare in the disThe tourist season la open.
trict, which was supposed to have
would be well for the public to rebeeu sluiced dry several years ago, but
member that vaccination protects every
Just such a strike as this Is what keeps
the gold-bitten moilers at their self- one, while cleanliness and sanitation,
equally' protective, are not always
appointed tusk.
practiced by others.—Hygela MagaPlacer mining is at once the most
exciting and disheartening work under
the sun. Harry Eden shoveled many
tons of bowlders In May and the total
production of his labors for one month
was 95 cents. Such poor returns are
rare, however, and it is the eternal
hope which burns forever in the
breasts of all miners which keeps
them going back day after day, confident that the big strike is just ahead.
Since the diamond drills, rock crushTake without Fear as Told
ers and smelters have come Into vogue
the whole complexion of gold mining
in "Bayer" Package
has been changed.
miners refuse to be pestered with the
antiquated methods and yearn for the
slap and dash created by modern machinery.
To the old-timers, however, mining
will never be mining without the pick
and shovel and the sluice boxes. What
matter if the sun parboils their necks
and their backs break with the unremitting toll of hoisting the gravel to
the surface with a tiny hand windlass
and then washing it In the boxes, the
while they pick the tiny gold flakes
from the riffs. Their regard Is In
finding the precious metal, no matter
how small the quantity may be.
The sentiment of the miners of by.Unless you see the "Bayer Cross"
gone days can best be summed up in oh, package or on tablets you are not
the words of Paddy Hodnutt, who has getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin
shoveled gravel for more than sixty proved safe by millions and prescribed
of his eighty-five years.
iSy physicians over twenty-five years for
"I wudn't have anything to do with,
them things," he snorted, with a dep/
recatory wave of his hand.
traps is not for the likes o* me, what
Pain, Pain
has seen fortunes, dug out of the
ground with bare hands. When the
Each unbroken "Bayer" package contime comes that I have to use such tains proven directions. Handy boxes
as that old Paddy'll give up mlnin' for of twelve tablets cost few cents. Druggood."
gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100.
for Fords
Get rid of trouble
—with an Atwater Kent Type LA IgnhkSJ
System for Fords, Its mechanism fa pre*
tected from dirt and' oil. The crm tactless
distributor eliminatee wear. It m e a n s S
smoother running motor, easier *larilus>
quicker pick-op, with more power on tn*
A complete scientific ignition system of
the same general design as the Atwatar Kent
Ignition Systems used as standard equipment on many of
America's foremost
c a r s . TweQty-eis
years in making scientific ignition systems back of it.
Installed In less
than an hoar. Everlastingly dependable.
Furs From Russia by
The Russians at Moscow are now
planning to bring furs by means of
planes from the most Inaccessible
parts of Siberia. The cost will be repaid, for the trade with America alone
is worth $5,000,000 a year. At present,
during the nine mouths of the year
when the northern rivers are Icelocked, dogs and reindeer must be the
carriers. Three new air routes are
therefore to be opened between Archangel and Siberian points and the distant frontiers bordering the Arctic
The airplanes, furthermore,
will serve to carry the supplies required by the traders and trappers,
and It Is planned to use them to link
the lonely peninsula of Kamchatka,
with the nearest railway points of the
mainland. Already In Russian central Asia the plane makes it possible
to travel from Bokhara to Khiva In
a few hours, Instead of the fortnight
or more required by toiling caravans.
Up the
Grace had reached the age when
the use of new words greatly appealed to her—sometimes with amusing results.
In a conversation, an older sister
had contradicted something which the
younger girl had Just said, whereupon
Grace had exclaimed :
"Why, Helen, don't you know better than to controduct me?"
Judging from the laughter which
followed her speech she saw that
something was wrong and sought to
correct her error. With a toss of
her head, she remarked :
"I didn't mean controduct anyway;
I meant interdict."
This time her audience yelled.
Paid Sun
The Browning 0.50-caliber machine
gun, the most powerful of the kind
In the United States, is belt fed and
fires at the rate of 560 to 000 shots a
mltute. A new type of gun. In which
centrifugal force Is employed instead
of an explosive, has been tested oot
by a gasoline motor of special typte.
This gun is said to be able to fire at
a rate of L200 a minute, and at their
greatest velocity it Is olalmed that the
shots are capable of killing a man at
2,000 yards.
InHndtna Cable
Atwater Kent Manufacturing Co*
A. Atwawr Kent, PejeUeat
4S59 WlMehickon A M .
Phlladetpfeia, a**.
Makers of
Saw Stop the throbbing and smarting
at once with s soothing touch o7
By Way
Molly was sent to the grocer by her
mother with Instructions to "hurry
After a long absence she arrived
home with the shopping.
"Where have you been all this
time?" asked her mother severely.
"I was playing with Joan," was t h s
"I thought I told you to hurry
"Why mother," was Molly's
grieved reply, "I did hurry back
I met Joan going,
didn't tell me to hurry going."
At the hour of midnight on June 24
800 blgh-casie Indiana climbed the
North Cape 1
Niy to the midnight
sun, with now. rs and fire, In accordance with the ancient veda rites.
