Dealing With Stress, Issue 10, Volume 7
Dealing With Stress, Issue 10, Volume 7
Issue 10, Volume 7, 2014 INTRODUCTION In aiming to prevent the development of mental health problems among employees, organisations should develop a comprehensive mental health and wellbeing strategy. This strategy should be integrated with the broader health and wellbeing policy, and should address work-related risks to employee mental health, using a systematic approach to planning, implementation and monitoring. The organisation should have a specific policy on workplace prevention of mental health problems. It should take an organisation-wide approach, with the full commitment and involvement of all levels of management, people with mental health expertise and employee representatives. To ensure sustainability, the mental health and wellbeing strategy should be integrated within the organisation’s broader strategic management processes and should not be seen as an ‘added project’. 2 Issue 10, Volume 7, 2014 NO. SEMINAR DAY 1 : PROGRAMME AGENDA TIME SPEAKER HOURS DOSH 1H 1 REGISTRATION 08:30 – 09:00 2 BUILDING A GOOD ENVIRONMENT OSH IN THE WORKPLACE 09:00 – 10:00 3 LAUNCHING CEREMONY BY TAN SRI LEE LAM THYE, NIOSH CHAIRMAN 10:00 – 10:30 30 M 4 MORNING TEA BREAK 10:30 - 11: 00 30 M 5 COMMUTING ACCIDENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS‟ BENEFITS 11:00 – 12:00 1H SOCSO 6 STATISTIC ON OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE REPORTED TO SOCSO 12:00 - 13:00 1H 7 LUNCH BREAK 13:00 - 14:00 1H 8 UNDERSTANDING THE BENEFITS OF ERGONOMICS : 14:00 – 17:00 WORKSTATION DESIGN AND LAYOUT FOR OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ISSUES 10 TEA BREAK / END OF PROGRAM NO. SEMINAR DAY 2 : PROGRAMME AGENDA DR EVELYN 3H SPEAKER HOURS 17:00 TIME 1 REGISTRATION DAY 2 08:30 – 09:00 2 WORKPLACE STRESS ISSUES 09:00 – 10:30 3 MORNING TEA BREAK 10:30 – 11: 00 4 MANAGING WORKPLACE STRESS 11:00 – 13:00 5 LUNCH BREAK 13:00 – 14:00 6 PREVENTING MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES AT THE WORKPLACE 14:00 – 17:00 7 TEA BREAK / END OF PROGRAM / CERTIFICATE COLLECTION 17:00 MOH, DR ANN 1 H 30 M 30 M MOH, DR ANN 2H 1H MOH, DR ANN 3H WHO SHOULD ATTEND OSH Practitioners , Safety Professionals , Safety and Health Committee Members , Project Managers , Safety Trainers , Regulat ory Personnel , Factory Managers & Supervisors , Academician , Industrial Hygienist , Engineers , ERT Members , Fire Fighting Squad, Members from Unions and every employees/employers who wanted to improve OSH in the workplace . LIMITED SEATS TO 100PAX PER PROGRAM! Register Now! Fee : RM 500.00 Credit Points : CEP To Be Announced Certificate : Yes Registration : Online System / Payment : Crossed Cheque / Bank Draft Payable to: NIOSH COMMUNICATION, BUSINESS AND INFORMATION DISSEMINATION DIVISION (CBID) NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH (NIOSH) Lot1, Jalan 15/1, Section 15, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor T : 03-8769 2201 F : 03-8926 5655 ONLINE Registration at For more information, please contact the secretariat : Phone :- 03-8911 3914/3867/3886 /3869 F : 03-8926 5655 / 03-8926 9841 Email : [email protected] 3 Issue 10, Volume 7, 2014 OSH SEMINAR 2014 “Selling of HSE at The Workplace” BAYU BALAU BEACH RESORT KOTA TINGGI JOHOR 08-10 JUNE 2014 4 Organized by : Collaboration with : Issue 10, Volume 7, 2014 “Selling of HSE at The Workplace” OBJECTIVE : To Provide a Medium for HSE Practitioners To Meet In Concentrated General Relevant Issues & Topics Using Interactive And Creative Method Of Learning NO. PROGRAMME- DAY 1 (08 JUNE 2014) 1 Registration 2 Group Networking (Exercise, Games & Dinner) 3 Ice Breaking Session & Brainstorming NO. SPEAKER 1400-1530 PROGRAMME- DAY 2 (09 JUNE 2014) 1530 – 2100 2100-2300 TIME SPEAKER 1. Exercise & Breakfast 0700-0830 2. Opening Ceremony 0830-1000 3. Tea Break 1000-1030 4. Paper 1: Scenario and Statistic of OSH Production/ Enforcement in the State of Johor 1030-1130 5. Paper 2: Ergonomics & Productivity Enhancement 1130-1230 6. Lunch 1230-1400 7. Paper 3: Incident Investigation/ Committee / Inspection (Product Knowledge) 1400-1500 Paper 4: Innovative OSH Promotion / Persuasive Reporting (Tools) 1500-1600 En Mohamad Aliasman Bin Morshidi 9. Paper 5: NLP in OSH Communication 1600-1700 En Azahan Arif Md Yusof 10. Tea Break 1700-1715 11. Group Activities & Dinner 1730-2100 12. Paper 6: Motivation –SHO Positive Working Culture 2100-2300 8. 