Rejuvenating Seurat`s Palette Using Color and Imaging Science: A
Rejuvenating Seurat`s Palette Using Color and Imaging Science: A
Rejuvenating Seurat’s Palette Using Color and Imaging Science: A Simulation ROY S. BERNS It has long been known that Seurat’s Sunday on La Grande Jatte—1884 does not have the appearance that the artist originally intended. Like any painting, the work has changed with the passage of time—the oil medium Seurat used has darkened and yellowed, and the coarse linen support he employed has also darkened. As was first noted by Félix Fénéon in 1892, there was also an unexpected and rapid deterioration of a number of colors Seurat used in his “second campaign” of painting. Inge Fiedler was the first to identify the particular unstable pigment at fault—zinc yellow— which is present in a number of paint mixtures.1 Seurat added yellow, green (ranging from green to yellow-green), and orange dots that included the zinc yellow pigment to indicate points of reflected light; these later shifted to an ocherlike color, drab olive, and reddish brown, respectively. These changes have dramatically influenced the painting’s luminosity (for this and other color-science terms, essay explores the elaborate process—taking non- can be performed nondestructively, that is, without see Glossary, p. 225). destructive spectral reflectance measurements, the need to remove samples from the painting. re-creating Seurat’s paint mixtures, capturing the Spectral reflectance, measured with an instrument physically on the actual canvas, we were able to painting with digital photography, and image editing called a spectrophotometer, indicates the amount manipulate high-resolution digital images of the with Adobe Photoshop—used to achieve this rein- of light reflected or absorbed by an object at the painting in order to reinstate the colors that Seurat vigorated digital version of a portion of La Grande different wavelengths of the visible spectrum, and intended and recapture to some extent its initial Jatte (see FIG. 1 ). is a characteristic of the pigmentation of the object. While these alterations cannot be corrected In general, color is determined by absorption in effect. We arrived at an approximation of the original appearance of the painting following a two- In Situ Analysis of La Grande Jatte complementary wavelengths: yellow absorbs blue; step process. First, we digitally “un-aged” the The first step in realizing the simulation of the green absorbs magenta (a combination of blue painting as a whole, correcting for the natural original colors of La Grande Jatte was measuring and red); blue absorbs yellow (a combination of yellowing and increased translucency of the paints. the spectral reflectance of a number of different green and red). We took approximately fifty meas- Then we corrected for the deterioration of the dots—focusing mainly on the discolored ones—of urements; thirty of these spectral “fingerprints” zinc yellow in its various paint mixtures. This paint throughout the work.2 These measurements are shown in 214 Berns FIG. 2. They have been categorized FIG. 1 Portion of La Grande Jatte before rejuvenation (opposite) and after (below). Rejuvenating Seurat’s Palette Using Color and Imaging Science 215 match is measured using a spectrophotometer, and a whites, and yellows. The yellows, oranges, and paint recipe is generated that, when mixed, applied greens include the dots containing darkened zinc to a surface, and allowed to dry, has a similar spec- yellow. These spectra can be used to help identify tral fingerprint and color. This ability to determine the specific pigment types Seurat used and, as the color that results from a mixture of pigments described below, to define color. For example, the dispersed in a medium enabled the digital rejuvena- relatively high reflectance in the part of the spec- tion of Seurat’s palette, as is described below. trum near 730 nanometers (nm) of the blue curves (see F I G . 2B) indicates the use of cobalt blue. The stepped shape of the curves of the orange spectra (see F I G . 2D) reveals that Seurat produced orange An object does not truly have color until it is illuminated and viewed by an observer. A colored object’s reflected light is absorbed by our visual system’s three color-receptors (cones). Following with a mixture of red and yellow pigments, rather complex physiological and cognitive processes, the than using a single orange one. hundreds of wavelengths of light are reduced to These curves are directly related to the absorp- three responses. This fundamental property of color tion and scattering properties of the pigments, vision, known as trichromacy,5 was first theorized paint medium, and ground. For instance, a pigment in the nineteenth century, and the color theorists appears white if it reflects (scatters) most of the who influenced Seurat were well aware of it. light that hits it, that is, nearly 100 percent. The white spectra in the case of La Grande Jatte FIG. 2G) are much lower than 100 percent, Colors scientists at the beginning of the twentieth V 80 B G Y O R 60 