Brahmin Ral Uopaldas, ex-minister
to the maharajah of Baroda. pays pilgrims every year to go to the North
Cape to pray to the midnight sun.
which he considers the symbol of the
eternal God's sun In the physical
The customers of the electric service;
companies of the United States purchased during the past year a monthly
average of 265,000 shares of stock.
Thus, for the year, the customers of
these companies invested a total of
$296,000,000 in their securities.
All the Good It Does
"J argued with the cop, and—*
"No, you didn't. It isn't dons. TofJ
mean you argued at the cop."
Most people have things
money won't buy—because nobody
would have them.
The things which must be, must b s
for the best.—Lytton.
-M8LBoy Scouts
"Accidents reveal the resources of s
h o s t , a n d of s leader.'* T h e Boy
Scout, whose training includes first aid
and a knowledge of Monarch Cocoa
is o n the w»« to success b o t h s i host
a n d leader.
Worst Sold Throne h Ch&in S t o m .
> PHttbwah • NewYoffc
itlfeast Foam
Flavor all
its ownlF
Once your folks taste good bread
made with Yeast Foam, they'll
always want it. If s simply great!
At a nearby golf club a player
walked away and forgot his bag containing a $50 set of clubs. On the
same day another player, after a dismal shot, threw a derrpplf mnshle far
Into the rough. The first pluyer
searched all next day for his expensive set and never fonnd i t Bat a
golfer picked up the old mash Is and
ft was handed back to the second
player with the information that lit
<©br MeClure
anointings of Cutleura Ointment.
Nothing better, purer, sweeter, especially If a little of the fragrant Cutleura Talcum It dusted on at the finish. 25c each.—Advertisement.
Send for free booklet
"The Art of Baking Bread"
Northwestern Yeast Co.
"ssftslnly was in luck."
«.. * « _ — .
. _ _
. 1 1
Fur Prominent in
New Autumn Coats
Smocking on Frocks Is
Gaining in Popularity
Straight Line Modes Still
to Be Good the Coming
in every
A distinctive collection of 'all coatB
for dxesti, travel and sports Introduces
many of the newest phases of the
mode, such as the dolman sleeve and
a suggestion of the blouse treatment.
The fabrics employed iu the development of these coats provide great
interest and variety, especially those
in the travel and sports category.
There are Imported tweeda, shadow
plaids and novelty weaves, such as an
Imitation lizard fabric which Is very
effective. For the dress coats smoother"
surfaced fabrics are shown.
Pur-lined models are included also,
aa Uluatxated la a beaver colored
duvetyn-llke material lined with susIUfcl and trimmed with beaver collar
and cuffs.
The straight lines are maintained
throughout, with emphasis placed on
Intricate seaming and paneling. A
striking feature of many of the
models is the luxurious fur cuffs, covering the entire forearm to the elbow
and extending above In pointed effect.
Caracul, kit fox, kolinsky and squiri rel are some of the most predominant
furs employed for the collars and
The dolman takes expression in a
black and white Imported tweed
An Imported Black and White Check
8hot With Red.
trimmed with a black fox collar. The
sleeves are met at the hips by a panel
section which converges into a belt
buckling in front.
An interesting seam treatment is
found on a lizard weave fabric. The
seam starts under the arm, extends
over the shoulder and down the front,
leaving the back absolutely untouched.
Further interest is contributed by the
sleeve, which shows a deep envelope
flat section arranged in wrap-around
Many of the novelty weaves have
linings of plain fabric which show on
the lapels and cuffs. A single patch
pocket often puts in an appearance
topped by embroidery of the woolen
used in the coat.
The colors accented are black, cinder gray, dark green and reddish
brown shades,
Hand-Painted Novelties
Feature Women's Wear
L/URING the first six months of 1926 one in
every four buyers of new automobiles bought a General Motors can During 1925 the proportion was
about one in five* During 1924 it was one in six.
This steady addition of new friends for the products
of General Motors has a double significance*
While wapn weather lasts the fa.
vorlU smocked dressea for little folks
will continue to be fine voile, awiae or
other equally as sheer fabric, such as
the picture shows. And for winter—
lightweight wool Jersey smocked Just
exactly as were the dresses of summer
materia)—is the answer.
The Junior miss wears practically
the same type of frocks as does her
youthful mother these days. In fact,
observes a fashion writer in the Detroit Free Press, we find the same
garments In junior departments we
find in the misses' and ladles' departments/ - Waistlines are somewhat
wider and skirts a bit fuller for the
growing girl whose body is more active than an older person's.
At present washable silks such as
crepe de chenes are favorites for the
Junior girl. Colors are plain and the
sports type of dress Including both
straight-lined and jumper models are
generally chosen. Long sleeves prevail
In almost every instance and collars
are of tailored twpe with the V-shaped
front opening. Belts, worn low over
the hips, are frequently stressed for
the youthful figure.
Pastel shades predominate in the
Junior departments with such colors
as pale pink, green, yellow and sunny
leading. Recently, bright red sports
dresses have been introduced into the
Junior-wear departments, but the paler
shades in washable silks are preferable for the young miss for day wear.
Men's shirting material In wide stripes
is being worn by the younger set at
resorts for morning wear to BO me extent.
For afternoon occasions, the Junior
has the preference of flowered chiffons, georgettes and lingerie frocks.