5 TIME Hj Othman Bin Ismail Issue 10, Volume 7, 2014 “Selling of HSE at The Workplace” PROGRAMME – DAY 3 (10 JUNE 2014) NO 1 2 3 4 TIME Exercise & Breakfast 0700-0830 Paper 7: Convince Me to Implement OSH-Employers Perspective (Benefits) 0900-1000 Tea Break 1000-1030 Forum : Goal Zero – Fact or Myth? 1045-1230 5 Lunch 1230-1400 6 Group Presentation 1400-1630 7 Q & A Session 1630-1700 8 Tea Break & End of Programme En Anis Fahmy Fauzi Malaysian Employers Federation En Khairunnizam Mustapa, En Adam Salan, Hj Mohd Zahruddin Ruskan, Hj Othman Ismail 1700 Register Now! For more information, please contact the secretariat : Date : 08-10 June 2014 Venue : Bayu Balau Beach Resort Kota Tinggi Course Fee : RM 600 Accommodation: i.Twin Sharing 3D2N:RM 240 per pax ii. Single 3D2N : RM 320 per pax HRDF & CEP : YES Online Registration at Roseni Abd Aziz/ Nooreirza Ibrahim/ Noor Azlan T : 07 - 599 1200 ext 637/636/634 F : 07– 598 0746/1400 /0200 Email :[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] NIOSH SOUTHERN REGIONAL OFFICE (JOHOR BAHRU) No 10 Jalan Persiaran Teknologi, Taman Teknologi Johor , 81400 Senai Johor T: 07-599 1200 F: 07-598 0746/07-599 1400 /0200 Email : [email protected] Website : Facebook: Wilayah Selatan (JOHOR) 6 SPEAKER Issue 10, Volume 7, 2014 Sewaktu Bekerja BERADA dalam posisi duduk yang terlalu lama boleh menyebabkan tubuh berasa lenguh. Namun ketika keadaan tidak memungkinkan untuk melakukan sedikit regangan yang berat, tidak ada salahnya jika regangan ini dilakukan sambil duduk di meja kerja. Membongkok sebelum duduk Angkat kaki kanan dan letakkan di atas paha kiri, sehingga tubuh bawah membentuk angka 4. Buang nafas sambil bersandar, dan luruskan punggung. Tahan nafas sebanyak tiga kali, kemudian ganti bahagian kaki yang lain. Hal ini boleh dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali selama tempoh anda bekerja ataupun melakukan aktiviti di depan komputer. Duduk berjam-jam boleh menyebabkan penambahan berat badan. Sebuah studi menyatakan bahawa rata-rata individu yang obes duduk sekitar 2.5 jam per hari dibandingkan dengan orang kurus. Duduk terlalu lama juga boleh menyebabkan kita diserang penyakit seperti jantung, diabetes dan kanser usus. Untuk menghindarinya, lakukan gerakan membongkok sebelum duduk. Berdirilah sekitar 2.5 cm di depan kerusi anda, kemudian pegang perut. Membongkok seperti posisi sewaktu anda akan duduk, namun hanya menyentuh bahagian belakang kerusi, kemudian berdirilah kembali. “Melakukan perkara ini selama satu minit setiap harinya akan membakar sekitar 50 kalori selama satu minggu bekerja,” kata Shirley Archer, pelatih olahraga peribadi dan penulis buku Exercises for the Working Week. Regangkan komputer pinggang sambil menggunakan Ketika sedang berada di meja kerja, sering kali kita melipat kaki dan membuat saraf tendon di pinggul menjadi lebih pendek. Hal ini membuat pinggang menjadi kaku dan terasa nyilu di bahagian punggung. Untuk menghindari hal ini, cuba lakukan sedikit regangan. Sewaktu duduk, bengkokkan lutut dan letakkan kaki di lantai. 7 Issue 10, Volume 7, 2014 Regangan jari kaki Ketika bekerja, sering kali kita menggunakan kasut tumit sepatu tinggi. Sudah bukan lagi satu rahsia lagi, high heels boleh menyebabkan masalah lutut dan cedera pergelangan kaki. Untuk itu, cuba lakukan beberapa langkah untuk meregangkan otot kaki setelah menggunakan kasut tumit tinggi. Dalam posisi duduk, angkatkan kaki anda hingga lutut menjadi lurus. Bayangkan ibu jari kaki anda adalah sebuah pensel, lalu gunakan ibu jari kaki untuk melakukan gerakan yang membentuk berbagai macam huruf. Lakukan hal yang sama pada kaki lainnya sebanyak 3-5 kali setiap hari. Ambil posisi seperti mencapai langit Sering kali anda merasakan sakit di antara tulang belikat setelah membongkok beberapa lama di atas papan kekunci. Dalam posisi ini, tubuh anda sebenarnya sedang mencuba mengatakan posisi tersebut buruk untuk tubuh, hanya anda saja mengabaikannya. Cubalah untuk mengangkat keduadua lengan ke atas, dan lengkungkan punggung anda ke depan. Kemudian tarik lengan ke bawah dan regangkan ke depan. Lakukan gerakan ini setiap 20 minit. 