El Dorado Virtual Library : In Search of a Knowledge Treasure


El Dorado Virtual Library : In Search of a Knowledge Treasure
Caribbean Digital Library and Digital Repositories, Recent Innitiatives and Future Developments El Dorado Virtual Library : In Search of a Knowledge Treasure Lourdes Feria Universidad de Colima Colima, México National Library of Trinidad and Tobago Port of Spain, 10­13 July 2007
Colima, México
Cenedic: more than CDs
Learning Objects
Multimedia Interactive Centers
Cooperation, colaboration, interchange
Manzanillo 2000
Manzanillo 2000 UNESCO CHAIR ON ITCs
The World Wide Web was born 16 years ago 1999
UNESCO Latin­American Digital Library VISION
UNESCO Latin­American Digital Library 1999 ­2002 First UNESCO Meeting of Experts on Digital Libraries (technicians, librarians, designers, telecom specialists) Informatics platform (Z39.50) Testbed Informatics platform Biblioteca Digital Iberoamericana y Caribeña, Version 1.0 (Bilingual) Methodology (3 handbooks) Call for National Libraries Agreement ABINIA (Lisbon 2001) Web site On­line Workshop, 2002 On­line platform for distance training Contents development and integration 144 librarians were trained as trainers
Second stage 2002­2005 Training in Brazil, Honduras, Jamaica, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Panama
Example of servers installed Biblioteca Nacional de Panamá Biblioteca Nacional de Perú Biblioteca Nacional de Cuba
3th Stage: Installed servers of the El Dorado Virtual Library Nacional de México del INEA Nacional de España Comunidad Andina Nacional de Panamá SENACyT Panamá Nacional de Perú Nacional de Colombia Nacional de Cuba Universidad de Colima
History 1.0 •Iberian ­American Digital Library of UNESCO •Latin American Digital Library 2.0 •Iberian – American and Caribbean Digital Library •UNESCO Digital Library 3.0
•Iberian – American and Caribbean Digital Library “EL DORADO” Methodology Development Analysis of standards referred to catalogue registry with metadata Standards to Information digitalization (Text, image, audio, video, etc.) Protocol on information exchange between client­ server systems, server­server.
Metadata Guide for the registry of resources of Information (based on Dublin Core, MARC21 AND GILS) This guide offers the equability on metadata presentation, which is a basic condition on the recovery of information. The guide is structured in 3 charts with 40 fields: Principal chart ( 20 fields) Institutions chart (13 fields) Users chart ( 7 fields)
International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications http://dc2006.ucol.mx
Digitalization Formats: Text, OCR, (Optical Character Recognition) Text as image Text and image Black and white images Images in shade color gray and millions of colors Audio (MP3, MIDI, WAV, etc.) Video (MPG, AVI, FLV, RealOne, etc.)
Communication Protocol Exchange of data among servers International Standards Tools for data interchange Client – Server Architecture Decentralized capture and administration
Advantages Open Source Open Archives Based on Internacional Standards It offers a methodology for its administration Allows simultaneous querying to collections in different servers Can be used by any library (National, Academic, Public, Institutional, etc.) Permanent programming and actualization
What’s next?
Version 4.0 Protocol Z39.50 is replaced for OAI­PMH as communication protocol Updated version Less installation requirements (Doesn’t need Zebra, one server less) Less administration requirements (Gate 80 which firewalls do not block) El Dorado will offer data repository characteristics (for harvesting) XML
Improvements to version 4.0 Web­Service for data transfer among servers Scalable, light, XML, own development RSS v.2.0 implementation Allows to share information and use it in other Web sites or programs. (It facilitates indexing by Google)
Specialization Taxonomy based on UNESCO’s Thesaurus ­Programme or Spider that automatically gathers documents from servers on line ­Search interface of the El Dorado VL ­Forum and chat for users
CVU Hiperlinks to e­resources Full texts . . .
Scientific authors identifier 1. Colaborative environments 2. Interoperability 3. To include all Mexican scientifics To increase Mexican Scientific and Technological production visibility on the Internet as well as to insert it to Open Access iniciatives
Persona de Ciencia y Tecnología
Distinciones y premios
Reporte técnico
Artículos publicados
Capítulos de libros
Coautores participación en congresos To conect: Redalyc El Dorado To access: Full text publications Redalyc’authors E­Resources
OA­Hermes Project Metabrowser that integrates Open Access initiatives
Comprised of 28 Open Access initiatives http://oa­hermes.ucol.mx PubMed SciELO BVS Carindes Caribbean Abstracts Compludoc Popline Johns Hopkins University ArXiv Online Books Page E­Print Network Ariadne ELIS Tesis Europeas sobre AL ISOC Infomine HighWire CogPrints CLACSO EEVL Agricola Library of Congress Biblioteca Miguel de C. Universidad de Chile UNAM El Dorado, Ucol Biblioteca Cátedras UNESCO México National Library of Australia Penn Library
8 years… … what have we learned?
Weaknesses Heterogeneous informatics infrastructure Lack of a common controlled vocabulary Pressing need to polish and update work methodologies Economic and technological uncertainty to ensure continuity in some countries More initiatives are needed Too much importance to the technology part English version just for the first edition
Strengths Openness to a new paradigm Know­how, expertise Knowledge of standards is on the rise Methodologies New interfaces Multiplying effect of the project A strong option to increase regional contents: LAC visibility on the Web Training of Librarians
Which have been the challenges? To overcome fear of these topics Development of technology adapted to the heterogeneous infrastructure prevailing in the region Fax and telephone remained strong for a very long time Contingencies that resulted in unexpected expenses Hundreds of face­to­face and online meetings Diffusion and promotion Economic factor
Some dreams to come true To heighten awareness among organisations and governments Unesco: Go on fostering initiatives on Digital Libraries Support to create & update tools (ie: thesaurus) To systematize learning To identify initiatives and to put them together To address new lines: SERVICES Greater diffusion and positioning
The most valuable lesson learned: Conexions, Goodwill, Patience and Joy
http://eldorado.ucol.mx/ www.ucol.mx/CGSTI [email protected] [email protected]