The flowered georgettes are invariably somewhat tailored In Junior
sizes, having long sleeves, tailored
collars with scarf ends or occasionally the winged-back drape.
Evening finds the young miss
dressed in sheer organdies, ecru, laces,
pastel chiffons or crisp taffetas. The
bouffant frock or the frock with many
ruffles on the skirt is particularly Interesting in youthful models. In fact,
the only time when the little miss can
afford to stay away from seml-tallored
effects is at evening time. She may
then wear the slim bodice with the
full circular skirt, the slender dress
with numerous ruffles on the skirt or
the picture frock.
Dinner-Jacket Fashion
Is Growing in Paris
When the dinner-jacket style for
women was started over a year ago—
It was the house of "Anna" that started It—It was met with more ridicule
than admiration. Nobody realized the
extent to which it would "catch on."
A great many of these costumes now
are te be seen at the smart restaurants in the Bols de Boulogne. When
worn by really elegant women, says a
writer In "A. G. B.," one of the leading magazines of fashion, they lose
their slightly doubtful significance and
are quite*.as pretty as the prettiest
decollete. It Is generally admitted
that they go very well with short hair.
One of the most effective seen
lately was made of a sort of green silk
rep with thread lame and was worn
with a skirt of plaited gold In lace.
There is a marked demand these
days for plain crepes, georgettes and
radiums from women who wish to
paint designs on them and so develop
their own novelties.
Patterns of printed stuff are bought
and the designs are copied in a somewhat lavish manner, actual paints beta* used. Much of this kind of work
t j being done by women who are adept
' fti the use of the brush themselves,
It is believed that quite a movement Sweater Has Regained
* along this line is indicated because
Its Former Prestige
Ike painting is a fad. By buying the
Sports clothes, to be correct, must
plain materials many women of good be simple. They also must be suitable,
imaginative qualities or with artistic and since clothes of this type form
ideas are enabled to produce patterns the major portion of the summer
that are exclusive.
wardrobe, It behooves one to choose
The same thing is happening in the them with great care.
making of scarfs, which vogue Is desThe phrase "sports clothes** is rathtined for greater popularity during the er comprehensive, including as it does
coming months.
not only the costumes worn by sport
participants, bat also by those who
Sweaters in Sets
merely look on and admire the skill
The sweater sets which first be- of others.
This season the sweater has recame popular In Scotland have taken
a firm hold en the fancy of American gained its former prestige. It is, howshoppers. These seta consist of two ever, a glorified version of Its former
matching sweaters, one of the sllp-on self. Made of the finest yams in self
variety and the other of the coat pat- colors or gayly striped designs, it is
tern. They are light and loosely worn with plaited skirts of silk of
woven garments designed for early Wool crepe.
summer wear.
Summer Ensemble*
Featuring Polka Dot
Unusually smart are ensemble*
For the navy-bine tailleor the hat which consist of a jumper of printed
and scarf of bine and white polka dot linen wore over a plaited skirt of
foulard, the scarf tied In a loose sew crepe de chine. The eoatem*Is completed ay s loaf eo*c «# tW printed
en the shoaMsr. If s dettgbtfal s<
women and children to whom its public
good is a very personal concern.
1. It is proof that the grouping of strong companies in one big family is economically
sound. Large scale operations do make possible important economies; and these economies do benefit the buyer, in greater value.
The public has recognized this principle and
profited by it.
Washable Silks Favored;
Long Sleeves Prevail
As the volume of production increases there
must be a corresponding increase in the
values offered. The new aeries of cars just
presented does embody larger values; It is a
direct reflection of the fact that more than
1,075,000 General Motors cars were sold
at retail during the year just closed. The
added quality has been built in where its
presence counts most in comfort and safety
and long life.
2. Increased public patronage involves Increased obligation* General Motors is directly responsible for the welfare of its 152,000
employees and their families, its 20,000
dealers, and indirectly for the six thousand
companies which furnish it with supplies
and materials — at least a million men.
With great pride we invite you to inspect
these new General Motors cars.
"A car for every purse and purpose "
General Motors passenger cars, Deico-Light electric plants and
Frigidairc electric refrigerators may be purchased on the GMAC Plan.
Doctor—There seems to be a roarAncestors'
ing noise in your stomach.
Patient—I wouldn't wonder. I had
ox tongue for dinner.
tribes in the wilds of Brazil. From
If the world will be gulled, let It be 15 to 20 yeurs after burial, the bones
are disinterred, pounded to powder
and mixed with the drink taken at
certain festivals, iippurently with the
Idea that the souls and power of the
ancestors will be communicated to
Fer Tired Peel It CM't Be Seat
the bodies of the descendants.
At night when yonr feet
The men of these tribes are much
are tired, sore and swollen
.from much walking or
finer in physique and grace of figure
dancing, sprinkle two
ALLOTS* OOT-EASE powders than the women, who are likely to be
stumpy and small, Dr. William Montin the foot-bath, gently
rub the sore and Ingomery McGovern, English traveler
flamed parts and
and explorer, is quoted in an Interrelief is like magic
view published by the New York
Shake AflcaiFtrt-EaM
Into your shoes In
World. Deformed persons, however,
the morning and
are almost unknown. They are killed
walk in comfort. It
at bl£th, as also are twins, who are
takes the friction
from the shoe. Sold everywhere. For f l i t
regarded as "evil things."
