test - Optiline AS
test - Optiline AS
T E C H N ( l T OTG RIY P (D )S A SURESHOT Thedimmerthe light,the longer theexposure, thegreater thefocallengthpotential thegreater the riskof blurredphotographs. Thosewantingmaximum fromtheirlenses canavoidthis by usinga solidtripod.Wetested eighttripodsfromfourdifferentmanufactures to seejust howsteady theyare. BY KAI HAI'/IANN It is the rare hobby photographer who uses a tripod on a reguld basis. Tripods may come across as supeduous with today's high'spe€d films and sensitive sensors, parti€ularly when photographing with high-speedlenses, short focal lengihs and in decent light conditions. The moment th€ lighting worsens, however, and - above all - the moment telephoio lenses are broughi into the gam€,the potential for unsharp photoSraphsis greatly ircreased.A rule ofthumb is that no photo shouldbe taken freehad when the exposureexceedsI seconddivided by ihe lens focallensth in millinetres lin 35 mm dimensionsl.If lre take the Digilux 2 $rith its 28 90 mn zoom lens converted into terms of 35 llm - this meds that wide-angle exposuresof more than 1/30s€condand tetephotoexposuresof more the 1/125 second are likely to turn out blurred despite great €fforts in sleadying the camera. Breathing out when cdefully pressitrgthe exposurebutton and leaning againsta wall or olher solid object de some of the ways one can stabilise an exposure. Nature photographers, on the other hand, who roam the lands with a 28 LFt v2046 180 or 250 mm lens, may disregardthe rule of thlmb mentioned above. when balancingout the weight of Leica R and lens,one'sheartbeator eventhe slightest twitch of muscie tissue will inevitably produc€camerashake.This istrue for all speedsbelow 1/500second.lf one .eally wants to ea?loit the potential of Leica focal lengths there is no way around a We had four well'known manulacluers Berlebach, Manfrotio, Gitzo and G;ottos - each send us two of their tripods from different price caiegories, wheleb. with resdds to weight and maximum height, we went for the t)?es that cov€r a broad rang€ of practically feasible areas of employment. These eight iripods were then run through a meticulous test procedure. The results promiseto give clearinformationon how nnder they maintain thei. steadfastness denanding photographicconditions. - THISIS HOWWETESTED Our first order of business was to recreate the characteristicsof natuial Sronnd. To do this we took our iripods to our atelier md stood them on double' layered corugated cardboard. On each tripod we mounted a ManJrotto 410 geared head and onto that w€ added a digital camerawith a 1700 IlD lens {in relation to 35 mml. The total weight of geded head, cmera and lens added up tomoreor less4 kilograms.At a rangeof 6.5 meires we set up a measuringchart with millimetre sectioning onto which we p.ojecteda laserdot. The dot of light was thenphotographedwith a ls-secoDd exposure,whereby we attainedan imag€ field wiih approimately 8.5-by-13centimetre dimeDsions.From the laser beam's recordedtrail we calculatedthe lens's mdimum deviaiion duing dposule. ln ihe table on page 32 we noted mdimum ho.izontal and vertical oscillation in arc s€conds (1 degree 60 dc minutes = 3600 dc secondsl.ln Microsoft Excel the formula for the calculation of ihe oscillation agle is: oscillation in arc s€conds - DEGREEIARCTAN(oscillation/rangell t3600. A neasured oscillation of the laserpoint of 10 millim€tres thus means that the camera budged during exposure by DEGREE{ARCTANII0 mm/6500)l .3600- 317.3. A dec€nt tripod can b€ helpful in countl€ssphotographicsituations = T E C IH{ O t O GTYR I P O D S (FR0MLEFT:EXP0SURE. TESTRESUTTS PEiIDUtUM.DR0PTEST) Berlebach Report2022. An ash-wood t.ipodlhat prcveshighlyimmunetoshesscaus€dby theweightofthependulumand by impactnearlhetipod fet €xpertrcsultssimilarto the GiottosMTal70. A caDontibrctipod that achieves Be ebachReDoft2022 but suffeEa bit rno€ understressinducedbythe pendulum the Repot8023 haslessstiflnessand, Be ebachR€port8023. Dueto itsthrcelegseernents siiess lessflexibility to absotb comparcd withtheReport 2022withitsi{o legsegrnents, GiottosMT 9160. In spiteol beinga bit smallerandheaviefthanthe 