Percent Reflectance as blues, greens, oranges, purples, pinks and reds, 40 20 0 380 430 480 530 580 630 680 730 Wavelength (nm) A to CIELAB coordinates.7 This color space (only one century wished to find a way to quantify our percep- among many such spaces that have been created) is tion of color. They aimed at developing something as based on opponent color-vision theory, first devel- because of an increase in paint transparency, which sensitive as the human eye but standardized, thus oped by Ewald Hering in the 1870s, which postulates decreases scattering. The spectra also absorb in allowing for “colorimetric specification” derived from that our color vision has opponent perceptions of the violet wavelengths, a result of the yellowing of numerical and instrumental methods. This research black or white, red or green, and yellow or blue (see the paint medium. forms the basis of colorimetry. A three-dimensional F I G . 4 ).8 color space for specifying and visualizing colors nations to specific colors. For instance, a pure (100 (see 3 Since the 1940s, color technologists have been 6 FIG. 3) was developed in 1976, CIELAB allows us to assign numerical desig- able to relate spectral reflectance of paint films or called CIELAB (see batches of paint to the pigmenting agents needed onto which the properties of every color can be plot- on the lightness scale (L*) and a value of 0 on the (either singly or in mixtures) to replicate that exact ted. In addition to two perpendicular horizontal axes redness-greenness (a*) and yellowness-blueness same color, based on knowledge about the absorption measuring redness-greenness (a*) and yellowness- (b*) scales.9 Black, which is 0 percent reflecting, and scattering properties of the paint’s constituents.4 blueness (b*), there is also a vertical axis measuring would have a value of 0 on all of the scales. The rec- This sort of technology is used today in the custom lightness (L*). Following the selection of a standard- tangular CIELAB coordinates can also be transformed paint-dispensing systems often found in paint and ized light source and a standardized observer, spectral to cylindrical coordinates that describe the hue hardware stores. A sample a customer desires to data (such as that shown in FIG. 2 ) can be converted (hab) and chroma (C*ab) of a color. Chroma is the 216 Berns percent reflecting) white would have a value of 100 FIG. 2 In situ spectrophotometric measurements of thirty spots on La Grande Jatte (A). The measurements have been divided up into groupings of blue (B), green (C), orange (D), purple (E), pink and red (F), white (G), and yellow (H). V 80 B G Y O R V 80 B G Y O R V 80 B G Y O R 60 60 60 60 40 40 40 40 20 20 20 20 0 0 430 380 480 530 580 630 680 730 B 480 530 580 630 680 730 B G Y O R B G Y O R 60 60 40 40 40 20 20 20 0 380 F 430 480 530 580 630 680 730 G Y O R 530 580 630 680 730 380 430 480 530 580 630 E V 80 60 0 480 D V 80 B 0 430 380 C V 80 0 430 380 V 80 B G Y O R 0 380 G 430 480 530 580 630 680 730 380 430 480 530 580 630 680 730 H Rejuvenating Seurat’s Palette Using Color and Imaging Science 217 680 730 FIG. 3 FIG. 4 FIG. 5 (BOTTOM) CIELAB color space. Like a the relative lightness or dark- Ewald Hering’s color wheel. It In situ measurements of the greatest change is visible traditional color wheel, CIELAB ness of a color. Shown here is shows the psychological mix- thirty colors sampled from La in lighter colors, such as the is divided into axes of paired the color gamut, or range, of a ing of adjacent primaries of Grande Jatte (top) and those yellows, creams, whites, and complementary colors: the typical CRT color display, like red, yellow, green, and blue. same colors after subtracting lightest pinks. a* axis measures redness- that of a computer monitor. the aging spectrum (bottom). greenness while the b* axis The large range of colors can While there is a general bright- measures yellowness-blueness. be compared with that of La ening in all of the examples, CIELAB also has a vertical Grande Jatte, shown in F I G . 1 1 . axis (L*) that allows us to plot Yellow (Lightness) 100 80 60 L* 40 Red 20 Green 0 (Yellowness) +100 50 b* 0 +100 (Redness) 50 -50 0 a* -50 (Blueness) -100 -100 (Greenness) 218 Berns Blue FIG. 6 Portion of La Grande Jatte before digital un-aging (left) and after (right). degree of departure of a color from a gray of the from La Grande Jatte by using a spectrophotometer. total size of the painting—we employed a mosaic same lightness. So, for instance, a tomato and a This provided valuable information about particular system to image the entire work. We captured brick may have the same lightness, but the tomato parts of the painting but measured a very small per- twenty-five discrete image tiles, five across and five has greater chroma; that is, the tomato is a more centage of the work as a whole. In order to perform down.12 Like the human visual system, the color chromatic (often described as “intense”) red color the ultimate correction and digital rejuvenation of camera is trichromatic, so each of the more than than the brick. Colors that