Sample and a Foot*Ease Walking Doll, V^Docior McGorern says he found the
addMta, ILLEirS roer-USX. U lay. a. I
native diet of monkey and red ants
very nice, indeed. Ants taste like
crisp bacon, while monkey Is a cross
between pork and chicken.
Be A Private
Secretary or
an Accountant
OU eaa prepare for a U|h*
grade offioe position in a abort
time enderovriastroetioas. Write
for Bulletin AA, explaining* eonrsea
and tnttfoa rata*. Opportunities
to work (or board and roost while
"ft* grass/ that plmet m tndmmttt
Is setter assftfea*.
« 1 W. Qnmi Whm Awu
Cocaine Best of
Local Anesthetics
The discovery of local anesthetics
revolutionized surgery, says Dr. Emll ,
Mayer in the Hygeia Magazine. ID
1884 Dr. Karl Roller of Vienna announced that he bad dropped a solution
of cocaine in a patient's eye, and then
operated on the eye withont any pain
to the patient or loss of consciousness.
Cocaine baa been found to be useful
for many sorts of operations, and particularly valuable in the saving of
time In the hospital and in the absence of unpleasant after-effects that
sometimes accompany general anesthesia.
In 1886 there was perfected a
preparation from the dried extract of
certain glands that so contracts the
blood vessels as to render the parts
bloodless. Now an operation may be
both bloodless and painless and performed without loss of consciousness,
or any great amount of time.
A rpr&y tv dby - Keep/ skeetr away
ON'T let mo8quitoefi ruin your summer. Keep
your bed rooms free from all insects. Spray Flit.
Flit spray clean your home in a few minutes of disease-bearingfliesand mosquitoes, It is dean, salt
and easy to use.
Kills All Household Insects
Flit spray also destroys bed bogs, roaches and ants. It searches
out the cracks and crevices where they hide and breed, sod
destroys insects and their eggs. Spray Flit on your garments.
Flit kills moths and their larvae which eat holes. Extensrve
tests showed that Flit spray did not stain the most dattcast
Flit is the result of exhaustive research by expert entomologists and ehemista. It is harmless to mankind. Flit has
replaced the old methods because it kills aii the
does it quickly.
Get a Flit can and sprayer today. For sale ernrywhara,
7 * ? £ »t all druffUt*.
Aunmat Mf*
to slid rrtetlni cards. F T M partlcaUrt for
• d d r v m d «ttv«>opM. TORKVILLB CARD.
D«pt. O. 114 L«xlnrtou ATMia*. N«w York.
Havana Excursions
10 Days, All Expenses Included,
$140 Up.
Emil K i s s T r a v e l B u r e a u
Bible House (Opp. Waaaaaaaav),
New York City.
Saulas th* public for orar II ystra.
Ask tor l l H t r e f d aoealofc
W. * U* DITROIT, NO. Si-lUt,
The total Immigration Into Palestine for 1925, exclusive of tourists and
visitors, was 83,801, a figure nearly
equal to the combined totals of the
four preceding years. The net gain
by Immigration In the period from the
armistice to 1925 la about 70,000.
On a Minor Charge
The poet laureate of Ben* has been
sentenced to three years In the penitentiary, but the charge was homicide.
—Detroit News.
You hare DO reasons for
being BALD, when Font's
grows hair and save* what
you hare.
Drug Stores and Barber Shops.
Correspondence given personal
W. H. FORST, mUtmhxtmw
* > • • • * •
' ,;• VT"M..-;:^% v '" r -'^^^l^pf!
$ > • ' : •
• > •
r :
:,"• ' : ' • ' -
the sidewall weakness has been
positively over come. CORDUROY CORDS are built aa good as
the best tirss and then
better by the addition of sidewall
protection- This is achieved by
additional rubber and additional
strength in the form of eight graduated corrugations of live rubber
moulded on the sidewall.
CORDUROY CORDS against the
scnffof curb and grind of rnt.
For Long Wear Use Corduroy
Bring the Whole Family
Attend the Greatest
Everything will be ready for the big opening Tuesday
Base Ball
Band Concerts
Hoaglan's Mammoth Hippodrome
Attractions Including
Roman Standing Races, Auto Polo
Ten Other Special Numbers
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
See the State Conservation Department Displays
New Covered Grandstand
Dancing Every Evening
Gorgeous Fireworks
Tuesday Afternoon,Tuesday,Wed<
nesday, Thursday & Friday
H a n n a h B a k e r w a s the second of
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. W e d d i g e are in
children born to P a t r i c k a n d J o D e t r o i t this week.
Kelly, p i o n e e r
residents of
A. P y p c r of Unadilla wus a PinekP
y e a r s of
ney caller T u e s d a y .
her life were spent in P i n e k n e y , and
Miss H e n r i e t t a Kelley
was home
ou O c t o b e r 25th, 1895 she was m a r D e t r o i t over S u n d a y .
ried to Richard B a k e r . Six y e a r s l a t e r
O. C. J a m e s o n
of J a c k s o n was ni with their d a u g h t e r M a r y , they moved
t o w n Monday.
to Richmond, Ya., living t h e r e until the
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. S w a r t h o u t were d e a t h of Mr. B a k e r in 1815; since t h a t
Linden visitors T h u r s d a y .
time their home has been in B a l t i m o r e ,
Miss N y r a G r a v e s
spent the week Mr.