6rbon fibrc model Esults MT 8170, thisaluminiumtripoddoesnot achievethesame,outslanding 30 LFt V2006 bythe pendulum(middle)and impaci lvla.lrotto055Prc8.Theresullsof stresscaused aluminium tripod lagsbehand the leadingfour sho{ thatthis nearthele€t{iight) lvanfrctloO55lVF3MagFiberA cafton fibrc tripodthat hasdifficultyabsotbingimPacting that of stompingleet seightson the groundneafty(right).Theeffectcompareswilh GitzoG1257LVt.A cafton libre t podthat rcactsto ihe impactolweights(right)more thanthe othertripodsbut resistsstrcssinducedby the pendulumquiteefficientlv sensitively citzo cllga Basalt.A smalland lithtweightbasalifibrc tipod that fallsfat behindthe is limited Thu! its p|acticalityin tems of extrcmetelephotos otherdevicestested. !2006 fil TRIPODS TECHNOTOGY AI{DTESTRESULTS SPECIFICATIOIiS B€ ebachRepon2022 MTal70 Giottos Report ao23 Berlebach Sizewithoutlift cenlrecolumn (min/max) 0,54m-1,18m 0,51m 1,30m 0,52m 1,32m Centrccolumnext€ndable 0,43m 0,30 m (0,46 m forflap posliion) 0,43m TEnsportlentth O,7am 0,67rn 0,70m Weight 2,9kE 2,6kg 2,1t8 Lift centrecoluhn with c€nk No TRIPOD FEATURES/ERGONOMICS Rotatingcentrccolumn Ttueadto secuEtriDodhead 1/4 inch l/4 and 3/8 inch U4 nch sethents pertipod leg 2 3 3 Tripodl€gsettings Lo.kiry of tripodlegs Spikesandp astic tripodl€ts supportivercdsb€twe€n Cafboniibfe Bag,caffierstrap,seiof toos Variablecentefcolumn, levelling appror165euros (de{ialionin arc *conds) STABILITY (hodzonial/vedical) posurc ft 260'1330' zao't320' 210't3lo' P€ndulum(horirontal/vedical) 270\300' 390'/310' 3lo'/320' Drcptest (horizontal/v€nical) 290/31o' 3i0'/300' 430'/380' Totalangle 1760' 19I0' 2020' For a more thorough investigarion into ihe capabilitiesof the tripods we devised ihree different scendios and measured maximum height, without the *tended centre column, for each cmera'tripod combination. we ascertained the tipod's behaviourunder mediun'speed, dynamic sFess by repeatedly pressing th€ er?osure button during tbe 32 Llt 1t2006 measuring time. We simtrlaied the behaviour of slight wind influences by attachinga pendulum to th€ gearedhead sending it into a circulal motion. We measured reaction to unexp€ctecl dynamic strain by repeatedlydropping a 2 kilogram sack of meial plates fron a heighi of 20 centimetresright next to the tripod legs. ln practice. one naturally ties to avoid any form of stress, but if you want to measure the behaviour of tripods understress,the only thing to do is to simply stressthem. ISCAMERA HOWRETEVANT MOVEMEl{T? From the values listed in the tabl€ for GiuoGll9a Giottos MT9160 ilanfrctto 055ProB Manfrotto o55MF3Mat Fiber GiEoGl25TLVL O , 5 lm l , l a m 0,23m 1,39m O,22 1,37n O,32 \,il m 0,36m 0,9s m 0,30 m (0,46 forilap position) 0,35m 0,35m o,22n 0,26n 0,61m 0,65m 0,65m 0,66m 0,41m 2,7kE 2,6 kE 1,9kc 1,6kg I,t kc No NO No No 1/4 and 3/8 inch NO l/4 and 3/8 inch 3/A inch 3/8 inch U4 and3/8 inch 3 3 3 3 3 locksteps 3 l o c hs i e p s NO NO B a s a lfti b t e Carbonfibre Carrierstlap Bag,carriefstrap,set oftools Variabl€ centercolumn, 20 degrces,levetling levelling levelling levelling 320'/3aO' 370'/360' approx.330 eurcs approx.750 eurcs 290'1230' 330'/320' 460't420' 3307330' 400'/340' 3307350' 330'/310' 114'1440' 340'/350' 450'1370' 700'/650' 910'/880' 870'/860' 2050' 2294' 2550' 30ao' 3420' leam how much camera shake we are to expect from longer exposures. This is easily achieved with a disital camera, with which you cu calculate the camera movemetrt with a simple division betweenthe known picture angle of the camera lens and the size of the cdera sensor in pixels. Witi a so-millimetre focal length {in relation to 35 nml, the picture angle adds up to about 45 degrees and 27 diagonally, 36 vertically horizontally- h tne case of the Digilu 2 with its s-mega-pkelsensorl256ox 1920 pixelsl, th€ distance betweeD the two image points equals aD angle of 0.014 degiees, which conesponds to 50.6 arc seconds. From this value onuard the cmera begins to distort the ima8e by one pixel. According to our table, this deviance is greatly exceeded in all cases. This is the result of a ruthless test - one should proc€dllJe, which remember- ws not designedto