Issue 18 - Dante Alighieri Society of SA
Issue 18 - Dante Alighieri Society of SA
No. 18 – March 2016 Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia Inc. Vita Nuova Bollettino bilingue della Dante Alighieri Socity of South Australia Inc. The winner students (2nd and 3rd prize) from the Norwood Morialta High Schooll with their teachers Helen Toulou (on the left), Morgan Williams and the language assistant Beatrice Barbieri (on the right). Leonardo Da Vinci Decoded Competition for S.A. schools. The winners are…. The Execu)ve Commi/ee of the Dante Alighieri Society of S.A. was posi)velyimpressedbythecrea)vityandthequalityofthesubmissions the schools that have taken part in the 2015 "Leonardo Decoded” compeGGon. All the submissions were of excellent quality and the Commi/eewaspar)cularlyhappytoassigntheprizesasfollows: The third prize was awarded to the year 8 students of Italian of the Norwood Morialta High School, for the imagina)on dedicated to the projectandfortheproduc)onofavideo-interviewofLeonardoDaVinci - of which only a small number of screen shots was on show at the Carnevale. The second prize is awarded to the year 8 students of Italian of the Norwood Morialta School, for their inven)veness, understanding, pronuncia)onandinterpreta)onoftheFloren)negenius. The Commi/ee has awarded the first prize to the work submi/ed by the year 9 students of the Charles Campbell College for their inven)veness, the holis)c informa)on, the ar)s)c talent and the obviouspassiontheydedicatedtopreparingtheirfolioonLeonardoand his genius. Their teacher Maria Kitching was also awarded a 100% Campus"L’infinito”scholarshipthatincludesanintensive4-weekItalian language course, plus cultural and recrea)onal ac)vi)es (Le Infinite Esperienze). OnceagainIwouldliketoextendtheCommi/ee’scongratula)onstoall par)cipantsandthankyoutoallteachersinvolved, Lucianad’Arcangeli PresidentoftheDanteAlighieriSocietyofS.A.Inc. Chi siamo? La«DanteAlighieri»ha loscopoditutelaree diffonderelalinguaela culturaitaliananel mondo... (Ar:colo1delloStatuto dellaSocietàDante Alighieri) Inside this issue LeonardoDaVinci….....pg1 CongressoDAaMilano.pg2 Cineforumprogram......pg3 SanRemo.….....………...pg4 Courses,calendarandmuch more…....…...........….pp5-9 The portrait of Leonardo Da Vinci that opens the Leonardo da Vinci Folio, made by year 9 students at Charles Campbell College. With the kind permission of the Dante Alighieri of Melbourne, we present here an ar:cle published on their Newsle=er “Dante Oggi” (December 2015) about the Dante AlighieriSociety82ndInterna:onalCongress held in conjunc:on with the Expo 2015 in Milano. “A world network to support the sympathy felt towards Italy and its language. Dante AlighieriSocietyattheCongress”. Representa)ves from many Interna)onal Dante Alighieri Socie)es gathered in Milano from25to27September2015foritsbiannual Congress.Itwasorganisedinconjunc)onwith theExpo2015andforthe750thanniversaryof the birth of Dante and with the aim to promote the Italian language and culture in the world. “Nourish the presence of Italy on the planet” was the mo/o of the Congress whichderivedfromthemaintopicoftheExpo 2015“FeedingthePlanet,EnergyforLife”. Dante Alighieri Society was created in 1889 butitwasonlyin2015thatforthefirst)mein its long history, a President of the Italian RepublicwaspresentattheCongresswithan importantaddressonSaturday26September. The President Sergio Ma/arella (in the picture) expressed his view that Italy has an enormous poten)al embodied in