After five m o n t h s of p a t i e n t sufferend with her p a r e n t s here.
on T u e s d a y ,
Mrs. Leon
Lewis a n d Mrs. F r a n k ing she
August 17th at St. Agnes hospital, at
J o h n s o n were L a n s i n g visitors F r i d a y .
years und seven
Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Bird and children the age of sixty-six
of Ypsilanti were
P i n e k n e y callers
services were held at St.
Paul 1 * church, B a l t i m o r e , i n t e r m e n t in
Mrs. C G, Meyer of D e t r o i t was a
Mt. Calvary, Richmond, Va., where Mr.
guest of Mrs. C. L. Sigler the first of Baker was laid to rest eleven years
the week.
Mr. and Mrs. J o h n White of Howell
She i» survived
by her
were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. George A. D n u p s e y of Baltimore,
J o h n M. H a r r i s .
three brothers, J o h n Kelly of Chelsea,
Mrs. F r e d R e a d and d a u g h t e r Rose Michael of Dexter,
R o b e r t of Pinekney,
W. 11. Feck of
M a r y a r e visiting relatives at Albion
and Fulton.
Mr. and Mrs. J o h n Bradley and son
Miss E d n a K r a f t of D e t r o i t has been
of G r a n d Rapids
visiting Miss P a u l i n e Reason a n d the Chauncey Bradley
J a m e s Docking
Misses M u r p h y .
e t h e r they atMr. and Mrs. F l o y d W e e k s
tended the Bradley runion at Island
d a u g h t e r were S u n d a y guests of Mr.
Lake n e a r B r i g h t o n .
a n d Mrs. G. W . Dinkle.
The Misses E v e l y n and J e a n G r a v e s
My customers h a v e confidence ,in me
have been visiting
J a c k s o n relatives
and my goods. This is why my 99 per
the past t w o weeks.
cent sale has been a big succes.
Rev. and
Mrs. Win.
Becker a n d
new cutsoiners have been added to my
children of M a t t a w a n
are guests of
y9 per cent satisfied customers list.
Rev. a n d Mrs. Maycroft.
R. E. B a r r o n , HowelL
Mr. a n d Mrs. E u g e n e Campbell, Mr.
* a n d Mrs. O n a C a m p b e l l and son spent
Milton W . D r e u e l , P a s t o r
S u n d a y with relatives at Flint.
a m o m e n t , friend reader,
Mrs. C.
L y n c h , Miss
announceLynch, Mrs. C. H. Kennedy a n d d a u g h ter were J a c k s o n visitors last W e d n e s - ment of our C h u r c h activities for the
week of Aug. 23-29.
Listen for the church bell on T h u r s o
at 8 o'clock, t h a t calls you to
come out and study tl»e book uf R u t h
1 have no special price to special
with us.
customers. One price
to everybody.
At the W o r s h i p hour, 10:30, next
This is one of the a n s w e r s to my sucSunday morning, a needy consideracess. I know it p a y s to be square.
tion will be given
to the
R. E. B a r r o n , Howell.
'Your p a r t in the W o r k of the C h u r c h '
Say, men who live in G r e g o r y and
Dr. and Mrs. C A. Lown and daughthe s u r r o u n d i n g c o m m u n i t y , how about
ter Francis of G r a n d Hedge visited Mr
y o u r a t t e n d a n c e at our Sunday School
a n d Mrs. F N B u r g e s s the last of last
at 11:30. It's for you as well as the
Boys and Girls. R e m e m b e r , our obMrs. Ellen G a r d n e r , Mr. a n d Mrs. J.
jective of 125 out by Oct. 3rd can be
C. Dinkle and son S t a n l e y a r e spendreached with Y O U R help.
ing the week at t h e i r cottage at HighPreceding the evening ' service
land L a k e .
B. Y. P. U. tit 7 p. m. J e s u s said, "If
Mr. and Mrs. B e r n i e
Bushey, Mr.
any man t h i r s t let him come unto me
a n d Mrs. A l b e r t R e y n o l d s of D e t r o i t
and drink.' 1 J n o . 7:37. H e a r the pastor
were week end guests of Mr, and M r s .
preach a t " 8 o'clock tfrom
this text.
Rex. Smith.
Subject, " T h e
F o u n t a i n in the DesMr a n d Mrs. A, F . Morgan and Mr e r t . "
a n d Mis A. G. Miller of J a c k s o n visTo make a live Church in a live
ited at Mr and Mrs. Lynn H e n d e e ' s c o m m u n i t y , lively men, wome,n, boys
the first of the week.
and girls must work t o g e t h e r . T h a t ' s
Miss E d i t h W e g e n e r
of Cleveland why we continually
invite YOLT to
a n d Mrs. N o r m a n May ton and children come out to T H E L I T T L E C H L ' R C H
of D e t r o i t spent last week with Mr. W I T H T H E BIG W E L C O M E .
and Mrs. A. F . Wegener.