produce in shake-free exposues. Moreovet practice oDe would avoid exposing by hud by using a seff-tiDer or cable release triSger and, if possible, v2006 tft 33 TRIP()DS TECHNOLOGY alternative to the sand bag is to tie a strong rubber baDdtothe centrecolumn and have it pull downwdd, either by tying it io ihe ground or fastening it beneath one's foot. As to whether an increaseof massas such bearsa positive effect on the photographydependsupon the kind of dynamic stiess one wants to absorh Rapid vibration, as cansed by the flapping mi[oa is indeed dampened.In the case of loDger,high energy stresssuch a when tripod and camera are placedon moving grounds the ircrease of mass is of no or perhaps even disadvdtageous iDlluencei here. the pendulum effect of the additional weight m€rely adds to destabilisation.In the past, siiuations as such have ofien prove! to benefit from placins pieces of po\ueihde foam as a dampeningmass beneaththe iripod feet. Aboveleft: Well-bljilt pan headsarc easilyhandled,astheyenableth€ cameH to movealongvadousindividualaxes. have Above ghi: Solidball-sockethe:ds highstabililybut wo*ing with them €quiressomegeltingusedto. Right:Gear h€adsarc the solutionwhenyou want yourtipod enra p€cisionin manoeuvring SETUP? HOWISA TRIPOD BeforereachinSinto our bag oftricks the ftst thing io do is to ensue that tne bipod is set up correctll Placedonlevel, firm ground the tipod siandsbest on its spikes at the end of the tripod legs; the rubber feet we use on flat or sensitive surfaces. Should the surface be exceedinglysoft, suchin the caseofawet lawn or field, stand plates de ideal, but very few tipods come wiih these. how large and hea!ry the lens is - the enploying a mirror pre-releaseio avoid more massive the lens, the less stable Alternatively, one can use small plastic shake. The stability of tripod and tripod plates or other solid maierials to prevent head gains in relevancy when taking the tripod from sinking - even flai stores However, a decent w€ight in ihe light macro exposureswith long focal iengths, will do in a pinch. as the slightest movemeni becomes place has its advantages,as lonS as ihe When pulling out the bipod legs to tripod is not overbuldened.Due to the increasingly visible the greater th€ ed i.e., increase the heighi it is recome A Leica R8 or inertia of mass, Epid movement photograph is enlarged. wiih the thicker that one begirs vibration is more effectively absorbed R9 equipped with a Disital Module R segments,as the thinner ones de less Pa72 by 2576 pixels, ffop factor 1-371 by healT weighis than by light ones.For ihis reason, exp€rienc€dphoiosraphers stable and should o y be pulled out requires, in conjDction with m Apowill occasionallyhans a snall bagof sand when necessary Same is true for the Te\'t-R 560 nm 4 la 770 mm rocal or simild f.om the tripod's centre centre column. For mdimum stability lensrh on the DMRI, a nere 2.5 arc one should o y pull it out - while column. With this dtificial increasein secondsof shaketo causea motion'blur weight, ihe set up in the areaofth€ head keepins it as short as possible - when effect of one pixel. An additional challenge is that a tripod's dynamic be€ones more inert and coDsequently there is no other way io airive at the desiredheight. the cdera is stabilised.A light-u€ight behaviour changes depending npon 34 rfl V2006 When the iegs are at a 30-io-40-degree angle,the v€rtical and horizontalaxesof are most effectively the tipod supported.The legs should be arranged in sucha way that one of them is pointed in the direction of the shot. This, as opposed to having two legs standing outwardly to the left and right of the lens, is pdticularly useful i! conjunctionwith long focal lengths. Not to forget, all screwsand novable componentshaveto be s€cur€d on the mount of the centre column and on the tripod head. RECOMMENDED TRIPOD HEADS Professionaliripods have a plate with a thread {1/4inch or 2/8 inch)at the end of the cente column s€fling to mount a t.ipod head with standardisedthread. lf necessary, an adapterhelpsfit the headto the tripod thread.The principal \?es of bipod heads are ball'socket, pan and geared pan heads. Ball-sockei