8 Sumber dari: Majalah iSihat; Mac 2013, bil 65 Issue 10, Volume 7, 2014 Commuting to work can be a tiring affair Suggests ways to stay cool STUCK in traffic? Trying to breathe in a jam-packed LRT on the way to work and wondering how many people are sharing that same dreadful experience with you at that moment? According to the Road Transport Department, about 5.2 million motor vehicles were registered in Kuala Lumpur in 2013. The Land Public Transport Commission reported January that the number of users commuting on KTM commuter, LRT, monorail and ERL during the morning peak hours in 2013 was 271,100 (a 40 percent increase for the same period in 2012). Recent studies show that “a time-consuming commute can have detrimental effects on mental and physical health”, consequently affecting one‟s general well-being. Here are some tips to make the commuting journey more pleasant: Health Info Dealing with stress Set the mood 1 A recent study showed that listening to classical music “makes for a safer and more Relaxing trip”. However, another study by the London Metropolitan University claimed that “listening to classical music caused more erratic driving than hip-hop heavy metal”. Well, forget the studies, just plug into your favorite tune. Activities 2 9 Instead of zoning out, read, play Sudoku or any activity that can get the brain into “work mode”. focus your mind to think of ideas for new projects. If you‟re stuck in a jam, read a funny or inspirational book to lighten up your mood instead of having obsessive thoughts about how the traffic is making you crazy or late for work. Light snacks Find your zen 3 Try to sit or stand at the spot where you can find your own „serenity‟ (i.e the best view, the best place where you can lean on to or the spot where the air-condition blows directly on you). Use breathing techniques that keep you focused so that you can start your day on a calm note. 4 Bring along a bottle of water to keep yourself hydrated, and some mints in case you feel lightheaded. If you‟re driving, pack some healthy snacks like nuts, granola bars, apples and bananas that can ward off hunger which can cause foul temper and lead to road rage. Good posture 5 Some experts say that one can develop good posture while commuting. Katherine Simmons of health website Greatist, suggests you “sit at the edge of the seat, keep feet flat on the floor, draw the navel up and in, and lift up through the crown of the head. Hold this anatomically-friendly position for 20 seconds, then relax and repeat. Apply the same practice when you‟re standing. Stay square through the shoulders, lift from the head, keep the spine straight and avoid leaning on one hip.” Issue 10, Volume 7, 2014 6 Wear comfortable clothes. Take off your work jacket. Change from heels or work shoes to sneakers, slippers or sandals so that you can move about with ease. Aromatherapy 8 The smells of body odour is inevitable if you take public transport. Try some on-the-go aromatherapy by having a roll-on bottle containing essential oil handy. Research says that lavender, lemon, orange and basil keep stinky, dizzying smells at bay. It also contains linalool, a chemical compound that has a calming effect. Dab the scent behind your ears and on your wrists. Patience Walk 7 Health Info Comfortable clothes 10 Be patient and use common sense when Time to stretch your legs. Use the staircase instead of the escalator or elevator. Park your car further from the station and start walking. Snooze 9 Take a nap. However, make sharing space in a public transport or the road with other users. As the golden rule says: Do unto others as you would have them do to you. Stressing yourself out over daily commuting woes will do you more