the sympathy the world feels for its culture, language, music, design and living style. He said: “The wish for an Italian living style is placed very high in the list of desires in the world.Ipersonallywitnessthiswisheach)me Imeetauthori)esfromothercountrieseither here or abroad. Our complex history reminds us that in hard )mes the Italian genius has alwaysbeenabletogrowandassertitself”. TheDanteAlighieriSocietyMelbournebranch has always been aware of the great desire of people in the State of Victoria to become morefamiliarwithmanyaspectsofItalianlife andculture.ThePresidentofDASMelbourne, Dr. Dominic Barbaro had the opportunity to men)on the many ac)vi)es organised by our office when the audience was asked to comment.OurSocietywaswellrepresentedin Milano by Dr. Dominic Barbaro and his wife Leanne, Dr. George and Mrs Susan Santoro who have always believed in what Italy can offertothisna)on“Downunder”. Thosewhowishtoviewsomemomentsfrom the 82nd Interna)onal Congress of Dante Alighieri Society, can go to the website h/p:// The Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia Presents Cineforum 2016 “Ridiamoci sopra! La commedia italiana oggi – Let’s laugh about it! Italian comedy today” 25 February - Django (Corbucci, 1966) – 6:00p.m. start – FREE please RSVP below* or – part of Flinders University’s Step Back! 1966 in Review 6 April - Andiamo a quel paese (Ficarra e Picone, 2014) 4 May – Mi rifaccio vivo (Rubini, 2013) 1 June – Una piccola impresa meridionale (Papaleo, 2013) 3 August – Song’e Napule (Manetti Bros., 2014) TBA September – Group screening at the Lavazza Italian Film Festival 5 October – E fuori nevica (Salemme, 2014) 23 November – La quarta via (Aden, 2012) FREE please RSVP* – Q&A with the director Kaha Mohammed Aden Flinders in the City, 182 Victoria Square (1.1) , CBD Cost: DA members $45 Non DA members $65 Uni/DA Students of Italian FREE 6:15 for a 7p.m. start (unless indicated) For further information & RSVP* call Natasha Marona on 0417 860 932 or [email protected] This event has been organised under the auspices of the Italian Consulate of Adelaide Sanremo e la Sicilia alla ribalta Pergen:leconcessionedell’autoreripor:amoun ospitedopoesserestataeliminatadallagara,non ar:colo pubblicato nell’edizione di marzo-aprile s e n z a p o l e m i c h e . del Ficodindia (BolleVno informa:vo culturale Poic’èNinoFrassica.Chehaposatolamaschera deiSicilianid’Australia). disempre,quelladiScasazza,perindossarneuna, inedita, di “fine dicitore” e poeta. La sua interpretazione del “gioco” ha toccato il cuore, senzaspegnere,equestoèdavverostraordinario, la luce che emana dal personaggio beffardo e umanissimo di sempre. Questo piccolo miracolo ha una spiegazione: Frassica nella vita è assai simile al personaggio che interpreta, è un po’ se stesso, magari con alcuni aggiustamen) che perme/anodiammiccarealpubblico. Gli Stadio vincono il FesGval col brano bocciato l’anno precedente ma sono i siciliani che Nonsolo,dunqueicantanGsiciliani,maancheil incantanoSanremo. comico che “gioca” con i bambini di qualunque età che subiscono le intemperie del mondo. 