appear luminous, as Seu- La Grande Jatte, we needed measurements of all one billion measurements corresponded to three rat intended his to be, are simultaneously light and of the colors in the painting. Therefore, we estimated filtered channels referred to as red, green, and blue their CIELAB coordinates with a color-managed (RGB).13 However, depending on the specific color digital camera. The Art Institute’s Imaging Depart- filters and built-in color processing, the quality of Measuring the Color of La Grande Jatte ment created use-neutral files that were equivalent the color image can vary considerably. Therefore, Using Imaging to a 1:1 representation of the painting. Because the we created a custom color profile that converted As noted above, we were able to determine the camera captures 8,000 x 5,344 pixels at its highest this RGB information into CIELAB coordinates.14 CIELAB coordinates for each of the measurements resolution—corresponding to only 4 percent of the high in chroma. 10 11 The CIELAB image measurements of La Grande Jatte are plotted in FIG. 11. The overall darkening of the painting is evident, since the maximum lightness is below what can be achieved with fresh lead white in linseed oil (about an L* of 97). We also see that the range of yellows is rather limited and that the greens are dark. Compared with the colors achievable with fresh oil paints, the color gamut of the painting is modest. Digitally “Un-aging” La Grande Jatte The CIELAB coordinates for the range of colors in the painting are necessary for realizing our larger goal of recapturing the appearance of La Grande Jatte during the late 1880s, before the zinc yellow began to deteriorate. A contribution to the change in the appearance of the zinc yellow is the overall darkening of the painting. In order to measure the degree to which the natural aging processes have affected the entire painting, we took a spectral measurement of an area of the work containing Rejuvenating Seurat’s Palette Using Color and Imaging Science 219 V 75 B G Y O R FIG. 7 the complementary haloes surrounding many of the Reflectance spectra of averaged yellow dots before and after rejuvenation. All the spectra have nearly identical reflectances below the transition wavelength (the point at which the curves 60 begin to part, about 470 nm). Replacing the darkened zinc yellow with fresh zinc yellow greatly increases reflectance. Incorporating Percent Reflectance figures are more noticeable. the first campaign results in an intermediate spectrum. Un-aging 45 increases reflectance, resulting in the “rejuvenated” yellow. “Undarkening” the Spectra of Dots Containing Zinc Yellow While digital un-aging enables us to correct for the natural process of overall darkening and yellowing of paint films over time, it cannot compensate for Average yellow dot 30 the unusual deterioration of the zinc yellow, which Undarkened average yellow dot was caused by a chemical change in the pigment Undarkened average yellow dot with 25% showthrough of underlying paint 15 (see Fiedler, p. 209). Conceptually, in order for the Undarkened and un-aged average yellow dot with 25% showthrough of underlying paint 0 380 brushstrokes of paint containing the darkened zinc yellow to be “undarkened,” we must replace the failed yellow with one that only underwent normal 430 480 530 580 630 680 730 aging, like the rest of Seurat’s palette. To do this, Wavelength (nm) we first had to identify the spectral properties of the particular zinc yellow used, as well as the color strength of the pigment and its concentrations pure lead white—the sail of the boat in the top and a slight increase in chroma (see left corner. We compared this spectrum with a extent of change caused by un-aging varied depend- In order to get estimates, we took paint samples fresh paint-out of lead white in linseed oil. The ing on the particular color’s spectral properties; in from the same dots that were measured spectropho- spectral difference between the two generated the general, however, lighter hues were more affected tometrically. Inge Fiedler determined the paint than darker ones. mixtures microscopically and estimated the propor- “aging spectrum” for the picture as a whole.15 The F I G . 5 ). The in the mixtures with emerald green or vermilion. aging spectrum can be added to the spectra of Using this information, a digital image of the fresh pigments to simulate the aging of Seurat’s upper left portion of La Grande Jatte was processed to relate microscopic analyses to macroscopic palette. More importantly, it can be subtracted with Photoshop, arriving at the simulation of its reflection properties, and it was not feasible to take from in situ measurements of La Grande Jatte to un-aged appearance (see un-age colors throughout the painting. F I G . 