heads consistof a clmp mechanisnaDda large, rotating ball that can be tightened to esiablish the camerapelspective. Coupled to th€ ball is a cameraplate onto which ihe camera is mounted. Pan heads are probably the user friendtiest, as they enablethe cameraiotiltalongboth a{es, from left to right an top to bottom. If beyondthat a panningalong the z-dis is faciliiated, then one speaksof a 3D pan head. Gear€d pan heads de besi for accurate compositions as they featu.e transmission mechanics for the tilt f unclion thereby enabling extla-p.ecise fine'tuDing.The stability ofa bipod head not only dependson iis size but also on how iiisconsi.ucied and whichmaterials are emptoyed. In terms of supporting elements,plasticis onlyused fo. the fixed headsof cheaptnpods. High quality heads de made of steel,masnesiun, aluminiurn, titanium or specialisedalloy- ln lhe coming issue we will iake a closer look at the characteristicsof various t)?es ofheads. THETESTS EVALUATIIIG Our test exposuresreveal that there de obvious differences between tripods. THE BEST FROM LOWEPRO AND KONIG: PHOTO RUCKSACKS FOR THE 66M'' . Cycling . Hiling . Clmbng UNIQUE . Outside:Lowepro-Mcroirekker . nsde:Stondord(dnig phoio bog . Periectft for'M" equlpment MICROTREKKERlO(| Come@wilh lens EightsetlinQsfor le.ses compodmenrwidrhs 7 0m m / 7 0 m m / 7 0 m m ( nd v duolly odjustob e sddividea) lnnerdimensions W=2l,5cmiH=26,5cmi D=ll,5cm Oulerdimensio.s w=26,5 cm: H=29,0cm: 0=20,5 cm tuice 159,00Euo MICROTREKKER2OO 72nnl72mml95nm W=26,5cmr H=320cm, D=l25cm w=28,0cn ll=353 cmr D=21,5cm Postloch I 203,7l I l8 G@tenoo FINISH . . . . . . Addinonolstiched cushionedbotiom Comporimentdivide6 frmly fxed io sde ond boitom the someworkmonship os for lorgetele-enses Soid even underthe mosi dlffcuf condiiions p Hgh quolilycroftsmonsh lndviduol,specol requestsore po$ib e E moir ekoenig@oor com hnpi//membe6.oolcom/ekoe. g KENIO P h o t o b o g s TRIPODS TECHNOTOGY Theset up: with caneE mountedon the a laserdot at 6.5 m€lre tipod w€ exposed positioniDgwhile the legs ate collaPsedlf you happento er! during this st€p,you can still open ihe legs with force - the ihin locking pegsfor the legsde therebv draggedthrough the bearinssurfacesfor the leg selting and the mechanics are dmaged. Even so, th€ Giottos MT 8170 renains a hard'knock triPod for professionalapplications. 8023 REPORT BERLEBACH when exceedingly high stability is required md bulk and ueighi are less crucial, the heaviest tlipod iested, the BerlebachReport 2022, delivers the best results. At ihe other end of the spectrum w€ have the comPact, light weight Gilzo G1198,which is tlvice as nlnerable to vibration caused during exTosure.The results,however,are still f& beyond the capacities of simple, bottom-of-the-line tripods. Even the unrivalled,older Gitzo G0l - a small bui populd travel tripod is nearly thr€e times more prone to shake than ihe massive Report 2022. Our results show that some of the generaltruisms on tripods do havesome iruth io them. Wood, for insiance remainsa hiShly comPetitivemateiial to this day. Carbon fibres can still have advaDtagesover aluminium and even wood - ihe material is stiff but elastic enough so as to efficiently absorb vibration induced by exposure The influence of leg s€gmentson stability is also an interestingaspect,which shows on the simild Berlebach tliPods. Obviously there is a relationshiP betvre€n tripod weight and stability One should note,however,that the weight of a tripod is not necessarilyan indication of its stability dd capacity to absorb vibration. Their engineering ed materialare as important indetermining stability. The following characterisation of our eiSht test devices are listed 36 tft i/2006 according to how well they performed 2022 REPORT BERIEBACH The Berl€bachReport 2022 is a wooden tipod with legs consisting of two s€gments.At 2.9 kilograms it wetghs mole ihan ihe other tripods in our line up. Its transportlen8lh also makesit less convenientfor a mor€ spontaneousday out. The lab test provesastronomersand land sun€yors to be quite right when they still choose to €mPloY wooden tripods ioday. The Berlebach Report 2022 resists slow stress