'UnGiornomidirai'.ConquestacanzonegliStadio meritatamentehannovintoilFes)valdiSanremo. Riprende la sagra del Commissario Montalbano. Alsecondopostosièpiazzatalagiovane Èunanuovaserie,chevieneannunciata,conspot FrancescaMichielinconilbrano'NessunGradodi assai felici, dal più sgarrupato e simpa)co Separazione'. polizio/o del mondo, grazie al quale Andrea Viadaqui.Puòsembrareunaminacciamaloroci Camilleri si fa beffe dell’intelligenza digitale (il rimangonoeconquistanoilterzoposto. polizio/ostralunatoèungeniodelcomputer). Anche quest’anno la Sicilia è stata degnamente La Sicilia, insomma, c’è. Sul piccolo schermo e rappresentata a Sanremo: sia Michael Leonardi nella storia canora d’Italia. Se ci fosse anche che Miele hanno ben figurato fino “a due passi” altrovesaremmoacavallo. dal traguardo per poi anche loro )fare per i due colleghi ragusani che il vessillo della Trinacria Sarà Francesca Michielin (nella foto) a l’hannoportatofinoallafine. rappresentarel’ItaliaalprossimoEurovisionSong LacoppiaGiovanniCaccamoeDeborahIuratoha ContestchesiterràaStoccolmainSvezia(presso “bucato” il video, come si suole dire. È apparsa la Globen Arena) il 10, 12 e 14 Maggio. Dopo la ben affiatata, il testo della canzone è buono, la rinuncia degli Stadio, come da regolamento del melodia gradevole, e il pubblico ha gradito. Da Fes)val, la scelta del rappresentante italiano Sanremo voleranno ovunque, come è capitato al all’Eurovision è stata fa/a dire/amente dalla Rai Volo,chehannostravintoaSanremoefuori. tra tur i partecipan) ed è ricaduta sul secondo Nell’edizione 2015 del fes)val, ricordiamoceli, a classificato(appuntolaMichielin). vincere fu il terze/o di tenori, molto siciliano. Ed oralacoppiaCaccamo-Iurato.LaSicilianonèmai stata di casa a Sanremo con l’eccezione di Domenico Modugno naturalizzato nell’-Isola, più sicilianochepuglieseperl’interacarrieraar)s)ca. MasicilianoèancheLorenzoFragola,unaltrobig in gara, catanese, divenuto noto dopo aver vinto l’o/ava edizione del talent show X Factor. Tra le nuove proposte, siciliana meno fortunata anche Miele, di Caltanisse/a, che si è esibita poi come DanteAlighieriSocietyofSouthAustraliaInc ITALIANforPROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTandPLIDA CERTIFICATION Languagecourses OurteachersarequalifiednativespeakersofItalian.TheypresentItalian language, culture and civilization in an enjoyable learning environment whichencouragesactiveparticipationinspeakingandunderstandingthe Italian language. The essential elements of grammar develop naturally from listening and reading activities and are put into practice through a varietyofcommunicativesituations. WhatisPLIDA? ThePLIDA(ProgettoLinguaItalianaDanteAlighieri)certificateisanofficial diploma issued by the Società Dante Alighieri under an agreement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the University of Rome. The PLIDA is also recognised by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies and by the Ministry of University and Research as a qualification for the university entryofforeignstudents. Whoisitfor? Speakers of languages other than Italian who wish to gain formal qualifications of proficiency in Italian. The six PLIDA levels correspond to thesixlevelsoflanguageproficiencyestablishedbytheCouncilofEurope inthe CommonEuropeanFrameworkforLanguages: BEGINNING ITALIAN PLIDAA1 Contactlevel PLIDAA2 Survivallevel ADVANCEDINTERMEDIATE PLIDAB1 ITALIAN PLIDAB2 ADVANCED ITALIAN Thresholdlevel Progresslevel PLIDAC1 Effectivenesslevel PLIDAC2 Masterylevel AttestatoADA Uponsuccessfulcompletionofcourses,andmeetingattendance requirements,participantswillreceiveanAttestatoADACertificate ofCompletion.StudentshavetheoptiontositthePLIDAItalian proficiencyexams. Wanttoknowmore? [email protected]. What? ItalianforProfessional Development Where? DanteAlighierySocietyof SouthAustraliaInc. 