harm than good. sure you have secured your belongings (like handbags) before nodding off. 10 Source Info from: New Straits Times/20 May 2014; pg no. 4 Issue 10, Volume 7, 2014 by Stephen Asbury Book Description Publication Date: December 9, 2013 | ISBN-10: 0415508118 | ISBN13: 978-0415508117 | Edition: 2 This book provides a step-by-step guide to technical and operational integrity audits which has become invaluable for senior management and auditors alike. This book: • Shows practitioners and students how to carry out internal audits to the key international health and safety, environment and quality standards • Contains over 20 new case studies, 20 additional A-Factors, and superb new illustrations • Includes checklists, forms and practical tips to make learning easier. With the addition of colour, Health and Safety Environment and Quality Audits delivers a powerful and proven approach to auditing business-critical risk areas. It covers each of the aspects that need to be taken into account for a successful risk-based audit to international or company standards and is an important resource for auditors and lead auditors, managers, HSEQ professionals, and others with a critical interest in governance, assurance and organizational improvement. The companion website at contains relevant articles, example risk management frameworks, and a video by the author explaining the key aspects of the book. 11 Issue 10, Volume 7, 2014 Book Review Editorial Reviews About the Author Stephen Asbury is Managing Director of Corporate Risk Systems Limited, a leading international auditing and training organization.. He is a Member of the Council of IOSH, and has worked in a variety of senior risk management roles in employment and in consulting in over 50 countries on six continents in a career which spans almost 30 years. Product Details •Paperback: 376 pages •Publisher: Routledge; 2 edition (December 9, 2013) •Language: English •ISBN-10: 0415508118 •ISBN-13: 978-0415508117 •Product Dimensions: 9.3 x 6.3 x 1 inches •Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies) •Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars See all reviews (2 customer reviews) •Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1,974,660 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) •Would you like to update product info, give feedback on images, or tell us about a lower price? 12 Issue 10, Volume 7, 2014 Headline Publication Date Page : : : : Gas bocor, 250 pekerja MASkargo panik Kosmo 17 Mei 2014 13 Issue 10, Volume 7, 2014 Headline : Using chemicals with care Publication : StarMetro Date of publication: 20 May 2014 Page number : 20 14 Issue 10, Volume 7, 2014 Headline Publication Date of publication Page number : Ajal masa buang air besar : Kosmo : 18 Mei 2014 : 03 15 Issue 10, Volume 7, 2014 Headline : Worker dies, several flee after landslide destroys warehouse Publication : Sunday Mail Date of publication: 18 May 2014 Page number : 13 16 Issue 10, Volume 7, 2014 Headline : Pekerja warga Bangladesh maut tertimbus tanah runtuh Publication : Mingguan Malaysia Date of publication: 18 Mei 2014 Page number : 15 17 Issue 10, Volume 7, 2014 Headline : Ketegasan aspek keselamatan di tapak pembinaan Publication : Utusan Malaysia Date of publication: 22 Mei 2014 Page number : 10 18 Issue 10, Volume 7, 2014 Headline Publication Date of publication Page number : Lengan tertusuk jeriji : Kosmo : 23 Mei 2014 : 03 Issue 10, Volume 7, 2014 Headline : Cemas lutut tersepit ‘mulut’ longkang Publication : Harian Metro Date of publication: 23 Mei, 2014 Page number : 02 Headline : Ditimpa paip besi 1.5 tan Publication : Harian Metro Date of publication: 29 Mei, 2014 Page number : 55 20 Issue 10, Volume 7, 2014 Headline : Pekerja maut gas meletup Publication : Kosmo Date of publication: 29 Mei, 2014 Page number : 07 Headline : Kepala dihempap forklif Publication : Harian Metro Date of publication: 26 Mei, 2014 Page number : 28 21 Issue 10, Volume 7, 2014 Headline : 248 maut kemalangan elektrik Publication : Utusan Malaysia Date of publication: 26 Mei, 2014 Page number : 12 22