6 ).16 Compared with tions within each. However, it is extremely difficult a sample of every darkened dot. We thus used a the painting in its current state, there is a clear theoretical color-mixing model as an analytical tool The aging spectrum was subtracted from each increase in lightness and chroma: it has become to determine the amount of darkened zinc yellow and brighter, more luminous. There is also an increase in any given mixture in order to replace it with the their CIELAB coordinates were recalculated. As a in contrast, making the differences between light and proper amount of “fresh” (chemically unaltered) result, the colors underwent an increase in lightness dark passages more distinguishable. In particular, zinc yellow. of the spectral measurements shown in 220 Berns FIG. 2 50 Art Institute conservators prepared reference V B G Y O R FIG. 8 Reflectance spectra of the averaged green dots before and after samples (paint-outs) of fresh zinc yellow, emerald rejuvenation. Also shown is the match to the averaged darkened green, vermilion, chrome yellow, and lead white dots, made using the darkened zinc yellow, fresh emerald green, 40 thinned with linseed oil and painted on a single conservators measured their spectral reflectances. We referred to these samples to understand how colors would have looked out of the tube on Seurat’s palette. Because zinc yellow was available in a variety fresh lead white, and the aging spectrum. Percent Reflectance panel with a white ground. After the paint-outs dried, 30 Average green dot Match to average green dot Undarkened average green dot 20 Undarkened average green dot with 25% showthrough of underlying paint Undarkened and un-aged average green dot with 25% showthrough of underlying paint of hues ranging from greenish yellow to reddish 10 yellow, we had to determine if the zinc yellow prepared at the Art Institute had the same spectral properties as the one used by Seurat. In addition to 0 380 measuring the spectral reflectance of the fresh zinc 430 480 530 580 630 680 730 Wavelength (nm) yellow, we also measured six darkened zinc yellow dots from La Grande Jatte and averaged the results (see F I G . 7 ).17 75 When the spectra of the fresh and V B G Y O R FIG. 9 Reflectance spectra of the averaged orange dots before and after darkened yellows were compared, it became clear rejuvenation. Also shown is the match to the averaged darkened that the Art Institute samples were too green; to correct for this we simply shifted its spectrum until (the transition wavelength determines the shade of yellow). In this manner, we estimated the spectral properties of the zinc yellow that Seurat used. This revealed that this particular pigment lacked a green or red tint; as such it has a distinct place lead white, and the aging spectrum. Percent Reflectance the transition wavelengths of the two nearly matched dots made using the darkened zinc yellow, fresh vermilion, fresh 60 45 Average orange dot Match to average orange dot Undarkened average orange dot 30 Undarkened average orange dot with 25% showthrough of underlying paint among the range of hues he employed. Changes in concentration or tinting strength Undarkened and un-aged average orange dot with 25% showthrough of underlying paint 15 alter the level of light absorption. Below 470 nm, the amount of reflectance is due to absorptions by the yellow pigment and aging. This principle enabled 0 380 430 480 530 580 630 680 730 Wavelength (nm) Rejuvenating Seurat’s Palette Using Color and Imaging Science 221 FIG. 10 The colors of the averaged paint layers. The bottom row green (left), yellow (center), shows the dots in the third and orange (right) dots. The row after un-aging. The colors top row shows them in their are surrounded by the average current state; the second, after hue of the sunlit or shadowed undarkening; the third, after grass excluding these dots. In undarkening and taking into the fourth row, the backgrounds account effect of underlying also have been un-aged. The zinc yellow dots from La Grande Jatte reflect dots would have possessed had they not undergone significantly less light beyond the transition wave- the unusual darkening. length than fresh zinc yellow dots would, thus mak- We performed the same procedure used to ing them appear darker. The spectrum for the undarken the yellow and green dots on the orange darkened zinc yellow is in fact quite similar to that dots containing vermilion and zinc yellow. Three for a yellow ocher mixed with black. dots were measured spectrophotometrically and Although we know that emerald green can also analyzed microscopically, revealing a range in the darken over time, research by Fiedler indicated proportion of the pigments. We averaged the spec- that the zinc yellow was the primary cause of the tra and then matched them with darkened zinc darkening of the green dots in La Grande Jatte; yellow, fresh vermilion, fresh lead white, and the spectral reflectance and colorimetric analysis con- aging spectrum (see firmed her findings. Six green dots were measured the darkened zinc yellow with the fresh equivalent spectrophotometrically and their spectra averaged in order to arrive at the spectrum for the orange (see F I G . 8 ). The dots were also analyzed microscop- ically, revealing that they contain various propor- F I G . 