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Bland and Will
Bland a n d Mr and Mr and Mrs F N
Burgess visited relatives n e a r Owosso
the first of the week.
Mrs. Louis Clinton e n t e r t a i n e d F r i day, Mrs. Dennis Kuhn and Mrs. Howard H e l m s of Morley, Mrs. E. A. Kuhn
and Mrs. Ruy M c K u n e of Gregory,
Mr. and
Mrs. H F Fear'tt, Phyllis
F e a m , Clyde Moulton of J a c k s o n and
Mrs. Cecil P o i n t e r of Columbus, Ohio,
were guests the past week at the home
of M. T. Graves..
Mrs. Joseph Koch of St. Catharines,
C a n a d a , and Mrs. Win. Grieb of Chelsea and Mr. a n d
M r s Geo. Cnhn of
Lima Center visited the Burgess and
Morgan familys last F r i d a y .
Aniory C. J o h n s o n , aged 81 years,
died at his home at Caniston, N. Y. on
A u g u s t 8. The funeral services and
burial were held at t h a t place.
deceased was a b r o t h e r of F. D. J o h n son of this place.
P E A R L M. P A R K E R
The prospects of a large corn crop
P a r k a r , c a n d i d a t e for county
is c r e a t i n g a big d e m a n d for the MichT
t h e Redublican T i c k o t
igan Cement S t a v e Silo, Do not delay
m e e t s your a p p r o v a l I
too long before you place your ordwill a p p r e c i a t e y o u r v o t e .
P . E, B a r r o n , Howell.
S e p t . I4th J926
»*• a
Mrs. C. L. Sigler was in Howell l a s t )
Go to any dealer in F a r m ImpleMrs. C. L. Sigler was in Howell last m e n t s or h a r d w a r e in Michigan. G< t
their prices, come to Howell, get icy
Mrs. Clayton H o u s c r and son were price and then you will realise the hig
in D e t r o i t S a t u r d a y .
saving. I am giving you. Sale
B e t t y and J e a n n e Clinton are visit- A u g u s t 3 1 s t R. E . B a r r o n , Howell.
i n g relatives in D e t r o i t .
Will Steptoe and d a u g h t e r , Elizabeth
Mr. artd Mrs. W . C. Miller and Mrs
Of D e x t e r visited Pitickney
relatives Eliza
Kinnes visited W e b s t e r friends
Sunday. <
Mr. and Mrs. WiUiam White of Det r o i t w e r e week end guests of Mr. and
Mrs. E a r l Mason.
G e o r g e Roche of; Fowlerrllle was a
S u n d a y visitor at t h e home of M r . and
J a m e s Roche.
Misses Mary a n d DorMhy Stackable
spent last week at the home of t h e i r
- u n c l e , W . J . T i p l a d y of Webster.
Mr. and
Mrs. .Silas K a t r h u m and
•on of
Gobies Were Sunday visitors
At the home of Mr. and Mrs, George
M r t M a r t i n Di Y o u n g returned to
her home at Grafld Rapids the first of
the week after a visit with
Mrs. T .
C O N S I D E R J* M E R C H A N D I S E
Peatasusr . p a i n t
is strictly high
grade. F o r t y t h r e e years old, and is
one of the largest
iX5K'<- manufactured by
P j f c t ; , « a n i » f a c k e r s in the
R. B,
w£&. * '- *, >i,
C B . Alley a n d
family and Mrs
F a n n i e Alley of D e x t e r w e r e guests of
Mrs. E l i s a b e t h C u r l e t t S u n d a y .
Mr. a n d ! M r s . J o e S t a c k a b l e J r . and
d a u g h t e r l V ^ r g i l e n e spent the week eml
with Mr. a n d ' M r s . H e n r y G e h r i n g e r at
A d r i a n . . "Vi
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. S t a c k a b l e and
Mr. a n d Mrs. J D . S t a c k a b l e J r . were
S u n d a y guests of Mr. and Mrs. J as.
Stocksibler at G r e g o r y .
Flpris*MoJ|in of G r a n d R a p i d s was a
v i s i t o r . T h u r s d a y n i g h t at t h e h o m e of
Mr. a n d : M r # S. E . S w a r t h o u t
M o r a n and " d a u g h t e r
w h o h a v e ber~
spending some
t i m e here
home with/hi'm F r i d a y .
Mrs. Roger* C a r r e n t e r t a i n e d the following gtreft*. at d i n n e r T u e s d a y , h o n oring Mrs.iltorah
Cart on her 77th
b i r t h d a y » - j 4 & . Eli*A Klnei of Brecke n b r i d g e , M>s. I. W . Hart of HowrlL
Mrt. James Green of Lanainf ami l i f e .
Jam** Wilcox.
Large display of felts in
all the new colors and
shapes. Also large headsizes in matrons.
. \
Nellie Gardner
1 A/>
AUG. 31, SEPT. 1,2,3; & 4
• "• : ' * --•
" 'Ai
of attainment have<^een reached by our
periect service-the Service of SincerityThougbtfnl precision, professional management with a human note
*•• S-.