lcanera exposu.e p€nduluml with great efficiencv and dampens vibration better than most tripods made of mode.n materials. The BeriebachReport 8023 is similar to the Report 2022- Only diffeience: ils legs consisiof three segm€nts.Consequently in theory the construction cannot be quite as massive, and the measuring r€sults do in fact show that the Repori 8023 does not have the stiffness and fleaibility at absorbing vibration as the model with two respectiv€leg segmenis Siill, the BerlebachReport 8023 reaches vaiues superior over th€ foltowing MT9160 GtoTTos The substantially cheaper Giottos MT 9160look mlchlike itsbig brother'The main differenceis that the tripod legsare nade ofaluminium, therebymaking the MT 9160one hundred grms heavier,in spite of being a litde smaller' He!e, too, MT8170 GtoTTos we discover an option allowing us to The Giottos MT 8170 wiih its carbon set the centre column at a diagonal angle as well as the unusual fix tight fibre legs ranks second in our stabilitv mechanicsofthe tripod legs,uhich must test- The device is exceedinglystiff and be unde6tood so as io not damage steadyyet flexible enough to absorbthe the tJipod when varying leg angles. impactnexlto the tripod iegsin our drop In our tesi, the MT 9160 ieaches test. Included in the delivery de numerous other helpful components, almost the same, decert values as the and the d€{terity of the cenbe column, infinitely variable diagonal with O55PROB MANFROTTO sirnplifiesmany photographicsituations The Manfroito 055ProB is a universal A lessfavourableaspectof this Fipod aluminium tripod with a centre column has to do with its construction, which that can rotate90 degreesallowingone to fixes the bipod legs at thre€ aD8lesdcl requires some explanation Rotating seiit a horizontalagle. This way you can take photos of the ground at a around th€ centre column, the systemis based on a plate sening to set the leg perpendicularangle, thus making it an excellent tripod fo, rcfro pu4roses. Allowing one to get even closer to the ground the cenlre cohmn can bc scpa.atcd so that a minimal top-plate h e i g h io f o n l l 0 . 2 3 m e t r e si s S r a n t e d u'ithout nc.cssarill having to be set it at length oi ihe legs and positioned nro,e easilyfor shoc facing the ground. GtTZo Gt257tvt- GITZO GI198BASATT Amongst photoS.aphers,Gitzo has the reputationof building funcLjoDailripods MANTROTTO O55MF3MAGIIBER that last ior a lifeiime. The Gitzo The MaDfrotio 055I1F3 MaS Fiber is a G l 2 5 7 L V Lc e n a i n l lc o n f i r m st h i sc l a i n . light and universal carbo! tripod. lts ir spite of beiDg ihe secoDdli8htcst three-elementcarbon fibre legs have a t.ipod in o!r tcst it hasa f.$ featuresthat dclta shaprd profile that increaseslbe a d d t o t h e w e i g h t .T b i s n r a n r l lc o n c c r n s thc levclling hcad, a ball sockethead iD siiffnessfacior.As with thc 055PrcB,ihc c e n t r cc o l u t u no f t h e 0 5 5 M F 3 l l a g F j b e r which the ceDtre cohunn is sec!.e.i can br set aLa Lorizontalangle slandiDg T h a D k st o t h ' ss r " s t e m t h ec e n l r . . o l u t u n is infinitcll adjnstableup to a 20 degree ftom the tripod at a 90 dcg.cc anglc Likewisc, thc .entre cohrmn separates angle. This way ihe camera ca. bc sct and enablesphoto ops Dear the S.ound horizontallr"s'ithout having to alter the The GitzoGII98 is by far the lightest tripod ('ith the snrallestdimensions in the test U.likc tbe G1257LVLit has no particularitiesyet possesses all the time' honoured features of ctrrrent Gitzo trjpods. \Corih nrentioning are the .enovabl. plaie for tLe tripod head, a large unrg nut for tbe adjusttuent of the cenbc .ohmD and user-friendly mecbanicsfor adjustingthe angleof the l e g s .I n o u r s h o c kt e s t t h t G i t z oG 1 1 9 8 rank d last;nonethelessit stillhas clearly superiorstability ove. cheaptripods. I herebyoderlhe followingitems LEIGAAiI ILLUSTMTID HISTORY: TEICATOTOGRAFIE IIITERI{ATIONAI. Buchservlce 93 Hammerbrookstr. D 20097 Hamburg Germany kdh reo€) CAITIERAS I.EIISES ACCtSSoRlts SET0f ALI3 800(5(4ee €) rwanltopaybycredt ca|d or senda fax ++49/40,/24086430 EOOKS ATWWW'LFI.ONLINE.CO DISCOVER MORE II{TTRESTII{G