9 ). Finally, we replaced had it not deteriorated. Before applying these undarkened dots to the tions of zinc yellow and emerald green and, in digital image of the painting, we had to take into some cases, small amounts of lead white. We thus account one last variable: the translucent nature of attempted to match the spectrum of the averaged paint. A paint layer is seldom perfectly opaque, darkened green dots by combining the averaged and thus its surface color may be influenced by the darkened zinc yellow (see above), fresh emerald color of the substrate on which it lies. This effect green, fresh lead white, and the aging spectrum. is often heightened in older paintings. In the case The close similarity between the in situ measure- of La Grande Jatte, the result of this translucency ment of the darkened green dots and the match is that the underlying paint layers of the artist’s that we created (using darkened zinc yellow but first campaign on the work affect the perceived fresh emerald green) provides further confirmation color of the dots. In the paint-outs, the bright white us to estimate the strength of Seurat’s zinc yellow. that the emerald green was not responsible for the substrate is visible; thus, the undarkened dots based The fresh zinc yellow was scaled18 so that its spec- darkening.19 Using the same approach employed on the paint-outs are lighter and higher in chroma trum, when added to the aging spectrum, most to undarken the zinc yellow dots, we determined than they would really appear on the painting. closely matched the six zinc yellow dots’ average an appropriate concentration of fresh zinc yellow. spectrum between 380 and 470 nm (see F I G . 7 ). To compensate for this, we needed to account The correct concentrations of fresh emerald green, for the influence of the underlying paint on the This manipulated curve simulates a measurement fresh zinc yellow, and fresh lead white, plus the tone of the darkened dots. Fiedler determined that of Seurat’s original zinc yellow before darkening. aging spectrum, produced the spectrum the green the first-campaign grass is composed primarily of 222 Berns FIG. 11 FIG. 12 (BOTTOM) The image measurements of compared with the color Four different perspectives clear increase the range of La Grande Jatte plotted on gamut of a typical CRT com- of the CIELAB color gamut of colors. There is an overall CIELAB. The color gamut puter monitor (see F I G . 3 ), La Grande Jatte after rejuve- lightening and an extension (range) is shown as a color the range and variety of colors nation. Compared with La of the yellows and reds solid, here viewed from four employed in La Grande Jatte Grande Jatte before rejuvena- in particular. different perspectives. When is quite limited. tion (see F I G . 1 1 ), there is a +100 100 100 50 75 75 100 80 60 L* 40 b* 0 L* 50 L* 50 20 -50 25 0 +100 25 50 -100 -100 -50 0 50 +100 0 -100 -50 a* 0 50 +100 0 -100 b* 0 -50 a* 0 50 +100 +100 50 -50 b* 0 a* -50 -100 -100 100 100 +100 100 80 75 75 50 60 L* 40 L* 50 L* 50 b* 0 20 0 +100 25 25 -50 50 -100 -100 -50 0 a* 50 +100 0 -100 -50 0 a* 50 +100 0 -100 b* 0 -50 0 b* 50 +100 +100 50 -50 0 -50 a* -100 -100 Rejuvenating Seurat’s Palette Using Color and Imaging Science 223 chrome yellow, emerald green, and lead white. Using darkened yellow, green, and orange dots on a and there is a greater sense of depth between the the theoretical paint-mixing model, we found the reduced-resolution composite image of the entire seated woman with the umbrella and the little girl. concentrations of these fresh pigments, and applied painting. This heightened the painting’s luminosity the aging spectrum; this generated a spectrum and significantly increased its overall color gamut matching the CIELAB coordinates of the average (see first-campaign sunlit grass. We then arrived at F I G S . 1 1 – 1 2 ). Conclusion Although we took a scientific approach here to While the Select Color tool was useful in rejuve- arrive at the appearance La Grande Jatte would revised paint-out spectra (the spectra of the zinc nating the image at a low resolution, the Imaging have had in the 1880s, the results are still specula- yellow, emerald green, and vermilion had they Department found that its accuracy on full-resolution tive. The darkening of the zinc yellow mixtures and been painted over the first-campaign sunlit grass image tiles was insufficient. The tool particularly the aging of the painting as a whole are undeniable, color rather than white) by mixing the spectra of had trouble differentiating second-campaign green but the exact extent of the changes is still under the sunlit grass and the paint-outs in a one-to-three dots from the first-campaign grass and, in some investigation. The results of our efforts do seem ratio. This ratio, selected subjectively, allowed for cases, yellowish green from yellow dots. Therefore, reasonable, however, since the effect of the rejuve- a 25 percent show-through of the underlying paints. in refreshing a single image tile from La Grande nated painting is consistent with descriptions of With these new paint-out spectra, we repeated the Jatte (see undarkening calculations for each average colored which allows one to select contiguous image areas dot, and subtracted the aging spectrum from each with similar color. This process provides a dot- 20 (see F I G S . 