262CarringtonSt.,Adelaide, 5000 When? Semester1–2016 • 9Mar.to23Jun. Midyearbreak • 29Jun.to1Aug. Semester2-2015 • 3Aug.to10Nov. NB:Noclasseson20-21Apr. Classes: A2Wednesdays5.30-8.30pm Cost? $750persemester(includes PLIDAExamfee) ExamsheldearlyDec. Furtherinformation DanteAlighierySociety Telephone:0423359503 Email:[email protected] Segnaliamo…. The Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia is proud to organise next November an Opera talk and MEETING with the STARS of the STATE OPERA of SA presenting CalendarofActivities 2016 DanteAlighieriSocietyofS.A. POSTALADDRESS P.O.Box10522 AdelaideBusinessCentre AdelaideSA5000 NEWOffice 262CarringtonStreet AdelaideSA5000 TEL (+61)423359503 EMAIL [email protected] WEBSITE February 6th–7thCarnevale 25th–CineforumopeningnightDjango(corbucci,1966)–6pmstart,partof FlindersUniversity’s“StepBack!1966inReview” Classes [email protected]. 1stCircoloStudioDivinaCommedia-InfernoCantoXXVII March 21stAGM Classes 9th16th23rd30thPLIDAA2 8th22ndCaffèItaliano 6thCineforum–Andiamoaquelpaese(FicarraePicone,2014) 11thCSDC–InfernoCantoXXVIII Classes 6th13th27thPLIDAA2 12th26thCaffèItaliano 9thCSDC–InfernoCantoXXIX April May Classes 4th11th18th25thPLIDAA2 10th244tCaffèItaliano 1stCineforum–Unapiccolaimpresameridionale(Papaleo,2013) 20thCSDC–InfernoCantoXXX 18thRenaissanceDinner Classes 1st8th15th22ndPLIDAA2 14th28thCaffèItaliano June 11thCSDC–InfernoCantoXXXI Classes 26thCaffèItaliano 3rdCineforum–Song’eNapule(ManefBros.,2014) July August 8thCSDC-InfernoCantoXXXII Classes 3rd10th17th24th31thPLIDAA2 9th23rdCaffèItaliano TBACineforum–GroupscreeningattheLavazzaItalianFilmFesUval 12thCSDC-InfernoCantoXXXIII Classes 7th14th21st28thPLIDAA2 13th27thCaffèItaliano 5thCineforum–Efuorinevica(Salemme,2014) September October 17thCSDC-InfernoCantoXXXIV Classes 5th12th19th26thPLIDAA2 11th25thCaffèItaliano November 23rdCineforum–Laquartavia(Aden,2012)–Q&AwiththedirectorKalaMohammedAden 14thCSDC–PurgatorioCantoI Classes 3rd9thPLIDAA2 8th22ndCaffèItaliano __PLIDAExams __QuizNight 12thCSDC–PurgatorioCantoII December Updated7/03/16 Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia Inc. Connecting you with Italian language and culture Il mondo in italiano 2016 Membership Application Iwishtoapplyformembership ! Iwishtorenewmymembership ! Cineforum! Givenname Familyname Address Email Tel/Mobile Iwishtoreceivecorrespondenceby: ! Email Post ! Shouldtheneedarise,IagreetohavemyphotopublishedintheDanteAlighieriNewsletter:Yes ! No ! IamanItaliancitizenregisteredwithAIRE(AnagrafedegliItalianiResidentiall'Estero)Yes ! No ! Signature Date MEMBERSHIPcategories(pleasespecify): 1) 2) CINEFORUMsubscriptions: ! ! ! LIFE($400) ORDINARY($25) CONCESSION($15) Concessionrateisavailabletoholdersofpension, disability,unemployment,healthcareandstudentcards. PersonsenrolledinDAlanguageclassesreceive automaticmembershipoftheDAsociety DAmember(ordinary) NonDAmembers(generalpublic) ! ! $45 $65 I wish to make a tax deductible donation of $ “DANTE ALIGHIERI CULTURE AND EDUCATION FUND” to the Iwishtopayby(pleasespecify): CASH CHEQUE MONEYORDER ELECTRONICFUNDSTRANSFER: ! ! ! ! Summaryofpayment DAMembership Donation Total Payableto:BSB065-107 ACCOUNTNO:10236915 PAYERREFERENCE:(pleaseenteryourfullnameandpaymentdetails) $ $ $ (NB.MoneyOrdersarepayableto:DanteAlighieriSocietyofSouthAustraliaInc.) OfficeUse Amounttendered Dateofdataentry MembershipNo. ReceiptNo. Applicantadvised (date) Alldonations(over$2)totheDanteAlighieriCultureandEducationFundaretax deductible
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