Custom On Hold Messages Are Valuable For Your Business
Custom On Hold Messages Are Valuable For Your Business
Custom on Hold Messages Are Valuable For Your Business Some organisations spend a fortune building elaborate advertising and public relations campaigns. All designed to create a desired image in the marketplace. But when it comes to the company telephone many fail to follow-up and capitalise on all that image boosting expenditure. When the company telephone rings callers expect to hear something that matches the quality image they have in mind. The image that is the result of all that A&P. Instead the caller may hear only a blunt response. It may go something like “g’day, dunno, I’ll have a look”. Then silence on the line. How long will any caller wait before hanging-up and going elsewhere? Perhaps that answers the question Why Do You Need On Hold Messages for Your Business? REDUCING THE INCIDENCE OF HANG-UPS An expertly produced telephone On Hold program will reduce the number of callers who hang-up. Media Group, the business audio specialists have the experience, the facilities and the people to craft effective and captivating On Hold programs. Keeping callers happy when On Hold means keeping them entertained and informed with a series of short informative messages interwoven with instrumental music. Media Group clients choose from a range of professional male and female voice over artists to read the On Hold messages. For continuity the same voice or voices can be used on all company communications including Greetings, After Hours Messages and more. Click on
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