7 – 9 ). We used these revised spectra to calculate CIELAB coordinates, which were rendered as an image using Photoshop (F I G . 1 0 ). The drab F I G . 1 ), we used the option Magic Wand, by-dot mapping of the painting, but because it is so labor-intensive it was only feasible to apply it to a small portion of the work.21 For each selected ocherlike dots become a vivid yellow, the olive dots set of dots, Photoshop was used to change the turn a vibrant yellowish green, and the reddish CIELAB coordinates of each dot to their rejuve- brown ones are now a lively light orange. These nated coordinates.22 results are consistent with early observations about the colors and luminosity of the painting. The most dramatic change in this portion of the painting is in the sunlit grass, where the dark speckle has become points of brilliant yellow and Digitally Rejuvenating the Dots Containing yellow-green that increase the luminosity of the Zinc Yellow landscape. In the darker areas, vivid orange high- Before the dots could be rejuvenated, they needed lights sparkle within the shadows. These dots now to be isolated from the entire image. The Imaging appear playful, providing a sense of movement. Department at the Art Institute used the tool Select The overall brightening of the sunlit grass increases Color in Photoshop, which can find all image areas the contrast between light and dark passages: the with a similar color, to select and replace the shadow cast by the little girl is more apparent, 224 Berns Seurat’s masterwork before it underwent its unfortunate color change. FIG. 13 FIG. 14 (BOTTOM) The center panel is La Colors of constant hue organ- Grande Jatte in its current ized by lightness and chroma. state. In the left panel, light- The left-most column depicts ness contrast has been neutrals. Moving to the right, increased. In the right panel, chroma increases. color contrast has been increased. Glossary one of the possible modes of interaction of light and matter in which all the energy of the incoming light interacts with the bulk of the material and it is all dissipated into it, that is, it is absorbed. ABSORPTION: the degree of departure of a color from a gray of the same lightness (see FIG. 14 ). L I G H T : radiation is a form of energy, part of the family that includes radio waves and Xrays, as well as ultraviolet and infrared radiation. Radiation we can see is called light. We can see wavelengths between about 400 nm (violet/blue) and 700 nm (red). CHROMA: C O L O R G A M U T : the range of colors of a coloration system, usually defined by a standardized color space. The color gamut of an object, such as La Grande Jatte, can also be determined (see F I G S . 1 1 – 1 2 ). attribute by which a perceived color is judged to be distinct from neighboring colors (see F I G . 1 3 ). When the distinction is caused by differences in hue and chroma, it is color contrast. When the distinction is caused by differences in lightness, it is lightness contrast. CONTRAST: the similarity of a color to one of the colors, red, yellow, green, and blue, or to a combination of adjacent pairs of these colors considered in a color wheel. HUE: attribute by which a perceived color is judged to have the property of a light source. For colors to appear luminous, they must be simultaneously light and high in chroma. LUMINOSITY: O P A Q U E : when the scattering of a material is sufficiently large that light cannot pass through (some absorption is often present), the material is said to be opaque. one of the possible modes of interaction of light and matter in which the direction of the incoming light changes. S C AT T E R I N G : S P E C T R A L R E F L E C TA N C E : the ratio of the reflected light to the incident light under specified geometric conditions as a function of wavelength. T R A N S L U C E N T : when some but not all of the light passing through a material is scattered, the material is said to be translucent. Lightness C O L O R S P A C E : colors are usually described by three variables. These can be organized in a three-dimensional fashion forming a color space. The position of a color within a color space, when defined numerically, provides an unambiguous color specification. CIELAB is an example of a color space: when variables L*, a*, and b* are used, the organization is rectangular; when L*, C*ab, and hab are used, the organization is cylindrical. the equivalency of a color to one of a series of grays ranging from black to white (see F I G . 