FOR S A L E ^ H o r s e ,
children to drive to school. Also J e r s e y
cow, d u e Nov. 1. C. G. S t a c k a b l e
In the good old d a y s of political
c a m p a i g n s intense
political p a r t i s a n F O R S A L E — B a b e b u r n e r stove In
ship prevailed a n d every m a n was supI n q u i r e a t Dispatch
posed to vote h e r s t r a i g h t . A man good condition.
whe voted a split ticket was t a k e n out office.
t a r r e d and f e a t h e r e d a n d ridden on a
F O R S A L E — 8 5 acres of land^ lorail. A man's political p a r t y in those
cated 10 rods f r o m Sttver lake. Good
times was r e g a r d e d in an equal light
shade, good d r a i n a g e and good water.
with his religion. Such was the state
Priced right of sold i t once. I n q u i r e nt
of f f * r s in the fall of 1860 when the
Dispatch office.
c a m p a i g n of S t e p h e n A. Douglas and
Ab r a h a m Lincoln for the presidency
F O R S A L E — F o u r griddle laUjkby
was in full swing. P u t n a m , as in the
stove, nearly new. I n q u i r e a t Dispatch
present day, was s t r o n g l y Democratic.
Drill companies were the rage in those
W A N T E D — S o m e one t o c u t marsh
days and F r e e m a n W e b b , t h e leading
on shares. M r s . B e r t G a r d n e r .
Democrat, organized
G u a r d s to s u p p o r t the c a n d i d a c y of F O R S A L E — Y o u n g Polled ^ - D u r h a m
Douglas. The g u a r d s wore bright red
Rob T i p l a d y , Pin^toley.
shirts and c a r r i e d kerosene torches.
The Republicans,
n o t to be outdone F O R S A L E — A base b u r n e r , In g o o d
organized the
condition. I n q u i r e of E d . P a r k e r .
• • w ^ — m m in
u n d e r the leadership of J o n a s Yoa<ig.
The l a t t e r wore black oil cloth capes
and also carried torches. E a c h com7-4
sizes. Norman Ration
pany soon gained u large m e m b e r s h i p
and a period of intensive drilling enFOR SALE—The Robert Cttlhan*
sued. S a t u r d a y night w a s drill night property on Howell street
and the people c a m e on horseback, in location. Priced right for quick sale.
lumber wagons with ox t e a m s and on For price and detaila see—S Fswaifi
foot from miles i n ' a l l directions to see
the maneuvers. T h e crowds assembled FOR SERVICE—Poland CWua, Boar*
bred by A. A. FeMkamp, Jfaacheater
were sometimes
as many
as 5000
Mich. Ed. Speara, i ntto wart af
people. Each c o m p a n y had a fife and
d r u m corps and t h e s q u a r e at night,
with t h e m a n y b u r n i n g torches, according to the old t i m e r s was a ^ight never FOR SERVICE—Poland China Boar.
to be forgotten. F r e e m a n ^ W e b b not
Fee $1.00 at time of Sorvtee.
being a military tuan himself secured
Robt. & Kelly.
Monks to drill
his g u a r d .
J o h n Martin acted
as his assistant. FLUFF RUGS—If you **•• a«y carBoth of these men h a d had some milpet to faake iato ruff—4rof oa a
itary t r a i n i n g in I r e l a n d and right well
card, We furmlah boftftn ffoe. You
did th'^y p u t the g u a r d s t h r o u g h the
will like our work and our pete**
various formations. It is said t h a t at
Pinekney Fluff Rug Co., Pfcwkoty,
one drill meet an incident happened
t h a t t h r e a t e n e d to d i s r u p t things and
if it had not been for the quick wit
S t a t e of Michigan, the Circuit C o u j t s
a n d j u d g e m e n t of Captain Monks tin for t h e C o u n t y
of Livingston,
day would have been lost. Nigger C h a n c e r y .
J a k e who lived with F r e e m a n Webb, J a m e s G. T i p l a d y ,
a p p e a r e d on the scene one drill night
in a red shirt
and the other
g u a r d regalia a n d a n n o u n c e d his in- G e o r g e Butler, J o s e p h B u t l e r , E d tention
drilling. C o n s t e r n a t i o n win D. B u t l e r , Charles C. B u t l e r ,
as it a p p e a r e d
many g u a r d s A m a n d a H. B u t l e r , and t h e i r undrew the color line and flatly refused k n o w n heirs, devisees, legatees and
to march with him. Affairs were at a assigns a n d the u n k n o w wife of
for a m i n u t e b u t Captain George S. B u t l e r ,
Monks was not non-plussed for a secDefendants,
ond. Seeing a n e i g h b o r
in the redSuit p e n d i n g in the Circuit C o u r t
shirted r a n k s with whom he had had
for the c a n t y of Livingston in Chansome trifling d i s p u t e , not entirely setcery at Howell, Michigan, on the 23rd
tled to his satisfaction,
p e r h a p s , he
d a y of J u l y , 1926.