1 4 ). LIGHTNESS: when light passes through a material without changing its direction, the material is said to be transparent. T R A N S PA R E N T : electromagnetic radiation can be described quantitatively either as energy of photons or as energy of waves; in the latter case, wavelength is the unit for measuring that energy. The nanometer (nm) is a convenient unit of length. One nanometer is 1/1,000,000,000 meter. W AV E L E N G T H : Chroma Rejuvenating Seurat’s Palette Using Color and Imaging Science 225 and emerald green would certainly Acknowledgments the surface roughness that can contribute I wish to thank Francisco Imai, Mitchell to the overall scattering of light. A highly dard observer (see note 6) were used for Rosen, and Lawrence Taplin of the Mun- varnished Old Master painting, for exam- all the colorimetric calculations. D50 was sell Color Science Laboratory for their ple, could have a minimum reflectance selected for two reasons: first, for color like Precision M11 by JENOPTIK. We assistance in creating the camera profile, approaching 0 percent. printing, D50 is a graphic arts standard; lit the painting with four Hensel strobes. second, D50 represents sunlight. A spectral camera would have been the Photoshop custom curves, and 3-D 4 The seminal work was published by 7 CIE illuminant D50 and the 1931 stan- achieve luminosity. 11 The camera used was the German Eye- best instrument for making these meas- CIELAB renderings. At the Art Institute, D. R. Duncan, “The Colour of Pigment I am grateful to Francesca Casadio, Inge Mixtures,” Journal of the Oil Colour vom Lichtsinn (Berlin, 1920), trans. urements. It would have provided us Fiedler, Allison Langley, and Frank Zuccari Chemist Association 32 (1949), pp. 296, Leo M. Hurvich and Dorothea Jameson with an image of the painting at every of the Conservation Department for pro- 321. Because of computing limitations, as Outlines of a Theory of the Light wavelength, and if the camera had high viding the paint samples and additional instrumental-based color matching was Sense (Cambridge, Mass., 1964). This spatial resolution, each dot would have measurements of La Grande Jatte. not practiced until the 1960s. results in a color wheel with these oppo- many measurements since each measure- nent colors opposite one another, as ment corresponds to a pixel. When La Thank you also to Alan Newman, Chris 5 Trichromatic theory is usually associated 8 Ewald Hering, Grundzüge der Lehre FIG. 4. Perceptually, these hues Grande Jatte was analyzed, however, a Gallagher, and Siobhan Byrns of the with Thomas Young (“On the Theory shown in Imaging Department for performing the of Light and Colours,” Philosophical are unique and unambiguous. All other system was not yet ready for such a large digital photography and labor-intensive Transactions 12–48 [1802]) and Her- hues can be defined as ratios of adjacent undertaking. Developing artwork spectral- color selection and rejuvenation. Finally, mann von Helmholtz (Treatise on Phys- ones. An orange might be 50 percent imaging systems is a research topic on my appreciation goes to Robert Herbert iological Optics, trans. from the 3rd each of red and yellow. When creating a which I am currently working; see Roches- for his many helpful comments and German ed., ed. James P. C. Southall, color scale between opponent colors, the ter Institute of Technology, “Art Spectral enthusiasm. [Rochester, 1924]). midpoint is neutral. These complements 6 “Colorimetry” is a synthesis of two words: are psychological, not physical, based on Imaging,” 12 The Imaging Department drew a chalk either light or colorant mixing. Physical line parallel to the picture plane and 1 Fiedler 1984. meaning “to measure.” Color specifica- primaries can result in very different used dual plumb bobs on either side of 2 The measurement of spectral reflectance tions using numerical and instrumental complements, and hence the many dif- the camera to ensure the accuracy of is central to the study and practice of methods were first standardized in 1931 ferent color wheels. the planes. Markers along the outside of color science as it exists today. Color sci- by the Commission Internationale de l’É- ence, simply stated, quantifies our percep- clairage (CIE), resulting in standardized color-vision theory, its axes do not corre- tions of color in a standardized fashion. light sources, spectrophotometers, and spond exactly to the unique hues. As a Two instruments were used to measure an average observer. Today, the following consequence, experience is required to and built-in color processing, the quality La Grande Jatte: a Gretag-Macbeth Eye- publication (or its most current revision) relate CIELAB coordinates with specific of the color image can vary widely with One and a Gretag-Macbeth SpectroEye, governs colorimetry: CIE No. 15.2, color perceptions. The color space is respect to treating the imaging system as both with 4.5 mm circular measurement Colorimetry, 2nd ed. (Vienna, 1986). used most frequently to describe differ- an analytical instrument, in similar fash- apertures. See Roy S. Berns, Billmeyer and Saltz- ences in color (e.g., lighter, redder, higher ion to the small-aperture spectropho- man’s Principles of Color Technology, in chroma) rather than their absolute tometer measuring a sample’s CIELAB the aging of the painting. The minimum 3rd ed. (New York, 2000), to discover perceived color. values; see Roy S. Berns, “The Science of reflectance, in the case of La Grande more about the many industrial uses Jatte of about 5 percent, is a function of of colorimetry. Notes 3 The maximum reflectance is limited by 226 Berns “color” and the Greek word metrein, 9 Although CIELAB is based on opponent the painting’s perimeter were used as a guide. 13 Depending on the specific color filters 10 This property cannot be achieved with Digitizing Paintings for Color-Accurate all pigments, but red lake, zinc yellow, Image Archives: A Review,” Journal of Imaging Science Technology 45 (2001), Kubelka-Munk equations. Nonlinear pp. 373–83. optimization was used to determine dots should have been recalculated using or very light, so the assumption was rea- concentrations that resulted in specific the estimated spectrum for the shadowed sonable in this case. Furthermore, per- a GretagMacbeth ColorChecker DC con- CIELAB coordinates or reflectance spec- grass; however, the resulting spectrum forming the translation on the CIELAB sisting of 240 color patches, and a 60- tra as required in order to achieve the was nearly the same lightness as the coordinates rather than on the camera color-patch custom target consisting of objective of rejuvenating Seurat’s palette. darkened orange. Consequently, we signals also improved the rendering, the 30 chromatic pigments of the Gamblin These mathematics are an integral implemented the same technique used since CIELAB has a perceptual basis. Conservation Colors mixed with titanium component of instrumental-based color for the yellow and green dots. white at two different proportions. We matching, such as routinely performed measured each target with a spectropho- in paint stores. 14 We used two targets to verify our results: tometer and calculated the CIELAB 16 We derived functional relationships so 20 Strictly, the paint-outs for the orange 21 Work is currently under way to perform the dot-by-dot digital rejuvenation on the painting as a whole. The Art Institute coordinates for each color. We used the that the un-aged colors, defined as image and spectrophotometric data of CIELAB coordinates, could be predicted the ColorChecker DC to create a mathe- from the in situ measurements. We then matical transformation that converted used these to build custom Photoshop by translating CIELAB coordinates, an the RGB data to L*a*b*. The profile con- curves. These curves were an approxi- additive shift in values. These transla- sisted of three nonlinear functions that mation, since the relationship between tions were implemented in Photoshop by transformed the encoded camera signals spectra and colorimetry is complex; how- creating custom curves, one for each dot to linear photometric signals. These ever, the colors un-aged by Photoshop color. There is of course a range of colors functions were similar to typical gamma were very similar to those un-aged by within each of the three types of dots, curves of about 1/2.2, a common camera subtracting the aging spectrum. The due to varied proportions in the mixtures encoding. A (3 x 4) transformation success of this approximation resulted and the thickness and opacity of the matrix converted the linearized signals in part from the limited color gamut of paint used. We verified these ranges by to CIE XYZ tristimulus values for illumi- the painting. statistically evaluating the CIELAB values nant D50 and the 1931 standard 17 Microscopic analysis revealed that these none of these three colors was very dark hopes to incorporate it into the exhibition that occasioned this publication. 22 The darkened colors were rejuvenated of each color on the images of the paint- observer. This matrix incorporated an dots were greater than 97 percent zinc ing. The translation operation maintains offset. The average performance of this yellow with small amounts of vermilion the color range. The limitation to this profile was 2.6 and 2.7 CIEDE2000 for and trace amounts of lead white and approach is the assumption that the gamut the ColorChecker DC (characterization several dark particles. Their spectra did of colors is independent of the average target) and artist paints (verification tar- not show absorptions caused by the color; in other words, that as colors were get), respectively. For a numerical exam- presence of the vermilion or other pig- undarkened, they would have the same ple, see Berns (note 6), appendix. ments. Therefore, these pigments were color variability. Theoretically, this 15 The scaling was based on the absorption assumed to have a negligible affect both assumption is false, since the range of and scattering properties, not the direct spectrally and colorimetrically and were colors that can be made from pigments spectral reflectance properties. The color- not further considered. has fixed endpoints of black and white. mixing model employed for all the spec- 18 See note 15. As colors become very dark or light, their tral calculations was the single-constant 19 See Fiedler 1984, p. 49. range, by definition, reduces. Fortunately Rejuvenating Seurat’s Palette Using Color and Imaging Science 227
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