raised his sword und t h u n d e r e d out
I t a p p e a r i n g from the sworn bill of
t h a t famous c o m m a n d which has causc o m p l a i n t as filed in said cause, t h a t
ed his name to be handed down to the
the plaintiff has n o t been able after
present day, " E v e r y mon foller a nion,
search a n d inquiry to ascerFortner
foller the N a g e r . " The fife
and d r u m corps s t r u c k u p a maritai tain w h e t h e r t h e said d e f e n d a n t s are
tune and the occasion was saved. After alive or dead, or where they may rethe conclusion of the g u a r d s ' drill the side if living or if t h e y have a n y perW i d e a w a k e s took t h e field a n d were sonal r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s or heirs living, ot
put t h r o u g h
paces by J o n a s w h e r e t h e y o r a n y of t h e m may rethe title,
Young. At an o r d e r from their lead- side, e r w h e t h e r
ed the entire C o m p a n y s q u a t t e d on the
ground. This was to typify " S q u a t other
ter S o v e r e i g n i t y ' ' a l e a d i n g republican
doctrine. On
these occasions t h e r e such title, interest, claim, lien or pes*
was much a r g u i n g
a n d loud t a l k i n g sible r i g h t has been disposed of by will
but never any serious t r o u b l e between by t h e said defendants.
A n d it f u r t h e r a p p e a r i n g that the
the two rival c o m p a n i e s . L a n c e Hinchey and the late R i c h a r d Jeffreys played plaintiff does n o t know a n d has not
in the g u a r d s ' d r u m corps while P a r k been able after diligent search and inAllen pounded the base d r u m for the q u i r y t o a s c e r t a i n t h e n a m e s of the
Wideawakes. H e w a s left handed and persons who a r e included as defendit was a spectacle
alone to see him a n t s w i t h o u t being named.
ummel the d r u m . Mrs. H. F . Sigler
U p o n motion, t h e r e f o r e , of Don W .
vhile r u m m a g i n g in her
attic some V a n W i n k l e , a t t o r n e y for Plaintiff, it
e a r s ago found a r e d shirt belonging is o r d e r e d , t h a t t h e above n a m e d Del
o the late Dr. L e B a r o n
of Pontiac f e n d a n t s a n d their u n k n o w n heirs dewho was a m e m b e r
of the g u a r d s . visees, ' e g a t e e s
a n d assigns
Those old days are pa.sC and gone anc? t h e i r a p p e a r a n c e t o be e n t e r e d herein
never again will
the captains
r o a r within t h r e e m o n t h s from
the date
heir orders
t o t h e red shirted and hereof, a n d t h a t
in default
black caped r a n k s of h a r d m a r c h i n g said bill be t a k e n as confessed by said
men, m a n y of whom
fought side by d e f e n d a n t s and each and all of them.
side in the Civil W a r .
I t is f u r t h e r o r d e r e d t h a t the plaintiff cause this o r d e r t o be published
. - - .0within
forty days in t h e Pinekney
Dispatch, a newspaper printed, pubAt the races last T h u r s d a y , G r e g o r y lished a n d c i r c u l a t i n g In said C o u n t y ,
won t h e ball g a m e with S t o c k b r i d g e , once in each week for a t least six s u e
12 to 2. George Hollis pitched
the cessive weeks.
game. T h e races t h e n
J. B. M U N S E L L , Jr.
F r i d a y , G r e g o r y a g a i n d e f e a t e d Stock- A t r u e c o p y
bridge, 11 to 1. G e o r g e Hollis, Olin
, Michigan.
S t e p h e n s and B e r t Hollis were all used
a t pitchers against G r e g o r y ' s old fav- J o h n A . Hagman, Clerk.
The above entitled suit involves a n d
o r i t e , Mike R o a c h e , who w a s always a
hoodo t o S t o c k b r i d g e . T h e 2i35 t r o t - is b r o u g h t to q u i e t title of t h e followland*, located in t h e
t e r s a n d 2:40 p a c e race w a s won by ing described
Flashlight, 1st;
Nellie Noble,
2nd; Township
of Hamburg,
G e o r g e P., 3 r d ; and G r e e n Wilson, 4th. C o u n t y , Michigan, and m o r e p a r t i c u T i m e 2<34 1-4; 2.34 3-4; 2.36
1-4; larly described as follows, t o w i t i
Green W i l s o i was set back for r u n n T h e southeast q u a r t e r ( l - o ) e f the
i n g — StockbrWge B r i e f - S u n .
T h e following waa t a k e n from t h e number t w e n t y - f o u r ( 2 4 ) and the west
S t o c k b r i d g e B r i e f - S u n on A u g u s t 20, half of the southeast quarter (1-4) of
Mike R o a c h , t h e winning pitch- said section number twenty-four ( 2 4 ) ,
er for Stockbridge is the p r e s e n t m a y - e x c e p t i n g ten (10) acres off the north
or of Anderson. G r e e n Wilson
was e n d deeded to George G. Grisaotn. AH
owned and driven b y J a m e s R o a c h of
in township one ( 1 ) North Range five
Pinekney and a s J i m was in the solkey
( 5 ) east, Michigan.
at the Mllford fair l a s t week, a n d also
D O N W. V A N W I N K L E ,
will enter
his h o n e Morgan D e w e y
for PUtatiff.
at the Washtenaw county
opine that if the U t e P o p G r e c o , l e f t
HowalL a t f i f * . .
u y racctaterlttttftJTeJtt,
; • *
' ' • • > . / : •
-> t#